Todd White - Clean The Inside (Part 2 of 2)

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we want to create a safe place here where you can just be in the spirit but use your gift that god's given you to glorify god in its fullness man that's awesome i i got some friends from pennsylvania when i first got saved um they're here tonight my friend when i first got saved i went to a church called life center i think after about a year i went up there and then these guys came in man i was like because where we live there are like a lot of amish people in ephrata and like ephrata and lancaster and i saw these guys come in and they're like jamming and worshiping like i'm that ain't right what's going on right and uh the fisher brothers are here with with a couple stand up buddy these guys are baptized in the holy ghost filled with god and causing a ruckus [Applause] but it's beautiful to see him i haven't seen him gosh in probably almost a decade probably yeah i said to him i said man it's so good to see he goes i tell people i knew todd white for he's famous it's not about i want to make jesus famous but it was awesome because they were at the church when i first started when i first started uh stepping out and after it was like really started to roll i was at life center and i remember i'd go up to the staff and i'd tell pastor i'm like man guess what happened this week and i'd share the testimonies with them pastor charles just a beautiful man it's in harrisburg pennsylvania it's life center church and uh my i had a spot on the floor right here this spot right beside pastor on the floor where i just would come during worship and try my face off but then after worship or right at the end i'd say hey man i got these testimonies and he said well look he goes you know we we'd like you to go through these classes and all these different things and you know before we have someone share and i'm like okay that's cool and then i i prayed for somebody at walmart earlier like a two weeks before that and the guy had a torn rotator cuff and so we prayed for him me and the father and the holy ghost and the son we prayed for and he got healed and it was really awesome and so i was telling the pastor about what had happened that week and then the next week the guy was in church he came up and he goes dude that's the guy that prayed for me pastor shaw goes hey why don't you come up and and share that testimony talk so i did and and a guy came up and it was really cool but i was known as the guy that prays for people at walmart i was because all my testimonies were walmart because that's where we shopped but it was countless all the time just amazing and so they were they were in that and i would share and they're out there like just celebrating i just love it and i'm glad you guys are here it's awesome it's awesome wow i'm pretty overwhelmed right now so don't know what you're going to get i have a something i've been pondering on this morning i i shared about the love of the father the reality of god's love for us and and us being its temple and how amazing that really is and i shared about oh gosh i shared so much i should just share it again i can't that's the problems i didn't write it down so okay i'll share some of it there once was a man named jesus i'm just kidding i shared the reality of when jesus came into the temple when he came into the temple understand that jesus was the temple but when jesus came into the temple that was physically built that took 46 years to build when he came into that place he didn't like what he saw he didn't like what he saw and he went through with a three-strand cord and he turned the place upside down flipping over the tables of the money changers and he got rid of all the things that didn't belong he was going he was going after it i remember when my when uh when zoey was zoe was really little and uh i taught her that mean people need jesus they just need jesus so when someone was really mean she'd say they need jesus dad i'd say yeah so we're watching the visib the visual bible the the gospel of john you can get it it's it's out there and jesus went into the temple and he's like he's flipping tables and zoe looked at me she goes daddy jesus needs jesus it was so funny i thought to myself yeah but he's flipping the tables over and and man they confront him and they said to him what what what can you why do you do this who do you think you are pretty much who do you think you are he said you've made my father's house a den of thieves you've made the house of god a den of thieves you've made it a house like for stealing you've stolen from god and these guys were like what jesus is like tear down this temple and i'll rebuild it again in three days and they're thinking in the natural like this temple has taken 46 years to build and you think you're going to build it in three days and jesus didn't say anything but scripture says that jesus was talking about his body that was the temple so when we get saved when we get born again when we say yes to god right away holy spirit comes on in the house man when we get saved it's uh the other day we were uh i was at the gosh i was at the gym and i came in and i was talking to the girl at the desk and i had this word about her her back being messed up and she's a young girl and she said yeah i said can i see your hand she's sure give me your hand pray for i said check it she goes and she walked away from me she was totally freaked out didn't know what to say and then like another person came up was talking to me but the other person that came up to me was her sister so i didn't know that they were sisters and then she started sharing and she's the she's the assistant uh manager there and so i'm sitting there talking to her and sharing jesus and i shared about god being a father and i shared my testimony with her and i shared the reality of who the father is and i shared with her but when he moved in he kicked out all that stuff and she goes and just looked at me and i started sharing with her a little more a little more and then i shared and then her sister came back over and i said your back's healed she goes yeah i said it's scary she goes yeah i said it's okay your back's healed that's not scary how it got healed that's scary yeah so i shared about the father who both of them have had serious issues with their dad serious issues with grandfather just stuff that girls go through when they're young some girls go through awful things and i shared the reality of who god is as a father and how much he cares for them now when you say the word father people freak out because they're like oh no no and if they tolerate it they tolerate it with that definition of what they grew up with and that is a if i asked and i don't want you to but if i asked how many of you had issues with your father growing up i would tell you that a very large majority of people both men and women have had the same thing it's the truth and so when we find out that god's our father we have to make the disconnect you have to make the disconnect through your earthly dad as good as he was because he's not like your heavenly father as good as he is that's amazing and i'm i totally believe in fathering your kids in the lord but let's never forget your dad's not the lord are you with me so it's so important and so imperative that we get that like when when i got saved i came out of the biggest muck and mess and yuck and man i was up at teen challenge and i was so excited i mean i got shot at to find out that jesus was real but i was still trying to find out what that voice was that saved me that stopped a full nine millimeter clip of bullets from hitting my car at 10 feet away how could a voice safeguard me and like am i going crazy were there blanks there's no way there were blanks it was a 15 year old kid on the street in the middle of the night he wasn't saved he was dealing drugs drug dealers don't hold blanks in their gun so after all that stuff i'm like oh my gosh this is like i've gotta then all of a sudden when i'm there it clicked this clicked i'm up there i gave up everything i lost jackie from all i knew i lost destiny i went in there i'm done i've shaved my head i'm completely done just finished what that was was surrender but what did i surrender to who did i surrender to like i can't surrender to a program because the program can't fix me i can't surrender to uh a 12-step program because 12-step program can't fix i can't surrender to a book because the book can't fix me i can surrender and say the bible becomes my everything but if i don't know the god that wrote the bible the bible's not going to help me it'll just become another book on a shelf that you say you've been there did that went through it in a year you're done but that's not the bible it's alive but jesus christ was the word that came and was made flesh so when i find out that jesus is the book then the book reads me so so i'm in teen challenge and i find out in scripture when it opened up to me that god forgave me and i freaked out and the holy spirit came inside of me and went why because inside was a den of thieves inside of me was a den of thieves inside of me were tables that were money changing tables but where every kind of table that you can think of and ones that you can't even think of they were tables that don't belong and so when jesus saved me he didn't just flip the tables he gave me a new heart that has no tables and the only table that he has is one that's prepared for him oh it's so different man and so i just believed and everybody was like whoa chill hey i came downstairs after my prayer room session like when this first opened up to me i came downstairs and i told the counselor i go did you see this oh my god he goes what i go i'm forgiven he goes yeah i go no no no no no no no listen i'm not guilty easy man relax like why he's like you got listen you got to be careful because we don't want you to be one of those seeds that fall on the rock and then all of a sudden you don't have any roots and i'm thinking what are you talking about why because i don't know a parable of the seeds on the rock or the or the path or the soil or the weeds all i know is i'm forgiven like no no no this is so real we have complicated this trying to figure out which seed am i which seed what kind of soil is am i we have thought so much about what kind of soul we are that we've we've we've gotten really smart [Music] and god wants us to become like kids and sometimes we're too smart for something so simple and i just believed when i was little and i got saved at 34 i wasn't too little i was bigger than i am now but when i was 34 and i got saved i was like you've got to be kidding i'd walk around my prayer room and i'd say this is this is absolutely crazy like you don't want anything against me like john the baptist didn't just go and say behold the land i can't tell you enough how important this is he didn't say behold the lamb of god that forgives the sin of the world he did not say that he said behold the lamb of god that taketh away that takes away he didn't forgive he took away yes forgiveness is there but he took him away what does that mean he didn't just forgive you by taking him away he forgot him this is almost not celebrated in the church because we don't want to get ahead of ourselves ahead of yourself this is supposed to be behind you when you first started like when you first start when you say yes to jesus what can wash away my sin nothing but the blood of jesus forgiveness and forgetting it is completely different oh gosh i became so excited and everybody wanted to put this out they told me that you're way too zealous and there's no wisdom in what you're saying when i'm praying for the sick people were like listen you got to stop there you're opening up doors i'm like what are you talking about they're like you're opening up doors you don't understand you're stirring up the devil i'm like i want to step on the devil they're like you don't understand what kind of doors are opening up it was all fear-based stuff who's your who's your who's your head what what covering are you in they'd say what what you're covering now listen i understand church covering i understand that i'm talking about when i'm at walmart i'm at walmart who's your covering hey guys listen cover me i'm going to walmart that doesn't make any sense at all we've super spiritualized this thing and we've stepped outside of what it means to grow up into him and we've grown up into logic and we've taken the logical end of this instead of the spiritual end of this now i agree we cannot be so heavenly minded that we're earthly flaky we want to be heavenly minded and earthly incredible we want to be incredible in what we do what we put our hand to we want to put our hands to the plow not look back we want to do a great job for our employers we're going to be great students at school we want to be amazing in everything that we do and everything that we say we're supposed to do it unto the lord but i need to start with the reality of he's my dad and i can't get hooked or or just lynched on them my dad wasn't there for me my dad rejected me i don't even know who my dad is like that stuff right there will kill you forever you'll get to heaven and finally meet your father why not meet him now man when when i was in teen challenge i was so mad at my mom and when i first got when i first went in there mad at my mom because i grew up in a children's home because she because she had to get me help because i needed help so she said this would be a place that can take care of you i can't take care of you and the girls and i was the wild one getting in trouble pushing buttons cops you name it i was out of control she couldn't do it so she did the best she knew she didn't do it to hurt me she did it to help me but i was mad and i was mad at my dad why'd you leave why did you have to leave what i know mom divorced why don't you fight why didn't you do why why why man when i got saved dad mom guess what i forgive you why what's going on i met jesus okay i hope this works why because unless the revelation of the father is there you've got to hope it works you can't know it works if jesus has given us the ministry of reconciliation we are ambassadors of reconciliation reconciling people back to the father not imputing their trespasses against them just like he did with us if that's a fact how can you bring somebody else to reconciliation if you don't know you've been you don't have to be an evangelist you just have to be reconciled ah it's exciting it's a whole new world it is and it's better than aladdin gosh this is the best day ever why because i started it with him the best day ever guess what tomorrow's gonna be best day ever but i thought today was yeah but tomorrow's ahead of me i don't worry about tomorrow i am thankful for tomorrow it's coming it's coming but i'm with him now i'm gonna be with him then i'm going to know him more tomorrow than i do today and the the deal is is that i am limited by my affections so if my affections are fixed on the right thing if my affections are fixed upon adoration everything changes in my day if i adore him if i can just behold him behold the lamb you can't behold the lamb if you're ashamed you can't behold the lamb if you're afraid you can't behold the lamb if you're condemned and you can't behold the lamb if you're guilty it's impossible you can say you do but you can't there is a disconnect here god is a father not just a the father i read it this morning in matthew 23 let me just do it again i know i have that here oh oh you have no idea this is this is like every day it gets more better and more better and more better it does this is real for me it's real when jesus says enter into his rest he didn't want you to just leave it he said enter in and then learn from him and find it he says all of you who are weary and burdened down and weighed down by life come to me and i will give you rest these girls that i was talking to they got born again the both of them got saved it was amazing and i looked at her immediately i said how do you feel she goes i can't explain it it's like i see different what's that mean you were blind now you see i feel different what's that mean you're dead now you're alive come on yeah but like it's like it's a different place i'm at that's because you were lost now you're found all these things immediately when a believer says yes to jesus and it's real i don't care if you're on a plane i don't care if you're in a store i don't care if you're wherever you are when someone legitimately gets saved boom they're translated out of darkness man bang from here into there jesus told the pharisees in john in matthew 23 listen to this it's the woe chapter whoa it is it's it's so crazy this is where jesus woes the pharisees and woes the scribes he calls them hypocrites and like he lets them have it buddy at the end he goes oh how long i've wanted to gather you like a motherhead would gather her chicks he says woe to you in verse 25 of matthew 23 scribes and pharisees hypocrites you clean the outside of the cup and dish but inside they are full of robbery thieves and self-indulgence you blind pharisees first clean the inside of the cup and of the dish so the outside of it may become clean too woe to you scribes and pharisees you hypocrites for you are like whitewashed tombs which on the outside appear beautiful but inside you are full of dead men's bones and all uncleanliness why they want to kill him i'm serious he like rebuked these guys like they were the most proud people on the planet jesus is like whoa to you hypocrites they're like let's kill him this is over and he's calling god his father which makes him equal with god let's really kill him he said you outwardly appear like righteous men but inwardly you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness who's talking about the outside of the cup and the inside of the cup there is no possible way for you to be clean on the inside outside of jesus see what waterfall when i when i came to the lord i thought i found him but as soon as i started reading i realized he was looking for me that freaked me out because i wasn't hard to find he's god what freaked me out and broke my heart was that nobody tried to find me god had been looking for me for my whole life 34 years god likes to use this one tool called witnesses he likes to use witnesses that would be you and me but you and i can't witness unless we know him knowing about him makes witnessing a job makes it hard but knowing him makes witnessing a lifestyle witnessing and knowing him makes your life a witness of him where everything you do and everything you say you want to bear witness of the king he's the king he's the king of kings he's the lord of lords and he looked down from heaven and saw my twisted mess you know as crazy as he saw my twisted mess before i was born he saw me before i was even knit in my mother's womb he knew of me he had me on his mind like this is crazy ridiculous like crazy faith stuff like in psalms 139 it says that god knit me in my mother's womb god saw me inside of there regardless of my mom wanted me or she didn't regardless of how many times someone's mother said i wish that this baby wasn't in me i should have gotten abortion i should have this i should have had regardless of what she says god still knits you there and knew you and formed you there god did all life comes from god regardless of how you came in see a lot of times we think that we are people that are rejected we're rejected people and we let ourselves be governed by rejection that comes from a parent and a lot of times it's a father or a mother the people that are closest to us that are supposed to be the most affectionate to us they're supposed to love us the most that are supposed to love us the best and we get offended we carry that in and then we get saved and at first it's like whoa this is amazing i feel great i feel amazing but then you still have to face the fact that your father wasn't there so all of a sudden instead of finding out what god says about you you listen to what your family says about your dad come on man i grew up in the same world when i got saved and i came out of teen challenge i made a phone call called my dad immediately i said dad i'm not mad anymore well that's great son what happened well i met jesus he goes well i'm glad you found what works for you i said yeah dad he'll work for you too well that's great but man i had grandparents they were like you're going to be just like your father i had uncles and aunts where you're going to be just like your dad and my dad couldn't hold a job my dad got messed up from vietnam he just got messed up you're gonna be just like me just like so when they said it after i got saved i was like you're right i want to be just like my dad i'm not kidding you can say what you want people are like no you're taking it a little extreme that's right see that's with me that's who i am i'm either 100 in or 100 out there is no middle ground for me the problem is there's a middle ground for lots of christians that's not going to fly man you're either 100 in or 100 out period he you're either for him or against him you gather or you scatter you're blind or you see you're dead or you're alive you're lost or you're found there is no in-between of kind of found kind of loss [Applause] there's none of that you go hard or go home people are like well i don't you know i'm just not charismatic stop it well i don't like to dance try it well i don't i don't like i don't i don't like to raise my hands try it try when no one's looking when you're at home go oh i felt good i'm serious it's time to go hard dude listen kovid has spanked the church pretty well has has has really just dampened stuff and then the storms last week didn't help it didn't this warriors arise that we're doing and this isn't just a promo thing we did power and loves we did 123 of them and they were amazing right now i believe it's wrong to take a three-day to take people away from their jobs for three days because of coveton because of what has happened financials all that stuff so we're gonna do a friday night and saturday we're launching this first one here at our home i believe that this thing is going to have such a break a breaker anointing on it i just believe that i want to take them outside i want to take them to fields i want to take them to large gatherings outside i do i just i want to do open air i want to go after this thing with everything but this is the first one that we're doing if you can come come on march 12th and march 13th right here dan mohler is coming [Applause] eddie james is going to lead worship the dance crew and everybody they're all coming they're going to go after this thing i want to i want to shake hell i want hell to tremble i i just do i want to see sons and daughters break through i want to break orphans out of their shell i'm not kidding i want to take orphan mindset mind mindsets and shift them completely out kick them out like jesus turn the tables over i want to take the tables of orphan mindsets flip them out so that sonship can finally rest on the body of christ and we can run together like sons and daughters with an amazing father and completely go to bed with blood on our sword every night every night jesus was talking to the pharisees he was telling them first clean the inside they didn't have the ability to as a matter of fact the disciples didn't have the ability to but jesus told them i will not leave you as orphans i will not i'll send another parapletos one just like me i'm gonna send so here's what happens jesus when he said it is finished i i shared a couple weeks ago i'm just fascinated with that word it because if they're the last three words that he said then something inside of that it had to be so profound i mean as soon as he said it he gave up the ghost the earth shook dude this is crazy what is it what separated you from god the inside of the cup couldn't be clean see jesus it says in hebrews 9 that it was not possible for the blood of bulls and goats was not possible for the blood of animals to cleanse the conscience your conscience is what lies upon the inside so you've got the atonement where the blood of animals covered over your sin but it delayed and postponed the penalty of sin and death for 365 more days and so animal after animal after sacrifice after sacrifice after sacrifice that's why jesus was referred to as the lamb that was slain so jesus was the spotless lamb that was slain on that cross your sins your lawless deeds and everything that you wish you'd never done and all the things you wish were never done to you were nailed to him on that tree and it says the blood of jesus wiped out your transgressions completely wiped them out but wiping them out would be good but him dying so that you could have the life that he paid for you to have is what's next when he said it is finished and he gave up the ghost that day the blood of jesus was shed once and for all oh my gosh if we get this it changes everything the only way that you can truly minister unto the lord is knowing that you're clean i inside hardly even talk about it all those counselors at teen challenge they wanted to do well because they didn't want me to be one that just that just gets on fire and then goes away i know i understand that but this thing wasn't able this little flame that happened to me wasn't able to be snuffed out back then and i've got way more oil in my lamp right now see i've been able to minister to the lord for almost 17 years it's different to minister to people is one thing but to minister to him is another and we cannot minister unto him unless we're clean inside guilt and shame and condemnation disable you from having a secret life with lord it disables you people are like why do you always talk about this because if we can't get this if we can't start here we're on the wrong side of the cross see if i'm on this side of the cross looking up i might not believe that jesus did what he did and hopefully one day i'm going to get it but once i get it now i carry the cross there's a difference between carrying it and looking at it i want to look under jesus the author and finisher of my faith and when i see him when i get a picture of him on the cross what i do is i get a picture looking in his eyes and in his eyes i see myself the joy that was set before that's why he pursued the cross just so he could get to me just so he could make me clean not the outside the inside because when he cleaned the inside the outside's clean oh my gosh when i got saved i was so excited because god said your sins and your lawless deeds i will remember no more i don't know if you know it or not but that's the same covenant that you were given to this is the covenant that i will make with them on that day their sins and their lawless deeds i will remember no more who remembers him if god forgot him the devil so who constantly reminds you god no the devil why are we listening to him [Music] when you fall in love with the shepherd and overseer of your soul when you see who jesus says you are it will be well with your soul nobody else can clean you there's no more cleaning he can't clean you anymore he did it now it's time for strengthening of the inner man if you see what it means to be strengthened you'll know that you're already been healed if you know that you've already been healed it's easy to become your begin strengthening oh gosh i feel like i'm preaching the gospel to i to myself i love it so much when i told these counselors like guys you know i don't know if you know it or not but like jesus said i'm i'm forgiven i go yeah we we understand that i'm like do you believe you're forgiven well yeah stupid i don't know that you do i have been been in the place for 17 years of christian suffering i have pressed into the pursuit of righteousness since i've gotten saved i haven't gone after any other things since i've been born again i have gone after the finished work the blood of jesus the reality of what it's done for my conscience how it's cleansed me on the inside of my cup the outside is clean i have gone after what it means to be found because i was lost but no longer am i lost i am found i've gone after the reality of what it means to have been dead but now live i have gone after to make sure that there's no gray area you're either that or you're that i believe that's the simple gospel and i have went after this with everything i want to go to a scripture real quick and am i making any sense uh man i hope so yes i i just want to go cry in the closet i do good of second corinthians chapter 11 please [Music] i've shared this before i i have because it just won't go away from me in second corinthians chapter 11 paul is talking and he says i wish that you would bear with me in a little foolishness but indeed you do bear you are bearing with me he said for i am jealous for you with a godly jealousy he says that he's jealous he's jealous a godly jealousy is different than a human jealousy a jealousy of the flesh like jealousy of the flesh is you talking to my girl or you know something silly but godly jealousy is different godly jealousy wells up inside of you and it is something that completely consumes you with zeal and i have been zealous about this since i've been born again i have been so excited that everyone has the same opportunity that i am that i am walking in and i'm not elevating myself i just see something so clearly and i want the body of christ to see it clearly the bible says blessed are those that hunger and thirst for righteousness blessed are those that hunger and thirst for righteousness the bible says in in matthew 6 33 seek first the kingdom of god and his righteousness it's the answer to all worry it's the biggest chapter on worry matthew 6. don't worry don't worry don't worry but see first so out of all the christian life out of everything that we do god has given us the commandment that's not an option it's a commandment it's red letters jesus gave us the commandment of seeking something first and we have sought a lot of other things first besides what he said to seek first so we're wondering why the kingdom doesn't function well for people that don't seek what he said to seek first i don't know it's really all it's an obvious thing so i have been jealous for the body of christ for all these years just for the simple fact that i see something that is so easy that we over complicate it because we fail to come to him as children as kids and we come to him as adults that know it all and it doesn't matter how long you've been a christian how short you've been a christian the reality of that scripture never changes so you could be a christian for 40 years and go after your own thing and and go after whatever your ministry your business i i'm not against any of that stuff but if you don't start on the very foundation that god said to start on one day you're going to have to go back to the very first principles and oracles of god because you can't eat meat meat is in the word of righteousness strong meat is for the mature that have their senses trained to discern between both good and evil righteousness is the strong meat of the word he says when we get saved i talked about a couple weeks ago it says as infants that are saved desire the pure milk of the word that you can grow thereby but so many people coast through their christianity without ever opening the book themselves but having someone else spoon feed them the book spoon the book you're not ready to be spoon-fed the book unless you're drinking the milk of the book an infant can't be spoon-fed before they're milk-fed come on in the natural a kid can't grow unless they feed so the kid grows the baby grows as you give that baby milk but then after that baby gets milk they take the spoon make a mess but after the spoon they're taking some more food and then after the food the strong meat comes that's christianity and so if i don't start where god says to start sometimes i'm drinking a bottle of milk for my whole life and never get to the meat okay gosh i didn't want to go here i am here okay i'm sorry it's okay what would it be like to wake up have you ever had a day where you're completely free from condemnation what would it be like to live a lifetime this is real it's real to be able to live a lifetime of freedom to not wake up condemned or guilty or ashamed any day ever when you got born again you left that world the whole new world starts with the reality of you've been forgiven much how much have you been forgiven everything so what's the byproduct love much why is it hard to love because you don't believe you're forgiven blessed are those that hunger and thirst for righteousness blessed are those that are persecuted for what they hungered and thirsted for blessed are those that are persecuted for righteousness sake when you say that you're right with god when you believe that you're right with god you immediately start to take a stand for truth and when you take that stand for truth man everybody's coming against it everybody doesn't believe it and hasn't tasted it doesn't want you to go there why because you're a conviction to them do you understand what happens when faith comes into the room unbelief has to fight it to get to feel comfortable about itself again when faith walks in the room man i am right with god unbelief says you've got to get rid of that guy because he's making my life look bad faith makes lies look ugly and when you believe lies you have to get faith away from you oh gosh some of you just got really upset when someone when someone walks in the miraculous and a miracle happens if you have been taught that that's not from god you immediately they're demonic are you with me this is so imperative that we all start with the same thing righteousness okay let me just let me just finish i am jealous for you with a godly jealousy it is a zeal that won't go away it's not something like i'm sitting there i watch woodlawn you ever watch woodlawn the the football movie called woodlawn oh my gosh it's amazing last night i watched it again i sat there i cried my guts out man sitting there holding my kids why because it's all about jesus man it's about a team getting completely saved in the middle of racism and rioting and all that stupid stuff where this preacher comes into a school and he's like hey i want to talk to your students coach is like absolutely not i want to talk about jesus oh no way then they're having riots and students are getting stabbed and it's the whole racism thing and the guy like is like coach can i talk to the kids he's like no you can't talk to the kids but the coach is getting called away so he's sidetracked so the guy goes coach give me a couple minutes five minutes got five minutes you have five minutes hurry up so the coach doesn't come in for a couple hours and the guy's in there preaching he starts the session out all these kids are on the bleachers and they're all like talking stuff he wants their attention they don't listen he walks with a baseball bat he goes bam and slams the brief the bleachers and everybody goes so the guy preaches the gospel for like an hour and a half the coach comes in the room at the end right before like the guy's ready to give an altar call he goes i told this guy five minutes he goes just wait hold on a second something's happening here the assistant coach says and all of a sudden almost every one of them kids come off the bleachers and give their life to jesus and i sat there and i went oh my god and what happens racism is over for those kids why because when jesus comes in the room it's no longer about you or you it's about him it's about ministering to him it's about your love for him and that changes everything it's amazing as the movie goes on more kids get saved and more kids get saved and at the end of that movie these two teams are playing the largest like i think there was 40 000 people in attendance of a high school football game at the end and i'm like illustrates it he's he's like talking to this kid one day he's like so what do you guys and he's just a humble kid man the running back touchdown tony his name he's like hey what paper do you write for because he's cause the guy asked him and he goes i just want to give jesus christ all the glory man i'm like oh where's that at where's that at in sports today where's that at that needs to happen what happens why am i jealous with a godly jealousy because that needs to happen now but i need a people to get jealous with a godly jealousy and a seal that can't be contained where the zeal of the lord consumes them where they're jealous for people to see their created value and to see their identity so they can finally know who they are so we can go through life without an identity an identity crisis we can look in the mirror know who we are so i won't be jealous about what you got because i know who i am man that's the gospel and it's so sweet and so beautiful so he says i'm jealous for you in a godly jealousy oh yeah that guy was from sports illustrated that was interviewed he goes what paper are you with he goes sports illustrated i said to jackie i said that's the number one sports thing and he just said give all the glory to jesus christ man i want to see more football players break out in tongues on camera more basketball table more basketball players right there on camera getting an interview and the other guy gets baptized in the holy ghost that's what i want to see the zeal of the lord consumes me why i cannot handle this do you understand it says the love of christ compels me it constraineth me my number one constraint is to be compelled by the love of christ so my life is possessed by god's love i sit and watch something and i'm like damn jesus oh god you gotta come to the scene i'm thinking how can we get how can jesus do it how can we touch him how can this how can that all the time it never goes away it's godly jealousy why it says this paul says for i have betrothed you to one husband whoo one husband whether you're married whether you're single you're still betrothed oh gosh this is so good and and it gets better so that to christ i may present you as a pure virgin let's break it down no matter who you've been with no matter how how you've acted in the world no matter how you've lived no matter what you've been through no matter what was done to you no matter what you did to others what he's saying is that when jesus christ comes into your life you have now been set up for a wedding date with the bridegroom and you have become part of the bride of christ and you and you not just that he's cleansed the inside of your cup so that everything that you messed up on isn't there anymore [Applause] a chaste virgin what whose canvas is completely blank for the lord to rewrite on it for the master craftsman to create for the one that has said you are his to be able to draw and landscape his landscape on it and take out all the stuff that you wish you'd never done so when i got saved bang it was all gone and i was like oh my gosh and i believed it i didn't even read that yet i was yes this is what he says but i'm afraid that as the serpent deceived eve by his craftiness your mind will be led astray from the simplicity and the pure devotion to christ in other words you have been washed by the blood of jesus your conscience look i don't care if you had lived an active life of sin after you got saved the reality of your heart going man i wish i wasn't in this i wish i didn't do this that's all god needs he doesn't need you to jump through hoops he doesn't need you to climb a ladder every time i go up i get back down every time it's not a ladder it's this there's no ladder involved in this that's not a ladder and that's not work [Applause] i'm headed this way i'm in a bad place i can't believe this i can't believe i got there god goes boom oh my god father i thank you that's not who you created me to be god i thank you you are for me and not against me i thank you god i'm a man after your heart that is not the man you created me to be that man is dead lord i love you immediately god's blood the blood of jesus cleanses your canvas once again and washes you white as snow oh i'm telling you right now he doesn't he's not the god of second chances because you might mess that one up too people teach it veggie dale sings a great song my god is a god of second chances but that's not true he's not a second chance god he's a new life god and every day his mercies are new and repentance is doing in about-face changing the way you think and thinking from god's perspective instead of the man's perspective that place is a dead zero this place is jesus is my hero this is the only way to live a christian life the blood of jesus cleanses you from dead works cleanses your conscience he cleans the inside of the cup there's no other sacrifice that will do because what happens is then you become a living sacrifice holy and acceptable to god and you allow his word to come in and train your heart and train your soul the way that god thinks instead of the way that you think and he gives you the mind of christ and he lets you bro he lets you be forgiven he washes you clean man he washed the holy ghost he's taking the blood right now actively and washing your soul everybody's messed up nothing you could do to fix it you can't go back and fix it you can change from today forward right now it's time to change right now not then not wait till tomorrow right now it's time to change you say god i never saw this and you stand in his righteousness not yours it's his righteousness you stand in his righteousness and you behold the lamb and you gaze at him and when you gaze at him everything changes nothing remains the same and then you wake up in the morning oh my gosh you're still here you start to cultivate that relationship and you let god just you cultivate marinate in the reality of god's presence and then what happens is your prayer life goes from a list of what god can do for you instead of what god can do for you how you can minister to him and then when you step into that place god wants to bless your socks off why because then it's not about you it's about him come on sometimes we say when god says you know let all your cares be anxious about nothing but in everything in prayer supplication in thanksgiving let your requests be made known to god and the peace of god it says we'll safeguard your heart and it actually means we'll be an umpire inside of your heart like safe out foul ball home run like god's peace will be an umpire inside safeguarding your heart keeping you safe and sound in the peace of the lord and then the rest of god comes upon you rest like enter into his rest find his rest and all of a sudden your prayer life becomes an intimate relationship with the father not just saying do you have a personal relationship but actually engaging him going into your prayer closet and saying father there's no one like you god i worship you i love you god how can i minister to your heart how can i minister to your heart you know you have in acts 13 i was looking at it today i'm almost done sorry they got the eternity sign up there sorry guys i know i'm done when i get done burning i'm still cooking a little here it says they ministered unto the lord now i found that again i'm looking in uh in 1st samuel chapter 3 when samuel this boy this little boy ministered unto the lord a boy minister under the lord and it said that in that day it starts out in first samuel chapter 3 it says there was no profound words given from the lord in that day but at the end of that chapter samuel was giving the profound words why because those profound words came to samuel in the place of his ministering unto the lord and then when i looked in daniel chapter 7 you've got jesus the ancient of days and it goes there and it says there were thou there were ten thousands upon ten thousands before him but then it says there were thousands of thousands thousands upon thousands thousands times times of thousands there was a million people ministering unto the lord and there were a hundred million people standing before the lord that's one out of every hundred people knew how to minister unto the lord that's scary i believe that god is shifting the tables the revelation of god's righteousness and the revelation of the pure in heart that will see god will truly see god and our ministry is going to shift from being ministered to by the lord to us ministering unto the lord and that's the season that we're entering into as a church as a ministry as a nation i believe that with all my heart the father needs to be your everything that's where we start forgiveness needs to move to forgiven and he forgot it and he removed it to the reality of putting us into this place where we can all minister unto the lord where god cleans the inside of the cup so that the outside is clean and we can actually have peace on a consistent basis and live from the foundation of peace look every time we have service i always give the opportunity because i believe first of all that there's people here that don't know god as father and i believe there's people here that haven't let go of what their father and their mother have said about them this morning we had so many people come forward just the reality of that thing being cleared out so that you can start your brand new relationship with god as the father in matthew 23 9 it says call no one on earth your father for you have one father and on matthew 23 verse 10 it says call no one on earth your teacher for you have one teacher the christ it starts with god being your father this is the only way to truly minister unto the lord in thanksgiving so if that's you and you have had issues with the reality of god being your father i want you to come up here right now don't be afraid it's okay come on guys cheer mom this is amazing this is a whole new life can i get the worship team if there's anybody still left can i play i'm sorry i'm sorry to be so long i just for me i want to make sure that i give you all that's in my heart when i share i don't want to give you some shortcut message that i just hey guys thanks for coming see you i just want to pour my heart out that's all and i always if people if you get done before me please feel free to go i'm sorry if the father thing has been hard for you and just the revelation of god being your father has been tricky has been just something that you need help getting over and tonight god really spoke to your heart about him being a father and you want that to stay if that's you please come up i feel like there's more people that aren't up here and it's okay i'm not and where this isn't like a this isn't a pulling teeth thing this is a come on this is good come on guys cheer him on i'm so proud of y'all i see you out there i just want to tell you there's so much on your life a good thing that this father thing when that thing hits the devil is very very very concerned very concerned because he'll be take he'll be on a run for his money you are going to crush him it's going to be good it's amazing god [Music] you are faithful you are worthy you are faithful god you are our father [Music] you are faithful you are worthy you are faithful god you are a father you are faithful you are worthy you are faithful god you are our father you are faithful you are worthy you are faithful god you are our father you are faithful you are worthy you are faithful god you are our father you are faithful [Music] you are worthy you are faithful god you are our father you are faithful you are worthy you are faithful god you are our father [Music] you are faithful you are worthy you are faithful god you are our father sing that with me you are faithful you are worthy [Applause] you are faithful god you are our father you are faithful you are worthy you are faithful god you are our father come on sing it you are faithful you are worthy [Applause] you are faithful god you are our father you are faithful you are worthy you are faithful god you are our father you are faithful there's healing you are worthy come on you are faithful god you are our father you are faithful [Applause] you are worthy [Applause] you are faithful god you are our father you are faithful you are worthy [Music] you are grateful god you are our father you are faithful you are worthy you are faithful god you are our father you are faithful you are worthy [Music] [Applause] you are faithful god you are our father you are faithful [Music] you are worthy you are faithful god you are our father you are faithful come on you are worthy you are faithful god you are our father you are painful you are worthy you are faithful god you are our father you are faithful you are worthy [Music] you are faithful god you are our father [Music] you are people come on you are worthy come on sing it you are faithful god you are our father you are faithful yes you are worthy you are faithful god you are our father you uplift your voice [Music] yes you are faithful god you are our father come on lift your [Music] voice [Music] again [Music] [Music] you you are worthy jesus you are faithful god pray with me just say this i forgive [Music] my dad my mom all those people it didn't know any better i forgive right now out of my heart and i confess with my mouth [Applause] i forgive i forgive god i let it go we'll sing it again you are faithful you are worthy you are faithful god you are our father you are faithful [Applause] you're worthy come on lift your voice that's beautiful [Music] come on lift your boys you are worthy you are faithful god you are [Music] [Music] just the last part when we say you are our father i want you to make it personal and i want you to say you are my father are you ready we're going to sing you our faith lord start again but at the end we're going to say you are my father you are my father make it personal because he's not just our he's my he is yours individually he is a brand new dad one that you might not know but he wants you to get to know him so you are my father are you ready on the count of three one two three you are faithful you are worthy you are faithful you are my father do it again it's good you are faithful you are worthy you are faithful god you are my father do it again come on lift your voice lift your voice are faithful god
Channel: Todd White
Views: 23,587
Rating: 4.9101124 out of 5
Id: dbEo0TUzLjs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 37sec (4297 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 08 2021
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