Thrive - (Spore Inspired Evolution Game)

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uh it's called thrive and if you played spore then you you probably know what we're kind of getting into it's a game where you start out with a uh with a cell and then you slowly evolve up into a uh a bigger cell or not a bigger cell but more cells and then you eventually go until you have like an animal kind of thing so this game's been ended in development since i don't know like 2009 i think was what i read with the original like idea of this thing it's been a while and um they are still only in the single cell organism stage even 12 years on now um but it's it's one of those games that's a little weird that's a lot weird but it's also very um potentially fantastic let's leave it at that uh this is an open source thing uh lots of folks coming in and and helping develop it if you would like to help develop it i'm sure they will take your your help if you would wish to give to them thank you perpetual gamer thank you very much um dinty's disciple that's exciting thanks um so anyway this is a uh it's same thing as four we start out as a cell and you're supposed to work your way up into building a creature and then their idea is to go up to like big time like um you know like into space and civilization and space faring folks and all that kind of stuff is the origin is the is the goal of this thing um so here in 50 years we may get there but for now 10 years in we are at the single stealth single cell stage but it's kind of interesting and i thought we should check it out today so let's check it out shall we uh again you can come over here to revolutionary and that's where you download it it's free open source and you can pick it up and uh and check it out there i have a patreon thing as well to assist with the development if that's what you want to do so let's begin a new game here and thrive we get a video check out that blob i hope i can be a blob like that one day all right on a distant alien planet eons of volcanic activity and meteor impacts have led to the development of new phenomenon in the universe life simple microbes reside in the deep regions of the ocean you are the last universal common ancestor on this planet to survive this hostile world you need to collect any compounds you can find and evolve each generation to compete against other species of microbes microbes that are out there okay so let's begin now at the moment we are a blob uh where name is my name is primum thrivium we'll fix that soon enough hey thanks ralph thanks ralph thank you very much so we'll get through the tutorial thing here and we'll go over the um over what's happening with all this stuff so i'm just using wazdy basically just hit w and i and i walk towards my cursor but over on the side we can see the environment's environmental numbers uh we've got compounds is what i need to survive right i need glucose that's what i eat that's how i live that's how it gives me energy i need ammonia and phosphate in order to evolve and as these fill up over on this side and over here we will be allowed to evolve into something better thanks ralph okay we got some iron over this way we just got to find ourselves some ammonia and we'll be good we can see where my mouse my cursor is pointing at we've got a bit of ammonia avoid the pink things because they're kind of scary supposed to be ammonia over here hey ammonia where you at all right fine ammonia don't be don't help me out here yeah on myself don't get my morning glucose i know i know which i know what it's like so well is this is this oh look at all that ammonia delicious someone just peed in the water here i'm just drinking it up i'm sorry i'm sorry i don't know what came over me i apologize that was uncalled for okay let's go get me some more glucose yeah thanks ralph i um i recognize you from your little uh your little uh your little avatar i want to because you chat all the time on youtube comments uh all right let's let's evolve shall we welcome to the microbe editor here we can review what has happened since the start of the game or when you were last in the editor and make changes to your species in this tab you can see a report on what species exist where and what their populations are and see our environmental changes as well so in our our thing whatever we're in the pangonian vents one thing that i was reading through a bit of the the the page um and i guess the idea is like your plan is gonna be completely completely randomized you may just get over ocean world you may get like an earth-like place or whatever and so you have to sort of evolve your species based on what planet you got that's the idea um we're in the vents at the moment there's 170 of us there now there was 100 before so we're growing there's 170 of us in the world it's exciting and we can now choose if we would like to go to a different biome here's a patch map you can see the different patches microbes live in can live in so ma i am now in the vents down here and as we choose we can we can bounce our way up and go to the beaches or the or the uh or the ice sheet or whatever we want to do if we want to scoot over here to the sea floor we can do that we can stay here in the vents for now we'll stay in the vents for one more time well that's not let's not get hasty but we'll make our say our way up here to the there's the abyss that's exciting and you can see what compounds are in the abyss or in the tide pools or in the ice shelf as we get there so as we go up though we get more light light is a i don't know if you know this i want to get all scientific on you but light is a very good way of getting life so we'll go ahead and do a next one or a good way of getting life i didn't i said that you know what i mean okay cell editor where you can add or remove organelles from your species by spending mutation points we have 100 mutation points we have all kinds of things we can throw at us we can also change the properties of my cell like my color and all that kind of stuff um select an organelle from the left cytoplasm is a good choice thanks tutorial and then click and put it where we want so this is me i am a blob uh my name is um olentinti um bobrasium is the name of my my uh my species uh playing this game for a few hours is definitely different yes cold that is the exact word i would use to describe this game okay so we popped ourselves a cytoplasm in there we can also remove them or undo or whatever like that uh so what's over here these things really need to know there's my speed my size so we can see that hit points this is my is my uh my energy production um setup so my satellites are producing six units of energy uh and this is what is is that where the energy's going it's going to be movement and it's also going to my osmo regulation remember that word no i don't remember that at all but having that cytoplasm in there uses up energy right size we're fat we got to have more energy uh we can put things in like some metabolomes which takes some glucose and turns it into energy um more oxygen more better but the bigger we are the more energy we need that's right ivan we can be a rust monster if we want to go around eating rust we can eat ammonia if we like to if we like the taste of ammonia uh or um turns atp into oxytocin oh so we can shoot toxins out of people excellent we have we have pointy things we can stick on our noses uh cilia is not the game yet so we have uh little tails uh we can actually get ourselves a nucleus and start working into like you know mitochondria chloroplasts all that stuff later on uh can you eat other critters yes and we will be for sure uh land uniform land animals we can't do it yet i'm sad that's sad to say we can also change what kind of memory we are we can be a normal we can be a double membrane kind of guy we get more health but we're a little slower we can be a cellulose kind of thing we can get a chitin kind of guy uh silica all this stuff is in here we can make ourselves squishier or harder uh we can be a different color let's be a nice let's be a nice uh like a nice uh pukey orange guy i like it yeah did i spend that much just to do that i think i did so we do a little bit my cytoplasm we'll do that and then we're going to go back and i'm just going to throw in one more cytoplasm make a nice little worm here actually i got more points so spin them i will put in a um yeah give me a don't want that yet give me a tail can i do this yet no no no no not enough for a tail we know what if we do let's undo those we'll throw in the metabolisms and they don't have enough tip for a tail then uh and then we'll do one more cytoplasm okay okay yeah yeah go away go away tutorial so we are a mighty worm at the moment we are we're a little bit off balance we got to eat the the the glucose to get that energy okay got it and now we split and our little buddy goes that way and i will go this way and you can see over here this is my health this is my energy so as soon as i have it's going to the glucose is going to take away and it's going to go into my energy meter all i'm really trying to do here to evolve is get ammonia and phosphate right now and as we grab this stuff and you can see where it's at here we go we can grab that we can evolve again and uh we will probably just basically be stupid that doing that for a while i've just been so flat around here um we can eat that stuff later on if we want to be that kind of guy avoid those red things they hurt which i was just trying to jump into here oh hello mean guys ah mean guys i'm gonna die no no no no no no no no no no uh evolve okay we got mean guys chewing on my little globby butt okay so 659 of us in this patch um some of them went what's that mean oh we went extinct in defense i don't know what that means uh anyway we are in the events let's go you know maybe we should move because there was scary things chasing me around and we've learned a life lesson today i think let's move to the sea floor and let's get ourselves a nice little nose right there i think we want a nose i also i'd like to go fast as well can we do that do we have enough energy we don't we don't that tail takes a lot of energy so let's not do that yet let's add a bit of we can get some rust to cyanine which turns iron into atp so we go our nom on some rocks that's kind of exciting maybe we put a couple of those unless i have i can't do two of those so i can do one it's like a little tumor on the side here and it's about like oh i can put another cytoplasm in yeah a worm with a tumor is what we are at the moment it's fine it's fine okay so now now someone's come at me we can poke them and they will give them what fur can i eat this guy no okay so let's go let's go around this way so now iron's been added to the list because we can go and we can eat iron now so we're going to find actually there's iron right oh that's ammonia two more my favorite favorite superhero sounds like a dc comic superhero say we'll eat some ammonia which is just filling up our bar over here we're kind of slow though oh we got we got enemies we got enemies stop it stop it yeah i got him okay now we're going to eat them come here come here yum yum yum turn on my uh turn on my my eater button i just spawned another horn there my horn's in the way of eating things though let's back up okay there we go excellent excellent uh i can evolve again actually if i want to let's eat um yeah we could fill up we got a good spot here let's fill this up there's no there's another one over there we want to go eat that guy too yeah come here buddy i wish i was faster hey come here okay come here take that yeah yeah let me eat we'll back up into him there we go okay i got him i got his phosphates another one man these things are everywhere seafloor is a dangerous place okay yeah get out here let's evolve okay so we're very slow and we should fix that um oh i see priyra has evolved so there's only pyra out there there's that thing and then bob rosium is who i am right now there's a hu there's a hundred of us on the sea floor which you know before something changed there okay so at the back yeah there's 254 of us about the back one and then prior which is some sort of is that where we're eating our old people i think so 50 of us here at the seafloor and then we've got pride with it and in a lot of these guys okay well we can go up if we want and there's still no light but we can work our way we got to go up i kind of want to check out the abyss though it sounds kind of exciting there's like there's like less of everything down there and it's cold but i mean you got to go the abyss kind of creature doesn't go the abyss um so we've got this turns hydrogen sulfide is there some of that here there's not any of that here so i'm not gonna worry about that this is with uh what's called carbon dioxide um let's put this guy over on this side no no let's do more of that rust guy over there give me an eyeball and i'm gonna put in this tail now can i do it i can i can have a tail now okay okay excellent okay and away we go yeah now we're now we're moving oh my energy is plummeting though hang on hang on this isn't uh hmm i made a mistake um if you don't get any sugar gonna be in bad shape phosphate that doesn't do any good this is only phosphates okay we'll keep on we can almost evolve yeah i died okay okay okay maybe the tail was a bad thing um oh okay we're good we got plenty of glue just not go that way let's go this way this way here we go here we go glucose okay let's fill up on this stuff we're only slowly losing it we're doing all right stan still doesn't do any good i'm just gonna stand still and die what's this thing we got uh all kinds of good stuff in here yeah let's grab some of that there we go there we go um let's go ahead and eat this guy he's what is it what is he i don't know what he is but we're gonna go ahead and eat him yeah yeah yum yum okay we can evolve again uh we might as well there's not really anything man the abyss there's just a lot of nothing here maybe we shouldn't live in the abyss let's go this way let's get some g and go gobble up that guy yeah there we go okay keep on eating this stuff sure sure let's go ahead and evolve now let's see how big we can get okay so we we uh do we want to move somewhere else maybe so there's still 50 of us here there is still 50 of us there what else moved from there decent population there i think we're going to hit up here a little warmer a lot more stuff yeah let's go let's get out of the abyss so now what else could we do here so we've got this one we know it turns glucose into energy we've got this one just produces glucose uh it scales with carbon dioxide and intensity of light so once we get straight into the light that's going to be an important one to get photosynthesis you know um this one turns hydrogen sulfide into glucose which we don't always have that around this is the rust one find some rocks we'll eat them we've got uh nitrogen nase turns our energy into ammonia which i think we mostly use for what do we use that for is protein able to use gaseous nitrogen and cellular energy in the form of atp to produce ammonia key growth nutrition for cells so i guess we want to make that it it makes ammonia that other things can eat i think i think what that does i think maybe this maybe i don't i i don't know um so um we could try to go with the nucleus i think we need to get more more energy production going here this one's going to need to eat more of that hey roll off how's going maybe a couple more cytoplasms something like um let's put a couple of those on here and then we'll throw in we can just like let's just chew on some rocks sounds good little too much more atp yeah yeah you're right um i could do that it's a little off oh no i can't okay let's try that we're a little we're a little funny looking but you know it's okay don't worry joel no one ever learned anything watching my channel okay let's keep this guy let's go ahead and eat up whatever that is is that a rock whatever it is let's eat it we can evolve already okay let's just chew on some things here yum yum yum okay there we go i think i did see a rock down here we can grab some iron which we can use iron i think we can take iron and take iron and we can turn that into energy so let's go ahead and chew on this rock here you can take it all kinds of iron so let's let's chew on this guy yum yum a lot of just pieces laying around here hey joe bird so we can fill up our iron stomach yeah i just kind of chew on this guy a little bit here we go here we go feeling good yeah this is a good place we should stay here we should evolve a couple times and then stay here i think now uh anyone join us in this uh in this biome oh there's lots of folks in this one untinti achium is is here as well well uh we're sticking around though for one more one more tick here i think i believe i would like i wonder if we could do like you said squid which got me thinking could we do something like i don't want to squander too much of my my points but could be something like that and then make like a does it actually like make a proper squid no it's just a blob no matter how we do it it's blob okay i'll keep on eating this stuff up oh hey buddy you gotta that's a dumb place for a spike did you get in the battle are you just poorly evolved come here let me eat you i gotta go faster come here come here yeah come here okay another one of my guys over there is very confused we don't quite have the what are we missing phosphates there's blinky things going on over here what is that guy doing it dies what's gonna happen okay i'll eat that rock and then i'll eat his bits there we go okay right feeling good we're ready to go let's move let's get real big still it's still only over 100 but we're going up we're going to the uh the mesoplegic 200 to 100 to 1000 meters below sea level but there's light showing up and that's exciting so i think we can go and do this guy based on light there's also you know we could also go and start getting a nucleus in here which gives us all the other stuff can i get a nucleus ooh it's big where's my what am i gonna put this thing here let's um how do i take it off uh let me oh we can just do two i can't afford that no don't do that um let's go and do i think maybe we just take this guy away it cost me 10. i don't want to build this guy hmm we need more tails to go faster what if we do like that's weird we don't have enough production for this but but it's all about looking cool really that's the wrong one okay let's do that i want this one to go there and there oh come on okay so we'll cytoplasm a couple more there okay now we're looking really weird and now we don't swim very fast because we're like competing with our table we're going very slow okay we shouldn't have done that big mistake big mistake where's all the good stuff there's a little bit iron oh we're hideous um i i might be able to eat that but he's right next to all that bad stuff let's try to get him yeah yeah there we go we got them okay there's our iron for the day got some ammonia over here to help us evolve out of this mess somebody blew up over there let's go get this guy over here lots of glucose for us too so let's go and oh what are you you don't have any any any uh any spikes what are you gonna do to me i guess these can still bite take that i'm gonna i'm gonna eat all of you i can't swim this way i can swim this way pretty quick but i can't swim the other way that tail's in the wrong spot okay let's eat yes all this stuff up i just have a buffet of carcasses can my buddy get that rock there you go there you go it's like a food delivery yeah there we go okay now we should get more than 100 but we are we're stuck at the hundred uh i guess we could go up again if we wanted to and go into the light that's a hundred percent light versus the one there's a lot less stuff around there's no iron in there which is a problem there's a lot of iron up at the ice cap ice shelf we go to the cave you want to stop by the cave and say hello yeah let's move over there and see what's going on over that way it's dark um okay so that's going to not help our move this thing so i'm going to move oh i just delete mountain yeah let's just move it can i like like that yeah that'll work uh we need more we need more atp production so i'll do this one for the light we don't have any light in here though let's just do the um let's do this put one there and that's all we got right we got 35 left we can put in one more of these guys over here and we'll fix up later we'll fix we'll put another one there another one there and then we'll have one big blob guy we'll put a couple tails in the back then we gotta figure where we put our our cell at we'll figure it out okay away we go looking dark and spooky here in the cave spooky and empty where's all the good stuff there it is there it is excellent somebody dropped their ice cream their microscopic ice cream okay lots of good stuff some of them over here let's go check this out so yeah this is the game we swim around my blob eats eats floating blobs of other things hey andy how's it going and that's basically basically what happens thanks andy and we'll go eat some weeds and purple blobs and we eat some yellow blobs and um and maybe one day when this game gets fully developed we can go on land and eat some more colored blobs that's the idea this way there it is thanks andy okay we can evolve again i'm going to keep on every time i get opportunity i'm going to do it because i want to see how giant we can get we'll stick in the cave cave's fine i'm going to put in one of these guys here and a lot mitoplasm there uh cytoplasm there confirm that one and we'll split there hello there you go buddy keep on eating we're in a good spot here let's keep on just chowing down all this tasty ammonia and blob eating simulator yeah don't let play away get a good idea on this chow down all this stuff tasty already better than support it is is certainly um potentially like you know when you when you first like when they hyped spore up can you remember that it was a while ago um do you think of man you think how great it would be and this this is the same same thing i'm getting the idea i was reading the oh where'd my energy go oh i need sugar swim faster get the glucose eat it eat the glucose come on come on we're there we're there eat the stuff okay we're using too much energy here there we go there we go tasty sugar oh no okay this is no good this guy is this guy's rough anyway if this game becomes half of what they hope it to be it's so could be fantastic it's very weird but i would love something like this like if we get like you start out like this way and then you start building up like your species and and like evolving them and you know i'm just using too much energy here yeah yeah it's not looking good romulus come on buddy come on buddy eat the iron more i'm just we're using too much glucose i'm going to die yep there we go 500 of us so use my population over here this is my my species population over there where did you put me come on now cave's dangerous it's a rough place hope there's some rust over here i'll go chew on some rust okay there's no auction i suppose it's just iron all right let's eat that guy up you know what's wrong with what's bad about the caves there's nothing really here for us to there's no other animals for us to eat uh what is this stuff oh this is hydrogen sulfide i don't know what to do that if we had the ability to we could eat it we got some glucose in here yeah okay a little bit of phosphate ammonia not enough glucose though energy just tanks this is this is a bad cell okay come on eat the stuff there you go there you go there you go okay we're just gonna go we're gonna we're gonna mow the lawn here back and forth this is what we're doing hey marmello get my buddy come on buddy there we go thanks marmalo oh man this is this is the worst species ever bob rossium oh right we can click on this thing you can see my you can see just how terrible we're doing at the moment come on we will survive though we eat up all this glucose we're going to find some some phosphate somewhere we've almost got it we got as well we can evolve and we can fix ourselves we can we can crank up the we'll just move yeah yeah we're too big for uh we're too big for the caves i think um we should be able to find enough to get us out of here though actually we'll go uh let's go this way let's try to get enough of finally go there there's a good ammonia here but we need so much of it now because we're giant to get anywhere die again it's a phosphate but not enough like there's a ton of glucose over here but it's not going to do as much good because we take we're so giant yeah i think we've i think we've turned into a carnivore we're like we're like a panda bear right now we just we just we just don't stop eating head over here and get some of this tasty ammonia there it is look at all that ammonia there we go there we go okay make that lawn look nice make sure you get the edges there's some more good stuff down watch out those there we go get some of this stuff yeah yeah some good phosphates and some glucose tasty tasty so what's the next step i suppose it's going to be if we move out of the cave we could get to where we've got um some light i've established this before and i was able to get to where i was just producing energy from light which was nice i have to worry about glucose anymore i don't watch it it looks going down quick there's a big patch of it here we'll eat up trying to get that evolved so i can not worry about this guy anymore there we go we can do more of that purple stuff on come on come on there's glucose everywhere in here but not enough there we go there we go there we go okay feeling better never play the game was so intense move my blob around oh come on blob i found i found myself into a no glucose patch i don't have enough energy to make all those tails am i so close so close so close come on come on come on hey mom how's it going come on buddy move man oh yeah yeah uh i think we go back to the level is it this way oh that just kills me out right whoops not that one um i thought we could here oh yeah forget about this thing so we can actually make this stuff up if we want just like throw the stuff out there um i don't even go back without having to you know just find our stuff we can do it we can do it hey hey dante how's it going okay it's all right we'll get there we'll get there if i just stop well it's not gonna it won't it won't eat it up though like moving takes up energy but yeah i mean yeah it still goes down just just existing it's taking up my glucose so i'm moving in vibe for a bit but you basically when i stop i just stop i gotta get out of this cave i think it's the problem i don't want need glucose over here oh there's good patch over here though let's go and uh back to our lawn here she won this guy a lot of halogens hydrogen sulfide a bit of stuff up this way oh man she's dropping already man glucose over here is not a lot i think we've got i think i've gone too big too soon because we could go higher and then we can sustain ourselves but yeah i went to i get those uh those metabolisms or whatever that i made are um are chewing through the the glucose to crank into the energy you know but uh yeah oh here we go good good start good start oh look at all that glucose oh that's like a whole sugar cube right here oh yeah here we go here we go now we're feeling good thanks game that was your kind of you oh look at all this stuff oh man it's just a buffet i'm over here at hey what's up what's the worldwide uh of 18 i don't know the hometown buffet western sizzlin are they everywhere i don't know golden corral that's where we're at right now that nasty mac and cheese madrase is dying oh yeah there's only 20 of them 21 of us left oh no i don't want to die we are dying out what isn't so good here we go here we go here we go this is it okay okay lots of good stuff around here here's some purple there we go look at a good patch right here just keep on going back and forth here these aren't really good but these right in here this this spot right in here this is the good stuff yeah that's a good stuff where's the phosphate there we go almost there almost there i think we made it 21 bob rossiums left come on phosphates there we go okay get me out of here all right man so uh we got a new spot from mutation all kinds of mutations going on here but i don't care about those we went out of these vents these are the worst we're going back to the mesopelagic biome uh and so we need more production and i think um i don't know what do we need to do to get us out of here just more of these cytoplasms that might be what we need to do i can't i can't go there yet the nucleus i think maybe we throw in the um cytoplasms i dabbled with this earlier and i was i was up on the on the beaches it was great but i didn't try to make it so big so soon i think these two tails are killing me also i think what we might actually do is remove one of these guys i'm going to be really slow but this is this is killing my uh my tails look how much it's in the jails are killing me it's worth the cost of 10 yeah i'm going to do it okay so there we go so now we're we're still short on the stuff but if we can let's let's try it produces glucose so the plastics are eating my i think these are um maybe i was thinking maybe these things it was these things because these are a lot faster than these but i guess either one of them so uh let's do a couple of these guys oh well we'll do one of those guys and i think that's it we'll do one of those guys that's fine it's not gonna give as much energy but it's gonna give us a little bit just enough to kind of keep us alive because other folks around here in this in this biome as well four star citizen hey look i'm somewhat uh well a little bit um what's the word normal looking um symmetrical let's go eat this guy here we go heat up that iron there that'll keep us alive a little longer as well and we got some bits of of rocks we can eat around here tasty there we go oh am i out of glucose already oh blue we're not going to make it i might make it my brother's a little diseased oh he's fine he's fine good batch of uh good magic glucose up here if we can if we can reach it we'll be fine there we go there we go there we go see bob's fine don't you worry about him eat all this stuff up probably in a better shape than we were last time still only one point four what's that got eaten on over there what's this orange oh ammonia uh glucose first oh i'm gonna eat this guy i'm gonna eat you there we go and youtube now i die right before i got it ah okay no no it's okay that's what this we're good here the 350 of us here we're fine i've died so much how much demand was so much i think i need to go and remove a bunch of my my empty blobs i have decided what we could do is probably remove a bunch of those and then plop a nucleus in its place yes we just yes yes we're just a diabetic species can i eat this big rock is the question i don't need to be doing this but i'm just curious yeah tasty rock there we go okay me and my 356 friends we're gonna come out here and heat up some more glucose there's a little bit of ammonia in here yep the idea is to go in so i so you go in this stage i guess they're working on or maybe they're about to work on the the multicellular stage uh and then you go into the like sentient stage or something or the the animal you know you work your way through um and in civilizations and then and then space travel that's the plan that's a mighty plan it's like that's more ambitious than dwarf fortress i'm running out of stuff here there's some glucose over here here we go yeah look at all these glucose over here ah there we go yes there we go much better let's uh let's grab up some of this stuff yum yum yum big rock oh that's nice okay we're full of iron that's something i'm just gonna dabble around here get our get our glucose fast and filled uh and and uh we'll go look for some purple stuff i want to get i want to get a nucleus but i think i'm going to go in next time next stage i'm just going to delete some stuff ready a little tinier bob ross is going to go on a diet yeah my glucose is yup yup because it's just plummeting we could what we could actually do um is go up a level and get some light what's going on over here party oh they want those rocks yeah those rocks we could go up a level where there's light and maybe that will help um that will help us a bit because we can we can photosynthesis blinky that's a rock party speaking of rock parties i'll take it i go on it oh did you guys get that rock we don't run through that stuff you dumb dumb i wonder if i can get up there and eat that they're the dying over there we're not the smartest smartest species i guess yep more rocks rocks we're so close come on give me the phosphate before i die here okay more glucose okay we're good we'll just we'll just hang out here this is a nice safe place there we go wow lots of good stuff okay oh look at you you guys are new uh i kind of want to eat you don't mind me yeah there we go there we go okay feeling good feeling good let's evolve let's get out of here next so what do we have so we're here we've got we got 65 of us here kind of terrible uh there's still some of us back behind still some of us in the cave yeah 50 of us let's go up we're going to the uh the the epipelagic biome let's move there's 1800 of these guys there whoever they are okay now the question is i think i'm going to remove some things we're going to go and delete this can be uh we're going on a diet we're going to remove some of this stuff i can actually remove my tail also let's um can i delete this one in and we're going to remove this guy there got 20 points left we'll stick one we'll stick with these green guys over here eventually but not this time we can remove a couple more things let's see what that does for us that might we'll see we'll see we've gotten much scrawnier well it doesn't look like it looks the same before all right come on buddy get off me now my where's my production at what is that oh dead guy no he's mine he's mine ah we got enemies they don't have spikes though oh here we go oh there's so many of them help me out here buddy ouch they're spitting at me i'm leaving all my eaters because there's so much to eat around here look we're like full on everything i've eaten so much okay where are you you look don't look very friendly you're red red's the color of evil get away i don't want to die again okay uh what a scary place okay okay uh yeah we're staying here yeah yeah um all right we're gonna go with we're gonna go with that that uh the the the uh photosynthesis and we're still not making enough glucose but we could do this again like a couple of these guys one more there one more there what do you do sulfide um i could do another i think i might be putting more spikes on the end here um but we got to get this energy down so let's go let's go put one there and put one over here we make sure we get plenty of that don't put me here did you put me in i just died a cool game okay now we're really weird-looking but yeah we've plummeted on our sides but how much faster we're moving though yeah we're doing good now okay goal is to get to the top let's maybe get the ice sheet i guess i was reading through the faq and there um i think one of the questions was can you run an underwater civilization he said that's not gonna be possible but i guess they hinted at other things like that style this little guy is over here yep yep we're not draining this anywhere near as much and we get all this light so so we're um we're producing energy as well so it's helping offset that bit of that i'm not starving for glucose here anymore i'm gonna rise again good yeah looking good over there fill this guy up oh we got some uh hello friends are you friends do you want to fight your friends oh you are not friend what what but i had him i had that guy all right we talking about uh tom is this uh is this a bad guy it is a joust now come on why is his pointier than mine that's not cool i know i'm not sure with my butt though i'm not sure where my butt is okay ease along the way around here looking for uh there's some good good phosphate up here you know what yeah i probably should have developed my guy a little um like um pointy or nosed and uh and fat in the back i just gained a spike check that out we're growing it's also well my uh yeah my my chloroplasts not chloroplasts though are hanging out there where's this guy going he's uh he's one of those guys with a weird thing in a weird place come here come here come here slow down i'm hungry as you can tell by the size of me versus you i like to eat where'd he go come on buddy just make our way around here you guys are all afraid of me we can we can adjust some things if we want to we can be faster we can be tougher all right so question is do we go uh anywhere else it's warm over here at the tide pool 50 of us here we can stick here we'll stick one more round um i know i'm moving again and move these guys around again like that uh it's all my points so it's fine so we just move something around still very strange looking you uh you look very green take that yeah yeah yeah look at me evolve right before my eyes we got the stuff to evolve again already let's do it okay now the question is do we have the ability to throw this this uh this nucleus in here this could go like we could fit it like right in there maybe i can't do it quite yet i need to delete the cytoplasm and i'm going to move this tail what if we do something like this that'll work or maybe on the sides here and then the nucleus can fit in there like that okay very s yeah yeah i like it i like it a little more symmetrical look how fast we're going now we're cruising my glucose levels are terrible but i'm feeling it or something okay glucose is bad but i got two horns he only has one oh there's three of them where'd they come from or as more of my pack at our population is plummeting hey josh how's it going explain the premise of this game uh yeah it's it's the first stages for oh man there's a whole bunch of these blue guys could be potentially a very good dinner though oh man i got you got me oh man everyone see what a nucleus does for me and then because i'm getting like mitochondria in there it would be much better shape i'm still in like oh man what's going on they're all gonna die they're all dying run buddy run if they all die at same time it'd be great excellent oh here we go here is the golden corral yeah this is my feast beat it this is mine not yours your friend okay you can oh these are my these are my friends yeah you know you guys come on in you don't you don't want you're not allowed in here okay okay okay i got weird tails on the sides of me for some reason this stuff here we go here we go we're full on everything so you know this stuff doesn't really do me any good okay let's go and evolve some more okay next uh we're staying there but we're gonna pop in a nucleus can i do this no not enough atp for a nucleus and we do that with um i think i'm gonna throw in a few more of these these um these green guys to get my glucose just just we're just gonna we're gonna photosynthesis to get as much glucose as we can in here so we'll do that this round i'm coming next turn we have more bits we can we can clean up here oh wait buddy this is my my feast not yours let's go chew on this guy over here this is the place to be okay we go chew on all that stuff we can evolve again uh i'm going to do it i'm going to stay right here because there's all kinds of things to eat so let's stay there and um i want more green stuff we'll put one there and we're going to be off balance and put one there why did that change it didn't change eat some tails and some whatever these things are okay now nucleus direction too low means i need yeah too much too much bits not enough not enough stuff coming in which would be like this would be more more green a little bit of that it doesn't help much it does a little bit not a ton these guys do a lot as well let's let's let's keep going let's go in on it put another one there as soon as we can we've got too much i think the tail's taking a little bit too much and then just the the size of us is a lot i'm hoping to just balance this thing out let me eat some of this stuff up oh no i wasn't watching i didn't pay attention to that um all right a whole heard of them came though they're my friends so when i was dabbling with this before a few hours ago um i i kind of charged into getting the nucleus i started pretty small and then i threw in the nucleus and that was fine everything was going on pretty good so i should have um prioritized that i think is the key here uh no no more probably no more cozy grove um i think i'm done with that one good game though keep on chewing these up attempting to sort of restart some things let's see what we can get to though like chowing through those graveyards there is good good eating everyone here is dying they shout out some goop i could do that too you know i can i can learn to get that stuff oh he hit me i'm weak too weak where was that at give me back over there i'm tired of dying there's only 190 of us left hit this way oh my god they're gonna die are they an older version of me they're just they're they're they they're an evolution of an old me which is why they are they're that's why they're doing poorly they're kind of fast though nobody move don't you guys fight there you go there you go excellent excellent yeah everybody fight okay i don't think so buddy got him okay give me all your stuff come on move oh man he got me the back man hmm thanks eliza okay let's just eat up some stuff you know the peaceful life again let's not fight so much except for these guys these guys are the worst oh okay okay i just tried cannibalism we can't eat our friends sorry i tried i really wanted to my guy's going very slow hmm there's only 50 of us left i know we're almost extinct this isn't this isn't looking well looking good okay we eat all that stuff we get a whole herd of them chasing us now no good stuff to eat around here we really only really thrive whenever i have lots of things to eat there's been a fight over here i think though yeah like this this is this is good eating problem is i gotta survive here we go here we go you guys don't have any any horns are pretty easy to eat and we get kind of choppy choppy choppy let's eat up all this stuff there we go there's my friends hello friends that blue guy is not my friend don't you hurt me okay we got enough to evolve and keep on going though keep on going nope okay okay framer yeah i took a dive there okay um the question is do we stay here or do we go somewhere else there's what there's a lot of folks this is this is a crowded place they're all getting a little crowded though aren't they um i think we stay here we stay here one more round one more um i really want how much does this take it takes it takes 10. we are not quite there yet yeah yeah yep ammonia i don't well we could do that and that'll that'll turn hp production turns we want to turn something into atp like the rust making so my cytoplasms are making some atp right yep the uh the metabolisms are doing pretty good so we could squeeze one of those guys inside here now one more of those will probably balance out the um the side of uh the cytoplasm or the uh the what's the word the sugar needs if we throw in one of these guys and just feed off we're almost there we just feed off of the the sunlight um i'm throwing these guys in here though too and we'll put one back here now that'll that'll that feeds a lot it takes a lot of eating to get there but i think we're uh maybe moving the right direction here anyway oh i say that look at that guy man that's grandpa okay so there's lots lots of glucose for us but i think as we can see here it's oh it's getting choppy you might need to go to a different biome just for the frame rate photosynthesis there's our numbers there a lot of things over there you watch mood who didn't buy them just because it's too crap around here for the for the game uh there's a lot of those guys hello friends all right i didn't like them anyway okay let's go this way more you guys you guys don't have any horns though so i might be able to handle you stop chewing on me come on get him there we go tried spitting at me but oh boy the the neighbors showed up oh my friends are here help my friends sometimes just squeaks my headphones is that coming through on the stream there we go we got him we got him we got him okay okay let's eat before this jerk shows up and takes all my food take that bunny who's the jerk now okay there we go we can we can evolve clicking yeah yeah yeah uh let me just adjust that there's anything here um higher values increase performance sure i can change it sure okay i think it's the sound effects doing that i guess yeah it's kind of chirpy okay let's evolve and let's go to a different place so this place is too crowded everyone everyone's at the uh epipelagic so we can go over to the tide pole tide pool or we can go to the coast and then into the estuary let's go to the coast a lot of folks there but um that's fine there's only 50 of us here we're not one of the most prolific aren't we let's go over there we've got a lot of iron over here uh nice warm here yeah this is this whoops this is the place to be let's move here okay looking nice now give me that my nuclear nucleus nucleus right there oh not enough what i thought i had it plus 10 right that's not plus 10. hmm um what we could do is come over here i didn't change any of this stuff yet we can we can adjust things here like we can go to a double walled cell and so we're more we're tougher more health we can go to a cellulose thing which makes us much stronger but we can't engulf things which is what we've been doing chitin same thing we've got the calcium carbonates and we also have a silica the one of these things we can engulf though we can also change how squishy we are like if we're extra hard then we go slower but we won't get chewed on so much that's something to think about i suppose so that was giving me 15. hey tony um i mean what's nice and bright around here i think we're going to stick with this this uh this green approach stick with the rust and we have to just go around eating rust i'm curious about like starting over and trying to do a small guy um hydrogen sulfide was there any hydrogen sulfide in this patch there's a little bit oh is it this one a little bit of it no no there's nothing here so um does this produce more let's do let's let's let's go in on the green um okay it actually hurt us didn't it i guess i guess it was okay they'll kind of go up though it doesn't really help us any if we do this guy it makes us bigger but that's something it just makes us bigger we'll try it we can always eat up here a bit yeah we're real real big fine you can have that one we also move really slow there we go look at me now nobody better mess with me now i'm a big hairy beast or i'm a single cell okay okay oh yeah i don't even have a nucleus yet kind of embarrassing okay now give me a nucleus because if i do that i can get mitochondria it'll be great okay yes stick around here i don't want to move we're sticking around we're going to get ourselves a nucleus now it's just just a bit too short let's see what happens you've thrived right because you won this version of thrive oh neat i hadn't got this point yet before but yeah we're plummeting well it's worth a shot i can't even move i'm too big got a big big ball on the back of me now i'm dying okay buddy don't get him away i i gotta eat some things here yeah i'm away i'm trying to eat i should turn this off get out of the way okay okay hey hey little guys i'm gonna eat you stop chirping my ear it's really annoying oh here comes the lag i gotta turn that off okay okay here we go here we go now we're eating excellent yeah we're going good now oh i'll eat my friend here there we go it's cannibalism time oh yeah i'm getting giant the lag is telling me the game is almost over i'm gonna eat all this stuff up until we just shot me there we go yum yum yum yum yum excellent excellent delicious it's so slow okay did all we can do with this game okay come on we can do it okay i just want to eat this guy and then we can go in just don't let me die yet there we go there we go there we go now we're good shape okay look we're giant okay okay blob ross is his name that's right so let's go to the estuary shall we what a nice place sounds great a lot of other um tinties here this guy's own tinty spelled his name on binti no that's not how you spell it you are um um a disease amongst the umpteenties okay so we're gonna throw into mitochondria now powerhouse of the cell we're gonna put one of those guys right uh oh let's do something like right there yeah and we know over there i brought you some chloroplasts so we can we can yeah you know what that's what we need some chloroplasts can't get them we'll wait uh all right two mitochondria i gotta i gotta get rid of the sound here um there's anything i can do about maybe that one let's see if that does it for me uh higher cloud simulation minimum higher right you mean like this is better okay okay let's inch our way this way turn off the eating thing thank you and this is just like a feeding frenzy over here where do we come to man this the estuary is just a giant graveyard are you trying to eat my friends i think you are no one eats my friends except for me okay we're gonna i'll get you in a minute we're slowly walking our way there get back here you coward are you the no you're not the wrong ones are you the where is that where's the the the the yeah nope you guys are other empties but it's like it's just you know not really working too well hey this is my dinner get away okay what else can we do here okay um we can make our way up to the up to the ice sheet that's sunny there okay um let's go into we get chemoplasts which turns hydrogen sulfide into glucose thermoplastic turns producing glucose based on carbon dioxide and temperature chloroplasts which we know those do nitrogen fixing plastid turns atp into ammonia which we use to shoot things we've got vacuoles which gives us more storage space of the cell so we can stash all stuff in there and we have the toxin vacuole um i'm gonna go with some chloroplasts turn these guys around and like let's fix them in can i put them in like this this kind of weird doesn't like a hole there is that okay just tuck them in here somewhere else i'm making a spaceship right now by the way i'm sure it's a little crooked but let's try that oh actually we're actually making glucose we're just floating around making sugar before long these filthy humans can come by and start eating me or juicing me come on get the guy get out of the way so i can eat the guy i'm gonna eat you too okay yeah the game is the game is head enough i don't know what you are where'd you come from oh you're one of those weird guys that uh i think you started out in the game it's a strange evolution here okay i'm so slow i'm incredibly look at that listen to 789 people or people things can you keep on gobbling all this stuff up yum yum yum at this stage doesn't really matter but yeah so that's the other thing is there's asking i think i think he's somewhere i was seeing things where you can if you want you can build a plant um yeah i mean it's all that's their idea is their plan i should say just eventually get to that point are you the oh nope let me chew on you no sound effects here because it messes with my ears yeah you better run i'm gonna eat you now there we go there we go yes yes who's coming in here now there's too much junk in the way i can't hit you okay i don't die okay i guess what i think this is where i have to end it here so i've got where's my population that's all i care about that's what i want to see species list let's see it oh everyone's in here already you guys are all in the same spot put them all in so can we see us which one were we we were we're the brown i always see us in here uh we're somewhere mixed with everyone else here okay okay blue chain timeline that's not the ready yet on the game yet um there's 110 of us here hey brad i'd like to go here we can't move that we have to go back and up and um the only thing i didn't do is i didn't make myself anything fancy here or make myself tougher or weaker or i think i think we got everything like we covered the game there's no behavior yet in the game it's um hmm it could do yeah would throw some spikes all around us we could do that put a spike a spike there and a spike there i really need to move um this thing like back here i think so we got so i got like a hole in our cell that happens look at all those spikes oh we're hideous keep on eating all this stuff in slow motion here all these little guys here we're gonna oh what who who did it who killed me okay look we actually kind of have like a whole blob emotion going on meat check me out um is there a button to divide is that like um is that one of the options to divide while you're swimming or do you have to do it in this in that menu for toxin engulf the editor oh we could hit p and got in there anyway um okay there we go okay but there we go there is thrive what a fascinating little strange game which is trying to be a fascinating very big game it may get there one of these days um it may not nope it is uh it is very choppy i can't wait they're not big enough for this rock hey flo how's it going we can we can kind of inch up beside it though and and uh work our magic on it i don't think we can quite eat it though we'll see if the if the iron levels go up see my inch we'll slowly uh inch our way to it nope nope we can eat this little guy up here though okay we can eat him he'd be very tasty and our levels go up which i thought factored into our energy i guess maybe it does i don't know how that works okay and there we go there we go hey chris and jump all right iron level will go up there we go there goes all pry lysis over that way what a strange game so um yeah this is open source and it's um oh is there a free build what can i do here i'll start an ice biome ah okay okay i want to be we gotta engulf things we'll play a double walled though let's go throw on some let's do like a skinny guy with some uh with some spikes like that and let's get a nucleus in there we'll throw it um i guess right there and we'll have some stuff on the side here like some mitochondria you know powerhouse to sell and all that uh let's go let's make it somewhat there we go lots and lots of power okay we want some uh some chloroplasts nah not a big deal where we are right now take some vacuoles though warehouses more spikes on the side okay and then we need lots of these guys can be more production which means more mitochondria okay so we must um well we'll see like that okay there's my species uh i think we'd like to be a nice uh nice a nice i don't know nice dark green okay let's do it get off me okay well it looks kind of cool it's very green where are we i didn't wha what why am i in the events i think we are is anyone even here other than just me yeah we're gonna die because we're uh we're gonna have a bad biome what is that did you just spawn little guys let me eat you come here i'm gonna try to eat you my spikes are getting in the way i'll come back then we'll get them okay rocks don't do me this time i can't i can't eat rocks there we go uh oh i can't eat iron right right right um some ammonia but we don't care about that ouch get out of the way look at my glucose look at it look at it plummet man we're very hungry all right enough of that enough of that all right so there is thrive um what a strange game uh it came out so i read i was reading the backstory about this thing and it it came out there was like a um a spoof thing i guess that came out in 2009 and it was it was about a new spore like game coming out they were trying i don't know that something was happening with that but it was it was just a joke and then like some folks took that joke and ran with it and started working on it a new spore essentially and um they've been doing it for a long time so if if spore is your thing if you want a uh i guess a good fancy spore eventually well there's that so anyway there's a link there and it's uh um it's open source
Channel: Nookrium
Views: 310,044
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nookrium, livestream, youtube livestream, survival game, thrive, evolution, spore, thrive gameplay, free game
Id: j8k6mTADIE8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 38sec (5018 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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