Rebuilding Capitalism in Minecraft

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Oh worlds over I don't know what to tell you all it's done he marches in the chest remember March dude it was it was bad we thought that was the end you know and and then in some ways it was God have you seen those Americans getting angry you know protesting and stuff about the fact they gotta wear a mask man they're not protesting that they can't wear a mask dude they're protesting because capitalism is over they can't they can't capitalism anymore and that's the problem I'm not scared of a virus anymore I'm scared of losing my haircuts and my ice cream sundaes so what better to relive the world of capitalism than through my favorite medium video games [Music] we're gonna be rebuilding capitalism today here it is set up a Minecraft wilbur's Emporium of Bank this is my bank I've made this a cup of gold blocks that's what everyone has in a bank you know gold blocks so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna let everyone on I want people to just destroy this lovely enchanted forest and then what I want to see is I want to see you guys building shops now if you look in the chat you may see that me and Josh have a zero next to our names watch what happens if I had a nether star into my venturi I've got another star now it's a one this is a competitive 100 player challenge because as is with capitalism there's always gonna be someone who's richer than everyone else nether stars are money well yep now josh has 2,304 he says poor guy won okay whoa oh oh oh oh hey hey sorry to interrupt but before we get into the capitalism I've got some of my very own well BAM this video is sponsored by frag Pro shooter use the download link the description below to access your own personal free rewards frag is a mobile shooter game where the objective is to destroy the enemy bunkers as quickly as possible the rules simple once two bunkers are destroyed you can access the final tower and destroy that to win there are over 80 characters to collect each with unique abilities and powers equipped for their role my favorite is this one called okay he does this copyright free dance and he doesn't talk except to say okay and agree with you which are two things that are a big plus in my book once you've collected an assault of characters you can mix and match them to create a unique deck of five with his own strategies of attack and defense during the game you control one of your characters the rest are controlled by AI which you can switch to take control at any point allowing you to micromanage fights in first and third person the game is constantly being updated as of right now you can now make a team with your friend or a random partner and play to v2 against other groups of people with three characters for each player so go on down to the description and get the free rewards now and start playing so thank you to frag for sponsoring this video and thank you to you for viewer for checking out this game I hope you enjoy the rest of the video so you may think that like I'll just go and kill everyone for my nether stars yeah but if you lose you're gonna be out forever just like real life there's money and there's death but we're just gonna see who can have the most nether stars at the end of the game and whoever does great job you win capitalism you're Jeff Bezos are are the joys Elodie put Jeff Bezos on the screen look at him don't you want to be him they want to be Jeff Bezos guys [Music] Jeff [ __ ] BAE's Osprey that's what you can be that's what we're gonna pretend to be today we're gonna pretend to be a man who pays less taxes and than your parents right let's let's get started here's our little venture capitalists now look everyone's getting involved is oh wait I recognize this guy why do I recognize this guy I recognize both these guys um let's just quickly just get really there we go we look for new characters no no reoccurring characters all right that's that's brawl oh god it's why the recurring characters bro I just whatever whatever whoever can innovate the most is gonna be the one who inevitably will get my money we'll get the nether stars me as the banker wait I should want to go into my bank see people are already using it hello and they're gone they went through the wall this is supposed to be coins I know they look like Burch buttons because they are you see and um no no wait wait look hold on hold the phone those are supposed to be my little clients for why they're running away they're just running away they don't they're not even answering me there we go okay as well as being a banker I'm going to be judge jury and executioner where are my [ __ ] buttons going who's taking my but we haven't even started yet right I need a police officer I need a police officer come here who'd you hey trav can you please okay yes right good good here's your payment you're the police now okay don't let people rob me there we go no police in chat dude look when I'm in the position of power right it's all fake my power doesn't exist and what do people who aren't strong right they don't have much intelligence they abuse a broken system right but they have lots of money what do they do they police they create a police force to keep other people in check so that's what I'm doing so yeah you maybe say I go oh you're no police right but look I'm missing a [ __ ] door I like to games broker go block from me hey you hey draft I found a criminal get them well deal the police force now good job is this we will rise we will always wolf call go we all get in recurring characters huh Wilbert there's a revolution how long has it been we've got a [ __ ] revolution it's been 10 minutes we've got revolution I don't I don't want this Toland hold on my people how can I stop your revolt please give us food food ah yes the people want food you ready first you ready government handout so now if we get a little queue going right everyone wants some chicken every wants some mutton there's some steaks right and then what we do so we just hand out food for you food for you look at this and everyone's getting food everyone gets fed today that's it there we go look everyone's happy everyone's getting food okay people are who did that you owe me ten nether stars all of you nothing is free everything is fake they get nothing they get nothing you crossed me and that's what's gonna happen to you dude how's my bank looking we will rise all their graffitiing the bank where's my place Oh hold on this is looking nice come in the communist bar the communist bar the communist bar a communist bar the communist bar see if I remember cretak communists don't need much money you know money it's just what is even money you know what is money it's nothing it's not real look at this lovely view we have lit with all these lovely capitalist buildings shining in glory made of lovely materials do you notice how I've given them dark wood this time so everything doesn't look awful this is the American Dream jet what you are looking at right here is the American dream a burnt down communist hideout and a bunch of happy shoppers look at this when I think of the American dream I think of minecraft multiplayer online surface I think they're trying to rebuild oh is building out of stone oh you did they don't learn fine you know it's like whatever just don't don't come back all right just know don't need it success success we quelled the uprising so there was a revolution and there's not happy little shop kisses and flowers sold here I'm gonna take a miss on that one miss this is what we like to see just let's just this just finish up a little bit you know because we're all about things looking nice wood and wildlife in nature there's no room for it in progress right that's what I'm saying when I think of the revolution I think it starts with burning fossil fuels I promise you this video doesn't have an agenda I would like to say disclaimer LED black bears top bottom big white impact text who did this at the top right and at the bottom disclaimer right made me go back and wipe a little put little raindrops on my screen keep the black bars did little raindrops on my face I want to see my hands are holding kittens right disclaimer this video has no political agenda I am a political I have no opinion anyway one way or the other and we're just here to say that no matter what the kids get crushed their own blood they're right I just want to say that and we're not here to make any point okay so please I beg you I beg you don't cancel me don't cancel me please please don't cancel me that would be wonderful I'm just trying to just look at the trees burn the trees yes yes you hear that edingtons Lister's burn the trees free boats free you said they were free [Music] all right well he'll figure it out just he'll figure out what he's gonna do with his life off this let he's got this little free boat shop everything's going well he's I think he's a big part of capitalism is access and access right you give me access to boats right you tell me they're free hmm I want access I want all those [ __ ] boats you know oh I'm just flowing with testosterone my sperm count is through the roof oh this is [ __ ] cute what is this and the musical mushroom man welcome prepare to be amazed hey here thank you okay wonderful let's get the musical mushroom man hello why can't I hear anything hold on hold on hold on he didn't stimulate the economy he deserves their dick economy stimulation is coming right would you do handouts giving me equity oh sorry any word that starts with EQ and I don't want I don't to do that here that's not what I'm about Equator equine equations that's that's what it's equation spot with a Q is equation spot with a Q yes no yes of course it yes of course it is but I did pay to hear the music so I'm coming for my music take a seat hi can I please it's so cold there's no sound coming what is this is this like avant-garde is this like Cirque du Soleil type [ __ ] what's happening Oh hold on let me down let me down let me down refund why because like music was bad your opinion so no refund it's you bad yeah that's what I thought thank you okay good see it's just a little bit of convincing it just takes a little bit of convincing and what the hell is going on above my bank fetus please no no there's no sane happening sorry not interested in any more you're putting down all right oh my god they broke my T&T sometimes you got to do what you got to do right where is my sign gone oh no look at all these happy people no one's dead that's a good start with a little dirt heart we've got someone who's me opus in the why are you here are they trying to summon the wither are they trying to arm in all I've gotta hand it to them you know that's it's not a bad idea I guess my wonderful people I am going to begin shopping at sunrise have your stores ready for me I'm also going to enable PvP just so you know if there's something I'm not happy with I can I can sort it out you know what has happened to my bank someone stole the gold yeah no [ __ ] thank you Karen don't call me Karen look if the shop can't give me what I need I will just burn it to the ground and kill the occupants all right that doesn't make me a Karen that makes me a psychopath okay please get right chat it's the sunrise it's sunrise okay let's get some another stars on the go let's start over here with this big one all non-capitalist people are welcome oh this isn't a good start anarchist cat girl commune where are the cat girls don't sulk where are my cat girls they're not here you get no money you get none of my money welcome to Shannon stew Shack hello Shannon Oh yes yes yes I will buy your whole stock thank you very much Shannon thank you very much I can back out eating the stew good good all right what's this mole Patrol mole soup shop moles soup they stole my business the other soup shop was better good job Shannon good job on the soup yeah okay what do you want are you leading me somewhere this is your shop one never stop her gadget okay I'll bite give me a gadget that's a that's literally an axe why can I hear fire oh my god that was me that I did that I can't sound too shocked that was me that did that I'm not happy with the gadget let's give me another one give me another one yeah thank you you're not thank you thank you I paid good money for that shovel good so the bank oh god they're burning down the bank they're burning down the bank someone set fire to my shop but I'm still open hi oh I didn't mean to do that I didn't mean to do that yes thank you thank you hi a ninja night hi what do you sell Oh for free nice cool I like it good shop this one's got a big arrow on it let's see what's going on everyone needs air now it's capitalized by one air for one nether star I'll take the lot thank you thank you very much I play games I'm very happy with it bullets man's shop the only bed in existence old now that's a sale is created rarity blitz man the only bit I'll give you 6 nether stars for that one Thank You blitz man thank you very much I've only gone to a couple of shops and already I own the entire stock of air I own the only bed in existence and now now I hate to say it you guys but I think I'm a bit of a shrewd shopper you know I think there is a point where you have to think like who is the most shrewd shopper and it's me Apple Store smile I sell air pods and iPhone give me iPhone that was a door do you know this no I thought okay not a big fan of this one gonna be honest with you not a big fan of this shop the Apple store disappointing I'm gonna say there's a gay bar downstairs hold the phone we're going to the gay bar oh that's GZA pit why is the gay bar a pit hello hey you do you own the gay bar okay we're gonna just ere we go just head out hello girl in pink sir advice shop I'll give you one nether star give me some advice I'm having trouble controlling my people any advice just like kill them if they don't listen I'll be back for more hello allegedly Ethan what's this stairs I'm a fan I'm a fan of stairs good one nether star for an epic troll who who runs the epic troll shop I need an epic troll please please well but I think the person who runs it trolled you oh my gosh did that's a really good troll that's a genuinely good troll hold on that's that that's smart you know you've and him okay well that's not a troll then I take that back chat I'm disappointed at my lack of shops right now Aaron's lives estate agents buy house here ah someone actually at the reception I would like a house okay okay oh look at this we have a house for sale how much and where dude I'm 10 again playing house 10 nether stars have you'd like to follow me okay let's go show me to the house yes yes yes give me this house thank you look at that they don't call me a shrewd shopper for nothing chair I've successfully got myself a house it's a bit darker I'll just use lava this lights out oh yeah I've got myself a house was something under them what's a cobblestone what's this we will what the [ __ ] have I found freedom is subjective the revolution has begun we will run what is this place it keeps going hold the phone hold the phone it just goes down who built this this is an undergrad was this underground house hello did you make this oh I think I'm in the basement of their shop well will will ignore that what shop we in carries poop sock shop yes please buy and pour one nether star for five poop socks yeah sure thank you have a good day I now in a poop sock the hats it's just hats shop was burned under maintenance thank you thank you for the hat become communist today did I just say get out of here communist bar to the quality this building shows that communism always works there is no communism happening in here capitalism is good will but please I can't afford food I miss being an aunt at least that I had cake my wealth good job you've renounced your communist ways and become a capitalist and I I'm trapped help help how do I get out of here okay there's an escape I got away it's fine okay so this house is on fire Oh what happened we got burnt come with me Aaron come with me this can be your new estate agent look at that oh it's the music one have you improves as my last visit um what the mushroom left for business I want another refund well I want another refund okay well it was nice knowing this place no refund I'm gonna give me a refund and I'm not interested thank you thank you hello hi what is this the failed poet I remember being a mole now he have evolved but into what Wilbur origins vol 120 start at 20 stars odd I am a vain man I need to know my origins I need to read this book do it this one this one I just he gave me the refund fair enough but what's this doubles this see bedrock age we will rise revolution rebel what is this we will rise [ __ ] why am I seeing every oh my god the shops on fire okay look everyone knows how much everyone has let's start some pvp right they are begging this variety shop hell yeah we'll set feet pick just dirt exclusive 15 other stars what's this say what does this say it's a voucher for later don't worry then don't worry them everything's on fire everything's burning when I think of capitalism this is all I think what does this say kernels fatherly official I will hug you and tell you I'm proud of you Oh Oh Oh thank you Dad I love you dad oh I can't I can't I can't stay here I can't stay here that's fine that's cool what's this welcome to now Woo's tens holsombach shop I sincerely hope you enjoyed of time capitals it can be stressful I hope I can help all of you out and just hit a talk to give you emotional support can I have some support my father recently dropped some news on me was it good yes this is good this is good news yeah I'm very happy for you good that was good that was good I liked that I liked being there berry store berry store you may order up to 16 berries out this time I'm taking them all thank you very much this is good this is good you ever go shopping and you just feel like a hole inside who's been filled do you know I mean barber shop where's the barber shop where's the barber shop [ __ ] barber barber shop barber shop hello book your appointments can I have a haircut I've got five nether stars left welcome sit down awesome awesome snip snip die Wow Wow Elodie make me bald Wow thank you thank you yes yes good I don't have any money anymore another gang there we are right what's up here next shopping spree freedom shop communism this one who are all these people communism this who up the only freedom who did who did this who made this who is the Communists here wait I think I saw someone's name he's hot is he hiding dad dad are you a communist I thought I thought I found some of the trust it's not I finally found so what do you I could do I could spit hope win my dad's a communist I can't like how am I supposed to how am I supposed to have affection for someone with different political opinions to me I thought I finally found someone who could look Michael this lava raining from the sky Oh Michael what's happened to my lovely communist wall my capitalist capitalist capitalist world hello what is this lakeside restaurant no bread oh no come it's fine you know what it's fine it's fine we're good we're good look what's this shop what's this shop here if you need anything hear me up hello I run the black market the black muck what are you saying what are you saying please good good good right is there any shop left is there anyone alive in in capitalism right now what is that I'm not even gonna question it I'm not gonna question it it's fine it's fine what's this floating thing here this I asked ice shroom shop yes finally maybe buying things will fill this hole in my heart please say this is true just please I still feel empty I still feel in each other have they got the cat girls in stock yet are there any cat girls available I'm sorry sir oh this what is it this is that's the money from the bank that's the money from the bank a chat there's no winners there's no winners I've got a feeling that there's no there's no joy in any of this look at this world that I made well we've got a good quarter of the people have died this isn't what we want this isn't good this isn't what I was hoping for what is this you were the Communists these were the communists I saw them I saw them I saw them in the bunker look I've got a bad feeling though just nothing's gonna get better I thought I could bring back capitalism into the world you know everything was going wrong so I thought oh you know I'll just revitalize you know like I thought I thought I could do something good chat chat did I do well chap Elise I did well no you fail no no you failed I'll let them finish it I'll let them finish it off this is capitalism this you know advice shop oh yeah maybe I should maybe I need some advice the advice shops gone I will again please make me feel better my dad was a communist dad I'm so sorry it's hard when someone betrays your trust but we trust people to feel good in the world the rain stopped and you did a good thing today [Music] thank you I hope you feel better I feel better I feel better oh my god what's happened to this town capitalism's [ __ ] capitalism's [ __ ] you know it's just nothing works everything's broken I messed up I messed up you know I tried to I tried to get the wall back to normal and it didn't work in fact I made the world worse Maci I need you to win this free yes right that's it what we lunch at what we learned it was a strange one I thought we could rebuild communism cab capitalism I got a dad oh my god I'm never doing this again Elodie can you pull all disclaimer this never happened we never tried this this was all a dream you weren't here this one never happened all right you guys watching a YouTube video delete this from your history just [Music]
Channel: Wilbur Soot
Views: 4,697,143
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wilbur soot, live, wilbur live, wilbur plays
Id: 9F9wHSKxFW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 0sec (1800 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 07 2020
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