✝️ DAN MOHLER - 1 John 4

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look at first john 4 with me would you please i want you to see something incredible i mean this is so motivational to me so inspiring like that god would entrust us with the kingdom that he would put the king he says fear not little flock it's the father's good pleasure good plan not undecided pleasure not unsure pleasure his good pleasure to give you the kingdom yeah phew listen i say this almost everywhere i go with passion if we miss become in love we're going to miss the whole point and the whole reason for the cross the finished work of christ is not fulfilled when a man prays a prayer to go to heaven the finished cross the work of christ is fulfilled when a man's nature is restored back to love when his life looks like jesus christianity is not church attendance but we're not to forsake thick assembling of ourselves together but christianity is not church attendance christianity is not serving within church christianity is christ-likeness yeah and you want to be very sure to pursue him and live him watch the paradox of this this isn't condemning it's just sobering you can just think it's church attendance you could just say well my kids are going to church and you can take your kids to church that's great but if you're not pursuing christ and living like and taking accountability for your life your actions living humble before them and repentant and and showing them who christ is then you're teaching your children without saying it the church attendance is christianity because it's not relevant under our roof come on oh that just wow you all right some of you aren't no i you perceived things when you're up here that one didn't fly well what an honor to manifest christ in your life what an honor when people are doing wrong to manifest christ in the face of it and not fall apart and become a product of wrong did jesus ever change could men change who he is did men have the power to change the lord that's why he's still changing men come on that's so good i want you to see this beloved verse seven let us love one another because love is of god and everyone who loves is born of god and he knows god he who doesn't love he just doesn't know god for god is love now it doesn't say born of god there but it doesn't say that you don't see your need for savior doesn't say that you don't understand the cross and the need for forgiveness it just says if you don't love there's one bible reason that you don't love you don't know him like you could that means it's impossible to know him and have a viable relationship with him and not the manifestation that relationship be loved because god's love you can have a relationship with knowledge you can have a relationship with ministry you can have a relationship with your calling and not have a viable relationship with him and you can find identity forever through everything you do in the name of the lord instead of find identity through the lord and that's why a lot of men rise and a lot of men fall that's why people don't run well that's why people will grow weary and doing and doing well and don't finish the race that's why people say well i used to but then this happened where i used to and then i went through this oh yeah i used to go to church oh no i pastored one time but it was just so hard i mean people you just can't i mean you think and you just can and i just had to get out come on on the night that jesus was what betrayed guess what he did he broke bread as a sign of laying down his life he set up what we call today covenant christian communion and he passed the cup this is my body and this is my blood on the night he was what you have to make sure on the night you're betrayed you're not crying and calling for prayer because you're not following jesus on the night you're betrayed you should be passing the cup because you already laid down your life somehow we got tricked into this thing being all about god taking care of me instead of transforming me and we have a privilege to still feel sorry for ourselves get hurt be offended and justify it and never produce life in those arenas and you go through that too many times you'll lose your heart things will get layered over are you all okay this isn't corrective this is encouraging this is telling you how we're called to live and not get caught in these little foxes that take the fruit of the vine in this the father is well pleased that you bear much fruit and your fruit remain it's not cool to have these little misunderstandings sneak into your life and clip things that are trying to grow and all of a sudden you're going to church and you're bearing no fruit all of a sudden church attendance has taken the place of no in him all of a sudden you're not walking in love because you don't really know him but if you knew him you'd be walking in love come on it's scripture it's not even my sermon email the lord he who doesn't love doesn't know god for god is love that's telling me i can't have a viable relationship in union without being so impacted by him that i start becoming more like him do you think he forgave us of everything we've done so we can just walk around and rejoice in forgiveness and so it's so we get so touched by it that we actually become the very same expression you get it watch this in this in this the love of god was made known towards us that god has sent his only begotten son into the world that we might live through him that's huge so the barometer for god loving me is christ crucified so i'm rooted and grounded in love because of the cross not because my job went well not because i got the promotion not because everything's going cookie cutter perfect god doesn't have to prove his love god said i love you through the sun the measuring stick of god loving me is christ crucified not the circumstances of life god's love is never in question or i'm not grounded are you with me come on i watch countless christians make this mistake i've been involved with people's lives my whole christian life very involved pastorally counseling people say well i thought god loved me well how come he well why did he let this in god and and love the love of god is the first thing people question through trials which means you were never grounded are you following me come on this is amazing this is crystal clear this is like the love of christ was made known and realized through this thing that god sent his only begotten son into the world that we might live through him not for him through him in this is love not that we loved god but that he loved us and sent his son he initiated this thing while we were lost while we were dark why we were alienated in enemies colossians one by wicked works in our mind yet he reconciled us through the death of jesus yeah so he came and said hey guys here's the cross the cross says i hope you're happy now look what your sin did to me and now you feel a little bit sorry by now maybe it's time you should repent and turn back to god look what you've done to me your sins would put me here that's how people preach the gospel what the gospel said is hey i know who you are i've known you from the beginning we've always had a plan i see your destiny and your purpose and i know what you'll look like when i'm in you and you're surrendered and you're well worth paying for i love you if you're heavy-laden and burdened would you come unto me i'll give you rest would you take of me would you eat of me would you learn of me i love you that's the gospel and all of a sudden i see his first love and i go ah and i run to him and now i love him because he first loved me you get it it's so scriptural watch this it just gets better i'm gonna try to hold it together because see i do everything in my bible i do colors so everything in my bible green is love look at this chapter oh it's just green oh chapter green sometimes i just freak myself out and i just sit alone when nobody's looking and i can just be me and jesus right and i just turn pages and i just read green i just read green some days i just read blue person of holy spirit the work of the spirit life in the spirit some days i'll just read all read redemption through christ forgiveness of sins righteousness and sometimes i just read all the colors together and we just get a rainbow in the holy ghost [Laughter] [Applause] man watch this beloved if god so loved us we also ought to love one another no one has seen god at any time if we love one another god abides in us this is heavy language and his love has been perfected in us if we love one another that means the eight years of my wife when she struggled never changing my mind about her taking her struggle personally and having deficit because she's in trouble hello or i'm married to her for my sake and she ran me out of gas oh that's straight some of you are having a hard time hearing that i can feel it in the room maybe it's because you made other decisions or you have a different scenario listen it's not about the choices you made it's about who you become as you hear the truth there's no condemnation in christ jesus you're not judged for decisions you made you're judged for who you've become in the hearing of truth you can't change yesterday but you can make today amazing and you can pursue your present your things to come are you with me but once you hear this thing man and once you see it don't ever let yourself live there that would violate your conscience you would look in the mirror and you would know that why don't you do yourself justice and walk in love just as jesus loved ephesians 5 just as jesus loved it doesn't say somewhat like kind of the same walk in love just like he loved what do you say are you in yeah that sure beats a fence hurt anger frustration disappointment let down despair discouragement depression see i've never seen anybody in that compartment walk in the light and shine so if you're called to let your light so shine before men then anything that comes against the light to keep her from shining has to be a lie and has to be an enemy and there is no justification worthy of not shining if jesus would have turned off the light we're lost in darkness he is the light of man yeah come on if he just drops the cross in an analytical moment and is frustrated because they released barabbas and they're killing him and barabbas killed a man and he raises the dead are you kidding me god i raised the dead he kills the man they want him released and want to kill me these people are whacked i'm not dying for them i'm done if they didn't change by now all the miracles and all the things i spoke in their streets for three years and all they did was contest me they don't care they don't care about you they don't care about me i'm done if they hit me with one more stick i'm telling you i'm not dying for these people see we take it for granted who jesus is he didn't not say that because he's jesus he did not say that because he's love he can't say that because love doesn't seek its own then why are we doing silent treatments in our marriages love doesn't seek its own therefore it takes no account of the wrong done to it come on it's just straight up gospel straight up scripture there's no way out of it you just say well i don't want it but you can't not hear it see that's the thing about god he's so humble he's not a control freak he doesn't have your name in a remote with your remote with your name on it he's wooing your heart and he's speaking to you so through the goodness of who he is you say man why wouldn't i want to live that way man now why wouldn't i want to follow you if you're all that if you really are the lord and the king and the example of love and the manifestation of the father and you're inviting me in that i might live through you why not that's what men will answer for by this we know that we abide in him and he and us because he has given us his spirit i got that one blue right in the middle of all the green and we have seen and testify that the father has sent the son a savior of the world whoever confesses that jesus is the son of god god abides in him and he in god that's amazing who whoever that means all ye come everybody's invited come ye all and we have known and believed the love that god has for us god is love and he who abides in love that means dwells and remains it doesn't mean do love it means be love watch and he god is love and he who abides in love abides in god and god in him so this whole chapter he's talking about the power of love and that god is love and that we're called to be the and then he says this this is powerful love has been perfected among us in this that we may have boldness in the day of judgment that's amazing right there you read scripture there's a lot of people that don't have no boldness in the day of judgment it's a day of fear of dread of terror and you're going to have boldness in that day are you possibly going to have boldness in that day because of some mystical supernatural god just hovering over you some supernatural form of peace not making fun of the power of god he can do stuff like that but that's not what scripture is teaching watch the reason you have boldness in the day of judgment because as he is so are we right now in this world and we didn't just attend church we became her and he lived in us and dwelt among us and made himself known through us and we have boldness in that day because who he is is right here in me i don't know about you but that sure is better than a bad attitude that sure is better than he said she said well i wouldn't if they didn't well how come they well i just went well i'm mad well you can't tell me well god didn't raise me up to put me up through this and i don't have to put up with this all this time i got one little life to live and i ain't gonna hang around it no you don't have one little life to live he has given you one little life to live through you in that's why suicide is so tragic because a man gets so deceived he takes what's never his and puts it into his own hands takes his own life it was never his it was always designed to be god in him it's never your life it's his life in you that's why abortion is so tragic it's my body i do with what i want never was your body friend was always created to be him in you and the fall of man and the self-centeredness and the sin of self-centeredness has made us so deceived that we actually think something that was never truly ours is solely ours it's my life i do with what i want never was your life friend it was always designed to be his life in you that's why people dread life that's why life's a grind that's why people put curse words in life is a bleep in a blank and a blip because they're living life outside of why they're here and they have no empowerment or grace in their life to live because they're outside of purpose i'll close with this i know it seems early but i think i was pretty intense with you guys tonight are you okay she feel like we're in the 12th round and you guys just won't go down no just kidding i'm just kidding i don't want you to go down [Laughter] just having fun are you guys all right you might need to smile and say love you dan we're still glad you're here buddy no i'm just kidding i'm just kidding who's here you never even heard me preach you don't even know who i am you've never heard me before okay good good becoming love is a real big deal it's the goal of our instruction love's the goal paul said to earnestly desire the best gifts yet still i'll show you a more excellent way so he didn't take away desiring the gifts but he said let me show you the way to get there he writes a whole chapter on love you know what he says if i speak with the tongues of men and angels and i don't have love i become a sounding brass and someone watch this if i have all knowledge of all mysteries come on that's some people's pursuit and goal they just want to read everybody's mail they want to be a prophet and they want man if they had all knowledge of all mysteries you've arrived you're the closest thing to jesus anyone's ever seen everybody wants you to lay hands on their forehead everybody wants a picture with you everybody wants you to be the keynote speaker at the world conference because you have all knowledge of all mysteries not some not most all that's bible he uses the highest form of gifting all knowledge of all mysteries faith to move every mountain nothing can stand in your way because you have faith and boom and everything's moving and falling and shaking come on that's a christian icon that's the closest thing to jesus we've ever seen and some of us feel like that's the goal to be used by god that way and he says but if you don't have love you've got absolutely nothing you're missing the whole point because somehow it's going to be all about you somehow someone's going to slip in and be weird somehow you're going to try to take glory somehow you're going to get proud somehow something's going to go wrong he says you can give all your goods to the poor it's scriptural to remember the poor you give your body to be burned and if you don't have love you have nothing now the poor have your goods so why would you give your goods to the poor if it wasn't for love might have been for self-esteem it might because you feed off of the accolade and oh you shouldn't and you're amazing and how where would we be without you and you feed off of that because you don't have a good esteem and you don't see yourself in christ and you just need men to affirm you because you don't believe you're anything to be affirmed i've watched people serve in ministries in churches to get affirmation and then they feel like the church failed them and didn't appreciate them and they leave the church hurt because they served in a ministry and didn't feel like they got their due appreciation that means they were in the ministry for the wrong reason why should somebody thank you and need to thank you and if they do thank you and you don't need it it's beautiful and it's healthy i'm not saying don't thank people i'm saying it's not healthy if you need to be thanked because then we're feeding a twist and leadership has meetings behind the scenes to keep people encouraged and appreciate and write notes and keep them thanked and but wonder if we're feeding a twist see if you're going to get mad and hurt and step out of ministry and go to another church lame and limp in spiritually then you're going to carry that same injury in there two churches later you're done with church and the whole body of christ is just one big fat hypocrite and you're the only one that understands listen you went into that ministry for the wrong reason and it caught up with you you can have knowledge of all mysteries and minister for the wrong reasons you can have gifting that's beyond description and never become love and miss the whole point i'm still convinced you can challenge me on this somebody can correct me and sit me down someday not now i'm preaching but i'm still convinced it's why prominent men that have been used mightily by god have caught been caught in some terrible things homosexuality sleeping with a worship leader sleeping with a lady in the church 10 ladies in the church how's that stuff happen when you're so gifted and you're so anointed because you're letting your anointing be your relationship and your identity is coming through ministry not knowing him it is impossible in my understanding to become love and sleep with somebody's wife impossible boy i'm talking about some sensitive things the room's quiet it even feels quiet in the spirit like like you guys are even afraid to think and process come on if i'm in a viable union with the lord and living by the spirit and my motive is love these things get swallowed up and crushed by grace and by the power of truth these people still need restored i'm not judging them i'm not saying they're less than us they need loved they need empowered but we need answers we need stronger answers we need to just stop saying well you know nobody knows the heart of man you know we're just evil we can just fall off the deep end at any moment i don't believe that's scriptural i actually can show you scripture in second peter chapter one that says if i apply things to my life i'll never stumble see we don't even like that preaching that preaching is instantly called heresy and i guess god's a heretic because he's the one that wrote it if i do these things in my life there'll be this broad entrance way into him and he says that i'll never stumble what what's living by the spirit not fulfilling the lust of the flesh me see people go bonkers when you talk like this they think perfection they're like he's saying he never sins i never said that you're saying that that's what you're hearing that's what they did when jesus preached they heard what they heard so they killed him i think they were wrong
Channel: DAN MOHLER - Non Official Channel
Views: 6,986
Rating: 4.9163761 out of 5
Keywords: Dan Mohler, Todd White, Power and Love, Identity, Love, Born Again, Living in the past, Deny yourself, God’s Image, Image of Christ, Becoming love, loved by God, Communion, Christian sermons, powerful sermons, best dan mohler, pastor dan mohler, dan mohler identity, dan mohler 2020, dan mohler marriage, dan mohler false teacher, dan mohler grace, Dan Mohler 2021, Prophets, Biden, Fired, emotions, Dan Mohler 2022, Dan Mohler 2023, Dan Mohler 2024, Dan Mohler 2025
Id: xE8kCA_PyfI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 56sec (1556 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 06 2021
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