Starsector - [0.95] "Becoming a Pirate” - part 2

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um let's play some star sector okay so here's what happened last time um if you missed the last live stream big news or you're you're in luck uh i'm not really much past you know like you can choose when you start the game whether you want to start as like the beginning the early game start or the like late game starts or the advanced start i think i'm probably about at the advance start phase right now so you didn't miss much um we made good friends with a with a pirate she asked us to do to do some jobs we dropped off a finger one at one point we dropped off some spy satellites we we smuggled some lemonade around and um we had a good old time not died yet i forgot to auto save no dies um i played i did some dumb things but that's just what i do and um i i think i think we're in good shape so let's just continue our game here and uh you know go and and deliver lemonade to good people of the world where we are we're at caseron okay so we're we're here in caseron with our 200 grand um i was kind of looking at some things and i think i think i first off i think i want to get rid of this this ship this is not going to be like you can't smuggle with that thing um i like the idea of having some of these guys not necessarily that guy but the like the hounds um that's the server that service is fine as well because that has the shielded cargo holds as well so like these hounds and the uh and the cerberuses are very good at that's you know uh stow and stuff um we've got the we got the wolves for the fighty bits uh we do have a um a little a little uh uh kite shuttle but it's fine so we'll keep the tanker behind us to carry stuff nice thing about this guy is he does haul a bunch of things but i watch his cargo capacity 90. which isn't really that much um let's just drop it at the banana station good yeah good idea uh dark um yeah i should do that we'll stop it off the station we'll just leave it there and we can pick it up later if we decide to maybe go into um you know like shooting kind of people piracy then we'll do that but i think for our sneaking in the stations that's just going to hurt us because if we go dark we're at like i don't know we're kind of high and i think if we keep our small sneaky ships i think we'll have a lot better chance of of uh sailing around you know hey roloff how's it going so uh what we're gonna do i think we're starting off is we're gonna stop off here in case on and have a chat with our best friend hello best friend we're favorable with her i like your hair um you made it back alive she says well done thank you have any work for me she does okay so um i think we do all of it so we have some military grade arms procurement opportunity what's she got for me access to custom production this is new it changed when i reloaded production of up to 1.2 million credits worth of rare ships and weapons great interest to a collector such as yourself discretion doesn't come cheap of course matter of finders fees um get you a good deal here let's call it a mere 280 percent of base costs to say the word how much is that 280 percent of what i haven't got transverse jumps yet no austin oh okay i can just pick whatever i want okay i see i see i see okay um well um i don't know uh left i went mouse over icon yeah yeah details this is a high-tech ship face field delicate machinery sensor profile zero hey um does this activate that phase or is that just the thing that happens the face field it's a thing that'll sit on there maybe it's an activated thing just transport we have it we have a a heavy frigate here a scarab which might be a thing to have is that what it is for the scavenging rights okay so let's say i want um there's so many things um hyperion is really good and rare you'd see that one this one the gun ship it's got high maintenance mods we can so if i click on this ship uh instantly teleport to any desired nearby location zero flux boost to use phase is hard to micro oh i could give it to it yeah i could just give it to an officer and let him do it yeah um i was looking at this like this little brawler here this is a tritakion ship not a uh not a high one hey thank you very much rolf i appreciate that um so like let's say let's say sure i want that one small rose most delicate delectable agreement captain okay custom production order accepted all right hey erebus found your anime and having been watching some of your old content loving it keep up x thanks harris uh all right i will uh let's talk about the the lemonade i need 70 units delivered to um madeira that's only four light years away 280 per unit that's a good deal because i know you'll do what it takes to get it done take my associate smuggler anti-matter chambers make the delivery and receive payment there's no need to mention my name okay i'll do it i mean last time i didn't mention your name just because they pointed guns so i i had to say something okay uh yeah i can do that make sure you gave it to me i delivered it over there that's fine now about that spy satellites i need eyes on cool on in the hybrid sill system that's pretty close i think i do it myself yeah but she's got me to do it 35 000 credits sure okay um so this ship i don't know how to work that but i said it's gonna take a while to i think we're getting one built we like requested one i don't know we'll figure it out when we get there uh i got lots of marines just hanging around just eating my supplies but yeah it's fine they can hang out so i got enough of that let's buy some fuel though got a good price that's an okay price buy some of that and maybe i should buy some more while we're here so i don't run out of the stuff it's being built right now gotcha okay uh oh i have tons of these heavy machinery is that a good deal no i know we can sell that that's for 103. that's that's not good i don't think we'll find somewhere else okay um i need more supplies 30 grand on the supplies okay so let's go do the jobs and let's get out here let me let me take a look at my fleet though and oh let's go stop by the band station i think it's in this system isn't it and we can drop that guy off and we'll put my commander here into probably the other wolf those would be like the fighty ships i think probably best for them i think there's a station here is there a band station here it's not um we should be able to go to i know there's one in um there's one in corvus we're going to hybrisil so this needs to go where on madeira in in tile okay this one's over there we got three year or two years to make these uh to get make our station and our watercourse is there okay um let's go drop off these in tile there's a debuff of some kind of for black markets i'm not sure what it is yet yeah i don't i don't know what the uh what the issue with black market stuff is now so let's just um we'll drop this thing off over here we'll bring her with us it's fun uh maybe we should drop um if we go we're going to tile this one right there abandon space talk let's just stop in there and candy as well we're familiar with that one so let's go to what was that this one yeah let's head over there and away we go we'll go ahead and yeah we'll burn our way there watch out for those rocks look at that bounty wow okay and yeah we're around to the clouds i know it's bad idea snug up on me um hello who are you running for me good let's do it from these guys i think the guys that don't like us i think it is let's stop off over here um okay uh how do i do i do this this is this is the right this is the one right so we can do it here we can drop off the stuff i don't want to eject anything how do i do this am i thinking the wrong or the wrong one might be wrong it's the wrong kind of station okay let's do a quick salvage up scavenger good stuff here um probably do it again still get some good stuff but now it's fine uh does it have to be a i mean i know i know that's where's the worst corpus that one abandoned tough terraform is that the one we have to go to just that one surely there's others out here i know there is there's a groom bridge habitat does that count let's go there we got jobs to do so we won't we won't dally okay we'll help we'll head over here to yeah that point something's over there keep away from them play a lot of star sector and i've never really gotten past like the early games i would love to see if we can get into a place where we start building up a colony get to that point it's not the right one either how do we know which one it is that's a habitat what is the other one what's it called it's a platform i haven't left anything around i want to leave something behind i don't know how to where to go for it that's where we're going right is to madeira yeah that's in tile what was the other one i want to go to is antilla hmm is that like a binary system or something well uh we'll go do the job real quick abandon terraforming is that the only one where's that it's way out there there's a story here i don't really know the story real well but like um it's kind of the same story like eve online isn't it where there was these gates that sort of sent you from um earth into this world of space and they closed or something they collapsed nothing that's the story okay we gotta go into here we gotta go in here kind of sneaky like we got our ship with us oh yeah there it is yeah binary scammer nearby the expanse yeah yeah dark age of space sure buy a hanger the place where your mission contact is uh yeah i guess i didn't realize i could do that but that makes sense let's go in your dark don't we um privateers hanging around there's persian league and they don't like us right that's the mission is it to go in dark what was that oh this was the [Music] the drugs we don't have enough did i not pick him up oh that she gave him to me i said acquired okay my deliver the unit to her well you know what um here let's just go into let me have him in the station let's just go doc for sure i saw it acquired with a d okay uh do you have anything here you do that's expensive so i won't make any money but i'll get the job done and then uh she'll like me a little more uh the job was what 70 of them okay look i'll just buy seven of these things i may have to pop out and pop back in that's fine just give me those uh here you can have you can have these things and oh how much we buy these for 123. that's cheap yep i'm still gonna sell them i don't wanna hold all this stuff okay uh oh yeah oh yeah ai war happens as well that's right that's right it's a thing too so um we got a shady woman what do you want 36 units of organs to mass a lot eight light years away for 29 000 credits easy money sure now you're gonna give them to me yeah did you give them to me gaines organs i thought i saw that before okay what's the woman in the uh she got four needs to fuel he's dropped off for 17. i don't want to get out here wait was she selling it to me get rid of them i accept oh yeah that's a good deal okay yeah i'll buy those okay could i be that wrong yeah thank you okay thanks yeah um um i'll if there's anything nearby i'll go there but if if there's a station that's not nearby then don't worry about that if it's one real close i'll stop by it um i don't mind being told her name is antimatter chambers i like it transponder off right right so we're going to go pop out and then pop back in what do you want suspected smuggler that's not me i'll talk my way out of it he's my get out of jail free card okay um there is no asteroid we gotta get rid of this big ship can i hang out like does this help my this doesn't just the radiated planets i'm never gonna make it in here there's no way not those guys hanging around there's no belt in here let me see what my um if we go dark we'll see what we do okay let's just hang out over here i'm going to go dark real quick 200. yeah we're way too noisy to get anywhere okay let's bounce over here and let's see what we can do collinear make sure you run back to start up yeah yeah if that's why i understand you get attacked a lot so they can see me from anywhere are you going to jump points good good okay this guy's range go dark looking for me but you don't see me do you we're quiet like real quiet like be quiet no coughing i'm in this range he's gonna see me um oh yeah i got him there you go done she doesn't care if anyone's on me okay for how much for 280. so yeah i didn't make much of a deal on that but it's fine it gets me a little bit happier um overwelcoming now with my best friend and the uh the pirates of us now inhospitable um i would like what is it oh i got harvested organs i forgot about those i gotta get out so we're gonna get out we're gonna burn and get out of here and go deliver those things to um we're going to go into there yeah we're going to go there corvus hang on look at this my asura myasura abandon astropolis and yama okay maya sir would be perfect that one yeah i like it okay thanks akira okay so what we're gonna do is as soon as we get out of here i'm gonna pause real quick and then they're on me so we gotta burn and i think we're gonna go this way we're gonna we're gonna not be dark we're gonna hit the emergency burn and get okay transversal jump is very helpful yeah i think we should pick it i can get it um i can get it next time i just oh turn it on leave me alone okay stay out of his range you going through what are you doing okay i've had some problems with these persian folks in the past okay so now we're gonna go continue our uh jump over here to this one okay let's go uh turn that thing on and avoid the sparkly clouds kind of ow yeah town tree's all different now okay let's jump over there um i'll show you uh um well pirate radon hegemony oh yeah assembling in the carrick star system how does that work how can i get in on that i went in on that sign me up sign me up raiding forces should be outmatched by fleece defending the system in the absence of other factions factors raised unlikely to find success comprised of one fleet well that's not gonna happen so that's just some angry guy okay we're gonna go stop off this this place drop off my new ship i'm all for uh for sticking it to the uh the hegemony man but we'll get there some said something about not building a base not very piratey but it is pirates have bases oh orville station uh can i do something real quick pop in here maybe we should go fight that hang on what we got there can i handle that i don't think that no they won't take me in right they won't the pirates don't like me enough to take me in yet okay so i want to get rid of a ship um we'll move my my commander around put them in the other wolf for um you right yeah okay and then this big guy who's causing all kinds of problems is going to sit i guess i could strip him but i will leave it's not a big deal where do i go for this um how do i leave it store okay we've looked into the durazac systems one of the few close by startup systems with a random chance they're each game reroll a decent low hazard planet for your first colony in vanilla i won't i haven't but i'll look where is that durazac it's in the uh in the core worlds um or is it further out i don't know um i haven't been there i don't know where it is just sort of hang out here and get a look bounty hunters are they all fighting let me in on this just as i leave my ship behind the los astropolis hello refuse my request for talking clearance after you identify yourself no no i'm a good guy i can't really chat with you guys hey you i see you having problems all right don't mind if i uh fight you orange star this one ah okay i'll go look what are you all about uh no no i'll just i'll just take you take your bits more salvage out here broke some things okay you guys all right over here there's some fight going on but i guess they want me on it yeah nobody wants me all right um let's go finish our job here and we're going to this one hyper seal and uh yeah cool on now we gotta go in there quiet now i'm um i'm much quieter than i was before we're gonna find out uh whoops see austin so doing a curse of monkey island play through on your stream i have uh i did it recently um i say recently maybe it was last last year i did curse at monkey island it wasn't too long ago um i need to play through it so i've played through the original i played through curse i need to play through number two still um and i still need to go to number two and we'll get there eventually i guess i guess number four and number five okay so we gotta go in here but wait we can't go in here all you know guns are blazing and all that we gotta go in kind of sneaky like this is the spy satellite one or this is just the organs one we'll see what she says when i go in there she's gonna say get out of here yep no good this is a spy satellite one i'm so good at my missions what are we doing here yeah this is the spy satellites okay the other one's about zagan uh there's a lot of ships around here okay okay it's okay because we're quiet now um we've got a uh nothing to hang out we got some rings here we'll go to these stuff right let's go maybe that's not the star no full time i'm full time with this um okay we'll get out of some ranges go dark down to 180. it's okay if i get close to the star does it help anything get away from that guy yes sneaky boy that's what they call me okay come on this side go away burn my my supplies here thanks mom yeah i always had a um i was a part-time job but um with uh with covid i i uh i lost that i'm doing this um i'm doing pretty much full time for a little longer than that but i am i'm only doing this now what are you doing looking for me that's not good no he sees me search pattern maybe not oh he doesn't see me okay i almost panicked that's just a traitor they care they might that's a scan range but doesn't necessarily mean that he can see me oh i see what he's doing stay right there sir nobody worried about the big trader fleet okay oh boy come on get in here oh i got seen burn nothing to see here nothing to see oh no okay it's oh they're gonna scan me and then i got i got my organs though fine it's on i can hide this stuff we got we got bulkheads and all that okay nothing found yeah excellent yeah because i'm because i'm a friendly guy you know hey scoop how's it going just hanging out and these these missions aren't easy i bet you there's some things i could do to my ships we could probably find some blueprints to do something in here and make ourselves really a much better uh sneaky i imagine sometimes i don't care about solar shielding um not the corona stuff i'm sure there's things we can do here i don't know them though or maybe we just don't know them i haven't just found them yet they know some things i can do to kind of hide me a bit better okay so we gotta get out away this is perfect right now but go dark make sure no one's looking for me we just slide on in here drop off the old spy satellites and we leave mountain blade in space yeah yeah pirate failed um it's kind of drifting there we go there we go there's a chance there's a chance we got it okay done 35 grand let's get okay done now we have to go north to zaigan and to mars a lot this is where we drop off and turn it on where we drop off the uh the organs logistics hold mod insulated engines a laurier sensor profile making it harder to see counts the five highest profiles for detection is that okay that's what it does oh i didn't do it in time oh man all right what am i doing with these organs then how much organs in my inventory um hey ilm let's go do the uh i'm close here to her i can go let me take a peek at that one let's go see if she has any jobs for us and then we'll bounce back insulated engines okay how am i doing on supplies i wasn't looking now we're fine we're fine um so i'm curious about this um it's probably 30. everything's 30 right this guy might be a little higher where is he he's at 60 yeah so the this guy oh he's he's like a terrible guy because he's plus 30 because he's broken i gotta find a new one of those right that's what that's what the orange means right he's got some sort of a mod which doesn't say he has a mod but he's got something on him that's making them um oh you know what there may be something on here that's on him increase the sensor profile by 100 get rid of that okay i got to find a new one of these because i think that's the only thing i think that's slowing me down what do i see there um what do i see it in here i don't know where to see it from here what's this guy this guy's at 30 30. yeah we're all fine we're all 30s except for that guy so he's the one who's giving us away okay you can militarize it should be easy enough to find in one there though militarized whole mod under here um something that we learn specification or automated ships oh i can't because i chose this one i can't do this one now can i uh i didn't realize that what is special modifications i don't know where we find that that must be um oh way down here so i get once i get one of these done then i can go back to the oh okay so there's so much for my transverse jump i can reassign them i suppose this one gives me the better detected at range though i think i like that interesting so you pick one or the other yeah we saw it before and then okay okay i see um you say we know how to do that what's it called militarized subsystems this one remove the penalty from civilian grade hole yup that's it okay back to morn okay so let's go visit her and we'll stop by her if she has a job for us we'll take it if otherwise we'll go we'll go with a pirate base also see if they have something for us 290 grand for that's quite quite a bounty for a base construction of this space oh it's a ludic path base though okay you need to name your ships yeah um i guess i probably should let's see what she has to say she does package uh something secret secret package delivery yeah what you got no questions it's 11 light years away 64 grand i like it yep it's uh what is it we don't know what it is something secret okay surplus organics 1300 organics on salamanca once you have them seven per unit or nine thousand total um 1300 organics oh my god i want to do it is that a good deal i assume that's a really good deal i don't have the space to carry that much stuff i don't think add the whole mods to the tankers instead of vents and weapons since they are in combat the only salvation is running anyway okay they aren't in combat right hey warbane yeah um okay okay spice hat where's this one going easy as roman robin a looty pilgrimage where's it at sure i'll do it i don't care where it is all right uh let's go visit let's go in here oh do you want my uh you want this stuff yeah here you can have it all yours makes us sound okay um i would like to fix up my ship we want to add in militarized systems this one because i have to change something how do i is it this way just get rid of like vince and then do it right okay is that enough to do it correct done what do i call my my tanker the melons this this is the um bob so who carries who carries the fuel um who carries the fuel um i don't know the uh um the goat because he carries the fuel add something else useful to the tanker it doesn't need fence yeah whatever just i mean it doesn't even get in the comment really we can pop that in there and maybe put in something that gives us like i'm talking about maneuverability field capacity only for civilian grade holes like that one the g-goat yeah that seems okay there we go okay everyone's top speed like one there's a couple 120s in there 200 for this guy he's got some speed um you're the other slow guy i can fix you with restoring right how much does it cost me 15 grand that ain't bad yeah fix that and who else was damaged you are how much 29 grand that's a lot but i'll do it okay let's get you fixed up okay and that gives me a little more fuel i can hold right okay not that we need to carry any more fuel but we've got plenty of fuel now i will never run out of fuel again they're actually short on fuel around here after the ship that crashed it crashed in the sewage uh what was oh you know the name of the ship repairs are more than the ship value but we've had that ship for so long you know it's it's part of us uh okay so we'll go to these jobs we will so if i go i can i can't go doc right now but we'll uh we'll go visit the pirates and we'll see what they have to say they like us a little more they may not attack us let's go around the sun okay scan this scared me okay hello in hospital with me uh i refused my request after you identify yourself i guess if i went in maybe dark they'd be a little happy it would be where we at now i was at what was i before i don't remember what you guys doing are you gonna fight are you fighting you are fighting i like to get in on that fight dark you guys want me to come in and help you out well we'll go deal with this first to the bar hey underworld boss what you got yeah yeah uh big smile uh we've seen this before soft clapping begins um yeah day olympus loves to talk about herself do something for me wait what you want bring the spaceport on kanye offline for six days i've done that before already before we do it again for 17 grand i don't that's worth it i don't want to do that um okay easy enough i got the marines for it it's fine okay uh we could look and see if there's like any sort of oh look at that that's expensive here we need to go back to uh okubrez and buy some lemonade and sell it here because that's expensive yeah we got to sell this stuff here okay we'll go to the job um we're gonna head out can i just sort of like pop on in here and no no one likes me what do i need to get before um before they like me that's a lot of ships maybe i shouldn't be doing this okay um let's go and that was close right that's the the place we've hit before with this one we'll go do that what's my time 51 days for for her over there oh missions here let's go to the we'll do the space board first it's right there okay okay we'll go make friends with you even though you're probably not gonna be around much longer i'm trying to buddy you watch yourself limited use euphemism is for yeah and this this is a family-friendly channel so you know we'll try to keep it somewhat happy hey draven how's it going okay and uh let's head down here if we can get some sort of uh what's going on over here pirates have been targeting colonies and shipping in the communi tandem system based out of lebash harbor and the carrick oh that carrick system is exciting okay good job there's a smuggler nearby here we could hit this guy take his stuff so he's carrying that stuff right now on the way he's gonna carry marines and some lemonade i mean i can stop i take his stuff and then and then i do the job maybe he's right over there maybe it's perfect maybe a different i thought it was different but i i didn't couldn't remember what it looked like before let's go dark here okay so in we go we're gonna stop off here at the uh this and we're going to raid we want to mess up with the star base correct was it this one it wasn't this one it was this one spaceport sent them all in there 120 days i think that's what she wanted let's do it okay yeah get it 22 marines no problem we got all kinds of experience i leveled up i got story points excellence okay task is done she likes me the pirates like me uh okay anyone here want to talk no okay let's get out there's no my fleet why i don't do that what are you doing get out of here on oh no no let's get out yeah here okay let's get out of here you'd be a family friendly mod to this game yeah yeah yeah i agree okay so we have you know what i'm curious like if we were to hit this convoy who are you look path we don't like them sorry i got a bit of an itchy trigger finger here oh i can't handle that pursuing the convoy oh you're gonna go in there and fight i'll get in on that i will help the convoy i will assist the convoy yeah yeah yeah yeah let me in on this okay uh no one likes me why does no one like me i'm a friendly guy so friendly no no no look i just want to help someone shoot things both of them are like nah you stay away hey cerberus i'll take that uh oh it's too trashed heavily damaged okay i'll take your time is it cause my transponder is off is that why no one wants me you think a bunch of broken ships there i could think i can handle that what are you oh you're a oh you're a smuggler um a hammerhead okay take all that stuff um okay so what should we get i would get better shooting things um uh and i'll get better shooting things that way can go here and get let's see lost in combat ship is almost recoverable um i don't know short points are do something cool points they let the player do things that would be overpowered or game breaking if the player could just do them whenever even at regular resource costs i got a lot of them it seems like i have more than than uh i would think i would should have maximum comment reading is plus 15 that seems pretty good we don't do a lot of fighting converter fighter bay better cargo holds um i thought i don't know i don't know um i think so this is for like my fleet i think that's probably the best one to go with energy weapons beam damage you know uh this is weapon recoil auto firing weapons ballistic stuff i don't know what i've got um i'm gonna take the gunnery implants yeah yeah whatever that seems like a good one to have anything up here maybe we want to get that leads better things those are both seem pretty good i wish take one of these um less combat right in this degradation you can get yeah you can just oh i could rese i could reassign my skills and get this one if i wanted to you're right i was thinking i'm not doing much combat um i'm gonna take this one just because if i'm in combat i'm gonna be incumbent for a while so who is this guy again a smuggler how do we how do we see his stuff i can't i don't know those ships well enough could i handle that i mean imagine what we could get out of that if we could take that ship if we could take that fleet i've got essentially about three wolves really all i've got he has kind of a big ship hmm all right well i'll try to call myself i made it this far without dying we should probably keep that up i lost my target i was going to wherever where was i going that was the yeah organs we go pick up this organ if that's over there where was i going that way okay yeah my monthly siphon's been going down pretty quick quickly pick up the organics i'm not sure i really care about that when i did it basically just to get the the reputation but if i fail it still can make her mad uh yeah we'll go we'll go there um yeah we'll go there oh yeah we should probably leave these guys alone big fleet 40 grand still weighs up productivity in valhalla based out of there yup yup um okay exciting just pop in here real quick and go uh to this one this is a nice peaceful mission this is like you know on the up and up and all that so let's go visit uh let's go to do i have to go buy them from a certain person you yeah i don't i can't i can hold half of them not even not even half of them okay all right thanks uh i'm gonna do with all this stuff 1300 organics it's gonna take me all my supply just to get anywhere this stuff so that's for 90 units way too much of this stuff um i could go and can i just like stop off over here at the pirates mail may not like me enough can i leave can i go into here maybe and sell it there she wants me to go where does she not care where i sell it at she doesn't she just wants to give it to me okay so i've got it so we can sell it anywhere uh i think what we'll do is we'll go let's look at it so we can sell it in canny for a ton thulian base is in thule it's a little too far away it's cheap at the pirate base 10. light years so the closest thing that's good is four light years and that's ilm that's where i like magic um it's gonna be real expensive to get there probably wouldn't be worth it where's that place i saw it before i don't know where it is though uh i don't remember where that one is i'm just sort of mixed in the middle here wouldn't it or was it in okay so we're there we can go let's go um let's go here you know what we'll go there it's a it's a kind of a quick trip um if oh no i never mind it's like it's fast okay you know what let's just sell it turn this thing around quickly turn this thing around drop it off let my supplies go down never mind i don't want any of them they're all yours i just bought okay so we'll sell what we can just so we don't die for my supply loss um okay okay so we'll take the 600 of them and we'll go we'll go sell them somewhere it's not really a good deal but uh it's okay okay so let's go to where was it that was going we're gonna go to kanye which is over this way i don't care that much uh let's do the job that's close by here let's drop down because that has it does this have a station a system um a planet whatever in it no this is outside okay we also go we're gonna go to the oku place and we'll sell our stuff for a little bit of cash we may pick up a bit of uh of lemonade because it's really cheap there drop it off at a pirate base let's make some cash my goal here is just get some cash we want to get cash and we can get um our base of our very own okay no not the mirror i want to go to the mirror and go to the station okay uh hello that's more like it man imagine if i had all that stuff it'd be good i could have actually made the taxes okay you can have it pirate black market it's all yours i will sell is there a deficit here so they said yeah 600 of them okay yeah you can have most of them there you go all yours 38 grand nice uh i need some supplies there's a deficit here so i'm not gonna buy um i'll buy a few let me have to get me out of the system and all that uh how much are these so these are super cheap right yeah 154 that's about as cheap as it gets or 158 i guess and we can sell it at like the thulian base we know where that is it's they want they're sort of sixteen hundred of them we can make a killing if we have i'm buying every bit of this i'm buying on the black market oh you got 200 i'm buying every one that i can get now we have to not get caught this is the important part we cannot get caught i'm buying everyone every bit that i can carry that's a lot of money okay so i'm going to buy as much as i can afford if i get caught put a real damper on my day okay 500 of them 14 000 credits in taxes outrageous man man okay so now we leave we don't get scanned we see someone come and look at us we run away and we're going to go to thule why is this blinking at me why is that blinking uh we want to go to thule oh all right that's right okay what's up i played this game before uh we're gonna go here we're gonna drop off at this the base we're gonna make a killing we're making a kill in here if anyone looks at us funny we run away improved by one for what something happened straight with faction oh you're welcome okay so let's go all right um attempt to turn the transponder off i think it's fine but we're in ouch ouch uh that we're in local space here yeah i assume the plan is once it gets full release which i guess is supposed to be coming up pretty soon i mean we're at point nine five when we so many more numbers you can get there between that and one 1.0 doesn't necessarily i guess mean that it's full but i mean that's kind of the way it works oh wait i forgot to go uh dark okay i would like to sell you some things how would you like to have some of this you think it's a good idea i think it's a fantastic idea what that's more like it that's more like it okay and you want a lot more of that stuff i'll do it again uh there's a deficit here so i'm not gonna buy that stuff i need some more though let's do it again i got a lot of crew here i don't need you have excess crew though uh do anything that's in excess here i can see that on this menu so you are making crew and you're making volatiles so i could buy a bunch of volatiles and sell them somewhere else sell them at i don't know somewhere is it illegal they're short 200 they're paying 250 which isn't as good of a deal as these drugs are oh sorry this lemonade is um i suppose they could come up with infinite numbers between 95 and 1. uh i remember what these places are i'm sorry i'm starting to learn my places but not really tile i know is pretty close um i think what about the crew but one per unit that's not really a good deal combined for six um that's not a good deal okay let's just go back and do that again uh um i will um i'm gonna try to carry as few supplies as i can i'm tempted really to go in here and refit one of my ships to just give it extra cargo capacity can i just do that with like you i already did that didn't i no what are you doing combat freighter why don't you have more i wanted to change you around can i just give you cargo hold you're not a civilian grade so you can have that and not have the increased maintenance all right that's what you do is you you carry stuff i can't i don't i don't is that where it is f1 for more no what do i see i need i need the button i'm sure it's in here somewhere i just i'm just missing it of that quick rundown of this ship that one ah i found it okay um you can carry 150 right now plus 50 because i think i've given you something already i think what i'm going to do i'm going to dump this stuff off because you're not going to get into fights we don't need much of that stuff if any i'm going to add in some expanded cargo holds can i do it again okay now they're not sneaky cargo holds i realize like if i were to put it on for instance a um one of these hounds because they do have shielded cargo hold so if i give them more cargo holds would they be shielded as well just by giving them more cargo holds maybe getting a tax-free lemonade business i sure am kanga just uh you know what we got we got we we smelled the profits and uh this is our this is my ferengi playthrough i should change you know what i like light speed plus that's a cool name for a ship but this guy needs a name we need um that's a kind of cool name too uh we're going to call you it's going to be jimmy jimmy needs a ship and uh like the night witch fantastic the talka knot that's ridiculous but um you can be the uh you can be on tinti's pride there you go he's very prideful of that um if i can offer you something better can i yeah won't you go be that be whatever you want to be buddy combat freighter it can fight so it says well um but it's not going to be fighting you know actually this is the one i already put on the expanded cargo holds on with this guy i'm gonna do what i should do it again you know like like a like an additional one um there should be a link in there for um streamlabs okay anyone who want to chat non-strip woman in shadowy booth hello um provide a spice fat package make sure no patrols are on your tail you know you want me to drop off spy satellite i do that i do it all the time okay okay now uh we know where the good the big business is we're doing it again we're going to go back to we were here yeah we're gonna buy that stuff and we're gonna go sell it turn on the old transponder watch out for those rocks crank on the engines let's get out here i do have a job a couple jobs down there over there we'll get it the drop so let's go pick up we'll do it one more time and then we'll go back to normal jobs we'll get there yeah sorry it's kind of difficult on twitch i'm i'm not partnered with twitch and uh um i'm not probably switch so i can't i can't do the bits and all that so i apologize for making it difficult on you which is very picky problems with twitch sometimes but they um they don't let you stream on twitch and youtube at the same time like it's it's easy to twitch or nothing at all basically and if you partner with him and i don't want to do that so all right so why is that always thinking to the light from the station okay um repair and let's go buy some more things shall we um oh yeah i will buy all you got give me all you got i'll take all those and then i'll buy the ones i'm gonna buy everything i can get man it's a lot of money that's a lot of money 40 000 in tariffs i don't like that i'm buying it i'm just letting you know how much i don't like it okay and then away we go back okay uh well i'm here i have storage space no i'm pretty well full never mind or if there's something else we can maybe buy that's that's cheap here we could sell somewhere else these are expensive here deficit seems like a deficit for a lot of things yeah that's pretty much it though okay um let's leave and we're gonna go whatever capacity let's go back to uh here for one just one more quick trip i mean why would i not you know try takion kinda likes me anyone know the number that i need to be at to join in pirate battles you know me and pirates we're buds we always work together so pirates work isn't it i kind of knew this whole piracy thing shoot some folks there okay back to the pirates go have a visit we will uh we'll go dark and uh cruise on in and then we will sell all this stuff at the black markets for 138 isn't that what i oh abort abort it's not expensive anymore wait it's cheap now no it's not okay apparently i don't want this stuff anymore uh umbra wants it and kanye wants it and dawn 100 bucks per thing at umbra i think it's gonna go candy doesn't really like me let's go to esconia and sell it yeah let's go there and sell it go to dawn the price is going up is that how you read that oh yeah so candy is going way down i see i see i see i'm still going to scone you though because it's still like you think i think dawn's the best one all right all right i'll listen to you where was dawn that was in hybris that would said yeah it's on our way anyway those are the direction the planet is in oh is that what that means is that what that means hey brandon i always dream on mondays typically this is the uh this is the stream um this is stream random things day but you knock it off uh but today is uh it starts after day it's the direction all right all right um okay well then i will go to esconia yeah it is the direction that's pretty handy let's go let's go to estonia real close and there late sunday yeah really yeah it's not monday yet for me um so we'll go over here we'll make our we'll make a big bucks turn it on jump in turn it off as we get closer to the pirates oh whoops sorry sorry sorry i'm sorry i realize you're on on the there doesn't matter how far away i go i mean it's not very secretive doing that but okay so there is the deficits excellent i will take the 500 grand thank you very much you're selling fuel for a lot too are you that's a good deal too okay i saw a good way of of um working the system as well is you go in and you like raid folks so there is a deficit and then you go in and you sell things and then um you make the money you know you create the deficit i'll take that money thank you um i would need some of that i'm gonna buy just a couple but it's just a deficit i'm just gonna buy a little bit here i need to find a cheap place for that and just stock up let's go to valhalla for that buy a bunch of those there's a deficit here as well what do you guys have a lot of you have a lot of ore volatiles all tiles you have a lot of wars that's going on over here 95 per unit it's good deal dump it off in zagan for double our profits how about you two i can sell for 12. i don't have the cargo capacity to carry aura around okay um i i i think i kind of want to buy this maybe we go to zagan oh it's in the same system there's a deficit oh yeah i'm gonna buy as much as i can from the black market i know this is a bad oh yeah i'll take all of it well everything you got 41 grand for that i can pop over the system next next door and i'll sell it there's no more deficit now because i'm buying or excess because i'm buying it all okay and then we go to okay let's figure it out we go to uh which one was it syndra i think syndra i believe uh inventory volatiles syndra i don't know i need um he knows this reason just sort of just pops in there's a convoy going there um i'd like to say some of this hey not i'm gonna go black market okay quick uh a couple bucks i will buy i mean i don't really care it's kind of going this way i don't really care if we make them all mad too much got too much to carry probably all right okay okay oh didn't i sell those oh you oh you only wanted 200 of them uh yeah that's fine i think i just sold them for the bottom four that's fine okay uh how much these selling for not opposed to grabbing some of those 100 of them real quick i'm dropping off at a little hyper dawn okay pick those up and you don't sell them okay that's illegal here let's go do our let's go do our job now we're going to go to oh we're going to dawn first head over that way yeah last time i played this one i remember which was that louder or maybe it may be a year oh what do you want smuggler that's not me i'm using my story points for that not me at all um last time i had a lot of blueprints i picked up a lot of stuff from from there black market trade i lost some reputation with these guys difficulty curve i mean it's it's you know it's one of those games where like it's like kenshi or mountain blade even fits in that where you start out with like nothing and so you it's pretty rough to start with like you can walk out in the hyperspace and get destroyed pretty quickly um that's part of the fun for me but i can see some folks not liking that um so if i sell if i do this here does it make the pirates not like me so much maybe we should sell at the market i don't want to pay that 17 000 though okay i'm gonna have a million bucks that cheap that's not too bad i'm gonna stock up on fuel here give me all your fuel yep all your fuel yeah yeah you can start with an easy start um which i think starts you up kind of like where we started today about that about that setup uh and some just my things yeah we do crafting we make our own planes and all that all our own shuttles whatever um but uh yeah there's that's kind of where we started you start out with like a bit of a fleet and then you can go out and you know while beyond or whatever 100 units of transportation or on can you need to get rid of as soon as possible uh no no no no thanks all right so let's go finish our jobs right we need jobs long time ago uh let me go and do that in where are we going to drop up there 38 days we should do that probably first yeah let's go there make sure we keep her happy she's our friend i mentioned i should do scan and survey missions yep yep those ones when you go to the uh the bar like that guy there wanted me to haul around some things that's that's a good way to start i'm curious about this one two fleets should be all matched when is it happening 29 days i'll keep an eye on that i'll be all about getting on a pirate raid exploration early get you good credits yeah hey duncan i've never played where i'm friends with the fire the pirates or at least somewhat friendly with pirates i've never had the luxury of of not being kind of terrified of getting attacked by them getting jumped by him that's kind of nice now we gotta be sneaky out here right this is the [Music] drop off so let's go over here let's go dark this is where we just sort of do the drop you know the finger or whatever we're dropping off here it was a finger last time okay done next mission was this one uh spy satellites oh it's me it's me one of those were real close oops wrong one yeah and and pink lemonade at that bilbo i can't believe oppression has become so widespread that people can't even enjoy a refreshing refreshing glass of lemonade anymore it's outrageous isn't it it's a good thing there's people like me out there you know to provide services that the common man needs watch out for those uh those bumpy travels oh man the goat suffering jimmy's suffering it's well you know open world thing you can do whatever you want in this game you can be you could go join the hegemony and start fighting in you know in combat open combat whatever intel what's that one bounty glow sticks that's a good one uh we'll try it on okay so we gotta get here quiet like i'm gonna go dark right now okay i like the number to be lower we shall see okay so we got a nice belt over here let's see this guy kind of hide out over here if we need to uh what do we got over here got a fleet it's just a station and a fleet i wish i could get in there with that guy right there you get away okay just ease on oop thank you sir you make it real nice on me drop off the old spy satellites done okay let's get out um nothing like that i've never done any of these missions before any sort of piratey stuff before i've always been scared of it but uh not today another spice i like down there we're gonna go do that one what's this one is this oh is it done oh it's done i got i got a gun ship over there okay yeah we'll go over there uh let's stop off here and another is this a spy satellite another spy satellite man that's all i do anymore baron arconan nice something scary's out there uh lots of things pirate armada hang on hang on hang on hang on what's with all what's all the uh what's all the excitement around here let me in on this i'll take out this bounty hunter he thinks he's so tough huh yeah give me in on it someone take me in please please i just want to fight something nobody likes me is it because so i'll turn it on fine i don't think it's gonna do me any good come on come on come on get in there nope yeah all right fine go back to our our spot i could have hung out and scavenged that place big fleet over there nothing changed last that's different last time from i think any other time i played this i always went for the big ships um i like the small ships but i always you know went like hammerhead and which isn't really a big ship but the bigger guys oh dark somebody saw me for a second but we're good okay and away we go now uh think we gotta go get and get that what does that mean what's that what's with the little thing around there oh stellar mirrors okay let's go back to thule and pick up my my ship any favorite mods i've never played with mods what do you want you wanna fight i'll fight you lots of broken ships there i'm ready to fight someone but um i want to make sure i'm fighting the right person you know right through that big fleet there uh what happened oh we're going there okay let's go there okay back to um back to our ship is in there what are you [Music] oh what are you doing what's going on around here some funny business oh this base again and yeah they don't like me i would love to get in on that but i don't know what we need to do to get them like us i'm fine going in here without being dark um let's go and now where do i go to get this surplus volatiles personally security codes and an old freighter that's a good deal we could sell we make a little cash no [Music] i must trying to use these security codes for is that just for like um getting in on um attacking bases i guess attacking orbiting over orbital stations maybe maybe i will do this one i'll do that how many 220 i can carry that okay uh and let's go visit the bar academic what do you want what's this one all about oh yeah you ship ia ai core right i don't care about that traders foreign use of fuel as soon as possible i'll pay 46 credits sure okay i think i've got that i guess i don't have that oh there's a deficit here of course there is uh okay okay um let's go look um we'll go get her 400 units which we should be able to get from not there maybe i'm not gonna do that i may not do that mission all right how do i get this thing do i get it from just her you is it maybe uh in here already go here i get my ship sport master admin i suppose i think it's here we have to go to the bar and talk with um okay heavy machinery no okay i'm trying to buy my ship that i uh that i had ordered here i don't know who i get it from lewis autonomy um i talked to her before and that wasn't it right this is this is the one right this one i do this okay i was delivered there in my fleet already i don't think so no storage on the fleet screen ah okay okay good um ooh the ambition i like it i like it neat uh let's autofit this thing with um i don't know launchers kneelers yeah that sounds cool do that to it you know what's so special about you better fuel capacity maintenance is bad um more crew you have phase teleporter ship instantly teleports to a desired nearby location that seems pretty neat i'd like to fly that thing but i don't know how to fly that so i'm going to give this to one of my um my experienced uh lady you can have it and we'll bump it up further in the list there we go quite a fleet we got going on here um okay cool try that in simulation oh yeah simulation how do we do that let's uh we go into refit and simulation i will fight against lashes are mean i'll fight against um a hound and a lasher okay okay so let's see so i'm gonna go i'm gonna auto fire these things and we can go oh yeah check that out i want to take the recharge i think recharge already get your engines online already [Music] stop it i can't turn on my ends they're gone my holes are like nothing what's in here buddy i'm gonna turn it on auto fire because i can't control that is it just once per i get like one teleport per combat this is nasty look at the damage things doing i'd love to get up there oh i think i think i'm damaged oh man i want to fly this thing change my mind i'm flying this thing you need zero flux to teleport oh okay okay requires zero flux i get it i get it and then we can go oh nice okay okay i have found my ship i found my ship this is i don't name the own tint yet i did i didn't use well we haven't he's pride this is going to be this is going to be um the uh this is the what's catalog always on uh this is this is the heart of yes okay and i will fly this ship you can have my old you can have the old bob ross there you go okay and i'll go to the front there fix up our stuff and anything else i needed to do here i guess i checked uh we gotta go buy the fuel maybe i don't know i don't think i really care about that uh let's just go and so we don't have jobs do we we have the volatile pickup fuel and whatever let's go check out the star that they told me about before this one let's go check that out see if there's a place we can go visit i would like to get um about to buying a planet where 800 grand i could just do a couple quick jobs of transferring the lemonade and i could probably make some money pretty quick i think he's wrath that's a good one yeah yeah there's a smuggler right there what are you looking at buddy what is it i got it come here come here so he's got some stuff he's got two of these gunships cerberus a hound and a couple little kites i got this uh what's that gonna do for me reese's comment radius of all disengage disengaging ships as if they were deployed into combat okay uh no i'm i'm just gonna pursue them taking command okay so we're taking we're taking in me and my wolves and my lasher and my umtiti's pride uh send the hounds in as well send in the hounds everyone else can sit okay they're gonna run away because they're cowards okay so we can go on something like we can just like do like we turn the shields on and then oink yeah look at that oh man this thing's amazing okay i found my new favorite ship this thing is fantastic please forget from the side of the map okay i didn't know that um i want to teleport right there and then blast them okay what else we got okay that thing's fantastic all right so can i go like this far can i just like go like i can go as far as i can go i guess yeah i'm gonna pop in i'm gonna target this guy and pop in on him i think it's nasty all right what you got for me uh maybe a couple kites eh this one's torn up and this one's a little torn up i don't want those all right we'll just take the scraps independence a little mad about that i'll take those though thank you very much so that's a way to make the money why didn't i do that before okay um less fuel less crew lost in combat reduced fuel consumption which is good more fuel salvaged i like it uh this is for survey stuff reduces monthly supply consumption for ship maintenance that could be good as well for me since i'm if i'm gonna fly that thing in there but let's take this thing produces fuel consumption and we get more fuel salvaged that seems like a thing that would be good beneficial for me okay what are you oh same guys i want to hit them again that would be kind of mean so let's go can i get f1 all right f1 work because nowhere we don't have contacts i guess we'll continue our we'll continue our flight i don't think we want to build here though it'd probably be a bad idea to build in these core worlds if we're going to be a piratey seems like a bad idea hello no i'll take stuff oh boy it's hot it's cool looking though i got a gas giant and we've got a baron that's all we got around here uh rocky metallic world potential let's go uh well i'll fly it let's go investigate that um i'll check out this one i think i have enough heavy machinery i may not i sold a bunch of it how much you need yeah i got it no atmosphere it's hot um yeah it's fine we'll do this one then we'll go with the other one check out those ruins uh what about those ruins all right i guess i won't check out the runes oh there it is oh yeah salvage up okay let's go look over here since they're right over there is this other one at that one these are the good ones right rocky metallic world or terran of course this might have some good stuff some rare or deposits um so um i i know there's certain things that we want to get i don't remember what they are um we want to sell luxury goods i'm not sure how that works if we had the the thousand crew the uh and the all this we could set a planet down i think it's worth it though because if the hazard rating is too high it's really nice that's good though okay take a look at this one big ping oh if i start this one already before oh yeah i think i have i think it was a mission one time okay oh i'm a little low on fuel so i think we do i think i kind of do this this trade again let's get some cash that's the place to pick it up let's go do it if they have it i guess i'm too far out to get a reading on that if we can find somewhere we can sell it real quick we'll do that drop it off make some cash um i think maybe if we get like two million we might be good to go we'll have to find a system that's out out a little bit so we probably do some exploring as well something with the lowest possible hazard rating and ideally you want more than one planet in that system too right because if you build a fleet to defend that system it defends the whole system not just the planet my thinking is correct um look now that we're in space do we get or we don't isn't there isn't there um this is where we're going we can go to dawn probably and sell it actually pop in here real quick um hello woman you got 23 000 2013 pay me back oh you're gonna give me a uh i don't need a loan i'm just here to network uh i went to 161. that's still a good price that's that's the best price i can't sell it here but i can sell it at those prices aren't quite as good but um maya surah nearby we've been there before they want 800 of them an umbra wants 1200 of them you can have this maybe i shouldn't make these guys mad this is my spot like we should do this on the up and up you know a lot of money the loan wage war and never pay it back okay okay we could do that okay so now we're gonna go to uh place was escondi was on the list wasn't it i know it was here and this one the only one 800 but we've got like 850 or whatever so we'll we'll give them the other 50 as a you know as a bonus starforge okay all right we'll head in there and uh what was that mission there yeah way out there you know we could take one of these though we're gonna go out that way anyway i think what we'll do is we'll buy some heavy materials and we're gonna go explore some things anyway it's a long way out there it's a long way out there we probably should go that far out some scraps nearby um i would like to sell you some things uh what do you want buddy yeah yeah what you got price 949 400 credits 20 marines for there is a destroyer collected space dust over there um high burn elysium i will do it and i'm gonna scrap it yeah sure okay get a point every point we get for these uh folks i figure it's good for us i will sell you all that for that how much did this sell for is that what it was no that's not what it was but it was way it was way better than this before hang on los astropolis 453 you say you're buying it for this says oh yeah 526. why was i thinking something okay 400 piece let me go yeah okay uh we're gonna buy fuel yeah we're gonna buy all the fuel buy always supplies too okay we broke a million for a minute there um let's go and you uh what are you making here nothing you're just short on everything insulated engine mod on that market insulated engine mod where's that was that i don't even know what to look for with that let's let it engine mod pack i like that okay so i take this and then i learn it and then we can go to our ships and we can say go to the heart of own tnt can i is it i can add it in here now is that how this works or do i have to build the thing does that work this thing would it be worthwhile to put that on there because it takes the top three noisy guys correct i'm not gonna get this i'm gonna scrap this guy uh but goat for instance he's at 30 right now would it be worthwhile to like dump off three on everything and just give everyone that we could be sneaking around everywhere like that and then add this wherever it was this thing you can't do it here interesting get bigger oh i could get very you're right i could get bigger ships and then toss it on there yeah good idea uh this guy i'm going to scrap can i do that here no i'll do it uh here sell for 2700 or just scrap it for bits supplies fuel machinery it's probably worth more than that yeah okay uh crew's fine and we've bought all the fuel we can get if uh five plus raise the only need on one on destroyers oh okay okay okay let's see what you mean so we get like let's take a look and see if there's anything here that we want i don't i don't know my ships well at all obviously but if there's something in here that we would like this old little guys um like a strike not that one let's pick up a mule just to carry things whenever we get to that point or maybe we buy just one big ship when we go to the point of like hauling things around we just pick up one giant guy and i do the hauling drone tinder okay um so that's that job done let's go and that's where our ships hanging out we don't really have a um right other than this i'm not gonna do that no leave me alone uh oh you want those yeah you want the how many do you want 220 units of volatiles go to uh olindel and do here okay we can do that i'm up for that mission this guy's confused what's he doing all the habitat yeah that's that thing that's another one that's up there i think i need to just fill up the fuel tank we find somewhere cheap we need to just gas up and then we can go anywhere and then we can go do some exploring i'm going to take i only have like three mods is that what the problem was okay these are these guys we don't like these guys lobster yeah uh i probably to talk to you at here correct yep volatiles please okay oh we're friendly with uh with her now nice okay um who wants to buy these i can i should buy more of them here they're cheap here i'll buy all of them um from here yeah i'll buy them all they got more those aren't cheap though okay so i will take these two i think we're gonna go to syndra again can i click on this i wish i could wish i could click i should click here like set destination that'd be nice wouldn't it okay to sandria syndrya which was here and there okay away we go i have a smuggler out there i was going to look at you engage in battle that's blowing up going on pirates and a smuggler let me in on this come on i'm i'm a good guy i'll help you out pirates give me scraps what is that i'll take it anymore something over here drifting a hammerhead there oh are you worth getting you're a little broken what do you got on you you've got compromise armor weapon mounts are broken fuel injector okay drone you're bad also yeah i don't want you okay uh and let's go let's continue our trip hey all right so while we're here we're going to go and uh and stop off here lots of folks around here yeah reaching my contact time is up and i think we both benefited from the arrangements oh you want to leave me i have to go spend all the credits i've earned a little chance to do that cooped up on a ship in the middle of nowhere is there um yeah i got plenty of points stick around why don't you okay uh let's go to the we'll go ahead and fix chips and look at the bar offering bounties for what um what do you got uh ludic path operative 25 light years away 40 000 credits maybe what she got gunship sir oh we got this yeah it's easy i'll do it okay i want to sell these here i'd like to buy some fuel but it's expensive here i'll say these okay uh let's go get a bounty million bucks lobster is aware i don't where's lobsters at full volt turn oh the this is where i can buy the the illegal lobsters do i have anything illegal on me i don't remember sure take a look what i have no contraband but there's enough suspicion of your involvement in black market activities that the patrol commander is not appeased by this they will do some small but just borderline damage minus 10 with him minus fin 5 with uh oh those people um fine take a look you hurt my combat readiness you jerk there you go there's an example of comment rate of doing black market things being bad okay i'll go buy some lobsters it's gotta be big look at all the stuff it's carrying but if i could take that thing down i'd be a lot a lot of loot i couldn't carry yeah busting that's right maybe we should go in if i go dark before i go in is that a beneficial thing to do so i don't see me i won't they won't see that i'm the one doing all the stealing so these are illegal everywhere else that's is that correct there's only 95 of them i'm fine with that though i'll take them and i just hit that's it oh transponder has to be on for that oh can i buy them from there a buy mall okay away to salamanca we go anything cheap here but i want to look oh what you got um not really any excess things you got some shortage of things all right to salamanca we've been there before i'm starting to remember where these things are at i say that but i actually don't remember that uh it was in there it is look at that that's quite a bounty that's a big fleet but i'm overly confident with my new ship so i'll do something stupid before too long of pirates okay uh hello i have some things for you you want these yeah they do 100 grand oh man look at that 43 grand i think you can lower that by like making if they like yeah i think is that the right but yeah yeah we're not i will take those and i will not a bad price while i'm here i might as well pick up a few of those we can go sell those later i could use some of that i'm gonna buy all these and buy all that as well and excess people i can take people and tell them i guess um yeah yeah luxury goods i'm gonna make some of those eventually maybe blaster on the market um this thing nope this thing okay i'll listen to you i want three of them oh yeah i do actually i keep on meeting and selling but then i have there's like i mean i guess something might be a big deal fine i'll sell some crew there we go get out of here uh okay uh that's all good i'm gonna go ahead and buy i will buy all the fuel yeah that's fine i'll take it all okay mining blaster i don't want that i want that heavy blaster i need that's ten so i got two more i gotta i gotta make up room for so should i lose i'm gonna lose a um i can vent that okay yeah yeah i like it oh right right right right so heavy blaster is going to be i guess my main thing and i'll put the these guys on on i'll just do like that once you want auto fire uh i'm gonna put them all on i'll fire i can switch it off if i need to there we go a thousand for a future colony i don't need to walk around with them though aren't i paying supplies to have them i can always pick up crew pretty easy we got to find a planet still let's go do that i should probably buy this stuff um i'll take them all keep some of that stuff around uh so we can do some surveying and all that and yeah okay so who who wants now leave me alone all right fine my way out of it again okay uh we want to go to [Music] oh yamaha uh keras okay easy money play it's taxi service there's like um star valor is that the one that's like that where you can that's gonna be oh um um there's another one that was like that as well where you could like your ship you could put on stellar tactics i think part of the part of building out your ship you could put on like cargo or troop or people holding pods or whatever let's go here okay so here these are all yours there you go i'm not paying those taxes there you go and once you get this cheap anything expensive expensive cheap cheap let's pick up some of these i'll take a few more i stick all of them it's a lot it's probably way too much that's fine talk about crew update you can have a fleet now oh nice starboard i did oh i have to come out again okay um all right uh so let's go and see farewell farewell friends uh anyone you want to talk a shifty woman someone's bothering people over here speak quietly emotioning explaining dedicated pads contents help me move 20 units of heavy armaments to even tide i'll pay 26 grand no need to involve the authorities no inspections of tariffs easy money um no what about this the shifty one these villages hegemony security codes this is the ai core guy let's go and head north space north and that is going to be up this way somewhere we had some missions to go up that way the hegemony bounty this one's done why is it so tell me this yeah get out of here um affiliated with a cinderion decot oh yeah that guy yeah let's go to that guy long ways out i got plenty of fuel i got plenty of you i can go anywhere in the galaxy okay let's go if we find some folks doing something like this we're gonna go uh help them out i would love to join in but i can't i'll take the scraps though i'd like to know what i need to be to make these guys help me uh i can fight with these guys um no thanks did i take that whoops whoops whoops all kinds of stuff out here significant risk all right let's go let's get out of here let's go hunt ourselves some bounty for 40 grand nothing i mean we could make we could make so much more money if we just did the lemonade hauling but we're gonna go out here we're gonna do some exploring we'll see if we can find some good planets there'll be a bunch of planets uh then we can go and uh build ourselves a colony typically when you go out this far out in space it's like it's risky right because things are gonna come jump on me and try to kill me but i don't think it's gonna happen this time if you elite your first combat skill huh oh right right oh if i um oh are you seeing if i put point can i put points into this or um this one right how do we how do you elite it can i put a point another point into the same one that's how it used to work with the three i know avoid this stuff which i'm doing a bad job of killing my supplies here okay so this guy's around here somewhere oh just turn that off the transponder off good are you coming for me oh yeah you wanna fight okay engage we don't talk okay uh you're a little unready because of the clouds i'll send you in still maybe i shouldn't i think he's pride you know what you can set this up buddy okay what we got okay i'm gonna fight buddy oh yeah this thing's nasty man things nasty oh i didn't realize i thought you were ow ow i thought you weren't one of my people get the shields up come on okay learn a lesson today um don't vent when there's bad guys around man i took a beating on my side there where are they at there he is back a little bit vent bit and get back in there we can spin around this guy and get him on his uh there we go got him vent come here and save my friend oh get it done bit of a beat in there but we got it uh we lose anybody did we yeah okay uh do i want a hound i like hounds faulty automated systems what's that do for me that is meaning more crew no yeah i'll take that one okay let's pick through that wreckage take all that mission done there we go wait that was my hound no it wasn't no what was mine what what was that that one i don't remember that name okay you get a new name buddy because i don't remember you uh oh such a doofus all right yeah i don't recognize your name either but you're my lasher give me a name um um who who wants to be named after a ship anybody anybody what can i call them the armando because armando reminded me of community catalog that uh that was my ship there you go you gained yourself a ship armando the lemonade yep and we got this guy needs a new name too perpetual game oh yeah perpetual it's naming you uh electo so you don't actually do anything so you're kind of like a nothing um i'll call you magnus and is that it night which is a cool name so keep that one in there jimmy's cool light speed plus i like it potato eater hey salford how's it going how are you how was um you're playing um only tonight i was watching i saw you earlier let's see here how'd the stream go i'm just here um scrapping my own ships thinking i'm getting all kinds of good loots that's just how i do things right here uh all right so now we're way out here out in the middle of nowhere we're gonna go explore some things yellow stars are good we could go to there's an orange right here let's take a look at it let's see what it is dlc i didn't even realize it was dlc for uh uh for oxygen included i'm out of the loop see emilyn all right so we've got a baron and a taran eccentric world you know i'm okay with a little eccentric thing work center alexander people let's go over here dlc changes it a bunch when did the dlc come out is it a paid thing all right let's do our survey here we got uh people oh you i need more crew i knew i shouldn't have got rid of those people habitable that's good tectonic uh in the middle biosphere deadly to unprotected human beings oh poor light okay i knew i knew who said to get rid of those people that's why you for listening listening to you twitch chat all right we gotta go back and get some people um we're gonna go right over here and then we're gonna go explore some more things i don't know if i want to be this far out anyway let's uh to update um yeah you should go to the website and just download it straight from there what do you destroy right hey machinery yeah paid not released just in testing oh okay okay okay spooky clouds yeah i didn't even have to enter my um my key or anything in i just downloaded it and put it in the same folder and it did it all for me um over there on corvus right uh if i know best if i remember right like we would be like if we could find a couple stars nearby yellow stars might be a good good one to have all these clouds long trip let's jump in there oh yeah turn on let's go there uh repair and i need some crew and they're cheap here so we're gonna buy i was short not a bunch but i'll buy 100 crew does that change my supplies for a day i assume that's what that did that worked in that i guess not because it's just maintenance fuel here is cheap as well i'm gonna go ahead and stock up on that let's buy all of it oh yeah it's cheap and i got a lot of supplies but i'm gonna buy a few more you can have all those even though it's not worth it um oh hey what you got there it's a good price it's a very good price i'll take them all hey the armaments maybe we should go in that business we could pick it up real close by for 400 and sell it for a lot there's not a lot there organs as well 260. we could buy it for 260 and go sell for 600. yeah let's buy um let's let's let's do you know we can be a a bunch of different things there's no reason we should stick with the same thing 500 and i'll go sell it it's like 20 of them domestic goods i get four times the value i'll buy all of them it means i can carry which is only 200. okay with that okay now we're going to go to a few different places so we've got to go to i don't know where um let's sell we'll go here first any any um similar spots keras is similar so we'll go there go the acera system i've never been there where's that i don't even know where that is this one way over here it's a long way i thought it was close yeah 13 everything's far away i don't know i'm on the edge out here let's dump these things off real close here in uh naroca or in which one do i match nachi there okay so they will take these all yours 20 grand not much uh i will buy those though that's a good deal and i think i'll buy those also military from here oh interesting uh okay so let's go sell this and i'm being tracked we gotta get out of here let's just run to valhalla real quick we could actually probably we could probably run over here pick up a few more things oh man get out of here sorry points really changed some things i'm not sure i'm not sure i like it it seems like it makes it a lot easier it seems like it makes it to where like you know um maybe i maybe i'm playing the game differently and so the story points aren't as i'm not using them like i should be but i don't know seems like i'm not like nothing's happening some pirate activity around here stop off over there parts right here right now i went in on this look at this armada let me in please swear points are op i think i think they are 250 is a good deal uh yeah very good deal i will buy all of them that's not the best price i can sell them for a lot more than that so take the take the organs okay what if that's how nogrim saw the vet video which video oh the stats went no no i had a i had i've i don't want to be like on any you know uh i don't need a star hipster here but what happened there uh i had the game before that video in fact that video helped out my video views quite a bit i've had a few videos before that uh i don't want that thing so i will just take the bits okay now i'm gonna buy a few more things here and those and then we leave uh i can already sell this stuff okay they're gonna be mad because i keep on doing this black market stuff um but let's get out i'm gonna burn let's really get out of here i can't just remember there was no star map and only one system now it was when it was called starfarer that's that's the that's the real hipster okay i'm way over here uh well let's go make our way up to let's go here this is always a good spot making some cash we're just in the business of uh of picking up some what's going on over here any idea if we could hit some some smugglers that would be a bad idea survey survey probe oh i was here so there's our lobsters yeah we'll go stop in there how can we deal with black market with a beacon on uh yeah probably shouldn't but um i i'm not really too concerned about people liking me so that's why 376 that's not bad um that's actually a good deal it's prices to sell that's that's the best we're gonna get right now so if i sell all these it's it can get the price can get so good though i think i think i i don't wanna do it i'm going to hang on to it and i'm going to take as much as i can get out of it yep let's not get hit by anybody let's go here to the pirates uh let's stop by syndra first oh i'm over cargo opacity okay we'll go to the pirates 2017 is my first one still over capacity okay i will say something 300 it's just it's just that's just not gonna good price it can be so much better that's that's like as good as it gets but it can be so much higher i don't know we've got like a 600 each there's always a shortcut though okay there's a shortage and we're killing the market um okay let's leave here let's go into let's go back to the real quick over capacity here hey or what how's it going that's what we want that's what we want we want a smuggler oh he's got good stuff too so he is where he's from syndra to yeah he's going here that's where we're at okay there's two of them here we're hitting him they're going to try to cena and to gilead which is i don't know where gilead is somewhere else um we got it we got to hit them so let's go around the star first stay out of that then what are you bounty hunter it's possible they're out in hyperspace already let's go out there i don't know where they are this one's blinking up there okay what do we got let's go burn to this guy come on go go what are you muggler luxury goods that's a big fleet i can't have that there was one down here too coach where'd he go i've lost him and they were they were heading up to where was it we're gonna go this way this is where they're going they get out let's so they get they leave this system in less than five days that's what it means where was it um i don't know where to see it um do all those hey soul has gone i'll link it here for a second if we see something we'll we'll snag it up not you i don't think i can handle you anyway maybe i could actually where's this guy he's got he got a low delivering recreational drugs he's got a big fleet though look at the size of that fleet we can't handle that no we can't handle that that's too much too much bummer you're going to gillian so the other one's going to go up this way i'm sorry i would love to do it but they don't like me scavenger nearby we may have missed him hello what are you identified i want to see what you are smuggler that's my kind of stuff come here buddy what you got um open the comm link you've been scanning identified it's probably best for our both our peace of mind if you keep your distance i mean she's just trying to make a living um we could easily we could easily take her down easily oh hey look at that deploy oh look at that i accidentally found a button okay she's trying to make your living that's that's right that's right hello i should do it with my friends around get out here on this guy this thing is nasty i don't remember if i ever played the game with it with a shift like this before surely i have i don't think so i don't remember just tearing through things like this before let's go get this guy hello nope stop bouncing away get over here that guy down yet oh big boom anything else that it okay done uh what you got was that my ship no it was not my ship well i support structural damage is bad um that's not too bad well may i could probably use another another wolf yeah i'll consider recovery for that [Music] okay and what is this this isn't what i want where's the good stuff you're a bad smuggler organics it's a big fleet i can handle it though let's go uh let's go say hello to our our uh our best friend here if we see some smugglers we'll hit him or if we see anything we can we can hit we'll do it all right to this one right through the sun sure should be named nothing good here that's right i gotta name it don't i uh this guy um you are called the the worthless that's what your name is i'll put you up here and we'll get you fitted out in a minute potato eater right right right about that one in there uh hey do you want the stuff i know you know look there's a deficit it's only 200. man there's there's just no profit in this anymore it's going up though that's good what about you that's cheap i'll buy those and then i will say hello hello what you got for me um location of a claw wing blueprint some thousand for a location data very reasonable we'll expect you those are good blueprints are big money i do wish you to continue being useful for to me in the future i will give you a warning heed it well i've already sold this information to several other interested parties or to maximize my profits clever thinking if you accept be prepared to deal with other treasure seekers she smiles in anticipation i like the sound of that far from the core worlds yeah i'll do it blueprint those are worth some money okay we're just suspicious with the pirates now uh yeah we'll go do it i think i have a feel for this how much is fuel here uh expensive i'm not too expensive i do have a million bucks so um we'll go dump this thing off we gotta go i don't know where this where's this where's this thing at uh i want to go to this mission here it's way down there okay we'll set that as our uh as our place to go and let's look at this is anything going down south uh we could stop by tiger city we were just there or um that's not gonna go 300 is not good but 447 i can go for that it's a long ways out there okay let's stop by this one uh zera we're gonna go there anyway i'll stop by a zera buy that or sell those things 251 we could still make a good profit doing that so i'll buy those also i'm fully loaded okay under a million let's go to a c uh a zero i'm being tracked okay let's burn leave me alone maybe alone stuck in a million yeah we i think we'll be all right though once we once we get this cell we'll be a little better is he chasing me leave me alone okay this is a quick trip and how many planets are in here but that one i have 86 supplies and all my supplies can i get in on this no still i still don't trust me all right uh so there's the money there we go and you want these also 261 that's not a good deal i'll buy what you got i need some supplies i've got a big trip out here uh we're going to okay back into the back in the millions we're going to take these 300 harvested organs and take them somewhere else and then on our way down south though but we want to go to it was where was that uh prophet this one right kenny cantas den or oh yeah kamari uh the ludic path these are those are guys are problems but that's a lot of money so kamari candom is where we're going yep okay to that one can i go there that one back we go lots of debris out here yeah i organize a battle royale i'm profited from it yeah it's a probably go quick shouldn't uh shouldn't you know dilly dally and all that before we go down there we'll check and make sure there's nothing no exploring we can do also you know oh you guys don't like me yeah uh do i just go in like sneaky like okay here you oh it's go better okay all yours and it makes a gooey sound whenever i put it in there okay now we're making some money all right let's go do that one let's go do that mission uh i don't know anything else from you um yeah i'm good six per unit that's cheap so cheap so many people and 620 for these marines i'm keeping them going and the people deal in business refit the wolf right uh this guy here okay uh you're going to be a i was going to put like a point defense i think on one of them we have a we have an assault we have an overdriven what do we have a custom easy custom okay i don't have a close support a little close support sure and you're a lot like um making a lot of noise are you oh you're good uh look at that i guess so i'm saying it doesn't hurt to have too many right it doesn't it doesn't actually give me any negatives we just have a big crew 400 people you know what yeah we need to have every bit of them i mean these i got 186 we can pick up a couple more of these they're expensive so leave that i think i have enough supplies to make it there and back and all that let's get out now our mission is to go this one we're gonna go there we're gonna go there quick when you want this news what news is this magnus requires monthly payments uh okay okay that makes sense if i avoid those would be better 4.9 per day seven per day because we got hurt um yeah let's go in oh we got those things advanced gunship hello well hello you look familiar compromise whole faulty automated systems makes you still uh hyperion high tech yeah can i have you you know i know i know okay the nimrit okay let's uh this isn't my mission though is it no my mission was to get i don't know that wasn't it was it a claw blueprint we don't know where it is though it's right it's somewhere in this system just somewhere around here we're just exploring oh scrimshaw we've been here before okay let's avoid these guys quickly stay away from him let's go do some since our sins are bursting i guess something over here what are you supply cash did we actually find this quick no okay um i'm gonna do something some pings here the trigger detector gives me should be made for artifacts yeah that's that's what we want right oh it involves that okay so do this scan everyone's gonna see where i'm at know where anything is here sort of hang out here just now look at the time it's late i should go to bed i finally don't want to be in dark but things are only at that gate nothing nothing pinging on my um my thing my sensor sweep thing tiny world i should pretend i live in europe i just woke up okay okay we got things we know what things are about the warp gate those are those ships something's over here though hello where are you looking for me are you that's a big fleet medusa class destroyer i'll take a look at you okay hello what are you kite and a dormant fleet this is all from the uh the uh like the ai war or whatever from the story i guess i'm popping up down here somewhere that's in the system would have ruins open up lieutenant minerva ocampo has joined your fleet ah following process completes oh hello minerva welcome we have a paragon class blue prints battleship blueprint that's not the thing that i tried to find worth 330 grand though don't make those guys up i always walk them up stay away from them i thought it was dark don't sell blueprints arguably the best ship in the game is it really okay something else is up here i don't want that fleet to see me oh that's them i'm gonna fight now supply cache background has five large energy hard points oh it's just like a sit back and blast things kind of ship i like it let me do one of these big pings i thought i just put the ball those okay a lot of stuff out here not what we want though let me go look we kind of flow around this way let's go down here oh those pirates do they lose background's the ultimate battleship there was something up there where's this trying to take me oh right right so is it possible that this thing was already found something just came up would it tell me it's a little shuttle yeah i remember that being a thing that you didn't want to like say you found something like that you didn't want to sell that to anyone you're going to fight because they will start making that ship themselves i don't know i'm not having any luck here i mean i'm having lots of luck but not having that kind of luck i'm looking for oh we got something over here what are you entity yeah hammerhead pods got some harvested organs all right uh let me go puts my new guy see if they're any good we'll put them on jimmy minerva you are amazing you're timid helmsmanship target analysis impact mitigation shield modulation gunner implants you are amazing okay minerva i have the jimmy i'm paying you 2900 bucks a month well i saved your life this is how you repay me something i'm going to do we're paying you some stuff out here not what we're looking for though i can get a wolf here yeah you know what i'm always a friend of the wolf that's do i really want another wolf yeah why not as long as it's not terrible and that was you meteor and you're fine you have a little bit of a problem but you're good i don't know um some folks chasing me here okay let's go survey a planet oh i ain't getting multiplied oh no i did that i wasn't paying attention i wasn't paying attention at all um let's survey this let me alone okay now i'm short on supply um you know what there's a wolf that we just picked up that we could get rid of um but i didn't find my thing all right let's get out of here we're getting chased by these guys let's get out of here let's take a quick look nope nothing yeah we're getting roasted here around supplies real quick i'm gonna be in no shape to fight anything those guys all right away we go uh we're way out here we're way out here we gotta go we gotta make our way back no supplies everyone's just gonna start falling apart i can turn off the fixing of the ships and all that but you know we could probably just fight somebody like right now before we lose our combat readiness maybe let's go in here let's try this let's hop in maybe we'll find some scraps laying around i should i wanted to go here anyway and do some supplies some scanning radiated rocky metallic volcanic not really what we want it's not prepared what's the point we've already used all the supplies another one of these guys are you are you tough i can handle you let's do this real quick like come here don't leave we can do this we can do it before we lose our comment right what's going down quick we're gonna jump in there it's gonna be bad we can handle this fight hopefully we get enough of um enough supplies we can we can get out of this me oh oh whoops wrong button these don't have are you ready no yeah i know cosplays will probably come out negative for this but i was hoping these things would have some things worth taking back here okay done claim victory um okay so the uh remnants don't like us anymore give me some good stuff i want more than 20. i'll take it though okay so now we've got that we can go to our fleet and stop repairing and then we hit back in here and then we go back home avoid these these these bits always supplies i'm always running out of supplies supplies are fuel i guess those are the two things this it yeah we got smuggler okay let's go to citadel arcadia sounds exciting uh accident report i know i know it's the worst isn't it you know just happens smuggler right there i should go shoot you want him buy these for a good profit you don't uh i can buy these pretty cheap though it's not really the big money maker as it was anymore though you can have you can have these i can have those i don't want transposons i guess we could probably keep some of those things for the thing i'm sorry i'm saying thing too much okay i'll buy these me all that okay um rc10 i think there was an update yeah i haven't updated it since i played last so there probably has been an update since since then okay uh why not they don't repair are they not okay let's go and fix up my fleet here so we've got you and you are fancy the uh the the nimrit no no no this is the um this is the potato and uh he may eat them sure i take that okay now if i restore you you have a compromise hole which means you slow and all that how much does it cost to restore you that's a lot of money but i got it already that much money i guess we should put someone in here we put our good captain minerva should go into this one and then we got the meteor here is uh is yeah yeah yeah he's the fancy and the fancy's gonna be one of our close support guide which i was going to do before and i didn't do right oh i didn't do close support so i got close assault overdriven custom so then why don't you be point defense okay and you why don't you get fixed up as well 20 grand that's probably why it's gonna cost to buy you a new one whatever and put you in order here i think i want to go with um this is an easy way of just shipping everything down okay there we go i need to buy more that should fix it though that that yeah that fixed me up i need to buy more supplies you have any more no this one costs far far more than buying a new ship doing how many d mods are removed yeah uh well it's late i gotta go to bed it's very late um and uh so where's the call today here what do you what are you all about move it there oh you want me to just oh um that's not a good that's not that's a bad deal if i got to sell it as well that's be good that's a bad deal you're trying to hose me i don't like being hosed uh no leave me i don't have anything do i i think i'm clean i think i am yeah get out of here yeah i got nothing what do you think you are but there is a smuggler here i'm gonna get them is it you we're gonna end this on a high note an independent smuggler i'm an independent smuggler as well but um but i'm gonna shoot you i don't even i'm going to believe the the hounds i think i don't know this it cost me so many supplies to send stuff in i don't need all this i can probably just just these and the wolves maybe we should just leave the lasher behind nah we like him okay let's get him nobody tries to take my smuggling operations look at him running away get back here and once you deal with those we're going to deal with this guy this thing is nasty did i mention how much i love this ship this thing is fantastic i've seen the folks that like youtube videos and things that do like um like a wolf only challenge where they just fly with a bunch of wolves i see the allure of it let me get up on this guy before he gets away come on get rid of the vent they get up get get out of here i got no flux come on nasty we want to fight ouch hey watch this watch this uh okay we're gonna come here we're gonna go and we're gonna go pop in behind him come on ouch it wasn't quite as pretty as i was hoping for [Music] you know just just he's got a it was going to be pretty i believe he's not might be very good last patch okay uh one of them got away do i want a cerberus no thanks i'll just take the bits thank you okay you get out of here we're making them real mad at us uh that's okay though okay uh we should we should end it here so let's do that at 1.2 million jump the shield up with that elite combat skill oh it takes a store point i know that means um anyway yeah let's end it here this is a fine system to end it in i think i'll come back we'll do more of this we may do more of this tomorrow um i just want to play more star sector so we probably will um and uh however um genius evil genius 2 comes out tomorrow doesn't it um i don't want to play anymore that one um you know i have like this rule of not playing the things that everyone else is playing i say that and that first evil genius live stream that i did was one of like the best viewed videos of of like the week so so maybe we'll do more evil genius i don't know we'll see um i should probably get some videos done though because i don't have anything prepared um but i have a video tomorrow going up with me uh colonel failure and and uh um gamer zack having a chat about youtube things and then this will probably go up on i don't know tuesday but anyway thanks for watching everybody and uh i i'm gonna head to bed and we'll call it a day here so thanks for uh for hanging out we'll probably have more star sector at some point within the week i'm guarantee we will uh because uh well i just wanna play more so i've i've i've every time i play this game i get in there and i play a little bit i get about to this point and then i quit um i want to get further i want to make a colony i want to i want to you know make some luxury things and sell them and make that million or whatever it was anyway thanks for watching everybody uh and i will see you next time [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Nookrium
Views: 118,071
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nookrium, youtube livestream, starsector, star sector, nookrium starsector
Id: uzZIp2Tpo3U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 196min 4sec (11764 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 30 2021
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