Hardest You Laugh You Lose Yet (ULTIMATE YLYL)

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you choose you choose Oh Jones we'll see it again [Music] hi it's currently 7:20 a pm in England time which means that the Americans are asleep its 7:17 in the UK will be yeah but my clocks fast so cubed I've got a theory right that Americans are funnier than Europeans basically we're gonna do this just for Europeans this time so it's the same premise if I laugh the video will end I'm trusting new Europeans to give me good stuff this is a Europe via America kind of thing we're trusting you Europeans you guys have got to take us home right it's bigger than it looks isn't it mammoth clock all the girls say I've got a great clock even myself I get a bit shocked by the thick ironically the best place for this clock to be is on the wall we've descended crime same rules as always if I laugh I lose also fam u2's u2's hit me up a couple of months ago asking me hey dude you wanna make a make a figure like a little vinyl figure and I was like yeah dude yeah sounds like a good idea now BAM now I got one of these bad boys dropping on YouTube calm on December 27th of 3 p.m. est I've worked with u2's every step of the way to make sure this is exactly how I want it I got the yellow jumper down I even gave hex values and hex codes for the colors to make them as perfect as possible and honestly now I've got it out of the box and I've had to look at it my god this is some high quality stuff dude oh my god the paint is phenomenal on it for a start the details are brilliant I pushed for them to have these really tiny little orca toy on the side and all these little tuning pegs on the guitar and they're just perfect they've done so well but the only thing is that these are limited edition there's an be one run of these and then when they're done they're gone forever they're sold out forever u2's has given me some extras to give away to you guys for free and I'm gonna sign one and give it away to you and a friend if you want to enter the giveaway you can go to my Instagram and tag a friend who you also want to win on this post it's important that you comment because I have to pick a winner directly from the comments and after that if you go and follow the guys over at u2's make sure both you and a friend are following or else you're disqualified you can also go to Wilbur dot u2's com that's gonna have all the stuff that's gonna help your giveaway chances in there too so thank you you twos for giving me the opportunity to make and design this thing and thank you to you guys for your support and I hope you'll support me in this as this is technically my first ever merge anyway I hope you enjoy the rest of the video you love you lose can we get some Europe's in the chat Europe in the Europe in the chat yeah yeah yeah okay let's go with the first one straight faces everyone straight faces this video is called depressed doorbell commits suicide [Music] scheisse okay I get sent to me every time and it never it's never made me laugh I'm not gonna say it Europeans I'm expecting greatness from you right [Music] [Music] you guys need to stop cheeto I'm going red already that was a good one that was that was like a nuclear weapon why the numa numa don't be racist I am building e-e-e e-e-e-e God I have such a [ __ ] sense of humor and still nothing [Music] [Applause] okay that's good that was a Boomer meme do I need to go through the rules again say it with me say it with me chat listen rule number one now let me be clear because last time I did this there are loads people in the comments being like Oh wolves can lose all who's reviewer Bush no no listen listen listen I don't got nothing against you right you can like anime you can like being young you cannot be an old you're just not funny I I I'm not funny either which is why I don't make mean videos [Music] that's not very good one it's not very good one kpop band kpop band gone rule six no k-pop who did this why whoa voiceover Pete just called me a Boomer in chat Pete does that make me more of a Boomer if a Boomer calls me a Boomer or does it like cancel out where do I go from him here when you become a Boomer what's the next step what happens I'm a Zoomer boomer and you're a Boomer Zoomer that's smart I saw it coming but I still like the execution [Music] all this stuff such a waste I'm not laughing I'm not I promise oh I need to go back to that I need to go back to the cube one it's good it's really good dangerous keep your distance you probably say it a million times a day oh oh these are good europe your memes are sound this is a good memes Europe I'm really I'm cheeto oh it's too much is too hard chat we're doing the poll do I get another life yep yep I'm going for a second life nope you guys we're gonna keep going like I've got I get two lives you guys get none that's all you guys get one I guess sorry from now life too okay good okay here's my gas can my brother Josh blew himself up and his two kids and the librarians as you're requested how many cigarettes are you I could see that I could go outside and see that jump-scare it transcended what's rule six know kpop thank you rule five Stan Luna okay hey would you like to play with my toys Joe Michael good job Michael I get yelled at I get scooped on my story good boy good boy I love you no no we don't do this condition [Music] good good I'm glad [Music] it's so hilariously tragic little baby uses more dirt Stan Luna Stan Luna Stan lunar everyone lunar isn't k-pop she transcends kpop woah it's 2012 again I think all the mistakes you get to try again you're in luck it's 2012 again guys guys it's 2012 congratulations the Kyra Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductees 2019 are you as excited as I am buzzer sounds but no no no what are we gonna do I'm sure we'll get there Chito stop please oh oh hell yeah oh don't make it do capsules you got really cool Coquina no flour it's not as good as others they're not usually known for their love of swimming but one feel I'd in Northern Virginia is hitting the water instead in the gym and an [ __ ] on happy Holi is a 13 year old cat who dislikes the outdoors and other physical activities so good Europeans Jesus Christ can you go five minutes without blasting loud coming okay we'll lose momentum [Music] we're getting it back so many Germans Germans are funny she's a wolf in Mouse clothing ah the mouse is ghostly howl stakes claim [Applause] good first what was that funny that should not been funny SuperMario in real life spaghetti hmm not laughing test tube screwdriver handle stiff [ __ ] we come full circle every stream we get some stiff [ __ ] spy joke no laughing copy it makes one thing more that's what RP do we need a rule 7 chat hmm rule 7 no My Little Pony Friendship is Magic or whatever any other versions of it none of it we move on play harsh noise this is unfortunate hey no not laughing cheeto [Music] it's the end of the year it's the end of the decade it's the end of 2019 I'm doing it ladies and gentlemen I've had this webcam it's super glued onto the top of my computer for ah months we're taking it down I'm going to show you my room my play buttons my plan this is what I've had to stare at all the time this is my stare zone go tours over there's also that corner over there but nothing really happens over there thank you guys for a decade and being able to do stupid [ __ ] for you it's it's meant so much to me but I think this has to be my last stream of the decade and I've laughed now at the [ __ ] cheeto I'll be back in two weeks two weeks thank you all for coming I love you all and goodbye [Music]
Channel: Wilbur Soot
Views: 6,693,136
Rating: 4.9580688 out of 5
Keywords: wilbur soot, live, wilbur live, wilbur plays
Id: MG0Ctf7QQ9o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 39sec (1119 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 23 2019
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