Todd White - Stop Sitting on the Fence

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I am really, really, really refreshed I get to live in a place of relationship with Jesus. My day today was crazy to get here. Flights were All weird and that wasn't happening the way that we wanted it to. So I had to I called a a good friend of mine that lives in Chattanooga his name is JR. Stand up JR say "Hi" to the people. Yay! And he was able to pick me up there so that I could make it here and I got here at 7 o'clock. To the hotel at 7 o'clock. Yay! It wasn't a stressful thing I wasn't freaking out I have got the great privilege of knowing of knowing who Jesus says I am I spend my life inside of the Word I don't get outside. I don't take in all kinds of different doctrines I just don't believe in that I believe that Jesus says in the last days there will be people with itching ears and they will want to hear lots of stuff. I am not here to tickle your ears however I am here to cut your heart because I am not interested in performing although chosen you are amazing and the worships amazing it's an instrument to worship God with and that is what it is but we come from a culture of performance we come from a culture of works we come from a culture of trying to do things to gain the approval of people and when you enter into the Kingdom two heads are not better than one. He is the head and we are the body but if you don't understand the mind that you have been given because you don't seek the Word that He has told you to diligently seek the Word you will go by how you feel and what seems right to you and there is a way that seems right to a man and in the end, it is destruction and it doesn't even wait until the end it's in the beginning destruction. It just leads to more, and more and more and more and all of a sudden you have got this thing that you call truth but it is not truth at all. And so in my heart when I come up and I get a pulpit or I am going to share whether I am on an airplane and I am sharing with somebody wherever I am at if I am at a counter and I am sharing with an airplane the people there to get my ticket or if I am on a bus and there is one person beside me or no matter where I am at I want to make sure that my heart is trembling as I share my Jesus with them. Because I am not there to impress them I know that see when I walk by somebody I know that their eternity is at stake it doesn't matter who they are there is a lot of people inside the church that their eternity is at stake and I am not proclaiming to be anything if anything I am claiming to be nothing but to come up underneath of other people to make them understand that there is something. This is a crazy crazy life that God has given us and the miracles are amazing and the prophetic is amazing I love it I prophesy I pray for the sick I see the craziest of miracles it's amazing. But that is not what makes me who I am. What makes me who I am is holiness what makes me who I am is Holy Spirit He is the Holy Spirit He is not a some kind of spirit He is not just a graceful spirit He is not just a loving spirit He is Holy. And it seems like it is almost a lost art in the church. Holiness. Well that is legalism. No that's love. See because what happens is when people say Holiness "Oh here we go You are going to tell me my life is out of whack?" No if you are in sin it's out of whack but if you are in Him sin should be out of whack. Guys, you are here for a short time you are here for a you are a whim and a vapour you are here today and gone tomorrow you don't know how long your life is going to be. Nobody does I mean there is promises about life like honour your parents that's a good promise. Honour your parents long life for you. Awesome. "My dad, I don't care about my dad I don't care about my mum." That's not good. "Well you don't know what they did to me." No you don't know what you did to Jesus. See what happens is we use all these things and we say "Well you know if my mum would have done this, or my dad would have done this or my kids would have done this." We have got all these excuses man of why we can't just be. None of those people died for your sin. None of those people hung on a tree and saw you and said that you were the joy set before Him so He pursued the cross. None of those people that hurt you hung on a tree for you. And if we would see the reality of what He did on the tree we wouldn't be hurt by people anymore we would hurt for people. Hurting for somebody is completely different than being hurt by somebody if I get hurt by somebody it is because I don't know who I am. "Well you don't understand what they did." I get it they didn't know who they were. So alright. "Yes well... well...they were in the church... they were leaders... I mean they shouldn't of done what they did." OK. But if you got hurt by it it's because you didn't know who you were when it came. So they didn't know who they were when they did it and you didn't know who you were when it came. So either way none of them justify another. Are you sure you are ready? Alright man. I prayed, I said God never, ever send me anywhere just to be a speaker. Never send me anywhere just to be a speaker. I want you to use me as the sword of the Lord in every circumstance I want You to use my life to cut people deep God so that their life has no excuses anymore. So they don't have to live with excuses they don't have to live with regret. Help me wake up the church God with the Holy Ghost defibrillator. Boom! Help me shock her heart so that she knows who she is. Not that I am anybody but I know Him and He knows everything. I was lost, now I am found I was blind, now I do see. What are you? I was lost now I am found if you are lost you just don't believe that you are found but you have got to see what you have been found to you have got to see who found you because He who found you will never leave you. Why would He save you just to leave you out there? Look faith isn't a feeling I don't live by feelings I don't feel like God loves me or feel like He don't love me that's not about that that's twisted, demonic strategy set up to get you focussed on yourself. It's not about my feeling. "Well I don't feel like God loves me." Well you are deceived. An innocent man hung guilty on a tree when you were yet a sinner He died for you. "Yes but I don't feel like it." Well you are deceived we don't walk by feelings we don't walk by sight we walk by faith. It says the wisdom of this world is sensual. Feelings. Sensual and demonic it's full of self-seeking me, me, me, me, me and envy and every evil thing is in that wisdom not a little bit every evil thing. Every evil thing is in the wisdom of the world. And we are trained that way and cultivated but the father of lies we are cultivated by the enemy of God. "Well I grew up in church." It doesn't matter if anything that I am telling you is something that fits you that's not your shoe kick it off. Because that is not who you are created to be you are created to be just like your Father and God is not offended He is not hurt He is not guilty He is not ashamed He is not condemned and He definitely doesn't regret making you. If you see this in the Bible your life will be rocked forever you will never be the same. You will never need a boy to tell you who you are. Ever. And guys you won't need the pretty girl to find out who you really are. "Like knock it off man chill out that's my girl you are talking about." Well, how are you walking with your girl? You think that it is OK to sleep with your girl and come to church? I promise you when you stand before God you're going to find out that your life was a lie. I am not mean, I am real. Oh I love Jesus with all my heart. Boyfriends say "If you love me then you will do it." That's twisted. What are you doing? Well I promise I am going to talk about it. I just I love Jesus I do not I don't have a pulpit to impress anybody man. People hate me. And that is OK. Because I am not here for you to hate me. Do you know that I love you and I don't need you to love me back for me to be OK with loving you. Do you know that do you know that God doesn't say "I love you, now come on say it back, hurry!" That is not God man. God is love, He doesn't need you to tell Him back for Him to feel secure about being love and God told me that as He is so am I in the world and if He is love then as He is, so am I but love is not just "He loves me, He loves me so much I can do anything I want." That is not love. That is demonic grace. See grace isn't a licence to sin and grace isn't a grace isn't this world that says "Well God this Word that says Well God forgives me I can do whatever I want." You're wrong. That is like taking Jesus's face wiping it in the dirt and saying "Here's my King." He paid more for you than that. You guys alright? See some of you aren't OK anymore. I promise you this I hope that massive conviction rolls through your heart that you would understand that you are supposed to let your salvation work itself out with fear and trembling. The fear of the Lord is something that is a lost art inside the body of Christ man. It is something that I pressed into since the beginning it's been 12 years I have gone after it in my closet I have said "God You have to reveal this to me." Because we want the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead. Yes or No? The same Spirit. So what we do is we bring that Word in with Romans 8:11 and we say we have got the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead I can do all the miracles like Jesus did I can heal the sick just like Jesus did I can prophesy Just like Jesus did. That's amazing but that is not all that Jesus did. Jesus went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed by the devil. Jesus never tried to sin and get away with it. That's amazing. What I have found is that young people are hungry for the truth. The raw truth. It might not sound good it might not feel good but it is good and what if all the people around you see your life as a living epistle and you are like the Word walking and they want what you have instead of you trying to jam it down their throat. They just are like "Wait a minute" be like 1 Peter 3:15 "Wait a minute what is the deal with this hope that is in you? I mean can you help me understand what it is?" It says be ready to tell people about the hope that is in you when they ask you about it. So let me ask you this when was the last somebody came up to you and asked you "What is this that you are carrying?" Here's another one. All of those who desire to live godly will suffer persecution. When was the last time you were persecuted? Mine was today. Because people misunderstand but I love them and they are not going to hurt me. I love them. Look Jesus died for me here's a question I have for you. Was Jesus dying Jesus died is the life you're living worth the life that He died to give you? Is the life that you are living worth His death? Right now. Is the life that you are living worth the price that He paid for you on that tree? The life that you are living. Life now. Is it worth the death of Jesus? Because God thought it was. This isn't a bad word see this is, I asked you if you were OK and we are going to get deeper and deeper and deeper. You just have no idea this is like so refreshing, happy. It so is. It is refreshing knowing that boyfriends will get convicted about the next time they try to fondle that girl and that a guy will be so convicted about the life that he is living that the fear of the Lord would capsize his ship and all of a sudden he would build on the right foundation. Knowing the terror of the Lord we are to persuade men. The terror of the Lord people are like "What man. What is this, that is Old Testament." You're wrong. Do you know that the Bible says that all of us will stand before the judgement seat of Christ. People are like "No, no, no, no. I... no, no, no... I... Those that believe in Him have past judgement." No you past the great white throne judgement but you will stand before the judgement seat of Christ. It says that you are saved by grace but you will be judged by your works. Just show the Bible with you here so you don't think it's just me. Alright. Listen to this one. This is crazy I was just reading this today. 1 Peter 1:17 and 19. If you address as Father the One who impartially judges according to each one's work, conduct yourselves in fear during the time of your stay on earth; knowing that you were not redeemed with perishable things like silver or gold from your futile way of life inherited from your forefathers, but with precious blood, as of a lamb unblemished and spotless, the blood of Christ. That is what you are redeemed with. That's crazy. Oh you have got the scriptures out there. Whoa! That's like awesome. Sorry I just want to read a couple of things this is like this is insane good stuff I just like I just love the Word it's like you just can't get out of it I mean you can if you just don't read your Bible which I find a lot of people don't. Here check this out. Ready? This is awesome. See what I do is I read the whole Word like not just take out the pieces that I like and I read the whole Word like I want the whole Word. Right! The whole Word. 2 Corinthians chapter 5. I know we love that whole new creation and but this is before it, it says in verse 9 to 11 it says Therefore we also have as our ambition, whether at home or absent, to be pleasing to Him. For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may be recompensed recompensed for his deeds in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad. Therefore, knowing the fear of the Lord, we persuade men, but we are made manifest to God; and I hope that we are made manifest also in your consciences. Oh we should go into like Hebrews 10 and Hebrews 12 and it's amazing. I am so excited and I just can't hide it. Alright. I am going to step out of here for just a second I am going to read something. OK so I said about Romans 8 right? So I am just going to read that and then I am going to read another one and then we are just going to talk for a little bit. This is not scripture to clobber you over the head. This is the truth of God that wants to work itself out but it has to get in your heart to work itself out. So if I don't study this Bible to show myself approved I might study this Bible to preach myself approved and that would be a problem because if I am just going to study this just to have a sermon to you it might tickle ears but it won't change lives but if I am going to study this Word and get on my face before God and ask Him to make me become what this Word says and I preach out of my life lived it will change lives. So it is not about studying this thing so that I can preach it is about getting in here and saying God I have no idea who You created me to be I lack wisdom and I need You to give me wisdom and if you give me wisdom and show me who I am I promise that I will live every waking moment to You and unto You. It says in Colossians 3:17 it says Whatever you do whatever it says Whatever you do whether in word or in deed do it as unto the Lord and not for people. You do it as unto the Lord so no matter what I am doing see if we read the Bible correctly you will understand that the only thing that is secular is demonic. There is nothing secular about the Bible. This Bible is for the whole life 100% from morning to night and then even when you sleep God is up. There is no separation between the sacred and the secular. When you come to Christ and you give your life to Him you no longer belong to you you belong to Him. You belong to Him before that but when you find out the reality of the precious blood of Jesus and the price that was paid for you to redeem your soul from the pit all of a sudden you find out why you are on the earth and every waking moment no matter what you do. No matter if you are pumping gas if you are going to school if you are in college if you are a doctor if you are a lawyer if you are a teacher no matter what you do you do it as unto the Lord and not for people. No matter what. Every decision every moment in your life every second of your day is to be unto Him and never for somebody else. No matter what you say no matter what you do well people say "Well man come on no one can tame the tongue." Jesus said that by your words you will be justified or condemned. One day when you stand before God every idle word that you speak will be for justification or condemnation. That is a crazy thing. That is like the Word that is not me just making it up it is real. Every action that flows through you God sees it all God sits in the theatre room of the soul of your mind and sees everything that goes across your screen. Everything you think about everything you see God sees it and He is not OK with you living it out the wrong way. There is no separation in God's mind in a life, it is all sacred. Drinking a cup of coffee is sacred. Pumping gas is sacred unto the Lord. Going to lunch is sacred as unto the Lord. Making fun of people is not sacred. Making fun of people is actually taking the object of Gods affection and putting them down in the mud. It says let not grumbling or complaining even be named among you that is not like legalism that is because you have been called out to be separate separate yourself in your heart. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. There was like "Man." Oh I love it. The whole Bible is full once your eyes open up. Oh my gosh "I never saw this before." Well you need to see it. "Why?" Because the end is near. I am not preaching like Jesus is coming back tomorrow but we are closer than when I first got on this stage to right now. Right now we are closer to Jesus returning and I have got a lot of people that don't know Him in my life and I need them to and the best way to witness Jesus is your life out loud. I promise you. You guys alright? What do you want to hear when you enter in? "Well done" or "What have you done?" What do you want to hear? You should live your whole life like an Olympic athlete an Olympic athlete trains 8-12 hours a day for 8, 9 years just for that 30 second bout man. All that training just for 30 seconds until they cross the line and all of your life in Christ when you become a Christian is godly training training and instruction in righteousness so that when you cross that thing He says "Well done" and you look behind you and you see millions of people that are there because of your life lived. That's what I want. That's what I want. I am going to see it. Because I won't live in compromise my life is not for sale it has been purchased with the same blood that purchased your life but if the revelation of the cross doesn't hit your heart you might not enter even into full pardon which is supposed to be every born-again believers experience. Full pardon means that I have been forgiven of everything that I wish I had ever done. I have lived for 12 years without any guilt, shame or condemnation. 12 years straight. 12 years straight, no guilt. No shame. No condemnation. People told me in the beginning "Well you know brother you can't just keep going on that way." Well you're wrong because it's 12 years and I am way worse than I was when I started. Way worse. I am way more emphatically in love with my King and there is nothing that is going to condemn me because I live my life in the place of rest because Jesus says All of you who are weary and burdened down by life come to Me and I will give you rest. But then it doesn't stop there see that's where we stop. See we come to the altar and say "Yes" to Jesus but then we learn from pastors and teachers and prophets and evangelists and which is right because of the fivefold gifting but Jesus didn't pay a price for you to just go to your pastor Jesus didn't pay a price for you just to hear a prophetic word Jesus didn't pay a price for you to just have an apostle come in Jesus didn't pay a price for you to just live by one prophecy. Jesus paid a price for you to have an eternal communion with the Holy Spirit for you to have a relationship with the love of the Father the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ. Every person has the same ability to come boldly to the throne. And receive grace in time of need. When was the last time you didn't need Jesus? So why don't you just live in the throne room? I found that in my travels that a lot of people don't even believe that they are forgiven. I know it's crazy but if you ask God to forgive you over something and you revisit it again there's a problem. I get this one right here brings crucifying of me but I am going to because Jesus already did it. Oh I am going to. I am going to. How clean does the blood of Jesus make you? How much sin does the blood of Jesus cover? Then why would I revisit something that He says is finished? Because I don't know my Fathers voice from the stranger's voice that's why. Jesus paid a price and He said My sheep shall hear and obey My voice and a stranger they it's not an option it's not like a whisper it's not a request it says and a stranger's they will not follow. A stranger always wants to take you back to something that you are not. A stranger always wants to whisper to you something that you are not. A stranger always wants to condemn you for things that you wish you had never done. A stranger always wants to get you into a place of regrets so that you can never see hope. Listen man I have been through this thing. Like I have been, I have been through it for 12 years. The devil is a liar. See what happens is people rebuke the devil and command him to shut up he doesn't shut up when you command him to shut up. You know it is not in the Bible where you command the devil to shut up. It doesn't say that "I command you satan get behind me." He already is. He is underneath of you why are you commanding him to get behind you? "I command you in the name of Jesus, satan you be quiet." And you turn around and BAM he is on you in a second. He doesn't run away when Christians rebuke him he wants you to rebuke him so you can pay attention to something else so that you can be limited by your affections. Come on he is a liar he is the father of lies when he whispers a lie you should thank God for Truth but if you don't know the Truth you can't be free. You can be free and be positionally right with God and say righteousness is just my I am positionally right but really not have relationship. It's more than just being positionally right I am seated with Christ in heavenly places I am crucified with Christ and I no longer live but the life I live I live by faith in the One that died for me. A new creation. Man we quote that thing "Well I am a new creation in Christ." It's true. It says that there is therefore now no condemnation for them that are in Christ Jesus who do not live according to the flesh but every time you live according to the flesh and every time you give your flesh a voice in your life and every time you bring up Romans 7 into your life and say "Hey Paul sinned we are all going to sin." Every time you bring that lie into your life you live less than your full godly potential. The Bible doesn't say "When you sin" it says "If you sin" Listen to me I am not preaching some strange doctrine 1 John is really clear it doesn't say "When you sin" it says "If you sin" And I have heard people say "Well if you say you have no sin you are a liar." I get it. If you say you have no need for Jesus and no need for the blood of Jesus then you make God to be a liar. That is what it is saying but the blood of Jesus cleanses me from all unrighteousness and if He does there is nothing but righteousness that remains but if I don't see what righteousness is I will live in an unrighteousness manner and I will live in an ungodly manner but when I see full pardon of sin all of a sudden it puts my life into full repentance mode repentance isn't just a one-time thing when you come to an alter and get saved repentance is a lifestyle man. It is a lifestyle. Every day of my life if somethings wrong the Holy Spirit convicts me I obey you were singing it and praising God singing it. Repentance is a lifestyle where my conscience and my heart are pure God cleanses the conscience from dead works in order to serve God that is what the blood of Jesus does. It doesn't just cleanse you on the outside that was old testament where the blood cleansed you on the outside the day of atonement Jesus entered into the Holy place with a much better sacrifice and not in the Holy place on earth that veil was torn man Jesus entered into the Holy of Holies in heaven and He laid His blood upon the mercy seat and that blood cries out "Mercy." But if you don't see that thing your conscience remains condemned and that is an old testament life that needs to be crushed. Oh I read my Bible. Oh it is so amazing like I live in there I am like Oh my gosh! Really! Wow! People say "Well that's not true." Get in here. Oh my gosh! The Spirit of Truth is like "Hey guess what. It is true. But don't tell them. Just live it." The people, because I have got man I have got people... "You can't just preach that" somebody send me some still it doesn't come to me because I don't get them anymore you all send your emails I don't get them. It's too much most of them are like crazy. "Well it isn't cool. God forgave us We don't have to repent. I already did it. Chill man." Yes you chill while people go to hell. You chill while people go to hell because you don't have to live in repentance and you can go ahead and drink and party and get high and smoke the jehovah-uana and all that twisted stupid stuff that is out there I am so sick of it man. It is demonic strategy you will answer for your life I hope you quote that and put that on You Tube. People's blood won't be on my hands I will live this life like God said to live. I will walk this thing out because I have got the Holy Spirit. The last thing I want to do is insult the Spirit of Grace. The last thing I want to do. The Bible is clear. It's amazing yes I want you to walk in power but what good would it be for you to walk in power and stand before God and say "Didn't we heal the sick and didn't we prophesy didn't we cleanse the lepers didn't we raise the dead Lord I have 30 people I have raised the dead. 32 Lord." And God says "Away from me I never knew you." That is a sad day. "Yes but I had the most amazing prophecies it was You that gave them to me." That's right but you weren't a steward of your life. And you thought that the miracles were My stamp of approval on your life while you slept with your girlfriend. I promise you man this ain't no joke I am not kidding you. The miraculous is not a stamp of approval on your life the gifts and callings of God are without repentance you do not have to repent to walk in them. You can live in gross sin moves of God have proved it in the past. Great move of God amazing Pastor is sleeping with some lady in the back behind the closed doors cheating on his wife. Great move of God. Thrown to the trash. Where is the move of God that can be sustained? Where is holiness at guys? Where is purity. What good would it be to walk in all the power in the whole world in all the power I mean I am talking about greater miracles than anybody has ever seen yet be in a twisted sin thing. What good would it be? Do you know that if I would stand up here and preach this but my life wasn't lining up to that I would be dead. But I am going to preach it because I know in my heart that my conscience doesn't convict me of stuff because if it did I would obey. And I live in a place where I take God's Word buried in my heart so that I don't sin against my Father. This is a lost art but I promise you it is what the disciples started with. How about Ananias and Sapphira man. How about that? That's ridiculous man. Come to Peter "Is this all that your land sold for?" "Ah yes, yes it is." "Why would you lie to the Holy Spirit?" You really want that in your life? Because I do. Not... I want to say yes it was. Thank you. Come on Sapphira comes in. Listen to the Holiness listen to what Peter the one that denied Jesus is walking in this is ridiculous it is, it astounds me. God do it in me because everything in me wants to tell Sapphira that be careful how you answer this. Your husband is dead OK if you answer this wrong you are going to die too now. Is it true? That is not how it went down. There was such a reverential fear and an honour and a such a holiness happening. Come on this is what we need. That's crazy. And right after Sapphira dies it says none of the people dared join them carelessly. It says not everybody just came to the conference to hang out like two people died because they lied to the Holy Spirit I don't think I am going to that one. Yet it says multitudes were added. Man that means that when people came they didn't just come just to jump around and have a party they came full on full in 100% surrendered. Come on God here I am. Use this guy. That is what God is looking for He is looking for 100% surrender. He is not looking for somebody that wants to be partially in and partially out "Well I am just trying it." If Christianity is just a trying it thing for you either be for Him or against Him because if you think that you are for Him but you are half in you are really against Him. People say "Well you know we need people." Well I get it. But we don't need hypocrisy. You guys alright? My heart man, my heart is burning because I because man I because I want to see finished what I want to see stand before God I want to see you run with all the fire in the world I want to see you raise the dead and cast out devils and prophesy but I don't want you to ever think that that is God's stamp of approval on your life man that is not the blood of Jesus the blood of Jesus the cross the reality of what it means to repent repentance isn't one time repentance is a lifestyle if something is whacked you repent. Repent what is it? Oh my gosh I God that is not the way you created me. Father I thank You this is who You created me to be. Repentance isn't just asking Him to forgive you Repentance is changing your mind you cannot change your mind just to think about another worldly thing and fix it. Changing your mind means that you're changing the way that you think and you are going to think with the mind of Christ don't be conformed to the world because when you turn and repent but think from another psychological way you are changing your mind to think like the world again in another area and you will spin in circles forever. Repentance means that you are going to change the way you think and you're going to think upon things from heaven towards earth you are going to think with a godly perspective and if your whole family doesn't seek God it doesn't matter. What matters is your life and if your parents don't seek God it doesn't matter and if your kids don't seek God that has nothing to do with who you are no one is going to answer for your life but you. You are going to answer for the life that God gave you. I don't care if you are 4 or if you are 100. One day you will stand before God and you will answer for your life. What an amazing day that is going to be man. And all these people that you were afraid to talk to you will see them over there in the goat line. There will be a sheep line and goats there will be these two different lines. And you will see all these friends at school you were afraid to talk to because the unashamedness of the Gospel it is the power of God unto Salvation for them that believe first for the Jew and then for the Greek for in it. In what? In the Gospel the power of it it's righteousness. In the Gospel righteousness is revealed. Righteousness is right standing with God. Where I obey two commandments. Two commandments and all the law and the prophets hang on two. Love God with all my heart my soul, my strength and my mind. Listen if I love God with all of my mind my hand can never tell my mind to sin. If I love God with all my mind my hand can't say I am going over here to do this. My mind already shuts that thing down before it even gets anywhere it's done. We cut that thought down with truth and your hand can't cause you to do anything. It's powerful. It is the Gospel. The Good News. It is not the news of compromise it is not the news of half heartedness people died and lost their life were crucified, burnt at the stake man. Fried electrocuted cut in half heads chopped off arms chopped off. I remember the story I heard about this kid in Indonesia where this army had raided their youth meeting and they bring the leader of the youth camp in the middle and they tell him to deny Jesus and he is in front of all these youth hundreds of kids they tell him to put his arm out and he puts his arm out they cut his arm off and he sits there and he says "I will not deny my Lord" with no arm in front of the youth. Talk about the fear of the Lord in your enemy. Boom again. Two arms gone. Youth is watching everything. Finally he won't deny and they cut his belly and all his entrails fell out and he died right there and the youth group disappeared in front of the army they couldn't find any of them. What a mark that would leave on you. What a privilege to be martyred for your faith. How could you be martyred for your faith when we are ashamed of the Gospel we are ashamed to talk about it you start to commit your life to God fully completely you won't be ashamed to tell anybody. It won't matter what people do to you because when you realise that you have been accepted by God no man, woman, child, colleague parent, child, nobody, teacher, nothing can ever reject you because they can never take away what only God gave you. What a happy amazing Father we serve you have got to believe the Gospel you have got to believe the Good News you have got the believe that you are an ambassador you have got the believe that you are an ambassador of reconciliation. Reconciling people back to the Father not imputing their trespasses against them but you live in such a way so that they look at their trespasses and say "Why would I want that when I can have what you have." Oh come on! You guys alright? Good? OK. So I shared a scripture with you Romans 8. Oh yes I took you to it too but never read it. But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you. OK. OK and So then, brethren, Are you ready? We should just read all of Chapter 8 is amazing right? So then, brethren, we are under obligation, not to the flesh, to live according to the flesh which means carnality for if you are living according to the flesh, you must die; but if by the Spirit you are putting to death the deeds of the body, you will live. That's pretty awesome! Let's find out what the Greek says... No! For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God. For you have not received a spirit of slavery leading to fear again, I am no longer a slave to fear because I am a child of God I am no longer a slave to fear because I am a child of God. I love this part From my mother's womb You have chosen me Love has called my name I have been born again Into a family Your blood flows through my veins. I am no longer a slave to fear because I am a child of God. I am no longer a slave to fear because I am a child of God. OK I have got to read this. Hold on. Having received a spirit of adoption as sons by which we cry out, "Abba! Father!" The Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, heirs also, heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him so that we may also be glorified with Him. For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us. For the anxious longing of the creation waits eagerly for the revealing of the sons of God. Wow. OK this is crazy. That is a lot. OK I have to read one more thing. Oh there is so much in there. Do you know if you suffer for doing good it is commendable. It is actually awesome. Do you know blessed are those that hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be filled. Do you know there are people that have hungered and thirsted for gifts and earnestly desired the spiritual gifts but don't hunger and thirst for righteousness and when you hunger and thirst just for gifts but don't know that you are right with God you are lopsided and all of a sudden you will walk in great power because the gifts are available but when you stand before God and He says "Away from me I never knew you you who practiced lawlessness." But righteousness enables you to know the Truth concerning the doctrine and it actually helps you to have your senses trained to know the Truth between both good and evil and righteousness will train your senses to discern the Truth between both good and evil. Because today we are in an age where people call good evil and evil good but you need righteousness to train you it's called core training being instructed in right standing with God so that you understand this is not OK this is great and God says this is not OK we don't push it sear our conscience and do it and not get struck by lightning so we figure God's OK and then we make the mistake of prophesying and then still acting in this place and our prophetic words get stronger and stronger and stronger because you have to be a steward over your own heart but it all starts being right with God and knowing whose you are and who you are. Are you with me? See because the Holy Spirit inside of us crying out "Abba Father" and we cry out "Abba Father." when those two meet it's just sweet. Because all creation is groaning for the sons of God to be made manifest creation groaning doesn't sound like you think it sounds. To me it sounds like this "Hey man how are you doing? Jesus loves you." "Get away from me I hate you?" "Oh dude you are just groaning. Come here." That is what it sounds like to me. "I don't believe in your Jesus." I am not kidding. Do you know that if you live your life and you live your live in a place of purity because you completely surrender to God and you say "God do you know what my life is out of whack I don't want that anymore I want You." Because God wants to empower you like ridiculously empower you. I am talking ridiculous empower you but He wants people to tremble when you walk in a room not just demons there were people that carried the Spirit of the fear of the Lord and they would walk into a factory and people would repent and fall to their knees that is what I want. I want to be on an aeroplane where everybody is like "What!" I remember just a couple of months ago I am on an aeroplane and I am sitting there and there is a guy over here and I I am sitting there and he just looks at me really weird and looks away and could be because of my hair could be it has happened more times than not and I said to him "How are you doing?" He goes "Oh no, no" and he is a grown man business man "No." I said "Hey" he goes "Leave me alone" but he is not just saying that because I sat beside him he is saying that because there is somebody in me and upon me there is somebody in me and upon me that knows that that this temple is for Him there is somebody that is in me and upon me that knows that this temple doesn't share occupancy with anything else. This temple will not share itself with anything else but Him. He is the Spirit of Truth. The man starts crying I said "You're going to be OK" "Please don't talk" I said "Well Jesus..." "No!" On the plane. Crazy, crazy. On the plane. And he goes "Please let me have that seat I don't want this seat anymore I want to be close to my wife." She is on the other side of the aisle. I said "Dude are you sure that you want this seat?" "Please don't talk to me." I am like "OK." I said "I am just telling you that if you get this seat I am going to be talking to the airline attendant about Jesus the whole time over the top of you. Are you going to want that?" "Oh God don't talk to me. No talk to me." Then he gets this seat I start sharing with the airline attendant because I give it to him because I am not like and I share with them. He groans the whole time it's crazy. And I said "Man you know this devil wants out." Listen. This isn't like wow that's amazing Todd I want to be like you. No, no, no we want to be like Jesus. We want to be like Jesus we want to be like Jesus every devil is petrified of this but satan the head of them all he is not convinced that you want to believe this truth he is convinced that everybody is in it for what they can get from God instead of being like Him. See because being imitator of Christ is why you are on the earth. We don't just go to God for what we can get from Him you are here to be like Him. What is an heir mean? What does it mean to be an imitator of God dear children? Wow! Be an imitator of God. That's ridiculous God you want me to imitate you? How do I do that? Well I am Holy. Oh yes. Be an imitator of God. See to a lot of the church this is blasphemy what I am talking about right now is like crazy. "Like who do you think you are?" I just think I read my Bible. I like the same Holy Spirit the same Spirit the same Holy Spirit listen to this this is the Spirit OK so Isaiah, Isaiah 11:2. OK. So this is the Spirit that was in Jesus who would want to have the same Spirit? So I am just going to describe so this is actually the same Holy Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you but that scripture says the same Holy Spirit that dwells in you that raised Jesus from the dead He will quicken your mortal body now we could say that is just quickening at the resurrection but that is not what it says it says He will quicken your mortal body see you are here in your mortal body. Now. You are here. God wants to quicken you. Now. He wants to quicken you. Now. He wants to quicken your senses He wants your senses to be trained from the Word of righteousness He wants your senses to be trained and not just need milk but strong meat strong meat is for the mature who have their senses trained to discern between both good and evil so God wants to quicken your senses. Now. So that you know the truth between both good and evil so that you can choose good. Here is what it looks like you get close to something that is not good and the Holy Spirit trembles you and you back away and the trembling stops. That is what we need. I am going to describe it a little bit but this is what happens in my life so I am going to describe it and then I am going to pray for you that this would be upon you that you would be a Holy Ghost wrecking ball and that you would destroy hell for a living. Amen. OK. It is so good. The only one that would contest to this is somebody that has theory without a relationship the only one that would contest what I am saying is somebody that has theory about Jesus like because the most persecution I get comes from inside of the church but that is OK I am good with it because I am going to stand before God and still going to be right before Him not right like you're wrong and I am right because you can be very wrong about being right. So I am done with debate but God will answer this by fire like God is amazing He'll answer this by fire like literally like you cannot believe it or not God will set you on fire and you will be like believe Him when you get up. I promise because He is amazing because He is like and unto fires the only thing you can liken Him to. He is amazing He is a consuming fire. Do you know if you get to burn on fire now you will have less people burn on fire later. Do you know that when you burn on fire now you'll get put in the trial which is called fire and you will come out not smelling like smoke it is hard to put someone on fire in the fire and anything change. OK so if I am on fire and I get put in the fire I am on fire anyway. But not just on fire with zeal on fire with Him. See zeal coupled with wisdom is amazing and Jesus is the Wisdom of God. I can be zealous for the Lord but to be zealous and also have wisdom but you can't have wisdom unless you desire the fear of the Lord because the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. This is going to be amazing. I promise. Because He is my dad. He is amazing. He is a good Daddy but He wants us to all burn I am talking like I am talking like you have a burning fire a burning heart that cannot be cannot be quenched man. That nothing can put it out. Nothing. Nothing can put it out. He wants your heart to burn so bright that nothing can put it out He wants you to burn so bright that people can see fire in your eyes. He wants you to burn so bright that people can see fire in your eyes He wants you to burn so bright that people can hear fire in your words because His Words are a consuming fire too His Words are fire within my bones. Jeremiah. Come on this is exciting guys what a day to be alive. What would it be like for you to not be fearful anymore. It would just be the Gospel that's what it would be like. God didn't give you a spirit of fear but of love and power without this the first two don't work well together. You have to have a sound mind and it only comes from being renewed in the spirit of your mind and asking God to make His Word become the total triumph truth of your life and it to be the No. 1 priority in everything you do and your word The Word The Word becomes a lamp unto your feet. How can a young man cleanse his ways? Taking heed according to His Word. It's amazing. You will not be able to maintain what I am talking about unless you would open that book and say "God train me." Don't just study it to preach it get in there and say "God I have no idea what this means and I really want to become all that it is. You teach me and I will walk it out." Alright so here is the Spirit that was upon Jesus 1) The Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him, The Spirit of wisdom and understanding, The Spirit of counsel and strength, The Spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord. The seven-fold Spirit of God but I want you to pay close attention to this right here. In verse 3 it says He will delight in the fear of the Lord And He will not judge by what His eyes see, Nor make a decision by what His ears hear; But with righteousness He will judge the poor, And decide with fairness for the afflicted of the earth; And He will strike the earth with the rod of His mouth, And with the breath of His lips He will slay the wicked. Also righteousness will be the belt about His loins, And faithfulness the belt about His waist. Listen to that. Look the seven-fold Spirit of God and Jesus's No. 1 delight needs to be your No. 1 delight if you desire to live and walk with the Holy Spirit in priority. His delight was in the fear of the Lord. The fear of the Lord isn't being afraid of God and actually the fear of the Lord is equal to the reality of God's goodness. God's goodness is in the utmost and highest thing ever highest priority ever so the fear of the Lord that I have is because God is so good. it is so crazy well I thought I was supposed to be afraid of God? No, no, no you are awestruck by His goodness you are awestruck by His love and you are so in love with Him and that love makes you never want to step outside of love so therefore you stay inside of His love. Can I tell you another testimony? OK because because Miss Karen said I could share a lot. So, I was on a plane and I was I have got a lot of plane stories because I fly like 400,000 miles a year I live in a steel tube at 35,000ft. I do. You know I haven't been home since December 7th I mean I have been all over but then I I got home last night and then I left this morning that is not like Oh woe is me no, no, no I am here with purpose I mean it is amazing and my family was with me for part of that trip but like it is a lot. It is a lot. Let me share another real quick thing before I do this so, 6 months ago on Father's Day we were in a hospital down in West Virginia and there was a little baby that was born fully addicted to heroin and so he came out of his mom's belly and they brought him over to the other room where we were and gave him to us. And this little baby boy was in there and adoption just adoption so we are going to adopt this little baby and he is doing and for the first 24 hours he he was doing awesome and then the next day after he was born I had to go to Norway to do a conference that I had given my word to because all we have is our word you don't you don't break your word man make sure so, I went to Norway to do a conference and in the meanwhile they took our son that we are adopting over to the rehab unit in the hospital and he is full on going through shakes withdrawal all the stuff inside his insides are going crazy and he has to be put on this drug called methadone and so now this little boy has to be on drugs man and I hate drugs man I hate it. Now see I used drugs for 22 years because I was a drug addict for 22 years an atheist I didn't believe in church I didn't believe in Christians I never really saw a Christian that had anything I want so I stole a lot of things from people but never from a Christian because I didn't want what you all had I was pretty I was pretty bad. So I was a drug addict for 22 years and then Jesus came into my life and changed me, redeemed me so now after 12 years we are given the opportunity to redeem a baby and so this baby comes out we are in the rehab and my wife my wife is in the rehab and kids are my oldest daughter is in the rehab and we're sitting in there I come back from the conference and he is fully like full on it is just something I get to go in there and see all these mothers that have babies that are born to heroin and actually in the hospital that we were in 3 out of 4 kids 3 out of 10 to 4 out of 10 kids are born addicted to heroin in America in this hospital never seen anything like it I asked the photographer one day I said "You took pictures of babies" "Yes I took pictures of 10 babies today 7 of them were going through withdrawal." Crazy. So I am in there and I am redeeming this baby and talking truth to nurses and telling them the the reality of who my Jesus is and the reality of who God is and so I get in there the first day and I have got my you have to put a hospital gown on and scrub and all that stuff you know and so I have got my hospital gown on walking around I look like I could be fanatic. Could be. And I am I am just addicted to the right thing. So I go in the room where my son is and my wife is and I am like "Hey" I hold him and he is "Whaaaa" freaking out like because of withdrawal it is horrible man and I am holding him and "Jesus, Jesus thank You." Just holding him and I look at the nurse and I say "Hey listen I want to tell you that Jesus loves you." She goes "Uh-huh." And she walks out Just has an attitude with me because now because we are the parents and we did this to our kid and I am going to tell her that Jesus you know what I mean like that kind of stuff and so she goes back in the room and I give the I give our son over to my wife and I said "Hey" I said "I don't think you heard what I said." She goes "Oh I heard you." I said "No. You had attitude so you couldn't have heard me." And she goes she goes like this she goes "Attitude?" I said "Yes" I said "Your attitude is this your attitude was I am the parent that did this to the baby so now you are mad at me." And I said "Can I tell you that we are adopting him." "Oh! OK." Now everything changes. I wasn't being mean to her I was just talking to her about that is why she was acting that way. And I said "You know" I said "I was a drug addict for 22 years." She looks at me like this like, "Oh my" you know and I told her what Jesus did "Well I am not religious." I said "Well me neither." So she is leaving the room I walk with her in the hallway I said "Hey I need you to talk to me right now." Now she is like doesn't want to be around me you know she but she is the nurse she has to keep coming in. And we are going to be there for 3 weeks so it is not like she is just going to get rid of me. So she comes back in and I start talking to her about the love of God and the reality of who Jesus is she doesn't believe. And I said to her I said "Honey" I said "You have severe arthritis in your ankles." I said "And it is not OK and Jesus wants to heal you" She goes "Well I don't believe in that." I said "I didn't ask you whether you do." Now watch now understand that this isn't arrogance that this is called "Godfidence" So Godfidence is what happens when the Spirit of Love and Power and a sound mind you cannot have a sound mind unless Holiness is the foundation and the priority of your life. I promise you. Because you have junk in your closet and it is only a matter of time until your sin finds you out. And so you have to walk on eggshells so the righteous are bold as a lion Proverbs 28:1 watch but the wicked flee when no one pursues them because you have secrets you have junk in your closet that someday your sin is going to find you out what would it be like to have no junk in your closet to have no sin in your life to have nothing that convicts your conscience and to walk with clean hands and a pure heart. This is what God is after with you. God wants us to walk with pure hearts and clean hands God wants our priority to be Him God wants us to be fully addicted to Him God doesn't want you to have junk in your closet it says that some sins are exposed now others come out later. It's what it says. You don't have to have that happen because every time something comes up and the Holy Spirit convicts you immediate obedience is necessary because delayed obedience is disobedience. You can't afford to live that way man. I promise you. Look, we are right at the tip of this thing. God wants to pour out something that is so amazing on the body of Christ that even the book of Acts won't compare. It is what He wants to do. But He is looking for a people that would consecrate themselves that would set themselves apart and say "I don't care what the cost I want this with everything that I am no matter what and all this other junk forget it I want you Jesus." That is what God is looking for. I promise you. So I talked to this lady and finally she slows down enough just for me to get her hand and I said "Father I thank You in the name of Jesus." I am walking with her "Brand new ankles." She is walking faster which means her ankles must be getting better. She goes out. She walks down the hall. Gone. I go back in the room. My wife looks at me she goes "She is a little upset." I said "She is OK. Jesus. Jesus touched her ankles. She has got to come back I will just wait here." So I am back in the room there is another lady in there and her name is Stacy she is an amazing mom but this is her second child that is on drugs. Why? because heroin they have come up with this new drug called methadone. Methadone was not created to get people free methadone was created to keep people hooked. Methadone is not a drug that doctors say "Come on let's wean you down." Methadone is something that has clinics and if the people get off the clinics get shut down and then the money and all that stuff it is a big money game. People hate it when I talk about this so I am going to talk about it a lot. They say that methadone is harder to get off than heroin is. So now this mom she has some a little bit of Christianity in her background but you know not like and then she has had religion banged on her head. See I am not talking about banging something on your head. Well here's my heart. My heart is to bring every Christian that calls themselves a Christian to Christ. My heart is to bring Christians to Christ. I am serious. Like, I am not claiming to be anything I believe that we need a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ I believe that we need to understand that Christ is in us He is the hope of glory my job is to explain covenant in such a way to where all that stuff where it is not like, little bit grey it is either black or white it is either for or against it is gather or scatter there is no in between. Compromise is the devil's territory. My job is to get people to stop sitting on some fence. I mean I love bringing people to Jesus every day of my I do it every day of my life but I feel like God wants to clean house. I am not being mean I just believe that God wants a clean house. He is like amazing and the Holy Spirit is the best house cleaner ever. So I am talking to this lady Stacy and I am like "Do you know how valuable you are to God?" "Well you know... well I know but..." I said "No, no, no but nothing. Jesus loves you. You are amazing." "Well, yes." "No, no, no. You think that because this is your second child that is on methadone that you are a bad girl you are a bad mom. I am here to tell you that you are not." "Well... I... I don't... you know... I..." and she is crying. "Oh honey. Wait a minute. Listen to me." She goes "Well you know I... I have been… you know… I have been beat up and..." All that religion stuff beating on her you see it is not about trying to strong hold somebody into this isn't don't be conformed to the world but be transformed by the conforming people to the Word it is being transformed by the renewing of your mind through agency of Holy Spirit. Jesus is awesome and He loves us. He loves you! Oh my God. Whoa! There is such a wallop for the devil coming tonight. I am a because he is a liar man he is a liar because see he is just a liar that's all he hates me I love that. I just do. He should have killed me when he had the chance. Now I am never going to die. Oh I am not kidding. It is over. I am literally never going to die. You can you can kill this tent I am just going to go and be with Jesus. Whatever. To live is Christ and to die is gain that is not just some theory I live I believe that with all my heart. See because when I leave this Boom I will be right in to Him. Whoa! So I am going to live every waking, second of my life to destroy hell and every facet that I can in every way that I can. I am going to use this life to destroy everything that the devil has man. Everything. I will go to bed with blood on my sword every night. I will never, ever lay this sword on the mantle. I will go to bed with that blood on my sword right on my chest every night. Every night. I will slay devils constantly I will cut lies apart on a constant basis. I will never, ever, ever, ever live a day without destroying lies it is my favourite thing. Why? Because I serve Truth. Jesus is the way the truth and the life. No matter where I am at I am a conduit for God to flow through when I speak I want to speak with the oracles of God when I walk I want to walk with Him because He will never leave me. Nor forsake me. Ever. Jesus is the head of all principalities and power all dominion all authority has been given to Jesus and if Jesus has it all that means somebody has none. Then why wouldn't I just believe it and live with it. David said it is impossible for me to flee from Your presence. So if it is impossible to flee why don't you just live with it. If it is impossible to get away from His presence why don't we just live with it? He said I can't even make my bed in hell and yet You are there. You know God judges the thoughts His Words judge the thoughts and intents of your heart. That is what God does but we don't give Him a chance to get in our heart with His Word so we just live the way we want to. People say "Don't judge me. Don't judge me." No you are already judged by your life. "Don't judge me. Only God." I see tattoos all the time "Only God can judge me" and they are living a life of sin and they think that only God can judge me yet call themselves a Christian. They live a lie "Well it's better for them to at least call themselves a Christian." No it's not. It's not better to call themselves a Christian and live in sin and like what they are doing yet come upon a Christian that is afraid to talk to them because they might violate them. I would rather violate them now than them be sent to hell later. This is strong right. Do you know that I was so far deceived that for 34 years of my life not one person told me about Jesus. 34 years of my life not one person told me Jesus is real Jesus is amazing Jesus loves you not one person my whole life. That is not OK. I am not mad at the church oh no the church is not my war my war is not against flesh and blood it's against principalities. My war is against the belief system that people have that are nurtured by the devil. My war is not against you no way. People are not my enemy people that hate me they are not my enemy. It is against the principalities spiritual hosts of wickedness in heavenly places where people's minds are not set on things above they are set on things beneath that is not supposed to be you and that is not supposed to be me. So I am talking to this girl Stacy I said "Hey you." I said "You know God loves you so much." "Well, I don't know." That is what she said. I said "Whoa do you think that you can stop something from coming from you coming towards you you can't earn God's love God's love is like not something you earn Jesus paid a price for you to have it He is the one that died God so loved the world that He gave you think that by taking methadone and this child being hooked on methadone that God doesn't love you?" "Oh no it's not that at all." "God loves you regardless but you have to understand the price that He paid for you." See people teach the cross as the cross is the reality of the revelation of my sin but that is not what the cross is to me. See the cross is the revealing of my value. See when I look at the cross I see see there is a song I will never know how much I can't sing it I have to sing I need to know how much it cost that even sounds better. I need to know how much it cost to see my sin upon that cross. I need to know because if I don't know the cost that He paid for me I will never see my value. What if heaven went bankrupt to get you back because it didn't have you now heaven has gained you but heaven wants you to know that you were worth the blood of Jesus that the blood of Jesus determines your value. People say "Well you know what my mom, they didn't want me when I was born because you know my mum she rejected me when I was in the womb." OK, so what! 80 million chances of you were going up a birth canal 80 million. Pay attention look at me 80 million chances plus or minus 10 or 15 or 20 million chances are going up a birth canal headed towards the egg 80 million! 79,999,999 other chances are there also. You are 1! Everybody else is ahead of you and has a jack hammer a sledge hammer a saw and tools to get in. But then when you get there. You split the sea so I could walk right through it. When you get to the egg literally like the Red Sea either way, you jump right in. You don't have a jack hammer you don't have a sledge hammer you don't have nothing and from inside the egg you are in there and everybody else outside "How did they get through?" "What happened?" "Who pushed me out of the way?" But from inside the egg, your voice your voice that has never ever been trained by the world your voice says "Sorry guys I was predestined before the foundation of the world." See, why would I lower the supernatural truth of the Bible down to a psychological reasoning of a soul of a mom that didn't know who she was so she said things that she shouldn't have said. Why would that determine my value now that heaven paid such a high price to redeem me and to be born again. His blood flows through my veins. Man. God forgive my mom she didn't know what she was doing. God forgive my dad he didn't know who he was. God forgive my uncle who should never of done that stuff he didn't know who he was. God forgive him. Jesus if you could hang on a tree when you of all people had the right to say "Strike them down." Of all people He had the right. "I am out of here, forget it they don't care about anybody they just care about themselves find somebody else to die for them I am out of here." That is not our King. Sorry. He endured the cross He endured the suffering for the sake of God's elect He was led like a sheep to the slaughter silent before the people silent didn't say anything and you were the joy set before him so He pursued the cross the cross didn't pursue Him He set his heart like flint He said I am going to get my people. That is really the Gospel man. Why would I not want to give Him my everything? See guess what your life doesn't belong to you and if it does you ought to give it up because it isn't worth it man it isn't worth holding onto you any longer I promise. It's not. Just a couple more. Am I OK on time? Alright. No I was. How are you doing Eddie James? Man you know you bless me all the time You know I listen to "Yearn" like every day. I do. Me and My Piano. Me, God and My Piano. All the time man. As the deer pants for the water so my soul longeth after Thee. Oh! Oh my! You alone are my heart's desire You alone my shield To You alone does my spirit yield. Oh! I love that song I just want to lay on my face and cry because that is what I long for man. God raise up a generation that just yearns for you and stops yearning for porn. Man. Gosh I am almost done I… See I know that if God's Spirit if God's fire doesn't do it you will remain the same. I can preach the Truth and the Holy Spirit will back it up but you have to give up don't play with this thing man people's eternity are at stake your families' eternity are at stake your girlfriend is at stake your friends are at stake don't compromise your life for the sake of gaining friends and living the fear of man and the love of people and live to receive honour and praise from people because if you live by the praise of people you will die by the rejection of people don't live your life with that thing man don't sit there don't think that dignity and pride is a fruit of the Spirit it's demonic dignity is not a fruit of the Spirit "Well you have to use Wisdom." That's not Wisdom to be cool. Man. Gosh. How can I be cool when people are going to burn it is not cool. It is not cool. Oh Jesus help me. I am totally gone here. Yes. Jesus help. I spent a long time hardly feeling anything now I have to hold on. Lots of people are going to be healed tonight. Lots of people's cutting scars are going to disappear tonight. Matter of fact, look down right now see if your cutting scars have gone. Oh I am so serious, just look see if they are gone. Scars go away in Jesus name. Look at your arm if your cutting scars if they are disappearing just wave your hands in the air. See because God doesn't want you to think that that is who you are anymore see because He is amazing because Covenant is awesome. Oh Lord. STD's are going to disappear tonight too. See God wants to give us signs that confirm what Covenant really looks like and if sin brought sickness into your body then Covenant says He forgave your sin He actually removes the stain of it too. Oh my! Come Holy Spirit. Crush every bit of that stuff. Jesus. Check your arms again. Jesus. Look at your arms if your scars are disappearing wave your hands. Jesus. Every blood disease from drug addiction every STD from sexual immorality I curse you and command you let them go now. More Lord. Jesus. God is not playing. Covenant is real. See you are not that type of girl. Wow. Oh my. God I ask you to increase the anointing right now. In Jesus name. More. More. Come Holy Spirit burn this stuff out. Jesus make it as if they had never sinned make it as it they never, ever, ever committed the act make it as if they were no longer no longer no longer subject to disease sickness cuts and scars lung problems all that stuff that came from things they should have never done God I ask you to confirm Covenant. Jesus name. I am going to finish with just a little bit and we are going to pray again but God is going to just keep doing it because He is amazing because He can and He will because see I damaged all my organs I damaged my brain I did 22 years of addiction man I wrecked my body I wrecked it and Jesus redeemed it all every bit of it the whole way through nothing no stain from yesterday all gone because of the Blood of Jesus forgave my sin. Having believed unto righteousness by His stripes we were healed. So the cross He pays the price for me to be forgiven but the stripes He paid a price for the sin that I brought into my body to be removed too. All of it. It is redemption. It is beautiful. It is amazing. So I live my life and 22 years of drugs and atheism and anger and hatred everything I just want to share a little bit and we are going to pray and that's OK let them just melt. Yay! Jesus is going to take away all that junk in here all that stuff all that depression all that stuff all that suicidal stuff. Gone. You wait, you will see He is awesome because I was suicidal for a long time. So the last 9 years of my life of drug addiction I met a girl and we moved in together she was my girlfriend and we had our daughter a year and a half in. My daughter was born I became suicidal wanted to be done with my life. So she stayed with me because I threatened to kill her if she left me and towards the end of my daughter's life like when she was about four and a half or something I joined this band because I knew that that I wanted to like sing and get the crowds rowdy and be in the front be the man all that stuff. We had this band and we are all partying all the time and I am living that life man and then one day I come home and I told my girl if she ever left me I would kill her if she left me for somebody and I would kill myself after I did that job. So she left and I knew she didn't leave me for somebody so I drove over to her step dads house to get a rifle I was going to end my life and on the way to the gun cabinet I passed by a phone book and I flipped it open and it opens to churches. Now me I don't know church I don't know God none of that stuff so for me this was random and weird. So I drove to this church angry as could be and instead of going to the gun cabinet and I met this pastor and I told him all my junk and just yelled and screamed and cried and all that stuff and he said "Since you don't want your life, why don't you give it to somebody that does." And me I said "Who would want this life? Do you not understand what I just said to you?" Now what I didn't tell you is at 12 my parents put me in a home a masonic home I was raised by the masons I started drugs at 12 after that I joined the marines to try and straighten it out I went AWOL after boot camp got arrested got extradited across the US got put in military prison got out of prison ran away again got extradited back again across America got kicked out after my tour in the marine core prison the brig got kicked out of the military and then years later I met this girl in a bar. So there is a lot more to it anyway this is the mess. He said "Well, let me tell you about Jesus." I said "Dude, I did not come here to hear about Jesus." He said "This is a church!" But in my mind Jesus wasn't at a church because none of you all talk to me outside of the church so I didn't think He would be in there but this guy had something different in his eyes that I had never seen before. It was real. I have learned that that thing is called the lamp the lamp of the body is the eye and if your eye is single your whole body is full of light so what I saw was light but I didn't understand what it was so he told me about Jesus I said "Whatever if He wants my life He can have it because I don't want it no more." That was my confession. Thank God Jesus didn't say Go into all the world and make confessing Christians. Phew. He said "Go into all the world and make disciples." But a disciple continues in His Word it's different. A disciple denies himself picks up his cross and follows Him it's different. A disciple is one that if you don't hate your mother your brother your sister your mother-in-law your kids if you don't hate them you cannot be My disciple but that word "hate" doesn't mean despise, that word "hate" means love less than me. Means I love God most so I can love my girl more my daughter you know that just anyway. So I didn't understand I went home and I called my daughter she was at her at my girlfriend's moms and I said "You need to tell mommy that daddy found God." She said "What is He like?" I said "I don't know but I met somebody today that claims to know and there is something about this guy's eyes." She goes "Daddy mommy is never coming home." I said "You do whatever you have got to do to get mommy to come home you kick and scream daddy's waiting." So I waited and a couple of hours later she comes home and my girlfriend comes home who is an adamant atheist who comes from a line of atheists who comes from this and I come from the same line on my side I don't have Christians that are on fire. She comes home and she says my girl says "I hate you you are a loser you are a liar and now you are going to be a hypocrite and I said "No, everything is going to change I found God" and she said "Whatever. You are sleeping on the couch." That was my usual spot. I put my daughter to bed and I told her that daddy found God and I am sorry for all I have done she said "Daddy I am so glad" and in an hour and a half I am out on a cocaine binge. My first night of my confession and I come back at 5.30 in the morning and girlfriend is up daughters up as usual on the couch waiting for dad I come in the door she is screaming at me throws something at me I am screaming back at her and then when it is available I called that guy at the church that told me to call him if I need help I told him "That thing doesn't work your Jesus doesn't work man." And he said "What do you mean He doesn't work?" I said "I did it again." He said "Todd how does that make you feel?" I said "Horrible." He said "Good for you Todd." That is not good for me. I said "Why is it good?" He said "There is a seed that is growing inside." He goes "Just the other day you wouldn't even have cared." I said "Make it grow faster then." And he started to just tell me who I was and I hung up. I was mad. Second night, same thing. Same thing. Now I have the guys coming over to the house for band practice everybody is coming to hang. My basement. So now I have got to tell all the guys the new news. So I said "Guys, guess what!" They are like "What's up man?" They are rolling a joint I said "Man, Jesus man I found Jesus bro." "Shut up man." "No I am serious man." "Dude..." and they used a lot of other choice words because Jesus wasn't a part of their lives. So they handed me the joint I took it getting high telling them "Jesus man, He is real I am telling you man this guy is awesome." Telling them about this pastor they don't want to meet no pastor for sure. "I am telling you man." So man we partied got drunk, got high that night and they all left right before they left they are like "Dude don't talk about that anymore." I am like "Jesus, Jesus Jesus, Jesus whatever." Because I don't care I am a front man, a singer it doesn't matter to me I was bold for the devil didn't matter. So they are like "We are out" and they quit this band that we had been together for three years man. So I have one guy that stays with me he is like my best friend he is one of those real chilled dudes just like "Hey man it is cool. I am glad you found your path bro." You know. I am serious anybody know anybody like that? If you don't, you need to talk to more people. So I am like "Aw dude you are going to stay?" So we are sitting there we are getting high we are smoking more I am telling him about Jesus he is like "Yeah man I am glad you found your path everybody has got their path I have got mine you got yours" and a couple of days later it is band practice again. This time I am upstairs and I come in the house and my girl said something wrong and I got so mad I went into my room and I punched a hole through the closet door and I cut my hand and split my hand open and I am like I go downstairs wash, wipe the blood off of my pants told him "Jesus love you man" he is like "Come on man dude I heard you upstairs man what happened?" So I am telling him "She just doesn't understand man" and I am cussing and he hands me a joint I am smoking a joint and all that stuff. Second night with the band. So week after week went by couple of band practices a week I am like "Dude I am telling you man Jesus is amazing man you have got to meet this pastor man." "Dude I don't want to meet any pastor" and he is the kind of guy that doesn't want to really associate with a lot of people anybody know those people that don't talk to a lot they only talk to like a couple and you are one of the couple. Right. The guy that is like "Hey I don't want to talk" or someone who is really shy just doesn't want to talk to anybody but you are the only one they confide in that was who that was this situation. So I am like telling him God this and God's that and and it went on month after month after month after month and he would tell me "Dude don't you realise that this whole Jesus thing isn't real you are like anybody else you are like all the other Christians out there you talk about something but what is the difference there is nothing different between your life and the way it was before. Like if anything if there is a God He would be mad at you right?" I am like "No man. Come on dude it's my path." So weird right. Now I am trying to justify why I am getting high it is not OK but I am, I am it is OK because it makes me feel calm and all that stuff. There are Christians actually that believe God made weed so why can't I get high? Well He made poppy seeds too so let's do heroin. He made the stuff that is inside chemicals because they all come together somehow they were formed because nothing is there unless it was made first so did God come up with the chemicals for cocaine? Did He come up with the chemicals for heroin? Did He come up with the chemicals for acid? How about ecstasy? What about mushrooms I mean where is the line? Is God OK with getting drunk because it says "use a little wine for your stomachs" so I should get drunk and call it culture. Is it OK to like get drunk and and be OK and say "Well Jesus drank wine chill out" and justify your sin. Is that OK? So here is my life like man I have been all over the world I hear people say all kinds why would I sacrifice truth in order to be culturally relevant? Sacrifice truth on the altar of calling it cultural relevance. Do you know that Paul said "don't be drunk with wine" he wrote that in Europe. OK, anyway. It really is. It's where he wrote it. It's awesome. It's crazy because it's anyway you guys OK? Right. So months went by another month, another month another month and Bobby's like my best friend and I am talking to him about this stuff all the time yelling, screaming I am falling 3, 4, sometimes 5 times a week to cocaine man cocaine and then come down get high and then drink to come down and then call this pastor in the morning tell him about all my junk and he never once condemned me he told me who Jesus says I was but I couldn't read I had a reading disorder a comprehension disorder. Are you guys leaving? OK. Get them Jesus. No I usually say if you guys get done before I do you can go. But I hope God shakes you in your car on the way. So five and a half months go by in this life where I am calling him every morning and I am living this life this great life of hypocrisy in the most dangerous way all through the week and it is horrible and I would sing real loud at church and I just man my life was so horrible it was total condemnation man because I was doing the stuff it was like I was living that life even though the things I don't want to do I am doing it and I was living this life under the law. There was a seed inside of me but I never gave up and surrendered I just incorporated. See what happens is I live this Jesus incorporated life instead of this surrendered life. See there is this incorporation where we think it's I incorporate Jesus into my life instead of surrender my whole life. It is Jesus incorporated never works man. It's all or none it's gather or scatter it's for or against it's craziness man because anywhere there is compromise it is because you have incorporated Him and not surrendered. So here I am living this incorporated life not surrendered life and it is horrible and I don't want to do it and I keep on doing it and doing it and doing it and I never got into the Bible because my brain was so fried in all the stuff. Well it's not your fault. Well and so five and a half months in I go out one-night man and my daughter and my girlfriend follow me out in the car and I am calling my dealer at a payphone and I turn around and there they are parked right behind my car. Talk about like huge buzz kill like horrible I am like "Man!" My daughter is like "Daddy you promised never again every night you promise the same thing never again and you are doing it again dad." She is screaming my girlfriend "Get in the car." So I got in my car and pulled out of the parking lot. Lost them and went down the backstreet into my city. So as I get down into the into the streets I can't find anybody so I go down a section I usually don't go down and I pick up this kid that is standing on the corner he gets in my car, I drive I go "Man have you got anything on you?" He tells me what he has on him and I ask him "You have to have more man I will take it all." I don't have any money so I am planning to rip this kid off. So he hands me all that he has and I said "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law." And I read him his rights and now I am a cop. It is called beating somebody for drugs man it happens all the time. So I pull around the corner I say "Get out of the car now put your hands on the hood" and when I pull around the corner and he opened the door I hit the gas to get away and he went boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom and unloaded a 9mm at me from 10 feet away and an audible voice filled my vehicle and the voice said "I took those bullets for you are you ready to live for me yet?" My foot is still on the gas screeching the blast went through the vehicle I am out of town I get out of town I break open every bit of that cocaine and do it all and every hit I took that voice came and said "I took those bullets for you are you ready to live for me yet?" and killed my buzz all night long. So I pull I pull home I pull into my driveway no buzz completely terrified because that voice is echoing inside of my head. It won't go away. Like there is no gunshot ringing just the voice. It's nuts. 10 feet away and 9mm is really loud the blast fills the darkness I get out of my car and to top off the voice I look and there is not one bullet hole in my car from 10 feet away. Now fear hits me because something is really wrong but I realise it's with me. I don't understand it but it is mercy I went to the door she said "Get out of my life I hate you." and that night I left. My daughter is screaming my girlfriend screaming. "No daddy no" and then my girlfriends done "Get out I hate you. Get out of my life." And I left and I went and called that pastor I said "Man I need help." And I had called a place called Teen Challenge a few weeks earlier. Yes. So we called up there and they said "There is a bed open. Are you ready to surrender?" because the last time I called them I went and actually met with them and I am like "You guys are freaks I am out of here you are crazy man. What is wrong with you?" The guy showed me his arms they were totally marked up by shooting I was like "No way dude. I am out of here I am not that bad." So I was going up there three days later so the second day and the next day I am leaving or no that first night in the morning I called my friend Bobby I said "Bro" I said "Hey man" I said "I went out last night and ripped off some guy and he shot at me man from like 10 feet away." He goes "Are you in the hospital?" I said "No man." "Did he hit you?" I said "No. Didn't even hit my vehicle." He said "Man that guy was a bad shot." This guy that is like "I am glad you found your path" I said "Dude" I said "It wasn't a bad shot I heard this voice and it says 'I took those bullets for you are you going to live for me yet?'" He goes "What kind of voice? You are hearing voices? What are you hearing?" I said "Man it, it was God." He said "Todd don't you realise by now that Jesus isn't real." I said "No I am telling you man He is real, He saved my life like God saved my life." He goes "It wasn't God the guy was a bad shot probably some young kid and he probably wasn't as close as you said" and all those things. I said "Man I am telling you man at least you are a father." He has two kids three-and-a-half and seven-and-a-half-year-old. "At least you are a father to your kids I can't even be a father to my kid man. I have got to go dude I am going away to a rehab." He goes "Good for you man. You need help bro." I said "Yes I do and I am going away man I leave in like in a couple of days I am going to this place called Teen Challenge." He goes "You are not a teenager" I said "I know but it's for like it's for all ages." And he is like he is like "Well, what kind of rehab?" I said "Well it is not your regular rehab they just teach you about Jesus." He goes "Why would you go to learn about somebody that is not real?" I said "Because He is real you have got to come meet this pastor man he is amazing." He says "I don't want to meet a pastor I know you. Listen, I love you you are my friend." I said "Man I am not I am not OK." He goes "No you need help." I said "Man there is one more thing." He goes "What?" I said "This thing is 12 months long." He goes "What!" He goes "Why would you go away for 12 months to learn about something that is not real?" I said "Because He is real." He goes "No He is not, look at your life. You have talked about this Jesus this God for like almost six months and there is no change in your life. Why would you keep talking about it it is not real and why would you go away to learn about something that is not real." And he was really upset. I said "Man because I am not even a dad man. I lost my girl I am about to lose my daughter." He goes "Alright man." I said "Well will you jam with me when I get home." He goes "Yes man you are my only friend." I said "Awesome!" I am like "Yes!" Really man so I was like so thankful you know like in the only way I knew how to be. So two days later I head up to Teen Challenge lost my girl lost my daughter lost everything I use to have dreadlocks I shaved my head bald like done finished man I am done. I entered into this programme I submitted like 100% surrendered and said "I am done with this life I have ruined it I am done." And every morning I would go into the prayer room an hour before everybody else got up and I would open the Bible and flip it open to wherever and say "OK" and I didn't understand any of it. But the third day they call me downstairs they said "Todd you need to come into the office." I said "Why?" He said "Because you need to talk to your pastor." I said "What do you mean?" So I go down into the office and the councillor is on the phone like this he goes "Todd your pastor is on the phone. You need to come in and shut the door." I went "Oh my gosh dude!" They killed my girlfriend they killed her. Why? Because I owed so many people drug money I ripped off so many drug dealers I am only six miles from town. I ripped them all off I ripped off so many people man that was my life and they just shot at me before I went there so I go in and I sit down and I said "What is going on man is it is it is it is it Jackie? Is it Destiny? What happened?" He said "No it is not your girlfriend it is not your daughter." I said "What happened?" He said "It is Bobby." I said "What do you mean?" He said "Your guitar player." I said "Yes?" He said "He had a brain aneurysm." I went "What's that?" He said "He is in a coma." I go "No!" I go "What do you mean?" He goes "Todd you have to promise me you don't leave." And I said "No. Not my friend. Not my only friend." And I threw the phone down and I ran out and I ran upstairs I ran into the prayer room and I am screaming "No. Not my friend he is my only friend. No!" There is another guy that walked in behind me and he comes up and I am a fighter man it is how I grew up and this guy gets in my face like this far and he goes "It's not that bad." And I went "Oh my God. No!" And I screamed and Peace came in the room and hit me and knocked me to the floor and knocked this kid on the couch and I am sitting there I mean literally I am talking knocked him on the couch. Peace did. Instead of my fist the rage, listen the rage and the anger was gone. Like it was gone. Like the Peace of God that surpasses understanding came and hit me. And I sat on the floor and just a still small voice said "You are not going anywhere." And I sat there and I cried and me and this fruit tester kid became like best friends. Like it was crazy because I would never talk to him because he was always in your face. It changed his life just that one encounter with the Prince of Peace. It was crazy. So I stayed there and I would go in there every morning and I was there for a month and a half and I had the Bible open up to me first scripture ever was in James it says if you lack wisdom ask God and I sat there on the couch I stood up and I went "Oh my God that's it I am wisdom less." Oh I am I'm it looked more like this "Oh my God I don't have a clue. That's it! I have no idea I have no wisdom I am wisdomless Oh God help! And God opened my heart man and all of a sudden this not being able to read a book for 34 years went. Really. So a couple of days later I had an encounter with a homeless guy told him Jesus loved him he told me He loved me he shared the Gospel with me it was crazy. Crazy. Right across the street from Teen Challenge the next three nights I had these dreams where I have encounters with Jesus in a valley. Every night, three nights in a row. Third night He tells me to go home. So now I called that pastor he comes and picks me up 10 months early he comes and picks me up he tells me every reason why I am going to make it on the way home it was crazy. Now I have to go to my house here's why because I realise I am a dad. Like like I didn't know I was a father and my kid is already seven-and-a-half years old I I didn't know that I was a daddy and now I know I am a dad so I have got to tell my daughter how sorry I am because I am a dad. Oh it's the craziest thing and I get there and my daughter comes running across the porch and I grab her I go "Hey you!" Seven-and-a-half I said "I am so sorry for all that I have done" she says "Oh daddy you are home" I said "No daddy is not home." Now I have to tell her because I can't just move in I have to tell her I can't stay there I ruined mom's life but I have to tell her couple things here is what I have got to tell her I am going to get a job and I am going to provide for you and I am going to be the best dad ever because I know who God is He is my Father and I am going to show you what a father is and I held her and I realised I was a dad I didn't know I was a dad but now I do it was like amazing. That might not be a revelation for some people but I am telling you that for seven-and-a-half-years I did not know what it was to be of value as a father. I didn't know what it meant to be a father was crazy. So my girlfriend comes out of the house and I said "I am so sorry for what I have done to you" and she goes "I know you are." I go "How do you know I am?" "Well when you went away I gave my life to Jesus." I went "Oh my God! Oh my God!" Here is my first conviction this isn't always everybody's response. My first conviction I cannot live here. Well that is out of the ordinary. No. That is ordinary. Why? We lived together in sin for nine years seven-and-a-half-year-old daughter and now she tells me she forgave me the last thing that I need to do is just move back in same old same old. The Holy Spirit convicts me and He says "This is not your home." But in the same measure of conviction He shakes my heart and trembles it. I said "No, no, no I cannot live here" she goes "I know we need to be married" I looked at Dan and I said "Whoa dude we have got to plan this." He goes "You are not planning nothing." My heart is trembling he goes "You are not planning nothing" I said "Whoa" and I am thinking like who is going to come anyway? Do you think that all of her family who I stole from is going to "Oh praise the Lord!" He said "We will do it on Sunday in between first and second service." I am like "Awesome." Now my heart is still trembling it is shaking inside and I am like "What is going on?" And the Holy Spirit brings this I already said I am not going to live there but it is still going like this this trembling the Holy Spirit says "Your house is full of pornography and drugs and paraphernalia I want you to clean your house." I'm, I'm just, I'm brand new just a baby like but my heart is beating and pounding this isn't OK so I said "Dan" I said "Can you watch my daughter and my girl I have got to go in the house and I got to get rid of some things." He goes "Sure." I said "I have got to go and take care of some stuff" and my girl didn't even she is all smiles she forgave me like it is crazy. I go in the house just me and God no one else is looking just me and my Father and I got a trash bag and I go through and I I get stuff out of my closet all the paraphernalia the bongs the bowls the roach clips the seeds the rolling papers the stuff the resin all the stuff man all the way through I go over here and I get all my Hustler magazines my Playboy magazines my VHS's all the stuff that I thought made me a man and I get it all all of it and I put it in the bag and I go in the back and I get all my stuff the stuff I hid in my daughter's bedroom up in the closet behind the stuff underneath the nooks and the crannies and all the secret spots that God knows and I get everything and I go in my closet in my room and get the grow lights because I use to grow weed all kinds of stuff man and I pass by the closet door that has a fist hole in it from that time all my house had holes in everything because I pictures and stuff hanging to cover up from my rage and I am just crying "God You are amazing." And I am going through the house with a fear inside of my heart I go out the back door. No one sees me only God. I go out the back door and I walk down the steps and I go out to the barrel the burn barrel and I put everything inside the barrel and I am like my heart is pounding it's not done it's not done and I go to the garage and I I get some stuff out of there put it in there and I get a I get a sledge hammer and I sledgehammer my stuff down in there and I go and get gasoline and I take it and I douse the barrel with gasoline douse it I am talking douse it and then I lead a trail over here and I got the trail here and I go and get a lighter and I light it and it goes and I went over after it died down and I worshipped Jesus over my past. Oh oh oh there is nothing like having the reality of righteousness and holiness cleanse you all the way through I did not clean the house because I thought I would use it if I left it there I cleaned it because it has nothing to do with me and me with it. And I went out front and worshipped Jesus and then a couple of days later in between first and second service no one was going to come anyway her mom did her step dad did he cussed me out I mean it was pretty bad. He did it because they are not Christians they are not thinking "The Lord this is awesome covenant." They are thinking she is throwing her life away. But we are not and it is not about a big wedding it is about a big covenant. So we get married it is awesome. The next morning I really hear in my heart to go visit my friend Bobby see he is still alive he is in a coma and he is at this brethren home and he has got his skull cutaway and his and his brain is bulging out and I walked into the room I brought my seven-and-half-year old daughter with me Destiny we were married you know we were married for one day and my brand new it's a brand-new family you know but I I need to bring her up and she knows Bobby and went into the hospital room and walked up to the bed and he is laying there his eyes are comatose he is not even home and his wife was there and I said "Hey I am sorry Hun." She goes "Sorry for what?" I said "Sorry that I didn't represent Jesus." She goes "Jesus? Jesus! Look at my husband and you are going to tell me about Jesus? Shut up!" And she went in the corner and held her ears in rage and I knelt beside my friend's bed and I looked in his eyes and I said "I am sorry man He is real. Jesus is real." And for thirty seconds all the times of getting high and telling him Jesus is Lord and how much He loves him. "Jesus loves you man." Partying telling him this upstairs punching a hole coming downstairs for thirty seconds all those memories flooded me. Thirty seconds. And then they left. My daughter is crying and I looked at him and I sang "I am sorry" and I am singing to him telling him how sorry I am and then I went and he didn't squeeze me wink nothing. I walked out of the room I held my daughter his wife Betty is still in the corner I walked out took her in the car I told my daughter I said "Your daddy lived as a hypocrite" and I said "I could have had a voice but I didn't know and God forgives me but don't ever live that way." And we got in the car we drove home and I held my wife. The next morning they called me and they said that Bobby died. It's alright. Even if it's gun blast it's OK. They said that Bobby died and I cried and cried and cried. The next morning I received a phone call from Bobby's wife and she said "Todd" she said "you know Bobby passed away" I said "I know. I am so sorry" she goes "Well you were his only friend he would have wanted you to speak at his funeral." and I got off the phone I said "I will call you back." I got off the phone and I cried I said "God what am I going to say? What would I say?" I called Betty back and I told her I said "I'll I'll I'll come up with something" she said "OK because you were his only friend." I am the only friend. And the night before the funeral "God what do I say?" He said "You were his only friend. I want you to talk about what it means to be a friend." Oh! I get to the funeral home there he is. Casket. Open casket. His little kids are there his little three-and-a-half seven-and-a-half-year-old kid I watched that little three-and-a-half-year-old kid come up to the casket and shake it and say "Daddy wake up." And I tried to talk about what it meant to be a friend and a friend lays his life down for his friend I didn't lay my life down and I said to them kids I said "I am really sorry to tell you this but there is only one name under heaven that man can be saved His name is Jesus and your daddy died telling me he didn't believe in Jesus but he believed in me and I want to tell you I am sorry." They didn't know how to say anything they just stared at me and looked at their father's body that was in the casket and it wrecked me man. See we think that like holiness is some kind of legalism. It's not. There is a reason why Jesus rebuked hypocrisy more than anything. See what I have been sharing tonight it's been fun it's been happy we have been having fun and it's serious but I am telling you not from me finding something to preach I am telling you because I lived as a hypocrite and Bobby is in hell because of my life. People say "Well you can't say that" oh I can he told me "I don't believe in Jesus I believe in you" and he died the next day. Now he could have had a change or something could have changed but I have to live with the conviction that that is what my life did. Let me ask you a question where is your life? And what do you believe? See its sober right now because God's Spirit is amazing. It is. You got one shot at this thing guys you have one shot at life. What are you going to do? If you are living a life and you have hypocrisy inside of it and you know it and the things that I have shared is convicting to you and you are tired of it there is no way to have you come forward so I will just have you stand because God wants to clean house He wants us to be free so if that is you I want you on your feet don't play games with this thing. I am by no means calling you a bad person it's not about a bad person I am talking about a holy life set apart that is what I am talking about because Jesus loves you but He wants you to be free and He wants you to live as an example because I charge you young people I charge you to be an example in word in deed in purity with your life it's the best witness that you have I charge you to live a life that is worthy of the call I charge you to live a life that burns on fire that pursues purity holiness and peace because without peace and holiness no one will see the Lord I charge you to live a life that is worthy of Christ's death and resurrection I charge you to live a life full of the power of God full of the purity of God I charge you body of Christ young and old alike to live a life that is so holy and transforming that people around you will get wrecked when you walk in the room I charge you body of Christ to not live in regret from yesterday but to believe the cross and the finished work today I charge you to not look back at the things that you wish you could change because you can't change them I charge you to believe that it is finished and the blood of Jesus is enough I charge you body of Christ to stop sleeping with your girlfriend I charge you to stop pornography I charge you to stop drugs and stop alcohol I charge you. Why? because all of heaven will back you up if you make the decision to be done. Who here would say I will not have sexual immorality in my life I am convicted and it is done I want to see your hands. I charge you if you are living with your girlfriend to marry her. Not tell her to do things if she loves you. I charge you fathers if you have children to rise up, support and be a father. Satan wants to manipulate manoeuvre and get you to take Jesus wipe His face in the mud lift Him up and say "Here is my King." God has charged you to reign in this life as a King through the free gift of righteousness and the abundance of grace. God has given you that and that is for you. I want everybody that is standing to just lift your hands. Can I get some keys or something is there somebody. Alright everybody is standing alright. It's all good Jesus come on. Father I thank you in the name of Jesus God I ask You Father You told me preach repentance God preach repentance and I will honour Your Word because it is My Word God I thank You that You would raise up a Holy standard among the generation I thank You Father that we would be pursuers of the Kingdom and righteousness for everything will be added to you if you seek first the Kingdom and His righteousness I thank You Father for the cleansing and the washing of the Word tonight God I thank You Father for the obedience radical obedience of every person listening whether it is by CD whether it is by livestream whether you are in the meeting no matter what DVD whatever I thank You Father for a radical generation that would take the spirit of ugly off the bride that we will be known as a beautiful bride because Jesus you are coming back but you are coming back for a bride that has made herself ready. A blameless, spotless wrinkle free bride. One that is holy and pure and lovely Jesus I thank You for what You have done and for what You are doing. Holy Spirit I am asking You to send Your fire on the hungry right now. Come right now. More. Come Holy Spirit touch. Right now. Touch God. I thank You the Spirit of burning would come right now. Oh don't be too tired for His presence don't be too tired for His presence. Come Holy Spirit. I ask You for a fresh baptism of Your fire of Your Holiness for a fresh baptism of the fear of the Lord. Come Holy Spirit touch your people right now. Jesus come right now. I thank You that burning would start from the head and work its way down right now. Jesus come right now. All the way in the back. Come Holy Spirit more. God come right now say this "Holy Spirit here I am mark me." Jesus come right now. More. More. More. More. I want you to lay your hand on somebody right next to you. I just want you to say "More Lord." Right now more. More God come. Touch your people God more. Touch. Touch. More. More. Jesus right now come on. More God we are asking You for more. Touch. Touch. Fire. Touch. Fire. Touch. Baptise Your people God. More. Last night God. Come on Lord. Touch them. More. More. More. Jesus touch. Come on I want you to pray for fire for the person beside you right now. Pray for the fire of God to touch their life. Come on. Pray for the fire of God to touch your friend right now. More. Come on lift up your voice. Pray. More. More. God satisfy their hunger right now. Satisfy their hunger right now. More. More. More. More God. Baptise people with Your power. Baptise people with Your love. Come. Come on pray. Come on pray through right now. Pray for what God what you want God to do to you for them right now come on. Lift your voice. Come on Jesus more. More. More. More. More. More God touch. Touch. Holy Spirit touch. Touch. Touch. Touch. Right now God. More. Come on lift your voice. Lift your voice. Come on. Lift your voice. Lift your voice. Fire. Fire. Touch. Touch. Touch. Touch. Come on God all the way in the back touch them. Touch them. Where is your hunger? Where is your hunger? Jesus more. More. More. More. More. More. If you have a prayer language lift it up right now. Come on lift it up. Lift it up. Lift it up. Lift it up. Lift it up. Lift it up. Lift it up. Lift your prayer language up. Lift it up. Come on. Holy Spirit touch them right now. Touch them God. Touch them. Touch the hungry. Touch the hungry. Right now more. More. More. Come on just a couple of minutes. Lift up your prayer language right now. A lot of you are getting one right now. Lift it up. God is baptising people with His Holy Spirit right now. Just lift it up. if you are just getting your prayer language wave your hands in the air right now. Come on more. More. More. Lift it up. Lift it up. Lift it up. Lift it up. Lift it up. Lift it up. Lift it up. Lift it up. God I ask You to give everybody here a prayer language. Holy Spirit fill. Come on. More Lord. More Lord. Come on lift it up. Pray in the Spirit. Right now come on. OK. Take a break. Whoever just got a prayer language wave both hands over your head right now. OK. Now. Watch. I want everybody to check their body for physical healing right now. All over the house. Check. Without us even praying just check. Anything from the top of your head your neck your shoulders your elbows your knees your ankles. Just check. If it is gone wave both hands over your head. OK. Now, if you were a cutter check your arms. See if the scars are gone right now. If scars have disappeared wave both hands over your head right now. OK. Now put your hand on somebody beside you. Everybody be included in this. Now you have got to promise me that you use this outside of here too because it works out there in the streets too and out there in the malls alright. I promise you. Now what we are going to do is we are going to pray from the top of the head to the bottom of the feet I just want you to repeat after me and I am going to show you how simple this is. I want you to say this with me everybody In the name of Jesus Head be healed. Deaf ears open. Hearing be restored. If your ear just opened yell. Eyes say eyes be healed. Blind eye open. Now in Jesus name. If you had an eye that just got better I want you to scream. Jaw be healed Neck be healed Thyroid be healed. Shoulders be healed. Spinal cord be healed. Discs be healed. Heart be healed. Lungs be healed. Take a deep breath. Organs be healed. Disease get out. In Jesus name. Digestive disorders be healed. Hips be healed. Bladder be healed. Knees be healed. Ankles be healed. Every joint be healed. Metal be removed. Skin be healed. Scars disappear. Blood disorders be healed. Sexually transmitted diseases get out. I am not that type that type of child. That is no longer who I am. Hepatitis get out. Freedom. In Jesus name. OK. If your hearing got restored wave your hands in the air. If your eyes got restored wave your hands. If there was a blind eye that opened wave your hands. That was completely blind then it opened. Come on. If you had a completely deaf ear I want you to wave your hand and it opened if it opened completely deaf ear wave your hand if it opened. I can't see. If there is anybody's ear anybody's ear that was completely deaf I want to see both your hands. OK. OK awesome. Yes. If you had metal in your body and you could feel it and it got hot and you cannot feel it anymore wave your hands at me. One more time I want you to say this If you got if anybody is here and has a deaf ear I want you to raise your hand. A deaf ear. You have a deaf ear? OK. Who else? Put your someone beside them put a hand on her ear. OK come on. Let's just kick this stuff to the curb man it's not OK. See I want you to know that like it is not because I am doing it you are the ones praying do you understand? This is not complicated. The Spirit of the Lord is the One so in the name of Jesus we command these ears to open now. Open. In Jesus name. We command these eyes to open in Jesus name. Right now. Open. In Jesus name. Jesus name ears open. What is going on Hun? Not yet. Put your hands on it again. Come on. This is easy you just pray again pray again OK? Alright. While they are praying for her ear I want everybody else in here to check your body from the top to the bottom right now. Check if anything you can tell physical change with right now. Shoulders, wrist whatever. Just check. If your body has physical change and healing has happened wherever I want all of you to raise your hands over your head double hand it wave them over wave them. OK. Keep praying for her ear. OK if you need major breakthrough in your body put your hand up one hand up. Gather round come on find a hand gather round them right now. Come on guys. Jesus. Now I want you guys to that's it. Come on and it opened! Did it open? Deaf ear. Popped. Yay! Come on. Our Jesus is extraordinarily amazing. Listen when Jesus healed the sick He did not heal the sick as God He healed the sick as a man in perfect relationship with God filled with God the Holy Spirit. Jesus was fully God and fully man but He had to lay His divinity aside and humble himself and become a person just like us. To do what He did on this earth or else He couldn't have taken away our sin. So that same Holy Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead the same one that healed through Jesus John 5:19 says The Son can do nothing of Himself but what He does He does because the Father does it for what the Father does the Son does in like manner. That same Holy Spirit is on you now. Now you pray and release healing to people. Lindy can you let it rip? Come on pray guys. Come on again. Come on pray guys. Come on guys. You Lord. Come on. You Lord. You Lord. Come on guys pray through. Come on. Let God use you right now. Come on. You Lord. There is no one like You Lord.(Singing) You Lord. There is no one like You Lord. You Lord. Jesus. Jesus.
Channel: Todd White
Views: 152,831
Rating: 4.8342295 out of 5
Id: 1P0DpVK9W7k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 163min 26sec (9806 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 08 2017
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