WORLD RECORD Spore Speedrun Any% Hard 56:08

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welcome everyone i'm king of valence i'm very excited to share this speedrun with you today this is spore completed from cell stage to the center of the galaxy on hard difficulty in 56 minutes and eight seconds immediately at the start of the run we chose a carnivore cell this is mostly personal preference but the decisions we make here in cell stage want great consequences throughout the run the results of which will even be felt in space some quick tips for getting through the first session section quickly is to turn off the tutorials but leave the hints on time will include clicking past all the tutorial pop-ups but we still want that progression bonus for eating the five meat chunks on hard there's no cut scene to unlock the spike part for free so i have to do that on our own we have to kill one of these pokey cells to get the cell let's try to avoid this guy and now we're on pursuit try to do a quick dodge don't want to die this early get it and we get the spike [Music] once enough progress is made to get to level two we call a cell immediately the mates need to be spawned off screen but the distance between the cells stays the same relative to the cell's original small sizes this way the cell ends up being really close to us once we actually grow to full size we'll see that just a quick second gotta chase down these pokey cells keeps poking me so we call the mate and now let's see what makes really close by so once we're in the editor i opt for the spike we're not going to be omnivore yet we're not going to add the filter feeder for right now on at least on hard it's really important we have the spike so we can get the parts we need so back in the tide pool we hope to encounter chompers and shysters while avoiding the spiked shysters each level kind of has their own high priority targets while avoiding certain cells in each section chasing down these shiny stairs is sometimes slow but hopefully they run into one of those big objects so they can't escape the strike spiester's got us too doesn't matter we're still eating all the meat you can deflect those shiny stairs with your spikes but it's really hard to collect so it's really just easier just to avoid them and try to look for other meat and then you just turn around and eat them once you grow in the next section these boosters are our next top priority the boosters are very aggressive but they're also much easier to take out because i don't have that spike right in the middle of their mouth so we can actually smack them right in the middle they like to charge continuously until they damage us but if we just keep spiking them right in the mouth then they can actually get us and they just keep charging us over and over taking out these three boosters gives us the jet and all the meat we need to move on to level three in this level we need the cilia that's also a very important part to obtain you want to avoid the poisonous squirties at all costs but the pinkies and the punkies are the top priority sometimes they can run into the poisoned streams and we can get free kills with very little effort sometimes they're just dead here we can get some meat for free it's all about opportunity kills and seeing what you can get for minimal effort this pinky right here on the bottom it's poison and bit which is easy for us to take out we get three feet all to ourselves so the whole area looks kind of devoid of killing of life you can actually call a mate this actually is full because then when you come out of editor it refreshes the area and hopefully gives you some some good kills right away we're going to add another movement piece we're going to add the cilia this is where our cell stage decisions already have impact on the rest of the speed run not only is cilia good for the cell stage but actually really benefits the creature stage as well having at least two of the three movement pieces being the flagella the cilia and the jet just having two of them will guarantee all the hands and feet will be available at the beginning of creature stage this is really important for choosing the best creature parts once we get them the parts must be equipped before advancing into the creature editor this is one of the hardest sections of cell stage these stabila cells actually really hard to take down due to all their spikes but these snapster cells are much easier since they're super aggressive and you can then just angle your spike right in the mouth we're looking for additional stamper cells which are still the easiest targets so we see one we're going in same idea he'll want to charge us until they hit damage but they can't because we keep angling our spike towards them and we move on to level four in level four duckies are best friends they only have a mouth with no spikes i don't know how they evolved this far into cell stage but there's always loads of them and there's always lots of meat super fast we got plenty of me to move on to the next section unfortunately i do get a bit squeezed here and i do end up dead but dying and still stage is actually a bit helpful because it gives another area refresh we actually run right into these squigglies which are a much easier target there we go lots of meat to go around and counting the needle buzzes are actually pretty good too because they just kill everything around them and they're not actually super aggressive so that leaves us with a lot of the meat you can see here with this all you can eat meat buffet which helps us get to the next section i'd actually recommend calling a mate here i got a bit distracted chasing this squiggly and that doesn't quite work out too well for me and unfortunately this refresh is quite devoid of easy kills so i'm gonna call another mate and we're gonna add the last piece we need the filter feeder mouth so now we can eat plants and meat we got some quick plants right here and i see one junior one junior by themselves is pretty easy kind of the same idea let's get them right in the mouth a bunch of juniors in a pack are really deadly they work very well together sometimes else is just a bit of swimming hoping for something useful i see the jetster's got one of those plans i'm going to make a run for that last one we get the small point and then we get the whole planet and if we turn around and then do that guy in the last section the moths paws and the megamouths are on the menu you need to be kind of careful of the moths because they lay eggs for the juniors which they can still deal you damage even though they're on a previous level unfortunately eating them doesn't give you much progress but you got to get them out of the way these mega miles are also pretty easy just to go right through and we advance out of the tide pool and that's all stage completed on hard we enter the early creature editor grab a leg hold control rip off one joint and put them on the back of the creature so now we have arms and legs and we added jet just to make creature stage a little bit faster in normal speed run fashion loads are not counted towards the final time the timer actually pauses automatically there's a script that checks for loads and will pause the timer when that happens this is in order to keep everyone on the same playing field so you don't have to compete against someone else's super overpowered computer that can do loads super fast because these loads can vary pretty wildly as future stage starts up notice the raging roar consequence ability this confirms we did exit cell as a carnivore but since we kept the filter feeder mouth the creature's diet is actually omnivore in creature stage level one alloying the first two nests is enough to move on to level two this works and is the current strat for all difficulties non-alpha creatures give 10 dna and alphas give 12 dna and outlying the entire nest gives a 25 dna bonus these level 1 creatures will always have only level 1 sing so we can guarantee matched assignment sets nice little jump strap there helps fill up the rest of your progress that you would perform with that action the next jumping trick will allow the creature to find a mate instantly after after outlining this nest we're gonna face away from the home nest for column eight select the mate wait maybe half a second it's not too picky then jump i believe it has something to do with the creature turning around which breaks the sequence and then allows for the instant mating so it's going to bring up the creature editor instantly as soon as we're done outlining with this nest so we level up the level two just too far away to see the mate now walk a little bit closer today to the home nest and set up turn away i'm gonna click the the mate and jump instantly [Music] in the editor all the hands feet weapons and details are all available thanks to how we play at cell stage we're going fully aggressive from here on out so we want the grubby grab our hands we want the clippity feet the hot split weapon and we want to keep the filter feeder sell off all the wet all the cell stage parts upgrade the mouth with the dorka and very important to add wings these wings allow for a very cool trick it's very fun this track allows the creature to jump and fly very far very fast even faster than sprinting to do this you first pause the game which still counts for time so if you do it quickly select something the creature can interact with like another creature double tap the jump and then unpause the game see right here pause double tap jump and unpause and we got huge jump super huge distance you actually go a little bit further you see now spamming the jump and the mating hall these wings allow for four extra like these blocks but the mating fall will interrupt the cooldown of the wing so you actually get all four wings immediately [Music] so we're looking for creatures that are on our level so we can get the full uh extinction bonus and you see there lost the graspers strike higher levels so we're gonna take a quick moment to heal up and i'm just checking around i'm seeing those guys are cocooning so we might come back later i'm gonna do the launch again spam jump and mating call those guys also cocooning so we have to move on we can find someone else the tweeters are way out of my league so i'm going to sneakily sneak away i don't think it worked but i'm sneaking these guys are on my level 30 dna over my head i see the tweeters come out of nowhere and i figure now is a good time to use the raging door thank you and now all of the other creatures will fight me one at a time until they're engaged and then they'll they'll be stunned so i'm not even gonna bother engaging the tweeter i need to move on back home maybe check on some of those nests i saw were cocooning see if they're available yet so as soon as i land i get four more wings okay and they're back level one attack easy pickings pretty rng heavy section of the run the actual fighting is pretty straightforward but the creatures and their nest locations are pretty random or i haven't really yet figured out a consistent method i don't usually recommend killing the babies but i only saw four total including the baby and if all the adults die sometimes the baby will die which means i won't get the extinction bonus so i killed the baby just first to make sure i could get all of them what's nice is you can heal at any extinctive nest so we see they are aggressive in the distance and on our level so we are going to launch right over to them and notice that these creatures are actually aggressive before we engage them that's actually really important since they're aggressive before we engage them they'll actually count as the full is the reward is still 30 dna for extincting them normally if they're below level they're worth way less to extinct so we can actually come back there and try to finish them off for some extra points i find this easier just to fly back home just to get next mate we're going gonna upgrade all of our aggressive pieces level three i like to use the mouth for last i find this like the least important and make sure i have enough money for all those pieces so i do have enough dna so i buy the mouth same wings same everything else and we now we start the next migration sequence start the first one out second pack unfortunately we see some pretty easy takers on our level for 30 dna quickly engage then we have a whole one bite so this should be we need five total creatures so i'm trying to keep them out to make sure we get that extinction volcanic station bonuses are very very important i see that a lot of the creatures are actually being killed up in the top stream by the rival nest a little worried i see the baby i'm gonna make sure i get that fifth one myself so i'm seeing others [Music] they're already engaging me my pack creature is doing a very good job of distracting them lose the raging door so that way they only attack one at a time so that's three on one everywhere i can use this opportunity to heal up to make sure i lose my pack characters because i don't have any more at my home nest since i did use that final one now they're very polite and attacking me one at a time kind of assassin's creed style they only attack one at a time even with a whole group but the effect does wear off pictures so now they are all engaging as long as i can get all five before my creatures die i'm starting to die so i pack off i am entirely willing to sacrifice my my pack creatures for my life not quite necessary today here's that other nest we were fighting earlier since they were aggressive to start we can actually go back and then take them down even though they're on a lower level than we are [Applause] and since they are on a low level it's pretty easy to take down but 30 points and that's 30 points that's a lot of points a lot of dna we go from dna to food to money gotta keep my currency straight i think this this egg glitch happens a lot i think it's trying to rise up and disappear kind of like how the other creatures when they go extinct they rise up and disappear sometimes it falls down i can get it eggs always worth 25 points let's see if i could try to shoot it down with spit or something oh i quickly noticed there that the they all jumped that means that the asteroid is coming so just like raging roar they're too afraid they won't actually even attack me one time they're way too scared to attack but thankfully my creature and attack creatures fully willing to attack if you just don't don't even care you're going to take full advantage of this opportunity kill as many of the gromann as possible you'll notice that it's only max's creatures here everything here should be very recognizable we only have the normal default there's like 1 1631 or so creations in this game and all these creatures are the default ones that's actually required for this category of speed we want to be as new game as possible as if you just got the game for the very first time you hadn't even played it yet how fast can you beat the game without ever playing the only custom creature is my creature so we made it to level four and i'm just kind of scoping out the surroundings and i'm going to try to make it home to level 1 or to upgrade my character before we trigger the next migration sequence the next migration sequence requires a little bit more progress so i'm going to use this opportunity to upgrade and so i can upgrade again in a little bit so i don't have to go all the way to the final migration sequence to call another mate thankfully able to just kind of jump over everyone so i see there's an alpha apostrophe in my creature strange i'm not the alpha but got the alpha in the pack at least this should be able to upgrade everything to level four doing the mouth last to make sure i have enough dna to upgrade we're still keeping that filter feeder that's the only way we're staying omnivore and actually gonna use some socializing parts this is in case we see a a rogue so we're gonna asymmetric take off the hands and asymmetric take off feet we're gonna do level two on all the socialization even though it's level two we have four people total in our little group so that actually stacks to eight which will always beat the simon says of one row and 100 dna is the reward for socializing with a road we're not going to get any parts from it but now we're just kind of going to the end trying to get as much progress as possible as quickly as possible so these ones are very easy to take down here we see we're getting starting to go five parts these are level four creatures yet they're very new so easy pickings for us they'd be very hard to socialize against so that's why they won't give them a 40 dollars if they were hard to kill then they'd be worth 70. but only 30 more points for finding really aggressive creatures it's not quite like there's an aggressive feature over there not we're gonna go for the easy kills low effort as possible i'm keeping track of my head i need to kill seven to make sure i get that forward bonus and i see the aggressive creatures come over they kill too many i won't be able to get my bonus my pack member is again doing a very good job of distracting good job while we build the final engage i don't know the names it is so i see that guys 17 and i say i'm out of here so this is plenty of progress to trigger the next migration sequence trying to figure out which foot is right so we can have level five feet and i think that's all we got level five feet is very very important for creature stage and also tribal stage having slow fee like staying a level two feet over two speed that'll lose you minutes on tribal stage all the walking you have to do so slow so level five feet is very very good for travel stage the great part of migrations is they give you huge bonuses 50 points for migrating i'm gonna take full advantage of that it's part of the routing that we always try to get to the next next migration so i'm trying to do is jump launch as fast as possible and i'm getting shot they're not very happy with me calling going for a mate i don't think they like that i think as long as i can just make it to the next nest i'll be fine and i don't quite make it that's fine it's fine we're still doing doing fine plenty of time we'll just run this time unfortunate time lost slightly but not too bad we'll take the uh the migration trail and which i find a little sneak one good piece from cell stage the flagella gives us sneak it's probably working no one seems to attack us this time i'm also scoping out the surrounding area i see a 14 is not ideal i'd like a five or less 50 points that's a lot of points i see an already aggressive species on the lower level at five that's much better stick it down yeah these guys don't set chances way too we just drawn but 40 points is a lot of points definitely worth our time and the alien spaceship has arrived so that's that's nice and convenient so now we just like that the meteor strike we can't they won't fight us so super easy to take them all down and now it doesn't matter who we attack even if they're super aggressive because they'll still be too afraid to attack but we'll go for these easy creatures just in case the spaceship goes too far away and the star attacks i do have the raging door ability if i need to i'm seeing i need seven of these i only see three now i only see two one just got abducted this guy's kind of running away so i'm not thinking i'm gonna get the extinction bonus on this net so i'm trying to find another one these guys were the aggressive ones from before but knowing this ship is right overhead we were fine he was good job strapping all of them so now i see i'm well within 40 to win so now i'm going for babies i'm just going for the extinction bonus babies only give you two dna definitely not worth the kill but since i'm going for the extinction they're faster that way just need a 40 bonus i see one more and the spaceship is leaving yeah i think i can turn this in time and then that will leave me at a future stage [Music] stage on hard setting the only thing only creature part we need in tribal stage is the feet everything else doesn't really matter finish creature stage within an hour that's not not too hard and again the timer is false because we're in a loading screen so out of cell we were red for carnivore we were red for being aggressive from now on we're going to be green we're going to be social or friendly in tribal and we're going to be which will then send us to be religious in civilization stage so it'll be red red green green so immediately we're going to spawn a baby and we're going to add two parts you're going to get gathering 3 and social 3. the gathering three is very important because it gives three extra food that the creatures that the tribal members can gather at a time so they can gather eight and the social three you notice when the progress bar when you're performing for another rival tribe you do the instrument it moves up a bit and then in between it moves up very slowly very slightly i believe that has to do with the social skill the higher that number is the faster that progresses so that way we can more likely get like harder situations and also just finish it faster because more progress equals more speed the tribal chieftain is also very fast at gathering food oh and notice what we're gathering we're gathering all plants all fruit that was the reason why we kept the filter feeder we were only eating and we were all carnivore and mostly carnivore and cell we were eating creatures in creature stage and we're all gathering plants now even though we have a super high level aggressive mouth carnivore we have that filter feeder so it still counts so we still gather plants so the first rival tribe has come in we're actually going to ignore it for the time being we're going to gather as much food as possible get the wooden horns and then slowly make our way around once the rest of the tribes come in the first tribe i think is dependent on maybe about time or how many actions you do but they they're good just to hang out the rest of the tribes spawn i think after a very long time or when you get about 70 food so we're gonna actually try to keep that score as low as possible by buying the wooden horns now since it's worth 25 keeping our food low to prevent the spawns from happening as soon as they're as late as possible to make sure we have enough babies get everyone their horns and make sure we got ourselves settled the tribal stage can actually feel pretty overwhelming especially because all the other rival tribes only want to raid your food and attack you they never want to attack anyone else they all have a pact they'll say this guy's gotta go so we gotta make sure we can hold them off because everyone's going to be upset with us because we're on hard so we have to gift everyone and make sure we maintain a friend friendly relationship to them because friending them is definitely faster than attacking because if you lose a character that's 45 seconds of having to make a new one so once everyone spawns in the plan is to give one of them a gift at a time and socialize with them to blue smiley that's friendly you're not going to ally them because once you ally them you make progress we're actually going to befriend everyone and then go back and ally them because if they're angry and you give them a gift they'll be ambivalent for about a minute but then they'll just go back and be angry again but once you make them friendly they won't go back down so we can hold them at that state still not creating any more progress because we don't want to keep on walking more instruments because that's more money we have to gather yet they will be just fine sitting there the reason we're going around another good point of the instruments so since we uh oh never actually ally anyone we never unlock any instruments so it means we can actually befriend everyone only using wooden arms because they only ask for what you have available if you highlight the very first person the first drive to encounter the next one will ask for maracas because you will always unlock maracas slight monk s over here for this epic all we need to do is get them to blue and then we're done so as long as we get that no one dies then we're good [Music] oh it is one more and unfortunately the epic decided to attack and engage pink over here just thinking okay that's fine we got a baby babies they can't attack so they're plenty good just to listen to our performance that's fine the adults can attack we can do the baby and then the baby grows up which i didn't know breaks the uh the performance sequence so now we have to try again and i'm thinking you know the gift only lasts about a minute and now he also wanted to attack the epics i'm thinking okay we'll just wait then wait for them to kill the epic and then the epic just kind of decides he's done he's decided he's done uh wasting our time so now he's just kind of kind of move on even though he has a spear in his face he's just saying ah i'm good and now we can friend this tribe and now there's raiders spotted that actually kind of messed up a lot of timing since that took about an extra minute we should be over a brown by now you see brown is a sworn enemy because they raided that means one of them is at our home base you can see my six player my sixth tribal member is actually attacking and engaging them which i don't want and now we have cyan and green raiding us at the same time so we got brown attacking we got brown ratings for food my guy's attacking and green and cyan are attacking all the timing sequence is off and i'm like oh great all right i got 400 hit points worth on my hut before i lose if i can just gift them in time then i'll be fine i mean this is why this game can feel a little overwhelming because you have three people all engaging you at once i'm seeing ethics around i'm trying to send my people in the right way so i'm gifting green and i'm gifting cyan and i'm going to pull back three of my horns back to cyan fortunately they get the radio call or something that they know that they're not angry with me and they immediately stop i 96 life on my hut to go somehow they know to stop attacking and then they do this like very hilarious slow walk home they they go so slow back from my hut back home which is fine to me because now i only have to perform for two people since they can only ask for one instrument each they can only ask for up to two yet i have three instruments so we were going on that you guys are actually doing a normal speed block i think it's uh they do a slow walk for a little bit and then they they pick up the pace so i'm actually going to intercept that green villager so it actually saves me a bit of time having to go all the way up to the top right of the map with green so it didn't actually lose too much time from the epic the only time it really lost [Applause] uh was the epic having to reset over and over so now i see brown is actually attacked because they were only because they were upset before they weren't browns upset so they only raid you for food but since they were sworn enemy because my last guy who is now dead just that is i was attacking them they're aggressive enough in order to attack so i gift them while i'm befriending green so now you can see that they're doing a slow walk home so there's only one brown villager left which is and now i'm going to fully ally for brown so we got pink is blue blue friendly science friendly green's friendly and now brown's about to be friendly so you see that when we have this slow rock maybe green on the right here they're mocking very very slowly it's kind of funny [Applause] [Music] and only one brown villager is easy to attack easy to uh ally them i'll lose a bit of time because i have to regather all my food i left with maybe like 70 food and then i used 20 30 for gifts and now i'm down to three why i left one tribal member back home when i left the pink originally is because as soon as you leave on hard like immediately there's a wild animal coming to steal your food so if you just keep one of your tribal members there not doing anything you essentially guard your food which is worth one character to me so tribal chieftains pretty fast at gathering so i made him gather the nearest one so he can start getting me more food so i can start pumping out more babies and the rest of the tribal members are gathering and now i have to kind of watch them because you saw two of them are confused they're packing kind of blows there's still a guy with a with a question mark on his head they get kind of confused if you send all of them to the same plant i found so if i kind of send them to one just to get them over in the area and then i specifically target a plant per villager that way they won't get confused i think they get confused if they show up to a plant and there's no fruit left they just go i don't i don't know what to do there's no fruit here it's not like they can go to a different one by the way this is kind of this is like a planned uh pause moment here so we have seen there we have friendly on everyone and brown is an ally so we're gathering food to make nine total characters so it wasn't too much time loss it may have looked a bit scary with everyone but it's it's not too bad you just gotta make sure you you give them all gifts and then you engage the people kind of in the right order this game always looks scary but it's not too bad there's a one of those wild animals that tries to steal our food and brown is actually giving us free money so maybe they'll return what they stole so i'm still trying to get maracas now that i have nine total people and then we're gonna go around and then outline the next two people the next two villages then we'll take another pause to get the digital dues and then we'll be able to ally the last two and be all done with tribal stage it's pretty straightforward when at this point it's pretty easy the first part is bit overwhelming but it wouldn't have looked so scary if that epic let me uh do it in the normal timing sequence it would have looked much cleaner but either way we got it still getting good gift back got enough from maracas and as the babies are being born we send them to maracas so we still haven't really lost any time that's why we do the babies first because they have a 45 second cooldown which is enough time for us to gain more food to buy the maracas so they can get morocco's once they're born you definitely don't want to buy morocco's first because then you have to wait for more food to gather and it takes extra long so i'm gonna send three of each that's enough with the chieftain to go ally the next set of villages i'm seeing an epic here i'm like dude enough of the epics i'm gonna have this guy guard well one guy goes and gathers a little bit more i need a slightly more food i believe just in case the villagers need to eat because we still need disorders which costs 25 and we need one more gift for the 12 to 12 large tribe which is coming up a bit later so really we need 25 more plus three more babies i just remembered so we need a little bit more food so we need him to gather a little bit more and then we'll be good so these uh tribes these are called nine out of nine tribes the midland mid-tier tribes they can only ask up to three instruments which that's why i brought three each sometimes asked for two it's it's like the same progress per time and there's the second one so now we're just going to travel around with our traveling band and i'm checking to make sure we don't have maracas yet you can unlock morocco's there but if you don't you will guarantee but unlock maracas next time so i see green is actually coming over to gift us and am i trying to intercept them try to make i never even had to go over to the greens uh hut to the green stride saved me a lot of walking and since we had that level five speed feet we would actually walk around really quickly and then after this we should pull back home and then get the disreduce so we don't even need any aggressive aggressive uh tools or gathering tools just need the instruments so i'm of course buying babies first i'm going to send my people over to pink just to be over there and get them ready to go but i can't uh ally them until i get the didgeridoos because since i have didgeridoos available to use they will ask for them and if they ask for distributions and i don't have them you don't get any progress and you only get five instruments per try and if they want didgeridoos you're not gonna make i think possibly in the segmented you could get all you can get you could make it with only two inch units but not in a single segment i'm basically just waiting for my tribal characters to uh gather and grow up that's not what my checking can do they're just distracting let's see this these travel members are just coming home for no reason so i'll say oh if you're i'm just not doing anything might as well gather so i need still need 10 for a final gift i see this guy's food i'm just going to pull him back because as long as we have 10 right then we're fine that's that's the only thing left we need to buy is one gift for the laundry duration what's the best song i should find my ringtone okay now that we got these reduced we got sending three of each that guy dropped his food but it doesn't matter we got the gift he's in this had a disgrace and now we have enough to as long as he picks up the gift he's enough to gift the lavender since they can only ask for three of each we send we sent three of each instrument and we should be covered [Applause] so hopefully the 12 and a 12 tried lavender tribe at the top you see how on the mini map three or four are leaving they go out and gather sometimes i try to get them by themselves because the that tribe can actually ask for up to four instruments at once we have four wooden horns three maracas and four digit reduce because that's our maximum allotted members we get 12. 12 members because the chief doesn't actually get a tr get an instrument we have to sacrifice one of the instruments just to make sure because i'm a little worried i'm going to get the social 5 mask this will help speed up the progress bar a little bit but if they ask for four maracas we only have three we don't get as much progress if they ask for four maracas couple times we won't have enough to actually ally them this is actually as much as we can do we have 12 members and we have a social five mask yet it's still possible not to work so there's a little bit of chance but a little bit of getting lucky with where the tri members are can help a lot because if you only socialize or perform for one they can only ask so i send the tribal chieftain gift because he's the fastest because he like doesn't have to celebrate after after an ally so i sent him and then i have the rest of people hang back because they're not part of the gifting army and i do find one by itself so i can basically go in here you can't lose because they can only ask for one instrument when they're by themselves [Applause] even though we have four wooden horns board is reduced for his one request it still takes four performances to get to get from yellow to blue hard just wants to make sure you have your full tribe i have done it with only nine but it does require one one or two people by themselves so to make sure in a single segment that i got it i just made sure i get all my better just go safe we're making fine time i think tribal stage took about 18 minutes lost maybe two minutes because of that epic and just kind of the scramble afterwards but still just fine and we finished travel stage which is actually a huge sigh of relief to me because tribal stage crashes a lot on me and travels explore crashes on me in tribal stage so seeing we're at the tribal stage it's a huge sigh of relief so i just pick whatever cosmetic town hall i want and then we can make a really fast tank it's supposed to hold alt for copying and then i think it's six times that way you can get 45 speed we're gonna make the fastest tank we can and for the rest of the tanks and boats we're going to use just the fastest and the most powerful uh max's boats and tanks so here in tribal stage trouble stage is by far my favorite stage i don't really like other rts games i just like civ not sure why but if you see the configuration now you can actually see the whole planet upon its configuration with the continents and where the spice geysers are there are actually 15 different home planets and we choose this one and the current straps say that this is the fastest planet to use because there are six land geysers and two water geysers right next to us and also with the two migrations from creature stage it puts us on the coastline which is really good for tribal stage because that way the tribes can only be on one half of one side of us they can't be completely circling us in trouble stage because that's super slow you have to walk everywhere and starting landlocked in civilization stage is also really slow so also see right there when we're selecting vehicles the timers also pause because that's also considered a load that's done automatically since the game isn't actually progressing during that time nothing's actually happening so it's just a load [Music] and with some strategic tank placement and where to go we actually managed to get all six land geysers on hard you get basically one action you get you get to buy a tank you get to capture a spice geyser or place some vehicles or places place some buildings here also it's paws because we're loading in some some houses and some other other buildings so i decided we should go to the furthest one one of the furthest ones to get the spice geyser so we can get the ones over there and then as soon as we're done with that all the tr although the cities aren't spawning and then you just keep buying more tanks to get the nearby ones that way you can get all six and that actually really helps only because you have a lot of money being produced but all the other rival cities don't have any money because you see yellow only got one and that's one spice geyser and orange got two and then they've got two spice geysers and we have ten and we're already building our city if you notice the city also has three different configurations so it's really important to try to remember or memorize the configuration of buildings to make sure you get the most money religious actually gives you a lot more money military's configuration is hard to make money from their configurations so now we're just building our city we should be able to get up to 4 400 per minute and then we will build up our tanks and then we will but then we have to decide who we want to attack i usually try to attack the more powerful city opposed to the weaker city because if you pack the uh because it takes like a minute to religiously conquer our city so if you choose the weak one first then the strong city has a whole another minute to try to build up and then they're much harder to take down so if you take them down early then the weak one gets that extra minute and then they're basically the same strength as before as the strong city and then you have two big cities and then you can clobber them another interesting point about this planet in particular most cities most home continents on other planets have two large cities you and a rival city and two small cities that actually works on easy for this planet but on hard they're actually three large cities on this continent and one small city i'm not sure if any other planets do that but for sure this one always does on hard which is actually good for us because we can then capture two large cities really early and then they they're not a big threat later you can actually make a lot of money that's why this planet i feel is the best one we do to the ability of creature stays with the two migrations giving you on the coastline and then because of those three cities so we're going to switch our tanks from the fastest tank to the most powerful tank once we arrive so we can take over the city thankfully the ai does not do that that's just a trick that we can do as a player and if and also due to cell stays we were exerted as a carnivore we get the invincibility it's like 15 seconds of invulnerability for our tanks and recharges every 30 seconds so if we need it we can use it for our tanks but this was a pretty fast capture i'm pretty happy with how fast this capture was i think this speed is based on how on how big the population is the population was only 60 so that was pretty easy to religiously take over so this is actually the same configuration as my home city so i kind of had it in my head so i knew what to do so 4400 with one green smiley face want to keep at least one green smiley face for the chance of them to celebrate and give even more money they double their income so we build the big city we fill it all the way out and then we buy as many tanks as we can and then we send it to the other big city because now i'm thinking they're very strong an interesting glitch that i'm completely exploiting right now actually a huge exploit on screen you see orange is actually trying to take over the city on the other continent on the top right they're trying to take over orange yet they are not able to they are going to be trying to take over that city it's a small city too should be easy for this entire time there's a weird glitch where you have to look at this city in order to like wake it up or something so i'm actually strategically not looking at that city in order for them to not be able to capture it because they're trying to capture it from the original small cities owner or yeah the small city and those are always very easy to take down and if i can get rid of orange here then all of orange is completely extinct i'm going to use the invulnerability because i saw a bit of danger blue is going kind of slowly i'm surprised they're not trying to take over brown also red is actually being annoying on my home city so i'll just defend it we didn't put any tank uh turrets on our home city it's just not worth it the game won't really last long enough for us to need turrets so you see orange is gone and now brown's completely open but now i see blue is actually going for the open brown city as well and blue is also religious so when you have two religious uh empires fighting each other it's not like your religious power like races each other that's not the progress bar races you actually have to compete and overpower their religious attacks which i didn't really want to have to deal with so i'm going to send my boats to the open blue city and take it like from right under them my tanks captured the last fourth city on my home continent which means i can now sell them and get some extra money and now all my boats are coming to the blue city while blue is then working on brown brown should we should be able to take over brown before i'm done and then blue would then pull its forces down to defend blue and in that time i will then rush back to this city and then take it right from under blue's nose because i'm gonna have much faster and more powerful tanks and then nicks and boats the only the way to beat civ is all you need is six cities and forty eight thousand sport bucks because forty eight thousand is enough to buy the financial uprising and then that beats the stage so all we need is one more small city we don't even need any more big cities so blue captured the other city and they've abandoned it so they we can just go over and get it religious attacks actually kind of repelled by putting more entertainments the more happy your civilians are the less susceptible there so it's worth it worth it to me to add an entertainment and lose some money in order to keep my city from being taken over because all i need is just this one and i have plenty of money to sell the rest of my buildings and then complete the stage i don't have to go over there and re-conquer it so we got that six in i'm looking at my money twenty five thousand we get about thirteen thousand per city and we sell all the buildings so i'm gonna go i'm thinking yeah we got enough to get to forty eight thousand that's all we need i'm gonna sell buildings because it doesn't matter how many buildings have in space as long as you're in space and that's enough to buy financial frenzy as long as they don't take over our buildings now overseas now we're fine and look at red red is still trying to attack they're do they have the same issue as orange was having earlier red is also a religious city yet they were unable to to conquer anyone they were trying to conquer the same city that entire game and wasn't able to because i strategically did not look at them very strategic camera placement i guess so now we're in space just take whatever airplane that's there and we're on the final stage in 50 minutes 57 seconds it's the final in between load we can ignore this tutorial entirely just by leaving and the final load that's paused is and entering and exiting planets that's also a load that the the timer will pause for because these can these times these little times can take like 30 like half of half a second or like a second and a half so that's not quite fair to have it such a wild amount of time variant so we just don't have those spam clicking on that crash ship is faster way of scanning it than just holding it so this is the required mission thankfully that this mission does not take any fuel reserves you seem to be 451 health and our energy is not going down so we're actually going to use this opportunity to just farm frequent fire if you've seen the previous speed run you notice that we became a zealot and you think oh boy i know what he's planning you're going to use the fanatical frenzy ability take over a home planet's empire or their home planet system and sell off all the buildings just like you did in civ stage and that's actually how we used to do it we don't actually need that much money anymore and we only need frequent flyer two to reach the center using like my position uh in the galaxy it only takes about 120 jumps or so to make to the center so all we need is frequent flyer or interstellar drive 2 unlocked by frequent flyer 2 and enough energy and energy packs to reach the center so actually right if you're not we're not going to go back to our home planet ever again we're actually on the move to the center and we're going to buy and sell everything we need on the way so thankfully this empire nearby is happy with us so they weren't able to accept a trade route and sell us interstellar jack 2. so now we're on the move now we're heading towards the center thankfully from cell stage we actually got the power monger that way we you can use way less energy per jump i'll explain that in a sec but we're making our one pit stop to pick up one rare the rares are random like the i know that the rare will be in this system but the rare itself and the planets themselves are randomized every time i visit that's also required for this category there's not been any saves in space stage in order to lock down that system and i did not place that right there so it's naturally generated and you could tell that by having the gold rings on the planet that doesn't happen if you place it there on uh manually so you know that was naturally generated and i had no idea what the rare was but i know any amount of money sold by rare will be enough to make it to the center even the least amount of money twenty two thousand five hundred four bucks that's the least you can sell rare for uh is enough so thankfully we got forty five thousand so i did two train routes in order to unlock the energy max right there got energy packs and that's the only bitcoin thing we need and now we're on the move again so the power monger ability from cell stage onstage has been very important it's given us the raging roar ability it's given us the invulnerability ability and it's given us the power monger which only uses half the energy or uses 50 less energy so normally this fuel reserve this is the most basic fuel reserve it only gives 20 jumps before you get the refuel but instead we get 30 jumps and an energy pack is worth five jumps normally now it's worth eight for the same amount of money it's just because of that cell stage consequence ability so we're going to make our final pit stop it does this we're going to buy energy packs we're going to say goodbye and we're going to greet them up again and we're going to buy two more energy packs that's because we unlock the traveler one badge when you unlock a badge that actually unlocks something else it will refresh that planet's inventory it's pretty handy because they want you to be able to buy whatever you just you know unlocked but it refreshes everything so also the energy packs are free to buy again they're good to go so we were able to actually buy seven energy packs from that planet and we're already in the grox territory and they already hate us but don't worry the rocks are too slow they can't catch us as long as we keep jumping this is not supposed to be a stressful time here just just keep traveling you're totally fine even though we have 451 health they're too slow they can't they can't get us and we have plenty of plenty of energy to make the jumps we have six more energy packs which 80 just 48 more jumps plus half a reserve that's 15. that's like 60 jump simmer like maybe 30 away just a little bit more to go almost there we're almost almost in the center center clump there it is the galactic core almost made it on hard difficulty from cell stage all the way to the arctic core pause just to let me zoom in a bit so i don't get shot down and we made it find the center of the galaxy there it is 56 minutes eight seconds thank you so much for watching i had an absolute blast running and routing and doing this commentary it's much more fun than i was actually expecting i really hope you enjoyed please enjoy the rest of this gar decor cut scene this is such an improvement over previous runs thank you so much for watching i'm ben kingly balance and hopefully i will see you next time [Music] just as your world has been enriched by them it is now time for you to join us join us [Music] some of you may ask who is this mysterious voice who knows so much and possesses such great powers the power to create and spread life [Applause] i mean in a metaphorical sense oh one last thing we are nearly sold out last day for a wonderful timeshare on one of our largest stars and a rare planet in its orbit if you were in the neighborhood we'd love to have you by for a free breakfast and short presentation just look for the third rock from [Music] i see you [Music] [Applause] foreign you
Channel: KinglyValence
Views: 2,341,049
Rating: 4.8968234 out of 5
Id: RnAf3eIwEKk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 47sec (3647 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 15 2020
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