Todd White - Quenching & Grieving Holy Spirit

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and in acts 13 it said they were ministering to the lord praying and fasting they were ministering to him like fasting is not fun so you better not be ministering to you when you're fasting are you with me they minister they were ministering to the lord and then they laid hands on and and sent people out so incredible and that's when they ran into that sorcerer and paul paul had a name change in there saul to paul in that same chapter and he said you son of a devil full of deceit you shall be blind whoa can you imagine today hanging out on your journey that the lord sent you on and you're at walmart and someone practicing magic is there trying to like sway people and they get like in someone's ear to tell them this guy's a and all of a sudden from your voice you son of the devil and they're blind you might get in trouble for that one [Music] i went in my closet this afternoon after this morning it was so good it just has been one continuous day sundays are pretty intense for us we get up i get up early to be with jesus i come here to be with jesus i go home to be with jesus and i come back to be with jesus again it's full on it's like a big huge happy meal it's amazing it is but i went back today and my my son wouldn't go to sleep and mom mom left and took the girl somewhere so i had the boys and i'm putting them down for a nap and them going for nap is daddy's time to be with jesus because i'm going to put him in the net lay there and cuddle with my little one for a little bit and escape to my closet that's what i do that's how we roll and so my little one wouldn't go to sleep and i actually started whining i said lord i need to be with you put him to sleep i even texted my wife i said i need you to come home right now because i got to be with jesus or i'm not going to have anything to give anybody today i really did she didn't respond but in all seriousness i have become so dependent that i can't function that scares people because we are so used to being dependent independent dependent on ourselves we we are i'm not kidding people in ministry are used to being dependent upon themselves because you've gotta you gotta be strong that's not how paul ran that's not how jesus ran see what i learned is the weaker i am the stronger he is we've confused it and and and brought sickness into that weakness part but gosh we shouldn't get it confused we have to be very careful all sickness comes from health period so if sickness is there you need to be healed and we need to contend period sometimes people take paul's thorn and they bring it in and they say well paul paul was sick but he's not talking about sickness he's talking about he's talking about weakness and he's talking about being buffeted there's so many things to talk about when it when we go on this journey of healing and wholeness and why because what happens what has to happen is that every excuse that stands in front of why you need to be healed needs to be taken out of the way in order for you to pray with faith there are so many things that try to jump in the way of faith so many reasons like typical reasons are well jesus didn't heal anybody everybody like he went to the five porches he didn't heal everybody i mean he only healed one and he got out well we're not head to the cross so we can heal everybody jesus had three and a half years to accomplish everything that he was he was he was on his way to the cross we can heal everybody at every portion because we can pray because we got the same holy spirit that raised jesus from the dead and we need to utilize what we've been given and we need to not be afraid of being persecuted because i promise you right now that when you live and believe god for the supernatural you haven't even seen anything yet when you say that you're right with god it brings persecution it's real religion hates the fact that i can be right with jesus religion believes that i have to work for that and then maybe but that's not how it did jesus worked for that so that i could become that so that all my works could be the byproduct of being right with god it's the gospel but when you start to pray for the sick and you start to believe god that he wants to heal the sick first of all you have to be able to look like a fool because somewhere somewhere along the lines somebody prayed for somebody and it didn't happen so they had to save face and blamed it on them well you need more faith and you get more faith and come back sister and we'll pray tell me one person jesus told that to come on i'm just going to be real this will cause you to be so uncomfortable it's absolutely ridiculous see we all want people to be healed but we don't all want what comes with it we all want people to be healed and people people that don't even believe in healing have someone sick they really want them to be healed religion hates you saying you can and will be religion hates that we have developed a mentality in the body of christ that when you tell somebody that we also tell them don't get your hopes up when the bible says get your hope way up faith is the substance of things hoped for so what we've done is we've negotiated faith for feelings so we don't want to let anybody down and to top that off we don't want to be the one that prays and it doesn't happen because we look like a fool you can't heal anybody anybody anyway god has to heal them through you but he wants to use you as a yielded vessel are you guys with me like this is the uncomfortable gospel jesus didn't say you're going to be comfortable he said you're going to need a comforter he didn't say just go to church and hang out and have a great service and go home and then look forward to next sunday he said to be fully possessed with heaven itself so that you can be the doorway for god to flow through to crush hell through you every day he wants us to be people that destroy the works of the devil for a living he doesn't want just the pastor or the preacher the apostle or the teacher or the evangelist he doesn't want just them to do it no the fivefold gift is to equip the saints for the first thing we need to understand is we are saints in the eyes of the father and when you say you're a saint you're gonna bring it on right there buddy i mean i don't walk around with a card saint todd but if i don't see what i've become i will minister out of the wrong place gosh well okay jesus said in the great do you guys remember the great commission matthew 28 great commission go and preach the gospel right he who's baptized and believes will be saved make disciples of all nations he also said teach them all the same things that i've commanded you do you hear that he commanded the disciples to do things healing isn't an option it's a command matthew 10. here let me just read it real quick when i say that we're really going to go after this i'm we're really going to go after this like 2021 is going to be a wipeout for the devil i promise you a wipeout you guys weren't here this morning when i shared my heart but god spoke to me this morning before i came to church and i said lord i just love you because i've been i was sick for about two weeks and just fatigued and run down and beat up and just felt really yucky so i i wasn't here last last sunday theo did both services and then i came on christmas eve because it was the first day it was like 10 days and i felt better so i shared my heart but i was still spinning so this morning i said to the lord i said i really god i feel so bad because i every time i went to pray i fall asleep it was so crazy right after i'm like reading about the disciples in the garden of gethsemane jesus is like watch and pray i'm not kidding jesus like watch him pray unless you fall into temptation guys come on your spirit is willing but your flesh is weak right the spirit is willing and the flesh is weak i actually taught on it a couple sundays ago do you guys remember was it you was it the morning i don't know but i did it's right here spirit is willing the flesh is weak jesus was telling disciples that had no possibility of living in the strength of the spirit because they weren't born again are you guys with me you can't have strength of spirit unless you're born again so jesus was telling unregenerated disciples because they couldn't be born again until jesus went to the cross you guys understand that let's not let's get it right these disciples were orphans with power that went around blowing stuff up and falling asleep are you with me they wanted to blow up cities why because they didn't know what spirit they were of jesus says go ahead to the city go and tell them i'm coming all right lord they don't want you there can we call down fire and kill him like elijah jesus said come on guys you don't know what spirit you're of i didn't come into the world to kill it but to save it right so these disciples in the garden are are doing what jesus said fallen asleep because their spirit wasn't able to be willing because their flesh was completely weak and christians have carried that over into the born-again christian experience and saying my spirit is willing my flesh is weak and lived by the weakness of flesh i was sick and it was light out so i'm trying to go in there and who knows that god knows when you need rest so i'm trying to read two and a half hours later i wake up what is happening right now this is crazy i can't stand lord i love you with all my heart i fall asleep again like what was happening i just needed sleep this morning i was able to yesterday i was able to spend three hours with the lord i was so excited i'm like i said to jack i said honey i need this right now please she goes okay so i sat there for three hours i loved jesus and ministered unto the lord because when i'm in there i'm ministering unto him i'm loving him with everything in me and it's totally different it's not me getting ministered to by the lord it's me ministering to the lord me loving him and god this belongs to you and lord i love you and you are so good and you are wonderful so this morning i went in for the same thing i'm like lord i love you so much thank you so much god i love you i'm so excited this morning he said that's great you've quenched me that's not very nice not to hear the lord say you've quenched me could you handle that because there's a couple of things we can do holy spirit talked about this morning you can grieve the holy spirit you can quench the holy spirit you can blaspheme the holy spirit that one right there no grieve quench grieve he talks about it in ephesians he talks about let no corrupt word come out of your mouth but that which is used for edification encouragement that would provide grace to those that hear you and then it says do not grieve the holy spirit right after that right where your words are because we can grieve him with the way that we're thinking the way that we're speaking with bitterness with anger with wrath with rage with malice all that stuff we grieve him another way let me just read it real quick and then hopefully i'll make sense out of all these different rabbit trails i've been on quenching is what you do to this is what you do to the spirit of the living god while grieving is how he responds to your actions it says about quenching in first thessalonians chapter 5 verses 16 through 24 i'm just going to read it rejoice always pray without ceasing in everything give thanks for this is god's will for you in jesus christ do not quench the spirit when i think of quench i said it this morning i think of quench of i'm really really thirsty and need something to drink and when i take that drink it quenches my thirst but i think of quench in another way there is a flame that's burning and i [Music] i stop it from burning so when god spoke to me and said you've quenched me i immediately god i repent i'm so sorry i've traveled all over the world in these last nine months 10 months hasn't been very much traveling at all but i have seen in my last 16 years of being a christian the most whacked stuff coming from the pulpit [Music] and somewhere along the way it caused me to put the brakes on when it comes to the miraculous [Music] traveling all over the world i've watched so many people just get it i mean they get it i can teach you how to pray for the sick in in a minute and the sick can be healed but you're responsible to make sure that you weed your own garden the danger is when the miraculous comes into a person's life attention comes on a person's life and this stage is a very dangerous place more dangerous than anybody knows because to he who has given much much is required but that much is required is when you stand before him okay gosh i talked about the prophetic and some things that i've seen there was a well-known prophet who would it was crazy ridiculous accuracy like oh my gosh like really wow they set him up and they made a fake facebook account and when he got up to get the mic he prophesied exactly what was on the fake facebook account over that person that they set him up with and he was exposed and in that prophetic realm sometimes the pressure is so strong that you have to produce another prophetic word in order to live up under the place that you've made for yourself scary somewhere along the line the reverence for the lord started to wane and the receiving honor from people started to gain and so all of a sudden the needing to receive praise from people far outweighed the reality of the fear of the lord and we've built big ministries on that stuff and and man they have fallen so hard and all of a sudden you have a move of god that is so powerful and so many people are like whoa and all of a sudden you find out there's adultery behind the scene because someone's heart wasn't tended to because nobody they didn't minister to the lord and now people that are in that ministry that were around that person didn't say anything because they needed stature and they call it protection but really it's the devil coming into a camp ruining god i said this morning i said when you're driving down the road and a deer jumps out in front of you the first thing you need to do if you can't hit the brakes is get around that deer or else that deer is going to become deer baloney deer burger but it's going to mash your car and damage everything so what happened is somewhere along the way i swerved to miss the deer i went off the road not in sin just backing off of the miraculous and i went after righteousness with everything in me and i'm still going after it because we can't afford to move in power without purity the lord spoke to me and he said you've laid quite the foundation of righteousness it's okay to jump into power i said oh god thank you you have no idea this is what brings persecution this is what this is what amplifies it and i looked at my life and i looked at like the protesters and i looked at the people coming against me and it's not enough right now it's not i've fallen short on the persecution level i need that to increase but i think the people that aren't afraid to actually live in this too otherwise the persecution will push you away and you'll go somewhere else where it's comfortable and you'll talk into some really big place where you can just get in and out nobody knows you gosh i would rather die i'm not kidding i'm so undone right now probably because of my book two in that book there's such conviction and such ridiculous oh my gosh what are you gonna do with the life that god gave you and i started reading my own book and it made me go oh my gosh this guy's convicting i'm not kidding i'm not boasting in me i'm telling you that it's convicting it's challenge it will challenge your life i want to be challenged man and if it needs to be by my book then that's awesome but i need to be challenged like i remember just getting saved and praying for people and everybody hating me i mean despising me my own wife wouldn't even go in public with me for nine months dude it was just me and the lord and i'd go home and i'd i'd come home from work i'd share a couple testimonies from work she would say get away from me i don't want to hear it i would go make dinner for everybody go back in my room and tuck away and be with jesus and i'd live inside of my room and he would just love me and i'd come out and get yelled at i'm not kidding and then i'd go to one of the things i had a phone call from a friend of mine who went home to visit family and their family was not the happiest people that they left covet has done stupid crazy things to people's minds it has caused great god-fearing christians to turn from fearing god to fearing a disease has caused them to get upset and has put stumbling blocks in front of them and they will look at a building like this and say you guys don't care about anybody but yourself not realizing that we are supposed to gather together and not forsake the assembling together of the saints but we're not just coming here to huddle inside of a four wall building and just just like keep this to ourselves we are supposed to be people that are outrageously in love courageous in faith bold in proclamation not wearing a basket on our head but are being very vocal about our faith we're supposed to be soldiers in an army that are not supposed to lay aside the actual the plans from our captain the plans for the captain in matthew 10 will go and preach the gospel of the kingdom heal the sick cleanse the lepers raise the dead and cast out devils freely you've received now freely give and then in luke 10 verse 9 jesus said go and heal the sick and then tell him the kingdom so either way it's show and tell or tell and show it was never supposed to be just talk about it when i got saved i made a shirt a couple years in and it said 420 on it because a lot of you don't know what that means but 4 20 in the world means time to get high because at 4 o'clock you're getting off for work 20 after you're stoned 4 20 april 20th is actually a drug holiday across the world it is i used to celebrate it but i used to celebrate it every day and so i had a t-shirt made that said 420 on the front of it and in little letters above it it said first corinthians and on the back it had the scripture for the kingdom of god is not a matter of talk but of power because that's the original 420 and i put there's no high like the most high cause see once you have god once you get hooked on god and his presence becomes this is the air i breathe this is the air i breathe your holy word not read to me spoken to me come on i'm desperate for you can you live without him can you live without his presence because we've learned to [Music] we've learned to feed on the world instead of his word and we've learned to feed on opposite of god you will not function that way you will be like a fish out of water a fish can't breathe in our air a fish has to have water and the natural substance for us to actually live our lives [Music] has to be the very word of god the living bread of heaven jesus says unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood you cannot be my disciple [Applause] there is no discipleship without eating him and drinking him there is no way for you to function in this world that you were not created to be of the world you were created to be of the kingdom when you get born again it's essential to unlock your potential but it's the beginning he becomes my savior when i get saved he becomes my lord when i listen to him and obey his commands and go after him with everything that he is the air you breathe the songs that we sing when we're singing those songs and we're doing what jesus said must be done those that worship me he says must worship in spirit and in truth [Music] somehow somewhere along the way we have said that the christian life is an actual career and that we need to have a pulpit in order to be okay this isn't about being famous this is about bringing jesus into the limelight so that he can receive the reward of his suffering and somehow along the line that doesn't mean that if you don't have you have gifts you have talents and there's a call i get it there's a call but all of us are called those he's called he's justified those he's justified he's glorified if you don't see that you've been justified you will need this in order to function well when the only way that you function well is right here when no one's looking this is where everything makes sense everything therefore when the demonstration of the kingdom comes your identity doesn't come because someone got healed anybody can heal the sick come on we are supposed to be imitators of god imitators not imposters how deep is your jesus how strong is your relationship with him can you function a day without him can you function an hour without him most people can in the early church let me ask you this in the book of acts in in acts number two the holy spirit is poured out i read through the book of acts i got i was cruising through going oh my gosh this is so today in acts 2 the holy spirit's poured out bang boom literally boom on that day they're in there praying in the upper room jesus crucified jesus is resurrected these disciples are told by jesus go to their go to there and pray go and terry go in jerusalem and wait go and wait for the promise go and wait for the promise go and wait for the promise and they go and the promise comes bang it says that the heavens were ripped open and the holy spirit was poured out on these disciples and the baptism of the holy ghost and fire happened boom and everybody in jerusalem everybody we're like what is happening and they all were drawn to the place where the wind blew what is happening here and one of the guys says these guys are drunk with wine because they looked out of their minds these disciples and peter the one that denied jesus see you're going to do one of two things in this house you're going to be forced to either deny yourself or to deny jesus you will not be able to just come here and function normal we are not supposed to be a normal people we are supposed to be a peculiar people set apart that people would see our good works and glorify our father in heaven because they would say there ain't no way that that man did those works those are the works of god i need to be like the disciples when they look when they noticed that these men were untrained and uneducated men if you're trained and educated you just need to do greater worse are you with me you have to be able to do works that you could possibly not just do in your own strength your weakness is a magnet for his strength but we've been taught that you have to be strong brother you have to look out for number one no you don't you look out for him and then he looks out for you he's our strong tower he's the one that we're supposed to run in he's the one that we're supposed to hide in he is the one that fights our battles he is the one that goes out and brings back the head of an enemy and says look what you did he is our great defender come on dude you go out there and god makes you look absolutely wonderful the dangerous thing is that you think it's you that's why pride comes before the fall gosh dangerous place to be receiving honor and receiving praise from people building up your repertoire up your fan base look at all these people that like me dude most of the people that are friends on facebook really aren't my friends i posted something about santa claus and half of them lost their mind tell your kids the truth sin is not real i post that on there people like let them believe what the heck is wrong here what are we thinking let them believe they're little come on okay do you know that kids don't get a junior holy ghost but you're going to give them a fake santa claus to get through life oh gosh help me jesus i want to see the dead raised i want to see the blind sea i want to see the death here i can't do any of it i want to see people get new organs i want to see people go back to the hospital and say you've got a brand new kidney we don't even know what's happening here it's brand new this is obviously something's wrong well doc you're the one that did the cat scans before so what do you think it is i don't know but this is absolutely a different kidney than this kidney it's different there's it's completely different well that's because the lord now it's time that we start bringing jesus proper oh glory look i'm going to go after this regardless if anybody else wants to it doesn't matter because this is my church the lord gave us this building for purpose i mean we're paying for the building but the lord let us be here so that we could make him famous so that we could put a school in here lcu lifestyle christian unity university so that we can raise up warriors i want us to walk in purity it's it's so damaging when you find out that somebody's been in sin but nothing surprises me that's why it's so imperative that you and i live and grow in the fear of the lord which is the beginning of wisdom to where i actually fear god not afraid of god petrified of god in such an awe struck reverence of who he is as my father that i am right with him and when i find out that i'm right with him i said it this morning jesus didn't just pay a price to forgive your sin jesus paid a price to remove your sin that doesn't mean that you can't sin people can sin but your want to sin goes away with your love for him the more you fall in love with him the less you want to do things that are outside of him and you find that your whole life is about codependency where you're codependent upon jesus you're co-crucified with christ crucified with christ and no longer living for yourself but living to bring glory to the one who gave it all to you and that doesn't go away as you grow in the lord you actually go lower and lower low the growth track of jesus is you go down further and further and further and you go lower and lower and lower and lower when jesus is amplified more and more and more and more and more to where when you stand before him one day he looks at you and says well done i haven't want to be responsible for training people how to do it without showing them who they are so my big dilemma my big the hardest part about what i do as an equipper is to not is to not equip you well enough to get you from the bottle of milk to the meat the first job that i have is to get the pacifier out of your mouth i don't care how long you've been a christian if you're not drinking from the pure milk of the word you haven't grown you can be a christian for 50 years and not grow at all and it's not okay so i have to treat everyone as if they might be on a pacifier that doesn't mean i'm not calling you babies but if the shoe fits kick it off that's right to grow with the pure milk of the word most people most people go to church and don't open their bible on a daily basis themselves to grow therefore in the lord they will watch a tv show they will watch a youtube video they will read a book about the bible they will go and listen to different people's messages but rarely do you see somebody that gets saved goes into their closet and seeks the lord when no one's looking so my dilemma as a preacher as a teacher as somebody that wants to equip people has to be from up here looking and gauging people where are they at and if i've got some people that are some people that i believe are drinking milk i'm so excited if i have people that i know are eating meat i'm super super excited but i know that i'm going to have people that have a pacifier and it's my job to pull that pacifier out of your mouth to make you hunger and thirst for the very thing that god says you'll be filled with and it all starts with you knowing that you're right with the lord the holy spirit comes the holy spirit's gonna do three things jesus said three things he's gonna convict the world of sin of righteousness and of judgment that's what he said of sin because they do not believe in me of righteousness because i'm going to go to be with the father and of judgment because the ruler of this world has been judged that's what he says so the holy spirit comes watch this day of pentecost holy spirit comes peter had gotten his foot in his mouth a bunch peter had been called the devil by jesus get behind me satan because his mind was full of the things of man and not the things of god remember peter was also the one that denied jesus i'll never deny you tonight before the rooster crows dude and i promise you that he didn't think he was going to deny him but peter was full of his own strength and in your own strength you're an utter failure he denies jesus that had to be the roughest thing ever paul too saul denied jesus not just denied jesus became a killer of christians saul first christian martyr stephen i was reading about it today saul is this young proud pharisee tribe of benjamin thinks he knows it all and when it comes to when it comes to being a pharisee he does the pharisees were there in front of jesus and didn't even recognize it was jesus and thought that because they studied the scriptures they thought in them they had eternal life but they weren't even willing to come to him who all scriptures testified about to have it so these pharisees these religious brutal vipers john the baptist called him didn't know how to bear fruit worthy of repentance because they didn't even know what repentance looked like and you've got saul who's persecuting christians the first christian martyr stephen the clothes are laid at his feet he can sense to it this is crazy this guy is killing christians this these religious zealots they're men they're burning just to be in charge because pride does that to you makes you think you're smarter than everybody else makes you think that you know more than everybody else you're not out for the welfare of anybody you're out to make yourself look good at the cost of making other people look bad it's called religion it's pride so this religious so stephen is killed and soul's on a rampage he's got a letter man he's to go and put more christians in prison he is going to stomp out this sect i love jesus in his mercy saul's [Music] off the horse or the donkey whatever he's on the ground off of it done a light shines a voice comes saul saul who are you lord jesus christ of nazareth why do you persecute me i changed everything the very one that was hard pressed to put an end to this sect is knocked off his donkey is blind can't see anything the soldiers heard the voice they were petrified they had no idea what it was but saul did what would it be like to see that would have been like for saul i know we see the movies and stuff but that had to be ridiculous who are you the one you're trying to put out then he becomes like this guy that gets possessed by the very thing he tried to put out i don't know if you know jehovah's sneaky he's amazing peter same thing peter denies he's now he's hanging with jesus he denies jesus ridiculous denies him so jesus is like you know what i think i'm going to have him preach the first gospel message i denied he denied him three times the holy spirit comes peter gets baptized with the holy ghost right there right mighty rushing wind what happens peter preaches the gospel and 3 000 people were added that day a thousand for each denial [Applause] oh my gosh what an amazing king he's not interested in your education he's not interested in your stature he's not looking for the brightest of people he's looking for people that are fully dependent and willing and available that's what he's looking for he's not looking for you to have the huge resume your resume is great but god's not the resume kind of god no no no anything he'll do you can be a you can be a satan worshiper heading a cult for for 50 years and god's like yeah that's good qualify what needs to happen you need to get out of the way yeah but how could i do that i remember telling my mom she was so stressed out i said mom you just need to let jesus have the wheel and she was so i'm not just gonna let go it was awesome now listen i'm that guy the worst of the worst of the worst that is stealing money from everybody manipulating maneuvering hurting destroying everybody and then jesus comes and knocks me off my donkey like for real like knocks me off and then he fills me and he's like yeah go get him and my mom sees this happen so my mom knows that this is absolutely impossible are you with me like she's the one that went through it i put her through hell i put her through hell and she has seen the lord go like we didn't know we didn't know relationship with jesus there was episcopalian in the group first there was first there was catholicism and then it was from catholicism to episcopalian which is equally as religious but really no knowledge of who god was as a father and it wasn't like the only uh you know that kind of stuff there was no intimacy there was no relationship so that her son gets whacked by god gets completely whacked by god now my whole family my mom she's like i hope this works at first at first i hope this works but me going to see my family they weren't happy about this they thought this is like short-lived man i went to my first my first thanksgiving i mean i get saved we get married in october like i go to teen challenge i leave in two months i get completely wrecked by jesus like wiped out everything that i knew to be life because i i grew up and lived on the world i fed on the world i didn't i didn't know how to feed on god i fed on the world and so i looked like what i fed on and then all of a sudden i'm how got spiritual huggies on totally excited because i just met my dad i'm not kidding but he did the same thing that he did for peter he convicted me of righteousness he convicted me of sin i got saved oh my gosh i was totally full of sin jesus didn't pay a price and just forgive my sin paid a price to remove my sin i just dared to believe that he really did what the bible says he did [Applause] i was so excited man i i was like what about my past god's like you don't have a past yeah but all the people i've heard yo will they'll remember you for who you're not so what do i do just read and believe okay i'm forgiven much i'm forgiven of everything that's a much i'm going to love as much as i've been forgiven and since i've been forgiven of everything i'm going to love with everything wow people were like oh you were such a horrible sinner like you weren't. you just don't believe how much you've been forgiven because you can't love the body of christ has been angry at me about talking about that talking about being forgiven of everything and that nothing remains well like no that's not how it is read your bible jesus wiped out the sin against me he removed it as far as the east is from the west my sins and my lawless deeds he will remember no more i'm not waiting for another covenant i'm in this new covenant now why would i have to wait for that one day it's not like i earn it no it's called grace it's by his grace through faith that i've been saved it's not because of something that i've done it's because he did it for me but if i don't step into what he did for me then he can't do things through me i just believed it i'm like yes it's like amazing i'm a psycho now my my whole family was like oh my gosh he's gonna either be in jail or dead and that's the track i was headed on man and i got shot at from 10 feet away so i should be dead and i am but not the way that the world says i should have no no i died to the world i was crucified to the world i don't live for you i live for him now i don't live for you in the sake of whether you're okay with me and and whether you're all right with what i say or how i share things and and do you agree okay great then we can get along no i'm gonna preach the gospel which is like sandpaper man it's not the most happy message no it's the good news but we boiled it down to you got to be a little more chilled dude don't be so excited yet we can go to some baseball game and be super excited about our team winning but we're not equally excited about jesus saving us from our sin what are we thinking the whole world should know that you believe in jesus but instead we're double oh seven christians [Music] don't want to offend anybody i don't want my neighbor to be upset and i have to live beside them and see them every time i pull into my driveway i don't want them to know that i'm a jesus guy so i'll just try to get to them maybe someone else will share i'll just pray for them from my house it's not acceptable you're going to answer for your life you're going to stand before god you are here to leave a legacy i'm super convicted buddy i went to thanksgiving and i'm so excited to tell my family i'm like guys i'm sorry for what for everything what are you talking about i tried telling my aunt well because jesus okay okay really wow she let me have it with her smartness and drilled me and hammered me i'm on the ground kneeling there crying and she's still going i wasn't crying because she hurt me i'm crying because i hurt her i heard everybody and i'm gonna expect them to just see the same thing that i see when they're blind and can't see i don't think so i've got to live this life out loud so that they can see real change because a tree is known by its fruit and i'm just getting rooted so since i'm just getting rooted how can i expect them to see fruit that's not there yet i am a cherry tree no you don't know a cherry tree because it swings in the wind you know a cherry tree because it's bears fruit oh gosh gosh he's taken me back oh get ready hon oh she's not in here she already left everybody hammered me my grandma says i hope this works i said grandma i'm telling you jesus just am i interrupted don't listen to him oh you're just going to be one of those hypocrites and honestly there were so many and she was so messed up by priests that were doing this to kids and all that she had all the reasons why nobody nobody was in love with jesus i sat there at the thanksgiving table with a bunch of relatives that didn't believe what i believed and all i could do was cry and talk about it and get hammered and cry and talk about and get hammered and cry and talk about and get hammered and it happened again and again and again and then we went to my wife's house where moms oh my gosh they all just were so angry at me it's not about jesus it's about family no he needs to be in our family oh my gosh she married a lunatic oh i'm totally not the person i was i got a job they're like we'll see how long that lasts because i never held a job i was really bad i was excited to work because i realized my job was the place i get to represent the lord i didn't just get a job to go and earn money i i got a job unto jesus and did it as unto the lord and not for people i was glad to bring a paycheck home i was excited about that but i i was more excited about representing jesus where i wasn't working i was a pipe layer and everybody hated jesus they're construction they're rowdy they're wild ones man they don't want the gospel so a lot of times christians get saved and all of a sudden they're on their job they don't mention anything nothing changes maybe they say jesus loves you and walk away because we oh my gosh because we're more concerned about being comfortable on our job and not being made fun of then we are concerned about them going to hell oh gosh i'm gone people are going to heaven or going to hell there is no in between there's no waiting period it is or it is not and we have one shot at this thing my question is what are you going to do with the life that god gave you are you going to waste it or are you going to give it back to him i want to be known i want this house to be to be known as a place where people burn with the gospel that they can't wait to share it with somebody that they have to tell somebody i want this to be a place to where i can remove every bit of stumbling stones that stand in your way of mountains that are in your way of valleys that you think you have to go through because jesus said john the baptist said let every valley be brought up and every mountain be brought low make a straight path for the lord to travel he didn't say that you're going to get on the mountain and then down in the valley and then up on the mountain down in the valley stop believing that christianity is some kind of rollercoaster ride man get off the tracks and believe the gospel the good news doesn't change tomorrow doesn't change the next day doesn't change the next day unless jesus brings us all home the reality of this good news never gets old believing that you've been forgiven much so that you can love much the byproduct of this is loving people and jesus said don't just love those that can love you back that's not love even the gentiles can do that we want to love people that can't love us back why because blind people can't love you back they don't know what it is people are feeling set up like you're setting them up for something like what's the string what's the catch we go out to pray for somebody and they're waiting for what's the catch there is no catch jesus paid for this it's free it's yours it's it's free you're not like other people why what do you mean well i've been around because man i've heard that so many times in my life one of the worst comments that i've ever heard is man you're the real deal it sounds like a good comment it's horrible it means that the majority of the body of christ isn't the real deal which jesus do you serve because my king is the real deal man he really died he really raised from the dead he really sits at the right hand he really poured out the holy spirit and the holy spirit isn't for my enjoyment he's in me for my sake but he wants out of me for yours and he's upon me for yours he wants me to go to the grocery store and upset the place he wants me to go to walmart and people be healed when i leave he wants to see converts be made but not converts that do nothing converts that actually walk with the same holy spirit that raised jesus christ from the dead that bring god glory every step of the way that when we walk we squash jesus yeah but it's dry not in here revival where is revival right here baby every one of us can walk with that [Applause] every one of us walk we are living epistles known and read by all men the living word having a binky in your mouth having a pacifier in your mouth going to a service listening to a session going from conference to conference to conference and doing nothing with what you've been given doesn't help you at all going after god getting alone going back to your closet even tonight going back home and saying god i realize tonight that i hardly know you and i'm tired of living that way oh god holy spirit's just waiting buddy i'm not kidding if you would get alone with god and admit that you haven't been dependent that you've depended upon the world to get through you've depended upon people's likes you've depended upon people's friends on facebook you've depended upon instagram posts you've depended upon that creating some kind of false identity now those things can be used for the glory of god but just be careful it's not getting to your head thinking that you're more than you are that's not mean oh that's not mean i promise you you live by the praise of people you die by the criticism of people this message that i'm talking about right now doesn't go over well why because it causes you to die to live causes you to completely die to what you thought you were in order for you to finally become who god says you are a son a daughter right with god religion will hate you will hate you religion will hate you just like it put jesus on a tree but the relationship that was on that tree didn't get mad at the religion that put him there i hope you heard that the relationship that was hanging on a tree didn't get mad at the religion that put them there and so for you to get upset at people that are religious that are angry at you because you think one of the most common statements that i hear religious people say is you think you're holier than now you think you're something that's the only thing i can say you think that you're something when jesus having equality with god considered himself of no reputation and humbled himself and became a bouncer because it wasn't about his reputation he was dying for the very ones that were saying crucify and we think they're going to treat us better no way i've went through this my whole life 16 years it's just lightened up so i've i've decided to increase it because i need it more i need it more i need more persecution i need more people not understanding but i need to suffer for doing good not for doing bad the disciples were faced with the same dilemma you've got these disciples that walk by the gate beautiful the gate called beautiful this man was expecting to receive money from them alms from them and peter looked and said silver and gold we do not have but what we do have we give unto you in the name of jesus christ of nazareth they took him by the hands to stand to your feet and walk and the lame man got up and walked he was jumping leaping and praising god and the people were freaking out what is happening that's the guy that's been there for all these years so they go into the portico and they're like you guys are amazing and peter goes why are you looking at us this is crazy this is what happens this is what relationship and full possession acts like relationship and fully possessed by god doesn't go well yeah of course i healed them no relationship says why do you look at us as though by our own strength and our own power we did this know this that it's by the name and faith in his name that name by which you crucified this man stands whole in front of you that's a little different you killed the prince of life you killed jesus that's why this man stands up that's why he's healed it's in the name of jesus christ and they bring him in whoa he's trying to bring this man's blood upon us you're not going to talk in his name anymore oh no peter peter's uh oh we're not going out that way sorry oh no we cannot help but to talk about the things that we've both seen and heard you judge in your eyes whether it's better to listen to you or to listen to god not going out that way they put them away they're like what are we going to do with these men everybody knows there's a noted miracle what do we do gamilioga camille who is actually saul's teacher he's like guys listen there was another man that said that he was from this from god and then all this went away gosh guys don't you know it'll fizzle out we should back off because if it is god we can't stop it and if it's not god it'll just go away either way we win they're like okay they brought him in they flogged him they beat him they still beat him they flogged him and the disciples excited that they were worthy to suffer i got more stripes than you dude they were excited they got released they went back they're like dudes check this out we got beat look at my buck it's bleeding so amazing whoa worthy are you lord lord look upon their threats look upon their threats and grant to your servants do what you did but amplify it and bring on some more of that stuff that's what they did they said lord we're getting persecuted we're getting beaten for miracles give us some more anointing so we can do more miracles we'll preach the name of your holy servant jesus and stretch forth your hand to heal and the house that they were in was shaken [Music] but christians i can't believe you what do you think you are i can't believe they rejected me done i'm not doing that again that made me feel bad i'm kind of making fun but it's it's the same do you realize that every time you're quiet not being able to talk about jesus you're denying him you can say what you want it'll all make sense when you stand before him i'm hoping to make sense of it way earlier than that oh gosh sorry kinda i love jesus buddy i'm not gonna answer you're not going to be there for be my attorney when i stand before him you know you have husbands and wives that are together and the husband maybe not be on page the wife is on page or the wife is on page the either way one of them's not where the other one should be and they think that when they stand before the lord that the maybe the wife is going to put in a good word for him sorry your wife's not going to be there with you when you stand before the lord it isn't going to be husband and wife standing together every one of us are going to stand before him and answer for our life and your god-fearing wife won't be there help you better pray that you fear god when you get there oh that's no joke man that's for real we all have this ambition all of us are going to stand before the judgment seat of christ and we're going to all answer for the deeds done in our body all of us it's either going to be the most amazing day ever or the scariest day you can't even imagine and i will not live in fear of that day i will fear him until i stand before him on that day so that i'll have nothing to fear because he's seen everything all along the way and he's proud of me and i'm gonna live my life that way and i'm gonna go after it like never before i'm done i'm done living anything less than full on men i'm done can i get the worship team to come up here sorry guys i've had you here forever if i have to do this alone i will because i'm not alone because jesus is with me he's with me but i'm going to go after this with everything going to go after purity and power we can't have one without the other we can't have purity without power or we'll be religious we can't have power without purity we'll be flaky christians we need to have it both purity and power and we need to live our lives full on if you're here and you know that you're not living this way and there is conviction inside of your heart right now that's saying i am done living this way and i am going to go hard after this i want you up here this is the last sunday night of the year the last sunday night of the year there'll be no more sunday night services in 2020. there'll be no more services in 2020 sunday nights this is the last encounter service i would love to drift into the new year in high speed i would love to get into the new year and be stomping hell already i want a church that is chomping at the bit because the race doors are about to open buddy [Music] to where you cannot wait for those doors to open you got a bit in your mouth and you're ready to roll that's what i'm talking about that's what god is looking for god's looking for soldiers man he's not looking for people that are half-hearted in this thing this is not the devil is going full steam you can't afford to go half-hearted [Music] jesus didn't say just invite me into your life jesus didn't say invite me into your heart jesus said fully you know when it talks about the grieving of the whole of the grieving of the holy ghost and the quenching in the quenching it says may the god of peace sanctify you completely spirit soul and body that's a complete sanctification that means that god wants to take your body and sanctify it your temple and sanctify why because you are a temple that houses the holy ghost and you shouldn't be sharing your temple with stuff that you sh that you're sharing it with no joke man we're gonna answer for the deeds done in the body your body is a vessel for the lord is a vessel for him to use for him to flow through for him to destroy hell fruit he wants to use your body as a weapon an instrument of righteousness he wants you to be able to be in his hands to use you and pour you out he wants to be able to pour you out like a drink offering he wants the very life that you live not a little bit of it not most of it he wants all of it he wants the things that you watch on tv he wants the things that you that you listen to he wants the music that you listen to he wants you to listen to sanctified stuff stuff that's going to set you apart he doesn't want you watching trash and putting things in that he paid a price to get rid of we always got to be trying to get our filter clean our filter clean our filter clean our filter clean why because we keep throwing stupid stuff into it somewhere along the line someone said if you watch this this movie that it's it it's okay but if you watch that movie it's not okay so we've chose to not be religious and we've said anything goes [Music] i've heard people say you can watch harry potter you can do this you can do that why would you do that why would you waste an hour and a half of your life to put in trash and call it okay that's compromise man that's not okay god's looking for warriors next year we're going to be launching something that's similar to power love it's going to be called warriors arise warriors arise it's going to be a friday night at an all day saturday event our first one is going to be with dan mohler in march right here at the training center right here at the church it's going to be amazing but it's going to be all about this right here fully consecrated fully in fully surrendered fully abandoned the gospel or nothing it's time we let go of compromise we let go of all that stuff it says let go of the sin that so easily ensnares us [Music] sin is crouching at your door shut it shut it because when you shut it in the fear of the lord jesus is on the inside with you so holy spirit we just say yes to you we say yes to your presence god we say yes to your presence god we say yes we turn our back on everything else we turn our back on everything else and we say yes to your presence we say no to the world no to the world [Music] no to the world
Channel: Todd White
Views: 36,075
Rating: 4.8955007 out of 5
Id: 1CubcEjch70
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 39sec (4659 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 11 2021
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