An Atmosphere of Hope | Tim Sheets

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open your fact checker to daniel 7. or you can look at the screens that will be up there for you daniel 7 25 says this concerning satan and his kingdom verse 25 and he shall that satan and his kingdom speak great words against the most high and shall wear out the saints of the most high and think to change times and laws but the court shall be seated and they shall take away his dominion to consume and destroy it forever then the kingdom and dominion and the greatness of the kingdoms under the whole heaven shall be given to the people the saints of the most high his kingdom is an everlasting kingdom and all dominion shall serve and obey him now yes this is going to happen in fullness one day when christ returns but yes we also have authority now you know it is both jesus teaches we can operate in his authority now now it says hell's tactic is to speak words of defiance against the most high god and try to wear out the saints of the most high this is easy to see in our times it's not hard to to see this happening there are words of defiance that comes against our god most every single day and there are words that attempt to wear out the saints to wear us down spoken against us nearly every single day and often times all day long trying to wear the saints out and of course this must be understood and it must be overcome the words the two words speak words the word word is malay malay is a very unusual word that daniel uses here and he uses it 24 times throughout the book of daniel he uses it to refer to the substance of or the interpretation of or the meaning of dreams visions prophecies or messages that he was given by angels certainly we need to be alert to this attack and i felt to alert us today a major tactic to hinder to demoralize to to a major tactic to discourage the ecclesia the new testament church is to persistently battle them and attempt to wear them out with hateful words with war words against them mocking words uh words of ridicule to harass and harass and harass putting obstacles in their their way it's to badger them it's to worry them it's to pester them and speak words that will question the validity of god's word to them lucifer's kingdom attempts to use adversarial persecution to attack prophetic words that we have received to attack and speak defeat to dreams that that god has given to us to question their validity to question visions of the lord or visitations of the lord to question angel messages that have been that have been given to us that bring enlightenment to question that validity he wants to speak fear into god's people so so what god has promised us is defiled by doubt or unbelief that we that we speak doubt that we speak against promises or he seeks to pressure us until our language agrees with his attack he does this through persistent spiritual attacks designed to just just wear us out where the saints out i received a phone call from a friend a pastor friend uh a few years ago and the pressure was really on this this good man and and his family the attacks against his soul against his life they were severe they were fierce the soul strikes just kept coming so severe that his wife was put in in the hospital for a time uh with a nervous breakdown things were not good the pharisees were were doing what pharisees do and they were trying to crucify it appeared to him and it appeared to his wife that that things were really hopeless and in the natural you would have to say yeah it looks that way his children were also affected by it but i'll never forget a statement that he made to me his honesty was was refreshing but it was very revealing he said i just feel like all i can do for god i've already done it's all in the past i can't see any future and he said i i don't really know if there is a future and then he paused and he said i can see i can see yesterday so clearly but i don't see any tomorrows and i wonder if there are any tomorrows he was at the the point of giving up he'd been worn down by spiritual attack that was affecting him in the natural realm he had been worn out my response was you may not feel like it but yes there are tomorrows and they're going to be better than your yesterdays your future is far better than your past the god you served yesterday is still god today he's he's god of tomorrow i know you don't feel like it but but seize hold of this that word is for some of you today i feel it right here that word is for some of you watching i word is you is for some pastors some leaders that are watching across the united states or world today i told him i'll be praying but you must go on offense you must use your authority and you must whether you feel like it or not you must go get alone with jesus and press into his presence you've got to press into the holy spirit press in whatever you do take time to press into the presence of the holy spirit and do not agree with this attack of hell the attack the strike the strike was real and i've been there i've oh i've been there i've been there for months i've been there for years under some attacks when i couldn't see into tomorrow very far i couldn't see into the future i just had to walk by faith because things that had happened things in the present were occupying my time and my energy the enemy's attack was trying to to wear me out there have been times where what i'd done for the kingdom of god seemed to be all i was ever going to get done and i've had to press him by faith and go and press into his presence and tap into a presence that is greater than the attack of the adversary i can testify to you you can win you can win and there is power and resource available for you to conquer this life and future does turn for good but yes hell does he does attempt this attack to wear us out the two words wear out it's be law in the hebrew language below only references really the men a mental attack or emotional attack attacks against our soul in other words our mind our will our emotions be law is an oppression of the soul it's it's suppressing us it's it's a squeezing feeling and the picture in the hebrew language is that of a snake that wraps around its prey and squeezes like a bull constrictor and squeezes and squeezes until you can't get your breath you're suffocated there's a feeling of suffocation you're oppressing the ideas put the squeeze on them until they are exhausted they're worn out so they back off of their dreams forget prophetic words stop decreeing the interpretation of their meanings just let them slip from our thinking so we back off of revelation and enlightenment of holy spirit becoming occupied by worry and what if so that we back off of visions visions of the lord that connect us to a destiny and a future filled with hope this is a clear tactic of hell in our times right now the divisions of our nation the lies the deception the distortion the turmoil constant turmoil turmoil in our government the outlandish unfair unjust and polarizing hatred the blatant disregard of facts presented in an atmosphere of corruption confusion utter chaos and crises after crisis after crisis and in some ways a national feeling of of hopelessness and if not careful can cause god's people good people god-loving people to begin to think will this ever change will it ever change i mean really i mean the lies are are incredible and it must be confronted by truth and the ecclesia is the one who has that truth we've gone from a first president george washington who said i cannot tell a lie to some now who cannot tell the truth and to one who can't tell the difference we have leaders who if it suits their agenda they just make it up they say things have not happened that we just saw happen the tactic is wear them out till an utter frustration they just forget it till they throw up their hands and walk away keep pushing till they quit numb their senses barrage with a barrage of misinformation lie and then lie and then lie and because of corrupt and perverse leaders at every level even now down to in some cases our school boards there is often a shroud of hopelessness hanging over the land there are days when you just feel it rolling in indeed it is uncivil brothers are fighting brothers just as their strategy wants them to there's a stirring of of old pots of social misery there's a picking in old wounds and it is a witch's brew fired by woke-ism and liberalism which is fired by hell and it broods a cauldron of unrest a cauldron of despair of fear and worry it is a cauldron of poison brewed to destroy freedom liberty rights brood to poison christianity and its values brewed to steal to kill and to destroy hell's kingdom would love to use this pandemic to wear us out and and i think it is it's certainly trying so we forget about god's vision of the church ruling and reigning with him so we forget about connecting this nation back to its covenant roots so we forget about the prophecies so we forget about the dreams so we forget about what the angels have said so we forget about the vision of a worldwide revival but i believe and i believe this with all that in me is in me i believe just the opposite is going to happen oh this is going to backfire [Applause] because the necklacy is rising and we are going to make our stand see we we're different something's happened we're different and and we're starting to see through hell's strategies warriors in god's kingdom are using this time to reset to resource and to re-fire to revive like we to re-breath like we talked about last week they're not falling for this demon activity they're not falling for these demonic words of horror coming our way there's a remnant that will stare perilous times in the face saying we're going to see breakthrough we're going to see revival and we are going to see a billion soul harvest we will not back off you're not dealing with david's brothers here you're not dealing with saul's scared army we're not gideon thousands that are faint and just want to go back home we're a part of the 300 that want our stuff back we want our rights back we want our freedom back we want our country back you're dealing with a remnant that's grown in size grown in power that believes what their king says and you will not squeeze the life out of us no we're going to bruise your head serpent holy spirit's not been preparing us to lose like daniel we will pray until holy spirit comes with his angel armies and begins to dethrone your princess like daniel will decree the time of our confinement is up it's time for breakthrough it's time for our king jesus and his everlasting kingdom to see dominions and powers about him indeed every knee bow every time come fast jesus is lord there is no doubt sometimes the battles are long but that doesn't mean we can't win them jesus said in this world you're going to have tribulation but be a good cheer i've overcome them i wish he hadn't said it but he did john 16 33 be of good cheer you can overcome them there is no doubt christians at time experience this ancient tactic of hell's kingdom but we've got to listen beyond that to hear the word of the lord we have to hear what holy spirit is saying we've got to hear the message of the holy ghost that's not the overcoming atmosphere that we're supposed to be living in and we need to be reminded of that and right now we need to be reminded of it especially we need to confront this appalling atmosphere this dark cloud of political rancor and vitriol we've got to resist it we have to bind it the ecclesia must say no we refuse to live under your cloud of confusion of fear of hopelessness or despair we refuse to drink from your cauldrons we refuse to drink your poison we forbid your dark tactics to affect our souls we we forbid your soul pollution we forbid the atmosphere of demons to surround our hearts we forbid lying spirits to have any place in our emotions rather we choose to live in the atmosphere of the kingdom of almighty god which is peace hope joy faith confidence and love in the holy ghost no matter what we face we have to be a people who refuse to allow our heart to be dampened by the world's darkness because we have been provided a hope that is far above that we've been provided a peace that is far above that and we can live in god's life of overcoming victory that is far above that yes victory after victory after victory is our right there's no need to live below that privilege and we are to be a people who confront troubled times indeed confront a crazy mess with hope filling our hearts we are never without hope never never ever our hopes alive we we have a living hope the apostle peter declared jesus provides a hope that is living and he provides our souls with rest in troubled times we've got to learn to press into that we need to be a people that live cocooned cocooned wrapped in an atmosphere of christ's presence that is always available i'll be with you i'll be with you you can overcome a people who live at rest in the atmosphere of an everlasting kingdom a people unaffected by hells wearing out tactics a people continually refreshed in the atmosphere of the holy spirit that we were just in a few moments ago we are to live in a different realm than the world lives in we're not to live in the world's realm we're of it but we don't have to live under its influence we we can live above it our life source is to be different than that and we must live in that reality my friend years ago was struck by by this tactic oh it was real i'm not minimizing it and i would never minimize any attack that you you were experiencing or have experienced that's not the point it was real was not imaginary and yes it was very difficult for a while but they made it well it didn't happen overnight it took a couple of years but god came through the god of hope came through miracles started to happen turnarounds they didn't think would ever ever happen happened and little by little they begin to see into the future again that's where you're headed you'll be able to see into the future again don't quit now a future of hope was revealed to them but they had to learn to live in a different realm they had to learn to live in the realm of god's great hope a different atmosphere i've had to learn that myself i couldn't i wouldn't even be here had i not today i wouldn't be here if i had not learned to live in a different atmosphere to live in the atmosphere of had to learn the atmosphere of the kingdom of god live in the atmosphere of a king whoever lives to life me life that's abundant to pour it into me and and energize me i've had to learn to live in the atmosphere of the holy spirit above the adversaries attack i've had to learn to live in the atmosphere of hope not the atmosphere of despair that the world presents the ecclesia must learn to live in a different realm we've got to learn to live in an atmosphere the atmosphere of the kingdom of god the atmosphere of a king who is alive the atmosphere of hope that's alive hope it's an atmosphere that life's you it's a lie it's an alive atmosphere the apostle paul writes about this hope atmosphere quite often he too had to learn to live in it paul he he faced the wearing out tactic quite a bit probably more than then most i mean the man's beaten he was beat to death a couple of times had to be raced back to life tortured beaten with rods in prison light on betrayed but he learned to live in the atmosphere fear of king jesus and his alive presence he learned to live in the atmosphere of hope and he testifies that he was never disappointed no disappointment no disappointment stating in acts 20 and verse 24 concerning the tactics of the adversary none of these things move me nor do i count my life dear to myself so that i may finish my race with joy and the ministry which i received from the lord jesus to testify to the gospel of the grace of god i live in a different realm he says and i'm going to finish my race with joy i live in the in an atmosphere of supernatural joy in christ jesus it's my strength the joy of the lord's our strength he's he's my life source i live in an atmosphere of the king and his kingdom none of those things none of them moved me i'm not moved by that i reign in life through christ jesus he told the romans in romans 5 17 i i reign in life the amplified bible says i reign like a king the new living translation says triumph i live in triumph in christ jesus live in a different realm in romans 8 verse 35 through 39 new living translation paul passionately delivers these lines can anything ever separate us from christ's love question does it mean he no longer loves us if we have trouble or calamity or are persecuted or hungry or destitute or in danger or threatened with death no no despite all these things overwhelming victory is ours through christ who loved us and i am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from god's neither death nor life nor angels nor demons neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow not even the powers of hell can separate us from god's love no power in the sky above or in the earth below indeed nothing in all of creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of god that is revealed in christ jesus our lord we're to live in a different atmosphere surrounded by god's atmosphere of hope and joy and peace and love tapped tapped into the presence tapped into his presence so supernaturally stewarded that the enemies of our soul cannot separate us from it why live any other way why live below that why live under enemy oppression let hope flow feed your mind with what god says let supernatural life flow forbid a oppression to wear you down let conquering faith flow and bind it use your authority stay connected to to the life flow of christ jesus who comes to give you life and life abundantly nothing the apostle said nothing can separate us from the love of christ jesus paul tells the galatians this in galatians 2 20. it's one of my favorites i've been crucified with christ it's no longer i who live but christ lives in me and the life which i now live in the flesh in the flesh in the flesh not future in heaven right now flesh the life i now live in the flesh i live by faith in the son of god who loved me and gave himself for me i do not set aside the grace of god the amplified bible reads i've been crucified with christ in him i have shared his crucifixion it is no longer i who live but christ the messiah lives in me and the life i now live in the body i live by faith in by adherence to by reliance on and complete trust in the son of god who loved me and gave himself for me therefore i do not treat god's gracious gift as something of minor importance and defeat its very purpose i do not set aside and invalidate and frustrate and nullify the grace the unmerited favor of god we cannot allow our actions or our words to nullify such awesome grace such boundless favor we cannot treat this priceless life source this this awesome atmosphere of living hope of minor importance no we are to enter into its rest we're living it trusting the living one inside of us relying on who he is adhering to what to what he says we need to show this world an ecclesia that lives in a different realm one that looks at the tactics of hell the world oppressive government and darkness and says none of that moves us none of these things move us we live above it connected to our king we live in hope we live in peace we live in joy we live surrounded by god's everlasting love and and we will reign in life in his presence you can't wear us out we're tapped into supernatural strength the strength of our great god and greater is he than thee greater is he the hymn by johnny robinson michael farin and rich thompson is speaking to us i believe it's a great song um the title of the song is is from galatians 2 20. the title of the song is yet not i but christ in me it's really powerful it's speaking it is inspiring well gift of grace is jesus my redeemer there is no more for heaven now to give he is my joy my righteousness my my freedom my steadfast love my deep and boundless peace to this i hold my hope is only jesus for my life is wholly bound to his oh how strange and divine i can sing all is mine yet not i but through christ in me the night is dark but i am not forsaken for by my side the savior he will stay i labor on in weakness and rejoicing for in my need his power is displayed to this i hold my shepherd will defend me through the deepest valleys he will eat oh the night has been won and i shall overcome yet not i but through christ in me no fate i dread i know i am forgiven the future sure the price it has been paid for jesus bled and suffered for my pardon and he was raised to overthrow the grave to this i hold my sin has been defeated jesus now and ever is my plea oh the chains are released i can sing i am free yet not i but through christ in me with every breath i longed to follow jesus for he has said that he will surely bring me home and day by day i know he will renew me until i stand with joy before the throne to this i hold my hope is only jesus all the glory now and evermore to him when the race is complete still my lips shall repeat yet not i but through christ in me tap in to strength that is supernatural life living hope singers and musicians come thank you lord may a presence come in today that feeds and strengthens your people in this room but also lord across this nation and world may we really see the living hope that you have given and we understand it's not about us yet not i the life i live in this flesh i live by you you life me god life people today enable this ecclesia lord and those in agreement to bind this oppressive tactic of hell that is permeating our nation help us god to with the authority of king jesus come against this demonic prince that wants to put us under an oppressive cloud the ecclesiarizes and says no we will not live there we're going to move into a a different realm [Music] we're going to be infused with supernatural strength even joy [Music] that is our strength [Music] hallelujah would you stand please like for you to be in agreement with this i felt today to confront this demonic attack not saying it's not real i think most know and have felt it i'm just saying it has to go we're not going to live that way i'm just saying the greater one is in us i'm just saying we have authority to bind this and to break this numbing oppression [Music] so come into agreement with me as i pray just allow the holy spirit to pray through us lord we come against this oppressive attack of hell that is directed at this nation in our world [Music] and at christianity we come against demon powers in spiritual high places that have dared to suppress and come against and defile you and to wear out your people the greater wine rise within your ecclesy today as we exercise and release the authority of our kingdom greater wand we come in your name today and in jesus name we bind this oppression leave this land leave this state leave america leave us alone we bind this oppressive spirit of darkness you're lying devils you will not wear us down we are tapped into a different source we live above you your oppression will not succeed with joy we will come before our god with joy we will rejoice in who we really are we bind this oppression that has attached itself to our government all forms of it locally regionally nationally we bind you oppressive attack of hell this ancient tactic we rebuke you in the name of king jesus and we command you to come down from your oppressive throne in jesus name we forbid your work stop it stop it in jesus name let great liberty come and freedom in jesus name [Music] let the energy source of the kingdom of god prevail we declare in jesus name the freedom and the liberty that our king gives to us [Music] in you we live in you we move and we have our being no weapon formed no oppression form no defilement no war words of persecution [Music] will back us off we're tapped into a different realm we live above you we put you under our feet we put you under our feet we put our foot on your neck you oppressive devil you do not have authority over us we use the authority of king jesus we stomp on you you will not suffocate us you don't steal our joy you'll not steal our energy [Music] you'll not steal who we are you will not oppress you will not so press you will not depress we are free [Music]
Channel: Oasis Church
Views: 15,169
Rating: 4.9702759 out of 5
Keywords: the oasis church, tim sheets, dr. tim sheets, oasiswired, oasis church, middletown ohio, oasis middletown, tim sheets middletown, heaven made real, angel armies, planting the heavens, the new era of glory, new era, no more delay, dutch sheets, prophetic summit, angels and decrees, prophetic word, pray for america, the hub, oc, oasis, apostle tim sheets
Id: Hnf9YoDleBc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 9sec (2589 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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