Todd White - He Removed It

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jesus we love you god i just want to thank you so much [Music] again for your goodness and your mercy and your patience and your long suffering god we love you we give you praise in jesus name god thank you amen put that down a little bit down in the monitors a little [Music] for the first time in my christian life and traveling i was homesick that might not mean anything to you guys but i've been traveling averaging around 400 000 miles a year for a decade and i was in brazil and i was homesick for here first time in my life it was the weirdest thing because i know the call i've been called and i'm in brazil and i'm like oh god i just longed to be with my people and even though they're my people i i just longed to be with my people with my family with my home and i was so inundated with wanting to be here but there [Music] crazy god's done something incredible inside of my heart this might not this doesn't mean a lot to people that i guess haven't been in the life that i've been in and traveling like i've been but the pruning and the cutting and the just god doing what he does has overwhelmed my soul in such a way to where when i traveled there was grace to travel grace to travel grace to travel and when i got on the plane i didn't i didn't have the same grace and even though there is it wasn't like it was it was actually painful crazy as it sounds i love being able to share my heart with people i love being able to bring the truth of what god's done in my heart to the nations what if we had millions and millions and millions of christians that would bring their heart to everyone everywhere they go i've had the grace on my life the grace of evangelists the office of evangelist and i've traveled the world as the office of evangelist and as an itinerant speaker and it's been absolutely wonderful i got to meet with uh when i went to brazil i got to meet with a with an apostle from the from the church called bologna navy which is the majority of the people that belong to that are millennials and he has 550 churches i'm like i'm thinking oh my gosh we've we got one and i went to lunch at his house and i started to share my heart with him and i started to talk about the pruning and and what god has been doing and he interrupted me and he has no idea where we're at like as a as a church as a ministry he just knows that i come down and i've had the privilege of being able to share my heart and he brought me in to to their international just their pastors and leaders from all of his churches and he brought me in to pour into 2000 of his leaders and pastors and i i just was thinking about i'm like oh my gosh like what a privilege to be able to pour into 2000 leaders and pastors like these guys are leading these churches like and i thought to myself what i yeah you'll have to excuse me today because i just got back and it's just brand new for me just totally new and i sat with this pat with this apostle and he said to me he said he said 20 years ago i was an itinerant evangelist traveling the world and speaking he said and the lord said i'm going to keep you back for a season and he said so i went through this pruning season i'm like okay like yeah i get it painful right he said it was nine months and i went okay that's weird because that's how long it has been for me in this intense intense season and he said the lord told me that in this season i'm taking the office of evangelist and i'm going to hide it from you and i am going to make you a pastor and he said no anything but pastor don't make me a pastor and i'm sitting there across the table crying going oh my god and he said so i became pastor he said the lord spoke to me and he said as i'm pastoring he said i'm i'm going to put an apostolic mantle upon your life to this pastor who's now an apostle and he said and i'm going to allow you to reproduce what i've done in your church all over the planet and so now he has 550 churches and he's the apostolic oversight for this and i'm like okay that's way too big and he looks at me and he goes now i'm going to prophesy over you he said the lord says that you are doing a church model that has never been seen on the planet before he said where the office of evangelist is going to capture the hearts of everyone that attends and they are going to think evangelistically for their life and with their life everywhere they go and i'm like that's the goal he said but your church isn't going to function out of jesus just being people's savior he said they're quickly going to move into jesus becoming their lord and i'm like no you're talking it's different like him being my savior means he saves me but what did you get saved too and that world that you got saved to only functions when he becomes lord he can't continue just being your savior not that that i'm not belittling the word savior i'm telling you that there's a difference between jesus being your savior and your lord and on through the week the weekend i'm i'm getting to share my heart with leaders and then i meet this this prophet and he prophesized the exact same thing that that apostle gina did and i'm sitting there going oh my gosh and it cut me so deep and so he showed me that this church that started as a school that now has come into a church is going to be an apostolic model that he's going to reproduce and do campuses all over the earth just like this what does that mean that means i need people to be fully committed because if we're going to reproduce something and this is going to be a prototype dude do you understand that we're stepping into something that's never been done i scanned the earth the lord took me on this journey scanning the earth of any place that would look like this and this is the original place that the early church was born into it's where everybody shared their faith everywhere they went there was no separation between the sacred and the secular everywhere they went they shared their faith house to house they went they did it everywhere so what if just what if because people were like dude like there's no one like you know jesus i want to be like jesus and so we all want to be like jesus we're supposed to be imitators of god and walk in love but that doesn't mean that i'm supposed to take glory to myself that means i'm supposed to be so guilted to god that i bring in glory in everything that i do and everything that i say that my words that i say become the very words of christ because i'm saturated with his mind and not my own are you with me so that was my that was my kind of journey a little bit last week and it was crazy and i know that it was amazing here too i've been waking up with god with such an overwhelming sense of presence last night was a very hard night at my house because my little son asher decided that he didn't want to sleep all night he just didn't we don't even know what was wrong he just he would i don't even know yeah he just stayed up and so my alarm went off the same time and i got up early to be with jesus again and immediately when i when i hit the floor his presence his person it's with me i go in my closet and i'm like oh my gosh this love relationship that we go on with god you know how the song is i've blessed them be fruitful and he's talking about his favor be upon us right it says to a thousand generations oh yeah one more thing i wrote a book i wrote a book you have no idea the lord's been on me for about probably eight years i'm like not now lord i'm not ready i'm not ready i'm not ready i'm not ready i'm not ready and i wasn't but i guess i am but let me read the dedication real quick in here i'm sorry i'm all over the place because i have some intense stuff to talk about that i hope goes down right but let me try to so this is the dedication in my book i can hardly read the dedication i dedicate this book to anyone who feels lost feels neglected feels a lack of hope feels lack of destiny or feels a lack of reason for being i dedicate this book to all who are searching to find the answer to why they're alive i dedicate this book to all those who are trying to find their reason for being here i dedicate this book to those who desire to find somebody to finally truly love them to care for them to be their everything i dedicate this book to those who are searching to find the answer to the issues of life i dedicate this book to those who are in despair depressed angry bitter ashamed or afraid to go on i dedicate this book to those who feel that they've been abandoned but most of all i dedicate this book to my loving father who has changed everything through the blood of jesus christ i'm not doing well i didn't want to write just some book i wanted to write a book that's so full of scripture and truth that it transforms a person when they read it because my opinion in my experience apart from the truth of god's word and his ability to completely set you free there's so many books and before i thought myself i i just don't want to write a book there's so many books that people read aside from the bible and there's so many people that are authors but once you meet the author of the bible your whole life changes and transforms i can't keep reading someone else's revelation i have to hear my father and it only comes through righteousness and right standing and the cross the calvary and the blood of jesus there is nothing else so i wanted to i wanted to go after that with everything i am but i'm not a type guy like typer now i'm becoming one but i wasn't it's amazing what he's doing and what he wants to do and the freedom that he wants to bring okay deuteronomy deuteronomy 7 9 says know therefore that your god that that the lord your god he is god the faithful god who keeps his covenant and his loving kindness to a thousand generations and to those who love him and keep his commandments and then right after because that's where the song it says to a thousand generations right but right after that it says but repays those who hate him to their faces to destroy them he will not delay with him who hates him he will repay him to his face therefore you shall keep the command and the statutes and the judgments which i am commanding you today to do them so we see this god that is faithful and just and mercy and kindness and and he's like all you got to do is keep the commandments and then all of a sudden to a thousand generations you're blessed but if you don't he says he will visit the iniquity right and he says up to a third and fourth generation so all the way back so you mess up and then god revisits three four generations back that's like not good you see the blessings of deuteronomy and the curses of deuteronomy it is crazy and absolutely absolutely nuts and so righteousness we have three core principles that we live here at lifestyle by encounter jesus walk in the truth according to righteousness and live the lifestyle when i encounter jesus in the beginning as my savior gosh john 1 9. i want you to see this for yourself i want you to look at this he's talking about jesus being the true light coming into the world enlightens every man he was in the world the world was made through him and the world didn't did not know him came to his own and those who were his own did not receive him but as many as received him he gave them to the right to become children of god even to those who believe in his name who were born not of blood nor of the will of flesh nor of the will of man but of god he talks about the word becoming flesh and on through here he's going where john the baptist is john the baptist is there the pharisees are going out to see john the baptist and he's like why are you baptizing they're saying why are you baptizing if you're not the christ nor elijah nor the prophet john said i baptize you with water but the one standing among you whom you do not know he who comes after me the thong of his sandals are not worthy to untie these things took place in bethany beyond the jordan where john was baptizing the next day jesus comes down i need you to get this in your heart and to and to see this for what it is i want you to see what john said because john said behold the lamb a lot of people when they come to christ they see the reality of jesus paying a price to forgive their sin but that's not what john said you guys with me to some this will sound like heresy until i read the bible and then you'll see it's not he didn't pay a price to just forgive your sin there's a difference between him forgiving you and him removing something he said behold the lamb of god who takes away the sin of the world the next day he saw jesus coming to him and john said behold the lamb of god who takes away there's a difference between forgiveness and taking it away gosh even though he forgives you there's a difference between forgiveness and retaining it or him forgiving because it's been removed gosh this is like the hardest thing for the body of christ to see because all of a sudden all kinds of scriptures flood you and you're like wait a minute are you saying i'm not a sinner i'm saying that god says that you got saved by faith through grace and you have peace with god god didn't just forgive your sin he removed your sin so that sin could no longer have dominion over you it's different oh gosh i was the chief of all sinful people and hurt and destroyed everyone that i came in contact with my life was built on a lie and i had to tell more lies to cover up more lies and it was continuous and it never ended when jesus came into my life it was at the end of a gun blast i got shot at i had incorporated jesus into my life didn't surrender which most christians incorporate there's a difference between jesus incorporated and your life surrendered i can't bring him in for what i can get from him i have to bring him in so that for what he can remove from me gosh okay gosh i'm going to try to teach this out but i'm going to lose some of you that's all right i'll only lose the ones that want to continue in sin won't lose any other i won't lose any other what good what does sin do for you anyway the wages of sin is still death people like no i'm saved i passed that he didn't do you know that if you continue sinning you continue dying okay galatians 5. 16 but i say walk by the spirit and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh for the flesh sets its desire against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh for these are in opposition to one another so that you may not do the things that you please but if you are led by the spirit you're not under the law now the deeds of the flesh are evident immorality impurity sensuality idolatry sorcery enmities strife jealousy outbursts of anger disputes dissensions factions envying drunkenness carousing and things like these of which i forewarn you just as i have forewarned you that those who practice such things will not enter the kingdom of god did you hear that when we come to christ if you don't hate sin that you once loved and desire god that you once despised something's wrong i must hate sin by being born again and having a brand new father i'm no longer an orphan i'm a son and he puts in me his divine nature through holy spirit spirit holy spirit isn't called the some kind of spirit he's called holy spirit for a reason he's holy righteousness bears its fruit unto holiness we have become trees of righteousness the planning of the lord god desires that we bear much fruit and that our fruit remains are you with me peace with god is only given to a believer when they're born again and they realize that they're no longer at war against god that scripture right there when you mix that scripture that says the spirit wars against the spirit wars against the flesh and the flesh wars against the spirit another scripture comes into play that we've been taught regardless of whether you want it to or not where jesus is in the garden of gethsemane and jesus is about to be taken away are you with me he's about to be taken away and the disciples he says watch and pray lest you fall in the temptation that's what he said so the disciples were over there watching and praying and sleeping right jesus comes back he's like guys come on wake up and jesus is over there like sweating drops of blood and vehemently crying like he's pouring out his guts like for real because he's about to be separated from god these disciples are already separated from god why because they're not saved he says the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak they didn't have the spirit think with me how could they have the spirit since they're not born again how can you be born again until christ is crucified so he tells disciples that aren't filled with god's spirit that don't have god's spirit but are hanging out with jesus who does uh this is like the hardest thing because people have used the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak they amplify the flesh weak not strength of spirit jesus had to do what he was going to do so that god could condemn sin in the flesh oh god this is really exciting do you know that when you get saved you leave sinner and enter into saint. [Music] god calls you a saint one that is set apart what means holy one set apart that's what saint means holy one set apart you were a sinner you got saved by grace through faith here's what happens we get saved jesus becomes my savior but he doesn't become my lord so i live a life with a carnal mind that keeps thinking about the stuff that it did when it was here and doesn't realize that it's been killed with this is really hard to connect with man are you with me the way that you know you got it is that you keep his commandments this is like heresy to most of the church so i'm hoping that at least our church doesn't think it's heresy that would be really bad if you had a heretic as a pastor does that mean we're never going to miss it absolutely not we will miss it sometimes we we we trip but we don't stay in the trip the last thing i want to do is steal the last thing i want to do is lie the last thing i want to do is have an idol the last thing i want to do is murder the last thing i want to do that's the last that's the last thing i don't wake up hoping that i don't sin i wake up with him i wake up in love with jesus i wake up in love with god i wake up in love with him i wake up being loved by him actively how not just because he sits there but because he came to live here i have now become a temple unto the holy spirit why would galatians why would galatians say because it's here's what people read it as the flesh that's his desire against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh and by the way i'm a bipolar christian i'm not kidding it's like i'm a flesh and spirit and i'm fighting each ot fighting myself like what do you know what helps your soul come in to surrender just try fasting you will afflict your soul like nothing else try fasting and going after god and eating his word instead of your food try that and see what happens i'm telling you the truth it's one of god's ways of keeping this thing in submission did jesus take on him flesh and blood yes or no if you say he didn't then you're not his some ask you again did jesus take on flesh and blood okay did he come in the flesh was his flesh evil yeah that's that's what i'm saying well yeah well all flesh is evil we've been training i'm telling you by the god of this world who wants your flesh to continue to be evil did you become flesh of his flesh and bone of his bones just want to know did you become one spirit with him yes is that not the whole man your soul your mind your will and emotions aren't for sale they've been purchased by blood we have taken romans 7 and we have amplified that above the truth and we've read it out of context i've talked about this before but i'm telling you right now that god wants us to be a people that are led by the spirit you know that you're children of god those that are led by the spirit of god are children of god god's kids all creation is groaning for the sons of god to be made manifest they're not groaning for you to manifest your flesh they're groaning for you to manifest god your mind being renewed completely changes the way that you think and when you change the way that you think not because you've got a good idea but because the truth of who god created you to be rests inside of your soul then your hand can no longer cause you to sin because your mind has to premeditate it god doesn't change you from the outside in and he didn't save you so that you could barely get along you're not going to make it into heaven on the skin of your teeth and pray that you don't have skin on your teeth righteousness is everything this whole bible hinges upon it when i got saved i left the kingdom of darkness and he translated me he translated me from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of the son of his love the old man and the one i was before we met that old man died and that old man has been crucified with christ and the life that i live i live by faith and the one that gave himself faith doesn't come by reading faith comes by hearing so when i read i'm responsible to hear but if i hear the stranger's voice i'll still think like a sinner instead of a son are you guys with me when i came to christ i was completely sin conscious but when the blood of jesus cleanses my conscience from dead works because of the blood of jesus the blood of jesus is the only [Music] substance that can cleanse me internally but he didn't just atone outside he cleansed me inside so that i can approach the throne of grace boldly without sin in the way oh my gosh this is so exciting and it's scripture so many people look at me like oh oh god why because your brain the old you that's supposed to be dead wants to have a say we want to validate why our flesh is weak do you know that when you're in the flesh you can't please god do you know that do you know that the only thing that pleases god is you surrender the bible doesn't say deny the devil pick up your cross and follow him it says deny your what if self is the issue selfishness dies and selflessness lives and you're not wandering around man jesus says come to me all of you all of you who are anxious and weary come and i will give you rest so that's salvation i come to him and salvation i see the cross oh my gosh i have sinned against god so god doesn't just forgive your sin he removes your sin so many times we won't read this gosh if i told you the statistics of people that actually don't read their bible in the church today it would make your head spin why because when i open this there is nothing about this that my flesh loves nothing it's absolutely impossible for your flesh to go oh my gosh i love this [Laughter] because it's not meant for the natural men the natural mind is that enmity is at war against god war war your mind is at war against god so when you get in this your mind goes [Applause] why because it wants to have its way so we come to jesus and he says i will give you rest now he says take my yoke upon you for my yoke is easy and my burden is light and you will and learn from me for a meek and lowly and gentle learn from me how do we learn from jesus jesus was the word made flesh that came and dwelt among us when i look into this very word i'm looking into jesus when i look into this it denies my flesh and allows my spirit to be dominant if you don't you will be conformed to this world there is no possible way for you to come out and be separate unless you get in this and you start to see who god has created you to be god wants to speak to you as a father he wants to open this alive sharp and active the word is alive it's living and powerful sharper than any two-edged sword able to divide and separate your soul from your spirit so he separates the way that seems right to a man because your soul is your mind your will and your emotions so god takes the word and he separates your spirit man from your the way that seems right to a man and all of a sudden righteousness starts to reveal itself to you and you realize wait a minute i got everything wrong and you long you no longer want to try to boast in your sin and your shortcomings you want to boast in his goodness and his faithfulness and all of a sudden you become so overwhelmed and so aware of god's ability to keep you that all of a sudden the devil's ability to deceive you gets less and less and less and less you become aware of his tactics and you realize that god is way smarter than the enemy you start to realize that you can hide in him he has come to live in you and he wants you completely he is a jealous god he doesn't settle for part of you he doesn't just want your heart people are like no i gave god my heart yeah but you held back your life what good would it be for you to just give him your heart he doesn't want your heart he wants the whole temple you are purchased with a price you don't belong to yourself all god's asking us to do is to give up we were never created to be in the first place he didn't create you for you he created you for him what if we finally opened this and saw who god said we were when you look in the mirror wait a minute that's not what i thought then all of a sudden you receive with meekness with humility the implanted word and god's word comes in it's the word of righteousness in brazil righteousness is translated as justice man that does not do well imagine coming to a judge and him saying that uh i'm gonna uh just release you that i'm not gonna accuse you that i'm gonna set you free and all of a sudden you walk away free if you did the crime and the judge set you free you're gonna actually do more crimes because maybe you can get away with it again think i was a criminal man so that's how i thought when the judge let me go i'm like yeah but i still thought scam i could do it again get away with it maybe i can go big next time so if it's just justice where you left the courtroom you never get to meet the judge and actually have a relationship with him oh god he says not guilty but then you actually get to meet the judge and stand before the judge every day of your life all day of your life and never walk away and you get to have relationship with that judge and he judges the thoughts and intents of your heart on a consistent basis and he never lets you think that you can get away with anything because he's come to live on the inside theater room of your soul and he's not mad at you he loves you he just wants you to know that you're loved by him instead of just saying god love me there's a difference between saying god loves you and you actively being loved by him his presence is everything but you can't continue in sin and think that his presence is yours his presence is his and you become flesh of his flesh and bone of his bone so that means that you are his you don't belong to you and as i open this up he starts to illuminate the truth of the word see sometimes most times the reason why people don't read is because they forget everything they read come on how many people have opened the bible read something be like i don't even get that and then you walk out of your prayer room or wherever you're at and you can't remember anything why because it wasn't meant for this and the more we keep trying to bang this to get in the more we're deceived no you throw it in listen the death of god reveals himself to the depth of me the spirit of god reveals the depth of god to the spirit of me the spirit of god that's in me so we're hooked together so he reveals to my spirit it doesn't reveal to my brain then all of a sudden my mind starts to get renewed to where i don't think the way that i used to think and you're like what happened man jesus uses parables it's like it's like the word it's like a man throwing seeds out his window and the next day he gets up and he's like how did all these get here and over time what happens is as you throw the seed in and you receive it with humility knowing that you can't get this thing with your brain it's not about your logic it's about his rhema it's not about the logos it's about the spirit of god breathing it's the rhema word of god the breathed word of god that transforms you and changes you and all of a sudden you start to live from right standing and when you live from right standing the last thing you want to do is do wrong things you live in love look i just want to read this because i just think it's fantastic you guys all right oh oh my gosh i wish i could read like three chapters four chapters to you but i'm not oh my gosh oh no okay there's a lot here romans five i'm just going to start in verse 12 there therefore as through one man's sin entered the world adam and death through sin and so death spread to all men because all sin for until the law sin was in the world but sin is not imputed where there's no law nevertheless death reigned from adam until moses even over those who had not sinned in the likeness of the offenses of in the events of adam who was the type of him who was to come but the free gift is not like the transgression for by the transgression of the one many died how much more did the grace of god and the gift by the grace of one man jesus christ abound to the many the gift is not like that which came through the one who sinned for on one hand the judgment arose from one transgression resulting in condemnation but in the other hand the free gift arose with many transgressions resulting in justification for if by the transgression of one death reign through the one man how much more those who receive the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the one christ jesus we were born in sin we inherited that through adam but when jesus did what jesus did he paid a price to take away your sin so when you come to him it's as if you never sin imagine imagine getting saved and your immediate revelation of righteousness was that you never sinned what would you do you would argue you would if you have a god what do you mean i never come on god i just just yesterday and god's like yeah but you don't understand i'm god but we don't think like that we think is a mere man when this hit me i was brand new a brand new christian just got saved so excited i went to teen challenge i'm in teen challenge teen challenge and i remember the word the first scripture that opened up to me it says if you lack wisdom ask god who gives to all without finding fault but when you ask you have to ask in faith and right there in that same chapter it talks about trials i hate trials i've been on so many trials man and i've been guilty at every one of them was never innocent always guilty it says counted joy when you face trials i hate trials why would i have joy with an orange jumpsuit and shackles on when that guy's about to put me in prison or about to find me big whatever i hated trials i remember arguing with the lord i hate trials i hate him i hate trials and and everybody talks about the day before a team challenging class so i'm like i opened up to that right away the next day when i got up an hour early to be with the lord and i'm like i have no idea why anybody could love trials i hate them he says that's because you're always guilty i said you're right always he said i say you're not guilty i argued well that's just that's my own brain it's stupid why my whole life was tragic i hurt everyone it's the first time that god told me i wasn't guilty and this feeling of it can't be that's too good to be true it's too good to be true it can't be that's too good to be true what do you mean i'm not guilty you're not guilty what that's too good to be true i it's for someone else note so i'm so good it is true the lord he is truth you're not guilty yeah but i don't deserve this that's right it's called grace i have to do something to prove myself lord it's futile it's a futile thought it's your mind trying to say what could i do to make up for all that i've done you know what jesus said when they said what must we do what must we do he's about to talk about his bread being his flesh manna his blood drink right before that manna manna man what could we do to work the works of god jesus said believe it's the hardest thing for christians to do to believe to believe means absolutely convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt if i don't believe that god actually set me free and not just forgave my sin but remove my sin i'll keep revisiting my sin which will make me continue in sin the wages of sin is death so when i sin guilt shame and condemnation hinge on that and it's it doesn't stop unless you sear your conscience and bring fake grace in and you have a devil empowering to you to think that you can continue sinning and get away with it and stand before him and still be holy are you with me so many people man teach their people god's here to meet all your needs he's here to give you a better day god's not here to meet all your needs and he's not here to give you a better day he's here to change your life to make his life become yours jesus who knew no sin became sin so that i might become the righteousness of god that's in christ jesus if i don't see what i've become i'll always keep striving to be and i will continue in sin and that's not supposed to be the christian life listen to this i'm supposed to reign in this life through the free gift of righteousness and the abundance of grace and so many people don't unwrap the gift they just let it sit there well i'm not worthy wrong this is why i talk about the value of somebody we've been taught that we're worms and we're worthless if you were worthless why did god pay such a high price to get you why did heaven have to become bankrupt to redeem you why did god so loved the world that he gave his one and only son so that whoever believeth in him what does that word mean that means be fully convinced in him would not perish it's not just talking about go to hell one day he's talking about live like hell today too christ is in me he's the hope of glory but continuing in sin is hopeless okay i'm going to stay free listen to this romans 6 oh my what a glorious chapter like yeah but romans 7 is on the other side oh listen to the verbiage in here what shall we say then are we to continue in sin so that grace may increase may it never be how shall we who died how shall we who died to sin live in it any longer or do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into jesus christ have been baptized into his death therefore we have been buried with him through baptism into death so that as christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the father so we too might walk in newness of life for if we become united with him in the likeness of his death sir certainly we shall also be in the likeness of his resurrection knowing this that our old man our old man was crucified with him in order that the body of sin might be done away with so that we no longer be slaves to sin because he who has died is freed from sin that's not made up that's the word of god people like yeah but john says that if you say you have no sin you make god a liar no he's saying that if you have no need for the blood come on we take scriptures out of context read the context that it's in if you say that you have no sin in other words if you say that you have no need for the blood of jesus you may god a liar you ain't making it in oh god why would john continue in in 1st john 3 and say he who sins is of the devil he would we should read that that's fun oh my gosh this is a lot longer of a subject but we can just we can just hit it a little now if we dive with christ we believe that we shall also live with him knowing that christ having been raised from the dead is never to die again death no longer is master over him for the death that he died he died to sin once for all for the life that he lives he lives to god even so consider yourself to be dead to sin but alive in christ jesus that's way more than given him your heart gosh god wants our minds renewed so that the temptations and those things that so easily ensnare us could be cut off you know what the number one temptation some guy in the gym i i probably told you but i was in the gym talking about being free from pornography being free from fantasy and fantasizing and all that stuff i lived with my whole life i catered to it it ruled me it governed me i guys were were raised that way yeah but i grew up in a church i don't care you're still still there still there you be totally freaked out by the amount of pastors that that actually admit to having problems with porn how can i lead a flock if i have a porn addiction gosh i will i will suffer much stricter judgment when i stand before the lord i better preach the unadulterated word and bring the truth and freedom that's in the cross if you go somewhere and they don't talk about the blood of jesus run away do not stay there and listen for a moment if you don't hear jesus the blood of jesus the holy spirit the reality of being free from sin if you don't hear that stuff be very careful very careful the whole bible talks about it righteousness is everything everything i can't afford to live less than who he says i am if he says i've become the righteousness of god and i'm supposed to bear fruit unto righteousness i better understand what that means sin used to be fun i didn't know any better because i was blind but now that i can see what i thought was fun was really death it's no longer fun it's horrible and i hate it and i hate it when it manipulates and dominates people i feel like i'm on rooftops right now shouting you don't have to live that way you can be free whom the sun sets free is free indeed whom the sun sets free who jesus sets free he didn't set you a little free he sets you completely free but if you never dare to learn from him the freedom that you've become you can't afford to hook up to a pastor and just let him bring you into freedom that's not what god paid a price to no the fivefold gift is to equip the saints not the sinners the saints for the works of ministry till we all grow up into him who is the head you and i are to be living stones building up a spiritual house we are temples for the holy ghost like i said a couple of weeks ago jesus just doesn't come into the temple and be like everything's cool i like your money changing tables i like your animals i like the idolatry that you have here it's fit no jesus comes in and flips over the tables he doesn't just hang out he doesn't just come in and put up wallpaper no he wants to knock out the walls man he wants to knock out the walls and he wants to take everything that separates you from being loved by god and loving god with everything that you are out and away from you he wants to remove every stumbling block he wants to remove every stone that stands in the way make a straight path for the lord to travel [Applause] god ain't playing but neither is the devil he's not he's deceiving christians every day man where someone will hear what i'm preaching right now be like he's preaching heresy why because they don't read their bible they won't read their but it's right in there i didn't read you from what i thought i read you from what he said romans 7 talks about it look gosh sorry i have to finish this oh my gosh oh i love this so much oh he starts romans 7 out i'm going to read from the passion because this is like one of the clearest descriptions that i've seen you can read i usually read my my go to my go-to translation is the new american standard bible i read the king james the new king james new american standard new living translation i read the message bible sometimes if i want to hear dude but the passion translation is just the love it is so sincerely loving but i make sure that i read i'll read the numerator i'll let that be my balance and i do word studies so i can understand the greek and the hebrew i want to make sure that i know and i don't want to take something out of context but i'm going to tell you that these start out the same in romans 7 he says i write to you dear brothers and sisters who are familiar with the law he says i'm writing to you guys because you know the law so he's not writing [Music] look he's just starting out and he's saying look i know you're familiar with the law i'm writing these things to you that understand the law who understood the law the jews so he's like i write to you guys because you know the law and he says who are familiar with the law who don't you know that when a person dies it ends his obligation to the law for example and he uses covenant because god has made covenant with us but he uses covenant in the context of somebody being married to the law are you with me for example a married couple is bound by the law to remain together until separated by death but when one spouse dies the other is released from the law of marriage so then the wife then if a wife is joined to another man while she's still married she commits adultery but if the husband dies she is obviously free from the marriage contract and may marry another man without being charged with adultery so my dear brothers and sisters the same principle applies to your relationship with god god for you died to your first husband the law being co-crucified with the body of jesus christ the messiah so you are now free to marry another the one who was raised from the dead so that you may now bear spirit bear spiritual fruit unto god paul says in second corinthians 11 he said i have betrothed you to one husband second corinthians 11 3 that i may present you as a chaste virgin to christ then he says but i fear lest as satan deceived eve so your minds might be corrupted and taken away from the simplicity that's in the christ so he's saying i've set you up for marriage as a chaste virgin why because when you die you become completely virgin as if you've never slept with the world before oh god that's so good oh my gosh i love this and you're you're betrothed to be married from the one that was raised from the dead jesus christ so that you can bear spiritual fruit unto god pregnant when we were merely living our natural lives the law through defining sin actually weaken sinful desires within us which are awake i'm sorry awakened sinful desires within us which resulted in bearing fruit unto death but now that we have been fully released from the power of the law we're dead to what once controlled us and our lives are no longer motivated by the obsolete way obsolete way of following a written code or the letter so that we may serve god by the lip by living in the freshness of a new life and the power of god's holy spirit so what shall we say then am i suggesting the law is sinful of course not in fact it was the law that gave us the clear definition of sin for example when the law said don't covet it became a catalyst to see how wrong it was for me to crave what things belong to someone else it was through god's commandment that sin awakened in me and built its base of operation within me to stir up every kind of wrong desire from the absence of the law sin hides dormant i once lived with a clear without a clear understanding of the law but when i heard god's commandment sin sprang to life and brought with it a death sentence the commandment that was intended to bring life brought me death instead sin by means of commandment built a base of operation within me to overpower me and to put me to death so then we have to conclude that the problem is not with the law itself for the law is holy and its commandments are correct and for our good so did something meant to be good become death to me certainly not it was not the law but sin unmasked that produced my spiritual death the sacred commandment merely uncovered the evil of sin so that it could be seen for what it was for we know that the law is divinely inspired and comes from the spiritual realm but i am a human being made of flesh and was trafficked as a slave under sin's authority i'm a mystery to myself he's talking to people that know the law to jews that know that they can't walk out the law but they tend to keep it but they can't they were phylacteries they did whatever they dressed up on the outside but inside jesus said you guys are whitewashed tubes he said i'm a mystery to myself for i want to do what's right but end up doing what more what my moral instincts condemn and if my behavior is not in line with my desire my conscience still affirms the excellence of the law now i realize that it's no longer my true self-doing about the unwelcome intruder of sin and my humanity for i know that nothing good lives within the flesh of fallen humanity the longing to do what is right is in me but the willpower is not enough to accomplish it he's saying you cannot walk this thing out in your own strength it's impossible oh i love it my lofty desires to do what is good are dashed when i do the things i want to avoid so if my behavior contradicts my desires to do good i must conclude that it's not my true identity doing it but the unwelcome intruder of sin hindering me from being who i really am through my experience with this principle i discover that even when i want to do good evil is ready to sabotage me truly deep within my true identity i love to do what pleases god but i discern another power operating in my humanity waging a war against the moral principles of my conscience and bringing me into captivity to be a prisoner of the law of sin this unwelcome intruder in my humanity what an agonizing situation i'm in this is under the law it's not possible so who has the power to rescue this miserable man from the unwelcome and trudeau of sin and death i give all thanks to god he is saying this that under the law there's no hope there's no way to do it you wages of sin is death there is the certain there is certain death for sin and there's no way to fix this thing and then he says what is the answer who's gonna save me from this wretch what am i gonna do he's trying to tell the jews you have no hope in the law there's no hope in doing what you do that's why we must die i give all thanks to god for his mighty power has finally provided a way out through our lord jesus the anointed one so if left to myself the flesh is aligned with the law of sin but now my renewed mind is fixed on and submitted to god's righteous principles so he's saying that under the law and we were born we were born and sin had a base camp inside of us some of us sinned like with higher intensities than other but all have sinned and all have fallen short of the glory of god jesus said unless your righteousness exceeds that of the pharisees you will never see the kingdom of god that's what he said oh god the bible is not soft on sin the bible is completely against sin the new creation reality god gives you a brand new heart and if i don't spend time in the renewal of my mind i will think the same way that i did before i got saved and god forbid i go to church and never open my bible desiring the pure milk of the word is how we grow but as we desire that milk of the word we grow from infancy into children babies to children and a large majority of the body of christ doesn't even drink a bottle they suck on a pacifier and we can't afford to be thumb-sucking christians any longer man you are required to know the will of the lord [Music] you are not to be unwise but you are to know the will of god the will of god is only known when you find out what god says this wasn't meant to be a harsh message it says let sin no longer have dominion over you reckon yourself dead to sin and alive unto righteousness we having died to sin live our lives unto righteousness religion religion says you're a sinner after you've been saved religion says you'll always remain a sinner when you look at the epistles and start reading what paul wrote he says to the saints who are in ephesus to the saints who are in corinth to the saints who are in colossal he talks about the saints the saints the saints why because your identity changes when you get saved but if you don't start finding out what god says about your identity and it has to be found in the truth in righteousness so that you can finally live the lifestyle the very fact that when you come to god he doesn't remember your sin your sins and your lawless deeds he will remember no more this is the covenant that i will make with them in that day their sins and their lawless deeds i god the father the father who says the wages of sin is death i the father this is the covenant i will make with them their sins and their lawless deeds i will remember no more why does he not remember them because he didn't just forgive you he removed them and as i go about my christian life when i wake up with him and i become renewed in the spirit of my mind and i become transformed by the renewing of my mind i will actually be able to prove god's will i will not remain somebody that is captive to sin i will hold sin captive you are more than a conqueror the bible doesn't say to he who over to he who is overcome the bible says to he who over comes you are created by god in your new creation destiny in your new creation identity to overcome sin and not let it overcome you you are created to be a master over what used to master you you are created to actually be the devil's slave master he's not supposed to rule you he's not even supposed to speak to you without it being exposed by truth that sets you free you are supposed to know your father's voice of the stranger's voice is exposed we need to grow up into him and we need to eat strong meat who is for the mature who have their senses trained to discern between both good and evil because their souls have been trained in righteousness that's not saying i'm above anything that's saying that i have the good privilege to eat living bread fresh bread every day because i can't live on yesterday's manna i am created to drink living water to eat living bread i am created and can only be sustained by eating his flesh and drinking his blood which means that everything in my life hinges and is sustained on me feeding on jesus christ and him crucified and resurrected every day of my life because that's the only thing that is going to sustain me life will keep coming look times aren't getting better they're getting worse darkness in deep darkness will cover the earth but not so with you arise and shine it does not say arise and reflect arise and shine why because christ has come to make his home inside of you and your lamp your body the eye is the lamp of the body and if your eye is single why one focus jesus christ him crucified him resurrected he paid a price to holy spirit to come and live in you your mind gets renewed you start to think with the very mind that he gave you because he's given you the mind of christ and when you have the mind of christ you'll never try to sin and get away with it the very thing you'll do is you'll get away from sin jesus is king he won't settle for part of you he wants all or none this isn't just a little bit i can't just get my feet wet i need to jump in man i need to fully surrender go after him and give him my everything i can't afford to hold anything back anything gosh i've went a long time i apologize look if you're here and you don't know him this way and you want to please come up here if you don't know him this way and you want to please come up here [Music] i will tell you right now not to let religion hold you in your seat if you know that that thing has been what you've grown up with and you want to be free from that i'm asking you to come up here you don't need to live like that anymore the last thing i said i didn't say anything about you getting away with sin i'm telling you that you can be free from living that way god didn't pay a price for you to just barely get along paid a price for you to be an overcomer paid a price for you to be more than a conqueror paid a price for us to be lighthouses don't let sin control you anymore let's put an end to it [Music] for some reason people think that they come up front and they give their life to god that the devil gives up he doesn't give up god wants you to be trained in righteousness so you could step on his neck the very thing that you've been dominated by he wants to train you up and raise you up so you can crush that thing anybody else i would like to tell you that the buck stops here at the cross he's a good dad i just heard this in my heart well he's a good dad and he wants to make you just like him [Music] there are fathers here they don't know god as a father they just know him as god and you've said i wish i could be like out i wish i could walk that way i wish i could but you can god wants you to be just like him a good father i'm actually you know what where's hershey at come up here you're a good father come up here and talk to him he really is yeah let me do that hershey just as soon as a mic works we'll talk to you he is a good father amen and so the great thing about it is he doesn't rely on your earthly father to set the example so my dad died when i was six never had anybody there and then about 18 years old i had this revelation i'd been saved for a few years and i had this revelation that i still had this emptiness inside this brokenness it's just because he doesn't want you to live like okay it's like i don't want i got four kids i want them all to excel and go beyond that's what he wants for you today and it's simply a an opportunity for you to surrender yeah so if our altar team would come just behind these guys if you just hold your hands out this morning there's no like special prayer but it's got to come from your heart that's all it is just close your eyes just all around the room those are you in here too i just like todd was sharon i know there's some of you sitting out there today and and you just need to know that love of the father in a greater way it's okay he's faithful he just wants to take the burden and just consume you and just like he was sharing at the beginning he wants you to leave a legacy thank you holy spirit just tell them this today say father come on church father show me who you are reveal your love as a god who desires to bless a god who would send his only son for me a god and a father who loves me despite me despite my failures my faults and all my success you love me perfectly jesus be lord of my life jesus take full control come on i surrender i give it to you i can't do it but you can so today consume my heart change my life fill me holy spirit lord we just thank you for your presence coming for the power of the holy spirit it's your work lord that sweeps through it's not words it's not anything we can do but it's your presence so come and flood your children right now and just pour out your spirit of honor right now jesus jesus name jesus name we love you lord
Channel: Todd White
Views: 30,929
Rating: 4.8977075 out of 5
Id: EW8HU_rPAmk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 49sec (4729 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 20 2021
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