Todd White - Prune Me Jesus ( From the Archives - May 3 2020 )

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I feel like I'm a piece of meat on a block that's being tenderized repeatedly more and more and more just everyday you know I've prayed mould me and shape me and prune me I mean I don't want to I don't want to get to heaven with a withering branch I want my branches to bear fruit but man when you ask him that be ready I'm told Lord I said I don't want you to whisper to me I need you to bring it right there just right there because one thing I'll never do is it's not the obedient if he talks to me and he's been correcting me a whole lot lately and it's been really good a lot of Tears a lot of amazing revelation he is so good and he knows what's best for us you know I heard this before it really hit me this week God's no is better than any yes the world could ever give you God telling you no is better than any yes you could ever get from the world it's amazing to me he's such a good father and he knows what's best for us I have been overwhelmed by his love so much that I almost when I'm up here I'm almost it's hard to speak even I have a lot of things I want to talk about he's been really really correcting me on what the temple is just the reality of our body being a temple now I go after health and it's really important for me I heard a comedian Tim Hawkins he said God's not gonna change a Cheeto into a into a carrot if you pray which is true and then I've talked to lots of Christians and they're like hey we can eat anything I mean we're okay as long as you bless it I get it but like you probably should put some wisdom in there when you're doing it people don't like to talk about the food thing I'm just gonna share a little on it just a little not a lot just a little he's been really correcting me on on food how much exercise all that stuff and man I'll tell you I was just praying I'm like Lord I'm going after this health thing because I want to be around for the long haul and I want this I want to go after this with everything I am you know a lot of times in that church we talk about our spirit and our soul we don't like to talk about our body because we need to start talking about your body people get actually people turn off the channel because they don't want to talk about they don't want to mess with you don't want to mess with people's food now the Bible the bread of the word is what we need and I know that but I know that God wants to sanctify us completely in 2nd Thessalonians 5 sanctify us may the God of peace sanctify us completely spirit soul and body and I know that healing is in there and we're gonna pray for the sick and and chris has some words of knowledge and I'm sure lots of people have been healed already and we're going to but if if let's just say let's just say I got diagnosed with high blood pressure and and I'm not eating the right stuff and I know I need to change it but let's say that that word grace comes in why you know I'm under grace but then there's things that you need to change that you know you should but you're not going to or you try you just fall off and you just this is a hard subject it's okay if I talk about it oh that's right no one's here to tell me now sorry so let's say you've been diagnosed with high blood pressure or you have a heart condition or you have diabetes and all you know all these different things can be really can be worked on by us looking at what we're eating and looking at how to eat looking at exercise that all that look up there people chopped at home like the gyms are closed so a lot of people will say you know the gyms closed I can't work out I can't do that you're wrong you can walk and so like the best thing that we could possibly do is just put one foot in front of the other and actually start to walk jesus said this now I've never preached on this hardly ever even talked about it I'm just gonna share a little and then I'm gonna go into this a little more Wow I should just read the whole thing yeah let me read the whole thing first Corinthians chapter 3 this is this is the least exciting thing I think for the body of Christ but I can tell you right now I really feel like because everybody's stay at home because we're home and we're not going out that you've been forced to kind of eat in or order and have it delivered because the restaurants just aren't happen as far as that's going out to eat and I really feel like it's a great time for us to get into a really healthy habit and so for me it's been really neat because I've become like a chef it's so crazy I'm so excited when things work out right I cook a meal I'm like oh no you guys are gonna love it you're gonna love it I look at my wife what do you think she goes it's good I'm like oh my gosh this is like it's gonna be at the wedding feast but I'm trying to prepare healthy stuff like my little girl Briley like she's she started eating like kedo cutting out carbs and stuff she's dropped like eight pounds in like I don't know probably less than two weeks and it's really powerful and I'm looking at this saying you know what this is a lot easier than we've made it it's really awesome and she feels great and she's exercising and she's drinking water which is a little bit of a struggle but it's pretty awesome let me let me tell you where this started in my life just real quick about ten years ago I was at I was at my church harvest chapel where Dan attends in Pennsylvania were pastored on wall ball amazing man of God we tried this thing called first place for health and so I was about to gosh I was pushing I was pushing to 70 maybe to 70 something and I had a waist size of like a 46 inch waist 46 to 48 and so they had this thing called first place for health and it's this eating program that we're all gonna like go on as a church at least the leaders and so we got together and we went to the house to to talk about this in this home Bible though ship program and we looked at this and you know it's it's your normal foods that you're gonna that you're gonna make your own meals it's portion control it's all that stuff you don't have to count your calories but you have to count your portions and so I'm like man you know this is gonna be amazing this is gonna be awesome and so I thought I'm just gonna go get a meal replacement like mix at the general you know general nutrition store so that I can go ahead and have something cuz I gotta travel I gotta fly on airplanes I'm flying hundreds of thousands of miles a year and you don't understand I'm not by a frigerator I can't make my food so I'm like okay I'm gonna go out for this so godlike it was dealing with me and he's like you can do this I'm like yes Lord I'm going to so I ordered all this stuff and I get all this meal replacement stuff I go to the next meeting and I get there and everybody's talking and I'm like yeah yeah I got it all planned out and I'm so excited and I just got to tell everybody so I told everybody and they said well that's not what you agreed to I said no no I did I agreed to eat healthy how many portions but it's already measured out for me they said how is that life skills you can't do something that's just measured out for you have to learn how to do it yourself I'm like yeah but I'm on the road you understand you're I am justifying and trying to make excuses of whack him and so the leader of the group is name was Joe marks amazing man of God looks at meaning his talk if you're gonna do it you're gonna do it and if you're not you're not and I'm like man I'm not I'm not going out that way I'm doing this thing and so one of the agreements also was that you couldn't eat more than 4 grams of sugar in a serving of carbohydrate so I didn't really know anything about sugar and I'm just like I can do this I got this thing man I'm gonna go after this and so we went and we went I went home that day actually that night I went back in my prayer and down in my prayer room and I said Lord I I don't I can't do this cuz I've tried diets like my whole life I can't do them diet makes you feel like you're gonna die and like I I hated it every time and so I went down the pair of my said Lord I really need help and he said Todd what you need is Grace and I said you're right I need grace that's what I need grace tell that leader of this group that I can use meal replacement and so when I said it it sounded so dumb coming out of my mouth that Here I am justifying it again and I said lord I need you to help me and here's what I said I said will you please help me that you would enable me to look at food that's bad for me as sin and that sounds like legalism but for me here's my thing it's either sin or to not sin like and when I got saved there wasn't a gray area like I'm not messing with that stuff because I know where it took me before and twenty-two years of addiction and anger and atheism and hatred I hated that life I didn't know I hated it till I got saved and then the thought of all that repulsed me I said so the way that I think about pornography is it makes me sick to my stomach it makes me it's just it's sickening I would never enter into it again the way that I think about immorality where did I think about stealing all that stuff it makes me sick so make me sick like you do of that stuff of food that's bad for me and so I asked him that now know when I said sometimes be careful what you ask and so like it was like I felt in my heart I felt peace I'm like I got this and so as we're going about our days in this thing I had to write everything down on this food food chart thing so I'd write my breakfast down how many how much starch I had like as far as the portion couldn't eat white bread couldn't eat white couldn't eat whole wheat if you're gonna have our whole-grain if you were gonna have anything but it had to have the word hole in it and that sugar thing I didn't understand that and so I'm going through and I'm like everything in the world has sugar like how am I gonna do this everything has sugar like I'm not like everything so I'm getting frustrated and I said lord I need you to help me and make things with refined sugars send to me that sounds crazy but it was between me and the Lord it wasn't something I put on other people but I went after this thing and I drank you know you have to drink I think it's point five five point five five ounces times your your body weight in water a day and so I did that and I'm it like almost like I'm in a Gowen and three quarts a day at this place I'm like we're gonna do this so Jackie went and did this thing I went and did this thing on the road and you know what happened within the three within three days grace took over my life in this and God showed me that this stuff is sinful to you to you it's sin and the Bible says that he who knows to do right and doesn't to him at sin so now that became sin to me in that I know that if I eat it I wasn't condemned but I wouldn't eat it because I have this intimacy and God's gonna teach me so all of a sudden like I started to cruise through this thing so I think we did this we did this thirteen we are 12 week program or 13 week program 12 week program so we did 12 week I've lost 55 pounds in 12 weeks and established something completely different on my life and I'm like oh my gosh like I feel so much better I was lighter I was like excited about this totally excited and I won this thing and I became the Biggest Loser because it was that let's show Biggest Loser back then and so in that in our group I became the Biggest Loser and my wife became the Biggest Loser and we went after this and so I thought okay the program is over but life's not and I've got to go after this and I'm gonna do it so I maintained I did pretty well and then cardio became a big thing in my life and then weightlifting I started to lift weights and go after that whole thing and so years went by and years went by maintaining that maintaining that and maintaining that and then I did this there was this Gold's Gym challenge this is my journey and trying to share it like but understand that it's actually not just my journey it's my testimony because the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy and so what I want to do tonight is I really believe that by what God has taken me through and what he's allowed me to see I can actually pray for you and that same testimony can reproduce in your life where you can have this amazing journey with Jesus to where God can help you drop weight like crazy and we can start getting rid of heart disease and diabetes and all this stuff but it's not a it's not a legalism thing it is a love relationship intimacy thing where when I ask God to help me he actually is the helper the Holy Spirit's the helper so if I'm gonna ask him for this he's not gonna give me something else he's gonna give me what I've asked for it says that if you being evil or you being earthly if your child asks you for this would you give them that if he asked you for this would you give them that well if you ask you for this would you give them something else absolutely not well if you being that way would you that for your children how much more would your heavenly Father give good gifts to them come on that's us like all good gifts come from the Father of lights and I promise you that healthy eating is from the Father of lights it's not from the devil the devil comes to steal kill and destroy and if you look at this thing the way that it really is that stuff that we're like struggling with with candy and sugar and chocolate cake and all that stuff I found another world that you can actually make that stuff with low carbs and hardly any sugar in it at all and it can taste even better like then then you would buy it at the market it's crazy so I've been going after this and for years and years and years then this this Gold's Gym challenge and I'm at this gym and I'm I'm working out and I'm telling all the trainer's about Jesus and how amazing God is and he loves you and trainers are like you or a fruitcake crazy weirdo and they wouldn't say it to my face well a couple of them would but the other ones were like whatever dude you're like so crazy so I would pray for their clients that were getting hurt like shoulders would get injured in the gym and or a guy I remember a guy like he pulled this back so bad he could hardly walk and he was supposed to train with his trainer and he couldn't so he had two weeks off so I saw him in the locker room asked if I could pray for him the guy didn't really even believe in Jesus you know it's not a prerequisite for healing that you don't have to believe in order for you to get healed it's on me I'm the believer these signs will follow them that believe but I promise you that once you get healed it's going to shift your belief system and so I ended up praying for this guy be healed then I remember him going out and the trainer kind of looked at me really weird because he wanted that guy wanted to be trained that day he was like I'm ready right now and he's like I don't have any time available for you and I remember him looking at me like - do you like too much do too much and he's like I don't want to hear about it I don't want to hear about it then another guy came in and he's got diabetes and he's kind of an overweight guy but he has diabetes and I've had he's got the diabetes I think it's type 2 that doesn't go away like you'd have to get a new pancreas for it to go away and I told him I said man I said you're doing really good cuz he was losing weight and I said can I pray for you cuz God will take your diabetes he goes well this kind doesn't like this kind doesn't get healed I said well you're wrong God can do all things he's like amazing this guy wasn't a Christian either he's like and this is in the process of me like talking to these trainers about Jesus so I'm messing stuff up in their mind because I'm talking to clients and and all that but then when they get healed they're really happy because then their client can pay to get another you know hour of training so that thing is really awesome and so I talked to this guy and I talked about diabetes he goes you know what man he goes look you can pray for him if you want but I'm just telling you okay so I prayed for him so here like two months later this guy comes back when he goes yeah man you guys like my doctors been testing me can't find diabetes he said Manny cuz you changed your eating and stuff and I look down I go whoa whoa hold on I said you told me that this thought this doesn't get healed that there's no possible way I said what do you think about that well the doctor said it's possible I said the doctor said it's possible for your pancreas to turn back on he said well I don't know I gotta go and didn't even like I know it was crazy but one of the trainer's now he sees that guy's diabetes is healed so I'm like hey there's this gold Gold's Gym challenge it's the body transformation like who could transform their body the most and so I was at about I don't know I think I've been lifting weights and gaining healthy weight but and when you gain healthy weight you still gain a little body fat with it and so I was I told them I said I'm gonna do this thing and and I found this is when in 2015 and I found I found keto but I was doing a program I was using a supplement called living fuel with she's a good friend of mine has a supplement company called living fuel it's really amazing but then I was also doing intermittent or not intermittent faster I was fasting every other day so it fast Tuesday Thursday and Saturday and that's been kind of a life a lifelong thing I had one year last year when I got really really sick where fasting was really hard for me but I'm back I'm back in it and doing amazing so I would eat I would have these three specialized meals I would eat keto i would eat hardly any carbohydrates a day and i would have higher fat I would have moderate protein and I would have a higher vegetable green vegetable leafy vegetable intake so I did this program and I told the guys at Gold's Gym that I'm gonna win and they're like okay well good chance and they had some you know we had lots of competition lots of people doing it and so it came time to like do the do your final pictures and stuff and I wore big sweatshirts in the gym so nobody could see any kind of transformation thing I go in the locker room with one of the trainers that thought that I was the biggest freak in the world like he was literally the guy the Atheist that was like Jesus is real whatever but he's also the guy that the guys back got healed another shoulder got healed another knee got healed and I think an ankle if I'm if I'm right one of two all his clients so he's totally freaked out about that there's not a lot of Christians that were witnessing in the area that I was at and so it was totally totally awesome I go in the bathroom and like I took off my shirt and he looked at me he goes oh my god bro what did you do and all I did was like really tighten up food for like a 13 week period and like I got my body fat and everything checked and for him to say that was a big huge thing because now he's freaked out and if I win the Gold's Gym body you know transformation challenge I get to go ahead and speak to everyone write an essay and it's gonna be amazing and they don't want that happening but I won and they were totally freaked out he's like dude like you won and so I won my area I won the whole like right right in the area that I was back in southern Pennsylvania and our southern York County and they were like so excited cuz I'm like their trophy but they don't know how to deal with this whole Jesus thing and so I wrote my essay and it was like totally giving glory to God Jesus was my personal trainer it was so amazing and I got to like preach to all the trainer's and share my heart with all of them a couple of the trainer's ended up becoming Christians but it was pretty powerful because like I give glory to Jesus because here's what the Bible says and then we're gonna read this and in just a few minutes but it says in Colossians 3:17 it's it's like one of the most powerful scriptures when it comes to how do I do life it says whatever I do in Word or in deed I'm gonna do it all unto the Lord so I'm gonna do everything unto him so that means my job I'm not workin for people I'm working for Jesus that means my grocery shopping I'm not grocery shopping for myself I'm grocery shopping for the Lord so I want to be conscious of people when I'm there even if it's social distancing so when I'm pumping gas I'm gonna pump gases under the Lord even though I'm getting gas from my own car I'm gonna be more conscious about people that are around me than I am about putting gas in the car but when it comes to eating I want to learn how to eat unto the Lord I want to learn how to eat to live not live to eat and and I'd really want that to be so strong in my life and so I went through that keto thing and and man just one thing led to another and I've been really eating on that kind of eating keto paleo kind of going a little more like into the berries and stuff but upping my carb some but I'm promising you that God can do this in you and God wants to actually give the body of Christ a complete makeover a spiritual makeover he wants to sanctify us completely spirit soul and body like we talk all the time about righteousness and the reality of right standing with God right standing with God is everything because I'm not guilty I'm not ashamed I'm not I'm not condemned you can't make me depressed depression is illegal because the enemy is depressed and that's not the mindset that I have but I'm promising you that food can play a vital role in the reality of how your soul feels your mind your will and your emotions I mean when we're going through something I mean I feel like a I feel like a personal trainer for the body of Christ it's really awesome but it's not something that God hasn't really convicted me um he's been really hitting me like today I have this elliptical bike I was out riding the trails I go out with Zoey and and we ride and and at first time I did like three miles and that was really whipping me because there hills on the trails and so but today now this is a week and a half in I went 11 miles today in an hour and I promise you I was physically wounded but here's what I'm seeing I'm seeing that everything that I do is on to the Lord and I want this temple to be around as long as I possibly can I just turned 50 I don't want to be like 55 and not be able to play with my kids I want to be able to throw my sons in the air I want to be able to play I want to be able to to run I want to be able to I wish I could dance like destiny I love to but I'm not that good even when even I was younger I didn't know how to dance but I want to be able to do that stuff like I'd love to play basketball these guys play basketball Chris in them they're like professionals but I don't know what I'm doing I'm really good at knocking people but I'm not too good at shooting it in but hopefully that'll change and then Chris will stop laughing at me because right now he's chuckling Ben Mecca is one of the most amazing basketball guys - and he's here but I really want this with all my heart and I know it's not like over-the-top legalism to tell people and to help people like to start to eat different and to start to train their body different it's not but I'm I'm I'm pretty adamant about talking about it but wouldn't it be amazing if you woke up in the morning instead of instead of dreaming of a sweet bun or a doughnut or something really sugary that like that thing was gone and you didn't have that anymore cuz see the thing is is once we eat something that we know we're not supposed to like here's the thing is if you got one person in your house that's let's say one person is eating well let's say you have a spouse that's eating well then the other spouse that's not eating well will try to hide stuff and like and hide stuff and tuck stuff away but I to do that stuff but like with with drugs food is an addiction it really is it's not like and the problem is is none of it's illegal do you know that high fructose corn syrup is illegal in Europe most of the countries in Europe it's banned you can't even bring it there do you know what America lives on high fructose corn syrup like it's not good for you it's crazy so we've got this we've got this food that's around us all the time we've got the wrong things around us we've got sweets we've got we've got soda we've got everything and all this stuff is legal so it's like no holds barred you you tell me right now that you're not addicted to food like I don't care who you are like it food is amazing like I love I love food I love cheese I love steak like I love food I do but what I want to do is not love food more than I love God because food can be an idol and I don't want food to be an idol in my life so he's just showing me like in my life things that I said weren't high on the list or high on the list and gods like chipping away at my list of stuff that's like help and he's really giving me grace but I really believe it's time for the body of Christ to receive a message on the reality of shifting and changing the way that you eat so that we could be a people that eat to live and not live to eat so that we could be a people that's not addicted to stuff so I don't want I don't want anything having a vice in my life I want nothing to have anything on me where I have to have it I unless it's Jesus I want to be a man that is fully addicted to Jesus that has to have his presence that has to have him more and more and more because you can't overdose on Jesus but like when you have the wrong things then you're eating the wrong things on a consistent basis it might work well for you now like we have people like you're let's say you're a kid and you're eating whatever you want whenever you want there comes a time when that don't work as you're getting older your metabolism and all that stuff but what if we would be people that would be parents that would be completely conscious about what is and what is not okay and what if we started to be a parent that would say this is not okay and start to help guide our kids not force our kids but guide our kids towards the right things the only way you could possibly do that as a parent is you would have to do it yourself and we would have to have grace and we would have to have Jesus come and help us do it amen all right you guys okay well that's right you're not here and you can't answer me I hope you are I love you first Corinthians chapter 3 and I brethren could not speak to you as spiritual men but as men of flesh he's giving strong correction to the Corinthians but just let's just walk this through as two infants in Christ I gave you milk to drink not so not solid food for you're not able to receive it indeed even now you're not yet able because there are still you are still fleshy and he says this there is jealousy there's strife among you are you not fleshly and not walking except walking like mere men so he this is crazy amazing what he's saying I gave you milk not solid food and then when you get into Hebrews and you get into you get other epistles he said that solid food is for the mature who have their senses trained to discern between both good and evil and then it says this it says it says first it says this by by now you ought to be a teacher but you need somebody to take you back to the very first principles and Oracles of God and you've come to need milk instead of solid food for solid food is for the mature who have their senses trained to discern between both good and evil for they have been trained in righteousness here's the deal like everything that we look at whether it's your food whether it's your your spirit man whether it's your soul every bit of this is going to be going back to the very first training and principle of righteousness why because righteousness makes you right with God and there's nothing that you have that separates you from relationship with God if you call on God in intimacy and ask him to help you with this I promise you that he's not going to give you something else he's gonna give you exactly what you've asked for but he's gonna give you consistent help and you have to be consistently a big obedient he doesn't want you to - he doesn't want you to just try he wants you to jump in he doesn't want you to just get your toe wet he wants you to completely submerge he doesn't want you just baptized the little water on your head he wants you to throw your whole life into the river man like God wants all of you he doesn't want part of you but when he wants all of you all of you has to do with your body - not just your spirit man I mean if I here's the deal like let's say like in my life it's all about people being saved but people understanding what they got saved from and people understanding what they got saved - in my life it's about cultivating the reality of the identity of the believer all the way through from the beginning infancy like has their thumb in their mouth just got born again could be 40 years old 50 years old 60 years old four years old the day that Jesus becomes real from that point right there God wants to establish the principle of righteousness in your life in your in your ears in your eyes and he wants you to be righteous centered righteousness centered why because if you're not focused on righteousness from the beginning of your life what happens is you're gonna bring all these different things in and then one day you'll have to go back to the very first principles and Oracles of God which is the right standing factor with the Lord because I don't want to live in guilt shame condemnation I don't want that to mess with my identity so my heart cry is to reproduce that what if I'm not caring about what I put in here and my blood pressure goes through the roof heart disease becomes a problem lung disorders becomes a problem diabetes becomes a problem all of a sudden my feet grow numb I get it a foot amputated because of diabetes that got out of control and I'm not condemning anybody let's say as a leader how important would it be for me to make sure that I keep my health intact knowing that the Lord has has said these things are healthy these things are not these things are good these things are evil it's the same thing but it has to do with food and not just with willful sin it has to do with God showing you this stuff is not good for you why would you put it in your mouth it's called wisdom yet people say well you know what I'd rather feast than fast I've heard that but Jesus said we should fast and it just so happens that fasting is really amazingly good for you fasting helps to cause fasting help so many different things but it helps for you to live in a place of self-control and instead of eating all the stuff that you'd be eating that day you're actually feeding on in eating Jesus like what product could keep you alive like Jesus good nothing and so what God wants to do is he wants the body of Christ to get in good health he wants us to be healthy like I want to continue doing this for a long time I'm not ready to go and and skate up out of here I mean to live is Christ and to die is gain I get it but I don't have to go out through some kind of heart disease or some kind of sickness that comes from a eating disorder I want all disorders to be out because God wants our life to be in order and an eating disorder is an eating disorder that thing can be healed that thing can be healed that thing can be healed because God healed it in me and if he healed into me he wants to do in other people but I want to make sure that I start with righteousness in this whole thing even when it comes to eating like being born again is essential to unlock your potential but your potential can be majorly cut short if you don't allow God to speak to you in the area of your food because if we can't get this right all these diseases what we're doing is we're saying you know what devil I don't care what you have go ahead and bring it I'm gonna eat like I want that's pride that's twisted we don't want to live that way I've never preached this before this is the first time ever I feel God on this thing and I know that there's so many people that are crying out for help that don't want to live that way anymore and I want to help you I think that we can as the body of Christ we can all get on the same page and be like minded like really like that group that we did that first place for health it was awesome where I would check in every week and have these weekly check-ins where we would be together we'd have like accountability partners they couldn't keep you in line but you have your accountability where you're gonna check in hey man how's things going it's the same I mean food is the same thing we've just neglected it and not cared about it but I'm telling you that God wants us to care about it and he wants us to go after it just like he wants us to go after the spiritual side of things because if I can make my food spiritual it'd be amazing which means that everything I do I do it as unto the Lord and not for people we could do this my oh I gave you milk to drink not solid food for you were not able to receive it indeed even now you're not evil whether you're still fleshy they said there's still jealousy and they're still strife among you are you not fleshly and you're just walking like a mere man like he's saying we don't have the right as born-again children to say I'm merely human I'm only human you don't you are now a spirit-filled person one that God's Spirit resides in you're a temple one says I am I am of Paul another says I am a I am of apollos are you not mere men what then is Apollo Apollo's and what then is Paul servants through whom you believed even as the Lord gave opportunity to each one I planted Apollo's watered watered but God causes the growth so that neither the one that plants nor the one that waters is anything but God who causes the growth is everything now he who plants and he who waters are one but each will receive his own reward according to his own labor for we are God's fellow workers you are God's field you are God's building according to the grace of God which was given to me like a wise master builder I laid a foundation and another was building on it another is building on it but each man must be careful how he builds on it for no man can lay a foundation other than the one that is laid which is Christ Jesus now if any man builds on the foundation with gold silver precious stones wood hay straw each man's work will become evident for the day for the day we'll show it because it will be revealed with fire and that fire itself will test the quality of each man's work if any man's work which was built on it remains he will receive reward but if any man's work is built up he will suffer loss or he's burned up I'm sorry burned up he will suffer loss but he himself will be saved so as through the fire do you not know that you were a temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you any man destroys the temple any man If any man destroys the temple of God God will destroy him for the temple of God is holy and that is what you are let no one deceive himself If any man among you thinks that he's wise in this age he must become foolish so that he can become wise for the wisdom of this world is foolishness before God for it's written he is the one who catches the wife in their craftiness and again the Lord knows the reasonings of the wise that they are useless that no one boasted meant for all things belong to you whether Paul or Apollo's or Cephas or life or death of things present or things to come all things belong to you and you belong to Christ for Christ belongs to God I love this you were a temple and actually that word temple means the sanctuary you are individually stones living stones and for in Peter he says you're a living stone and it says we're building up for the temple of God so we are all individually living stones we are all individual temples we are all individual sanctuaries and honestly what we need Jesus to do is come through our temple with the three strand cord and whip up and flip tables and all the stuff that we've made idols in our life because would you think that food is more important than Jesus if the first thing you reach for is a doughnut and you're not reaching to talk to the Lord then food is an idol that's not okay if I'm reaching for a coffee before I'm going to talk with Jesus or I have to have it before that not against coffee but it can be an idol if I need something even if I need music to communicate with Jesus music can become an idol if I need worse I might worship worship and then be kind of late for worship because I want to get to the message but to whip to miss the worship that's for him to get to a message that's for you is twisted so what we need to do is prioritize and get our priorities completely straight and honestly I believe that the food thing is a major priority that we all need to get straightened all right okay and first Corinthians chapter 6 oh this is so good I love Jesus so much you know it's crazy you know life and death is in the power of tongue a power or life and death is in the tongue we say that that's just how we speak but I believe that has to do with what you eat you he just said that to me I'll take it all things are lawful for me first Corinthians chapter 6 verse 12 but not all things are profitable all things are lawful for me but I will not be mastered by anything food is for the stomach and the stomach for food but God will do away with both of them yet the body is not for immorality but for the Lord and the Lord is for the body listen to this again all things are legal for me but not all things are profitable all things are legal or lawful for me but I will not be mastered by anything this is how you know whether food is an addiction do you live to eat and it's food mastering you I don't think it's a coincidence that that he goes right into the reality of food is for the stomach and the stomach for food I don't think that's a coincidence I'm actually like really convicted since all things are lawful for me and look at food anything that you want to eat is pretty much legal you can eat anything even though we know that it leads to the most horrible things ever heart disease in America like if you look at the difference in the change and the farming and the eating and what has happened FDA all that stuff gosh I could get killed for saying this it's crazy but I've already given my life there is crazy regulations in America in the food industry where we know this stuff is killing us yet if you look at it it's pushed the hardest and it's easy every commercial is about food that's not good for you you look at that and honestly what's happened is we've we've we bite the bait and we start our kids like my kids like destiny she grew up on chicken nuggets and french fries dude I didn't know any different like she grew up on that I raised her on chicken nuggets and french fries like take a look at a french fry and just how long it will last you can put it in your car seat it'll get stuck there for 12 years you can actually heat that thing up and it'll taste the same as the first day that it went there that can't be good like that's not good and if you look at chicken nuggets it's not always chicken it's in there I'm just saying it might not be healthy it would be really good for us to know that even though everything is lawful not everything's beneficial it's not beneficial for our kids to see us eat that way it's not beneficial for the world to see us eat that way it's not beneficial for somebody to continually put stuff in their body that they know is gonna make them even more unhealthy than the first time they went to the doctor the only reason that that thing is happening is because it has mastered you instead of you mastering it and we don't want to have anything have any kind of vice on our life we want to be completely strong in this thing and that thing needs to be cut out I hope you're in agreement with me because this is somewhat if you didn't struggle with food anymore what if you didn't struggle with cake what if sweets weren't your downfall I hear it all the time oh my gosh sweets are my downfall I mean brother sweets it's killing us man oh I love him so much all things are lawful for me but not all things are profitable all things are lawful for me but I will not be mastered by anything nothing is going to rule me and control me a donut isn't gonna rule me a soda isn't gonna rule me beer isn't gonna rule me drugs aren't gonna rule me we get upset at people because they're drug addicts but we're not upset because we're food addicts I mean addiction is addiction is addiction and it needs to be cut off because Jesus Christ is the one that cuts off addiction I promise you food is for the stomach and the stomach is for food but God will destroy and do away with both of them yet the body is not for immorality but for the Lord and the Lord is for the body now God has not only raised the Lord but will also raise this up through his power do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ shall I then take away the members of Christ and make them members of a prostitute may it never be or do you not know that one who joins himself with a prostitute is one body with her for he says the two shall become one flesh but the one who joins himself to the lord is one spirit with him flee immorality every other sin that a man commits is outside the body but in the immoral man sins against his own body do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit that is in you whom you have from God and you're not your own for you have been bought with a price therefore glorify God in your body he is talking about food and sexual immorality he is not making them equal but he is talking about both of them this is crazy I never saw this before today okay so it's the first time I've seen this this is no joke and actually it's the first time I've seen it right now on the pulpit as I'm seeing this he's not tying and saying eating a doughnut is the same as having sex outside of wedlock what he is saying is that both are not okay and nothing should master me are you with me I believe that God is here right now and I believe that I can pray if you're willing if you're willing right now I am believing in Jesus name that we can come after this thing oh and I want to take you to that one Scripture we're gonna pray and I believe that this food thing is gonna be broken and that stronghold of not being able to eat the right things is gonna be broken in your life and tonight is the night and that tomorrow morning when you wake up you're gonna have a totally different view of what you need to do and I promise you that if you obey your conviction God will father you through this thing if I can get the worship team to come back up please Jesus just gonna read Colossians 3 it starts out without therefore and so whenever you see that you want to go back and read I would I would highly suggest reading Colossians 1 2 3 just go straight through read them all I'm gonna read Colossians 3 it's one of my favorite chapters in the whole Bible actually and it talks about our mind it starts off with their it starts out with where my mind is supposed to be fixed and it starts out with talking about what Robert did laying up for yourselves treasures in heaven where moth and rust can't destroy and thieves can't break in and steal for your treasure is your heart will be also but I want to fix my mind on this and and in the context of what I'm sharing I want to picture myself seated in Jesus making sure that I'm setting my mind on things above and that as I'm sitting there I am thinking I want to see as many people come to heaven as I possibly can and as many people be able to enjoy a long life a long life here now I know it's gonna be better to be there than here but I'm telling you that if the gospel grips your heart and righteousness grips your heart you will want to share your faith everywhere you go you'll want to share your faith with everyone you meet and I promise you that you'll want to make sure that you can share your faith exponentially more and if you die early because of blood disorder but because of blood diseases because of all these different things that can be moved away from by just taking some measures in your life and changing and shifting some things now you'll be able to reach way more people and to say I want to get out of here now and I want Jesus to rescue me it's pretty much saying I'm ready to get out of here life is hard my bosses mean I can't handle this pandemic thing I don't know what to do to have him with me in to hell with the world and we can't afford to be a church that is sitting there thinking let's get out of here when there's work to be done but that work can be done here and here and here so that you can become the worker that's in God's field God's building God's fellow colabor I hope this is making sense for you guys it is for me I'm super convicted therefore if you've been raised up with Christ keep thinking those things are above where Christ is seated at the right hand of God and set your mind on things above and not on things of the earth for you died and your life is hidden with Christ in God and when Christ who is our life is revealed then you also will be revealed with him in glory therefore consider the members of your earthly body as dead to immorality impurity passion evil desire and greed which amounts to idolatry it is because of these things that the wrath of God will come upon the sons of disobedience and in them you also once walked when you were living in them but now you also put them aside anger wrath malice slander abusive speech get it out of your mouth and don't lie to one another here one person in your family is pressing into eating and you're not telling them the truth about how you're really doing you're lying that's not okay or the doctor says now listen you've got this heart condition how's your eating well I'm doing better but really you're still falling to the same addiction that's lying too and we don't want to be in that place man we don't want to make up excuses we want to live completely heart driven and fully in love with Jesus do not lie to one another since you've laid aside that old self with its evil practices and you put on the new self who's bringing renewed and true knowledge according to the image of the one who created him a renewal in which there's no distinction between Greek and Jew circumcised and uncircumcised barbarian Scythian slave and free men but Christ is all and in all so as those who have been chosen of God holy and beloved put on a heart of compassion kindness humility illness patients bearing with one another and forgiving one another whoever has a complaint against you just as the Lord forgave you so you should do beyond all these things put on love which is the perfect bond of unity and let the Peace of Christ rule in your hearts and indeed you were called in one body be thankful let the word of Christ richly dwell within you all wisdom with all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another with Psalms hymns spiritual songs singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God and whatever you do whether in word or deed do it all as unto the Lord Jesus Christ and and giving thanks to him to God the Father well gosh wives be subject to your husband's as is fitting in the Lord husbands love your wives and do not be embittered towards them children be obedient to your parents in all things for this is well pleasing to the Lord fathers don't exasperate your children so they will not lose heart slaves and all things obeyed those who are your masters on earth not with external service but with merely as merely pleasing men but with sincerity of heart fearing the Lord whatever you do here it is again whatever you do do your work heartily as to the Lord rather than for men knowing that from the Lord you received reward of your inheritance it is the Lord Christ whom you serve he who does wrong will receive the consequences of that wrong which he's done and that without partiality so verse 17 whatever you do in word or deed do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus giving thanks to him to God the Father and in verse 23 whatever you do do it heartily as unto the Lord and not for people known from the Lord you receive a reward of the inheritance it's Christ you serve so I just want to pray in this place I want to break the reality of heart disease I want to come against the reality of diabetes I want to come against all these food-related things that come I mean it's horrible heart disease is horrible heart attacks strokes all these different things that come from just unhealthy eating and a life that is that is centered in that now I'm not saying all but I'm telling you that if you were to talk to doctors they would tell you that 90 plus percent of all these things are coming from food-related stuff we need to break the power of addiction you can be a thin person but be really unhealthy inside you can be a really healthy person or a really heavy person but still be unhealthy inside I'm telling you that because God's Spirit dwells in us because we're one body because God broke through this in my life really break through and he's in it again and I'm going after it again like I've never seen it before going after in this time of quarantine he's just enabled me to understand this whole eating thing on a different level once again and I want to bring you into my journey and I want to bring this testimony into your life so that food no longer becomes the idol in your life where Jesus becomes the living sacrifice where you become an actual living sacrifice because Jesus was the living sacrifice sacrificed for us the Lamb that was slain before the foundation of the world but when he was slain he gave us this amazing privilege of being able to look in the mirror and not seeing ourselves for yesterday not seeing our faults and our failures but seeing ourselves in the father's eyes as blameless as spotless and wrinkle-free and that food thing will fall off of your life let's pray father I thank you in the name of Jesus right now for heart disease being healed in Jesus name not just healed now but healed forever but God I thank you that with this healing comes the reality of the concentrated focus on food that God you would break the idolatry of food in Jesus name you would break food idolatry that that would no longer master us as the body of Christ we thank you that will be mastered by nothing sin shall no longer have dominion over us and we know to do good and don't to him at sin God I'm asking you with grace to establish that on everybody that's willing if you're at home right now and you're saying I'm willing stand up in your seat and say that's me and I don't want to live this way anymore I don't want to be this way anymore I want to be free in this area God will set you free right now in the area of food as silly as it sounds no one's really addressing it I'm addressing it because it's not okay to go out early you've got family that loves you you've got grandkids that love you and it's not okay keep going down that path knowing that you're killing yourself in Jesus name I rebuke the Devourer and offer you a break that addiction right now in Jesus name I break that addiction I come against it with authority because it's been broken in my life and in the name of Jesus right now I command that thing that keeps taunting you eat this eat that eat whatever it's an enemy and it has no right to you so in Jesus name be free be healed right now right now diabetes not curse you a command you go in Jesus name blood diseases go if Jesus name heart disease go in Jesus name neuropathy go in Jesus name numbness go in Jesus name if you've had a stroke in your life and your body's affected by that in the name of Jesus I command your body come alive right now couple live right now start moving that paralyzed limb lift up your arm in Jesus name I'll command it to be broken right now in your life father I thank you for eyes that have gone out because of diabetes sight that has been taken in Jesus name I command those eyes to open right now in Jesus name in Jesus name clogged arteries I command you unclog in the name of Jesus god I thank you that every one of these healings you will bring immediate conviction on eating different from this point on right now in Jesus name I commend wholeness and healing to happen right now [Music] in the mighty name of the Lord we thank you father for help for all miss that the body of Christ would step in to a healthy lifestyle in Jesus name [Music] if you're watching this from a hospital bed and you've just had surgery I feel like right now someone's watching this they just had a stick put in and they're saying I wish I knew this you can't go back and fix that but you can be convicted on living this way right now so god I ask you for grace on them right now in Jesus name in Jesus name wholeness in Jesus name somebody's been diagnosed with that has had diabetes and your foot has become numb and the doctors have told you that you're gonna have to amputate it Jesus name blood flow neuropathy go brand-new limb right now start to move your toes tingling should be happening right now in your foot you will not lose your foot because of this in the name of Jesus this is so good father I thank you for health I thank you for wholeness I thank you for other conviction not condemnation you are not condemned for eating that stuff you know you should be convicted because there's change coming to you father I thank you for great grace I ask you for grace grace grace grace without transformation is demonic in nature grace always leads to transformation it's grace through faith it's grace grace and truth grace and powers truth to happen father I thank you there's no condemnation from this message but massive conviction because if you've done it in one a testimony says you're the one that did it in me so if you did it in me you're gonna do it in others too in Jesus name let's worship the Lord Oh [Music] Oh good ol [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is you [Music]
Channel: Todd White
Views: 14,284
Rating: 4.8507462 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 3sec (3723 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 30 2021
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