Todd White - A Flame for the Living God ( August 23rd Encounter Night )

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i heard nick say i don't know if you guys came here because you think todd's cool todd's pretty broken broken is the new cool i'm not kidding [Music] i went i went 22 days fasting and i said lord i'm going to go for 40. he said if you go he said lord if you go one more day it's for you and not me i said but god and so i went and i had a couple of grapes i did and i said lord i need self-control [Music] i don't know if any of you've ever said that before but i did because when you're fasting and you eat something stupid happens to your brain your brain goes hey remember me remember me we've been friends your whole life you met jesus 16 years ago but me and you we've been friends for a long time i said get behind me satan because that's the mind of man and not the mind of god and i asked him i said lord i really need help because i don't want to ever lack self-control i don't want to ever lack temperance i mean it seems like that's just like well yeah that's like no big deal it's a big deal it's a fruit of the spirit temperance and self-control it's a fruit of the spirit and i just i've learned so much on this fast i learned like people are like you know how do we like how do we get humble just don't eat i really need to find out like what things god wants to change in me don't eat for a while promise you won't need anybody to help you i'm not kidding but i grew in this place and i'm growing in this place of this deep reverence for jesus like i never knew was available i mean i've always loved him when i got saved i loved him he took away the sin the drive for sin the habit for sin the want to sin and it became detestable and became it just became disgusting for me it made me sick to think about that and it was only a couple weeks and i got saved where i thought i can't believe i lived that way it was it literally was like matrix where you sit up out of the water and you look around and you're like what and some of you have never seen it you don't have to watch it but it was like everybody was in pods and when he sat up he saw that everything was a fake it was all set up and i felt like my whole life [Music] it was like i was an avatar of an of just a different man i was i mean the bible says dead alive lost found blind see i understand all that i get it because of reading the bible and growing in the word and understanding that but sometimes we think i guess when we get saved that you know that you know you get a brand new heart like i come to jesus and i give my heart and god didn't say give him your heart sometimes we limit we limit our salvation to the place where we're like you know what the lord just wants your heart he just if you just let him in your heart and when you use we use chapters like like revelation where it says the lord you know he's knocking on your door your heart that's not for salvation that's for returning [Music] he's using the example from the church of laodicea to where they grew cold in their faith and he said the lord's knocking on the door and knocking on the door because you've like locked him out you're still a church you're still functioning in religion but you lock jesus out he's knocking on your door that's not used for people like for salvation that that's not biblical but we say jesus is knocking on your heart no he's not he's like standing in front of you saying are you ready to die i'm not kidding like this is big like he didn't say just let me just have your heart but hold back your life give me your heart hold back your life it'll be okay believe in your heart confess with your mouth i get that you have to believe but how much do you believe do you believe that he just came in and you're okay straddling offense do you believe that that he came in and he doesn't want you do you believe that that he came into your life and he doesn't want you to really change he wants you to remain the same because he understands there's a lot of people that think that way that's not what jesus wants jesus wants you to die so that you can live he wants you to completely surrender everything your thought life he wants you to surrender your love life he wants you to surrender your eating life he wants you to surrender your tv life he wants you to surrender your walking around life he wants you to surrender the needing appreciation from people life he wants you to surrender all the things that that are you then he wants to show you who the real you really is because when you find out who the real you is you don't want that stuff anymore it's the process of this sanctification setting apart completely it's the cutting what i found out in the season is that pruning is the reward of fruitful obedience i always used to look at pruning and be like man gosh god's pruning me really because pruning doesn't feel good at all there's no part about this that feels amazing [Music] and when this happens you're not seeing what's it going to be you're thinking oh [Music] are you with me but as i look in my bible frooning is actually pruning is actually the reward it's the reward of being fruitful and stupid come on god it's good it is because when you're not thinking and you're living like whatever and god prunes you it's because you have a dead branch and that's not something that you want to i heard heidi baker say it i mean i want god to prune me because who wants to enter into heaven with a withering branch anyway [Music] i'm like that's awesome but then i looked at any branch that bears fruit he prunes why because the more fruit we bear the more god has to prune us but the more the intensity of relationship has to be there and you have to be open for it instead of i got this the only way that i know that those pruning shears are welcomed into a life is when you're broken and there's no way for you to make it without him even one day for me intimacy has always been priority first it was diligence first it was discipline it was making sure that i separated myself for that part of the day and i'm going to go after god and i'm going to go read and i'm going to get in the bible no matter what nothing's taken me away i disciplined to get there then it became then it became relationship i mean i understand we enter into relationship as soon as you get saved but it's a relationship that god is still here even though he's here he's still there and as you grow in intimacy you realize he's not just there he's here to where you've actually become that temple that jesus comes in with a three-strand cord and turns that place up because anything that's not a house of prayer gotta go like it's for real and that's not fun where he flips over tables and stuff that you thought were okay are you with me but it's this process of growing and and sanctification where he's we're already sanctified i get that but he still sanctifies you it's this process of god taking this out and taking this out and taking this out and i'm telling you that during this fast i found a shortcut i did it's called dying all over again i'm not kidding it's literally suffering so what everybody wants in their life lay hands on me bro i need the impartation of suffering do you ever hear anybody do that no that's like silly why would i do that i got enough stuff going on dude i don't need any more of that like miracles yes healing yes words of knowledge yes prophecy yes they're all good things but i don't need that one thing that you're talking about do you know that it's been granted to us the privilege of suffering it's actually biblically granted to us to suffer for his namesake that's amazing what what is it like like the sufferings in this world what is it compared to it's not compared there's nothing it's nothing in compared to the light of eternal glory and being with him forever it's it's nothing but it's a bummer here it is my wife has constantly said are you okay honey what's wrong with you like i don't know and i'm in my prayer room and i'm praying and i'm it was so weird because it was like it was like he was silent like god's always silent to religion [Music] that's the problem with religion and why it accuses everything is because they'll never hear his voice religion can't hear his voice so they have to make up his voice religion is impossibly capable of hearing his voice religion is cerebral the gospel is spiritual but if you have a cerebral gospel you have the way that seems right to a man but you put jesus name at the end of it that's not healthy for anybody hearing his voice is everything my sheep will hear and obey my voice how can you obey if you don't hear i look at all this i was reading i was reading just about faith and like the only definition that we have isn't really a definition it's the byproduct like faith is the substance of things hoped for it's not really a definition are you with me jesus defines faith in three words i'm going to go into it in just a minute but when you were talking about gays today just that's where i've been i've been in this place of beholding the lamb i've found that that's everything [Music] learning about how to pray learning about how to be quiet what does it mean to wait on the lord you know most times the word weight is defined on the lord it means to whirl violently in dance or to set up ambush meaning if you're a hunter and you set up ambush you're not going to miss that deer when he comes through because you're ready so to wait on the lord means to be ready means there's a violent it says that the violent take it by force the kingdom so there has to be an aggressiveness yet there has to be this rest how can i rest in aggressiveness [Music] i've found that i can rest in who he's created me to be but i can't go on without him and even though i have him i need him and even though he's mine i have to have more and i'm in this place where i feel like i'm starving yet i'm being filled it's this tension it's always a tension not attention it is a tension it's where you have something but yet there's more that you that you know is available it's like never becoming satisfied but always becoming always being content i'm totally content with who he's created me to be i am not satisfied with where i'm at [Music] once you're satisfied with where you're at congratulations you've achieved religion you'll get a badge the fullness of the cross [Music] jesus said and this was faith they they were they were coming through town and jesus passed this fig tree now understand and i know we all know that most of us would know the parable or or the story jesus passed the fig tree from a distance it was a fig tree when he got up close it was a fig tree but it didn't have any fruit and jesus was like may you never bear fruit again that's not cool wasn't even the season to bear figs but he's like cursing it anyway they walk on it didn't just die then they left came back it's dead peter's like dude that tree's dead that hit him it hit me too you know what jesus said well of course it is i cursed it that's not what he said here's what he said have faith in god have faith in god he wasn't just saying have faith in god you know what he was saying have god's faith [Music] i saw that and i went oh yeah okay i need help i don't know if you heard that i don't know if you understand that jesus said have faith in god but really what he's saying is have the faith of god i don't like process with me here a little just let there be light [Music] i don't think it took that long [Music] that's the kind of faith that he says [Music] have whoa like default short that's so convicting to me have the faith of god boy they're gonna really crucify me for that one yes i said it [Music] jesus had to take it up with him and he told peter he told an orphan that didn't have any idea who he was he said peter you you're gonna deny me peter i'm gonna call you satan peter you're that one you're gonna walk on water and sink and i'm gonna say where's your faith peter have faith have the faith of god and he says i tell you that if you speak to anything to the mountain to whatever it'll move well yeah that's god's faith but jesus jesus didn't tell an angel that he told peter that [Music] i don't know anything i'm like need be healed it gets healed i'm like yeah god's like leg grow the whole way people come out of dirt and jump up a man are you with me man i feel like i'm just touching the tip of this thing and i'm just in love with jesus in a in a way that i've i've never known that i could be and i know that it's still really really small and it can get so much bigger and so much greater and so much more extravagant and so much just so much more and i'm just touching it and i'm only i still would tell you i've got spiritual huggies on i'm 16 in the lord and loving jesus i'm 50 years old and just finding out who my father is and i'm like when i say things online like i repent for not preaching the full gospel people are like todd needs to give up his ministry todd's finally repented todd needs to do this todd needs to do that and i'm thinking do you never repent [Music] do you are you perfect or do you live in a place of perfection in such a way to where you never repent because you realize that there's such a depth of god that's available that you didn't even understand and you've just seen something in a fresh new way and god's revealing his heart to you in a fresh new way and you're falling in love with jesus in a deeper way ever that it's like the most amazing thing there's nothing like it on the planet he says to be filled with the fullness of god is to know the love of god that's in christ jesus so to know that is to be filled god in all of his fullness god and all of his faith god in all of his love god in all of his grace god in all of his goodness god in all of his severity god in all of his fear the fear of god is knowing the love of god that's in christ jesus everything is wrapped up in knowing god's love in knowing the price that he paid for you through jesus he didn't just open a door for you he didn't just knock on the door of your heart god doesn't take partial love god doesn't take partial you god takes all or none what good would it be to incorporate jesus into your life and to gain the whole world yet forfeit your soul jesus says that anybody that comes to me must lose his life you must lose your life your life means your selfish ambitions and your selfish ambition can just be maybe for gifts that i just want gifts i just want to man i just want to be used by god what if god just wants you to know that he loves you and that right there would be priority and that love right there crushes everything bad out of your life nothing bad can make it into the love of god god just doesn't want to change your tendencies he doesn't want to just break your bad habits he wants to kill you [Music] so that you can finally have life and an abundant life that doesn't depend on your stuff an abundant life that doesn't depend upon your bank account an abundant life that doesn't depend upon your job an abundant life that doesn't depend upon your wife an abundant life that doesn't depend and isn't i should say isn't contingent upon [Music] he wants to give you an abundant life that's not contingent upon anything that you can imagine [Music] because he knows that when you step into his love that has no contingencies there's nothing contingent on it that there's nothing there's nothing that's more valuable not even close to not even remotely partially in the tiniest bit close to the reality of how much he loves you nothing no kids no i can't even say this i mean i don't know how to say it anymore there's no amount of money in the world money just can't buy you love there's no there's nothing there's not a wife there's not a husband i'm trying to think of the closest things that we have there's nothing that's remotely close to god's love for you in comparison and he knows that we've all been trained by the world he knows that we've all sought stuff in the world to satisfy this but this is never satisfied drugs can't satisfy you they go away [Music] the peace that jesus says he wants to give us that passes all understanding that peace isn't just the day you get born again peace i'm finding out that that peace that he wants to give us that surpasses understanding is a peace that when i want to get quiet there's three things to silence the first is silencing your mouth to be quiet the second is silencing your desires the third is silencing your thoughts the words the mouth getting quiet that's easy but how many know that when you're quiet it gets louder why because we grow up in the world and we entertain this and we're always trying to learn this to get this to learn this to get this to learn this to get this we're always trying to go after something to get this fed but jesus doesn't want that jesus wants us to be quiet to go to him to not think anything to not perceive to go to god and say god i am spiritually bankrupt and i have nothing i have absolutely nothing there's nothing that i can offer you that's worthy nothing i am bankrupt and naked and have nothing and i need you how many people go to god and we pray and we go after god and we're praying and and all of a sudden we pour out our list we pour out our desires and then we're out of words to say come on man this is my life this is my life too i'm being really really see vulnerable isn't the word just dead and not care at all about what i say to you because i'm not it's not like i'm living in sin i'm just growing in relationship and i don't know how else to share it i don't know how else to share it as if i'm growing in my relationship we go to god with our desires but they're still our desires and even though our desires could be things that he desires for us there comes a time where he wants us to come to him without any desire saying i am just here for you period [Music] [Applause] and that's where i'm at for the first time in my life in this way i've never been here 17 days into my fast 17 days and i'm praying i mean i've been diligent i pray every day i read every day i fellowship every day i hear god's voice very thankful but for this fast he shut his voice off and didn't talk to me and i thought i was going to die so add no eating to it where you get comfort and then you can't hear god's voice that's like hell for me because hell is a place where you'll never hear his voice in 17 days i couldn't hear his voice and it wasn't like i was in sin people were like well well you had to open a door or something let's not be god's cop for a moment let's just have ears to hear let's stop being god's cop god's policeman god's detective trying to find fault with everything and anything because everything has to have fault i don't know if you remember the life of jesus but they tried to trap him on a consistent basis it didn't like imagine trying to trap god i mean how successful would you be we spend more time trying to find what's wrong than gazing and beholding the lamb we spend the majority of time there could be something wrong there my gosh and kind of skepticism and then we talk to people and we call it talking to people in confidence but really it's gossip yeah it's true come on it's just disguised as i spoke things in confidence but really it's gossip and slander and yucky okay let me get off of that let's go back to where we were but this is part of this [Music] sometimes we're always in a place where well there's got to i mean there's got to be a reason that door thing is so dangerous well obviously open the door i mean we got to find out what the door is when we shut it then it'll be gone no i opened myself up to jesus and said god kill me i don't care what it is i will fast until i starve everything out of my life you will have to revive me and resurrect me i'm done i am not going to go on with things that need to change and then be hidden in me not see it doesn't have to be sin it just has to be things that he doesn't want in you sometimes there's a way that seems right to a man even a man that's right with god that loves jesus with every part that he is aware of and it takes a it takes a broken and contrite heart in a place of humility and taking food out of the equation [Music] was a really good idea and on my 17th day i'm in my prayer room like lord i'm bankrupt and broken and i don't i don't know what to say i can't hear your voice and i want to die i don't want to live if you were like were you suicidal take the badge off and open your ears [Music] i'm desperate he's my father he's always fathered me he's my father [Music] i don't want a church of orphans that want to remain orphans jesus didn't die so that we could have a building full of orphans although orphans are rescued but once an orphan is rescued they have to become sons and daughters [Music] i didn't want to have a church of orphans i don't care how you come in i think it's amazing but you can't stay the same [Music] people are like yeah but like god will take me we've been taught so many times god will take you just the way you are he just he loves you just the way you are but sometimes we bring these weird things in saying god's okay with my lifestyle when your lifestyle is anything but jesus like let's just say gosh oh my [Music] let's just say you come into church and and you feel that god's calling you you feel like god's calling you and you're in a homosexual lifestyle let's just start with that let's say you're in that lifestyle you come into church here hey man back off only god can judge me i understand in the beginning you can think that but the truth is only god can love you [Music] if homosexuality was something that god wanted he would have made adam and adam that's right come on and somehow he would have had to make adam and adam and the reproductive system somehow that's what but that's not how creation is [Music] if it was that way there would be no creation it would have stopped it would have been over but see god knows god wants family the reason why my lifestyle could be more important than god is because i do not know him you can't be a christian and just come to church and ride on messages you actually have to open that bible and allow god to cut you deep but you have to find out what god says or you will think everybody's judging you see judgment isn't now but judgment is going to be one day when we stand before god it will happen you will stand before him and you will be judged for your works people say not past judgment yes i understand we're in a day of mercy but once we stand before jesus at the judgment seat and the books are open there will be a time when you will answer for the deeds done in the body that's the bible that's the that's the word of god that thing gets broken off of your life when you see your value and you start to catch the gaze [Music] when i gaze upon jesus when i behold john the baptist he said this behold the lamb of god it's all over me you had something shifted and changed where i don't need feelings i like them i don't need them [Music] on the 17th i'm in my prayer room and i said lord i just help me i can't hear your voice i want to die i don't want to be here i don't want to be here anymore not just in a prayer room i don't want to exist on this earth without hearing my father's voice it's why i'm here it's why you're here you are here to hear your father faith comes by hearing faith doesn't come by reading that's right cerebral learning comes by reading faith comes by hearing you can study the whole bible memorize it in and out and be completely cerebral and come to your own conclusions and you can think that your way is right because you're the man that it's right to and you've created a god in your image instead of letting god create you in his because the creation that he created was set up not with just a void in your heart you don't just have a void you have a vacuum a black hole that's inside of you that you fed the world in that black hole for life and never has it satisfied you once not once not ever a climax is satisf is satisfying for the seconds that it happens then it's over a drug binge is satisfying when it's happening then it's over an alcohol binge is satisfying when it's over a field goal is satisfying when it happens a touchdown a satisfied super bowl is satisfying when it happens then it's over covered prove that it took away the leagues man that's right so that joy that you got from watching your stuff is gone that's not what satisfies that can't fix you you have a huge vacuum inside of you it's not just a little hole in your heart that this god piece fits in it's not a god piece it's clothed it's being clothed with christ it's being clothed with him to where your very being is completely possessed by the one that created you so that you can walk around we say you know i'm afraid i don't want to talk to them because you need to be possessed not just touched i'm not looking for a visitation bro i don't want a visitation from god i want a habitation i don't want just a visit i'm done with a visit i will not go for visits i'm a habitation for the holy one i am a habitation god visited visited visited and then god came [Music] god visited touch touch touch touch and then god came [Music] but that vacuum isn't just filled when you pray and say yes that vacuum starts to get filled when you pray and say i have nothing even after you're saved i don't know how to explain this i need help lord i want to be so possessed by god that i am the biggest freak on the planet i'm not kidding man i want to be so super possessed by the lord [Music] i want his presence to be so absolutely powerful that people can't function around me i'm talking lose their function i've tasted something and i'm no good anymore for anything less than him i can't do it i've just touched the tip of it and i can't even explain it but when god does something in my life i jump up on the rooftop immediately why because i don't want to make people wait for years to get it david bannister was told by scientists back in the early 1950s 40s thing was around world war ii i think it was he was a runner he was told that he couldn't break the four-minute mile and banister was like no i'm going to do it he was headed for it he was cruising to break it scientists said it is not physically possible for a man to break that four-minute mile it's not possible you will not do it scientists and doctors who study the anatomy of the human body said it is not possible you cannot do it stop trying banister said no i'm gonna run [Music] banister broke the four minute mile proved everybody wrong the next year 17 people broke it why somebody did i want to be hungry enough for everyone i know that's weird but take it for what it is i want to be the hungriest person on the planet because i was to hear his voice for 17 days and then i heard this in my chair just sitting there going god i i can't do this anymore i heard this i love you [Music] that was enough and already knew it but he said it [Music] i love you i see you and all of a sudden this blanket of like i don't even know it was cold the air was blowing on me and i was fasting i don't know if you've fasted before but you get cold it's weird and i'm like oh my god [Music] i'm not going anywhere i'm going to stay here and it hasn't gone away and i'm not trying to teach feelings but i touch something that's available and i've been i've been starving my whole life for this i love the word with all my heart with everything in me i live in it i study it every day of my life i read it every day it's living bread for me jesus is living water he is and i and i had relationship and i was so excited about it and i want to tell the world that you don't have to be condemned you don't have to be guilty you don't have to be ashamed you you don't have to be afraid god loves you he loves you and people like you can't just tell people that god loves them like god so loved the world dude yeah but if you tell him that he loves him they don't want to change no his love makes people change [Applause] the reason why people are in sin is because they don't know he loves them the reason why christians step into sin is because they don't have his love because sin only tastes good when you haven't tasted and seen that he is good [Music] sin has a voice when you don't hear his voice but when you hear his voice why would jesus say my sheep were here and obey my voice if he didn't plan on talking to you [Applause] why how can how can i have god's faith if i can't even have god's voice [Music] when i read the word it is his voice i know that but when he speaks through it to me i hear him that's what my faith grows that's what i want for everyone that comes here i want all of you to hear his voice [Music] i want us all to hear god's voice i'm so hungry for him it's scaring me right now i need him oh god i need [Music] i believe revival is coming but it's going to all be around his voice his voice i believe that the anointing is going to increase i'm not just saying that is wishful thinking i believe and i know i believe god's going to do it all over the world but i believe that in this house there are going to be rivers rivers of living water i just believe it in all my with all my heart i believe the fire of heaven is coming i believe a time is too short we can't waste time [Music] when you start to hear him he starts to speak through you and everywhere you go he'll speak through you we have to see the cross it says in past days in hebrews 1 in past days god spoke to the fathers by the prophets but in these last days god has spoken to us through his son [Music] he has spoken to us through his son you know i read i was reading and i looked and i'm like we have to we how do we gaze how do we gaze on jesus how do we gaze what do we what do i do for my soul to gaze upon you because what he's teaching me is that if everything that i do and everything i say i do it unto the lord i have to catch his gaze not just catch a glimpse of it oh i saw you while i was awesome no i see you i'm shopping i see you what did jesus do when he broke the bread for the five thousand he looked up to heaven what did he do in john 17 he lifted up his eyes what did he do he beheld [Music] how can i have the faith of god look at god i have to look at jesus i have to see him every day and everything i do and everything i say if something's coming out that's not godly i need to look at jesus so it becomes godly jesus is the word made flesh god wants our flesh to become the very word that we say we know he wants us to be living epistles in no way am i saying look at jesus and don't look at the words that's absolute zero but when i'm looking at the word i have to see jesus the author and finisher of our faith who because of the joy set before him [Music] he endured the cross because i because you because you were the joy set before him because he knew that because of what he was about to do that you were going to carry yours then the world would be the joy set before you i'm wrecked severely like people are like oh he's lost it you're right [Music] but i found something i found something worth dying for [Applause] in numbers 21 you have moses he's out there and the children have just come back from a great battle and they started gosh let me just read it numbers 21 they just got back from battle they journeyed from mount war by the way of the red sea to go around the land of edom and the soul of the people became very discouraged on the way their souls the people spoke against god and they spoke against moses now understand this is they've they knew god's works but they didn't know his ways they had no intimate relationship with god they chose a man rather than god so god is leading him and he's feeding them and every day fresh manna is there and they're getting sick and tired of it and they're drinking water from a rock the manna was jesus the rock was jesus and the very sustenance that they're being filled with they started to complain about it why have you brought us out of egypt to die in the wilderness there is no food and no water and our soul loathes this worthless bread so the children are complaining saying jesus isn't enough jesus is never enough unless you know him it's not knowing about jesus that's going to be enough you can know all the things that jesus did but if you don't have relationship with him and you don't hear his voice you really aren't knowing him it's not experiential it's not people say the gospel is not feelings but i can tell you right now that the kingdom of god isn't meat or drink but it's righteousness peace and joy in the holy ghost if the kingdom's in the holy ghost and its righteousness and peace and joy peace and joy are both feeling oriented they're experience oriented so i'm not having the experience of peace and i'm not having the experience of joy joy and peace are the byproduct of being right with god i'm not looking at the cross and i don't see what he did for me therefore i can't hear his voice and i have a god that has made in my image instead of god making us in his [Music] there's no food no water and our soul lows this worthless bread so the lord sent fiery serpents among the people they bit the people and many of the people of israel died therefore the people came to moses and said we have sinned for we have spoken against the lord and against you pray to the lord that he may take away the serpents from us so moses prayed for the people the lord said to moses make a fiery serpent set it on a pole it shall be that anyone who's bitten when he sees it shall live so moses made a bronze serpent put it on a pole so it was if a serpent had bitten anybody when he looked at the bronze serpent he lived it's crazy story in galatians 3 13 it says this it says jesus has redeemed us from the curse of the law having become a curse for us for it is written cursed is everyone who hangeth on a tree and in deuteronomy 21 verses 22 and 23 it says if a man is committed a sin worthy of death and he's put to death and you hang him on a tree his corpse shall not hang all night on the tree but you shall surely bury him on the same day for he who is hanged on a tree is cursed by god so that you don't defile the land which the lord god gives you as an inheritance just bear with me in john 3 14 17 it says as moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness so must the son of man be lifted up so that whoever believes will whoever believes in him will have eternal life for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life god did not send his son into the world to judge it but he sent his son into the world that we might be saved through him crazy so you've got these children that are in the wilderness and they are grumbling and complaining and speaking to people in confidence confiding in others so their emotions can be pet [Music] and some are complaining out loud and some are screaming out loud but they're angry because they loathe the worthless bread you have to understand that jesus is the manna that came down from heaven he is that manna when you look up the word manna and you look up the definition of it it means what is it when manna came down in front of them when you look up the the hebrew it literally means what is it because they had no clue that it was jesus but it fed him every day they had just enough for that day unless it was the day before the sabbath they got enough for both days if it was that day and then they had enough for the sabbath but the next day had to fully depend upon god again which is the picture of the christian life that you and i need to be fully dependent upon jesus every day or we're not going to make it but we have learned to be kind of dependent a little but more dependent on ourselves because we're pretty good at it we've got to come on you've got to look out for number one nope you look out for number one and he'll look out for you that doesn't mean don't work that doesn't mean don't provide that just means that jesus has to be priority but he can't be priority by just saying he's there he's priority by saying i see him [Music] because when you see him as you see him you become like him oh man so moses moses pleads with god and is like everybody's dying we have to do something about this lord please god didn't say take the ark he didn't say take the ark he didn't say let everybody open up the holy of holies let him look inside of there he didn't he said take a serpent by the way we use it for our medical [Music] take a serpent tack it on a tree whoever looks at that thing all the poison in their body will go away crazy crazy picture white a snake like snakes are yucky a snake deceived eve like deceived adam like it's deceitful a serpent oh these serpents were killing them so it says jesus is talking to nicodemus and he's like just like moses lifted up that why did the hebrew people why did they get healed when they looked at the snake because in god's law he said anything that hangs on a tree is cursed so if god cursed it what was killing him can't kill him anymore so when we see jesus lifted up on the tree depression that was killing me can't anymore because god cursed it in jesus drugs that are ruling my life can't touch me anymore because god cursed it on that tree [Music] disease that's killing me can't kill me anymore because god cursed it on a tree you've got to see it man [Music] sin that's ruling my life can't rule my life anymore because when i behold the lamb that was slain on the tree god cursed sin and its power to dominate my life and sin shall no longer have dominion over me [Applause] [Music] my not being able to hear god's voice was cursed on that tree because jesus paid the price for the veil to be torn from top to bottom so that i could commune through the veil that was his flesh with the father every day all day long which means i get to hear his voice every day all day long and nobody can stop it because god cursed the inability to hear his voice threw his son on that tree [Music] god speaking he only spoke to his son this is my beloved son in whom i'm well pleased this is my beloved son the day that jesus was baptized in the river jordan i don't know if you know it or not but god was silent for 400 years didn't speak at all didn't talk to anybody on this planet at all for 400 years you have all the way malachi nothing zero zilcho nothing john the baptist first voice to prepare the way but when jesus goes down into that river and he came up out of the river what happens it says the heavens were opened it doesn't just mean opened that word open means torn apart ripped like the veil when jesus said it is finished was torn the whole way down when jesus when jesus rose from the dead it says rocks broke it's the tearing of rocks when jesus said when jesus went into that river jordan it came out the holy ghost god came down and rested upon jesus and remained but he tore the heavens open he ripped the heavens open god ripped the veil that was thick that was wide that was tough when jesus said it was finished he ripped what separated me from hearing him [Music] he ripped it he ripped open that brass heaven no more my kids jesus was the firstborn among many [Music] he goes through his life and he goes through everything he does and on that tree [Music] he who knew no sin became sin and when he became sin when all the sicknesses when all of it the peace he was chastised for my peace the chastisement of my peace was upon him because i had no peace so jesus took the chastisement for it and on that tree when everything was accomplished and all was on him he who never sinned became sin he never sinned not once not ever not even a remote nothing never been separated from god is now about to be separated [Music] became sin and when he did when he was fully sin fully became sin he said it is finished and died on that tree and that stuff was all cursed by god jesus became the curse that sin that still tries to whisper to you it's cursed that sickness that thinks that has a right in your body it's cursed hearing loss that thinks it has the right to stay in you it's cursed blood diseases that think this has that thinks it has the right to stay in you it's cursed your rebellion your hypocrisy all the junk that you wish would go it's been cursed if you gaze upon the lamb it leaves oh oh no no no if you gaze and you look unto jesus the author and finisher of your faith it has no dominion in you it has not the ability to stay in you it has to go why because it's been cursed by god just like moses lifted up that serpent so shall the son of man be and when jesus was lifted up god cursed it all and he who knew no sin became sin so that you and i might become the righteousness of god that's in christ jesus and when you see that you're right with god sin shall have no dominion over you you will reckon yourself dead to sin and alive unto god you cannot walk out the law unless you love god with all your heart with all your soul with all your mind with all your strength with all your might you can't love your neighbor unless you love god with all your heart with all your soul with all your mind with all your strength you cannot stop adultery you cannot stop fornication you cannot stop prostitution you cannot stop homosexuality you cannot stop stealing you cannot stop lying you cannot stop making things and idle before god unless you love god with all your heart with all your soul with all your strength and with all your might amen and when you see what jesus did for you he became sin so you might become right with your father [Music] we're going to pray and god's going to annihilate so many things devils devils can't exist in this place no sir none absolutely not freedom is found in beholding the lamb [Music] a sin free lifestyle is found in jesus not that you never make mistakes but you'll feel horrible about making a mistake and you won't think about doing it twice because conviction enters your life through intimacy god wants us to hear his voice can everybody stand oh jesus you're so good you don't have to stand if you can't but if you can that'd be okay but you can stay where you're at be holding the lamp it's the only place that god wants you to be there are people that need freedom from a lot of different things i get the worship team jesus if you've never met him and you want to come up here please don't be afraid this was pretty strong tonight [Music] but if there's someone here that doesn't know him i want you to come up please don't be afraid if you don't know him and you want to if you don't know him and you want to huh [Music] i really have something heavy on my heart i want to talk about here i really felt like this is partially amen amen proud of you is there anybody else that doesn't know him that wants to please come up here i didn't preach religion tonight i talked about relationship [Music] god never denies anyone the great thing is is he would come just for one that's how i looked at it when i got saved he he said i would come just for you and that was so personal for me [Music] because all my life i wanted to be the center of attention telling jokes make it fun all that and i had to do it to draw people and then jesus came and i realized that was why i was the way i was because that's what i was looking for i was looking for him yeah [Music] if you're living a christian life but you're not hearing his voice it's not a shame thing it's not a guilt thing it's a i'm hungry and i want to hear his voice about you i want you to get up here this is not uh you're not a christian it's just hearing his voice [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] i'll tell you i'mma say it again if if this is you humble yourself and come [Music] god resists the proud grace comes to the humble grace comes from i promise it is not [Music] grace comes to humble i'll be the first one to tell you that i need to hear his voice he's my father in religion you'll never hear his voice and relationship is the only place that god can dare share his voice with you because religion you'll trumpet his voice against people relationship will bring his voice to [Music] people [Music] i'll be the first one again to tell you that i need to hear his voice i am more needy this is what it means to be poor in spirit to be poor in spirit is having actually having a a beggar outfit on saying son of david son of david have mercy [Music] son of david that's where i'm at man son of david don't pass me by people say be quiet no [Music] i've set up ambush he's not passing me by son of david have mercy that's where i'm at man is that where you're at cause that's where i'm at [Music] son of david god says that he will never hold himself back ever but he won't come to people that are full you have to be empty of yourself to see your spiritual poverty for the lord you cannot fit god in you you has to leave so god can possess you that's where i'm at i've lost it man i've gone i'm gone i'm going after him with everything i am people like well you're a little bit fanatical you have seen nothing yet [Music] [Applause] david had an offering for the lord and he danced he danced in an ephod i ain't going there but i can tell you this that he offered his life in the craziest way in front of everybody and anybody and he did not care who was looking and his wife was very upset at him and because of that she never bore children [Music] david was a man after god's heart and i want to be known as a man after god's heart that was possessed by love a man that prayed a man that went after heaven with everything in him that nothing could separate him from going after god from running hard after god i want to establish a church of the burning heart a church of the burning heart hearts that burn for jesus like never before they won't be satisfied with the status quo they won't be satisfied we've just come into a building now [Music] [Applause] [Music] i want to enter into worship and i just want to pray [Music] that god would touch you like you've never been touched before that god would heal you like you've never been healed before the god would wreck you like you've never been wrecked before that you would be so undignified that the fear of man would be broken off your life that you wouldn't care what people think you would care more about their separation for eternity than you would about what they think about you right now i'm going to ask god to establish a burning heart in you that your heart would be on fire it's not even about emotion it's about burning it's about burning it's about becoming a flame for the living god it's about being a living flame of love where god would baptize you and you would become a living flame of love on fire [Music] and the fire that he establishes in your life is with oil you can't put an oil fire out too easily living flame of love come baptize us afresh holy spirit we welcome your presence right now we say yes god [Music] come right now
Channel: Todd White
Views: 50,568
Rating: 4.8758054 out of 5
Id: Iodw4fivzMU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 38sec (4538 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 25 2020
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