Covenant Living | Todd White

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[Music] do that again just keep that right there let's do that [Music] again [Music] me holy lord you are holy we love you you've called us to be a holy people who called us to be holy and set apart god father i thank you so much for the privilege of being able to represent you every day to a lost and dying world god we have joy joy unspeakable because it's not our joy that's our strength oh listen it's not our joy that's our strength the joy of the world isn't strength it's tremendous weakness because it's let down continually but the joy of the lord is our strength the joy of the lord is our strength our strength is found in his joy like that's pretty amazing because he's just never bummed out god is in a good mood he is completely okay he is sovereign he's not insecure he's never going to lose the throne he's completely solid and he's really not offended he's so beautiful can we do that can we sing holy again [Music] jesus so beautiful father today just like jesus when he talked and he said to the disciples he was sharing with them truth and they couldn't get it and there was a time in scripture when jesus opened their understanding so that they could so they could see it so they can know it god i'm asking you to give us the spirit of wisdom and revelation and the knowledge of you that god you would open the eyes of our heart that we might know the hope of our calling god it's your desire that we would know you it's your desire god you said eternal life was knowing the one and only the one the one and only true god and jesus christ the one whom you said so god i'm asking you for eyes to see and ears to hear today father i thank you in jesus name amen amen worship really wiped me out today oh my gosh you guys did so well today it was so amazing [Music] [Applause] in the middle of worship i heard the lord say you've made a place for me i'm like okay gosh oh oh i hope i can go somewhere here i am so fascinated really really really fascinated i was in the book of nehemiah and i was just looking the whole way through it you look at they built this wall and supernaturally built the wall jerusalem was crushed they raised it up they put gates on and in through nehemiah 6 they completed everything and then you look at number you know nehemiah 7 and you see all the list of the people the tribes the people that are there and then you go into nehemiah 8 and that is where our scripture verse the joy of the lord is our strength is that and it comes at the weirdest time because the people hadn't read the law i'm just gonna let me just oh this is so good i have so many places i want to go i pray to get there the lord spoke to me this morning and said he is healing bipolar he's healing mental disorders depression fear and anxiety that today i'm so serious like that the voices that you heard are going to be silenced and the shepherd's voice is going to become dominant so that the next time the stranger speaks he's exposed by the good shepherd it's every christian's privilege to be able to hear god's voice i was talking to lcu preview and i said you could go to a bible college you could go to seminary school you could go and learn all the greek and the hebrew and you can memorize different books but memorization of books doesn't give you intimacy you can't afford just to know the book of god you have to know the god of the book we have to have intimacy we have to have relationship what good would it be for me to be able to quote multiple you know verses to you and not be able to hear his voice every christian has the ability to be able to hear his voice on a continual daily basis moment to moment we don't have to just hear him four days ago and i'm not just talking about words of knowledge and prophetic stuff i'm not talking about just the gifts i'm talking about you hearing his voice personally for you every day worthlessness depression anxiety fear pushes the reality of you thinking that you deserve to hear his voice i can't i can't express this enough as i travel around the world the thing that i saw the most dominant issue was people don't think they're worthy to hear his voice the church has taught unbelief for a long time the church has taught demonic doctrine for a long time i'm not saying the church is demonic i'm saying the doctrine can be any place where condemnation has a right to be in your life that is taught by the church is demonic we're just so used to hearing condemnation that we think that i'm demonic for saying it therefore i'm labeled as a heretic because i believe the gospel like how can you talk me out of my freedom that you didn't give me i have lived in freedom for going on 18 years it's not a little bit of freedom it's massive i wake up right with god i go to sleep right with god if somebody puts me down i'm still right with god if somebody does something horrible against me i'm still right with god i have his forgiveness so i render forgiveness i don't hold anything against anybody holding something against somebody you're what you're doing is you're alienating yourself from receiving the forgiveness of the lord saying that they're going to get what they deserve you will get what you deserve yeah but you don't understand what they did no you don't know what you did we have to see that let me go into the just to the book of nehemiah's not even where i planned on going today but so i said it a little bit the wall was built in chapter six it's finished they put the gates on hey they put the gates on it was windy they put the gates on and everything everything's there now symbolic and all kinds of enemies are very upset that they were building the wall now they're completely freaked out that it's built and they realize god built the wall like this is crazy like it's over and so jerusalem is now rebuilt it's beautiful nehemiah has do you know ezra anyway ezra is about to read the book and i'll just read in chapter eight it says all the people were gathered as one man at the square which was in the front of the water gate and they asked ezra the scribe to bring the book of the law of moses which the lord had given to israel when ezra the priest brought the law before the assembly of men women and all who could listen with understanding on the first day of the seventh month he read from it before the square which was the front of the watergate from early morning until midday now early morning so 5 a.m 5 30 6. some of you 9 30 is early but for the lord i think early is when sun comes up like you beat the sun right maybe i'm wrong but for me that's early until midday so we're looking at five o'clock to midday so midday let's say it's 12 o'clock so we're looking at five and a half six hours straight of reading 613 laws now 613 laws didn't bring the joy and the happiness because there was impossibility you couldn't walk it out so the law was given but it was a tutor to show us our need for a savior and it was given to people that gosh in the begin with moses god wanted to speak straight to the people but they didn't want to hear it they complained and said no way if we hear him we'll die moses you listen we'll listen to you they never listen so god gave the law and all of a sudden the people went into this place of not being able to ever walk this thing out god didn't set it up so that we would be condemned and we would be completely distraught our whole life he set it up to show us that we needed a savior we needed him we needed to fully depend upon him for everything in order for us to make it like you can't do anything without jesus like when you figure out that you can't pump gas without him it'll be a better day i'm so serious like you shouldn't be able to go grocery shopping without jesus you shouldn't be able to be on instagram for four hours without jesus shouldn't be able to come to church without jesus when you realize the reality of the price that heaven paid for you and the value system of god all of a sudden the value system of yourself changes and you're not worth it because of what you've done here you're worth it because of what he paid for you there that little transition is so massive that it's neglected by most of the body of christ and they live in guilt shame fear condemnation regret and that is not the gospel the gospel is the good news condemnation is not good news are you with me moses it says it in second corinthians chapter 3 it says the law came through moses which had glory but it was the glory of condemnation why because god's glorious he's perfect like god can walk out the law like are you with me he's holy and perfect there's no darkness in him but he gave it to man and said i will be your god and you will be my people if you walk out all of this and never miss any so he gives them the standard of perfection and perfect and he's like this is your end of the bargain you walk out yours i got mine you can be right before me if you walk it out so ezra is reading what they have to walk out in order to be right so 613 laws now you get up in the morning ugh time for the law this is going to be awesome yay we're so happy built the city we did it the enemies are going to be really freaked out and god's like okay listen and ezra is like boom and this law comes and they realize how much they've never walked out and how much they've fallen short and how guilty they are the law brings guilt it's supposed to okay he read it before the square which is in the front in the front of the watergate from early morning and took me a day in the presence of men and women and those who could understand and all the people were tentative to the book of the law ezra the scribes stood at the wooden podium that they made for this purpose and beside him stood a bunch of dudes yeah they're amazing you should read them verse five ezra open do you want me to read them okay do you ever read the genealogies i listen to them on audio because i get stumbled and i can't make it to the next one and then i've got trouble if we had the audio i'd play this for you right now like the first one uriah i don't want to say messiah that can't be on his right hand and okay so anyway a bunch of dudes that were very important very important on his left hand i'm going to get hit for that one hey youtube it's todd white not pronouncing names as best as i can sorry ezra it's true god can use uneducated men i i want that testimony they stood before the pharisees and they said they realized that these men were uneducated and untrained but they knew that they had been with jesus so i i want to be that one i just want to be known as a guy that you know he can't pronounce words too well but he he been with jesus yeah i love it isn't that he was born in a manger he's not scared about where he's going to show up okay and i've got so many verses for this like god takes the fullness the foolish things i am a foolish thing he takes the foolish thing that's me new creation foolish thing to confound the wives brilliant scholars go okay sorry so fun ezra opened the book on the side of the people where he was standing above all the people and when he opened it all the people stood up when ezra blessed the lord then ezra bless the lord the great god and the people answered amen amen while lifting up their hands they bowed low worship the lord with their faces to the ground also this bunch of dudes explain the law to the people see they were smart guys because explain the law to the people while the people remained in their place they read from the book the law of god translating to give the sense to give the sense so that they understand the understanding for the readings they gave sense to it all then nehemiah was the governor and ezra the priest and the scribe and the levites who taught the people said to the people this is a holy day to the lord your god do not mourn and weep why for all the people were weeping when they heard the words of the law now this isn't just a little bit of weeping we're talking about a six hour session six or seven hours of reading the law and they're weeping from the beginning like they're weeping from the beginning like this is crazy because your great god just like built the city and is so powerful and they know it's supernatural and god's their defender but israel broke covenant with god again and again and again and again when they didn't break covenant when covenant wasn't broken god defeated all their enemies like consistently there wasn't an enemy that could defeat them look the hebrews came out of egypt they didn't their clothes grew on them man they were delivered from the bondage of pharaoh their clothes grew on them there was not one needy person among them there wasn't one feeble nobody got sick why covenant god's he's a covenant god he's amazing so here the same thing is intact if we just keep covenant so that's what the old testament was was the old covenant it was a covenant that god cut with people and said you get your end i got mine covenant isn't something that god will ever break but man kept breaking it again and again and again and again god said to them through ezra through nehemiah he said this day is holy to the lord your god do not mourn our weep wait a minute dude you just read all these things that we cannot do there's no way for us to do it well god knows you can't do it now rejoice and be glad all the peeping all the people were weeping when they heard the words of the law and he said to them go and eat of the fat drink of the sweet send portions to him who has nothing prepared for this day is holy to the lord do not be grieved for the joy of the lord is your strength it's the freakiest thing they're crying for seven hours man weeping and wailing for seven hours he's like okay enough no more morning now rejoice and be glad now let's go eat some really good stuff and drink some really good stuff and be really happy and then share with people that don't have it remember guys it's not your joy that's your strength it's the joy of the lord that's your strength it's actually a prophetic picture about what god was going to do through the law to actually have you not have to mourn and not have to weep it was actually a picture of what you could do when you could rejoice and be glad because the joy of the lord is your strength but your joy comes from your salvation are you not saved if your joy comes from your salvation and you don't have joy you probably don't understand salvation the majority of the church doesn't dive into the fullness of salvation like salvation created a place that you could be free here see the law was constant atonement atonement isn't even found in the new testament atonement is to cover to cover over so to cover over is atonement but jesus didn't cover over he cleansed so covering over and to cleanse are two totally different things you can't afford to be a christian and live under the law how are you living under the law you're condemned guilt shame and condemnation come from the law there therefore now is no condemnation in christ jesus this is a condemnation free zone if it's not the blood isn't recognized and it's not utilized there is no other thing except the blood siri you're demonic she's trying to tell me something talking about jesus okay sorry okay i wanna i wanna share a bunch of stuff with you i hope i can do it 24 minutes i can't so i'm gonna share anyway and hopefully you guys can hang out a little like are you good with three o'clock no i'm just kidding okay sorry sorry sorry all right i want to share just i want to touch a little bit on covenant like i don't know if you've ever heard of a guy named ew kenyon kenyon oh just had a real revelation for the blood of jesus the truth of who jesus is and i'm i'm astounded by people that write like andrew murray um a.w tozer just some of these old school totally in love with jesus burning ones man that were mystics prayer warriors just kingdom men kingdom women just madame guyan totally freaks you out lawrence brother lawrence who practiced presents like these people were a different breed but that's the kind of breed that god wants us all to be because we're all to be a peculiar people but we need to have our heart our soul set apart for the reality of why we were saved most christians don't know why you're saved a lot of christians are like for us to get to heaven and then we graduate from just wanting to get to heaven not that that's small it's huge that's the finished result of a life lived in obedience to him that is not the mission the mission of the christian is to destroy hell for a living the destination of a christian is to one day be with god but if you miss the you're the house and tabernacle now that you are his house here you will not destroy hell you will be governed and ruled by it you are a force to be reckoned with not because you but because the joy of the lord is your strength christ is in you it's the hope of glory colossians 1 27 it's the mystery that's been revealed and so covenant is so important that we understand because we don't we don't really have covenant we talk about covenant but we don't have blood covenant like a blood covenant with somebody like you're my brother let's make a blood covenant we don't think about that we're not like let me drink your blood you drink mine that literally is where that thing came from and i just want to share an example um there was a guy a guy named david livingston do you know who i'm talking about missionary in africa the late 1800s like amazing man we disappeared for a little while and there was a they couldn't find him there was a guy named stanley that went over there to find him and i i have just a a story here henry morton stanley david livingston on their missionary stanley was seeking livingston he came in contact with a powerful equal like a a tribe right on the equator in africa and they were very warlike and there was no way for him to negotiate with them in any way like he had to guard his stuff like they were killing people it was intense we're talking about encountering a tribe stanley wasn't in the condition to fight them finally his interpreters said why did you not make a strong covenant with them and so he asked what that meant and he was told well it just meant you had to drink each other's blood and stanley was like i am not drinking someone's blood that is stupid i agree stanley look like stanley revolted from such a right but the conditions kept growing worse until the interpreter finally asked him again what is wrong with you and why would you not cut a covenant with the chieftain of the tribe stanley said well what is the benefit of such a covenant he said everything the chieftain has will be yours if you ever need it so stanley thought about it it appealed to him and after several days of negotiation they arrived at the covenant so stanley is now going to go drink the chieftain's blood yeah i'm not going to africa i'm just kidding i'm just kidding i've been there it's amazing the next step was going to be an exchange of gift of gifts the old chieftain wanted stanley's new white goat stanley was in very poor health and had to drink goat's milk and it was the only thing he could take for nourishment it was very hard for him to give this up but the chieftain seemed to want nothing else so finally he gave up the goat the old chieftain handed his seven foot copper wound spear to stanley so stanley's like i got whooped i just got taken i have nothing to eat but i got the spear right so crazy stanley thought he'd been beaten but he found that wherever he went in africa with that spirit everybody bowed and submitted to him so there's such power in the tribe in that spear of that chieftain that when that chieftain went and made covenant with stanley stanley gave up his goat but the chieftain gave him authority over africa crazy stanley thought he'd been beaten but man he didn't get beaten stanley led forth his men from england the priest came our his man his man from england and the priest came forward with a cup of wine made an incision in the young man's wrist and let the blood drip into the cup of wine and he cut a like decision in the wrist of a young englishman and let his blood go into the wine the wrist i'm sorry then the wine was stirred the bloods were mixed the priest handed the cup to the englishman he drank part of it and then handed it back to the other and he drank the rest of it next they rubbed their wrists together so their blood's mingled now that they had become blood some of you are getting so freaked out right now we're drinking blood and so our new thing we're going to do here in [Applause] that's lifestyle merge really means guys just kidding just kidding sorry gosh that was not good okay they rubbed their wrists together so the blood's mingled i'm trying to give you an example of what it meant to have a blood covenant now they became blood brothers these two men were only substitutes but they had bound stanley and the chieftain stanley's men and the chieftain soldiers into a blood brotherhood that was indissolvable the gunpowder was rubbed into the wound so that it healed there would be a black mark to indicate that they were covenant men the next step in the ceremony was the planting of trees the trees that were known for their long life after the planting of trees the chieftains stepped forward and shouted come by and sell with stanley for he is our blood brother a few hours later stanley's men who had to stand on guard from the bales of cotton and the trinkets that they had now could open the bales and leave them on the street and absolutely nothing was disturbed by anybody crazy for anyone to steal from their blood brother stanley there was a death penalty the old chieftain couldn't do enough for his newfound brother stanley couldn't understand the sacredness of it and years later wondered about it still this has been practiced in most different religions across the planet a blood covenant the blood sacrifice is something that has been so huge we in america we don't get blood covenant blood sacrifice but but the severity of the consequences of breaking that covenant in this relationship were the death of anybody that trespassed it so no one would dare trespass it and this is two men who had substitutes that made covenant and so we have to understand that before we go into the before we go into the old covenant and the new covenant i'm just going to read so i just want to bear with me okay you guys good we're going to get to the good stuff in just a minute with the filling of with the fulfilling of the old covenant everything connected with it because i wrote a bunch of notes i don't usually do this but this is a huge teaching thing for me as the old covenant was sealed with circumcision if you remember with abraham that was a rough day i'm pretty sure abraham circumcised himself that's a worse day my kids are like what a circumcision oh okay where's your brother i'm just kidding wow wow don't try that at home the old covenant was circumcised or or was sealed with circumcision but the new covenant is sealed with the new birth oh so good old covenant had the levitical priesthood the new covenant has jesus as the high priest and we as the royal and holy priesthood first priesthood had a temple in which god dwelt in the holy of holies with the ark of the covenant the new covenant has our bodies being the temple of god and the spirit of god dwelling in them oh my gosh this is so good this hit my heart when i got saved like it was just and i know that i wouldn't have gotten it unless god's grace would have been there for me because only the grace of god can reveal the truth of god the holy spirit is the revealer of truth the spirit of wisdom and revelation and the knowledge of him but we are not created to know about him it's not the knowledge about him we are created to know him and that word no that word no is a word it's gosh an example is that adam knew eve that came together you knowing god is the same thing it's coming together it's actually intercourse where both come together through intimacy it's just we got a twisted picture because of pornography because of lust because of how we've grown up we're like oh that's gross no no no it's not gross it's oneness jesus said as i am in you and you were in me so we might be in them why so the world might know that they sent me the world might know that i was sent the reason why we demonstrate this oneness and this intimacy and this totality of freedom and joy that comes from the lord is so the world might know and be jealous for the god that we serve oh my gosh it's so good in the new covenant our bodies are the temple okay jehovah was the surety of the old covenant god was the surety of it but in hebrews 7 22 it says by so much also jesus has become surety of the better covenant oh my gosh this means that jesus stands behind every verse of the covenant everything jesus his surety his blood stands behind everything and god will not break covenant amen the bible's composed of two covenants contracts or agreements the first covenant was between abraham and jehovah it was sealed by circumcision in genesis 17. it's also called the law covenant or the mosaic covenant but both titles are wrong it is the abrahamic covenant and the law was given through moses belonging to that covenant when the israelites were delivered from egypt they had no law no government so jehovah gave them the law so when they were delivered god said okay you're going to be a people that are holy and set apart people are going to know who you are because you're going to serve this covenant this covenant is going to be your everything and people are going to be afraid of you petrified of you no one won't be able to stand against you if you keep this covenant he's like you're going to be my people and i'm going to be your god and everybody else is going to be petrified of you look at what i did to pharaoh look at what pharaoh's army what happened to them they became fish food pharaoh's army was obliterated by water god raised it up god brought it down and pharaoh was pummeled and these children were like yay then they rebelled as soon as they got the law rebellion happened man crazy the israelites delivered from egypt had no law no government so god gave him the law in exodus 20. it's the covenant law with its priesthood it sacrifices its ceremonies and his offerings the law had no sooner been given that it was broken there was atonement for the broken law so that's where atonement came in atonement in exodus 24 the word atonement means to cover the new testament word is not atonement atonement is not in the new testament why because atonement means to cover it doesn't appear in the greek the blood of jesus doesn't atone for atonement means to cover over watch this in the old testament when they sacrificed once a year they went inside of the holy of holies we were singing about it today we're seeing about coming into the holy of holies we were thinking about talking about the veil he tore the veil there is a big huge deal here it's not focused on enough it's not gone after enough you need to understand that the power of the whole new testament and the power of the old testament is a word called righteousness righteousness doesn't just mean i have positional right standing with god no we were we were up there praying earlier and and who can approach you who can approach you who can approach you and and we were talking about it and it's in the word but when when they were saying who can approach you each time the lord said you can through my son you can through my son you can through my son i didn't say anything i just hid it in my heart it's just beautiful why because i can now boldly approach the throne of grace come on i can reproach his throne and receive grace in time of need and when's the last time you didn't need jesus the problem is is we don't think we need them all the time so we don't have to live in the throne room but the christian life is supposed to set their mind on things above they're supposed to live in the throne room they're supposed to behold the lamb of god they are not supposed to be so earthly that there's no heavenly no heaven is our destination one day i'm going to get there but destroying hell through the kingdom that has come to dwell inside of me is the mission statement of the christian but how can i destroy hell around me if i still got hell tormenting me no that's good preaching buddy i wouldn't preach it if i couldn't live it i wouldn't preach it this is why it's not preached are you with me like you can't preach something that you're not walking out or you can you can but it's just theory but if you preach something that you're walking out it bears immediate fruit in those that hear this is why bipolar has to get out why because i was labeled bipolar i was labeled menic depressive i was labeled suicidal i was labeled addictive personality the only one that's right is my addictive personality see what we don't understand is that all of you are addicted to something there is something in your life that you can't be free from most people it's food try it i'm not gonna eat that sugar's from hell it's from hell refined sugar is straight from the devil we're like oh you are just you're busting on my cakes no your cakes are busting on you [Applause] i promise it rules our minds man it rules our thoughts when you get upset what do you do when you get mad what do you do eat when you get happy what do you do let's get dinner i'm serious [Applause] are you with me how many of you would like to be free from the crutch of food grabbing you come on dude yeah i'm going to take communion be addicted to that be addicted to communion with grape juice a [Applause] it's so powerful but we are created to be addicted to presence we are to be addicted to jesus because we can't get enough we have him but we need him it's so weird i hunger and thirst but if i don't hunger and thirst for the right thing i won't be filled for the right with the right thing blessed are those in the beatitudes that hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be filled and that word filled means keeps on filling because you can never get enough of the fulfillment in your life of what it means to be right before god look anytime fear tries to creep on you in a situation where you know you should step out it's because the filling of righteousness has halted why because condemnation has entered oh my gosh it's so true this is the key to it you know we did 123 power and loves like we're starting them up again they're going to be cranking we're going to do two a month next year and just go after this thing only in america i'm going to crush this thing in the u.s buddy i'm not kidding the u.s is going to come to jesus buddy our country will be saved our country i've never felt stronger about anything in my life my country needs the gospel man we need jesus we need the power of the gospel persecution is going to increase why because righteousness is persecuted blessed are those that hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be filled blessed are those that are persecuted for righteousness sake there is such a demonic persecution and the demonic persecution comes from religion on righteousness why who do you think you are could be right with god oh i think i believe the bible well you're not a scholar no i'm uneducated but i've been with jesus here stand still let me prove it to you in the name of jesus i'm telling you right now that god is raising up a remnant of people and i pray that this house holds that remnant that this place is overflowing with people that cannot get enough of jesus to believe that they're right with god that will stand in the face of any devil of any darkness and realize that they are the light of the world a city on a hill a light that lights up their own house and we're not going to bow to adversity we're not going to bow to devils devils will bow to the name of jesus oh my oh i love him oh i really do i can't explain to you how much i died when i said yes to jesus i died that part of me that part of me that said god's not real died i'm not kidding man my whole life i was like god's not real you guys are like it's a facade some eye in the sky oh big brother is watching you that was me and when i got saved that part died when god took my sin and my lawless deeds he's the one that set it up like this i didn't set it up like this i wasn't smart enough to set anything up like this and i couldn't set anything up like this or be in my own in my own righteousness and our own righteousness is as filthy rags to the father because i don't have my righteousness see god god put when jesus was on the tree see the blood sacrifice the blood sacrifice year after year 365 days after that day of atonement until the next day of atonement there was the postponed penalty and the wages of sin was death and so that postponement of the death penalty was for another year god would cover us but not cleanse us there wasn't a cleansing until christ came but when christ came who was surety of him see i don't know if you know it or not but jesus is just as alive as he was when he walked seated at the right hand in intercession for you every day all day long jesus sits at the right hand our high priest sits at the right hand of god and intercedes for you continuously continuously the devil barrages and jesus says not guilty not guilty not guilty not guilty not guilty and the father honors the covenant if we understood the priesthood and what he's doing right now continuously there is a man the man christ jesus who as the 10th hebrews spells it out perfectly you read hebrews the whole way through it is the most beautiful book it is the most descriptive about the blood of jesus specifically in hebrews 9 and 10 the clarity that's in that book is so beautiful when you look at hebrews 9 and you look at the reality of the ordinance of service when the high priest would offer this and offer that they would go in they'd have the bread they'd have the showbread they'd have the lampstand they'd have the brazen offer or altar they'd go in to the holy place and then only once a year would the high priest go in beyond that veil only the high priest wants to hear like gosh aaron's sons have been the two boys tried to go in there and offer the wrong kind of sacrifice they thought we could just go in there god killed them both because to approach god's presence without reverence was a death penalty i'm not kidding they would actually tie a rope around the high priest's ankle because when the bells on the bottom of his robe if they stopped jingling for a while they knew that he had died and they would pull him out they wouldn't even go in and get him they would drag him out time to get a new high priest why because there was ordinance of service there was exact cleansing washings you had to wash you had to cleanse continuously you had to put on linen garments you had to take off linen garments you had to wash there were so many different things about being unclean and clean it was continuous and it was hard when i read that stuff i'm like holy mackerel there's i'd be a dead man i forget something i'm serious it's so much easier to remember the name of jesus than it is to remember 792 things that i've got to do in order to do it right because if i do 791 i'm dead because god's presence wasn't to be played with or messed with i don't know if you remember they were bringing the cart through and the ark was on the covenant it was supposed to be carried on the priest's shoulders but they were bringing the ark and it was on and it got toppled and a guy goes oh i got it boom dead dude just touching the ark it was david's friend and that and he died right there on the ground finished david was really upset he's like you know what just take the art and put it in that dude's house over there i'm really upset and that guy was super a mega blessed because the ark was there when david got that arc back and went back to carry that thing into jerusalem they sacrificed they say every six steps they had a blood sacrifice every six steps blood sacrifice it was a long journey man it was sacrifice sacrifice sacrifice sacrifice sacrifice blood sacrifice blood sacrifice blood sacrifice why because life is in the blood no one will ever recreate it no one and so here you got david who gets into town finally and he's doing his ephod dance i told william we should do that and ephod dance get wild and worship just kidding don't do that but david danced and he said i'll even be more undignified than this when his wife mikhail said to him you danced in front of the maidens i hope you feel good he said god chose me over your father saul and i will even be more undignified than this and she bore no fruit from that day forward she had no children don't knock the presents don't knock the presents it's so powerful all right sorry i'm almost done you guys okay oh my gosh i have so much things so many oh gosh oh my this is not good well it is for me and for you oh no i got it oh gee you have no idea the notes are i'm not even 10th of the way through okay we're free no i'm just kidding okay let me read this and i got to go into i just got to go into the blood and share this gosh the high priest was an earthly mediator between israel and jehovah jesus now is the mediator of the new covenant between god and man so the high priest was always the mediator and he would go into the holy of holies once a year when jesus shed his blood when he was on the tree and he shed his blood when he said it is finished god himself tore the veil from top to bottom ripped that veil the whole way through to show that jesus had paved the way for us to all enter into the holy of holies that he was going to become our high priest seated at the right hand of god there's a contrast of moses and jesus aaron the high priest and jesus the new high priest the contrast of the blood of bulls and goats and the blood of christ it's not only a contrast to the bloods it's of the two tabernacles the one reared by moses and the one in heaven into the latter one jesus entered and sits down there as high priest at the right hand of god the holy of holies is jesus's home the one that was on this earth was set up it was only symbolic of what was to come jesus came to establish a much better covenant that old covenant and the law jesus said i didn't come to throw away the law i didn't come to do away with it i came to fulfill it so when jesus did what he did he fulfilled the law and the law you had to fulfill in order to have right standing with god so jesus who knew no sin jesus who knew no sin became sin so that you might become something when we say yes to jesus and we get born again the holy spirit becomes one with our regenerative spirit where we become one and god wants to reveal to your spirit which will then reveal to your mind the reality of what it means to be right with god if i have right standing with god the devil's number one pursuit in every christian on the planet is to block the reality of you understanding what it means to be right with god he the devil could care less if you go to church he's not trying to stop you from coming well the devil did today my car broke down no your car just broke down we blame the devil for way more we shouldn't give him so much credit now i'm not saying he likes well they're going to church today praise god that's not the devil but if he can get you to never understand why you're saved you'll never understand what you've been saved unto and if you never understand what you've been saved unto then you can't receive joy if joy comes from your salvation and you don't understand salvation then what are we really doing here we're playing church until jesus gets us out of here and rescues us from the big bad devil the man the rapture is not a rescue mission it's a pickup for a wedding date for a bride that's made herself ready to pray that god gets you out of here god i need to get out of here i can't believe this my rents do i don't have money to pay my rent going through so many things my neighbors are jerks my my boss is mean this is such a horrible thing god get me out of here to heaven with me into hell with the world that's the normal christian attitude i'm not saying it's yours because in this house there is no attitude there's only gratitude i just saw someone go like this it's so important that you understand why you're here you are here gosh the whole prosperity thing like i know you know pastor hirsch came up he said i i'd rather not be broke uh you know it's better when i have i get it if you don't have you can't give and it's better to give than it is to receive it's a blessing to be able to overwhelm somebody with a tip or to be able to bless them when they don't deserve it is so much a picture of god's grace being able to bless a waiter that treated you like really bad the whole time and you bless their socks off and they they treated you bad gave you cold food bad service and lip when they get blessed with the tip they don't even know how to react they come over to you and say i don't understand what's going on but this is wrong like no no it's right no you don't get it you don't know what we said about you it's okay the devil says way worse things about me it's okay god loves you yeah but i did not earn this no it's called grace you didn't earn it jesus paid a price for me to become who i am today and i share my testimony regardless this is so powerful if you see this what if you had no more guilt no more shame no more regret no more depression what if this what if the stranger's voice is only loud because you're not used to the shepherds what if the shepherd's voice becomes loud what if the number one voice you heard is i love you do you hear the father say i love you well my dad never did it doesn't matter why because your dad probably wasn't born again and if he was and he couldn't say he'd loved you then he he didn't understand the joy of his salvation therefore you're letting someone's bound up soul determine your value you don't understand i just need the father to tell me he's told you through his son in past days god spoke through the prophets but in these last days god has spoken to us through his son god spoke to us through his son what did he say i forgive you yeah but i don't deserve it nope my son's blood paid for it none of you could earn it in order to be right with me you'll have to obey 613 laws every day all day long it was an impossibility that was set up as a tutor a tutor what does a tutor do teaches you the law was a tutor to show us our need for a savior the law was set up as a tutor anybody ever have a tutor before like you can't pass the class you're having trouble or you're just struggling with it and a tutor comes in and like you don't like it at first but all of a sudden it just makes sense why because they're professional at teaching what they're supposed to to get you past what you're trying to get past so they get you passed it's amazing that's what the law is the law was to get you past to the place where you could see your need for the savior because the savior does away with what the law tutored you the savior did away with it because he fulfilled it which means your obligation to fulfill the law is no more if you love god with all your heart with all your mind with all your soul with all your strength all of a sudden your hand can't cause you to sin ever again why because your mind has to engage first for your hand to do the work but if i love god with all my mind the last thing i want to do is look at pornography why because it's a violation it's a violation to intimacy and if you know that you're known by the lord the last thing you want to be is with the girl on the page the last thing you want to be is unified with with a girl that's a porn star that's in a magazine when you realize that you've met god in the pages of the book when god cleanses the conscience he doesn't cleanse it from some things he cleanses it from dead works okay gosh jesus please help me oh this is so this is my favorite subject ever it is because this set me free i've been free from for 17 years free i haven't had guilt shame condemnation and my day starts the night when i go to bed when i go to bed my new day starts so how can i wake up good i didn't do anything except sleep think about that man imagine giving all your cares to the lord imagine being able to cast your cares upon the lord imagine being able to do that imagine being able to be anxious about nothing but in everything give thanks imagine if the bible is real and alive and sharp and active imagine if we walked out the will of god come on pray without ceasing and everything give thanks oh my gosh how can i pray without ceasing if i'm condemned you can't so what does satan want to do condemn you how can i have joy if i'm condemned you can't so what does satan want to do condemn you satan is guilty condemned depressed angry bitter ashamed afraid and hopeless because he can never repent so he's trying to reproduce his mindset in the body of christ so that she can look in the mirror and never see her created value but she sees her faults her failures her shortcomings and how many times she's missed it instead of the one thing she's supposed to see christ in her the hope of glory because there's a high priest seated at the right hand that paid blood on the mercy seat for you to be not just forgiven but for your sin to be forgotten okay i wrote down 100 verses i'm just going to read a couple look at this isaiah this old testament to you isaiah 43 verse 25 says i i am he who blots out your transgressions why not for your sake for his god didn't blot your transgressions out for your sake well that's mean no no he did it for his why so that he could look at you oh my gosh he blots out your transgressions for his sake and i will not remember your sin that's god that's in isaiah 43 prophesying about what god was going to do through christ oh my gosh first john 1 9 if we confess our sin he's faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness jeremiah 31 34 and no longer shall each one teach his number neighbor and each one his brother saying know the lord for they all shall know me from the least of them to the greatest declares the lord how is that possible easy i will forgive their iniquity and i will remember their sin no more how will all know him well easy i god i'm gonna remove their sin why for my sake why because i'm gonna remove their sin and i'm actually going to forget it as if it never happened wait what does that mean that means i'll be able to retain the lord here and here why because there's no condemnation to knock it out gosh it's so good psalm 103 verse 12 as far as the east is from the west so far will he remove our transgressions from us oh my gosh guys help me jesus micah 7 19 he will again have compassion on us he will tread our iniquities under foot he will cast our sins into the depths of the sea oh my gosh guys you need to be happy with this psalm 25 verse 7 remember not the sins of my youth nor my transgressions according to your steadfast love remember me for the sake of your goodness oh lord why did god do it because of his goodness gosh jeremiah 31 31-34 behold the days are coming declares the lord when i will make a new covenant with the house of vision this is what covenant we're in the house of judah not like the covenant i made with their fathers of the day when i took them out of the by the hand and brought them out of the land of egypt my covenant that they broke though i was their husband declares the lord but this is the covenant that i will make with the house of israel after those days understand we've been grafted in declares the lord i will put my laws within them write them on their hearts i will be their god they will be my people no longer will each one teach his neighbor and each his brother saying know the lord for they all shall know me from the least to the greatest declares the lord i will forgive their iniquity and i will remember their sin no more gosh dude micah 7 verses 18 and 19 who is a god like you pardoning iniquity and passing over transgression for the remnant of his inheritance he does not retain his anger forever because he delights in steadfast love he will again have compassion on us he will tread our iniquities under foot cast our sin into the depths of the sea oh my gosh oh oh i love it all oh i just i could read them all day when i read this when i think about jesus when i worship i think about all that he's done for me i i get overwhelmed with gratitude because of all that he's done for me i didn't deserve it in the midst of my sin and in the midst of my tragic mess god said i want that guy god thought about me before my mom and dad ever came together and my mom was a vehicle that enabled me to be given birth to and my dad was an instrument in that but when i got born again who they were to me in my value system and what they thought about me was okay but when i found out what my father thought about me well this is so hard for me to talk about because it's so real like every day there's not a day that goes by and i don't wake up and think oh my god another day i get to proclaim this good news god give me somebody that i can share the truth with that their life will be completely changed god give me somebody with ears to hear and nice to see that they would dare to take the simplicity of the gospel as a little child and take all their years of religion and throw it out the door because religion can't save you relationship is the only thing that can keep you and all the lies of yesterday and the things you wish you'd never done you cannot fix them you can't go back and get them out there's no way to revisit everything and fix it people are like you don't understand i i've been in the church my whole life i grew up here i grew up in church i was born in the church no you were born in sin you weren't born in church you were born in sin every one of us were born in iniquity all of us were and when you get born again you die to something to live unto something you have to die to sin you have to reckon yourself dead to sin sin will never have dominion over you when he does sin can never have dominion over your life if he does when he takes dominion over you sin no longer has the ability to control you when you get born again it is essential but it is only to unlock your potential when the holy ghost comes and the relationship with god begins and all of a sudden when you get in the word it opens your life starts to read you like a book he starts to transform and change the way that you think you are not supposed to have depression guilt shame and condemnation you are supposed to have gratitude pray without ceasing and in everything give thanks and praise god for everything that he has done for you i have never ever ever seen anybody talk about freedom is remotely even just minutely close to what christ has done in me freedom doesn't come because we're the land of the free i don't know if you know it or not but this country is becoming less free as the days go on i look we escaped religious tyranny came here and planted here and said this is the freedom of religion freedom of this freedom of that i don't want the freedom of religion what i want is to serve jesus and if i die for that name then i die for that name because i've already died for that name it's over you could not get me to deny his name you cannot get a dead man to deny anything except the enemy god is looking for warriors and soldiers this gospel isn't for the faint of heart people are like well you know what my heart got broken you know it got broken because you were in lust lust breaks hearts why because you bring something into it that was never supposed to be there even if it was a husband or a wife they're not supposed to have first place to jesus [Music] man everything takes second to him if he's not your first and foremost then you have another agenda and if your joy's not there it's because your salvation is being questioned by your own thought life i'm being serious what are you trying to say i'm not going to heaven i'm saying that going to heaven is the destination make your mission different your destination is get to heaven one day your mission is to bring heaven here right now holy spirit here agency of the kingdom of heaven right now you are to be an ambassador of the kingdom you are to be an ambassador of reconciliation reconciling people back to god knowing that god did not impute your transgressions transgressions against you he didn't impute them he removed them he removed them when god removes your sin it's so much different than just forgiving your sin john the baptist behold the lamb of god that forgives the sin of the world is not in there it says behold the lamb of god that taketh away he didn't cover my sins with his blood he cleansed my sins with his blood he didn't cover it if he covered it it's still underneath there the death penalty is still there the wages of sin is death if he only atoned for it then then i still got the death penalty i'm still waiting for the death penalty and most christians are living with a death penalty if he crushed the fear of death hell in the grave if he holds the keys to hell in the grave he holds the keys he took the keys from the enemy no condemnation for you only freedom but freedom has a name and that name is jesus all right if depression bipolar schizophrenia mental mental illness in any form if that's in has been in has been something that's in your life that torments i want you to stand up oh i wasn't kidding about this i'm so serious do you think that any devil is stronger than my king see you don't get it i got delivered from all this man like i live with that i live with wanting to kill myself daily wanting to be done with my life because there's hopelessness and all that god wants to set you free free that all of a sudden your first thought when you wake up isn't oh my gosh not another day your first thought when you wake up is good morning lord oh my gosh i want some christians up and around these people we're going to lay hands on them and pray i do not want any of you performing any kind of deliverance activity i just want us to pray for them okay here's the deal look at me real quick before we start the truth of the gospel in the word of god the truth is what delivers are you with me it's the name of jesus it's because of what jesus did our great intercessor our great high priest it's because of his blood and his sacrifice that he enabled every christian to be able to be free from guilt shame condemnation regret anxiety fear perfect love casts out all fear the truth of the gospel is what sets you free jesus is truth he's the way the truth and the life no one comes to the father except by him we are to know the father how through jesus because of what jesus did so the way into the holy of holies is open the veil has been torn and when you got born again the veil got ripped from your eyes so that you can see because satan the god of this world can't blind your eyes lest you see are you with me it's all scripture it's so solid so i am believing right now for the freedom that god has given me in the area of my thought life i am believing that that will reproduce itself in your thought life and that today will be the end of guilt and shame and condemnation in your life are you with me now this does not this does not push away the need for you to be in this book this simply will open your eyes so that you can see what's in this book are you with me so what this is is a kickstart of freedom coming from the foundation of the blood of jesus but you are required to find out what the father says about you are you with me okay all right we're going to pray for everybody ready father we thank you for freedom in the mighty name of jesus right now i thank you for the power of the blood of jesus lord i thank you for clean consciences you said that how much more in hebrews 9 how much more shall the blood of jesus cleanse our conscience from dead works in order to serve god so father i thank you that every dead work in the name of jesus will be wiped out now in jesus name i thank you that lies from the enemy would be exposed in jesus name i thank you for depression leaving now in jesus name i thank you for anxiety leaving now in jesus name i thank you for fear leaving now in jesus name bipolar i curse you and command you come out in jesus name depression i command you come out in jesus name anxiety in jesus name we command you come out in jesus name i thank you for blood bought spirit taught holy ghost warriors in the name of jesus i thank you that the eyes of their heart would be enlightened would be opened in order to see i thank you for the boldness to approach the throne of grace and in time of need i thank you for prayer lives being opened in jesus name i thank you for the stranger's voice being spotted in every occasion in jesus name i thank you for intimacy with the shepherd in jesus name i thank you that you are going to lead people by still waters i thank you for your rod and your staff that comforts us in jesus name i thank you that you're the god of peace peace that surpasses all understanding i thank you that natural knowledge and human wisdom would be excommunicated because godly wisdom would set in in jesus name i thank you that you would enable the army of the lord to realize the weapons that she's been given that she would be able to take every thought into captivity that tries to exalt itself up against the name of god father we thank you you are jehovah jireh the provider i thank you that you are jehovah rapha our great healer in jesus name be healed be free holy ghost we welcome you right now in jesus name come on come on holy spirit we welcome you in jesus name every demonic strategy every curse we command be broken by the blood of jesus right now by the blood of jesus i thank you for the biblical truth of the blood of jesus setting up its rule and reign from within our hearts i thank you father we worship you we give you glory i thank you for no more sleepless nights i thank you for every sleep condition being completely knocked out of the park in the name of jesus i thank you for all depression medication not being needed because jesus christ has become our medicine i thank you father everybody online we thank you for everyone being healed online in the mighty name of jesus hallelujah can those of you who stood up who are receiving prayer can we just make a declaration listen your words are powerful [Applause] yes so those of you who are standing just declare this right now say i thank you lord that in the name of jesus i am free by the blood of jesus every curse is broken i take authority right now in jesus name and i walk in freedom and if you believe it say amen amen listen before before we go before we dismiss as as todd was sharing about covenant and i felt this really strongly for those of you who stood up in in the nation of zaire i had a friend who was a missionary and they would make covenant tribe to tribe so each tribe had a marking had a spot where they would cut themselves so that when you would walk into another village they would see that mark and know which tribe you belong to and gave you covenant let me tell you you've been marked today you've been marked by the one true king so wherever you go walk in that freedom amen amen stretch your hands towards me church i want to bless you we just declare that the lord bless you and keep you the lord make his face shine upon you the lord be gracious to you and look upon you with favor and grant you his peace in the mighty name of jesus amen we love you guys bless you guys go and sin no more
Channel: Risen Nation Church
Views: 5,716
Rating: 4.8297873 out of 5
Id: 1wzXTUfnz5w
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Length: 80min 39sec (4839 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 11 2021
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