Todd White - You Can't Do This in Your Own Strength

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I was in the hospital the last few days not because of being sick but because we're adopting a little boy and he is coming off of heroine and so he is going through all that withdrawal and getting prayed over him and not just him but a whole lot of babies A whole lot of people like it has been actually been pretty amazing really has Some of you need to smile I know it is morning. This is really amazing Sometimes we hear that and we are like we can't believe that a mom would do that. A mom wouldn't do that if she understood what she was doing You know I got asked a question by a nurse yesterday because I share the gospel, it doesn't matter whether they are in a good mood or bad, I share it. It just doesn't matter to me because Jesus is good news and whether you have a bad mood or good mood going on Jesus is good news So I am sharing my heart with all of these nurses and some of them don't want to hear it but if they are sitting in my room, they have too because I can't be quiet, I have to share it with them And I had hoped to give them regardless of that they are seeing there is a lot of, lot of questions of people about God and who God is and what do you do when this happens And what do you do when you see someone They asked me this question yesterday They said to me She asked me what do you do when someone says they love God but they are homosexual I feel like this is like something hard to talk about in churches because we don't want to hurt anybody But the reality of it is I asked her Well let me ask you this I said I said if you have somebody that you know that is in a in a homosexual lifestyle and they're telling you that they love God and that you were at church, and then here is another situation So I put out some situations because what we do is we elevate one thing over another that this is this and this is this and this is a worst sin and this is a little sin A sin is a sin But here's my here is my point to her I said suppose you have that and you have someone that tell you they love God and and when they say they love the God that they know and I am not saying that they do not love God but let me let me point something out I said to her I said suppose you have that situation where you have the homosexual that came up and said you know I love God How what what do you say to that She didn't say that with with attitude but she said like as a question I said well what would you do I said that if you knew that there was a homosexual couple that was there in church service and you knew that they were living that life and then and then all of a sudden you found out that the pastor of your church was sleeping with the secretary but he was married which would hurt you more Why of course the pastor would I said well ok well how about you got this these two people that are living in this sexual immoral lifestyle and I said or you have a boyfriend and a girlfriend that are sleeping together outside of wedlock you have that homosexual lifestyle then you have that pastor that cheated on his wife But then you also have this other guy that's a professional businessman who is actually hooked on pornography behind the closed doors and no one is looking I said but then, but then but then you have another guy that actually travels over to Thailand and because he knows that he can actually he can actually have sexual relations with little kids Legally in Thailand because there are three year olds that are full-time prostitutes Which is I mean which is darker Which is yucker I mean that three year old that is disgusting and I understand and I agree and it is horrible Then you got a pastor that is doing that then you have the these two that are living this lifestyle and then this guy that’s going over here to Thailand he says you know what I actually love God so your actions prove that you don't love God Well what about the businessman that's hooked on pornography that is a secret that nobody knows but he claims to love God and he is at church Well what is that is that ok So she is asking me a question about this and she wants an answer about this but here's is the answer The cross is available for anybody and unless the blood of Jesus is under sin and the price that Jesus paid is under sin, then somebody can still live in this lifestyle and say that they love God But the cross says that if you love God this is not what you do That is not me condemning anybody I am telling you the truth See it's a lack of relationship it is a lack of intimacy and it's a lack of relationship with Jesus See no one wants to talk about this but this is the truth and I am not saying that pastor would not talk about this but I am telling you that sin is sin and it is dark and it dark and it is yucky and it is messy But people say well I never sinned really bad but let me just explain something to you That's self righteousness and if you think you are going to make it in by good works you are in big trouble because there's no good works that are justified by God because God said all had sin and all have fallen short of the glory of God All have all people everybody has Unless you understand and see the reality of what you've been given and the price that Jesus paid for you the simplicity of the cross the simplicity that's in Christ the reality of the price that Heaven paid for you on Calvary then you can go through life and say you love God and live like the biggest hypocrite on the planet I was at I was at the store the other day we went in the drugstore to Rite-Aid I had I had I don’t know I forget what it was deodorant I think and i went in there and before we were heading to the hospital and I walked up to the front desk and my wife and I were there and I said to the lady behind the desk God spoke to me and He told me that she had three herniated discs in her back She just got a diagnosis from her doctor a horrible one So I am there and I say hey how are you and she goes hey I am doing great I said well not too great you have three herniated discs and you just got diagnosed she goes she stepped away from the cash register she goes you're scaring me I said it is not scary I said I am a Christian and she said now you are scaring me And I said to her God love you and she goes ok well I have a problem with God and I said alright and I said well Jesus told me about your back and your back is messed up and it is really messed up and she goes well I really don’t want to talk about it and I said ok that's fine well I would like to pray for you and I said let me see your hand and she goes I'm not touching your hand She goes I want you to stop I go ok There is a reason why you want me to stop because what I said about your back is real She goes it was real I just got back from the whatever surgeon he said that if they put a scalpel to my back that I will be paralyzed there's no hope for me I said what is what I said is the reality of what's going on She goes yes it is she goes that's why I am scared I go well that's not scary that's amazing She goes no really she goes I have a problem with God and I said well obviously your problem is not with God it is with somebody who misrepresented God Therein lies the problem Because if I were to have somebody living a certain lifestyle saying they love God but it is against everything the scripture says and if I were to have a pastor who claims to love God and yet is sleeping with the secretary behind closed doors cheating on his wife and family If I were to have a businessman who says he loves God but yet he is hooked on pornography on the computer and that is his life and that is what he is feeding at behind the close doors and nobody sees it, it is just a secret, no one knows If I have someone who is over in Thailand and goes and sleeps with a three year old prostitute comes back and acts like nothing's wrong Everyone of those things is full on hypocrisy and the only reason is is happening is because they don't know God So one isn't worse than the other there all horrible do you understand See what we done is we elevated one sin to be worse than another but they are all as equally as twisted It doesn't matter what it is Whether its, whether it's this or it's that, or that or this, it is all wrong Are you with me Are you sure There's hope It’s called relationship See it's the Holy Spirit is called the Holy Spirit because He's Holy Watch this this is I know this is crazy the Holy Spirit, is called the Holy Spirit because He's Holy And Romans 8:11 that we talked about earlier the same Holy Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead the same Holy Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead dwells in us. If the same Holy Spirit that raised Jesus Christ from the dead dwells in us and His name is Holy what should our life look like It's not do holy as He is holy because you can't do holy You cannot in your own strength and your own your own pride and in your own I am so strong I can do this you will fall and fail miserably because the devil will pound you because you think it is all about you and your strength but you have to realize that in your weakness He's strong And if you don't see His strength then you rely on your strength and your strength will fall short because there is none none no flesh will be justified. This is amazing I just love it I love the fact that this guy that said be Holy as he is Holy is Peter This guy really messed it up I mean he was the top messer upper dude Are you with me This is the guy that denied Jesus this is is the guy that was called the devil by Jesus Get behind me Satan You're mine You are thinking like a man not God It's what He said Your mind is full of the things a of man and not the things of God Get behind me Satan So we can't we can't go through this Christian life and just incorporate Jesus into our life You can't incorporate the Holy Spirit in just to have a better day or to have what you want This isn't Burger King dude this not have it your way Come on a lot of you are not smiling Get over you Come on man You guys are like my family and we should be to talk to my family I'm not being mean I'm not being I'm not being anti-scriptural If you think I am it is because you don't read your bible I promise you that this right here is a priority It says in the last days people will be calling good evil and evil good and that is what we slipped into We've called this thing good evil oh hey chill out There are people going to bible college and they they they are going after the right thing and then going over to this wierd thing and says everything is ok and everything is alright It is not ok Jesus didn't lower his word or lower his standard we lowered our standard to make things culturally relevant and we sacrificed truth from the ultra being called culturally relevant That's not a strong word that's just the word Huh What shaking my head My daughter is a dancer and she thinks it's wierd You go to India they said yes that way It's so crazy. You ask are you healed? It's so nuts! I promise they do. Are you healed Like what was that You see the whole crowd I am preaching in a church I am preaching in this one church and it is a Indian church I'm like you guys happy I'm like what was that Then they told me and that was it. Ok, sorry about that. It's true It's really true. Guys, we cannot afford to take this thing and water it down. See Jesus didn't come into the world to condemn the world he came to the world so that the world through Him might be saved It says that God has given us the ministry of reconciliation The ministry of reconcilation isn't to impute the world's tresspasses against them Jesus didn't come to impute them He came to take it away But if you don't see the ministry that you been given you might condemn somebody for something and having junk going on in your own life and Jesus says first to take the plank out of your eye in order for you to take the sawdust out of your brother's eye. This what I am talking about isn't judgement I'm talking about the purity of the gospel the reality of who God called you to be So I'm in this drugstore and I'm praying I'm talking to this lady and she's like you are really scaring me right now I'm like well it's not scary she goes no I havent I have a problem with God I said well I said your problem wasn't with God your problem is with somebody She said yeah I had a husband who loves Jesus and beat me everyday I said Wow I said so you believe that Jesus was the one beating you She said no but he allowed it I said no he didn't allow it see we get this thing messed up man its another whole huge twisted thing Because if God allowed it He could of stopped it so you are blaming God anyway I know this sounds crazy I talked to a lots of nurses and I am talking to lots of people in the hospital and there's a lot of this thing going on especially when it comes to the area of sickness and loss of death Talked to a young man yesterday that his infant son he's in there their in there with their little baby because his his his girl is hooked on heroin and he's coming off and their baby is in there just got brought into the unit and is being weaned Yes it was their first day and I walked over to them because I just walk into the hospital rooms man Hey how are you guys doing You know I am allowed too I just got asked before they I prayed and she looks at me and she goes I know who you are I said wow She goes I heard you speak before at Christ Temple I said that's awesome She goes please pray for my baby I said I promise I said first I need to pray for your man He said I got a beef with God right now I said you don't have a beef with God man you have a beef with what you believe God is If you knew who God was you would not have a beef with him You would have a relationship with him It's a difference between a beef and a relationship I said come on He goes you don't understand I said I will understand you tell me and I will explain to you and I will give you this scriptural truth about what really happened And he said well, how about this I have a little boy he goes an infant and stuff happened since God took my boy I said do you really think that God took your boy do you think He stole him from you He goes yeah I ain't blaming him I said wait a minute I said you think God stole your son from you and now you are in a situation with a girl that you got pregnant and she was addicted to drugs just like you were addicted to drugs you came off she is still on she's on methadone. I said your baby this baby right here you think the same thing might happen to this baby let me tell you something bro Jesus is not a thief and he doesn't come to steal kill and destroy So what happened to your boy was death loss and destruction It wasn't God and God didn't say kill him and let this one suffer That's not how it works man There is an enemy I said you understand that this addiction is from hell itself it is not from God. I am not about to say you are the one that did this that's the last thing I want to do because that brings guilt shame and condemnation because it crushes them and has them think I'm the one that that that had this addiction and I am the one that gave it to my kid It is not about that I am dealing with all kinds of people in the hospital right now that are in that place of guilt shame and condemnation crushing themselves because they are the reason their baby is shaking That's not where we want to go with this thing There's hope and his name is Jesus Jesus wouldn't say how dare you do this and see when I even share about the baby we're adopting addiction in your city is horrible. Ok, I've never seen heroin addiction like I've seen in in this area ever But, we can crush this by the love of Jesus and the reality of you guys seeing and understanding who you are so that when you come upon this you don't say oh man there is another one That's not what we have We don't have oh there's another one We have Jesus We have truth We have the spirit of grace and truth upon our life We can bring hope to a lost and dying world but you have to be equipped to know who you are so that you can know the love of God that's in Christ Jesus Because we didn't we're not here to condemn people or crush people or beat them up or saying your bad your twisted and you're this and you're that We are here to say there is hope and his name is Jesus and look in my eyes, do you see him there And sharing in the reality of who Jesus is Are you guys ok I didn't plan on talking about this but it's pretty fun It is because you guys get it everyday How many of you shop at Krogers All right, you walk by people with addictions everyday I've been in there everyday everyday everyday I do go in there and I see people that are hooked on drugs man that are hooked on stuff. I have hope I have a smile I have the love of God to give people I don't look away from them I don't look past them, I don't walk away from them I say hey how are you I'm ok what's going on Why are you in my way Because Jesus loves you He's the way I'm not in your way He is the way. I want to share the hope and love of God with people I'm not not because I am an evangelist but because I care about my Father It's not because I am some super evangelist I am just His son and I love Jesus with all of my heart That might be my title but I promise this that I would actually have more than anything is a son that's in love with his father That's the real truth and nothing about the truth so help me God Are you guys alright It's this is really fun it's true though So so this lady behind the counter I said look I said Jesus did not do this to you Jesus did not beat you He never would of beat you If you looked at the life of Jesus in the Gospels you don't see him hitting anybody He would never hit you I am really sorry that this happened with him but God wasn't directing him to hit you Nor did God say let him hit you Now, that is not it See you can't have a picture of a father that sovereignly sovereignly stamping decisions to kill steal kill and destroy You can't trust him If you think that God is the one that comes to steal kill and destroy you have the wrong picture of your Father Come on we got this whole thing in the teaching with Job and all this well you know God allowed this look we get this weird impression that that Satan went and requested Job Satan didn't request Job God pointed him out Satan didn't say hey let me go get Job God said hey Satan Devil, have you considered this one He's amazing There's none like him on the planet. He fears me and shuns you He's awesome One that I created in my image Yah One, none like him on the planet Satan says does he fear you for nothing The only reason he fears you is because what you given him People don't love you they just want your stuff The only reason he fears you because you blessed him beyond measure take what he has away and he will curse you God says all that he has in you power Why did God say that Did he say that because Satan asked for it or did he say that because Satan is the god of this world Satan doesn't need permission to steal kill and destroy he's a jerk He doesn't need permission to attack he just does because he is a jerk But we haven't recognized our authority and our dominion and what God has really given us so the enemy gets away with murder and then he slips away in the grass and blames the Father So all of a sudden he comes in bites somebody and because we're taught that God is in control and whatever will be would be we lay our sword on the mantel we lay our bible on the pedestal it collects dust we don't really find out what the will of God is so we really don't know what it is then we get attacked we get hit and then we get theories we get opinions from other Christians that really don't know God and all of a sudden we live off of a theory or an opinion of somebody that got attacked before and they built their doctrine to who God is instead of a loving Father and an amazing God They blame God because they don't know God and all of a sudden you get the seed and you get nothing to fight with and your hands are bound because God's in control and whatever will be will be and if He's in control then why pray you might mess it up It's a real simple lie that is destroyed by one that knows who God is The will of God is found in Jesus Christ He is the will of God Jesus was the will of God made manifest Jesus came down from Heaven to do the will of his Father Only to do the will of his Father He never said anything unless God told him to say it and he never did anything unless God told him to do it So if you want to know who your Father is and how your Father responds how your Father heals and what your Father does when demonic stuff is available that Heaven is way more available to destroy demonic stuff and he does it through agency the one we call Holy So Jesus when he walked this earth he modeled and demonstrated the will of God in everything that he did and everything that he said at all times minus none He never ever ever acted on his own He only acted according to the will of God every time all the time 100% of the time And Jesus did not do what he did as God He did what he did as a man and right relationship with God Because if He were to do what he did as God He couldn't fulfill the law which would of enabled me to be right with God Jesus had to fulfill 613 laws and 10 commandments as a man one made in God's image because God made a covenant with man and with God God is Holy, he has his end In order for man to be right with God he had to walk out 613 laws and 10 commandments in order to be right with God missing none because if you miss one you transgress them all So Jesus walked for 30 years as a man born of the virgin Mary come on this is a big deal we have to get this we have to get God's will nailed down You cannot afford to be uninformed and and not know what God's will is in every I'm not talking in some situations I'm talking about every situation that you encounter minus none. You cannot afford to not know what God's will is We get it confused and think you can't know God's will That's not true The bible says do not be unwise but know the will of the Lord It says do not be conformed to this world but ye be transformed by the renewing of your mind so that you can prove the will of God In every case you as a Christian as a Christian a Christ like one are required to prove God's will in every situation minus none Are you guys everything I am sharing is completely biblical I promise none of it is of my own guess Jesus is the visible image of the invisible God Colossians 1:15 it says Jesus visibly was the exact image of God It says it in Hebrews 1:3 that Jesus was the express image of the Father The express image of the Father That means he was the splitting image exactly like 100% just like Dad Jesus was the son of God did you know that Jesus came to reveal the Father so that we would know what the Father is like The disciple said Jesus, they didn't even know who Jesus was I mean come on Jesus is like who do you think people say that I am some say this some say that Yeah but who do you say that I am I am hanging out with you Your my peeps Well you're the Christ the son of God Wow, blessed are you Simon, awesome job Tell you what upon this rock I will build a church the gates of Hell will not prevail against it The revelation of Christ, the revelation of Christ is the revelation of the Father I'm going to build my church and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it Are you guys with me I'm in teach mode it's really good this is really good. I promise if this sinks in you will never be subject to not know when God's will is and you will know when the Devil is the one touching you You can't afford to put up with that junk You can't afford to put up with the enemy's tactics fear is always from Hell Everywhere fear is in every way shape and form it is from Hell itself I don't care what you want to name it fear is a Devil God did not give you a spirit of fear that's a Devil but of love and power and a sound mind That sound mind does not come from strong arms That sound mind comes from the truth being spoken into your soul by the very word that you put in front of you and the Holy Spirit being your interpreter A sound mind where your mind your soul is strengthened by who God says you are so that when the enemy comes in I love to change the comma when the enemy comes in like a flood God raises the standard When the enemy comes in like a flood God will raise up the standard. No when the enemy comes in like a flood, God will raise the standard Just change it over, whose bigger Your Devil or your God Come on man one person in Christ is dominant One person in Christ is the majority Which wins The guy at the gatherings that Devils that was possessed by Devils that was possessed by Devils Or one Jesus This guy was possessed beyond possession Legion Jesus said what's your name Legion get out go make deviled ham Look everywhere Jesus went devils feared him they feared him because Holy Spirit was in upon them he was the anointed one and now you as a Christian has the same Holy Spirit that is feared by every devil The devil doesn't fear you he fears the name of Jesus enforced by Holy Spirit he fears Holy Spirit Do you know that when Jesus was crucified and he was down there he was paying the price in Hell paying the price 3 days paying the price 3 really bad days Do you know that the day the Holy Spirit went down there it wasn't like Gabriel get the front Michael get the back I'm going in to get the son you guys watch my back I don't think so dude light went lit up Hell Lets go here's the keys lets get out of here It wasn't like the Holy Spirit was like no because he is just not a mist and he is not a vapor he's God. God has given him the availability to house him He has is given you the ability to be a temple that houses God A temple that houses God You have become temples for the Holy Ghost You are a temple that houses Holy Ghost He was with the disciples he was with them he wasn't in them he was with the disciples Jesus gave them authority he said go and crush Hell go boys go heal the sick cleanse lepers raise the dead cast out devils, freely receive and freely give They received the Holy Spirit the authority that Jesus gave them and it was a word a Greek word called exousia it was authority with them but then Jesus said when the Holy Spirit comes when he comes He's not going to be exousia any longer He's going to be dunamis that's going to be explosive dynamite power of God that is in upon you and it is to destroy the works of the enemy to where your mission statement isn't just going to be hide in a room because you saw me crucified Your mission statement isn't going to be to put a basket on your head and don't tell anybody about the Gospel Your mission statement isn't going to be being afraid because they might say no you're mission statement isn't going to be go inside the elevator and keep your mouth shut while everybody is talking about whatever they are talking about Your mission statement isn't going to be when you go to a drugstore and a lady says well i don't want to talk about it, you say well ok I'm sorry for bothering you No, she's bothered because she doesn't know who God really is she doesn't know who God really is But if I know who God really is then I need to give her the God that I really know so that she can have a different picture so that her getting beaten over the years all the time in the name of Jesus so that people that are living a lifestyle that they shouldn't a sexual immoral lifestyle they shouldn't so that the people that are wrapped up in pornography so that a pastor that they put their faith in for years and years and years Then ending up leaving his wife for some other woman they put their faith in that person they didn't put their faith in God and we have the opportunity to represent a God that's real a God that's good and a God that loves We do and we can raise the standard we can raise the standard we can take the spirit of ugly off of God's bride That is the chance we get to do but we have to know our God we have to know who we serve we have to know who the Holy Spirit is You have been given everything according to life and godliness All of Heaven's resources is available for you to crush Hell for a living so that the mission statement of the church is 1 John 3:8 for this reason the son of man must made manifest to destroy the works of the devil That is the mission statement of you church That's the mission statement of every Christian on this earth Regardless people say well I don't really like that charismatic stuff it's a little crazy for me Man the devil is charismatic Yeah he causes rage he causes anger he causes outbursts of wrath all kinds of fits man The devil is so charismatic in a twisted way Why wouldn't you want to just lift your hands why wouldn't you want to just take the basket off of your head in public Be a little charismatic you know and open your mouth for Jesus Smile at someone if you call that charismatic I just call that the love of God This isn't a pressure you don't have too you get too Man come on this is our last lap What are you going to do with the life that Jesus gave to you because people are dying everyday and you're sitting on your job and your school everywhere you go they are lost and floundering and they are waiting for somebody to light up the world to actually have a flame that's contagious People say well they're dry wood Dry wood burns Elijah didn't care what type of wood it was Soak it with water it isn't going to matter because God's fire is coming and everything will be consumed Even the stones were consumed What would it be like for you to burn brightly even if it would be for one day even if it would be for one hour even if it would be just for one moment just for one moment Where you are in a carpool construction guys and you are driving down the road and everybody is just doing what they do they can be smoking weed whatever, and you tell everybody hey I just want to tell you that Jesus loves you guys and has a plan for your life Shut up man But it doesn't matter See the reason why they said shut up is because they are just groaning They're groaning All creation groans and it is waiting for the sons of God that's you too daughters Daughters you can be called sons if I can be called a bride Either way all creation is groaning and waiting for the sons of God to be made manifest Groaning doesn't sound like please tell me about Jesus please I need to hear please Groaning sounds like get out of my face I hate you Oh, you're just groaning don't tell them that but that's what they're doing Just realize when that thing comes your war is not against flesh and blood your war is against principalities demonic strongholds and spiritual hosts of wickedness in heavenly places Your war is not against people it is against their belief system They believe twisted stuff Why don't you represent the real deal represent the real deal so that they can see something real and don't just try to seal the deal and headlocked them in praying a prayer Don't Your not your job is not to headlock somebody in praying a prayer to get to heaven It's not about that It's not your goal Your goal is to represent Jesus well Your goal is to be an imitator of Christ Your goal is to have faith in the seed that you sow. Your goal is not to have faith, and you bring in the increase You don't bring in the increase God brings the increase And if you dare and step out with this little life that God gave you God gave you this little life What are you going to do with the little life that God gave you Whether your time spent is this long or this long you can have one day and represent Him more in one day then people have done in 50 years All it takes is you to be vocal about the God that you believe in The love of God that is in you let it consume you Dare to open the bible dare to believe what God says about you Don't be afraid who cares about the devil He's a withering branch he's been cut off from the source of life there is no hope for him he is cut off and he is dying One day he will be chained forever and ever and ever Don't let him yank your chain He's gonna be chained It's not about you being afraid of what he says Don't let you wake up on eggshells everyday and well I wonder what is going to happen today Don't you even Who cares what the devil says And if he tells you you are a failure thank God that you are not a failure because there is not failing in love because love never fails If he tells you that you are worthless say thank you father that I am worth the blood of Jesus If he tells you that you are never going to be anything thank God that he made you really something Who cares what the devil says He's a liar and he wants to create you in his image and he is trying to reproduce his seed right here in your soul so that you can be a Christian that has someday I'm getting to heaven but never believes that heaven has gotten into you So that you can destroy Hell you can destroy hell with the heaven that is inside of you His name is holy. His name is Holy I looked at this lady and I said Hey I said look you don't have to touch me but I am praying for you anyway You can hide whatever I'm praying for you and your back's getting healed Because God wouldn't just said that to me and played a charade game with me He never sends forth his word unless he produce fruit because it always bears fruit wherever it sends it And she says well I don't, and I said too late I didn't go give me your hand give me your hand give me your hand I backed off from the counter because I don't need her to touch me It says the prayer of faith will save the sick It says the prayer of faith will save the sick And so we prayed for her and my wife was with me and man if you heard the testimony of my wife and how it used to be she would of ran out of the drugstore She stood right there with me closed her eyes and she prayed with me This is a big deal because I am an embarrassment I don't play with this thing People are going to Hell man Why would I be more concerned about what people think about me People are dying everyday I can't live with that I can't live with the fact that people might not be around tomorrow and I might be their last chance and that's everybody's responsibility as a believer You don't have to preach a 10 point sermon It's not about trying to preach a 10 point sermon it's about knowing that God loves you and you are talking about the love of God Well I might not be able to disciple them stop reading into this thing more than you have too Some sow some water God brings the increase Wouldn't you just help me sow Wouldn't you just help me water Really I have this urgency this passionate urgency inside of me to bring the reality of conviction in people's lives Not because I want you to be like me nobody can be like me but nobody can be like you and you are the best you that God created you to be Somebody is dying for you to say Jesus loves them Somebody a waitress they're smiling they're hurting They're smiling and everything is ok and it is not ok trust me it's not ok Somebody in a drugstore odds are their there for a reason if they are in a drugstore they might be picking up medication or something they might not just be getting deodorant They might be the people that work there might be hurting the people that are there might just need a word from God And that word could be God really loves you you know that you are 100% right every time 100% right you can never be wrong in Christ for telling somebody that Jesus loves them paid a price for them gave his life for them and rose from the dead for them And when they say well how can you prove he rose from the dead You say let me pray for you Let the Holy Spirit be the best evangelist there is because I promise He's better at this thing then we can ever be If we would just dare to believe that He is in us and upon us we would have actually something to give and you will watch God show up in a way you never saw Him show up and I promise you man I train people all over this earth We train people to go out there and touch people in Jesus We train them and it's the craziest thing when someone goes out there and prays for somebody and they're they're stepping out there for the first time I remember this testimony of this little girl never stepped out before 7 years old umm is it ok if I pray or you And the people Ahh honey that is sweet and they let her pray and oh my gosh all the pain's gone she said really Like tell me where faith is It's crazy, when you search to find faith you'll never find it Faith is like an eyeball it never sees itself Try to see your eye without a mirror look and see try to see it you can't Because faith looks out it doesn't look at itself it's amazing Faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not yet seen Faith says that God will do what He says He is going to do so I am going to step out and do what God told me to do And then God will do what He said he will do Well I don't know if God will do that that just means your picture of who the Father is needs to be clarified and put into motion You need to see who God is the life of Jesus Christ Because everyone came to Jesus Everyone Everyone went away home Everybody that asks for prayer He never said hey listen I would love to pray for you but you need more faith come back when you get some and we will deal with it That's not what He said That's not what He said As a matter of fact people have problems with healing but easier time with with salvation but most of Jesus' ministry was healing He spent more time in those 3 years teaching preaching and healing then He did even talking about salvation But salvation is necessary Being born again is essential but it is to unlock your potential He talked about being born again he talked about healing and kingdom 100 different times It was on man He never said to somebody listen I love to pray for you but you know God's perfecting something in you He never said that to anybody And if sickness was from God then Jesus healing it would be going against God People said well sometimes God puts sickness on people to teach them a lesson tell me one person that Jesus told that to People said well you know someone has to be unforgiveness in order for them to be healed There wasn't a voice from God for 400 years before Jesus stepped on this earth John the Baptist was the first voice in 400 years John the Baptist wasn't the real light he was testifying of the light to come Jesus was the light and in him was the light of men What was that light that was in Jesus That light that was in Jesus is the same light that is in you The Holy Spirit God said you are the light of the world Man a light can't be hidden under a basket no a light lights up a whole city a whole city set on a hill Come on a light lights up it's own house That means if your house is dark it's only because you have a basket on take that thing off Actually believe that you are who God says who you are Stop listening to people's opinions and open your bible and find out what God says about you Find out what God says about you Stop listening to every teaching that's out there and having so many tools in your toolbelt that you are weighted to the ground and you don't know which one to use Start to find out whose the utilizer of all them tools His name is Holy Holy Spirit and God wants you to know that He is in you and upon you and He wants the touch the world and He wants to crush Hell through you I told that lady I said hey God loves you I said I'm going to be back and she said ok I said you alright She said no I said, how do you feel I don't know and I said alright bless you My wife and I went out to the car I said that was awesome And then some lady ran out to the car and said hey she's another worker she goes what did you do what did you do to her She looks at me I said I am a Christian and she goes yah well tell me something about me then Like I am a fortune teller I shared my heart I shared God's heart for her. I said this is who you are this is what you've been through and this is where you're going See we don't trust that God will actually give us words to say because we don't step out in faith and actually step out there for Him to use you You step out there God will give you words to say God will speak to you The gifts of the Holy Spirit aren't for you to just hoard them to yourself Where we pray God give me some gifts give me some gifts you gotta use because as you step out more will be given To he who doesn't use even when he has them taken away you gotta step out why would you pray for more if you are not willing to step out in what you know Here is what you do know God loves me paid a price for me forgave me remove my sin set me free from guilt shame and condemnation and He wants to set that person in front of me free like he did for me That's the basis so now Father I just thank you for this person in front of me Hey listen God loves you Well I don't care Well He does Bless you Have a good day Shut up Ok bless you That's how it happens My daughter was with me We get rebuked all the time when I started praying for people We get in elevators how are you guys doing Ok Jesus loves you so much Then everybody's quiet It's true then I start sharing even more Then people start turning around facing the door because they can't wait to get out It's crazy I had a guy rebuke me in the elevator He does not Yes He does His little daughter is there 9 year old little girl that's a Christian I can see a little cross on her neck Her daddy is drinking he's not a Christian he hates God he's angry at God his daughter is a Christian And I said yes he does sir No he doesn't I said what are you going to do hit me man if that makes you feel better than go ahead But I was an alcoholic a drug addict for 22 years man and He loves you It took me getting shot at so I could know And I am not about to walk past you and have you have to get shot up to find out what I already know I should be dead and I am I died to me so you go ahead and swing away God loves you man You can't kill me because I'm never going to die The little girl goes because that's her daddy that she is praying for to be saved but everybody is afraid of him everybody is all worried and concerned about what people are going to look at them like And maybe they are going to look at me weird Who cares what people look at you like You don't think that I get some weird looks OOOHHH I promise you I get some weird looks Do you see this I get all kinds of weird stuff all kinds of weird looks I tell people about Jesus Huh we were praying for you just a minute ago I used to go into churches and sit in the back and people did not know that I was the speaker I come up front and people would repent after service We prayed we were praying for you God saved that man We realized that we didn't know if we were saved Not because I am super because I am just a basic simple bible believing blood brought spirit taught Holy Ghost filled possessed laid down his life so other people can have life denied myself picked up my cross to follow Him read my bible everyday believe every word that's in there I believe that God wants to use me He wants to use you and the only one that is holding us back is ourselves because Jesus has already paid the price to give us everything that is available according to life and godliness Really the girl in my car this girl in my car she looks at me she immediately bursts in tears and she says my girlfriend because she is in a lifestyle my girlfriend is addicted to drugs she goes I keep telling her that she needs to find God or something I said what about you She goes I believe in God I said I know but what about Jesus There are many gods but only one Jesus She says well yeah I said well how about this How about you let me pray for you So I pray for her she burst into tears she says O my God I said look God wants to touch this girl and wants to set her free from addiction and I told her about us adopting and she started crying even more Oh my God that is so beautiful I can't believe that you would do that I said I've been in the hospital touching as many as I can I said God wants to set you free and her free She said ok we need freedom I said yeah come on lets pray So Jesus wiped her out in the parking lot Why Because He can. Because what looked like it was repulsive and offensive is actually attractive Because darkness can't handle it See when you walk into a place and you represent light darkness has to flee Devils are not afraid of you going into a building devils are afraid of you becoming the building Devils are not afraid of you coming into Sunday service devils I am not saying anything about this church this is an amazing church devils are afraid of you finally finding out who you really are so they work overtime to try to crush this thing so that you have a theory of God and say that you have a relationship with God from the one time you said yes to Jesus on the altar 25 years ago but have done nothing with the gospel that you said you know except come to service and be faithful He wants to keep you silent he wants to shut you up and he wants to get you focused on everything that is twisted and all the things that are wrong instead of the things that are right and his name is Jesus I promise and I am not I'm not pointing the finger at anybody If the shoe fits kick if off because it is not your shoe That's not your shoe You can make a line in the sand and say I am not going back I'm not going back. I am going to represent Jesus everywhere I go Would you stand with me Wow He is really good I promise Put your hands on your heart for me please Father I thank you in the name of Jesus for everybody here God I thank you I'm asking you for massive conviction God that we become more convicted when we walk out of here then when we came in here God That conviction wouldn't turn into condemnation because it is not about being condemned because there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus Who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the Spirit God I thank you that we would be the people that would walk according to the Spirit that we would be of people that would walk possessed in the Holy Spirit God I thank you for every person in here, every person in here being able to the hope that is in them That is Christ is in them the hope of Glory I thank you that the hope that's in them would come out of them and that hope would be made manifest
Channel: Todd White
Views: 694,750
Rating: 4.8630619 out of 5
Id: v3OE-shioSE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 3sec (3123 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 21 2017
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