Todd White - The Power of the Blood

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i want to talk about the power of the blood like we always talk about it that's right because there is nothing else i've seen a lot of prophetic words that have nothing to do with jesus and i'm not against prophetic i'm for it but if jesus isn't in it do you know there can be such a hunger in somebody to receive a prophetic word that they're more hungry for that prophetic word than they are for the word itself and one of those one of the things that stop you is your conscience see if your conscience isn't clean a prophetic word will make you feel better oh man i love the prophetic i love it with all my heart do you know that you can actually prophesy from an amazing gift and not know who you are do you know you can give the ultimate clear word to somebody because the gift of prophecy is on your life but you live with a guilty conscience and can't even stand your own self when you look in the mirror that's not okay i'm not after the prophetic i mean and destroy i love it with all my heart but you need the prophetic word confirmed in your heart with the day star rising inside i read it i did it this morning i did off my first teaching that actually wrote everything out it was a miracle you have no idea it was a miracle for me a miracle for me it's never happened you're like well yeah you have no idea if you live with me it's amazing it is i want to read some scriptures that i wrote down it's really important but it has to do with the conscience paul in 2nd corinthians chapter 1 verse 12 says our proud confidence is this the testimony of our conscience the testimony of our conscience that in holiness and godly sincerity not in fleshly wisdom but in the grace of god we conducted ourselves in this world especially towards you in acts 23 verse 1 says paul looking intently at the council says brethren i've lived my life with a perfectly good conscience before god up to this day acts 24 16. in view of this i also do my best to maintain always a blameless conscience before god and before men there's a lot in this have you ever heard when you're growing up like you've got a guilty conscience i live with a guilty conscience my whole life and when i got saved he took guilty sin consciousness out of me and he put sun consciousness in me living with a guilty conscience is the most horrible way to go through life guilt shame condemnation all byproducts of just a guilty conscience living sun consciousness is everything see jesus paid a price to change the inside see the blood of bulls and goats and the and the animal sacrifices that everybody would offer only cleansed externally sin for 365 days but inside the conscience was still condemned could never be free it's so important year after year after year blood sacrifice blood sacrifice animal sacrifice animal sacrifice but the conscience inside would still be guilty because because god wasn't pleased with animal sacrifices there's life in the blood leviticus states it so the blood offering it was consistent and it was constant and it had to be because life is in the blood no one will ever recreate the blood but the blood of animals he wasn't pleased with scripture tells us it's the blood of jesus see the blood of jesus goes internal man listen drugs alcohol everything all my twisted life everything i i did everything i had to have more of everything to make this thing okay but when the drugs stopped the alcohol stopped the porn stop the fantasy stop all that stuff making people laugh at other people's expense stop when that all stopped i was empty inside and guilty i was guilty i was condemned i was full of shame and all i did was hurt people because when you have a guilty conscience you push the line further and further and further and my life was that way second timothy 1 3 i thank god whom i serve with a clear conscience the way my forefathers did as i constantly remember you and my prayers night and day titus 1 15 to the pure all things are pure but to those who are defiled and unbelieving nothing is pure both their mind and their conscience is defiled first timothy 1 19 keeping faith and a good conscience with some which some have rejected and suffered shipwreck in regard to their faith first timothy 3 9 holding to the mystery of faith with a clear conscience it's all over the bible it's absolutely amazing you know in the old covenant there was no possible way to be clean in your conscience so even after the blood sacrifice even after the high priest went in to the holy of holies behind the veil even when he offered blood he still had a guilty conscience when he left there it was all about the works the way you did everything the ordinance of service you had to do everything perfect without messing up because if you messed up you died inside of the holy of holies crazy when we get born again when you give your life to god the reality of a clean conscience is yours but the devil doesn't stop when someone says yes to jesus he doesn't go man let's go find somebody else no no no you have the enemy of your souls that's that's on the earth tormenting people trying to get them to listen it says that my sheep will hear and obey my voice jesus says and the strangers they will not follow sometimes we're trying to go inside to get the voices to stop it's the thoughts it's a conscience that's not clean so what happens is we're trying to go inside to get it clean no only the blood goes inside to get it clean see the blood of jesus cleanses everything the word of god is alive sharp living and active able to separate your soul from your spirit the word of god comes in and it separates your spirit man your spirit and holy spirit man the word is so easy and your spirit is inflamed with the flame of god your spirit is so what happens is mind renewal starts but so many times the voices from outside become so much that they're just trying to hold on for another week and they go to service for another week listen to the pastors and say oh my gosh didn't that speak to you but leave the church and by the time you get to the restaurant that service is over and now you're being served and not your meal we can't afford to be a people that don't learn from him when he says come to me all of you who are weary and burdened down and come to me and i will give you rest then he says learn from me and you will find rest for your soul come to me and i'll give it to you now learn from me and you'll find rest wait a minute i came to you and you gave it to me i understand but if you don't learn from me you won't realize what you have it's amazing he didn't say learn from your pastor and you'll find rest come on coming up and and singing no more shackles no more chains i am free to run and being free for the beginning of your run is amazing but you're supposed to finish the race still in freedom those shackles are broken immediately when you say yes to jesus like the full gamut comes your way when you say yes when you get born again everything comes and everything that you need is already here but if you don't nurture the divine nature that you've been given you will entertain the carnal nature that you came out of daniel said it's so clear the other day i've never heard anybody explain it that way he said that when you get saved your spirit is renewed regenerated it's amazing amazing so you've got your spirit that's up here and you've got your flesh that's down here and he shared he goes you know we are mammals he said we're animal our flesh is animal it's animal-like so you have your soul that's in between i would like to say that your conscience is here your soul your conscience is here so what happens is when you entertain the things of the spirit all of a sudden your your mind your conscience starts to go and gravitate here but then you start to entertain carnality and then it goes back down and that is this tug of war tug of war but down here it's no fun oh it's no fun fantasies here drugs are here alcohol's here the way that seems right to a man is here that's not fun fun is living in the spirit fun is living in the freedom that christ paid a price for you to live in he didn't pay a price for you to just come to a building and and enjoy a service although it's awesome no we're not supposed to forsake the assembling together of ourselves why so that we can stir each other up in good works so that we can actually iron sharpening iron listen counseling is over when the counselor sets up home here oh gosh he's called the counselor he's called the helper the holy ghost he makes the blood real he enforces the victory of calvary see jesus said it is finished what was finished what was finished you trying to work your way to him was finished that's for sure because we could never get there you trying to walk out the law and your own strength to get to him was finished because we never could you trying to do this thing on your own was finished but we still try to do it because you got to look out for yourself nope it's not about looking out for number one it's about looking out for him and then he looks out for you but it's about submitting surrendering and saying you know what god your word is above your name the lord says that he has exalted his word above his name he's magnified his word above his own name god's name god's word that's amazing if god thinks that highly of it we probably ought to pay heed to that what if it's that easy see jesus said unless you become like a child you'll never get it if a child can get it we should be able to the only reason that we can't is because we're not denying ourself see a lot of people have picked up their cross but they haven't denied themselves so that it's not the one that jesus told you to carry denying yourself means to deny your flesh to deny the way that seems right to a man to deny to deny the way that you grew up to the not to deny the way that you that you thought like the very thinking process of a christian gets completely changed when the blood of jesus comes in oh romans 10 verses 5-10 moses writes that a man who practices the righteousness which is based on the law shall live by that righteousness but the righteousness based on faith speaks as follows do not say in your heart who will ascend into heaven that is to bring christ down or who will descend into the abyss that is to bring christ up from the dead but what does it say the word is near you in your mouth and in your heart that is the word of faith which we're preaching that if you confess with your mouth that jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved we all know that come on how many times have you heard it you got to believe in your heart confess them to your mouth brother be saved but what did you get saved from and if you got saved from something would you get saved too that better be clearly defined because if you got saved from sin then what did you get saved too hmm come on if you got saved from death would you get saved to life but what is life what is life if you still live with regret that's not life and that's definitely not abundant life how can you reign as a king in this new life that you've been saved to you have to know the life that you got saved from so if you can pinpoint what you got saved from and you understand what you got saved too there'll be no negotiation oh come on come on jesus please make it real come on the word of faith you confess with your mouth that jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved for with your heart you believe resulting in righteousness and with the mouth you confess resulting in salvation so you believe you believe in your heart and it's righteousness what is righteousness it's not just your position well i'm positionally right brother i know that yet you deal with guilt shame regret condemnation and all that stuff apparently your position is really small guilt shame and condemnation have nothing to do with righteousness it has to do with self-righteousness self-righteousness tries to put itself into the position of freedom but it's bondage jesus condemned it to hell the pharisees thought that they were all that in a bag of chips let me tell you i was reading matthew 23 today in my prayer closet not good it's called the eight woes it wasn't good he was calling it for what it was he said you travel over land and sea just to make a convert and then once you do you make them twice as much a son of hell as yourself that's from jesus that's not a sign that's from the lord how will you escape hell he said to these guys that were self-righteous thought that they were all that because they knew it all phylacteries long robes tassels beauty because they thought that the outside if it looked good the inside was good they thought that memorization got him in jesus said you study the scriptures because you think in them you have eternal life and it's these scriptures that testify about me it's not father son and holy bible even though the word is everything but if you don't see that the word is jesus the word is dangerous if you're just quoting scripture and finishing the end when i start but it hasn't had that catapulting effect to catapult sin out of your life regret out of your life shame out of your life we can't live in bondage well that's really good buddy with a heart you believe resulting in righteousness and with the mouth you confess resulting in salvation it's amazing so my heart sees it and i'm right with god what happens right then blood salvation soteria healed delivered set free the word saved sojou saved means healed delivered set free to be kept safe from harm to be kept safe and sound how can i say that i've got that if i'm still fearing that stuff that it says i'm saved from i think jesus knew what he was doing when he did it all right hebrews 9. i'm just going to read it through now even the first covenant had regulations of divine worship this is going to talk just a little bit about the high priest and how he went in prepared everything the table the lampstand the showbread which is all pictures of jesus he went in there and only once a year he would go behind the veil i mean when jesus said it was finished the veil toured something happened when jesus said it was finished the earth shook the veil tore and that bale separated god's people from god where the high priest would go in there once a year not without blood so i'm going to talk about that just a little and then we're just going to hit this again and then we're going to pray again okay you guys good now even the first covenant had regulations of divine worship and earthly sanctuary for there was a tabernacle prepared the outer one which was the lampstand the table and the sacred holy bread this is called the whole this is called the holy place but behind the second veil there was a tabernacle which is called the holy of holies having a golden altar of incense and the ark of the covenant covered on all sides with gold which was a golden jar holding the manna and aaron's rod which is butted which had butted the tables of the covenant in other words the ten commandments and above it were the cherubim of glory overshadowing the mercy seat set up like this the cherubim were facing each other and it was overladen with gold and then he says you know what of these things we can't now speak in detail now when these things have been thus prepared the high priest continually or the the priests were continually entering into the our top our outer tabernacle performing the divine worship but into the second only the high priest entered once a year only the high priest but not without taking blood which he offered for himself and the sins of the people committed in that the people committed in ignorance the holy spirit signified this that the way into the holy place was had not yet been disclosed while the outer tabernacle was still standing which is a symbol for the present time according to both gifts and sacrifices are offered which cannot make the worshiper perfect in conscience since they relate only to food and drink and various washings regulations for the body imposed till the time of reformation but when christ appeared as a high priest of the good things to come he entered through the greater and more perfect tabernacle not made with hands that is to say not of this creation and not through the bud the blood of goats calves and bulls but through his own blood he entered the holy place once and for all having obtained eternal redemption see when they would have this this day of atonement and offer blood the people's sins they were looking forward to it everybody brought their own animal without blemish without spot and when they brought it and the priest sacrificed it they knew that they were covered over for a year it was only covered over it was atoned for it was covered over but there was no way for them to get rid of guilt there was no way for them to get rid of shame there was no way for them to get rid of condemnation because the wages of sin is death the wages of sin is death so when jesus came and he hung on that tree god condemned sin in the flesh see the wages of sin is death somebody had to die so he who knew no sin became sin and died god oh my gosh so good see when jesus died on the tree and said it was finished sin died with him who sinned jesus never sinned whose sin was put on jesus why would the father put the sin on jesus so that you wouldn't have to live with it oh my gosh see when he did that on the tree he saw me he saw todd he saw what the world called trash i earned it he saw the murderous threats he saw the suicidal thoughts he saw the maneuvering he saw the manipulation he saw the horrible things that i had done he saw it when i say i had done because god is both past and future he saw it and i still was the joy set before jesus i was the joy set before him so he goes to calvary willingly lays himself out on that cross buddy no one took his life he freely laid it down because he knew that i was on the other side and when i say i i say you what does it mean that my sins and my lawless deeds he will remember no more what does it mean that he said this is the covenant i will make with them in that day their sins and their lawless deeds i will remember no more that is a loving father that so loved the world that he sent his son why because the animal sacrifices he didn't desire jesus said a body see nobody walked sinless nobody did it nobody live without sin nobody could do it nobody ever can but jesus pays the price for me to be set free see nobody can earn it that's i said it last night when we were down there at the at the water gardens which was beautiful the lady comes she's this adulteress she comes they drag her jesus is teaching it's in john 8 he's teaching in the temple he's teaching the people and the pharisees it's like it's not like jesus was caught by surprise this lady that is she's gonna die because the wages of sin is death and in the law if you're in adult if you commit adultery you're stoned to death period so she's earned it so they're dragging her through and jesus is there teaching the people i'm sure that when they approach jesus people kind of backed away oh my gosh what's happening they tried to trick jesus and they said moses says because she was caught in adultery we've caught her red-handed only one of them because it i it takes one to commit adultery i have a reason to believe that she was sleeping with a pharisee that's why the other one wasn't brought in because religion can't keep you [Music] i'll get crucified for that one that's all right i heard it from reinhardt i did when he said it i went oh my gosh jesus stooped over right on the ground believe he was writing out the commandments that none of them could follow and he says he is without sin throw the first stone and he's writing commandments from the oldest to the youngest they all drop their stones you would too tried to trap god jesus never said anything unless the father said it do you understand that he was so yielded to god that he never said anything unless the father said it he never did anything unless the father did it he was so yielded so the father said if you're without sin throw the first stone the father said that the law was given to moses so it was a law that the father gave are you hearing me but now god's son is on the earth and he's about to redeem all mankind and mercy is writing on the ground oh my gosh mercy is drawing on the ground mercy that doesn't want to condemn god didn't so loved the world that he sent his son to condemn the world he sent his son so that the world through him might be saved jesus came with the ministry of reconciliation not imputing trespasses against people and you and i have been given that same ministry the ministry of reconciliation and we are now ambassadors of reconciliation boy that changes things that takes religion and kicks it to the curb people say well you know you got to be careful that people are just going to sin no no no when you fall in love with god and the blood of jesus cleanses your conscience and you get something that you knew you didn't deserve and it's not just a little bit of confession but it's actually your whole life lived where you realize all the guilt all the shame all the sin all the tragedy all the mess that you created yourself god went not guilty slaps the gavel not guilty it's way more than a position it's the approval of a father see this lady comes before jesus when they're dragging her they drop their stones and everybody bails and jesus is there i can picture her on the ground looking at his feet everybody scatters says she stands up jesus says where are your accusers she deserved to die jesus says where are your accusers is there no enough to condemn you no one lord i don't condemn you either he's the only one that could have thrown the stone because he's the only one without sin oh we see a different jesus sometimes because we're brought up with religion and we're brought up with all kinds of stuff see when you encounter my king oh no when you encounter my king who doesn't give you what you deserve but took upon him what you deserved so that you could get what you never deserved when you encounter my king not just in theory but in intimacy and you realize that god really isn't holding it over your head and you realize that it's the crooked legged devil that keeps whispering to you trying to tell you who you're not and you come into intimacy and relationship with this living king he sets up his home inside of you it will give you a godly indignation where you will burn with jealousy for people to see what freedom looks like [Applause] i burn with a godly jealousy that people might finally see who god created them to be they might finally believe what they got saved to you would you get saved you got saved to a life of freedom you got saved to such a freedom we're only touching the tip of this what if there was no guilt left in you what if there was no shame left in you what if there was no condemnation it'd be a whole lot easier to witness pal because fear wouldn't be in you because the perfect love of god casts out all fear so you wouldn't be afraid what are you going to do kill me i'm never going to die i'm not kidding i'm never going to die all i'm gonna do is leave this tent and go be with jesus what you gonna do just push me into him but we don't think that way because we fear stuff man but jesus pays a price to set us free from fear guess who's responsible for fear the enemy why because he is deathly afraid buddy today might be his last day oh no see nobody knows when but we're closer now than we were when we started this meeting i can tell you that he's constantly trying to whisper i love my king the enemy is so finished in my life he has no voice no voice what would it be like if you woke up and he didn't have a voice anymore or when he did speak it just pushed you closer to the father when he said well you should have never done that father i thank you so much the blood of jesus has made me so clean what could he do i'm so serious i'm people are looking at me because like they're like you're you're crazy no this is called lovesick i so love him that i will trumpet the truth of the cross every day of my life until i leave this tent and my blood will cry out oh god one more oh let me just read this how much more will the blood of christ who through the eternal spirit offered himself without blemish to god cleanse your conscience from dead works to serve the living god i i promise you right now that this is the number one issue the devil's trying to blind you from i promise he's not after you come into a building he's not after you singing loud he's after you ever finding out what the blood has done because when you find out what the blood has done it silences the stranger's voice and when he speaks it's so exposed by the truth when he whispers it makes you chuckle oh i'm not kidding instead of going oh my god i can't when he whispers oh no jesus you're so good i'm so serious guys there is nothing else like it is the blood or bust there's really nothing else hebrews 10 for the law since it was only a shadow of good things to come and not the very form of these things or and not the very form of things can never by the same sacrifices that they offer continually year by year this is animal sacrifices make perfect those who draw near otherwise they would have not they would have ceased to been offered because the worshippers once they would have been cleansed would have no longer had to have a consciousness of sin in other words the animal sacrifices never cleansed the conscience from sin because if that worked they wouldn't have kept doing it but they kept doing it but when jesus was sacrificed there is no more sacrifice for sin because it's already done but in these sacrifices there was a reminder of sin year after year for it's impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sin john the baptist behold the lamb of god that covers over our sin wrong behold the lamb of god the take of the way the taketh away [Applause] if we would get that if we would get that what if you went to bed with a clean conscience tonight do you have any idea what your relationship at night with the lord would be like if your conscience was clean do you know what your prayer life would be like in the morning when your conscience is clean waking up do you know what your mirror would be like do you know what it'd be like to look in the mirror and see jesus staring back at you staring back at you the land the eye is the lamp of the body if your eye is single your whole body is full of light you are meant to house light only no darkness you are meant for your soul and your conscience to be so clean that it gravitates towards the spirit consistently that your flesh loses its voice to where your flesh has no voice anymore to where you use this vessel that god gave you for god ability to where you actually use your hands and your feet unto the lord you use your mouth as unto the lord you use your ears as unto the lord you use your eyes as unto the lord and everything you do you do it unto the lord and not for people to where you become a vessel sanctified set apart for the master's use a golden vessel one that's been tested by fire tested by fire do you know what happens when you put somebody on fire in a fire nothing when you put a burning one in the fire you come out with a crisper sharper more awareness of god's presence his goodness his glory his goodness and the way that he shows up in that fire and you come out without smelling like smoke with an amazing revelation the people that saw you in there are freaked out because you came out unscathed and just like jason said in life 20 years of that people can't even handle it man like he doesn't move he doesn't bow he doesn't change he doesn't shift he's he's consistent that consistence is none of this world i must have your jesus that's what happens jesus paid a price to cleanse your conscience from dead works to serve god he paid a price for your conscience to be clean for you to look in the mirror and not see yesterday but for you to see what he's done for you the cross is the greatest victory that ever could be and never will be jesus is the same yesterday today and forever there is none like you no one else can touch my heart like you do i can sing for all eternity long because there is none like you if you're here and you've got a conscience that's filthy and you'd like it to be clean i would love for you to come up here right now come on jesus jesus
Channel: Todd White
Views: 29,497
Rating: 4.9097223 out of 5
Id: 9ZWjhaqQvkU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 26sec (2486 seconds)
Published: Mon May 10 2021
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