✝️ Dan Mohler - How to change from the inside out.

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he's always with us he's always with me getting to know the lord is the biggest benefit of your life jesus said that god was going to give him all that he gave for eternal life and he said and this is eternal life that you might know him eternal life is being won with the one that's eternal having covenant with him christ in you him and you you in him one of the best definitions i've i've realized of covenant is all that is mine is yours and all that is yours is mine that song really triggered my heart i was like guys we ought to all just break alone sometime today and flip that song on and and just and man even if your flesh wants to react and even if you get a little buggy and you're like okay what do i do now and just stay there just let the words just start to commune and just go this way with god and start surrendering and yielding and telling you want more and you're opening up now and come and have all of me and do it now man you camp out in the room and you start living that way you take two three four weeks and you just be diligent to seek the lord in that tone and i promise you just like this brother shared about the caterpillar that will be you that will be you your heart will be changed on the inside and from the inside out you will change see some of us are trying to do good works and trying to do good things for the lord and we feel like we owe the lord and we should serve the lord but but identity and knowing him and communion and fellowship and relations with god should be way before good works if you don't have identity and you're trying to do good works your identity will come through your good works and it's a weird place to live it's not cool i can prove it ephesians 2 says you're his workmanship created in christ jesus for good works what's first his workmanship created in christ so that everything you do you do living through him that means it's always for his glory and always for the sake of others it never has anything to do with you can't even get caught up in pride when you have fellowship in relationship with god and god's moving through your life because you understand that anything a man has it's been given there's no boasting in men you are so humbled that the living god would live in you and live through you it's an overwhelming beautiful thing if you're just trying to do things for god you might misunderstand you might find your identity through how god's using you instead of who he is inside of you and who you are in him are you hearing me it's really really important to have a healthy and a strong identity it's really important to get alone with god people i'm not saying you're not i'm not correcting you i'm cheering you into that place more than we've ever been there before i actually believe in the season when everybody says things are weird the world's weird things are darker listen listen listen the bible said don't be surprised about that darkness will cover the earth deep darkness to people but the light is on you you need to arise and shine your light has come the glory of the lord has risen upon us right the gentiles are going to come to our light and the king's coming to the uprising of our brightness they're not coming to our message they're not coming to our service they're coming to the light that's in our lives yeah you guys all right this morning i know i'm super excited i had church about four times today already i wake up with him i sleep with him it's really cool i wake up and he's right there it's just amazing my life is ruined i'll never be alone again i can never break away and get alone pastor he's always there the soul misunderstood no matter where i go he said even if i make my bed and show there you are just looking at me i'm sorry i'm wigging out this morning i don't even know what i'm doing i just want us all to know him knowing him will take you to the finish line confessing him might not knowing him will being with him having viable relationship that's not be impersonal with the lord let's not let knowledge take the place of knowing him let's not let knowledge puff us up and think to know is to grow to know him is to be transformed and this thing's all about being that butterfly i want to encourage you to something in my heart today i feel like we need to accomplish i just have a little bit of time and i'm glad to be here i've had so much fun with you guys you guys you guys impressed me i travel all over you guys have something special i'm not just saying that to earn your favor and attention i travel i'm from somewhere every weekend you guys have something special here that you have an openness and a hunger for the word in a way that's going to do dynamic things in all of your lives and i do i see a corporate strength a corporate belief there's like a unity of belief here and and like a community of belief that's stronger than anything i've seen in a while and i want to encourage that and stay keep on going after god but don't just do it together corporately make sure you do it alone that's what will make the corporate way more synergistic and powerful if if you if you only seek him and worship at a certain level when you're all together you're going to have your reward in full and you're just you'll just crave those times but man if you get to know him alone and here's what here's what keeps people from getting with him alone they get conscious of himself if you don't feel really good about yourself if you don't see yourself the way he does you won't be confident getting alone with him you actually feel uncomfortable you'll actually be sin conscious you actually think you're not worthy there's a lot of weird things that happen in people's souls and minds when they try to go pursue the lord or be alone with jesus listen we got to get over all that and say wait a minute while i was yet a sinner he sent his son i might have certain convictions i might feel like this and this is trying to pester me and bug me and keep me from him that's the last place i need to be is kept from him i need to be in him and with him and that's what he paid for nobody comes to the father except through me so i'm going in that room closing the door and i'm going in through jesus through the blood i'm not going in in perfection but i know i'm going in pure because i want to be with him and you've got to start somewhere you can't just have a prayer list that's full of needs and let that be your prayer life you have to have a communion a relationship and a fellowship with god receiving his love thanking him that he loves you sometimes just acknowledging i so appreciate being clean in your presence i so thank you jesus for the power of your blood that has washed me and made me free and has spoken better things over my life i'm not the man people have suggested i'm not the man that i produce i'm not the man that that that that was a product of what happened along the way i am a man of god now because you said so and you live inside of me and you love me and you have forgiven me and washed me clean and i so appreciate your life inside of me there's times you have to acknowledge the truth and acknowledge every good thing you have in christ so those things become your reality not your intellect we know how to say amen to the scripture we know it's in the book but is it your reality is it yours is it yours we all know we're called to walk in love but do you walk in love do you pursue walking in love do you pray to jesus and and ask holy spirit to empower you to become more like him and to walk in love is it a is it a hunger in your heart or do you do you just know it's in the book and you say amen i'm not being mean i'm cheering you on we're on the brink of something guys and like never before we've always needed to know jesus but i feel like never before it's imperative to have viable relationship and have rock solid believers that are unmovable unshakable love not their own life unto death appreciate the cross and understand why the spirit of god is inside of them and it's not for a better circumstantial day it's so they can live in the spirit and live by the spirit and walk in the spirit in every situation they encounter be with me the one we read yesterday in matthew there's things coming there's people betraying and offended and doing things and lawlessness is abounding and because lawless is the bounds and you get your eyes on what's wrong and what men are doing instead of who jesus is and who you are in christ see we're sanctified we're set apart we're in the world we're not of the world we're called to shine as a light you're not to be influenced by darkness darkness is not greater than light get your eyes off of it keep your eyes on the light and walk in the light as he's in the light no matter what men are doing nobody walked into a bright room these lights are pretty bright nobody says to the control board hey guys could somebody turn up the darkness if the room gets dimmer it's because someone turned down the light darkness is never the issue darkness is the absence of light and ye are the light of the world it's not even something you can pray to god about and say god you've got to do something he's just going to say how about shining how about walking in what i paid for how about living by the spirit how about not taking account of suffered wrongs how about laying down yourself laying down your life and getting up and living in truth god you got to do something the world's getting so dark i already did something i told you you're the light of the world would you go shine would you love your co-workers would you pray for your boss and stop complaining and looking for a new job would you love the people around you that don't understand forgive them they don't know what they're doing come on are you guys all right you guys are so quiet every time i preach all i get i don't know what's going on i'm just trusting you guys are hearing what i'm saying i feel so passionate in my heart i'm so sorry about that because you guys are just kind of looking at me please get alone with the lord please get alone with the lord please have fellowship with god listen if you don't see how he sees you if you don't see how he sees you you won't feel confident alone with him he sees you through the blood of jesus watch if you care about your life if you care about something you did wrong and it's trying to bother you you should never let it keep you from the lord because the fact that it's bothering you means your heart's alive there's purity in your heart that's recognizing it's wrong you just can't wear wrong you have to say wow i see this for what it is lord thank you for fathering me teaching me showing me the difference man i'm not blind i'm not deceived i get it that's not who i'm created to be and i don't want this in my life and instead of hiding from god you run to god see see he rules his kingdom with righteousness he he he wants you to stand right before god he he says in first peter 2 he bore your sin and my sin in his body on a tree that's amazing he took your sin and my sin put it on him and put it on a tree and anything hanging on a tree is cursed by god he didn't curse his son he cursed sin in the flesh and sin shall have no dominion over you he put what was killing us on the cross sin he was made to be sin he who knew no sin was made to be sin and it was cursed sin was cursed in the flesh it shall not have dominion over you it's phenomenal he bore your sin and my sin and his body on a tree why that we having died to sin he's not talking about perfection he's talking about dying to the identity the stain the sting the regret the memory the desire understanding you're created to be sons and daughters you're not created to live in the flesh you're not you're not doomed and damned to just walk in error you reckon yourself dead to sin it says that you might die to sin right it says he says he bore your sin and my sin and his body on the tree that we having died to sin might live unto righteousness that means wake up every day and be found right in the sight of god because of the blood of jesus christ pull back the veil and never put it back on live that way go to bed that way wake up that way in the morning instead of oh man six o'clock wow father thank you for another day sometimes your body don't feel like it but your heart's alive sometimes you gotta press right through your body sometimes it'd be great if you could lay in bed another hour but you can't you have responsibility don't complain don't gripe don't say god you need to help me get through i don't feel like going to work that's not prayer that's complaining father i thank you for a job today man my body feels like it could use another hour but i know your grace is greater than how i feel i so appreciate you love me and i'm not gonna let my flesh get in the way of that mission field call workplace and man i just pray for johnny today and david and bobby and my boss robert god i thank you that you are moving in my workplace you're moving in my life you're moving in their lives you're so in seed and i'm excited about what you're growing at work god thank you for the grace that's sufficient for me today what an honor to be alive in you and your body doesn't feel like getting out of bed but your heart's saying let's go flesh you don't rule the show man you just are all long for the ride yeah come on this is prayer this is faith prayer isn't always just praying for a need to get met prayer is not always just a list of things we need god to do he's not our busboy he's our father sometimes it's good just to sit on daddy's lap sometimes it's good to just be fathered and be hugged and be loved and be secure just hey can you do this i can have the keys of the car hey can i go over here hey can you give me 20 bucks hey can you come on listen get alone with him have time with him be with him see yourself the way he sees you
Channel: DAN MOHLER - Non Official Channel
Views: 6,364
Rating: 4.9581151 out of 5
Keywords: Dan Mohler, Todd White, Power and Love, Identity, Love, Born Again, Living in the past, Deny yourself, God’s Image, Image of Christ, Becoming love, loved by God, Communion, Christian sermons, powerful sermons, best dan mohler, pastor dan mohler, dan mohler identity, dan mohler 2020, dan mohler marriage, dan mohler false teacher, dan mohler grace, Dan Mohler 2021, Prophets, Biden, Fired, emotions, Dan Mohler 2022, Dan Mohler 2023, Dan Mohler 2024, Dan Mohler 2025
Id: 7Ec8r7M0xn4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 29sec (929 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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