Todd White - The Baptism of the Holy Ghost and Fire

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I I I've been praying today been praying up I just know what I saw and what I saw were people that are overflowing with the Holy Ghost cuz their cup is floweth over their cup is overflowing and everywhere you go you won't be able to give it out fast enough because it's just gonna keep flowing and flowing and flowing I saw it I know it it's happening I'm gonna share my heart a little bit on the baptism of a Holy Ghost and fire I need you to understand something with the baptism of the Holy Ghost and fire look look the baptism in the Holy Spirit a lot of times people are afraid of tongues and I I pray in tongues all the time I don't pray out loud I don't pray so that I can confuse people because there has to be order when you deliver a tongue there has to be an interpretation so it is true and it is amazing but tongues aren't to impress people tongues are a communication between you and the Father tongues edify your spirit which means that it grows your spirit man tongues grow your spirit man there's a communication between you and God and there's a John G Lake he was in he was in South Africa and there were so many different dialects that they couldn't learn them all so they prayed that God would give them the dialects of every place they went into and every town every village they went into God delivered the very tongue that they needed to speak to that community with guys we haven't even touched this thing John G Lake in healing and miracles it's because of the divine power of the Holy Ghost and his grip on Dominion and his grip and I'm not just talking about him I'm talking about many men and women in the past William Branham had a gift of a word of knowledge that was so scary it was so scary he wouldn't know exactly who the person was in the back of the crowd what city they came from what hard they drove what their neighbor's house look like this is crazy and people were like and it gripped men's hearts it gripped women's hearts with such a ferociousness that there was no way to escape the love of God and so what God wants to do with a gift with the word of knowledge with the prophetic word as he wants to be so accurate that it reveals the secrets of men's hearts so that they cannot resist God and they have to give up they have to surrender I sit on airplanes with people beside them and it's only a matter of time until they surrender because God will get so intense I don't care if you believe or not I am possessed by Jesus so God will speak to me about you a little and then more and then more and then more and before you know it you will surrender to Jesus and you will give your life because there's only there's only one there's nowhere to go you're locked in a steel tube of 27,000 feet I love to sit by atheists you are not a threat to me I was one then I got saved from me I listen the Holy Spirit is so amazing and we're afraid of him and we get touched by him or like whoa that's crazy I don't know look or you want fire with God are you on fire for God here's a good way to know if I poured a quart of gasoline on your head and lit a match would you care about what your neighbor thought about you would you be like oh my gosh I'm burning in there they're making fun of me you could care less you'd be you'd be burning you'd be on fire so I like to not gonna pour gas on you maybe but I believe that the Holy Spirit is the one that keeps us on Ash and he's the only one that makes the gospel real the same Holy Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead when you get born again he comes to dwell in you there is scripture upon Scripture upon Scripture in this Bible of times when people were born again Dan talked about baptism there's the baptism with water but there's the baptism in the Holy Ghost he is I heard bill Johnson say this it's the best way I've ever heard it said he said the Holy Spirit is in me for my sake but he is upon me for yours he is in me for my sake it secures my semi's my fount my foundation in Christ it secures my salvation with him when he comes to live inside of me it is a well springing up inside of me Jesus told the woman at the well the Samaritan woman when she came out and Jesus was like give me something to drink have a can have some water she said you're a Jew and I'm a Samaritan we don't drink from the same cup in other words they didn't even associate with each other Jesus said if you knew who was asking you for water you would ask him for a drink and he would give you life-giving water that life-giving water is the Holy Spirit it is a well springing up it never runs dry ever like people go oh man I need to pray for you that like that your well gets filled up you cannot fill up my well you cannot he fills me up I stay in communion that's why we hid relationship before we even talked about the baptism of the Holy Ghost in fire we hid relationship from as many angles as we can and the time that we have we pound it because I don't want you guys walking around like dynamite wanting to blow up your church I want you guys wanting to blow up the devil's works and everything you do but I need your heart to be blown up in the love of God and to be secure in your salvation and to know that you're forgiven because if you don't know that you're forgiven you will try to do the miracle to feel better about yourself but feeling it better about yourself doesn't come except from your salvation your salvation becomes secure when you realize that you are right with God that's why we preach the cross Christ in him crucified that's why Paul said I dare not boast in anything with this Jesus Christ and him crucified he said everything that I've ever learned about the Torah all that I've learned everything I count it to be thrown on a pile of dung that's what he said I counted all loss for the sake of knowing him so knowing him is the priority so the more we him the more we become like him when the Holy Spirit came and touched the disciples the first time that the Holy Spirit came I'm just gonna refer to a couple things you guys okay I'm gonna breeze through this pretty quickly because you guys are primed like a pump I I see what's happening it is I'm gonna tell you how this happened in my life and I'm gonna try to just tell you what it could look like but it can be way worse okay I'm really not kidding you all of our team is like oh my gosh it's gonna be such a mess but messes are good it's okay it's all right it's really okay oh my Jesus you just are amazing and I just love what you're about to do here I love it people like ours already baptized the Holy Ghost I spoke in tongues Jesus didn't say when the Holy Spirit comes you're gonna pray in tongues he didn't say he didn't say that was coming see he told the disciples not that tongues aren't part cuz it says these signs will follow them that believe they're gonna cast out Devils the first sign of a believers they cast out Devils that's crazy what if that was the standard at church are you a believer how many devils you cast out this week what do you mean I just prayed a prayer to get to heaven buddy that's not what it says although it is because it's all about getting to heaven but with the Holy Spirit heaven gets into you so that you can destroy hell as you go about this life and then one day enter into glory well I entered into glory wouldn't have blood on your sword come on guys this is powerful so Jesus talks to the disciples at the end of John they are petrified they're hiding it's like crazy I know we've talked about this already Dan we talked about it breathing into the disciples but the disciples are petrified they're in fear Peter denied Jesus he's in fear he denied Jesus because he was afraid what was gonna happen to him they all ran away not just Peter all of them ran they all scattered all of them so they all deny Jesus they all ran away are you with me Peter wasn't the only one they all booked it they were like ah one of them lost their clothes on the way out it says it says he lost his clothes on the way out I think was John Marc but they they lost their clothes on the way out running away because they were petrified oh my gosh they got in they're coming for us they're hiding and then Jesus shows up in a room that is locked that doesn't help the hiding thing he's like peace they need peace man like peace whoa don't be afraid Jesus I love Jesus walking on the water hey just relax it's a ghost or one one time he's walking on the water Peter lord if it's you tell me to come to you on the water come come on would you step down to the boat it's a storm Peter did the disciples like oh I could just picture it Peters like Oh save me come on where's your faith that I was walking on water man my god that's crazy right I love my Jesus I love him I look at this stuff and I'm like oh what if that was me come on that's so good Lord tell me to come to you on the water would you do it and you would if you'd kept your eyes on him I'm just so fascinated with the Holy Spirit I am fascinated because I didn't know that he even existed not one Christian approached me my whole life for 34 years I told me about God told me about Jesus told me how much God loved me it didn't happen it wasn't it wasn't like that they really did and I know that I was scary but the fact that they didn't approach me means that they were afraid God did not give us a spirit of fear but of love and power and a sound mind so your sound mind is the backbone for the love and the power it's everything that's why we hid identity and pound identity because God wants us to be safe our soul our mind will and emotions to be saved to put on the mind of Christ actually put Christ but to put his mind on since we can think like him so he breathes on the disciples he says receive the Holy Spirit so if Jesus told the disciples received the Holy Spirit did they receive him or not yes he said receive it's not like no Lord I'm not they and he breathed into them just like God breathed into creations he's restoring man but that's the disciples being born-again now just a little bit later Jesus is like going wait in Jerusalem in acts 1 he's talking to the disciples he's like been in and out of the midst of them for 40 days and he's talking to them about the things pertaining to the kingdom of God are you with me Jesus says guys I need you to go and wait not before Peterson's Lord are you this time are you gonna restore the kingdom are you gonna take this thing away from the Romans come on rule with a rod of iron Peter's like Jesus like guys it's not for you to know the time or the seasons for this to happen come on but you go and wait for the promise of the Father then you will be endued with tongues and be witnesses to the end of the earth that's exactly right the Holy Ghost and power Jesus went about doing good healing all that were oppressed by the devil the kingdom of God first corinthians 4:20 the kingdom of god is not a matter of talk but of power this is not just debate class this is a power gospel and we need the power of god in our life don't think you don't cuz you really do you really do you need to be possessed was already baptized in the Holy Ghost all right are you seeing all that you need there is more there is more there is more there is more there's more there is more there is a thing called impartation says sir up the gift that was imparted to you with the laying on of hands somebody that is walking in a certain place in gifting can impart that very gifting to you it is totally biblical and it's amazing when we lay hands on people some people say well you know don't hastily on people lest you partake sometimes we refer to that in healing like I don't want to pray for the sick real quickly because I could get what they have that's fear greater is He that's in you than he that's in the world has nothing to do with sickness he's talking in that scripture in Timothy he's talking about laying hands on people and ordaining them into office we will lay hands on you tonight for impartation and for the baptism and the Holy Ghost and fire and you will receive watch when I am NOT ordaining you into an office are you with me they were like your day no these people know how White's going across the nation ordaining thousands and thousands of bound knots I am praying for God to impart what is upon our team what is upon our life what is upon my life what has been imparted to me through Reinhardt bunkie through Heidi Baker through Randy Clark through Bill Johnson through all these different people that I have lay hands on me I freely have received I freely give freely we save this for the last night because I want you to be fully equipped with identity because this can be very dangerous this is not your validation of whether you're a son or a daughter the blood of Jesus is the validation and the cross and the finished work of Christ what he did for you validates who you are your father has validate you this is my son and whom I'm well pleased because you have received right standing with God because Jesus who knew no sin became sin that you might become the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus that validates your sonship that validates you being a child of God the Holy Spirit inside of you connected to your spirit crying out Abba Father daddy God where you are yearning and groaning and the Holy Spirit is yearning also inside of you because he wants full possession of your life he doesn't share occupancy he wants all of you he doesn't want some of you he wants you to fully surrender be all-in he wants every part of you to be submitted and surrendered to the king that's it that's really it it is so powerful it's so amazing I have had many encounters but man I'm gonna talk to you about just a couple of them because they've been crazy one more situation I want to share gospel wise so Jesus there's a separate but there's this just confusing sometimes people like when you get it all when you're safe no you don't get it all we can you save we get it all when you get baptized in the Holy Ghost there's more these disciples were baptized on the day of Pentecost the Holy Ghost came down where's the fire as of tongues of fire upon their head angels are ministering spirits as flames of fire sent forth to help those that are inheriting salvation so there is a fire aspect and you will see John the Baptist says i baptize you with water but the one coming after me he whose sandals or FiveFingers shoes I'm not even fit to carry I think if Jesus was around today he'd wear five fingers they feel like sandals he whose sandals are not even fit some of you heard that like I said I'm Jesus I am NOT Jesus stop it that was crazy oh my gosh Lord no I don't want to know their thoughts right now I want to just share this Wow so you came here to scout me out have fun here come through and get hands laid on you and see what's real I know what God said he's gonna do and you really need him you don't need to not have him you need him I promise you need as much of him as he's willing to give you and you know how much of God you can have as much as you're willing to have I remember one day I said to God I said man I need more of you I need more of you God I need more of you he said Todd all of me is available I want what's the key you being covered by all me so he doesn't want none of me and all of him he wants all of me covered by all of him because God doesn't want me to be a robot what he wants me to be is a glove a hand that a glove goes on like he put Gideon on like a glove that's what I want to be I want to be inside or just let me be the glove on the hand you don't matter either way I want him I want all of him I'm not seeing what I need to see I need to see more but I'm breaking through and I'm breaking in this thing and if none go with me I'm going it doesn't matter I'm going after this thing with everything I am everything I am everything I am Phillip went and he preached Christ in Samaria I don't know if you guys remember that it's in acts I can I can give you scripture references cuz I cuz I look at him all the time so good Oh No hold on one of my kids is trying to get on oh my goodness oh my I should know better okay John 460 14 at Jacob's Well this is the Samaritan woman jesus said I have life-giving water talking about the born-again when the Holy Spirit comes John 20:22 he breathed on them said receive the Holy Spirit so they received the Holy Spirit the disciples did that's when they were hiding and this is when the Holy Spirit came to dwell in man so this is when the disciples got born again Luke 24 he says your witnesses of these things and behold I'm sending forth the promise of my father upon you but you were to stay in the city and tell your clothed with power from on high I've just given you references for what I just shared because some people like well I don't know where that is but now you do acts 1 5 through 8 John baptized with water but you will be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days from now when they'd come together they were asking him Lord at this time are you restoring the kingdom he said no he said it is not for you to know the times or the epochs which the father has fixed by his own authority but you will receive power when the Holy Ghost comes upon you and then you shall be my witnesses to the ends of the earth Jerusalem Judea Samaria and even the remotest part of the earth Matthew three verses 11 and 12 asked for me John said i baptize you with water for repentance but he was coming after me is mightier than I and I'm not fit to remove his sandals he will baptize you with the Holy Ghost and fire if people like I don't know if I got it you don't well I don't know if i baptize with fire you don't you haven't I promise you won't forget oh my acts 2 verses 1 through 4 Dave Pentecost came they're all together in one place suddenly there came from heaven a noise like a violent rushing wind it filled the whole house that we're sitting in and there Pete there appeared to them tongues as a fire distributing themselves arrested on each of them they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak with other tongues as the spirit was giving them utterance Luke 7 37 39 to 39 now on the last day the great day of the feast Jesus cried out saying if anyone is thirsty let him come to me and drink he who believes in me as the scripture says from his innermost being will flow rivers of living water there is a difference between a well springing up and never thirsting again and rivers of life-giving water coming up that right there is in you as a well of salvation but rivers is the distribution of what you've been given on a constant basis not a river and actually the word says torrent and torrent look up the word torrent and look at see an example it's like when the ice melts and the Rocky Mountains and it comes down and it causes like class five and six Rapids that's what a torrent is that's one he says rivers so we're talking like glass I don't even know class 100 rivers flowing out of your belly I just want that ax8 I was just referring to it Simon Peter not Simon Peter I'm sorry Simon himself believed the this was this was Simon the sorcerer he was he was tormenting and Philip was like he cast that thing out and she's like he sees the devil cast out he sees this lady or this man get cast out the devil get cast out and he's like I want this so he follows him around because Philip preached Christ Simon the sorcerer like he was amazed because they thought he was the man but when Philip preached Christ everything shifted and this guy's like I'm hanging with you do you guys know what I'm talking about sorry Simon believes and after he was baptized he continued on with Philip and observed the signs and great miracles taking place he was constantly amazed when the Apostles in Jerusalem heard that Samaria had received the Word of God they sent Peter and John who came down and prayed for them that they might receive the Holy Ghost now when somebody believes in the name of Jesus Christ they confess their sin they believe confess with their mouth they shall be saved that word saved is the Greek word name so though I know you guys probably know what so does i mean saved healed delivered protected made whole kept safe and sound to do well to be kept safe from harm it's a very pregnant word so these guys in Samaria they receive Jesus they said yes they get born again they get word of it now listen 35 to 50 miles away the disciples are there like what they've received the Holy Ghost they travel on donkey on foot to get 35 to 50 miles that's how important it was just to get to the city to the people that got born again they get to the city of the people that got born again and they laid hands on them so they could receive the Holy Ghost that's so powerful that's like plain as day two separate ones receive here receive here for power like that selfish will you call what you want I want more Luke 11 5 through 13 it says when he said to him suppose one of you has a friend he goes to him at midnight saying friend you have three loaves or friend lend me three loaves friend of mine has come to me in a journey I have nothing to set before him and from inside he answers and says don't bother me the doors already been shut in my children in bed I cannot get up and give you anything but I tell you even though he will not get up and give him anything because he's a friend yet because of his persistence he will get up and give him as much as he needs so I say to you ask and it will be given to you seek and you will find knock and it will be open to you for everyone who asks receives and he who seeks finds and to him who knocks it will be open now suppose one of your fathers is asked by a son for a fish will you give him a snake instead of a fish or if he has asked for an egg will you give him a scorpion so weird when I hear that like like 2 months ago we caught a big old bull snake in my house and last week I caught a scorpion I know Texas and last year I caught a tarantula we were like oh cool if you have fear you need baptized in the Holy Ghost this God's given us Dominion if you then being carnal being evil being of this world know how to give good gifts to your children listen to this specific how much more now keep in mind he says people say you have not because you ask not that's not for stuff that's for him come on seek and you'll find he's not talking about stuff he's not talking about material stuff saying seek and you'll find knock on the door be open ask and you shall receive and here he sums it up with this if you then being evil know how to give good gifts to your children how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Ghost to them that ask him so good my goodness acts 10 Peter's still speaking these words the Holy Spirit fell upon those and baptized these people Cornelius his household the Gentiles he baptized the Gentiles while Peter speaking I guess they believed because they believed they received him here over sudden they start praying in tongues the Holy Ghost falls on the Gentiles and we were grafted into this thing so powerful so amazing oh my one more action 19 happen when at Apollo when a while Apollo's was at Corinth Paul passed through acts 19 one through seven the upper country and he came to Ephesus found some disciples he said did you receive the Holy Ghost when you believed he said we don't even know about this Holy Ghost he said into what were you baptized he said John's baptism and he said John baptized with water the baptism of repentance telling people to believe in him who was coming that isn't Jesus they heard this they were baptized in the name of the Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of the Jesus in the name of the Lord Jesus and when Paul laid his hands on them the Holy Spirit came upon them look this is so powerful and so amazing and if you don't have him you're missing out and if you do there's more there's more all right could i get uh can I get Keyes could you have somebody in the back to come out are you gonna play because I need to share some stuff and sometimes this is petrifying to people that's just cuz you need him and it's all good we got him but we need him we have him but I need him I need him I'm hearing so much more clearer I cried out the other day I just want to share with you I'm with my wife and we're sitting at the house and we're sitting on the couch and I had a session with the Lord that morning and I'm I'm crying out and I mean it is a really messy fast I am like bawling in my prayer room just crying holding my head and just God if you don't speak to me clear I don't want to live and I said it to my wife and she started crying she goes honey don't don't say that I said no I said listen I said we're starting this school we're starting everything everything is upon us I'm not in fear about that and it's not even about students it's about this god I need to hear you clear I need you to make me the best witness that I could be please God make me a better witness so that people don't have to perish they can know you now God please help me help me step out and boldness when I tell my wife I need more boldness she says oh my gosh why cuz I need it I need it today I was at the gym when I was talking to a guy that I met today we were just hanging out a little I was doing I was doing ABS today and I believe in fitness I believe we should try to be healthy and try to try to eat right and just try to be healthy and so I'm going after it because I want to him 48 years old man I I want to go after this thing and I'm talking to him and I'm just talking about Jesus and God came up that I witnessed to the other day and he's like hey manners won't tell you thanks man for talking to me the other day man I figured I'd come up say hi to you too you really gave me some wisdom the other day the wisdom I gave him was this guy I said hey man underneath all that cuz he's a big guy tap him on the chest he's like this tall hey yeah cuz I did cuz I I ain't afraid I said what are you gonna do kill me I ain't never gonna die I'm gonna go be with Jesus I will breathe eat sleep Jesus I will live for him I said tell me underneath all that you got Jesus in there man he was all gave up on that a long time ago this is the other day I said are you serious man he gave he didn't keep up on you are you kidding me I said I know what you've been through and I shared my testimony with him knees man been in jail and this that and the other thing and man he's nuts my prayers didn't do this I told my said thats wrong I said your backs messed up man he goes yeah it is messed up I said can't break free cuz man you do ever you want ice alright so I prayed for him jesus healed him so he came up to me today and he goes yo man I said how's your back he goes man I said he loves you when he comes thank you man walked away and I'm talking this guy I saw the basketball guys in there like at LA Fitness they're like pick up pick up games like there's like probably 20 guys in there like rough gosh man they're they're playing hard I ain't a good basketball player only basketball played was in jail and that was not healthy it wasn't healthy I ain't too tall slain so I went in ER I said hey man ice I got to talk to these guys they go man I played a game man I gotta get it but I got something more important to your game and this guy he goes are you going in there now I go yeah you guys I'm coming in with you like oh cool so he came in with me because he wants to step out in faith because he's a Christian he wants to be bold so without the Holy Ghost without him upon you what happens is we really are fearful and stepping into things but when you are possessed I'm talking put on like a glove when he is upon you you will do things that you would have never done before you will say things that you would have never said before we need him people are going to hell do you understand people are dying and going to hell how dare you say I just want to live self preserved this is a silent matter no you got a basket on your head get baptized and the Holy Ghost and fire take that thing off and bring Jesus glory while you're here bring him glory bring him glory so we're not suddenly to talk to these guys man he goes redneck there in the middle of a game they're playing the game man I got something more important he goes hold a ball and this guy's up in the air aah ohh I'm like BAM Christianity is a full contact sport guys come on I know that a lot of y'all were raised with Jesus and I'm gonna tell you that he's thinking about you and he loves you and he wants you guys to live for him you're playing this game and I think it's amazing and you guys are doing awesome but think about Jesus today they're all like some of them the other guys were like this someone wanted to say something but they couldn't cuz they're intimidated cuz they need baptized and the Holy Ghost that's why we need power we need him to be upon us we need him we need him we walked out and that guy said man that's bold movement that was really cool he stepped out like that Iceman you take little steps and they get bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger and let me tell you something with the Holy Spirit upon you what happens is you will do things that other people won't do you will say things that other people won't say you will be God fit in you'll be confident in your king and you will realize that he is for you and he's not against you and he wants to back you up David was a little shepherd boy that was out of the field and he was in an Old Covenant this kid played harp he was out there with sheep and he went to visit his brothers because his dad said take some cheese and take some bread I need you to take it to your brothers they're out there fighting the Philistines so David shows up David doesn't know anything about the battle he shows up and he sees this uncircumcised Philistine that does not have covenant he has no covenant and no God david has covenant with his god and he is learning God cause out there in the field he killed a lion and a bear when no one was looking so that when he's gonna face a real battle when everybody's looking he trusts God do you know what it's like to kill a lion I don't what would it be like to grab a line by the beard what would it be like to believe in your God so much that with a jawbone of a donkey you slay thousands of Philistines because you believe in your God in an Old Covenant and we got a new covenant a new covenant it's crazy David here's the Philistine and he's like who's gonna shut him up he doesn't have a covenant he has no God he's taunting our God like you shut up punk the brothers we know you you little insulin thing you you selfish get back to the Sheep what are you doing out here I brought you food dad wanted me to come here besides why would you let him talk to our God like that and they're petrified all of them and Saul should have been out there Saul should have fought him but instead they hear about this young boy that says I'll kill this guy I'll kill him he's nothing he has no covenant and the Holy Ghost enforces covenant he's no covenant he don't have a covenant he's uncircumcised this Philistine come on love this I love the boldness of this boy that knew his God and you cannot know God without the Holy Ghost you cannot because it's God the Father God the Son and God the Holy Ghost say spirit make me sound better Holy Spirit I like spirit better either way he's gone do you understand that when you get baptized you're not getting baptized with some mist some vapor you're getting baptized with God himself God himself paid a price to come and possess you all he's looking for is you to want him only want you to do is say I'm in and there ain't no going back cuz what would you go back to you feel like you're back sleepers what do you slide back to there's nothing there so David's just I'll take him out Saul goes come on you're a boy and he's a man he's a seasoned giant he's a veteran he's gonna hurt you man I can't let you do this you're just a boy I have God well then at least take my armor any humorous David just take my armor David doesn't need Saul's armor he tries it on it's too big and he hasn't been hadn't been tested and it didn't fit him because God has look no matter if your little big old doesn't matter matter if you're young it doesn't matter the deal is is the Holy Ghost is the armor that you need it's so powerful I love it he comes tell him and this Giants like oh you send a boy with sticks and stones are you kidding me I am a fighter I am a giant I have slayed many men and you send a boy with sticks and stones kidding me David's like the Giants taunting him David then go come on god I hope you protect me he didn't he charged him he charged him he charged the giant the giant charged David just a rock BAM what happens when you're a Christian and you're possessed by God and you drop a giant the army of God that's petrified chases down the rest of the Philistines and take some out take some out [Applause] it's time that somebody get bold and take out a giant and watch what the body of Christ does plow away make a straight path run this thing every mountain low every Valley up run and make a straight path plow through so that people can run up over on your back make room for them come on and come up and be somebody else's floor let your ceiling be their floor let's push forward button model this thing you can't model it in brute strength you have to model this and the boldness of the holy ghost gives you I promise you is that day David killed that giant every petrified soldier said this is the Lord when he held up a head that was probably half the size of David because he chopped it off with that very sword that he aimed at David and said today I'll deliver your body David's thinking I'm gonna use that sword a little bit he takes the giant sword and he hacks off his head and he holds it up and everybody said boldness that's what happens when you blow through that's what happens when you press into the fullness and everything that God has for you you know I saw people healed I was amazed these people were confessing healing I went to the ceiling service I saw dan Mohler praying for people to healing service I just got bored again I'm out of team challenge I'm fascinated people were like yeah I feel better Wow then one day a person with leukemia came in and they and they were really sick like dying sick like hospice sick and they came up the front and they sat in the whole message and Dan preached the amazing message it's hard for him not to I've never heard him not but he struck it specific about healing these signs will follow them that believe and I'm like wow that's simple this guy comes up like this his wife's with him holding his arm come up front say to Dan listen we don't believe anything that you said today that's a hard conversation if you're an unbeliever Dan goes Oh okay my husband's been diagnosed with leukemia it's killed 49 other people he's the 50th case of this strain of leukemia we don't even believe that this is real except our neighbor said that she believes she was healed here and we don't even know if that's true but they sent him home on Hospice he's going to die there's no other chance we are out of options dan said okay she goes is that gonna matter dan goes absolutely not real quiet just let me pray for you so Dan goes in the name of Jesus I command this to leave now dance possessed and he is covered and I don't know what that means but I'm fascinated cuz I'm it's a whole new world for me I'm like my eyes are open I'm like I want it all uh it fits in there it's mine it fits in my inheritance why would I not want it why would you wait till you get to heaven to find out all that you had here Jesus says all that the father has is mine and all that I have is yours so good so he prays and the man looks at Danny goes is that it Dan goes that's it here's my number I'm thinking you're gonna need that number cuz he did the same for me when I came in there suicidal he goes you don't need your number man did I need that number he's such a such a dad so the guy goes okay the lady goes thank you with a attitude and he walks out just the same way he came in not to change it looked like two weeks later the report came in leukemia is gone and I I went like this I went crazy I said you're kidding me oh you're no way are you serious yeah here's the medical port oh my gosh do you know what this means he goes yeah jesus healed him I could no no no no no you said these signs followed them that believe he goes yeah I said I'm a believer he goes yep I go it's over I'm praying for everybody I'm not kidding and I started to pray for everyone so that first day we're at Walmart my daughter and I my wife brand-new wife brand-new dad like yay pushing the shopping cart I see somebody with a like a walker I say come on destiny let's go pray for that lady she goes why I said cuz the Bible says these signs will follow them that believe destiny goes Daddy this is this is kind of weird I go yeah come on this will go find mommy then so we go over we find this lady I said honey I said can my daughter and I pray for you she goes why I said because you're hurting she goes I'm old she's probably 85 maybe I said yeah but Jesus says that if we lay hands on the sick the sick of recover my daughter is hiding she's afraid and I go and I saw somebody healed I really want to pray for you please she goes here I said yeah the worst that can happen is nothing she's like okay prayed for she goes I said how do you feel she goes thanks for trying uh serious but she was very kind to me you know what happened to me I went thanks for letting me pray for you come on - lets go find somebody else to pray for huh it was on buddy I can't help but to talk about the things that I've seen and heard you you I'm like oh my gosh I saw that guy healed I saw other people heal but now I saw this that this guy was gonna die he's healed I'm going after this so then we prayed prayed prayed couldn't find my wife she's gone so we figured she's probably in the car was a while later we get to the car she is so mad what are you doing I said I prayed for people because the Bible stop it you're not a pastor what are you doing I said but Dinh said she goes okay she goes you're not gonna do this in public everywhere we go I go I didn't say anything I just started crying because I thought I don't want to tell her she's wrong cuz Dan has taught me it's not about being right it's about Jesus so I just quiet I got home wet in my bedroom I said God I need you God I need you I need you and I just prayed thank God for my wife and it's a long amazing testimony that's a beautiful ending but I prayed for almost I prayed for almost a thousand people between nine hundred thousand figured out how many I prayed for an average of about ten people every day so I kept going kept going two weeks in my wife said I will never go in public with you again ever and she meant it she would go to church with me cuz I wasn't allowed to pray for anybody there but she would not go in public with me we couldn't go to store I would do all the shopping I would pick up food bring it home wouldn't go out to eat nothing I mean it was craziness and I'm trying to tell her all the people I prayed for that didn't get healed so now she thinks I'm really crazy so why do you what do you keep doing this for him because the Bible says these sons have followed in the belief everybody was against me except Dan the Holy Ghost Jesus the father and my daughter she was freaked out because her daddy look like a fool she'd watched people make fun of her dad she watched people cussed her dad out I just I love you he iced I was such an angry guy I don't have anything to be angry about I just I'm just I want to see people I break through I want to see it I want to see I want to see it so all of a sudden I heard of this conference coming this is like three months in it was a conference that a guy named Randy Clark was putting on Bill Johnson was there but the it wasn't the names cuz I didn't know Randy all I knew was it was healing about a healing conference and I'm thinking I need to know about healing right now because this has to have Hoss happened and I'm I would tell Dan all the time he's so kind Todd it's gonna happen just don't give up don't give up don't give up and I'm like yeah not giving up not giving up not giving up not giving up and I'm like no I'm going after this thing so I go to this conference and Randi speaking and he's you guys knew Randy Clark is Wow he's dangerous so anyway he's talking just like this real calm and so Jesus and I'm like man like I want to know about this healing I just can't get this off my mind in Matthew I read John baptized with water but he who comes after you were baptized you in the Holy Ghost and fire and I can't stop thinking about what is Holy Ghost and fire I can't stop thinking about it I'm like and it was it was crazy cuz I'm like I know this has something to do with this and Hannah I'm burning with zeal in other words right standing with God I know I'm forgiven I'm so thankful for who God's created me to be and minima husband I'm working and I'm loving this but I got to know what this means so all of a sudden I start to get warm in the meeting he's not talking about a baptism in the Holy Ghost and fire I'm thinking about it so I start to get warm I'm about 265 at the time and the guy beside me is in med school and he's like you okay and I'm like yeah yeah I just I'm warm are you warm you just know and all of a sudden they got worse and he looks at me he goes you're really sweating man I go yeah yeah it's crazy like I'm like maybe I go outside I don't know what's going on so Randy he's just speaking and he stops and he goes son yet you he goes have you you've been asking the Lord for a baptism in the Holy Ghost and fire haven't you in the middle of nowhere in the middle of his meeting not even talking about it he goes stand up and I stood up me yes yep it's you have you bet I said yeah all of a sudden he goes the Lord says it's right now and it went and hit me I know what and I hit the floor and I cringed and I grabbed the chair yeah yeah dignity is not a fruit of the Spirit so and I'm not and mess and yuck and I'm streaming in the middle of Randy's message and I'm like oh god I felt like I was gonna die do you think why would God do that I don't know but I'd do it again see you're afraid to look at foolish in front of people you can't live the kingdom we're so wanting to look pretty in front everybody I can't do that they're gonna look at me wrong are you kidding lose yourself in him will you the fear of God is so much better than the fear of man so I'm streaming and Randy goes you won't die more Lord and intensified to the point where I felt like I was being electrocuted I'm screaming turn around I don't even know bill finally after Randy's done this message I'm sitting there in a chair and I can't and I can't move it's a mess it's really a mess so y'all think it's funny but I'm not threatening you I just know my god I know my king I know that he wants you free from you and completely submerged in him so we're good I am like a mess and Bill Johnson walks by the row and he goes and I'm thinking it's just not thumbs-up and afterwards they got me out and I'm sitting in the foyer this all happened at Life Center up in Harrisburg yeah Charles remembers and I am I am done and will heart comes up and he goes hey I go are you with Randy he gives you I said get away I did and Randy comes up and he goes hey hey I go please don't touch me stay away from me because I was afraid cuz I didn't know what just happened but he told me that what I've been asking for had happened and he said this is a milestone marker in your life everything changes from here and then he went over scripture scripture scripture and he said this is the baptism of the Holy Ghost and fire I said I couldn't get my mind off of it he goes God will give you what you hunger for and I'm like oh I don't know if I could be hungry right now again I was afraid but that day everything changed the miracles became profuse I started to write down miracles testimonies of each day at my job and in five and a half months I was seeing 45 minutes of writing every night testimonies from every day every day of my life regular life at my job on the job just going shopping all that stuff nine months in my wife went to his grow up a grocery store and she watched somebody get out of a scooter then at a back that was fused and she stood up straight for the first time in 27 years and my wife lost it and she completely surrendered and said Who am I to stand in the way of God it took it took her seeing it herself listen a couple of years later I had a break it was actually working working for the ice company had a break where I could go to the Holy Land so I went with a man on tour with Benny I didn't go on staff cuz I I just wanted to see Israel and some of you were like well I don't like Benny well I don't care who you like really I don't care it doesn't matter what I am is hungry and I want more of Jesus and I want more of God and there was an anointing that I've never experienced before so I went to Israel and Benny Hinn was the speaker and I'm on a tour with seven hundred people so I get to a meeting I'm just gonna tell you what happened cuz it's real there's people like well I don't really believe boy be careful be careful be careful you get up and leave now but I pray God zaps you in your car man I'm not kiddin so I'm at this meeting where the 1,700 people were the last bus to get there we were late so I couldn't even get close to the stage and I'm like man I came here to receive I didn't go there to walk where Jesus walk I went there to walk like Jesus says I can walk I went there to carry the kingdom I want to see Jews saved born-again spirit filled I want to see them come to Jesus man um I'm all about Jesus but I went there to get more because there is more one thing I know is there is more so I'm there and all of a sudden the meetings we get there and I'm like man I want to sit up front and I hear in my heart I have a seat for you up front and I'm like yes I told the guy I said hey I said I really heard in my heart that God said I have a seat up front he was Todd now I'd already I was already messing with people because I've been praying for people the whole time that I was there so they're like you're a little jealous and I'm like oh no I'm possessed I love Jesus man but I'm not gonna say I'm not gonna go over the head ever you know so I said can I please go check he says Todd we're the last bus here so that means we got me the first bus out so if there's not a seat for you I need you to get back here and if there is I need you to get back here as soon as it's over so we can pull out okay promise me I got promised I'm like yay so I run up front and I go to use the bathroom and I come out of the bathroom and I'm like wow how's it gonna happen this really big guy like this tall like this wide comes up to me no joke he's that big I said to him he goes can I help you and he's got the earpiece in I'm thinking oh he's like the security guy like big guy and he's really big I go I'm supposed to center front he goes right this way I'm like and I sit right in the middle two rows back I'm thinking I am not supposed to be here at all the seats weren't even filled in yet I'm like the only one there I'm like oh my goodness I'm crying thank you Jesus you really hear about my heart's desire you know that I'm here for more thank you so the seats fill in I'm sitting there I do not have a suit on or anything I'm like come as you are like I'm that guy look like this with a big goatee looking wild man yay love Jesus guy it's all of a sudden service starts and I watched chairs and Alyssa's no joke I watched a choir chair of a choir member that was sitting there I watched it come up in the air and flip the whole way over and land on the legs were like oh I don't believe it I don't care have you believe it or not I saw it with my own eyes I watched people fly through the air that weren't being touched and I was like I want that if it's God I want it I'm not afraid and I don't care who likes it or who doesn't like it I want all that he has for me I'm not asking for a devil I'm asking for God I say God Here I am use me possess me I want to see this world come to Jesus and the only way I'm going to do it it's being clothed with you fill with you and possessed by you so Benny says this pastors ministers leaders get up here quickly and I'm like that's me so by the time I got out past the first row I'm back further than what I was cuz everybody now is in front of me because I was like trying to get out and it was just a cattle stampede I can't even explain you it was like a press like and I'm squished and all these people oh my god I really wanted to be up there I love you Jesus touch me where I'm at I love you and I'm praying and loving Jesus I'm like God I came here for more I need more I'm so I'm still in that place and I know that he's my source I know that but there is impartation and there is hands laid on you and it's available I want it all I want it all and I ain't asking for something weird I want Jesus man I want the Holy Ghost I'm hungry for him I have to spend eternity with people that I find and people that I see I don't want to spend eternity without people I want them to come and see my king I want them to come to heaven one day I want them to experience heaven not hell I don't want them to be utterly cut off and in darkness and deep darkness I don't want them to be condemned I don't want the body of Christ to be condemned now I want them to be possessed by the truth and know who they really are so that guilt condemnation and shame can be wiped out I want to see the church be the church be the spotless Bride of Christ I want it all now I want power not for selfishness sake I want power so that when I'm in a place and everybody's doubting and I see a double amputee I can say legs grow and toon legs come out in the name of Jesus and the whole place falls on their face oh when I walk into a city to a deaf school walk in there and have every kid here and leave I wanna see blind schools empty I want to see coffins empty I want to see it all I want to see it all I'm not settling for half of this thing I want it all God you promised it it's in your word I want it all I want it all the disciples walked in great power they were persecuted for it and they should have said man this is horrible but they didn't they were like yes we were counted worthy to suffer whoa how amazing is this I want that I want that it's been granted to us to suffer for the gospel whoa Philippians 1:29 baby come on it's been granted that you might suffer you've been given the privilege to suffer for the gospel it's not hard to suffer when you're possessed by Jesus and you're bringing glory to the king man I'm talking the real deal here I'm talking the real McCoy talking Jesus in person because he lives inside of you and you get possessed to the point where it doesn't matter what people think anymore where you're not intimidated by the people around you by the glares and the stairs we're on the plane you can speak up and bring the gospel to all those people on that plane because you are not afraid anymore that's what I'm saying you're at your workplace and you're afraid to share with your employees you're afraid to share with your friends you don't want me made fun of but you don't care because you're being made fun of it's much less than them standing in a good line saying why didn't you share with me now I gotta enter into it's Colonel John the nation I'm gonna be separated forever why don't you open your mouth what were you so scared of everybody walked by his eternal everybody walk by its eternal they're going to heaven or they're going to hell there is no in-between and you didn't interrupt their path because the power of God is on you you can change people's lives because you're not afraid anymore not afraid I'm standing there and Benny looks at me out of all these people he goes bring that man and I felt electricity go down my arm and across my other arm and it felt like I was plugged into a light socket and then these big ashlars officers come and they grabbed me and they carried me up there to the stage and I get on the stage and there's people up in front of me there's us on each one and it gets to me and they have been I am being electrocuted and all of a sudden Betty says Jesus and it felt like a bolt of electricity hit me lifted me up in the air as high as this table and threw me back right here both the ushers landed the same way say I don't believe it too bad I was the guy I was the one they picked me back up and I couldn't hold on and it happened again boom two times three times four times you're out four times eight Oscars all incapacitated I'm laying on the bricks on the ground because my people from the bus saw me on the film on the screen and they said we got to get Todd so they come to get me Todd tell your legs to work I'm trying but they won't work man I would take it again in a second in a heartbeat God do it again do it again do it again do it again [Applause] that night on my hotel bed i vibrate it and it sounded like I was a tuning Ford they took me home and took me on the bus no one would talk everybody was afraid Todd had problems before oh my gosh what's gonna happen now I I don't care what people think of me I'm going after Jesus I will walk in character but I need equal power I will not walk in more power than character I want them to be the same seek ye first the kingdom of God for the power the righteousness of God for your character and bear fruit worthy of repentance bear the fruit of righteousness and show the world why Jesus went to heaven and sat at the right hand [Music] you [Applause]
Channel: Todd White
Views: 204,161
Rating: 4.8806496 out of 5
Id: 8wfisChl-tg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 18sec (3798 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 27 2019
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