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hi chat I think I'm two minutes late to the event which is fine that's good it's fine you know what they can wait for me surely I'm a lot better than I was ten minutes ago Tommy I had to leave the cooks you were giving me a headache Tommy you want a jewel Wilbur no this is our fourth minecraft championship together isn't it third will I eventually will your skill rub off on me eventually I'm sure well this is your chance to get in the top ten will avert we came into the top 10 every time we've never been out of the top ten Oh me specifically only ten teams individually now you got eighteenth last time behind you you guys come this way follow me you two follow me this way this way you see this these are the past winners we have minecraft championship week one here all right number two here three do you know who's going in the jungle do you know who's gonna be in the jungle let's pose in front of the stands let's get ready in front of Mike you'll like them I really don't like hopeful it's such a bad color I'm not a fan that's like the opposite end before I warn you it's gonna be Skywalker I've done well at it but exactly I'll be the car normally the cobble boys Tommy can you shut up five seconds so we can please just already it's an honor to be playing with you all tonight it's not me October it like against him if I could get some like pickaxe from you Phil that would be yeah I think the kids so would say poked a stick and less urine Tommy unless you're in tech knows chat then it's um laughing crying emoji tastic yeah techno you've got something to lose I do yeah your chat are expecting you to win today just make sure you keep eyes on the border because that's what that's what really got us last time good oh my go off I go talented British is my how much is my life worth just so I can sort of judge you know alright who is the next lowest and priority to bridge blocks everyone is alive except you not a single person James Charles is in this game and he outlived you by a lot wash I'm just gonna go in shop miss and stuff and then to make their loyalty no no loyalty no oh I could have made a topical joke and I'm not going to oh my god just to go and grab every chest Vil let you go grab the middle to get your chest right in the middle right in the middle first and then go for the side ones ok there's now there's now three there's now two people there's now two people at the enchantment islands thank you for interrupting me for that Tommy I can't with Tommy I can't with Tommy right now Oh before I could walk it's the hermit craft boys you could you could go [ __ ] them up if you want you really could oh let's just stay alive actually oh good job Tommy good job Tommy good job Tommy nice work Tommy get the last my full symmetry of whole symmetry get full symmetry nice work good job Tommy I did tell you to get off that place Tommy Tommy I told you to go her all the mid not be a good waste of a pearl okay we've got another another coming straight south he's on his own and he has no water you could knock him off techno you got him you got him just hit that hit that Oh almost oh he's back he's back the guy that you hit with the Trent's back three of them threw them I think they need to hit them from an angle you also got people on the east people in there so you need to get to everyone get to a safe spot now tend to try and get a high ground so far we've got two people and two of the Palisades if you can get a third one then we own the entire top area do they have nothing they have a lid old one has a diamond sword one has a diamond sword he's just gotten out he's got diamond sword well shell yes nice last one last one again did I need I need like a high-pass filter on my mic so I can be like I want to see fan off me in a c-130 from we attack oh good clean up clean up clean up right and then get the glass and get the tsiyon team and they're not already gone oh yeah they're inside the middle literally just just open it and lover it there just open it and lover it lava at lover at lover it now go don't get beta down there nice work now do it again with Calvin he's just Calvin's running nice nice nice guy Yuji yeah we want I got six no Tamir I'd like to thank Wilbur precariat so don't worry it's the head its handicap perspective it's handicap perspective you need someone else to do it for Tommy redemption Ark is cancelled guys he used to go back I think I maybe got two or three I think we killed half the game show you see that okay I'm gonna do that I'll do that I think we should have one person that stays at the build and says we're taking screenshots like that would be quite absurd yeah don't do screenshots just play it fat right anyone who green and Grey's we need like we gotta rebuild these things the wood if you could pick up some birch for me all right so what do you mean you keep a little with the trapdoors where the trapdoors no there's crossing here we're supposed to [ __ ] craft them oh Jesus Christ yellow rainy damn cool any cool for torches yeah all right yeah I can make me actually make some it's fine oh I need another red handers [ __ ] just every flower matters I think it might be a game changer I'm not bringing the courts I'm not really did guys please can I tell you that it's really respecting me right now I think I might alright it's fine the blocks in your hotbar then control C and then get control V whenever you need reminding that's kind of no I'm not mad I'm calm we're in personal East right now oh yeah we still need clothes right all right I'm bring what's the right wisdom he need any do we need any other orders like we need cut we need a bunch of colors for one right now all right I'm bringing the courts it's times like this where friendship really takes its toll let's go back to colors go back are you joking are you oh no that sucks how do you keep dying you're not very hit shift you know it just kept going pulling down a little bit I didn't want to tell you I hit you right in the cool all right I'm in the or Harry like blue yellow cyan blue blue yellow pink cyan blue yellow pink sign blue yellow pink got a pretty solid stripe I'd like to tell you about you know do you write them in your hotbar and then you control see you can remind you all the time I feel like it's very valuable and you guys aren't appreciating my knowledge maybe we could be guys why are you guys hey Phil yes I feel like you're not appreciating my infinite knowledge as much as you should be I think this one who is wrong I've got both blue Allwood angry where'd you get glass guys worst glass I don't know 10 seconds oh no I'm so butter right now you don't understand you don't we still get some points it's fine still get the points let me place in this I'm pretty sure it's fine it's fine sorry chap I took too much would I have [ __ ] I have four of each I have four words of each type and you'll hear like you two too much we're now told me should've got the [ __ ] granite I have four words of each time you took 18 jungle wood okay my bad then sorry guys sorry team partly I took 18 jungle sorry chow I've got I've come you I'm sorry I'm really sorry I didn't throw my egg I'm sorry it's survival games we're doing some mobile games that will be fun they'll be quite fun we go straight the kills and good something good behind you there's a James Charles just strolling got flame got flame flame flame I've got flame coming to the room with the anvil if you have a boat the flame ball come here come here right tenènte this thank you we're going through the doors like wristwatch they are I think there's the team are coming up they're there they're circling back to trap us they're trapping us we need to get out down for it we get out from down here that was food food told me come over got food for you come on come on top of the top of here okay please give me more food me man Tommy shush give it to I'm sorry okay can I have a come over please good thank you they're gonna be coming up okay no they're goin hard left keep moving forward then just service information oh I have an iron sword sick oh well my entire chat ceiling have you oh what a coincident yeah who owns Alma - Tecna come in I would give Tecna knowledge chestplate we'll all right here's my hat help me please I certainly don't come out this door then you can release the full team with their low yeah you can fight these guys but they're burning and get the clean up because I getting killed to secure these points James Charles endure shovel girl you get the boat I'm sword iron sword iron sword I know iron sword filpped you want that how do I do not go there's a team hiding around the corner here team hiding here help I'm really her I'm like Go Go Go I'm dead splash nice nice cleaning cleaning nice mr. sionis just saying you've got this you too nice okay behind you Calvin [Music] Calvin the god wait what's your win no I cannot do an impression of techno played from loss from that first round Tommy look at how many points you got a round you were supposed to be the team leader mother father my son you have done well Easter my son my bride oh my god parkour sign for us they have a magnet did you see that blue box look at that [Music] Oh first Tommy and second the dynamic duo we the 1000 bed wars win streak was all for this techno techno I did a block clutch are you proud of nude nice one you bridge up and alight yeah you just bridge up really high and I liked her over everyone tries to bridge normally but you lose you just build up real tall and then just jump it glide nice nice you can do it guys don't speed bridge just allies like xi nice nice we win these look at the chat look at the chat [Music] whoa bro we've got in first every time I think third 1340 we're killing it oh wow we gotta we gotta we gotta like we'll say you know when use a trident when you announcer good luck they boosted it they boosted it what it's way faster we're further yes 2nd place 2nd place 2nd place 10 nice well second date 10th 11th that's good who is this audience member named techno sucks yep yeah and then there's some parkour up here and I'm mad it's up to you guys I can't [ __ ] see I'm inside Captain Spock was I'm inside my childhood hero I can't see 7 no no I mean what I said I'm bridging onto the wing I'm bridging onto the wing up above up below oh [ __ ] oh we have to go down all right I was starting to nope nope nope [ __ ] nice 4/4 aerodynamic do Wilbur you popped off dude is that it's all that parkour practice man I told you when we were doing you're like an abusive girlfriend you tell me when I'm [ __ ] but then you tell me I'm good and I keep coming back to you that's just called being honest okay yeah that's what she said as well warrior was winning now look who's winning guess which one I told them to be Skippy don't screw me over please oh that's quite a lot are you over there and do they represent the person they represent the percentages I'm again into the mainframe guys when I was a kid I have such a crush on shovel dude dream team is alive we picked their best game I [ __ ] it I [ __ ] it I'm assuming for any pretty girl dude you kid I don't get them oft he has the German keyboard [Music] [Music] be Jordan get yourself on the ground I said Jordan eat more points I'm going down I said help me cuz I'm in a new town and there's need to oh boy he jumps he glides more it's fun to stay at the change your key caps that's what the Y and the Z yeah but I don't have the ball so what's the point little bit of femicide and he's on his way first place in this guy's I think I think you know in pack traders none of these any I don't think it's reason it could be foot race health if I'm gonna be in the middle of what am I gonna be well you're gonna be the sword I'm not really gonna KB people yeah preload alright I'm gonna run to the right [Music] we gotta kill me okay don't don't cap before we killed them off that way we get even more points all right okay I'm ready to cap time we went to cap time we went to cap wait there's no Mele tell me when tell me when now yeah okay I said I said I said now and tell me when yeah so they did this is green this is green we want to make sure we go watch out in the middle help help help middle middle middle looks away he runs away what did you say we just need to keep red or green out of the top two so we can be in the top two and Red's doing better so hello mate nah sorry sorry that's my job sorry can you please kill this blue mate please give me a sec give me a such a good strap this is such a good strap Scott James Charles they're all freaking out right now I'm talking I'm just going in the middle [ __ ] with the heck out bigger games Charles why is reloading this crossbow such a pain he's going in going mate just zero oh god Scott on me score me with a sword damn you can blocking my arrows right okay I'm ready for the last one yeah they say spare us I can keep having this problem where I like a real oh oh it's cuz it doesn't have quick charge it's supposed to have quick charge I'm going into the middle oh I messed up I'm getting hit with a sword help me out I got salty game with a sword on me I'm back and I'm back in dirty game okay good going back into the middle again alright alright be careful with these guys I'm gonna be a distraction drunk straight in the middle shoot me I need help now I need help now help now in the middle I had to leave they focused me sorry they're going in I've been sorted I'm being sorted I'm being heavily sorted here I thought my healing was a a harming potion so I did throw healing on the enemy team I'm still doing my I'm doing my routine okay I'm watching this right they did really good shots on me in a minute I'm weak I'm going to die I mean just fill it in fill in fill in we just win yeah so the admin just said in the way that kills don'ts but the other team that's the oh my god oh wait for help filling in all the [ __ ] I filled in the wall every hole in the wall it's hole in the wall it's James Charles oh this is gonna wipe a few it's gonna get rid of a few one minute 20 I did not enjoy this game oh no oh no no we made it it wasn't techno or Wilbur or filth oh yeah it was me that time yeah there's only one person from red team still in and there's two of us to a crystalline the way Phil Phil you died you died with a second-place player so it's fine what is this I'm hacking yes give me the win points yes I guess got 500 points that's way too much that's way too much Pete I beg you last time you got first by like 600 points he's entered the Avatar state he said I swear men filled with the exact same path why can't I jump why didn't I jump that okay I jumped but it just bagged me down there's lots of red team alive too don't worry everyone when everyone went techno still in low 38 seconds distress 30 seconds we got this you won't either you want better you on yes yes over a thousand one hundred ahead of second everyone just drop a smile just drop me smiling drop a smile in the chat guys guys check out the individual board after this that's gonna be fantastic we have a lead so we want games for even if we liked points hole-in-the-wall if you lose you lose 1,000 not even he's cutting out but I know exactly what he's trying to say being too good at hole-in-the-wall it's the only way to stop bus man all right do I hear three four three do I hear just so many people are fooling you good job all the smiles in the chat please and everyone's chat including techno blades on Tommy's I the corporeal world I did it again it did the thing again no more good job welders cut the good job welders he [ __ ] I [ __ ] go for a minute there's three of us alive we got this it's up to me fifty seconds there's still so many people techno they haven't sent the hard ones yet no clocks no seconds ten o'clock zero seconds come on we believe in you dude we believe in you dude we've got this dude you just walk over it oh you've got this you've got this it's fine even if it gets 5 billion points in two seconds it's fine oh my god that's two I'm mad yeah this is fine go far behind red rabbits as we got this we win these I think we might win and get our coin five hundred points ahead I need to redeem myself in footrace oh that's pretty I'll do parkour as well tacos fine footrace or anything not bingo yes I swear to God if all the bunnies move from that to that I will babyrage we discovered that man does not want to play bingo okay this is what this is where my practice comes in have you please stand by for the game to begin [ __ ] it's not like dude you just need to make it did you not listen did you not listen to the shrill little guy howdy how they're kind of getting owned but it's fine we're not ghetto into that bad a couple of them there's not about it's not about what position you're in really how many there's Skippy Skippy's cheering me on the first time he shows up to a minecraft championship time we win these hey wait I just [ __ ] I will pay 500 pound if someone can just rebuild this parkour map for me off screen so I can just practice because it's the same map every time guys in solidarity of techno Blake can we get some laughing carring emojis in my twitch chat please techno support in the chair I'm getting a lot of Tommy support but it's no I want I just want a bloody hat quiet Oh Tommy no three all Tommy no three things she on minecraft complain and I'm actually catching up to that second one for some [ __ ] [ __ ] one why at three in a row do I hear first try part three not a bit of Fame first try pot for you you don't have it you don't hear you I hear first try part for : Phil come on Phil one Bowl Phil and then we clinched that second place oh good job guys nice work guys guys were in the finals oh I've never got into the finals before maybe they said I was only not get in first because I was on a weaker team in the first place people always get a ton of win points and people like no technically just bad look what happens look what happens this is us dude this is us in the fun first place by 1000 points that's never happened before okay I'm not even told me I'm a meeting tell me hype hype hype hype hype hype they just used a texture pack Oh gotta be bouchard's kill Vic and Pete they can play this game best of three hide no we don't need to hide we need to get the arrows oh oh no I got it good shootin Luke oh nice I'm great where do we get when do we take oh they're giving it to Vic okay kill Vic he's there he's the guy actually shoot I'm out already where did they get me and Tommy at the same time also why my textures they got they got both miss blimey don't Anna Mike's got one this is all right no no come on to be one but he's got both miss wait we're gonna win this is it come on Phil come on Phil come on Phil where's the other one let's do this Kittel Vic and Pete their feet in the air owes to them I got one I got one nice nice nice nice I'll lure the shots away I'll stand in the middle I'll stand in the middle to lure shots oh they're going for me man they know this Fred nice nice Vic knows the stretch shoot techno blade it's up to you guys nice the shoot Mick it's just a bit choose this moment to yeah move out the way move I'm so stressed time yes that's two that's two screenshot screenshot come on [Music] my man cpk my man Calum my man Calum look at a youth Calum look down here guys remember from the beginning of the stream do you know who's gonna be in the jungle the jungle is owns oh I was hard carried that game I didn't know where's my coin me me want coin I want that notice I need to I need to ask him if he's gonna reteam with me for all you who are new here I team with minecraft my I team with James Charles and minecraft Monday and he and then it got hacked and we never got to finish it so I'm fine I'm looking for this finish that's formed the dream team alright me well James Charles and pills let's go Tommy Tommy we had to remove you for balance and purposes all right we had to go because way the dynamite yeah because you're too good at the game Tommy we had to replace you with James Charles it's only fair it's only fair sounds like you should be good for me but it doesn't feel good [Music] you
Channel: Wilbur Soot
Views: 4,629,679
Rating: 4.9684906 out of 5
Keywords: wilbur soot, live, wilbur live, wilbur plays
Id: QStIch9awiM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 59sec (2519 seconds)
Published: Fri May 15 2020
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