Todd White - Be Silent & Be Still

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[Music] i was in a worship meeting i think last week and it was sitting there we were just talking amongst the worship team a bunch of them that come and help and and one of the worship leaders said i'm trying to learn how to distinguish when god comes in the room when he comes in as a father when he comes in as a lover when he comes in as a friend and i was like oh my gosh that's good help me he's like no i'm just learning god that was crazy i really felt in my heart that like he wants to come as a friend today because i really need discernment i don't ever want to do what he's not doing i don't want to say what he's not saying because you could say anything in this bible and it's what god said but he only breathes upon what he's saying like if i'm doing devotions and i'm just going about a normal day of devotion i've got to get it in there's no breath he needs to breathe on this if you read this and the author's not present you get nothing from it so when i read this he has to be present when i'm when i'm growing i can't afford to cerebrally say i understand that when the scripture is mentioned i can't afford to be so quick to quote the end that i don't hear the meat that's in there being still is really hard because when we're still it's like it gets louder it's not uncommon it's it's the scattered it's the scatteredness of this this mind that's always going because we're problem fixers we want to solve it we want to fix it and to be still and know that he is lord is one of the hardest things to do yet once you arrive there it's the easiest place to stay my journey in this gospel has been amazing and i am so thankful and i'm so grateful for foundations that god has laid through righteousness and purity and holiness and that is never drifting anywhere it is steadfast i am so grateful for not being condemned guilty or ashamed to live a life free from condemnation i have lived that way for 16 years it hasn't shifted it hasn't gotten less one day it's gotten more intense but i found that in my in my prayer time because i really want to go after this such a big deal like if i were to ask for a show of hands of how many people think that their prayer life couldn't improve if you don't raise your hand something's wrong like i'm in a deeper place of prayer and union with jesus i've ever been but i'm just touching the surface i'm going to spend eternity with the one that i'm communing left with and i'm going to learn so many different things about him but him being a friend that wants to reveal it to me as another friend yes he's my father but jesus says i know you'll no longer call you servants but i'll call you friends so being a friend of god that song i am a friend of god it's like a happy bouncy joyful song it should make you cry your guts out because he's a loving father but he's a faithful friend and he's a lover that will never let you go and so for me for years i i sought the lord and i and i and i would hear the you know i would hear the mary and martha i would hear that story so many times the just the word and yeah martha's just so busy about everything and we need to sit at the feet of jesus and and i get it but i wasn't sitting i was squatting i was squatting at the feet of jesus because i had stuff to do lord i'm here i'm here speak to me lord sometimes we go to god and we go listen father your servant is speaking instead of speak lord your friend is listening i was squatting at the feet of jesus i didn't know how to sit but i had a great relationship and i knew the foundation of righteousness and i knew how amazing god was i knew he'd forgiven me much and i loved much and and i loved with everything i knew how to love but recently he's tore apart my guts he took the razor blade of his truth and scraped the inside of my heart he cleaned the inside of my cup and my cup wasn't filthy with stuff it was just cluttered with busy so that i could finally sit at his feet drink from the cup in his hands and i'm so grateful for this love that he's shown me and with everything in me i want to try to share it i'm intrigued with the fact that god is always speaking he's the word but if we can't learn to be silent and we can't learn to be still he's speaking but we're on the wrong frequency we're on the world's frequency trying to hear a heavenly frequency that can only be heard in stillness and i can't afford to be searching the word to find something to speak i can't afford to be reading this so that i can gosh what do you want me to say lead me lord he doesn't want you to be led to something to say he wants to lead you besides still water still waters still he wants us to know him as the comforter he wants us to know him as a shepherd you know eric gilmore was here last week and then he came in and did a special uh a special time with the staff and we spent from nine o'clock to four o'clock and he did what's called a school of his presence but the majority of the time we all just got quiet it was amazing it was so beautiful but eric was sharing with the school the other day he was talking about a shepherd and he was talking about having met this lady that was a shepherd literally shepherd of sheep and she was sharing some different things about sheep and she made the he made she made this comment to eric and she said that when a sheep goes astray or when she walks away if that sheep would fall down they literally lay on their back and it's impossible for them to get up so a sheep will literally lay there and then eric said that she told him that as the sheep's laying there they're immediately filled with hopelessness and they think they're gonna die they wait to die immediately i'm like oh my gosh sounds like the church and the blood leaves their legs and goes back into their body and and they're laying they're just ready to die it sounds like a silly picture so when a shepherd picks them up they can't just set them on the ground because of fall again because there's no blood in the legs so in order to get the sheep's blood flowing again the shepherd holds the sheep close oh my god my god that's the gospel because that's what god's doing he's holding me close because not knowing it i was on my back busy with life busy with stuff but he's a good father and a good shepherd and he's beautiful i shared something at the school last week i can't get past it so i want to talk about it today i just can't i can't get over it it has to do with your nighttime how many of you could use a better night how many of you could use a better night because sometimes our nights are they just get hijacked are you with me like you're doing good you're having a great day you're going about and you're busy just going about your day and you feel your you fill your time with stuff to get through and then all of a sudden it's time to go to sleep and it takes a little while to shut off and then you then you finally shut off and then i remember a season in my life just last year where i was awake like it was gosh it was like 12 13 14 times a night i would just get up and it was panic for no reason panic i'd jumped out of bed and i couldn't breathe and i'm like like i it was this weirdest thing it was this huge attack because your knights actually don't belong to you they belong to him but i found this in scripture and i just want to talk about it here real quick and then hopefully i'll get through because i have a lot of things with my heart you guys okay um going to get rid of the first book and then we'll read the whole way through for revelation just kidding my heart cry here is to kick start you into intimacy my heart cry is to take every stumbling stone and every every rock of offense everything that consistently stands in your way between you and unadulterated intimacy with the lord it's where you can be in a constant communion in love with him in everything that you do so that everything you say and everything you do is unto him in your communion relationship and life becomes a byproduct of intimacy it's where your life becomes the just jesus isn't just second place he's not incorporated jesus is the number one focus at all times and we turn our eyes upon jesus look full in his wonderful face and the things of this world will grow strangely dim in the light of his glory and grace so that everything we do we're constantly like you're at work turn your eyes upon jesus so that we can gaze at him and learn what it means to truly adore him to behold the lamb that was slain behold him in all of his glory and all of his goodness so that all day long no matter what you're doing your soul drifts straight back to the savior that's the goal that's the goal of christianity when you read through this and you look at the life of jesus his gaze was continually upon the father when you look at his life of prayer you look at he lifted up his eyes or he lifted up when he when he distributed the food he lifted up and he gave thanks he he his gaze was constant with just one look everything changes because that one look is so enticing and so heart hooking that there's no way for you to look away if you truly get a gaze just a oh my god and to some it's so weird because guilt and shame and condemnation and life and mistakes and failures and all of a sudden yesterday's failure carries in tomorrow and then we can't get over yesterday and if you can't get over yesterday you're going to mess up today and if you mess up today now you've got yesterday and today to deal with tomorrow so it's the cycle this wheel of a lie that keeps turning a hamster wheel that really isn't there it's fake in the world but not of it so minded so mindful of him that this stuff becomes easy because nothing can take you away from this and your love for him is completely eclipsed by his love for you and all of a sudden you're trying to one up him on that eclipsing love but he always one-ups you and then the ladder of love is climbed it's so good people look he's flaky no i'm in love but by the world standards i've lost it but in god's standards i've gained it all because if i've lost this life i've found it but if i seek to save it like the world says i've lost it what profit would it be for me to gain everything and lose this no i need to find this so that everything doesn't have me because if i have him and he has me and i see him as a faithful friend as a most beautiful father one that his gaze never looks away from me and he's always proud of me even in mistakes he's proud of me that i see that it was a mistake and i can turn my gaze to him again am i saying he's happy with sin no but when i obey my conviction that thing won't have the right to touch me again because my gaze will catch his and love increases and as my love increases the thought about going this way is completely taken away by the hope of my heart that's facing this way it's called relationship it's called love okay bear with me i'm going to take us on a little bit of a teaching trip because i got to get there and i've got 18 minutes to do so if any of you believe in miracles now is the time something has shifted with my night where my nights have become the most amazing place see my brain shuts down when i sleep my brain isn't awake even though it is it's not my heart's awake so i found that my heart is more awake at night than it is during the day yours is too i want you to see how god designed this to work that we've kind of because of how we've grown up because of culture because of calendars because of all that how we've kind of reinvented the wheel that god invented to begin with it says in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth genesis 1 1 the earth was without form and void and darkness was on the face of the deep and the spirit of god was hovering over the face of the waters then god said let there be light and there was light and god saw the light that it was good and god divided the light from the darkness and he called the light day and the darkness he called night i know we know that but i want to share something that i just saw the other day actually when i was teaching at lcu it was crazy i'm like oh my gosh it's there it says god called god divided the light from the darkness god called the light day and the darkness he called night then he says so the evening and the morning were the first day he did not say the morning and the evening were the first day the evening is the beginning of your day it's so weird to the natural mind because that's not true no i wake up that's my day why because we're just getting over yesterday and then the next morning it's a new day brand new day a brand new day yay a brand new day i'm glad started with you but what if you went to sleep that way your mornings would be completely different see when i go to sleep at night god's teaching me that when i lay my head on the pillow it's his heart when i go to sleep at night i mean my wife says i have two speeds high enough it's true like i've always from the majority of our lives together when i hit the pillow i'm done i could be in the middle of conversation gone i'm serious i could be talking to to my wife about something and i'm out i'm just shoot gone i'm sure it's a gift but i don't believe that that gift is just for me i believe scripturally it's for all of us this is so powerful that if we get it what if when you went to bed all your worries and all your cares it says today in matthew 6 in matthew 6 33 it says seek ye first the kingdom of god right and his righteousness and all these things will be added to you that's what luke even said when he was out here it is but at the end of that it says don't worry about tomorrow for tomorrow has enough don't be concerned because tomorrow like is tomorrow but today has enough of its own well if your today is over tonight because it's really the beginning gosh if this sinks in it's going to rock your life what if everything that you've gone through that one day that you're that you're living and dealing with what if when you go to bed at night it's actually the beginning of a brand new day let me read it again because some of you are looking at me like a horse at a new gate for real like you're like that's just stupid it's not daytime what does daytime have to do with god saying then there was evening and morning one day isn't he the one that created daytime did he create darkness too it says let there be light and there was light and it was good god divided the light from the darkness he called the light day and the darkness he called night do you know that god created everything do you know that darkness existed because god created it and then he created light darkness rules the so whenever you see something you see the contrast between light and darkness you see the yin and the yan you see the the good and the bad you see all that stuff and there are so many things that bombard the soul about night how many people have been afraid of the dark dude when i was a kid i was petrified of the dark i hated the dark i was good nighttime i ain't going in there how many people sit on their bed as kids when we're kids and pull the covers up and think that you're safe what do covers have to do with being safe what if your kids learned that they were covered what if god was your blanket what if his presence was everything there is no darkness to the lord there's nothing dark you can't hide in the dark from god there isn't a demon that's able to hide in the dark from the lord he sees it all and he wants to give you his eyes there is nothing that night can do and take away from you yet all my life i was petrified of the dark and then i'd watch horror movies to top it all off like in horror movies dracula doesn't come out in the daytime he dies in the daytime because the sun will fry him in the daytime we're cultivated by this stuff our whole life man darkness is different come on then as christians we're we're taught that man it's really dark in there man christian lingo man when i went in there it was just dark and cold and being consumed with darkness is not understanding the essence of light there is nothing there's gosh there's no boogie man are you with me this is crazy if you see this everything changes look i'm just gonna just just i've got some scriptures that i wrote down just listen to this psalm 17 2-3 david says lord i always live my life before your faith so examine and exonerate me vindicate me and show the world i'm innocent for in a visitation of the night you inspected my heart and refined my soul in fire until nothing bile was found in me i've wanted my words and my ways to always agree he says at night you inspected my heart and refined my soul at night when i closed these eyes when i'm going to sleep god is up all night job 33 15 said in deep sleep when men slumber upon their bed the lord seals up the instruction he does this so that no haughtiness or no pride can get in the way do you know that your mind is constantly thinking constantly reeling constantly rolling constantly trying to figure it out but when you're asleep god can finally have his way with you so that he can refine your soul with fire when the children wandered around the wilderness what kept them at night what kept them at night it kept them warm but what did it do it lit it up man what was it a pillar of fire why because our god is a consuming fire god wants that same pillar of fire to be within you and upon you when you sleep oh god here it is job 33 15-17 in a dream in a vision of the night when sound sleep falls upon men while they slumber in their beds he opens the ears of men and seals their instruction that he may turn aside a man from his conduct and keep him from pride that's pretty cool how many of you when you go to bed say lord this is yours tonight as i sleep my knot is yours how many of you heard this well god's gonna be up all night he never slumbers do you think he cares about you do you think about that care going away when you sleep at night and just coming back up in the morning do you think he's like all right they're finally sleeping now i can move on to somebody else no your mind can't get in the way so when you sleep at night your heart is actually more awake at night because it's not being it's not being run into a wall by your brain you are at the most vulnerable place of your life at night and if you give your night to god the enemy has no right to touch you do you know that jesus oh my gosh oh never mind let me just let me oh god this is not good psalms 42 verse 8 the lord will command his loving kindness in the daytime and his song will be with me in the night a prayer to god to the god of my life so his song will be with me in the night psalm 63 i lie awake each night thinking of you and reflecting on how you help me like a father i sing through the night under your splendor shadow offering up to you my songs of delight and joy i'm energized every time i enter your heavenly sanctuary to seek more of your power and drink in more of your glory for your tender mercies mean more to me than life itself how i love to praise you god daily i will worship you passionately with all my heart my arms will wave to you like banners of praise i overflow with praise when i come before you for the anointing of your presence satisfies me like nothing else you are such a rich banquet of pleasure to my soul verse 8 says with passion i pursue and gling to you because i feel your grip on my life i keep my soul close to your heart psalm 91 you will never worry about an attack of demonic forces at night nor have to fear a spirit of darkness coming against you don't fear a thing whether by night or by day demonic danger will never trouble you nor will the powers of evil launched against you psalm 127 verses 1 and 2 unless the lord builds the house they labor in vain who build it unless the lord guards the city a watchman keeps awake in vain it is vain for you to rise up early to retire late to eat the bread of painful sorrows or painful labors for he gives to his beloved even in his sleep so many times we go to bed thinking about the work that we've done the day before because we have the same kind of work coming the next morning so our pre-planning is invaded all night long and then when we wake up we have to hit the snooze but we can't because we got to get there and all of a sudden the rush to create the rush to build the rush to do their to do what we got to do takes away the reality of the sweetness of sleep we can't afford to be in a place where our sweetness is taken away by rambunctiousness proverbs 3 24 you will sleek like a baby safe and sound your rest will be sweet and secure i don't know about you but when the baby's out they're out last night i put asher to bed and we have this we go back and i pray with him and he tucks his head in my shoulder and we just pray and i lay him down he goes night night night i mean he screams it's the cutest thing ever night night he screams sometimes he'll stand up in his bed night he will i'll close the door night night really he's screaming night night i'm like i love you night night but last night i put him in bed and i took him off my shoulder he was done and the lord spoke to me i sent him down i told my wife i said boy asher was really out the lord spoke to me and he said that's how you sleep because i put you right inside of my neck right against my chest i said lord everybody needs this this has changed my life why because when i go in the morning to be with jesus i don't carry yesterday with me when i go into my closet every day i'm coming out of this place this deep place with the lord and out of that deep place with the lord i enter into a place to where my heart has been awake all night with him my heart is still awake my brain tries to enter in when i come into my prayer room but it's settled by my heart that's been in union with him at night he wakes me up in the middle of the night i'll just and he'll be ministering to me he'll be preaching to me and it'll be so significant i'm like oh my gosh that's amazing seeing no no and it drifts away when my eyes open because my brain tries to figure it out he's ministering to me as i'm sleeping how glorious is that because i'm his friend but he tells his secrets to his friends but the secrets that he tells to his friends he conceals so that you don't blurt them out to everybody before they're ready so i'm like lord no no no no no no no no please please please please please please and it drifts away like i wake up and he's preaching to me he's sharing his heart with me oh my gosh that's i'll wake up that is amazing no and it goes away it's gone where'd it go somewhere in here baking it's still in the dough it's still it still has to rise it's in the oven every night he's baking more stuff he's putting more stuff in there and that stuff is him his love he's given me a different language it's the most amazing i tell people you know i've told you all it's like a kindergartner trying to share calculus and when i and when i mean i mean that i did not pay attention in high school my english was the worst subject ever so i didn't pay attention to learn big words so now i'm writing and i'm like oh my gosh that's amazing and i don't have the words to put down in what i'm experiencing and what he's doing with me gosh i want to try to read one to you are you good okay oh gosh oh my gosh here's one last night i found myself being awakened by the presence of the one that never sleeps each time this happened i was in a heightened awareness that he was upon me i was in several different dreams and out of each one he would wake me as if we were in a part that i was ministering to people men and women in the context of freedom and deliverance where there was a definite solution for each one it was as if he was answering the heart of the issue with his words coming from another place yet all the while using my voice in my body to do so each time i woke up i was so hungry to go back in my prayer room but he urged me to stay in bed upon that command i was wide awake each time recognizing my need for sleep and his deep awareness of my need thrilling thrilling sensations of glory followed for how long i don't know i would drift off to sleep totally aware of his presence multiple times this happened the alarm went off and as i stepped on the floor my senses became very aware of my need to meet with him to meet with the one that was in the inner chamber of my closet that is now turning into a place of a love feast that has a table already set when i get there each time i arrive he showers me with his abundant love and magnetic ability to keep me i say magnetic because of it and because it is as if he's drawing me into his person as i yield each moment to him as i lean upon my beloved every cell of my person seems to be utterly connected to him each cell crying out more more this is why you're created this is why you're alive this joy of encounter this love unequal by anything or anyone this equal yoke of eternal bliss this unity of heart spirit and mind and body the ultimate goal is to sustain unbroken fellowship each moment throughout the day with love himself giving myself as freely as he did for me this is wholly beautiful i am fearfully and wonderfully made i am his may your awareness of him be hastened with exceeding expectation today have a great day i'm writing these amazing i don't even know they're just morning devotions and they're changing my life i'll read back and i'll go oh my gosh that was so good lord i'll go in my closet and i'll just read one and go oh and i know i wrote them but i really didn't write them it's as if i'm typing and he's doing it but i'm typing my encounter with him so special are you guys okay i'm almost done i just want to just want to read another this was i think this was yeah this was saturday this morning is the finest day ever every day it's getting better and better like every day it's like the best day ever i'm so serious like it's crazy i wake up doesn't matter how yesterday was today's the best day ever and yesterday was good but today is going to be better because better doesn't depend upon what i'm going through better depends upon who's going through me better doesn't depend on what i'm going through better depends upon who's going through me consistently going through me he loves us guys like ridiculously abundantly beyond what you can ask or think this morning's the finest day ever the joyful celebration of the reuniting of two lovers this heart and spirit have been intertwined in a constant love feast of revelation and mystery revealed for the past six hours at the beginning of the day when i went to sleep last night upon his heart my pillow you guys can go to bed how you want this is how i'm gonna roll but i don't believe this is for just me and it shouldn't be like your brain going this doesn't make any sense i've been brought up that the morning's the beginning it doesn't make any sense it doesn't make any sense to the natural mind nothing in god makes sense to the natural mind nothing makes sense nothing like you're a brand new creation we get born again that does not make any sense because you're still the same person when you look in the mirror unless your lamp has changed and you're looking into brand new eyes because your eyes are looking at it from another perspective your eyes now look at life through an eternal perspective not a yesterday's a bummer perspective the good news always prevails and always eclipses any bad news freedom's focus upon me is becoming more and more concentrated as this life that's not of this world goes on what used to be a very disciplined routine and regimented duty of seeking him has now been washed away now the alertness of my heart that's burning is very aware that he is and has been seeking me so intimately the closet the closet that only has a purpose when it becomes the secret bridal chambers for my love has a very constant alluring pull to it it seems to almost has its own voice have its own voice that is very seductive beckoning me from my full attention when the doors open to the chambers where he has patiently waited for me to cast every other lover aside to be with him the fullest satisfaction that his this world has to offer is so far beneath his embrace worship becomes a dance to where my feet are upon his his lead his heartbeat and mind become one nothing separates this father from his child the world is forgotten quicker and quicker as i'm literally swallowed in his love all ambitious for ambitions for every other thing have been greatly scraped away from me and have lost their voice altogether not even the slightest guilty voice is heard from the taskmaster of works that once sounded similar to the fathers that which used to be similar has been separated so completely and accurately because of the awakening of my soul that's been anchored steadfastly in his overwhelming love for me self-control has been so securely fixed on his voice that every other contending voice has lost their right to speak the time to be alone with the lover of my soul is uninterrupted uninterrupted fellowship and unbridled love it's the most important oh gosh it's the most important plunge anybody could ever take high diving into his heart with no need to come up for air because he becomes my breath swimming in his sea of love worries just float away basking in his presence washed so clean by his redemption fully alive and fully aware of his ever-looking eyes that have amazing plans and a wonderful future for me nothing can extinguish the embers of my heart that burned for him he has blown upon them with his love and i'm forever changed today let him set your soul on fire for intimate love exchange he burns and yearns for you open up and let him in you can't go wrong with what is altogether right have a great day oh my goodness i just want to read one song and they'll be done sorry gosh hey if you guys get done before me that's i love you have a great day [Music] i just want everything because my my my heart cried out for a long time and my soul cried out but my physical body is crying out toward every cell of my being is crying out for more it's not just here it's not just here it's everywhere my flesh yearns for him my flesh people are like well your flesh is evil no i would beg to differ your mind has to do something for your flesh to follow gosh in order for this flesh to be sinful my mind has to premeditate it are you with me if my mind is fixed on jesus the last thing i want to do is cause my hand to sin lust is completely taken out taken out when you find the one that satisfies everything when you find the one that's completely content with you gazing at him he fulfills your every need and your physical hunger is far eclipsed by your spiritual hunger and your flesh starts to hunger in a different way i'll lose people on this one i know well it doesn't matter i'm living it i love it my physical hunger to feed this body with food is eclipsed to where my very life is becoming nourished by him and him alone food is great but i will not live to eat i will live to love but eating physical food only takes you so far we have to eat living bread and we have to drink living water i do communion every day and it's completely wrecking me in the most beautiful of ways okay this is psalm 63. oh god you're my god this is the uh well let me just let me read the passion translation they're all good they're so good oh god of my life i'm love sick for you in this weary wilderness i i thirst with the deepest the deepest longings to love you more with cravings in my heart that can't be described such yearning grips my soul for you my god other translations see my heart and my flesh cry out for you the living god i'm energized every time i enter your heavenly sanctuary to seek more of your power to drink in more of your glory for your tender mercies mean more to me than life itself how i love and praise you god daily i worship you passionately with my whole heart with my arms they will wave to you like banners of praise i overflow with praise when i come before you for the anointing of your presence satisfies me like nothing else you are such a rich banquet of pleasure to my soul i lie awake each night thinking of you reflecting on how you help me like a father i sing through the night under the splendor shadow offering up to you songs of delight and joy with passion i pursue and cling to you because i feel your grip upon my life i keep my soul close to you oh god okay dag i'm messed up oh i can't do it you'll never get out of here oh yeah oh my okay one more one more just one sorry oh gosh okay this is jesus in the lord's prayer this is on the night that he was going to be taken in verse 13 this is the amplified classic jesus says now i'm coming to you i say these things while i'm still in the world so that my joy may be made full and complete and perfect in them that they may experience my delight fulfilled in them that my enjoyment may be perfected in their own souls that they may have my gladness in them filling their hearts what kind of joy do you think jesus had this is jesus praying before he's getting ready to like be completely sold out betrayed separated from god completely separated and jesus held his joy even knowing what was coming he said that we would experience his perfect joy experience his delight fulfilled the enjoyment that he carries may be perfected in our souls that we may have gladness what kind of gladness the joy of gladness the gladness that jesus carried i would like to also remind you that this is also the beginning of the next day and if anybody knew the way the days were set up it was the lord so this is night time this is when jesus prayed he's about to be delivered he's about to be betrayed he's about to go into the garden of gethsemane and that word gethsemane actually means olive press he's about to be squeezed like never before if your joy isn't present in the midst of the squeeze what comes out of you will not be the lord we have to see that we were the joy set before jesus this is why he pursued the cross the cross didn't pursue him you were on the other side and if we'd see the reality of the heart cry of heaven and god's concentrated focus on only you if we would see that it would captivate our heart because we would see that god so loved the world that he gave his son and when jesus came here the devil didn't take his life he laid it down because you were the joy set before them and even when they ripped his flesh apart even when they mutilated jesus and ripped him to shreds you were still the joy set before him and as he held the whipping post and his body was ripped apart you were in his mind and he wouldn't let you go because you were in his focus because god was completely focused upon you it pleased the father to bruise the son it pleased god for jesus to go through that so that we wouldn't have to and he did it for our healing and he did it for the body of christ to come into such unity and to come into like-mindedness but what good would unity be if we didn't have intimacy first we would get our joy from fellowship instead of our joy from two fellows being on the same ship a.w tozer wrote this book the pursuit of god and i've been totally i've been awestruck by this man wrote this book in like a seven hour period it is life changing man the author that he was and he talks about he talks about a hundred people and then he talks about a hundred pianos if each piano if you have 100 pianos but they're all tuned to the same note so if we as christians would be all tuned to the same father to the same love to the same joy to the same heart to the same friend to the same father to the same lover we would have true unity because if intimacy doesn't start first unity will take a place of intimacy and we can't afford to have everybody come together but us not have him when we do do you ever go to a party and there's a lot of good people there and there's not a lot of cuss words there's not any beer there's no alcohol there's no none of that stuff but we're not talking about jesus we're just talking about stuff that's not a good party that's not a good party do you ever hear christian music that is that like i mean it's good because there's no cuss words in it but it's not christian music it's pop music without cuss words that's not what we need did you ever hear a rap song that's a christian rap song and you may not like it so you're listening to lyrics well there's nothing bad in there go ahead kids i'm promising you that if it's not gospel oriented it's no good for your kids yeah but there's no cuss words in it there's no gang stuff in it yeah but what good is happy-go-lucky when you don't have the lord god your joy can't afford to come from good stuff from happy day a happy day is not happy unless he's the host all those good things in the world can't cloud what's rightfully his and that's you you can have happy stuff and good stuff and live a so so life there's no fire on it there's no lavishing love on it man i want to pour my guts out i want my life to become the alabaster jar broken at his feet i want him to know that i can't do this without him but i need him to know with my nights when i go to sleep god this is your night train my soul when i sleep because you're going to be up all night i give my night to you and you're going to seal up the instruction from the day lord my brain's going to sleep my heart is wide awake and in love with you speaking to me lord your friend is listening and he covers you with his presence and he loves you so well that when you wake up you don't wake up on the wrong side of the bed and if you do you just didn't go to bed with jesus well have a bad day a bad moment maybe take it captive take it captive say lord that thing tried to take me but it can't because you have me if your nights have been troubled and have been thronged by darkness and if you feel that your nights have been stolen from you and you would like to have them back i would love to have you stand right now so we can pray over you the devil's a thief he comes to steal kill and destroy he comes to steal your night so he can kill your day he comes to steal your night so he can kill your day fatigue going through the day with fatigue because you didn't rest is no fun insomnia is horrible i don't believe it's just insomnia like we've named it i believe it's the devil trying to rob you i want to get some people around them we're going to pray right now and we're going to believe jesus that when you go to sleep tonight you lay your head on the heart of the father you mean the world to him you mean the world to the father he is so excited he's really happy he's not angry jesus drank the cup of wrath so that your cup could overflow not with wrath with a great love father we thank you for each person standing right now we love you and we give you honor and glory we thank you for the soul becoming quiet before you god i thank you in jesus name that our nights would be captivated by your goodness and your mercy that god you would speak to us as we sleep that you would share your secrets with your friends god i thank you that no terror at night will touch you no fear of darkness will captivate you just even that fear of darkness would be washed away would be completely annihilated completely crushed extracted and that tonight [Music] we would sleep in perfect peace because you're a perfect father god we worship you we thank you i thank you that medications that are necessary for sleep that tonight would be the first night medication free [Music] that sleeping medicine would not be necessary [Music] because the joyful heart is good medicine [Music] lord i ask you to whisper i ask you to share [Music] father i ask you for your presence to so blanket people that they wouldn't have to hide undercovers because you would cover them with you we love you we give you glory we give you honor we give you praise jesus there's none like you [Music] jesus there is none like you we worship you we thank you we thank you we thank you perfect peace perfect rest he gives to his beloved sleep rest in jesus name in jesus name
Channel: Todd White
Views: 78,516
Rating: 4.8679247 out of 5
Id: EfN4yQGoyfQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 37sec (3637 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 19 2020
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