KeeperRL - Goblin Faction Snow Fortress

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all right so keeper rl this is this is one of my favorite games uh period and uh it's been in development for a very long time uh it gets updated all the time i think it's for the most part it's done just one guy and um a new alpha has come out alpha 23. what's going on here basically i've described this before as a um it's a good like um intro to like the dwarf fortress world where you you sort of like live you're building up a base essentially you're building a underground or or maybe above ground um fort essentially we are going to be uh the new update uh we are a bunch of goblins but typically you are uh typically you're the bad guys right i mean this world is full of humans and elves and and happy dwarves uh no that's not not for us we give sanctuary to the to the uh the the goblins and and the orcs and and the succubuses and and the uh and all the undead things all the evil things and then we tell those friendly folks what we think of them but today the new update has just allowed us to now be uh a goblin clan so we can be we can be an evil wizard we have the evil knights are in there now a lot of stuff is all new within the last few alphas we can just be alone cyclops which i haven't tried that one yet or um i think i played the zombie one before and this this new update alpha 23 is as unlocked goblins and you know i think nook is actually a pretty good goblin name so let's try it out uh another thing that has been added which i'm very happy for is typically the game like you move you guys around it's kind of sort of mob tactics like you charge out and and you go swarm and attack things but there's been updates that has changed how that works and you can actually kind of command you guys around so maybe your keeper won't die charging out to die um you know but we'll see we'll go to campaign mode that's fine that's fine we're not going to have the two dragons so that's for sure all right so we are there at home we've got a cyclops nearby we've got some dryads we have to go kill um we got a main villain keeper guy over there there's some gnomes that we're friends with the gnomes okay there's an unknown ally nearby and there's a dragon i thought we have to kill two dragons i don't want to kill two dragons give me something else um ants trees spiders we got dwarves to kill we got dwarves and elementalists and another main guy okay i'm up with that uh oh you know what i forgot those new biomes now i played the thing in the desert before um should we do like a like a oh a winter biome [Music] let's get a winter biome yeah i like it the winter bio it is all right welcome to alpha 32. it was released yesterday and uh we got new goblin keeper faction there's new combat ai improvements i'm very happy about and polymorphing and other cool gameplay like orcs and ogres as as things we'll find out all right so let's go see what we're doing here um i am actually a uh a goblin like that's where am i at i am this guy i'm nook the keeper so i can go around you know this way we go kind of explore this cold place i think that's our wall right there so let's just go ahead and dig in it's very open isn't it yeah let's dig in like right over here we got some gold in those hills yeah let's go in there all right so let's get to work let's dig you know we couldn't do outside stuff outside no no no let's go inside it's cold outside let's do a let's do something like sort of a little entrance thing we'll deal with it later and then we'll go put in a uh nice entrance zone i think you know being goblins maybe we should be a little more cavey you know what i mean that'd make more sense that wouldn't everything's up here okay what we got we got a we got charcoal the goblin warrior wants to join us but we need to have a bed for him to come in and a train dummy he is he has smelly breath i expect nothing less of you i just uh you got a pc is that what you're saying david it's fantastic hey how's it going hey david i'm not sure if it's i saw this before i was playing around with this i think i'm punching people because i'm just kind of a jerk i think it's what's going on there yeah i'm just hitting people whipping them i guess i'm okay with that uh let's take some more let's go and dig out this way and let's make our way up to you know we're gonna go kind of natural looking we're goblins we don't do this uh you know pretty stuff so it only makes sense we sort of build a cave system here um sort of branch this one off over here somewhere we'll build another uh like a room or something over this way this would be like our training room we'll set up a uh a nice wooden dummy we'll get a couple of those out there oh you don't need trees where those trees out there let's go grab some trees uh shift there we go grab a bunch of trees there and bring them in we've got uh this guy will be going away in a minute to film any beds soon you've used traps i never had a time when they seem useful yeah traps and they may have changed in the earlier day or in the later days here but used to be they were very important they're very important to have to have good chops let's pick up speed here so we got uh we got ola museum down there we'll get a backpack here in a minute uh there is a oh yeah the water is just frozen isn't it strange that everything is on this side of the world um also if you don't have a keeper all i should say um we're on our own map whenever we can leave our map and there's like things out there bandits and other things we can also leave and go to the ant world to the tree world that kind of stuff which we will do he's great at digging yeah yeah are you i dig it uh let me get you a uh let me get you a couple some beds here make this is this gonna be our bedroom yeah it seems like a good that's a good spot is any or uh maybe we call it a warren so what you call it a few goblins something like that we need a place to put our stuff too let's get our storage thrown in here let's dig out something like this and we'll do uh nice little place over here for uh for junk let me hold that wood in oh look gold we got already uh yeah yeah let me get treasure chest stash it there door from entrance good idea nice wooden door wink a cool guy went away already we weren't fast enough let's get some resource equipment throw that over here and actually probably a bunch of this stuff is there any music recognizing just no we have guard areas areas now which is great we can throw people in certain spots okay more goblin workers a goblin artificer okay um worker who is good at digging things can we get him under control hurry up dig that stuff out all kinds of stuff up here um we'll get tech once we start taking folks out we conquer play places and we get points to buy things where's lights come from oh yeah we gotta build this one there we'll put them in the hallway here we'll get some down here this is mew music i don't recognize it i like it it's good uh who we got an archer here gore book goblin archer yeah i'll get you in here buddy okay we're done digging out so we should get some things hauled in here now what are we working on here right here work oh they're working those torches i went and smacked that guy keep him in line you know all this wood should be getting hauled in here there he goes i'm gonna the goblin worker over there who is good at digging i'll take him into bed first that's a quarter so you can have a class system in your lair right yeah those are there before because you can separate yeah um folks if you want i do have a bed can i have the archery i need an archery target right i don't know that i can even do that do we have the ability to make that yet no we have to have the archery first all right we'll take this guy he likes to dig we'll give him a chance to dig [Music] uh i'll take another worker too sure goblin warrior yeah come on in buddy here it comes nice hat um all right so that's under control there we go beds we need a place uh we need some crafting let's get our workshop up i guess here's fine a couple workshops and let's get a poetry table very important um can you do libraries yet most part we're going to be basically doing a lot of nothing until we get a few folks in here to fight um how's this compared to room world think of it as a um um how would you compare it it's in the same same thing you know same genre for sure we can only have 10 folks in our campus always start building golden statues and actually build one of those excuse me what probably should increase by one he'll put some statues yeah statue statue yeah this game came out a long time ago uh i'll take an artificer i think he's gonna be my crafter which is which works for me we can go in here and start making some things let's get some clubs whipped up and we'll get some armor thrown in as well um and the poetry they'll do that on our own i think it's me yeah i write i write poetry this guy is a good swimmer come on in buddy i think we're mostly just goblins we'll see who we can find out there dungeon keeper plus dwarf fortress simplified yeah let's get all this rock over here we'll go over here and grab all this stuff also i'll go get you digging we got one guy who likes to dig we'll let him dig and more gold hard fish are making some making a club for us excellent which i should go over and grab it automatically anyway uh we have an obscene limerick that i have written can we read it yet oh i'm just gonna pick it up what i do with it just hang on to it all right let's crank up speed here um now a good idea i suppose early on we should go see what's going on over here it could be something simple like uh you know some bugs or something we can go squash real quick it could be a dragon um it shouldn't be this close though let's put in what the floors do for us just increase the luxury um yeah we'll put a little luxury in our main hallway here just because we're goblins doesn't mean we're like you know not luxurious take care of all those trees bring them on in here okay we got another goblin artificer yeah yeah i'll bring you in we got room for one more guy uh i think i can go and make where is my goal there's a stone statue gives me up to four maybe we should do like you know let's get this place fancy what's the lines mess up who are you baron the goblin guard iron training dummy i can't do those yet stop coming in here if i can't do those yet i have to have the technology of iron working i can't do those yet okay i suspect that goblin rearing is going to be a little more difficult because we don't have the ability to really have like an army you know major zone i don't have a leisure zone oh you know what i need to make um let's do it over here we'll set up a a dining table like maybe not maybe not there just the two is probably fine we'll set this up as leisure land there we go they can hang out over there have a bite to eat whenever they get kneading there's a reason to make a castle in this game mechanics no not really just for fun you can do it easily you can go and build stone building wooden building if you um there is a faction though if you play as the knight i don't think you you can maybe maybe i'm wrong but i don't think there's a i think you're better at building rather than digging i could be wrong okay so it's going to throw over here um get my library to go over there but we can't do that just yet i need my own i need my own place let's make a place for me i will live i'll live where the gold is so give me a uh a nice um a nice bed i'll take a i'll take a luxurious bed this is for me uh i'd like some floors as well because well because i'm fancy yup yup uh and this is going to be quarters three i live here uh and then i go to keeper are you quarters three okay oh a i type avoid melee ah that's a button that we need this button's been needed for a long time playing like a dragon no no no no no we like gold gold is great the only thing better than gold is uh is light in my room there we go is that me i don't know he's building that thanks thanks buddy okay i need a door too because these guys are kind of smelly i guess i can make these cans i i'll make an an iron door right there i should probably put another door here as well and we'll get a few more doors thrown in we can just do wood for most of stuff like that we'll put one there too are you goblin worker good at digging i don't need another worker though hey pizza how's it going only better the gold is more gold that's right that's right and speaking of more gold we found some uh you know what let's go on a bit of a journey so let's go grab somebody we're going to grab a let's grab a worker uh ol oath roll here your name is going to be backpack because backpack is the best and let's go on a bit of a walk let's see what we can do here i'll show off the combat stuff i mean we'll get there before long see how the combat has changed anyone over here hello i see a question mark is if someone lives over here it's kind of cool that i can walk on the water um a vampire joins my team hello vampire hello nice to meet you nice that's fantastic okay okay so when these guys back before we get them all killed i should i say oh little goblins or little little bandits no problem backpack you stay away from this guys they're going to hurt you bowie kill me all right fine i'll be the vampire all right i will eat him uh i don't like like sunlight wasn't there a key on the ground did i see a key on the ground i don't okay i'll grab a club i'll grab the healing potion a key what's the key go to i'll take a torch no i don't want to torch because i'm um i don't like light so much because it's okay as long as it's not the sun oh i have like healing on me oh i'm vampiric of course excellent anyone else wants some look at these bandits living in filth they had a talk with some cobalts while they're over here all right what time is it is it nighttime i don't know where's my where's my clock there it is it's it's daytime so i can't go outside i think we'll see if let's go out and see what it says i'm just vulnerable so i'm not dying somebody i'm just vulnerable in some lights okay yeah come on back vampires uh no no never mind okay 800 ticks till the sunlight is gone you guys shouldn't walk into sunlight right if i just if i just exit control mode you'll stay there right just hang out there for a bit we'll give you a home don't you worry okay okay okay um i would like a goblin warrior and a goblin warrior the train dummy okay we'll get get one of those i assume they got yeah the vampires are here they just sort of joined in hello vampires it's great okay so we get one thing we can get i think probably archery sorcery i mean what do we want hmm i think i want the iron yeah the iron dummy i think i want let's get it okay we can throw that in uh over here somewhere i think i'm gonna make my training room a little bigger let's dig this thing out and we'll do something like you know make it more cave like here let's leave that let's leave a little thing there okay then we'll uh we'll make this place a little nicer with with some uh what are you a goblin priest hey i didn't i didn't get you backpack's dead sad day all right some poetry about them vampires should show up uh i guess as soon as the day is is over yeah they're gonna hang out there and hide out they'll come inside we should give them a place to live can we put in a i don't have a place for them i can't make coffins um here you know what you guys can live somewhere else you can you can have this room right here this is kind of nice there you go we'll put in a door an iron door there okay fine we'll put in a stone wall there we'll throw our door next to it there you go and then we'll give you um a a nice fine bed all three of you members i don't have any confidence okay we need bookcases for all this stuff you need a wooden training dummy okay so we got the thing done out there here let's go get uh that iron dummy in like that i'm writing some vulgar lyrics that's what i do let's put in some wooden floors there we go this is a good alternative to fortress yes yes um this is this is a very good um entry-level dwarf fortress yeah for sure here we'll have to dig up to these guys there's someone also right in here we'll have to dig in there okay so nighttime is hit the uh the vampires are on the way over here who are you oh my priest yeah i don't know what that priest i'm not gonna be able to get it until we go on another adventure okay they're gonna go go have a bite to eat and uh you know live where they want to live actually you know what vampires i um i think you need to live in uh i'll give you a two and we'll adjust you here in seconds a million it's a good name for a vampire five kills there you go buddy you live over there okay you can have a bite to eat over there if you want hey frisk okay what do we got here uh plus five damage went drunk excellent uh speaking of drunk that's one of our things we could pick up wasn't it that was uh distillation make rat moonshine for your minions beers for dwarves rap moonshine for us i guess we could probably we'll have to wait until we got a thousand ticks until night is over maybe we should go out right now well it is nighttime we could venture over here and see what's over this way but i don't see any question any uh marks over this way we can dig straight into that it could be bad but typically the early stuff isn't terrible let's find out what it is another artificer we need another another forge uh we don't have enough room for anybody anyway though so we got water here oh i know what this is hang on hang on uh don't don't um don't don't do that i know what that is that's the downstairs scary guy i don't want to visit the downstairs scary this game does have z levels by the way we can go down if we want um but we go right in here i think pretty safely there yeah dig that out goblins go do it let's go get them uh yeah there's a lot of good stuff over here we can grab i get you guys pillage i can't have the corpses uh population limit yeah yeah okay so i set this thing up before i want to go and put in here so i want to get installations uh no no uh crafting yeah statues so we can have gold we can do as many statues we want we got plenty of gold for we can have up to four stone ones we might as well use them about 250 stone for each one maybe not let's do the golden ones okay if you have enough for that spiders i saw it spiders are kind of nasty because they're gonna they're gonna poison us looks like uh yeah looks like room world plays a bit like to a fortress and same theme as dungeon keeper yeah that that fits so we got spiders there we got uh scary guy underground we got something over here also we can dig to that probably pretty easily let's see what's over there let's just looks like that is right there just do that um yeah we should probably think about defense now let's think about this so they're going to train up here at these these things as they train they gain skills he's a 25 right now he's like 22 when we grabbed him and he's learning how to fight over here vulnerable to magic he's a swimmer he's vulnerable yeah i'll take him um we can give him gear which we'll do uh in time i do want to make sure you guys get the good stuff you already have a club okay good um all you guys have clubs you do let me get you some gear let's make some stuff we make them out of wood don't ask questions that's just how things are okay and then we can eventually learn to make things out of other things other than wood and then one other wooden train on me for that guy yeah i think i think i need numbers i think numbers is our key here let's do that and we'll get another iron dummy uh these things have like a certain amount of skill that you can gain from each dummy uh and um like this one trains you up to i don't know what the skill like seven points and the other one's like four days there's different uh levels of it uh the l's in the game yes they're ours there's something s something big over here uh backpack look he almost was he was almost back back backpack is always around backpack let's go honest on a journey i want you to sort of peek in here this looks like someone who's a little bit on the scary side but this might be your your time to shine a backpack it's a rant it's just a rat it all is a rat surely there's more than just a rat in there okay we're getting out let's get out of here uh can i make animals oh oh i can oops okay we'll make those things up as we expire gear uh let's go what time is it it's day time so we can't really if it's just rats we can handle it with our with our warriors yeah you warriors are gonna be a new team just the warriors i want snake here [Music] let me control you come here buddy the vampires don't get all the all the glory are you really just a rat nest yeah you're just a rat nest and you guys are worthless so we attack at 27 defend 28 i'm also mary um he attacks the three defensive two there's a lot of them what is that a fancy leather helmet i guess come here dang rats oh let me show off okay so let me show this off so we can do this we click we can like click and drag them around and tell them where we want them to go so everyone get in here i want you up this way we can sort of like command these guys it's fantastic and i wish this has been in the game longer but it's great so now we can sort of you know pass time and then we'll go to their position so it's much more it's great it's a great addition okay and they're done right that's it done okay isn't it enough to get us uh a level no and a lot of gear though um somebody's gonna get back back where you went come here grab all this stuff you can be a little weighed down that's fine that fancy it's an uh a helmet of sleep resistance eh let's take it grab that thing you guys have anything on you got some gloves i don't want your corpse take your armor backpack is great this is the whole reason backpack is here okay i carry all of that armor um we'll come back for it okay come on in here backpack and let's drop it off don't get murdered on the way there come on here and just drop everything you should drop it even if i just if i just lose you i lose control of you you should drop it all but then the crew will come grab whatever they want hopefully the good stuff will go to the vampire so we can adjust that if we need to okay good job backpack let's go back over here backtracks meaning life is fulfilled backpack backpack is a hero don't you forget that okay backpack there you go buddy you made it back excellent okay i'll go put it down uh i need more storage space all of a sudden we just got rich carve all that out uh oops all that out more storage space another warrior i'll take you i think they're artificial as well because we need someone to go make some armor let's get uh what do we got we got plenty of red stuff let's make some swords let's just do two of each for now we'll probably do more than that a mantine i cannot do now the vampires you guys picking up the good stuff uh once you go get where's the good stuff where's those those warhammers oh because they're not in stockpiles yet okay okay um when it gets in stockpile we can go grab it let's make this a big equipment room and resources over here okay so that's all good oops um we've got we got some stuff over here let's go ahead and get some digging done let's just go straight over this way continuing on over here we've got room for it now let's take it there we go uh and then we gotta go let's just continue this if we can grab the iron i have some spiders i want to deal with um oh can we can is i don't know now that you say that if cave-ins are a thing i don't think they are but maybe lots of good stuff over here sudden change in music is strange i'll take uh i'll take your mob i would love to have a priest with me we need more beds uh yeah we're kind of growing we got well we're at max population but we can probably fit a few more beds in here let's do let's do that i'm gonna the row of beds and stuff back here and you get those priests and artificers there's all that getting done excellent uh and it's all getting card up excellent excellent i need more points uh it's night time we should go hunting do we hunt spiders i think we do so i want all of empires and all the goblins to be together i'm gonna be the artificers as well because i think that they they can disarm traps i guess that's all i really do isn't it so never mind you artificially get out of there um how do i get you back out get back out of there um let's do this way i want the uh i'm going to spam this one as well just i want the the warriors and the vampires and i will control virgil here virgil i'll get you in a second because i want you to get that warhammer and i want a million to get something good get me the battle axe and then lively you live you you can have one of those swords take that sword from that goblin he doesn't deserve it uh is there any good gear though here like um armor yes i would like that you got some good stuff already and you got good stuff as well as well i don't have rings or anything yet but we've got uh shields yeah take your shield we'll let them grab their stuff as soon as they get it we'll get out there we only have so much time for night available here yet get your boots um you're good you're good okay good enough you're 39 because of that battle axe virgil what are you doing buddy i told you to get a weapon why aren't you listening take it from him go get your sword thank you okay i'm going to control a million because he's a hero and we're going to head on out here it's night time we got a thousand ticks for a night time so let's go this way was that a hilling potion sitting on the ground excuse me wolf take that take that take that take that key all kinds of healing poisons okay let's go all right spiders okay now let's do this so i want you to go there i want you to come in and go this way there let's form a line let's see if this works i don't know how it's gonna work but we're gonna figure it out vampire all on one that was easy okay let's go i was hoping for a little more um experience with that but yeah that works okay done spiders are dead they're not giving me experience i have to go hunt something for experience uh we got here try to solve or create a mystery in this game thanks thanks uh something's going on over here let's take a look at this uh we got a goblin guard i need a bed for that are you are you good um not really uh i do need some guard things guard post though let's do a i could probably set up a like an area here as a guard post like if we i'm gonna get some traps in here but until then let's do like um like a little thing over here so our i think we'll do that i don't think i'll do that i want to set up a couple little spots here so they can kind of hang out as as guards we'll let them do that way uh where's backpack at backpack where are you okay come on backpack this way okay let's go head over this way and see what is living over here hello oh hello hello i see your entrance hello oh you look kind of scary oh hello hello nothing to see here just a little backpack run away backpack run backpack okay backpack i think it's safe just don't leave him back to our home okay is he still coming i don't think so okay you're good buddy um we only got three we'll get them tomorrow we'll go send some folks out to go get that guy um can i grow um can i put in gravestones for dead folks it'd be in living right i think i can't anymore beds and let's get in some torches here torch uh and torch there's fine these more torches over here okay you guys are good it's very dark back here we probably put a door back here okay put it open iron door there block that place off hey buddy you are uh you can see in the dark that's exciting i like that there you go uh let's remove that one okay so i'm going to work making those things uh can we prioritize that orders and then we'll set up a zone here as a guard post just make it like let's do that guard post one it's hard to see any white but we can hire these guys and we'll set them to sit in the guard post all right right right i gotta get more gold um it doesn't hurts putting statues outside does it why not oh i can't put it outside uh well we'll we'll put one there i'll put one there and i think i need one in my room a couple in my room you know what you guys want one you guys can have one you guys are cool make that first please okay i will take kenzie and dark guy this one hates all elves and has smelly breath i completely understand legendary craftsman he's also insane insane is bad insane's very bad insane's worse than you would think it is it seems very bad we don't want that hey carter how's it going uh you know zombie start you can you just by playing the game unlock those or you can go into settings and check a box which will unlock things for you by the way [Music] okay so we have that dugouts we've got a yeti over here he attacked at 39 and defended at 30 right you guys are about like that aren't you yeah you attack at 39 defend it so you can do that we can get we might lose some of us but if we get him out of the cave i think we can get him maybe because the door fortress tutorial first time seeing you streaming a bit early here great content greetings from galicia i don't know where that is but thanks uh oh druid i don't know where that is what country is that let's go and put in a torch ah northern spain well thanks for hanging out very cool okay so our days are taken by what we'll do as soon as we get this yeti i think we'll head out and we'll go say hello to some trees maybe some ants i should have had elves as a villain just because you know you know we got a room for three more people which we'll bring in eventually i'm gonna need more diggers so we won't take that okay flat how are you i'm not going down here there's a guy that goes down and he's very scary and you know to be goblins we probably should live downstairs shouldn't we let's put in a let me do that is it there a downstair let's put it downstairs actually you know what we could maybe do i think i could put like a downstair and then back and upstairs so like it could be like a whole trap room can we do that like downstairs a couple walls and another upstair going up this way so then you have to go through a maze to get up maybe maybe let's just do that for now let me see if that works i'm just curious where's backpack i need him backpack come here head on down please okay well you found some things um i want you to dig this thing i think it connects but i'm not entirely sure we found something though what does it lead into over your backpack stop stop running oh yeah backpack hey you anything down here hello nope just an opening now we go up so the stairs there is it possible i'm curious can we do upstairs i don't actually know if this is possible i think we just go down yeah you can only go down okay that's how it does that see a felipe other stuff down here we can grab uh which we should so let's go ahead and get to digging there's gold on down this way so we'll head over there a little much there get rid of all those and we'll head down and grab some of this good stuff okay it's over here too something there oh nope there and then we'll go up grab all these go down again from the main level let's see if that works let's test that out there um yeah uh you're a guard right uh so i want you to go assigned unknown to quarters but you're you're um all right guard zone one there you go and card can do it as well hate the elves you go to guard zone one that's what you do all golf uh no no you do that one okay okay we got one more way down here where's a big it's a big map seems like maybe i'm forgetting how big it normally is uh backpack i want you to go see where can where it goes come up here oh you can only get one i get it i get it you can have one per ah okay okay uh artificer he's insane i would love to have you buddy but you're just the worst all right let's go on a killing spree here do we have any more warriors we've added in i'll leave the guards behind but we will grab these guys i'm gonna grab uh what's face the bandit slayer he's gained a name because he's fantastic uh what's your name again amelian the bandit slayer let's go on a quest a quest for yeti killing now i think what we want to try to do is lure him out of his cave and then we jump on him hello is he asleep oh he is he is not anymore the yeti is disheartened but goblin warrior reads a vulgar prom poem yet he's disheartened as he should be i don't know if these guys don't do much good to him it's gonna be mostly the vampire's gonna be the ones hitting him i want everyone to just dive on in especially you and we're gonna go and see if we can hit this guy he's gonna hurt us a lot i say that i just what i do yet he starts bleeding uh you swing your battle axe at the yeti yeti's leg is cut off yet he collapses the yeti starts bleeding you bite the yeti the yeti is critically wounded the yeti is killed excellent you throw what disguise throws a potion of healing oh is that how you heal you just throw potions i'm using that in d d from now on let's start throwing potions around anything on them i wish i should look get a nice club very nice club okay are you looking at dog come here you better be running okay excellent and that gives us oh no more levels take that fox um all right let's go on a journey then uh it is night time let's keep it up let's take everyone and let's let's uh i'll control a million the like the yeti slayer he's gained a new name now we're gonna go kill some i don't know we got little spiders over there we've killed spiders before this will lead us to the dwarf let's go get some spiders as long as it's nighttime we're safe maybe some other things out here like some bandits and stuff like for instance a whole lot of bandits uh hey hey i got an idea you out here um you out here also everybody back it up back it up back got it back okay and then we then we back it up are you listening you're not listening [Music] okay back it up back it up yeah now get him well okay it works for a little bit i'll take the front [Music] man's head is chopped off anyone else want to lose their head excellent bandit's dead uh we'll come back and get that stuff later we got a time limit here time of the sun because spiders around here somewhere there's dwarves dwarves can be kind of nasty that's a rare old dwarf it's not a warrior dwarf i don't think i want to deal with these guys [Music] i say that as i go charging in yeah we're fine we're fine these are the lady dwarves excellent that was the leader these vampires are nasty i got a very i got a very lucky uh spawn there i think we got cobalt's back here too all right let's get him cobalt's dead who else more dwarves are you tough nope [Music] are you fighting why why are you doing that because you're insane okay let's just stay here and let him do his thing he wants to kill his own people a little bit i'll let him at it that guy's sleeping over there nice warhammer nice ring of re or a necklace of regen i'll take it [Music] okay more dwarves are dead did you just kill one of my friends all right on time yeah we got 500 ticks left it don't get lost in the that's right don't get lost out here in the darkness okay well come on back now where are these spiders at this is what we're here for um let's check that one out i hope it's this one doggie looks like a spider spider cave nope uh maybe i'm tangled in the web that's the leader it says what do you just have a bunch of little blind kids that live with you well that's kind of strange why why do you have a herd of the blind kids giant spider bites you my head is bitten off you are blind the effect is permanent you drop your ammunition you're longer that's not very nice i'm still alive but i lost my head um um i think i'd like to be this guy now [Music] he chopped my head off how tough is he uh he's really tough he did it again oh this is bad he's murdering my everybody why can't i move i'm entangled in the dang web how did i die my internal organs are ripped out giant spider bites you is there a spider right next to me oh that guy okay we got i'm dead again oh man i was just talking up how great things were oh man hey andy how's it going it's dang webb it's caused me problems thanks andy all right let's uh you know i mean i'm sorry look away the little blind kids um i apologize that's just that's life as a goblin i killed my vampires that was my chance of like um winning uh just slowly make our way to this kid come in slow motion got him okay um i'm stuck all right um was that it was that was that the people thanks andy um this guy has nothing on him so i'm going to take everything and put it on oh yeah i have warhammer uh put the armor on the helmet on the boots and the bad haiku [Music] okay i got one more crew over here which may or may not be something we can handle so these guys attack it nowhere near what i mean he's 35 though he's actually pretty good oh a little wounded what's wrong with me i'm fine fine how do i make it through here these guys here we go this is how we do it kobolds i can handle cobalts yeah yep i got kobolds [Music] okay got him okay let's go home okay man that was kind of bad hates all humans you're hired buddy um okay so i'll pillage all this take all that stuff uh i've triggered some bandits it's fine we'll we'll pillage the yeti which we can't have uh yeah give me all your rocks all your stuff everything okay uh we'll come across doors if we dig down you can get down into more scary stuff and we can open doors and stuff the young looking zany twitch didn't uh youtube did not appreciate that comment ring a regen i think that we got it i think we got it didn't we i hope we hope it showed up here um somebody should pick it up if not want to go grab it there's a skeleton there um man that was dirty that was real bad that was real bad hmm okay at least we got some skilled folks though we've got uh we got lots of levels now we got three things we can get let's get do you have weapons be nice i have good weapons though sort of sorcery i think i want sorcery i think i want advanced sorcery also i don't know though i don't have i guess we saw one priest came in uh distillery it might be nice to have some drunk folks traps are always nice for defense let's get some traps a little more available uh hmm alright man i can't really do that yet i don't have any of that jewelry is kind of nice i'll take another guard i've got room for two more people probably the other problem is those vampires didn't count against my my uh my population thing how do i get rid of these things that are oh dismiss yeah we got it all okay um how can it give us potions and things like healing potions are always nice i'm gonna try this distillery because that's new i think i don't remember seeing that so where is our uh where is it still are gonna be i guess it's gonna be in here we don't have vampires anymore so we will throw it in there um i'm going to remove that zone uh remove that we just remove there we go okay no more vampire land uh let's put in a still there and see what it does um i can't click on it his name is golfing [Music] quite a crowd over there you guys are uh are why are you unhappy buddy be happy plus 10 damage when in its own territory oh it's nice yeah more vampires move in if i if there was yeah if i could find more i could have more moving but that's all that was there was if they were in wherever they were they're just sort of hanging out up here um if we find more they'll join us but until then we won't get anymore uh backpack come here buddy let's go on a journey i want to see what's going on down here with this question mark what are you i see a wolf is it there's a snowman there it's like a human thing ah little kids okay let me alone doggy okay so we got some little humans down there we can take them out in fact we'll bring them in here hey come here come here buddy come on come on come on come on you i want you where'd he go come here come back here all right you're gonna go die buddy uh a goblin wizard i would like to have that i need one wooden bookcase or lab yeah yeah um that is going to be i don't have a place right do i i gotta get this in quick uh let's just throw in one in real quick there and make sure we get everything done now i would like a wizard take an entertainer okay one goblin wizard please he has a wolf companion apparently where is he the guard there where's my wizard at there's the wolf there's the wizard excellent nice what kind of spell do you come with do you have anything yet you have spell training increases your spell damage there you go there's the spells you can get you can get all the good stuff okay i need more of you yep no more you okay let's get a uh let's get a good library in here for him we'll set it off here and over this way okay black you know see elder okay we have plenty of gold we can do a lot more statues and we should we're gonna do a big statue room i think um let's dig out right over here this will be statue and gold broom then we'll go kill some uh some humans warrior and i could bring the wizard i think he probably needs to launch more spells before he goes out there he's on the magic missile now small 23 is pretty good already let's get wait a minute i don't um when we get that that's that's not for a while okay so back here put in a a nice standing torch i think there we go that's 300 gold right there we're another goblin guard we room for 29 people now let's we'll you can do one more garden we have plenty of beds right i don't know how many beds we have no shows a way of telling this is also leisure zone two tables there let's play a couple more of those there we go golden guard we can see the dark um iron yeah let me get a couple of those all right hey boss how's it going [Music] okay let's grab let's grab our folks nine warriors uh guards can stay the rv professors don't do that we'll bring the wizard with us though i will control the wizard let's go on down this way haiku in my pocket my wolf friend with me nighttime that should be sleeping where are you at are they living like in like little igloos okay um i'm gonna blast you guys so i have magic missile i've got escape and wind blast right air blast it's magic missile that doggie oh no no i forgot i think i can hit my own friends magic missile doggy take that i'll back up and let everyone ooh there's a lot of them how about it everybody here you get in there and you go in there and you back him up everyone get in there and you charge up this way you go around there sure sure and you flank over there yeah yeah and then you're gonna come with this awesome nice i like this a lot humans are dead okay easy well done well done doggy okay i will claim their stuff okay so i have some bandits coming by to say hello in a bit goblin warrior i will take him goblin warrior i'll take him get some training in here uh i've unlocked anything not yet i need to get how do i get i forget goblin kaboomer oh i want that i didn't see that that's what i want yeah for sure this thing down we'll grow we have all that stuff and there and let's get some more wood chopped let's clean all this out over here uh and then we will um how do i get item and time i forget how to make this stuff it's a mixture of like iron and steel or something right i don't remember how to do it though take a pit fill lava or water i like like put on top of it let's do that i never made any traps let's get this started up yeah make a couple of those uh and i need some i think i just i just build the traps they will that will do it all on their own archer needs this archery target i don't know how to do that he's got smelly breath also so let's put in some traps um i can put it outside here but i think this is if we have the if you have this built out i can't oh i have to claim this right i can go in here and i claim this time i think that works maybe not because it has to be in there it's going to kill these guys though put traps in where these guys are that's not going to work i guess we could do don't they're on your lanes can't go past it don't do that one okay um okay well that forces in that way we can like figure something out that way if they have to come in this way let's try this and put a door there i can't because i don't own this but i don't know how to claim it claim tile it's normally this it doesn't seem this doesn't work i guess out here what if i put down a floor do that hmm that may not work right well um that could be very um there's ways of doing it but i don't know how to do it because you can make i mean you can make castles or whatever so it must be a way of doing it maybe just maybe that's way that's how we work you can build could we build that uh what if i claim what if i claim this i can only get a little the the pink thing underneath it so we own that though i don't know i'm going to change you guys to guard area just guard over here okay i'm gonna remove this one okay so now you go stand out here in this area this will be where like traps and all that kind of stuff goes off okay it's gonna be a tight fit but it'll it'll work um so i think i'll go there it'll smash them against the wall probably break my door down let's put in a uh a web there i think it's safe and uh maybe a web there and gas gasim and more fire burn the webs away it might just be because we're goblins because i know there's there's other folks i think that's maybe the difference between being the night keeper and the other keepers is the night keeper can build outside and claim outside tiles and all that that might be what the difference is okay i'm writing all kinds of vulgar haikus uh i've got a lot of this red stuff around we should be using this for uh for things make sure everyone has some good gear and then we're gonna go and take out some uh some other folks i'm really bummed about my my vampires being dead the spiders are dead we can go take up probably think of trees right now i betcha we still got some training to do but if they're not hanging around there they're probably mostly trained uh 36 probably by the highest we can get well i've got a few folks that could use some training 24 in here with a lumbu who's wearing a hat why you should have the hat you do what are you wearing a hat for get something better i thought it's available okay uh let's make some more stuff let's make some more um yeah bump these just do um grab all that stuff up torches there we go this pressure gives you a surprise yeah it's like like a birthday okay you guys are hanging out outside they'll probably die they probably should actually you know what why don't they hang out in here so they can kind of you know fight them as they get in here that's thinking okay there you go so you guys go hang out a little that little room there so they'll come in you fight them in this area you'll die they'll break through and then we'll get them uh a priest i will take a priest for sure excellent uh i got room for two more we can always add in more some more gold under the priests in another bed let me get in a couple fine beds here because i'm not actually not a little out of room here we can squeeze them in but that's just a bit much we'll throw the one in we'll throw in there let's go ahead and dig out a bit more another like room over here let's squeeze some more in bring this guy on in two priests it is fine beds over there oh you guys want to torch probably too don't you there you go okay um i got some wood later on we could probably put in some so this stuff is good for let's doing this up a little bit that's we'll still have the hall the bedroom here you know let's make the place a little fancier you guys gonna have stone in there we'll do like a wood back this way carpet yeah we want carpet in here that really matters but you know it's important uh and not important we'll do that uh here you can have some wood over here also there we go okay and we got another another wizard once in excellent yeah we'll take as many wizards as we can get and uh with the remaining goal we're gonna make some more of these golden statues we can get a pigsty eventually which will give us what like four eight it gives us a decent amount that used to be the only way of getting more people i think i'm always worried about advanced healing i'm always worried about leaving whenever these these guys are going to come at me i wish i knew where they were we need to go smash them right now so we got waldemark there's a high priest uh we can't get to yet i'm going to take out those trees oh we go visit let's go visit the gnomes let's see what they've got there's some harpies out there somewhere there are friends yeah let's go visit them i hope they don't we don't get attacked while we're gone bring the priest with us and i'm gonna grab who's my leader now uh uzumab who's your mob what kind of weapon you got yeah that'll do you got a good shield buddy no get the regen the regen necklace so that that'll too okay uh let's go do uh the goldball cobalts they're gonna go kill some trees let's stop by the gnomes first hey toriel thanks i appreciate that it's very nice why is there a scroll on the ground religious pamphlet we'll take that up what does it say apply it he predicts the coming of the evil god a doxy oh that's that's that's the keyboard we're trying to kill that doesn't sound like a good thing to have laying around who's in here hello oh just a bunch of bandits i'll kill you hopefully we get a priest in here to give me some heels if we need it i don't know that we do though okay easy we'll come loot their stuff in a minute we got dwarves take that give me your stuff sloan's potion i'll take it gold pieces i'm going to throw that potion at him take that buddy they're just throwing healing potions at me take out the women and children you know for goblins take it easy i'll take a helmet i'll take a weapon enchantment i will use that weapon enchantment right now yeah plus 13 nice we got over here more dwarves and an angry moose or elk oh it's a gnome hello gnome downstairs that's right so we're here we're here to say hello to the gnomes aren't we kobolds okay uh let's go see what's downstairs i'm sure there's scary things we don't deal with armor enchantment uh that's decent armor we'll enchant it okay take some of your prisoners slaves i couldn't uh yeah i couldn't uh what do we got we have a jackal and a snake and some lava looks like in some bats bit scary to come down here scary things live downstairs another downstairs there let me attack out here we're attacking at a 40 probably is we're going to get like we need like 60 or something like that before we can really take on any big guys [Music] so we got a ways to go before we can really get too far okay it's always down here let's venture we'll go one more hello spider what you got some blindness potion another downstair there i'm gonna come in here i'm gonna i'm gonna find like one of those like the thing that slaughtered me before you know an angry spider with his with his kids more gold or yeah gold okay i'll take that let's go down one more what are you what are you what are you you're a lava golem uh that's kind of scary can you get in here please please please priests i need you in here as well don't hurt me don't hurt me can we get him anywhere he is a hundred percent health [Music] a lot of gold swings his fist to fire at the goblin warrior critically wounded double wear is burned by the fire swimming hey warhammer the lava golem golem lava golem is not hurt resistant to melee attacks all right wizard it's up to you buddy i'm going to switch to you and i want you to oh come on need something give me your magic missile okay just blast him away you know hurt my friends but it's okay push him away uh where's my other wizard at here i got 10 turns so i can do this thing again he's gonna kill us he's gonna kill all of us um maybe wait wait wait i want to be him i want to throw something at him i want to throw blindness we made them blind right away okay okay okay uh i'm gonna heal feeling good the giant spider slayer remember when you did that where's my wizard at what are you running away for you coward uh who has something else you have a mushroom hmm he disheartened well that's good he's blind at least uh you don't have anything you just have heels [Music] i think we have to run away how do we get out of here though there's no there's a stair there um running running running running where is it where's the stair run away everybody come on hope he doesn't follow okay that's about enough of that we don't we don't do lava golems i don't know goblins versus lava golem lava winds yeah okay uh there's someone else up this way we can't get back there that way though let's go take a look around here how are we feeling here i think we're mostly we're mostly all intact at least we still have our heads that's always an important thing let me get back there these are harpies right we're supposed to be friends of the harpies ah here we go i know this is not harpies this was the gnomes and who knows where they are they're probably way back here uh by finding them they'll allow us to um to to recruit them okay uh that's it i think uh except for the guy downstairs which is scary we don't deal with him so let's get out head back home i will take all the yeah yeah priest priest i'll take him uh give me your stuff and more stuff and more stuff and lots of good stuff okay all right everyone come on back haiku about the slaying of a million the dwarfs yeah it double slayer by a giant spot i know it was rough wasn't it it was rough level six uh we gotta get alchemy we have to goblin kaboomer why would we not pick that hey iron how's it going keeper rl one of my favorites yeah i just i just i just like that bad poetry vogel poetry um okay there um do i have room for this treasure chest i got the one in my room that's fine no one else needs to look at the golden just me laboratory yeah i want this it's gonna go uh in here and let's get some let's get some of these these uh these uh these blowing up folks going in here these are all kind of nice uh regen of course is great where's healing healing's there for advanced um this is all good stuff you can like throw it folks and you know we saw it comes in pretty handy sleep especially the ai knows to use it but not really wisely but if i get sleep if someone comes attacking me i can talk it out you know knock it out go with the books i've got 12 uh we have before i think we had eleven did we lose anybody i don't need more guards we got four guards and that's plenty i don't want to squander any more of my population on that just pushing telepathy pushing of regen good good good all good stuff um you guys i want to live back here it's nice bid how's everyone looking as far as your strengths go 29 we gotta we do have yeah he's a 40 with his warhammer hates all humans it's okay we all hate humans i like to get some jewelry this guy's got 40 kills 40 kills for that guy nice what's everyone else doing here just wasting time backpack you got any kills yet oh i'm doing anything i guess i just sort of hang out here and and just i just fine art away and i abuse minions that's that's my job so i don't really have any purpose other than just just being the boss let's see got warriors wizards and priests okay uh next stop i figured i guess i did i not find them if i didn't find them enough to to to get them to join me i could do that let's do an easy one let's come in here and kill some trees oh i gotta grab my people i think we're mostly healed we got all our good gear so let's control him and let's go to the uh the trees okay so angry trees out here nothing i hate more than trees especially when they got a mouth ah elves hello elves that was usually pretty tough where are you at 18 16. you're easy [Music] let me in i got more elves to kill only because they have that range thing that's really annoying stop shooting me anything good on you uh oh elf sword that's kind of nice yeah it's kind of nice i think someone could probably use that actually anyone could use that plus eight plus eight not just one plus one oh you have oh you have a spear [Music] hey come pick up this um where are you take that sword throw that spear on the ground uh well just hang on to it clip that sword there you go where's my guy this guy oh we found the trees we found the trees uh 32 okay they're pretty tough there's the main there's the main guy tribe leaders right over there uh can i like you know command you to like that's me all right will you stay there you stay there too you stay and stay in the back buddy priests i need you up here doing your heel thing my other wizard at i don't know you stay here with these priests i will move up this way attack some angry trees he hurts oh hang in there buddy okay we lost we lost one [Music] he went down with his limericks okay well that's that's done we can probably take out a few more folks though like ours oh that was like that was a cow in there elves sleeping with cows in their house elves what's wrong with him question mark over here also what is this more helps do those two more people we didn't okay success take that regen mushroom is that the regen mushroom panic we don't want that one um okay done let's um we could just go straight to the ants yeah let's do it let's do it where they at over here somewhere regional mushroom i'll take it here we go hello is there a nice vampire cave that would be real nice game i'm sorry i squandered it so early but it'd be real nice if you give me another one okay cobalt's done we've got a bunch of ants around here somewhere it's kind of nasty you found them what do you guys fight at you are yeah you're kind of nasty i'm gonna fight you like one at a time it'd be nice or like this perfect no don't get it you dum-dum what's wrong with you who is that who are you chooser get out of there i said get out there why aren't you listening can i have a heal please guy looks like it looks like an important one ant queen 41 okay we got to fight her like together oh we got her okay nice dwarf hurts can i have a heel please no please okay i'm gonna eat this mushroom i'm poisoned where's my clerics at clerk thank you hey gold pieces and some more swords all right let's um got some more dwarves is that the that was the did i get the message for killing the ants we killed the queen okay let's head up here and that speed potion excellent escape scroll is great to have yeah yes okay cool thank you oh that's all that is okay um let's get we didn't lose anybody in that whole fight and i have 42 kills now look oh look at all the skills i've got hey that's kind of nice all right uh let's go now the dwarves are there ready to fight these are tough tours we don't want to go there yet all we have left is main villains unremarkable dungeon yeah oh yeah look to the main folks we got one two we have to take out three or is it is it four one two there's four of them let's go s um let's go back and heal up first let's heal up and we'll get uh we'll get our loot we've triggered some some uh some dwarves we'll go get them first i didn't mean to make it go away okay it was just uh just uh probably nothing there lots of elf things funny why you can pick up corpses is because if you have undead things then you can raise dead uh which speaking of uh the next update is supposed to be a uh a necromancy update i'm looking forward to that one how did you get off you left behind get back uh you know you left behind back home yeah it's just used to be had to go out and get it but they've they've changed that one other update so you can just sort of auto pillage it saves you the the micromanaging of having to deal with that polar bear is that what that was hates all those smelly breath but he has extra changing potential i'll take it this is 40 when i say what what 43 43 is that what it is i don't remember but yeah it's interesting another goblin warrior i'll take him we can up to 35 we lost i guess we lost three that round yeah no comments i guess he was trying to get the necromancer out for this update but didn't make it in time so i'm really looking forward to that one i also kind of try there's the one you can go in and you can play as as an ogre alone ogre that seems interesting i don't know if you have to go out and get slaves to run your place i don't know um uh there's a bunch of mods as well in fact this is actually built from a mod there was a goblin mod that came out a couple years ago um by the um um a couple a couple of put together this goblin mod and they use that for a big part of what this update is is the goblins okay but the unremarkable dungeon maybe it's becoming remarkable with all my mentionings of it do i get oh two more things okay so we can get better potions we can get ah alchemical conversion i want that and do we want do we want archery start bringing some archers probably archers are kind of nice to have or we want advanced sorcery probably magic weapons yeah i think i want that grab this priest what do you art officer uh let me get uh iron book cases like that let's bring in an adamantine dummy which we can't do yet but we will be able to get them soon as we get our alchemy stuff set up which i think is going to be there it costs four gold per rock so i don't know how many i need we need 60. right so this is i can afford it so we'll do it that will just get me the those things i don't think i need that many actually hang on just do the three just do those three we can craft up some other things later actually damage wasn't drunk uh i never they just go and get it they just go grab the drink is that how that works um we need man it's a lot of that end time for that isn't it that one i'll bring in a couple of these things um yeah the wizards do grab better stuff so this guy for instance he is level 18 now uh but his spells he's got the level three so far each like level of bookcase goes so far i think the wood ones go to three uh maybe four maybe three and so he can get up to that point and then to get past level three he has to go to a stone bookcase or an ironbook case and then he can start learning the new spells which would be poison blindness resistance and then group healing would be the the adamantine thing eventually and you see the ones he's got there so yeah so as time goes on they level up same thing with fighting down here where we get up to a certain point based on what we're fighting so like start they'll start out with wooden ones then they'll level up they'll go into the iron ones then they'll go to adamantine ones when they level up uh yeah so there's not multiplier but there kind of is because if so say i win this game don't hold your breath but say we win this game we kill everything uh then my my dungeon goes into the overworld i didn't actually do that beginning there but you can have it to where i don't think it's i think you actually have to tell it it might be just built into there now um but like one of these guys you'd have in your dungeon like this guy wildemok uh could be uh look nook the gnome keeper and so as you play you'd have my dungeon in there and so um it's kind of like an asynchronous kind not instagram is but you just you upload your map basically into the thing it's kind of cool and all your people are there too so all of your um what's his face all ush uh the the guy you've been using here usher mob would still be in there and um let's rename this guy he needs to be just ush is his name ush the elven archer slayer i mean you've done other things can i change your name i mean you can you're a bachelor you're a dwarf slayer you're all kinds of slayers tree spirit slayer elven archer slayer eskimo slayer the ant queen slayer of chargo hello garza he's nobody archers we hit our max didn't we hey brandon it's a new one new update doesn't matter if we can't i mean we just do this and just like pack it full let's do that i'm surprised i'm really surprised i haven't been attacked yet i'm really surprised the doors may show up in a minute we should get them before they get us i think i'm really surprised i haven't been attacked yet surely they'll show up here in a minute just stomp my face uh and yeah there's still stuff on the map is did we get all the all the golden things i guess we did let me go downstairs do we get all this one too there's a little bit over there what's what's up with you you can see in the dark um i i will take you out darkness seeing is good there we go bring you in here okay so let's go back down oh i missed one there that one and then we'll go back down here and we'll work our way toward that one oh there's something there in the way we're gonna cut through hopefully it's friendly things yeah i did dragons my last play through this i did a mod with a dragon i was a dragon and um um i don't know if you can have dragons as pets in this game without a mod but yeah i was a dragon so we got some dead things over here what you're going to find here buddy just some skellies hey why don't you go let me see what's over here anybody hello just dead folks all right continue okay we need to go down another level what we do in order to get more stuff um first bypass allies okay okay okay that's good it's good we're still short 90 adamantium which is for our weapons we're trying to make um is that what i want to use it on i think 90 of it it's gonna be expensive a lot of gold for that let's go um you know what let's go we can either dig down or we can kill some dwarves can we kill the dwarves is the question and with the 43 certainly can the 30s might be a little bit rough but the big dwarf guy is going to be tough he's going to be worthless until he finds some gear or something so while they're waiting for that let's just crank out a few more swords and armor make sure everyone has some gear there's lots of spears laying around why do you have a spear get your spear buddy you know wooden training dummy for a friend of the warrior here we might as well we've got room for him let's bring him in i want one of those blow up guys though explode you guys how i've been playing yeah my parts cleared out except for the guy the underground guy here um i've been going for what's two hours i think yeah i have a playthrough it's a thanks of uh the last playthrough i did just like six months ago not even made not even that far i think that in january um as a dragon forges a sword brighten poems getting skills we have another guard with smelly breath we don't care about him though um hmm question is do we go you know what the dwarves will have gold where's at least level ten what level am i eight you can get a throne i think we do it even if we don't kill the dwarves maybe we kill like people around the dwarves i think we go for it so we want wizards warriors priests attempting to bring the guards as well but they're not very i need them behind just in case then we get attacked it's dragging your goal is to hoard gold yup yup um all right let's go let's do it uh oosh where are you okay let's go say hello to some dwarves a little nervous about this where they at we don't know who's going get killed over here eating regen mushrooms why why why are you throwing oh you're throwing why stop throwing things okay hello let me back here we're here to say hello who's bandit corpses i'll take your healing potion [Music] lots of dead folks around here take out the dwarf i remember correctly the the real dwarf thing i could be wrong i think the world war thing is like a proper it's not like this i think i was sleeping that was gory the dwarf i don't think that was the one that we're killing i guess we can see yeah of course not okay uh let's go deeper in kind of gives you where the where the maple is doesn't it look at all that gold you just teleport into there what are you doing are you dumb that guy's naked okay um i want to move in so we get everyone in here okay everyone get in here spooky music that guy must be somewhat important just a fighter he had a 45 attack though but he did where's the main guy he's a 45 attack he builds bridges and digs give me some heels uh give me a i have a healing right buddy don't die apply that i want to i'm going to hit you with an obscene limerick that'll show you is he insulted by this he's disheartened he better breathe i don't feel so good give me another uh where's my healers at okay good we're good hey healers thank you you got a guy over there got a fancy helmet in here who's this guy just a fighter oh there's got to be a big guy right there yep there's a big guy okay i don't want to fight him on my oh see emilyn here um you go down yeah you go down here everyone down this way and maybe you can figure out your way around you stay here with me come on down okay guys gonna die oh no i'm gonna die i'm gonna die keep me healed i'm out of healing potions let me get out get me out of there almost got em nice okay we did it give me your gold and plus 14 battle axe i will take that yes please i will equip that even what else we got in here anything good uh a plus 14 battle axe of bleeding plus eight armor i'll take all those things overloaded just uh just just drop them now we're getting some good stuff what's that do a defense of what just just special defense stuff we got of telepathy allows you to touch other creatures with brains weird battle axe short bow lots of good stuff in here battle axe nice okay uh it's okay we'll come back we'll we'll swing through here and grab all this kill the rats how many people we lose today i don't know cobalts come here [Music] okay we did it uh let's get uh there's something else down here we can take a look at sure what's mosey on over there okay who are you please don't be a dragon ah kobolds hello kobolds you don't have like a dragon friend do you you like walk through the oh let's go through the interesting uh okay um let's do we head home this guy's been uh unlocked for us [Music] i'm gonna go to this unremarkable dungeon i wanna see what it is if we get scared we run away it's fine i have enough leveling up we can we can do some more leveling up but i'm just kind of curious what is that [Music] flowers just some humans around here a human farm i can scythe some wheat sure why do i want to do that nights how tough are you pretty tough okay that guy's down yeah there buddy man okay got him take your boots take your armor take that ooh more stuff 10 religious pamphlets um put the armor down what do they say coming of the evil god of doxie that guy it's just more of him that guy's proud of himself how do we get down here i forget i don't even know which one i am go there okay dang wizards what are you guys doing just goofing around thanks excited perfect okay so that's where the uh the kingdom is i don't know if we can handle this what we've got let's just go take a peek though we can always run away anyways what we do it's a ghost can ghost be hurt disappears at dawn what was that fox oh just some peasants okay ghosts oh there's a graveyard thing over here [Music] okay uh well here's our keep i think knock knock what do you hit master artisan is spared by the arrow how tough are you yeah you're pretty tough where are you going are you running why are you running away okay that knight come back here you coward never seen goblins before oh he's killing us no we got him okay good armor [Music] good corpse i always take potions of healing my sword there plus eight armor is good good good good uh that's it right that's that's that's that's all there is to it no i haven't seen the dungeon yet okay [Music] are you the dungeon you don't seem very much like a dungeon [Music] looks like a bunch of dwarves and gnomes summon fire elemental can i do that don't do that does it mean to go down here you think i don't think i've ever gone through like one that's a dungeon thing like this it needs to clear this thing out check out whoever boss man is down here use the portal sure can't resist just picking up stuff okay down we go stairs all the way at the bottom okay as long as no um no you know lava golems what is that that is a black naga oh man there's an oh look at that i have a lava golem and an iron golem [Music] they're both resistant to melee attacks we've got some we have wizards but they don't do that kind of damage hmm i don't know um hey look you go back this way this way i want you up front i'm gonna command you and i want you what can you do magic missiles you have a teleport right and you can cure poison well that's not going to help with anybody any of you better than me i will try to magic missile you won't you go ahead and die when i do this okay [Music] does it work hit by the missile he's not hurt i think we gotta go i think we run where is that there's oosh let's just grab ush and get out of here we're not even all the way down oh he's killing us bad um racist melee aerial mental races [Music] run away okay get out gold oh man we got we got destroyed i don't know what to do about those um i don't know things are nasty okay let's finish exploring this place as well what we got just some cows and things are in here i'll take his his uh his necklace of warning which is what once about dangerous energies and traps i did not [Music] we were very brave write that write that down very brave okay um home we go um sad so that was that was this guy i can't go there yet once we get that we can we can go there okay back home it's kind of a sad day um i can see in the dark there you go buddy and we can know the priest in here i don't know what we lost we lost we lost six warriors i know i think we had how many priests do we have we had six wizards i think and four priests very brave that's right might be a ninth dawn yeah yeah it kind of has that same kind of kind of thing i'll take all that stuff and get rid of that take all the night stuff that hits good things too and all the farmer things i want you i don't want your date animals or your dead people okay choose all that okay now the question is what do we grab fangs of poison he has well buddy you're giving me my new best friend okay we got level 10 which means we can make excellent a throne i want a throne yes yes in my room next to my money uh let's put it i need a grander thrown room than this i'm a goblin and um that means nothing i want a fancy throne room back here let's build it we'll get everything else we'll figure out stuff later um i want a throne room that's not very brand is it hey thanks robin thanks robin i appreciate that i'll add you into the uh into the death match let's do like that i don't know that's probably good like right in there i thought was um uh ninth dawn i did a video on it it's uh i thought would you recommend if i like this game so it's a bit more um if i remember right now it's a bit more like uh turn based diablo like part maybe turn-based baldur's gate style i think if i'm thinking right this gives me 10 more people right yeah we have 52 people we can put in here um to where like you're out questing you know sort of like old maybe ultima like correct me if i'm wrong it's been like four years since i played that game even thought about it um let's see pigs gets more people we got plenty of that jewelry gives us good things magical weapons would be great but it just gives me golden stabs i don't care well maybe i do more spells will be good i'll take master sorcery and i will take jewelry okay let's put in some some torches oh my to flank my sides here that i need uh you know where to make some faint we're gonna make it we're gonna go fancy we want red carpets of course we'll have to put a door there red carpet up to my throne and then uh we'll put some we'll put some blue carpet flanking the white carpet and then we'll put in some nice fancy stone with a different kind of stone yeah because that's you know we're goblins but i'm the goblin king now there we go there we go i would like a uh um an iron door it'll be good enough right there that's where i will hang right now i'm just doing my stories you know that's what i do hates all elves welcome i need more light in here it's kind of dark golden bookcase for sure let's get those lined up over here and we have a jewelry jeweler at work i cannot believe i haven't been attacked yet how why how animated this far without getting attacked i don't know what's going on but i appreciate the game maybe something changed i can i can't make a grave i couldn't do that could i do it before i just never saw it i'll set a grave um let's send them back over here there we go so now we can like bring in these things oh we've uh we've we've triggered the elementalists also oh you want that garden oops i guess it's fine we'll need them a lot of us florida thrown oh i didn't see that oops here we go okay uh we should be getting some good gear on our guys also we're back up to 11 warriors ush is at a 50 attack now he's got a his thing of bleeding he doesn't have a shield oh it's probably two-handed okay we need some rings going which we will do 85 kills on that guy uh let's make some oh yeah here we go um elf vision shoot through trees warning defense plus three defense regen is good i need magic resist poison resist is always good i don't know what we want most of um fast training be nice to have magical damage yep yep spying that's for backpack um there's too much of that we need a lot of gold though so we'll have to dig let's let's dig go down a level and then we'll go down one more level what time is it okay um let's go where where is that installations orders i don't remember what structure yeah pop that down there okay hey who are you okay come here uh good stuff good stuff not enough gold though okay there might be some scary things down here though um seems peaceful so far you can usually tell when you well you can always tell when you cross through bad things a little bit of gold not enough gold i was hoping for more that would be nice you can always go again another level down oh there's more up here too i got how many artificers do i have four plenty well i really need a lot of stone but we'll grab it might as well attempt to go straight down right now i have troubles with that uh that guy we can probably handle we can maybe handle the keepers i have to get ourselves trained up a bit more like these guys that are 23 then you get they need to get better magical damage for the golems with that that oh right magical damage of course yeah magic damage what was it was it a ring of magic damage more more of those um aimless are fine okay yeah we'll get there it's gonna be a lot of cash which we'll get eventually i think what we'll do is we'll head out and take out one of these maybe not the elementalists because they're gonna be throwing you know elemental things at us but the um um well i say that someone else really go to never mind we have we have this guy and we have the elementalist so i guess we could go hit this guy never found the gnomes um yeah let's do it let's give him a little while to uh to train and all of our all of our warriors should be grabbing some stuff we get up to 50 52 people might as well use it any potions here we can grab it all takes cash and this one i've got all this steel we should make i mean if anyone doesn't have any weapons there shouldn't be a reason to not have weapons but we can whip out a couple of swords and chain armor upgrade oh hey uh no don't do that um do we have one of those defense things which kind of armor do you have we already have one of defense but uh lag douche whoops go get that's the best one we got plus five there's a plus eight there wizard doesn't need a plus eight armor let's go grab that and then i want you to how do i tell you to put on where is it mark of slaying how do i put that on uh do we just do it like we have to just make it that way can i just um i guess we just make it that way interesting uh if i if i find my gnomes i can hire them i guess we can go try doing that again that'd be an easy one to go to real quick because we can find we can we could probably get a whole bunch of new uh new gnomes added to our pack i'm really worried about getting attacked here though wizard yeah yeah uh let's grab it again and let's go let's go find these guys where are you at i never found your um we dug through all this stuff though didn't we all right here we have found a uh an entrance for these guys let's go look over here uh they're just gonna have different people so the gnomes i think the number's probably gonna be more probably crafters and things i would assume i don't know where they are though over here uh they removed orcs he mentioned it in the the patch notes why they got rid of orcs um basically he just did this i guess there's some sort of balance thing or something he didn't like something about him and that's why he got rid of them there's a gnome there hello gnome remember us i guess we can go downstairs is this where we found oh this is no this isn't this isn't where the guy was oh maybe it was yeah this is it isn't it yeah this is where that bad bad guy is bad bad man there's some evil gnomes down here i don't want to do this if i don't have to she's gonna get us all killed um we'll go look for them one more down take that i'm blind i'm good more nagas there he is i didn't get that that oh wait i do have a magic weapon because it's i assume it it's bleeding i don't have the magic thing but i can put him to sleep maybe probably not he's uh he's a golem can you put the sleep buddy i'll try go see oh he's gonna hurt me i don't wanna i don't wanna fight tribal leader okay take that i'm gonna step there he's gonna slaughter me oh where'd he go where'd he go there he is all right i'm to put you to sleep even though you're not i'm not going to work he's not hurt harmless okay okay okay am i hurting him not hurt not hurt um are you getting hit by something battle axe the iron goal i'm not hit not hurt i got him swinging battle axe and bleeding with the iron glow island the limbs cut in half excellent okay i'm a little blind happens good warhammer in there i don't want the corpse get there get that corpse out of here just throw throw it that way okay um i'm blind okay uh this is this is the guy we don't want to deal with he's also kind of tough uh i mean i guess i guess we're going for it keep me alive please i can't seem to hit me either though got him okay who are you hello cornelia the witch goodbye cornelia the witch i will take your invisibility i'll take all your potions yeah okay [Music] gnomes did i meet you hello gnomes hooray automaton excuse me someone hostile uh hostile automaton why would i want to do that i have to pay to pay i'm gonna make a man if i don't pay for this uh no but just put it down what else you got in here nice war hammer nice axe you got some good stuff provide cash and buy it i won't steal from you guys because you'll get mad okay we found them all right all these little gnomes okay that's it right there's no more downstairs it's just the upstairs excellent okay uh let's head home and we'll take we can trade i would like i don't have any cash so i won't trade with you uh i'll take a priest oh my god no not a lot out of that do we hmm okay what do we got left can i reach the uh i can't reach them let's go that dungeon i'm i'm uh i'm a little more confident however but i think we're gonna go to the main villain first time yeah let's do this let's do it um grandma wizards grab my warriors grab my priests and um train up a little bit you guys are kind of worthless so far get training uh i want that magic damage stuff if uh what do we have here emily of defense what does my my main warrior have he has just the regen one there's no rings lying around though is there do we have any rings we do we got magic resistance magical damage uh we don't need that go get that okay you're already doing magical damage that's gonna be more magical damage i guess you don't have you yeah you've got magical damage already excellence you buddy magical damage excellent chargo poison resistance and take that magic resistance magic no okay that's fine more beds and we ever need around here beds uh he's downstairs there it's probably not gonna be a big deal we could just walk and look at that he's downstairs and he's a very scary guy um i don't know if we actually we might be able to take him he's not really that important where are we attacked by the elementalists all right here it goes uh let me place on my beds that may or may not be important okay and let's gather everyone so wizards all together warriors and priests i will control what's his face and we're gonna go we're gonna go stand over here we're gonna fight them here i think it's probably the best spot we'll wait them for them to come in i'll stand up front here we'll see what's going to happen with these guys i'm going to be the first ones meeting them can i get you guys to come in here like uh back there and come on down here you know just get in the room come on now because looks like are those wizards wearing green glasses like shades all right there you go sorry smoker coming in doing a bad job of getting in here hey break how's it going he's gonna charge out and die yep here comes a tornado we can sit back and watch what else he's throwing at me water elementals okay good job good job you put up a good fight very proud of you i hear a hissing sound as my traps going off that did not go like i was hoping for okay done it's not gonna roll and they're gonna smash me is that what's gonna happen here i'm kind of scared adopted saint bernard that's exciting wow big dog uh how old and how big is it are here where'd they go are you uh done fighting me because they're attacking still where are they did they go downstairs maybe oh there they are get back in here everybody uh am i oh yeah i am uh i don't walk there yeah yeah take that what is that that is an earth elemental he ain't so tough okay i'm on fire a little bit can someone put these fires out i'm going to uh [Music] those we're all dying what are we supposed to do about this everything's on fire uh uh did i lose my main guy i think i just did nobody go in there oh we got ooh ooh she's still alive okay good okay i'm gonna burn my floors i guess there's a reason not to put wood floors in the main room i guess they're still here though okay get back in there no more burning now don't break my statues how dare you wizard i think oh maybe they would go downstairs these guys are getting kind of annoying aren't they um that's the wizard right that's the guy he's very unhappy i'm unhappy too isn't going real well stop it with the burning if i kill you here though i think we'll be in good shape forget the elemental i'm going for this guy come here yep it's fine come here come here stop that knock it off oh no no we burn though he burned he melted the water under me what a mean guy he's the worst get him i got him okay oh man sorry brig um i had a terrible time she won't leave the hall within 10 feet of the kid's door at least one of them sleeps that's nice here's his dog's like much bigger huge but dainty man man okay we gotta change these floors out might level up oh man um i think i will take some better alchemy i guess we'll get some more things i suppose we can start making some we'll go archery man okay uh let's change up these floors though we want stone floors here because this is just the worst i got to tear these things up first yeah wood floors are the worst no wood floors anymore there's no more elementalists that's one thing uh we want stone okay yeah we just dead we fell in the water they melted the water they melted the ice under me and i fell in it means all his gear fell in as well oh man we got him though he's done we only have two left man i probably could have done it if uh if we had him still around we have to wait for people come in bring the wizards keep six wizards around we need we need a lot of warriors all my guard minions are dead i know that was good stuff oh man man regen regen what are you guys wearing now i guess lags on a new a new friend nothing magical but you got magical damage ring that's good yeah that's good that's good magical damage you don't have any magic damage do we have any extra ones uh yeah these priests don't need them and you come get a magical damage um and can you get a hat i'm wearing a nice hat um take that one let's make some stuff let's just get some some of that maybe some more armor see david go pick up my mouse was there something i missed before david is this a pet mouse it's either a pet mouse or a broken computer mouse it's one of the other um all right well so artificial yeah we just need more got more warriors we can sit back here until we get more this is uh end of stream time well it was in the stream time like an hour ago but um we're so close if i can take out i think i was at the point i probably could take out that guy downstairs um i think not anymore there's been a wood floor in the stone floor stone floors or wood floors burn uh and uh it's just a um i think has to do with like their attitude so uh well he's married because i think it helps the morale i think is i think is what it does having nice floors um they play into um just tell me oh there you go increases luxury by point one point 0.3 for stone and carpet's 0.7 [Music] all right no one defending the guard zone it's fine can i sell things to you no all right oh i can buy him but just be in debt that's strange is that douche another goblin warrior what about he was our favorite he had like a hundred kills what's the next guy got what do you want buddy 15. you're worthless you guys are all new they got one good guy uh oh a legendary craftsman okay that'll work at the lab uh yeah these things all cost gold oh you know what kind of rails you can make gold i did not realize okay i did not realize um it's what three of these per one gold piece yeah maybe 100 gold pieces we'll do it again in a minute we could dig down one more time and find more gold but it's gonna be just um kind of nervous about doing that oh yeah we have some bones there i don't think we're allowed to do the raise the dead though curious about this i haven't anything with with the drinking thing i don't know where that comes in like is that an activity that you can do drink no hmm i don't know we have a distillery but i don't know how to use it set the archers up somewhere over um actually you probably hang out over here we'll do one on each side get a couple archers in let's keep going with the the this and we'll just do it again just uh whoops yeah keep that going keep the gold rolling in here we don't need the red stuff as much as we need everything else uh can we you know we probably even do uh turn the stone into oh no we can't come do any more space for these let's see what does we can we can carve it out though okay so much so much vulgar uh poems all right it's all it's all good i think poems aren't family friendly yeah they're vulgar because they're like you know they're talking about goats and and all the other vulgar things out there um let's see i would like i got a lot of i think i still have all my oh we lost a lot of stuff to me i probably should do with my gold i should make these um because what we're because of what we're fighting we probably need to get this uh uh the magical damage a few more of those maybe three more of those uh angles of defense are always good let's just keep the the gold rolling in much as we can like 500 left make a bunch of those okay he disarms traps excellent so we got three more guys coming in nice puts us up to 35. man 13. what we had i think do we have 16 at one point that's kind of our usual range in there 11 somewhere in there keep cranking those things out okay uh and we went down below and we got all the red yep all right let's left golden the walls what is this i blame you for this backpack um let's try it one more down hopefully there's nothing scary okay we got some cash there bring it in uh no no mods these guards are kind of worthless i'm not gonna make them again uh we got somebody here there's a surprise uh thank you and wizards and priests i could send backpack down that would probably be the safe safe bet a uh oh is backpack dead what okay borkas come here what are you rat soldiers well i don't want to see you are you going to follow me up it doesn't appear so i didn't look at their stats i don't think it was very good though i didn't i didn't look close enough uh you are now my hero what's your name buddy what was his name again lagdush the elementalist slayer oh he got yeah okay i'm okay with you you know what you got the elementals killed you're in a spot in my book the good book okay let's head on down there's gonna be a problem because we're gonna be like wait for our friends to get here how tough are you okay yeah you're easy these are rat people no problem any more rats nope uh any more gold one thick of gold that'll work okay um drop anything just rat rat woman corpse just okay let's dig i want to go down here we'll grab that too okay um it's not getting the workers i don't want them okay bunch of cash excellence make some more of those uh those rings and things hey vitor how's it going how deep can you go i don't know that there is a limit actually i don't know if there is i uh there probably is some sort of cap but i don't know another further down you go the more dangerous it gets that wasn't very dangerous so i don't maybe we can go a lot further down how are we looking for our warriors here up to 49 for one of them this guy however is not quite there extra training potential is great how you doing which means that you can gain uh yeah more more spell training we have any of those guys that are that are um i'm at seven so i brought you in your limit you can go to 11. okay what's what schools can you do um where is it spell schools uh this one oh yeah so you can go up to invisibility and yeah you can be real cool i'm on extra fast speed so it's yeah going pretty quick you are you're at seven you're at one actually they're all at seven except for lorzo the new guy um which gives you what what do you get level seven you get you bypass allies so those that one guy can go up to expert max mac expert magic missile would be nice to have and then our priests how are we doing here you guys get up seven seven everyone's there okay and you're almost all the way up which you're going to get group healing coming in which is great uh eat weapons why don't you pick stuff up there's things here to grab why what are you doing besides not grabbing things what's wrong with you why are you dumb why is there no helmets you get armor okay we need well we have armor we just don't have are we missing like um anymore um uh we'll need to get um uh whatever um what am i trying to say how about it uh we'll have to get more uh i don't know i just lost i'll also i was gonna what i was talking about we'll get more something um you know the wood tray number is for this guy and we'll get more uh helmets and gloves and boots that kind of thing builder's hat okay um let's go do that so i would like uh not from here oh look at that a sumptuous oh yeah make some of those expensive four of those hey archer okay for those uh and then i'm gonna come in here and tell you to make some gloves some of those six of each of those a staff would be nice to have now that we've got a lot of casters making some stats we've got nine of those guys now how you doing buddy up to five okay we might just be ready to go we don't have quite all the gear you guys i believe will be fodder [Music] i'll use more helmets too hey alexander hey kizzle so while you're doing all this give me some helmets also and they'll go grab them as they get tossed over here let me expand this a little bit more pump that in the equipment storage um oh yeah my king doesn't need to go in here doesn't he uh he was in throw was he in king what are you in you're in the orange one yeah so you can hang out you can hang out in in this little spot this is my bedroom and then i got my throne over there yeah okay so we may get this guy coming at us if he does it actually might not be a bad idea because we can hit him at our home rather than us going to his home then we gotta go downstairs i think we're ready for it let's do it we're ready as we're gonna get i'm tired of waiting i wanna go to bed uh and so we're gonna go do it so we're gonna grab a lag douche uh who i would love to have some sort of magical thing he's got two magical i mean what's the point having two of those things is there one probably not so don't worry about that but um it's fine let's go i'd love to get you some sort of a better ring or whatever but this side's cleared out let's go to uh this guy walda mock and whoever a doxie is i was kind of scared of a doxy okay we got some goblin or some bandits around we can go kill them real quick [Music] and the buzzards okay this is a uh this is a proper keeper right he's gonna have a dungeon kind of base him we'll hit him in the dark you know like goblins do i'm gonna kind of sit here for a minute oh there's a keep or something over here i don't really want to deal with that just right now what kind of deal was just a keeper he's gonna be uh probably a problem how do we get over there oh he may be over here how do we get over there [Music] i don't really want to deal with these knights however this actually might be him it's clearly a keep some kind how do i get over there a lot of bones over there wizards oh yeah this has got to be them they got actually like a proper outside thing break their eye knock knock uh i found a i found a flame trap does that finish okay everybody ready stop setting off the fire traps please can we can we deal can we let's oh let's just get come here come here everyone get over here okay come here come here everybody okay what do you have here a portal [Music] oh your your goblins oh you have a succubus do you what if i go in here is this where i want to go let's go back oh stop killing my people stop it you succubus are we getting slaughtered i'm blind i'm gonna die uh hit the uh i don't have any healing on me what are the mushrooms those are bad mushrooms uh throw it at this way take that i don't know if it worked i'm gonna die i'm gonna die oh yeah okay okay what are you doing back here is that who's that that's a vampire lord what are you guys out here for this is not the place to be wizards there's a dire spawn uh oh okay um maybe if we run away uh yep rewind array run away uh who fixed the door oh no all the stupid wizards are outside what are you doing over here stupid wizards um like you know if we all like if we were intelligence wizards we could probably do this they all ran away because they're jerks well they fixed everything already you just throw your magic missiles in there i don't know no we're just going to knock this thing in stop fixing your doors please okay stop it a rat soldier mmm blast him take that nine turns until it comes back we should wait a minute why are you guys bouncing away you have some sort of a grab everything yeah grab everybody how does this work oh i can actually individually control everybody okay we don't do that [Music] um okay stop running away hey there's that guy we want to hit that guy i hit my fire uh we didn't damage him nope we can hear poison we can't do anything to him yeah yep yep okay okay let's go let's go i'm away please please let's teleport why can't i move who's that guy some goblin warrior who's uh who's not very tough [Music] blast him comes a priest what are you doing don't walk up to him okay boston there we go yeah he's he's here too fast you just teleport inside there interesting [Music] and get in there oh i kind of be you and i kind of look around like if if what's his face is there just real quick where's our keeper if we get in there and kill the keeper done um everyone needs to get away so you keep on running up this way keep on going away i'm just gonna do a little bit of explore maybe we can just kind of cheese this i think we have to kill everybody though okay i'm gonna take a bit of a peek around here he's pretty tough [Music] um hello imp what are you gonna do goblin wizard there's a uh goblin warrior yeah we're gonna die okay uh let's uh teleport can i go anywhere can you escape all right push him back i'm gonna die is that escape that's on cooldown yeah okay let's uh teleport no i'm getting all right let's leave okay and get out and we lost our army build some bandits man that's tough that's too tough i think i don't know maybe do it but it's going to be rough um both that one's not gonna be so bad i don't think just we got to be able to kill the magic things but we can go visit our ally i didn't realize we can go there let's grab what we've got and let's go let's go visit hello ally who are you well i know you're harpies right you told me just like we don't run into anyone too scary just come say hello and i hope i can recruit you it'd be extra nice if you guys were like um oh vampires that'd be nice uh we found some bandits it should be easy to kill though but i only have i have one attack spell i guess i can probably still hit things [Music] no no no i'll do tight abandons [Music] we all bounced away hello heartbeats about i found you uh can i have some help okay so we found our heartbeat friends can i um that's it right that's all we have to do then we can leave and now we can go to our map and we but there's i saw the harpies [Music] can i just oh except automatically oh i didn't realize that was a thing oh neat um yeah i'll take i'll take whatever you want to give me give me some dark l's i'll take them trolls goblin chicken mancher why don't i have one of those yet i'll take all this stuff okay if they want to come in they're welcome to be here especially you there we go we got seven recruits so we can we can bring seven of those guys in uh as archers bring them all in okay man i don't know i need to go to bed it's gonna be too long before we can get into that so we gotta call it a day here we'll have to save this for another day uh and see if we can conquer that but that's gonna be uh some time i think it's just that it's gonna be tough though it's gonna be real tough if we had i don't know you know what we could do get him when he attacks us because then he'll be there if we can manage to get in behind and get the keeper done uh it's gonna be real ugly getting everything else assuming the keeper comes with him which i think they do but um yeah we'll have to end it here thanks for watching um i gotta get to bed and uh that's what i'm gonna do thanks for hanging out we'll uh we'll have a live stream probably we'll probably do it tomorrow uh just so that i can uh play some more things because i gotta play we're gonna play more of this uh we've got some more haven and hearth to play i got some more uh uh uh um all kinds of things so oh my good loot is right there in that hole there oh no wait look the keeper has summoned a friendly demon underhulk joins your forces excuse me alistair oh yeah he only has 500 rounds to live resistant to melee attacks he's hallucinating slower man sir yeah that's one two i need to play also um i wish i'd known you were going to be here sooner i would have uh i would have brought you with me um okay he's interesting a 49 attack resistant to melee attacks that's always very good only 30 percent huh i just gotta only get him for so long slo slorm that was called slow mancer okay yeah the god yeah the gobble yeah i know what you mean it's a goblin thing isn't it it's like goblin yeah um anyway anyway we'll save him we'll come back to this but we'll do it some other time so thanks for watching everybody uh and um i'll probably be back tomorrow if not tomorrow then it'll be next day or some sometime uh and uh we'll be uh we'll do a bit more a bit more of something so thanks for watching and i will see you all next time c my [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Nookrium
Views: 100,269
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, keeperrl, keeper rl, roguelike, keeperrl alpha 32, colony sim, dungeon keeper, kingdom, city builder, fantasy game, rimworld fantasy
Id: u0e8qpB2Iy0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 170min 17sec (10217 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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