Todd White - Give No Chance to the Enemy

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[Music] Wow I said said to William who who runs with me and goes to events with me and helps me I said it feels like my life is one big day it just gets dark sometimes it's amazing I'm just so thankful for to be able to share my heart and just to be able to be real you know my hardest comment is when someone comes up to me and says man you're the real deal it's probably the hardest thing ever that means that there's a lot of Christians that aren't that's not okay because we're supposed to all be the real deal and I'm not sorry for anything that I'm gonna say at all not not at all I'm really excited about what I see God do I see him actually raising the standard to normal the normal Christian life which is completely abandoned hi Kelly which is completely abandoned to Jesus and everything that we say and everything we do God hears your words behind the closed doors I just love that he sees me when no one else looks at me and if I catch his gaze my words will change because if I see who he is my heart changes and I realize just how loved I am see there's a huge difference between saying that God loves you and being loved by the father being loved by the father is completely different than any every day I am loved by him I don't just know that he loves me I know that I am loved by him every second of every day he never looks away from me he always sees me he sees me he hears me he knows my thoughts before I think him he knows my words before they're ever formed he actually wants me to speak life constant he never wants me to speak death I'm overwhelmed at the opportunity that we have as a church to represent him I'm overwhelmed at the privilege that we get as the body of Christ to represent Jesus the head cuz in this gospel two heads aren't better than one he's the head we're not we need him I don't just need him for my prayer time I don't just need him when I wake up in the morning I don't just need him for a service I don't just need him for miracles I need him I'm needy Jesus started out the Beatitudes the Beatitudes the attitudes of being with blessed are those that are poor in spirit and I am so poor in spirit I'm starting to see his heart for people in a way I've never seen before and it's so overwhelming that I can hardly handle it what a privilege to be in love what a privilege to walk in love what a privilege to see God's heart to see God's heart for you when you look in the mirror and see you is one of the greatest privileges on the planet but if we never find out what God says about us you will see what you think about yourself and if we think that Jesus just came because we're such horrible sinners we'll miss the reality of the value system of heaven because if we see the price that haven't paid for us we won't see the tree as just Jesus came to forgive our sin Jesus came to forgive and remove our sin as though it never existed we're the first Adam lost everything Jesus isn't the second Adam he's the last one they'll never be another but jesus paid a price where Adam was told in the garden don't eat the tree the day that you do you'll surely die jesus paid a price paid a price and hung on the tree so that God could come and live inside of us to keep us from ever wanting to eat the tree Jesus restored that which was lost Jesus on the cross was marred beyond any man ever ever nobody looked like him on that tree and Jesus who knew no sin became sin so that you might become something and if we don't know what we've become we can't bear the fruit of what we've become we can't discern between both good and evil if we don't understand what you've become because it says that being trained in righteousness equips us with the ability to have our senses trained to discern between both good and evil it says milk you've come to need milk instead of strong meat strong meat is for the mature mature isn't your age in Christ how long you been a Christian how much you've read your Bible maturity is the reality of intimacy made manifest in a life and the fruit that hangs on your tree determines what kind of tree you really are a good tree can't bear bad fruit and a bad tree can't bear good fruit but if your root system isn't going down into the reality of his love being rooted and grounded in love your rooted and grounded in you attitude instead of gratitude issues instead of having your lifetime subscription to issues cancelled by the King of glory having a problem with this person because they said this and this person it's not them it's you you're the issue if you've got a problem with these people it's not them it's you you need to get free from you because the gospel sets us free from us it's not about our big schools it's not about our big churches it's not about our big ministries it's about Jesus it's about living eating sleeping Jesus it's breathing Jesus it says unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood you cannot be my disciple it's not just communion it's everything that we are sustenance our very being is dependent upon how you feed and what you're feeding on you can't just feed on YouTube videos you can't just feed on good sermons you have to feed on him you have to taste and see that he is good because you won't want your cake and eat it too the goodness of God leads us to repentance but the goodness of God keeps us there so our heart remains pliable where we remain soft where our hearts are completely open to what he says and what people say apart from what he says doesn't matter protestors we have them all the time blessum they're not my problem they need Jesus what good would it be for me to argue with a protester doesn't fix anything it just makes I'm right and you're wrong and you're right now I'm wrong and you can be very wrong about being right and our opinions apart from him doesn't matter Christian opinions about marriages will you deserve someone else shame on you for talking like the devil shame on you for counseling somebody and pinning them to their feelings and telling them you deserve somebody better God have somebody better for you knock it off that's demonic wisdom its strategy from Hell setup to turn people against Jesus you couple people in that place and you surround them and you make them victims they're not victims they're victorious in him we can't sit there and nurture that thing I'm just not out to please people man I'm out to preach the pure gospel the one that cuts arts the one that saved lives the one that took me that was lost and he found me in the muck and the mire II stuff and the junk and God said I want that one he could have had anything but he said he wanted me and that's not just for me that's for everyone everyone what a privilege it is to be christ-like what a privilege it is to be a Christian what a privilege it is to have Christ in us the hope of glory what a privilege it's not just about getting to heaven and I know that most of us know that but it's not just about bringing heaven to earth for the miraculous it's about thinking like heaven it's about thinking with the mind of Christ that we've been giving and not shortchanging that thing and saying oh I don't believe that the only reason we don't believe that is because we don't read the Bible we have been given the mind of Christ in the spirit communicates with our spirit and the things that our brain can understand our spirit man gets and you can't grow in your spirit life in your spiritual life unless you're feeding on the pure Word of God on Jesus himself unless you're very sustenance becomes him your very ability to live jesus said your father's ate manna and the wilderness but Moses wasn't the one that really gave them that my father gave him that he said you know what I am the bread that came down from heaven oh and they were freaking out then he says my flesh is the real bread my blood is the real drink they were really freaking out Jesus didn't love the example that I have in the Gospel of not watering it down to make people feel good and we need a generation of Christians that would raise the bar to normal and not compromise the message for the sake of looking good for the sake of feeling good for the sake of the stroke competitive people the stroking and petting of people is the most awful thing ever um oh my gosh Todd white makes me sick to my stomach I love Jesus it's not false humility it's not that wasn't me that was Jesus it's not that it's Christ in me it's me being put on like a glove where God could so fit inside of this where I could be excited to look in the mirror oh my gosh I see you in there really for real because we all with unveiled face Bell removed the reality of the cross the finished work the forgiveness and the washing away of our sin the wiping out of our sin where God took our sin and threw it into a sea called forgetfulness where the blood of Jesus cleanses us we sing what can wash away our sin but do we really believe it because if you did you'd never revisit who you're not people have come after me and said you can't just preach that well you're wrong it's 14 years and I'm still preaching it and I'm still free and I'm not condemned and I'm not guilty and I'm not ashamed not about the step in sin to mess this up I believe the cross I believe the gospel heavens answer is Jesus in the past days God spoke to the father's by the prophets but in these last days God has spoken to us by his son Peter James and John on the Mount of Transfiguration they see Moses they see Elijah Peter says let us build three Tabernacles here come on let us hang out here and God shut Peter up and he says this is my beloved son hear him and past days God spoke to the father's by the prophets but in these last days he has spoken he has and he's still staying the same thing and he wants us to get the same thing which is the new thing behold I will do a new thing all things will pass away all things will become new whatnot all things well you're wrong this new creation reality that a lot of the church is scared of and a lot of times they're scared because of hyper grace that's just demonic any grace that doesn't lead to transformation is demonic in nature what is that grace doesn't enable me to sin again away with it grace enables me to be free from sin free from sin the thought of sin the thought of missing it why don't why doesn't just talk why this is in the book man the last thing I want to do is sin and get away with it the last thing I want to do is miss it on purpose like God doesn't see me missing that you think that God doesn't see that you're wrong the sooner we understand that he sees everything that goes across your screen the more we can get our life one with Jesus you say that you love Jesus yet your kids can't see 11 Jesus because you love him in public and you won't love him in private the gospel is your kids come into the closet door dad can I come in sure honey daddy it feels different in here why would your children want what you have if you can't model it why would your children want what you have if you can't talk to your wife and why would your wife honoring if you can't love her like Christ loved the church let's raise the board let's raise the bar stop compromising this thing don't play with this don't try to look good in front of people don't try to look glorious in front of people you are glorious in front of God he's giving you his glory God as oh my heart is pounding I just want us to see the simple the simple gospel not technical it's not complex it's not it's not man I need another word this week so that I can inspire the church no justjust just live Jesus just eat sleep breathe Jesus don't let this be ministry let it be your life don't let this just be a ministry event where we pray for people and get a word for people let it be your life go to the grocery store manifest Jesus and stop manifesting you you don't have the right to manifest you God woke you up mercy woke you up give you one more day to manifest him and not you mercy did the Holy Spirit good morning good morning it's great to see you why no Holy Spirit because it says in job 33 15 at night when I slumber when I'm asleep you are sealing up the instructions in my heart all night long so that I don't get haughty and think that I figured it all out and God my prayer today every morning Jesus I need you to make me a better witness I need you to God make me a better witness God pour me out like a drink offering I just everything in anything I am Lord show me who you are today help me see the value that you have in people God let me carry your heart let me carry your eyes for people your ears for people let me hear them like the way that you hear them God I need you to reveal the secrets of men's hearts go so that they fold before you so that all their pride and all their anger and all their haughtiness just drops to the ground because you are Lord you are king god I thank you that today I know that you valued me and you valued me before the foundation of the world and you'll never change your mind because with you there's no turning of shifting shadows but I thank you that your yes is yes and your no is no and my yes will never marry now and produce kids that say maybe so maybe not my guess will be yes'm I know will we know and I will worship you with this life you gave me and there's nothing else that is is even remotely remotely okay to worship I will live eat sleep and breathe you today I will feed on your flesh I will drink of your blood today all day God nurture my spirit and grow me up in you God so that I can grow up into the fullness of what you created me to be help me to equip the Saints and convince them that they're not sinners anymore help me help me Jesus I can't do this without you but I know that zero plus you equals everything so here I am God have remain on my knees and I will seek you and no one's looking I will seek you for my family's sake I will seek you for the culture SiC around me I want to establish what it really looks like to be a real Christian just a normal simple god-fearing not man fearing Christian and I will live unashamed of the gospel and I will preach the gospel and I will preach righteousness I will preach repentance cuz we don't want to lose any casualties cuz the devil is a liar and he's trying to whisper into your soul and convince you that what I'm saying isn't the truth but he's already done he should have killed me when he had the chance I'm not kidding it's so over oh it's so over it's over all he can do is what he did without him all he can do is whisper lies and twist the truth he's not a creator he's not up to anything new he's doing the same thing he can't come up into heaven and dethrone Jesus he tried that he tried to come up into heaven and exalt himself up and God said and put him here he put him here he didn't put him on Venus he didn't put him on Mars he didn't put him on Pluto he put him on planet Earth and then he set up camp here the devil and then God placed a little place and said here's man woo boy and the devil thought he won he defeated out him and took the keys from Adam but Jesus came God said in Genesis the seed of this woman he's going to crush the head of your seed there are seeds trying to reproduce after their own kind you have demonic seed and you have Christ seed everything reproduces so now you have Jesus that is trying to reproduce himself in you but that involves you actually getting rid of the pacifier and actually feeding because there are Christians that have been Christians for years and years and years 30 years Christian never get into the Bible and they're still sucking a pacifier and they're not growing but they're going from conference to conference from church to church getting her to churches upset why they keep getting hurt because they went to church to find out if they really are loved by them and then they find fault because you're not looking for love you're looking for fault then you go to another church and find fault there and instead of becoming who Jesus says you are you are supposed to become love and plug in somewhere you keep getting hurt and offended and it's always someone else's fault just like Adam that's not the gospel yeah I don't even know why people come see me ever I don't you have no idea there's no way out of where God has my heart there's no way out there's no other it's like I'm I want to talk about other stuff you have no idea of testimonies happening every day I'm like God let me share something that happened today and I get up here it's over it's the craziest thing because I love touching people I love praying for people I love wiping people out with the truth I love it I love seeing airline attendants shake and shudder I love it I love it I love it when airline attendants manifest a devil stream and freak out and the people that I'm witnessing to beside me I tell about Jesus they didn't believe it yet they don't know what's happening Devils are everywhere they're even in church the first sign of a believer is casting out Devils what if that were the program now that you're a Christian your first objective is to cast out devils I don't know if I want to be a Christian I'm pretty comfortable maybe because you don't know the comforter this we're supposed to be uncomfortable this Christian life is impossible without him it's impossible the hard part is we think we can do it some of you are looking at me like you don't want to hear it I could care less man I love you and God wants to set you free from you because even if it's not now the Holy Ghost is a big boy he takes the word it's seed I'm just machine gun style everywhere I go no joke cuz it's the word that transforms it's not my opinion it's not bad projecting at anybody it's the word it's alive sharp and active buddy there's no way out I'm serious it gets inside and it's like what that is all of a sudden it's like oh that hurt and then you laugh a little the Holy Spirit gives you a little anesthesia and then then all of a sudden months down the road your life is changing and you're like what is up and then you look in the mirror you actually like what you see that's a miracle can I get some keys it'll help me some wrong ones thanks for donating your car to jesus image oh sorry sorry I know you you're okay all right thank you well oh I didn't want to go like that cuz that's sorry thank you and we're working on forgiveness sorry oh my gosh help me Lord Jesus oh Lord I really need your help please please help me help me Lord I'm asking you right now help me Jesus I love you so much help me god I love you so much Jesus set up so much god I asked you for the spirit of wisdom and revelation and the knowledge of you that we would know the truth concerning the doctrine that you would raise up a people that receive with meekness the implanted word that's able to save their soul that we'd give no chance to the enemy that we wouldn't hide behind ministry we wouldn't hide behind miracles we wouldn't hide behind gifting that we become a transparent people a transparent people a humble people that would know that your everything god I ask you to raise up the bride Lord raise up an army that walks in purity and power a passion for your name raise up a bride that's been crucified with you that no longer lives but the life they live they live by faith and what you've done I ask you Lord that our ambition would be to live a life that's pleasing here on this earth pleasing before you God raise up a generation that knows that this life is the dressing room for eternity God raise up a generation that walks in the fear of the Lord it's not afraid that doesn't need a man to stand between you and them raise up a generation that comes boldly to the throne of grace go raise up a generation that believes that they're forgiven raise up a generation that doesn't water down the cross that doesn't water down the blood of Jesus and the sacrifice then he did raise up a generation that knows the value system of heaven god I need your heart o God I need your heart raise up a generation that treats their wives the way that Christ would treat the church raise up a generation that manifests Jesus to their kids raise up lover Scott people that love you with every part of their being their heart their soul their mind your strength raise up a generation that loves their neighbor instead of being offended by the neighbour raise up a generation with no excuses that's going after Jesus with everything that they are that doesn't settle for something less raise up a generation than if none go with them they'll run anyway raise up a generation that is bold to preach your word raise up a generation that fears you that walks in holiness raise up a generation that doesn't compromise their life for anything or anyone raise up an army that the devil is petrified raise up an army base of your me Oh God Oh God we love you there's not like you raise up a generation that loves you with every part of their being God [Music] God raise up a generation that honors their boss even though their boss is a heathen raise up a generation that knows what real grace is the divine inspiration of God upon the heart with the outward reflection of God upon their life raise up a fearless generation that is after their mind being renewed by the word that doesn't just quote it but becomes it raised the standard raise the standard up at Lord we're asking you for a one house earthquake a one house earthquake raise up a generation like Shadrach Meshach and Abednego what is your fire to us O king what does your fire matter raise them up Lord raise them up raise up a generation of lovers raise up a generation of lovers devoted wholly separate wholly and separate that come out from amongst and be separate that walk with pure hearts and clean hands raise up a generation that essential holy hill that doesn't bow to any gods of Vail raise up a generation of Daniels raise up a generation of warriors let us not break ranks let us run together let us prefer one another a generation with no guilt no shame no condemnation a fearless freed that the world has never seen raise up this last day army but the rider rain is saturating their souls on a constant basis raise up a generation it's overflowing with your love God with your goodness and with your mercy God I asked you in Jesus day to touch us in such a way that we will never be the same raise up a generation that doesn't just go into the secret place to try to gain the miraculous raise up a breed of Christian that doesn't go and try to prostitute intimacy for the sake of getting things raise up a generation that goes after you for who you are because when you seek your father in secret he'll reward you with himself in the God let us not selfishly go after you for any other reason but should know you madres a generation that knows that they are known by the father raise a generation that stands before you on that day and his bow to say Here I am father fold right now knowing that they have nothing in their closet knowing that they'll stand boldly before you in that day fearless in that day and boldly approach you raise a generation that doesn't walk on eggshells raise a generation of righteous people that our bone as a lion that aren't walking on eggshells because there's sin in their camp raise a generation that doesn't have sin in the camp burning us a holy fire no compromise no messing around going after you Jesus behind the closed door more than in the open raise the generation that walks in the miraculous in such a way that the world has never seen god I thank you that this generation will raise the dead on a constant basis we'll see blindness healed deafness healed limbs grow out radical miracles raise a generation that isn't afraid to stand in front of a news reporter because God will manifest himself on the news soon enough raise a generation that steps on the devils neck daily that doesn't fear anything God we're asking you for holiness for a baptism of the fear the Lord I'm asking you right now to touch people with such a presence of the fear of the Lord where there's no getting away from where you saturate people in such a way that there's nothing that they can do to avoid it in any way shape or form raise a generation that doesn't have to be known by people because they know that they are known by you God I'm asking you for mercy I'm asking you for mercy God raised a generation that wants to be a better witness a better witness so that people don't have to taste the wrong stuff god I thank you in this place addiction is crushed in this place lust is crushed in this place the love of the world is crushed because you can't love the world and love God you could either love one or the other and loving the opinions of people is loving the world at the cost of truth that sets men free Jesus merciful [Music] god I need your help god I need your help God I need your help god help us set a standard help us take the spirit of ugly off the bride Lord we love you we worship You Jesus we worship You Jesus we worship you it's real lights we're in the wilderness and every day that manna came that was right for another ten and there was only enough for that day unless it was the day before the Sabbath and sometimes we think that we have enough that we've read enough but we know him enough today's manna won't work tomorrow and won't work tomorrow you have to feed every day you have to grow every day you can't afford to stay where you were Fame doesn't come by hearing yesterday faith comes by hearing present-tense don't just wait go after this right now don't hesitate don't wait you are the only one that separates you from growth you are the only one that separates you from maturity no one can separate you the devil can your neighbor can your wife can your kids can you can you won't stand before God and say but God my wife but God my kids but God my neighbor but not my boss you will say it was me know that it's you now and repent and change down now after this now before it's too late your neighbor's life depends on it your neighbors life depends on it your wife's life depends on your kid's life your kids salvation depends on you feeding on the right stuff don't sit there and watch stuff and say I can chew up the meat spit out the bones you have a choice to not eat bones you have a choice to stop eating stuff with Bolton you have a choice yeah but I'm used to a get used to Jesus and you won't eat that trash it's not legalism it's love don't do it these Israelites were in the wilderness make ate manna every day it was in front of their tent every day only enough for one day so we feed we have to have more that rock that followed them around that wilderness that ruck fed Millions water and that rock was Christ amazing all they had was the sustenance of Jesus out there in the wilderness the manna was Jesus he said I am the bread that came down from heaven so they literally had enough for today God was doing that so that they wouldn't try so hard for tomorrow he wanted them to trust him for today and God wants us to trust him for today and stop worrying about tomorrow you seek first the kingdom and his righteousness and everything will be added to you he has enough he's jump over Jireh way enough more than enough worry is the active part of practicing paganism he says after all these things the Gentiles seek but your heavenly father knows what you need there's the place of petitioning and coming before the father but there's the place of not believing him and begging for something and a lot of times we don't have joy because we're asking for things that we already have jesus said in this you'll have joy you pray and whatever you ask the Father in my name you'll have it so that your joy may be fulfilled your joy might be full the fulfillment of joy isn't asking God for things that you already have because you already have them through the inheritance through him so are yours some of us are begging God for things that we already have so we have no joy the wilderness as they're out there these people were complaining were gossiping we're criticizing they some of them were doing it in front of people some were just doing it husband and wife just family God saw that and when Joshua Caleb came back from the Promised Land these people that were complaining that were gossiping that were criticizing these people had no idea who they were the 10 spies had no idea who they were Joshua and Caleb knew who they were and who they served because they said we saw the Giants and we were as if grasshoppers in their sight those giants didn't see them as grasshoppers they saw themself as grasshoppers Joshua kehm said we could take them we'll feed on them they'll be our bread we serve a God of Covenant we serve a covenant-keeping god we could take them and because of the decision that the complainers made that wanted to stone them God said you will never see the Promised Land a lot of people are in a wilderness well what's what are you in because gossiping complaining criticizing and not knowing what you really have will keep you bound and you need to repent to be free Jesus was in the wilderness and he would in their selfless and came up with the Holy Ghost in Tower so if you think you're in the wilderness which one gossiping criticizing and complaining keeps you in the wrong wilderness and you will die there that's not okay [Music] Jesus is the bread that came down from heaven what does this all mean this means that a lot of people are seeking a lot of things to try to be okay and they're missing the one thing that's necessary and that's Jesus because he is enough he is enough Jesus is enough Jesus is enough Jesus is heavens answer God has spoken to us by his son dive in to relationship because you're the only one that can separate you I know this sounds like a harsh word it's not a harsh word it's actually it's just him cuz he loves us he wants us to be satisfied with him because godly contentment his great game great game godly contentment being content with who God's created you to be and who you are in him brings complete contentment that nobody can shake but you're not knowing who you are and who you are leads you outside of contentment and when you're outside of contentment all these things I need when contentment snot there people can be in a marriage and not be satisfied with their wife because they're not content with God's they think that maybe a little for Nog Rafi will satisfy me then it gives a little further and a little further and then somebody whispers to them hey you look really good maybe to a wife that her husband's not treating her the way that she ought to be treated so now all of a sudden a little bit more and a little bit more so all of a sudden the grass is now greener on the other side of the fence instead of watering her own lawn the grass is greener over here maybe this will fix me and then deception comes in and then Christian friends with demonic counsel comes in and we call it okay because we pity her because we don't want her to feel that way and instead of instead of truth we bring sentiment into this thing and we nurture that thing and because godly contentment isn't there with who Jesus has created them to be they need something on the outside to fix this but it's broke in but really the reality of it's all about Jesus because Jesus fixes this there's no drawing out here that can pull me if this is right it's when this is not right every bit of trash comes in has to do with marriage has to do with your job has to do with work ask you with ministry because if godly contentment isn't there and you're in ministry and the miraculous stuff starts happening all of a sudden you gain your value through the miracles instead of your contentment with who you are in him so instead of feeding on man and feeding on Jesus you're feeding on Fame this is so amazing if you just dive in if you're just surrendered if you just give it all to him he will fix you nothing else fixes this thing nothing in the world can fix it no amount of money can fix it no ministry training schools can fix it no church can fix it no marriage can fix it God is a God of covenant if you don't see covenant and what he's created you to be and who he is as a covenant keeper you will keep your end and if you don't keep your end marriage is useless because if you can't understand covenant the two have become one flesh do you know what we become with God one spirit flesh of his flesh and bone of his bone it's all about covenant and the only thing that sustains it is Jesus and if Jesus is absent if Jesus is there in theory it won't sustain it Jesus has to be present in intimacy to sustain it oh boy I've never shared this and it's so good I promise you this is the Lord he's such a good father we see this David saw it David in the wilderness he saw it he's out there with the Sheep a lion and a bear come to snatch a sheep Wow is it amazing once she gets attacked by a bear or the bear comes close to one sheep and because David David isn't covenant with God he takes out a bear that would not take just a little boy to take out because God it's God's battle see an absence of trust in the Lord it's your battle an absence in trust in the Lord it's now your battle it's not the Lord's anymore he's faithful he is our God he's our Father he's Jehovah daddy it's way more than knowing that he loves you it's actively being loved by the father but you have to feed you have to feed you have to break free of the pacifier see the pacifier will last for a while but pure hunger is only sad is only satisfied with the contentment if a Christ has created us to be it's amazing David knew his God covenant keeping God a bear comes David's like that's one sheep now it's only one out of all the sheep but it's a bear that's interfering with a covenant keeper so he kills the bear and then he tells his brothers and they're like whatever you're such a lion punk who care cup whatever you're making up stories David was conceived in iniquity David was a lot of people were conceived in iniquity but when you have a company keeping God a lion comes for a sheep a lion now I don't know if you've ever been around a lion before I went to Africa and I went I went on a safari and they took me in an open vehicle and I've never seen a lion I asked the guy I said man we didn't see any lines he's yeah because you said that you don't have fear wait till you see a lion I'm not afraid bro I'm never gonna die just Google be with Jesus well we approached these Lions and I I went and the line went and a female jumped up and faced the Jeep and was going to kill us now when I have covenant to but for a moment I couldn't bring David's out there no one's looking there's no one out there except him in the Sheep and a lion but David had such a covenant with God that it didn't matter what it was they weren't gonna touch the Sheep and that's how our Father is and that's how Jesus is because we are sheep of a shepherd the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for whom he can devour but if you're in covenant with God and you understand who you are the lion can't eat you so David takes this lion out because it's the Battle of the Lord it's not David's battle but he's been entrusted with sheep by his dad and he's entrusted with covenant by his God and in the Old Testament the grace that was for him in the Old Testament was so powerful that he knew his dad said your brothers are in war and I need you to take some bread and cheese to them okay dad so he takes bread of cheese to a battle and he's out there and he hears this man taunting the armies of the Lord so David says who's going to shut him up and his brothers get wind that Dave is there they don't care about the bread they didn't say thank you it wasn't about that they weren't grateful they weren't thankful and I get it it's Old Testament and they're not too happy David's the one that had the oil poured on him they're not happy brothers he went down the line David anointed one day but there's the process of him stepping into who he's created to be and what is created to do and every move that he makes is watched by his covenant keeping father so powerful so David said someone needs to shut him up and he says this he said this guy has no covenant he's an uncircumcised philistine why doesn't somebody take him out because look at him he's making us scared none of the Israelites knew their covenant or they would have ran across the field see fear is absent when the love of the father is present when the love of the father who's a covenant-keeping god who won't break it who satisfied everything on that tree everything to establish the reality of you and him forever ever forever David knew it and it's Old Testament and David knew it and it's amazing to me they said how are you gonna kill him and he goes to the saw it sounds like you're just a boy and he's a seasoned warrior he's killed so many people you're just a boy David yeah but I got God I got God period I killed the lion in the bear okay all right half my armor he's taunting David he knew that David couldn't fit in his armor do you know that you and I are to put on Christ you're supposed to have put him on and never take him off it's not like you put him on today and then oh yeah I'm a Christian you put him on tomorrow no you die so you can live you completely surrender so that his life becomes yours the same Holy Ghost that raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you and will quicken your mortal body not just for resurrection every second of every day he wants to quicken you quick and you make you more aware of his presence than the presence of a devil he wants to make you more aware but covenant-keeping god who's a huge God instead of having such a big devil see if we somewhere along the way have this thing where we believe that the devil is opposite of God and he's not he's the opposite of Michael and Archangel he's the opposite of Gabriel he is not the opposite of God he is not the opposite of our God it's not God and the devil are equal absolutely not God created man in His image and placed him in the garden and God's original plan is still gonna come to pass Jesus restored that which was lost [Applause] the God of peace will crush Satan under your feet soon the highest part of Hell is beneath the lowest part of us because we are the body of Christ that's not just a spiritual statement that's the truth of who we are but if we don't dive into covenant if we don't understand what covenant is marriages don't work families don't work ministries don't work it's always trying to step on another ministry to make yours bigger that's such a devil such a devil when we're supposed to work together and prefer one another and it says to let somebody consider another as greater than themselves when people come to me and they're like I want to go to Jesus school you know what I say please do it Michael's amazing it's gonna be awesome amazing well yeah but you have a university it doesn't matter there's a lot of people in the world imagine if there was an argument Wow mine mine mine man what you have will be taken from you try to hold on to what you have and it will be taken from him he who seeks to save how watch this he who seeks to sustain his own church even what you have will be taken covenant keeping God covenant keeping father he's amazing and David knew it David's like I can't wear this armor it hasn't been tested yet but the armor that David war has been destined so he knows that his God is there so when he comes out in the field I love that the army like they're all like all he's gonna die I promise oh he's dead his brothers are thinking finally serious there's brothers because of jealousy because of jealousy in the body of Christ Wow you know the Bible says about complaining jealousy all that stuff it says let it not even be named among you as is fitting for Saints that's us Saints holy set apart dreadlocks No David goes out there and he sees the giant the giant is sizing him up the giant has a shield bearer David's a boy she's a shield bearer sees this giant giant pointed that sort of David and said today I'm gonna deliver you up David goes I don't think so he's thinking inside Wow god I'm so glad that I'm in covenant with you this uncircumcised Philistine is taunting you when he's taunting me I know that you don't like that so I'm gonna settle it I'm just gonna grab a rock over here I just love you lord the Giants taunting him David's this boy this boy that knew his father that new God that was in covenant with God baffling to me it's astounding and it's Old Covenant and we're in a much better covenant with much better promises Jesus that has put us into a place where he restored us he reconciled us back to the Father don't be offended by Philistines don't be offended by what your boss says or what he even say don't be hurt by them they just don't know what they did Jesus settled it Jesus was an amazing covenant with a father and hanging on a tree flesh mutilated beyond anybody ever before why did he have to look like that he was unrecognizable why because he knew that by him becoming sin we would become the righteousness of God in him he knew that by him becoming unrecognizable to the father that God's kids kids once again become recognizable to the father so Jesus became unrecognizable so we could become recognizable reconciled reconcile means brought to the son of brought back to the original value and he looks at these people that don't have covenant that don't know anything the Romans he looks at the ones that beat him he looks at the ones that he came to die for that he came to die for Jesus hanging on a tree didn't get attitude and saying forget it I'm out of here they don't care about anybody but themselves look at them I came in here all I've done is love them I've healed them I've opened the eyes of the blind I've dead them lord I did it all everything you asked me to but I am NOT going any further fight somebody else for the job yet we as Christians get hurt and act that way kidding me no excuses no room none my job is to make you very accountable for the covenant keeping God that we serve my job is to make you way more accountable than when you walked into this building today so that you live with a burning personal conviction that Jesus is the model and he's the example that giant came for David coming across the ground I'm sure you heard his foot I'm sure everybody in the camp oh my gosh it's over but David I'm sure he charged and I'm sure he's faster than Goliath right there the rock was Christ the wind was the Holy Ghost boom and everyone watched as the dust settled when David went over cuz the shield-bearer took off buddy and the Philistines of what but David had to make sure that everybody knew that it was real so he took that sword out of that uncircumcised Philistines and the one that he pointed David he took the various sword that was pointed at him and I'm sure took a lot just to make sure and the army said and they remembered what kind of covenant they really had and God is looking for warriors God is looking for warriors that know their God and know the Covenant that they have he's not looking for us to be scared and shaking our armor he's looking for us with the helmet of salvation to be securing our identity he's looking for us with the breastplate of righteousness because we know that were the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus he's looking for us with a belt of truth around your loins girded with truth possessed by Jesus he's looking for you to know that we have a sword and it's illegal to go to bed with no blood on it he's looking for you to know that you have a shield of faith that's to guard from any darts that come your way there is no armor on your back we are supposed to have each other's backs he's looking for you to know the shot of peace shoes that you carry they have spikes on the bottom to dig in and never be moved backwards because there's no retreat no surrender and the kingdom of God is forcefully advancing and the violent take it but force he's looking for us to know who we are and who we serve so that we can set an example for the body of Christ that's afraid to run to run to run and not be afraid and bow to the gods of bail he's looking for us to feed on the right stuff so that we would know beyond a shadow of a doubt what is and what is not belonging to us in goodness and evil he's looking for a bride that knows the difference can discern between both good and evil he's looking for us to set the standard of what it looks like to truly follow Jesus and to be the real deal oh I can hear God who arrived who are on [Applause] who will run who will burn with zeal with mister who will burn with compassion who will not bow to a giant in the field that has no covenant can I get the worship team up here just for a few minutes my eyes feel like they're gonna blow out of my head you have no idea I just I feel his heart he's just he loves us He loves us tonight is gonna be a wrecking ball buddy I'm not kidding I got to go back to the coz our students are coming for a for a meet and greet I missed it and I'm gonna try to catch the end of it and say hi to everybody but then I'm coming back here to help lay hands on everybody tonight cuz I love you Michael Cooley honest I'll give my life for you brother I'm proud of you I will run with you forever we will thump the devil bro we're gonna raise a generation I'm glad you're coming to teach it in the school bro and I just committed the dates to come to your school and we will just keep doing it with flip-flop come at the same time boom boom boom boom boom boom come on know what I want to do I just want to worship Jesus intensely right now just intensely right now I want to worship Jesus with the reality of the Covenant that we stand in and tonight we're gonna lay hands on everybody right yeah I'm in so I'll be back to do this did you guys mind worshipping for a few minutes right now just to give God glory come on I don't know what you want to do but I'm King whatever just bring you
Channel: Todd White
Views: 157,518
Rating: 4.8741016 out of 5
Id: Mp3YGGwo9i8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 35sec (3935 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2019
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