Todd White - Forget your Past & Live Unashamed

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you guys good yeah I was I was texting tom he was up here pictures and amazing job I won't be there for a long time what Oh sitting inside thing it was pretty fun actually I was I was stretching him like silly putty cuz somebody needs to stretch somebody like if you're married and your wife or your husband isn't totally on page what you need to do is just stretch them no like who here who here can hear that like how many of you have a spouse well if they're with you probably shouldn't raise your hand but how many they might not be here with you for this reason this might be a little stretch for them to step into this but like let's just do an overall how many of you have family that could need a little more Jesus okay cuz that's good I I do too I actually need a little more Jesus so but how many of you like one of the biggest struggles in your in your personal life is reaching your family right like that's a big deal the easiest way to reach your family is to live out loud to live out loud all the time the problem the problem that we run into and this is why we train an identity and we really pound this thing is because when you're with your family odds are you've probably shared before and it might not have worked well or you get hammered or you just get beat up for sharing your faith how many of you ever been kind of hammered for show anybody but you haven't had your hand cut off or your tongue cut out you haven't been shot you haven't been stabbed or maybe you have but the gospel is about completely laying your life down for your friends and would you call your family your friend imagine being Jesus so Jesus look you've got his brothers that didn't even believe that he was the Christ like I'm talking like brothers right are you with me like it had to be rough it had to be rough for Jesus's brothers anyway because like Mary knows that Jesus is Jesus and you've got brothers that are hanging out but you can do no wrong cuz you're Jesus why can't you be more like your brother Jean you know that's a rough day right people sometimes were with family and families like you just think you're better than everybody else that's hard like when you're Jesus's brother or sister like you you can't tell him he thinks he's better than everybody else cuz he just is it's crazy right alright so but one of the things that that I know that in my life was one of the biggest the biggest struggles was I'm the first Christian in my family so I'm the first Christian in my whole family line we have one other one other person that was a Christian and I don't know I don't know if Christian would be the word how many have you ever heard of Oliver Cromwell he was like my great great great great great great great uncle he didn't he wasn't he was pretty radical like he the Catholic Church and him they didn't they didn't play well together it was if you look at my piece of pretty rough pretty ruffian like which explains my zeal for Jesus I can't but i but I blame it all on on Jesus because he told me to be zealous and he told me to to live full abandon to him the easiest way to reach your family is is to dive in to this gospel and to realize who God created you to be we trained an identity we hid identity from as many angles as we can for you know the three and a half day period and we just pound it pound it pound it pound it because if you know who you are your family will to you but if you don't know who you are what your family thinks about you will be more important than what God says about you and this is amazing when you're at a when you're at a school or when your people call it a conference but it's more than a conference because you actually have to do something with it cuz at conferences you can go to conferences and just say praise God also meeting wow I can't wait til the next conference this is different you actually have to apply what you're being taught and that's when you hear and do and you become a person that James says don't be a here and not a doer but be a here and a doer he says receive with meekness the implanted word which is able to save your soul so you receive with meekness the truth of what God's Word says and the way that that seed grows the quickest is you actually apply what you're being taught so when you are taught identity and when you're taught who God's created you to be and you step out that thing immediately starts to transform this because the enemy has access to anything that you don't utilize Jesus says the sower shows the word right he talks to the disciples and he and he tells them if you don't understand this how can you understand anything so he's talking about one parable that is the grand parable about every above everything else so when the sower shows the word he said some fall by the wayside some fall along the path right on the wayside some fall upon the rock some pawl fall upon upon the thorns and the thistles and the things of this world it crowds it then it says that some fall upon good soil that's the soil that we need we need the good soil yes Jesus gives another parable he says says that those that build their house upon the rock so it's kind of weird cuz he said the seed on the rock doesn't end well but he said your house upon the rock ends well so the firm foundation of Jesus Christ is the rock that's where Jesus told Peter so I'm just I'm kind of there are three different parables or three different things I'm talking about it wasn't really a parable when he told Jesus when Jesus told Peter I'm gonna build my I'm gonna I'm gonna your name is Peter and this is the rock and I'm gonna build my church upon it and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it are you with me kind of okay oh come here all right so we have Jesus saying the sower sews the word and then he says that the sower sews the word upon the rock upon the path upon the weeds and the thistles or among amongst the thorns and then upon the good soil we are good soil when you say yes to Jesus you immediately become good soil immediately so everybody that says yes to Jesus is good soil but you have to tend your soil when you get saved 30 years ago you became good soil because you said yes which means bang that thing sprung up and you said yes to Jesus no one can say yes to Jesus except by the Spirit of God so when you say Jesus is Lord you shall be saved believe with your heart and confess with your mouth it's not believe with your brain it's believe with your heart so when you say yes to Jesus you are good soil that's happening it's already there you're like whoa amazing but being praying a prayer just to get to heaven doesn't keep your soil good so when you say yes to Jesus if the motive was just to get you to heaven that works and it's true but it's more true that heaven wants to get into you but there is a gate that is constantly banging against you to take the seed out of here and just place it here no I better go back up here let me let me go into since I opened up 43 things I'd better back it up all right are you ready okay mm-hmm [Music] all right I want you to go to Matthew 16 the Gospels are amazing I mean amazing amazing amazing okay how about we start in let's just read in verse one they'll be cool and then we get to wherever we're gonna go I'm pretty sure we're gonna go the whole way through here but I just want to touch a couple of things and then inspire you and inspire you and provoke you I want to provoke you with a to this place because I have this godly jealousy for everyone to be able to walk out there create a value I was on the plane yesterday with a with a lady and I was just talking to her about Jesus and how important it is and she's a Christian and and I was trying to share to her cuz she she was in a Bible reader like a lot of Christians are Christians but don't read their Bible and I know it's you might never heard that before but some of you were distracted some of you are like you need to read Corinthian look at your hair some of you are like you need a new heart okay I mean some of you that say that need a new heart yeah okay all right ready if you were thinking that just you if the shoe fits kick it off I think you're gonna be freaked out when you get to heaven and see Jesus has dreads and he's not a white guy you're gonna be really freaked out with that I thought you were Caucasian but when you look in the eyes of fire he's probably not gonna ask any questions I was talking to this lady on the plane and and I was trying to explain to her because I was what wherever I go what I want to do is I want to I want to build a hunger for the word because I love miracles I love them I love the prophetic I love it but if if I don't have daily feedings on the only thing that can sustain my soul yesterday's miracle won't suffice for today's bread today's miracle won't suffice for today's bread you have to have bread you have to eat you have to eat living bread you have to drink living water you cannot afford to think that because you can do a miracle that you're going to be okay because when you stand before God you are not going to answer for all the miracles that you did this word transforms this word will take a drug addict angry atheist demoniac that hurt and killed people and had people die because of their life and transform them into a brand new person one that's never been on the earth before but without without you continuing in eating fresh manna from heaven which is Jesus and without you filling yourself with the living living and breathing Word of God every day of your life you will not you will not grow and you will stay the same the miraculous can grow the prophetic can grow you can bring people out of wheelchairs and you can think that God's stamp of approval on your life is because you got someone out of a wheelchair but that's not God's stamp it's the blood of Jesus it always will be the blood of Jesus it's the truth about the finished work of Christ it is the reality of your sins being forgiven forgotten and removed so that you can live from a from a free fresh brand-new conscience one that has never sinned one that has never missed it and every day you can wake up with the reality of God's mercy being new and you can look into your eyes with eyes of faith and see Christ in you the hope of glory and know that there is no condemnation for them that are in Christ Jesus who do not walk according to the lust of the flesh and according to this world that thing gets crushed when you find out the reality of what God says you are of who God says you are of how God says you should walk and how God says you should without that right there you cannot grow you can come to an altar and you can say yes to Jesus and you can have a momentary rest that comes when you say yes to him but you cannot maintain rest for your soul until you find out the rest that Jesus paid a price to give you internally not just that moment when you say yes to him he says come to me all of you who are weary and burdened down and I will give you rest so people Matthew 11:28 people are like yes I came to Jesus I came to the altar and I said yes to Jesus and he gave me rest that's true but if you're an anxiety if you're in worry if you're in fear then you did not you did not step into the second part which is learn from Jesus for he's meek and lowly and gentle learn from him he says take his yoke upon you his yoke is easy and his burden is light and you will find rest for your soul so we come to him and he gives us rest and that is forgiveness that is salvation we say yes but it's not just about the momentary altar call it is about a life that's filled with filling your soul your mind will and emotions and being transformed in your mind transform not conformed to religion not conformed to the world because the world has religion but we didn't enter into religion we entered into a relationship with a father that loves us and it's not okay to live in a place of thinking that he loved you when you got saved and forgetting that he loves you now that you're saved that's not okay so many people say yes to him and they have that momentary rest where he comes but Jesus isn't here to meet all your needs he's not a needs met God he's not here to meet all your needs people teach that all the time he's not about just meeting your needs he's about transforming you into a person that you never were before a new creation that the people in the world have never seen where you existed here but now you exist here he translated you out of darkness and into the kingdom of the son of his love he conveyed you from one place to this place but if you don't see that he took you from here and put you here you will sit here and when you sit here you're in big trouble and I just happened to be behind a pulpit when I say here and I'm not bashing anybody I'm saying there is a growing up into him pastors apostles prophets evangelists teachers they are all supposed to equip the sinners no they're not there to equip the Saints for the works of ministry if you see that you're a saint and you're not a sinner that is a huge hurdle for the church to get to because we say no I'm just a sinner no you were a sinner but your habitual nature to sin has been cut off by the source of life he has cut that thing off and now that you've become a son it's completely different now you have the ability to sin but you're longed to do it is gone and when you grow up into him and you turn you start to find out what God says about you what he says is for you he's for you if you just find that out it's amazing greater is He that's in me than he that's in the world if you just hit that right there that means that this stuff out here that's trying to get in here has no access to my soul because I am filled with truth and I am learning and understanding who my father is and righteousness starts to train you census so that you can discern between both good and evil it says being trained in righteousness says strong meat it says milk you still need milk but you need to have strong food but strong food or strong meat is for the mature the mature doesn't mean how long you've been a Christian the mature doesn't mean that you have an elder and you have money mature doesn't mean that you have people that are on your board because they have money that's not mature that's not mature at all money doesn't money isn't a stamp of maturity jesus said foxes have holes and birds have nests but I don't have any place to lay my head Jesus was pretty mature he is wisdom personified righteousness sanctification sanctification redemption Jesus has become to us wisdom and so we need relationship with that wisdom we need relationship with him but we need to grow up into him and if we don't seek first what God says to seek first we can never get to what God wants for us Matthew 6:33 says seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and everything will be added to you so instead of seeking that first what does it mean to see kingdom first if I don't seek Kingdom if I don't seek and understand what Kings see see Kingdom means the Kings Dominion or the Kings domain the Dominion of the King in every area of my life every area meaning my job isn't separated from from ministry my church my my mall time my my Walmart time my grocery store none of that should be separated there is no separation between the sacred and the secular it is all God we've made less that God never made God didn't say first God then family then this then that he didn't say that he said first God then second God then third God then fourth God everything falls into God everything it says whatever you do in Colossians 3:17 whether in word or in deed so everything I say and everything I do let it be done unto the Lord and not for people so I am supposed to do everything that I do doesn't matter what it is pumping gas taking a shower going to the mall going to a restaurant whatever I do in word or deed do it unto the Lord and not for people it's not about pleasing people if pleasing people were my goal I could not be Christ's servant come on this is all like a lot of scripture dude I couldn't I'm not smart enough to come up with it I spend my life and the truth because I need to know the truth because the truth shall set you free [Applause] you need the truth the truth is the truth and nothing but the truth so help me God I've said that so many times on so many Course dances somebody are you guys hearing me I know it's a lot just don't try to take notes you're looking at me like what does that have to do with this where are we I don't know we opened with three parables and I don't know what's going on right now our hearts are for him his heart is for us when we get saved we have the initial potential because being born again is essential but it is there to unlock your potential your potential is beyond anything that you can ask or think and it's all according to the power that dwells inside of us that means he wants to give you more than you could ask for or even imagine and it's all according to Christ in you the hope of glory that's the mystery he came to dwell inside of you why would he come to dwell inside of somebody that he's angry at why would God come to dwell inside of you if he was mad at you no he just smoked you but that's not what he did God so loved the world that He gave His Son so that whoever would believe in him believed means to be fully convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt absolutely whoever would believe in him you know what the example that he gives with the word believe as a house with no empty rooms whoever would believe in him in other words if my house had no empty rooms and I fully believe with every every room that's in this house or a town with no empty houses that means the houses have no empty rooms because they're fully occupied by Jesus every area of your life your finger every area of your life has him and it's so powerful but if we don't understand he doesn't want just some of you he doesn't want just a little bit of you he doesn't want half of you he doesn't want 90% of you he wants everything that you are because you do not belong to you anymore you are a temple for the holy spirit you are and God will have no idols before him I don't care if it's your son or your daughter if they're more important than God is there an idol and you need to get rid of it getting rid of your son isn't the answer taking more and pondering more upon Jesus and what he thinks about you the world won't dominate you manipulate you and pull you away that's the problem with family we care so much about them that we care less about God and you can't allow what matters least to matter more their salvation depends upon you living out loud regardless of how they look at you regardless of whether they think you are in a cult you're not in a cult you love Jesus you're not it's not it's not called Jesus it's the culture of another world of another place it's called the kingdom seeking first the kingdom kingdom he defines it in Romans 14:17 he says the kingdom of God is neither meat nor drink in other words it's not the stuff that you eat it's not the stuff that you wear it's not the stuff that it's it's him the kingdom of God is neither meat nor drink but it is what is it it is righteousness peace and joy in the Holy Ghost so the kingdom is in the Holy Spirit a lot of the church is afraid of the Holy Spirit because they need to be in control but needing to be in control means that you are trying to control the spirit that's like wind you cannot control the wind you might put a fan up and make it get one direction but once it goes so far it's going everywhere you can't control the wind you can try to harness it but the Holy Spirit isn't something you put reins on he's God come on God is God and you are not but he's amazing and he's revealed himself in his word and in his truth he's revealed himself but so many people think that they have him figured out you don't have them figured out you can't figure it out you need to get in the word and let that figure you out because the word will transform you and change you from inside out if I could just get the church to believe that they're forgiven it would be a monumental time if I could get the church to believe that their sins have been forgiven it would be epic if I could get the church to believe that they didn't have to look over their shoulder and visit yesterday it would be the gospel I get a couple of cheers for that but if I were to take a show of hands of how many people's past ate their lunch this week it would be it would be crazy because I see it everywhere I go how is it that the enemy is able to get the church to visit something that he says is finished how is it that the enemy keeps us so looking behind us because the enemy knows that you cannot receive the love of God that's in Christ Jesus if your past is eating your lunch we've developed ministries to help people deal with their past I'm pretty sure Paul would have been sad what if Paul needed somebody to come up with ministry every year for him to get past his past I'm pretty sure if 13 books would be in the Bible right now we were like wow you're messing with my ministry we ought not have it if the blood of Jesus violates your ministry you shouldn't be in it I'm not kidding there is an easier way it's called the blood what can wash away my sin nothing but the blood of Jesus what can make me whole again nothing but the blood of Jesus well if that's the truth then why are we coming up with stuff that trumps the blood of Jesus you know why I can say all this because this is our school and another reason you know why because I have lived I have lived for almost 14 years without having a day of guilt shame or condemnation so you can't tell me that this isn't truth you can't you can try but it's not going to matter snoc in a way it's not gonna take away the fact that this thing has been gone from my life for almost 14 years what because I believe the gospel I mean what if your past had nothing to do with your present and could definitely never dictate your future what if every day you woke up in his mercies were new and you just fail to see it what if the blood of Jesus didn't just forgive you but removed it what whoa what if the gospel is true and we've believed a lie I was amazing awesome Todd keep going this is so good you're doing amazing don't quit I can't quit I love Jesus see I've been free from me for almost 14 years like you you know this is this is awesome like I haven't lived with guilt or shame or condemnation why would we want to debate that do you know how many people want to debate that and say to me well that's not possible well that's not possible because you're thinking out of your brain that's not renewed you're thinking from the mind of man which is demonic okay residue oh I'm gonna go let's just read cuz it took you to Matthew 16 ready then the Pharisees and the Sadducees came and they tested him they were testing him asking him that he would show them a sign from heaven gosh we should just go back read all the signs that they've already seen and he answered and said to them when it is evening you say Oh be for what when it is evening you say it will be fair weather for the sky is red and in the morning oh be foul weather today for the sky is red and threatening you hypocrites you know how to discern the face of the sky but you can't discern the signs of the times a wicked and adulterous generation seeks after a sign and no sign shall be given except the sign of the prophet Jonah and he left there and departed the church a lot of the church has taken that and says that if we are looking for a sign to happen if a miracle is supposed to be there then we are a wicked and adulterous generation I have protesters that show up at my meetings like and say like Todd white on the other side hell awaits you like all kind they're out right now they're in Portland we're doing an event with Chris Overstreet at the end of there somewhere at the fall time and they're out there protesting me I'm not even there they're protesting me like because I believe the gospel but miracles are byproduct of sonship like the miraculous but you see this scripture here and it says that a wicked and adulterous generation seeks after a sign and no sign will be given to them and you have all kinds of different things like it's just all through the gospel where you have Jesus that talks about signs like you have Matthew 7 this is in the this is in the Beatitudes and you have people that it says that the church has taken that this right here people be cast out never allowed into heaven because they did the miraculous but Jesus is talking in Matthew 7 I'm just I just want to touch a couple of these things because this has thrown the church for a loop and they don't know whether to to have a miracle happen in their life or don't have a miracle happen in their life so they're wondering like who's right who Jesus is right Jesus is right so so I'm I'm just gonna I'm just gonna real quick I'm gonna go into Matthew 7 we're just gonna hit a couple of things these are just stumbling blocks oh good oh we should just read the whole thing so good oh listen to this listen to this promise you ready oh my gosh ask and it will be given to you well you like that seek and you will find knock and it will be open to you for everyone who asks receives and he who seeks finds and damn who knocks it will be open or what man is among you that he who asks or if his son asks for bread will give him a stone or if we ask for a fish will he give him a serpent if you then being evil know how to give good gifts to your children how much more will your father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him therefore whatever you want men to do to you do also to them for this is the law and the prophets now in Luke it says how much more will the Father give the Holy Spirit to them who ask it but it's the same asking you're asking you'll receive seeking you'll find ok and I by the narrow gate for the wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction there are many who go by it because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life there are few that find it now watch it is a narrow narrow gate broad is the road we've taken this to mean that that the world is on the broad road but I'm begging to differ with you because the church is on a broad road too and I really want to talk about this and I want to nail this thing you guys ok now I'm taking this from red letters so if you want a debate talk to Jesus talk to him narrow enter by the narrow gate wide is the gate and broad is the way he says enter by the narrow gate for wide is the gate so he says enter by the narrow gate there's a broad gate - there's a wide gate - and there is a broad road that leads to destruction what leads to destruction there is a way that seemeth right to a man and it leads to destruction there of there is a way that seems right to a man there is the way the mental faculty or the way that seems right we have grown up in the world and there's a way that seems right you can bring this into the gospel and you cannot renew your mind and you can still live on a broad road where anything goes but narrow is the way that leads to life many are called but few find it I would like to tell you that righteousness is that narrow way is that narrow gate righteousness is the answer to the sin problem righteousness is the answer to the lack of purity problem righteousness is the answer to boldness because boldness doesn't come because you're strong boldness comes because your weakness is a magnet for God's strength it's an upside down inside outward but if world but if we don't see the reality of what it means to be right with God we will still live in fear hmm I am unashamed of the gospel for it is the power of God unto salvation for them that believe unashamed means I am bold and I am not afraid for it is the power of God that leads to salvation first for the Jew and then for the Greek for in it in what in the gospel what is in the gospel for in it the righteousness of God is revealed for it is written the just shall live by faith so good the unashamed gospel comes because we've entered into a narrow gate the narrow gate is what we enter into and once we get in there it's way bigger on the inside than it was out here the broad road is a lot of different ideas the broad road is the seed that falls on the rock the seed that falls to the wayside the seed that falls among the thorns and the thistles the broad road is a man that builds his house on the sand he still has Jesus but he's built his house on sand and the foundation of his house isn't strong the foundation of your house is the chief Cornerstone and his name is Jesus and we have become the righteousness of God that is in Christ Jesus and if we don't see what we've become we will constantly still try to do to be do to be it's performance-oriented you think that if I do another miracle maybe then I'll be pleasing to God but you're not pleasing to God because you do another miracle you're pleasing to God because you believe on him though we've sent I don't know how you get out of this oh here's how we wear of false prophets I knew it I knew we throw a wrench in here somewhere that's what they say about me they say I'm a false prophet beware wolf inside chewing on sheep like they do that I think it's crazy this isn't a Tod validating or vindicating I'm just reading the Gospel this is where this stuff comes from so are you guys okay alright beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves people think that a false prophet is somebody that prophesized and it's wrong that's not what he's talking about here he's talking about people that are deceiving the whole body of Christ and watch dogs that are set up like protestors and people that are protesting the very gospel the very thing that I was a drug addict and an atheist and an angry man I hurt people and destroyed people Jesus came and set me free from me which makes me free from protestors but it also makes me it also makes me free from your opinions because your opinions apart from truth don't matter to me but with my family that has many opinions and many things that I've done to hurt all of them they have trouble trying to let that go because they don't have a relationship with Jesus and without a relationship with Jesus you can't let anger go so now I have a family that I'm trying to witness and talk about Jesus too but sometimes they don't understand actually most times so now most times when I'm sharing my faith all they can think about is what I've done and where I was so it takes time for you to walk out the truth of the gospel but once your life is walking in a narrow way and you are not on a broad road where anything goes and you're not sitting there drinking and partying with your family trying to witness with them oh I am not kidding you man this right here is everything see we set aside our life we set apart our life we consecrate our life to holiness purity and power see without power it's not a gospel without holiness it's not a gospel seeking first the kingdom of God which is the kingdom or the Dominion of Jesus in every area and his righteousness righteousness is his purity righteousness is being right with God knowing that if God is for you who could be against you knowing that greater is He that's in me than he that's in the world knowing that I've been made right with God that the Old Testament says I 613 laws and Ten Commandments to obey every day and if I don't then I can't be right with God but Jesus came as our substitution as our as our propitiation for us actually and on that cross was laid on him all the sin of the world so when Jesus did what he did he took away the reality of the sin of the world he paid the price on Calvary that we could never pay he never sinned he never missed it and on that tree he who knew no sin became sin so that we might become the righteousness of God that's in Christ Jesus but if I don't see what he did and what he went through I can't live bold for Jesus that's good my god beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves you will know them by their fruits hmm this is amazing demand gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles even so every tree bears good fruit and a bad tree Bears bad fruit a good tree cannot bear good fruit nor can a bad or a good tree cannot bear bad fruit nor can a bad tree bear good fruit every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire therefore by their fruits you will know them that's pretty simple like check when's the last time you went out to what kind of trees they have around here fruit trees apples okay great and apples that's a great example when's the last time you went out to an apple orchard see I used to live in Pennsylvania so living in Pennsylvania we had apples cherries we had it all we had peaches but you have the seasons I live in Texas now there's not many seasons it's just hot when I got off the plane here I was so thankful man cuz I left like 98 I got off the plane I'm like Jesus I mean Jesus is in Texas too it's just hot man you got a/c water it's outside get in the water inside stay in the cool if you can it's really hot man I'm like put an egg on your car cook it hot like hot but we used to live in Pennsylvania and I used to live actually when I was a little kid I lived on a fruit farm it's amazing across the across the street across the driveway we had a pear orchard so my right I had a peach orchard like I would eat so much fruit like behind me I had cornfield we used to do things like corn cars and I don't know if you guys ever did that before but when I was a kid we did like we used to get the hard kernels and cars would go by and we throw corn at cars that it was a silly thing now they do worse things they threw pumpkins off interstates and it's bad stuff they do man like back rock came from like just bad we had pumpkin fields like when Halloween came around but pumpkins now I know what Halloween is I used to be a horror guy now I just like it's just different carve crosses and pumpkins and Jesus and put them out there so everybody can see it's pretty pretty amazing then then we have then we had all these different plums everything when's the last time you went by an apple orchard when it was full because fall is when apples come fall is thanks Harry there's another one too I'm just kidding so when's the last time you went by an apple orchard and heard trees screaming out apples apples I know I'm an apple tree I know I am roots [Music] yay I am an apple tree you know cuz apple trees just bear apples it's what kind of tree is there cherry trees they bear cherries they don't freak out and say I'm a cherry tree they're in rows they're in lines the sweet cherry trees they're in lines they're all these big trees that grow these big awesome dark red you know when they're dark red it's time to eat I love that we'd go and we'd man we'd pack our bellies full of fruit farm people like eat as much as you want just don't take as much as you want at home so we were just out there fill our bellies so but we knew what kind of tree it was cuz the fruit that's there and Christians when you are rooted and grounded in love when your roots go down deep into the love of God you will bear fruit worthy of the king as a matter of fact righteousness is what he says you are so when you bear the fruits of righteousness you really know what kind of tree you are so righteousness isn't just character righteousness is what Jesus walked in and Jesus walked in the miraculous but if you remember when Jesus was when Jesus was a young man the only account that we have after his birth in Bethlehem is when he was 11 and his parents lost him like they lost God like they lost him rough day oh my god we lost God we lost God what are we gonna do Mary for sure Joseph for sure - they knew it brothers sisters he gone but Mary guaranteed if you get pregnant by God and there no man involved you know you know you know this is from God so when they find him I love Jesus's response it's amazing it actually should be a Christians response they find him in the temple and he is talking and answering and listening to the Pharisees and the Pharisees are freaked out at the kids knowledge there's no possible way they are freaked out the parents don't you care about us what's going on Jesus Jesus saying well of course mom I care that's not his response at all you know what he says didn't you know that I'd be about my father's business like 11 oh no fear of man inside of Jesus just the fear of the Lord didn't you know I'd be about my father's business come on guys come on let's go okay and he says that he was obedient to his parents it's amazing man so nothing happened in Jesus's life in the miraculous or in the supernatural I don't care what movie you might have seen they asked me to be a part of a movie screening like a bunch of leaders you know small theater they were going to show a new Christian film that was coming out so they figure taught you're a leader in the body of Christ we would like you to sit in and watch this and let us know what you believe I said well I won't give you my opinion I'm a scripture guy so if it's not what the word do you probably shouldn't bring me in no no no it's scripture I'm like okay so I go in and this movie comes on and in the very beginning scene like he raises a dead bird as a boy I'm not doing well right now because if you take away this if you take away that it's it's not scriptural because no miracles happen until Jesus had the Holy Ghost come down if we take that away you're taking the whole Bible away see there's nothing there's nothing nothing can be added or taken away it actually says let that man be accursed that's not good man at all so then Jesus raises a boy that hits his head and he's dead raises a boy from the dead I'm like I'm sitting in there going and I'm with friends a couple friends and the one guy knows my heart he's like in the sequel at all and they're gonna ask me at the end like who here has let me let us hear your opinions and then Jesus like heals the blind Pharisees eyes in the temple when his parents leave him and 11 I'm like Paul oh I want to just stand up right now I'm freaked out I do because I can't stand it because the more the more twisted 'no set you allow people to see the more their minds start to get twisted away and because people aren't grounded in the word and in the truth what happens is every little thing becomes gone i'm not kidding like formulas and all these different things that are outside of scripture it's not okay it's not good at all it actually leads you away from the truth of what god wants to say to you and it puts you into a theory or whatever of what somebody interprets this to say and a movie is really powerful if it's done right and so so we get to the end and and they're like hey we'd like to hear you know anybody have any comments I'm like I got comment dude and nobody else and I'm like I'm never like 30 guys 30 men and women I I do I said your whole movies a flop dude it's twisted I said it's totally not even scripture I said it's wrong I said you're taking the reality of the Holy Spirit and the baptism of Jesus at the River Jordan completely away and you're saying that he did miracles before the age of 30 and there was absolutely not one miracle done in Jesus's life or through Jesus's life until he was thirty years old got baptized in river Jordan went out in the wilderness for 40 days came back and the Holy Ghost and power and went about doing good healing all that were oppressed by the devil in the first miracle that Jesus performed was at the wedding of Cana when he turned water into wine and this is not okay none of it it's all twisted it's entertainment but it looks just like the world it smells like the world it's really gone it's really not okay and nobody everybody silent everybody's like well thank you Todd we appreciate your insight is that what you really thought it was just insight did you think that what I just gave you was insight or do you think what I shared with you is Scripture because you are right now putting a stumbling block in front of the body of Christ telling them that this is truth when it's not truth at all and it looks just like the world man I said I will tell as many people as I can to never watch this movie because it's demonic bro those are some strong statements taught I believe is strong gospel bro I believe the truth and nothing but the truth so help me God I would rather die than misrepresent the truth and now you're gonna put a movie out there that is going to change the Gospels and allow people to go on this tangent of this you're taking away a Christians ability to walk in power right now with this film beau you're saying that Jesus did miracles from birth how can a Christian follow that they can but if we have to see the reality of what Jesus did Jesus didn't do miracles as God this is not taking away divinity you have to hear me because people take that little clip right there they post it on YouTube and saying Todd white says Jesus isn't gone and that's a lie Jesus was fully God Jesus was fully man Jesus was fully gone but in order for Jesus to fulfill what he was going to fulfill he had to be made just like us he could not be a man substitute and substitute for man's end of the Covenant unless he became limited in his divinity because God made a covenant I want you to hear me really clear right now are you ready cuz now like the buttons been pushed it's um going on I need you to hear this this is so important are you with me this enables you to walk in the miraculous without a fear Jesus had to let me read it I'll come back to Matthew then to you because this is oh no wait oh jeez I'm opening a lot of things and I only have 28 minutes probably less no I don't cuz you guys got to go out and do something with this oh she helped no I'm in trouble I feel like the end moment right now because I have 470 different places to take you and I didn't even go into Matthew 16 I guess said Jesus help me them you've just read in verse 21 to finish this up I said therefore brother fruits you will know them not everyone who says to me Lord Lord shall enter the kingdom of heaven but he who does the will of my father in heaven many will say to me in that day Lord Lord have we not prophesied in your name cast out demons in your name and done many wonders in your name so this is prophecy this is casting out of devils this is the miraculous so these people will say to me didn't we do all this stuff so the church has taken that and the ones that come against the miraculous has taken a couple of these that I've pointed out just in the last few minutes and they've taken that as the gospel but they've read it out of context and they've taken it out and I want to explain why Lord have we not prophesied in other words prophecy by a lot of the church they've cut it off because they believe that if you prophesy you won't enter in casting out demons they believe that casting out demons if you do this then you're wicked and adulterous generation seeketh ursine and now we have the Bible we don't need signs that's pretty twisted now we have the word we don't need miracles now we have doctors we don't need miracles that's why God made doctors no no I know doctors that actually have prayed for dead people and they've come back to life I've I know doctors that that live in the miraculous they're there to fix you physically but they have the Holy Ghost they pray in tongues there they're putting their hands on cardiologists and people that I know neurologists have seen people come back from the dead raised from the dead hearts that have stopped beating beat again not because they've they've give a medicine but because they gave them Jesus it's really important it's so important a wicked and adulterous generation seeks after a sign none will be given they take that out of context they take this out of context they said we prophesied cast out demons in your name done many wonders in your name then I will declare from them I never knew your clear to them I never knew you depart from me you who practice lawlessness and they think that prophesy casting out demons and doing signs and wonders is lawlessness if that's lawlessness then Jesus was the biggest lawless person on the planet the disciples were lawless they must have been lawless because they prophesied they cast out demons they raised the debt they did many wonders in Jesus's name they weren't the healers but Jesus heal through them through agency of Holy Spirit are you with me so it says this you who practice lawlessness lawlessness is sin if is praying for the sick and seeing their eyes open a blind person's eyes open and I pray for them in Jesus name and their eyes open and you call that sin what you're saying is that Jesus just promoted sin through healing that's just twisted that doesn't make sense at all no what you're saying what Jesus is saying right here is that people will come and they will say by our works don't we get in no righteousness bears its fruit unto holiness so what happens is when you see your right your your right with God what happens is your tendency to want to sin gets less and less and less when you become righteous conscious or you become Sun conscious what happens is sin consciousness is kicked out and is rooted out of your life and the tendency to miss it gets less and less and less because you get closer and closer and closer to God this is saying that there will be people that will stand before God on that day and think that just because they raise the dead just because they cast out Devils just because they saw healings that that was vindicating their life of sleeping with their girlfriend and living that way their whole life that you have people that will say we did the miraculous yet we were drunkards yet we were sitting there we were drug addicts behind the scenes I was a pastor and I did the miracles but I was cheating on my wife let me in Lord and you practice lawless and you practice sin on purpose and knew what you were doing the whole time and you think that the miraculous is your ticket in away from me I never knew you God says oh I'm promised man it says pursue peace and holiness for without which no one will see the Lord it is a big deal see t he who is give a see here's - check this out to you is given much much is required let not many of you become teachers for teachers will be judged way more strictly let monta not many of you become pastors because your Shepherd over a flock so you will be judged for all the ears of your flock as an evangelist or as a person that goes and speaks in events sometimes 20,000 sometimes I will be judged for every ear that hears me what comes out of my mouth better come out of God's heart because if it doesn't come out of God's heart and I'm twisting scripture I am going to answer for every lie that came out of my mouth when I stand before God and I take that very personal so for everybody that's here you have come to a school to be equipped in identity and the miraculous will flow but the miraculous is a byproduct of being a son and a daughter it's not the focal point the focal point is Jesus Christ the focal point is the blood of Jesus the focal point is the purity in the gospel the unadulterated pure gospel of truth that doesn't compromise and doesn't mix with anything it's like trying to take oil and water and make it combined it doesn't combined at all it always separates you can never join them together the world and Jesus don't mix this isn't a compromise gospel this isn't half Jesus half in half out no half in and half out is this scripture that I'm talking about right here so you have brought yourself to a school that my job is to wake is to make you way more accountable than when you came in here my job is to bring you to accountability so that you are very accountable for what you're asking for it's not a fear thing it's a surrender thing it's a all-or-none jesus didn't say are you for me and against me he said you're for me or against me you gather to me or you scatter from me so if you came here for a notch on your belt just to learn how to do the miraculous but you think that you can live and sin and get away with it this awaits you [Applause] oh so good oh oh therefore he said then I will declare to them I never knew you there is a difference between you saying that you know God and God knowing you there's a difference between you saying do you know that God loves you yeah yeah I know there's a difference between you saying that you know that God loves you and you actively being loved by God there's a difference you waking up and knowing that you're loved by the father and that you don't have to perform for it it's already there because you believe in the cross and what Jesus did so good Wow therefore whoever hears these sayings of mine and does them it's amazing look at this lord have we not prophesied in your name cast out demons in your name done many wonders in your name I will declare to them I never knew you depart from me you who practice lawlessness therefore this is crazy like he puts this together therefore whoever hears these sayings of mine and does them I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock the rain descended and the floods came and the winds blew and beat on that house and it did not fall for he was founded on the rock but everyone who hears these sayings of mine and does not do them I will liken him to a foolish man who built his house on the sand the rain descended and the floods came and the winds blew and beat on that house and it fell and great was its fall so it was when Jesus had ended these sayings that the people were astonished at his teaching for he taught as one having Authority and not as the scribes oh my good and right here Jesus is like in the next chapter a leopard comes worships him a leper he says Lord if you're willing you can make me clean Jesus put his hand out and touched him he said I am willing be cleansed he didn't say let me check with the father and hold on wait a minute let me see cuz I don't know for sure because you're a leper and you're not supposed to be around us and you're supposed to be out there you shouldn't be in here you're actually shunned you're not supposed to be here oh yeah lady you at the issue of blood you're not supposed to be here you can actually be stoned for being in town being like this because you initial blood your unclean lepers you're unclean what are you doing see in the Old Testament you have a leper who's unclean you have the law and you have to stay away from him but in the New Testament the leper comes and they get clean this is just totally different totally upside down inside out it's a different gospel you have to see Jesus and you have to see why what Jesus did and why he did what he did Jesus came let me go to James real quick I am really over my head and not doing well in time here oh but it's so Scripture and it's so good oh my goodness Jesus help me help me I'm trying oh jesus help me there's so much this is not good okay okay okay go to James 1 real quick yeah Jesus okay you have no idea like this Bible is full of truth it's like all amazing truth it all goes together see when you start to see through the lens of righteousness everything changes when you see through the lens of right standing with God see Romans 5 says that I have peace with God I've been justified by faith I have peace with God when you when you see that your war with God is over now your wars with the enemy but you don't have to fight him you fight the good fight of faith you maintain with the helmet of salvation the reality of the identity that God's given you you don't have to fight and war against sin you don't fight sin you submit to God see when you see this and you submit to God run James for therefore submit to God resist the devil and he'll flee resistance of the devil we have made as a church dominant predominantly to fight against the devil you are not to fight against the devil you are to submit your whole life to God and that of your submission to God you're submitting to what he says and when you submit to what he says the devil's resisted it's not a two-step program it's therefore submit to God resist the devil he'll flee that doesn't mean the devil doesn't come but that just means that your soul gets so occupied with truth that when the enemy comes you are filled with the truth of what God says here then all of a sudden that just doesn't make sense because this makes all the sense in the world I promise I have never tried to fight sin since I've been saved I have submitted to God and believe that I am who God says I am that doesn't mean the enemy backs off he still comes but what he's doing is he's looking for access to your soul that doesn't know truth he is looking to your mind that's not renewed and he is trying to not to not get you to transform he's trying to get you to conform come on conforming to this world isn't the gospel it says to offer your body as a living sacrifice holy and acceptable to God which is your reasonable and you're pleasing service before the Father Romans 12:1 then do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind so that you can approve what is and what is not God's will it's so important says this in verse 12 says blessed is the man who endures temptation for when he has been approved he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love him let no one say when he is tempted I am tempted by God for God cannot be tempted with evil nor does he himself tempt anyone God does not tempt anyone and God cannot be tempted are you with me but each one is tempted when he has drawn away by his own desires and enticed and when that desire has conceived it gives birth to sin and sin when it's full-grown brings forth death do not be deceived my brethren every good and perfect gift is from above and comes down from the Father of lights with there with whom there is no variation or shifting of turning of his own will he brought us forth by the word of truth that we might be the first or be the kind of firstfruits of his creatures of his creation but he swift to hear slow to speak slow to wrath for the wrath of God does not promote the righteousness or the wrath of man does not promote the righteousness of God sorry lay aside all filthiness overflow of wickedness received with meekness the implanted word just just some things that I I said be a doer of the word and not hear if anyone's a hear and not a doer it's like a man who observes his face in the mirror he observes himself goes away and immediately forgets what kind of man he was so you forget your identity but he who looks into perfect law of Liberty and continues it in it you do not be a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work that one will be blessed and what he does if anyone among him thinks of these religious and does not bridle his tongue he deceives his own heart his religion is worthless but pure and undefiled religion before God and the father is this to visit orphans and widows in their trouble and keep oneself unspotted by the world so good no compromise oh my oh sheesh I need to like 12:30 I know yeah but but I got to get you out of here so good okay oh she okay I just wanna I just want to briefly touch on Jesus his life the miraculous and this is something for for what I believe God's gonna do tonight I just yeah okay Jesus born as a man I said it before you have a covenant that God made with Moses gave Moses the law yes he made a covenant with himself and man in order for that covenant to be fulfilled and another covenant to happen man had to fulfill his end God had his end but Jesus had to fulfill his end as man son of man not not God so Jesus humbled himself was born of Mary the Virgin Mary he was referred to as the Son of Man are you guys with me so when Jesus was born he was fully God and humbled himself became a bondservant and was tempted at all points he became son of man so when Jesus was fully God and Jesus was fully man he had to lay aside all divinity in order for him to do what he was gonna do on earth are you understanding me if Jesus acted as God on this earth the Covenant couldn't be fulfilled why because God made covenant with man so Jesus had to die as a man on that tree when you look in Hebrews we have a man the man Christ Jesus he's still a man that understands all the things that we go through that sits at the right hand of God as our intercessor you have to get this this is so important especially when it comes to outreach why because if Jesus did miracles as God you can't follow that but if Jesus did the miraculous as a man and right relationship with God this puts you on an even plane let me explain this Jesus grew up as a boy into a teenager or into a young man to a teenager to a man when Jesus was thirty years old there was absolutely no miracles that were done through his life why because the Holy Spirit hadn't yet fallen on Jesus now Jesus comes down to the River Jordan at 30 years old at 30 he comes down John the Baptist is baptizing when John baptized Jesus it was it was after Jesus talked to him twice about it John says to Jesus Oh My Jesus John knows who this guy is John was Jesus's cousin yes he was in Elizabeth when Mary walked into the room Elizabeth's were pregnant with John John flipped out inside the womb like well ha that's the reason why I'm on the earth John has groomed in the wilderness for the very day that's about to happen at the River Jordan he is out there he was drink no strong meat here to know no strong drink he was to have nothing fermented he was actually consecrated as a Nazarite had this Nazarite vow if anybody knows what that means and that's right vow consecrated to holiness and and and the beauty of God in the wilderness and he was out there eating locusts and honey clothed with camel's hair this guy was a ruffian he wasn't compromised in his life and he brought it he brought it so much that Herod he rebuked Herod for taking his brother's wife like he's in prison still rebuking Herod he ain't backing off he's out there in the waters repent he's no joke he's there to prepare the way of the Lord he sees the Pharisees and who warned you to flee from the coming wrath and he rebukes the Pharisees bear fruits worthy of repentance he's rebuking them like intensely the people were going to John from all around it says that John the Baptist was the greatest of all Old Testament prophets but Elijah was pretty intense he called down fire I mean you're talking about all these Old Testament prophets that says that John was the high-water mark of all of those and then he says Jesus says yet he who is least the kingdom is greater than that that's crazy John the Baptist that doesn't mean greater like I'm greater than John that just means there's something different upon your life when you become a Christian so John the Baptist is down there he's baptizing people Jesus comes down now Jesus is thirty years old in Jewish culture at 30 years old you inherit everything that your father has the father would actually go where his son would go into the square and announce that I now I now him 30 years old and I have everything that my father has and what my father has his mind and the father would say this is my son in whom I'm well pleased and in Jewish culture he inherited everything is that had at 30 so when Jesus is thirty years old and he's about to say that my father and I are one they wanted to kill him because he made himself equal with God but James says even though he had equality with God he considered himself of no reputation come on so Jesus comes down to the river John says oh oh my gosh it's him Jesus says John I need you to baptize me John goes oh I need your baptism and you're coming to me huh right Laura huh well I need yours but Jesus couldn't give John his baptism because that couldn't happen until Jesus was crucified resurrected and ascended to heaven sat at the right hand the day of Pentecost that came so John says to Jesus I need yours Jesus says no no no John let it be necessary right now so that that word righteousness might be fulfilled to fulfill righteousness means you walk out 613 laws and ten commandments every day without missing one Jesus was tempted at all points yet without sin scripture says that it is impossible for God to be tempted Jesus was tempted at all points that Scripture validates alone that he didn't do what he did his God he did what he did his man says big time important I am NOT taking anything away from Jesus I am elevating the word and the truth of what God says so when Jesus was baptized by John it said this said Jesus went down into the water John consented he said that righteousness might be fulfilled jesus said righteousness being fulfilled means that somebody walked out the whole law and all the commandments all the days of their life that 30 years old Jesus walks it out goes down in the water and says when he came up the heavens were opened for him not for us for him so Jesus goes down comes up out of that water and God says this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased Jesus goes out into the wilderness led by the spirit he goes out there is tempted for forty days the first temptation that the devil brings to Jesus as he says if you are the son come on do something to prove it change these stones into bread now Jesus said man does not live by bread alone what did he say man lives by every word that comes from the mouth of God now we could say that's Deuteronomy and it is true but there's more truth to it God said you're my son that I'm well pleased so when Jesus went into the wilderness the last voice he heard from the father was you're my son and I'm pleased with you the devil says do something to prove it God told me I'm a son I don't have to prove anything he was trying to get him to do the same thing that the devil got Eve to do and Adam followed bang then he says to Jesus he took him up to a high place and he says all the kingdoms of this world all of them all of them I'll give them to you they were delivered unto me and I can give them to whoever I wish how did he get them in the garden when Adam fell he handed the keys to the devil the devil's offering Jesus the keys saying if you bow down and worship me I know what you came for here you can have these Jesus didn't come to bow he came to die so that you could live but the devil offers it to him he says if you bow down and worship me all of these can be yours get behind me Satan hmm look guys this is a big deal a big deal Jesus didn't come to bow then he takes him to a high place says throw yourself down for it is written the Angels will catch you lest you dash your foot against a stone it said do not tempt the LORD thy God look this is awesome Jesus comes out of the wilderness they angels straight the bang he comes out of there boom comes out in the Holy Ghost in power and the miraculous started at the wedding of Cana so at the wedding of Cana Mary comes up to Jesus and she says Jesus they ran out of wine Jesus says what does that have to do with me my time hasn't come yet it's not my time why did Jesus say that because God says it's not your time son because Jesus only did what the father said to do and only said what the father said so when when God said to Jesus it's not your time Mary looks at the servants and it's the last thing that she said in the whole Bible what's the last thing she said she does look I've waited long enough I could picture this like I've waited long enough it's long enough I can't do this anymore like she was more pregnant with Jesus than she was when she had him like like it's it's it's time she looks at the servants she says do whatever Jesus tells you Jesus gets approached by the servants Jesus goes hmm the father must have gave Jesus other orders because Mary was so hungry she pulled into her day that day what was reserved for another time but she turned the heart of the Father so how hungry are you oh so so Jesus turns water in wine and the miraculous began a boom it was on and the devil did everything that he could to stop him and he couldn't until Jesus laid his life down but when Jesus laid his life down this is amazing because when they led him up on that cross when they put him on Calvary it says that no one took his life he freely gave it I love it like medicine the devil when he saw Jesus actually bowing when he saw Jesus actually like letting him the devil thought yes but man he played into the hands of God the devil's like a chess on the a part on a chess board and God moves him so what happens is the enemy thinks that he won he thinks he's winning yes we're gonna kill him but what he didn't see he got blindsided he didn't see it he didn't see it so Jesus on that tree it says that Jesus who knew no sin became sin so on that cross Jesus didn't just take on our sin he became sin this is so amazing and the devil's like yes he's going down finally we get rid of him finally we get rid of him finally we take him out and it says that Jesus who knew no sin became sin he actually was cursed on the tree all these generational curses and all these things that people were afraid of he became curse he it was all placed on him Oh guys listen how powerful is this Jesus was marred beyond any man you could even recognize who Jesus was why why do people lie well because by strife healed yes that's part of it but the miraculous is just part of what he did see Jesus who knew no sin he became sin why we in the garden forfeit and our identity and looked just like the enemy and Jesus had to become unrecognizable so that you and I could become recognizable again such a clear gospel Jesus becomes sin so that we might become sin nurse no more this is crazy so Jesus he gets crucified he said it is finished that veil tore from top to bottom God tore it it was the one thing that separated man from God only the high priest could go in but Jesus tears the veil everything's exposed everything's open because God wasn't in there anymore Jesus goes that he pays the price people debate on this but I see in Scripture that Jesus descended and the enemy thought that he won yes we got him he's down there the enemies torturing tormented yeah yeah just just torment him torment him we won we won but on the third day [Applause] on the third day oh it wasn't like that for the devil anymore see see he knew he got stomped but the devil knows that he can't come up into heaven and dethrone God he knows he can't do throne God he knows he can't take the son off the seat he can't take him he can't so what he wants to do is he wants to try to dethrone Jesus from ever hitting the soul he wants to dethrone him from ever taking his rightful place in the throne of your of your soul right here so he wants to come in here and try to get this as much as he possibly can to take this out so that you can never see who you're created to be he wants to get you to hear the word and not do it see Jesus he gave the disciples authority when they were on the earth but it was called exuse iya was authority was God with them but he said that the disciples don't fear he said I will not leave you as orphans so these guys when they were on the earth were orphans with power but they had no idea who they were that's why they wanted to blow up cities that's why they were like I'm first in your last that's why they were trying to be in charge who's gonna sit on your right and who's gonna sit on your lap come on Lord let my son sit on your left and right James and John sons of thunder sons of thunder like Samaria resisted you let's kill him like Elijah he burnt up the prophets let's let's do it come on let's let's let's kill him let's blow the Cydia orphans don't fear I will not leave you as orphans Jesus said it's gonna be better for you that I go away than if I stay with you because if I don't go he won't come so something happened when Jesus was crucified resurrected came and hung and on that day of Pentecost 50 days after boom that Peter that denied Jesus was turned into super Peter he was turned into a man that was on fire for God there's something that happened guys Jesus when he did the miraculous he did not do the miraculous as God when he was on the earth he did the miraculous as a man filled with the Spirit of God so the miracles that happened through Jesus he said in John 5:19 who the son can do nothing of himself what he does he does because the father does it for what the father does the son does in like manner so when jesus healed the sick he didn't heal the sick as God He healed the sick as a man in right relationship with God filled with God Jesus said in John 10 25 and is different places he said I don't do the works the father who dwells in me does the works so in other words how did the father dwell in Jesus and do the worst he dwelled in Jesus and did the works through agency of Holy Spirit Romans 8:11 says this the same Holy Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you he will quicken your mortal body don't push that off to the Millenium don't push that off to the resurrection no he wants to quicken your mortal body right now he wants to use you right now all the gifts of the Holy Spirit want to flow through you right now so was Jesus fully God and fully man absolutely did he lay his divinity aside in order to humble himself and become a bondservant and be tempted at all points yet without sin absolutely how did he do that when he was born of Mary he grew up and he lived as a bond servant to God and when he was crucified he was crucified as the Son of Man and fulfilled that covenant was he the son of God absolutely did the same spirit that raised Jesus from the dead did it come to dwell in you absolutely that spirit that raised Jesus up that came down into the pit of hell and brought Jesus up the third day when Mary saw outside the tomb she went there and she saw that the tomb was empty she ran back and got Peter and John and they both run to the tomb because they're all freaked out because Jesus's body isn't there so when they go back Peter and John go Peter runs into the tomb John waits outside they noticed that he's not there and there's a headpiece that there was a Raptor on his face that was folded like a napkin was folded and when the master leaves and folds the napkin that means that he's coming back to the table oh it's so good listen this is so amazing because when Peter and John roll out Mary's still there and she thinks she's he's the gardener she thinks she sees somebody that might know where the Masters body is like please please tell me where he is I need to know you have to show me where my king is please help me it's not okay so all of a sudden she's there please tell me please help me I can picture this it's amazing cuz Mary knows the voice Mary this is the woman who's seven demons left this is the lady who like followed Jesus all these years even it was three I mean everyday he says Mary she says rabboni teacher on that day she goes to cling to him and she's he says Mary don't cling to me I have something that I need to do I haven't yet ascended to the Father see Jesus had risen but he hadn't sat at the right hand he hasn't gone to the right hand of God he hasn't put his blood on the mercy seat in heaven oh he says but go and tell the disciples but I'm ascending to my god and your God to my father and your father see that day God became our Father not just Jesus's father oh this is so powerful and so she goes and she tells the disciples and then the road to Emmaus and you know all the rest Jesus is there and all of a sudden the disciples are all hiding they're still in fear because they didn't really they were like okay all right that's kind of freaky Mary what we saw what happened on that tree like we don't know what to do and then talk 20/21 you see Jesus he there in the room and they're all there by themselves Jesus walks in to the room whether he comes through the door through the wall whatever it was locked and they were petrified they see him Wow jesus says peace don't be afraid yo guys chill it's me come on just relax look it's me Jesus is full as the father sent me so I send you he breathes on them he breathes on them and says received the Holy Spirit that sure does take away fear like this is amazing but there's something else that happens because he tells them to go and wait and wait cuz they receive the holy spirit inside that's our born-again experience but then on the day of Pentecost something else happened and we're gonna talk about that a little bit tonight and probably have a good wall up up a time it's gonna be amazing all right so guys listen same Holy Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you all signs wonders and miracles they're all him it's not you when you pray for the sick the sick get healed it's not so you can say look what I did it's so that you can just deliver a package you're a delivery person you're just delivering a package to someone else paid for but don't be deceived and don't be weirded out by these scriptures that are in here that a wicked and adulterous you're not wicked and you're not adulterous and you're not seeking a sign you're actually seeking Jesus but you're there to get member seek and you will find it doesn't say seek a sign says seek and you'll find these signs will follow them that be leave he says in my name they will lay hands on the sick and the sick will recover the first sign of a believers they cast out devils the devils exist oh yeah they do and they're in church it's crazy okay put your hands on your heart okay Tom where are you is he here no I'll keep going okay I know we're nine minutes probably twenty minutes yeah you know how I made you wait like when I was coming in I figured I'd make you wait a lil at the end - he's smiling but it's not real smile detail now look we've we've run together for 11 years it's amazing I love this man like this is this is this is our heart man I just I want to make sure that I can get truth out of my heart that's burning because I really want to equip the body of Christ to be who they're created to be and to allow Jesus to flow through you so I want to pray for you can everybody stand up put your hands out please I want to pray for Jesus to use you exponentially I want to pray for God to flow through you and to touch the world around you I want to pray for God to give you words of knowledge the prophetic that you would hear words for people that would astound them okay and that you would bring people to Jesus because this isn't about glorifying us it's about glorifying the king so father I thank you in the name of Jesus I ask you to seal this word god this word not taking divinity away from Jesus but just showing and examining the truth of the Scriptures that said that Jesus you didn't do what you did is God when you came here you had to humble yourself you had to become a bond servant be tempted at all points yet without sin Jesus when the Holy Spirit came and he was upon you that is when the miraculous happened and I'm asking you in the name of Jesus to fan the flame of the gifts that you've given the body of Christ got inside of every person here that God they would hear prophetic utterances they would hear words of knowledge I thank you for miracles signs and wonders God that would happen through your bride god I thank you that we would be an army of believers that walk throughout this city and see people's lives changed god I thank you that we do not have to pray about where to go we are a divine opportunity for every one that we meet Jesus I thank you for amazing godly encounters today God thank you for many salvations I thank you for outrageous miracles thank you for blind eyes opening deaf ears opening I thank you for people coming out of wheelchairs lord I thank you for diseases disappearing I thank you for addiction for addiction just dying Lord and falling to the ground and becoming nothing I thank you for the complete transformation of people God let encounters happen all afternoon Lord thank you in Jesus precious name and everybody said amen amen [Applause]
Channel: Todd White
Views: 128,784
Rating: 4.8912597 out of 5
Id: 5DsP1xPiI5Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 48sec (5568 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 08 2019
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