Todd White - Life is Short Leave a Legacy

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wow my wife my wife said someone complained about the title of my book that's coming out life is short leave a legacy i think it's because like the word legacy isn't there i guess i don't know the other one says the todd white story so it's probably not that it's so weird to hear that but people complain about everything like it's the craziest thing everyone that did that in the wilderness died there it's a sad place to be to have something to complain about there's nothing you can do to please everybody so if you live your life pleasing to the father you've already pleased the one that matters it's so important what does it mean to leave a legacy what does it mean to make an imprint on the world on the church with the life that you've been given by god like leaving a legacy isn't living a life that's pleasing to people so you can go down in history as a people pleaser like christianity is like salmon that swim up upstream you're going against everything period if you're not going against stuff i'm not talking about rebellion i'm talking about rebelling against sin the thing that used to control you dominate you manipulate you talking about rebelling against that and unfortunately a lot of the church is in sin so you're looked at as a rebel okay this is going to go over well all god's asking us to be is obedient it's the craziest thing and when you walk in simple obedience god will bless you and it will make other people that aren't blessed very angry all right jesus said he's come to give us peace yet he says i didn't come to bring peace that's what he said he's not contradicting his word he said i've come to give you peace to bring peace peace that the world can't bring but the peace that you have is a violation of people that don't have it he said i've come to bring you peace peace that surpasses understanding you can't even understand it it's that good and the more you seek to understand it the more it drifts away from you because it's by faith it's not by your knowing it's knowing him that produces it but when you know him people that don't know him get upset and religion persecutes relationship never ending on the day that jesus hung on the tree religion persecuted relationships still but relationship didn't get upset by religion relationship said father forgive them they don't know what they're doing why because jesus knew who he was so when everybody came against him he didn't come against anybody it's amazing it's the christian life unfortunately we get our feelings hurt because we're still very alive i need to die so this year is a year of death [Applause] it should have happened when he got saved some people believe it's the process of dying and it is an i died daily thing paul said i died daily but you have to diet a reputation immediately you can't afford to live in reputation if we're going to walk in the miraculous and you have a need to be known you're in deep trouble if you're going to walk in the miraculous and walk in miracles and all of a sudden god does a miracle through your life and you think that that validates your very existence you're wrong god can speak through a donkey he'll heal through you all right i've been reading this morning i read about the mountains the mountain of blessing the mount of curse cursing and i read the whole way through deuteronomy and i was like oh my gosh i'm so glad that we have this covenant that god has given us if you knew all the hoops to jump through in order to be right with god you would be really thankful that jesus took away the hoop god is holy beyond anything we've ever thought about beyond our perception of holiness god's way beyond that way way way way way beyond yet he tells us to be holy as he is holy that's scripture man people like you you're a blasphemer because you think that you can be holy when you're just a sinner no you're an unbeliever because you don't believe that you've been moved from sinner to saint in the new covenant the new covenant that moves you from sinner to saint doesn't mean you don't have the ability to sin you just because of obedience hate sinning he who knew no sin became sin so that we might become something else but if you don't see what you've become you will always be angry at people that believe that they are i can't afford to be jealous of a person that knows who they are i have to meet the god who is jealous so i can believe that he's right and i'm wrong okay all right somebody's going to celebrate either before or after service lots of people wake up new year's and they're like i'm going to make a new year's resolution that lasts until maybe february go to the gyms and find out everybody gets memberships january is the most packed month ever in a gym maybe covent has slowed it down some but january is the most amazing month because we've been taught all our lives that we're going to make a new year's resolution and a commitment this year and most people start their diet on monday diets on monday don't work past wednesday are you with me come on being real this isn't a new year's resolution this is a change of heart you can't afford to change your mind or you'll change it again god doesn't want you to change your mind he wants your mind renewed but you have to have a change of heart for your mind to go into renewal you have to make a commitment in your heart this day who you're going to serve today is a day that the lord has made so if you serve yourself you're not serving him self is the issue the bible doesn't say deny the developer devil pick up your cross and follow him he doesn't say that the devil's been denied and if we see who jesus is and what he's created us to become not just to strive to be we strive to enter into the narrow gate but once you enter in and you come in it's way bigger than it was outside and that narrow gate is righteousness i sent out a text to my staff yesterday i'm going to read it to you it's pretty not nice if you're a rebel it's not nice not that my staff are rebels but if we can't as leadership and people that are leading in ministry if we can't walk in unity and if we can't walk being of the same mind how could we expect people to follow something that doesn't exist at the top which is really supposed to be the bottom are you with me okay because a lot of them are on vacation i said good morning or afternoon wherever you are in the nation going to this going into the season of ministry i need everyone including myself see i'm not excluded this is so important if i'm not living the gospel if i'm not living a life that's worthy of the call it's all over the gospel when you see it you are supposed to live a life worthy of the call if you're not living a life worthy of the call then you're living a life unworthy of the call we're called to come out and be separate what does that mean it doesn't mean don't associate with people that are in sin it just means that sin has to be separated from you so that when you're there you're an influence instead of an absorber i can't afford to not be an influence on every walk of society that i go in i can't afford to live in a place of trying to be culturally relevant when the kingdom is absolutely opposite of every culture that this world has to offer because we are not of this world if we can't see that we've got to see who god's created us to be it's really a lot more simple than we've made it people are trying to perform to be right with god when jesus did it all so that we can live right with god we can't afford to slip into a place where we think we have to do something to be we have to see what jesus did for us to become and once you see that obedience is your only option delayed obedience is disobedience i don't care if it's three seconds it doesn't matter how long you've waited one second was long enough when you made the choice to not obey immediately you're in disobedience well i will when no that's not how it works when he says jump we jump faith doesn't say well how far and where and when and how do i know this is you don't put fleeces out the devil loves to deflece you yeah but gideon did it well you're in the new testament you're in a new covenant don't fleece god well he's okay with that well i'd hate to find out he wasn't are you with me this is an exciting day you woke up this morning his mercy was new as soon as you got out of bed actually before you got out of bed his mercy was new when you put your feet on the floor it would be better for your heart to realize that every place that the soul of your foot treads he has given to you every place every place every job every store every parking lot is yours but it's not for yours for your glory it's for you to manifest him to bring him glory what could one do fully possessed by god fully possessed by obedience fully possessed by love itself what would happen if we lived that way everywhere we went christianity would become attractive again instead of repulsive we wouldn't be known as legalists we'd be known as lovers we'd be known as people on our jobs that don't get offended don't get hurt don't complain and don't play in everybody's games [Applause] you're not holier than thou or a goody two shoes you're a christian someone that's been born again a brand new creation old things have passed away all things became new they became new the day you got born again but when you woke up this morning they were new again like every day is a brand new day a day that the lord has made and he's made this day for you to be a part of so that you can bring him glory today you'll never have tomorrow you'll never have the chance to have this again ever when you go out to lunch today and you tip your waitress because that's what christians do but she didn't treat me right good then get what you deserve go to hell well they didn't earn it what are we thinking gosh we should be known as people that are radically generous when a tithe and offering comes around and people cringe and go well you know what we really don't have it it's the weirdest thing when that thing comes around a husband or a wife should be like listen we need to do this the other one doesn't understand i went through that with my wife she was angry man i'm like we need to do this she goes you're not doing nothing why because i ripped us off for nine years so when a tithe came around and they were like 10 she's like maybe we'll give 20 and that's the way it is i do the bills i'm like but god's in charge of our bank account she said no he's not i am and in the natural it's true and you can live that way if you want to but if you really want to see god rock your socks off then start to be like him people hate talking about money they're like oh my gosh there he is talking about money oh my gosh it's true what they say is prosperity preaching if this church if this building lived on your tithes we'd be done tomorrow i'm not kidding do you know how much it costs to run this place anybody have a guess do you know how much electricity is do you know what air conditioning does i'm not i'm not trying to be weird i'm just saying gosh oh boy let me just read what i wrote sorry i am so convicted right now i'm so convicted lord spoke to me yesterday because i want your full commitment i said lord you have everything he goes okay i'm gonna reveal things that aren't i'm like you do it whatever you tell me i'll jump i promise so we started so we're in a journey again my life doesn't belong to me belongs to him he's the potter shall the clay say to the potter i don't think so i don't like that you push me like that i don't like that you're molding me that way clay is silent when's the last time you saw clay on a potting wheel going i don't think so that's not what i read oh my gosh okay focus todd you're opening up lots of cans of worms you talked about money going into the season of ministry i need everybody including myself to examine their hearts before the lord please ask yourself the question of whether you are dependent upon god's spirit in this new covenant as he wishes you to be that one right there should cause us all to pause and reflect doesn't mean you search yourself internally or and try to evaluate whether you're obedient or not you know whether you're a rebel are you with me you will not have peace where disobedience is active you can it's impossible you will find your peace when you go back to where you lost it and obey that's where it happens boom right there it's as simple as god god said something to you about talking to somebody about the lord you're in a store the lord said you should say something to them and immediately your heart says yes and your mind says not here not now lord i pray for somebody else to encounter that person whatever that's disobedience man it doesn't matter god's not asking you and he could he might he might ask you to get up on a chair and preach the gospel i don't know he i mean he he might we need to get back to knowing and understanding the simple nudge of the lord this still small voice that nudges us when you're obedient to the still small nudge you'll never need the shouting voice trust me you don't need god shouting at you if he raises his voice it's because you failed to listen to a whisper it's so weird because we not listen to the whisper of the voice of the lord but we'll listen to the devil all day sounds like the world so we are headed into a very serious catapulting of the lord and flesh will not survive that's the way that seems right to a man he has told me that he will be pruning back and even further pruning back any further any area of control and manipulation within our ranks and i'm the first to welcome this direction and pruning from our father he is lord over this ministry which is entirely his to begin with all agenda that is outside of his agenda will be exposed and repentance without delay is wholeheartedly necessary to be a part of this family that the lord is raising correction always starts in leadership and this will require philippians 2 to be the strength of all of our lives i truly believe that you guys are the dream team that the lord has put here to help but by coming to be a part of this ministry that the lord has allowed me to give birth to our dreams need to be won and the same in order to be a dream team of unity that will ultimately lead and if we're not it will ultimately lead unto a nightmare of dysfunction i love you all with all my heart i continue to lift you up in prayer which is real seek the lord intensely please and make sure that the role that you're in oh my i said his plan that's not right the role that you are in is his plan for your life please make sure that your heart is all in or please please bring to our attention that you want out how's that i love it because only the only the strong in the lord will survive because if you're strong in your flesh you will bow it doesn't matter i can't afford we cannot afford to enter into the season with compromise in our ranks t he who is given much much is required people don't listen or look at that they're so quest to get into ministry that they don't know that the further you go with the lord the further that's required of you on the area of obedience and there's no questions you're asking why i'm reading this to you because i required all of you too but i'm going somewhere else well i don't have any responsibility oh my gosh okay i don't want to try to make a round peg fit in the square hole if you know the grace is probably on your life or somewhere else and something else i do not want you to be here because of you just fulfilling a job be honest with yourself lord and the lord and to the team to make plans to exit into what the lord has for you we will miss you but i need you to know and i need you to be here only if you know that you know that you know i'm not questioning anyone individually but we cannot grow with half-hearted commitment i do not have insight into anybody who might be feeling this way i just felt the absolute need to ask a few heart provoking and deeply probing questions to rattle anything that can be loose i love you and please read the following statements to gauge all of our hearts and motives with all of our hearts and motives remember that we don't lead with our heads here at lifestyle we leave with our hearts when we stand before him we won't be judged for the motives of our mind you will be judged for the motivation of your heart the word judges the thoughts and intents of the heart i love you all and then i just gave up about seven different seven different things i'm not going to go into them she's talking about preaching by the power of the spirit making sure that we're reliant on the spirit we don't want the spirit to bless what we say god bless what i'm about to say no no you need to be in union and in unity with him so that everything you say is already blessed are you with me it's so important gosh jesus said this is new testament this is an old testament it's new because we talk about be diligent to obey all these commandments that i put before you the lord said and he talked about it in deuteronomy he said he puts before us blessing cursing blessed and cursed these mountains and you look at deuteronomy 28 and it is fantastic and i know so many christians that quote deuteronomy 28 i'm blessed blessed going in bless coming out the head not the tail above and not beneath which is totally true totally true but if you live in disobedience you forfeited your blessing it says that righteousness continues up to a thousand generations generational curse can continue up to third three and four generations i will choose the thousand generation blessing but righteousness is everything and in the old testament it was impossible to have it because your flesh had to walk it out in the new testament your flesh has nothing to do with it except listening to god it's with a heart one believes it's not what the mind one believes this is very very hard the gospel is way more difficult for people that are way more brilliant why because over time their mind becomes god and they can figure it out figuring it out is not faith faith and logic are enemies and war against each other you cannot that's why jesus said you have to become like a child because a child doesn't have to figure it out for 40 minutes to get to the answer it's unfortunate that brilliance takes us away from faith it doesn't have to but it will i know a guy that was totally burning for the lord i mean like on fire one of the smartest guys i probably have ever been around and man he pressed into the supernatural and it was wonderful then his brain took over he was seeing people healed everywhere he was getting words of knowledge the prophetic it was absolutely amazing and then he turned to science and figuring out like where the edge of the universe is the weirdest stuff i've never heard anybody talk like that i'm like what are you doing because well man you know i used to pray for people all the time but then like i move past that and i go what why how could you move past to witnessing like what i mean how could you move past witnessing to strengthen this we have to be really careful you know the bible talks about deuteronomy 28 and if you i mean i can just read a little i'll just read some of it you guys okay now it shall be if you diligently obey the lord your god being careful to do all of his commandments which i command you today so in other words the contingency of blessing what god wanted to do for them was contingent upon their obedience so their obedience in obeying all the commands ten commandments all the commands all the law ten commandments if you do if you do then i will all these blessings will come upon you and not just come upon you but overtake you have you heard the song the blessing from co from kerry and cody it's amazing right they did it with elevation worship it was it was it's it's so scripture it's so beautiful the lord bless you lord keep you make his face shine upon you it's the it's the blessings the blessing the priesthood blessing psalm 67 but right here it kind of dives into detail about some of the things blessed shall you be in the city and blessed shall you be in the country blessed shall be your offspring the offspring of your body the produce of your ground the offspring of your beast the increase of your herd the young of your flock blessed shall be your basket and your kneading bowl blessed shall you be when you come in and blessed shall you be when you go out the lord will cause your enemies who rise up against you to be defeated before you they will come out one way against you and flee from you seven different ways the lord will command the blessing upon you and your barns and in all that you put your hand to he will bless you in the land which the lord your god gives you the lord will establish you as a holy people to himself as he swore to you if you keep the commandments of the lord your god and walk in his ways so all the people of the earth will see you are called by the name of the lord they will be afraid of you gosh in deuteronomy 67 he says the same thing and the god and god will do all these things and people will be afraid they will fear you why because you're blessed blessed but this isn't blessing and blessing and prosperity so that you can tell everybody how blessed you are it's so weird god blesses you so that you can be a radical giver he doesn't bless you so you can hoard stuff and build bats and barns today your life will be required of you he says that in scripture who's going to have your stuff then what are you going to give it to your kids and then have them be spoiled brats too that's not the reason why god blesses people we are to be individual storehouses and rock people's lives like in everything that we do you are blessed by god to be a blessing you're not blessed to look even the people that fear you and look i've had so many times when i'm in a restaurant talking to a waiter or waitress and they're like whatever dude you tell them about jesus whatever i i don't want to hear this okay i got a job to do i have to go okay i got tables and they give you attitude and they're angry at you why because they've been approached by religion before and they and religion is not something that's attractive so now you're there in relationship but your voice is coming to them as the past religion that they've seen in their life so you are no fun for them but when you leave and you bless them and they get uncontrollably overwhelmed we've had waiters and waitresses run across the parking lot and fall on their knees in the parking lot crying please take this back that sure is a different thing right there it's the best what do you do we've had waitresses scream at the top of their lungs and run in the back and the manager come out listen i i don't know what's happening but that was really amazing they're the meanest waitress that we have and they're in the back screaming and crying in a corner and they won't even come out and then you say they did a really good job and that's only a reflection on management and the manager goes thank you no one's ever said that to me before but you're a christian so blessing comes out of your mouth it's different this is what god's calling us to he's calling us to be a blessed people that our words provide grace to them that hear us that our hands bring healing into the equation jesus said go and teach them in the great commission in matthew 28 the great commission let's just read it because this has to do with obedience because these blessings of deuteronomy gosh i'll go there in just a second i love this so much it's it's so amazing all this stuff comes upon your life because matthew 6 33 is the very thing that you've put your heart and your sights to you have chosen to seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and then all of these things will be added to you the blessings of deuteronomy 28 are all the byproduct of righteousness or the bad product the byproduct of being right with god disobedience leads to death obedience leading unto righteousness romans 6 the whole bible is about this very thing the whole thing is it about doing something so you could be blessed no it's about seeing who you are because you're already blessed when you say yes to god you leave this and you enter this but when you stand in who god's created you to be you become a blessing in everything you do and people that don't have that in their life are jealous because you do and they're angry and they're jealous and they're spiteful do you know how much stuff is on the internet about me that is bad most of it most of it on the internet i'm a hockey player my wife's name is sarah i promise and sarah's a worship leader that's not me there's a hockey player that lives in canada that's really mad right now at me i'm serious he's a hockey player his name's todd white i feel so bad for him when you look me up on the internet they see me with a hockey stick [Laughter] we got arcane corso we bought our dog and the trainer came with him and he looked up because they do background checks because they want to see so he found out that i'm a hockey player he comes to my house he goes you're not a hockey player and no i'm not he goes dude people are so wrong he goes then i read this and this and this he had this big list of trash the devil must really hate me that would be tragic to go through life and have everybody love you if you don't run into the devil along the way you're probably going the same direction he is we should be look these disciples they went into a city and they said these are those that have turned the whole world upside down these are those they only turned a couple of places upside down what would it be like for you to go into a restaurant and turn it upside down what would it be like for you to be known as the person that blesses waitresses that they fight for your table that's a great place to be that's a great life to live what would be known what would it be like for you to be on your job and be known as the man that loves god with all of his heart with all of his soul with all of his mind with all of his strength and then your neighbor that hates you you love them you have christians gosh that are in religion that are not in relationship that are so angry they hate the fact that you say that you can be right with god the whole bible is about us being right with god god created us in his image and in his likeness he made man man fell jesus came to restore what was lost what was lost our image what image were we created in god's what image did we take on because of sin the devils so jesus came to take the image of the demonic off of our life so that we could be sons and daughters that are just like our father [Music] [Applause] the miraculous shouldn't be a well maybe and maybe not no it doesn't say these signs will follow pastors and anointed gifted speakers and teachers and evangelists todd white is a healing evangelist no i'm a son that believes my dad for big things that's all i will not let a person that didn't get healed affect the next one that needs to be and i won't make up excuses that weren't in jesus's mouth i don't want to have things in my mouth like it's not god's timing and it's not god's will because they were never in the lord's mouth ever and i'm not supposed to have in my mouth what wasn't it is i'm supposed to be yielded to god i'm supposed to be one with god one spirit with god flesh of his flesh and bone of his bone that's scripture that's the bible that's not something that i'm making up that is biblical man what does it mean to leave a legacy this book that's coming out on january 28th has been 16 years in the working this book will change your perspective it's loaded with scripture it's loaded with testimonies my testimony there will be so many drug addicts that get free because of this why because what god did in my life he wants to do again and again and again why because a testimony means do it again god do it again he did it once he'll do it again why did the israelites why were they told to put stones and and and these little these little these little they're called memory stones when you walk by this you tell your kid this is where the lord did this this is where the lord did this this is where we crossed the jordan this is where the lord we crossed and the waters parted this is where pharaoh and all the chariots all of his armies were crushed this is where god did this and this is where god did this you don't forget the testimonies of the lord you can take a testimony that happened in someone else's life and say oh you know what they didn't do that the lord did that through them and if the lord did that through them the lord wants to do that through me why they're a son i'm a son he's their father he's my father he's their god he's my god that's the bible man god prophesied through them he wants to prophesy through me he gave that guy a word of knowledge why wouldn't you do that for me i'm no different i'm a son they're a son you show no partiality man i have pressed into this since the beginning i read it i say yes i don't read the bible and question it ever god says it in the word and i say yes i don't go well i mean how no no it's not i understand then i have faith it's by faith we understand it's completely opposite enemies are logic and faith we call logic in the world wisdom oh god i've had so many people come up to me and tell me brother you need to use wisdom i've had people say you can't pray for everyone you don't know what kind of doors are opening and i'm sitting there thinking that is total fear the lord opens doors man when i started to pray for people and at the church i wasn't allowed to pray for anybody at the church i belong to i just saw somebody get healed so i went out in the public and i'm like dude if god's doing it here he's going to do it out there and then i prayed for over 900 people without seeing one person healed and all these wisdom church people told me the reason why is because of this and this and this yet they had no miracles in their life even in church never take advice for somebody that doesn't have the power of god in their life ever why would i take advice from somebody who lacks what god said should be they're trying to make you a convert and twice as much as son of hell as them i just said that because jesus did i'm i'm very very i do not need people to give me their worldly wisdom of why not people say well they're not the only reason why people aren't healed is because your your wife's not in agreement with you and she wasn't dude i was a problem why here's my problem 34 years not one person said anything to me about jesus not 34 years nobody witnessed to me and that made me angry because i got shot at to find out he was real that's a problem man so i swore in my heart i'm not going to let somebody get shot out if i walk across their path to find out that jesus loves them i am going to manifest him jesus said he who loves me will be loved by my father we will come and we will set up our home in him that's what he said so i just believed it god said todd you're right with me i said yes he said todd your sins and your lawless deeds i'll remember no more so i knew from the beginning that he would never remember where i've been and what i've done that he actually took old things they passed away wisdom of the world well i know that's what the bible says but you know you you've got to understand there are some things you lost me when you say i know that what that's what the bible says but you have now brought a devil into the equation like well you come on man there are other books too i mean people wrote that book you're done you do not believe that god's word is infallible if you don't believe god's word is infallible you really don't love god because god has magnified his word above his own name say what you want but it's not true well i know that's for the bible that's just you know god was speaking symbolic like no jesus walked on water no it was a metaphor nope jesus walked up water peter walked on water yeah but come on you don't really believe i mean you know that water and the density and the volume and the and the i mean come on think with me you got a boat and you got like all the animals on about me how big would that boat let's think about all the species i'm not kidding dude this is real and so many people dive down this i'm smarter than god road have we really graduated to smarter than god i can't afford to at least make a commitment this year to let god be smarter than you what does it mean to surrender i have people that say well you know you have altar called the same people keep coming i don't care man one of these times is going to take one of these times it's gonna take i don't care how many times i'm gonna show mercy i'm gonna believe the best because that's what love does i'm going to go after god with everything in me and it's going to make people very angry i don't care about their anger i care about god's love because one day when i stand before the lord and he says well done it'll be worth all the accusations that i went through my whole life if you're not suffering from the gospel you're not being persecuted for the gospel then you might not be walking the way that god asked you to promise all of god's promises are yes and in him amen you believe that here's a promise first timothy 3 12 all those that desire to live godly will suffer persecution doesn't say talk godly preach godly messages it says live what is live me it means i'm going to walk out what it means to be possessed by god leaving a legacy and an imprint on this world everywhere i go believing that everywhere the soul of my foot treads he has given to me if i walk into a grocery store it has now become god's why because i'm there and i represent him i am an ambassador of another world i am not an ambassador of texas i am an ambassador of heaven i am an ambassador of hope christ in me is the hope of glory christ coming out of me is that hope being made manifest unmanifested hope isn't hope at all i cannot require to hold him inside of me like a lake the dead sea is like that nothing lives in there and there's nothing living in a person that doesn't allow god to flow through them am i saying that you're not alive no i'm saying that you are alive and i'm trying to awaken who god's created you to be if i can just put the holy ghost defibrillator on you boom and nail you in the chest you finally realize why you're on this earth you're on the earth you're on the earth to manifest jesus god by mercy gave you breath today to manifest him and not you mercy woke you up today and god gave you one more opportunity to manifest him and not you jesus takes over to the new testament he says if you love me obey my commandments if you love me obey disobedience is direct reflection of your love for god this is why the bible says you must deny yourself is that is that hard is that so hard is this hard disobedience is a direct reflection of your lack of love for god it's the byproduct disobedience is the byproduct or the lack of a revelation of god's love are you with me that is so weird that makes so many people angry i had this conversation with with with chris um just this last week they were at home and he'll probably share it just intensity of just opposition i told him i said man i i went through that for six years every time i was with my family every time they hated me they wanted me to not do drugs they wanted me to not steal they wanted me to not hurt people but then when jesus was the answer they wanted me to do drugs they wanted me to steal and they wanted me to keep hurting people he was better the other way is jesus that much of a violation he is smith wigglesworth nobody could hang around him he was a pioneer of faith that people hated like i mean he was radical buddy like he'd go into a funeral home to the casket pick the dead body out of the casket throw it against the wall and say live unbelief has to do everything to get belief out of the room to feel comfortable about itself again i promise you religion must do and say everything it can to get relationship out of the room to feel good about not having a relationship again the pharisees who had no relationship with god couldn't stand jesus because he made them look bad but really he didn't make them look bad religion just looks bad when you are in love with jesus and you have a no vacancy sign on your forehead because you're fully occupied by him no room at the end sealed with the promise the engagement ring of heaven holy ghost when you walk in the spirit when the spirit of god becomes priority the one that you can't see so you must walk by faith when you walk by faith you will agitate everyone that does not you draw a line in the sand and you cause people to fight you or run with you there can't be any in between jesus said you're for me or against me you gather or you scatter he didn't say you can be kinder for me and kind of for the world no he makes significant statements in the gospel all the word is god breathed all of it all scripture is inspired by god all of it for approved for correction for admonishment all scripture is god breathed and is used for training in righteousness all scripture is used for training in righteousness you are to reign as a king so all scripture is used for training for reigning people get angry at that oh training for raining oh you think that you're no no no i know that he was like oh you think that you're no no i know that he what are you doing you're talking like you're bigger and better than everybody else no no my god is able and he lives in me but you proud thing i promise now there can be that weird thing where you pray for somebody and all of a sudden you take glory to yourself that's twisted that's not true you can't heal anybody yet god says go heal him why because he has made you a partner or a co-laborer with him and he wants to use you and flow through you as a vessel of honor a temple that houses the holy ghost but when you realize you've become his temple the last thing you want to do is share this temple with something that's not god and it brings great adversity blessed are those that hunger for righteousness for they shall be filled why filled because you give out of overflow the more you see your right standing with god the more you get filled up with who god is and the more you must give him away and if you don't everywhere you go it spills over anyway and people see the favor that's on your life and they are intimidated by it so they have to come against it so get ready for great adversity this year i'm serious man last year coveted was the great adversity this year religion will be i promise i'll prophesy it's just the bible but i'm serious when you walk in the miraculous and hear god's voice people will accuse you because you think you're better than them and by no means did you ever say you were better than them you just know god who's best people don't like this because they don't like conflict i would much rather have much conflict here than stand before him and be conflicted in my soul i'm gonna love him out loud god prepares a table for me in the midst of my enemies he says here's a great place to sit down and eat and he announces you on the loudspeaker to the devil we as a people as men and women of god should be excited to be in very hostile situations because in your weakness you are a magnet for god's strength he wants to show up in such a way to where everyone around you is rocked because there ain't no way that you can do that there's no way most people are used to doing things that they can do in their own strength but god wants to do things through you that people know and give glory and honor to god because there ain't no way that you could do that this building god says in pennsylvania he taught all of our families there except my mom they lived in north carolina but all family all jackie's family is there everybody and god says i do not want you to live here i want you to move there i want to put a team around you lord we don't need a team i'm good i want to put a team around you i'm going to do a ministry training hub an incubator lord we don't even have an office i don't need an office i'm good i'm an itinerant i travel the world we're good i go where you want me to go well here's where i want you to live okay god says jump we jump all hell oh my gosh all hell broke out when we said we're moving we're going to put our house up for sale in pennsylvania as soon as we did as soon as we did understand this if it's god you have a fight on your hands jesus said we're going to the other side he's asleep what happened major fight big huge storm why did jesus sleep because they were going to the other side what did the disciples that were orphans in a boat say don't you care we're going to die guys where's your faith why did he say that because they had the ability to shut the storm up he would have never corrected them he would have said i know guys it's okay you need me that's not what he said when the disciples went to heal the epileptic boy jesus is up on the mount of transfiguration he's coming down off the mount with peter james and john the disciples have been given authority go and preach the kingdom heal the sick cleanse the lepers raise the dead cast out devils freely you've received now freely give go get them boys jesus deputizes the disciples they come down into town there's an epileptic boy that's thrown himself into the water into the fire the man brought the boy to the disciples and the disciples didn't do what they were commanded by jesus to do heal the sick cleanse the lepers raise the dead cast out devils they tried but they didn't succeed why do we know that because the man brought the boy to jesus and says i brought him to your representatives but they could not do it if you can heal him jesus doesn't say okay guys good try he looks at his disciples he says you perversing corrupt generation how long will i be with you we couldn't handle that dude i want you to think with me these are his representatives i promise that they did everything they could to cast that thing out be healed nothing happened be healed i guarantee in their brains they're thinking man if jesus was here this thing would leave what are we doing wrong jesus comes down into town come on if it would have been god's will to not heal that would have been the one why because jesus gave them authority and they didn't do it he would have said you know what guys look this one we can't touch let's just move on sorry man i mean i'd love to but we go crazy with that when we don't see the breakthrough we go crazy and we give up praying for people because we don't want to have that happen again oh come on man is anybody with me here i'm talking real stuff jesus says you perverse and corrupt generation how long shall i be with you how long shall i bear with you bring the boy to me what was he saying guys i'm going to the cross soon you're my representatives i've given you authority you got your mind so fixed on the problem that you forgot what i said your minds were perverse twisted thinking twisted minded generation bring the boy to me jesus heals the boy boom the disciples are like uh lord what do we do wrong here's what he said you're unbelief he doesn't say this devil he doesn't say this disease he doesn't say that at all he says your unbelief for if you have faith as a mustard seed you will speak to this mountain be removed and the mountain will move and nothing will be impossible for you that's what he says wait a minute lord we saw all these other people healed then we come upon this one it didn't happen what happened their faith of a mustard seed was covered with many doubt this is crazy he goes you know what guys this type only comes out by prayer and fasting so it sounds like he's talking about this type of epilepsy but he wasn't he was talking about their own belief people don't even want to hear that then it causes fights were you trying to say they died because i didn't have enough faith dude relax we grow from faith to faith we move from glory to glory he says this type of unbelief doesn't come out except by prayer and fasting so he gives us a clue and says fasting is a key to help to move beyond unbelief and doubt but jesus didn't fast and pray right then he started his life with him so why are we doing a fast starting tomorrow so we can be a believing church most people won't do fasting they hate it fasting afflicts your soul man it does i hate it i hate fasting i promise you i hate it with everything in me and eating vegetables is worse than water fasting for me especially when you just got given a smoker for christmas we're gonna do smoked vegetables i'm not even wasting the wood sorry fasting doesn't move god so many people fast to move god's hand fasting doesn't move god god's already moved fasting moves you out of the way so god can move it's different it's different jesus showed this life of obedience to his disciples a life of obedience when we say yes to god you've committed yourself to be a living sacrifice holy and acceptable to god which is your only reasonable and pleasing service as a living sacrifice you are all you are on an altar you have offered your body your whole body your body means from your head to your toes every part of you is on the altar a living sacrifice and it says and do not be conformed to the world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind so that you can prove or approve what is and what is not god's will what does that mean when it comes to healing when it comes to peace when it comes to blessing when it comes to generosity you are a representative of the lord and you represent him he went as far to tell the disciples that whosoever sins you forgive i'll forgive and whose ever sins you retain i retain that is pretty intense what does that mean if people don't see your forgiveness they don't believe in mine listen if people can't see me as a person that forgives how can i tell them about a god that has forgiven i can't i must display forgiveness in the natural to verify the spiritual some of you disobedience has happened because you've held unforgiveness i promise god said forgive them and you justified it with the way that seems right to a man and they don't deserve forgiveness they need to say they're sorry first oh you're done you're finished imagine in my life if i needed all those people that hate me so much to say they're sorry i'm going to do a book and it's going to be life-changing i'm not kidding it is so convicting it will challenge your life i read it it challenges mine i look at it and go oh my god i'm challenging me that sounds weird but it's total biblical like would cut me to the heart what do you think bob you read it is it convicting challenging i wrote it and it challenges me i need to be challenged man i don't want to remain the same i need to grow we need to grow we need to run and grow god is faithful faithful and just we need to seek him when he be found when he can be found you need to be the best jesus on your job christian one that's filled with god you can be the most amazing representative on your job no you can't be jesus but you're to be an imitator of god so you are to imitate jesus paul said imitate me as i imitate christ it's okay it's okay there's some big sandals to fill they can only be filled by people that have denied themselves picked up their cross and follow him disciples a disciple is one that denies themself picks up their cross and follows jesus you are going to go through suffering but suffer for doing good it's commendable to the father suffering for stealing suffering for doing evil that's not commendable but i promise you that you have been granted you and i have been granted the privilege of suffering for the gospel sake and as you suffer for doing good and for knowing him god gets glory christians being crucified christians put around rome nero put them on wood tied them to wood doused them with oil and burned them alive and called them torches to light the city and christians would burn willingly suffering from the gospel who here is up for a little suffering this year look man not many people i'm telling you most people don't even find raise my hand i'm not letting the devil know willing to suffer i say we make the devil suffer [Applause] first way you make him suffer is ignoring him if you ever play that game when you're a kid in school let's act like they're not here oh my gosh how agitated that gets when we're kids come on guys i know you see me get right in front of them i know you see i don't see anything what if the stranger would speak and we wouldn't bite the bait because we know the father who's already spoke [Applause] so good stand your feet please all right if you've got sickness in your body or any kind of disease once you raise your hand some people are like i'm not raising my hand i'm not confessing that if you're hurting you've got something that needs to go lift your hand okay i usually get more people i'm not saying you're in doubt and unbelief i'm saying you need heal let's go after this together as a family amen all right i need people around those people with hands people that have their hand up i want some people around you right now just go and pray there's people right here i need some people around them come on guys let's do this as a church as a body guy back there in the back has his hand up no one's around him on guys for real let's go after this like i don't want to touch them y'all are my heroes amen there's a little girl here laying on a chair laying on a seat i want some lcu students at least to be around them i want everybody to be having someone to pray for them right now come on if we're gonna see it out there we better go after it in here are you with me i want you to say this with me in the name of jesus we command all pain to get out right now in jesus name all sickness in jesus name get out the lord commanded us to do the same as he commanded his disciples to do he commanded us to preach the kingdom to heal the sick to cleanse the lepers to raise the dead and to cast out devils he commanded us to lay hands on the sick because we are believers and the sick shall recover in his name so in the name of jesus be healed be made whole right now in jesus name heads be healed brain injuries be healed ears open eyes see jaws and teeth be healed neck be healed shoulders be healed back be healed organs be healed diabetes go high blood pressure go kidneys stones be removed [Music] infertility in married couples be healed right now be fertile in jesus name blood be healed right now every joint be free from arthritis every cartilage be strengthened every ligament be strengthened hips discs heal in the name of jesus metal be removed in jesus name feet be healed numbness go neuropathy go heel spurs go hammer toe be healed plantar fasciitis be healed flat feet grow arches [Music] in jesus name adhd in all children and adults be healed memory loss be healed sleeping disorders be healed everything we didn't name gotcha in jesus name amen i want everybody in the house right now i want everybody that's here and online check your body right now physically just check right now just check [Music] if you have healing in your body i want you to wave your hands over your head right now if healing is manifesting right now and you know it wave your hands [Music] [Applause] all right listen here's what we're going to do how many of you have relatives that need healing right now [Music] what we're gonna do is we're gonna do a corporate prayer for healing for your relatives right now and i need you to do this i need you to reach out to them today and check and i want you to send in testimonies of relatives that have been healed because right now it's going to be ridiculous oh i'm so serious i'm i'm so serious let's see this is great this ruins the whole we didn't lay hands on them the prayer of faith shall save the sick the prayer of faith praying from here for them so many instances in the bible the centurion one jesus jesus prayed for the centurion's servant and that servant was healed from that very hour jesus prayed for the woman that that was crying out after him my daughter my daughter helped my daughter it's not good to give the children's bread to the dogs he actually said you guys are a dog you're outside of covenant that was really demoralizing to people be like a dog whatever no she said even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from the masters table and her daughter was completely healed from that very time are you with me so right now in the name of jesus every relative that needs healing we command it to happen now as god's representatives as god's ambassadors we command be healed in jesus name cancer be healed asthma be healed heart conditions be healed arthritis be healed we command healing and wholeness into our family members right now at 12 56 a.m january 3rd 2021 wholeness in jesus name lift up your voice yay
Channel: Todd White
Views: 12,096
Rating: 4.9248118 out of 5
Id: vWBm9FJWaaM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 4sec (4564 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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