I Made 100 Players into Communists in Minecraft

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capitalism has failed us ladies and gentlemen please welcome your new president Wilbur sir I've come to make some changes around here the Beast of money capital income looms over the common man and I want to fix this I envision a world where everyone is equal where everyone lives according to their means I envision a new world [Music] ladies and gentlemen I'd like to welcome you to the island of Tom Hanks and we're gonna be turning it into a communist utopia this is yes Josh this is yes Josh it's live hi there sorry to interrupt but it turns out when I look to my analytics only 99.99% of people who watch my videos are subscribed which means that 0.01 percent are not subscribed which is about one person so if you're that one person who's not subscribed fix that now now you may be wondering like how am I going to achieve my new prosperous world in the land of Tom Hanks look in the walls dude look in the hills it's full of iron we're going to give power back to the worker redistribute the wealth and just give everyone a good time so your president has a couple plans right because because what is the worker without a leader you know what are the drones without a queen I am your queen ladies and gentlemen today Yas slay Queen Yas slay Queen that's our anthem oh here they come listen my people everyone here ever oh my god they're already beating each other and we've only just begun are they're all stuttering around as well I bring to you what I'm going to coin right now as the 5-hour plan by the end of the five-hour plan I want a double chest full of iron blocks that's what we're going for it we're going for it we're we're demanding something a second one no hostile mobs go forth I want everything lit up now this chest here I want you to deposit all iron you gather into there I want factories being built I want to see a workforce and I want you as a group working in factories to get this turned into iron for us thank you work together that we're gonna build the five our plans higher up you know it's just one of those things people sometimes like to get in the way of progress you know and do you know what we say to people get in the way of progress mm-hmm just leave that that's just the foot that's the 5-hour plan right you two why aren't you working I swear to have this one destroys it haha 69 look at this look at this worker everyone look at this look at this brilliant specimen of just the ideology of the perfect worker this is the man I want framed I want this man to be the icon of the people Rubin the Sheep come this way come this way my people I have for you a perfect specimen of the communist worker here is look at him a hard worker a God amongst men you could say but there are new gods thank you thank you now get in get in here stand stand there yes yes the people will gaze their eyes of this man he is your perfect specimen remain here remain here for the duration of time look at this hard worker look at them gathering up everything they need I want factories being built I want look at them lighting up the world do communism works man we've said we're seeing in action if you're ever worried if you're ever concerned that you're not being the perfect worker come to this man and compare yourself with him compare yourself with his with his gauntlet and his shrekface and his giant hammer and sickle I assume on his back the trees are gone but you know what you don't need trees trees hinder progress we're here to increase productivity if the trees are hindering productivity get rid of them burn them down underground is where you'll find the common working man the backbone of our nation like this man here Teddy Viking what a name dude well the name yes yes you are doing splendidly my friend you are doing so well I need to give you this I don't know what it is put on your head that's what I'm talking about that's what I'm talking about your president is proud of you yes yes mine it mine it mine it mine it faster faster yes yes yes yes good good do not hurt yourself stay alive that would be enough where's where's healing healing this is what we want we want to keep the working man safe yes we need sand sand is an overlooked thing good job yes yes the torches as well oh I'm so proud of this great nation like Jim genuinely like not some meme this is going way better than capitalism did oh look at this man if you are lost he'll be there to guide you yes yes look look look but you've done a good job in his payment for his work good good job Ruben the Sheep I will pay you handsomely for this what's this who did this F penis F what was this humidity a bit how is this productive tell me how this is productive yes see look at this fine worker correcting your error brilliant good job to biggie cheese moral support moral moral support idiot baby I don't think you seem to understand we don't need morals here right in the world of Tom Hanks we don't need morality in this Republic there is already morality learn some morals in there ok goodbye let's see how they do with their morals in there right anyone else anyone else want to rise up anyone else want to challenge our great nation hmm nah didn't think so honestly didn't think so was this communist bar number three yes and communist mind no relaxing at the bar only working oh my god I love it here I will dish out the funds correctly in fact no my people don't care for diamonds my people don't care for money what am i doing my people don't want money my people want tools and they want books to improve their tools efficiency five is the Communist book you there my friend take this take this I like what you're doing here go and spread your word spread your wisdom all right we want to start opening up the chest so that we can start actually you know receiving iron look at this one icon hold that instead that's what you're gonna be holding you're an icon of the people an icon of the people communist iron chest ah I see I see I see good good good put every bit of iron you find in the iron chest Big E cheese my friend how can I help you food food food food biggie cheese okay can you eat pickaxes I can't try that's the spirit that's the spirit give everyone iron pickaxe I'm dipping into the funds for this all of you you may no longer be hungry for you have pickaxes or brilliant work Brittany what what is this what is this Monument statue for the workers I need to get started a grand work that's what we need to bring the people what is this farms farms are getting in the way of progress remove them removed none own up it's taking up room that could be used for factories get it out of here get it out of here you two what was this thing with bla Parelli we shall rise wish it a boat shop want up this is capitalism this is kept listen this is capitalism okay okay well you know we have to make an example and there's the certain times you do have to look at people and just think like are they gonna be able to do anything worth my while look at this person like they're having a great time in there and the great time in that and this isn't gonna be like a case of of romantic imprisonment right we're not gonna go back and see the journal they've written no no no okay no journals no romantic novels will be written in their prison they'll just have to read they'll read and learn see how the irons doing how's our iron mmm that's looking good there's some iron in there there's some coal Josh I want you to redistribute the iron ore in the cold so we want I in its melted smelted iron right that's all we want nothing else we need a grand project right right my people I demand a bridge a beautiful bridge from one end of the chasm to the other get to work we want to bridge a grand bridge no no no no no no does this bridge look good to you we can't have we can't it bad artists bad artists do not belong in our world if you have no eye for beauty what's the point you know what's the point so let's look at what how we're doing so far no hostile mobs coming on well my people are doing well with that one double chest full of iron block that I don't know how that's coming this is bad use of resources but I'll trust them this is the ground work we'll leave them to it and just see how they do right let's go and find the workers look at Teddy Viking you've been doing this for so long with them iron look at this look at this no no no Teddy Teddy you've done well Teddy Viking you've done well you've aren't this yes yes and he's straight back to work yeah I want some claps for Teddy Viking chat oh oh yes another fine worker hey take that right there yes brilliant workers around here who else can we find look at this mine who's done this this is going so well our kingdom our republic every we'll come from miles around to see this beacon look and they're still just straight back to work working even in the dark look at me look at me even in the dark look at this you don't have to worry even in the dark you work now chat I don't know about you but working even in the dark there's two possibilities either this man is a dedicated worker a brilliant worker or he's using a hacked clan now what will the capitalists say what will the capitalists say if they look over and they see it our people are hacking we're to make an example this man you're doing well you're doing well everyone to the iron chest everyone come across the bridge yes cross our great bridge look at they look at this gorgeous bridge man I'm to give a speech your great leader is to give a speech look at them all climbing the hills are they they're just all working together and then they all just come together around me yes good flowers I'm gonna make a speech now my people my loyal citizens my wonderful subjects this Republic has grown well in the half an hour or so we've been doing it we've got a wonderful bridge that serves to show our dominance over the landscape we have our five hour plan going well up there everything's looking great my people however there is a hacker among us there are someone among us breaking the rules the law of our land yes he's doing it to increase productivity but the productivity increase is coming at the cost of our integrity my loyal subjects I would like you to watch I would like you to stand there where is he Josh where is he XANA roux died he died he's dead all of you back to work let this be a lesson that this be a lesson do you I put yours on or off this cliff good yes yes jump if you killed the hacker everyone yes yes we all killed the hacker we all killed the hacker yes we all came together look at our people it brings a tear to the eye how we all came together to sort out this issue what is this what is this overthrow communism no more working Cinna meter I'm Yoshi I get you're making a statement I appreciate the statement you know I appreciate that you that you believe you're you're entitled to your opinions you're not you're not entitled to these opinions at all but you know I appreciate that you think you are Cinna mater I'm Yoshi thank you sometimes sometimes they get smart you know that's just what has to happen anyway um let's tear this down right now just just so no one else gets any ideas while we're here you know because we it's working so well this ideology is working so expertly for our people let's not tarnish it with people who think they know what's best cuz they don't they don't know what's best let's go and check out some of the factories people have made look at this oh look at the chimney yes good factory good factory I like this I like this a lot communists don't need to sleep they work farm factory okay you pass you pass good farm factories good commune warehouse free torches brilliant but I'm astounded I am astounded with this just when you think like you can't find anyone more suited for success then you find this you find this I'm soaping like we've got trains on the way I'm so pleased with my people cinema to left the game yeah everything's coming along so nicely what do you think chair rip teddy Teddy's dead oh my gosh Reuben a great worker has fallen yes yes that's how I feel do we bring him back yes there is brilliant man now get to work get to work go straight back to work go on go straight back to work go go that's our man that's our boy it brings a tear to the eye it brings a tear to the eye ow pray to Reuben here are they're building a chicken it's not a church if this was religion I am but this is fine look it's fine to pray to him cuz he's right he's of real that he's right there he's not really a religion he's just a guy not a church how ironic is it that the Communist world looks nicer than the capitalist world my communist world looks genuinely quite nice for a hundred people or without order just building I guess when you give people a common goal could they work for it you know it's fair enough let's come and see these on the lower end and what is this calm you steel factory in progress donations to the factories construction yes good good I'll donate I'll donate there you go hope that helps hope that helps get it going what's this little wooden hut this is one of my friend you needn't work another moment with that iron you need and work another moment with an iron pick my friend you keep your job going but with diamonds go or if we got here on the beach little houses efficient housing Oh Oh housing should be paid for by the state you're correct you're right this is it this is it efficient housing brilliant good job Tesco's communist Eska swim fellow prove to me that this is not capitalist communist test change the name change the name let's go let's go let's go let's go we got that we got a let's go now look at this beautiful area man communist bar free drinks yeah I'll have a free drink hi I'd like a free drink I'll sit on the thing I guess please I just take oh what wonderful wonder Oh another one brilliant I love it I love it here it's absolutely marvelous brilliant I didn't even finish all my drinks you just so many drinks to give thank you so much let me give you some tools you get to work get to work you have fun all right I believe in you good job I just see a leave I can't leave somewhere without pulling a lever or is it normal basement I can't leave somewhere with that sometimes some things are too good to be true you know no no no no I'm sorry chick Jason you're just gonna get you just gonna hurt yourself Jason Jason you're gonna hurt yourself [ __ ] [ __ ] I guess now the Communists bar is open to all my people there is too much dissent listen far too much dissent in this great nation how do you [ __ ] spell that I need them to kill anyone who opposes us I want you to dub them into us what's this free housing good-good free housing good mister sir please spare food for your loyal workers showing me a capitalist and I will give you food and does this what is this how are you I've already put them in my prison blah blah blah a rallies mojo right I've already put them in my prison there we go and just like that know what that's how they that's how they were escaping boats we need something better we need something bigger to contain these people these people are far too smart that's how they've been escaping this whole time just for the boat here we go here we go here we go oh my god chat I'm just feeling it I'm feeling the vengeance or aliance mojo I'm feeling the vengeance are the capitalists they thought they'd won the 3:31 capitalists always think they win until they don't relly to us there we go and and TPS mojo to us it there we go where are they what they're both dead fat fallow killed them you kick you killed the capitalists you are a king a king a courageous man you killed the capitalists Thank You Wilbur for this myth no problem fellow what do you want the Communists minefactory no capitals they're bad good workers will be paid with more hard work good good oh there is no ethical consumption under capitalism okay okay this is a bro moment right here all I'm saying Saburo moment this is a bra abrupt moment look at this praise the commune good job well done my friends let's go and look at this this old junk it's a hunk of junk look at it get rid of it remove it delete it delete it get it out of here free boats free boats just free boats for everyone what's this oh the sign yes good hmm no no no factory what are you saying big E Cheese big E Cheese you're just always a light in my life Wilbert praised this fine town with food big eg that sounds like descent biggie cheese your dissenting against me and it's not good enough Big E Cheese you're staying in here until you learn your lesson just like everyone else just like everyone else is staying in here till they learn their lesson right my fine people you're great leader requires you at the iron box we are to check its contents the 5-hour plan is almost over everyone come come here we go here we go Ruben's done his job he's allowed freedom you've done great Ruben because everyone here everyone to the iron chest how are they how how did they get freedom you cannot stop us just die when they fullest find it your great leader is about to take the ceremonial walk across our grand bridge our grand bridge bridge the bridge yes yes my people the ceremony has begun of checking the iron chest yes good look at all them wearing all this iron look at this well bond okay we're going to check we're going to check the iron levels just like my doctor does with my anemia here we go here we go Josh let's see if our 5-hour plan has been worth it that's it that's all we've gotten this is all we've gotten in our five-hour plan look my people my fine people of Tom Hanks listen to me yes it's lovely that you've done all this work but it's not enough it's not enough iron you haven't done enough for us okay how would you expect us as a nation to prosper if you can't even fill one measly double chest with iron blocks my people I'm gonna give you another chance haste 20 go now work fast you have 20 minutes to fill that chest with iron blocks go let's watch the mind now with their newfound haste I've given them oh wow they go deep Josh Thole just isn't still dude what Josh is doing I told just to clear out anything that goes in there isn't iron oh my god they are deep the haste isn't fast enough go here we go here we go yes this is what we want look at this the only way I can see my people failing now is if they are withholding iron from me and trust me they're withholding iron from me chair look at them no one on the surface everyone's Underground everyone's at work apart from this person get to work get to work look at this grand projects we're getting done now look even with a wooden pick he's mining faster than his brethren this is perfect this is perfect the bridge is in full effect bridge yes good good fuel for smelting florist's I am yes I'm fully fully in favor of this look at this look at this look they're gonna dispense into the chest straight back to work hey Wilbur yes Josh I have found a capitalist came to me King teeny let's be a lesson to you yeah pop it in guys put it back in put it back in the system good work who's this all these people trying to figure out ways in Jesus Christ monsters all of the monsters look if I just fill in these gaps with bedrock let's get out of here can I hear you there we go lovely Kington is not innocent chat we killed to them and they had they were just their inventors full of iron blocks there's nothing what good reason does any man have to be carrying that much iron blocks without having them in the chests what I have to say look they have nine minutes left let's just let's just see what's going on underground oh my god it's so beautiful oh it's gorgeous look at this massive caverns true communist work 24/7 for the people hard workers dude I think we're almost ready okay we'd have enough time to run out the full 20 minutes all right we're gonna have to cut the 5-hour plan short everyone another iron check ceremony it's time yes beautiful beautiful this area is just lovely I wanna go see this factory actually while everyone's heading back to dispense doggers quarry of the people yes good you can see exactly when I bestowed upon them the gift of haste it's gorgeous it's beautiful look at this look at this it's time for it's time for the ceremony the ceremony here we go wiggle postures people head in here and now the moment of truth for the iron we have gathered today ladies and gentlemen I present to you hand in your tools hand in your armor hand in everything you own now go rip the floor up take what is this what is this doing here why is this not in the chest huh who built this stupid I never liked this I never liked who built this put it in the chest everything handed in that's it that's it anything of iron of iron iron everything I don't know if any of you are wearing iron armor or using iron tools you're gonna be dead I swear good right Shirley that's enough now whereas whereas I see people handling stuff in but I don't see what's going right until this chest is full I'm going to kill a random person fill up the chest fill up the chest the five our plan is running out of time fill up the chest look what is that I am NOT smelted fill up the chest fill up the chest fill up the chest fill it up go hurry let's see if the chest is full is the chest gonna be full is the chest full the chest is not full so you know what happens when the chest isn't full that's it mr. pho noodle you fill up the chest you fill up the chest teddy Viking Teddy Viking will know what to do Teddy Viking Teddy Viking look at me look at me look at me look at me look at me where's the iron where's the iron Duke where is the iron show me give it to me give it to me now throw it to me yes good good Teddy Viking you're a legend too you're a genius you always have what I need my people we filled the chest and the majority of our people are still alive my people this has been a success look how well we did basically everyone is free unlike in capitalism where everyone is trapped everyone is free in my world we've achieved better productivity better efficiency we've basically achieved better everything in our nation I think that's a round of applause chat check waiver out of a pause we did it we did it there is no ethical consumption under capitalism and we as a communist nation have successfully created a better world for these people and now it's time to hand it off where is he where is my muse my great man himself where is he where is Reuben Ruben Ruben sted Ruben Ruben died when I was when I was clicking them I'm stepping down as leader of this great nation erect a statue in my honor before I go quickly go now go brilliant brilliant clap yes they'll remember me forever they'll remember me forever look at this I was I was a bit of a craftsman they'll remember me forever another successful nation I'd say great success huge another successful nation under our belt I think you'd have to agree [Music]
Channel: Wilbur Soot
Views: 9,514,287
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wilbur soot, live, wilbur live, wilbur plays
Id: mC0c74Uho2Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 0sec (1800 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 22 2020
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