Todd White - The Devil Has No Place In Our Lives

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How many of you have never heard me before? Awesome! Some of you are just looking at me like this. I'm free from me, which makes me free from you. Ah, it's a really good thing. I got this picture while we were doing worship tonight. I'll get back to that freedom thing because I have lived in it for 10 years. I was in bondage for my whole life and I was victim to the fear of man. Trying to impress people and trying to make you think I was something that I wasn't. And that's what the devil does. He tries to make people think he is something when he is nothing. I got a picture of an army and they were fighting this battle and they were closing in. The army was standing firm and I got this picture of this General that was back in the back. This General doesn't hang out front. At least today they don't. Back then they charged. Today they hang back. You know you see Braveheart. He is on the front lines, man. Or you see Generals when you are fighting on horses or you watch Lord of the Rings. They are out front you know. You might not watch that but I have. They are pretty cool. And, ah, I got this picture of this General, he is in the back. And he is like really protected, really fortified. He is back behind all this protection. And you got all the other fighters that are out there. And no matter how hard the troops got hit. Like, the General never got touched. And so in the natural, in an army, who has more protection, the Private or a General? The General, I mean it's obvious. From that illustration it is. Well, like in the body of Christ we have accepted a lie. And we have said that different levels different devils. That's not in your Bible. And the more you grow in Christ the more you get attacked. That's not in your Bible either. The devil hates everybody that believes in Jesus. But, we can develop a fear mentality and all of a sudden be weighed down by the issues in life. And never understand why we are in this thing. And you can be a pastor for forty years and still not have peace and been doing your job and in the trenches and you'll need a retreat to find your rest Or you will need a once a year gathering in order to get filled up and this will never keep you filled up. I just figure I would start there. I am not going to bring a message that's a bummer. Because the Gospel is not a bummer. We are supposed to move from glory to glory not bummer to bummer. Are you guys all right? I am just going to pour out my heart, man. I promise this, I promise transformation. Because, any kind of grace that does not lead to transformation is demonic. Because, the grace of God transforms. But grace of God has to begin in the place of rest. And if we don't stay in a place of rest there is no way to make it. You can't just proclaim to have rest you actually have to be in rest. Because you will never find rest from vacation, you will never find rest from a retreat. You will never find rest from a conference. You will have a momentary emotional rest. And a little bit of freedom at a conference. Or at a pastor's retreat or whatever you would do once a year to gather. I have done lots of these and I'm totally ok with doing them. But we need to establish a lifestyle of rest on a constant basis, to where you are not drained from ministry. You're never supposed to be drained from ministering. You're never supposed to need God to fill you back up again. I don't read any of that stuff in my Bible, it's not there. We have made books on it and there not real. You can not have somebody pray for you to get filled back up. Your cup runneth over. You can't afford to give in ministry out of anything less than overflow. You can't afford to give out of something that you've learned. I've never studied the Bible to teach people. I've never read that thing to try to preach a sermon. I just can't do it. It's crazy to try to make a certain amount of points in a sermon. Nothing you're not supposed to come up with sermons because pastors have to come up with them every week. I just came back from, I was just in Poland, and I was just in Norway and Switzerland. I was there for one day in, one day back and ten days in-between. And in my ten days there I did 32 meetings. I mean full on meetings like, full on. Not like one half hour, I am talking hours and hours and hours of never ending Gospel truth. But I, since I got born again I've seen something different. And I believe it's the simplicity of this Gospel that we've complicated. And I believe that when we complicate it we have to come up with stuff to try to, to fill the fill the time slot. But the time slot can be filled with the never ending Gospel, that constantly flows out of a fountain that we have. And then as we minister it's not about trying to get a word for somebody. It's about rivers of life giving water that flows out of your belly, on a constant basis. I don't do ministry, I do Jesus. I've never ever tried to sir up the gifts. Like I am saying like, pray for, what do you have for me today Lord. I just walk with him. I didn't know him and then I did. Like, the ministry has been revealed it's not a mystery anymore. The cat is out of the bag. Like, it's Christ in us, the hope of Glory. It's really that simple. And sometimes when I talk people hear. Awe, well you've been in it for ten years. Well let's see how you do in twenty more. Well, people told me that when I first got born again. Let's, see where you are in 10. Here I am. I am more in love with Jesus today and that's the key. See I am in love with Jesus. I don't just, I don't just do conferences. I don't just go speak. I am in love with Jesus. Every day, all day long. It never changes. I've always been in love since I got saved. I didn't know him and I didn't see anybody that I wanted what they had in me. I didn't want what people that confessed to be Christians said they had because they didn't see anything worth value. And I think a lot of the reasons is, because, that people look in the mirror and they don't see there own value and that's the problem. I'm going to roll man and we're going to just go and I just want you to just be ok with it. But please, if there's any kind of presumption inside about who's speaking right now. I'm in love with Jesus. And I promise you, that it is going to be like a Holy Spirit wrecking ball because he is so good. He takes out the trash so that there is none left. Like he is a trash taker outer. See if there is a problem with the fire it's not that God changed. If there is a problem with the flame it's not because God changed. You as a leaders have more protection than anybody. What's to make you think that if the army has more protection in this world than leaders have less? No way! Man, we've got like God on our side. Like, if God be for us than who cares who is against us. If greater is he that's in me than he that's in the world. What are we worried about and why is it so draining. Listen, God has the spirit of counsel available for when you counsel. He's got the spirit of wisdom available for when you need wisdom. The spirit of wisdom and revelation and the knowledge of him is what we really need because what people are looking for is him. What we need to do is give him, Him. When someone comes up to me and asks a question they just need him. It's not complicated. Look, I am on this inner strengthening course. Because the Bible says be strengthened in your inner man. And I've been going after that thing. And I've been being strengthened in my inner man. Like, core training of the gospel, since I've got saved ten years ago. I mean I came out of twenty two years of addiction and atheism and anger and hatred. I grew up in the Masonic homes and after I got out of there, I joined the military to straiten my life out. Nobody ever told me about Jesus, man, my whole life. I went in the military and then I, went to boot camp, went AWOL, and ran away. Up in Colorado, hid in the mountains, a pipe dream. Got arrested out there, get shipped back across America, get put in the brig. I am in the brig for eight and a half months. Then I get out of there and I am waiting for my discharge. It didn't come so I went AWOL again. The Marines don't like that. I had a severe authority problem. I was a basket case. I've been in for psychologists all different kinds of stuff. Nobody could fix me. They tried to get inside my head. They tried to fix what was wrong in me. What was wrong was I was separated from God. That was the real answer. I was separated and when I got born again, I wasn't. But that relationship intensified after I got saved. This is an amazing privilege that we have, to be able to represent him in a lost and dying world. I don't just like, I don't do ministry. I can't stress that to you enough. I do Jesus, but that's for every pastor, apostle, prophet, evangelist, teacher. It's for every, all the five fold gifts is for us to manifest Jesus. All, are you guys ok? Can I walk down there? Is it legal? Man, you don't understand, some places, they keep me in a little box. I can't even turn sideways. Sorry, I drank large amounts of water. Thanks, buddy. When I, when I, I got busted again and got extradited back to the Marine core base. And then eight and a half months later after that one, they weren't going to like keep me in. They kicked me out and gave me a bad conduct discharge. So everything was bad in my whole like, life. I couldn't get jobs. You can't write that on your application. People don't want to see that stuff. Fill out your resume, oh yeah, I was uh. It doesn't work. I got a bad conduct discharge from the military. Yes, I need the job. So, I came out and couldn't get jobs, quit, got fired, just made a mess of my life. No Christians interrupted my path, the whole time and I'm not kidding. And granted I was a thief, granted I was scary. But those are the kind of people that I think Jesus would have walked up to. Matter of fact, I know they would have followed him without food for days. Because Jesus they followed. We are to be imitators of Christ. Imitators of Christ and walk in love. That's what we're to be. This thing is all about the love of God. It's not about anything else. It's not about big churches. Although God's not afraid to have a big church. Well, we can't worship programs. We need to worship him because he is everything. We all have the ability to walk just like Jesus walked. My heart is overwhelmed right now, ok Because I am trying to keep from crying. Because I am looking out there and I'm seeing God's champions. You guys have an amazing opportunity to change the world. And sometimes we allow life to squeeze us in situations, to squeeze us and mold us. And you know you pour into people and they don't get it. And you pour into people and they don't get it. The key factor to them not getting it is them not learning to pursue it themselves. Because as pastors and leaders you're not meant to keep your people fed. The pressure is off. It's true, your not their savior, Jesus is. But he comes and he makes his home inside of them and the Holy Spirit becomes a teacher. Then, he teaches and trains them and it says you need no one to teach you. And in 1 John 2:27 you need no man to teach you for you have the anointing to teaches you all things, all things, that are true. He's the teacher, He's the one. It's God the Father, God the Son, it's not God the Holy bible. God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Because without the Holy Spirit the Holy Bible is not understood. But when the Holy Spirit comes, when the anointing of God comes into a person's life. When they're taught that they should pursue that and us as leaders not be scared for somebody to get it. Like, to get that Holy Spirit and be like, yeah, you can do it. Because sometimes we don't want to be, you know, hey, careful, we don't want you to go off track, man, I mean. People told me since the beginning of my life this is a marathon not a, or a marathon not a sprint but I couldn't find that in my Bible, either. It's not in the Bible. You can't find it. It's not even in the Message Bible. It's not. It's not. It's not a marathon, it's not a sprint, it's a race. It's a race. You can't run the race without the Holy Spirit. You'll burn out. You won't make it. Holy Spirit is the key to everything. He's like the key, like the key, like Jesus said, you know I can't do anything without him. He said the Son can do nothing of himself in John 5:19. What he does, he does because the Father does it, for what the Father does the Son does in like manner. Jesus said I can do nothing of myself. Jesus Christ the one we worship said he couldn't do anything without the Holy Spirit. What makes us think we can do anything without him? What are we thinking? I remember the revelation that God gave me one time when I was pumping gas. God said to me you know you can't even pump gas without me. That was really awesome. That's like a deep revelation. Imagine if you knew you that you could not even pump gas without Holy Spirit. Imagine that. Imagine if he just talked to you about the person on the other side of the pump instead of being frustrated about the price of gas. Imagine that, man. Jesus, help me. Help me make it simple God. So I met this girl, we moved in together. A year and a half out of the Marines, moved in together. I tricked her into thinking I'm a cool guy. Ended up getting sales jobs because I could lie on the apps. They don't care they just pay commission, some of the sales things out there. So, I can manipulate, maneuver, really I was a professional liar. My whole life, a professional liar. Like, the worst of the worst, man. God he sits waiting, patiently for me. God, the world is going to really freak out when I touch this one. He loves that. He loves that. I thank God that he does. I thank God that when I look at the disciples, they were no bodies. They didn't have anything. They were fisherman. They didn't have a clue. They were untrained and uneducated men but they realized they'd been with Jesus. That's so awesome. You know, for thirty four years I never read a book I couldn't read. So, I never read a book because I couldn't concentrate, I couldn't comprehend what I was reading. So, I just didn't bother reading. I'd skim through, find the answers, whatever I had to do. But I didn't want to read because I couldn't remember anything and it really bothered me. So I'd get, I'd get, I am talking like, four pages in and can't even believe that my eyes are still going on the words. Has any body had that problem, anybody? No, pastors don't have that problem. I did and it was bad. Really bad. So, my girlfriend and I were together for about a year and a half. Then we had a daughter. When my daughter was born, I realized, I could never be a Dad. Because I did not know how to be a Dad because my Dad wasn't there and I definitely didn't know who Dad was. I didn't know who God was, so I had no idea how to be one. So, in a few months she wanted to leave, so I was suicidal. Told her I would kill myself. Threatened to do it. Then a few months after that she said I am going to find someone else to take care of me. You're a looser and a liar, I hate you. A couple of months later I said, I'll kill you and kill them and kill myself And I thought that way, my whole life. I went to psychologists. I went to doctors. I went to the nut ward. I went every where to try to figure out what was wrong with me. I went through AA. I went through NA. I did it all, everything. Man, I tried everything. I tried Buddhism. I tried reincarnation. I had the book of Shadows and did the whole Wicca thing. I did it all. None of it satisfied my heart. Nothing satisfied my heart, ever. I was addicted to pornography. My whole life was just a wreck. I was addicted to everything, everything. Except for seven and a half years my daughter grew up that way, with an animal as a Dad. Then one night I come back and she's gone, took my daughter and left. Seven year old kid, nine years in the relationship. Almost nine years in. I went over to her step Dad's house to get a riffle. And on the way over to the gun cabinet I passed by a note pad. I was going to make my suicide letter and I opened a phone book. Just flipped it open by chance. Made checking this thing, opened to churches. I drove to this church. I was angry and didn't understand why I was even driving there. God did, but I didn't. I get to this church and I meet somebody. And his name's Dan Mohler. I met him that day. And I couldn't even look in his eyes. Because there was something so real in there, see because the eye is the lamp of the body. And if your eye is single, your whole body is full of light. But if your eye's not single, if it's not one purpose, then it's not light, its darkness. How great is that darkness? And you have the capacity to house light. And how you see is everything. But how you see yourself is priority. Because when I look in the mirror. I have to see what God sees. Because if I don't see what God sees. I am waiting for somebody to tell me. And I need to look into the mirror and see what my Father sees. Because all creation is groaning and waiting for you, to manifest your father. It doesn't matter how old you are, how young you are. How old you are in the Lord. All creation is groaning for the son's of God and the daughters of God to be made manifest. Meaning, all creation is waiting for you, to manifest Jesus. All creation and how that's manifested is through and intense relationship with the Father who's name is love. And the Holy Spirit that empowers that and makes it active in one's life. And all creation is waiting for that. And sometimes we're waiting for feeling God touch me. And God did what he did two thousand years ago. If you need touch you might get touched by the wrong God. The wisdom of the world is sensual and demonic. It's sensual, it's full of your, its feeling oriented and it's demonic. Its strategy set up. Demonic strategy set up to deceive people. And it says it's full of envy and self seeking and everything evil. It doesn't say some, it says everything evil is in there. Everything. Envy, man, I wish I had your job. It's envy. And people say why I wish I did what you do. It's envy. You can't be in that place. Because if you wish that somebody else, that you had somebody else's job. It's because you don't see your created value and you don't understand who you are. This is, this is the hardest thing for pride to get. I promise you. Because pride doesn't want to be told anything because pride thinks it knows it all. But spins out of control. Doesn't understand what real grace is. And can not walk in real mercy. And all of a sudden we are just hurting people that know it all. But really, it's not all about knowing it all. It's about knowing Him. Because all good gifts come from the Father of lights. And you are the lights that he is the Father of. Are you all right? Are we good still? A little. I got to get to the point where I am saved. Because I was just as lost as lost could be, man. I saw something in Dan's eyes. I saw, I saw love. I saw the reality of it. I was like, dude. I was telling him my stuff. He says, yeah, I get it, I understand You don't have to listen to me man. He said oh I am but what you're telling me isn't helping you. I am like, ARH, frustrated because he is all happy. And I have nothing to be happy about. He wasn't laughing at me. He had this joy inside of him. And nobody could take away. You know what he was? I know what he was now. He was a people's pastor and he spent nine hours a day on the phone counseling people. And he had that joy. Nine hours a day on the phone. On the phone with trauma, all day long, every day. And all he did was drill stuff with truth. Like a machine. I never heard anything like it. I would sit there and when I'm telling him my stuff. He says, he said, ok, listen. He said, since you don't want your life why don't you give it away? I am like who would want this life? And why would somebody who died two thousand years ago want my life? So he shared the cross. I am like, fine, whatever. He can have it, fine. That was my prayer. That was it. He said Amen. I'm like, what is that? So be it. So be, whatever? But it was enough for a seed to get in there. So he told me, here's my number. You are going to need it. Make sure you call me, soon. I went home, called my daughter. I told her to tell Mommy that Daddy found God. She said, "What's he like Daddy?" I said, "I don't know." So powerful but I saw Him in somebody today. The eyes, the lamp, the body. It says don't lay up for yourselves treasures on earth where moth and rust destroy and thieves break in and steal. But it says lay up for yourselves treasures in Heaven where moth and rust can't destroy and thieves can't break in and steal. For where your treasure is there your heart will be also. Colossians says set your mind on things above and not beneath. Ephesians says that I am seated with Christ in heavenly places. It actually says to boldly approach the throne of grace in the time of need. When is the last time we didn't need Jesus? So why don't you just live in the throne room? That doesn't mean be so heavenly minded that you're a flake. That means be so heavenly minded that you're so earthly incredible. People will have to have more of you around them. So, I put my daughter to bed that night. My girlfriend was so mad at me. She said now you're going to be a hypocrite. No, no, no everything is going to change. That night, hour and a half after I put my daughter to bed. Told her never again, out on a crack binge, first night. First night. There was something that needed to happen. More than just a seed to come in. See, I never read before and the Bible was something I wasn't about to open. I didn't understand the necessity. Dan kept telling me that the Bible is your only way. That you need to understand that this is what you need to do. You just need to open it and say God I have no clue. And I am like, I am like, yeah, but, like, I'll just listen to you. Which is the problem in Christianity? I promise you. The problem is taking everybody else's word for it. And the days we're in right now. People are heaping up for themselves teachers. Because they have itching ears. And false grace and fake grace is out there right now. And it is destroying people. And it's saying that Gods ok with every kind of sin and everything. And that's just demonic. Strategy to take Jesus' face and rub it in the dirt and say here's my king. That's not grace. Grace and power should walk out what the truth of the Bible calls you to. The spirit of grace and truth was upon Jesus. It's awesome. So that first night I am out on a crack binge, boom, second night, boom, third night, boom. Again, calling Dan every morning. Dude, I did it again. If God loves me then why am I doing this? Well, Todd God doesn't like, hold you by the neck and make you do things. Well, He should. It'd be easier. You know what he said? Then it wouldn't be a fight of faith. ARH, I am frustrated. Five and a half months of that went by. Going to church on Sunday. Saying sorry for all the stuff I'd done. Five and a half months later I'm out in a drug deal one night. Picked up some kid from New York City. He's down in my city. Tell him I'm a cop, rip him off. Got all the drugs in my hand. Tell him to get out of the car. And when he gets out of the door, I hit the gas to get away and he unloaded a 9MM. Pow, pow, pow, pow, pow, at me from 10 feet away. Soon as my car went. I heard a voice say I took those bullets for you, are you ready to live for me yet? Well, I thought I was going crazy. So I went and did all the drugs. And then I couldn't get high all night long So that was really crazy. But the voice wouldn't go away. And it was trapped inside my head, echoing, constantly. It wouldn't go away. So I went home that night. No bullet holes in my car. Went up to my door. My girlfriend, I hate you get out of my life. Three days later I go to a place called teen challenge. I go to teen challenge which was started by Dave Wilkerson. You guys probably know that. I went in there. I enlisted for twelve months to go in there. My girlfriend was glad I'm out. My daughter is sad because I am her only Dad. As bad as it was. I was up for two months. And then these three nights where I had these dreams where I encountered Jesus in teen challenge. Two months into a twelve month program. Now, I quit everything in my life. So it wasn't looking good on that side of things. But the first scripture that opened up to me was in James. It was a month and a half in. The scripture that says if anybody lacks wisdom, ask God. And I am in the program because I went in every morning. I opened my Bible an hour before the thing started, everyday. And I got into the Bible and I had no idea what I was reading all day, all the time. Went to classes had no clue. They want me to memorize scripture. My brain is so fried from drugs, man. I couldn't memorize it. I really, index cards, ok, ok. I would study it for ten minutes. Alright, ok, alright. Where did it go? And that's really, honestly, but I saw that scripture in James. If I lack wisdom ask God. And as soon as I read that scripture. I'm sitting down on the couch. I said, oh my God, that's it. I don't have a clue. I'm clueless. I don't have any wisdom. That's it Jesus, that's it. I don't have wisdom at all. It's still the same today. It's been ten years and this is where I live. I don't, I lack wisdom. See do you think you have it, then you don't need his. But the wisdom from beneath is self seeking, envious, sensual and demonic. The wisdom from beneath needs to be heard to make itself feel good. The wisdom from the world, the wisdom from beneath, is the kind of wisdom that when I share something from a pulpit if you like it, then I feel good inside. That's demonic strategy.
Channel: Todd White
Views: 330,361
Rating: 4.8224754 out of 5
Id: 02WR2cTuYJg
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Length: 106min 2sec (6362 seconds)
Published: Wed May 27 2015
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