Todd White - When the Devil Attacks - Intensify Jesus

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So last night, yesterday, I was really not feeling good at all. I had a tremendous fever burning. Last night as I was sharing about how the devil, when he comes to attack, how you manifest Jesus more intensely instead of crawl in your hole and wonder why you're getting hit. Now all my kids, one by one-- boom, boom, boom, boom, boom-- all of them are getting hit. Yesterday in the daytime my little ten-year-old texts me and it says I have 102.7 which is like 39, right around 40. And so my ten-year-old who's like a little mom, she's amazing-- is lying on the couch crying. I talk to her, and pray for her, Trent came and prayed for her. I come down to service, and my phone on my wrist, my watch is. It's home! I'm like, "Oh my gosh, I gotta go hurry up and call." So I went back up and her fever dropped and went down, oh, in the midst of this; and then I'm up here sharing about how the devil, when he comes to try to touch you, you manifest Jesus more intensely to make him wish that he never touched you. And as I was preaching it, my fever left completely. Yes Seriously Like crazy! Because people teach this crazy warfare stuff that we're always under attack, and man, if you try to get into leadership--if you press in or if you try to be a leader--you're gonna get more attacked, and it gets people gun-shy thinking that the devil is something that we worry about. He's not something that we worry about. Jesus Is someone that we walk with. You know that Jesus wasn't worried about the devil. You know he's the thief that came to steal, kill and destroy. He wasn't like.... Do you remember; did any of you see The Passion, the movie The Passion? Remember when Jesus was crying out in the garden and Satan comes in like, man, I just wanted to get up and headlock him in the movie. Did you see it? Did anybody not see it? There are people here who can't watch It because it's too gross? Oh, my gosh! Tape Your eyelids open. You need to know. Listen, if you don't understand how much it cost to see your sin upon that cross... See...people sing "I'll never know," but that's not the gospel. The gospel is I need to know how much it cost to see my sin upon that cross. The more you never know, you'll never know, the more you'll never know your value. You'll never Know how much and how valuable you were to the Father because Heaven went bankrupt to get you back The price that Heaven paid for you determines your value. So if you never know how much It costs to see your sin upon that cross, you'll never know your value before the Father and Then you'll be worthless, and you'll think with a worthless mindset and you'll think, like, I'm a worm in the dirt. And you'll think like, well there's many more people that are more important than me. No no no. Every one of you have equal value to the Father, and until you realize your value you will think worthless. You can't think worthless. You are worth the blood of Jesus. Like If you saying that I'm not worth It, that I'm worthless is you saying that the blood of Jesus wasn't a high price to pay for you. You were not redeemed with silver or gold, but you were redeemed with the precious blood of Jesus. So how precious is the blood? What's your value on the blood of Jesus? If your value is placed on how people treat you and what's been done to you and the things that you've done or the things that you've watched other people do to you, or how bad this person-- if that's your value system, then CNN will be your God. Your value system has to be placed on what God's value system is. And you're valuable. Okay. Here you go. Check this out Don't worry. Are you ready? I'm gonna talk about prosperity. It's amazing. It's awesome. People are like, "What? I don't really like It." Well I'm going to talk about It because it's, because God desires that you prosper and be in good health just as your soul prospers. That's the Word of God. It says that God desires that you prosper. He wants you to prosper. He wants you to prosper according to how your soul prospers. That's what 1 John says. So 1 John talks about you prospering even as your soul prospers. So people think that "prosper" is just according to finances. My gosh, that's a horrible way to go through life. Because there are many people that are wealthy wealthy wealthy that have no prosperity of soul; and they are so empty and so lost. And I've met people in Africa that live in a hut that have no refrigerator, no nothing, but have Jesus and have everything. And they are way more prosperous than the wealthiest person. It has to do with your soul. It has to do with your mind, your will, your emotions. It has to do with Your thinking. And if You can't prosper in your thoughts, you can't prosper in life, and you'll always think from a poverty mindset. And a poverty mindset doesn't mean that I need to be broke all my life See, sometimes we equivocate, we It's not that. It's not that I need to be broke, because there are priests who have taken a vow of poverty so they can't have anything, so sometimes we take that and we think that poverty is just financial, but it's not. Poverty Is a soul issue, man. It's a mind, will and emotion issue. It's how you think and where you think from. In other words, there are people that are out there --Here's a way that the soul doesn't prosper. You live because somebody Somebody... I'll just step into It... There's kids here, but I can talk about it because I can hear one. It's okay. So, if you were younger and you were touched wrong as a kid, if somebody tries to help you, God forbid it be a Christian who would get you to feel rejected because of what was done to you. That's not the gospel. They will get you to live towards victory instead of live from victory. When somebody Is touched wrong, it's because the person that touched them wrong didn't know who they were when they did it. And when you were touched wrong, it's because you were innocent and got violated But the truth is that when Jesus comes Into your heart and into your life, forgiveness is the first thing that has to happen. So if you can't see how much you've been forgiven, you will live as a victim instead of being victorious. So a soul has to live from the place of not-a-victim mentality. If I rescue a child out of sex trafficking or a young girl out of sex trafficking and don't teach them who Jesus has created them to be, they will live from a place of a victim mentality, and have been rescued by you but they will be codependent upon you to keep them safe, rather than them understanding the reality of who God is that keeps them safe. And that nobody can do them harm anymore, because if One died then all died Those that live should no longer live for themselves. This isn't just for a 30-year mature Christian. This is for people who come to Christ, they get born...again. Look. Listen. The youngest child full-time prostitute that I know who has been rescued is three years old. Active working the streets, actively. Taught that it's playtime. Todd, that's horrible! Now what would you do if that kid got rescued and you were to try to nurture them? Would You say, "Woe is you," and get them to have a big pity party on them or would you train them, this is who you really are. Blinders removed. See exactly who God created you to be, Because you were a kid, got raised that way, and that's all you ever knew. See because if we don't have that mentality, then the people who are ahead of sex trafficking are our enemies; when really, they're not our enemies at all. The enemy's the devil who comes to steal, kill and destroy. Where do you think that mindset for that person who sold that kid, or bought that kid, or trained that kid is? See, this is heavy stuff, man. We're like, wow, I don't want to think that way, yet if someone cuts you off in traffic you're like.. How gross does it get? Like it's really sick. We need to prosper in our soul. We need to know who God has created us to be, because vengeance isn't yours. You're not to hold vengeance and hold on and want to... Listen... There's a lot of bad stuff that happens to the people, and It happens in your nation, man. There's a lot of rape. There's a lot of pills. There's a lot of that stuff. It comes from people trying to be the man, being raised in an animal-type way, in a beast-type way not knowing who the Father is. Are you guys all right? This is not the nicey-nice Sunday message, but it's how Jesus thought. How did Jesus think? What would Jesus do? You're going to hell, son. You shouldn't have done that. Is that Jesus? No way! Watch this, the Bible says that Jesus was tempted at all points yet without sin. Do you realize He was tempted at all points? That point of human sex trafficking, that was a point to be tempted at. We can't fathom that because that's way dark and way deeper than anything we've ever... but He had to be tempted at all points, yet without sin. I mean, what's the worst sin you can imagine? What's the grossest thing you can imagine? Jesus was tempted with it. We're like, "No, He wasn't. He was God." No He had to be in order to fulfill the covenant, so that we could enter into a place of complete forgiveness. See we're in a place right now of overwhelming mercy. You... God wants to use your voice to be merciful. See, there'll be a day when people will stand before God. There'll be a day of judgment, but when Jesus paid the price on that cross, when Jesus hung on the tree, when he did that the wrath of God...Jesus said, "If it's possible take this cup from me," to the Father. Are you guys hearing me? "If it's possible let this cup pass from me; nevertheless not my will but Yours be done." That cup was the wrath that God was gonna pour out on the whole world, but Jesus pays the price as our substitute substitute; died not just for me, but died as me on the tree. And the handwriting of requirements and everything that I wish I'd never done was wiped out. Jesus, who knew no sin, became sin. He was tempted at all points yet without sin, and then He suffered a sinner's death; because you sin, you die. Are you guys with me? If you see the magnitude of God's love for you, and the reality of what He did, The only option is complete surrender, complete abandonment to who I was so that I can absolutely 100% positively go after Him with 100% of me... soul included. This Isn't just a pray-a-prayer-and-get-to-heaven. This isn't just to go to church and get to heaven. This Isn't just live a so-so life and get to heaven. No, this Is a life that's completely abandoned, to where the mindset that you carried-- victim mindset, guilty, ashamed, condemned, regret mindset--gets to be transformed, because guilt and sin ... all this stuff, it's all junk from an old life. He talked about it today, talked about a new life. Listen, a new life doesn't just happen when you're 30 years in and you get born again. A new life happens when you've been a Christian for 30 years and the revelation of true forgiveness hits your heart. Like if every day His mercies are new. If It was just about when we prayed a prayer then why would His mercies need to be new again today? See, the blood of Jesus never coagulates, and it's constantly coursing across the mercy seat crying out mercy for you The blood of Jesus, it never hardens. It's constantly coagulating, it's coursing on the mercy seat, crying out mercy for you. What does it have to do with me? It has to do with everything. I'm going to read a part of scripture I was in this morning--that was really good. I got a picture for you Trent. You sent it to me. Just Kidding I showed him this morning. It was that egg Because he'd constantly--I don't know where that came from-- "You're an egg bro." I'm like,"What's that?" Okay. So funny. Hey, I was thinking about your fast. I'm so intrigued, because I've been fasting for Tuesday Thursday and Saturday for nine years, just water. Going after. People are like, "Wow." No. You know, 30 days. You know what I thought? I got a revelation: You guys can just fast coffee. That would be amazing, right? See? Where does your heart? Look, people are leaving! Are you kidding? Just kidding. Let's go fast everything but coffee, bro. You had me for a minute.... The victory, the victim mentality gone, the sole prospering, and then you talked about taking away my coffee, and i'm about ready to lose it. I don't drink It, because I was addicted. Okay, so Proverbs 3, verse 5. Ready? Some of you are really thinking about doing it. Find out who you really are. I drank a liter, I drank two liters of coffee every day. When i came out of Teen Challenge I was like, "Oh, Starbucks has this thing called Sumatra, and I'm gonna drink the strongest, boldest coffee I can, as much as I can, as quick as I can." That's not good and then after a month God spoke to me one morning, and He said, "Do you know you're addicted?" I said, "No." He said, "Go a day without it," and I did, and it was not a good day. So iI said,"Mercy, God," and that was the end, and then my headache left. Okay, trust in the Lord! Obey your conviction. Don't give a golf-clap. (That's the last time. No coming back, bro.) Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and do not lean on your own understanding, and in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight. Don't be wise in your own eyes. Fear the Lord and turn away from evil. It will be healing to your body and refreshment to your bones. Honor The Lord from your wealth and from the first of your produce so that your barns will be filled with plenty and your vats will overflow with new wine. My son, do not reject the discipline of the Lord or loathe His reproof, for whom the Lord loves, He reproves, just as a father corrects the son in whom He delights. How blessed is the man who finds wisdom and the man who gains understanding. For her profit, wisdom, is better than the profit of silver and her gain better than fine gold. She is more precious than jewels and nothing you desire compares with her. Long life is in her right hand and in her left are riches and honor. Her ways are pleasant ways, and all of her paths are peace. She is a tree of life to those who take hold of her, and happy are all who hold her fast. The Lord by wisdom founded the Earth. By understanding He established the heavens. By His knowledge the depths were broken up and the skies drip with dew. My son, let them not vanish from your sight. Keep sound wisdom and discretion for they will be life to your soul, an adornment to your neck and you will walk in your way securely, and your foot will not stumble and when you lie down you will not be afraid and when You lie down your sleep Will be sweet. Do not be afraid of sudden fear, nor of the onslaught of the wicked, for when it comes the Lord will be your confidence and keep your foot from being caught. Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due when It is in your power to do it. Don't say to your neighbor, "Go and come back and tomorrow i'll give it when you have it with you. And do not devise harm against your neighbor while he lives securely beside you. Don't contend with a man without cause if he's done you no harm. Do not envy a man of violence and do not choose his ways, for the devious are an abomination to the Lord. For He is intimate with the upright. The curse of the Lord is on the house of the wicked, but he blesses the house of the righteous. Though He scoffs at the scoffers, He gives grace to the afflicted. The Wise will inherit honor and fools display dishonor. That's so awesome! You're right. Wisdom of Solomon. You know, it's really crazy because Solomon Is the one that wrote these Proverbs. The Song of Solomon is like this intimate, this intimate song. Men have trouble reading It, because it's a bride talking about her husband, and like, okay, that's just weird. But he's talking about intimacy with Jesus, and then you have these Proverbs that are so wise and so crazy, But I want to take you into... Hold on one second. I wanted to take you somewhere... Now we're gonna find out where it was. Okay. 2 Chronicles 28 Now in this part of scripture David Is bringing everybody before him. He's got the mighty men before him. He's got the valiant men before him. He's got everybody before him. And David had in his heart to build a temple, but God said that because of the blood shed.... Now David was a Man after God's own heart and David was-- you're talking about--this amazing man of war, but in the beginning he's just the shepherd boy. David drops the giant, because David knew who his God was. He trusted in the Lord with all of His Heart. He didn't rely on his own understanding, and in all his ways he acknowledged the Lord, and when a lion came charging David took out a lion, and he took out the bear. When no one was looking. He didn't do it to please people or to like look cool in front of other people. They tried to get his sheep, and David said, "No, you're going down." To a lion. They didn't have high-powered rifles in that day. That's crazy. Like a bear. David took Him out. Can you imagine grabbing a lion by the beard? Or like you've got Samson... like Samson... like a lion? Like that's not stuff, right? Like crazy! These guys are warriors for real. Now David's a warrior boy. So David goes into this place and then he plays music for Saul, and you know the story. Saul tries to kill David. David has such an awe and reverence for God that he can't even kill Saul when he has a chance. Instead of killing Saul there's a story where Saul's in the cave, David cuts off some of his robe and says, "Saul." Saul Was like, "You, David. my son, Come back and hang with me'" but David knew what was in Saul's heart so he couldn't do it. People were like, "You need to kill him. Kill him now. He's After You, David." David for years and years and years and years and years refused to kill Saul because he was God's anointed, even though David was anointed too, So he let God, because vengeance is the Lord's. I mean so it's just crazy, so now David after all of his years, David really gets things twisted with Bathsheba. It's really messed up and the son doesn't make It through, so now this is Solomon. This is the boy that God said he's the One who's going to build the temple. So now David is getting ready to talk to Solomon about the plans. So that's what's happening here. Are you with me? I'm sorry... Well, kind of, but I look at the clock, it's not so good. It's not as good as it could be. It could be better. I could have like all eternity... okay so Now David assembled at Jerusalem the officers and the officials of Israel, the princes of the tribes, the commanders of the divisions that serve the king, the commanders of the thousands and the commanders of the hundreds, the overseers of all the property and the livestock belonging to the king and his sons, the officials and the mighty men, even all the valiant men. Then King David arose to his feet and said, "Listen to me, my brethren and my people. I had intended to build a permanent home for the ark of the covenant and of the Lord for the footstool of our God so I had made preparations to build it, but God said to me you shall not build the house for my name, because you are a man of war and have shed blood. Do you understand that David cried out to God "They're here to kill me." Like look at the Psalms, like "They're here to kill me. They prance around me. They're there around me. They're here to tear me apart. God vindicate me!" and God shows up and vindicates David. Now David could have said, "Well, Dude, the only reason I as a man of war is war is because you're the one that defended me." I know it sounds crazy. Really It is because God was the one that helped David the whole way through. How else could a mighty man stand there with one knife, one sword, stand there? How could this mighty man of David stand there and slay a thousand people with a sword? And His sword stuck to his hand? 800. Stuck! Because he was the man? No, because God was God in the midst of these mighty men and that's who he trusted. That's who they trusted on. So God said, David, you can't build my house because you've shed so much blood. David could have said, "Well, you know what? I don't agree with you, God." But that's not what David said. He said, "Yet the Lord the God of Israel chose from my house of my father to be king of Israel forever, my father to be king over Israel forever, for He has chosen Judah to be a leader, and in the house of Judah my father's house, and among the sons of my father, he took pleasure in me to make me king over all Israel. Of all of my sons--for the Lord has given me many sons--He has chosen my son Solomon to sit on the throne of the kingdom of the Lord of Israel. And he has said to me.'Your son Solomon is the one who will build my house and my courts, for I have chosen Him to be a son to me, and I'll be a Father to him. I will establish His kingdom forever if He resolutely performs my commandments and my ordinances as Is done now.' So now in the sight of all the assembly of the Lord in the hearing of our God observe to seek after all the commandments of the Lord your God so that you may possess the good of the land to bequeath it to your sons after you forever. As for you my son Solomon, know the Lord of your father's and serve him with a whole heart." It says, "Serve Him with the whole heart, or with the same exact heart that I serve the lord with, and with a willing mind." That means a willing soul. "For the Lord searches the hearts and understands every intent of the thoughts." This is crazy! This is Old Testament. Do you think that God in the Old Testament who searched the hearts and knew every thought among a man or a woman in the Old Testament, do you think that God changed in the New Testament? He knows every thought that you think! I just love It, man. He's like so...that's intimate. God sits in the theater room of your soul and sees everything that goes across your screen, man. It's like your mind, your heart, your soul, your mind-blowing emotions are a place where the Lord sits in the chair, and He sees everything that you think, everything that you say, all the thoughts that go rolling across your screen. That's God! If you seek Him, He will let you find Him! It's what it says! But If you forsake Him, He will reject you forever! That's hardcore. "Consider now, the Lord has chosen you to build a house for the sanctuary. Be courageous and act." Then David gave to his son Solomon the Plan of The porch of The temple, its buildings, its storehouses, its upper rooms. its inner rooms, and the room for the mercy seat; and the plan of all that he had in mind or in the spirit Within Him Of the house of the Lord, the surrounding rooms, the storehouses of the house of God and for the storehouses the dedicated things. Also for the division of the priests, the Levites, and all the work of service." Crazy. It talks about the weight of gold for the golden lamp stands, the golden lamps, all the different things that were going to be in here, the showbread, everything... boom. David had it all. God put it there, and he said, "Solomon, you're the one that is going to build It." Now Solomon built a temple and It was more glorious than anything that's ever hit the Earth before and when they put the temple together there was no sound of hammer, nothing. It all fit together like a glove. Perfect. Like God gave the hammersmith, all these people, all these craftsmen, the wisdom of God to put everything together and everybody did their part and It came together so beautifully. The Queen of Sheba came because she heard the stuff. She's like, "I heard about you." She came and she's like, "This is not even anything close to what I thought! It's way more intense than I ever thought It could be. This is crazy I'm just gonna give you a bunch of gold and a bunch of stuff. I gotta get out of here because your table waiters freaked me out." So this is like the most intense place, and watch! Solomon's temple in all of Its glory and how beautiful it was and how dedicated and decked out Solomon was, God says that all of the flowers of the field that are today clothed, they are more glorious than Solomon. All of that, and it says that are here today and gone tomorrow. The birds of the air, consider that they don't reap nor store away in barns. They don't. Of how much more value are you than they? Now watch this. Jesus pays a price, and there was this temple and it took 46 Years to build the temple, the next temple in Jerusalem. The temple and the priests thought that it was everything, and Jesus is like, "Tear down this house and I'll rebuild It again in three days." They're like, "It took 46 years to build this!" but Jesus wasn't talking about that. He was talking about Himself. Because he laid his life down. Now, when Jesus laid His life down and said it was finished, that veil into the Holy of Holies to the mercy seat where the high priest would go was torn top to bottom, and the temple was shaken when he said it was finished, because God didn't want to dwell in temples even though He designed it. God wanted to dwell inside of you in your temple. In your temple. He put it into the heart of David to build the temple and his son built it, but we are not in the day of Solomon's temple and how much It cost and how amazing it was. We're in the day that Jesus paid a price for us to become the temple of God to where God can come and dwell inside of You and sit on your mercy seat and Jesus can be enthroned in your soul. See the devil can't come down in and come up into heaven and kick God off the throne, but the devil is absolutely convinced that he can dethrone Jesus from the soul of man. It's not an option. It's not okay to not be valuable to the Father. It's not okay to think you're worthless because you're worth the blood of Jesus. But Jesus didn't pay a price for you to just worship God somewhere far off. He says those that Worship the Father must worship Him in spirit and in truth. And God has set Up his home inside of You if you're born again; and if you're not He wants to. But He wants you to have a worship service not just on a Sunday morning before church or a Friday night before a conference. God wants you to worship Him in spirit and in truth every day of your life and He wants you to see just how valuable you are to the Father because you are not worthless. You are not worthless! Worry Comes From worthlessness. Worry Comes From depression and anger and bitterness. It comes from a soul that's not prospering. It comes from a soul that's focused on things here instead of things there. You are to set your mind on things above and not beneath. You are the head and not the tail. You are above and not beneath. You are blessed coming in and blessed going out. If your enemies come against you one way, they will flee away from you seven different ways. The Lord is your defender. The Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want. The wisdom of God is to be sought after with everything you are. The wisdom of God is found in the person of Jesus, because Jesus has become to us the wisdom of God, sanctification and redemption. There is no other Way to do this. So guys, stop worrying about this or that or this or that. As you see and as a man thinks in his heart so is he. You need to think like your Father thinks about you. Then the time for looking back in the rearview mirror of Christianity Is over. Your past in the Father's eyes doesn't exist. And if You allow your past to speak into your life, you allow the devil to take you back and take your hands away from a plough so that You won't even be fit to enter the kingdom. Don't you even play with this thing. That's why it says you must be born again. We have the opportunity of a lifetime right now and you are God's opportunity waiting to happen so my question to you is what do you want to do with your life? Do you want to keep living same old same old or would you like to just be the temple of God, because that's who you are. God wants a dwelling place. He didn't want a church, just a building. He didn't want just that temple where Solomon was. It was amazing because it says the priests couldn't even stand when the glory of God, when the Glory of God. And what is the mystery? It's Christ in you, the hope of Glory. And you are ambassadors of hope, which makes you also an ambassador and representative of glory and you are to move from glory to glory. You get to represent Jesus and bring Him everywhere you go, but if you're thinking with depression, anxiety, bitterness, all that junk from a soul that's not prosperous you're just fixing your eyes on the wrong thing and you need to do this--you turn your eyes upon Jesus. Do you know that song? Do you know that song, keyboard? Do you know it? Who knows it? Come on. Ready? Got It. Hold on. Do you guys know? Turn your eyes upon Jesus Look full in His wonderful face and the things of this world will grow strangely dim in the light of His Glory and grace. Turn your eyes upon Jesus (Look full in His wonderful face.) It's an oldie, but goodie. And the things of the world will grow strangely dim In the light of His glory and grace. Here's my question guys. If your eyes have been fixed on this instead of fixed on Jesus and You've been living in a place of spinning and trying to figure this thing out. If you don't know who God is and you're tired of being stressed out. Because money Money does not make the world go round. Uh uh. A prosperous soul makes the world go round, because it revolves around the life of Jesus instead of around people Jesus is Amazing, and He wants to use you to touch the world.
Channel: Todd White
Views: 359,886
Rating: 4.8726478 out of 5
Id: hfX9lTLTeek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 51sec (2151 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 07 2017
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