Todd White - Know Who You Are In Christ

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Lord, anything and everything that's not of you, we give you permission to cut it out Amen Father I ask you in the name of Jesus, God, for grace Real grace God Real grace that empowers real truth Father, I am so thankful that I get to share my heart, no matter where I go This is a special place to me because I laid on that floor for a year and a half This is my church I honour the pastor, I honour his wife, I honour John, I honour staff here Thank you God for what they are doing God, let there be a word coming out of me that's going to help to empower this move of God that will never end Father, I thank you for the purity, for the uncompromising word, the reality of the truth that's in this book I just love you Jesus, with all my heart Thanks for saving me Thank you for setting me free, from me Jesus, I'm asking you to help people be free from themselves God I ask you to help people be free from selfish desire God I ask you to shut up peoples itching ears God, that want to hear everything and anything they can I ask you to hone in the believers belief system to normal Father, I ask you to amplify your Son Let the blood of Jesus purge us, cleanse us, set us free God God I ask you for the fear of the Lord I have asked you since the beginning of my life for the fear of the Lord God to be upon my life, to tremble me and shake me if something is not right I'm asking you to impart that to people tonight God, that they wouldn't be afraid like everybody was with Moses God, I'm asking you for Christ in us the hope of glory, to shake us so that our senses can be trained God, to discern between both good and evil God I thank you for righteousness and for training in righteousness God So the man of God, women of God can be approved That we would study the word We would rightly divide it so we never have to be ashamed, ever We would never walk in fear God I thank you for your love that is so profuse, so simple God We have complicated it We have made it about trying to get to you, when you paid such a price to get to us God I'm asking you to make it simple again Father, let us return to this simplicity of the gospel that is in Christ God I thank you Father that we would walk as examples in the midst of a perverse and corrupt generation God That we would shine as lights God As lights That the darker it is, the brighter we shine and we would never fear darkness God We would never even sense darkness Who cares about feeling darkness? For children of light, not darkness We were dark, now we are light It is different Father, thank you for grace in Jesus name Amen If that was just for me, that's OK My heart trembles when I get a microphone It is so crazy I'm like, 'I can't wait to come up', and I come up and I'm like 'oh my goodness' Because I'm responsible for all your ears I'm responsible, man When I have a microphone, I am responsible for everyone that hears me I'll answer before God Because of everyone that hears me That is a big deal I don’t count the blood of Jesus as just some 'whatever thing' It's the blood of the King We weren't redeemed with silver or gold We were redeemed with the precious blood of Jesus We can't count it some worthless thing Listen man, we are in a day and an age where the blood of Jesus isn't as strong as it is As you think it is When you travel the world It is still as strong but the preaching on it isn't I'm not pointing the finger at anybody I just don’t have anything else to talk about Nothing, nothing Because if the miraculous doesn't come out of what Jesus did The disciples did miracles and weren't even saved And they wanted to blow up cities They did, they walked in the miraculous They were like 'Who is the best?' And Jesus was like 'if you want to be great, you have to be the least' I mean, they are walking with the King of Kings Jesus was really gracious with them He knew that they were orphans and they weren't going to be anything but an orphan until he went to do what he did And you cant afford to think as an orphan All creation, all creation is groaning for you to manifest your Father All creation is groaning, they are crying out for you to manifest your Dad It doesn't sound like you think it sounds I'm in malls and everywhere I am always talking about Jesus Some people freak out, cuss me out They are just groaning See, we don’t think that way We are afraid that we might offend someone I hate to have to worry about offending someone here I'm more conscious of someone going to hell, I can't live with that in my life God set us free He set us free Whom the son sets free is free We are not supposed to press towards freedom We are supposed to live from freedom Jesus is freedom You know, heavens answer is Jesus There will never be another one Heavens answer is Jesus I was just reading a lot today One of the places I was reading was Hebrews Hebrews 3, verse 7 and 8 I read in there, it says 'today, if you would hear his voice, don't harden your heart as in the day of rebellion' We are like 'Yeah, but he was talking about them, not us' No, he is talking about us There is an absence of rest in the body of Christ because we don't understand the cross, the finished work of Jesus And there is a place that I have had the pleasure of living in for ten years, almost eleven We are going on eleven right now People told me in the beginning 'You better chill out, you better slow down You better listen It is a marathon, not a sprint' And I'm like 'that's not in my bible' Really, it's not There is no marathon, no sprint about it It's run But it's run with grace The grace of God is the most beautiful thing Grace empowers us to walk out what truth calls us to But if you always go to a conference to find truth you will be deceived Because Jesus paid a price for you to receive grace and truth Grace and truth came through Jesus He paid a price for me to have a relationship with my Father, not as a orphan but as a son And I have known I have been a son for ten years I got born again and have a brand new Dad Even though my natural Dad is amazing My brand new Dad is more than amazing When I got saved it was like night and day people told me 'Todd, not everybody gets it like that' What are we doing? It's the gospel It's the simple gospel I couldn't read, I never read a book 34 years, I never read anything I couldn't finish a book because I couldn't understand what I was reading And then I got saved, and the bible's the first book I can understand And people are like, 'everybody is not that way' No, no, no, if you find out who God says you are, you are that way Sometimes we look in that thing, and we are not getting it And we are wanting someone else to help us So we read a bunch of books about the book But never establish relationship, and we go after this and this and this We have all these different things that could be God But Jesus paid a price for us to not say 'who do men say that I am?' He paid a price for us to know 'who do you say I am?' You are the Christ, blessed are you He paid a price for us to all know that God is our Father For us to all know that we are sons and daughters And sometimes we are pursuing after a bunch of different stuff Listen I'm not against the spiritual gifts I walk in them all They are mine, because they are His And he says He is mine So I don't preach against Him But if your pursuit is just earnestly desiring the spiritual gifts at the cost of pursuing what it means to be a son You will be deceived You will walk in gifting and think that your last miracle validates who you are in God and that's not true That's not true at all I live in the miraculous everyday He lives in me He wants out My greatest joy, I love doing conferences, I love preaching with Reinhard I love going to Africa and speaking to 700,000, to 800,000 people Million people That's amazing I love speaking here, I love speaking everywhere but I love my one on one time with my Father More than anything is that time right there, just me and Him Him and me And I love that with all my heart That's my greatest love I read the hard pages I do, I've been camping out in Timothy It is the most amazing book ever So good, it's telling me to be strong in the grace It says no one engaged in warfare engages himself, no way or tangles himself, and snares himself with the affairs of this world because he is enlisted There is no please the one, I'm already pleasing to Him He loves me He is pleased with me because I believe the simplicity of the gospel I believe that Jesus' enough is enough I believe that Jesus satisfied and actually paid the price for the wrath of God He drank a cup that I can enter in to a place by grace as a son not an orphan As a son, knowing who I am in Christ and the bible reveals that to us In 1 Corinthians 2 it is talking about the wisdom of man, trying to get there and trying to get out and it shifts over to being spiritually minded The things of God are not understandable to carnal man There is no understanding at all Your carnal mind isn’t build to So you have to die to live It's not, you must decrease so he must increase It's not how it goes This isn’t John the baptist saying 'I must decrease and he must increase' It is John the baptist and the law must decrease whilst Jesus and righteousness and truth increase If you say I must decrease and he must increase you will always be worried about trying to get yourself out of the way You can't It's him who seeks to save his life will lose it but he who looses his life for my sake will find it It doesn’t say deny the devil, pick up your cross and follow Him The devils not your problem, you are It says deny yourself, what self has to do with your thinking, with the way that you think There is a way that seems right to a man, and it's killing us And you can't afford to incorporate the way that seems right to a man in to the way that is right and that is righteousness The carnal mind is at war against God It's an emnity against God I can't afford to read that bible with my carnal mind and think that I know it because I can quote it The only scripture that we really know is the one that we can walk out God doesn’t want us to just be quoter’s He didn’t say be professional quoter’s He said be in relationship with me My word is the light that is sharp and active, it is sharper than any two edged sword It is able to divide and separate the soul from the spirit So the first thing the word does It comes and it cuts this thing It separates the way that seems right to a man I can't afford to read the word and memorise it and think that I got it That’s not it It's called this, this is the best thing you can ever do, right here Right here It's the best thing ever This is where everything is See sometimes we think that if we don’t pursue the gifts, if we don't pursue this or that, then it will never happen You’re deceived That’s not true If you get Him, it's everything When you have him you have everything If I don’t do this, and I don’t meditate and I don’t get in the Word and ask God to reveal himself to me You read that stuff and say 'God, my life isn’t what this says and I need it to be' Help me Father, this is who you say I am God, make me become this Word Don't you dare reach your bible to teach someone You get in there, you open it and you say 'God this is like looking in the mirror' This is who you say I am Here I am God Your son, show me what it means to be a son Go after that with everything you are I have lived ten years with no condemnation No guilt, no shame Not one day ever It is not mine When I talk to the body of Christ, it is not common It is a shame Because we are listening to the devil, we are being manipulated by the liar And God forbid you learn how to heal the sick and then heal them and think that is OK, and then sleep with your girlfriend That's not OK Some of you don't want to hear this, get over you Oh man, no way dude God doesn't ever give me a pulpit and then expect me to compromise who He is I will never compromise anything to get a pulpit ever I love you way too much for that I will speak the truth in love I'm not mad at you I love you but I can't stand what the devil is doing He is a manipulator, he is a liar He is finished, he is cut off and he is trying to recreate himself in your soul See, the devil tried to dethrone God, he tried to rise himself above God Do you understand that? He got kicked out of heaven and God put him here But do you know what? The devil is trying to reproduce himself in the soul of man and in the mind, will and emotions of man So what he wants you to do is to have a great confession but he never wants Christ to be throned in your soul So he is trying to kick Christ off the soul of man He is trying to dethrone Jesus from the soul of man so that you have a confession but your heart is far from Him He wants you to incorporate Jesus in to your lives so that you can have a better day He wants you to come to Jesus, give me a better day He wants you to be pursuing a better day instead of a brand new life He wants you to pray to God and God not answer your prayers and then you get mad at God Come on man, the bible says that we are supposed to be like Jesus Do you know what? Sometimes we have taught people that there are such mark missers That they are such terrible sinners, and sin was an issue but when I got saved Jesus removed it Listen, he didn’t just forgive it, he removed it Then he gave me a brand new heart at the same time And then he told me to diligently seek Him and He said if I do, I will find him He said 'if you search me with all your heart, you will find me' It says that it is his good pleasure, don’t fear little flock It is his good pleasure to give me the Kingdom He wants to give me everything and it's all about him being my Father and me being a son And everything comes through Jesus If you wake up a mark misser and that’s your conscience, your conscience is mark missing then you will miss the mark But if you wake up a son See there is a difference between waking up sin conscious and son conscious When I got saved, I immediately woke up son conscious and I filled my heart with truth And I'm possessed by what my Father thinks about me He has more thoughts for me than out number every grain of sand on the earth and every thought is for my welfare Man, if you knew five of those thoughts it would rock your world forever And I'm not just talking about quoting those thoughts, I talking about knowing those thoughts Knowing them, experiencing them Fire storm I feel like a fire hydrant, because I have so much in me You have no idea, I am just like 'I'm just getting started' I love you with all my heart but I want you to finish well We need to have our conscience cleansed We need to have the reality of the blood of Jesus clean our conscience The blood of Jesus cleanses our conscience from dead works so I can serve God But if I don’t have a clean conscience I will do things for God, or do things to get to God Or I will think that 'this is OK? am I pleasing to you now God? and how about now? how about now?' It's not OK for you to think, 'how about now?' It's not We need to have relationship with the Lord We need to have our intimacy restored I remember this, I remember going to hospital first time this happened in me I'm like 6 months in to my life with Jesus And I went to the hospital to pray for someone and this is at the time when I was five and half months in to heavy persecution from my wife She couldn’t even stand that I prayed for people She couldn’t stand it She is amazing She couldn’t stand it, she told me I will never go in public with you ever For eight and a half months Now this is after 22 years of addiction, nine years with her, threatening to kill her for nine years This is after all that Then we get married, because everything changes I went away to team challenge in Hereford here I come home ten months early Completely, so radically completely free Like crazy And she had given her life to Jesus and we get married four days later Like, it was the craziest time ever And now two weeks in to this thing, I find out that Jesus wants to touch people So I am praying for everybody And she will not even go in public with me 'I will never go in public with you again' And that happened for eight and half months straight So I'm right in the midst of that Not just that, her Mum, her brothers, my whole family I'm a lunatic I am Except I'm not out of my mind, I'm out of theirs But I am free, dude, I am so excited and so free that I never ever, never ever told my wife that she was wrong I never did I never said 'you are wrong, you need to listen to me, you need to submit' What kind of trash is that? People use that stuff 'you need to submit to me I'm your husband' What is that? It's demonic is what it is Why would your wife not submit to someone that doesn't love her like Christ loved the church? What were we thinking? That's just twisted It’s easy for a woman to submit to Christ It's a really good word when you hear women yelling 'yeah!' Man, there are some men that went like this when I said submit Then the women are like 'ah' But I'm in the hospital and I'm praying for someone I never taught her she was wrong, I would always go to my bedroom and thank God for the woman he gave me It's just as brand new today because people aren't your problem, you are It's not them, it's you What do you mean? You are right You should pray for people, she is wrong, she shouldn’t say anything You need to be very wrong about being right That's not a good thing Instead of trying to sell my wife my fruit Why wouldn't I just let her pick it? Instead of trying to sell my family my fruit, why don't I just let them pick it? Jesus was like a lamb led to the slaughter room He was silent, and my bible says that we are supposed to be imitators of Christ Be imitators of Him Not to pop off and tell everyone they are wrong You can walk out righteousness and your tree will grow The fruit on it will bear witness to what kind of tree you are If your branch, and roots go down in to the right stuff, in to the love of God and your roots draw nutrients, then your tree is going to bear some kind of fruit In Romans 6 says that righteousness bears its fruit unto holiness If you bear holy fruit there is seed in that and that seed will drop around your family and they will get rocked So I am in the hospital and I am praying for this lady and I remembered that there is a nurse there Someone said there was someone sick so I was like, I’m going They are really sick, I’m praying Father I thank you, I'm praying all that I know how, I'm only a couple of months old I come out and the nurse looks at me and she says 'oh, that was beautiful' And I said 'ah OK thank you, are you a Christian?' 'Absolutely, I’ve been one for 30 years' I said 'that’s awesome' I was so excited I don’t know how it is going to be 20 more years from now I’m growing everyday No one can stop me, the devil can't He can't stop me He should of killed me when he had the chance You don’t understand He can't stop me ever Nobody can stop me from pursuing my Father Nobody can The word tells me who I am How can somebody tell me not? Do you know my Father has accepted me in the beloved? How can you reject me? How can you take away what you never gave me? It ain’t going to happen I am so in love with God that you can hate me and I will still love you People are like 'you don’t know my family' No, you don’t understand Your family isn’t your problem, you are People don’t even like that 'You don’t know what I've been through' Stop coming up with all these excuses It's called surrender See, the problem with this thing is a lack of submission All you have to do is push your chips to the centre of the table and say 'I’m in, that’s it' Period, that’s it It's about being all in There is no compromise in this thing It's not 90 in and 10 out 80 in and 20 out You are either all or not Can you imagine buying water that says 99% pure, would you buy it? 99.5, 99.9% pure water, you would be like 'I'm going Fiji' For real My hardest comment is, the hardest one for me is people come up to me and say 'Todd, you are the real deal' I sit there and I go 'man, it breaks my heart, because we are all supposed to be the real deal' If you are not the real deal then you are the fake deal I know what they are saying, but it's not supposed to be that way We are supposed to be the light of the world We are supposed to be a city on a hill We are supposed to be a light that lights up our own house That no matter how dark your house is, when you are there it's not Unless you are afraid and if you are afraid it's because you don't know him Listen, there's nothing else that can make you afraid If you know him, you will never be afraid Cause when you know him, you completely have given up There is no way for you to know him until you do You can know about Him There is so many places in the bible that validates everything I am talking about When this thing opens up to you, you will be like 'Ah!' it will be the same thing Cause that's what happened to me You know when I came in to this thing I said righteousness I have been going after that, I have pursued it I pursue it I still do I can't get enough of it The whole bible is training in righteousness It's training Every day it is training in righteousness I read the bible and I see my right standing This is amazing People are like 'How are you growing so quick?' I'm like 'I just read' I devour it I listen to it I watch it Constant It's just constant If I'm working at the gym, I have my ipod on, I got the word going in my ears Working out, people think I'm jamming I’m listening to the word dude I’m working out today It's Him It's full body work out God of peace wants to sanctify us completely Spirit, soul and body It says that bodily exercise it profits little But godliness, godliness, that's where it's at Godliness The bible tells us to walk godly What does godly mean? I hear people quote 2 Timothy 3 and about the last days It says people will be lovers of themselves and not lovers of God Lovers of pleasure, this that and the other thing Disobedient to parents and all that, and it says 'and having a form of godliness they deny the power thereof' Do you think he's just talking about the miraculous there? Having a form of godliness is being able to know what Gods word says, but never having it practically applied to your life because of Holy Spirit relationship Do you know that we're in such a place in the body of Christ right now that people are calling good evil and evil good? Do you know that there’s demonic doctrine out there called grace and it's perverting the very truth of what godliness means? Listen, you know why I like talking about this? I do Cause I'd rather tell you now than you go to hell for believing it later That's not legalism, that's love I have a love relationship with my King Why would I take Jesus face and wipe it in the mud and say there’s my king What are we thinking? Come on, do you know why people don’t like the beatitudes? Cause its impossible for you to talk them out in your flesh that's why Do you know there is no condemnation for those that are in Christ Jesus? Watch this, there is more Who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the spirit Could it be possible to live according to the spirit? Would it be possible that to be led by the Spirit is to be His son? Could it be possible to live by the Spirit? The bible says to cut off your hand if it causes you to sin Here’s my question Could your hand cause you to sin if your mind didn’t tell it to? Listen very carefully here guys Could my hand make me sin without my mind thinking of thoughts to have it do it? Could the disconnect be here, and not here? The bible says to be renewed in the spirit of my mind The bible says 'don't be conformed to the world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind' The bible says that who can know the thoughts of the Lord, his ways are higher than my ways, his thoughts are higher than my thoughts The new testament in Corinthians says but we have the mind of Christ Could it be a lack of an understand on what we really have? See, false grace slips in because there is no relationship there But the miraculous is prevalent So I can still heal the sick and live in condemnation and live in twistedness and have a whole bunch of junk in my closet But if righteousness is pursued you can't even live with yourself living in that place, and it's a violation to love And the love of God, the perfect love of God casts out all fear Here's where the fear is in that place The perfect love of God casts out all fear It says 'having boldness to approach the throne of grace in time of need' I have boldness and confidence to approach the throne of grace right here I have boldness to approach the throne of grace in time of need And when was the last time you didn’t need Jesus? Is it possible that there is a lack of a position in the body of Christ for this place? And there's a huge place in the body of Christ for this place Sometimes in life we are not noticed, and we need to be noticed so then we find out a gift is available We start to walk in it and we think that’s our identity, so we start to be known by our gifts because your gift will make room for you But the gifts and callings of God are without repentance There’s a place in the love of God to live in the constant place of repentance everyday where my conscience remains soft, pure, clean and holy I cannot be outside of that where its outside of relationship So when my life has been established in relationship, in the secret place When I came out of team challenge I had Dan Mohler as the guy who you would call your spiritual Dad But here is what happened He was the guy that said 'I saw Jesus' I was like 'Man, Dude!' I came out of team challenge, I was so excited, I'm like 'Wooh! God wants to heal people, oh my gosh, ill pray for everybody!' So I went outside of the church and prayed for all, a lot And two weeks, she’s like I'm out In other words, she wasn’t going out of the house And she didn’t pray for eight and a half months she made me do all the shopping and everything She said 'you are an embarrassment' But I said to Dan 'she wont even go shopping with me, she doesn't understand it, but she will' 'It's OK' He prayed for me I said 'man you are my spiritual father, I will listen to anything you say' He said 'Todd, I know what you are saying, it sounds right, it does, there is a way that seems right to a man and I want to explain to you what I mean' I said 'What?' There is a lot of spiritual father talk and I’m not against it Here is what he told me He said 'Todd, if you don't understand that God is your Father you will be an orphan' I said 'so what do I do?' He said 'seek your Father in the secret place' He showed me Matthew 6 And I went 'alright' I said 'Well you're my mentor, that’s the next best thing' And he said 'it sounds right what you are saying' And I thought 'but its not is it?' This doesn’t mean that we don’t have mentors and spiritual fathers This just means that if you bypass God as a Father and the Holy Spirit as your mentor then you will be in trouble And you will be co dependant on somebody instead of co labouring with somebody And so what happened is he told me 'if you don’t seek God as your Father, you'll always think you are an orphan' Cause there will be a time when you call me and I'm not available And you will be like 'Oh my gosh' And you have to call someone else to get to them He said 'you can glean from me and learn from me and I'll be here for you as much as I possibly can but you need to establish in your heart God as your Father' Cause the bible says in Matthew, call no one on earth your father for you have one Father And I said 'well what about the mentor thing?' He said 'Todd, if the holy spirit doesn’t become your mentor you’ll be in trouble' The bible says call no one on earth your teacher for you have one teacher So in the beginning of my life he pushed me, forced me in to my prayer closet to establish God as my Father and the Holy Spirit as my mentor And it doesn’t make me a lone ranger or disengaged from the body of Christ That just makes me have a personal relationship with my Father to where I can be in the secret place, read and say 'oh my gosh, Lord really?' This is amazing God, thank you See, right now, even right now, just when I think about it He loves me so much There has never been a question of whether he loves me He loves me Like, really loves me Everyday, all day, he never changes He's the same Yesterday, today and forever It's revealed, the love of God has been poured out into our hearts by the Holy Spirit It says that when we were yet a sinner, Christ died for us See when I came in to this thing, do you know that Jesus didn’t just pay a price because you were such a horrible sinner? He paid a price because sin was an issue But something underneath that sin was of great value or heaven wouldn’t of paid such a high price for you So he pays a price to bring you up out of the muck and the miry clay And he cleanses you and washes you and He cleanses you of all unrighteousness And he says that you are a brand new creation, that old things have passed away, that old things become new The problem with me is that when I read it I believe it And for something to have a question about it I can call and ask but man, I’m telling you right now Take this from a ten year old I promise that the holy spirit will answer every question that you have If you would just trust in God to give you it That doesn’t mean don’t have friends, don’t have people that can help you Don’t glean from people That doesn’t mean don't glean from people It means you can glean from people That doesn’t mean avoid teachers because its one of the five fold gifts in the ministry That just means that if the Holy Spirit doesn’t become your teacher you might be swayed by every wind of doctrine thinking that its truth And you have the anointing that teaches you all things that are true There is no darkness in Him There is nothing but light in Him He is light And He says we have become light in the Lord Are you guys with me? Is this making any sense at all? If I took up a poll of hands, of how many people are in the word everyday learning from Holy Spirit, it's very slim All over the world And it's a dilemma that I believe can be remedied I believe it Cause the blood of Jesus never coagulates It's still the same It's still crying out, still mercy It's really that simple man It's that simple All you got to do is ask Ask And you will receive Do you know what that word means? Ask and keep on asking That means ask, 'well I already asked God, so I'm asking someone else' Be very careful I am not promoting interdependency I’m promoting dependency upon the Father Listen, if you don’t get this what you will do is you’ll go from church to church and you will try to find love at a church And what you will do is instead of finding love, you will find fault For a while, it will be OK But then you will find fault, they are just like everyone else You will go to another one It's twisted So what happens is that we go to church to see if they will love us because we don’t realise that we are already loved So, what you are supposed to do is to find out what God says about you And when you become part of the local body, see you find love here Here’s where you find love This is it, right here I read the bible, oh my gosh And it hits my heart and I can't even explain what it means But it does something inside of me, man And then later You find love in this place And then when you become part of a church what you do is you have already become love, you just plug in But if you go from church to church to find love you’re in trouble You will just find fault Then you establish your own home group bible wound licking club It's demoniacally inspired to keep you separated from the body of Christ Cause you think no one sees things my way What are you thinking? Jesus is the way God died for his girl What are we thinking? That’s a really good word right there buddy I've heard a lot of people say 'why did we come here?' Hey, listen to this If the shoe fits, kick it off I’m not against cell groups and home groups They’re amazing But man, if you have just been hurt by churches Like gathers like And all of a sudden you get a bunch of hurting people that talk about their wounds 'Well they hurt you, listen to what they did to me' Then every week is about your escalation of your hurt When are we going to be free? When the Son sets us free If I walk in the light as He is in the light we can have fellowship If I don’t walk in the light as He is in the light we cannot have fellowship Cause you know what we have? We have junk in our closet Listen, if we don’t walk in the light as He is in the light we cannot have fellowship We cannot have fellowship I will keep you at arms distance because I can't let you get close to me because I’ve got junk that you might find out And all of a sudden I walk like this, and I can't allow anyone in Cause if anyone gets close they will see the real me What if the real you would just step forward, dude? What if you just get in to the place where you say 'Jesus here I am, all in' 'I’m tired of living for me, I want all of you' What God is asking you for is something you were never created to be in the first place Because God did not create you for you, he created you for Him So all He is asking you to do is to give up something you were never made to me You were never made to be selfish and arrogant and all about you You were never made to be self seeking and envy That stuff came through the fall It's everything evil, everything evil is in that place It's the wisdom of man It's central and demonic It's self seeking and full of envy Envy can be as simple as this 'Todd, I wish I had your life' The only reason you say that is because you don’t know who you are Because God only made one of me and one of you If you find out who God says you are you will be thankful for the life He gave you Then you will live in the life of thankfulness and you will blaze a trail of what thankfulness looks like And your thoughts will never become futile And twisted It says that in Romans, and talks about God and they didn’t glorify Him as God And they used people, they glorified people, they glorified figures, animals, statues, things At the cost of who He was And then thankfulness left their life If you are in envy, you absent thankfulness because your envying, your coveting someone else’s stuff Your coveting someone else’s life You can't afford to do that You have to see who God created you to be I don’t have anything else to talk about except identity I believe we can actually be as holy as He is holy I believe we can I believe that I live in it and if God convicts me I step in to what ever the conviction was and I obey immediately I’m a son I know my Fathers voice He says my sheep, I’m a sheep too He says 'my sheep will obey my voice and the strangers they will not follow' Today if you would hear his voice, don’t harden your hearts as in the day of rebellion It's not about rebellion, it's about submission Therefore submit to God, resist the devil and he will flee The resistance of the devil is in your full on submission You have to full on submit, full on surrender Say 'God, I was about me, I was selfish, I was about my things, about waking up everyday thinking that I hope today is better than yesterday and looking for me, myself and I Instead of submitting and surrendering to what the Word says and the cost of the lies and living them I can't afford to live a lie any more God God, here I am on my knees Father, reveal this to me I want to know you' It would be terrible to stand before God and having done all these miracles and prophesied amazing brilliant prophesies and stand before the Father and have Him say away from me, I never knew you It's not OK There’s a difference between you saying you know God and being known by the Father Intimacy is where you know that you are known See, sometimes we think that he doesn’t see what’s going on but he sees everything Nothing is hidden It says that he judges the thoughts and intents of your heart You know what that means? Let me paint a picture for you That means that God sits in the theatre of my soul and he watches everything that comes across my screen all day long Every day, and my Father likes what he sees in my soul And that means a lot to me That means everything to me That’s where my life is I live a life pleasing to the Father Not because I have to but because I get to It says pursue peace and holiness, for without it nobody will see the Lord What does that mean? It means without which, nobody will see the Lord And they are supposed to see Christ in you The hope of glory The eye is the lamp of the body and if your eyes are good then your whole body is full of light But if the light that is in you is darkness and we can't afford to have darkness Where your treasure is, there your heart will be When I am focused in lack and wondering whether I'm going to get this, all of a sudden the light of my souls treasure is here Where moth and rust destroy, thieves break in and steal But men are supposed to live by treasures there Treasures there Where moth and rust can't destroy Thieves can't break in and steal For where my treasure is there my heart will be also You cannot serve two masters You can't It's the love of money that’s the root of all evil But it's the lack of it some times that we don’t believe, we don’t trust our Father We have to know our Father We have to get in to our bedroom, open your bible and say 'God, here I am' Jesus started the beatitudes with this He says, blessed are the poor in spirit Blessed are That word 'blessed' means 'happy are' Happy are those that are poor in spirit That means that they are not spiritually arrogant They know it all Blessed are the poor in spirit Blessed are those that their soul cannot be satisfied but with more of me With the reality of who I say they are Blessed are those that pursue it in everything they are Everything at the cost of everything See in my life, no one was with me That doesn’t separate me from God My family weren’t with me They were not for it They were against it But God was for me And my wife didn’t know any better My words are not against my wife, your words not against people People aren’t your problem, you are People aren’t your issue You have the love that the Fathers bestowed on us How great the love What greater love the Father has bestowed on us What greater love? I can't afford to be in a love deficit We can't afford to depend on love when we need to hear it It's not about here People are looking for love in all the wrong places We are going to be satisfied by this At the cost of this We need to role with the love of God We need to walk with the love of God We need to speak with the love of God We need to sleep with the love of God If you don’t fall asleep in the love of God you will hug your pillow God You will thank God that your day is over, and that’s the only thankfulness that comes Thank you God, I'm glad that today’s over, I hope tomorrow is better And then you barely get to sleep Only to hear the alarm clock in the morning Argh Ah, no pillow God And you have to hug your pillow cause you can't believe you have to leave it again for another day You start your day off on the wrong side of the bed What are we thinking? What is the wrong side of the bed? What is the wrong side of the bed? What is that? It's all about you It's selfishness 'God, I hope today is better than yesterday If today’s not better, my boss is a jerk, my people are mean Jesus, you know what every time I read the bible it tells me that the raptures coming some day I hope you would hurry it up cause I cant handle it any more My family is a jerk, my people are mean to me You know what, I cant even pay my bills God if you cared about me you would send Jesus to me right now to heaven with me and hell with everybody else' It's the truth Life is a gift It's a gift And when you get born again you get refathered And now you are to be an example in this world of what it looks like for someone to get squeezed Trials happen all the time There are constant, they never stop Trials, trials are necessary Its the only way Christian maturity is built But you know what, if you are on fire and you go in the fire, you are OK If you are on fire, and you get put in the fire you're alright You will come out with a crisper, sharper, more awareness of His presence A more crisper, sharper, more awareness of your Fathers love Fire's not the issue Bring it, that's good Wow Yeah Trials aren't the issue The only way to maturity is trials The only way to grow is fire It doesn’t happen any other way I wish it was different but it's not He set it up that way and it's good You should make the devil wish that he never touched you Come on man, he’s not afraid of us He needs to He's deadly afraid of Jesus He's not afraid of you coming to church Do you understand that? He isn’t afraid that you come to conferences Do you know what he is afraid of? You ever getting alone with God and believing what God says about you He's deadly afraid of that Because if you become a believer that means one that is fully convinced Beyond a shadow of a doubt Nobody can take this thing from you Heaven paid such a high price to redeem your value You are a value before the Father You are valuable to God You are a little Christ like One A Christian If we would see this thing, our workplaces would be turned upside down for the Kingdom Upside down What a joy it is to live with Jesus What a joy it is to represent him at our job I worked I loved it Every time I went to work, Jesus came with me I didn’t leave him at my house And I didn’t pray to my pillow No, I got off the bed Thank you It's still the same today I wake up, my wife says I got two speeds; high and off Cause I wake up and I'm like 'hey how are you doing?' Oh, He loves me I believe that Fully, full on Freight train for the Kingdom of Heaven The devil takes the risk when he touches you If you would see what I'm talking about, you wouldn't be afraid of being touched Christianity is not a roller-coaster ride We say mountains and valleys, mountains and valleys John the baptist said every mountain, every valley What if that’s the truth? 'Well, pray for me I am in the valley' Which one? And what has you there? The Israelites were in the wilderness They were in the wilderness for 40 years Let me tell you what keeps us in that place Let me tell you what keeps us in the wilderness Do you know it says 'today if you hear his voice don’t harden your hearts as in the day of rebellion?' It talks about 40 years It talks about how they knew his works but they didn’t know his ways Right? Do you know that that bread that came down every morning was outside of their tent, every day? It was outside their tent They wanted it seasoned, they wanted it fried, they wanted it something different, maybe leak and onions 'At least we had that stuff back in Egypt I mean, come on, can we have different something than bread?' Do you know what they did? They loathed the worthless bread Did you know that Jesus was the bread that came down from heaven? Do you know that Jesus was the living bread? Do you know that what they did was that they said, you know what this bread isn't enough Jesus is enough for us Do you know that rock that followed them around in the desert that kept their thirst quenched for 40 years? That rock was Christ And out of our bellies shall flow rivers of living water But what if Christ isn’t enough for you? What if Jesus isn’t enough for you? What if the raw truth of the gospel, the simplicity that’s in the Christ The finished work what Paul said I dare not talk about anything else but Christ in Him crucified I dare not boast in anything Paul was a scholar of scholars And said, I count all that as dung for the sake of knowing Him And he knew Him But it was this process of getting to know Him more It was this full joy Full joy 'Every day, oh that I might know him more' Beaten, broken, battered, bloody, whipped, stoned to death What a joy The disciples got wooped the first time and they counted a privilege to get stomped on for Jesus It's just a different mindset We need to return to the simplicity of the gospel Cause that’s all they had Sometimes we honour a book that they didn't have more than the Holy Spirit that they did have But the Holy Spirit is the only one that reveals the book If you are going to read it don't read it without Him, He wrote it Everyday, everyday it's the same I'm in the hospital, that nurse, she says 'Oh that was awesome, I’ve been a Christian 30 years' I said 'Wow, I'm a Christian, its been five and a half months for me' She said 'oh honey, I knew that you were new' 'What do you mean?' She said 'I've been around for 30 years, you'll see' And I didn't know any better at all and I wasn't being arrogant or nothing I said 'but did Jesus change?' I wasn't being mean I didn't have any understanding for that I didn't even know that that existed She got mad at me 'Oh, you'll see, oh you just don't know' She gave me all these different excuses and none of them were valid They were all about her They were all about her, missed stuff, her people that were mean to her, people that had passed away All this different stuff she allowed to separate her from the love of God All that stuff, and none of them will stand before you and the Father One day you are going to find out when you stand before Him that it was all about you You are going to stand before Him and He’s going to say, you know what? You will know before he even says anything because it will all be revealed Why not know it now? Why not? It says 'let go' Let go of the sin and the stuff that’s so easily ensnares us It says 'how shall we escape if we neglect such great salvation as this?' People are depending on you to walk like Jesus They're dying every day People are going to hell every day It's time we say 'that’s it' 'That's it, I'm done God, I want you and that's it' That doesn’t mean turn your back on your family That just means get on your knees before your Father You guys OK? Right I have to open a book Ready? There’s a couple of words, a couple of the scripture verses in what I've already shared Chapters Let's just read it all Oh my goodness, man Go to 2 Timothy please This should make it have an application, that I find when the pages turn 2nd Timothy 2 Right before service the other day I was reading Jude That's a heavy book man Did you ever read it? That thing's fire Oh my goodness Read that one one time Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal that one to you It says 'you therefore, my Son be strong in the grace that’s in Christ Jesus And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also You therefore must endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ For no one engaged in warfare entangles themselves in the affairs of this life That he may please Him who enlisted him as a soldier And if anybody competes in athletics he is not crowned unless he competes according to the rules The hard-working farmer must be the first to partake of the crops Consider what I say and may the Lord give you understanding in all things Remember that Jesus Christ of the seed of David was raised from the dead according to my gospel' I just love it man It is so personal 'For which I suffered trouble as an evildoer even to the point of chains But the word of God is not chained Therefore I endure all things for the sake of the elect That they also may obtain the salvation which is in Christ Jesus with the eternal glory For this is faithful saying, if we die with him, we should also live with Him If we endure, we shall reign with Him If we deny Him, He will deny us If we are faithless, He remains faithful He cannot deny himself Remind them of these things Charging them before the Lord, not to strive about words to know prophet To the ruin of the ears, but be diligent to present yourself approved to God A worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth But shun idle and profane babbling for they will increase to more ungodliness Their message will spread like cancer Hymenaeus and Philetus are of the sort who have strayed concerning the truth Saying that the resurrection is already passed And they overthrow the faith of some Nethertheless the solid foundation of God stands Having this seal The Lord knows those that are His and let everyone who names the name of Christ the Lord depart from iniquity But in the house there are not only vessels of gold and silver but also of wood and clay Some for honour and some for dishonour, therefore if anyone cleanses himself from the latter he will be a vessel of honour sanctified and useful for the master Prepared for every good work Flee also youthful lust but pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace With those who call on the name of the Lord out of a pure heart Avoid foolish disputes or foolish and ignorant disputes knowing that they generate strife And a servant of the Lord must not quarrel but be gentle to all, able to teach, patient in humility correcting those who are in opposition if God perhaps will grant them repentance so that they may know the truth And that they may come to their senses and escape the snare of the devil having been captured to do his will They have been taken captive to do his will Nevertheless the solid foundation of God stands The Lord knows those who are His and let everybody that names the name of Christ depart from iniquity Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker that does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth Flee youthful lust I endure all things for the sake of the elect that they may also obtain salvation which is in Christ Jesus for the eternal glory Be strong in grace Walk in the light as He is in the light Living in the midst of a generation' It says 'rightly dividing the word of truth so that you are not ashamed' The only way to be not ashamed of the gospel is that righteousness gets revealed to you Because righteousness makes us unashamed I’m unashamed of the gospel for its the power of God unto salvation for them that believe First for the Jew, then for the Greek For in it, in the gospel, what’s the power of it The righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith For it is written that the just shall live by faith So the unashamed of the gospel The rightly dividing the word of truth It has to be divided In truth By the Holy Spirit The Holy Spirit, he says that the word of God is alive, sharp and active Bear with me, OK? I'm bringing things together in to this chapter I don't read things out of context, I don't do one liners When you hear me quote a one liner and put it together its because I’ve read before and after I'll never do that You can make the bible sound like what you want to make it sound like, the other way and that’s twisted But this bible goes together and it's line upon line, precept upon precept but its all about Jesus They loathed the worthless bread, that bread was Christ That rock that they hit, that Moses hit and water came out of it That rock that followed them around the desert, that was Christ Jesus is the living bread unless you eat His flesh and drink His blood you can't be a part of this That doesn’t just me communion That means that your whole life is his That your whole life is his Do you know that when the gospel becomes part of your life all of a sudden you are the source of water for people that are thirsty around you? People that don’t even know they are thirsty When people saw Jesus, they knocked on his door When people saw Jesus they followed Him for days without food And Jesus multiplied the bread When the gospel becomes who you are Paul said it's 'my gospel' That means that it was so personal to him that everywhere he went he was a representative What does it mean to represent Jesus? That means that your life becomes living bread That means that everywhere you walk, it means people eat you But that means that you are the bread You are the bread of Jesus You are His flesh and His blood You are little Christ like ones Living water Jesus says, out of their belly will flow rivers of living water That means that the rock, what is the rock? Jesus says 'upon this rock I will build this church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it' What is the rock? The revelation of Jesus Christ Come on 'Who do men say that I am?' 'Well some say this, some say that I don’t know' 'Who do you say I am?' 'I don’t know' Peter says 'you are the Christ' God says 'flesh and blood did not reveal that to you Peter but my Father did Blessed are you And upon this rock I’m going to build my church and the gates of hell will not prevail against me' That’s what he said So the rock wasn’t Peter But the rock was the revelation of Jesus Christ What’s the foundation? He who hears these sayings of mine and does them, I will liken him to the wise man who build his house upon the rock What is the rock? The revelation of Jesus Christ When you are grounded and seated with this thing in your soul, its unshakeable When you study the word through the lens of righteousness God says 'blessed of those that hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be filled' Then he says 'blessed are those that are persecuted for the things they shall be filled with' Do you know that right now I preach righteousness I preach right standing with God I’ve got more persecution ove this thing right here more than anything, so I know I’m on the right one Oh, I promise Blessed are those that are persecuted for righteousness sake Why? We are in a day and age right now that you better shift your pursuit right now Shift everything Shift everything There are people around you that are going to hell And they are watching your life They are watching your life They are wondering who is the real Jesus What is the real Jesus? We need to have the rock, the foundation because the firm foundation of God still stands The Lord knows those that are His And then everyone that names the name of Christ must depart It doesn’t say, kind of depart It doesn't say, should kind of maybe depart When they feel like they are ready they should depart Maybe for sometime Gods working on me Time is short buddy We are on our last lap We are running our last lap You will be persecuted for it He says this We endure the suffering What is the suffering? Is the suffering for doing bad or for doing good? Blessed are those that suffer for righteousness sake Suffering for doing good In other words I’m living one with my King I’m running full on, full steam There’s no junk in my closet I don’t have any issues I'm in love with Jesus I kneel before Him everyday He knows my heart My heart knows Him I’m known by my father I wake up squeaky clean Everyday I have lived without a twistedness for ten years Everyday I have never have any condemnation, guilt or shame Why is that so far fetched? Why is that so far out there? Maybe we need to shift our focus to pursue righteousness Because He said seek you first the kingdom of God and His righteousness And everything will be added to you What if we have sought stuff instead of him? What if we sought reading the bible at the cost of asking God to reveal it? The Kingdom of God isn’t to eat and drink but it is righteousness, peace and joy in the holy ghost The Kingdom is in the Holy Ghost Righteousness says that it's not to eat or drink It's righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost Your joy comes from the reality from being right with God Your joy comes from your salvation My joy comes from being right with my Dad There are people around you everyday wondering, wondering, if you really believe what you say you believe And your actions speak louder than your words You can say a lot of things but if your life doesn’t line up with it, what do you really have? You have words, you have lip service You can't afford to honour God with your lips but your heart be far from Him Are you with me? Listen, I want to share a couple of testimonies that come out of this realm right here I'd love to expand on them a little bit more I've had you for a long time I was on a plane, I have a lot of aeroplanes and stuff that I ride on cause I do 300,000 miles a year That’s a lot of planes So I was going to Argentina I was on my way down there, I was leaving from Houston And I get on the plane and I always talk to as many airline attendants as I can Because they are not sleeping when everyone else is So I talk to everybody Everybody I talk to people around me on the plane, everywhere Everywhere I go, I am revival I'm serious I don't try to figure out, where do you want me to go God? I just go and He comes with me It's not complicated To me everyone is a target for the love of God Everybody But not everybody wants to be a target Trust me What are you going to do then? It's easy to talk to people that love you back What about the ones that don’t know how to? If you don’t have this thing grounded in your heart you will only do the easy stuff The reason we don’t like family reunions is because we talk about Christ and they don’t want to hear it, so we stop sharing it and we feel bad about going there and bringing it up, so we don't I can't live that way We have had some serious family reunions haven't we? I'll never stand before God and answer for anybody’s life, ever Ever I will not walk and be silent, I will not put a basket on my head I will not, people are going to hell It ain’t going to happen I'm not going to walk like the devil and confess Jesus and call it grace I'm not God have mercy on these people God have mercy on them The miracles aren't what validate you as a son The cross does It's the finished work of Christ It's the reality of it, it's finished It is finished for God tore the veil so that we could enter in to the presence beyond the veil We need the blinders taken off, we need the veil removed because the Lord is the Spirit Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty and where He is not there isn't But since He lives in you, why not be free? We all with unveiled faces, we are looking in the mirror, we are seeing our identity We are seeing Christ in us, the hope of glory Beholding as in the mirror, the glory of the Lord, Christ in us the hope of glory, He is in there We are being transformed in to what? Transformed back in to the original image that God created me to be in the beginning except I never ate the tree God looks at me as if I never sinned That’s living pure, my heart is pure Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God, why? Because when I look in the mirror I see God staring back at me He likes to live here He set it up that way He chose me I didn’t come up with this plan I was the worst of the worse And God said 'I want that one, and He took me up out of the muck' He cleaned me off And He washed me internally And He told me to be strengthened in my inner man for the rest of my life He told me to 'believe me son, Believe that you are who I say you are Not taking you into two commandments Todd and these are those I want you to love me with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength and with all of your mind And the second one is like it Todd I want you to love your neighbour as yourself But you will never love your neighbour unless you know who you are So you press in to this because I've created you in my image and in the image of God' He made man, Jesus restored that which was lost Now the difference is that I don’t walk with God, I walk with God in me I have relationship with my Father He chose this, He set up His camp inside of me He likes to live here He does, He likes it there He chose me That's crazy awesome I'm serious I walk by mirrors and I go 'Oh my gosh, I see you' I'm in the aeroplane, open the door, look in the mirror 'Oh!' I wake up, brush my teeth, 'God today somebody’s going to get love today' I live that way I go to sleep with peace everyday He gives us beloved rest I rest in Him The blood of Jesus is ceased from my works, ceased from my striving I enter in, I stay there It's not a one time altar call It's a life, it's communion The love of the Father, the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the communion with the Holy Ghost And I live in that place in love with my Dad People are like 'you are whacked' 'Yeah!' The bible says to be a peculiar people, that’s me, that’s you So I get on this plane I hope you are getting something out of this because I'm going to ask God to drive this in to your heart like an arrow I am passionate, I just love Jesus I’ve been free for ten years, this is what it looks like I'm a mess, OK? I’m in love with Jesus I'm not afraid People are so afraid of Isis I'm not afraid They need Jesus You don’t understand, they need Jesus People are like 'look what they are doing' 'Yeah, they need Jesus' That is what they need, they need Jesus So I'm on the plane, I get on there and I’m telling everyone about Jesus We haven’t taken off yet and I’ve told three attendants that God loves you so much, you are amazing Thank you so much for what you do I fly a certain airline so I talk to them all the time I do, I thank them They are like 'that's great, OK then' They are kind of 'uh huh in' me Because there are other people around and they can hear me talking about Jesus I drop the J bomb On a plane I don’t have anything else to talk about I don't have football to talk about, I don’t have facebook to talk about Christianity is a full contact sport I'm one track minded I mean, you can play, it's cool but talk about Jesus when you are playing And if He tells you turn the game off and visit with Him Don’t say 'wait a minute Lord, I'll be with you in a second' If you are watching your game I wont mess with that one too much 'Don't mess with my idols' Chill 'I don't like this guy any more He talks about my Sunday night' I was just hanging out with Seahawks last week Amazing Jesus is going to do amazing things I got to go and work out in their V mac in their big training place in Seattle with the Seahawks I was like 'my arms little, your arms big' Sorry So, I'm telling everyone about Jesus We get in the air, I tell the guy beside me, he doesn’t want to hear me He puts his thing over his face We are going to be on the plane for 13 hours, so He's not going to sleep like that the whole time I've been screamed at before, I'll be screamed at again You ain’t going to kill me because I'm never going to die I'm so serious To live is Christ and to die is gain If the fear of death is within you or if you are worried about how you are going to look infront of people, then you can't live the gospel You will always compromise it for someone Forget that All in So I'm telling them, I prayed for two attendants Jesus healed them and touched them They are Christians, the silent kind of 007 Christians Serious, on a mission I just don't understand at all I need to live a life that's worthy of the call That doesn’t mean to be seen by everyone It just means that I’m not ashamed of the gospel In every situation, I will bring Jesus up I love being around Reinhard You are at a table and everyone’s having dinner And he will just sit there and be eating and people will be talking 'Do you know what I think?' It's like, do you remember lion king with Mufasa? I'm serious, when Reinhard speaks, he brings everything to Jesus, every time It doesn’t matter what conversation you are in He doesn’t have anything else to talk about That's how I want to live Every time, people get tired of hearing it Man its not always about Jesus Yes it is He turned everything around It's awesome So I'm praying for people, God is touching people, we have been on the flight a long time I've had an amazing time with Jesus And I go upfront It's the end of the flight, we are coming down We are 45 minutes from the place No 35, because we are about to go into the final descent And there’s one lady that I didn't get to Cause she’s up front, she’s the cook And I’ve got to tell her So I walk up front and I'm like 'Hey, I didn’t get to talk to you I just want to tell you that Jesus loves you' She’s a flight attendant at five in the morning She says 'don't preach to me, get out of my face' she says Screams at me on a plane And people were sleeping, it was loud It was in the front of the plane All the business people There were like 'what's going on up there?' She says 'Just get away from me now' She is just yelling at me I am like 'alright, hey' I went to the bathroom Washed my hands, not from her In the bathroom, looked in the mirror and the Lord spoke to me He says 'confront her now' That doesn't happen, not like that Hardly ever It has only happened a couple of times in my life But the fear of the Lord is bigger to me than anything, that answers it right there So I don’t have anything to go with I don’t even know what to say So, He just says confront her So I'm not going to go at her and say 'let me tell you something!' That would be wrong, that's not what He said That would be your attitude It's not about an attitude We don't need that attitude So I came out of the bathroom and there are five of the flight attendants up there and they saw me coming I turned a corner and went up to her and I said 'hey, excuse me ma'am' They were ripping stuff I said 'you yelled at the wrong man today' She says 'Oh really?' Really loud And right away the Lord told me that 'she lost her father at nine years old to cancer and she’s blamed me every since She has a devil' I said to her 'you lost your father to cancer when you were nine years old and now you have taken it out on me and you have blamed the Father for that' She says 'Argh' She starts growling, and her eyes rolled up in to her head, on the plane In front of all the attendants She's not my problem, that thing is So what are you going to do? Jump on top of her? Do you know what the other flight attendants are thinking right now? Do you have any idea? Her eyes go and she’s growling What do you think they are thinking? She's having a seizure or something is happening here 'Sir, go back to your seat' I can't afford to go back to my seat right now It wouldn't be a good time We have to finish it So I said 'this things leaving you right now' I stepped towards her She fell in to me She goes 'I need you right now' She's crying and the other flight attendants are like 'what do we do?' I said 'nothing, just stand there' 'In the name of Jesus, you leave now' And she fell in to me and I started talking to her and telling her that God loved her And she’s sitting there and holding my shirt, grabbing it, snot and tears, crying because Jesus is setting her free Because there’s somebody on the plane that's not afraid There is somebody on the plane that doesn't have sin in his life, that doesn't have twisted stuff in his life That has confidence to approach the throne of grace in a time of need There’s somebody on the plane that doesn’t have junk in their closet I don’t have twisted stuff, I don’t have skeletons, I don’t have issues you’re going to find out about You are not going to read about me in the paper I’m clean in my heart The bible says the bride has made herself ready in revelation That means that there is the making of the bride ready, for you submit to grace and truth because grace empowers us to walk out what truth calls us to He comes in and he cleanses us from all unrighteousness If you step in to something you confess to the Father and He cleanses you of all unrighteousness and the only thing that’s left is righteousness You can't afford to live in the other place, man Your junk will find you out You can't afford to live in that place So valuable She comes around the corner, I'm talking to her, telling her how much God loves her, praying for her She gets born again Just beautiful stuff right now And all of a sudden the head flight attendant says 'sir, you need to go to your seat' I'm like 'I understand' He says 'no look out the window' We are like 30 seconds from the ground I have to go to my seat So I run to my seat, sit down Everybody is not even looking at me, these are people I talked to Jesus about They are freaked out, they can't even believe they are on the plane with me I am so serious You should see it, they are all looking at me The dude beside me is looking at me I see it all the time Do you know what a joy it is to see this all the time? Somebody has to plough through, somebody has to run Somebody has to wake up and run Why would we be afraid? Stop listening to the liar Raise up with the holy boldness and stop hell for a living Stop being manipulated by it You were a slave to sin, now you are an instrument of righteousness You are a weapon for the Lord You are not a slave to sin Let sin no longer have dominion over you Let it not even have dominion The Lord knows those that are His The Lord knows that you are His Now that you are His and He is yours You have got everything according to life and godliness Get in the book and say 'God I don’t have a clue but I want to Here I am God, send me' And then go to your workplace, cause that’s your mission field and bring Jesus And stop crying about your job, stop being bummed out about your job It's another chance to represent Jesus It's not about you, it's about Him Stop being bummed out about your work, go to work and represent Jesus Live full on 'I don't know what I'm supposed to do' Do something Burn with Jesus Represent Him It might not be the job you do forever but just do something And then burn for Jesus God will open doors for you Don’t try to open your own Just get something and then represent Your job wont be a bummer, you will wake up in the morning and be like 'I'm going to work at MacDonalds!' Someone’s going to get Jesus Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus Ask them if you can have the microphone for the window Man, what I would do for the microphone at the window I promise Ask my wife how many times at the drive through we have been giving them Jesus Couple of times Every time I don’t have anything else to say Can I please have a chicken breast and I would just love to tell you that Jesus loves you so much I would love it 'Hi, McDonald's, this is Todd speaking, Jesus loves you so much, can I take your order?' Boss says 'you can't say that' 'I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you' They come to the window, 'how you doing? Do you know how much Jesus loves you? You are amazing' 'I blessed your food before I put it in the bag today' Put a note in there Happy meal Come on man Boom, fire So the plane ride was pretty crazy, we get to the thing and they are like 'we got to get off this plane' When the door opens, they are filing out quick I walk by them and I'm like 'bless you guys' They say 'I'm so sorry' 'Dude, I'm not gong to complain, no ones getting in trouble This was totally different to what you think it was' So I leave, and I wait at the end of the gate Waiting for them to come out Cause I need to talk to all of them They won't come off the plane So I flew to Argentina for 36 hours, 24 hours in, 27 hours home I wait at the end of the gate I got to hang out with Carlos Annacondia It was awesome, just amazing I get back on my plane, cause I asked the Lord I really really want to talk to those people again I get back on the plane and it's the same flight crew How awesome is that? That's the Lord You got to know this When I came down the flight bridge, when I came in there I had a guitar on my back I came in and I'm like 'Hey!' They are like 'Oh God' How awesome is that? I go 'Hey, I was praying that I would meet you guys again. I so love you guys I'm glad we have this long flight on the way home so we can talk' They are like 'go to your seat, sir' I can't sleep, I don't want to sleep I have a lot of work to do Yeah! This is real stuff that happens everyday Ask my wife It's pretty insane It's good God's good What would it be like for you to be free from you? This is what it would be like What would it be like for you to go to work and for you to not be afraid of what people think of you any more because you are too concerned about what He thinks about you? And when you know five thoughts that he thinks about you, you are possessed What about a million? What about just the love of God? What about just that one thought right there? All your fears are gone The devil tries to bring them, you laugh at that because you have this The devil tries to lie to you, you got this Why would you pay attention to that now that you have this? That's silliness This is amazing The devil whispers to you You don't turn around to rebuke him He's already behind you You don't need to tell him to get behind you, he's already there You will be possessed with truth so that when the stranger speaks this place is occupied It says 'no vacancy' on your forehead Because it's possessed by truth, it's possessed by what God thinks about you If you get possessed That's the whole bible, it's set up to make you like Christ You are to be an imitator of Christ It's not about just you being free, a little free It's about you being so free from you that you take on something you didn't even deserve Because grace is something you didn't deserve The grace is also the divine inspiration of God upon heart with his outward reflection of Himself upon your life So that everywhere you go, God gets to work So here, I have two testimonies Just one small one now I love you guys If you get done before I do, bless you, I love you I want to share this, these two testimonies speak of the same thing I want to show you what it looks like in action, that is all Are you getting anything out of this? I want you to wake up like this Go home like this Wake up like this! 'Oh my God, it's true!' That's what I want, right there You look in the mirror and you are like 'For real!' 'Yes!' You open your bible, 'yes! Yes! Guess what?! It's yes!' That's it right there! So, for real Read it like a kid Like 'seriously Dad?! Alright! Thank you!' The devil touches you, pushes you closes to God The devil touches you again, speaks to you and pushes you closer to God The devil takes a risk If this thing possesses your soul when he touches you he will get Jesus all over him Come on! When you squeeze an orange, you get orange juice When you squeeze an apple you get apple juice When you squeeze an orange and apple juice comes out of it, it's weird! When you squeeze a Christian and everything but Jesus comes out of you, it's weird! When you get squeezed Jesus ought to come out everywhere The devil ought to take a risk when he touches you cause he gets Jesus on him and he can't stand it Trials, perseverance, perseverance, character, character, hope, hope doesn't disappoint My characters being built because I'm in trials, its amazing I manifest my Father and when patience has its perfect work in you, you will be completely lacking nothing 'Patience is a bummer' No it's not, it's the first thing that love is Love is patient Patience isn’t a bummer because love is not a bummer Selfishness is a bummer because it's all about you Righteousness is amazing because it's all about Him And you are right with Him If God is for you, who cares who is against you? OK So the head airline attendant comes up to me And he says 'Sir, I really do need to apologise' He is real sober in his face, and I go 'What's up?' And he says 'No, no' 'No, I didn't complain, it wasn't about that' He said 'she is different now It's not that' He said 'I need to talk to you' I said 'OK' He said 'what ministry are you a part of?' I said 'I'm just a Christian, I love Jesus' He says 'I can see that But why? How long have you been a Christian' I said 'I've been a Christian ten years' Listen He had tears 'I need to say I'm sorry to you because you are a conviction to me' He says 'there are two things I don't talk about, religion and politics' I said 'I don't talk about either of them either' He goes 'you know what, I get it But your walk convicts me And I knew what was happening but I was too ashamed to talk about it I want to tell you right now, as soon as you got off this plane I called my wife and we repented We repented cause I know that this is Jesus and this is how I should be living my life So I want to tell you I'm sorry, but it will never happen again' I'm like 'thank you' He walked away and I started crying I thought to myself, God if only one person Cause it says that we are to endure the suffering for the sake of the elect What does that mean? There are elect all around you and someone makes fun of you for being right with God Someone persecutes you, someone says some belittling things and you respond in Christ and instead of hitting them with a harsh word You pray for them because the beatitudes says become your attitude of being And you bless those that curse you You’re not cursed because someone cursed you You are blessed Bless them back so it gets them You can't curse me I'm blessed I will not get hurt by you I haven’t been hurt by someone, it's been ten years I've hurt four people but I have never been hurt by anyone Is it possible to be hurt for someone and never be hurt by them? Yeah it is If my King can hang on a tree and say 'Father forgive them, they know not what they do' Then why can I not look at someone and say 'Father forgive them, they know not what they do' When I go through trials, I'm in fires all the time People are not my issue If I respond that way it's because I am still in the way I need to get out of the way so that God can have his way I need to see what is the way and it's Jesus Cause we can't afford to know His works and not know His ways Gods ways are Jesus He is the way, the truth and the life No one comes to the Father except by Him He is the way to the Father and the truth of the Father, the life of the Father And God says be an imitator of that There’s some big sandals to fill But Jesus says you can, but the only way you can fill them is to submit, surrender, give up and say 'I'm in' Another flight attendant, the same thing happened Same plane Amazing ride home I was humbled off that plane I got off the plane and I just hugged them 'I love you guys Bless you' It was amazing I have one more plane I want to tell you about It was just, when did I come home? Monday I was out in Seattle We took off This is powerful We took off from the airport in Seattle at 22.30 at night We are heading across About an hour and twenty minutes in to the flight I see the airline attendant running back to the back I got upgraded so I'm up there in the business seats The guys back there fall down, he's fallen down in the aisle way And another flight attendant is pinned underneath him I'm like 'Oh my gosh' Before this happened, I'd been talking to this medical student beside me I get on the plane and I'm like 'Hey, what do you do?' He said 'I’m a medical student' I tell him that’s awesome I love medicine I'm telling this guy, so this is before this happened As soon as we are going up in the air I said 'I worship Jesus with all my heart but I've seen some amazing miracles' I'm showing him some pictures of people, where paralytics have gotten out of wheelchairs Sticks for legs carrying their wheelchairs up Blind eyes that are opened He's like 'really?! that’s great, how can this happen?' I said 'well you got some stuff going on in your leg, why don’t you let me pray for you?' He said 'yeah, how did you know about my leg?' I said 'Jesus lives in me He's a good physician' He goes, 'OK, alright' So I prayed, I said Father I thank you that you fix his left shoulder too. God I thank you in Jesus name' This is the person I'm on the plane beside for however long I'm going to be there They are a target for the love of God They will not get away You can't shut me off You can't scream at me and make me be quiet, it's not going to happen You will not make me uncomfortable, I've got the comforter I'm not kidding I'm in elevators and doing this all the time The elevator doors shut 'Hey guys, guess what? You are never going to believe me God loves you so much, I am blessed to be in the elevator with you Do you believe in Jesus?' I have people in the door waiting to get out And then I just press all the buttons in the elevator The gospel is good news So I’m praying for this guy and I’m sharing the gospel with him for about an hour I should of said this before the other thing because you are all like, 'what about the people in the aisle!' They are still there! They are not there yet in this story So I’m telling this, and I'm sharing a witness I don't do witnessing, I become one Jesus said then you will be a witness It's not about doing, it's about being You be to do It's not about what you have to do, it's about who you are And out of your being you do That's why sonship is priority, because if sonship is the priority and the miraculous comes as a by product of being, you are safe Sonship is your priority and you are seeking the Father to understand who he is as a Dad, understand who you are as a son and a daughter All of a sudden relationship gets established and when the miraculous happens out of that you are still in sonship But if the miraculous is pursued but your identity isn't secure you will gain your identity through what you do instead of who God says you are And you can't afford, you can never get in to a twisted grace place if you are on your knees before your Father, reading the word and asking Him to reveal all truth Ever You will not be swayed by every wind of doctrine And you will not have itching ears And heap up for yourself bunches of teachers so that you can be tickled It's about the truth that's in God Are you OK? So, I'm on the plane talking to the medical student and all of a sudden I see these guys run back and he's doing his chemistry stuff and I'm reading the word crying God is so good to me, He loves me I camp in the beatitudes, I'm in Matthew 7 I'm like 'Oh my Gosh' And they keep running back and forth And they are stomping louder than airline attendants do I didn’t know what was going on for a while And I look back And I see this dudes feet in the aisle And all of a sudden, 'is there a medical doctor on the plane? Is there anyone with medical experience?' A nurse and another nurse were back there already The airline attendant that's wrapped up in the wrong lifestyle is on there He does not like God He does not like Jesus He doesn't like Him at all I said, 'can I go back there' He said, 'are you a doctor?' I said, 'well no but the great physician lives inside of me Sir I love Jesus' He said 'Oh' He blew me off He walks back there and I'm like man What I can do, I’m actually thinking, God if somebody died on the plane, they're getting raised today, no matter what happens God I'm not kidding, I'm full on this thing I don't have a plan B I only have plan A Plan A is Jesus What would Jesus do isn't a bracelet No, it's not It's a life So he comes back up and two airline attendants are up there and they are both against Jesus They are not happy 'Please can you let me go back and pray' 'Sir, that is offensive to people' 'It's not offensive Honestly, Jesus will raise Him right now He will get him up right now If you just let me pray for him, God will get him up' I said 'Sir, I will pray with you right here' I said 'Come on' 'I am not praying with you' and he walks away from me He is really mad He is mad, like screaming mad I am done talking about this I asked him another seven times Because I am trying to honour and I'm not trying to be disrespectful And the medical student is like, 'this is crazy' I go, 'yeah' He goes 'why won't they let you go back there? My shoulder and my ankle are healed If they let you back there you can do something about this' I said 'why don't we pray for that guy right now, right here?' So I prayed for the guy right now and right here He didn't get up right away I'm like, 'can I please go back there?' He still not We are like, we are turned around, they turned the plane around Because the airline attendants are down, they can't fly the whole way without a certain amount of airline attendants So they are going back to Seattle airport So, I'm like, man, everything I'm thinking, he goes up front I am dashing back there I'm burning with the desire to see this guy get up All of a sudden the dude gets up and he walks up to the bathroom and the bathroom was right behind my seat, right behind the curtain The nurse is there and the guy's up front I'm like I got to pray for him now So I stand up and I went behind the veil A little Just a little And I said, 'ma'am, can you please tell this man that I love Jesus with all my heart and I would really like to pray for Him right now and Jesus will heal him' She said, 'OK' So the nurse tells him 'There is a man out here who loves Jesus with all his heart and he says that if he prays you Jesus will heal you' And so the guy didn't respond so I put my head behind that door and I said 'Dude' He said, 'what?' I said, 'let me pray for you Give me your hand' He gives me his hand 'Father in the name of Jesus I command this thing to loose you' Just like this, he gasps 'What just happened?' Like complete, watch this The nurse goes, 'praise the Lord!' The other one that’s working with him is like, she’s praying with me as I'm praying for him She goes, 'this is awesome' I turn around, the flight attendant is there Oh dude, listen to me, he is mad He is so mad 'I told you stand down' On the plane, 'stand down' Screaming at me I went, 'dude I just prayed for Him, Jesus healed him' 'I don't care what Jesus did' Really loud, screaming The nurse isn't going to take that The nurse says 'Sir, you stand down' She said 'I thought we were after this man’s health and well fair' She said, 'he asked me if he could pray for Him and I asked this man and this man said yes' The man said 'I said yes' The airline attendant looks at me and goes, 'I'm going to tell the captain that you are insubordinate and disrupting the flight' I said 'OK, dude, I love you with all my heart Jesus loves you' He is so mad He runs back up front, storms He has the oxygen tank but doesn’t need it now He is so mad That medical student is like 'wow' So, I sit down next to the medical student He was a Christian, just getting his feet wet I said the gospel is confrontational man He said, 'I have never seen anything like this in my life' He's not the only one I am the bad guy on the plane But I am suffering for doing good And it's commendable before my Father And if I don't, somebody is going to hell And I can't afford to go out that way man The airline attendant is up front He's like, in hiding talking to the other one They are trying to figure out how to get me What is he going to do? He can't kill me Are you going to throw me off the plane? If the cops come on the plane when they get here I'll go with them, I'll preach to them Listen You have no idea I've talked to lots of police about this thing I have to tell them I was the guy in the back seat I have been extradited across America In and out of prison my whole life Kicked out of the marines Just tragedy I was in the back of so many cop cars, it's not even funny I tell them, man if you knew who you were in Christ you can tell that guy in the back seat there is hope for him because I’m that guy And I would share with them, LA police cussing me out I still share the gospel What are you going to do? You put me in jail for telling you about Jesus I'm not going to get insubordinate and get in your face I'm going to hold my hands behind my back and preach to you Share the love of God And God will heal you of your anger, cause He will I've watched Him do it I've watched Him heal angry police officers God's going to heal your right shoulder right now 'Sir, step away' 'OK, Father, I thank you in the name of Jesus' I'm done with all that stuff What are you going to do? If you lock me up, people in jail will get saved There is nowhere you are going to put me unless I'm in solitary confinement forever But I'm just going to be in communion with God, so you cant do anything about this ever Ever I'm possessed by the kingdom He loves me, He likes to get on people This is not just for me, it's for everyone For all that would believe You better not, not believe So, I said to the medical student, 'that man really hates me' He said 'it's a good thing you are on this plane That guys really better isn’t he?' I said 'yes he is' Jesus is amazing Other people are listening to me Everybody is ashamed I'm not ashamed Somebody right now on that plane keeps thinking about what just happened Right now, at night I prayed that everybody gets infected with the reality of what they saw on that plane Possessed by it That the Holy Ghost, thumps their heart with a holy ghost defibrillator Bam! Boom! What just happened?! Your son, run So, I’m talking to the medical student I said, 'we need to pray for that guy He is in trouble' He said man, 'he is really angry' 'Father I thank you in the name of Jesus that you overwhelm him, show him who he is God he is your son, you love him so much, Father thank you for the privilege of being able to represent you God You are amazing I thank you for my friend that I just met today Give me your hand Thank you for my friend, that you helped me meet today That he got to see what its like to suffer for doing good Thank you God, you are amazing Jesus name, Amen' He goes, 'Amen' The airline attendant comes walking back to us He gets in my face, he says 'Sir, can you please forgive me?' This is the greatest This is amazing 'Can you please forgive me, Sir?' I said, 'I was never mad at you' He said 'you should be' I said 'but I'm not I know your value man You are a son Jesus loves you' He goes 'I want to believe that' I said, 'man, believe it Look in my eyes man' He said, 'thank you sir' He hugs me, kisses me on the cheek He hugs me He won't let go The airline attendant in front of this medical student I said, 'God loves you so much Thank you for saying you are sorry but I'm not mad you and I'm not going to write you up I'm not a complainer' Complaints aren’t even in the Christian language It's not even supposed to be named among me I’m not a complainer, I'm a lover of God 'And He loves you, thank you Sir And bless you too Sir' He is kind of hiding, the other guy People beside me are like The medical student is like 'Dude!' I said, 'I wish I was as smart as you and I could understand chemistry But I know my Father, it doesn’t take a brilliant man to know that All it takes is one that wants to know that he is a son' He goes, 'man this is awesome' He's a Christian This is amazing We get off the plane But before we get off, the paramedics come on with the wheelchair They walk back and they get the flight attendant, the one the guy fell on I couldn't get to the back of the plane but she has to roll by me I said to the medical student 'That lady is coming up, they are not letting us off until they wheel her up here Are you going to pray with me?' He says, 'you do it man' I was so serious It is funny but these things happen everyday They are yours too Take them to Walmart, that was the first place that started with me I was the Walmart testimony guy Up here at this church I would come up and share testimonies at Walmart Do you remember the dude that came up here, he was in the crowd, he had a torn shoulder, and I prayed for him and his shoulder was healed And he came up here and he said, 'that’s the dude that prayed for me in Walmart' That was so fun I used to lay on this floor right here and I used to cry and lay there and worship Jesus on my face And I still do Cause He is so good If you see this love you will never be the same You will never want to live for you You will never want to sin and get away with that Grace is Jesus and Jesus never tried to sin and get away with it Jesus gave us a place to be free from sin To let go of that stuff that easily ensnares us and to run The airline attendant goes by and the paramedic and I said 'dude halt' He said, 'yes sir' I said, 'I have to pray for her real quick' He said 'OK' I prayed for her, 'Jesus I thank you for this woman Thank you that she does all these miles I fly so much on this airline Thank you so much I ask you to bless her, make her whole Father Thank you in Jesus name Body be healed in Jesus name Amen' She said 'thank you' He rolled past and the guy goes, medical student goes 'Dude, this is awesome' I said, 'this is Christianity brother' I said, 'people don't understand it' He goes 'How about that flight attendant' I said, 'yeah Did you see what happened? He didn't want to do that stuff He didn’t want to yell at me He was just trying to do his job He got caught up But if I go with everybody’s attitude that’s caught up I'll be just like the world I can't afford to have that Imagine being a doctor and I start sharing with them, the privilege of going in to medical school and being able to operate And having your hands on a heart Father, I thank you for this heart in Jesus name Thank you, the same thing that happened today will happen in you When you are operating on people Father I thank you for this kid, in the name of Jesus I thank you' And the nurses are freaking out Right there in front of them, what would they do? He said, 'it's possible' All things with God are possible All things are possible to them that believe and you are a believer It is yours This is what it means to endure the suffering for the sake of Gods elect So sometimes being afraid is the big deal And we are like, 'well I don’t want to be afraid any more' I know that You don't man, peoples lives are at stake You get to represent Jesus to this lost and dying world And you have a very short, short life If it's 100 years it's still short Compared to eternity Compared to eternity Guys, I would like to tell you that you don't have to waste one more second, one more day You can just blaze a trail for Jesus and not be afraid any more There are people here that came that aren't Christians You all ought to come up here Come on You haven't given yourself to Jesus and you are here, come up here Come on, don't be a chicken You have never said yes to Jesus I want you up here right now Amen Come on Listen, you're here You came to the conference but you have never given yourself to Jesus It's time Come up, right now This will be a really bad time to be selfish and hold on to you I promise This will be a great time to say, 'I'm in' This is all in There is more Come on Don't hold on to you If you have never said yes, a big yes to Jesus come up here right now Come on, come up Don't be afraid Come up here right now If you are out there and you have never surrendered and given up, come up here right now Come on, there is a bunch of you, I need you up here right now Don't be afraid, yay champion! Listen, let's start this thing out right If you are here and haven’t said 100% yes to Him get up here Come on Let's do this Jesus Don't let shame hold you in your seat You got to be kidding me Come on, it's time to be a part of family You get filled with the fire of Jesus It's time to say, 'I'm all in' Let's do this Come on Look, it's like this side came up but this side didn't Everyone over here, come up Listen, if you have never said yes to him and you came with a friend I'm really sorry that you have seen not Christianity I'm not saying your friend didn't walk like one In your life you have been hurt by the church and you are like I don’t know if I want to risk it all Dude, get over you and come up here Come on You got hurt by the church and you are not ready to give up, you should just give up Let's just get over this stuff, let's not hold on to selfishness no more Let's burn Come on girls Fire Let's do this Jesus, Jesus Jesus, Jesus, Jesus Anybody else? Gosh, listen, if you think you are going to leave and get in your car and remain the same I got news for you The Holy Spirit is a friend of mine Listen, you can't afford to live for you any longer This work will convict you and you will not make it home without pulling over and repenting I promise, I'm not being mean I'm being real I've watched Jesus do this too many times You will tremble in your car and come back inside and not be able to leave I'm not mad, I'm just real Jesus loves you It's time we get over us Anybody else? When I say the word 'father', you have a problem That right there needs to be fixed OK? If you have a problem with the word 'father', you should come up here right now Come on If you have a problem with the word 'father', you need to come up here right now Because in Christianity if you have a problem with 'father' you will never make it So it's about surrendering to the One, Lord and Father who is over us all It's not knowing that He didn't do anything twisted or cause anything twisted to happen to you All good gifts come down from the Father of lights All good gifts God is a good Daddy If you have a problem with the father, come up here so we can get done with this Come on We definitely don't want an attitude with Him That would be silly Jesus, Jesus, Jesus Holy and anointed, Jesus, Jesus My Lord, my King, my Lord of Lords, my King of Kings, Jesus Holy, holy Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus You are good and your mercy goes forever You are good God Jesus, Jesus, Jesus Jesus, Jesus, Jesus You are good And your love endures forever Jesus, Jesus, Jesus Jesus, Jesus, Jesus You're amazing You're never changing You're a good, good Father Daddy God You're amazing, you're amazing You're never changing, you're never changing And your love, your love endures forever Daddy God, Daddy God You're amazing You are everything You are everything, everything, Jesus Everything, everything we have ever wanted We give you glory, Jesus We give you glory, Jesus We made it all about us We say 'yes to you, Father' Yes to you, Father Yes to you, Father We say 'yes to you, Father' Yes to you, Father Yes to you, Father Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus Jesus, Jesus We say 'yes to you, Father' Everything good comes from you We are no longer orphans We are children of our Father We are no longer orphans We are children of our Father We are no longer orphans But we're children of our Daddy God Here we are Jesus Here we are Lord Jesus Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus Everybody sing with me right now Lord God Everybody sing with me Lord God Forgive us of our sins Forgive a son like me Wipe away my tears You take all my fears I give my life to you My life is yours And yours is mine Holy Spirit Come upon me I believe that Jesus Christ is Lord Who I live for My life no longer belongs to me It belongs to you You set me free I am your child I am your child I am your child I am your child I am your child I am your child You are my Dad You are my Dad I'm yours and you are mine I'm yours and you are mine I'm yours and you are mine I am your child I'm not mad at you Fill me with your truth I will walk like you I will talk like you I am your child Father, I thank you in the name of Jesus God that you would mark everyone here God, I'm asking you in the name of Jesus to touch everyone here God, I thank you for all this junk being taken out of our closets tonight God I thank you that who can ascend His holy hill? He that has a pure heart and clean hands Clean hands and a pure heart Father, I thank you for pure hearts In the name of Jesus God, we thank you so much Let every day of our lives be about you God, you are the way, the truth and the life We thank you Father for this amazing opportunity In Jesus name, Amen Hey guys, thanks for watching the video, we came up with a website called lifestyle Christianity We have our newsletter, you can sign up to our email list, we have testimonies on there, events schedule, all that stuff It will be amazing, we want to empower a generation to walk Christianity as a lifestyle We can all walk with the power of God Its going to be awesome, so come on over Bless you, thanks for watching
Channel: Todd White
Views: 308,087
Rating: 4.8642001 out of 5
Id: rfZCdMOz6fo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 130min 46sec (7846 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 16 2015
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