Todd White - We Need to be clothed with Him

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we went to Sedona a couple of years ago we were walking up to a place they call Cathedral Rock which is a place for everybody not everybody but people go to get I don't even know closer to the aura and whatever it's like a vortex but not Jesus like just all kinds of weird stuff anyway so so we were walking by we were walking just along the path and I saw a guy sitting there with with a girl and they were sitting there and we walked by and my friend said something to him and I walked over to him and I said man and God showed me that this kid wanted to kill himself and he was gonna do at any moment and so I shared with him and I said excuse me I said man I said I had this thing in my life because for a lot of my life for 22 years I'm addicted and for the last majority of that I would say not even the last just the majority of that I thought of suicide and I thought about that all the time and the kid was like he was freaking out and he was like what is going on and and we laid hands on this kid and we prayed for him and Jesus apprehended him not a little bit he got delivered of a devil it was intense right there at this spiritual vortex that they call cathedral rock in Sedona which is like one of the new aids capitals of the whole world I think and at least in America it is and so this guy gets radically delivered he gives his life to Jesus and we baptize him on the rock right there it was crazy so sometimes we don't get to hear the after like what happened after and he recently wrote and said that he's in the best place he's ever been he's seeking God and going after his word daily and eating his word every day and he's doing amazing and so I was like if he's here I'm gonna have him come up and share it from his perspective he said that when we prayed for him all we saw was a flash of light like his whole Jesus just came in and booyah knocked that Devil straight out and Jesus just apprehended this guy it's so good it's amazing I just love that I love hearing the testimony after because sometimes we don't get to see that we don't get to hear it you know have a lot of people that I know we pray for people all the time in public and people are like well who's gonna disciple them how you gonna do that and men we have to believe that the Holy Ghost is a big boy he's way bigger than any of us and he's way he's way able I try to plug them into the website I try to plug them into local church in the area but if you if you can't get over that you can't witness you can't share your faith because you're like well I can't disciple them I can't I'll just gonna leave look then the devil has them and you're not going to do anything about it because you can't disciple them personally you you can't take that burden on but you can pray them in and there are many other laborers that are in the harvest field so let's not think we're the only Christians that are approaching people okay but somebody has to set the standard and somebody has to raise the bar man somebody has to raise the bar to normal and we need to have way more than the book of Acts had we were supposed to be way further along than the book of Acts it wasn't supposed to stop it was supposed to move from glory to glory not bummer to bummer it wasn't supposed to it was supposed to just be so much more than what we have right now so it's our job out of love out of our surrender to the king to fully enlist and to fully jump in with everything that we are and not allow what people don't see to influence the things that we do see we need to go after this thing no-holds-barred people's eternity depends upon you stepping out walking in faith amen all right I just got off by Warren yeah I just got off the phone with Lou Engel I was like every time I talked to him my bones burns I don't even know how to explain it I'm just like makes me want to do this every time I talk to him it's just incredible Samson their things Todd the mantle from TL Osbourne's coming upon your life I'm like okay prayed in prayed in just praying with him on the phone and he's just fireman just he has testimonies that they'd lined together and weave in and out of years and I don't know how he does it but he when he just makes you burn every second that you talked to him do you guys know who blue is do you guys know he is a tremendous father in the faith he is he's incredible and he's down there in Phoenix with my friend Daniel kolenda and they're bringing it right now and I'm I'm just so excited he texted and he said there was a dream it was funny I'm in this text line with with Daniel and Lou and then he texted he goes it he said I had a dream and he said my friend had a dream too and it was about he has so many dreams I'm want dreams I want them and he's like in Africa and this and that new thing and Daniel didn't respond in time like in just the next few minutes I go oh take that since Daniels not responding Daniel goes back off Todd I'm responding I'm like I'm taken anyway I'm just I just want Jesus man I want as much as I could possibly have how many of you could use a whole lot more of Jesus in your life amen come on all right I want to share my heart on some things usually on a Saturday what we do is we we lay hands on people usually we do we talk about a baptism of the Holy Ghost in fire it's been kind of confused how many of you have been kinda confused on the baptism of the Holy Spirit like when you get born again you get the Holy Spirit and then what is this separate thing and how many of you have ever been confused in that area okay I would like to just nail that thing down and make it not confusing a little bit and I'd like to scripturally go over a couple of things then I want to share what personally happened in my life and then like what does it mean to be on fire like an easy example for me is if I were to pour a quart of gasoline over your head and then step back because I'd need to step back and then flick a match and it hit you what would it what would you do if people were looking at you wrong if you were the one on fire would you care that people were like oh my gosh that looks funny if you had a quart of gasoline on your head and I poured it all over you and let you on fire you could care less what anybody thinks you would be burning and so being on fire for God is like that you don't care that people think you're foolish you're on fire and it's very important because jesus said unless you're willing to be a fool for God you can't be you can't do it fully surrender to God this kingdom world that Jesus brought with him doesn't bring the most friends it doesn't build the most friends as a matter of fact it stirs it stirs up Devils everywhere you go you stir up Devils if you're not stirring up Devils you might be going the same direction they are I'm not being mean I'm being honest I heard Bill Johnson say that no I was like but it's so good we're actually at Jesus at Jesus culture up at Awakening up in Chicago in 2000 when was that Robbie 2011 that's 11 and some guy stands up in the stands and rebukes Bill out of like 18,000 people there's a heretic and he's just hammering Bill and goes at the stage just leaning on the pulpit just looking at me and say anything and then all of a sudden banning and the guys rushed across the stage and they kind of removed him he paid for a ticket just to rebuke bill and then they took him out and Bill goes hey if you're don't stir up a couple devils once in a while you probably are going the same way and I went so good it is so good jesus said if they hate me they're gonna hate you if everybody loves you you have to wonder what you're really believing okay do you understand that those that desire to live godly there's a promise for you you will suffer persecution the fact that you're not being persecuted should show you about your godly life guys this is the gospel it's real why would the disciples and why would people be persecuted for their faith and us as Christians not be because we're passive and we have a basket on her head and we need to be lit on fire and we need to actually make the devil have a bad day every day and we need to step out in faith and step out past that fake line that the devil paints and says if you go past that line he's a liar he's a thief people are dying and going to hell for eternity and you have the opportunity to interrupt somebody's path with the reality of the way people say I'm glad you found your path this is not a path this is the way this is the way like when the disciples were persecuted and actually said that they were persecuted for the way all through the book of Acts the way the way Jesus is the way the truth and the life no one comes to the Father he's the way to the Father but more than that when he talks about the way the way into the Holy of Holies was through the veil and the only one that could go there was the high priest once a year in the Old Covenant when Jesus said it is finished that veiled that separated man from God from the presence of God was torn and the way into the Holy of Holies into the presence of God was made available to man once again like this is amazing Jesus paid the price for us to enter into you it's not a sect it's the way it's the presence of God we are to be carriers of the presence we're to be carriers of the anointing we are anointed once with the ability to anoint Christians mid means little christ-like ones anointed ones this is powerful see the power of God without the character of God is no the character of God without the power of God is equally no good we have to have both kingdom and righteousness together the Kings Dominion right standing with God bearing fruits unto righteousness and it only happens the Holy Spirit when we get saved he comes to live inside of us he is a fountain I'm going to scripturally show you in just a minute then I'm going to share testimony of what happened in my life then we're gonna pray and lay hands on everyone and you will receive a baptism of the Holy Ghost and fire you're just going to we need to be burning once if you've been baptized in the Holy Spirit people like well I've been baptized in the Holy Spirit I speak in tongues tongues is not the end no that's like saying when I got baptized in water I got wet it was amazing when I got baptized in water I hope something else happened when I went down into that water I hope that there's a guy that died in there and then when I came up out of there I rose in the resurrection of his life were in his new life I rose that was buried with him in Baptism and came up out of that water I was raised in the likeness of his resurrection and that is what baptism is old man dies new man comes forth it's powerful it's not just symbolic the Baptism and the Holy Spirit is completely different than when you get saved him when you get born again and the Holy Spirit comes to live in you he comes to be in you for your sake but when he comes upon you it's for the sake of the world to be clothed with him and power is what we need now it's not just about power it's about character it's about character and it's about purity and now it's about holiness righteousness bears its fruit unto holiness and it's so important that we would walk with character and we would walk with power but we shouldn't sacrifice either one either one we can't afford to sacrifice miracles for the sake of being being a better person no Jesus comes to dwell inside of us and as you renew your mind you start to transform the way you think and automatic it's an automatic that your life starts to respond according to the renewal of your mind you get born again your soul your mind your will and emotions is twisted and still whacked-out listen you get saved he comes to dwell inside of you your spirit man becomes regenerate when you get saved you had a spirit before you got saved you when you're born on this earth you have a spirit it just needs regenerate needs born again when you're walking and living in this world as a kid and you grow up into a young adult or young a young man young woman there comes a time when you need to make a decision and when you make that decision your spirit that is headed the wrong way now heads the right way God's crumbs to dwell inside of you and it says that you will never thirst because he comes a living water a fountain inside of you a well springing forth that's your born-again experience that's saying I cannot do this without you I give myself to you I surrender all going to church going to a denomination we met a lady in the mall today we were just talking to actually was out there and I saw y'all witnessing and it was really amazing and went in there and started talking to this lady walked out and as I was walking out I saw a couple people that came in and the lady had a question she said look I just witnessed for the first time been saved for six years and it's awesome I'm so thankful that you're stepping out and she said you know and I went to this lady with a cane and I started talking to her and she kind of went oh and she walked away and I shared with her I said you know some people are upset because they've lost a loved one they've lost a loved one and the pastor has told them the reason why they're gone is because God needed another angel or may God knows only God knows we don't know I mean it was her time to go and all these different things go into the soul that person so now they build a case against God so when you approach them they're angry at God because they believe something wrong about God so she goes and I said come on let's go over and talk to this lady so I walked her into the store we went up to the lady at the desk and we started talking to her started sharing my heart with her and I said you know I was just telling them that and they approached the lady in the store and this lady started crying immediately she was oh my gosh I'm probably gonna cry right now we just lost my father-in-law two weeks ago the exact same thing that I said at the door is right here behind the counter and we went up and we started talking to her and I shared my heart about the thief coming to steal kill and destroy and Jesus came to give life and life abundantly if I were to put what happened here to your step or you know to your father-in-law in in stealing killing and destroying her life and life more abundantly I said did he die and I knew it that he had died from cancer and that he was a pastor and I said that he died from cancer yes he did now listen I understand I said if Jesus walked into the room and he had cancer would he get up or stay sick listen to me if Jesus walked into the room and somebody had cancer would he heal them or would he let them die come you got it you got it work with me role play here if somebody is sick and Jesus walks up and they need prayer does Jesus let them sick or does he heal them he healed everyone that he came to every time healed everyone that came to him everyone the leper comes up I said it this morning a leper comes up and said if it be your will you can make me clean Jesus didn't check with the Father Jesus knew the will of God he only came down to do the will of his father and healing is the will of God but you're not a healer Christ in you the hope of glory is the mystery revealed God in you and upon you is the one that heals even though jesus said go and heal the sick cleanse the lepers raise the dead cast out Devils freely received now freely give we still aren't the one that heals them it's God in us Christ in us is the one that heals them God upon us yes so Jesus didn't say let me check God's will jesus knew the wolf god he said I am willing be made whole and the leper was cleansed amazing so I shared a couple of situations with this girl she goes no she goes I understand I said me and I said honey I said he's your back okay she goes well you know I this and that near thing so we sat her down we prayed for her leg came out her back gets healed and it was just awesome a fun time in the mall talking to people about Jesus and we need to live as example so that we can plow through and other people can see us live by example in the gospel and so people can see our life and what what we have Christianity was never supposed to be something where you debate manipulate maneuver people into believing your way Christianity was supposed to be attractive and when you saw Jesus there's a reason like we see Jesus and we we hear preaching today sometimes we're like we know holiness preaching I don't agree with it I don't know it's legalism maybe it's not legalism maybe you just like got hurt by church and you've like rebelled against the church thing and you you don't want to be a part of local church so when people start sharing about holy well here we go again I don't like that no this is not no-holds-barred see God wants to flow through you and use you I'm protecting your heart and some things because after tonight after tonight the miraculous is going to float for you in a ridiculous manner but you have to be a steward of your own heart and you have to weed your own garden and you have to be very careful and you have to seek God because the miracles are not God's stamp of approval on your life God will float for you he spoke through a donkey God healed many people through disciples that weren't even saved these guys were not born again they couldn't be until Jesus was crucified and resurrected when he was crucified resurrected and went to seat at the right hand of God fifty days on the day of Pentecost the Holy Spirit was poured out and boom the church was activated and all of a sudden it started it began and it was ridiculous but before then these disciples were orphans with power and wanted to blow up stuff so we have to be very careful because you can still live as an orphan with power and want to blow up stuff and you can make a big ministry and make a big name for yourself because your gift will make room for you and the gifts of call and gifts and callings of God are without repentance this is the most dangerous place to be in in the church to walk with power and to how that quickly to have it quickly but subtly come in and grow your head to a place where you think you're something because somebody got healed I promise you it is very very dangerous so I'm I'm pretty adamant about teaching why it's so important to stay in the word to stay in the secret place to live in a place of an intimate relationship with Jesus get your knees in humility and say God I don't understand and I need you to make me become what this word says because you can't afford to get outside the word you can't afford to you there are people pressing into weird stuff and crazy stuff there's hyper grace that's on the earth right now but it's it's it's just this grace that says I can sin and get away with it God understands no God doesn't understand why you think you can sin God's okay with it I promise you and one day when you stand before God I read a scripture earlier I read Matthew 7 not everybody that says to me Lord Lord will enter in on that day and they will say didn't we prophesy didn't we move in power all in your name and God says away from me I never knew you you who practiced sin in other words you knew that it was sin and you practice it anyway and you might even said well I'm under grace it's okay God understands he'll never understand why a Christian would continue in sin when you're supposed to be dead to it the Bible says reckon yourself therefore dead to sin and alive to Christ Jesus dead to sin crucify passion lust all that trash crucify that thing live as a crucified man I'm just trying to protect your hearts with just a couple of things okay before we get flammable it's really important okay all right you guys okay okay all right okay I'm gonna go to subscription scripture reference right here I'm gonna talk about a couple of things I'm gonna talk about the Holy Spirit coming inside you talk about being born again jesus said he said that whoever believes in him would not perish but have eternal life Romans 10 it says in Romans I think is Romans 10 19 it says if you believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord you shall be saved that word save comes from a Greek word it's not a program it's a word the word is so though the so so means saved healed delivered protected to be made whole to be kept safe and sound to be kept safe from harm to do well so the word safe doesn't just mean get to heaven the word saved means to be saved healed delivered protected made whole to be kept safe and sound to be like protected like that word saved is very pregnant the word salvation is equally as pregnant and it means very similar to the same thing salvation doesn't just mean get to heaven save doesn't mean just get to heaven Jesus didn't pay a price to just get you to heaven if he did when you would have prayed you too disappeared you didn't disappear you stayed here Jesus didn't want you to disappear he wants you to live and give the evil one a bad day every day the disciples he said I pray that you do not take them out of the world but I pray that you protect them from the evil one in John 17 which is the Lord's Prayer cuz he prayed in John 17 are you with me so important so when you believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord the Bible says no one can say that except by the Spirit of God look if you grew up Methodist or or Presbyterian or whatever all these denominations out there I have nothing against denominations but Jesus didn't say go and build denominations but I'm not against them okay so I'm not preaching against denominations I'm not preaching against Catholicism Jesus never said worship my mother he never said that he said Jesus is the name above all names and it says unless you believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord actually talks about it in John 3 and he talks about you must be born again you must be born again born again means this your spirit you're headed this way you know that Jesus is Lord you have a need for Jesus you admit that you have sinned and fallen short all people have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God and self-righteousness is filthy rags to the Father so you can't get in by your good works saying that I'm going to get in by my good works as this if you were to be good and say that you don't need to confess that Jesus is Lord that God's going to let by being good that's like saying if I were to hand you a diamond and ask you how beautiful this diamond was can you see anything wrong with it to the eye you can't see anything wrong with it cuz the diamond looks beautiful if I were to put a microscope and say I want you to look at it again you probably wouldn't see anything but to to the trained eye to the gemologist when a gemologist looks at that diamond and you look at that diamond there are two totally different perspectives and we would honor a gemologist over our own opinion especially when you're gonna pay that much money for it are you with me if you were gonna pay that much money for like a two carat diamond you're gonna want to know that this thing's flawless and that it's real so you're gonna take it to a gemologist you're not going to just trust the the jeweler's like the guy at the sales thing you're gonna want to know more about this you're gonna want to know so we would put faith in the gemologist but we wouldn't have faith in God's eye are you kidding me he sees way more than you see and he knows everything about you all the way through so everybody has fallen short of the glory of gone so whether you grow up in church whether you're a Lutheran whether you're Church of the Brethren whether you're whatever Episcopalian Catholic everyone must be born again that means that you admit that you've sinned and fallen short and you asked Jesus to come and be the Lord in your life not just like not just Lord out here but you asked him to come and make his home in here that is where the fountain begins right there it's called being born again and it is essential but it is to unlock your potential so no matter who you are no matter where you are it's as easy as Jesus I don't know you and I need to I can't get there in my own good works if you do you have to obey 613 laws and Ten Commandments every day of your life and not miss one because if you miss one you missed them all cuz God's holy and perfect and none of us are perfect so Jesus paid the price on Calvary to pay the price for your sin so that you could be made right with God and all it is is you saying I have fallen short and I admit that there's no other way for me to know the Father Jesus I give my life to you I'm asking you to come right now and make your home inside of me and God gives you a new heart and he regenerates your spirit so instead of God being out there he comes to live in here and he fully possesses you from inside out are you with me just kind of nut shelling the gospel a little bit just to give you a little background on this you good okay John for Jesus goes and Jacob's Well is there Jesus being wearied by his journey he was tired as is John four six through 14 he was sitting by the well it was about the sixth hour and a woman came from Samaria came to draw water and Jesus said to her give me a drink for his disciples had gone away into the city to buy food there was a Samaritan there for the Samaritan woman said to him how is it that you being a Jew asked me for a drink since I'm a Samaritan woman the Jews have no dealings with Samaritans jesus said if you knew the gift of God and who it was that says to you give me a drink you would ask him and he would give you living water then she said to him sir you have nothing to draw with and the well is deep where then would you get that willing living water you were not greater than our Father Jacob are you who gave us this well and drank from it himself and his sons in his cattle jesus answered and said everyone that drinks from this water will thirst again but whoever drinks the water that I will give him will never thirst the water that I will give will become a well of water springing up into eternal life Jesus was explaining to her about being born again that one day when the Spirit was poured out he was going to come and dwell inside and we would never thirst again because he quenches the thirst any quenches our hunger are you with me okay in John 20:22 I'm just skipping around I'm just bouncing through some stuff because I need to get to oh my where I need to get you think late night early morning John John 20 verse 22 when he said this he breathed on the disciples and said receive the Holy Spirit now when Jesus in John 20 when he breathed on the disciples this is after Jesus is crucified they see him I talked about so I'm kind of building on today because I shared a bunch of stuff today if you weren't here it'd probably be worth it to get the message I don't know where I went but this was one of the places that I did go I did cuz someone came up to me at the mall and said there's so much stuff this morning but do you record anything I'm like yeah I couldn't get it like I wouldn't need to listen to it again and again and again and again and again I like pause and go oh gosh that's amazing like even stuff that I preach I don't know like when I'm preaching it that it's coming so I'm like oh my gosh I gotta listen to that again and I'll sit there and just just drink it in cuz I need to grow in Jesus it sounds crazy but it's true so Jesus after he's crucified after his crucify and the disciples sees crucified they go to the tomb the tomb is empty they're hiding they are hiding inside of a room they are petrified in John 20 that they are going to be found out that the Romans are coming that they're going to be killed - they're petrified like this thing this fear thing is is encapsulating them and shutting them down the fear thing needs to be taken out what drives out all fear perfect love not just love perfect love the perfect love of God casts out not some fear all fear the perfect love of God so the born-again experience when you get born again and you realize that your sins are forgiven God didn't just remove them a little he removed them completely threw it into a sea called forgetfulness that he doesn't dig back in and Drudge up your sin and put in your face but the devil does when you see that right standing with God hits your heart and you realize oh my goodness I'm perfectly loved by the father none of my sins and lawless deeds God doesn't hold anything against me why because the New Covenant Jesus says in the Covenant that day that I will make with them their sins and their lawless deeds we'll remember no more so the sins and lawless deeds that we've done God removes them and he remembers them no more he'll never bring them up again like Jesus said it's finished it really was like it really is like righteous this makes me right with God and since I've been made with God right with God if God is for me who really cares who's against me oh come on man this is powerful it's powerful but in this section of Scripture Jesus is with the disciples they are petrified what's more petrifying Jesus being gone or Jesus showing up in a locked room that's pretty petrified so Jesus says peace and he breathes on the disciples and he says as the father sent me so I send you and he he says he briefs on him and said receive the Holy Spirit so if Jesus said that the disciples received the Holy Spirit did they or did they not receive the Holy Spirit they did he breathed on them why breath because when God breathed into dirt and it jumped up a man Adam he breathed into creation God was restoring his creation and he was breathing back into man again it's so amazing ok but that's the disciples born-again experience if there wasn't a need for more than Jesus wouldn't have told them there was more Luke 24 verse 48 and 49 you are witnesses of these things and behold I am sending forth the promise of my father upon you you are to stay in the city until you're clothed with power from on high why did he say that so in John 20 he breathes on them here we are in Luke and Luke if you look at Luke and the book of Acts it rolls together because the same writer for Acts is the same writer in Luke it's Luke so he writes the books and they actually go together they bleed together perfectly if you read in context the end of Luke and then the beginning of accident on the way through it's pretty amazing so Jesus breathes on the disciples if there was no need for more of the Holy Spirit then Jesus wouldn't have told them to go and wait but he told them he goes guys look just because Peter even in x1 he says to the guys he goes Peter goes are you at this time going to restore the kingdom in Israel are you gonna take it from the Romans is it our time come on you came to rule with a rod of iron let's kill him I mean let's take it back let's take it back Peter Jesus like Peter it's not for you know the times with this or that but you go and wait in Jerusalem you go wait for the promise now well they had the promise no no they have always furred inside but the promise of power was coming see to be clothed with power is different than to have a fountain springing up for eternal life it's two totally different things this has been confusing but scripturally it's pretty solid I mean I don't know how like much more solid you can get than the Bible like it's pretty amazing so acts 1 verses 5 through 8 John baptized with water but you should be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now so when they had all come together they were asking him this is what I just read to you Lord at this time were you restoring the king of the Israel he said it's not for you to know the times or epochs which the father has fixed by his own authority but you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit was come upon you now watch if the Holy Spirit came upon them in the measure that Jesus wanted then he would have breathed on them about have been sufficient but it wasn't so Jesus says this he says you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you and then you should be my witnesses in both Jerusalem and Judea and Samaria and even to the remotest or the ends of the earth so he said you can't go and see because without the Holy Spirit and power we can do witnessing but with the Holy Spirit and power we become a witness where everywhere you go you become a conduit for God to flow through and he destroys hell through you and first John 3:8 for this reason the Son of man Jesus was made manifest to destroy the works of the devil so when you become baptized in the Holy Ghost your mission statement changes then it's not just about going to church on Sunday and being and being so so as a Christian being you're living the normal Christian life then it becomes this it says Jesus says the Holy Spirit will come upon you then you will be my witness what does that look like then it's not just about going to church on Sunday it's about living as a temple filled possessed by the Holy Ghost everyday shame leaves your life fear leaves your life you become unashamed of the gospel and you preach the gospel no matter what you do no matter where you are that doesn't mean you stand on a chair and preach at people that just means that you live your life supernaturally natural and everybody is freaked out by your life especially the devil and he tries to shut it down but he can because it's God the Holy Ghost that's in you and upon you [Applause] Matthew three verses 11 and 12 John the Baptist is out there or I'm sorry now that's the next one sorry so on the day of Pentecost had come this is I mean um ya know this is it is sorry Matthew 3 I'm trying to get through this because Tom gave me a time limit and I'm like going kind of fast because there's a lot of people in here and like you just don't know you just don't know this is such a it's such a beautiful mess like Jesus is gonna wipe you out you just don't know you just don't get it like I'm not kidding like he's coming in power like it's no joke like I'm not I'm not kidding like he's coming in power like he's going to he's gonna overwhelm you like so that you so that you care about God's love for you and God's love for people more than you do about people glaring at you so that your shame and your guilt and your condemnation get wiped out so then you can be baptized with him that he can coat you with him and you put on Christ and you never take him off again where you have a love for the word a love for learning and understanding what God says about you all I'm doing is whetting your appetite for what's about to happen you can't be hungry for something that's not available I promise you Matthew 3 John the Baptist is questioned why do you baptize who are you are you this are you that and he says as for me i baptize you with water for repentance but Hugh is coming after me is mightier than I I am NOT to remove his sandals he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire his winnowing Fork is in his hand and he will thoroughly clear the flushing floor and he will gather his wheat into the barn but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire this is a picture of Jesus when he comes in and upon you see what happens is there stuff inside of your heart that needs to go so you get born again and he removes stuff but then as the Holy Spirit comes upon you and you develop this insatiable hunger to know him more what happens it's like Jesus when he came into the temple and he saw everybody dealing money and money changing tables and all these different things doing things they ought not Jesus went about that temple and he flipped over the money changing tables and he flipped over these idols and he started to just go through this thing with a three three and a three strand cord he went through and he let these animals out and he's like oh you've made my father's house a den of thieves supposed to be a house of prayer and that's a picture of what Jesus is going to do in the hearts of people because what he does as he comes in flips over the idols and the things that don't belong he does he comes right through and his winnowing Fork is in his hand and he thoroughly cleans the threshing floor God wants a breed of people that are fully surrendered to the gospel and fully give their life to Jesus man acts two verses one through four when the day of Pentecost came now these are disciples that were already breathed on by Jesus that had already received the Holy Ghost Jesus said go to Jerusalem and I want you to wait for the promise of my father for the promise of power when you will be endued with power from on high then you'll be a witness a lot of the church has tried to do witnessing and their best ability but you need to be clothed with power because he's the better witness than you know dampened aghast came there all together in one place suddenly they came from heaven a noise like a rushing violent wind and it filled the whole house where they were sitting and there appear they appeared to be on them tongues as a fire distributing themselves and they rested upon each one of them and we're all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues as the scripture gave them utterance it's a lot of people that have tried to explain tongues away tongues aren't for impressing people tongues aren't something that you just burst out and confuse people it's not that I pray in tongues on a constant basis but I'm not praying out loud so that everybody can hear me it is actually something that edifies your spirit man and helps to grow your spirit man you are communing straight with God we were like why don't believe that well I don't care what you believe I care what the Bible says it doesn't matter my mom had no idea what tongues was nothing my mom got baptized in the pool we baptized her after I got saved it was a year and a half in baptized in the pool she came up praying in tongues she couldn't even speak in English she didn't know what it was she was so used to being in control and having the white-knuckle grip through life she's like the most beautiful thing some of you need to speak like a chicken for a while [Applause] John 7:37 on the last day during the great feast through 39 Jesus stood and cried out saying if anyone's thirsty let him come to me and drink and he who believes in me as the scripture said from his innermost being will flow rivers of living water but this he spoke of the spirit who those who believed in him were to receive for the Spirit was not yet given because Jesus was not that glorified it's just all talking about Holy Spirit the church at large is afraid of the Holy Spirit because they want to be in control listen it's not about control the Holy Spirit's like wind but we what we do is a lot of times the church is afraid of people that are loose cannons see listen you have to have a love for God's bride that he died for God's bride has called the local church the body of Christ some people don't want to be a part of a local church since they got hurt they got hurt by somebody in the church leaders that didn't notice them or or didn't give them didn't give them a microphone or didn't notice them the only reason that happens because you don't realize you've been noticed by God if you've been noticed by God you don't need to be noticed by man and if you got hurt by the church I'm sorry you got hurt but the fact is is they probably shouldn't have did what they did to you to hurt you but the fact that you didn't know who you were means you didn't know who you were when it came so you shouldn't have got hurt by what they shouldn't have done but neither one is gonna be justified in the eyes of God so drop your offense let that thing go and if you're not willing to lay your life down and die for the local church then don't talk about her it's true I'm a big believer in the local church man you should be plugged in somewhere you should have a family you should have a pastor you should be a part of a local church feel like won't like that well I don't care what you like I promise you I love you I must speak the truth in love to you there's a lot of home rips that are out there a lot of them are healthy but there are home rips that aren't healthy that are building their own thing and what happens is they have people that are hurt and they're doing these different wound licking clubs and they're licking each other's wounds and they're talking about how they got hurt and they got hurt and they got hurt we got our own thing we don't need that what makes you think that you should separate from God's church from God's bride you should be a part of local church see I don't get as many claps on that one because people been hurt get over yourself get over yourself man Jesus hanging on a tree bleeding out hanging on a tree looked at the very ones that ripped his beard out that shredded his flesh Jesus and he says Father forgive them they don't know what they do if you're not willing to hang on a tree bleeding out and say Father forgive them they know not what they do then keep your mouth shut be a part of the bride be a part of God's girl being part of God's church man come on somebody be a part of God's church be a part be a part of the body be the hand that says to the other hand I need you be a hand that says I need the foot come on let's stop fighting against each other let's go after Jesus with everything we are let's be filled with the Spirit of God come on don't justify each other's hurts don't sit there and pity people and say well they should have never done that to you man lift your arms up and pray for people don't sit there and pity him and make him a victim you are not a victim you're victorious in Jesus victorious [Applause] acts eight verses 13 through 17 this one just like nails it down it's crazy we're talking about Simon the sorcerer he like believe Philip went and preached Christ right so it says even Simon himself believes and after being baptized he continued with Philip he observed these signs and great miracles taking place and he was constantly amazed this is Simon the sorcerer that amazed people so a sorcerer ran into a real man of God see he was a magician he's like David Blaine meets Jesus I'm serious like these sorcerers these these guys but what they need to make is an authentic Christian that brings that levitation to the ground and says hey surrender to Jesus and I'll let you get up come on are you kidding me why are we afraid what are we doing why are we afraid so this sorcerer is amazing this this man is a man of God Philip shows up come out and the sorcerer was like well I got nothing what he's amazed he believes he's baptized that's crazy Simon believed and because the miracles were taking place he was constantly amazed now the Apostles in Jerusalem heard that Samaria had received the Word of God and they sent Peter and John who came down and prayed for them that they might receive the Holy Spirit now the people in Samaria he preached Christ Philip preached Christ they believed and were baptized with water so they believed which means the Holy Spirit came to live inside of them Peter and John followed laying hands they traveled 35 to 50 miles once they heard that Samaria received Jesus they traveled 35 to 50 miles on foot just to get to Samaria so they could lay hands on them so they would receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost I mean why would they go fifty miles man are you kidding me well they received amen praise God that's not what happened they received did they receive the Holy Ghost what oh we gotta go guys come on let's go let's get out of here they need power when this they get any power they got the fountain but they need the waterfall they said and it says when he had not yet fallen upon any of them they'd simply been baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus they began laying their hands on them and they receive the Holy Spirit that's amazing Luke 15 5 through 13 says he said to them suppose one of you has a friend I read the other one today in Matthew in Matthew 7 and he goes to him at midnight said friend give me three loaves and the friend of mine has come to stay with me from a journey and I have nothing to set before him and inside he answered and said don't bother me the doors been shot and my children and I are in bed I cannot get up and give you anything but I tell you even though he will not get up and give him anything because of his friend because he's a friend yet because of his persistence he will get up and give him as much as he needs so I say to you ask and it will be given to you seek and you will find knock and the door will be open to you for everyone who asks receives and he who seeks finds a name who knocks it will be open now suppose one of you fathers is asked by his son for a fish will you give him a snake instead or if he's asked for an egg will you give him a scorpion will you of course not you being evil or you being of this world know how to give good gifts to your children how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Ghost to them that ask him acts 10:44 through 48 while Peter was still speaking these words the Holy Spirit fell upon all those who were listening to the message they were talking about Cornelius he went to Cornelius house Peters at Simon the Tanners house he seized a sheet let down and he's in a trance I want to trance Robbie pray for me so I'll get some trances bro you have no idea I would love that I'd love to be stuck somewhere in a mall in a trance and then when hundreds of people around me trying to figure it out and Jesus bang just come would that be amazing we're like you're radical well you need to be oh so these are the Gentiles this is conversion of a Gentiles says Peter was speaking and the Holy Spirit fell he went to the house of Cornelius walked in Cornelius kneels down Peter goes whoa whoa whoa get up Peter says I'm just a disciple I am just a man that that knows God come on it's not me so he shares I asked he's sharing in the middle of his message they get baptized in the Holy Ghost like they believe in their hearts Holy Spirit comes in here and then go and they're all praying in the spirit they get baptized in the Holy Ghost Peter's like woo came on baptized in water it's amazing either way they're all together so good all right disciples in Napa this last one then I'm gonna start preaching sorry Tom you guys okay do you get done before I do you can go I love you I'm gonna be here early in the morning how many of you are coming to our vision tomorrow morning thank you thank you we need people to believe with us okay we really do you have no idea maybe you do acts 19 verses 1 through 7 it happened while Apollo's was in Corinth Paul passed through the upper country and he came to Ephesus and he found some disciples and he said to them did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed they said you'll no we have not even heard whether there is a Holy Spirit he said to them into what were you baptized they said John's baptism and Paul said John baptized with the baptism of repentance telling people to believe in him who was coming after him that's Jesus when they heard this they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus right and then it says when Paul laid his hands on them the Holy Spirit came on them and they began speaking with tongues and prophesying they were all in them there were about 12 people that were with them alright okay in my testimony I share how I went and incorporated Jesus in I didn't surrender and five and a half months I lived big time hypocrisy didn't really know what relationship looked like how many of you've not heard my testimony oh my dude okay well I was really lost and believe it or not I'm really found it's amazing really I was an addict for 22 years and an atheist my whole life and I didn't believe in in Christianity and I hated Christians more than any other religion I really did cuz I just did and therefore because of that I mean no one witnessed to me and shared the gospel with me for 34 years of my life so at 34 I had had a relationship with my girlfriend for nine years I had a seven half year old daughter I'd already been extradited across America twice kicked out of the military in and out of the break in and out of jail fines probably about $14,000 in court costs like all kinds of different stuff to pay back grew up in the children's home from 11 drugs from 11 porn from 8 I mean like the black sheep of black sheep like my whole life was and so I went into a church one day suicidal I met this pastor when I went there I went to a gun cabinet to get a gun and on the way to the gun cabinet opened a phone book had flipped open two churches I drive to this church his angriest could be and I let this guy have it when I get there and the guy happened to me a man by the name of dan Mohler [Applause] so I met him and imagine trying to tell Dan that his gospel ain't real if you know I'm talking about all he did was smile at me and that made me mad cuz he was cuz he couldn't take a smile away and it wasn't like he was smiling to be pretentious or to be mean to me or arrogant he was smiling because he knew something that I had no clue about and I saw in his eyes that something was real and he said since you don't want your life why don't you give it to somebody that does and I said to him this is what I said who would possibly want my life because all I did was hurt people and I didn't understand and I didn't like I didn't understand the cross I didn't understand salvation I understand that Jesus paid the price for horrible people see when you see Jesus's life when he was on the earth there's a reason why the liars the thieves the prostitutes the tax collectors the worst of the worst wanted to be around him on a constant basis it wasn't like Jesus like calm down on his preaching he didn't ease it up like he preached an intense message yet people wanted to be around him the only ones that didn't were the church and or the synagogue or the Jews they didn't want the religious system didn't want to be he was everything they read about in the Old Testament but they didn't see him standing right in front and they thought by studying the scriptures they had eternal life but these scriptures are what testified about him and they weren't willing to come to him that they may have life pretty intense but when I look at that like all these people that were the worst of the worst they wanted to be around Jesus and it wasn't like Jesus watered down the message and took holiness out like he's the son of God man the keys the word made manifest he preached it and so I'm listening this guy and I'm like but there was this little glimmer of hope that I had that maybe something in this guy I believed enough in UFOs and and ghosts and witches and Dracula that maybe somebody rose from the dead maybe I mean I'm serious I'm not kidding and I'm like okay yeah well maybe and so whatever dude did finally I'm like whatever do whatever whatever if he wants my life he can have it and that was my prayer it wasn't a good prayer it wasn't a surrendered prayer for sure and I went to my house and I called my daughter and told her that daddy found God and she said what's he like and I said I don't know but this man that I met today said that his God wasn't my god his God was gonna change my life and so mommy came home angry as could be really angry because atheist family and my family no Christian it wasn't Christian families so I'm like yeah yeah yeah God is real God is real and I'm like trying to appease my girlfriend to come home she comes home and I'm out on a coke binge the first night nothing changed for five and a half months I lived that horrible life and I would called an every day and sack did it again I did it again I did it again your Jesus don't work your Jesus don't work and he would say things like Todd how does that make you feel I know it's a horrible I need to take good for you there's a seed that's growing and I would be like oh just didn't get it really so five and a half months go by I go out one night and I rip off the wrong dealer and I have a drug dealer in my car I was hooked on coke 22 years this is the end I had him in my car I told him that I was a police officer I get the drugs in my hand I told him they had the right to remain silent anything he said could it be used against him in the court of law right to an attorney can't afford one like I knew my rights dude like so I'm reading this kid his rights to tell him to get out of the car put his hands on the hood and when he gets out of the car I hit the gas and he unloads a 9-millimeter at me from ten feet away and when the blasts of the gun came out I heard a voice say I took those bullets for you are you ready to live for me yet and I have no idea what live for me means all I know is I'm probably shot and dying and going to meet this pastors God and it's not gonna be good that's the only thing I was thinking about and then as I drove out of town I realized I'm not hit so I did all these drugs but I couldn't get high in that voice that said I took those bullets for you killed my buzz all night long and I couldn't get high and that really made me freaked out I pulled into my driveway I looked at my car I had not one bullet in my car from a full clip of a nine-millimeter from ten feet away I was totally petrified I went to the door she said get out I left I went to Teen Challenge actually a couple days later I go to Teen Challenge I'm in Teen Challenge for two months the Bible opens up to me becomes the first book that I can actually read in my whole life ever God reveals to me that he's created me to be his son he told me that he forgave me and he never bring my sin up and all of a sudden like I'm just free I have three dreams where I meet Jesus the third night I actually left he told me to go home I went home but I didn't have a home I go to my house I help my daughter for the first time as a father I never ever realized what it meant to be a father but that day I knew that I was a father and I'm holding my kid telling her how sorry I am she's saying daddy you're home and I have to tell her how I can't be there and I can't live there I hurt mommy she doesn't understand she's seven and a half and when my girlfriend comes out of the house I told her how sorry I was told her I was going to get a job because I didn't care about work and I was going to provide she'd never heard those words come out of my mouth before ever but I meant it with all sincerity in my heart she looks at me and she says I know you will I forgive you I gave my life to Jesus when you were gone oh it's amazing so we ended up so we ended up we ended up getting married four days later in the middle of first and second service and she's been my wife and his 14 years right now that we've been married it's amazing she's actually watching right now so you can say hi Jackie and my little kids are probably watching too because we have a 21 year old and 11 year old a 7 year old all girls that little 7 half year old now she's 21 she gets married this year in October to an amazing young man and we have a little boy that we adopted that was a heroin that he was addicted to heroin when he was born we had him as soon as he came out of mom we went to rehab for three weeks he had to be on methadone to get free now he's going to be 2 on the 19th so pretty amazing all right I said all that to say this now go please you ready all right I want to share what this looks like in a life and how it's not always it doesn't always go well and I want to share with you why how important it is okay so I get saved I we get married I'm like so excited and I'm like oh my gosh I go to a healing service I see Dan praying for the sick at these healing services I don't know that anything I don't know anything about the gospel all I know is I'm free I'm forgiving I've been made right with God and I believe that God forgave my sin and I have lived for 14 years without any guilt shame or condemnation I've been free for 14 years it's amazing it really is I don't live with regret I don't live with guilt and a little shame I don't live with fear I'm in love with Jesus seriously and so I see these healing services I go to a couple the second when I go to there's a guy that comes in he has a disease the disease is leukemia and he comes up front to get prayer from Dan because he did healing services in the church and I'm listening to the conversation as it's going down and the wife and the husband sat through the whole healing service they come up front and they said to Dan listen we have gone to church our whole life both of us were raised in the church both of us have been told that there are new miracles today that with the last disciples they were no other miracles that we're in a different age and a different era right now so we don't believe anything that you just said Dan's like okay he goes she said but my husband has been diagnosed with leukemia and the doctors have sent him home and he's on Hospice and we have no other options and our neighbor has come to the healing services and said that we should try this and so it was pretty much try this try this try this try this they're at their last resort he's gonna die there's no hope the doctors have sent him home hopeless on hospice there is no hope for him and doctors I said you're going to die this thing's gonna kill you I said to Dan she goes we're very skeptical we don't even believe is that going to matter and Dan said absolutely not can I pray for you and I sat there and went oh my gosh what is that I did I was stated everything on their end was completely negative and we don't believe anything that you just said matter of fact we disagree with everything you just shared and I'm sitting there going and dance like absolutely not can I pray for you know what oh and I'm thinking gosh awesome I don't know that they're they're gonna get healed I just know that Dan's like let me pray for you he doesn't he doesn't shout don't scream he says leukemia I command you in the name of Jesus get out of this body right now father I thank you in Jesus precious praise for him and the guy looks at Dan and goes is that it and the wife goes that's it yes yes sir yes ma'am here I'm gonna give you my number I want you to call it and I'm thinking Dan told me that when I met him in church and I was suicide he goes here's my number you're gonna need it I said I don't need it boy did I need that number so I'm thinking you take the number take the number you're gonna need it take it so they leave that day he walks out just like this the same way he walked in so two weeks later this guy comes up dance doing a service comes up with a note and he hands the note to Dan right in the middle of service like interrupts everything he just you're gonna want to see this he actually twirls up front hands in the note gives him the note really it was so funny and I'm like cuz I did that to Dan like in the five and a half months he's preaching the service my girlfriend I'm trying to get him to help appease her during my five and a half months of hypocrisy and he's in the middle service I'm like dude dude dude you gotta come out front you got to talk to my girl man come on bro I interrupt service everybody sitting in church I don't know I don't have any etiquette I love church I don't know anything I was like me me me help me dude come on man I walk right up to the pulpit I said yeah hey come on man come on fix this and Dan's like hey guys sorry I'll be right back okay buddy hey so nice just amazing like I've very rarely seen him upset I have seen him upset but it wasn't because of that yeah but he's a godly man he's been upset at me before why because I need correction because you have fathers yet people speak into your life I'm not man above that is something that's very important that's why people don't wanna be a part of church because they don't like being corrected cuz it won't be a god under themselves you kidding me oh don't make me go there oh like oh we like you but that right there hurts a bit no people like no I don't like correction I'm my own god I can do this stop it knock it off let's take the slap of a friend but most of all get on your knees and seek Jesus through the Bible and he'll train your heart he'll be your teacher your mentor your father it's amazing okay sorry I'm really sorry but but I'm good if you're good you good all right so so dad came out whatever and and didn't fix anything because my I had blown everything up my girlfriend was like what her she's crying though anyway that was a different time so this guy gives the sticky note and Dan goes guys how many of you were here two weeks ago and here this guy went back to the doctors completely in leukemia free 100% and they didn't even believe they didn't even believe they've been taught their whole life that this isn't for today and they received a miracle why because it's God's goodness that leads you to repentance that's why how do you reach religion how do you reach it God's goodness how do you reach people that have been taught their whole life against this how do you reach people that are taught against the miraculous they need to receive a miracle you can't allow what they say or what they do to influence what you who you know and who you represent you can't allow sin against you to produce sin within you that is good it's amazing so I'm I said to Dan when I when I heard this I'm in service I'm done now see I'm sitting in service and he's still going on but I heard that sticky note and that medical report is downstairs and I'm like you kidding me oh my gosh like like healed I'm praying for everybody I'm not kidding like I got possessed I come to Dan after service I go dude that guy didn't even believe man he's no he didn't need to that's right cuz she taught today that these signs followed them that believe I'm a believer this is mine bro he's like it is I'm praying for everybody it's over it's over Dan's like alright praise God I got no Dan you don't understand you I'm praying for everyone and I'm not even got cuz cuz at the church that I was at I didn't do well for the 5 and a half months while I was there as a hypocrite so they didn't really trust me too much like with stuff so I'm going to a church that won't let me be a part of anything but that didn't affect me because I need to be teachable and learn and submit to the head so I wouldn't pray for anybody in the building but you ain't go stop me at Walmart so so I remember after this revelation that God wants to use me hits my heart I'm like oh my gosh it's over so we go to Walmart my wife my daughter and me well those seven half year old kids she's behind me my wife has got the cart and we're walking and we see a lady with a with a walker she's probably 85 years old I saw her said look destiny look there's a lady in a walker she was okay she wasn't with me at the healing services destiny was so she didn't know I said come on let's go over here she goes okay dad so we go over and I go excuse me ma'am she goes yes I said can we pray for you why I'm old I said that's what she said I'm old I go isn't arthritis she goes yes I said could my daughter and I pray for you because the Bible says these signs will follow them that belief says in my name in the name of Jesus will lay hands on the sick and they'll recover and the lady goes here I said yeah the worst that can happen is nothing like really nothing's gonna happen if we don't pray she goes okay so we pray in the name of Jesus well I prayed my daughter got behind me she's afraid because we never pray for anybody in public and we didn't see Christians out there doing it it's not your normal thing should be what if Grand Rapids was flooded with Christians and pray for people everywhere come on man on fire burning seekers when you're burning you have eternal you have an eternal perspective you start to see people for what they're gonna look like when they stand before God and you reconcile people back to the Father not imputing their trespasses against them it's pretty awesome that ministry that we've all been given the Ministry of reconciliation so the lady we get done praying I go all right thank you she goes thanks for trying and she went on her way thanks for letting us pray for you and I'm like come on let's go find somebody else so we did for like an hour and a half and found other people to pray for same thing worst thing happen there's nothing pray for him nothing happened pray for him nothing happened nothing - nothing nothing - nothing we get to the car pray for probably 10 12 people I made it in my heart I said I'm gonna pray for 9 to 12 people every day of my life every day and so we did so we went to the car cuz we couldn't find my wife we found her she was really mad at she's in the vehicle she goes what are you doing I said honey I said the Bible says whoa stop it ok no we're supposed to pray for the sick you are not a pastor she didn't understand she wasn't at the healing services she didn't see what I see she wasn't in my bedroom reading what I was reading she wasn't back there in a secret place with Jesus like I was she was in her own but I was there by me just me I shut the door go into the closet literally with a flashlight I'm not kidding like it's priority so she wasn't seeing what I was seeing so I can't expect her to know what I've been knowing and it didn't help but no one was healed so so we prayed prayed that day and then another day prayed for the same another day another day now they two weeks go by she said I am never going in public with you again and she was serious and see that does sound funny unless it's your best friend that you're used to going out to eat with and going shopping with and she doesn't understand so I can't allow what she does not see to influence what I do see I have to and in my bedroom I would pray for my wife I never allowed her view to upset me with what she didn't see I would pray for my wife that she would have an encounter with Jesus that she would see how import it is for her to know that she's God's daughter and that she's the apple of his eye I didn't pray for my wife Lord you need to change her life because if you change her life my life will be easier that's a selfish prayer that's spouse prayer its spouse complaining spouse gossip God doesn't hear any of that stuff change my husband so my life gets easier you're not praying for them you're praying for you you selfish well if you fixed that maybe my life will get easier Lord don't you see what I'm going through hey do you realize what my son went through for you well yeah but still or do you see what they're doing you see how they're treating me me my be mine I uh I'm gonna go over here you guys will hear me okay see come on Robbie that was your section bro I'm skinny [Applause] Wow way to go instigator way to go how about Robby isn't he amazing well it's amazing hey by the way you're in for a treat and like if you if you get a chance and you need resources Robby's books are astounding they really are and you could do what Jesus did you should name a book that do what Jesus did oh you do have one out there that session both books are amazing all right so I prayed for all these people no one's getting healed two weeks go by no one's getting healed my girlfriend's not go on my wife's not going anywhere with me her parents or her mom is like now you married a lunatic what are you gonna do now you threw your life away I hope you're happy with the decision you made now you have to made your bed now you have to lie in it all that stuff so they're all trying to convince her that she married this psycho because I was not psycho when I was a drug addict when I was an addict and I was hurting people and people were dying because of my life that wasn't psychotic that was normal are you kidding me now that I want to believe the whole Bible and pray for people and believe what God's Word says I'm now a psycho man I might be out of like not I'm not out of my mind I might be out of yours but I am into the mind of Christ I'm going after this so a month went by no one gets healed two months go by no one gets healed we're talking about 70 people a week so we're talking about 280 times two is a lot more huh times three is a lot more we're talking about 900 people not one person gets healed I didn't see anybody healed in three and a half month period so three and a half months is like over 900 people between 900,000 people no one's getting healed so there's a guy I don't know if you ever heard of a guy named Randy Clark okay and Bill Johnson and those guys I never knew I didn't know them okay and so there was a conference it was called healing it was a healing conference and it was at a church that was up in Harrisburg and I'm like I got to go I got to go to this because I gotta know what's the missing link like what am I missing here so I ended up going to this church and I kept remembering in my heart and I know it was God but it says John said i baptize you with water but the one coming after me baptizes you with the Holy Ghost and fire he whose sandals I'm not willing I'm not able to carry or I'm not worthy to carry he will baptize you in the Holy Ghost and fire now I had the Holy Spirit in me because I believed I believed in Jesus I believed I confessed that Jesus was Lord I believed in my heart and confess with my mouth and I believe that I'm forgiven and that is happening and it is amazing my life has changed I've got a job I'm steady working steady bringing home like money normal like a normal person for the first time in my life in thirty four years of my life I've never done that now everything has changed but this whole prayer thing I'm not seeing miracles like I need to and I'm not seeing healing like I need to so I'm up there at this conference and Randy's speaking and I'm not even listening to what he's saying cuz I can't get this I will baptize you with the Holy Ghost and fire I can't get it off my mind and Randy's talking about something I don't even remember and I keep like thinking about this my affection is drawn towards this because I have to see breakthrough I have to see breakthrough see I've tasted and seen that the Lord is good and now once you eat that you have to have more I've become an addict to Jesus I am addicted to Jesus and God's presence and I need him so I'm like God you have to do something the world's going to hell and I can't stand it I can't there's no reason why these disciples walk this way and I'm not God you have to do something you have to break through what is this baptized in the Holy Ghost and fire and I'm sitting at the service and Randy's speaking and all of a sudden I feel this warmth come over me I don't know what it is I'm a bigger guy I'm probably 60 pounds heavier at the time and I start sweating and my friend beside me is a pre-med student and he looks at me he goes you okay man you're really sweating I said yeah is it warm in here he goes no you okay he's like do you have any numbness in your left arm like he's just checking me to see if something's wrong I go no I could my heart's really beating them man what's going on I said check my pulse and I'm elevated heart rate for sure I'm like wow this is crazy man what's going on and all of a sudden Randy stops what he's doing and he goes son do you know Randy son yeah you would you do me a favor would you stand down he's real quiet he has you been asking the Lord for a baptism of the Holy Ghost and fire haven't you and I didn't tell anybody and I'm like huh and all of a sudden this presence of Jesus hit me it looked like massive deliverance but I didn't need delivered I was already delivered from all that stuff but I needed him and what I had hungered for and what I was hungry for came upon me it didn't look like wow this is awesome it looked like gripping the chair in front of me I am not kidding snot and mass and yuck I'm not kidding poor ladies coating Fermi's China I'm streaming I'm gonna die Randy you won't die more Lord more Lord more Lord I didn't know I didn't know I thought I was dying I'm not kidding like it was like a it was like a weight was pushing me to the ground and it was like fire was through my body and it was like electricity was in my bones I don't even know how to explain it so you're like I don't really know if I wanted that when I told you about the gasoline thing well gasoline and a 220 so that's pretty much what it felt like and I was screaming like I mean ruined all this message brundun [Music] Oh freaking out Randy's like you won't die you'll be okay son bill Johnson's like oh no oh I'm sitting and I'm sitting in the chair crippled I'm not kidding couldn't move slobbering after the meeting bill comes by the row he looks at me he goes this wasn't a thumbs-up time for me this was a okay I don't want to talk to you get away but finally I get it in me to be able to go out into the lobby and I sit down in the lobby I'm sitting out there and Randy comes out and he goes son I go get away you have no idea I was really I had no idea see sometimes we don't know what we're asking for do you know that dignity is not a fruit of the Spirit think I'm kidding Oh No like oh okay then live with shame and guilt and fear just keep living with shame and guilt and fear just live with it why would you drink that it's not yours drink the gospel drink it all have all that he has for you it's amazing after this happened this happened immediately I'm at work and I hear this still small voice when a truck driver pulled up I hear two-sided I two herniated discs inside like nerve damage done his right leg I don't even know what it is no one taught me a word of knowledge I had no idea what it was God comes up to the window go hey do you have this he goes yes I go I don't know it actually freaked me out I said come here he comes into my little guard shack was probably about as big as this really comes in and go look the Bible says these signs will follow them back belief they'll lay hands on the sick your back is sick how do you know about my back Jesus do you believe in Jesus I'm Catholic okay but Mary didn't die for your sin Jesus did Jesus was crucified for you Jesus he's the one that died for you rose from the dead do you believe that oh yes of course all right your back is sick can we pray what do I do just stand there I didn't say by the way I prayed for 960 people I said father I thank you in the name of Jesus for brand-new distance back he bends up bends over he comes up he goes you are the power you have a power I said no no no no no no I'm a Christian no you have a power oh he's freaking out like no it's Jesus Oh you have a power I'm like no no no it's him ha whoa thank you thank you and he walks out leaves oh my god I wasn't I didn't do that he goes I did I go oh I called my winning to call my wife I went hey guess what I heard the Lord say click she hangs up on me she's at work so I called Dan I go Dan guess what man because what's happening cuz I would call him every day about everything that didn't happen like nine hundred and sometimes it didn't happen really he would say what are you gonna do I'm gonna keep praying Thatta boy he just encouraged me to keep going after it so I make it happen it happened and I'm like sharing my heart with him [Music] now watch within five and a half months of starting to see people heal I was spending 45 minutes every day writing testimonies from each day down every night in five and a half months and I wasn't in full-time ministry I was just a full-time Christian a full-time Christian a full-time Christian nine months in my wife decides that she's gonna go in public with us literally it was nine months my wife calls it labor she went to the store I went to the store she went to this side I went to this side with destiny we see a person in a chair she only went because our shopping trips took forever so now she's like I'm going with you you're gonna stop shopping for so long I'm going with you to make sure that you get home quicker and you're not gonna see me in the store I'm getting these things you're getting these things that's it so we meet I'm three rows in we see a lady in a scooter we asked if we could pray she's like no I'm okay I'm like oh please let us pray for you my daughter she's with me my her granddaughters with her about the same age as mine we asked her what happened she said she had a back fusion her spine was fused in the seated position so she was in a chair like this but when she stood up she's bowed over she couldn't and I'm thinking oh my gosh just like that lady that was bowed over for 18 years that ought be loose to this spirit of infirmity I'm thinking the gospel like she's gotta be healed so we convinced her how I convinced her was saying her granddaughter do you want to have your grandma play with you again and she looked at the grandma yeah grandma let him pray and she's like she was so mad she's in unforgiveness she's mad she's angry she's bitter I said oh honey just let us pray for you hurry up build my granddaughter's hopes up wrong so we pray for she gets up like this we pray for again their back goes pop and pops straight up and they're back that was fused on fuses right there and the granddaughter looks at her grandma and goes grandma run and they ran down the aisle for the first time in 27 years that grandma ran completely healed completely healed and I'm like crying oh my gosh and then all of a sudden when they come back this way my wife walks in the I know when destiny gets behind me she does she's like dad what are we gonna do what are we gonna do dad what are we gonna do there's no way out what are we gonna do because the persecution that my house was way worse than anybody imagined you can't imagine because I am very vocal about my faith I'm not like oh no I don't preach it people but I want to talk about Jesus every day all the time I have nothing I don't talk about football Christianity is a full-contact sport man getting the game come on well I'm not gonna worship a pigskin when I can work of Jesus worship Jesus or some cheese's like don't mess with our Sports madness Michigan not maybe it's an idol and you need Jesus oh I'm not against basketball I'm not against football but if Jesus told you in the last part of the game and your team was about to win would you pull away and be with Holy Spirit or would you make him wait for you to finish her game just saying he made me hey oh that's so good right there we're like now I'm done with ya my idols way too much important don't be done with me love Jesus with all your heart those guys need Jesus pray for them people don't like to take me to games cuz I pray for I just I cheer on both teams where'd he go woo why cuz there are all people that God loves that's why oh no you would get on my nerves maybe you're not supposed to have nerves maybe you're supposed to have Jesus oh come on [Applause] flipping over tables buddy sorry gosh it's so good so my wife doesn't see the lady she walks down the aisle she says to us wow this is amazing and all of a sudden my wife looks up she sees me she sees an empty scooter she knows what's happening right now she's watching hi honey she's so mad my wife wouldn't change this for the world man I said excuse me ma'am Destiny's behind me dad what are we gonna do I said I don't know I say could you bleep my best friend her name's Jackie she's down there right there she's the one the end of the aah she goes what's wrong with her I said she just doesn't understand I said could you go tell her what Jesus just did for you she goes I sure will she walked down the aisle [Applause] see because here's what's happening you shouldn't try to sell your family your fruit you should let them pick from your tree so she's about to eat fruit she goes down she tells my wife my wife is angry looking at me I can't believe you're making me be confronted with this she turns around lifts up her shirt shows her this deep scar in her back when my wife sees that scar she goes but I'm like Destiny's like Oh dad were trouble I said no honey I said we're not in trouble Jesus is touching mommy right now mommy's crying hugging the lady she's sobbing I'm talking like one of them one of them cries you know whole way through go home get to the house I'll put the groceries away I don't say a word I'm not messing this up at all at all we get to the house I go back in the bedroom and I worship Jesus and I thank God for him giving me an the endurance to be able to see my wife for her created value and I thank God for her allowing fruit to be picked off of my tree that now she sees what kind of roots I have god I thank you that you are amazing and you have shown my wife your faithfulness today God when I walk out of this bedroom whether she agrees with it or not I'm gonna pre-press it on now I'm never gonna tell her that she's wrong and I'm right I'm just gonna worship You God with everything I am when I walked out of that bedroom and I walked down and she's on the couch sobbing two hours later and I'm not messed my bed just a mess okay Donna said you okay she just no I got what happened she was God spoke to me okay what he said she said he said I've given you a new husband one that you never knew existed he believes me now why don't you my wife goes know what that was the end right there the end was oh look everybody's nervous I got some more ready all right come on I got asked to go to the Holy Lands not someone paid for me to go on a trip there I go to the Holy Lands I was going I was going there just to be a part of a tour like 1,700 people on a tour they they asked me to go so I'm like I could ask my wife and see if she'd go cuz they're gonna pay for two tickets my wife said no and it's not you know I can't go right now but I need you to go because this is the Lord so I ended up going I wasn't a part of the ministry I was just on the trip so when I went there I decided I was going fast actually fast a lot because it's good for you it is good for you I do every I do I do every other day cuz cuz it's good for you that's why and anyway I go there and they're doing meetings and we went to this one meeting we're 1,700 people in we're the last bus that gets there I'm at the very back and I can't even get to the stage and I came and see the stage except from a monitor and I'm in Israel and I'm like me and Lord I came to get more I came to get more than like Jesus I came to get more God I came here to be touched by you again I need more I need more it's it's legal the disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit and then they asked again and the whole house was shaking one house earthquake a little later in the book of Acts so if you've been baptized in the Holy Ghost there's way more I promise you I promise you and so I'm there and so the man's up there ministries it's a man by the name of Benny Hinn you guys are you guys might be upset some of you have different stuff I don't care about what you think I really don't I don't care about whether you like him or whether you don't I'm telling you that the anointing was so powerful it was scary I've never ever experienced anything like this I got touched before but this was totally different so I'm at this meeting I'm in the back and I'm like Jesus I I really need to be up front he goes well I'll have a seat for you up front I'm like oh yes so I told my god he thinks I'm crazy anyway I see hey I said told me I've seat up front he was Todd we're the last bus here we need to be the first bus out you need to be careful and mindful of everybody I am mindful I'll be back but I need to go front I'm gonna use the bathroom anyway so he's like okay but if there's no seat for you up front I need you to come back I need you to sit back with us okay promise he goes as soon as this is over you get back here as quickly as you can I'm like okay quickly as I can so I walk up front I'm gonna go to the bathroom and I forget that I gotta go to the bathroom and I see this really big guy it's like this big he's a big guy big guy I said he's got earpiece says like Secret Service I go oh let's see he's a mean guy I go hey can I help you sir I go yep I'm supposed to the front he goes right this way what it takes to be right in the middle and he sits me in that like in the third Brown right in the middle oh my gosh no way I'm not supposed to be here but he sat me here so I am Lord you're so good you're so amazing I'm praising Jesus for him getting me there and all of a sudden the guy comes and Benny comes up and he's he's preaching a solid message like on on Jesus on faith and on us being at the Sea of Galilee and I mean I'm like come on this is awesome so he starts sharing he goes pastors ministers leaders get up here hurry get to the front I'm like that's me so by the time I get out of my seat I'm just as far back as I was before I couldn't get out of the row everybody cattle press I mean crazy and I'm like no Lord I wanted to be up front how's my chance and I'm sitting there he goes lift your hands and we're all worshiping right and as we're worshiping I feel electricity go down my hand across my arm and across my chin and it didn't go lower than this it went right here it was like and I kept hearing this sound and it wouldn't go away and I'm like it was intense and I saw first thing I saw is I saw a chair of somebody that was in the choir was sitting on the stage I saw all four legs of the chair lift up and flipped completely over and land on four legs without anybody touching it and I went what was sad I don't have a grid for it all I know is I saw it it was real and I'm like oh Jesus I don't care I don't care what it looks like see to a famished man any bitter things sweet see I'm hungry and I need more of God and it doesn't matter to me I want Jesus I'm not asking for the demonic I'm asking for Jesus I want Jesus I need more of him you can say well you can get it all from God that's true but wise men still travel I'm going after this thing and all of a sudden benny turns in he goes bring that man and he was pointing at me and how i knew it was the electricity went from my mouth down to my feet and i couldn't move I was frozen I couldn't move but these two big men helped me move they carried me through we get to the stage I get up on the stage I'm here there's another one here another one here another one here I'm four people back and Benny's about right here and I'm over there and then all these people like it's mayhem like it's freaky like the things that are happening people flying through the air I'm like man I don't care Jesus want more you and they get to me and I'm here I'm staying here and Benny's over there so he didn't come near me he goes Jesus and it felt like a bolt of electricity hit me in the chest not just me the two ushers with me we all lifted off the ground like this hi and we flew like this far and I landed on my back and the ushers did too and there's no pick him up pick him up pick him up like sometimes you see that pick him up sometimes people are like I don't believe in that well you're about to [Applause] so two other Usher's pick me up and carry me and I'm in the fetal position in the air and all of a sudden boom again four sets of Usher's eight of them and one of me each time down done my guys in the back see me on the monitors there's talk there's Todd again Eric goes talk areas there's talk and when they came up I was down on the bricks below the stage and I remember not being able to walk it's not happening a lot of times but when it has it here it's real I couldn't walk Todd you God tell your legs to work I'm like you tell him they're not listening and they picked me up and they got me to my they got me to my bus and then they carried me to the hotel room and I laid on my bed and I one more one more one more all night long didn't sleep and the miraculous increase the prophetic increase the words of knowledge increase the words of wisdom increase the healings increased exponential and I'm saying right now God do it again do it again do it again do it again do it again [Applause] [Music] we're gonna do this in an organized fashion we're gonna lay hands on everybody that's that's willing to go through I would tell you that if you have never been born again being born again is essential so if you grew up in a denomination you grew up Lutheran just Presbyterian whatever Methodist if you're not born again it's very important that you would be born again because that's essential okay so if that's you and you've never said Jesus I want you to come and live inside of me if that's you I want you to raise your hand please if that's you if you've never said Jesus I want you to live inside of me okay one who else anybody that would like to have a relationship with Jesus raise your hand okay all right all those right there I need you to come up here quick just come to the front you who raise your hand hurry up up front come on look I should bless you hey buddy are you man hey man hey bro come on yo all of you hey if you've never been born again and you want a relationship with Jesus come up here quick cuz this is essential before we get this thing going I need you to come up here if you don't know him and you want him to come and live inside of you come on just surrender give your life to Jesus just just say yes to him right now come on if that's you so good awesome man awesome listen you can grow up in church your whole life and not have a relationship with him but right now you're saying god I am giving my life to you and I want you to come and live inside of me if that's you come on up here well let's do this first sup bro bless you man love you me too anybody else Oh bless you honey welcome home I love you hey come here man nice shirt bless you awesome hey bless you are you awesome bless you oh so good come here you bless you bless you yay awesome [Applause] amen awesome come here man I met you today everybody alright okay is there anybody else it's not born again that would like to be I know I went a long time but this is essential this is really important come on awesome yay awesome can I give you a hug man come here buddy [Applause] bless you buddy love you bless you thank you I love you thank you bless you is there anybody else I Love You Man bless you amen who else anybody else anybody else that has never been born again you've grown up in church I don't care how long you've been in church being born again is different you're actually saying I want you to come and live inside of me Jesus right now if that's you I need you up here come on [Applause] mm-hm I'll give you a hug bless you let's see alright anybody else come on amen yeah come here I'll give you a hug bless you thanks for coming up meet you come here you bless you proud of you amen okay more yay come here man bless you grow body man hey you awesome yay okay wow I feel like there's a lot more but that's okay here's the deal what they're saying is I you know what I want a relationship with Jesus I want you to come and live inside of me come on another one come here hey hey you don't be afraid come here no fear okay [Applause] Hey this thing that tries to torment you is leaving tonight honey I promise leaving okay ready this thing can't have you any more it's a spirit it's a spirit of fear tries to torment you tries to take away your eating tries to take away all that make sure you not be able to see yourself like God sees you a thing ain't allowed to stay okay see my eyes you see freedom I'm free now I'll pray for you and this thing's leaving you okay you might feel a little weird but you're gonna be alright okay what's your name Jasper awesome okay alright just look at me Father I thank you for Jasper in Jesus name I command you let her go now get out now now in Jesus name no more thank you Lord Jesus name what do you feel what do you feel come on talk to me what do you feel it is overwhelming you know why cuz God's love is about to take this thing out right now Jesus thank you you let her go now you have no right here anymore I command you get out now in Jesus name no more I rebuke you and command you let her go now get out be free Jazmin be free be free Jesus yeah oh that's pretty awesome what do you feel right now yeah oh that thing can't have you no more no way Jesus come here you give me a hug all right love you Jesus see what this is hey buddy come here stay right here come here bless you man Wow you're mr. creative Jesus thank you for the artist god bless him Jesus name bless you buddy amazing bro all right so here's the deal we'll go pray right now just just hang with me all right so what we're saying right now is that Jesus is king he's Lord he's gonna forgive us of our sin but he's actually gonna come and make it our home he's gonna make our his home inside of us are you guys ready for that are you ready 100% none of you kids no parents made you come up here right come up by yourself I know you I know you told your mom how about you did your mom make you come up came up by herself all right cuz no parents can make decision for you all right so here's the deal we're gonna believe right now that Jesus is king that he's Lord and that he died for our sin then we're gonna ask him to come and make his home inside of us and he's coming in you like a fountain and then you're gonna go through this line and we're gonna pray for you that the Holy Ghost will come upon you in power are you guys ready for that all right so everybody I want you to all pray with me that way you're out there and you didn't come up here you get it to just say this Lord God right now I admit that I have sinned and fallen short and I believe that Jesus Christ is the only way to the Father today I'm asking you to come and make your home inside of me I surrender all right now to you in Jesus name the Bible says they believe in my heart and confess with my mouth that Jesus is Lord and I shall be and I shall be and I shall be saved in jesus name amen [Applause] okay buddy we're with you will pray for you will pray for you will pray for you you're gonna be okay all right he's saying some different sicknesses and some different stuff he has as we do the fire tunnel tonight we're gonna be praying for the impartation of gifts and callings are the gifts that are upon our life as far as miracles and things that we've walked in we're also gonna be praying for a Baptist with the Holy Ghost and fire and for God to clothe you and healing comes with the whole package so while we're praying for you we're gonna be praying for healing at the same time the whole way through so we're gonna organize this and we're gonna get this tunnel together and then each one of you are gonna be prayed for are you guys okay with that so I'm gonna give the microphone over to Tom and Tom's gonna fix this and make it orderly okay all right listen I shared about local church and how important it is the most important thing that you can do is to find a church that you can plug into a local body of believers that you would find that you can plug into if you're from the area there are many pastors that are from the area that are here if your pastor raise your hand through that they're all over the place it's amazing thank you for coming and being apart there are local pastors that are here that would help to Shepherd you and would help to disciple you and it's very important that you be plugged in somewhere to local church okay God is gonna touch you Tom's gonna make it happen and fix what I've messed up all right all right I love you I'll see you in just a minute and then we're gonna pray you
Channel: Todd White
Views: 63,915
Rating: 4.8946791 out of 5
Id: hy1KPAR3g5A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 6sec (6426 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 17 2019
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