✝️ Transforming is simple – It does not have to be a long process - Dan Mohler

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I want to talk about how simple it is to be transformed not frustrating and not a long process that stretches people because people that well hun processing brother and ten years later they got some of the same things and like well he's doing a work in me now 18 years in they've learned a language called Christianese but they haven't become more like yeah well it takes a while brother he's working it's not missing the chisel we got a yield and adapt yourself to him you got it it's just like a marriage the Bible says husband's love your wives that's what it says and then it says wives you just submit to your own husband's as on the Lord and it's amazing how that's been hammered and preached and and your wives have become the servants of the men it's just crazy this wives submit your own husband's as under the Lord and that's the only thing he says to the wife and then the rest of the chapters to the husband I just love your wife's tells you a washer a nurturer with the water of the word and love her just like Christ let's turn the whole things to the husband and we take the word submit and turn it into slavery the word submit break it down look at it it means yield and adapt yourself to your own husband as you would to the Lord you know how how you reading your Bible ladies and you love the Lord and you reading your Bible and you see some of the Bible's calling you to the words calling you to and you get a conviction in your heart and you go oh wow and and and and in your heart right now you have this desire but the Bible is calling you here so you make adjustments you pray you weep a little and you begin to position yourself for change you position yourself to love him to yield to him to be more like him right it's the same thing in your marriage you get married and preferences get different sometimes you don't have straight-up agreement on every detail why do you have a feud because you don't have agreement love's supposed to be greater love love doesn't mean you agree on everything love means I love you so that word submit just means yield and adapt yourself yield and adapt yourself to your own husband so yield and adapt yourself so we do that to the Lord we yield nor doughten ourselves to him we were clay he's the Potter the clay doesn't make itself into anything the clay will always be clay unless it's placed in the hand of the Potter if you study out clay and the Potter it's a neat teaching if you're into them kind of teachings it's it's just neat the Potter if the clay is not pliable if it's not moist enough if it's not in the right condition where would that come in with you just yielded true the yield it's sincere come on sincere let me tell you what qualifies sincerity when you take your convictions and get alone with God take a walk shut a door shut everything down till you get a hold of your conviction before the Lord so he gets a hold of you that's sincere it's one thing to get convicted it's another thing to follow through with it and act out on it put yourself in a place where it's just you and him and say you know what I believe you see me this way I believe you made me for this Lord I haven't been walking in this I haven't even felt this desire in my heart but I realize you've called me to this I'm yielding you and I'm asking your Holy Spirit just begin to empower me and stir my heart and steer me into this place because I see this is what you've created me for God I just renounce this and I let it go and Lord it's not that I'm biting my lip trying not to do it anymore I don't believe it's what I'm called to be and I don't believe it's what I want to be anymore I'm convicted you have my attention there's change in my life you talk like that to God stay very answer conscious now I can't believe I did that God would you please forgive me god I'm such a mess up father when are you gonna change this old wretched heart you will never be changed talking like that that's how people pray they get in a room and they get self-conscious and they proud all their problems and all their sins and all their bad stuff and we call that confession I call it a messed up identity and you'll leave the room worse off than when you went in you'll be more aware and focused on what's wrong with you than what he makes right wonder if you know something's wrong in your life and you get convicted and you say man I got to deal with this and you're walking you and wind it be amazing to walk in humbly and God sees your heart and the fact that you're there and you just close the door Lord I'm done being in denial I've been letting this thing rake my conscience for three weeks now and I haven't even talked to you about it thanks for forgiving me thanks for letting me soon when you asked him to forgive you you always wonder if you're forgiven that's how people get it's strange your language just changing your view is so simple thank you for forgiving me because you are confessing it you are taking response for forgiving me man if I confess my sin to you you're faithful and just to forgive me and cleanse me of all I thank you that God I'm not standing here dirty I'm not filthy I'm not disgusting to you you pulled me out of darkness you brought me into the light you are the one that's washing me and making me clean and maturing me through all this stuff into the man you've called me to be God I am done denying what's going on in my conscience that is nothing to do with what I'm created for nothing to do with I'm called to I give up the right to believe that to feel that way I'm done holding them so accountable God I want to see them through your eyes and I yield myself to you and I thank you for the work you're doing in my life Holy Spirit I welcome you and thank you for being a friend to me and leading me in truth it you're either out of your mind and need to go play tennis or get a hobby or gods in the room and he's going to change you yeah so you say I am sincere when you're sincere sincerity puts you in that place sincerity has a fruit to it you can procrastinate you can say the right things that never position yourself for them and then you live with a convicted conscience or violated conscience for long enough you slowly get condemned if all you do is just read your Bible and just read your Bible and just read your Bible and don't get alone with him and apply your conviction to where your getting through the Bible the relationship so his grace can make you what you're reading you'll get so full of the knowledge of God without the revelation of God in your life that the word will turn on you and judge you even though he's not judging you you have so much knowledge and you'll start weighing your knowledge against your life and you'll get condemned and you'll take your own tests and be your own judge and you decide how valuable you are and you decide how good you're doing you you're not the teacher and the student you don't take the test and then judge the score you wake up and enjoy being his I've watched the word because the books alive yeah and if you don't grow in relationship the understanding the grace this works thing this legalistic thing this judgmental thing will come in and the knowledge of the word will turn you'll you'll let it shift and judge where you're not instead of inspire where you're called does that make sense and then you'll say stuff like this way that seemeth right to a man seemeth right seemeth right you'll think it's humility you'll think it's penance or something well you know I'm bringing this on myself I I should know better I mean there's no repentance in that there's judgment then you say I'm getting what I deserve and should've dealt with this months ago okay how is that going to redeem the situation and how are you going to leave the day feeling any clearer about yourself in Christ than before because that's the goal to see yourself in him to see yourself the way he sees you I'm just giving some little practical general examples trying to help I just know that this thing right here is never just quiet newsing meditating constantly you know I've been sharing this lately it's been on my heart to amplify and clarify this a high IQ intellect is a gift to have a high IQ doesn't need it to mean it's a curse and your silly intellectual I think that's cool if you have a high intellect analytical it's not a gift analytical is never the Lord I'll explain it though I feel that a little bit people say well I'm just analytical stop boasting it's not a gift people say well God gave us the ability to reason not in analytical thinking here's what analytical thinking does it empowers you to talk yourself out of him to talk yourself out of worthy to talk yourself out of love it makes simple things complicated God loves you I don't know how he can love me and loves you oh yeah but I have a hard time believing he can love me after all I I mean I knew for years I've been in church and I went against and loves you how can you be so sure brother cuz Christ is hanging on that tree love you here's what he's not saying take a good look at me people I hope you're satisfied now look what your sin has done to me don't you think it's time to change and turn and repent and come back to the Father hope you get the message guys time for change it's never the cross don't you ever preach the gospel that way here's the cross I love you I know who you are I've known you from the beginning I know why you're here I know your purpose I know your potential your lives have great value to me it's why the pot fathers please to let this happen to me so then my dying you can live in my raising you could be justified then we could get the lie off of you and put the truth back into you you're worth every penny of the sacrifice you're worth it us nobody buys what they don't think has the value they're paying for your life is worth my blood your life is worth my life come to me and live that's the cross it's the goodness no preacher in my life ever told me and he hung on the cross because of my value they all told me he hung on the cross because of my sin oh he had to die because I sinned I get that but that's not a play on words of course he had to die because I sin but he didn't die cuz I'm a sinner he died because I was a lost son he died because my created value was subverted and covered over by sin and selfishness had taken over love and my purpose and reason for being got shaded and clouded and I went from being in the image of God to a form and back to the clay so Jesus does what he does raise us from the dead and life breeze back into man and now we have the garden again the trees still there and the voice is still whispering follow him and the blood is speaking better things Paul says what should we do sin because wonder grace and not the law certainly not God forbid right it's so powerful why do I preach this way all the time because nobody loves God first unless they see his first love you be honest with me growing up as a youngster how many felt more indebted towards God than in love with God how many watched a crucifixion movie and thought wow preacher said my sin did that to him he really took a beating I'm not sure living much for him and I don't feel like I can change and you felt guilty watching that stuff and even though your heart moved and you believed in him you didn't know how to change and you never fully felt real close to him you never felt like this growing up most of us who relates to what I'm saying and yet and I quit going to church that was my choice 18 years old just stopped going saw some dysfunction in the leader and and it's awesome messing around and and judge didn't said well this is the cross and this is Christian this is Christianity and the gospel I don't want none to do no it's not that's the weakness and fallacies of men it doesn't change God but it's amazing how we look at people representing God or speaking God as the image of God so then we look at their image and get it yeah so by the age of 20 I didn't want nothing to do with church so for 13 long years I didn't go nowhere dark sad time and Jesus showed up at work one day just walked in spoke to my heart and I thought it was my mind he changed me forever yay that's just so glad I'll take that why'd he do that because he loved me and where sin abounded grace abounded much more so he called me out of darkness and brought me into the light seemed like I had a debt I could never pay seemed like I owed him more than I could give so he said I'll tell you what I'll give and I'll put everything you are on my son so everything in my son can come back into you and I'll just do this great exchange the innocent for the guilty and you'll go free and I go well you're amazing yeah I love you this amazing love for you is stirring in my heart you make me love you yeah that's the point that I've loved you from the beginning I want to restore what we had from the beginning lord I really really love you yeah I know it's cuz I loved you from the beginning that sure beats serving the Lord let your Christian service take the place of knowing him letting the ministry you serve in take the place of knowing you as servant in the ministry won't change your disposition knowing him will servant in the ministry won't change your motives no and whom will you could serve in a ministry start feeling like people oh yeah you could serve in ministry and be indignant towards people and still have preferences and be biased you could serve in the ministry for affirmation and then when they don't give it you can get hurt and go serve in another ministry and carry that work with you and after four ministries your earth-mass and you don't need an order call you don't need ministry at the order you need to change your mind and you need to change your heart ain't enough prayer on the planet it ain't about prayer it's about truth it's about truth it's not always about prayer I need prayer know you might need truth I never read a scripture that said ministry makes you free but I did read the scriptures he said truth well wonder if you just need to believe a little different what if you need to just see a little different because your eye is the lamp of your body and if you see clearer you'll be clearer it says if you don't see clearer you won't be clear and if you don't see clear just how clear won't you be that's my paraphrase it goes like this the eye is the lamp of your body and if your eye is single your whole body is flooded with light if your eyes not single darkness encroaches and if the light in you see what you're created for it's the light in you is darkness just how great is the darkness it means how twisted is your view so if what you're believing is producing darkness it cannot be truth if what you're thinking and believing isn't producing life and exciting your heart moving you forward in God you're believing a lie he came to give you life and life more abundantly yeah but brother you don't understand my situation no stop you're raising your situation above what I'm preaching so you can hear what I'm preaching you're making your situation matter more than the truth that wants to rescue you out of that life why do your circumstances have to change for you to change why does your trouble have to go Jesus did not put out the fire fourth man in the furnace Nebuchadnezzar fires Shadrach Meshach Abednego Jesus did not bring Myriad's of angels with holy water and douse the fire the fire kept raging to put out the fire is to honor it to say it's a threat to them the fires not the problem it's wrong believing it's getting your eyes on something that doesn't matter most it's worshipping something that's not the Lord whether it's your own life whether it's your own person whether it's your own well-being that can all be idolatry the only way you overcome is to love not your own life under death so the thing that's a problem is not the fire it's never the fire never the fire most of us are praying that there's no fire because we're afraid of fire this this message freaks people out sometime David what are you doing prophesying trials no the Bible says the wise man has gone through the same storm as the foolish it's not because he opened a door because he heard the word Satan comes for the words sake not your sake he ain't afraid of you at all he's afraid of the word the reason you become a focal point is because the word was put into you and now you can be something that he's very threatened by being after you you don't take him person you take the gospel person become what God paid for you take no account of these things it's not about you going through hardship it's about you becoming the person he created for you to be and standing strong it flips me off that story that story flips me out with a fire Nebuchadnezzar because the King gave it decree to make it seven times hotter well that's that's symbolic in New Testament faith of you and I just pray and believe in for something we take our faith stand that's what they did they took their faith stand and they wouldn't bow to the king he said all fine okay hotshots well then we'll just crank up the fire seven times more that's like you getting a diagnosis of cancer and and you you you get revved up you start crying a little but you grab the word and you're doing the best you can and you come to church and we all gather and everybody anoint you with oil and the music's plan and Jeff is just nailing it he just feels so amazing and you're like God was there and you get your next test and the numbers are just a little higher that's where you find out what you believe anybody can pray when they have a problem and anybody can reduce this book to principles we're applying hoping to get help but when those numbers get a little higher you find out what you believe you find out if your motive is life or death or the kingdom of God are you trying to survive are you going to stand and believe is the motivation to your prayers the fear of death or the promise of life is it sentiment and family and seeing so-and-so get married and my grant that's we go sentimental all the time I see it all the time and then we get confused and wonder where the fruit and the results of our prayers are you seek ye first the kingdom of God in fact the only reason I want to live I love my granddaughter but the reason I want to live is not to just watch her grow up that's sentimental that'll get cut down like an axe to a tree the number one reason is the kingdom of God because only in that motive will I have the best with her anyway and my love will always be love and it will never be self-centered it'll never be her loving me it'll be me loving her that's healthy that do you love me is twisted because you're saying I love you for me I love you for how you make me feel I love you for the stability your brain I just love you you just mean everything to me I don't know what I'd do without you there's only one that deserves that and there's only one that truly fits that it's not a Hollywood movie love it's not a starry-eyed moment it's not a feeling in a rush of emotion it's a surrender life for the sake of another love is a surrendered life for the sake of another and we're called to love the GOL for instructions love so if if I'm walking in love and I'm a surrendered life for the sake of another where's the fence where's a fence where's frustration where's discouragement have a place to land all of a sudden that loses its voice and it's reality goes out the window because I'm not in the world or I'm in the world but I'm not of the world so it's not those things aren't alive where I live are you following me they're not in the kingdom your will be done on as it is in so we grasp that where the power gods - okay no cancer in heaven no cancer on the earth and he musters up faith to pray and it's true it's scriptural it's good I'm not putting it down but why is it always the power of God why is your will be done on earth as it is in heaven always have to do with miracles and the power of God why isn't it more the heart of God the nature of God and the person of God your will be done there's no animosity in heaven there's no unforgiveness Zera mercy rules and reigns your will be done on earth as he is he is loved he is loved he is love in this love is perfected we have boldness in the Day of Judgment because as he is so are in the world love is the goal if we miss love we missed the point of why he came he didn't come to fill your baskets and your barns he came to fill your heart with the fullness of who he is and above all these things know the love of Christ which passes knowledge know the love of Christ which passes knowledge is to be filled with all the fullness of God the word means a house with no empty rooms you have a No Vacancy sign over you you're fully and completely occupied you're a ship so full of cargo there's no space to lay another box you are his and you are complete and you are fulfilled I found my life in him my identity in him and my destiny in him my eyes are fixed on him now I'm ready to live my life and love the world go that's Christianity I'm gonna be straight anything less isn't so let's grow into this truth and become this truth and give our hearts to this truth that's not condemning when I say anything else isn't what I mean is it will not fulfill what he paid for and you don't know loving God ease you buy a car and it don't run the way it should you take it right back to the dealer if you don't run right again and again now it's a lemon and there's laws now you got a lemon you're never a lemon in the sight of God [Music] I wonder if God walked into your bedroom on the day you missed it and said are you kidding me I killed my son for this you wouldn't even be able to live you couldn't bear that you would melt through the carpet and yet some people preach that way that is not what'll change a man's life could you imagine God doing that he won't he never will why because he's loved and he's not an enabler he's a life changer and all of a sudden you don't get what you know you deserve that's designed to Humble you that's designed to get you to lift your eyes up from whence came your help and start being in love I don't love him because I'm supposed to I don't love him because it's the right thing to do he wins your heart you can't make yourself love him you love him because you see who he is and you see how he sees you and all of a sudden the mysteries revealed and it's not I can't believe he loves me how can he love someone like me all of a sudden you realize your value isn't based on the way you've lived your life your value is based on what he created you for you guys good I'm almost done listen without relationship without coming to him well humbling yourself under his mighty hand how we ever be lifted up what how will your life changed by you trying to change it some of you had in this room had convictions for a long time and you trying to change it hasn't worked it never will you wanting it changed I'm not against a little bit of discipline in your life and buff it in your body like Paul talks about I'm not against that the end result comes by grace you are what you are by the grace of God when you see your life changing here's how it works you're saved by grace through when you look in the word and see what you're called to and created for and you see all these commandments of what God has called you to and you take them as privileges not responsibilities and you go into prayer and you start putting on those things by faith and you start thanking God and agreeing with what you created for agreeing with love and putting off human rights and human reasoning and and and and and just expectations on people God I surrender these things here's how it sounds like when I'm alone father I thank you no one asked me anything the whole reason I'm alive is to love and love doesn't seek its own you have crushed the lie of selfishness in my life and you have removed selfishness far from me god I thank you Holy Spirit that you'll lead me in this truth always and if ever I sway over onto this weak side you will cause me to know make me aware immediately cuz you're my friend you're in me and you guide me and lead me in all truth thank you for forming Christ in me thank you for revealing Christ through me god I am so given to you and I am so surrendered to you father I call you Father that makes me your son I thank you for loving I just talk like that I'll be driving and just talk like that thanks for fathering me God thank you for just being a friend and a father to me thank you for empowering me to be a friend to you like you are to me and to just live my life by your spirit Holy Spirit you're awesome inside of me I love you so much living in me that sure beats wondering where God is looking in the mirror and going ugh probably oh look at a mirror and say there you are and I'll be driving and enough ID you're figuring out where I'm going and you check your mirror you look you catch the rearview and every once Wow I have it turn where I just see my own eyes oh I see you he loves it when I do that it's not a thing I do it happens every once oh wow it just happens it's spontaneous but he loves it his presence manifests in my little truck you wonder how God can come in there like that and I don't teach feelings and manifestations much but I'll tell you what there's a place for knowing now be like I see you're in there and he's so childlike I'm either totally goofy and out of my mind which some of you might have assessed but he doesn't believe that he believes that I believe him and he likes that I believe he lives in me he likes that I believe he likes me and he likes that I'm allowing that to teach me how to like myself in a healthy way where it's not vanity but I actually love who I've become because now I can fulfill the two greatest Commandments I can love him with everything I am because he's loved me with everything he is and I can love my neighbor as myself because I see myself clear how do I love your neighbor as yourself when you don't even like you deep in your heart when you still holding yourself accountable for 10 years ago three years ago a year ago when you're still identifying with what went wrong when you were four and five and six when you went over to the babysitter's and all you see is the trauma and you look in the mirror and all you see is the past years and the questions why God how you going to love your neighbor when that's you and your view of yourself how you love your neighbor as yourself if that's your view of yourself yeah I got the best look at you I've ever had in my life because I see myself in him I know he sees you the same way he did this for all and if he was busy loving me like that he was loving you the whole time too and you say well why was that touch strong I don't know why I was either I don't even think about it I think about being touched right I think about delivered out of darkness delivering made halt I think about new creation not past things I don't question my my dad was an alcoholic and why my mom died of sickness it's not even on my mind what's on my mind is Christ in me the hope of glory and we already won and we're heading or heading somewhere so let's get in the race and run well and rejoice one day that we all believed and didn't grow weary in well-doing let's all rejoice that we didn't get sentimental and intellectual in the way of the analytical thing I talked about and just reason ourselves into a mess and find a reason to not be like him to find a reason to not be encouraged to come up with a reason and find a couple friends that aren't encouraged and then they become your support system and your sound board and all they can do is sympathize they'll never help you if all they can do is sympathize baring your heart - you're hurting friends it's not helping because all they do is accommodate you in your pain and understand it and you call that sensitivity I call it enable ment it's not that I'm not sorry that happened to you but I can't be sentimental with you and say I'm so sorry that happened ooh I can't believe they did that to you I'll just make you cry harder because it happened now I'd be more in the line of listen I'm sorry people do what they do Jesus said forgive them father they don't know what they do if they had a revelation him they didn't ever touched you all if they had a revelation you of him they'd have never said that to you if they had a revelation him they'd have never done what they did I think we should be for them right now knock don't cry for yourself listen we don't let what they did decide who you are on what he did is greater and don't become a product of what you've been through when he went through something to identify you I need you to make the shift with me right now look I'm being a friend you don't need me to cry with you you need me to pull you out of the same you are not stereotyped you are not a statistic you are yes now let's get up in the lift like it yeah that's how I talk to you as your pastor if your spouse just left you I talk to you 20 minutes after you found out your spouse left and you're keeping mess sobbing I would have that conversation with you after I cried with you for twenty or thirty seconds but you won't get more than that if I cried 20 30 seconds you see I care you have enough because I can't force tears but I got pulling myself out of that because I can't just hold you and be sorry they did that I got a look you right in the eyes and say listen this isn't too soon to tell you this you are not the product of what one person did unless their name is Jesus I am sorry made this terrible decision yes there's things we're gonna have to walk through and I know we got to talk about the kids I am sorry they chose this path but don't you let what they did decide who you are and don't you let what they don't see decide what you do see your life is more and what they did you are no less anointed you are no less called and you have no less destiny so now is the time we need faith and now is the time we need to trust God so every song we've ever sang together in church and every message you've ever heard now it's the time to apply these things you don't apply these things so they don't happen you apply these things if they do have them when they happen it's more important to have faith that's how I pastor I know you would pastor that way yeah and you would know I care and I'm not being hardcore because I would weep with you while I'm talking to you because I so wish they didn't choose that because it's real and it causes ramifications but it doesn't have to mark you and stereotype your life and three years later you're still not the same four years later you're with somebody else and it's not because you're complete it's because you're in need and you can't even do that justice because you're still scarred by this and you're always looking over your shoulder now they're bearing the brunt of your bondage it's amazing how people split and are with somebody's significant immediately I'd rather you be with him in such a way that you get so complete that if you are ever with somebody it's out of the fullness of your life not the vacuum don't you let people try to take the place of what only he can be please be with him please get alone with him please talk to him commune with him letting go putting off things that aren't productive putting off mentalities call him dead expose them stop justifying them if they're not produced in life they're not the Lord if they're not bringing out the best in others they're not the Lord yeah and you put off in prayer and you put on can you help me can you come and play something I don't usually do this but I feel this in my heart Gaja good that's together as a family make a big forward step in communion with him can we do this as a family it's not an order call you stay right where you're at but Jeff's gonna just play and and touch the keys whatever you whatever you want to flow and play soft there even if it's just keys and music for a while if a song comes to you you know what I'd totally trust Jesus in you buddy when they heard me freaks they heard this message they went off course he didn't want to come cuz I just did a service in a little garage in Mississippi and he said can I squeal on you he said I was so jaded by things and confrence he said I said I ain't going the whole way down there for that if this guy was anybody it was good he wouldn't be in no garage [Music] but I'll never forget it I started Sharon and there's Jeff and Suzanne sitting and he's crying in the first five minutes and he said I just never witnessed anybody preach with such conviction and embody what they were saying and they were so real about it it just he said but see that's that's Christ in us that's we can all be that way guys you can carry that conviction in your workplace because you've been with him because you've been with him like it's not going to happen if you haven't been with him it's not gonna happen because you listen to somebody on YouTube or Savin a great teaching on Sundays and Wednesdays it's only gonna become life when you be with him you're saved by grace through faith when you get alone with him and you release faith in his presence faith all alone you actually believe enough to be alone and block out time to just be with him that's where grace comes and meets your faith and watch grace starts making that truth the thing you're seeking grace starts making it your reality and all of a sudden you come out of the room and you don't even realize that you're different you've changed used to think in different processes and different respond in different and all of a sudden you realize because people said what's happened to you man you're not this man use this and you you didn't try it you just been with him and you invite your lip and try not to get angry that means you're angry that means you have it down inside anger management is not the kingdom putting it off is the kingdom anger management's hypocrisy it means I'm harboring it I'm just not expressing it I'm controlling it I have such discipline oh I feel this way about Jason but I ain't I'm gonna control it cuz I'm the master of my life I'm in control but when the things not in him you don't want it in you yeah it's not anger rage it's put it off deal with your heart I said if you got selfish seeking in yourself seeking in you don't boast and lie against the truth and appear to be something you haven't become deal with that get alone with God surrender it tell him you were never created for you I realize you never create a need for me I've prayed for me I've cried for me I've heard for me and a lot of times haven't even liked me God I'm done with this confusing rat race I the best I understand and putting me off in your presence and asking you to help me Holy Spirit to learn what it means to deny myself take up my cross and follow you but I honor you no one has loved me like you loved me no one has forgiven me and then to me what you are to me and I want the beauty of what I see in you to be the beauty of what people see in me transform my life and make me one with you in every way not just spiritually and positionally but tangibly God I give myself to you you can pray that way when nobody's looking and that's what transforms your life wanting to be different will never do it you're just way what you're not doing that right there that right there transform me it reveals your sincerity it marks your faith and it welcomes Holy Spirit and then you are what you are by the grace of God so the more you see yourself changing and more people see it changes the more you cry and say oh my goodness you're so good you're really doing this in me and then don't be afraid you'll get like me don't let that deter you I'm just me you be the best you but what happens is you go oh my goodness or you just go through the biggest thing at work where you know you'd have been a basket case and sudden you realize you didn't even see it that way and even affect you and you're driving home and you realize two months ago how to fell apart and I didn't even think about being shook and all the sudden you're in your car weeping wouldn't be great if you have to pull over on the shoulder and just weep because you know he's working in you offensively because you've been with him cuz you've been please don't talk about him please don't just listen to songs about him and fail to be with him please don't just say what he says and not be with them please don't let knowing about him take the place of knowing him this is eternal life this is eternal life so we're gonna enter in right now to just a little moment I'm gonna just probably just forget you in the room for a second and I want you to forget I'm in the room and I want to help springboard you if you've been struggling if you're struggling at home just getting alone with him if you don't know what to say or you just feel self-conscious get the communion elements just grab the bread in the cup and go in a bedroom and start remembering him I just go back to Sunday school and children's churches the things you've learned in your life even in services and it just lift your eyes up to the ceiling and keep them open maybe and just Jesus this represents you but let it be a springboard to communication let the communion elements be a springboard to stir your heart and trigger your language the Lord taught me a long time ago he said people lack intimacy with me they don't get close to me teach communion as a springboard to intimacy start talking about his body you gave your life for me not cuz you were mad at me not because you felt sorry for me because you love me and you knew that what I was living I'm so much more in you thank you for not giving up on me thank you for not judging me thank you for now coming mad just a humble meek loving Savior general and kind but so powerful for lying in the lair that's amazing thanks for what you've done the best I understand I yield my body to you and I give myself to you and I asked you to mold me and shape me into everything you desire thank you for covenant he take he just activate your heart to take the cup and then you just begin to talk to him and be real just like if we were driving in the car and you're asking questions pastoral questions ministry question just get along with God when you get with him know this he loves you and he wants to father you so father we just come to you in closing right now and we're just gonna open our heart we're gonna say we believe that you love us I'm gonna get personal now I want you to activate faith and even if you just listen a little as an example of what I'm doing and you just start activating your heart and personalize it it's a good step I saw to do this I felt like God wants to springboard us in to intimacy and just have a little corporate time together that inspires us to go be alone with them father I thank you that you love me I thank you that over years of weakness and misunderstanding and reactions to life you've never changed your mind about me you never changed your mind about my value you never changed your mind about my destiny you did not rewrite a book out in front of me but instead you wooed me and you drew me and you came to me and you turned my heart to you and I thank you that you're not mad at me I thank you that you forgive me I thank you that you wash me clean of everything that I have ever done I thank you that you're pleased to give me the kingdom you said I should never fear and you called me a little sheep in the flock and never to fear because it's your good pleasure it's not your burden it's not your uncle of obligation it's your pleasure to give me the kingdom and I just thank you forgiving me who you are and the way you function and I thank you that the depths of your heart and the depths of your being become the reality of my life I don't want to just serve you I don't just want to do good deeds I don't want to be seen by men as you as a good doer or a do-gooder I want to be seen as yours I want to be seen for your image for your love for your nature and I just think you're doing a work on me I give you my why I give you my motives I give you my reason for being I turn my mind to the kingdom father I don't want affirmation I don't want I have no expectation on man I I release man man I owe me nothing then don't owe me a thing my own spouse owes me nothing I realize I'm privileged to love her to lay down my life and bring out the best in her and be rain on her life and let her flower bloom I'm here to be like you are to me to her and I yield myself to you she owes me nothing marriage isn't 50-50 and a lot of work marriages I love you Kim and I thank you for the honor of love and the way you love me it's the way I want to always love her and I thank you for empowering me the way you love me as your son I want to love my son huwway you love me as my son as your son I want to love my daughter car I yield myself to you you're my teacher Jesus I don't want anything else teaching me I see it in your life and I want it in mind and I'm a big here search my heart God search it father I'm a big yes when I go to work I want people to see who you are me without me try and without me striving I don't want to have to yell through a bullhorn I don't want to have to just wear a Christian t-shirt I want them to see through my life so to a work in me I yield to you I thank you lord you're taking contentions out of me the need to be right out of me I put it all down I lay it down if it's not edifying if it's not profitable I don't want it in my life if it doesn't bring life stir life in part life I don't want it in me I yield to you teach me what it means to be a man of God and let my life have impact let him know you a little more because they've met me let them know you a little more because they worked beside me Holy Spirit empowered me let them know you a little more because they've met me man I want to live everything you paid for and I don't want what the world taught me anymore his wisdom I want a brand new thing a new creation a new mind a new way a new reason thanks for always loving me thanks for being so patient thank you I'm not a step away from breaking your heart it's you do nothing but father me my desires to never miss you and even in weakness you'll make me strong while I am not banking on weakness today the weak is saying I am strong you are the strength of my life did you not die for me - do not pull me out of sin did you not rescue me from darkness surely you empower me now that I'm in the light surely you'll save me from wrath through the law that lives thank you for more than enough grace in my life you took away all my flesh excuses you took the blame off of everyone and you've given me the right to just be yours I yield myself to you your big break changing me because you love me and your love will never fail I want you to thank him right now that he loves you you welcome Holy Spirit right now to be your teacher and the one that forms Christ in you the one that conviction lead to guide you in our truth talk to him don't don't believe you have to do something for him to want to come he has always wanted to come just right now right where you're at you say but you don't know my situation I I'm not talking about your situation I'm talking about your heart right now before you you welcome Holy Spirit right now and you let Holy Spirit if you're sincere and you want this you let Holy Spirit know that you want him to lead you and guide you in all truth that if you think anything outside of his truth he would make you aware of that and give you a chance to adjust that but he would keep truth in front of you all the time she would always have the privilege of running well with it go ahead and be bold right now and tell him that you want to be perfected in love you want to be made to be loved you're not praying for patience and be careful because if you ask for it God will give it to you no no love is patient you want to go for the package you you want to become love love is patience just telling that I want to become the love to others that you have been to me so important to believe you're forgiven right now father you forgive me of everything I've ever done if you've forgiven me of everything I've ever done Who am I to hold someone accountable for some they've done in a way where I shut up my heart or shut them up in my heart Lord I am done living like a man without you I'm living like a man possessed by you and I'm gonna love them just like you love me and I'm going to give them the space and opportunity to change like you gave me the space to change all these years I honor you and I want to do it with more than my words I honor you with my life and thank you for the grace that empowers me come on believe these things thank you me loves you thank him that he forgives you and thank him that Holy Spirit is here and willing to guide you in all truth let go of your rights right now every right that I pursued throughout him and he said she said and tit for tat well I feel why I wouldn't if they did well how come they had I throw it all away it's never produced anything good or what ever has is justified me to be less than you I'm done with that language nobody owes me a thing and I'm done with justifications and rightness I'm done with human rights my life's not going to be a talk show my life's going to reveal you thank you for teaching daddy father I thank you for this house I thank you for every soul I thank you for every part encouraged I thank you for an increase awareness of you and knowing from the head to the heart a relational thing all that the people would be with you take on the beauty of who you are and everything they give birth to it would look just like you let people look like they did in action say wow they've been with him yes I thank you Lord you're doing that in our lives Jesus amen and then yeah guys you can live here you can stay here you don't have to turn God into an appointment you don't have to meet with him for an hour a day he he lives in you talk to him commune with him teach yourself to know him by being with him I picked up the young man right here yesterday I said we wouldn't drive 50 miles and not talk you know what's sweet I still don't even really got his name sealed in me I didn't even know if I asked him remembered he might have told me but he didn't stick in me so I still don't even know his name but watch this if seven days in a row we drove 50 miles together and back and forth and we just hung out for a week that way and you mentioned his name after seven days with my heart I could say oh yeah I know him why because I've been with him you don't know Jesus cuz you went to Sunday school you don't know Jesus even cuz you know that in order one day you know Jesus because you've been nothing compares in your whole life - the ability to be with him it's given by God the grace to be with it there's nothing that compares to that seeing it a healing is amazing getting word of knowledge is fun I promise you it tails being with them be with them amen amen I love you I'm done bless you mister you [Music] you
Channel: DAN MOHLER - Non Official Channel
Views: 156,447
Rating: 4.9015679 out of 5
Keywords: Dan Mohler, Todd White, Power and Love, Identity, Love, Faith, Born Again, Living in the past, Deny yourself, God’s Image, Image of Christ, Becoming love, loved by God, Communion, Guilt Condemnation and Shame, Christian sermons, powerful sermons, rare dan mohler, best dan mohler, pastor dan mohler, dan mohler identity, dan mohler 2020, dan mohler testimony, dan mohler healing, dan mohler marriage, Dan mohler divorce, dan mohler false teacher, dan mohler grace
Id: we_KILNWsoc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 30sec (3330 seconds)
Published: Fri May 29 2020
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