Todd White - Abandon Everything for the sake of Love

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[Music] y'all my short life and jesus for 16 years i you know when i got saved i thought like you you reaching out is normal i thought this is just amazing although no one reached out to me for 34 years when i got saved i couldn't help but to reach out because i didn't remember anybody talking to me about jesus my whole life for 34 years i was like oh my gosh and so i i had the tendency of going up to the most angry people and talking to them about the lord because i was a pretty angry person so i mean i was really angry and like because i was i think i should have been a target for the gospel does that make sense we have we have to break fear we have to break it the way that it's broken is by the love of the father fear is simply an absence of knowing god's period love boils down to that if i know god's love for me then i have to tell him tell you about his love for you look it's this simple it's not about preaching it people it's not about going there trying to target somebody to get them to pray your prayer because if you maneuver somebody to get them to pray your prayer they can maneuver out of it it's not about manipulation it's about love man it's about loving somebody so much because you love yourself when i find out about god's love for me i can't help but to tell you about it so if people are afraid to share their faith i'm not talking about faith for just miracles i'm talking about faith and god's love for them this is really simple when we encounter jesus when we encounter him not just encounter goosebumps i'm talking about him like goosebumps are wonderful and whoa did you feel that that's great but when you encounter him like the disciples encountered him on the day of pentecost it's over buddy like for real i'm not just talking about shaking i'm not just talking about crying i'm talking about an encounter that never ends talking about an encounter that never ends you can't go a day without that same encounter because once you once that happens it flips the switch on fear it it completely flips that switch that held you back like i'm afraid to talk to you about jesus and then all of a sudden i encounter god i encounter his presence and in his presence is his love in his presence and in his love is his glory and when i encounter that glory i i will never be the same and there's really nothing to go back to so like there's really no backsliding because your back is gone so when you encounter his love there's no place to slide back to because you slid home like when you slide home into the father it's over for anything else like anything else just isn't it's just not tasty see when you taste and see that god is good everything else is bland gosh what if it really is this easy what if it's that simple it's encounter jesus and then once you encounter him all of a sudden you step into the reality of who jesus is and freedom has a name it is jesus so when you encounter jesus you encounter freedom but when you encounter freedom it's not just freedom for a moment it's not just a momentary freedom where you come to an altar say yes to jesus and then walk away and live the same as you did when you encounter jesus and you fall in love with the father and you realize how strong his love for you is all of a sudden outside of there isn't an option anymore then sin loses its voice in your life because it's not fun anymore see sin was fun at one time and i didn't know any better and it was fun and and porn was fun and drugs were fun and and alcohol was fun and singing in front of people and getting them to mosh was fun and and making a joke about somebody else and getting everybody to laugh on my side was fun but when jesus came that stuff wasn't fun anymore because when somebody is in that place they're lost they're blind they can't see it's like talking to somebody and having having a a conversation with somebody and every other word is the f word when you have that conversation and and in texas a lot of people drop the god bomb like in texas you're oh yeah well god bless like you finished a conversation it's f this and f that f f and you talk about jesus a little bit and they're like hey well god bless you have to further god bless him just but there's really no relationship the reason why we cuss like that is because we don't know him because when you know him that's not an option anymore because there's no filthy language that wants to come out of your mouth because your heart's changed and if out of your heart your mouth speaks this gets changed this gets changed then all of a sudden the words that you speak aren't corrupt ephesians says let no corrupt word come out of your mouth but that which is used for edification encouragement building up those and providing grace to those that hear you so what happens is when you receive grace and you realize that grace is undeserved favor unmerited favor something that you didn't deserve but when god bestows that upon you all of a sudden you wake up the blinders get off and you look in the mirror and say oh my gosh i don't deserve this and this love overwhelms your soul like because like in my case i should be dead i should have been shot and killed and left for dead my my daughter destiny wouldn't have a father zoe brylee azariah asher they wouldn't be in existence jackie and i wouldn't be together every day when i look in the mirror i think about those things and i fall in love with jesus again and again and again and again because he is so good he's just so good i mean we come here we move into this big building and and i'm like yeah we don't even have an office let's go and finance a building no no listen move here don't even have an office god's like i've got a ministry training hub for you we land in it i look at it he's like i wanted to see 3 000. i'm like lord we don't even have an office but god says no this is the one so then we do a fundraising campaign never raised money before and we raised like eight to eight million dollars in in like less than a year i have no clue how it works but if god called it to that then god's gonna finish it and so we step into this place and i'm like i have no idea what i'm doing this is amazing i need staff really bad and then the staff come and and but it's not just staff it's like a dream team it's like a team that have dreams that that enable me to step into what i'm called to and then like by no means did we want to do a church that wasn't about that but he said no i want you to do a church i'm like lord we're kind of having church it's like no i want you to do a church my way and i'm looking through the bible at what does church look like and church looks like community and community looks like family so it's about having a whole big huge family in community that would die for one another that's ridiculous i mean going to church with one another and hey brother that's one thing but but dying for your neighbor that sits beside you is a different thing not that you'd have to but you'd want to people like i ain't coming to that church man i love my life be careful greater love hath no one than this then he would lay his life down for his friend well who's your friend only the people that like me and do things nice for me that's not jesus buddy that's not the lord that's why no one approached me with the gospel because i didn't have anything to give no one shared the gospel with me because they didn't want what i had and what i had they didn't want but i had nothing to give what could i give all i did was steal kill and destroy i had the nature of god's enemy so nobody approached me but i was a friend of jesus and didn't even know it if i just approach people because of what i can get from them then i'm selfish and it's all about me but what if i approached people with no strings attached and it wasn't about me it was about them knowing god's love for them that changes everything guys all i ever wanted was for people to get to be for people to be solid enough to be able to share their faith that's my goal in life my whole goal in life is for people to know that god loves them unconditionally but when you encounter the unconditional love you automatically develop conditions your conditions are i don't want to do this and i don't want to do that and i don't want to do this because i love god it's unconditional god will take you just the way you are do you understand that god will take you just thank god dude because if god took people because they were cleaned up i would be dead because i was not clean i was as filthy and as dirty as anything i mean i was like roadkill i hurt and destroyed i threatened to kill i i ripped off and manipulated and maneuvered my whole life but god was in heaven that i didn't know because no one told me god was in heaven looking at me saying it's almost time now granted someone would have came up to me and prophesied and said hey it's almost time i'd be like get away from me i would have included a lot of cuss words in there but no one did so maybe my testimony could have been cut short a little maybe i didn't have to do that stuff for 22 years maybe maybe i could have done it for a couple of years and maybe it would have been cut short a lot less people would have been hurt a lot less people would be a lie a lot more people would be alive because drugs kills people man alcohol kills people anger fighting hatred just bitterness and wrath and lies and yeah yeah man i got you you know how many people were my friends when i got saved zero when i got saved all the people that i thought were my friends were like talk to the hand why because all my friends hated god none of them loved jesus i didn't have any jesus loving friends no way but when i got saved i became this radical it doesn't matter if you hate me i'm going to be in your face with jesus anyway i'm not kidding i would go up to the most rowdiest of people and they would like want to punch me and it's okay i'll take one for the team the old me would hit you before you hit me but now i'll take it why because i because i know him because i'm in love with jesus man and all i ever wanted to do was reproduce the love for jesus and people i don't want perfect people god's not looking for perfection he's looking for conviction there's a difference see conviction when god convicts me i immediately want to obey perfection you think you can do it on your own i've got to be perfect you've got to be perfect yeah baby perfect i better be exact god's not looking for perfect or exact he's looking for love because when you encounter his love all that works based like mindset goes out the window because you couldn't you couldn't lose through bad works what you couldn't gain through good ones that's hard for people sometimes you couldn't lose you couldn't lose through messing up what you couldn't gain through being fixed up before you come to him are you guys hearing me i'm looking for a people that would love god wholeheartedly and unabandon me that they would they would abandon everything else for the sake of love that they would do their job as unto the lord once you find out his love for you you want to work for jesus then it ain't about working for the man then it isn't about how your boss treats you or talks to you or how your colleagues talk to you or how your family treats you all that stuff as well as me because when you find out how much god loves you it's not woe is me anymore it's god loves me anymore it changes everything man i know because i couldn't work i didn't care about a job and then when jesus came i wanted to work because i wasn't working for them i was working for him and then all of a sudden it was exciting to go to work and everybody hated jesus where i worked everybody hated god made fun of me laughed at me mocked me cussed at me it didn't matter i'm like in love with jesus in one day like god took my heart went amen he took the stony heart out he threw it away and he put a heart of flesh in there and then he but then what i did was i looked in the book and i found out what's supposed to be in my heart because when this word comes in it divides and separates and what it does is it judges see we talked about that thing being removed that plank being removed the plank being removed from your own eye he says don't judge how can you how can you remove a splinter in your brother's eye when you've got a plank in your own do you know what your heart being filled with the truth does it automatically removes the plank so it's not about judging and trying to remove by judgment a splinter it's removing by love something that's hurting them i say that again i'm hoping that it flies because that's the first time i heard it i'm serious when it talks about judgment he's talking about people coming up and lording over people and trying to come over top and saying you need this and you need this and you need this and self-righteousness and you because what he did was he spent a lot of time jesus rebuked self-righteousness he rebuked elitism that's what racism is it's elitism it's the same thing it's twisted and it's demonic it's full of hatred what are we thinking what are we thinking color are you kidding me when this skin's removed we're all the same when your skin's removed you're all the same what does it matter what the outside looks like boy let me tell you how much i've been through with the outside of this cup with people do you have any idea how angry dreads make people it's so weird it's hate it's hatred it's it's it's not just judgment it's hate it's it's a problem it's not a problem with this it's a problem with this i promise you because the way you see is completely dominated by the way you think and as a man thinks in his heart so is he so when this gets changed this gets changed and this gets changed and this gets changed oh gosh this whole rioting thing is an eye for an eye tooth for a tooth it's hatred in its finest and hate isn't fine the devil is loving it man there's a lot of christians that have picked sides how many police officers have to lay their life down to continue the saga of one wrongful act because it's happening every day it's it's trauma it's drama and it needs to end and if the body of christ doesn't take a stand you know how you take a stand in the body of christ not by this is our right that's not how it is no you're in a theocracy not a democracy the king rules in the theocracy this is how you take a stand in the body of christ right here we can't afford to enter into this thing man there are more people watching facebook and watching cnn than reading their bible we are being filled with the thoughts of the world and filled with this wrong and this wrong and this wrong and this wrong and this wrong well they did this and they said this and i can't believe they did this we need to get back into the truth man how can we have community that becomes family if we're constantly more concerned about what other people are doing instead of what god's doing in here are you with me i'm not justifying anything i'm not siding with anything i side with jesus i'm going to read a couple scriptures to you then we're going to pray for the sick because god wants to heal i mean he always does people say healing's in the room if jesus is in the room healing's in the room are you with me let's read a couple of scriptures i was just first corinthians 12 13 says by one spirit we were all baptized into one body whether jews or greeks or slaves are free all have been all made to drink into one spirit first john 2 9-11 the one who says he's in the light and hates his brother is in the darkness till now the one who loves his brother abides in the light and there's no cause for stumbling in him we'll read that again the one who loves his brother abides in the light and there's no cause for stumbling but the one who hates his brother is in the darkness and walks in darkness and does not know where he is going because the darkness has blinded his eyes hatred blinds your eyes we can't afford to live in hatred i promise this you fall in love with god because what happens is in this case and all these different things somebody's the victim but in god you're not a victim you're victorious it can be the worst thing ever that has been done to you and if you get in front of most people you will be the victim and they will be the enemy but jesus said love your enemies totally different bless those that curse you and pray for those that despitefully use you i'm talking gospel man jesus the beatitudes the attitudes of your being this is jesus if someone hates he's actually a murderer that's the gospel they're like well i don't like that because that guy's wrong i agree he's wrong have you ever done anything wrong now i mean how many of you have done something wrong let me see you show hands all right why aren't you in hell no wait let's just do this again i mean it's really technical how many of you have messed up how many of you did not get what you deserve why when someone wronged you or someone wronged a family member or somebody wrong somebody that's close to you why didn't you protest all right wow okay somebody really hurt somebody close to you and i'm not saying it doesn't sting but you better bring that thought captive immediately into obedience of jesus because if you don't bring that thought captive that thought will keep you take you captive and all of a sudden you will build a huge movement about your rights instead of righteousness and you will condemn your own self because you take yourself outside of the gospel and you're saying i deserve whatever i get because i want them to get what they deserve i don't like that i really don't care what you like i care what the truth is i'm not i'm not kidding see it's just not about siding with like it's about preaching the truth it's not about the gospel is not up for negotiation it's not up for negotiation see this kind of preaching stings it does it's called conviction it's not condemnation because if you're in that place and the shoe fits kick it off it's not your shoe but there is grace to change that's pretty amazing isn't it it's just the gospel let me just go a little deeper there's a couple more scriptures here the bible's full of them watch this is ephesians 4 29 to 32 i kind of talked about it a little bit earlier all the things that we say like gosh this is so crazy the gossip the criticism the complaining the murmuring do you know who murmured and complained we all know the children of israel they're in the wilderness right none of them got out of there they all died right there you with me we don't want that no okay i'll leave that one because you talk about words to the by christ and they get offended they get hurt you know life and death is in the power of your tongue like you can use it to speak life or you can use it to speak death you can do you know that it says this it's listen to this let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth but that which but only such a word that is used for good for edification according to the need of the moment so that it will provide grace to those that hear that's what it says here's what god's saying providing grace god has enabled all of us by our words to steward the grace and favor that's upon your life so what i can do is i can choose who i want to steward god's favor to or i can choose who i want to steward death to life and death is in the power of a tongue jesus said out of the heart the mouth speaks so what we really need to do is we really need to encounter jesus so that god takes out the heart and puts in a new heart jeremiah 24 says in that day i will give them a new heart he didn't say he's going to revamp the old one he didn't say he was going to fix it up he said he was going to rip out that heart of stone and put in a heart of flesh a heart of stone can't care for people heart of flesh does nothing but care for people are you with me and out of the heart the mouth speaks so when your heart changes it's not just a momentary change at the altar it's a discipling change from the father speaking to you as a son as a daughter showing you his heart so that out of your heart comes his heart and your heart connection becomes one so that the words that you speak provide life to them that hear you so what god's saying is that we've become stewards of grace and the stewardship of grace that god's given us is like a blank check god will allow you to say you have the favor of god on your life and by the words of encouragement and by you edifying and building something up building someone up you're targeting that person for gain and you're actually saying god i have favor from you i'm asking you to extend the favor that you have from me to them by the words that i speak so god will enable us to to be a steward of his grace and he will write the check that's been given to you blank in his name by your edification and encouragement now let's bring in gossip criticism complaining what kind of stewardship is that it's not grace it's demonic strategy set up to get you to think like the devil who's not your father here's what happens so now i go ahead and i speak some negative stuff to somebody or about somebody to a person whose conscience isn't really strong in the lord so what i've done is i've given them a different lens to see them through so now instead of you meeting let's say you meet this guy right here stand up please all right awesome man so let's say let's say you're going down the you're coming to church and you're coming to church here and and you're having a great time and you meet this guy and he's in love with jesus and she's in love with jesus they're radical one way jesus come on they're radical they love god they just love jesus so now you meet them and like man they're cool people but you walk out here okay thank you but you walk out of here i'm not going to use an example for this this is a bad example you meet somebody in the four year like man yeah i just met this guy out front he was really really awesome oh man you better watch it because man like i know him from another church and like what he did over there wasn't it wasn't good because he did this and he said this and you don't even know for sure you just were told that by somebody else so now what you're doing is you're trying to protect somebody but really what you're doing is you're giving that person a different lens to see him through so now they can't see him through a lens of love now they threw a lens of judgment that plank thing so now they're starting to see him and instead of looking at somebody and saying wow i want to edify encourage and build them up now you've got this wrong thing in your filter that's causing you to see him wrong and you might not even know it to be true but someone else might come up to you and say hey how about that dude up there that's worshipping man he's a wild one right like he really loves god oh man i don't know man somebody told me that so now all of a sudden you give two people the lenses and that doesn't just stop with two because a lot of people can't keep their mouth shut sorry but it's true so now they want to talk to a lot of people just to inform them to keep them safe so what we do is we establish boundaries around ourselves to keep ourselves safe and what you do is you encapsulate love and instead of love flowing out of you like a river you become a lake that like the dead sea we don't need that we don't need it look only a few people are clapping look here's why because we've become so loose with what we say because it's the topic of conversation and you ever hear that person you ever hear the one in your life if you don't have anything good to say then don't say anything at all right or the sticks and stones will break your bones but words could never hurt you do you know that like there's some sayings that are that are in the world words can hurt and they cause all kinds of ruckus you don't need to speak something about somebody to give them the wrong lens to see them through so now all of a sudden instead of hey now you go up to him and he's like hey man i met you last week how you doing i'm good man i see you but really you've got this look in your eye that's not the same as it was last week because you're looking through a plank and you can't even see them oh yay moving on that was so good it is so good because if we get past this thing like if we get past that that thing and i'm not saying like if somebody causes trouble i'm not saying it shouldn't be dealt with but i'm saying like calling somebody and saying hey we need to pray for them after you gossip and say about 40 different things that are bad about them probably is in prayer hey did you hear what they did to me well they did this and this they said you know what and then they did this too you know what we should just pray for them how about hey man let's pray for somebody what happened you know what doesn't really matter what matters is that god shifts and changes their heart your war is not against flesh and blood so why should i point out flesh and blood that your war is not a war you're not at war why should i point out flesh and blood to somebody listen it doesn't take a man of god to point the trash out in someone's life it really doesn't it's pretty easy to spot the world's professional at it news lives by it are you with me news lives by it good news doesn't it it doesn't take somebody that loves god to say that person's messed up it does take a man of god to say i see something in there that's so valuable and god is going to bring that thing to the surface and when he brings it to the surface all that other stuff like draws is just going to fly off why because that thing refined looks beautiful and god is a refiner and i love being in the fire man why because it's the refiner's fire and god shapes molds prunes clips and he wants the real you to step forward he doesn't want the old you to even come into existence he wants to kill the old you so the new you can come out i'm serious bright and shiny and hey jesus loves you you're amazing do you know god has a plan for your life do you know what it is oh it's exciting come on man do you know that my wife says i have two speeds high and off i didn't always have those speeds those speeds i had before was a different kind of high see when i'm asleep i'm asleep but when i'm up hey how's it going hey what's going on why i believe that's the holy spirit i don't believe i believe he's like a little puppy that you get you know you put him outside you can put him outside for 30 seconds and when you let him in it's like you've been gone all day i'm serious you you get a puppy and you put them outside they go and do their business they come to the door and they let them in that's like the holy ghost you're sleeping but when you're awake he's right there hey morning but when you see god's love that's really refreshing but when you're bombed and gossiping and complaining it's not refreshing you sear your conscience from being able to even have intimacy with him you don't want that stuff in your life man i don't want that stuff man you want to make sure that you keep your filter clean you kill you keep your filter clean because when your filter's clean your speech is clean when your filter is clean your hearing is clean when your filter is clean your eyes are clean then you're not seeing what's wrong you're seeing what's right because faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not yet seen so when i see somebody and i look at them through the eyes of faith i don't see them through the eyes of failure oh man it is glory oh guess what the next scripture is here's the first one let no one know some word come out of your mouth but only that which word for good or is for good for edification according to the need of the moment so you give grace to those that hear do not grieve the holy ghost but whom you were sealed for the day of redemption oh here's one let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander wow i don't know if you ever saw it like that but it's pretty amazing let's read it again why not it's in the bible let no one host a word proceed out of your mouth but that such a word that is good for edification according to the need of the moment so that it will give grace to those that hear do not grieve the holy spirit by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption that all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you along with malice be kind to one another tenderhearted forgiving each other just as god in christ has also forgiven you let me know any of this that applies to any riot in existence in any protest in existence none there's not there's none there's nothing that fits into these guidelines man we've taken this into our own and we've said we want rights no you don't want rights you want righteousness do you know that people want justice but justice without mercy is satanic justice without mercy is demonic justice and mercy have to be coupled together or else it's demonic strategy set up to rule this world like the the prince and power of the air we want that we don't want that gosh here james 3 but if you have bitter jealousy or selfish ambition in your heart do not be arrogant and so lie against the truth this wisdom does not come from above but it's earthly sensual and demonic for where jealousy and selfish ambition exists there is disorder in every evil thing but the wisdom from above is pure peaceable gentle reasonable full of mercy good fruits unwavering and without hypocrisy and the seed whose fruit is righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace i'm looking for people that want to actually make peace not just keep the peace keeping the peace and making the peace you are a peace maker you are not a peacekeeper a peacemaker you can come into the most hostile most violent situation and because the prince of peace dwells inside of you you can release the presence of god jesus said when you come into a house release your peace there you actually have the ability to come into a demonic situation and release the peace of god and fluster and freak out all of hell in every situation amen you have the utter ability to change an atmosphere because of one person because one person in christ is the majority i don't care how many devils there are it can be a billion devils and one christian silence to darkness because light has arrived silence to darkness because light is on the scene there isn't a contest there's no contest between light and darkness none it doesn't matter there is none you can be in this room it can be dark and light a match and light has won it's not this little light of mine you are the light of the world but if your light is partnering with darkness you're no longer a light you're a basket-headed christian that's going along with others because it seems like the right thing to do and racism is hatred and it's it's total it's totally demonic man i don't care what color jesus keep please keep this in your heart when your skin is off everybody's the same everyone in here looks the same if we came in here filleted and no skin on all of you look the same nothing's different when you go down into a heart of of somebody that's black somebody that's white somebody that's yellow somebody that's red when you go down into their heart it's the same it looks the same so why would we get wrapped up in all that hatred bitterness we are not the world we're church man we're god's church we're the hands and feet of jesus it's not okay to go another way it's not okay to side with this or side with that you better side with jesus because if you don't side with jesus you're siding with the world period if it's not jesus it's the world it is or it's not you're for him or you're against him you gather or you scatter there is no in between there is no gray area it doesn't matter it's jesus or it's not it's god or the world it's not anything else be very careful with your mind because your mind is something that's supposed to be renewed but we need to have clean filters we need to be careful about what we watch we need to be careful about what we eat because you are what you eat and we can't afford to eat logic we have to eat the gospel man we have to eat living bread we have to drink living water jesus said unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood you cannot be my disciple first he said your fathers ate manna in the wilderness and they said yes but it wasn't moses that gave you that man it was my father that gave you that manna and they said yes then jesus says i'm the living bread and they said whoa he said i'm the bread that came down from heaven and they said whoa they didn't say well they said a lot of things and then he said my flesh is the real bread and my blood is the real drink and they were really upset so he didn't like water it down he brought it up a notch he said unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood you can't be my disciple and they freaked out thought he was a cannibal and lost it and everybody left but the disciples do you know that when everybody left with the disciples they're standing around with jesus and peter says he said do you want to go too jesus said and peter said where else will we go you have the words to eternal life and he said i chose the 12 of you didn't i and then he said yet one of you is a devil talking about judas down the road what was going to happen unless jesus becomes your very food unless the love of god becomes the very thing you crave you will crave the wrong things grace isn't just undeserved favor grace is actually the the fuel that enables your heart to run well and we need to understand what it is i'm not here just to get you riled up man i'm a peacemaker peacemakers go into hostile situations and don't argue aside they bring the gospel because the gospel and the good news is the only thing that's going to rectify this whole situation all the writing all the protesting all the court hearings none of that stuff fixes anything none of it momentary peace eternal condemnation a court hearing can bring momentary peace but eternal condemnation doesn't change anybody we want we're right man i watched this movie last night it was hard for me it was called just mercy oh my god it has has a lot of uh has some bad words in it i'm not i don't like the bad words but it was a movie about this lawyer that graduated from harvard and he he wanted to help with death row inmates wrongfully accused and man i'm like watching this and i'm like oh my gosh this is crazy because there are people that are on death row because they didn't have money for lawyers to state their case and they were wrongfully accused not everybody i'm just saying and i sat there and watched it and i walked out at a point because at this one i don't want to ruin it for you guys but probably not let your little kids watch it it's definitely just got a it's it's a racial movie takes place in alabama and in the one point in the movie they this one guy he they scared him what they did was he was a witness he was going to be their star witness to put this one guy in prison and to get the death penalty for him they accused this guy of murder he wasn't the guy that did it and this other witness he he was petrified he was burned when he was younger so he knew he knew the one cop knew that if he put him on death row and he got to witness an execution and smell burning flesh that it would scare him so much that he would do anything he asked him to do so they put him in the room made him witness an execution and the guy like bore a testament a witness against this guy made it all up it was one witness was incredible he was an ex-felon one witness so he made up this whole thing put this guy in jail cops arrested him he's been in jail for like six years i think he was six right so they bring this guy and they end up talking to him and he comes to us the lawyer talks to him and a couple times about the third time i think he talks to him he actually broke down and said because he found the tapes of the actual witness of the of the cop interpreting him or not not interpreting him questioning him interrogating i should know that because i've been interrogated so many times before jesus crazy where multiple people come in the room and interrogate interrogate interrogate interrogate and tear it they want the answer and they want to break you and they want to get it so this guy and honestly if you're guilty the answer should come out and but justice and mercy so so this guy ends up sharing with him because the guy knew the truth on the tape you heard it the guy goes and made it up they put me on death row and scared me and made me watch this because he knew that if i smell burning flesh because it's the biggest fear that he has because he was burned real bad when he was younger that if i smelt that he knew it would scare me as soon as he as soon as he witnessed that execution it's horrible electrical execution it's horrible he immediately called him and said i'll tell him i'll say whatever you need me to say just get me off a death row he didn't belong there like he wasn't had a death sentence he just scared him and put him there because he was the cop so he ended up testifying against it and puts him in jail so he ends up telling the truth he gets this this re-hearing and he sat there and he told the judge that was all lied he made it all up and it looks like this is absolutely ridiculous this guy needs to go free because none of it's true and the guy just said he made everything up that he was frightened into this thing and the judge comes back and he rules no appeal you're going to die i walked out of the room i go oh my gosh i can't do this so i'm out in the kitchen and my wife is watching this she goes you need to come back in he got a court date they're gonna they're gonna give him a court date and i'm sitting there going serious and i went and sat down and they went and did this and the judge was like absolutely not you're released free of all charges completely gone and he was on death row with these other guys and so he got released completely free from everything because he didn't commit it it was amazing so on down the road they showed at the end that this lawyer that believed in justice but justice with mercy was the perfect movie for my heart to watch in the season that we're in 140 inmates have been released from death row because their cases were proven that they had nothing to do with this thing that was crazy one guy was in the cell beside him in the cell beside him and he was in jail for a long time he did 30 years and he was proven innocent of all charges not guilty on all charges he did 30 years in a box i am so glad that i never got what i deserved i think we need a better reality on what grace looks like because this whole weird thing if i got my rights and my rights are this and my rights are that they're bad and they're bad and they're bad because when you start doing all that stuff you're actually condemning yourself because you ain't perfect you hear me you're not perfect we need to learn how to love man we need to fall in love with jesus again because i i don't ever want to wrongfully accuse somebody i don't ever want to be in that seat of judging somebody i want to walk with mercy and look at somebody and say god's not done with you yet hear me theo god's not done with you yet i want to look at somebody and say you have so much potential and know that all that joe that they're going through and all the stuff i wish somebody saw me back then and said man you are going to be a mighty man of god nobody had enough faith to look at me and say you have so much potential because everybody saw me through the wrong eye and we need to create a culture of people create a community of people that don't see people through the wrong eye but they see them through the lens of love and the lens of righteousness and that's what i want to do here at lc church i want to create a culture not a culture of sloppy grace sloppy grace or hyper grace is hey man we're under grace everything's cool no grace isn't everything's cool gospel grace is something that's so significant that when the heart gets it it actually is transformational in nature grace isn't well you know what i didn't get what i deserve maybe i can get away with more and not get what i deserve that's not grace that's twisted no grace bears its fruit unto holiness because grace righteousness came through grace and when you see that you are a tree of righteousness the planning of the lord and your roots go down deep into the right substance all of a sudden the fruit that hangs on your tree will be jesus fruit and you the last thing you want to do is sin because you're under grace because grace empowers the heart to function like the lord that sounds blasphemy almost grace real grace is trans any grace that doesn't lead to transformation is demonic in nature so grace is so transformational that when the heart gets completely inundated with the grace that's not deserved when god bestows his grace on you you automatically become a distributor of that very grace but when you start to distribute that grace because you have a handle on it man i didn't deserve this but god did this for me when you share your testimony it comes out of this great love that god has for you and they have to know how much god loves them they have all this junk that's clouding them from seeing and you might be the very one that breaks through the junk with your testimony to share the heart of god with them the last thing you want to do when you experience god's goodness and grace and love is sin and get away with it because when you experience his goodness and his grace what happens is it transforms your heart that thing that you used to like doing is like oh my gosh i can't believe that that was me it's that good when you share your testimony with somebody it should be so completely opposite of who you are now that it's almost unbelievable like when you share your testimony with somebody it should be so weird for them to hear the old you well they don't believe like that's impossible no no you're right that guy died how the cross are you with me gosh you have that worship team am i messing up is there a worship team still here somebody can worship us see worshipers we got william in the house william's a worshiper oh yeah gosh i love him so much i hope in my heart feel so good right now god he loves us so much he loves us so much guys we need to fall in love with jesus again over and over and over and over and over because he's that good jesus jesus jesus jesus you know i heard this song by keith green i mean jesus culture redid it a lot of bands have redid it but it was a song that says oh lord you're beautiful i was doing an elliptical i was working out one day and i heard that song oh lord you're beautiful your grace is all i need and when your eyes are on i was like oh my gosh just thinking about how beautiful he is i want us to encounter jesus again i want us to encounter him every week i don't want this to be just a sunday service i want us to really encounter his love he's that good that his love never gets old it never becomes stale it's always fresh and god always has fresh manna for everybody that's hungry and he always has fresh water for everybody that's thirsty [Music] we want to create a culture with a new wine skin because you can't burst it we want to create a culture that is so fulfilling that everything else becomes second i mean everything else like it'll be hard you're in texas sports are first but i really what if we could create a culture where sports became second what if what if we practiced with jesus like we practiced for sports [Music] what if the game the game that we go and see and cheer for was less exciting than the real game that you're in what if everybody bother heads please god i love you so much i ask you please i ask you to extend grace god to everyone here because they're all special i ask you to extend grace god because they're all unique i ask you to extend grace because they're all fearfully and wonderfully made i ask you god to allow me allow me to steward that check of grace towards everyone in here online and in the room father ask you to bless everyone in here i ask you to intentionally love them so well i ask you for them i ask you to give them peace god peace that passes all understanding lord you are so good god i ask you to overwhelm them with hope right now that you would that you would give them hope god because heart because hope deferred makes the heart sick god i thank you that all the sickness heart stuff would get out and that hope would be restored father i thank you that overwhelming victory would touch everybody's soul tonight god because you're beautiful we love you jesus we love you we worship you
Channel: Todd White
Views: 27,059
Rating: 4.9059267 out of 5
Id: wz7t-Ykpqq4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 51sec (3411 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 09 2021
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