Todd White - Thanksgiving in Everything

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do you know that in scripture it says that it's the will of god to give to give thanks in everything you know in thessalonians it says give thanks in everything for this is the will of god for you that doesn't mean you thank god for the bad things that are coming but you thank god for who he is in the middle of bad things that doesn't mean that you thank god because the bad things are there but you thank the father because he's better than the bad things you're going through [Applause] such a big deal i wanted to i wanted to share this personally because i shared it this weekend i was so excited you know anna who is our fearless worship amazing we i know there's some students that were praying for her she had a sonogram done and she had a gaping hole they said and in her stomach she had an ulcer that had i guess they said had created quite the hole in her stomach and she needed emergency surgery and so she was supposed to come to the power and love school that we just got back from in ohio just got back this morning which was amazing but anna couldn't make it because she had to get surgery so when we were leaving when i was leaving on friday or thursday she was scheduled for surgeries actually in pre-op and i know students are praying over her and and so i just really gosh like i love testimonies they're so good i'm gonna start i'm gonna back up a little just to share just thankfulness my mom my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer a few years ago and before she was diagnosed they went and took a biopsy and they did a biopsy and then they put a metal marker in where they did the biopsy and so in the meantime after she had there she had a hindu doctor and my mom told her that jesus was going to heal her which is amazing and she didn't even know what it was she just know that she just knew that she had found a lump in her breast so she went and had the biopsy done then she came up to our house in pennsylvania when we lived there to get prayer and to visit family and we prayed for my mom and and she went back and they got the results back from the biopsy and the biopsy came back that it was cancer and she had the choice between doing a lumpectomy or or a mastectomy so my mom said that she wanted to do the lumpectomy so she goes in for surgery and when they went in for surgery to go in and because they put the metal marker in so they know where exactly to go in when they went in the lump had been removed they're like no listen i'm saying they opened her up and went in and it was gone like they opened her up first went in and it wasn't there so they're kind of frustrated because they don't know what to do and my mom comes out of comes out of being put to sleep and she comes out and she comes in and she tells her that it's gone and and the hindu doctor she told that jesus healed her and the doctor's really freaking out because the problem is is there's a metal marker that's in there somewhere and they've got to do full scans to try to find the metal marker so as they're looking for the metal marker the thing i think that frustrated them the most was it disappeared too that was my mom so you can tell us that miracles aren't real as much as you want but see that it's over so anna we said we're praying that this hole completely seals that you get a creative miracle just like my mom did because the testimony means do it again when you hear a testimony it means do it again god that's what a testimony is see what god does in one he'll do it another because god's no respecter of persons and so when you hear a testimony you can grab that and say that's mine the next time you see something like that you say wait a minute they were healed you be healed in jesus name and it will give you great faith to pray great faith so i just simply said in my heart i said oh my gosh god did this for my mom like your belly's no different than this lump that had to go so in the name of jesus we just command this hole to be sealed up and god i thank you that you'd actually sear a cross inside of her belly too just on top of that she's like that's a belly why would you steer anything in there because wouldn't it be neat so anna laughed with us he she was laughing it was it was funny she was actually getting ivs and all that stuff so she went into surgery they did the emergency surgery they went in and the hole's completely gone nothing give jesus praise that's amazing that's amazing that's amazing that's amazing that's right that's jesus because that's our girl i don't know about y'all but i'm going after this pretty intensely we are going to see the most amazing miracles in this house and all around this area we are going to see the blind seed the death here the lame raised people getting out of their wheelchairs we will see the dead raised we will see it and we will see devils cast out that is what we're going to see so if you don't want it this isn't the place for you but if you do this is the place come get fed come to go i'm getting a big sign or some kind of plaque some kind of banner put on the front doors right above the doors when you leave and it's going to say you're now entering the mission field so that just in case you forget when you walk out the doors okay that's right it's so important to me this thankfulness thing is such a big deal christianity is not a roller coaster ride it's not mountains and valleys you'd be very careful about what you've been taught because if you're on a mountain you're headed for a valley for sure and if you're in a valley hopefully the mountain's coming but you need to understand that jesus said make a straight path that's what john the baptist said jesus was coming every mountain low every valley up make a straight path for the lord to travel what we need to do is remove the stumbling stones that stand in the way of the body of christ from running properly so that we can run and not grow weary i love this i was up there and i was just praying like lord i i was got to minister this weekend at the power and love in ohio it was just amazing and i don't even know what happened last night it was ridiculous explosion fire crazy nuts i felt like my eyeballs were gonna pop out of my head it was so amazing at one point i said would the real christian please stand up and people stood and wouldn't they wouldn't sit down i mean it was like you had to tell people you need to sit down now they were like it was like i'm not kidding it was ridiculous people will volunteer in the davis power and we are seeing the power of god like crazy we are seeing demons tremble at the mention of his name do you know the demons come to church too okay just making sure you are aware of that before we get started tonight it's thankfulness that drives them out there are people here that that thankfulness thing has been so hard for you and you're you've got all these voices talking to you when i'm even talking to you if that's you i want you to stand up right now you've got all these different voices that are talking to you right now when i'm talking about thankfulness and you're like i just can't seem to get breakthrough in this area stand up if that's you stand up it's okay it's all right i just would like to get rid of it i want some people to gather around them we're going to pray for them right now um i command you voices to be silent in jesus name let them go now i command every demonic voice to shut its mouth now in jesus name [Music] now be loosed in jesus name right now be free right now in jesus name holy spirit we invite you right now do what you do in jesus name do what you do we invite you right now holy spirit come holy spirit we say more more lord right now more lord jesus name more more more lord i commend those thoughts of suicide to shut their mouth now in jesus name let go now in jesus name be free in jesus name be loosed now in jesus name be free be loosed jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus i want everybody to say that with me at the same time as you're praying jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus i want you to pray peace for that person i want you to pray shalom peace in jesus name right now peace in jesus name peace in jesus name the shalom of heaven right now shalom shalom shalom jesus jesus jesus young man this one right here how you doing what do you feel right now a lot better amen all of you that are getting prayer how what's going on right now who here senses something some change right now something really changed if you can sense change i want you to wave your hand come on give jesus a big shout come on amen amen all right let's just go ahead and have a seat i'm going to share my heart just for a little bit gosh i'm just gonna i'm gonna read a chapter in ephesians i want to share my heart and we're gonna go somewhere with this all right you guys okay all right thank you for coming oh in ephesians 5. in verse 1 it says therefore be imitators of god be an imitator of god dear children as beloved children and walk in love just as christ loved you and gave himself up for us and offering in a sacrifice to god as a fragrant aroma and it says this but immorality or impurity and greed must not even be named among you as is proper for saints there must not be any filthiness or silty or silly talk or course jesting which aren't fitting but rather the giving of thanks for this you know that certainly no immoral or impure person or any covetous man who is an idolater has any inheritance in the kingdom of christ and god this is crazy first it says imitate god as beloved children it says walk in love just like christ loves you just like he has loved you just like he loves you and gave himself up for us an offering and a sacrifice to god as a fragrant roma and then it says butt puts in this butt here so crazy the body of christ at a whole this is something that doesn't go over the best with because people say that god is love and god is love and it is so imperative that we see him in his fullness and who god is because he is love jesus was the visible image of the invisible god when you see jesus you see the father would so when you saw him you saw what love looked like and i want to explain something to you see we get this weird image especially when people grow up in legalism and they grow up in legalism then all of a sudden they realize they were in bondage then the spirit comes and all of a sudden they realize the holy spirit's real so the tendency of growing up that way is to swing straight past grace and into a category that is called hyper grace or false grace not real grace so what happens is we're over here in bondage and we're trying to follow rules to be right and it's yes and knows it's it's a list of do's and don'ts it's a it's a bunch of yeses and no's like i can't do that i can do this oh i can't do that no i'm not allowed to do that and all of a sudden like we come into this place where wow grace are you with me and god's love is here because god so loved the world that he gave his son that whoever believes in him wouldn't perish but have eternal life so we hit this place of god's love and there's that moment where you come out of legalism how many of you grew up legalistically i've really felt my heart to say this tonight how many of you grew up in a legalistic kind of way okay how many of you haven't grown up no i'm just kidding i don't want to grow up either i just want to go after god so here's what so here's what happens and it's really dangerous so so we go into this place of the love of god and then we enter into this place where everything's okay because now god loves me and what happens is you have some convictions you obey your convictions but then all of a sudden a little bit comes in but god loves me he's okay and the little bit comes in and god loves me and it's okay and then god forgives me and then all of a sudden i can do what i need to do when i need to do it because god loves me and understands me and so what we've done as a church is we've built up an amazing tolerance for sin in the name of love okay now look listen this is so important we have developed a christianity where we teach people about the love of god but what we've done is we've negotiated the real word love and we've compromised it and we've allowed sin to come in and we call good evil and evil good and then we bring grace and we wrap grace around it but really it's not grace i am in love with jesus with all of my heart but because of my love relationship with god i don't want to do the things against the one that i love if jesus died to just to to bring me to the father and the father is love i want you to picture this sometimes we think that if we talk like this we're going to offend people but the truth is is that jesus was love in action and the only people offended were the religious [Applause] do you understand that every liar thief prostitute sinner the most whacked out people ever followed jesus everywhere and he never compromised truth for the sake of being loved so we think as the church that if we just water it down a little in this area we'll get more people to come and if we just like back off in this we'll have more people come and then we'll have more people tithe if we have more people tithe then we're okay hey we're doing pretty good a large offering came in wow let me water down the message just a little bit more and make it a little more palatable to where the church looks like the world and you can't tell the difference between the world and the church and that's just not what this says my bible says be an imitator of god what now listen jesus i want you to see this jesus was the visible image how much more of an imitation can you get here jesus was the visible image colossians 1 15 of the invisible god that sounds to me to be an imitator are you with me i need us to see this it's so amazing because if you see this and you see the reality of what you're called to and you see what you're already called as and who you are and you see the reality of god the father god the son and god the holy spirit the trinity the relationship the intimacy the relationship and the price that jesus paid to establish the same intimacy that he had with the father with us so that we can actually be an imitator of god like jesus was an imitator of god people were like well that's heresy no it's not it's the bible my bible and your bible says therefore be imitators of god and then it says and walk in love walk in love what does walking in love look like does walking in love look like tolerating sin and saying it's okay god understands god understands so much that grace that saves you is the grace that transforms you see when you come to jesus he doesn't just take a little bit of your sin away he takes it all away if you realize that when you actually get baptized your sin dies in there when you're buried with him in baptism it says that when you were buried with him in baptism you died to sin so when we died to sin how shall we continue in it any longer reckon yourself dead to sin and alive to god so jesus came he's the visible image of the invisible god he's the express hebrews 1 3 the express image of the father like exactly the disciples are with him and jesus is telling them that he's gonna go to the father and they are like well wait a minute like if you're the way the truth and the life and no one comes to the father except by you how are we going to know to how to get there if you're going to the father show us how to get there he says guys have i been with you so long and you don't know me what was he saying exactly what he said he who has seen me jesus says he was seen me has seen the father so how can you say show us the father don't you realize that the father is in me and i'm in him are you with me and then he and then he goes in it's john 14. it's so exciting he gives like unhinged unlimited promises ones that the church likes to say well not exactly and he he says this he says you know what the things i'm doing he who believes is going to do why because i'm going to go to be with the father well how did jesus do what he did he was such an imitator of god here on earth he imitated god through agency of the holy spirit he only did what the father was doing and only said what the father was saying and he said he couldn't do it by himself john 5 19 says i can do nothing of myself what i do i do because the father does it so he says guys i've so limited myself i have become a man just like you that's what he said i have become a man just like you i can't do anything except that the father would do it jesus says in john 17 which is the lord's prayer actually it's not our father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name that's the model prayer the disciple says teach us how to play pray she said when you pray pray like this but in john 17 jesus lifted up his eyes to the father and he prayed he said this is eternal life that they might know you the only true god the only true god and jesus christ the one whom you have sent that's what he says then he goes a little bit on in the prayer and he says i don't pray just for these here but i pray for all of those that would believe in me through their word i think that's you and me that they may be one as we are one i'm in you and you're in me that we might be in them that's corporately but that's also individually so that you and i after the holy spirit comes could be one just as jesus is one with the father and the father is one with jesus that we might be one with them that we might be the body of christ the fullness of him that fills all in all that all of us would come together get on the same page and stop like doing this how far can we push it what can we get away with and then when we step into something twisted and we don't get struck by lightning we think it's okay and god forbid you start to do the miraculous when you're living a life of sin because god will flow for you regardless of where you're at because he loves people so you can heal the sick and sleep with your girlfriend at the same time and think you're okay but you will stand before the father and we can't afford to do that look at this look at this this is ephesians do you understand that this is the only book in the bible without rebukes in the new testament like ephesus was a city that once this city got saved they had the biggest bonfire ever the greatest revival happened in ephesus the greatest revival they burned so much money i don't know exactly how much but i'm thinking it was close to a million someone told me cl just all the stuff they burned they had a big bind bonfire of all their false idols of all their witchcraft books of all their twisted stuff they just threw them all in a pile and watched them burn and worship jesus and it was like heaven on earth so here he is writing to ephesus and he says to he says in the book of ephesians be imitators of god dear children you are beloved children what does that mean you are children that are loved by the father what did god say to jesus when he came up out of the river jordan when he got baptized with the holy spirit this is my beloved son in whom i'm well pleased so guess what happens when you give your life to jesus you are his beloved child that he is well pleased and when you start to see that you'll stop trying to earn thanks you'll stop trying to earn praise you'll stop trying to earn this you'll stop trying to go on facebook to get liked because you'll realize that you're loved you'll stop going to put posts on there and looking at people's comments because the comments will first of all make you haughty or bum you out neither of them are good for you i'm not like against social media just post stuff and don't look at it but don't post that you went to dinner who cares that you went to dinner did someone get touched by did jesus lord touch somebody man i went and did this i went shopping today my peeps great did somebody come to the lord no i just went shopping with my peeps duh who cares okay just as christ has also loved you walk in love what does it mean to walk in love see if you're walking in love you can't get hurt because you'll love others you won't need to be loved by others jesus didn't get hurt by you jesus hurt for you god isn't hurt by us he hurts for us he wants us to see this man what if you never got offended again i'm not saying it doesn't sting sometimes but what you do with that is this is something that has to be immediate in our nature not our carnal nature that thing needs to die you cannot be an imitator of god if you're living with a carnal nature running rampant jesus did not live with the carnal nature running rampant he was tempted at all points yet without sin i want you to think with me is this so impossible no with god all things are possible am i saying that i'm perfect no if i trip i immediately get up and face my father do you understand that when someone tries to hurt you you take that thought captive immediately to truth and you turn and you bless the person that tried to hurt you i remember my little kids like i remember destiny coming home one day no it was it was zoe no it was destiny yeah she was little she came home and someone was being mean to her at school on the bus so i'm like you know we're just going to pray for him so we prayed for him it happened with zoey too like we prayed for him the next day the kid was like totally nice then the kid like starts talking about jesus angers their parents and the parents showed up at my house i don't know what you think you're doing talking to my kid about religion oh i wasn't even there i think my wife had to handle it look but listen what are you gonna tell her when we've been through all hell on earth and then heaven came and changed our life and it's my joy to thank you is not just a song it's our life how can you take that from her i threatened to kill her for years and then jesus came and set me free he actually set me free from her and then she got set free from me see if marriage is like this then a husband can never take anything away from his wife he can only add to her and a wife can never take anything away from the husband this is so important because we've got hurt and got offended by so many different things and the reason why we can't give thanks is because we allow our attitudes to interrupt our gratitude and it has completely rocked us and so we sing praise and we want to be an imitator of god but we need to walk in love and love looks like something love just isn't a word love is an action what does it look like god so loved the world that he gave first thing love does is give first thing love is is patient if i had a conference on patience no one would show up come on how many of you prayed for patience before how'd that go is that amazing conference on patience best speakers in the world all it is is a lack of patience is just showing a lack of love how do they work on my nerves that's just like that's a demonic statement you're saying that your feelings are more important than the reality of god's love for them i'm not being mean i'm being real i'm not making light of what people have done to us but i am making the most of what jesus did for us i'm not making light of people's harmful acts because it's horrible but if you don't see this and you don't enter into this place what will happen is you'll live your life as a victim instead of living from victory you will live your life as a victim and you are not a victim you're victorious look if somebody hurts you the reality of it is is they didn't know who they were and if it was a leader or a church leader i'm sorry and i'm sorry it happened but you being mad at them doesn't make it better you being offended by it is like you drinking poison hoping that they die and it's a slow burn but it messes this up and messes it all up unforgiveness is what keeps us from being thankful are you with me it's the cross it's always going to be the cross every time you come up in here it's going to be the cross listen to this christ also loved you and gave himself up for us an offering and a sacrifice to god as a fragrant aroma man a fragrant aroma gosh i want my life to be that aroma you know there's a scripture in corinthians i think it's first corinthians 2 14. i think it says god always leads us in triumph second corinthians 2 corinthians thank you second corinthians 2 14 god always leads us in victory and through us he defuses the fragrance of the knowledge of him when you're going through a trial when you're going through something and you're squeezed the reality as he says that he wants you to be a christian air freshener in the midst of horrible situations to where you're there and it doesn't stink anymore because you are diffusing the knowledge of the fragrance of christ and jesus was a sweet smelling aroma he defused the knowledge of who he was in his father's eyes be an imitator of christ and walk in love this is what it says it says but immorality or any impurity it says any or greed it says immorality look it doesn't matter if it's if it's homosexuality it doesn't matter if it's sexual immorality it doesn't matter if it's if it's fantasy it's where masturbation and fantasy is there any of it is sickening and it shouldn't belong and it says to be not even named among us if that whole fantasy realm doesn't cut off all of a sudden it just escalates to something bigger and then you act on it and all of a sudden you can live in it and then you incorporate jesus into this thing and you start healing the sick or getting a word of knowledge or getting a prophetic word for somebody and you're living an active life of sin yet you prophesied deadly accurate over somebody the gifts and callings of god are without repentance you do not have to repent and ask god to cleanse you you can still walk full bore this is why moves of god have been thrown out because somebody somewhere is sleeping with somebody's wife or whatever or they cheated on their wife or they did this or they did that and great scandals have happened this very church it was built and had a hundred acres of land they had thirty one hundred members in here two thousand to thirty one hundred have buried but they had a lot of members in here and they were going strong they had a lot of kids over in that school and this pastor was in a few different affairs it all came to the surface this building was known as the black cloud of the area the place where moral failure happened what if this house was known as a great house of purity a place a beacon of light that restored purity to the community and the body of christ immorality or impurity or greed must not even be named among you as is proper for saints just that word alone saints hagios sacred physically pure morally blameless consecrated a holy one set apart that's what the word saint means do you know then when you get born again you become one i know this is so weird and it sounds like redundant but if this thing gets you it'll change your life i mean not people like yeah we already heard this before i don't know see hearing something and listening to what i'm saying is two different things you can hear things with your ears but not be listening with the heart that god gave you because unforgiveness is clouding it or active sin clouds you sin clouds your judgment living in immorality condoning things and saying this is okay drinking going to the bars and drinking with people to try to reach people for jesus it's twisted it says all things are permissible but not all things are beneficial why would i associate with my with the stuff that i've been set free from listen to this it says there be no there'll be no filthiness or silly talk or coarse gesting which are not fitting but rather the giving of thanks i made fun of everybody before i got saved it was my favorite thing to do and i was gnarly and i had people at parties on the floor like with their stomach hurting like their face were hurting because they laughed so hard i was an imitator i imitated oh my gosh i did it all i imitated the whole eddie murphy delirious album i had it all memorized like i i did it all and it was nasty and it made people laugh but it was always someone else's expense and that was me that's not fitting when i got saved that thing got cut off i came home from teen challenge i come to my house i stayed up to watch like my favorite show mad tv then saturday night live was next and will sasso and chris farley two of my favorite comedians and i used to love them i mean tommy boy and black sheep and all that i used to that's like my favorite and then i couldn't wait and then all of a sudden the commercial comes on for mad tv jackie's sleeping i'm brand new just married and the commercial comes on and i'm like i'm so excited i got instead of a beer and a bong i've got a soda and popcorn and i'm excited like i'm free from drugs free from alcohol free from that but but i wasn't i wasn't yet free from this comedy thing this joking thing at least i didn't think i was so the commercial came on and i didn't get the same like wow oh man i'm so excited and then chris and then he came on and will sasso did a skit and i'm starting crying and i'm like god what is going on this is so dumb i couldn't wait for this and i knelt down on the floor turned the tv off the lord spoke to me and he said i've given you my heart you can no longer laugh at people's expense and it broke something in me that i didn't realize was already broken it came to fulfillment and i didn't even read this scripture that joking thing was cut off from me it says for this you know that certainly no immoral or impure person or covetous man who is an idolater has any inheritance in the kingdom of god in christ or christ in god let no one deceive you with empty words because of these things the wrath of god comes upon the sons of disobedience i want you to understand that god is good but god is severe do you understand that he just said like be an imitator of god and then he says because of these things the wrath of god comes upon the sons of disobedience so living in willful disobedience invokes wrath we think it's grace but you're actually invoking indignation and fiery judgment you don't need that stuff in your life so we need to fall in love with jesus and see our identity and see the reality of what our father says about us therefore do not be partakers of them listen to this for you were formerly darkness but now you are light in the lord walk his children light do you know that it says that like god translated us out of darkness into light here that doesn't say that it says the eye is the lamp of the body and if your eye is single your whole body is full of light but if the light that is in you is darkness how great is that darkness i want you to see this in ephesians it says therefore don't be partakers with them in other words if you're hanging out with people that are doing it don't be a partaker in what they're doing for you used to be you were once you were once he doesn't even say you were a little dark he says you were complete darkness you were utter darkness you were you were separated from god but now you are light in the lord you're not just a little light you're the light of the world a city that's that that's on a hill a light that lights up his own house guys he says you were darkness and now you're light you were darkness but now you're light in the lord it says walk as children of light for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness righteousness and truth learning to try learning or trying to learn what is pleasing to the lord don't participate in fruitful works and fruitful deeds of darkness instead expose them are you i don't know if you if you heard that it didn't say tolerate them i don't know if you heard that or not do you know that the bible says that you were once darkness and now you are light do you know that when you walk in the light as he is in the light you and i have real fellowship together when i don't walk in the light as he is in the light i do not have fellowship with you i have to keep you at a distance because you might find out the real me we can't have true fellowship unless we walk in the light as he is in light that's what gives us fellowship together so he's saying that you were once darkness but now you are light in the lord walk as children of light in all goodness righteousness and truth we're gonna walk that way then it says don't do those things that you used to do but rather expose them do you know that your life lived when you're burning for jesus when you walk burning you expose everybody because of the light that you carry do you know that you're light and jesus was the light of men and now he says you're the light of the world so when i go into a place where people are living in corrupt sin just the reality of my life lived if i'm not participating with what they do if i'm not laughing at their jokes anymore if i'm not making fun of people like they're making fun of people if i'm at my workplace and i'm really in love with jesus and someone's making fun of a foreman i'm there but i'm not entering into it the fact that you're not entering into it like when i'm in a security line or i'm in a a line for canceled flights and the attendants are up there getting chewed out by everyone and someone taps me and says they should have more people me saying yeah they should i just participated in darkness so instead of speaking up for the lord and bringing grace into a situation i've become a child of disobedience guys this isn't technical it's easy it's just seeing the reality of who god's called you to be so that you can finally be the real christian in every situation everywhere you go because it says to make sure that i redeem the time what's that mean every second of every day is to redeem for the purposes of god everywhere you go not just at church everywhere you go every grocery store every coffee place no matter where you go you're to redeem that place oh i just love this don't participate in fruitful deeds of darkness instead expose them for it is disgraceful even to speak of the things that are done by people in secret but all things become visible when they're exposed by the light watch this you were darkness but now you are light in the lord the more you seek the reality of truth and who god's called you to be when you see that you're a saint when you see that you're a son and that god's your father the same holy spirit that raised jesus from the dead dwells in you in the same relationship that jesus had when he walked this earth the same communion and fellowship god has given you with the love of the father the grace of the lord jesus christ and the communion with the holy spirit the same one you carry to can't even step into that place buddy my king hung on a tree and said father forgive them they don't know what they're doing when he of all people had the right to be offended and hurt beyond measure he comes into town they lay down palm branches jesus comes in they call him hosanna son of david in the highest hosanna and the highest wow laying down palm branches and then they crucify seven days later talk about a bad day a bad day a bad day jesus had three really bad days so you would never have to have any he went to hell for three days that's the bummer when you've never been separated from god he who knew no sin became sin so that you might become the righteousness of god that's in christ jesus that'll change your everything it's changed mine it says for all things become visible when they're exposed by the light just you're living for god and living in union with god exposes darkness everywhere you go you don't even have to really speak against it all you have to do is talk about jesus we teach girls when they're going out and they're gonna witness for jesus guys will hit on you what do you do you don't get embarrassed you bring it to jesus right away and the lord says this about you oh yeah and then again and then it gets deeper and more into their heart they're like oh my god i had this lady that's never stepped out before where to power and love school never has heard a voice from god before is afraid to go on outreach she's an asian woman she's scared she's out on outreach she goes no one i'm just going to go out by myself she went out by herself she walks down an alley in the city by herself she's going to get over her fear she walks down the alley and she sees this guy sitting against the wall has alcohol in his hand hey baby i like asian women and he starts hitting on her and at first she started to get afraid but then she remembers that she's the light in the lord now watch this this is real this is a real testimony she says you were shot in the arm and you have a bullet that's still in the back of your shoulder are you talking about hey i told you i like the asian woman she said you were shot and she gives more detail into when it happened he goes what's happening right now because he has a bullet lodged behind his shoulder and here this lady getting over her fear becoming the light in the lord and realizing who she is and who her father is knows that god is bigger than the hit now i'm not saying we should go down alleys saying that she did and god showed up big so this man ends up sobbing getting born again comes to the meeting and the bullet disappears out of his shoulder that's ridiculous this lady comes up and gives a testimony she was petrified she didn't want to go anywhere she like got to take the mic away from her [Music] awake sleeper and arise from the dead that's what it says and christ will shine on you christ will give you light awake you who sleep i know that's scripture from old testament but i want you to understand there was a song by keith green i don't know if you ever heard it before first time i heard it i cried so hard i was talking about the church being asleep in the light [Music] don't you care don't you care talking about people coming to your door turning them away talking about the church not going and being the hands and feet of jesus we've become so introspective and we've become so focused on just coming to get fed that we've forgotten who we are god says awake you sleep christ will give you light [Music] therefore be careful how you walk not as unwise but as wise making the most of your time because the days are evil redeem the time redeem the time for the days are evil the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one buddy it's true there is no other way it's jesus or hell church hasn't taken a very strong stance even on the reality of what jesus preached about how hell was real god didn't create hell for his people god desires that all men be saved and come to the knowledge of him and i want to tell you right now that the easiest way for people to come to the knowledge of him is your life lived in the light [Music] your life lived in the light and the solid jesus the immoral stuff has to go the covenant stuff the idolatry gotta go the unforgiveness has to go honestly man this stuff hits your heart it'll change your life therefore be careful how you walk not as unwise but as wise make the most your time redeem it because the days are evil don't be foolish understand the will of the lord and don't be drunk with wine thus dissipation but be filled with the spirit don't be drunk with wine speak to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs singing making melody with your heart to the lord always giving thanks for all things look at this thanks again giving thanks for all things in the name of the lord jesus christ to god even the father and be subject to one another and the fear of christ [Music] then it goes into marriage it's so beautiful i try to love my wife best i can every day i pray make me a better husband i want to model that for my kids so they can see it there's nothing more precious than covenant between a man and a woman to represent the reality of god's covenant to us on the earth and it is so beautiful and i'm not the perfect one but i am the repentant one and i do ask the lord to help me be a better husband help me be a better father i need to represent him to my family i want my wife i want jackie to see jesus do i get it right every day all the time no do i want to absolutely my goal is to walk like christ walk to lay my wife my life down for my wife she's a champion i love her with every part of my being she's my best friend in the whole world but if i can't be an imitator of christ i can't be a good husband if i can't be an imitator of christ i can't run this ministry if i can't be an imitator of christ i can't love my staff [Music] if i can't be an imitator of christ i can't be the guy that's teaching students how to be something that i'm not striving to become [Music] guys i this is so important for me because i want the building to be full of people that are passionate for jesus that are sold out that we can take the spirit of ugly off the church i love jesus so much i want to be like him [Music] i don't want this to be your normal thing i want god's presence i want his presence here i want us to be filled with god's presence i want to be a better husband i'm not condemned or sound myself short no i want to walk like jesus man i want to walk like jesus when my kids and i are out somewhere and someone needs the lord i want to go to a grocery store and walk like jesus how would jesus walk through this grocery store there used to be these braces what would jesus do i would like to make once how would jesus walk that we would walk that's why the ministry is called lifestyle christianity not everybody's on page i just want to see people be normal and love god and not have excuses of why they can i want to see people love jesus and not have a reason of why they can i want people to love their neighbor as their self i want us to go out there and be radically generous and radically kind i want waitresses to be overwhelmed because people that come to our church are going into their restaurants and turning the restaurant upside down not just with miracles but with radical generosity you must go to that lifestyle church down the road that's what i want oh my gosh you guys are so generous we do a power and love school the town is wiped out with generosity the restaurants are inundated with tips and blessings and miracles and salvations i'm not kidding everywhere we go everywhere we go we take a town and we turn it the other way for the glory of god every waitress that we talk to we bless them this morning we're leaving we're going to the airport i'm with william are you here will yeah we went to a restaurant this morning and the lady came up she was stressed man she's the only one there there's there's dirty plates on all the tables around us you can tell that she needs help i thought let's get the plates and like help her but i'm like you need help we'd love to help you no i'm just the only one here i can help you i'm like hey you know jesus loves you not today he doesn't i said oh there is practical application to what i'm teaching you you can wipe out someone's day with thankfulness she did not start her day with thankfulness she started her day with with deep sadness she was upset she was stressed out it's early in the morning and she is stressed it's not even seven o'clock yet and she is stressed out and it's breakfast and she's got the whole day ahead of her she is having a bad day i have light in the lord i know that my time there is limited and i've got a few minutes and if i make the right decisions like jesus would i can change her whole day if not her whole life and i've got guys that are with me that want to do the same thing plus i need eggs and bacon bacon bacon is okay a lot of people don't like bacon but that's a big staple in my life so especially when you didn't eat the day before and this is your first meal yay so i said to her i said jesus love she goes uh not today he doesn't i said oh no way give me your hand she goes so we prayed for her and blessed her then she went back and i know what she said because the manager was a christian she went back in the back and she said i got some of your people at my table i'm not kidding i said it and the way the manager came out i saw him come out look at the table he saw my hair it was in a bun on the top i had a big butt i saw him walk back in to the kitchen and i thought i need to talk to this man i said could you please go get your manager for me she was okay she walks the back she goes your people want to talk to you i know that's what happened i told william in them this is what happened the manager came out i said hey i just want to tell you that jesus loves you man because i really needed that today man i needed it today man i just found out my daughter has lupus i said not today i'm not kidding we grabbed his hand i guarantee you god smoked that thing i guarantee it [Applause] we prayed for him he was overwhelmed i said thank you so much man god loves you i said you got a good girl as a waitress thank you very much thank you thank you we're kind of a little bit uh not enough people today he goes back in the back and and our food didn't come out and we were going to be not getting on our plane on time so i asked her to put it to go and i just told her how much jesus loved her she goes yes she goes thank you sorry about today i didn't do a good job and as a waitress when you don't do a good job you don't get a good tip because somewhere along the line we think that people should get what they deserve and if you want what you deserve go to hell see unforgiveness is this thing well we're upset at people it keeps us from thankfulness but you think that they're going to get what they deserve and the truth is if you get what you deserve you go to hell i don't care how good you think you are so i said to her i said oh honey i said you did a great job today she goes no she goes you don't understand i've had a bad day a rough day so we we tipped her a lot because we can because as the body of christ see we we've become a people where we don't want to tithe we don't want to give we don't want to do this we don't want to tip and we're in this place where we're trying to hold on to what we have you can go ahead and hold on to what you have but even what you have will be taken i'm not kidding generosity is where it's at and i'm not saying that for you here i'm saying that for you in restaurants because i want this town this place everywhere where our students go on outreach i want this place to be known as the waitresses are highly favored highly blessed overwhelmed with god completely inundated with the goodness of god that students are rocking them blessing them i want this whole church to be filled with people that are radically generous that can't help but to give themselves away every day all day long so we blessed her she looked down at the she looked down at the thing she goes oh god oh i'm sorry i said you don't got me she was oh thank you she grabbed me wouldn't let me go now that prayer at the beginning is making sense she didn't earn this god so loved the world that he gave she was done william and i were like that's so awesome walk into the plane with tears just because god is faithful we slept three hours last night so this is at the end of a three hour tour like three hour night time you know what i mean guys god wants to change your life he wants to make us all radically generous no one's going to read it husbands love your wives just as christ loved the church and gave himself for her that he might sanctify her having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word that he might present himself the church in all of her glory having no spot no wrinkle or any such thing but that she would be holy and blameless husbands you also also love your own wives just as your own body for he who loves his wife loves himself no one ever hated his own flesh but nourishes and cherishes it just as christ does for the church we are also members of his body for this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and they shall be john and he shall be joined to his wife and the two shall become one flesh this mystery is great but i am speaking with reference to christ and the church nevertheless each individual among you also is to love his own wife even as himself and his wife must see and his wife must see to it that she respects her husband you hear that not the last part then it goes into children obey your parents did i just hear amen from that child guys thankfulness gets knocked out with unforgiveness and all that stuff and i just want to encourage you right now but if you're here and unforgiveness and that stuff is trying to creep on you you want it squashed come up here right now come on up front don't be afraid awesome it's good good job man awesome proud of you bro love you hey serious look at me look at me bro look at my face right now look at me right now look at me and open your eyes you be free right now you be free right now look at me open your eyes i'm trying hey bro guess what this thing's leaving you now you know why because you're my boy be free let him go now get out be loose now you be free in jesus name open your eyes look at me be free i command that thing to stop tormenting you right now jesus i'm proud of you bro you didn't want to get free if you didn't want to get rid of this you wouldn't have came up here but you did i've been watching you i've been watching your shouts and your yells and your screams i've been hearing you and every time i hear you yell father i need you look at me look at me bro look at me right now i'm proud of you bro your cries father i need you father i need you be free be free jesus say this with me jesus i'll let it go right now all right all of it all of it i forgive i forgive i'll let it go i'll let it go that's not who i am i'm your son say i'm your son i'm your son in whom you're well pleased get him get him can i get the worship team to come can someone come and help me please that needed to happen bro your whole life's about to change bro when you wake up your whole life is done done done the world throws so many people away i refuse to throw people away god could have thrown me away but he said i want that one that's what he says about all of us he wants us he wants us he loves us how he loves us i am so super proud of all of you coming up here because thankfulness is on the other side of what we're about to do right now i'm talking about a lifetime of thankfulness i'm talking about freedom like you've never seen before waking up in love with jesus going to sleep in love with jesus living your life in love with jesus just lift your hands lift your hands bro put that bible on the table lift your hands i need you to come on man and can we do can i change this to i surrender all we're going to sing a song and we're going to let this go right now when we sing i surrender all i surrender all all to jesus i surrender the holy spirit is going to sweep through and radical forgiveness is about to take place right now radical radical radical [Music] i want you to say this with me right now i forgive they didn't know what they were doing i bless them i bless them i thank god for their lives i'm asking you to overwhelm them with blessing can we sing the song jesus jesus i surrender all [Music] come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] i surrender all to jesus i surrendered [Music] oh [Music] [Music] i've decided to follow jesus and i have decided to follow jesus i have decided come on i have decided to follow jesus no turning back no turning back no none go with me still i will follow the long go with me still i will follow [Music] i surrender yes lord [Music] there it is right there there it is right there [Music] father we worship you we thank you lord we worship you we give you glory lord we let everything and everyone go and we say we have decided to follow jesus we are finished we are going to follow jesus [Music] there are three people that have bipolar disorder that are being set free right now and i know what i just heard so if you have bipolar if you've been diagnosed with bipolar disorder i want you to wave your hand put your hand in the air [Music] come on jesus come on put your hand on her head it's going right it's leaving right now like completely leaving right here someone put your hand on his head please come on this thing's leaving right now like no joke like for real be silenced in jesus name now let go in jesus name get out jesus jesus jesus silenced those voices silenced in jesus name schizophrenia is being healed right now where is it go in jesus name let go now in jesus name in jesus name in jesus name right now i'm not kidding mental disorders of what i'm talking about that caliber right now is being free now be free be loosed in jesus name right now [Music] jesus jesus jesus wow that was ridiculously clear god said i'm removing bipolar i'm removing schizophrenia completely right now oh that's amazing that's amazing jesus then put your hand on somebody beside you right now i promise that thing will not exist will not exist done are you ready come on we're going to pray for each other right now are you ready body of christ let's do this [Music] yay say this in jesus name we command healing miracles all sickness all disease get out right now in jesus name jesus name [Music] all those stomach ailments when i mentioned about anna's belly there were a bunch of people that said i wish that was me who are you come on jesus is going to heal your bellies right now because he can yay in the name of jesus we command every stomach all digestive systems be healed right now acid reflux go crohn's disease go colitis go in jesus name [Music] ulcers be removed in jesus name [Music] father i thank you for brand new intestines brand new stomach lining lord i thank you i feel like someone got intestine removed they had some intestines removed a piece of intestines and god's replacing it who is that god's replacing intestines right now jesus name [Applause] so good it's it's a done deal that's amazing that's amazing that's amazing [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i want you to check your body physically all over the room right now we just prayed for a bunch of stuff just check and see see if it's better see if it's gone right now [Music] if it's gone and you can tell put both hands over your head so i can see physical healing right now oh that's not possible if you have physical healing happening right now wave your hands so i can see okay that's better i was about to that's never happened okay put your hand on somebody beside you right now i want you to say this in jesus name be healed right now [Applause] all sickness all pain get out something i still see a picture of a brain and i see a spot on the brain who has something they've been diagnosed with some kind of spot on your brain in the name of jesus i rebuked that and commanded to leave right now in jesus name brain tumor i curse you and command you dissolve right now in jesus name get out right now you too in jesus name is it a tumor [Music] a cyst in jesus name sis be removed now in jesus name right now there too your brain in the back is it a cyst it's a tumor calcification on your brain what in jesus name be decalcified wow thank you lord in jesus name right now jesus name in jesus name [Music] blood disorders okay come on if you have a blood disorder just put your hand up it doesn't have to have a name we're just saying a disorder of the blood i'm standing right in front of you so i heard that clear we're gonna pray for this to be gone look and i believe um there's actually lupus in the room too a blood disorder that is like it's called lupus is that somebody here [Music] lupus in jesus name we curse that thing command to go now be free in jesus name right now blood be healed right now in jesus name be healed right now we command it to be healed [Music] father i thank you for a clean report from blood disorders from doctors in jesus name clean report when i mentioned that thing about my mom and breast cancer somebody here is dealing with that who are you okay proxy prayer for nana okay in jesus name we command then to be healed in jesus name hey faith in jesus name in jesus name in jesus name right now command tumors to disappear in jesus name [Music] in jesus name you were on a mission field and you developed some kind of a bacteria in your intestines and you've had digestive issues since the mission it was a mission trip or you were overseas i believe you're in africa and you developed something who is that okay yeah yes your daughter okay was it africa okay and it's a digestive bacteria that's in there so father we thank you in jesus name there was the one that went on a mission trip that said they had a bacteria but it wasn't africa look you weren't okay in jesus name right now we command healing and wholeness right now digestive system be healed in jesus name let them go right now we command that digestive system to be healed and we command that bad bacteria to die in jesus name right now in jesus name right now in jesus name in jesus name in jesus name endrometriosis is being healed right now endometriosis [Music] and jesus i don't even know what that is whatever it is it's got to go it's painful in jesus name we command it to go now in jesus name be healed now in jesus name jesus name in jesus name in jesus name wow it it it's it goes along with the under uh endometriosis where you were where you had i think gosh this is so crazy because i don't even understand what it is you had something removed and doctors say you you can't have kids because of it same one this is her day in jesus name whoa did you feel that faith just entered did you feel it you could feel it in jesus name being unto you according to your faith in jesus name that's awesome awesome awesome wow that was amazing you have a uh you have a screw in your left ankle you have a screw down by your left ankle it's in your it's in your leg but i think it's your left leg there's a screw some kind of injury i don't know what happened i think it was a work injury i saw it like being crushed is that you your friend okay it's friend's night relative tonight jesus name we thank you father that you would touch that ankle right now in jesus name complete wholeness jesus thank you for healing and wholeness because you care about everybody everywhere in jesus name in jesus name okay i just heard this one thing if you have somebody that you know that you can reach right now on your cell phone that has disc issues herniated discs in their lower back i think it's l3 l4 l5 right in that area and it has sciatic nerve damage along with it i want you to call them on the phone right now if that's you wave your hand so i can see okay all right everybody do it real quick call him right now on the phone you too okay you count you're in the room yeah yeah i want you to call them and let me know put your hand up when they're on the phone cause we're gonna pray we're gonna have mass healing over the phone it's gonna be fun [Music] [Applause] if you reach them put your hand up okay just keep your hand up when you reach them you don't have to come up here because you can hear me everywhere all right when you when you reach them put your hand up so i can see okay yay well i love this because people call unbelievers they're like why are you calling me well because i'm in a meeting and you're going to be healed over the phone that's what it's awesome huh are you ready okay now i want you to talk to them on the phone and i want you to repeat what i say are you ready guys do you not think that god is this big [Music] [Applause] he's bigger that's right he is that's right he is i'm just trying to provoke you a little so that you all do this all the time all right let's do it i want us to pray put the phone to your ear so you can talk to them i know they want to hear me but it's not me it's jesus is going to heal him but i want him to use you to do it so you need to talk to him you need to pray are you ready i want you to say this with me in jesus name i command your discs to be healed right now all pain get out in jesus name i thank you father that their back would be on fire right now i want you to ask them what they're feeling right now [Music] i want them to move their backs i want them to bend and check right now [Music] i want them to bend and check their backs the people that you're on the phone with right now tell them to check bend over bend over tell them to try to touch their toes right now come on oh i'm serious like this is so good [Applause] if the people you're talking to are being healed i want you to wave your hands so i can see what's happening right now come on come on come on if they're healed right now wave your hand so i can see what's happening on the phone come on come on come on come on we're going to pray one more time talk to them on the phone i want you to say this in jesus name be healed right now of every bit of pain of every bit of numbness right now now i want you to ask them to check their body they have to check their body that's part of it get them to check move it around move it around move it around [Music] if there's change on the phone with those people i want you to wave your hand in the air right now so i can see come on if those people got healed wave your head wave your hand put your hand on somebody beside you one more time oh god he is so good is that your mom is it give me that phone call her back okay [Music] hey girl this is todd how are you i am good hey where okay so we're going to pray right now are you dealing with pain right now or is it your friend is she there with you [Music] okay oh that's okay we'll pray for her she doesn't need to believe we got it in jesus name we command healing and wholeness in jesus name right now brand new god i thank you for a complete wholeness in jesus name you'll be healed in jesus name jesus name hey how's your feet come on jesus we thank you for complete wholeness the whole way down from her knees to her feet in jesus name right now brand new right now knees you be healed too complete wholeness in jesus name i need you to squat down check and see what's going on is that normal is there any pain come on no pain for her to be on her knees there's no pain she says it's so good so jesus we thank you for brand new knees all over this house the same way right now in jesus name amen amen love you all right i need you to do me a favor right now i want you to check your body physically from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet anything and everything that you possibly had that you were dealing with knees included we just prayed for that everything check and see okay you have one right now migraines someone put their hand on his head don't pray come on she's on her knees come on if you're here somebody on the phone or your own body got healed tonight physically somewhere something if that's you i want you to raise your hands and wave them in the air come on can we give jesus a big shout no big scout big shout big shout out big show jesus [Music] jesus name jesus name
Channel: Todd White
Views: 50,955
Rating: 4.8720684 out of 5
Id: Zk0uBxpK3xA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 42sec (5922 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 19 2021
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