Haven & Hearth - (Open World Survival Sandbox)

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let's talk about haven and hearth now this is a game um how do i ex how do i explain this game if you watch my channel this is like 25 of the games that i play on my channel it's like this it's a survival uh open world thing you go out you chop some trees you you you collect up some some bushes and you and eat some berries you build some houses campfires farming all that kind of a thing um all those kinds of games sort of mixed in one uh multiplayer and it's been around for a very long time i don't know when it first came out um it's been at least a decade i know it was before 2010 before 2011 somewhere it's been a long long time and uh it's been trucking along ever since uh the way that it works is 700 people in here right now uh there was like 2 000 something like that in here earlier when i was messing around with it and every so often every year or two i guess is what it is they they do a a world reset or reset um we're on world 13 has just begun as of two days ago it just began i i played around with this in november the free game by the way um during free games month and um it was very late in the world so i was like a new guy walking into this developed place it was like there was like towns already built up you can join in with friends and build up like proper like basically like medieval cities you know you've got uh everyone has the the job trees and and building things and you get the farms and you have like towns basically set up there people claim land um it's kind of a neat thing it's been around forever um and um i i was looking forward to a reset to get into it at the start and so that's what we're doing today so having said all that um if you want to play and you want to join in there may be a chance here it's a big map but um there's a chance to get in and you can join in and play around here so there you go um i i've played this game before but it was like a four hour stream and so if you don't a lot of people watch my channel right to just to see new games and get an idea what the games are about so the first bit here i'll try to explain what's happening and and get you at least into the game and then we'll go and play the game you know what i mean so i'll i'll come at this as if you've never seen the game before even though i just played not too long ago oh five months um so rackus has a small spot set up already so we can go jump over to where rakath is but i what i want to do is when i start off early what we did in the last stream is i went i i scavenged around and found other people's stuff that was happening we went and settled like a town that was already built by people um and this time i want to see if we can get like you know um from scratch so when you load the game up it's free download the game it throws you into here and we are a soul or that guy we're the purple guy and we're going to go bouncing along so let's go head through the uh the hinge is that a hinge there is light and you find yourself surrounded by a vast and dark forests where are we at we don't know we can spin this thing around i see my mini map down there what we're gonna do here is we have a choice we can go mail to the sorry female to the north the top male on down this way so we're going to be a guy so we're going to go floating along this way hey frozen how's it going so when i get into this you can't really join me right now as you come in it just throws you randomly out into this massive world somewhere um but i can set up like token or totems for people to join in and come in and play if they want let's design my face real quick i'm yes i am naked um i will find some pants don't you worry youtube uh algorithm um i'm gonna be i'm gonna go with the bald guy yeah yeah and i think i wanna have i think a neat beard would be nice maybe look at that one let's go with a neat beard okay and away we go don't don't you worry about my cheeks okay so we'll chat with the wizard over here hello wizard all our stuff like early on stuff will be right here it's not really that hard of a game to get into um especially at this point since we're early on in the world you know uh my name is nook they call me and we're gonna go get ready wait for it it's gonna get loud i think so i have the sound effects really low but for some reason that is really loud you burn in the fire for what seems like an eternity an unbearable pain singing singing singing singing through every fiber of your body convulsing into darkness and flame and with it is with relief that you suddenly sense the quite different note of a cool breeze on all my bits somewhere high above and beyond the fire and the pain the breeze grows softly stronger soothing your charred skin and cooling the rage around you before long there is only wind okay welcome to the world of um even in hearth oh and someone's playing the bagpipes yeah nice okay so um i am this guy right here uh my bits are covered up by that my cozy uh spawn point campfire uh and um basically what you do here is is your job is to go around and sort of scavenge things uh this will sort of take you all the way through this um let's make it i don't know if there's a way to make a full screen probably um i don't have a full screen uh probably that's a good point good question uh good good question and point full screen full screen full screen full screen nope nope okay hold enter nope no full screen okay so let's let's do what it says over here quest log let's go check my character sheet out and we'll go check out the old quest log over here so my job is to um be here i did it quest complete okay so now we have a few different things we can do we have something we have to go find something to eat and drink it gives us sort of a a quick rundown of how to find how to live basically pick some things up go and get a branch and forward some things let's go do this one ways of the wild so uh let's run over here basically right click anything and go grab stuff and the way this thing works is all of our skills are based on us just finding things alternative does not work um and we have just sort of this unlimited amount of things that we can build right now we got nothing but we can know we know how to make a wicker basket 10 sticks make a wicker basket um sorry to come in here and just basically take everything as soon as you touch something you you learn things and so we're gonna go pick up a pine cone that's exciting uh we're gonna pick up a bow once it's a list of things it wants us to place some things on the ground we do have an inventory right over here which is mostly full uh i'll get it back back in a minute it wants me to lift an object place that object stockpile okay so right click on this branch here uh or click on i mean and then right click and we can toss it on the ground there and we sort of toss things in into that pile there so a nice handy stockpile we can toss things into there's seven sticks there there you go uh oh pick something up i will do that i got some choppy music going on maybe we need to i might need to uh turn that off because it's a little choppy um okay so let's go and pick up a log over here so we can come over there this this log on the ground come on turn wheel um come on come on um let's go in a and then l pick that thing up wink i'm gonna walk around with this guy here we go look i got my my very own log let me toss it on the ground there we go uh run for a bit sure sure sure i will run there we go done uh up here we've got health we have stamina and we have energy um stamina goes quick energy goes slower there's a there's a i don't remember exactly how to explain it i'm not the best i haven't played this game a ton but essentially you need stamina to like chop trees down and stuff and and energy is is sort of a long-term thing i think because that's how it is how it works uh okay skills so uh we have our base attributes all 10 right now these go up uh basically by eating things sort of helps work that uh we have abilities here which is things like sewing stealth exploration this is a very important one exploration like there i'm sure i'll take a couple points in there it wants me to learn foraging skill let's do one there okay go in skills we've got a couple we can pick we got foraging we have the will to power i'll take this one for 25 learning points i'll buy it um i should say this is the game that like i mean it's an mmo essentially so it's it's um it's not a game you can like play in an hour and be done um if you start playing this game you're probably going to be kind of stuck in it for a while so um just a warning um wander around i can go get some more things if we want with our learning points here i should probably pick up some lumberjacking sure i'll buy that one um i just basically just by doing things picking up pine cones or bark or sticks or whatever gives me these learning points as well as i can study things later on uh the world of power that's the name of one of those things we'll grab that one uh that's start one wasn't it we'll take some carpentry as well and i think it's probably uh maybe hearth magic maybe maybe some hunting these are pretty cheap uh every time i do stuff you'll see things lighting up over here because this is all new stuff that i'm learning as i as i get into this so we can now we now know how to like we can like survey land level to place out uh we can come in and we can build a hearth fire which is where we summon ourselves at we can travel to that hearth fire which we'll do in a minute um we've got a building we can make uh just because i've found new things i can make new walls and fences a round pole fence yeah it's very exciting there it is uh and i got that wicker basket and i also have a nice nice bid which i can make so far um but let's just run around here and grab some things i'm going to take some branches and write more to yeah so this used to be like a 2d thing i think they just changed it recently i remember people last time i was i was playing this were were very that that was the uh that was the topic of the knights was how it was 2d or not 2d anymore so anyway um after grass brushes against your feet touching them with dew and damp tickles my feet all right we gotta chop the stone out let's go do that uh here's the stone over here let's go get that oh berries let's go pick up some berries and the way the berries work um the food system there's a bunny over there food system's a little strange where we basically get skills by eating can i eat that kind of berry no it's not the berry i can eat i'm gonna throw it on the ground get that get out of here youtube bark what are you cones um i'm gonna put i can get all this stuff easily in time so top that on the ground and let's go and get this rock over here um what's another one we'll go get this one okay uh oh hello bunny can i get a bunny come here buddy come here why you gotta walk so fast okay bunny's too fast never mind uh and we get walk around we get experience points yeah yeah and we should get one here for walking away the bunny's coming back there he is he wants oh maybe we can chop up nope okay we'll go we'll go hack away at this stone here and we'll pick up a rock and then we'll make ourselves a uh an alabaster thing let's go with some crafting so i need to make a a tool we're gonna make an axe and a stone axe it is i can work that thing out funny skill let's pick up animals yeah i picked it up i got it uh he was just too fast if we find a squirrel though we'll we'll ring his neck what is that thing lily pad lotus interesting oh let me show the map um once you're like in the game it's it's ideal to not show the map because people can come out this is kind of a ruthless game because right now someone came up here and they wanted to ruin me maybe that bunny for instance they could come up and they could just like you know one shot me and be done for which just happens i guess um it's one of those kind of games so if you see like a thing out there that uh like a white dot coming towards you you go the other way this was what i have what if i have learned i really want to get that bunny i'm not going to be able to get him though he's too quick we're going to go i can't run anymore i'm too too uh i'm too tired to run uh can i pick anything oh right axe let's put it on my inventory let's go toss it on my don't look toss it on my um my love handle and um there we go we got a we got an axe on my bun i know where i don't know where i'm putting it but i'm putting it somewhere um i want to get some some birch is that not a birch is it we get a birch tree and get some birch bark if we can find one problem sure there's a birch around here somewhere is that a birch i don't think it is maybe it is looks a little white nope not merch i think they stand a little bit there's some uh some ants over there we're gonna leave those guys alone i don't think they're gonna hurt me just as long as i don't hurt them um let's just do a little bit of running around here we got to go wander around that's our goal anyway so we'll just wander and we'll um sort of explore yes you can build the game that's kind of the oh i didn't realize that was a i didn't realize that was a cliff that's kind of the point of the game is i guess you can you can go solo if if you want um oh hello squirrel hello squirrel i see you come back here squirrel i want to eat you come here squirrel where is moose hey come back all right well if anyone sees a bart's tree let me know i'm fixated on this squirrel which is where now there he is right there we got him trapped we got him trapped let's get him we're gonna run and we're gonna go get him come here squirrel got him i got him okay um look away this is a little heartless but i'm a naked guy out in the woods and there's scary folks around there's giant ants around you know times are tough okay okay let's flay that squirrel uh let's uh is that all i can do with this guy so far i can clean him up i i got the entrails out i got myself a nice a nice squirrel we got bones we got some raw squirrel yeah and i think i can make some things now right i can make a bone saw i need blowing material and i need some a tree bow which i can get right here behind me take a bow i'm sorry i'm sorry i apologize to the squirrel and the squirrel's family um i'm sorry okay uh let me go and make up this guy right here so he's gonna be uh we'll name the saw after him where'd you put that squirrel he's in the saw that's the name of my saw it's squirrel okay close that um i want to stop running around and let's go to my inventory here this one toss a saw on my other love handle there we go oh my hand i mean and we can make some planks where am i storing the salt that's the better question now did anyone see a what's this over here a quince that's a fruit right that's like a like a stone fruit you can show the squirrel's family what you made out of yeah they'd be honored that i that i named it after him i would think uh yeah let's eat let's eat there we go eat something that's one of my quests the lions eat something uh we can drink some water store stamina we'll do that in seconds um oh i actually haven't cons core what do i do with that strange music playing i remember music playing before um um let's see where is a i just want to find a birch tree so you can make a bag uh i think i don't know i have to tan that leather it's a pain it's like hours of work or whatever for that so we won't be doing that just yet all right if you see a white trunk let me know this is this birch it's very quiet i hear music there's a fox up ahead fruit cores are plucked for planting trees i don't know that's the kind of barker that i want get that out of here um i'm going to just get rid of all this stuff i'm going to hang onto these apples though because we got to eat them anyway to eventually restore energy until until healing by eating um we'll get there drop those and i don't know i'm gonna keep the entrails i don't know the point of it we'll find something hey master that's gone now is that a birch i just found a perch all right let's just go back to my quest what i was working on uh that was this one right yeah teleport back okay let's do that so i think it's what a h a h h okay and we point hey adam oh yeah happy easter right it is officially easter all right we're back at our our favorite spot keeping our bits warm and look what i see birch tree uh we're going to we can make up like a box that's no i'll show some more things here we've got i probably have the ability to make a few more things a furnace a fireplace i can make there's that wall i can make we make a fire a fireplace cook our food cook our squirrel up um we've got that's about it i guess right there so far anything else i can craft i can make i can roast the meat i can make some bone marrow i guess i've had two bones oh but i don't have two bones i got zero bones um i have i can make some bone glue strange i can make some toys i can make a a a cone cow right which is a a log and some sticks or no it's a pine cone and four sticks four branches and we can make a cone cow now basically doing all this stuff is really just a way of getting us some learning points which i probably should put some points into i got 1900 and dispense let's go squander some of these things i'll go up to five with exploration and i'll put a couple into survival i don't so these are mostly like early on you get the stuff this basically lets you see things on the map i think is how it works so we're gonna take those and i can probably grab a few more of these if i want i'll grab a hearth oh i can't get that one now tanning for our leather if we wanted to this is stone working i probably do want to get stone working i'll buy that one um now we can also find things and we can throw it into our study report i remember what exactly can go in there i think it tells you remember right throw it in there it's like and study like weird things out there in the world everybody needs a comb cow let's go get that birch bark remember that let's get it okay birch bark excellent excellent i would like to make i like to craft up me a uh just means like cup in some other language am i right about this okay so i have a cup now is this water fresh i don't know uh where's my map who knows but this big lake over here we are well we can see where we are that's an upside down squirrel but it's a giant map um and i i i think there's there's a website that like dedicated to everything this game i don't know what it is it may just be the main website where it's um like the full maps on there and people's locations and we may come across am i kind of too early for it but we come across places where it's like owned by a client or whatever you want to call it that's a big map that's that's like that's like nothing um so we got to think of water here and we can go and take a drink of it let's go ahead and have a sip and that restores our stamina and there we go we need a drink some water restore stamina i did i just didn't let me use my use up some stamina first let's go pick up some uh some of these berries some fruits what are we getting uh what do you get um white bean fruits okay you know one of these now the way the food works uh i was getting there and i got sidetracked food is over here so depending on what you eat i don't know how to tell which one does what but certain fruits are different things and and you based on what you eat there's a random roll to get what you attribute you get out of it makes sense uh and that's what i'm trying to do right now so we're gonna eat some things to get a stat increase ideally you eat a variety of things um but man i love these kinses they're delicious i suppose i could cook up this squirtle there we go so we've leveled up our food points uh the the efficacy of the eating only goes being hungry affects how effective those are and we got a point in will for eating those kinses okay that's how that works um let's go ahead and dump those all right um drink some water to store stamina let me just use some stamina up and then we'll do that let's go find something to squander some stamina on here we'll go get a rock so i'm going to use my my fists of fury here to just whack at this rock take that rock yeah raps included last time i played this i found someone like they had built a canoe and i i rolled around in the canoe for a while um okay so we got that one is that roy i didn't see him at all let's go chop a tree down in let's take out uh here this ugly guy right here chop that tree down there we go so now my stamina is going down we'll drink the water to restore that take that tree it's very sway that's more this came from tree oh he auto drinks that's right he does that you drink deep and greedily in full dank droughts as visions of mists and hold your dance within the theater of your mind's eye only rarely have you in hindsight ever felt this thirsty let me quench that thirst now leave you feeling unusually alive for the briefest moment the road ahead seems more clear okay um this tree is still okay let's go fill that cup up can i do that grab this guy and go over here don't get in the water fill it up hey francisco all right put that thing back all right uh actually let me stay here let me have another drink here and then we're gonna go yep back in the water fill it back up okay and i'm out we go uh the only question we have is restore energy until healing by eating you let me just eat a bunch of stuff okay what tree was it what were we working on was it this one let me get those berries what we got there juniper we can't eat those i don't know what we're supposed to do with most of these things i'm sure there's reasons for all of them uh but i don't know i can't i can't do this good can i yeah dump those things on the ground we'll cook up that squirrel a bit uh let me see if i can a lot of times you can tell if then something comes up because this will start blinking at me um i can make a dry stone fence now there's a fireplace we can always cook up that squirrel if we find a place to stay we'll do that i would like to let's get this tree chopped tree insulted me and i think he needs to go let's see if we can it may never happen oh there it goes excellent excellent hey you come here you're mine now all right let's go find ourselves a nice homies place or maybe slower aren't i um let's see we want to be near the water the water's good let's just find a place to kind of call home i think this little lotus thing going on everyone know what it is but it's exciting this little patch over here isn't too bad we got birds nearby we got rocks not the flattest i'm just saying that because i want to go anywhere else so we're gonna throw it on the ground here and carve this guy up uh let's get the sawing into boards there we go careful that saw there's dangly bits there just toss those right there uh keep going hey let's how's it going reminds me of cataclysm dda yeah you know cataclysm or or um project zomboid without the zombies you know that kind of stuff um so i believe oh i don't have a room to carry this stuff that's why it's given it to me let's just throw it on the ground we'll pick them up in a minute um yeah stop it stop it there we go we can carry one the other one's going to go in here yeah put them on the ground we'll let me board we get out of this thing uh let me go and i think i can now make i think can i make the thing now runestone i do have to know the like magic for it first the thing that lets people come in and uh join me i might need to go and you can help me out if you want yeah if you know um i probably need to go and learn something first which is going to be in here and it would go and let's learn uh oh harsh magic i think i want this one um i know i want that one anyway this is for for um he's clay blocks boards all right building a speaking for clay clay let's get that one done so we get the the dream thing going let's get what else anything in here mining no no no there's like you know there's caves we can go into and all that uh we'll save everything else i'm gonna go in here and grab a bit more survival too much um a lot of things you know stealth we can sneak into places that we don't belong we can we can sew like tanning uh and all of our stats are sort of based on those scores um like if we crash something or whatever um can you um it's gonna be a this is gonna be a painful operation by doing all this pick up on those boards every time you have to do that i was leaving there then um so let's go and find some clay can i get it from here i'd like to find some clay i should be clay out here in the world somewhere uh maybe maybe that might be it right there let me flag this spot this is where my boards are don't forget that okay um this is boards okay don't forget those boards let's go this way oh can i make a shovel though okay okay that's okay that's how you do it you get out of the water with a shovel right right right right so we're going bone glue this is for some cordage i want a not that a tool a uh a bucket i can make a poke a bucket or a flute with a bucket take two boards oh yeah i'll do that no in a minute pick up the board come on buddy pick up the board there we go we got one uh let me just throw this on the ground i keep my squirrel hiding that's important there you go and crafting those up okay i got a bucket hello um let's go use the bucket can i use the bucket in the water hello can you use this thing in here yeah you can that's a lot of water it must be oh what am i supposed to do with it i don't do it i just dropped it on the ground pick it up i lost my bucket oh well it's okay uh anyway uh okay let's go and see if we can find something over here i need to get uh boards also we can make boards actually real quick and then get that one out of the way let's go do that let's make a board that's not a board oh not boards oh blocks this guy back in that little stack right there and make a block okay done uh that unlocks a shovel okay so i need i need three blocks of wood and two boards we can do that drop that into blocks yeah we can do all kinds of things with the uh the terrain why are they green because it's because it's like oh because of that uh i'm gonna drop everything here for this all right we'll um i need a box i think i'm stuck there we go and you get out here too i'll drop my cup it's very important let's go and pick up some boards come on come on come on come on you can do it you can do it come on come on come on buddy come on buddy there you go there you go okay one shovel please okay uh i can put that on my body now right just have to replace something else so put it in place of the saw i guess put that in there oh it's two-handed all right let me go and let's go do some digging we'll get some clay why are we naked why and why not now can you come out here you can dig correct how do you do it take buddy dig buddy um get back over here let's go and it's under adventure survey land lay brick no no no i would like to dig there clay excellent okay now back over here so i have unlocked a few things hearth magic commune with nature we're not doing that stuff yes yet quell the beast no thanks let's build a wilderness beacon it takes a lot of things but do we do that first it probably would help some things along because then we have two people out here helping this out uh but we can make i don't want to make a lean to you do i tables and chairs and all that stuff put a sign out let's um yeah let's focus on this we'll get something done here put out our beacon okay so it needs 10 clay 10 stone 10 boards 20 blocks of wood could be other rather it can take a while one clay done let's go and uh just do a take a while here but we're gonna do it um let me put in my let's put the shovel away this here and uh and this there we'll go get some clay in a minute we're basically gonna go just grab all these things and toss them over we here um he goes over there we'll take a couple more come on come on there we go we toss them over here it's just a long process we can have a totem come on buddy click on the wrong button come on pick it up come on come on shift click right maybe we just hit build so just oh yeah there we go okay um let's go grab some more there you go now you're picking things up oh not that okay then this is what we do for the rest of the night uh build right it's have to be ill that's the army doesn't it come on pick it up pick it up pick it up pick it up pick it up wow it's finicky pick up the board there you go thanks buddy okay because they're used to bringing a player to your base yes i am planning on that because it'll help speed some things along maybe a bit of process though um so uh but it shouldn't take too long it's just gonna be a lot of walking around here i need to get some blocks made also those are quick so let's chop up our 10 blocks if we can toss those over there and get back to chop so what i'm thinking is we get these set up and then we'll have we'll be able to move along quite a bit faster i think we do this like a real easy way right because we can click on that and then just go like that we only need three more of these okay that's our tree okay i'm gonna dump my shovel off over here does this spill i hope not okay let's take let's build this is a massively multiplayer so this is the time to get into it now now is your chance to get into this game if this is early game everyone's on the same page there's no massive like giant empires around anymore only 20 of those all right this is one more block of wood and we'll pick up some more of these okay what's that stone that's easy enough to come by so i figure we'll do this and then we'll have another person here we'll come in and uh hopefully we can get some things moved along pretty quickly i didn't show at the start of this video but there is a place when you walk in there at the very beginning and there's like a um next little wizard read where you name yourself you can get a uh you can go to a beacon and put a password in and jump over here when you want 10 stone there's gonna wear me out but i got my water so i'm okay make the pants out of live live squirrels instead of nettles excellent are the hostile mobs yes uh every human if they if if they are a real person i would suggest you run away it's one of those games there's a lot of these games that are like this where i don't know i think the community in this game is is decent though where like that i don't know i could be wrong i mean there's a lot of folks which runner just kill whatever um i'm sure but it's it's a giant map for success so you're not gonna like you're likely not to run into anybody too often maybe when the game's like really popular there was a couple thousand people in here earlier that might maybe there was a good chance of running in someone then i don't know whoops okay so there's our ten we gotta get uh the blocks of wood which we can do one more tree and a bunch of clay we'll get it so let's go there's a lot was there a log around here somewhere yeah right over here let's go get that unless your early game you're going to get crunched yeah this um that's that's also another perk to starting to coming into the game now because everyone's on the same page as you right right um i think it was one of the devs that came by burns last time and uh they gave me they came by in a sled and they gave me yeah they gave me a fur coat all kinds of cool stuff yeah i remember that it was great over there by the way i'm i'm clicking the stuff and then right clicking turns it into um so you can just throw it around by left-clicking right-click switches over to the stockpile button that's how that works or we can just right click on this and then shift click over there uh our life is off yeah let's meet those okay and actually i should just pick these up shouldn't i okay let's build come on buddy okay and we need ten or nine more clay i got it i got it we got it we got it let's go and whip out the old shovel here and not push one button uh i want to uh this one this one take that out about the old shovel and it's it's clay time is it one each time there you go keep on digging buddy oh get more clay i can use the hot bar oh i probably can bone's all over there this guy yeah yeah there we go perfect dig some more come on buddy right grid based i remember that fish two four six eight nine that's all we need we need nine we'll take some for good measure all right come on buddy okay so i have a request if you come in here and you join me please don't kill me if you meet another player just throw clay at him right a portrait what do you mean he's a handsome fella all right so the way we do this thing is we put in an um a code it should be no no cream so if you're at the thing you can join me there we go so you go in there and you can spawn in next to me now that i've got some other things um uh restore energy until healing by eating i guess we'll go eat some things i don't even know i don't need to let's make a fire that's what it wants me to do let's build a i want a fireplace this takes rocks i think yep 10 stone let's go get us some stone beacons lit i think last time i think last time i streamed this i think it got mentioned on like the discord or something of of the game and so that's like the dev came in those books came in and was like just throwing all these good items at me that i didn't know to do with it was nice we need ten of these i think what said two four six eight yeah we'll get ten of these stones and we can make a fire and then fire lightning is difficult let's see if we can do it as we hammer away oh someone's here she's naked so that's not your spawn point um my spawn point i should i can move might over here too how do i see your name hello memorize what's that mean oh oh as a as a kin right right we could have like a whole client thing i forgot about that part um let's put my fireplace down i'm gonna build that there we go oh is that raccoos hey rakus how's it going good rocket you know what i know that you know what you're doing excellent and you won't stab well you may not stab me in the back i like it okay i'm gonna get some sticks i'm gonna go get so if i hit eight just switch it out it doesn't seem to switch it out can i put this like let's fight seven oh there we go okay uh and then and then six okay that works take some branches rockets is busy so that's only available one person can go through that fire so every time i throw another one of those beacons and so i'll try to get some i'll try to get some throwing up there though because if we can get a bunch of people out here we can get some things thrown up pretty quickly and i i'd like to see what we can get done uh in a short amount of time here let's go throw these sticks on this fire though i guess how you do it i don't remember i thought that was how you did it maybe you don't need kindling or something let's make it i'll just make a stockpiles here we go we'll just throw my sticks in here just make some piles okay i put my clay out too here we go okay um you know let's go let's go uh let's get another log it's kind of it's one cool thing about coming in later rather than right now right there's nothing the world is pretty much empty i'm sure there's some stuff that's been set up already but coming in later is you've all these these towns and we came across like a castle last time we played let's just go into the campfire that's what i tried to do wasn't working for me let me go get this uh go get this log here haul this thing on over and we'll take it back to our spot and chop it up in some blocks we'll slowly make our way over here so also when you see these things if it's like a green bright fire that means the person's online if it's dim they're not online toss that on the ground and you just oh you teleport back that's probably an easy way doing it isn't it uh yeah let's make some blocks throw this up on the ground here just hack this guy up i'm going to put my dream thing out did i i should do that let's go over here toss that on the ground uh let me go put these into we'll make another one of these guys let's go build a another wilderness beacon sort of line them up here okay um build wi-fi let's apartment what is this the dark ages um oh does it take from the pile next to it that's handy that i didn't realize well that's extra handy take that one and then we'll come back over here we'll make these into a pile right because that's how that worked because they're all i don't have any of them right now but we can go and we can build if i can click on it come on come on come on here we go yeah ah nice okay moving to another state wow big move okay we gotta pick up a few more of these guys if i can actually get them picked up come on pick them up painful putting these things next to their next to each other and i can't ever grab them there we go okay oh it wasn't right there not me the block okay i've got a pile of inventory yeah would have yeah hidden from my shovel it would have been wouldn't it okay um let's go make we got some get some planks so let's get some planks sawed up open oh there's something in the trunk oh i guess we can only do planks from chopping things down okay we'll do that uh it needs more rocks too doesn't it so let's go get some rocks i'll do that and we'll get a house i think we can get a house pretty early i need i don't know what it is uh yeah yeah yeah we'll be in a can how come i don't know your name yet like to contemplate hmm yeah yeah give me give me a good face bomb there you go there you go there you go okay back to work hey beemer yeah yeah just started well slayer you can either run around the giant map and try to find me which is unlikely or you wait until we get one of these these beacons built and only one person gets in per per thing so it's a while it takes a while but we'll get a few of these bills we can get some folks out here and get something built up cat gold oh yeah let's study that excellent i was looking for one of these things uh toss that in over here yeah okay so we it like takes time um but we gain we gain i guess we get 800 learning points out of it depending on how much time our intelligence is based on this we can study up to 10 units of whatever per fancy thing and it gives us bonus loading points essentially what's happening there i don't know what um i don't know what actually i really should go with what is the most important thing at the moment rage trespassing tanning yeah we can get that uh that squirrel skin all cooked up i think i'm gonna take this instead though i just want some exploration maybe just one exploration no i don't have enough for that a couple more survival or one more okay the rock all all hacked up uh let me go put them into here okay there's ten of those we'll toss the rocks into the your uh their pile here is that rocks did i have rock pile on it here we go okay and then what we got left we have those planks we got to get uh and clay so let's go get some clay if i six and seven doesn't go back no no all right so we have to move them okay put it on i don't know what i don't know don't ask me play time we'll get one more in here then i'm gonna go work on see if i can get a house i'm too tired to dig well then drink some water buddy there you go okay and let's uh let's dig i think i need to get to get that completed i think i have to uh use a campfire maybe he is smiling why do you have my name is that my clan name come on keep on grabbing that's eight nine there we go uh well i might as well grab it all while i'm out here shift dig digs all available tiles ah nice nice energy for hard labor you know what game over here and toss these actually let's go build that there we go okay 10 boards and we got it okay i'm going to chop a tree down i'm a little tired for this but it's okay uh let me put i guess i should get used to my these keybinds put that away and whip out the old those two and pick that up yeah let's pick that up for some running points then we're going to chop it for all name no one can assassinate the real one excellent thinking wrecker i like it i'm too tired to chop yeah yeah i gotta get more water i need another cup okay fill that guy up let's go ahead and take a drink hey andy did you get started did you get a lit oh you're leveling up oh oh the fire is lit excellent uh all right cook up my squirrel there he is on the ground there don't touch my squirrel rackets i should build a bucket instead but i can't i have to i can't put the bucket in my backpack um i need to make a there is a it's out of like bark or something you can make a backpack i should do that i'm too tired well then drink your dang water okay back back to work trust no one hooray the tree grew as it fell all right let's go lift this guy up come on come on come on lift that guy up a l there you go look strong yes toss this guy on over here kind of a cool lighting effect going on and let's saw oh yeah okay we'll just build this thing as we get it uh oh there's only three boards in that whole log what a worthless log thanks nook i'm gonna leave me a squirrel i'm getting kind of hungry are you a squirrel you're a tail are you a squirrel you're a hide where'd my squirrel go rockets you better not even eat my squirrel tail hide my squirrel um my squirrel's gone i gotta eat my squirrel there a squirrel in there oh i hit put out whoops i thought it i thought i thought it was whoops let's take a couple of these branches here why don't we uh and then we we can light it somehow i don't know go in there i thought they went in hmm i thought they went in there but um hey marmela how's it going all right you know what um i'll learn how to do a file later that's what he gets for taking my squirrel i know it was him let me go get my uh my drink i thought i said pull out like i was pulling the squirrel out of the fire you know that makes sense doesn't it yeah let's drink up let's go some more click this guy right click okay adventure menu adventure light fire craft i want to do i want to do this like i got it i got it because you have to like be quick with this right or like up here or something i don't know how to do it i know there's a thing if we get a thing we gotta click it in there somehow come on buddy right click on the fire when you're done got it wait why is there a okay ah burned out i failed i had it though i had i did the right way that's all that matters okay let's do it again we got it my hands need a little oil a little squeaky we gotta get a little tired don't get too tired i'm too tired to drill all right i need to oil my hands with that that squirrel oil uh click you right click link i should make some more of these that wasn't the birch tree around here wasn't there yeah that's this guy here you got some bark no um let's get let's do this uh well i don't have my squirrel anymore do i what's this over here is this my squirrel tree bark style stockpile no oh there's a log though i didn't realize that he put it there okay see i told you things be about all better once um once racket showed up okay well i got one i don't have room for these other ones no whenever you whenever you disappear you um you don't die you just you just log off so you can't be killed and then whenever you put down things we'll show this eventually we'll get to there um whenever you um i'm gonna try and say whenever you log off um you can you build things like like lean twos or whatever it's sort of it's marked as yours and so someone can't just come in and just swipe your stuff i guess they kind of can be if they have the skills for it just like be able to sneak in or something like that um but basically your stuff is safe if you're gone for the most part it's much squirrel hides there or put some squirrel tails over this way yeah yeah oh yeah okay uh let's go and finish this guy up okay and okay here it goes you need a place to sleep but your stuff will be vulnerable to a point right because you can have uh yeah um let's go and name it this is going to be okay excellent excellent uh and i want to build a house what's my next quest i want to build a house's yeah i can do it now a log cabin or a timber house 80 it takes 80 logs check the thing out though check it out though i want it i want it i want it it's a fat rabbit i want to be can i put it right there nice level terrain come on come on come on level out terrain i guess we can do it ourselves um come on come on come on all right let's let's go do some leveling i suppose move these see if we can squeeze it looks kind of flat here also a timber house which is a little cooler uh yeah who are you question mark who is that this game this game's been around forever here's the timber house can i put that one out that one's even cooler looking it takes what was that 120 uh blocks right and then 60 planks it's never gonna get built so let's just do this one because it um i'm assuming it's because it's because it is uh not level i'm assuming we can also come in here in the landscaping though uh where's that one at that's in is it an adventure landscaping great efficient landscaping projects when you want to flatten raise yeah just like we can like landscape like that um oh wait we want to go and we want to do that oh well cancel this one um remove okay no i keep doing it keep okay i got it i got it i got it landscape not how big it needs to be let's do that make it level you can like adjust how we want it i need soil um what if we go into like down oh i'm tired okay i need two soil to do this okay i got it i got it i got it uh let me move out the old uh little shovel i need to pay with stone yeah i'm kind of worried about that but at least we'll have a nice a nice flat spot if that's not the case hey all right go over happy easter um oh i do lack energy for that i guess i need to go eat something um all right let's go um let's go get a bite to eat real quick i got water i just need to get my energy bar up let's make a bed real quick also okay we'll set that out over here somewhere my nice thatch bed i'll go right right there this is where i sleep those bows ah nice okay so we can't sleep does that log us out it does okay i'm back all right um let's go get some um some berries i suppose let's just see if we can find something somewhere there i think can we eat those i don't know see austin cliff over here what is that over there um see really any berries around let's see if we can find some there's like little quest things also in the game i don't remember where we found one before i could just sort of stumble across these things eventually let's see if we can find something to eat though or a squirrel would be great i'll take some berries though what we got what kind of these holly berries can you eat holly no what do you do with holly hang it up for christmas more holly that stuff out is that another hollywood out there what is this holy land um i don't think i can eat you but i'm gonna take a look see what you are rowan berries yeah i can't eat you either uh cat tells me to pile like oh we can plant can i no i can actually oh yes we're in hollywood oh yes here we go here we go give me some yeah some rose hips or some sort of hips is holly poisonous is it i don't know throw that dog dog rose that's what these are um throw that one on i want to eat and i believe is that going to give me so i'm at 43.71 does that give me energy yeah slowly but it's giving me some i can catch that squirrel again it'll be nice oh we got one more down here pick that one up let's eat that guy okay feeling a little better these are two different ones aren't they what are you holly okay what are you you are sea berries oh yeah yeah okay i'll take some sea berries i see berries i eat them i apologize what was that uh yeah yeah more more of these hip guys uh so now we're at we're you know our hunger level still whatever but we're we're getting some variety i think that's kind of nice it should be in stats here as well once this thing levels up we'll get more stats which is always good you know i mean you know grind your way through this kind of thing okay was there any more in here i dropped one didn't i yeah eat it up okay feeling a little better i don't know how to get uh most of my energy back everybody eating something good there's the ol um the old home see if i can get so i want to get i need the dirt which uh i can do i guess i could use a shovel for that couldn't i it's fine this thing comes out like if you like lay dirt like in the ground somewhere you come back a little while later and there will be like a mound there there's a divot there now it's kind of neat make it level there you go okay so now it's level done yeah okay now remove it it's very level now uh i'm guessing we're gonna have to have something other yeah we're gonna have to yeah yep yep it's gonna want some sort of foundation which was uh i saw it didn't i this is houses and buildings i guess i didn't i thought i saw it i guess not gonna have a nice chair nice rustic chair another one of these beacons out someone else wants to come in okay um what are you oh yeah look at all those uh i wish i could just pick the stockpile of them can i do that just pick this thing up and just move it like over here and just move it like a little bit closer i should put this thing next to it exit there and can i uh can i just easily do this i can't both of them done can i nope oh can i that goes back into that one okay well is a nice thought i guess i guess we can kind of because we can right click yeah yeah not too bad um okay now let's build okay leaves of some homily species are used by some cultures to make daily tea interesting okay fill that so we got our blocks in there we gotta get planks and some dirt and all that stuff um yeah we'll finish off this guy i should get some pants that's my next goal pants what's it there it is lace stone oh you know we could probably do it that way let's survey oh you know what i knew i saw it somewhere light stone how how big is this thing not maybe bigger than that is it selected terrain why hmm what about bricks i select the terrain i can't why hmm pick up all that stuff come on pick up those rocks there buddy [Music] uh what are you picking at what's up with that i'll take some bark i'll take anyone just kind of bark i don't want a uh there's cones there we don't care about that so much but we'll put the sticks down um there might be another tool yeah that could be it i don't know what though i'm not sure i'm sure someone knows what they're doing let's go and you know let's go light my fire i started doing this and i got sidetracked let's take this fly to fire we can do it okay we got we got energy we're good we're ready to go the zelda tune yeah come on fire you can do it huh i did it okay okay uh open hey uh can i put uh squirrel tail in there no hey look i lit a fire look at me i'm so proud i'll take i'll eat blueberry ah excellent strength plus one good it's more of that i don't know the quest we can we can do that without not going so what else can we do here that's all i got so far all right nope [Music] okay let's go we'll put this back down right over there [Music] give me back my height oh well okay leave that back that back um is this bark what i just do with my axe i just dropped it i think i got it okay can i wear the squirrel tail i don't know no look at my eyes i'm hideous over here is this uh is this on its way oh yeah it is just needs some clay oh i got it i know i do clay i'm on it okay and we we learned something last time because i can come in here and i can dump these grab the old shovel and shift click and we just we just dig until we can't dig anymore nope nope nope ctrl click shift click is just the move thing shift right click uh a d and then adventure dig shift click okay okay yeah hammer hang on the tool belt that's right that's right okay we're at a race we gotta we gotta bait beat uh and meal over there okay okay all right we got it we got it we got it oh he beat us all right uh this one what are we going to name it um this one's going to be called uh jimmy oh jimmy with a lowercase why aren't you getting caps locked lowercase j capital if that matters capitalize everything else okay so uh in here when i throw all this stuff i'm sure this ash will probably come in pretty handy later on so i'm going to just throw it down big pile of hash um let's throw out the um that one right click there you can adjust the ui scale and the options oh you know max ui upscale go okay what's that bone over there um i would like i think i'm gonna go see if we can grab some more stuff let's just go a bit of exploration mission let's get a drink here before we go out we'll come over here we'll fill it up and we're on a bit of a journey let's see if we can just i'm gonna go kind of picking some things just just to get some more uh the more pick up some more stuff basically because i want uh so many things this guy over here we can't we can find like some stinging nettle i think it allows us to make some pants and things uh actually i think i can make some shoes can't i it's a craft i'm gonna craft some clothes i can make i can make yeah some clogs out of what out of out of two blocks of wood oh hey wait wait wait a minute uh i'll do it right now well put that thing away let's make some shoes just need two of them okay whip up some shoes here real quick yeah we got third person in here excellent okay so let me go throw that there and now check it out i got shoes they're open in the back let's keep my keeps my heels nice and cool so build a house you have to you have to plow the land okay that's my quest it's house building time i'm going back over there hop down buddy okay simple you call this simple you see how i'm hanging these bits off my um bits what is all this someone's crafty roast squirrel is that my squirrel oh hey stinging little petals look everyone's better than this than i am uh we can go in we can go to uh apply i don't know if i can do that though i didn't see that option he said adventure and then dig destroy light fire repair landscaping but i can't plow anything i can survey a couple squirrels who is that who are you with crazy hair yes mine i don't know how to uh i want what's bandy hi uh memorize so we um add adkin no i don't know how that works how do we do this yeah said it a hearth secret i don't know kill him um i don't know invite oh my party oh oh okay i don't even know your name um it's bandy display yeah we don't know the name yet though wolf to the south we don't go south all right uh i'm on my own again bye question mark oh hey look at that those are stinging nettles aren't they let's run up oh wait to the south there's there was wolves watch out for that i have tips making uh right click them gain and select make kin that it oh oh hey matchless okay well that was easy why was it so hard before why am i so bad at games let's go explore a little bit uh oh look holly berries of course they're holly berries what else would they be uh get rid of these things there we go hey masterless mesmeth was it you last time that was running around trying to find us for like the whole night i realized that as i started walking that i was heading south i didn't want to say anything but yeah i fixed my i fixed it don't worry uh is this can i get this bush pick some seeds yeah yeah let's do that i'm just gonna go on a bit of a journey and see if we can pick some stuff up like that and gain some new things we got some gourse gourds what we got over here cherries mmm tasty white cherries bird cherries i guess we don't need those more cherries over there more bird cherries anybody scary over here looks like it's okay maybe we can hop up here just fine we got them legs hop up here yeah there we go okay we're going on our journey we got our location is marked so it's okay let's go do some exploring and see what we can find out here probably die but that's okay hang in that bush just chop that bush no thanks pick some cones sure sure i like a good cone especially when there's ice cream involved mog myrtle bog myrtle cones what's this guy this guy's cool looking where are you just regular old bark regular old branches yep am i heading south again no oh i am do that okay what kind of berries are you oh look holly berries i found the land of the holly berry hollywood that's my joke taking it because wolves are south we don't want to go south because they're scary very scary wolves so we're going to start angling our way this way and there's a ledge here let's pop on down wink we should get quests kind of pop up along the way any more of those cherries oh oh i like those those are tasty uh my let's take a look at my stats here i have how many points do i have to spend i got a bunch uh let's go put survival i don't know what the order for this is i just know explore exploration's important i'll buy that to get that up this is of course working correct i think it's just it just sort of takes time if i remember correctly and uh yeah let's eat some of these maybe we should go plant some kids things but you know let's go do that i'll level up a little bit while i'm at i gain another wheel more water over here let's go back let's go back home where was that at back this way come on buddy jump on up we can just hit uh like shift click control click click yeah and we just walk farming abilities needed to plow land for building okay i missed that one sorry i missed that comment before gotcha another ledge hop on down come on come on hop on down i guess we could just we could just port back i'm going to be lazy about it what is that that is ooh a bore a bore and something else that's one of these wind things which speeds us up stay away from scary boar i will however where's my uh where's my house at that way there he is stay away from that guy a bit of a speed boost here and away we go got the same bores or two of them oh there's two of them stay away from the boars come on easy there buddy uh it's not on steam now i don't i don't imagine it will be i mean maybe one of these days what are you doing up there okay hey jackie happy easter yeah pants are for chumps look at that fancy house looking pretty nice over here looking real nice what where'd you get that oh i gotta have a hat make another one okay um we need some more stone and some of those uh oh i supposed to plant these things let's go plant um i'm saying i'll need a shovel we'll figure that out i'm probably farming let me go learn some farming real quick i would like the farming skill which is right there which i cannot buy uh fishing with ice as well rage is three thousand thirty thousand i can't get any of these yet we'll see if i'm allowed to do this yet i'd like to uh plant nope not like that plant tree shovel equipped okay i can do that uh hey thanks gordon thank you very much gordon you made it just in time but for the other stream we're gonna do the the channel monthly match so you'll be in there just don't let me forget um i okay let's won't this guy how are we gonna plant the tree yeah we can excellent yeah get to planting buddy who needs clothes man takes a long time to dig a tree a lot of work hey wort i need um i need to find a way to uh to get some uh that hat pick this guy up pick it up come on buddy here we go we got a tree let's do it again okay that guy plants that tree look at the hat that's even better than my the other one um oh you're gonna give it to me oh man rakus you're my new hero racket you were always my hero but now now even more so where'd the hat go why did it disappear wait why was it that wait wait what look at that no it doesn't it doesn't belong what do you mean i never mind racket i take it all back i take it all back so by the way if i didn't mention this before i think i did this is one of those games where like if you get into it you're you're into it for for days or months uh a long time and yeah we're all in line here check out those fancy trees though oh another another hat oh yeah a spruce cap wow yeah oh look at that excellent excellent well it's my craft um what uh what dice bone material and 20 ashes for one dice that's kind of cool oh yeah a cone cone cow i want to get that give me a cone thanks thanks eunice thought so does this count as a a cone cow i need uh i need yeah that works a conifer cone are you a conifer you're a conifer i need four branches which we can probably get from this guy the hat is real nice i agree oh excellent another beacon perfect what was the uh what's the password for it okay so there we go we've got um one cone cow correct yes what do i do with it the learning point thing so let's go throw it in the old learning point thing study that guy um one one mental weight we'll take it how do i am i is this just sort of happening is that how that work that works oh oh wait you already said yeah yeah i studied that one okay okay oh i'm a little yet okay i know yeah that score how much you can study is all based on your intelligence score i did i did see that there's uh there's a youtube rather called ma dry bread is the name and they do a lot of heaven and hearth and doing some tutorials which wasn't what i watched uh what's a good name for this one this one is uh is a blaster bomb one word capital b's okay um i would like to go i have a drink first i'm gonna toss you guys into a pile you can build boats yes toss those guys over there can the cone go in there of course not um toss on the ground here somewhere these branches can go in the branch pile there we go right here's here hello red hair yeah my dry breath at them hey christian has gone um let's see if i've learned anything new here that we can make a merk wood offering that's exciting i don't know what that does uh my oh my completely forgot my my dream thing i gotta make my dream thing how do we do that uh fortnite cutlery plates no thanks let's go do uh yes um not emotes hearthmagic i need to put in that uh the uh the dream thing i don't even know how to do that one okay how do i get the i don't know if they're still active or not um i don't know hey doggy dream catcher that's the one yeah yeah yeah what fancy sign we put out tap root that does it for me do i want to eat it i don't think so nope so i gotta go find a taproot um oh i think i think uh right okay i haven't done any of that so that's going to be in uh we'll craft and then we can make a um this guy right some bark cordage i see some water and some bark toss this guy back in here i have to go get a um an axe on the ground i probably get um that bucket though right um yeah you get more points for exploration okay okay okay we'll go make another cup so i can make sure we have enough cups around because i got a couple of those i want a couple of those actually i can make a wooden cup that way does that hold more is that better than my this guy i don't know go there we'll fill this guy on up oh let's go ahead and take a drink okay okay fill her up and this one as well okay so we should be able to make some cordage now right because it was two i need two tough bark which i've got bark does that work i have all the ingredients i don't have all the what do i need a bucket 10 maybe i need a bucket [Music] um my flute there's my boots and my buckets here a couple boards for that okay let's go get one of those and we'll just set it on the ground so because i like i don't have to carry around with me um over here can i just i can just stand next to this correct we can just make this uh this bucket no somewhere yeah somewhere there's a bucket i don't know where it is though um okay bucket oh and now i did it okay put those back pick up the bucket okay oh hey gothic biscuits i see your name now it's this guy in the ocean and then we can go and oh i did it again i put it on the ground i picked the thing i did it again i just want to put i don't know how to walk with it look at my hands i did it again okay okay okay i got this i got this this time i got it this time now now we got it and i'm not gonna put it down how do i do this so i click this see emilyn i fill it up okay it's filled up i can't put it in my pockets how do i move with it if i click it's going to go on the ground what do i do no i click the x why can't i i don't i don't know how to do it [Laughter] that's it put it in oh i put it i carried around like my shovel that makes sense we don't have any boards left because i use them all okay we got a couple more okay last one hey thanks merrick thank you very much okay just just just in time merrick all right here we go ready okay okay i'm gonna get all prepared for this and be careful for you click this game's dangerous shovel there we're gonna take this guy bloop and into the hand yeah oh yeah okay okay okay and then the bucket is going to go on the ground um i need like a barrel we need to make a barrel um so let's go and um put the bucket carefully on the ground yeah yeah okay we got it we got it and now we're going to go and do the job of making the oh that was tools was it tools no it was in this one this guy what do you mean it doesn't count as tough bark okay okay it's okay it's okay what's in here what is this tree bark i have some more oh hey look at that tanning you know i knew bringing these people in here would be a good idea almost like they know what i'm what they're doing are we trying to make a drying frame yeah you need two string oh don't ask me to do that that's one thing i can do hardwood it must be something like this guy's gotta be that seems pretty that seems pretty tough like an oak or something oh these are actually i actually i'm gonna act like i knew that was gonna happen obviously that's that's tough mark okay so let's make up some bark cordage um i have the water but we can go stand by the bucket if we want to i don't think i should fill that bucket anymore this should not be my job the fire's not my job the bucket's not my job okay okay string okay we got some string let's go stash it on in here let's go be productive um i want it to go i want to go oh nothing with this one this one here toss that guy in there right yeah okay one more of those and we got it where's those those funny trees that guy's already got we already got the bark off that guy um who else has some tough bark this is the best part i'm good at this part which trees have tough bark ass nook he knows okay yes he does know excellent um we'll get you another um we'll we'll get we'll we'll get a few more of those potatoes built so we can get some more people out here so an intrepidation comes over you as you stand here by the edge between two lands waiting to cross yeah i'm excited oh craft it up okay build it up there we go excellent excellent okay um yeah i'll throw what is that oh that stone i'll throw another one one of these beacons out which we can get done eventually roasting spit okay we've unlocked uh oh sax uh birch bark backpack okay so i got six six birch bark and two string needed for that thing okay that is a quest we want that for sure um i do also want to get a what is that oh there it is right there this is another world and speaking we'll throw this guy in right there those are there so i might as well put it there with my fancy hat cullen okay i need some planks we need some stone which we got stone which is right over nope no stone uh we'll chip this guy away can i make something better than my hands for chipping really any new tools yet uh what new toy do i have oh a primitive doll that seems pretty good that's this bit the um there's the hat which i now know how to do um let's go make and make a better x no so let's make um that's all we got really gildings bark reinforcement oh for my body okay okay i'm good with that um we got only three stones out of that okay we gotta get more clay and all that stuff sticks there i'll go get me some clay here i got that figured out yes gothic biscuits cobblestone so we want to go a d shift click okay we dig we just need ten of these it's pretty easy to come by now we're gonna run out and even get that backpack we know how to make the chords now we gotta go find some bark uh some bird spark i think that's kind of how all my live streams go uh christian you just see come in you see a guy with a fantastic hat do you mean real life or the or the guy in the game either one i accept i'm short one okay back to digging we've unlocked something else will we unlock oh dreamcatcher excellent uh yeah i need one of those stash this guy here on the hill this needs four of those and some more string we got a lot of string here finish this guy up and we'll make a uh these piles over here uh fine put it to go this way you know what buddy there you go oh yeah yeah you have to see the truck where's the tricorn that's up there the trackhorn has been has hasn't made an appearance in a while um let's see what else um let's finish this thing up so we've got the clay we need to get more planks which i think i saw is that match let's walk in this thing over here yeah i will uh just assist with this this guy bring it on over here okay put it down right there and get to work um making it into some boards which means a lot of boards anyway so we'll work on that down there and drop the bark off i guess that bark uh wrong kind of bark okay now board time okay let's probably get my fire around here somewhere gothic biscuits is that like i think they have like like pointy tops what a gothic biscuit is or they just like lots of eyeshadow hey hank how's it going don't chop your wang thanks god thanks kaiser helpful advice okay that's a lot of a lot of boards you can color people's chat fancy um let's put that be real nice close enough for this i guess i wonder if we can do this well which is okay it's fine by the time i figured out how to get this no pile and built over there it'd take forever so let's finish this thing up i think i actually have enough okay there we go all done we need some more stones which apparently it doesn't like what's wrong with those stones is it because they're a different kind of stone does that matter nice okay we just need uh one more stone we got is there stone lane right here somewhere there must be one some here somewhere around here can i pick the rocks up and carry them around like they're doing with these logs but can i go and lift this rock or this rock this rock this rock yeah i can good thing i got that um got that hat just to cushion it menacing with spikes of black icing yes that's that's that would be a gothic biscuit maybe there's some gargoyles on it toss this guy down over here i just need wrong rock one rock okay last one is or not last one but another one is up uh this is going to be password of goats exclamation point all right um i guess i can organize this that's fine it's fine someone else can do that let's go what do i have unlocked well we know that one's unlocked and we saw this we saw the doll anything else over here right i want to get that done but that requires a string we need a lot of string basically let's go and grab i'm gonna get this done we need six birch bark and two string which is a lot of birch bark so let's go on a birch bark hunt no one's gonna stream snipe me when i got my uh i got my clan with me we'll be fine a lot of folks said that last time and uh i guess it's a thing but whatever uh do i ever pick one of these catkins i didn't i guess okay oh what's this uh do i need to bark i need birch bark not tree bark right oh is it oh again look at that okay thanks perfect oh you got more oh man rakuth i take it back rack if you're a hero again two nooks not enough oh we got string as well excellent are those little trees i planted i think maybe do we have a new one in here yet yes um this um food in there uh i can take the uh the the tap root i can turn into that it is it turns into a string how was i doing before what was i making out of before was um all right barking water okay so we can whip up a backpack now eh i would like to craft one backpack please okay um put that thing on there we go it gives us a whole four spaces what a backpack it is okay uh i didn't use all those temperatures oh it took him out of the thing to make him okay uh put those in there i don't know go over there let's fill up the old water bottle there we go okay now i gotta build my um did i put my dream catcher out did i my dream catcher which was somewhere around here uh oh a lean too i do want to lean to yes if i don't get a house at least i get a lean to it right here by the way the ocean so i can sit and just uh look at the world or whatever like yeah right there nope can i put it right there i can't okay um how do you rotate come in other way no i want you to go like where you were at the other way i don't know how to rotate i want it facing the water would be like that there we go right there well i know but just put it out there and i'll come get it okay what okay fine let's grab whatever these we need we needed uh five or four over here shift wheel ah look at that oh you can put it on an angle oh yeah i like that uh you know what maybe we should kind of face the fire just because it's you know okay toss that bark back on there let's go get some bows maybe a big pile of them around here did i pick one goat exclamation point yep let's see if i can find a bow over here oh here we go it's a whole pile of bows well two anyway okay over here let's go and do this do we need two string which we can do because we're going to go steal the ones that rocket had placed over here spiderweb itsy bitsy's web cow okay i have a home now uh i don't remember what to do with this but you can like uh so this is like my resting spot right and and i can claim it or something and so if i go away i can put my um my boxes there my crates there so they don't get stolen you know or whatever um yeah something like that okay i need to put my um my bed in there that's it right there there we go oh yeah i want my bed to be right there come on come on buddy that's good enough there we go good enough good enough i'm gonna go won't let me in uh can i change it maybe oh did i capitalize the g okay change it now hopefully the exclamation point didn't ruin anything um all right so uh drying frame put some fences out yes it's a house that i really want to get out but i need to learn how to do it first uh i may have some points to spend here i got a little bit oh we've already used that one up um somebody said that i needed farming to do is that what you said before farming to uh like plow the lands hmm there's a way of resetting this thing if there is i don't know how to do it oh there's a floor there yeah i don't know let's inspect that hmm [Music] i don't know yeah i don't know how to do it if i destroy it does it um do we get our stuff back plans for the floor that's what that is it always go away it does doesn't it well bummer oh you gotta you got pants all right we'll try it again i'll i will not put exclamation points in this time we'll set it a little bit further away here also we'll put it over here pick up these guys pretty quick now though the first one took a long time but now that we've got people here pretty quick okay get all this stuff here done eventually uh hello cow wow you walk strangely your hair i got some orak hair toss it in the old uh the old bin here look at that bucket of water in there you know what i should make uh is a nice like barrel i know they're possible i don't know how to do it i really want to have a house though ultimate goal here no okay i won't do it anymore then oh look at look at plow in the fields neat this is what i missed playing the game before because last time we walked in and um it was all pretty built and all that stuff i missed this whole the whole uh starting from scratch building everything i think it's fascinating what is that what are you a frog um i'm gonna take a frog i'm gonna get you take that frog uh what do i do with them i just have a frog now i can't do anything with them okay i have a frog now he's mine uh oh yeah i probably should drink here food one of the crates if anyone needs it okay i'll put the uh frog in here there you go buddy you live there now i could use a sizzling rose squirrel i think uh once we get more there that'll be that'll be good but it's nice nice variety there though um i'm gonna get farming oh i can get it now let's buy it okay so that has unlocked a trellis okay and a kern i can make now make a plow which we saw brackets doing over there cool cool if i click on it will it go away there's this doll we can make offering interesting how's this thing working again can we like inspect it oh yeah i can now plant grass and i can stomp to dirt and hand plow uh i want to inspect this all right if i lift it up will it do me again all right well anyway um clay it is which i think and meals on it cool very cool is what bones 11 bones uh i'm going to take a couple of those because i can i want to make a couple bone things what were they it was bone blue of course which is which i think was like 10 bone or something there's a wooden cup we can make we've got some wooden cutlery we can we can uh whip up real quick no thanks plates click off the screen there was um right the gildings we got to make as well we'll get there in a second i'm hacked my flute which takes what two bones make it okay what do we do with it play flute play use it [Music] um that is [Laughter] oh man it's too slow [Music] [Laughter] [Music] okay [Music] do there we go oh to joy okay done it's the only song i know on a piano and it's you know questionable if i do it okay put that away that's fantastic okay this just went from best from good game to best game ever made all of a sudden okay enter name we're gonna do nook okay nice and easy like that fire okay look at that that's fancy it's all neat man rock racquets knows what he's doing it's already flat though is that okay i don't want to judge your uh your building here or anything it's a little crooked though um not flat enough i don't say anything oh who we got is gregorius here hey what about some pants okay let's go uh is this my dream catcher just someone else's okay so i think it's someone else's i never made mine um let's see i don't know this thing um it was in somewhere it's in uh like magic stuff nope nope nope if we take we go like go tame that beast i don't remember where this thing was dreamcatcher so it gives you you basically just gives you a resource and you use that resource to like move your hearth thing for instance that's plenty of dreams yet okay anyone go grab the dreams is that how that works zone you can um like i think you can like come out here and like oh i go to a rock and do this right i think that's how that works we just walk up to a rock and we can chip away at it make it a and right into it yeah yeah make a room stone here just because it's cool to ah nice now uh what should i mark um oh man what should he do um oh this is a big moment um um i don't know no exclamation points that ruins everything there it is look i got i use the red ink can i do it on the other side too oh there it is nice excellent someone's gonna been busy over here look at that that's a big tree all right i'm knocking over the dinky one notch trees and there's three of them over here let me go haul so let me do something productive for the the town here move this thing over here oh where's where's the new guy at you should probably um invite them or whatever that log over here i'd like to go fishing i'd like to build a boat we're gonna get it oh let's get a house built okay i don't know backspace a l let's do it hello cow we should tame that cow and have him live here robot requires bone glue and that was 10 glu or 10 bones is that right that's a lot of bones although 10 bones i guess isn't really a lot of bones most animals have more than 10 bones unless i checked anyway who is that who are you uh you might no not that one um how do i do the yeah it's like it's not there now how do i put you uh so that's just kind of chance uh mris i don't know how to do that ten bones plus a cauldron yeah i don't know how to do that hi so we just like walk up to him and it just happens hey jill okay let's go this way grab that log being productive remember oh memorize then do it again and make kim got it oh hey there it is look look we've got we've got the beginnings of a house a nice what we need for this thing it's a house thing or as a survey that's a survey thing okay we need lots of stones i'm guessing what was it it was it was lots and lots of logs mostly i'm assuming there's some stones though so i'm gonna grab some stones over here if i can pick this one up here yeah come in this one too big looks like it um that one that's too big all right i'll chop it a bit i probably not gotten this yet because i haven't damaged yet but i've been eating got his backpack now we can stuff all kinds of stuff into it by all kinds i mean four more things top is that small enough now probably probably small if we can grab that one yeah all right lug the thing over here acting like we're busy we'll go get a drink because we're running a little low on stamina here i guess i toss them over there well we'll leave it only there this is where the house construction is going to be so we'll throw in uh i want to go inventory and toss oh let me get out of this jail chat um let's go there and toss some stones out over here nice to have a drink okay back to chipping jill's got that that elvis hair check that out what you doing there just you just showing off your strength i'll probably get a lot of planks here too so i'm going to go in and start i'll start planking this stuff up in a minute here we'll get this rock taken care of there it is looks nice rackets nope almost there tell us what's needed rocket we will make it um okay chip away at that anyone else want in if um we get to work on another um totem if someone else wants in that was that's not you grubery is it you still looking to get in i think my chat oh you okay my chat just got just caught up hey finister happy holidays happy easter oh genius are you uh are you are you just wandering around the world oh i found some more cat gold excellent my favorite kind of gold meows when you uh wear it i have a joke there but i don't know where it went okay let's throw the cat gold in there oh i can only tell you one that's kind of dumb i guess it makes sense though uh here if anyone else wants one might i guess but we'll throw it over here here you go anyone want some cat gold there's some on the ground here there you go okay okay there's those man um chat is just like very confused um i'm gonna hang out here and twitch for a bit because youtube chat is very confused for me there you go there was another rock up here right yeah chip away at that one you forgot to make a pic or something so we've got yeah we'll get we'll just bring this in when it's smaller enough we'll carry it we'll carry it over there um i'll see like another one of these totems done too we should have the stuff for it to be pretty easy to get going in fact oh is there one over there oh look at that you guys are quick especially when we will we have this thing at the same time mac i'll show the map yes there you go so we are here i haven't really explored a whole lot there's a lily pad lotus nearby though if that's what you're if that helps anything fill this thing up and we'll grab it still too big there we go well let you have it okay so that'll go there i'll go like this beacon here and we'll do this this is going to be um oh uh oh is it caps locks now um what's the name of this one is this another one oh it is uh it just needs boards okay let's get the board making oh my flute get somebody in here already excellent nice hair right there ah there there all right just put on the ground okay i need uh what we need four more stones which are using that for everything is this done yet more stone is that my starting fire it is isn't it i'm this close to my starting fire i didn't realize what that was um i guess i yeah because i went in i i can't move that can't i have to actually build it um i poured it back and then yeah look at that okay let's go find a stone over here where's all the rocks these are small enough to grab does it matter if it's a different kind of stone maybe that one up oh this one over here no all right hack away we now we will lumber i might give me some points here what we got what are we at we got 158 which is very much um how much for any of this stuff um i need some more exploration exploration but 700 points for that a little ways before we get there i learn how to fight might be useful i think there's gonna be a lot oh you pottery i guess i'll make a like a barrel like a um it's for a kiln what was that 200 one sewing it could be useful to have fishing 200 yeah i'm gonna save up for those normal stone unless we need more wilderness because yeah we're gonna finish this one up we'll get this volume speaking done you know okay let's work smaller see if i can haul it in there too tired oh let's uh oh any more water okay drink up don't lose the cup hey zachary how's it going drink up i think it's still too big to carry so we'll chip it away uh your links your links didn't uh get shared okay so we will bring this in i'm kind of curious with that before i quit tonight i'm going to go look at that lily pad lotus because i want to see what that thing is i knew it's going to happen as soon as i started streaming this i knew i was going to get like lost into this game i was going to be here a lot longer this is like into stream time but we'll keep going we also we'll we'll finish off the night with uh with the death match um but for now yeah chill too big okay i'll just run these back real quick back home here and um i'll stick here for a while well at least get the house done i can't toss these rocks on down which i assumed would be done by the time i got back okay let's go light it um we'll just do nook this one you need um some uh some boards assuming boards would be like what 80 of those 120 something like that a lot of those i saw some logs out here somewhere they already get hauled in i think so um i can try chopping the tree down it's gonna take me a little while let's just get over here by the water let's fill up our water bottle drink it and fill up again okay and i'm going to throw i need more room here i'm going to put my shovel on the ground and this could go awesome chop this guy down uh yeah there should be a link in the in the description for the game uh cat gold me alchemy you know i can really use i could use pants that's what i could use when we get pants instruments tools so i can only make boots i can make some gildings i guess we could we could go for that right we just need a uh a bark and a string let's go make one of those after i grab this guy though okay metal pants right right with nettles i haven't seen nettles around here though okay and board away ooh points actually look at some of the pictures of the old everyone talks about how this was 2d and how it's changed so much i have to go look at some of the old 2d pictures of it it's kind of funny because this game so i i found this game a long time ago a few years ago anyway and i remember i found it and i remember thinking that'd be a perfect game to play for free games month this is like three years ago four years ago and and i i forgot what the name of the game was and i remember looking forever trying to find this game and i could not remember the name of it so it took me like another two or three years i finally found it last year i played it for the first time last year or for the first time on stream last year um and i think it changed did it change names though did it used to be called something like like maybe it was just haven or something before i think something changed a little bit haven't heard 10 years ago too all right hayfin yeah with an f yeah that sounds familiar but it's not familiar that was it so houses are very cool at least i think they are i don't know if i've seen these tiny houses before but when i went around before it was very cool are we at here oh we're getting there we're getting there we're getting there put those in there but it's right here almost there almost there two more ah nice hooray excellent oh that's cool oh nice it's so tiny oh yeah where's my emote um rowdy dance rowdy dance yeah there we go excellent get out the flu oh yeah the flute of course of course oh my shovel i forgot my shovel we'll have to go get that the flute in come on get rid of those time to play some tunes okay um i i do it again uh yeah there we go i can't click them i have to use a keyboard for this [Music] okay i'm sorry it's just better because uh everyone's dancing like this oh emil you missed it you missed it oh man yep yep clap buddy clap yeah yeah no go for a smooch uh i want to kiss somebody oh there we go um oh man in this game oh man can we build um can we build downstairs and upstairs or does that just have to do with the kind of house the size of the house that you build at first how does that work um because i know they're in there um i don't know how to do them uh so we can try to go we can go fish or we can go um i don't know what's next sewing sewing might be nice let's get some sewing sales are another thing you can build you need a pickaxe nice my dude looks naked my dude is naked so upstairs is a house type but sellers are are not okay okay look at all those racks we got over here oh look at this oh here we go we got a couple beacons here what was that one's name is it just nook if anyone else wants in we'll do uh nook again look look ryum for this one so nook and nook i'm feeling in here no dreams there yet um so i got sewing what did i get for that i'm gonna hat there we've got oh right the gildings and some bone pins uh was there some bones laying around here genesis go when you go at the very beginning at the very start wishbone here um to the left of the guy that asks you what your name is there's a beacon that you can type in no chronogram and it'll take you here i know emil has pants i'm very jealous uh we did need some bark what kind of bark was it for those for this reinforcement just regular bark and a string i'm not sure what this thing is it's like a shield as gilding so give me just one and a string with that thing up i'm not sure if you can jump i think do you have to jump in from the start to get there i think that's how it works what is this thing what is this combat can i put it in my hands so like go on is it like oh it's gilding as in it goes on my pants or whatever or my armor that i build it's a strange thing that um would go on afterwards oh i see the chair okay uh oh yeah it is kind of like one hour one life you're right yeah okay let's uh let's grab a bite to eat i will have a roasted chin when i sit can i put my chicken on the table is that what i want to do feast ah nice okay cool uh let me get my shovel that i lost there it is pick that up you said it didn't disappear like my squirrel okay shovel's there um something about what's what's saying something about going north oh never mind check out that fancy house that's nice that's about as good as it gets excellent excellent well now what uh bone pins we'll get we need to get two bones out of that so let's go see if we can find a squirrel or something i'm gonna i'm ready for an adventure let's go adventure oh you know what we need to go we need to go and we gotta go figure out what that is lily pad lotus i'm going there anyone else wants to join in if feel free to join it uh and you get some water first though was there a giant what is that thing i don't know what this thing is what is this thing i inspect it oh is this um oh this is the same so it says that this is our claim what do we there's a way of seeing that on the map right um display realms no we're not a realm claims village claims personal claims ah personal claims okay cool i see i see and then if you want to lay i don't know how to do claims some cost 1500 experience huh anyway uh we're supposed to go journey let's go journey hey hey new guy is that junis um memorize and then invite make him is not on steam right let's go say hello to a lily pad thing everyone's charging out a bit naked i should probably take a drink while i was there this will all end in taxes oh hey what are you all about can i get over there neat um what do you do are you just a landmark what does that mean i'm not quite sure what that means the ducks and there's those bats huh okay yeah where where are you master lift let me at you it's you right there yeah yeah come here i'll get you um we got to uh yeah the old left hook there you go take that um oh quick dodge jump that'll show him in the water safe place for this uh punch there you go give him the old little quick dodge you'll never see it coming okay a couple dodges yeah yeah i think it's me i'm i'm off balance and dizzy and he's he's very dizzy go throw a jump in there what is that it's like a gun oh it's a fishing thing neat who's winning i have no idea you win [Laughter] fantastic all right okay um i'm i'm ready let's keep going it's i'm going wrong way oh hey hello little mr fox that's not a fox that's a log never mind nevermind that's a log okay um i'm gonna go this way i'll go back over here i want to cross this uh this area here explore in time round two fight one of those when things are there is that it's like a like a butterfly or something hello ducks um there's a scary bug up here is he gonna eat me that's this little bitty bug hey buddy i'm gonna try to catch you a little tired though uh let me drink something real quick i'll get you bug okay let's fill it up and fill it up i scared the bug yeah come back to the shallow water i can't walk any faster i'm too tired to walk faster i got him what do i get a water strider oh i can learn him excellent um this one hey buddy i'm sticking my bucket yeah there we go that's a lot of points okay bugs have no bones this is this is yes oh is that is that deep water right there oh i can't get through here can i oh yeah deep i can't swim through that yeah all right that was a fun little journey there's this little thing over here it's just a tree stump yeah i want to catch this fish if i knew how to that fish should we get that cow but he's got a lot of bones i should probably bought some food with me i suppose it's okay we can grab some along the way i need something yeah i can move it oh this is a dead end too isn't it nothing over there either that's like a butterfly over here we can go see if we can say hello to that guy where's he at there he is hey buddy i want your bones come back here i'm sure we will get this guy he's kind of quick he also doesn't have a problem with water i think we're going up up almost get it get him come on i got him i'm i'm off study that thing can i oh i need how much do i need any how much for it i need seven for him so i can't learn them because i'm dumb all right well there's some sand fleas looks like over here this also gives us a little more more map as we as we explore things now let's head through the desert here got a hit of us there's a um there's a bunch of other isn't it like snowy like mountain peaks and all that too isn't there and of course there's caves we can go running through fighting bats or whatever probably not something to be doing right now drink up here good idea what's this over here ah one of those mountain swaps mines um what are these bats symbols up here as if there's like bats up ahead but i don't see any bats what is that is there is there a cave over here or something oh wait there's a bear don't go that way sleeping in the trees oh okay oh look i found some excellent okay we got no uh no we got taproot see jeff um are you a cow you know what you are you look kinda like that cow we saw before we don't let me oh no no nothing to see here is he coming for me or mass let's go we got a moose over here too what berries we got here it better not be holly no it's holly why is it always holly ah sea berries i like those i'll chow on some of those we can't study these can we yeah so it was that one actually said sea berries give us um intelligence oh did i do a bat oh no there's a uh hello moose let's do it away from the moose that's a cool looking animal but i'd rather not be next to him he seems kind of scary and i know moose in real life are very scary keep my distance um so we go get massive its body i don't even know where it is though so when you die you come back as a okay you're how's that work you come back as a different person but you still have like some of your points or something i don't know exactly what it does are you a chicken oh you're a squirrel ah squirrel hang on stay there buddy i'm gonna have a drink real quick oh you just got knocked out um okay okay let's go get that squirrel okay i got you squirrel i got you i got you come on get um all right we eat squirrel what's that all about that was kind of sad looking nice tasty squirrel here we got one bone do a bear earlier what is all that over there doesn't matter because i can't get to it probably should call it a day here what time is it oh yeah i probably should wrap this thing up let's go fill up the old water tanks though hey oliver happy easter fancy blue flowers over here which i can't pick is that one of those cherries uh pick a leaf i actually haven't picked oh mulberry you can eat blueberry yeah it gives me what's to give me mulberry is a charisma thing i'll take it let's go and cook up that squirrel i'll take a leaf blueberry leaves okay that's a funny looking tree hey uk is that water around here what is that some scary are those like mice or rats where are we at here we're not actually not too far away from home is that a road is that a road up there you know what it is our roads like pre-made the game or something already got that point of making roads let's go see we have a drink here while we walk sometimes there's natural roads okay it doesn't start with any pre-made um oh more sea berries any pre-made building training does it let me eat this thing anyway here flee uh actually i'll take the plane come here flee where'd you go get him there's troll villages ow ow what are you about i'm gonna die i'm gonna die to a bat can i can i teleport away uh what's the teleport away uh a-h-h not want me i'm gonna die i'll take that bat vampirism don't do that quick dodge oh right i'm a lot more off oh you dirty bat bat but i wanted to go see what the road was uh when can we do this uh well we'll get up in a second right we get up and then we can go we'll find out dang bats that's probably the same one that took out match left a bit i bet it was okay let's head back there's lots of bats around all right stop all my stuff though right how long am i knocked out here do i never got this one do i need to wait until i get damaged and then come and do it here we go back to the old town it's good to be back oh we still have a torch out there let me go have another bite to eat here we got a fancy bat oh we'll wake our basket yeah oh there's a frog in it um i want to eat um what do we have over here this is a good one right yeah i'm gonna have some chicken and i'm gonna have one of these these guys let me go sit hats oh is it inside now oh yeah nice what's in here okay uh i'd like to feast and eat this guy okay there we go uh it still didn't do that for me i don't i don't know i should go cook that squirrel though use a um a fork and plate every time you you eat there we need like a road over here to clear this place out is there a dream in there let me uh fill these up grab a drink finally yeah it's 5am oh it's 4am here yeah we built it that's right it's built by players thanks for hanging out um um and meal put the squirrel in there and we roast up that squirrel i think i put the cauldron no maybe i'll just hold the squirrel uh yeah i think it's time for me to get to um let's go plant a tree uh let's put on the ground and then we'll is that how you log out fantastic okay i'm gonna go to my bed i gotta lean to here i got my i got my thing this yeah i'm gonna hit it that way okay so uh those of you that are here for haven and hearth thanks for hanging out um we'll have to come back in and check on this from time to time but uh what a fantastic little game um well a little game it's been around forever and when was it when did it first come out where's our about page so mmo first came out i don't see any numbers sometime and it is constantly dealt with um the new uh the new world just resets as of uh two days ago so that um oh right click the fire hit roast right remember it was 2d yeah i want to see so there's i pictures they're all going to be new stuff though i would imagine um well i can't really tell but yeah there's some pretty cool screenshots of people out things that people have made and yeah there is boats and things let's see if we can find one here's a picture of a boat in here uh what's that well there's a little canoe we had a canoe last time i played it that i robbed uh i thought i saw one in here earlier i was looking at adam but yeah you can have like boats and all that stuff um but yeah anyway so we're gonna we're gonna end the uh the haven hearth thing here i do we'll still we'll do our um um updates channel update here in just a second and uh we'll get our official death match winner here in a minute oh here we go here's old times okay okay yeah i think this looks familiar i guess this game's been around forever i think it used to be really popular i think um you guys anyway thanks for watching thanks for hanging out with uh with with some some haven and hearth today
Channel: Nookrium
Views: 128,593
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nookrium, livestream, youtube livestream, haven and hearth, haven & hearth, salem, mmo, survival game, hafen
Id: rJka7HhzKtA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 186min 6sec (11166 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 05 2021
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