The Universim - (Planet Colonizing God Game)

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here we go wake up wake up creator this is the beginning of your story it starts with nothing nothing but an infinite void however you with a single touch can awaken the light ready thanks roloff well hello to all chad thanks olaf collapse on the bets on the collapse of no planet society no no no ready this is exciting boom and so the universe sprang into being worlds filled with endless potential were scattered into the beyond they formed into many different shapes and sizes and while most were doomed to drift among the cosmos baron we've been through this intro a few times but it's a really good one so we're gonna watch it again others flourished these few planets soon became home to the greatest phenomenon of all life however life is a peculiar thing it comes and goes as swiftly as a bit of space debris burning up in an atmosphere [Music] a creator's purpose was always that of an observer to simply admire the fleeting beauty of life's beginnings and ends yet this balance could never last the issue with allowing a species to evolve independently is that they always fail to do so [Music] for life to have a better chance of succeeding it needs a helping hand ah here we are welcome to mother planet this is a fair sight for it came to be that there was day and night warmth and cold and water to flow through the planet's veins the soil was rich with minerals which gave rise to a thickness the perfect ecosystem was formed it is no wonder that what life has chosen to inhabit it a new species has been born and they need more brains this is your purpose now their very existence rests in your hands all right all right i like that intro a lot okay so we played this game a few times before those of you that are asking i think one person asks anyways uh is this the city builder it's a god game uh we're building a colony and uh we're starting in the like stone age and working our way up to the modern and then i guess the future age where we can go build we can go and build spaceships and there's other planets out there and i guess we can go to those planets i think this is what's happening now we'll find out i guess so he's excited how's it going so we have to first choose where we want to call home and i saw in the intro there a nice look at that mountain did they change they must have changed some of the rocks this looks pretty this looks extra pretty but like right there we got a nice water spot we got a nice mountain to look at uh there's a desert nearby if we need it for different resources there's a big forest over here i think i like that spot right there let's take a quick gander around the mountain though and see if there's anything even cooler it's it's certainly changed because it looks really good look at that like that little valley right right in there between the two mountains and then oh yeah that's good like right in here like right on this there's a bit of a hill there right over there there's something over there we could do we could do a desert town actually we could we could um you kind of need to use all resources but we got that one we got a nice little lake over there and this is all good stuff what is that those are just lone trees just out there i guess so okay um well let's go and um let's go back to that spot we were looking at which i think was right over here there it is and let's do a i think we can click and drag yeah yeah i say we go and do i think i like the spot this right in the middle here is too good there's a bit of a hill though that might be a problem and so i think what we'll do is we'll build like around this spot here and if we can we get up there but for now we're going to go right there right there yeah take a look at your new subjects they're called nuggets largely because of their body's apparent inability to keep itself in one piece adahi and elu the architects of their species they are the founders of everything that nuggets will ever know or achieve this is quite a beautiful planet try not to ruin it will you okay i need to just have audio uh audio just let me know here uh so these guys gonna go out they're gonna build their own home which you're doing right now they're building a house they do it all on their own uh i can go in and do some tech research tech research do some tech uh we've got multiple levels of it which takes us all the way in to i think before i got to here was where i where the game ended before somewhere right in here but now we have i believe all this stuff is in here now ethics glass factories maybe we got this maybe we got far enough for this there's coming soon but we can go to aerospace which is there what does that lead to we don't know aerospace engineering what does that do for us though modern space construction center new trader in the black market i don't know surface-to-air missiles i'm not sure if we can land on the planets why not but but i hope so so anyway we're gonna go and start at the beginning with fire then we'll get water wheels then we can figure out how water works then a cook then fish sounds good i see the beginnings of something great me too buddy okay so i've got a certain amount of god points and i can uh i can do various things with my god points i think new things will show up in time which is uh right in here which i don't know that i have oh here we go so we can like heal people we can pick people up and throw them around we can make people fall in love uh we'll gain some stuff as time goes on uh but let's go build something can we make anything here we can make an archive which is to save the game we can make probably nothing else yep nothing else until tech comes in that's the tradition burns you'll bear you in the lake that's where you go all right get to work everybody uh where's my there's my speed right there let's crank it up your civilization grows stronger with every item you research creator that's party look at that can we go down downwards down down i'm not trying to go down we go we can go we can zoom and then go up and look at that that's party okay we got fire which means we can do what what's that do for us unlocks lights in the buildings oh that's it okay well so we're still waiting to do that but we can actually help them out a bit because they want a uh they want some stone we can go uh we can go do that because i'm a god so i'll go let me go pick up some rocks for you you want how do we do this again i forget it's like control click yeah there you go hey you guys want to rock there you go so be very careful not to smash your your people especially doing this again are we anyway so we give them the rocks that they need because they're a bunch of slackers what'd we learn more wheels or something where's that one at i was in this first one here oh yeah water pump okay let's go ahead and get this thing started oh look is that the beginnings of a road is that what's going on there there's a big road update that came out not too long ago where's the water at i built next to water tonight there it is let's throw this guy over here it's a little bit of a walk isn't it it's any closer water will make me dizzy uh we can maybe do it up here you think is that safe yeah that's safe right there okay let's get this thing made of course they're all building their house right now so let me go grab this tree here you've got mail creator oh yeah all right let me sound like we're complaining but we're having a tough time doing all the work for just the two of us anyway we can expand our civilization bring us a few extra helping hands i hope there's an easy way going about this one that does not involve months of discomfort and weird cravings followed by hours of excruciating pain so we want to go to uh the uh the love thing on them i'm on it i didn't think you knew anything about reproduction creator well let me surprise you there is their house oh they like a little campfire outside now too cool very cool so i'm gonna march over this we're a bit of a walk away from the water i suppose that's okay though uh let's go give you the uh this thing we got 60 points to spend let's get you and you love is in the air love is in the air okay so there's uh the big update was was roads and so you can build roads or they i'm assuming they build roads i don't do it it's god game and so we'll see what happens with that oh we got a reservoir um so if we generate water from our water pump we get a reservoir which will pump it in here so they can get a drink which we probably should since it's so far away it's strange that it's red like that how do i rotate this guy there we go let's set it like i hope you've been working on your beach body you're not going to spend another summer just lazing around are you [Laughter] it's not really a mountain it's just more of a big hill that they have to cross to get their water 21 rocks for this thing all right i'm going to be busy look at me doing all this work while they're over there making sure poor execution oh no no no no not on the rocks yeah yeah telekinesis okay so we can spend some of our points get that going and get a water thing up and running who's a big guy big guy i mean you're rocking you know ten more would you look at that lambo little baby nugget aren't they adorable when they're young don't get too attached though they're still mortal after all they will soon be old enough to have an opinion and make questionable life decisions let's see how much you like them then how do we get it all that happened yeah we got it all so we need a little more a little more tree there we go so given resources they have still build it but they've got resources now for that and we've got a baby um now i i have the twitch thing on so i think nuggets are all unique to one another although there are some things that are shared between nuggets these include the need for certain essentials like food and water another one a stable roof over their heads um are you working uh connected one second make sure this is working connecting connecting connecting is this thing i have to type in here you have to like let something bot you um let me make sure this is working hmm maybe it's working we'll let it do its thing for a minute an occasional nap they want to learn build discover and create it would all be quite inspirational if they also didn't happen to be the species that initially thought their shadows were trying to eat them not us so i'm assuming there's going to be a um i assume there's a bot thing but what's going on i just read that latest message it's a real hoot oh wait struggling to agree on names for our little ones out of here maybe it's because it's uh a scheduled thing here and he wants to call him something like stick or stone i believe and i'm about to break his bones ha appropriate names okay so help them name the newborn nuggets click on the nugget in order to open his panel i'm honest maybe they could actually use some help maybe this is why so um your name is going to be um uh you're a girl it's gonna be jimmy and then we're gonna have where's the other one at not out of here where's the other guy at let me just switch this thing around here where's where's the little oh you is it you two this water pump system is rather advanced for such a young civilization i mean sure it's built um impressive i don't know uh give me a good name um hey do village um um um beep okay oh because i because i named you you think i'm you think i'm somebody real of course i am who else would i be all right so we got water coming in it's pumping water out it'll go into that reservoir over there which is now built so it's cranking oh it's pretty look at the different oh neat that has changed all right what is this thing over here oh okay okay let me take another look at twitch here the connect button is not even here now i don't know i don't know maybe there's no twitch integration today i'll see if i can mess with it here in a bit let me make sure we get through this early tutorial stage then we'll go back to it uh but as for let's make things we got something else unlocked i think we have there's an archive right we'll need to save things is that it oh there it is uh an eatery yes we need an eatery so let's set this thing up i'm gonna give us some space today i think something like how about like right over here you just clear that tree out for me thanks buddy if it is like pre-planned rose is that what's going on i guess so new tech so we can get some primitive cooking which gave us the eatery but we can also cooking utensils tinsel makes us eat faster unlocks reservoir we got that already we can get some better drinking water capacity um we can also lead into old one toolkit sure and then warehouses and witch doctors and cooking oils and leather buckets didn't have channel points working for it i don't think so i did it before i don't like channel points um we'll get through this this first few phases phases and then we'll go and check it out and see if we can adjust it oh hey the snow all melted off the mountain oh look at that i didn't even see that before cool well most of it it's a bit of a walk over here to the water guy but no one needs to deal with it except for the repairman so it take takes the water it should pump it straight into this reservoir so it's not a big deal look at these berries here people should eat eventually and some storms going on over there reservoir is looking okay either you can give it some stone anything new here uh what's that one kickstart nuggets need me encourage encouraging kick to the rear getting back to work and we have jolted joy i think that's four of them believe in me all of those colors isn't fall beautiful and we have four notes before you lead the planet to ruin oh yeah speaking of planet to ruin so there is let's see if i can see out here we can go out into space and i think right we can click on these maybe not yet maybe that's something that's been changed and so we can because you see you click on the planets and you can actually see the planets that are there maybe that's been changed maybe we need some sort of like astronomy or something before we can do that anymore because i certainly was before oh hello leaves floating in skip in space let me get you too dizzy sorry about that we can always do water wells over here as well there is a limit to much water you can yank out of that lake um there we go 95.4 remaining water so we don't want to go pump everything out of it and beep have agreed uh producing new nuggets oh oh no oh dear oh oh my now that you have the power to create miracles i've been trying to build a hut for owen tnt myself to live in but she's your sister i fear i may have thrown my back out with all the heavy lifting i can hardly lift my hammer now let alone collect all the resources i still need okay so help him build something i'm on it unfortunate creator it appears you are to be terminated hold on ah never mind wrong envelope you have a new message okay there's their house he wants stuff here is that what he said help him build their hut okay okay all righty slacker let me help you lots of rocks right here being next to the mountains that one let's go and grab some of this cool storms going on uh whoops i can't say i'm a fan of nugget delicacies but it should keep everyone relatively alive and happy they do seem to brew some interesting beverages though by the way buddy apologies oh you got enough of those okay what do you need are you good now need another rock okay i'll try not to smash it this time hey thanks roloff i'm starting only two people it gets a little incesty oh she's good i guess can i smash this deer where is he where'd he go there he is hey buddy hey buddy you got a cool face i'm just i'm just going to try something real quick i can't really tell where it's going to drop no no all right okay done right did i break it because i because i broke the home and then had to rebuild it is that did it ruin things you look a little confused so i did it i did it well you know what don't worry i expected as much i know you have questions but you'll learn everything in time on your own without bothering me what's going on over here oh we need someone to work there don't we okay so we assign a nugget to our eatery which is going to be i'm not sure if it matters who's going to do it we're going to put beep in charge no need for training just send them right in that's right let's get to work you slob oh it's getting snowy again neat oh there's some some mammoths hey quiet tony this might freeze over i'm sure it will it'll be out of water uh maybe it may be at once um yeah let's mess with that now so let me see if i can adjust this thing uh hey thanks roloff i appreciate that uh i'm gonna make my screen go away here so i can see my token so i'll be giving you a second here and while i try to get this and see if i can get it working make sure i spell my name right the the buttons not even [Music] i don't know the button's not even there anymore it's just yellow hmm let me let's save it we'll come back real quick let me reload the game and we'll come back and uh we'll mess with this before you have an archive to save the games i'm not sure i guess i've changed that thank you game devs for doing that let's quit and then come back and see if it works now let's see if that button will work let's get a rule for the uh the sponsor i certainly appreciate that uh yeah you get names there's a few different things you can do with with the twitch integration that's loud critique has been busy since they uh they started this game they do all kinds of things now okay now connect connected hooray all right is that all there is to it music seems better it says it's connected so let's continue our game i think what happens if i remember right you're gonna get like things popping up and you can vote on them or something uh and then and then you'll like just get points through um through um twitch through the game in the game and you can use those points to buy things or something we'll find out as soon as the game loads sport work on does what work on mobile does twitch work on mobile yeah just just just being in the chat room is just being in the uh in the stream chat should be enough for it because there's an ancient name out of the out of there so even if you want to watch on youtube you can always put your name and twitch and then your your name will still be there but you'll be able to vote on things uh if you're on youtube if it gets too noisy let me know and i'll uh well i can see it i'll i'll get rid of the restream bot that's going back and forth did you remember to pick up some eggs while you were out okay okay so where's my base at what's the button f h g there's a button for it i don't know what it is but i recognize that uh spot over there those mountains okay let's get back in here everything's all dead and brown now all right uh help him finish his hut i did and tell beep to knock it off about to break it again all right oh viewers allowed yeah yeah okay there we go hey look at that burns is in the birth cue nice uh yeah this one is just being lazy excellent there's beep good job beep uh build your house okay so working on shamanism which will give us a doctor's hut it's getting very snowy they certainly changed a lot of this because this is much prettier than it used to be fun fact creator did you know that tiny little gnomes operate water pumps sadly they always go on vacation during winter so we can build our our um our fishing pier over here or back over there um probably a good idea to stick it over on this side i think stream looking okay a little choppy on my hand let's go like stick them over there fishing piers will be a great addition to the civilization right up until winter shuts them all down someone named chat birthed a particularly ugly baby called burn slipper [Laughter] fantastic what's with the uh the alien thing did you get to pick that how'd that happen excellent excellent okay perfect all right um so we'll let uh will that happen and man it's snowy around here this is a snowy place and a lightning place uh they should go about their business building houses and doing all that stuff on their own my only concern is just making sure that you know the animals don't eat them or whatever uh i wish this would work and but it's not gonna we're just a receiver um a believer but he already believes it well maybe he doesn't we'll have to see there's that guy there's out of here there's our reservoir which is full which is great there's some mammoths i think we can go in if we want to try to make more babies we can do that is that a snowman winter it is here creator i have a great survival tip for you hmm where where did i put it i'll get back to you oh it's so snowy wow is it snowing man it's so snowy it's just like black and white the desert's not so snowy i mean everything else is right i can click these guys what do you give me i can give you that box bring this oh bring an epicenter bring two episode of research uh do i have one of those that's the main thing right there you go open it oh we got a puzzle piece to build the alpha tower okay and we got some scraps lying around some gas some uh some gas and some wood these all come in very handy and some food oh are you sick outta here let me fix you up buddy there you go uh youtube all better oh you are you burns you sick too okay and i got a new believer burns believes in me um yeah yeah yeah go away on your channel 2015 2016 first time here live hey sido how's it going welcome to the live stream i'm going to switch um my my my chat thing off i think i think by doing this it shuts it off so if you want to talk to me you'll talk to me in youtube okay because i don't think i'll be able to see this because it's gonna be very noisy it may take a minute for the bots to shut down i think we'll see hopefully it does because it's very noisy over there uh it's all frozen we've got a new thing to make which is a uh hospital yeah one hospital please i will set this guy right up over here i think there okay it's so snowy let me help him out with this oh the fishing pier is done excellent let's go and pick up some things it just means the game get quieter than we came back in turn it up just a bit okay it's still extra quiet you're looking a little weak creator he's not so quiet okay we'll give him some wood what you at now you need a bit more wood yeah i'll help you out toss this in there oh fisherman is done so we gotta get a fisher person fisherman fish lady fisher dude tomorrow or you know in spring i suppose uh burns you want to fish barnes would love to fish okay do anything about do we know anything about him oh we can do these little things let's go fly to burns there he is there she is i have a burning desire to skip everywhere i go this is hacker has been born i can give you a kickstarter whatever there's something you can do there because there's it's all ice you're four years old you're very weak you're very not able to carry much everything else is good though if you don't start keeping your buildings in better condition i'll be forced to pass out eviction notices something falling apart so this is where twitch can vote on this stuff uh is this their house is breaking okay let me fix that for you i do that with rejuvenate there you go all better hey there's hacker zero years old hacker's a baby full of oxygen spawn meteors oh don't pick that one that's a bad one restart bot is still spamming the things hey drizzy how's it going uh i'm gonna turn it off i um i've done it before it just takes a while to actually go into effect um there we go now i forgot push that button maybe that'll fix it hey timber how's it going all right so we've got a hospital which needs some rocks i can finish helping with that i've got some stuff left so let's go do that if i can find some rocks everything is just white now keep on trying to move the camera with middle mouse button annika and burnsville are getting are getting married oh yeah and that house is a rockin now that winter is over we should probably perform a head count to see how many nuggets survived okay there we go that's all done huge head has been born there they are burns baby everyone's growing up so fast yeah i think you get um this is your symbol i guess it just gives you symbols there we go i think i think the bot has been has has fixed so if if you want to talk to me talk to me on youtube uh i'm gonna do wondering what to do with your idol population have you tried assigning them to buildings i apologize for uh those of you which one talk to me but it's a little noise over there um hacker you want to go and do some some doctrine oh you know what i'm tinted should be the doctor for sure for sure all right um what are you oh a temple oh wait hang on a minute hang on a minute i'm continuing to work in the temple if anything yeah yeah works the temple can put a few in there i guess um so we need a doctor now doctor um i don't know that it matters like any of these stats strength i guess isn't important but everyone's basically the same so we're gonna grab uh dr hacker hack off some limbs and be good to go the temple looks kind of cool oh i forgot about the temple so there's different ways we can deal with this so we can have people love us because we're a loving god and we'll gain points that way or we can get like a quick jolt of points by throwing people in the grinder and becoming not a nuts a night so friendly god kind of nice it's been rough drizzit boy stay away from stay away from that news hey greatest how's it going does twitch not allow multiple channels anymore can you not have just like a um i don't know how to do that set up a separate channel where you can just dump the um the the spam in the one there's a ways on this restream bot i have an option to make it to where it doesn't it doesn't transfer things that begin with exclamation point but it doesn't have the like a pound sign um or hashtag whatever it doesn't have an option of turning that off which would be this is what we need but whatever uh water pumps have fallen apart let's go fix that i want uh this one um it's over here oh that one is too i need to get oh get some tech fix that guy up and let's go work on a town hall for sure um i guess we can probably quickly get these things done well shaft water dowsing that one agriculture yeah get all that stuff under control we could just set it up on auto but then i'll never remember when i get things legendary building so we found the eiffel tower we can build that i guess we found part of it we can find the full thing there's the hospital nothing in there got the eatery going we got a fishing pier uh burns is rocking the house so we get another one in here oh engineers engineers i need that so we don't have a certain radius here it's not gonna be able to reach back there i need a couple of these guys i'm gonna set one sort of in the well put over here can you squeeze in there i can squeeze you over there let's go like right here another baby yeah yeah it's erosion with a pizza sign uh oh the region is weak very weak less might than normal okay okay you're part of the burn slipper family uh dark thug particularly ugly baby called dark thug last time i played they just put in the save system rename dr hacker to dr hatchet yes you're very weak weak and worthless so far so um so far so peaceful we've got the engineer hut getting done there we'll throw someone in there when we need it i got a lot of points though we should use these let me go and just pick up some rocks and throw them at that guy to get it built uh i don't want to drop this on you watch out buddy what do you need need some more rocks okay there we go faith is into the world and you're as a new follower town hall complete can i make one yeah town hall okay it's gotta go kind of in the oh yeah can i can i i don't know what happens if i put on this on the road here does it ruin something i'm just gonna find out uh i'm gonna put it right there i guess it just breaks that road okay okay uh engineer is going to be uh i don't know who i don't know if we need i assume an engineer needs a little bit of strength so let's put huge head over there good job of in charge that yes burns is your dad uh zark zark has been born do i really know what i'm doing i always know what i'm doing never question what i'm doing oh hacker has his own family excellent um i've seen any sickness people uh walking around so we haven't done a deal with that trying to get this guy built uh which is ready to go it just needs to get built which is happening thanks to anaka i'll sit back for a minute and get a big open oh another one of these what you gonna give me this time oops okay town hall is up let's zoom over here toss this guy down oh i got a broken leg hey buddy let me fix you i think that they've never felt so good whatever will they again uh need a governor uh governor dark dog i think he's three years old how about governor governor jimmy we can add all these ministers minister of space yeah not yet what's going on over there uh what are you going to be can someone please get that now get a fresh pair of oh no zerk just died from exploding space box he's right there are you okay there but you're very red uh sorry about that um whoops um there's a lot of blood did i kill you two i killed a bunch of you i killed three of you and they all named the same thing no well that's yo hal nazoo and your tisha zoo and your zerk uh well um this is how we do this i'm not sure if this works anymore let's try can i can i heal you this way first off no you did okay uh let me pick you up and i'm gonna throw you away you can go live over here buddy do you have any natives on this planet yet there you go blink i'm sorry sorry zerk hey look another box let's go be more careful this time shut this guy down real nice and easy like no one around here right get away get away i'm gonna open this who are you i'm not gonna okay everyone everyone's staying away there's been another injury creator i wonder what it is this time what'd you do okay let's rejuvenate there you go all better um all right open it up stay back what is that one desert rose okay okay who are you can i revive you i'm glad to see you taking such good care of your subject i can pick you up though and throw you away toss you over here somewhere feed the whales we don't have a graveyard what are we gonna do leave them in our town hall can i throw them into the grinder can i pick you up and throw you over here grind you up it's red i don't know i don't know where he just went he disappeared we can't leave bodies railing around though because we'll all get sick look sickness okay get out of here okay over there just get about here all right now you guys both have the same same thing doctor is keeping an eye on the temple there's no tnt oh you're just praying you can do that um next up we got ministry of agriculture we can get some i think is that okay what do we need for this one i need material refinement that seems like a good one ah burial perfect and then maybe some farming farming hunting and that one clothing be nice to have also get the basics done okay vote away we got burns huge head or zarugin do i get the boat so burns is focusing on science we got huge head on on elderly assisted living and zarujin on vaccination timely nuggets get shots become less prone to disease this one is plus two happiness and 30 chance of elderly couples dying during mating oh elders can mate also and then burns has a 30 research rate and more less creator points excuse me not sure about that one that's right stream for all ages corpse in the meat grinder i um i'll try to keep an eye on these roses because it's gonna look kind of funny with the road not going there i wonder if i can make roads eventually there's an option for that we'll let it continue on here though and let me go and make sure this guy's not broken just do a quick fix on you how you doing you're like half there you go all better he's at a range of the healing guy as is that one which we just fixed but barnes is out there fishing right yeah oh look at the water you can't just see down in there neat species down there stream looking smooth right you can make bombs in this game actually if you make army make bombs thanks roloff there like three houses here oh is beep and burns in the same place america's here because there's another house over this way which is just the one though right yeah just dark dog over there i'll buy himself darth vader you need uh you need a need somebody where are you talk thug let me fix up with somebody the universe is infinite creator much like the stupidity of uh the vaccination guy won okay yes celebrate [Music] [Applause] mortals okay wow stock dog is a are you a boy you are a boy you find a girl for you merrick you're a zero you're a boy i know how to tell there's a way like this shows different things i don't know how to see it burns is already married how about this guy huge head yes oh your spouse is dark thought well it is now anyway what's wrong with you buddy broken hearts it's really an emergency i just need to grab your attention and this was the only way i could think of doing it my heart is shattered into pieces my beloved huge head has run off with someone of a local celebrity dark thug can't get away with this he has magnificent smile and oodles of charm can't miss him i hope a boulder falls on his head i'd settle for him choking on a lizard can you though out of he wants me to revenge atticy um i'm on it i like this nugget he reminds me a bit of my younger self straight to the point and quite murderous let's help him out look i didn't see your other if not trying to survive winter with your pups frozen solid will probably convince you to finish a task and then i'm going to drop it um only because his dark side hey joshua's here dark thug hey buddy um i mean if i don't why what if i just get a believer for doing it i mean i can get believe it otherwise my parents gave me the talk yesterday never look at that bagel the same way oh boy ever again uh doctor's 10 how old is is atahi though he's gonna be a geezer now where is he he's gonna be one of the unnamed ones in the hospital now there's out of here there look at it you already have a oh yeah you in huge head but you're so old i mean you're not gonna make much longer anyway buddy okay winter's coming it's very very cold out here we need some clothes so maybe we should get that going clothing well maybe eventually what do you need for that one two three four oh i'm full up here all right well attempt to start a fire don't do that remember this is kind of a slow paced thing it takes a while to get anywhere um i think what i might do is maybe we just sort of make a b line for it see we can get to we'll we'll see if i can get there's oil back there tudor architecture very cool stuff power naps there's a long way down here isn't though there's gun powder unlocks muskets which i wreck i i suppose neat bridges gene splicing there's hot air balloons we've seen that one before there's airports surface-to-air missiles bottom bunker modern space construction center maybe that's what leads us out somewhere i'm guessing this might be the one that takes us to the stars or something where now we are in the stone age so there's other people out there there's other there's other nugget tribes out there maybe not yet there will be oh look at he found his own his own person and uh and zaragin yeah let's see why it about he's fine but we'll find other tribes that will pop up here on the uh on the planet somewhere did i put him as aggressive i think i might have another one of these things nope let's do that one okay back over here set it down all nice and calm wink open it up there's people coming out of it [Music] people came out of it okay what else do we get just resources there's presents there lots of wood people how many do we have now we've got 11 believers but how many nuggets we actually have 14. only one kid anything up on our list yet i don't think that would be blinking uh how's our water looking though we need another one of these it's looking pretty good i think i think i will the second one though actually a reservoir for this side of of the world we're kind of starting to build this way so i'm gonna set it over here a ufo ufo stone or food well what are we gonna pick obviously we know what we're gonna pick what's going on over here buddy you got a problem i'm begging you to help our family's in complete shambles a little baby boy delmavol was playing outside smith again i used to have my island but i distracted got distracted by our neighbor's lizard parking for the fifth time today he ran off okay yep i know this one i'm on it i hope you find more than just bones creator every nugget counts okay so we gotta go hunt for this little kid uh is there an easy way of finding them i think we gotta listen for like the wolf howling or something it's questioning us the beginning of the game just met kid found something tosses them back over at our place these are their meaty shield gather away merrick out of the way oh a poison that'll fix them right up everyone's poisoned so i believe we can shoot these ufos down however i don't have any points left i guess collecting water from rain good okay we all good any more diseases you see any more diseases i think we think we're good i don't see anymore anyone hanging out over here i never found those wolves we've got a minute left to do it so um well there there are wolves in there chasing a butterfly in the woods there's wolves okay let's go see if we can find this kid i hear him i hear him there he is i hear the ufo too got him okay back over here which game more believers than i can imagine yeah yeah you know that come on down here you go buddy hey i'm like a park where is i think he's overjoyed you're welcome buddy i heard the ufo did i lose it now i think i might be over with things are beginning to look green and happy again let's take a moment to appreciate it before you do something wrong i feel like i still hear it and oh there it is uh i want some lightning bolt where is i know it's electrify yeah yeah i want to take that and i can do it again um give me some points give me some points i need five more points come on come on come on two more one more got him take that buddy okay now what can i pick you up ah box okay excellent let's take it back home welcome to earth alright welcome to where wherever we are uh everyone okay we get we got another blueprint of a pyramid and some more resources okay you're very red aren't you uh you're one of those new people that came in yeah those new guys that came in we're all red we can see our people i think over here so we've got twitch i'm afraid one of your away death can happen so suddenly however the death of one does not necessarily mean the end of everything it was simply their time to go don't blame yourself creator i don't well unless you were actually responsible i wasn't paying attention so we've got our normal people our um our nice tan skinned people we also have these red people out here that are the the aliens that came out of that box so we might get some get some some all colors of the rainbow in our little town here uh caveman007 has been added in and canis helix i'm waiting for this oh it's done okay let's get the graveyard built wherever there is a cemetery this is big i'm gonna set this guy up we could put this in this little zone right here is that a good spot for it like right in there that's kind of a cool like graveyard isn't it i feel like something cool should go in there but a great ride's kind of cool let's put a farm up there i think i think it's desert uh let's just stash it up here on like can it fit like way up here on this weird yeah yeah yeah right up there uh what do you want you want some stone and some wood of course so let me get you some stone a bunch of it right up here i'll help you out go build a uh one of these guys make sure you don't stop this on on your people uh like that i have smashed my my very first citizen oh out of here i've smashed him before by trying to help him build things turkey man you're ugly okay and okay get to work i have ourselves a graveyard did i build a warehouse didn't i all didn't i have that in there somewhere that was one of the things that i had march to get warehouse yeah i knew it um let me just stash it over here i can i want to get in the way of the road though i like keeping that road in there i think so let's put it uh we'll just put it in the middle here i think yeah yeah yeah nice warehouse spot we can toss our fish in there whenever we're done with it and i don't know if we have enough food i don't know where to see that number at apparently scaring a knee high fence merrick has run off with some of your resources excuse me [Music] excuse me are you a thief you stole my stuff i don't think so um no one steals my stuff [Music] okay that's what happens when you steal from me mac oh what happened ra it's difficult to express the volume of and menace which i projected and that war cry through writing but i think you get the idea your village and your supposed god are a stain upon this planet and we intend to do some serious cleaning that's a lie we're actually going to be a lot of mess our spears are sharp and our aim is getting better okay we've got what's happening what's happening what's happening what's going on so we have a uh we have an enemy oh excuse me what's going on over here but i don't have any weapons i can't fight you pizza people unite what is this like um space people i mean i could zap it with electricity i suppose it's it's the ugly uh uh what common very question easter island head i want that if not placed in a warehouse there are buildings in awful condition around the civilization such a pity this used to be a nice neighborhood look at that warehouse built quickly a beep died bummer um what else can we do here can i have a mushroom a fairy mushroom i want this but what about that it cost me one locus warm um i'll take one of those i'll take one of those oh it's going to give me a disaster if i get it i'll take it and i'll i'll i'll take another one and i want this one but i need i need my space and resource that we dropped on the ground to disappear after tim is if not used or placed in a warehouse sure i don't quite know what it means but yeah do it do it i can order things from you okay um i would like to uh i need anything from you i'll order some food somebody's crying back there i'll take some i'll take some food and some herbs okay bye-bye here comes the storm so what was i thinking about easter island head can i make one of those things now there's a farm we can now make a bit of a storm going on the background gonna farm so we have a grassland farm we can do we've got we'll deal with the crying guy in a minute we've got this is the desert back here uh we've got a forest nearby also everything's happening locust warm invasion devouring our food look a swarm dead nuggets i'm afraid there's something wrong with beep they've been very lively the past few days they're just sort of sitting around outside of my huts it usually wouldn't be a problem but there seems to be some sort of horrific smell floating around the area now um place in cemetery or rejuvenate prevent it from infecting any other nuggets okay i'm on it what's that smell creator oh what a what appears that one of your nuggets has passed on look however they left something odors my warehouse uh can i fix that we could make it rain right yes please remove the cadaver the stench grows worse by the minute okay we'll make it rain there's a bunch of locusts you're very sad about this space hat oh i saw okay i thought it was space okay space hat is your name from now on oh twitch chat um water pups falling apart let me go and fix that uh that one okay fixed uh man it sure is cloudy around here there's dead guy he dead guy let me pick you up okay get out of here i'm gonna throw you away well yeah you go over there and now what island timber is here oh you're welcome buddy okay we've got this one i don't know what this is however you can just this long maybe we can strike a deal for your lives give us what we want stay your hand with a lot of pent-up rage he's very aggressive i don't know where you are there's 14 19 people there are you guys voting on this i do have a cemetery you're right quiet tony millions aren't accepting i don't know where you where you are there's a bunch of exiles apparently change the name of it i don't know where it is though we'll give it a minute and we'll see what what's going on with that still raining over here can we get this thing built okay we're good that means that that stuff should be carried in here because we got a warehouse for it now right yeah he's like a little shop okay i'm not sure what the easter island head thing was or maybe it's just a bunch of stone maybe that's all it was or something big okay okay let's work on that one and education culture for last names i like it uh clothing be nice to have and i guess watchtowers is important now going on over here look at that how what is this meaty shield and quiet tony have a fantastic house check that out that's really cool neat then we got this uh this is the graveyard up here that i neglected to use meaty shield is digging some graves there's the original one original house does this house look any different over here that's the hospital this one over here it's just the three still okay well i haven't burned but did something useful they helped research material things hey is this how many points everyone has the 50 or are you 50 years old you're 35 years old what's the 51 mean oh that wound is a bit nasty i've never seen such a clumsy species before creator it's burns blessing and a curse you're all better the trees are all wavy are all sideways um we got new things we can make let's go do it we have a garrison medieval hunting lodge i'll put you up here in the mountains maybe over on this side [Music] um where would animals be all over let's set you to stash you in here right there i never thought i'd see the day that nuggets ascend the food chain they always struck me as lesser beings okay he's saying so you're saying decline now um i don't know how to select this and how to choose it because i can i can i can inch you that way tornado meteorites wood a lot of variety there how's water going that one's a little low uh how was the other guy there's two of them now right let's hope that now don't overreact to the falling leaves this year [Music] okay um anything else we can make oh yeah the farm right i want to stick a farm so we can do a we can do a forest farm and a desert farm both in here desert farms i'm not sure what we can get out of them like herbs i think on there and one there i see you are finally taking interest in your civilization's need to eat guess it's time to take starving to death off the list of anticipated disasters for now if you guys are very angry at me they may fight we must find them it's me a colony around here somewhere but i don't know where did they get too close what does that mean with electricity oh it's tied well thanks for watching frank i don't watch creates parties that go across the whole planet for food okay i got uh tobody and delmovle have fallen in love i kind of go see if i can look for some more of those blueprint things let's see what we can find let me zoom out here and see if we can find the the other folks in the planet here somewhere what are you some sort of fairy godmother hey it's space hat again and crazy horse i don't see him anyone do you see him is this them ah there they are if i trade with you can i trade you don't like me but if i give you like a little bit of wood like 10 wood uh i would like to take something of yours like maybe some bricks like what you think of that hey they're impressed with my trading skills yeah look i came over here to murder you guys and now we're best friends oh zarujan did you do you leave did you leave my house oh i don't think so isn't that who i sent into the grinder i think it might be wait a minute i thought you were dead no that was america wasn't it what'd you run away for that's funny there building more houses someone else is going to come walking out of this one i'm guessing i'm guessing there's going to be um there's uh some kizu cool looking house if i build my if my guys build a house over on well i don't know where my town is if we build a desert our houses look a little different right now we're kind of like cave people in the mountains what's the button to find my town i don't know what it is uh uh there it is look if we start building out here in the desert that's not that's that's water uh out there in the desert will it look different what's this big thing oh someone's trying to build a house way over there okay that's cool it'll work how many things i can make which is a school let's go in right here somewhere if i can right there and ran away you're right away did you actually run away or is there two of you in the game first one and then i guess we can do it by by name i think you ran away yeah you ran away from my house hmm i take him down what about 22 24 people and i have 24 people and 24 nuggets believe in me check it out i'm loved as it should be when i was 25 and he instantly gets born and believes in me so this six sided excellent ding ding another message coming through hey clothing but not the house fire uh there's a house fire at duck fucking's house use tickle effect okay where ah okay we're gonna go that one there we go all fixed who's crying over here it was dark thug a lot of crying going on can the house fire anything but it has a house on fire i don't know it's a bear over there hey are you still feeling okay yeah you're fine and how's uh how's the the water thing going still in one piece uh no uh oh it's freezing over right now let me go ahead and fix it ah this one zerk and uh hacker got married [Music] okay watch coming in next let's get some geology gives us metal mines water pumps and then we'll get some mining for gas mines which seems a bit out of the right doesn't seem right recreation is local businesses i do want that one water needs reduced that's always a good one fishing hut upgrade let's see how this goes which one presidential uh that's the one that's over here right it's way over here all by itself with a couple giant tusks this is zerk and hacker they live way over there okay who do we got here huge head for assisted living elderly assist living uh proposing uh religious focus hungry creator and your nuggets are apparently a tasty looking meme and water filtration for joshua water filters in every house uh where is that at uh do i know where do i know where anybody see any wolves i don't know where it is better hide nuggets or we'll be on the menu i don't know where it is whoa what was that building what happened um rebuild my engineer hut who just died in that who just died we lost uh quiet tony and doing an exploding bomber exploding bomber exploding bomber huge head everybody died wait a minute like like a suicide bomber what happened i don't understand okay we got dead people everywhere now um well we got somebody that's that's uh working the uh the graveyard so this should be okay they should be dealt with they're in range yeah meaty shields got it i'll go pick them up and carry him over there man yeah start praying harder than 25 folks we have something new to build we can make a watch tower that's a fine place for it is that where you want to put it no no hang on cancel that uh where was the other the other time was like over this way i think maybe we should set it somewhere i don't know oh they look so cute together let's throw it in i don't know so we put it somewhere what was the new thing we got uh meaty shield a religious focus so we now have focus on religion more than research which gives me more of that less research um yeah we'll celebrate yeah it looks cool in the snow where's my town hall been destroyed engineers are you not working these things oh we have last names now i need two engineers this time um merrick you back i saw your name for a second let's put american there why did everything fall apart where's the force still in one piece did the engineers break and then and it just broke everything because i wasn't paying attention impossible there's a nasty body there we should get rid of that toss it over here into the cemetery yep i don't know where the wolves are um hopefully uh whoever was there is fine watch tower watchtower so i guess we could put it there like in the middle of town just to kind of cover that let's put it here so it's like right on the road you know okay so we can kind of cover the center of town here we may build a second one what else is over here though this is oh stone refinery wood refinery yeah we want those stone refined we're gonna put over here in the mountain uh yeah like right up right around here somewhere can i fit you up anywhere around here uh dominate is starting fires why are you doing that oh wait for me where are they where are they who's our governor governor uh governor's excited there you go we do have a minister of food we put one of those in what's going on this is the work of an arsonist who is it lit by zerk where is he there he is give me a filthy little pyro i got a place for you into the crusher [Music] take that nobody nobody burns my town you fix that that's my engineer i think right yeah engineer town hall is being built still this is gaining water okay towers being built farm's operational you need someone to work there let me see i'm just gonna is it looking okay is it straight uh i cranked it to the highest setting i could lower just a bit i guess um i guess shadows we'll do more medium and see what happens i couldn't possibly imagine a better couple see that looks like i'm watching my stream here yeah that looks much better family friendly that's right okay we got farms uh your i.t guy's gonna work on that one oh yeah choose a crop so this is a desert one right so you can right is this the desert and this is this is the desert this is the forest so desert can grow desert things we don't know where anything zigzags are though other than mambro fruit another message they don't stop coming maybe you should add a spam filter or at least release such as something to call the herd oh i guess okay yes it's good uh and then you need man bro again but we need um we need to find a forest crop i think we have to like just go find it like this right here what do you want buddy what's wrong with you what's what's going on over here growing the same crop over and over again it's getting a little boring excuse me what do you want collect and drop new crop types in there got it so we can pick up some of these there you go so now you can make juicy acorns okay that's what you're gonna grow i gotta go to the desert and find something that doesn't either that nugget is in excruciating pain or they just discovered a crazy new dance have a look for yourself creator what's happening some of the need heal the nugget creator i can't bear to watch someone be sick it makes my insides turn out of worry of course you i hope you perform eye tests before assigning nuggets to the new watchtower creator watchtower uh matrix has got under control perfect okay so we gotta go still have to go find the desert fruit let's go look over here we got a desert nearby here we go um there's some deadly seed and there's also some that's just wood so this guy right i want to pick up this guy throw it over there in the desert okay so now you know how to make deadly seed that one sounds delicious is there more in the desert there must be that's more deadly seed it's an herb which we use for medicine devil's lettuce which i think is a temperate thing see any other ones i don't see even on the list joshua healthy molina um not what we want so at least he deadly see that's just a cactus all right faith is here is a new follower so speaking operator i traded with those those bricks maybe they'll show up i don't know but we get a couple more things done we've got a let's see is it over here not that one um school oh it needs brakes also okay how do we make bricks there's a gas mine which isn't necessary now there's an iron mine however but i need how do you make bricks look and see if we can find that i need a wood refinery i never said this one here did i didn't do this right sit over here by the graveyard okay zerk is back timber and quiet tony and then how do we get where do we get bricks that one i mean do that one twin possibility capacity in reservoirs that seems might be pretty good cup of water and that one i don't know where the bricks come from any ideas stone refinery makes bricks oh okay well that seems like it should be somewhere there's loads of stone right here we can put it right in here there's tons of stone over here so let's stash it here where these guys are walking by wherever that was was it here um it's resources there it is okay i'm gonna attach i'm just gonna say the summer sun is excellent for slow roasting a few nuggets here we go um we got plenty of points we should go ahead and help him out so you've uprooted a tree now what let me give you guys a hand be careful with how much research you're feeding into your civilization creator they might soon become smarter than you impossible have you ever wondered what goes on inside those silly little heads of theirs oops okay more trees what's hacker doing over there oh picking oh you're hacking rocks good job okay that's good enough they can they can finish the rest of it what is this these houses oh yeah we're getting some desert house oh look at that way over there under attack what where oh no you don't where are they who's that did you kill did you kill my person we got raided okay that's it that's it where are they let me add them where are they i got 226 god points i'm gonna use it where's those heathens that's me again back around bomb has been planted a lot of worrying beeping sounds coming from space ghost i don't think so where's uh wait i need to put her in the other village he's gonna blow where's your village at it's gonna be an easier way finding it but i don't know how um it's just screaming i don't know where it is um that's me again um ufo over there okay you can live right here next to this guy oh boom okay i didn't know that was gonna go off right immediately man i wish i found the other town okay let's go back back home another button for it back home is right here thanks roloff i live i die i live again excellent okay here you go guys there's some food for you eat up yum uh what's wrong with you what do you want to upgrade with some breaks but i can't do that yet there's a school still waiting to get built so we had a wood refinery over there for some rocks needing some rocks that guy's still there and warehouse is over that way we got a bunch of houses getting popped up around it's a bit of a road going over here but whatever and that yeah okay now i can only find the other place there's oh there's a button okay there's the button how do i find what is this oh my okay okay infected areas toxic lakes that sounds bad oh yeah there's in fact there's a dead people over here because we got attacked so i'll talk these guys into darklight just died i think see a tim rowe it's a meaty shield in the temple grinder okay if you said so there's one more there he is engineers not only construct buildings they also repair them if you have a look around there are a few structures in dire need of their centers hint repair man over here before this thing breaks um what is that protective dome really neat now it needs fixing as well yeah let me get a couple of these things built so let's do probably two of them wherever the engineer's hut is that it's somewhere in here there it is so when you went over on is everyone building over here i guess we should set one over here somewhere by the water we can put a pump over here also put one there and put another one in where was that um back here i can hopefully cover all this yeah yeah there we go okay where's that meaty shield at there they are meaty shield is asked to be thrown into the into the um into the pits i accept come here come here oh just where you going come here you know creator when you discovered that i killed the powers i wasn't really expecting you to use them like this um what was that something about um for me shield there we go that has been fixed uh is that arranged as well okay um so that one is how's this how's this lake looking can i tell 35 it's going down pretty quick we should get another another um one of those elsewhere we're going to put in uh celtic there will be no whistling while they work and zarujin can go work on that as well good to see you fighting the unemployment rate let me fix you and engineer will fix that but we're also going to go and put in another pump over here right over here so yeah yeah like that probably need water over here too so let's get them a water reservoir what's that let's look at the hole there we'll set it over on what's it over here here we go okay there's the new burns one kid the fine necklace engineers are broken okay this needs a wood man so we're gonna put in merrick over there and quiet tony get to work on the wood bringing lots of wood in here this can be upgraded but we need we need that which we can do if i unlock the i have local businesses we should do that we'll get i guess we'll get glass blowing and then an oil jack then some quarries probably and some shoes learn we'll learn how to mine for gas then we'll get shoes mystery of water is something i think we can adjust here at the the town hall right why is this keep getting destroyed stop breaking my town hall i'm no leader of the planet because i think they died nice road over here it's already in and uh did you get married i got an extra believer on my side i got 37 everyone believes in me i've never had it where everyone was so believing in me in this game no one ever believes in me i guess they do today though okay house over here quite tony and timber are forming a family poor guy that's the hunter i think took care of that they don't look any different i was hoping to have a little different style they may i guess whenever we get into the new age let me get some new stuff oh you're red now oh alexa go uh go to some engineering for me hey silver iron or silver ion silverion how's it going so you're a brick man right uh no uh over here you are brick man you are take stone make bricks okay perfect uh i i'll take another one put josh in there what is this my hospital has been destroyed why is everything falling apart what am i missing here you guys working uh let's go and put in a there's a way of putting in oh yeah oh all kinds of stuff here we have anticity alley takes bricks though what about we have a park there we have another park we have a local business which i do want to put in right there um we can probably put a couple of these in actually throw one there we'll throw one squeeze one in here also and we'll put one over on this side probably uh we gotta figure this out again so who's gonna be leader of this place lord rng or lord nrg very fine they're kind of old let's hope that nugget doesn't burn the building to the ground minister of food will be i don't care who does it is there anything i should be looking at what's that one say i don't know what that is it's weak and that is healthy well that's just a simple isn't it it's excited as lazy you're lazy what's that you're weak what's that one workaholic oh you're a farmer of course immune gourmand okay so you guys all have jobs already so we'll just give it to caveman minister of water will be it's excited i know someone younger space ghost okay watch going in there so snowy around here at winter time i don't know what to do with this guy oh okay what does it mean epic alpine glacier cap 31 stone the car can be swapped once ufo arrives i don't know what that means common niagara falls costs it costs nuggets did i do this before common easter hit yeah i want that one okay order it let me order these things uh i'll buy i'll order some some bricks yes okay okay i'm not sure what that means get the 31 stone for the nuggets it's ovarian how do you how do you pronounce it also see you joshua oh my god all my bricks gonna go in here whenever we find them the aliens take seven random nuggets of yours and drop off stone ah okay okay okay they get like taken away into his little place and then and then launched away and then we get the stuff in return i get it who is it who is it uh slow down is it you oh there he is no not that one no you don't no you don't oh gotcha okay there's another one now get out of here i saw you you are fluffy cucumbers with a name like that you can't be bombing the place okay gotcha now we gotta find the other town we must find another town where is it let me zoom way out here it can be that difficult to find that's not it where is it is it still around maybe it's gone pipe down cucumbers okay i'll fill it burns oh did you get uh did you get me what that one was where where is the other town is this mine this i always get back to my stuff let's go this way he's just gonna scream hey tom how's it going i don't oh ah we found it okay hey remember when you attacked me i remember boom oh man that was good take that all of you that's what you get in fact you know what i got something else for you i got um i can do this and i can do that and what else do you want from me you want some more of this take that and uh maybe um maybe a tornado take that um yeah take that you mess with me this is what happens that's what you get mm-hmm i mean i'm i'm uh introducing these nuggets to wrath get out of here and you two oh i'm out okay i'm all out i'm all out of wrath oh don't go to my town please what do we vote on um scientific focus religious and medical aid which we can tell those are i think we know what they are though medical aid i think it's a new one though i haven't seen before what about the eerie complex so you do better research which i'm voting for influence your decision to vote for that guy um we've got religion which is the um the more nor these points less science the medical aid is decreases medical preparation time by 90 percent okay [Laughter] hey tom how's it going hey other tom okay okay i feel better now uh fill my research queue right listen to burns uh so we want shoes i would like uh we don't need bunkers bunkers are for cowards fire station might be a good thing to have and then i will take electricity of course and then maybe some limit speed nugget might food needs reduced there's a forecast tower there fishing upgrading okay all the way filled how close are we to we're almost to the medieval age um let's build oil jack and spring is chasing the cold away now if only we could also get rid of that smell around your civilization excuse me it's gonna go like right here right on that mountain [Music] that's right sodom and gomorrah ain't got nothing on on what i deal with my people so we had stole mine we also had what was the other one the oil jack which i don't know used for oil yet iron mine however there was a number there which i wasn't paying any attention to before but that was a big number before 300 over there it's probably the best that's the good stuff right there a little ways away well i probably get another engineer hot over there this guy is dry he is in the desert it shouldn't matter though this thing needs to get built now uh tom i will uh i'll message you in discord i was going to having it how's it going what's the ding for more believers 47 of our 47 right this if am i reading this right number of numbers i believe in you 47. we have 47 nuggets like they come out of the womb believing in me it's just it's hereditary as it should be i'm around here you know i'm i've i just saved you from the from the hostile invaders that killed one of ours i killed 50 of theirs yeah sorry i'm right we have farms working i i assume we have [Music] food it's the sound of a media or a uh uf oh there it is that's just a storm that sounds something crashing a meteor or is that a ufo ah oh that's their old town oh there it is okay hang on hang on i don't have enough points pyrology that's firehouse they demand resources what are they gonna do you know what that's it where are you who's out there still anybody out there are you dead you're aggressive well i'll show you oh i can do i can do meteor strikes now okay okay okay so what happens when you sleep back to my house okay and you're gonna go into into the grinder can i not put you in here oh cause you know well right and you just get out of here then i don't want you i can't i can't do it though i need i need more more points more points than i have i really want it though are we getting uh science excellence uh whatever i don't have the points to shoot out fireworks today the order is derived make sure you visit the black market to pick it up okay so there is bricks over here trading cards also however i don't understand how that works these are the these are all that stuff um resource stats oh here we go here we go um food that's wood where's the food stat what's that that's just like gifts herbs are gonna show me food this is the oh the planet condition ah okay i know that's something that they were trying to like um focus on in i remember in the early game talking about that about how uh they're trying to put effort into like take care of the planet right don't you don't use up all the water don't burn all the trees otherwise things start falling apart and um looks like we're doing that now that's cool gives us a reason to go to a different planet we can't see you now those uh those desert trees look like people in phoenix putting your fancy trees in your yards that's cool though however i'm jealous of people in uh i guess is it tucson that has the um like the all desert yards maybe phoenix has it too and uh no no grass no yards to mow just rocks and sand i'm jealous like a marking showing up here next ufo in there but i need more um i have a problem with this and there's an issue with oh this is the problem so we're on the the um the the nuggets fear me and because they fear me every time i not drop a nugget in there i get 100 points um if i if they love me it sort of goes up faster like we're only getting what one or two per minute because they fear me if they love me it would go up the other way around there you go buddy um so you can you know be evil or or not or friendly but that depends on how the game how they're gonna give you points so we find someone that's like maybe about to die or something we can toss them in there and get some points i need planks and i'll make planks over here correct yeah lots of planks just need it made ufo's back but i can't hit it if i were to are you not gonna abduct anybody are you ah oh i can't pick you up though no um oh no i can't pick you up oh no your balance has hit zero please tell me before attempting to use any further where are you going i need points oh no oh no oh there's a woman off oh no oh okay okay okay hey thanks rolf i can't oh man man it's so big i can see how that research could be useful creator i'm picturing nuclear waffle irons or maybe some kind of automated back scratcher stop me if i'm wrong man there they got broken okay okay i understand i hear lasers totally deserved right at least i have five points i'm gonna have to toss somebody in there i gotta get some points i can't see here with zero points so uh who's this how old are you you're 28. uh you got three kids i can't throw you in there market how old are you you're a baby zero this is nikola tesla nugget tesla who's one of my quests here he wants me to um place a battery and then and then shock it yeah go ahead buddy i get electricity that's my electricity one um let's go get mathematics will do and then can i do this one yet i'll have to wait for i always wait for uh old tesla here i need government do i have government is it further on let's go and get that one uh we'll get some biology we'll do and botany okay so what you want me to do we want to do what of course my insanity do so but i must ask you one favor which involves technology will power the ideas of the coming centuries it's building a battery only three more are needed i must request the aid in locating them oh they're just laying all over the place once it's complete lightning is also required to power it up okay so we gotta find a battery or find parts i guess is it like this thing here nope am i supposed to find these things i'm guessing it'll stand out i know done this quest before i don't remember it but i assume we'll see it pretty easy release the battery and then is this something like oh oh i i make it oh okay okay i make a bit make it and then smoke plumes up okay okay i forgot that's what electricity gives me [Music] i'm sure to put you this will stick you right there okay place a battery find retrieve the rare components by investigating the plumes of smoke gotcha find missing parts these are just sort of out there which one ah okay pick it up there's one over there now it's close okay that's not what i said it's not what i said at all okay we got one more uh what do you want hospital dr uh dr caveman okay one more part anything out there what's the birds take that there's a it's just a never complete building because there's no people around here anymore oh there's one lazuki here we go okay now you want a lightning bolt can i do that do enough power for it i do everyone stay back i've earned nigella tesla's help uh his faith actually okay so we got a battery now which can give us power um do we know what to do with it i can make a fire station i should do that uh and i guess we're gonna set up here this is a big range [Music] let's dash it right here not really on a road but that covers our town we've engineered here so this one doesn't need to be dealt with anymore stone mine will get made once we get some oh some iron waiting for you for planks she's getting made he's not gonna hold over there i'm gonna pick that stuff up and take it over there but i'm gonna save my points thanks lord nrg drop me some mathematics research hooray okay so this is done so we can get wind energy which allows us to make wind turbines we can make kinetic energy which makes us a kinetic generator which i think we have to use like a big mouse wheel or combustion which gives us power plants i'm going to go with the kinetic micronucleus work yeah and then to tutor architecture and then into oh it says coming soon not there yet outrageous let's do a library and some hydrology fluffy cucumbers back i hear what you did last time cucumbers you better keep walking before i smite you as well again can't you stream tomorrow yeah i think i might do i'm not either tomorrow or i'm excited if i find something else that's uh needs plan i'll do that but probably can't you tomorrow now you can go into that one be my mayor the minister of food it's exciting to do that what is that now they can finally be useful calendar thanks canis that gives us watchtowers right yep forecast tower okay a good size looking town here a bunch over here gotta be a way that i can i can oh they've got it they just gotta get it made okay they're working on it prioritize that nothing made um oh you need fixing well um let me fix you no no no no no no uh i want to i don't have any points for this i'll rejuvenate you i'm gonna have to go and start can i toss a deer in there is that the same we're just going here we have to just find somebody who's about to die anyway like like penis 45 years old they're a geezer let me pick you up all right canis i'm sorry i apologize but you know for for the good of the uh of the people everyone look away okay oh are you the leader oh you were oh whoops you were the i forgot it i thought that name sounded familiar for that uh okay we didn't need that guy anyway a hundred faction with holly nation lord phoenix gave me a goblet fancy it's funny you say uh universities one of the few city building the games that didn't scam people if you say that because it used to be people used to complain about this game all the time because it took so long for them to develop it the development's been really slow on this one what is this what is this what is this i just lost seven nuggets because of mmm i tell you what i let you come into my village this is how you thank me who did it who did it where is it i don't see it [Music] brought my reservoir my my um my oh my my hunting lodge cows medics has been broken how could you break cosmetics where's the other one hats cosmetics again all right revenge you come in with your alien trade i don't know what it's talking about i really want to make um i want to get this thing i want a legendary building unlock all pieces i've got oh i've got three of desert rose that's the sydney thing it's in the opera house is that that is no desert rose is the um desert rose is that in um like hong kong i don't know where that i recognize the look but i don't know where it is i'm sure someone in chat here knows okay we got two folks working on um iron mine excellent and that'll get me built that'll get this guy built and then we should start getting some fancy houses in here because we get tutor architecture did we get it yet okay soon medieval fishing nuts okay is it always in dubai like you mean i recommend this one look i'm curious what you think of it yeah i haven't played this one for literally i've been playing this one for years this is probably the fourth or fifth time i've done this one i i did like um i did like a let's play thing of it a long time ago told them we don't cover dental right yeah i'm playing i'm i'm a fan i'm and i guess here in june i guess it's going to be out it'll be full release finally i never thought it was going to happen we go back home every time every time i speed it up somebody goes and bombs my place okay i just want to see some fancy houses and we are almost we are apparently in the middle medieval age almost um i'm going to see the space age but i'm not going to get there tonight i don't think that's a long way to go yeah we ain't get there tonight bummer i don't know if we can load up a space age game and see what it's like i'm also curious does any of these allow me one of these must allow me to like look at at uh stars some of those maybe may soon be capable of sending vehicles and sophisticated machinery into space unlocks the modern space construction center what happens then though does it like let's say we can go build another town on another planet what's the point um are we going to be in future tech space tech from for from then the new colony as well is we're going to like crash and we start over is it multiple calling at the same time i guess i haven't got that yet i'm wondering if there's one in here that's some sort of astronomy or something that allows us to look at the stars but i'm not sure where there's a medieval forecast tower sure i'll take that one well eventually i know you don't i need no you don't i got you this time days since last work-related injury zero can we get the whale what happens oh my you know nice i mean not nice not nice at all but man okay oh i wasn't sure how i was gonna that was gonna play out i feel bad a little bit another tasty morsel of research fresh out of the oven mmm the sweet aroma of learning hey here we go it's power time so my batteries here might as well stick this guy next to the battery i suppose right um if i can i can angle a little bit right there i'm so glad you researched electricity now nuggets can finally give up on that idea of bottling fire first i saw this game i thought it was going to take ages to be fully developed since development seemed slow and now we're here seeing a fully fledged yeah it's been a long time um i think you can start on harder planets then [Music] it's yeah when the thing it went through kickstarter like in what 2010 forever ago and it's been very slow developing but it hasn't really been it hasn't been slow developing this is one of those that i'm i'm perfectly fine with it being slow developing because so much going on with it uh they're actually moving along and getting development happening with it so i'm perfectly fine with a slow developing you know complete kind of game i like it but yeah they've certainly taken the time um this last time i played which was um which was about a year ago i guess it was a little over a year ago they've added in quite a bit of stuff it looks a lot prettier for sure sorry believe me in me excellent yeah everyone believes in me why wouldn't you the roads cause so many problems oh i am i haven't seen it with since the roads so i don't know how the roads work i mean i can see them in there it's strange that they they just do it that way and they didn't do it like um uh like you know like foundation or whatever where it sort of plants the roads down as you walk on them whatever those of you that have shown up late by the way if you're on youtube uh you can get over on twitch and join in here i'm just trying to go here though it's kind of late but um if you want my twitch page there you go if you want to be uh get a nugget named in here and you also get points and you can go and you can try to bomb my settlement if you want i'd rather you not but you can do that or you can um you know do helpful things unlike merrick it's like will the ham is working on my forecast tower so we know when it's gonna be rainy or not i think i read a thing a long time ago about um whenever they got done with the stone age because the sony's what took forever they're on stoneage for years and it seems like things have sort of rocketed along since then and i think the reason for that that i read was um that's like the basic most of the foundations of the game are all in stone age once you get past that part then it's i guess easier to implement all the new stuff this is why they sort of stormed ahead here it was a year and a half two years ago i just started playing around with but they just got into the medieval era and so they've gone from that to space reasonably quick uh i don't want no one to work oh go uh go make that go prioritize that i want the thing done this is a reservoir which certainly needs to get made that's a garrison yeah we'll get there um i got 60 people so we should get some i guess we could do a big um like make people have babies if you wanted to that's all we have right i should get a grassland farm that's desert over there right this is grassland over here though i think let's make grassland farm stop burning my place i want to ruin the road though here we go okay nice grassland farm we'll throw in some manbro fruit or whatever to get a third food source and i should be able to look at my here so i got 16 foods oh is he down here too oh we got tons of food i can't forget to look at that here um i only have nine cooked food i don't think we should have a second eatery we've got one we built forever ago there we could probably use that to make some more food we can put one maybe over on this side of town because it's where people keep to be expanding to or like over this way keep on hitting escape wrong button um i'm about to get i can probably upgrade it i'm about to get with my tech i'm about to get medieval things oh no medieval eatery though i'll take a medieval fishing net some couriers medieval reservoir the cogs are turning you sure are let's see like 183 for 10 people i think now it's crazy well ever thought about rapping you can talk crazy fast and clearly too thanks morgan if i heard of dyson sphere project i have i have i was just looking at that one um it's the other day i was looking at that i was trying to just perusing around seeing what was coming out and yeah i uh that looks pretty good yeah i um when i first got out of high school like um i guess it's a little way a little while after high school i was in college i worked at best buy and i i um old people man no one understood me you got to talk slower so i tried to learn slow but it was it was difficult that's when i learned that i talked fast i didn't realize uh before then that i was a fast talker uh so best buy taught me oh best buy and old people taught me to slow it down a bit so this is my slow talking yeah i'll certainly be playing it whenever um when it comes out yeah i'll certainly be checking it out that's my kind of game as you know the pumps have frozen solid creator i hope you have enough reservoirs to sustain your civilization through the winter why are you saying that water there we got plenty of water pipe down yeah we're good on water i think we are so we are keeping up there's power power's fine we're not really using power um food's good we're not going to use power until our houses get built up we got 10 minutes do you enjoy music creator i was thinking about taking up the violin it'll come in handy when something tragic happens you just being a jerk is this all this nothing's happening you're just like just just being a jerk yeah this is my slow talking you're right [Laughter] i tried to teach myself to like like i couldn't slow down so i tried to like emphasize words every once in a while like that uh put a pause in there once all and then i realized that's what do you know that snow williams is white so i try to not it's an illusion a simple trick you can go ahead take a closer look because it's cold yeah it's extra cold okay convenient for uh for a whole space hat there what's what what it says there uh yeah will you uh will you uh get made please that'd be real nice i have did i pick up the devil's lettuce yeah maybe i need to grab some of that before we build that late now it's winter time if we run out of food we can grab a mammoth and toss it into i think we just toss into our eatery and it'll work oh we're full we're full evil aren't we it's all the way it's all the way there i've never been evil before with it's always no matter what i always end up on the on the far good side even when i'm evil so it's good to see that um the nuggets know what kind of person i am i have a suggestion for the new kinetic electricity generator hey do you want to try dangling a slice of cake in front of nuggets to make them run faster creator hey quiet tony what do you think about running here he comes here she comes here she comes oh you you have a degree you shouldn't be doing this job hang on oh okay fine um yamamba is gonna do it but you're smart too this is kind of a job for someone who's who's fine do whatever you want that looks like a rather rough process let's hope nobody gets hurt a lot of that going on 66 we need more oh two people don't believe in me oh there they go okay still two people don't believe in me actually where's the unbelievers a dinging going on babies is that all babies uh they want to trade if i give you 63 wood you will give me 63 oh i give you i give you food you give me wood do i need that much wood i'll take it uh that's a lot no i'm not doing that i'm going to refuse that i'm not sure if they recovered from that or not i don't show an easy way of maybe there was if i click on that i'm not sure where they i can never remember where they are oh is that them i hear a bomber right five buildings has collapsed a riot has broken out that's mostly ah who was it got five buildings with that my new my new wheel who was it going to a riot location ah what's happening what is this no stop it what do you put the sign down yeah yeah stop it um what do i do joy look you're so happy what are you mad about why because you're old alright hacker where are you hacker this is what happens when you ride on my town anyone else want to riot what have you been doing going to have a drink what's with the uh with the handcuffs excuse me somebody throws things in my village [Music] anybody else want to throw things huh anymore what's going on over here you doing you guys are still riding i wasn't aware that mating was a spectator sport you'd be quiet uh what's that that's that's a oh that's a house okay spreading happiness to draw more believers to your cause that's right that's what that's what you call it happiness uh who wants to be the governor here um i don't know your name how about barely the knacks perfect because i need the minister of food again we'll get housed in are you sure that nuggets up to the task yes why why the wolves i always knew that nugget would rise to greatness well before their career look at that assistant manager or something we get fancy houses cool no more stone age for us did you commit a crime this is what happened you're part of that that uh that raid over there whatever's going on assistant to the manager oh look at that fancy yay all right i like it that's styling [Music] that's cool oh another one of those yep another one over there oh another one over there excellent cool uh and i haven't i mean they clearly changed the stone age huts i'm eager to see what they do with these the roads have turned in stone now neat um we made that gas mine forever ago we got the research for i don't know what to do with our gas it seems strange to have a gas mine now i'll put another local business in over this way though and what was that there's the what was it gas mine i don't think i need it yet because we've got no it's quite humorous to watch nuggets hobble around with a broken bone creator but maybe it's time to send the latest victim to a doctor infected zone is there somewhere infected around here pick this guy up he's still in there okay was there more than one in there oh there was i think yeah agus creator i'm hearing reports of nuggets narrowly avoiding death by falling debris maybe it's a good idea to invest in some more engineers huts okay let's go and make sure this thing is not falling apart on us okay um look at look at this place where's it at yeah look at that house wow that's extra cool who lives here bunch of people check that out cool more houses going over there a big crooked one over here what is this this tim burton land what is this house okay uh who are we voting on here so we got dark thug for uh water filtration water filters in every house which means faster water refill rates burns wants a right to arms nuggets can own personal weapons more injury more happiness less animal attacks do we have religious focus which we know what that one does which one's in the collapse oh uh yeah you must be out of range of my let me go build another engineer if i need it apparently i do okay yeah they're out of range as are they so let's put one down here like over here i guess any more needed oh yeah you want to go on this side just to know me for the iron mine um right about there it's probably good a little extra but i can cover that thing okay so we got couriers coming up and then we'll get we'll get government and then cement and then playstation we can do prison or rehabilitation centers that's kind of a loft house i'm not about an infected zone oh yeah there is isn't there how do i get there though uh we can do it this way where was that it was a way of viewing the map this way um infected areas had it just that spot right over there i guess so okay oh yeah they're right there okay let me fix you up and pick this guy up and throw him somewhere okay dark thug is in charge of this place now uh i want to just find the i don't want to i thought it was in the graveyard but i guess there it is celebrate all right more more is this old i'm sure it's old look at that place who lives here a lot of people live here that's a bad idea [Music] i guess it's kind of cool how's water we're so positive in the water we're fine on the food looks like a little low on the cooked food actually that's way down from where it was uh i built the farm but i didn't actually mess with it wasn't it where'd that farm go there it is can you build that please everyone's busy working on their houses i can't build anything else the wheels back uh mostly yeah so we get some power if we need it which these guys these houses need power i think i don't remember where to see oh look at that cool look the same every time that's that one oh we don't want to go in there because they're busy how about this one that just takes us out okay it's kind of cool they have a tv couriers let's make one of those let's take care of resources getting hauled around here put them by the resources this message has a peculiar smell did you write it excuse me can you go up here i'll throw you up doesn't seem to have a range so i'm going to put them up here i thought it was somebody's crying look at the lights on that house i had a spot over here well maybe it'll go back here who's crying why isn't this getting fixed because the engineer is not being built prioritize that you're crying oh and where i look fellow nuggets are spending too much time and energy logging everything around this has to be a better way i smell an opportunity for a business help me out place a courier's hut okay i'm on it what is that it's a mailbox my job is to use the telekinesis power to deliver the packages to the mailboxes throughout the city okay town hall is getting rebuilt they're all over here not that one fix this real quick okay um there you go right you want it there is there more must be one more than one box all right anyone see a box yeah just build amazon okay that in there what are we getting we're getting a ufo okay i'm gonna shoot it down this time [Music] okay there's one there this game's just like giving me busy work uh i want to zap you where'd he go there he is back here where you going got him uh it's a mammoth okay i'll go deal the packages in a minute oh i well in less than a minute you won't get much done without creating a squandered all point points someone's gonna die okay toss this back here um everyone watch out watch out it's dangerous watch out okay oh puzzle piece desert rose that's it that's the fourth one right we've got it all [Music] oh oh oh i hear it merrick again i don't think so without a village at they came back maybe we had to ruin the day again there's a burning thing over here that's where the ufo was maybe oh great i i got one of them why not both of them you guys are the worst i think everything i ever said back up said about you chat you're the worst where is another village i don't know you blow up a whale again i lost him another one [Laughter] oh no my my king died as well oh great now we gotta go back and look at all this destruction over here you know what i'm over here trying to build society and always same places always get hit my fancy new town hall um my cool house got broken oh you should feel bad you should feel very bad does that mean there's a tornado coming soon i hope you feel terrible oh panda what's that one i don't have this one yet i could put it in my farm which is there uh you need to go grow something grow me some yeah man bro fruit panda brain plum let's do that we make another forest farm tornado sided [Music] i don't know where it is though what's this one about oh they're demanding things can i find your village if i click on this [Music] i'm gonna find you [Music] i don't know no merrick's back where is he at all right that's it come here where's my yeah yeah there you go take that all right merrick go ahead merrick make another one i'll take some points oh people are gonna be infected now because of all these dead folks around here everything seems to be going pretty well unfortunately there's a tornado approaching that'll likely turn things right around great where is it i think we just found it there it is did it go away well i was gonna do that protective dome but i guess we don't need to okay there's an infection out here somewhere all right let's find it factor there oh that's bad over there okay okay over there and over there can i grab it real nice i can't grab him i'm on the wrong one yeah don't do a tornadoes okay telekinesis telekinesis that didn't land where i wanted to my cursor's white and the screen's way i can't see where it is okay get him in there and time for more busy work i didn't get the the mail one done film research queue okay okay um let's do science of i think order is kind of the way we're going here and some engineering sure sure maybe some gunpowder i need fortifications where do i get that at there it is okay that's an interesting combination okay houses look cool in the winter fire station go another happy worker two-year-old in charge i've read over the new research creator impressive stuff for a species that still thinks the planet is flat thanks burns okay man go fish uh leader oh we're gonna put we're gonna put burns in charge because they gave me some research is he here oh burns did okay okay marcan go uh go do something like that and uh engineer we nee you and i don't care who else ah that one's sick [Music] you're sick as well i'm out of points right there mine's got a fancy hat all right it's broken out what are you doing stop throwing rocks i can't do much about this but i can pick you up um you come here i need some points [Music] only 50. oh yeah i'm leaning on a little bit of the good side that's right i am i'm a good guy i gotta clean up this this these infected areas otherwise we're never gonna get what is that whenever you get this get rid of this this is a deer there's one over here too somewhere it may have been picked up it's pretty easy to see in the snow i think we're good after 89 nuggets i want fortifications then we'll get gunpowder infected zone can you lead me there not you i'm not quite sure where that is the right still going on there you go uh you guys um if we put an end to this you're old the gas mask on um i'm going to put you into there and remember i just completely forgot about this what i unlock cement factory uh yeah go ahead and make that i've got um there's a rose i can make i think i can go there and then what else i unlock we have oh police we need that we got riots everywhere um it's hard to tell my town is because it's all snowy um let me stick you right there you use the road yeah and then we got desert rose right yeah okay i need steel glass and cement it's gonna go this would be the perfect place where it was right there this is not gonna fit anywhere oh up here on the hill yeah there we go this is a priority i need a glass factory which we can make that was a prison a lot of jobs over here coming in and running with all these trees let's stick it over here this is kind of where we're growing by the way clouds can't see stash it over i want to ruin my robe i'm gonna it's a little bit looking kind of bad okay um i think i can upgrade these things now all right yeah upgrade that guy and let's upgrade the other one here oh look we actually got a crane oh there's no water over here anymore six percent oh did we just pay that i think we did uh i need it over here let's put in a water thing medieval water pump yeah over there your glass factory class factory put it over here with everything else all the new stuff that'll do and then i have an engineer somewhere over here there and he's in range of all that good volusia i just started the first construction another oh we have another another one okay hey um are you friendly maybe they'll be friendly oh they're aggressive laura yeah yeah no i'll think so you don't join them come here i got a place for you arson is setting a building on fire can we go faster please i gotta grind this person up real quick can i can i yeah i can there you go and we can make it rain okay right on the reservoir nice let me get another reservoir also we'll put that in so we got one there there we got four of these things and we're kind of building this way so let's put one over here like that okay okay um is that um i know that okay that's the hotel that um i was watching the show hey marmello yeah i'm here in the corner where i belong um it's like master chef australia or something like that i just watched those it was um oh hang on panic time where are they where are they cucumbers uh anyway and they did like some sort of one of the shows up on top of that hotel there's like a big platform up there that you can be on or something it's crazy uh look at the size of this town now well not anymore excellent hey you guys still angry about me well that's what i thought oh wait we should get back quick because i mean if there's one going it means they're all going oh we dried up our lake one room is 1300 a night that's ridiculous how many rooms are in that place what's with all the um lights over here building is burning is it i don't see one ears yes the lights are cool they don't all have oh yeah i guess they do a little bitty guy he's got a cool garden it's very cool looking see that merrick i see that where yeah where's your nugget at oh let's have put that one down ah i'm marking okay okay okay have nuggets invented omelettes yet creator no well you can only do so much where is he there he is not getting away with it this time why can't i click you oh i give you joseph joy there we go no not you i want market you can't pray our way out of this one have you read the instructions properly i want mark and get him out of here i want to take him out there he is come here right where is your home there it is okay done lake is dry we should probably get rid of this thing let's um burn this one down no need for it anymore oh i just rolled open heat that's kind of a neat little effect they had it in there that's cool salvage it no no no uh i thought it's always meant like uh yeah you're like taking it apart right salvage means i'll take it apart i think another thing it's not gonna happen anytime soon because we gotta get um a few things made before then when you run out of water there are two things that are severely diminished your progress rate and your nuggets lifespans uh-oh well uh this isn't done yet we should prioritize that a few nuggets are complaining that they missed the latest episode of macgyver due to macgyver uh we got gunpowder let's get some medical engineering and some entertainment for movie theaters industrialization and steel factories and um stone refinery i guess do an electricity shortage okay we're gonna need some rain so let's do oh you know i remember i forgot i did this before is you put all your water guys together that way you can do a rain effect it affects all of them one of your nuggets has taken ill after drinking from the lake creator more will follow they're not very good at identifying patterns yet do them a favor and build some wells okay we got a rain coming in here this will fill this guy up all right but only temporarily of course this guy needs he doesn't need an upgrade we need bricks we have did my brick mine get broken he's over here working oh they're all there make those things faster i'm assuming everything's getting taken into the houses they getting upgraded which is why we're out of stuff oh it's late i should probably call it a day i know you always want to continue this tomorrow or shall we catch you tomorrow i kind of want to see what else we can get to here i want to see the desert rose that's cool steel oh it's steel beams not just we even make that this makes iron someone just drank from the lake again creator they'll never learn they're sick because of it okay let me go and put in a little more water here trickle effects uh and let me build another reservoir unlike other water sources wells do not contain dangerous bacteria and parasites your nuggets will surely appreciate having a stable stomach for a change what how did this nugget manage to get two axes stuck in their leg you might want to help them out creator who is that for a nugget to decide that drinking the brown filter fisted lake water is less trouble than walking all the way to a well you may want to consider building a few more creator i know i know it's ugly isn't it um who are you next hmm mellow say know the factories sir who's the dev and narrator oh so they were saying the name earlier in chat i don't know who it is though i don't recognize his name i'm not sure what i think what i'll say creator please build more wells nuggets do not use them for relieving themselves unlike the lake they're currently drinking out of you guys gonna die anyway get some points where is he wait you have a bomb oh yeah you're trying to bomb nugget is reporting an ailment of i don't think so explosive nature it has something to do with drinking dirty lake water sears him right for not using a well the trees must be undergoing significant stress they've started to go back contraception ban we have nobody and we have religious focus happiness goes down take a look at that nugget's face what an interesting shade of green it must be another victim of filthy lake water build some more wells i'm working on it i wasn't ready for my life to dry up so fast this one just needs a couple more bricks and you'll be ready to go it is prioritized already so that that will hopefully fix the problem i've got another one going on over um on the side of it also what we got here we have a movie theater a medieval movie theater nice i mean i can build it but it's not going to be built for a long time it's not going to be around for a while so we'll just stash it there looks like we're getting a contraception ban whatever for the cucumbers and yunnoko got married your rit guy has all kinds of points what what how much do things cost there's a big riot going on over here hey um you guys want me to make you believe oh it's just like a jolt of joy that make you happy is that what you want cause i can burn you too did i get him who's throwing if i didn't know any better i'd say you were trying to catch a peek oh no tesla is in there all right tesla come here uh where's my um he's old [Music] oh that was kerala whoops there's tesla this is looking fancy tesla you're pretty pretty there you go 100 points alexander how's it going i need some hivers edison approves how's that well going hey oh it's fancy look at the water pump look at that looking nice looking dirty industrialization which gives me what electronics and then tertiary education modern wind turbine okay i've always wondered who actually does the research around here what is that oh we're building it we're building a fancy temple and we're rebuilding the oh we're building fancy houses are we gonna get skyscrapers oh look at that wow we just screamed through the edges here no dark ages in this world check that out wow oh this is the alien isn't it fluffy brother i have two people now i can trade in some nuggets for other things for some food for some wood for some stone for some what i get what it means now 79 creator points for 17 food i guess i can do this if i wanted water if they offered it doesn't give me breaks or anything i would be happy can i order some i need cement right i need i need some glass i'll take some of that i'll take some cement because i need that for um my job with other things there's water for six nuggets 49 bricks for a bunch of points i'll take it okay there they are no room in the warehouse for that we'll have to build a bigger warehouse can i upgrade you i guess not yet it is full look at this place things have changed quickly uh let's put in another warehouse wherever that is with water sources freezing over your nuggets will have to use water from reservoirs you have been building reservoirs right is this our temple or this is a new one oh that's the temple oh and the grinder's up on on top now we hit we were over 100 nuggets they don't all believe in me anymore i've noticed that is the that's a house okay try out our stool samples that's a house with ads lots of water now there is stone making me bricks slowly crushing up some stone all right i do need to go to bed oh hold on oh sidetracked i can't grab him why can't i grab him no why is it keep on no no [Music] another one there's another one i hear him where is he there he is why is that let me pick him up okay okay okay here we go okay back home the police is up uh you guys are lacking power apparently um i can give it a jolt of lightning and fix that power for that we're gonna clean up all the debris over here it's all frozen over over there uh are you broken oh you're good i can give you upgrade yeah let's do that probably use it and look at these places another house people that can fit in that place i see it i see you cucumbers again not anymore what is that oh there's a box right there what if i put you on the box you go to bed we're getting raided we found part of the eiffel tower um my only points i need to use this are you sick okay i'll fix you there you go you're looking very green let me try out the new new building here i see you've made more research progress you're not too bad at this after all creator what happened to you i'm under attack i got 100 points can i tell where they're coming from oh was that was that ah there's a whole bunch of them okay okay okay um i can do it this way out of my town you look at that turtle what is that over there what these people that is the oh the police yeah we'll put in uh hal zuki i heard that one asking around about work benefits they're going to be quite disappointed again all your buildings are falling down falling down falling down all your buildings are falling down my fair creator oh there's more of them so many i don't have points for this um i can just do it this way i can grab them and throw him in the grinder [Music] stop breaking my stuff oh somebody's shooting back oh he's got a gun right cause we have gunpowder nice fix up my building here [Music] nice job sheriff took that guy down okay so we've got some education and a modern town hall for sure chemistry and we're getting we're actually getting kind of close to the end i'm not sure how much longer it's going to take what time is it okay we can make it i probably should call it a day but we should call it a day this guy needs to get more work um i can i can help out the power needs by doing this i like this one point there we go that can give us a bit more juice let me build a town hall it's very late all right and i'm gonna grab this guy pick him up throw him into cemetery and all these bodies you need another eerie some people like there's a lot of hungry people around here hello i have food i have 111 food right yeah but i see a lot of fats 100 people thanks marmello yeah i i um i think i've only made it well i've made it i've never made it as far as it is now because this is all new stuff uh and uh thanks uh mountain mountain ash tree got more infected nuggets not sure where it is though let's call it a day so i can go to bed and then we'll do we'll do some more tomorrow i don't think this will take the whole time tomorrow we can play a bit of this and finish it up and see if we can get to space we're clearly in the modern area here we are in the um yeah modern age we're getting close to the space age i'm eager to see what that does so i think that's what we're going to do let me make sure let's get like square squared up for tomorrow though make sure i get my infected people so many of them maybe we need a second graveyard can i have more people work here no i need what is that burn the body instead of burying them yeah do that i may be in a cemetery on this side of the world also i'm building so much already room for it really but um building space for it i'll just help him out why can't i put him in there what's wrong with you i'll keep you going are you are you alive no why can't you go in there fine got here yeah i was getting infected you're not full oh you are full oh that's the problem okay they're getting burned though they're slowly it's just too many people uh yeah chat's been helping quite a bit you're right chad has been helping research quite a bit um throwing points in what's the new thing we got we have a new steel mill i do want that which i think is going to go over here somewhere right there okay let's call it a day yeah between all the explosions chat has helped very little bit who's in jail who is that oh they are who are you obama okay buddy this is what we do with our prisoners there we go problem solved all right let's call today so i'll come back we'll come back we'll finish this thing up tomorrow night and see we'll we should easily be able to get to um the space age because i'm very eager to see what that's all about i'm not i don't think we can fly to planet yet even though um it teases it as if you can in the steam page but i don't think it's there unless uh unless this aerospace thing unlocks that unlock space construction center unless that makes you be able to build that um but uh don't know so i'm gonna go to bed i'll be back same time tomorrow night we'll play a bit more of this and we'll see let's see some more planets i guess need a governor governor caveman all right uh let's save the game i never built an archive which i guess it doesn't matter what's archive do for you auto saves no i was doing that before wasn't it uh you did it right thanks for hanging out everybody um i'll be back tomorrow we'll do a bit more and uh we'll probably have room for another game we'll probably see if we can squeeze something in oh i'll save kimchi for next week that'll give a nice break from the videos so folks can uh catch up on those if they haven't before we get to the big stream yeah that was the old the old system was you had to build an archive before you can save a game if they change that you don't do that anymore which is nice because i was not a fan of that system like like what if you like what if you have to go get twitch integration set up and you want to save real quick for instance um anyway i'll be back tomorrow night and we'll play a bit more and we'll try something else as well and i think we'll call it a day so thanks for watching everybody and i will see you tomorrow take this as an opportunity to join the discord if you have not already uh there's a link below uh we're in twitch or or youtube and thanks again uh for hanging out um you uh you youtube and you twitch folks and i will see you tomorrow night thanks for watching bye [Music] you
Channel: Nookrium
Views: 101,363
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nookrium, games & demos, nookrium livestream, colony sim, strategy games, indie games, universim, the universim, universim nookrium, base builder, crytivo
Id: QH7MsV4zATk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 197min 17sec (11837 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 13 2021
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