MMORPG Tycoon 2 - (World Building Tycoon Game)

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello hello welcome to livestream time how's everyone doing hey lumpy I see you in there already in Canada how's it going all right how's everyone's uh I guess Sunday now it is that time again maverick that time again I couldn't say what I wanted to play tonight but then I remembered I had a game that I've been planning on streaming for awhile and we're gonna be playing it today so I'm on the ball today I got my in screen all worked out so if if that looks correct if it doesn't look correct let me know otherwise keep you mouth shut but let's get off that screen all right so how's everyone doing it's uh it's MMORPG tycoon two-time what a terrible name for a game hey Timur how's it going Tom okay how's that 1min so here's its plans let's talk about plans so we're try this game this one out this MMORPG I have not played yet but I watched a video on it's okay I got an idea what's going on here if if if we if we're losing interest then we can move on to the Koffee game I'm cheese she's not gonna tease that every every livestream I might be teasing that so before you know it you'll be watching a coffee game just know what time is it for you here's three M it is 12:30 6:00 a.m. at the moment good time for a livestream if you ask me leo okay so let's talk about this MMORPG to emo RBG tycoon I can't take MMO tycoon to is is I guess is there is there a one I don't member if there isn't one I don't remember it but what's going on here is when I first saw this I thought yeah but then I I looked further into it and it actually looks really good yes that's right sorry so we go in here and it's it's based world builder there wasn't a point okay thanks lumpy um by the way lumpy also is the one who got me the key for this so thank you Thank You lumpy sometimes we call him grumpy sometimes they call him tycoon Tech look we don't know what to call this guy but but he's alright he's alright so anyway we go in and we're basically building a world or creating or creating the towns we're creating the roads we're creating the quests we're creating the monsters we're building the whole thing and then people one by one start coming in to subscribe to our memo and the come in start playing our game they have different classes and personalities and I mean it it's early access still it just came out a month ago and that's my vector storm here but it's we'll see how this thing looks so people come in craft terrain you build the other the the biomes and all the kind stuff we get talented with building in here we're gonna be putting in catching cheaters and banning them well misbehaving subscribers we I deal with them as folks we get stuck we gotta make sure that gets fixed we can go free-to-play if we want microtransactions alright alright let's try this thing out so first off first thing we have to do is is the big question what is the name of our game hmm I just I just ban stream darn it's still in there dang you stream jar all right what's the name of our I think so here's what I here's what I've thought of I didn't think I'm at this for like the five minutes of leading up you know what oh you know what that's way better than what I had don't lump me I had the path of own team T so the game is all about taking note don't eat these path to victory but Bob Ross online oh man happy little adventures is this much better than what I had okay the nuke tribulations I mean Bob Ross online I don't know if I can go past Bob Ross yeah yeah online we gotta go with that one we got to go with that one I can't pass it up oh you gonna find ourselves this is our this is our desktop icon where we putting into the game here is my screen showing up all the way it's not is it why are you doing that Oh why's it like that weird mm fits me is it working okay it is I'm just losing my mind just don't worry about me up I've lost it I'm done for it's all it's all over now it's all it's all over alright alright so this is this is a huh bombers online happy accidents whatever you want to call it this is it we had pick ourselves a icon for our desktop over here I suppose we need to have some sort of a devil beatin paintbrush which would be something like that one sure love Ross felt like the last accident you know I can't put Oh Colin's in there I can't do it oh man that'll be the report to the last exit oh man that's that's good stuff oh there's a book there that's perfect that's even better it's so tight okay that works that works okay so now what kind of MIMO we're gonna make we can do a combat MMO it's what these things do combat focused on attracting players focusing on achievements as well as those who enjoy conflict so this is all about just going out and killing things starting tech we get badges apparently we don't need no stinkin badges a story I'm waitin all night to use that joke welcome story focus games typically attract explorers as well as more social players we can use a story kind of thing we get flight paths apparently at the end with a role-playing which is have a strong theme and courage highly social play we got plate PvP mm-hmm we get PvP duels going on we get casual games we have social games and we have free-to-play advanced tactics required so this one we have to go in oh we have to you know we have to make money by adding in micro transactions or whatever else so I I said I wanted to kind of role-playing however maybe story because then we get we get flight pads or combat gives us badges PvP duels ever but to focus on direct battle between players and so are popular with players who into a conflict combat and games of skill we gotta go that one I want to see him fighting I want to I want to see him murdering each other what do you have any requests PvP that's good stuff story me just to create the story no I don't know I don't know no thing I've seen this is role-playing scene little bit we're playing and it's just you know we're got two votes for story paint off to the death I want to see fighting so we're gonna go fight and I don't care what you think what you think no no no more stories are going in PvP focus on direct battle between players yeah if I don't like it we can get back alright nobody to build our I guess our starting stats I know if this does but we have advertising we have fluff socializing achievements and combat we can lower this but we have to have 10 okay so will comments can be a big part of this game obviously but I want some exploring going on so let's put some points into exploring yeah okay and this is Bob Ross online there we go we have to book it some eyeball gems okay boo Bob Ross online okay toriel here so like any MMO we have mountain ranges between between each zone of course yeah okay okay we will go wozy look around uh-huh what's next zoom in and out will do we can go all the way all the way all the way in all the way out there's moon Thor apparently only right mouse button move the mouse to rotate the view huh purple over there and zoom out okay this is a tells you the name of your right right okay right now we have any don't have any subscribers right nothing we're just we got 100,000 bucks and nothing else he just some buttons down here we know how to use those look at this mouse and the mouse alone should be its own game we that thing you the main action bar game will go into there all right before we can begin designing world we need to activate one of these regions to become starting region for our players find a region to start some a go to grid here and find a region to use so what we want to do here we got to find something that looks like a pit starting spot there's nice trees and and scary mushrooms over here's a good starting spot right here by the by the coast we come yeah what's doing what's the name of this region does it have a reason a named shore wind basin sure sure that one turned green number one that means it's a level one things okay go back to the main view okay just terrain we can do that we got four different types of terrains come in here we can add in fields we've got mushroom grows which already have one in here we've got mountains which we have some of those as well and we have was this I see I see yeah okay okay yes yeah there we go excellent excellent okay got it the first thing you need is a respawn point subscriber dies it needs to respawn somewhere okay so let's go do some of that over here in the buildings and then respawn sit right over it with tiny right here along the beach I can do this is he there we go let's write up beer along the beach I think is a good spot for a graveyard okay there we go okay it's flashing red because we need to we need network connection so let's do that so let's go switch to network view we change something real quick I might ask who's going off the screen I can't yet after the Chitauri will go mess with something ready to go create a uplink okay cost lots of money but we're gonna stick a link on there okay and then we have we need to distribute the bandwidth it supplies build a cable which is gonna go from there we'll go to there we can go out here also and no here here kind of go around just but just power this whole place okay good enough I guess there we go okay okay all done alright building in some wearing it ever okay buildings build ourselves a Ian we have a small in or we have a large in this is only 400 bucks I'm gonna say this one where should we start this thing off on right here in the middle I think we're the front door all right like there's the door it's all right there okay sure right there okay in is here oh here comes a little Earley come out and build it right make sure yeah those little red cursor area yeah that that's one of my that was when your developers turning it on so he runs from the spawn points do build things okay just give any music it's very quiet what's with the other room stones build a blacksmith near the inn alright alright it was like City skylines with yeah with with in the most stuff we want to block to my shop okay squeeze it on in here where's the front door I already do right there so squeeze this guy like right right here Mike okay done here he comes come build this thing let's build a shop people can go in and sell their junk ass okay a shop we'll set it up where's the front of this thing okay spin around here we'll put it right across the street right there okay are we looking meet some music there we go I know what places they've seen or heard about they can landmarks in the region they don't they do in a landmark all right what do you want I could build one landmark in that is a clock tower so this is a giant a giant clock tower I'll set this guy up I don't know like right here okay all right here he comes go faster okay there he goes we should create some monster zones all right marshal zones require quite a lot of bandwidth especially if they're big you may need to run some network network cabling out to them alright let's go and do that able to monster ok monster zones we're gonna put in some monsters we can put in bears crocodiles and cool balls what crocodile is gonna live by the beach here right over here crocodiles all over the place right about right by the respawn point spawn camp and look at all talk about crocodiles spawn camp and crocodiles and we put in some bears living in the cold areas yeah yeah and we need some some Cobalts living here in the trees Cobalts don't live in trees kobold live in the woods let's go put cold let's just say Mike right here along the coast on the edge of the mountains there we go mountain Cobalts okay okay I'm good I think I think I need to put in its blinky like that I think that means it doesn't have the network to it yeah like that good now where you blink you like that because a little spot over there that what you're looking for okay there you go now you don't get any more all right good now when you play some quest givers alright so NPCs and then we put in a quest giver oh look at all okay okay it's a matter who friend guard will put a not a barrack miss gamer will put a pallet in here seven just right there okay Krista giver guy is there we'll set a warrior he can hang out over here and I guess we'll put a guard over here by the spawn point there we go okay sprayers squares only have to kill about four monsters to reach level two okay hey Trevor how's it going alright uh think about roads for a minutes when it's go somewhere they usually just run straight there okay so gonna build those are oats goat paths and we have a path there and we can go build mm-hmm oh yeah like that okay perfect and then we'll run off into what we should go here I guess and then we can run off into yeah that's good that's good okay you can take a take a right and head into kobold lands for some reason why they why there's a road to these guys but sure and then we'll come this way and into the into the forests and back around here and back to where all these spooky bear look at those bears bears I think we should do all just a big loop placing a few roads using the road building tool down highlight it got it okay there's the roads and that's the basics you'd have a functionally a fully functional starting region and you're ready to release version 1.0 of your game click OK to proceed okay let's release the game start getting some scribers let's do it release the game you need a starting point oh yeah this is we're gonna of course of course make one of those they'll put this thing out somewhere yeah the starting point where do we start right right here on this road I think it's a good spot maybe right here in the corner maybe like right sure right there ok it's been built the area should be hit its way here it comes I think I can come in here I click on these guys and I can set the quests up you have a quest to go discover the Town Council thin the kobolds more quests kill more coal ooh this is exciting arrows flying by vector storm presents mushroom land hey right has gone hey let's Trevor right there hey Trevor yeah louder music there it is alright Bob Ross online what's the style of the game or beating the devil out of each other this is a PvP style game pristine ian has joined us okay we got our first player let me pause the camera vocalist look take a look a pristine Ian pristine ian is a level one paladin he's settling a new home he's heading over there he's got a rage meter the real name is Ross Nunez he's an explorer he's also an orphan apparently okay and he's also a guru keep that guy happy all right there he goes what a terrible game there's three buildings and it's and just a bunch of cobalt and I on a mountain okay so our goal is to hit a hundred subscribers we got four already and configure a level two region which would be like building a cross somewhere all right all right he did meet well let's go in and do some building I guess we got I just did that one guy let's go get everyone else adjusted was he going over here having a chat yeah yeah getting some quests know what you're doing he's an achiever okay I'm not sure how the other PvP visa is going to work but we'll see you get some requests buddy if he crocodiles Massacre the Bears I wish I could set up the the quest that'd be cool Oh search for the Town Council which I guess is right in there and we have the guy we got the spawn points I'm fitting the road to the road back here and you yeah go find the kingpin the crocodiles kill some bears bash some bears as well okay I'm gonna give you a road also no no I want pets is it build a mountain pass build a wall just build a path Oh click on well the questions to customize it oh nice fantastic let's go not quite there it was meat up to that and then we can go from here we go on the the crocodile Lane they call it why would somebody want to walk over here well obviously it's because there's some sort of monument over here let's go find some scenery let's build a set dressing yeah whoo okay okay neat what we're gonna have scenery we put in here bunch of trees we can put in like a little Stonehenge kind of thing over here what is that oh yeah like a swampy area a little shop what is this thing a light post oh man twitch the racing taking players names from chat that'd be fantastic is this a catapult we need something over here there's gonna be a reason to come here what's the reason you would come here oh you come here because of this thing whatever this is yeah this is why you'd be here there we go okay go visit over there our people are doing their jobs are they going out and questing is it easy questing oh yeah that's per se nyan again hey buddy did you do it he got some experience did you kill something history picked up a quest picked what guess a photo monster I missed it she had five bucks in his pocket a budget of five bucks he's heading on back home Ellen's out there with her axe Ellen the Paladin doing the quest waste the cobalt is nearby excellent more fighting going on oh yeah there is coolest is his name right there they go marching in the cobalt lands destroying the cobalt I do have a streamer event coming up we have kitten Purple's announced that they'll be live-streaming themselves playing our game it's day two at 3:00 3:00 in the morning my stream left it's do you like I do okay got it so we make this place nice otherwise we don't want a streamer saying this games been put down bleep monsters yeah can I put down in elite it's gonna be someone leading these cobol's an elite fiend leading these Cobalts and he's gonna live he's gonna live up I thought I did another one of those scary bears put something in the in the in here fight just go over there okay let's dream of char divas yeah yeah click the quest yeah let me do this this quests thing mm-hmm just put up oh there's a little meetup going on over here talking about popcorn is Bruce dannion Oh everyone loves popcorn what's with this thing in Foshan Basin oh it's just sort of a just a generic thing okay we got eleven quests let's pop out a new where we have here a place a place trainer yeah I want a paladin trainer he's gonna live right right over here I have a warrior trainer and next to him okay we're gonna have oh it ound guard yeah yeah we should have one of those town garden I'm gonna put them in the shrooms oh yes right hasn't put any mushrooms in there yeah that's right put some guards here by the by the spawn point there we go everyone's just out there running around murdering things how about another quest giver I want a just a guard can I go can they walk up here just stand next to it and so quest I can change it change task Oh new target I want you to go your quest is to be is to go visit that that mushroom right there Oh your quest is go kill that guy investigate chill screech go to chill screech defeated and returned excellent locate beer go the Clocktower enjoy the scenery sure and then another quests go crocodiles no no we're gonna change this we went that one's going to be this guy's the one I would change that ask new target this guy brutal ice-cold no no I want this this big guy right here fight the cobalt uh fine whatever fight some cobalt killed 32 Cobalts that's a lot cobalt killin find even more beer he says go to chop salute okay that works his name is a poor the quick that's right a cobalt over here but I move him over this way who was the other I put bears damn wasn't another over crocodiles are down down this way ok that's 62 people I like with 63 subscribers there's like a little party going on over here cuz they're fighting they're pvp happening ok guys hit a big sword which Gant dancing around we need some more ammo here I was gonna go and save my stream there we go ok all right everyone just hanging around we should have something all these people just running around like three builds what can I do here service Oh cost gold or real money yes the weapon cost real cash okay currently open we can move it around we can focus Beauty is decent what about you you provide providing homes for people I can charge real money we can charge you know it's gonna cost you a gold apiece obviously okay sixty people live there Qwest man's over here doing his quest thing and everyone's out Oh more more parties going on who's that Mac he's in an internet cafe he's a killer he's also a cute a guru let me see if I can kids starting points respawn points at landmarks describe Ruby's level to open up some new options doesn't like what unlocks a new player class slots and two new monstrous light time types go to the design tool and configure them also in the design - or is it time to customize both you parents and also the combat abilities of your class oh yeah look at that add new ability for to me a logic okay okay if you do provide a higher level abilities for your players you'll need some class trainers to teach players how do you do those he trainers is to match the classes okay we got that figured out we got a level three crows has reached level three now that you have a level two player you're going to need a level two region from them play in right haven't already that would be a good time to set the grid to activate a second region okay I'll do it just a minute just a minute level two reason same way you did the other one I'm gonna go build a mountain pass which amount do we want to go to you say to buy the region first okay okay so let's go buy what we're gonna do first you want this each time you subscribers get a new level we're level 3 now we have to have two of them I guess unhappy if there's no new two content yeah I think I get start why and everything's gonna be great ready to go keep building regions out ahead of your players level to try to keep them happy and busy if not happy then at least still paying those subscription fees because in the end today that's really the only important thing okay for capitalism alright I need to buy a interact know which was one for grid I need to buy a new region I'm gonna buy which one do we want big the coastal one here with with statues we've got this guy over here we got some purple goo on this side let's go over here and by that one okay and then this is going to be you level I set the reason but I want this to be a level two region do you work this one okay there we go wind fire is the name of the region it's uh oh look at that let's make it a chasm no it's not a chasm though it's just it's just a forest sort of sure look at that okay well we can customize that to sound effects oh we listen particles sir sure sure sure okay we need to pass to get there now we want to what was it Mountain Pass where was it pants Mountain Pass to go we're gonna go I guess like right there there we go okay now back back to here I want to go and go into my in peace no no I want to go to this one because we have to make a new class oh yeah yeah this is the this is the painter class obviously what's it look like I wanna change his face there's more up there so base health what what though what's a paint you're gonna have he's gonna have no no no rage right there's no rage the painters they're gonna have some they're gonna have a lot of mana and some health maybe some speed okay okay there was the abilities of the painter oh okay can change the name of it learn at level one okay yeah I would do want this one attack well here you go so it's gonna be called the paintbrush okay melee range once I can cool down yeah this is this is good okay visuals I know crimson yellow then we got a fireball no no we've got a we got a the beat the devil spell this is a this is a range spell right it takes mana sure and we've got this one is another melee I don't know squirrel rage we're gonna call this one and this is going to be a sniper range one and what to do hurts things I guess it does health it also gives you rage right it gives you lots of rage okay it's gonna be believed okay and what's it look like oh my what's wrong with them look like that I guess because we can make monsters too okay cuz oh we can't make someone with dwarf is just ask about dwarves we can make there's an elf we can make sort of oh yeah yeah there's what there's well there's a beauty guy oh my okay let's just do something normal where was a normal guy normal guy one more guy your hats come there you fine that's fine um well give him a give him a try corn okay okay okay and then we're gonna give him what's he gonna wear sure a table no no tail no tell what kind of arms is he gonna have oh yeah I cook harm um okay that's perfect legs that's good that's good his stance he's a humanoid what he is he gonna run well that's a socializing stance okay that's fine that's fine it's color we can change it oh yeah we can change it okay okay yeah I got anywhere to go just the pieces we need no-no-no prefab we can give them just like a difference oh um okay I like it not not the blue panther blue pants is dumb give him some like blood red pants there we go okay yeah all right I like it apply oh wait what happened no no no why didn't it say anything but because I didn't hit apply but but but okay paint brush we've got the the the beat the devil it's gonna be this color and then we've got the what was the last one squirrel rage okay this one will be red with fury and we're gonna go with it's gonna be a rage inducing know I'll try to raise self rate right right Miss Selfridge okay apply there we go oh we didn't do that one either okay I can't read things brush apply I see we're gonna go with this one's gonna be what color was this one okay apply all right so then the model let's go let's fix this thing give him the tricorn okay arms are fine except for the hook either hook hand anyway to give him that's all good it's all good it's all good and except I want to make him not wear that color like that there we go okay that's fine that's works apply okay so that all we have to do have no rage sure is he done X now okay thanks so now we will have them coming into our game this is correct there's one right now Ella knows the first one oh right mark O'Brien he's an achiever he sure is there he goes that's fantastic okay we got to build up our zone - I suppose over here we got come over here let's get a little zone of new monsters anything new I have to make my own monsters okay who lives in the piece who lives over there in the in the in the woods sorry I'm completely ignoring chat I'm sorry I let me go and build there's a spider there's um I can change I can give a spider with like a that's torso it's fine I can give a spider with a yeah yeah oh yeah it's terrifying with a man head oh no oh it's giant give him a top hat why is it so big okay there we go oh there's no chest button okay sure that one adjust be smaller there go a little up okay and then go backwards a little bit that way okay Oh what me not that color that is okay spider with a sombrero oh hey let's make him he's pink okay okay oh he stands on a already's like that stands on two legs oh no it's terrifying oh my okay apply abilities what to do he just bites and spits uh-huh and I set his level I think just I guess every monstro I guess eat me a level one even on this side level two if he's on the other side I guess so okay is it done boys hit hit he's done correct there he is people are heading over to the next zone just you wait there's oh yeah I went to my second zone over here because this is gonna be where the level two spiders are level one spiders level two spiders okay yeah all right pads let's go with I won't path going from here and reaching over to that spot okay it needs power so we got to go over here to the the network and set up a half cable there we go that was good I probably need another path over here so I'm gonna have to go uplink guessing 5000 bucks there see things get to the ding trees and then put in a cable reaching over to there okay alright now why are they gonna go over there because that's kill spiders it's gonna be a reason for it I guess ding Oh someone leveled up yeah yeah oh we got we got painters in there leveling up already okay I need to construct a set up wind fire which one's been fire that's this one over here so we need us respawn point and an Ian also in this in this place that I can't really see through yeah we can kind of get through here right here in the trees let's put in a begin right these are giant trees all right yeah right there and then we need a respawn point we'll set it right over here guess it's removing the trees right next to the in there and then what else we need that's it pretty much right landmark but is any more landmarks we've unlocked no just the ones I don't care for that we need a potion shop that's why you come over here because that's where the potions are our grid reaching over here okay you're good now right you should be not blinky Oh boys come over and build it let's go and put in I guess a path we're gonna head through these trees here make it over here to this this zone there okay we go anyone over here killing these scary spiders these guys are green these guys are not green well click off my screen I tried to fix that right good my mouse is still going off the screen well okay mm-hmm all right well if we have a painter class you know we need to eat some music play some music here good music can I get away with playing here no that won't get me in trouble mmm I've played this before so this is this is good Domino yeah yeah we'll do this one first okay all right we easily go kill tell them to kill spiders I don't have a quest giver for that we pray the quest give her over here let me go set back over here next to this end we'll get a quest giver in here see things yeah it just makes it move faster let's put in a NPC we're gonna throw in a oh a trainer right right this is where the painter trainers gonna be if you want to go train you got to come over here to this guy right there well set in a this is a guard will sit in a couple of painter guards there we go and put in a quest giver can I say the quest giver is a kobold that work send it a fiend giver as well this is a spooky part of town okay so now your quest what's your quest gonna be buddy uh discover even more beer look free no requests find beer socially change this one I wanted your task is going to be go over here to kill these guys yep that's good 16 sure and you're gonna do you should have a big spire over here okay that's it's good yeah okay it's about a quest giver chart down person who killed all the spiders okay I need another TV the elite monster can we put an elite spider in here oh yeah yeah elite spy even live off over this way there we go oh here we go okay we'll eat spider we see how many people he's killed lisara is their name I leave the moment Oh doesn't go buddy I'm sorry didn't do that Oh Lissie in and a vest he's just hopping along what happened over here all he's gonna get himself spider I seen a lot of fightin ok went down pretty quick woof stone is is uh a maze how's it going Jew now you're a killer Henrietta is running you went shopping fought a monster can't find someone to teach me a new combat yeah because you got to go do their town buddy okay in here it feels like we need to have some sort of monster like on the way to the town it's gotta be something back here let's put in some our monsters can I add in maybe you make an ED in just like bandits just throw Cobalts for now a bunch of cool balls right in here so if you want to go there you gotta walk through the kobold lands and we're mad equip their quest givers you yeah Coco balls bring me moldy plum [Music] but elite buy them why right right here nobody's here yet I'm eager to see first visitors in my new zone they'll be coming pretty soon put that road right through that tree or a bunch of jerks ami tree that roads been there a long time trees are growing through it what was the whole thing we changed like the the look of the sky that what happened see a tower to attract players Oh like uh oh you mean like the what you call it there's cactus in the water the what was it landmark I gotta figure out how to uh fullscreen keep my cursor on the screen nope make the devil force the players to beat it yeah we did meet his own three which I guess is gonna go back here and we'll we'll run over by this one so I went to what was it was grid yeah it was by this zone and he a path like that's do a desert land ok let's go create a monster this is a I came to get a boss but I can just create a monster Oh a skeleton is perfect perfect ok yeah skeletons they rattle it may have fireballs I'm gonna mean skeletons ok forget my hat oh yeah yeah they're dapper skeletons I make that happen black the banding that oh it was this one Oh see it [Music] there we go I'm a nice black hat okay hey she would do one how's it going all right yeah apply you and then we're to place you monsters Skelly this this whole reason just filled with skeletons so many skeletons in fact they were like in the middle that's two doors don't fit in the middle of town how every base this is bigger so many skeletons this multiple zones with skeletons okay what a terrible terrible place they're just overrun there you go look at the ball alright we're going to race a little bit though make a little town right there in the middle put in a dawn point you know put in a landmark you can do unto those and then we'll put in a yeah tavern sure people and socialize over here with all the skellies this is a bad town and then we need a Oh a shop of course then I guess a blacksmith nice town it's Kelly's okay and then we're gonna get a look at all the skeletons there so oops we're so dapper [Laughter] where's my and yeah one of these up like I guess sure and then way to go with the the power she has to go all over now can I get one to reach there's a bit of a hole there I think it's okay though okay now we just need a path you want like to walk on roads which would go from there and come on out a meet to there and then from there that meet all the way over there oh it does okay we don't have a building in here let's put in a shop over here may not be a reason for people to come here I mean the trainer's over here okay this time probably need some guards so let's put in a couple of town guard then just a few warriors Age of Empires quest givers of course a couple you guys there we'll stick a we'll have a skeleton that works for us he's easy betrayer and then we've got another guard standing over here in the shop yeah yeah yeah in the guy over here in the cemetery oh yeah so many quests over here bill they're all around the town oh yeah let's do some machinery yet let's do scenery and is there walls and there was walls was one of the buildings we can make so tiny I can't really tell is it a bench a bench sure tired from murdering the skeletons all day sure what was fences there's other paths that were was yeah that's what walls look like okay they're very white oh wait maybe White's a better scenery there's a set dressing we had some of these which look pretty good oh yeah like a like a saw work or a spooky house sure like I out there can put a quest guy on it they're very busy yes they are faith is over I think I can make a hole for us like in the zone well we're at a desert right now so price shouldn't do that let me know I have you don't have power you oughta race some it's edge stuff you good now I believe so alright was putting some monster monstrous Kelly's firefighters by this giant cactus okay now there's no reason to come here again we need to go and put in there's a four level three we got a few folks that are level three they should make you here eventually what's this one over oh I have 300 subscribers look at that play your thoughts lie Dorne is pretty funny her dress still is funny I like emelius mm-hmm okay find something my new ability maybe I need to have a pirate a painter in the other side contender folks in the air at the moment level three rating that's pretty good look an advertised yeah let's add let's oh I forgot when my streamer was here do I miss it not yet it's still the first day sonic power for the skellies is that the problem is make sure everything is covered everything has it we get everything filled in maybe the zones too big if we need a second one of the one of these guys ah okay we're good now okay so we got a road heading through here anybody at this town yet no you guys aren't players you are my people oh you are who are you Abel's got it figured out job Judy enjoying the scenery yeah that's pretty nice isn't it here comes someone else Amber's coming in excellent can I make a new class need to level four okay mate we're monsters though let's do the monster it's a randomized thing random prefab ah Lake doctor how about a dragon a rhino would work or a what else gonna live in the house we want pant pant ISM that in the desert hoplite okay give you a different head though oh yeah he's terrifying yeah it's it's terrifying okay make it let me little smaller maybe there we go okay your hats a little crooked I'll give you a witch's hat I'm gonna put it on the front on on your head actually there you go and I would like to give you a different color body or uh something here that'll work don't be so white ooh red eyes and then touch your body yeah yeah call you baby oh yeah menacing-looking okay and you stand on all fours oh yeah it's terrifying okay the kg druid sure let's go play some of them out here yeah pop oh okay it's as so many isn't it where he's gonna live out here couple kg druids up there you know what power your powered gonna be like that look up Katie droids over over here you know Howard here that's good all right I need a 100 plays level - I got 80 - so far you have level 3 region configured oh I didn't set that up right that's right that's on grid and level of you is 3 okay 10 quests 5 NPCs you get quest buddy brutalize skeletons you find skeletons you know what might change this one I want you to go and mess with these guys Katie druids perfect okay I don't have $30,000 I've lost 70,000 bucks so far folks were walking on the road it was a party going there I guess on top of that spider go get you nice your party to do anything they just left you there to die you and killing these these crocodiles no hope someone died what's your quest what is your quest I suppose but what kind of statue got that's right right $30,000 an investment that's right more parties going on this is apparently a good place to stand so let's go give them some scenery look at all I'll meet you by the meet you by the the shady tree there you go much better didn't give you guys a maybe some flowers wants a big flower look at this everyone's in here getting some some quests how you doing we don't know to mystery go do whatever you wanna do you can I say go do I want a new discover my watch - no Newt Newt quest I want you to go - is it safe to do go to zone - look at my left sock yeah yeah look see what's with him why'd you get a gray name Obie the FK okay [Music] net worth negative 117 thousand dollars me where's all the PvP it's good question let's gonna make here anything else look very afk buddy oh yeah I got a pay pay gold you know what you wanna stay here it'd be real money pay $1 $1 there you go this is microtransactions for you [Music] you always people there's people everywhere I got himself a nice looking sword going home to log out he plays from 10 to 2 4 mm no - man average can ban you if I wanted to I'm gonna favorite you Bret could I think people pay for the there so you can do a free-to-play and go for that kind of a you know my cards actually nothing anyone over here in the icy lands no log you over here though you all doin' over here what's happening over here Oh Evans over here to kill this one monster oh yeah it was wait for its respawn I guess oh yeah yeah let me give you some help you want some big big skeleton there you go big kobold maybe some bears this is like big boss fight land give me some base class too I'll give you a little cobalt I really have cobalt have everything a little cobalt zone there you go you killed immediately there you go there's some cobalt cobalt to kill I'm not sure that you see experience you get great for killing things we need to what would make Mike I had a quest thousand subscribers were halfway there we need a level four region and 100 folks to level three we get 19 so far they should be over here anyone over here yet here in wrote ravine swamp no arrows bounce around for some reason anybody making the way over here that's half half Iran going to log off against let's make a level four region I guess good way to go over this way just me level four and then we can go somewhere else welcome back they can go back or over here can we go across the water we want Greg activate region level raise region little region or by this we get there now we have mountain passes I don't think so let's buy and five thousand bucks I don't have as much money over here out here in far song for song is going to be worth terrain let's make this into a swamp yeah yeah swampland it's all swamp it's a little bit of everything in here we'll do some swampy we'll do some mushrooms and we'll do we don't need on the coasts maybe yeah maybe a little bit of trees over here also and you're going to be level four and we need to get some folks in here I can afford it shop and we'll throw in a blacksmith respawn age town guess where ponies these things in that was in bucks I said upgrade other beat that's showing up by a hermit aghhh me a path [Music] oops have to do this go out there [Music] got around this way and over here into town right there all right hmm we need some quest givers don't painters like that will fill in a zone of NPCs will put in any what's gonna live out this way crocodiles lots of crocodiles lots of crocodiles crocodiles more cool balls and maybe some bears need network stuff wide area network server fight any one of these every time I'll just try this can I build one from here we can't cross over the mountains hmm expensive all the money for this I'm broke [Music] there [Music] and there [Music] in the zone and I getting powered for some reason um back over to here you guys you get quests waste the Bears give her that one something good yeah go over there okay kill some bears you my shoes search the princess Massacre crocodiles yeah with crocodiles and then okay bears multi plum is when I got these uh these are crocodiles over here and those are yeah yep wait what have you oh oh well okay and then we're gonna throw in I have no money what can we operate oh let's put a point into advertising it's still day one it's still a first day of the game we're waiting for a for what to face what's your face she's coming here and inducement Rima Sorry Sorry go cut off the screen and oh you know mites where is the take control take control feature kittens purple yeah provide doesn't kill didn't I have like research where's that at so my subs sales cost 40 bucks to buy the game then 10 bucks a month to I guess I have a subscription price oh I see I see take it alone if we need to we may do and enable with PvP duels oh yeah Mabel people's will able to do it about time don't kill each other see some tools problem shouldn't be a lot of more here everyone's living duels like people and we just hang out in the newbie zone there's no cobalt over here cuz ever there's so many people over here ding our season to put some duels also I want take control somebody I want take control of you right Gizem because any means I can't go through it there's a little party going on over here do these mounds just crawling with people veidt's of cash I put some scenery in actually making money or as it's constantly going down let's be it up I have one negative buzz some positive buzz though who's the negative guy paying him money's going up dead dead dead is that people dying I hope so I'm gonna see you all suffering with the flags over here oh yeah yeah people die in these monsters are killing them excellent put more in more Big Bounce big monsters how about a more bears breakup that party over there more bears your level one this is where you go to die don't negative buzz a 0 now you know why it's cuz of all those bears noise I'm going over here can I put a road up through here someone those wasn't going around it would need a path a tweeds a path that leads like through here yeah I get one that goes around I guess I know every stocking can to give that fixed maybe there's enough quest to kill those things let me set out and do another quest giver I can't put a quest giver we'll stick one like right over here pal there I was already already hounding him leave the poor guy alone no no I want you to go new targets come over here and kill these guys send the Bears and then I also wanted to kill big big bear oh he's gone got a whole new bunch of quests on you Mesa the Swift find a letter whatever bring me bring me the letter bears cobol's find the king change this one in to send him over here mask for the Bears sure sixteen bears maybe maybe a less than that maybe like four bears okay ah here they come here they come bear killing time I could give the job also come kill these the big guys over here these are just experience nothing else to it these are just grinding the monsters okay what's mate what's my goal thousand subscribers we're almost there we need a hundred players a little three which we're getting nowhere near Oh a streamer has connected where are they where are they getting purple put on a good show for the what's she doing out no that's not where he supposed to go come on pink streamers always doing dumb things - popping around like an idiot let me give you some scenery here how about a giant tree she says there we go I'm not even using the path [Music] no Neko balls over here nothing [Music] more Cobalts expand this a little bit mountain cobol it's all back here scary bear they're getting purple dead yet in Purple's is lost over there okay there they go off going the wrong way clearly chose our on class Oh fightin nope I'm sorry it's just exploring can I see what you're all about you're an explorer currently drunk wait the codes not even the COBOL ain't anymore expertise average that's right that's about right I can just what's favourite her me and you got no gold you have $87 is this in your bank not addicted bank balance locked I can make you behind logged in gone to up and enjoy the scenery okay socialized oh you have all kinds of stuff you just out just a friendly influencer [Music] how are they enjoying the game that's the question I'm still good health is good rage happiness I think it's good I'm not sure which bar is which it's just two of five straight till they kill a kobold they'll give the thrill of of it no cobalt around cuz there's so many players in this game there's nobody there's no cobalt around this is like liver a classic Wow came back it's just so many people oh you found one get it kitten yeah Oh happens when up oh yeah sure did okay okay that's all you needed I can add it a few more big cobalt in here just to make it may be a little more exciting maybe a bigger cobalt zone more cobalt more cobalt so think of all the mountains go balls are growing they own this tree over here okay even the quest givers standing in cobalt lands okay we have we're only a few short of a thousand subscribers this is it this is the moment we've waited for it at i/o night money is going up I'm not doing so good but it's me died in town oh is it PDP's that was happening I saw a dead pop up right here cuz PvP happening tell me the birthday someone likes hockey I was gonna put in a trainer over here a painter trainer stash him Oh pecker by the flour okay so the ease over here now he's getting some get its business well this is a nice nice stream of dead folks crawling out of the out of there how was it going kitten what's your stance looking like oh pretty good pretty good addicted yet huh addicted they're addicted what we do about that we do about that totally open can I say costs oh yeah oh oh oh costs I do want to cost gold I'm making a con me out of this boss gold no bugs I make it cost money to respawn respawn point yeah that's gonna cost real money is gonna cost you a dollar you die it's gonna be it's gonna be expensive oh we're gonna make you know we're making all kinds of money now oh here comes the money you better not die is gonna get expensive real quick where's my what opinions everyone yeah they're like whatever just wait oh here comes the money oh yeah pay up you die in this game get a pay for it all right this is why I don't put me in charge of making games I just play him no man okay oh we got a thousand subscribers we did it what's the next quest though was Brett oh he 10,000 subscribers cool that's gonna be a little man how am I supposed to do that we gotta have like we should i do should i I don't see a level four people yet no one's making their way over here maybe we should get to buff your Maya maybe we should make more zones in here like so let's do a bit more in this zone so some set dressing let's put up a little house cool cottage out here in the woods I'm sure like right out this way and about to reset the game just so i can get my mouse to work its yeah sir that works and in this place we're gonna will have a path leading to it sure sure [Music] right there and then out this way we're a put some monsters out there when you get we need a bunch of big monsters we want delete monsters on a monster I'll put what lives over it looks like a skeleton come please so this whole zone just filled with skellies I can afford it yeah it's powered mr. something like that was like a big graveyard and then we want to put in some elite ones maybe a couple spiders these were the big boss they've a big a big boss lives here in front of it house whole bunch of them there and then we've got to put in some scenery was there good walls in here but besides the one we saw before is there like little little stone walls just neat shift 10 bucks a piece [Music] okay what's kind of dumb you're looking good told you that [Music] there we go okay whew it's spooky over there oh it sure is spooky time to get a new a new a new quest giver have you heard about the the goings-on over there at the spooky house which real spooky thousand bucks yeah okay you own the whiskey keep on trying middle mouse click to rotate you unhappy loose essa is your name no you know what your name is Bob Ross there's Bob Ross he's a level of love and Peter discover the king square the skeletons let's go uh moldy plum no no you got to go you got to go over here you got take out this Ming this big guy take out that guy right there intimidate death Ripper yeah yeah crocodiles no I had to go get I want you to get the spider over here winter tooth is his name and then can I say just go to here look at the princess I guess the princess is living in there okay forget the king go and it was a little shrine over here brutalize some skills whatever you know Morris he'll kill 16 skeletons you got here for a while maybe that less because then there's because then there's less people in here make it like forth hey it's going this time skeletons princess death refers more skeletons okay all right we're looking good looking all right that's why I put up those things okay is there a steady stream of people coming this way is uh getting purple still here how you feel you have a good time Bertha currently drunk still drunk you've been here for 18 minutes is all it's gone by and things goes slow you don't play for five hours extreme for five hours after killing those Cobalts you are addicted I expect a lot of money coming you fought Oh monster I want to see you okay level okay your level two I want to see you go to the next zone now or if I should put trainers in all the zones [Music] I'm fault getting around for a little while some even she's gonna go back and train up she goes back to train up maybe turn the quest in yeah quest turned in jatin now social time travel where his own don't to he owned his own to but did ghost fly around yeah they have to go collect their bodies when they die yeah we're going to Zone two I think right let's go get in purple yeah I have they're all out there's no Pope the potion shop is in level two there's just this like a highway of people here I don't if I have any quest to kill these spiders and get maybe have one [Music] getting chard world there's some chat going on here in the spider zone [Music] kid purple naughty thought into that addiction is that it is that a good number is at a bad number I don't know [Music] socialize oh okay I could yeah I could see that to maybe get my my quest a little better oh not addicted anymore okay leveling up setting new home Oh logging out you weren't here very long it's with although Oh fighting off oh oh PvP is going on oh you have PvP zone okay weird the badlands oh yeah it's all okay all kinds of I'm making money here too I think right I got one bug real money $1 coming in for this can I see where my money's coming in opinions which everything oh they don't care like whatever it's a dollar how do I see my stats for that I want a Oh defamation hire and fire developers they're always actively to newly activate newly built buildings responsive support requests in hand troublemakers yeah I'm sure I'll hire you how much 500 bucks sure [Music] guess how I already finances new purchase no subscriptions yet guess we have been a month yet microtransactions we got 850 bucks already for that yeah well making big bucks now and actions load interests that's day-to-day one who can't see day one series nicer 256 times people like the scenery can't find someone teaching my new combat ability yeah I think we got to do that's we need to get our uh did I do it yeah I did what I did want over here now deny it should be okay maybe they won't went over this way we have a we have a painter trainer maybe we need both the other guys too are they coming out as ghosts going probably the gravestone oh okay yeah they D let's go their graves don't respawn and pay me a dollar give me your money Ruth [Music] okay one dollar demand nerf paladin got some buzz coming in I was gonna do all you have trainers so I was put in a warrior trainer and a paladin trainer over here okay so is everyone anyone making their way this direction those spooky guys over there over here Chuck do not contend microtransactions are the worst okay there's a lot of skeletons over here few folks have made it in town though they step outside shooting and then what you done here you gotta make your way even further out this way a lot of skeletons make it over hit this zone over here and no one's over here this is level four only we have any level four folks yet but we're ready for them make it past this area first which there's a few few strollin in here got a lot of people what we have right now we've got how many bet 600 all in line at the moment fourteen hundred subscribers who's Alania well another one I was that was my favorite people logged out seem to have had a good time they'll be good exposure satisfaction for for new subscribers because of getting purple oh we got the first level for where are ya yeah have a chat Oh series still in the level 3 zone imagine if you played a game you had to pay $40 for and $10 a month and you had to pay a dollar every time you died you died man I mix magazines or something articles maybe not magazines it may still make those I'd be all the buzz on Twitter bad publicity still publicity right that's the word simple solutions don't die that's right that's right yeah what's a magazine yet welcome to far song here ease you're the first person here what series think of the game you must be loving it you've been playing for an hour you're normally a six hour player you're an explorer yeah you certainly are car use your name it's like an all-female of player base here expertise average I don't think so Aires I think you're all right not addicted I don't know well at money you got series nice here series nice here bought some monsters not addicted at all my theories we steal can you fix that wait till you see those are those mushrooms yeah you know actually it is a very mobile game like isn't it because yeah you die and get to pay unless you want to wait an hour to to play some more yeah it's a mobile game walking through those trees where those things are all right here is I don't have a trainer for you over here I should get you one so I'll get you a warrior trainer over there paladin across the street and the painter can be over here are you heading to leave it just came over here oh you can we're here to set your home probably oh I put the door on that side oops can you rotate this thing says little for I think it did yes alright we gotta get a lot of subscribers we need to get a hundred little for us oh we have a little we have four little fours now well we need a level five region to get the next next thing when do we get next next upgrade though I love lar we can make new people I'll do a new character we can unlock I knew of those okay make a new a new class Oh a tree and what you can be a tree and in this game oh it's fantastic it's fantastic - perfect for Bob Ross trees I'm not changing anything we can do abilities though we want you off the abilities lots of abilities it's gonna be a hard class to play got strike you got Flair you got you have route you're gonna have SAP what's another one that would work apply for the apply wouldn't apply one mmm not a fan the apply button what was the first one I called it we need thorn whip Razor Leaf there you go why attack six is just gonna be leaf exclamation point I figured that one is okay and then we're gonna have this is gonna be a ray a sniper range one what sniper ancient be called it's gonna have to worry we're name is one after kitten doesn't he called the kitten chosen in purple kitten because this is the purple kitten okay replicating we make it purple thing purple there you go what's the deal for us it gives us it hurts their rage yeah apply that okay and you gotta have a hat yeah there we go okay it's so dumb all right excellent yeah apply that all right happy little tree until you change the name of looks dying in there more money for me let's see some nutrients coming in and even coming in yet sure they will be pretty soon [Music] come on dreams mean for you know knows I play miss to me to my abilities come on treat maybe I need a trainer he can stand where's that big tree yet yeah we're here why it's not a tree we make them do they have to make them suffer get through the cobalt to go to this tree train I think so making some money now with money coming in seeing the tree people though dead guy though every time I see a ghost just ghost me money let's put in a guard on a tree guard he can stand over here next to the tree trainer trainer Diane nobody will protect your friend oh oh I see one I see what there is what's your name el Lindo he's even tell investigate somebody let's go follow him here we go where is he heading now just not wearing pants and her name is Neddy fellow female game that's all we allowed here are you going L bean do best are you doing it so thin in the Bears out all right those bears it killed some bears maybe bears I hear there's a tombstone bears you have to kill I should make sure these oh come on now I mean doe thanks for the money what's your first monster ever see in the game and you died you play like I do happiness one I got some positive buzz though we should go Oh Ally Nia's back we should go in and let's do some advertising how do we do that sales we can't we have freaky features no advertise some streamer covers let's see we start up a new ad type we want to have website magnets magazine advertisement yeah those magazines everyone but all the kids who get those magazines 3500 bucks okay sure we're bringing some magazines and we'll do a little bit of a game exposition sure $21,000 couldn't do that free game vouchers know what I'd do an analyst for sure we brought a one person from a magazine campaign so old Doris is in here is that you're playing six this week only free respawns mm-hmm it's getting back anybody's got three is up to par coverage people are like she's still uh looking good making people want to play this game Elvina el vino is still out there four regions dev job queue is six should I maybe you hire another another dev Evans full point it was that good I like foolin are too crowded here yeah so you're really nice so too crowded yeah I hope to do about that maybe just adding extra zones in more more zones we got that one coming in here is there a lot of people in here I was no one over here there's no way over here that everyone is back this way we should change out some of our quests who's given all these quests ago Sarah I'm talking just reach kobold zone change your kobold one come over here kill some skeletons not 32 of them though kill like eight skeletons okay and then we'll send cuz they could get a few hidden they're all kind of going that way give me Justin in this way we do have a lot of cobalt so it's a big zoo and they can hold a lot of people second sitting star zone that could be good idea no one's killing them the these guys that's good idea let's do that Alania has died oh no let's build a still a big in over here like right over here I'm gonna put in a tavern across the street like that and then we'll throw in a have a potion shop over here oh let's do a potion shop that's and then Alania is not very good and over here I'll put our blacksmith there and then we do a respawn point over here I guess mandolin yeah maybe just time to give up pass through here and then going to coat up to here and connect to run that rock to there okay there we go did PvP us all that okay kittens corner oh that's the oh my god it's perfect can I change the name of it come on let me let me change the name of it well come on now too bad Alena has unsubscribed I thought I was just I was just joking Elena you come back I'm sorry you're bad alright let's go some new scenery in here let's make sure this place is is tucked away in here and all all my city April hit level 5 I don't the place for April oh let's do a over here what is this oh yeah at our that'd be worked it would work right there sticking over here to keep an eye on these guys also we need some quests over here also don't we I'll throw in a warrior over here we'll put one over this way we throw a tree man this used to be all woods even till these crocodiles moved in he can sit over this way and then we gonna have actual crocodile you gotta come back here and yeah go talk to a special crocodile who lives back here yeah there we go what's your job crocodile what do you want him to do you want them to this guy Nikolai the Swift you want to spiders do you let's go kill some of these guys kill some skeletons you know what you got a problem with these your friends here go kill some crocodiles there you go okay come back here talk to crocodile and then they'll uh kill some crocodiles swampy stuff in here where's the you get music back yeah some of these guys sure I can partially part going into terrain swamp icy mountain mushroom Grove okay thinking on it what's blinking over here what's happening oh hopefully alleviate some of that unsub mean pocket hall over there yeah hey in here oh this this trail of people what we have in here we got Ebola like we got almost a thousand online man like a third of hours of our subscriber base are all here right now we level five zone don't we I wish we could figure out I'm sure there's a way of doing it don't know how to do it of getting like a boat take us somewhere else we use the new monsters though see we have to buy something else and if you wanted to buy like this so anything gonna work we can have we had to go over here are we go that one maybe back this way let's go buy this one big zone ravine moon is the name of it ravine moon is not gonna be this kind of terrain no marine was gonna be something different you look Castle how do I change it their way and easier way maybe five and then here we go terrain oh oh oh I get it I get it it's gonna be an icy place very icy we already have I see in there so it's me I see and mountainy and forest and chasm II okay so then we can come in back here in here so it unlocks those four regions so we can come in with icy snow land over here snowy it's know if desert II stuff and we need to come in with keep that chasm going all the way through here and then we can go put some trees in yeah yeah look at that and then what was the other one we had more I see they might swim I guess we can figure that out if we do this if you a chasm here we'll see if it actually works let's put in we got to put in this respawn point yeah all that stuff respawn right over here if you die you're gonna be all the way over here and then we'll put in the one tower we have and all the taverns on this one just a little a little shop like that and actual shop push please oh yeah so it can't go over there let's see what this does what a path is going to lead into here this one how does that work Oh does okay ok pitting the hit straight into here into level 5 zone into Iceland and I think we need like some angry penguins or something we'll see if this works if it doesn't we can always always go and put in like that and then build our road that way there we go okay we need the the expensive stuff uplink and something like over there and there go over this way was monsters kill over here and gonna have monsters as you enter the zone of course okay so now that we're back in here we get some monsters so let's make some new monsters April's level 5 oh I guess well guess I'll do the quest things well let me do quest me get monsters first so back over here into wait wait upgrade oh here we go okay released a major version we can get a friends list allows friends to check their status of their friends parties us to a place join groups of party complete quests together flight paths ah that's how okay that's what we get that world history we're just come from development makes exploring your world much more interesting +5 to fluff if badges show off their achievements of the players get Gibbs they combat more visceral with these simple particle effects or arenas raise our PvP zones where players can voluntarily fight each other oh oh no I might be cool though that was implemented um I want flight pads yeah okay new yeah major release day for okay so we got a new a new monster I want something that's spooky like a like a yes okay no no his name is his name is what's his name oh man oh of course his name is Gordon obviously I didn't yeah yeah that one Jeff why did it change hey go to the chef cowboy there we go apply okay the chef everyone's terrified of the ship because he has a bill beatdowns what you gonna do he's gonna do a a chopping block is we gonna do and with that chopping block cost to activate it costs costs rage and it's gonna do some damage to them but it's also gonna it's also going to demoralize them yeah yeah yeah sure I be that color okay there we go here's a chopping block it's all about to attack can I make it any different of a four learn that level for sure this is gonna be called the saute sure now it just does damage okay all right can I get a little five ability level six attack yeah yeah this is I guess I should approach to this with the other ones flying cost money permitted OJ Pete I like the way you think this is gonna be this is gonna be the Royal mmm-hmm always called the halt the boiler is what's gonna be this is gonna be a melee a sniper range one he's gonna hit him from a long distance you know how pros are like a long distance things this wasn't do anything to your health though this is just new it's gonna be a a heel heels you heels you know 5.0 it's a big heel there's at level six okay oh you're gonna be level six level oh I can see how I do that learns at level one level three beatdown a sauna that's a terrible one let's change the name of that gonna be the what do you call it now mmm the peeler all right Hertz you Yankee does rage okay okay and then I didn't change the saute this I keep on that's whole apply button thing getting me worked up what was my big attack called I don't know what the broiler right broiler okay and didn't change anything okay so it's gonna be your health that was that one wants I don't member whatever to do whatever you do it's gonna be real big damage or big damage or let's go with mmm - 6.0 - 6.0 yeah yeah the broiler got more damaging okay so now we can avoid an army of chefs living over here in the woods hey dr. quest giver will put the the mosses at first Gordon they live over over here in the woods oh there's a bunch of them there's a bunch of them and give him some moss and big monsters two big chefs they live in here - what a terrible terrible place there's so many of them the stew pot is - pot okay put a couple quest givers in we need to have a Oh an ex chef obviously he's here he's like please help me my friends they're um they're broiling up all kinds of trouble a warrior and in a kind of a tree man can hang out here in the graveyard you guys give quest you have a right quest right it'll kill some gordon's and I want you to go and go over here and kill a big big guy brutalize the course no I went I went you hit this guy winter bone and then do it again but you need to get this guy back here I go shot screech you help me or my goose is cooked okay this is all level 5 stuff so knows only like what T people April I think is the first one so one person will be here I need I should probably have a bit a path leading back there but it seems silly to have a path there's a flight path right right we need to get we need that we need to have a flight path that goes from level oh I see I see okay so put it here right on the edge of the road okay it goes over to the level four spots over here okay so you go from four to five no problem gives my turn so it's ticking mates let's stick them like umm I care about the tower that's a lot of money I just squandered those I just building oh yeah activated why is not activated Oh cuz the dev has come on builders I think she meet dev here I can't tell if I built you see if I can move this guy okay it were I think it works service cost gold we can always adjust that seems to be working there's a line going as if it's working someone was to come in him from level one where they walked on yeah I think I'm with level one I think I see somebody coming oh here comes somebody that you April but Sandra pin sorry buddy I didn't get fight pattern time he's out here skipping along he's having a good time not addicted oh you got 40,000 bucks in his bank very happy though chefs here ready to give out some some work there he is looking all menacing and everything build-up more we should build up more things to uh to fight I guess when we get there what's with all the negative buzz it's about all this where's my reports issue a warning on somebody that's cheatin know what that one I want overview happiness is going down a little bit it was a four before too crowded here that's the one and find my guy to teach me cedar he's really nice here one likes that but it's too crowded we got two spots now concepto yes starting well I think I have more than one of these more than one starting point any player starts to your game they love appear from the starting points if you have more the one new subscriber will be divided between them okay so let's set another one out so how much does this cost thousand bucks let's - it back right about here okay there a highway there of people go through my through this I know it goes kind of through it I scoot you over a little bit go mhm go like this all right day for how is our I want new buildings I may not be any new buildings it is pretty early access I want help my average isin doing a hundred twenty new people from the magazine subscription well that magazine is more important than purple kitten hmm that's really good we oppression bring more people I know because I can't support him that could be a good idea because if we go I'm gonna move my music music um what's next what sonic soundtrack Domino somebody mentioned before I could one what was what's a good it's a good soundtrack for this can always domina well there's anything blizzard I probably get I probably eight copyright hit with so I won't do that let's do try Candida origins never play Dragon Age Origins that should be good [Music] all right [Music] - dammit you know the streamer to come in here that was exciting but a party going on over here get bar fighting right the middle it's at the start of the game all kinds of XP dead its has this place looking someone love people over here everyone's going to the cobalt instead why are you doing that this is too far away too much of a walk like I'm massive stream of people going here what if I had a road that went from here in it would solve that problem here and then just went straight in this way mouse is a problem oh hey hey flickering starlight how's it going yeah that sometimes he has the he has the ability to yell anyone he pleases can tell him off anyone says anything to him he can say hey I'm the deaf master champion for the month of February don't talk to me like that day five we just hit day five day five and three thousand subscribers that seems pretty good you me over here fight new things yet bit of a walk no see someone use the flight path are you activated you are online okay three read for free residents apparently what about finally open PvP oh yeah the Pirates the painter sorry the painter hey salad dressing how's it going which comes to the game just a PvP it'd be cool if we could do Oh could we do a second level one zone that's what we should do we should do another level one zone that way there's yeah let's go buy somewhere I don't know over here somewhere and do a level one I don't know where this is different items but over here this is where the horde star something start it yeah here okay level one zone we got a new level one zone which means we're gonna need all this stuff again in I'm sorry I apologize but a mouse is clicking off my screen and it's really annoying that's it stop stop it a game stop it let's go with starting points right here in the back Thanks and then yeah I'll go another about not our yeah and every spawn points will fill building up it will see we can get we make it to a coffee game we may not get to it well we'll see we'll see I don't I will tease you with it so put that in there we need a we need a box myth so something people me up here to gear sure there put a shop in whoops get whatever you're not potion shop you can have everything go on this side it's not really good [Music] let's go out this way and we'll have some monsters out here by the water and we can come out there and over here and into the snowy desert got some things over there too [Music] okay the flight path could go from here and in the other way we'll go like one there he's in he's gonna be able to lead into oh I can't but I want it to go but but but alright fine like that's only work if your regions are connected so this is gonna be a whole different group people over here work well whatever I was kissing monsters in here this place is infected with new monsters let's see what we get we need something new what we gonna get what prefab things we make we make the horrible things Cowboys is what's out here Cowboys yeah and oh my they're they're quadrupeds Cowboys quadrupedal boys just add a few abilities Duryea more abilities for you and then the black trainer no no no no no your names your name's Clint there you go all right so the Cowboys wherever they are are gonna go and mosey on out this way this way yes the cowboy that's right and then when I put some skellies in the woods and it'll put some cobalt out with me all kinds of things to kill us on this side out here we'll put in some bears some ocean bears and maybe some spiders around and we've cobalt eWEEK a little bit and some crocodiles out here okay crocodiles in the water all right click on this take itself and yet a couple skeletons right here mister challenges surrounded skeletons bad zoo carefully I'm drawing here okay big big big bad a big bad Gordon he stands over here whole bunch of him all right we need question quiz people throw in some this is a cobalt 1000 I sustained around there and we'll put in a some guard some cobalt guards of course there we need to make sure we have its place powered and two of these we'll see and that's it stop that good when it makes with power the side over here [Music] okay now here they come they're piling in already okay now can I go in do I want to put a path from like it's right there can I put a path from here to there are these here yeah I can't if I can't quite reach it's gonna go right there what fine over here then okay done okay yes and go there there there okay okay perfect it's not my level two zone which I wanted but they can fly there and then walk to the left two zone I'm gonna make her way through the Cowboys before then gets just out of power what happened no it's fine all right people are dying excellent I'll to death lots of money that's right that's right what 40 grand let's see what we're doing with our with our money now sales up the sales features what was it finance Oh graphs okay it's just income in general we expenses what's is expenses that's how much I'm spending in cash that's not what I want I want to look at thirty five thousand dollars in new purchases just today I know three thousand dollars and microtransactions that's three thousand deaths and we bought I think something else was a dollar to I think if you had to go out and see it lumpy that was it so that's our money makers three grand but that covers that covers some things yeah about three grand uh each day day one doesn't exist 47 grand last month Justin purchases sure I guess subscriptions would show up once we hit next month we don't day five so in 25 days we'll see where our subscriptions can do so I guess we have ten thousand subscribers that's gonna be hard bucks a party feature hey you're right anyone is playing solo yeah we can't do that until we get that though why I want to buy another were these things they're expensive there's a shortage where do you go he's going right there that gonna work they're just waste how much are you thousand bucks if I put you like there all the work a little hole up leaf 5,000 bucks right bulldoze the that thing that thing and that thing my money back okay you should be good now correct let me put in because of the grid I connect you that grid you go okay we're good now back over here and make sure we got quests going out well I want the quest man quest man go kill the Clint's more beer left my sock find the princess no I need you to kill things go up here and you buddy waste some bears cobol's more bears sweet this draw massacro spiders go out to here okay not the questions questions I should probably go in here into this one can I edit I can I'm gonna edit the warrior average happiness two out of a hundred doesn't seem very good practice I need more abilities there you go you have all those now apply that it's a good okay and get yourself a new hat it's a difference um nevermind it's fine get different color hats my ad campaign is in it which i think was my a magazine campaign wait have you server load I don't know about that one the video gamer detects cheaters how do I do this anyone cheating over here cheaters no cheaters that's what that means maybe just highlight them if we put it on them it was just white underneath it does a green guy what's the green guy are you cheating you are you cheating was that I can't see too many of them in there this guy his name is I hate Dwayne bass he's got cute hair is he cheatin what's with the green seems okay follow yes no way there's no what the only options is is music sound which there is none and just overall sound so I could turn the beat down a bit there alone just because of the names I hate is that what we're that were mad about seen anything else popping up else Seany I think seems okay rope is it there's a pink what's with the pink are you cheating you buff paladin plays for three hours you're ashamed ashamed of what bottom awesome scenery seem to be cheat I don't know how to tell if your Chi ashamed of being a paladin let me go and there's one thing I can do here and that's where is it I got higher somewhere higher GM High one of those we got three of those I mean these are as I have just one developer at I another developer okay that's how we see problems tickets handle today how about you you just build the stuff Oh bug fixes ok backlog is 12 I'll hire another one you how's this guy looking 20 tickets today no problem all right you know what one ludicrous speed let's see if we can get this thing moving you got these zones over here we got this one way over here which is which is moving I want to see people use the bird I'm hoping with they move the bird use the bird they can go to the other zone over there I don't work up a bird at that words yet there yes see somebody fly on their belts chattin going on positive buzz is looking good yeah go away oh those the positive streamer covers setting a new subscribers out of out of her the game is still negative $92,000 doesn't seem very good oh the most common thoughts of scrum subscribers where they occurred too crowded that just everywhere this is general never lets the scenery which I have done anything to find someone to teach me a new combat ability I put in here right gonna put those guys in here okay yeah they're Co balls right guys are the books on our heads I mean I didn't put trainers in here I don't know that I did actually okay palliative trainer or your trainer painter trainer trainer okay yeah where's the pets that's what we need of the big business I may be to get a no one's leaving the town they're all hanging out here let me get you develop a floor like that get back there and then we even probably get back here okay hopefully though start using the past or just standing out in the open everyone should stand out in dueling it's all they care about so many people in this little area just chatting just having a good time it is a PvP game so I guess that's why people just walk out and start fighting you don't ever play a Dark Age of Camelot where you just or any PvP zone on any game I mean why is it to walk out certain zones as soon as you reach the border then it's immediately just mayhem there's the path I hope that Birds working right are you connected can't look at you they're only open can't see where you're going I hope it going where I want you to go anybody using you though hopefully it's working people are something's oh that's not gonna spread out a little more now good let me go look over you can overload which one way over here where is that other Burdett which one wind fire which ones wind fire than the first one smoother birdies yeah I see somebody use him he's doing no stand over just looking at him yeah I have guards people come out here kill him bears what was it that was overcrowded probably this one it's got to be this one what's the name of this town Sherwin Sherwin basin is that the one that was was tell me was it over here wind fire this is the one oh because there's there's only one Oh cuz I only have one enemy to kill here oh yeah oh yeah let's put in some more more spiders yeah super over over loaded back here here things to kill I'm sorry we're in the force when you get some bears out here bears and some more Skelly's you get those Druids I think to kill but that's pretty much it I think I think you may be right pro Skelly's back there give you a pass you guys know where to go no quest killed him just gonna grind him I can make a quest put a bear okay so you have a quests bear click on you eat the eternal kg dudes kill those things and kill those things back there and yeah more spiders sure sure mode one Cobalts yeah and then you over here other bear Swire beer if I my watch let's kill these there we go that'll fix that hopefully think you're right if I were to remove where'd that one go there's a flight path into here it needs to go from just let's make one it goes from there and goes to there okay that work there is I'll give you a road connect up to here and I'll even give you an in maybe a tapper what's point of taverns just for kitten sociable hubs nearby a player will tend to go there when they want socialize okay have one of those and and why don't you have like a little a little in right here also makes all these Skelly's okay it'll be there hey Cory let's go and the other one that I put in was somewhere over here which is where the bird that this guy is put a couple guard couple guards in we went some some some guard guards that and let's throw we can we have our do I want people to linger here have a tavern over here we do its have urn over here yep we could set a second tavern oh yeah that'll spread him out a little bit more we won't socialize they can socialize Becky there's nothing going on back here we has been always on twitch yeah since since the early days this is gonna be me more bandwidth this one how they do okay so they expensive because there's too many people over here probably I already have I already have two of them here oh you know what that's not connected whoops that one needs to be connected to the other node there okay that fixes okay any other fight we have the only other region we got is this one over here we need a level six region once we get a level oh you have a sex change your PIN has already hit it that guy he just says he said he's he's just a casual player he ain't casual I wish there was an easier way of making flight paths cuz I would like to have like a level six way over here what's this I won an award the games were super best visuals oh look at that's eight days look at best visuals thanks XYZ I'm in the 39 in debt where do I pay off my my my debts Malone's that one this one pay it off repay that loan I harm fifty grand left okay I'd to pay I'd do it all once well we have new class we can unlock what's gonna look for what's our next class is a blood elf there's a panda we can make anything can make a mage we have already have a town of cobol's we can make a whole people plague doctors or pirates what you want to be Rhino people penguin people oh my okay yeah that's good abilities add some new ones these in here and then um what that guy did we yeah oh yeah so use pin one's gonna be tough okay so yeah you can be penguins now and we need some penguin trainers Oh ten change name the cult scouts okay that's fine we'll set them over here by the rock boy over there we'll stash one over this way somewhere this is red so it means it because it's super overloaded yeah what's the point over this way and back over over here somewhere and then we gotta have one of me Arctic over there out put the other chef or the other penguin up here on the hill I've designed abilities of fueling pvp pvp time where some penguins we can watch the watch this guy will get some come up to meet him there he is should give him a hat what was I thinking seem coming out is uh their starting gate here so we'll have new folks coming to join the game forget all those ghosts you know what ghost means it means money wonder if I were to do that doubles our money if we go up even more people are happy about this cost real money yeah it costs costs three dollars now come in what's your opinion of this they don't care like whatever I'll pay more money this games so great I love this game people are thinking they're all those ghosts yeah this is a terrible game it's a phone game we talked about it but we talked about it before this is a phone game I want to see the Raven get used No why is that what maybe we need some scenery or maybe they want a nobody just do we just throw a in like a tavern over that I would do it well throw a in a throwing a shop over here along the road right there little shop just out there we'll put it we'll give it a garden I'll give it a penguin garden there we go we can even have a quest man move your feet one quest main stand here in the shop now he is hanging out doing penguin things we need to make sure we get the power here I'm just outside of it yeah hey Tyra Miki speaking of quests I mean you're still on underpowered you got plenty of power ah Cronus the eternal what's quest we got heavier start starting go to starting point enjoy the scenery go to a blacksmith shop buy weapon go find the king then I'll go and kill a guy right here that guy or loft and then let's go find princess no no no come over this way next quest is to forget the princess go over here go kill some clint's and then let's kill some water bears okay yeah we hate those chefs I was giving us a stink eye over there I'm hoping with the shop being here people watching come here and sell things we want people to social socialize we could throw in a tavern any more buildings a level up four buildings my pastor let me go uh encourage people to come socialize over there they're all hanging out in the starting zone are they gonna use the path are they gonna be to use this use the burden binding their home spot pop them back out you can use it walk over there like that you're like you're gonna use it then just walk off all right we should make a level six down shouldn't mean um let's see alright there's five so six could just be right there so we know those those level those 10,000 subscribers let's go throw it and ride over here I'll buy you you're gonna be region six and let's get a path cutting through the mountain just put two towns in here it was small in back here big in over here and we'll put a towering above spots and we can do a potion shop and greater shopping between and when you have a couple shops stop over there maybe more shops we've been fighting some things shop over there and you can trainers will throw the warrior you don't work warrior we smoke like oh okay respawn wow hey space it's going over there all right and we'll put a landmark in and [Music] so warrior paladin painter can be over here and we'll put the treant and the penguin over this way give me a couple town guards okay and then we need we need emotional skills so what monsters we want to kill every what's gonna live over here we got the Clint's over here still let's go smooth Clint killin again in the mountains throw in some Skelly's that live around this zone here put some KD druids those cagey druids Skelly's around let's just do a whole bunch a little bit of everything spiders and level six of Cobalts okay oh yeah sure catch the crocodiles match of bears all right now we need some some quest givers who gives the quest in this town all the chefs are all chefs it's four over there we'll put one in this spot here and we'll throw a couple over here we go and it will make our network buy you two of these here I think go a little water a little bit you're just gonna connect to that guy go out there oh stop it don't look come on come in ah work for me there okay double-click isn't working yeah I guess okay other one will go from my guess which go from this one power this stuff up okay the power let's go make sure you give us all you okay all powered all right level six zones ready to go overloaded yeah yeah that's right Bob Ross online don't forget don't forget it's not really anybody over here in level five there's just nobody over here I think we need more we more like low-level zones we got the one over there we could set up a whole of a zone here it's think those are both level one maybe they'll share let's do that not enough deaths deaf means money yeah a little level one zone actually maybe we like it level to level two and then take a copy and paste tool let's go path over here through the mountains there you go I'd like you to go right sure like that can I have that path up here and then go to the road wherever that was that is and then you're gonna go in here we make ourselves turn turn turn a big zone for level two then they have a couple towns in here too let's go like that all right respawn we're gonna respawn there landmark all right so potions their shops everywhere and we'll throw this be the big town back here taverns everywhere they're their minions piggy back here right there okay my times are kind of kind of ugly right now I'm trying to build fast so much for making things pretty anymore oh yeah oh yeah scenery forest or a pine for something yeah fine for us this place there we go yeah our field right yeah like a little bit I see over here sure like that would put some trees in front of it here we go yeah there we go okay let's get our trainers in here we're gonna go with put everyone back in this town Scott Luthor here by the trees and then we need well do quest waivers quest givers in a minute this region is run by for my crocodiles at all guards people are coming in here already new zone exciting times let's get quest givers not yet I'm over there with over the pallet in back there see so now we need zones we have we have another mantra we can make probably a lots of monsters we can make yeah alright what's next um that guy looks pretty good I like it buff month yeah I'll prove that buff ok the Berserker we're gonna call it yeah buzzer pretty good actually let's give him a hat combo give us some abilities there we go my knees level - real abilities really we can give him a new maybe this one he attacks it does damage but it also it also heals him he's an echo he's a vampire yeah ok cost a little bit of rage do that though there we go apply vats give him a hat curse was weird a giant tricorn product all right now we build where is it the preservers own his every slave over here and there's and there's a few back here and and maybe there's some in here too and we'll put in some more Clint's along the road and lots of Skelly's good maybe some spiders back here and Katie Drew with this guy's terrifying there we go and some chefs maybe a whole bunch of vampire Minotaur that's right I didn't put in my network stuff perilous sherwani two of them there and won't be built out okay done chef's mafia that's right there they are right there all right quest give her time let's go with we do tomorrow good night if I did a Mari it means I'm not gonna have any proper quests so we're gonna put in some a few more these guys all adjustment seconds but like a pallet in there I stick one there just a few quest givers what comes some guys here on the road and let's go interact with these guys you over there Squire brave cagey druids kill some Gordon's don't you go kill these guys right next to you I get some those with berserkers and then Massacre the Gordon's yeah yeah yeah that's perfect and then you probably a lot people stopping by to see you these are all level two stuffs so cagey druids you don't like those cagey druids let's get those guys over here got a guy coming to get you all ready Alaura its cover my shoes no no no no yet but you new target go over here and then over here and then I'll send you way over this way okay his ways it may not be in the game yet talking about doing stuff yourself there is a thing you can come in you can you can take control of a creature doesn't seem to work though oh no what did I send maybe put guards I didn't actually do I didn't actually do quest givers Oh only elite monsters Oh could be could be could be quest giver anywhere cult spiders discover the king enough enough King go kill those guys put some expert monsters can I make I need to make some better elite monsters up here in these mountains there's a bad dude if it'd been there it was bad dude over there bad you down there on the road oh yeah beserker on the road nope put the berserker I want a blue zircon the road there he is okay oh we can upgrade all right that should be good I think I think % for that let's see we can what we can do here alright we've got ourselves a new a new buff which we got one point to spend I'm gonna spend it on socializing is that we want to put it into yeah new big release day a day 9 release and we get oh ok new stuff but I want new perks work with perks I almost have a higher place below 5 music it's very dramatic let's see if that works let's go see if we can play as that's not did there he is right there that's not good he's dead let's grab one of these epic folks this guy right here and see if I can play as him it's red I can't Oh hold it down look at that check that out I'm a mad cowboy okay here we go we're going in can we run any faster the Nets very slowly going in very slowly going in we're gonna murder somebody here we come my name's trance amudha I'm early Clint it's getting kind of laggy can I attack this guy I have abilities to use them despawn no no going in we should find someone closer well I'm jumping I'm jumping it's so laggy but I'm jumping curious now oops not that one how do I leave okay if I can take since we learn how to do that now can I take just some random like the quest giver no I can't look at that I'm a quest giver Squire brave no quest from me we're going in we jump it we're jumping in this is how we play a mozi jump a whole bunch come on if we get music exciting for this how do I hit him now hit him strike on strike divine hammer know what time again we did it victory jump up and down yeah we did it alright there we go that's how you play the game what's a wind fire is very yeah it's very overloaded another region nearby picking that right in that range in crisis had more network service to the overload of region to increase its capacity Oh supposed to be reduced servers in there was it that's over here sure I'll put in a server it's 2,000 bucks okay they're good now you guys happy now being handled server load over there how's this region doing oh it's there's a lot of people around here look at this imagine if you came to a game in it look like this I would just immediate alright any quiz server to your bandwidth do you know with with cables this all right like that there's a way of seeing there was a way of seeing red whenever things were looking bad okay overloaded overloaded still at same one wind fire yeah well people go over here now so they got they got multiple ways of going so if they want to level up they can also go right look at that positive buzz we have ohmy people love this game I don't know why paying way too much money for it it's must be what ei thinks every time they they need to come out with a new Sims expansion day nine results we got more money coming in we got seven thousand dollars in micro transactions now yeah let's crank it up there's only see if you have it going to give it you the highest capacity wind fire oh yeah residence oh yeah it is maxed out no there's no I'll turn this off in there there's a log in queue for wind fire how does this one doing over here no one's over here I think it should fix and time people just already here and so that's why they're there bound here already so I think it should clean up in a bit as soon as he's level one folks make their way over there he'll be ok [Music] speaking of the Sims here all this right we meet there's a game called I talked about this before I think I may talk about it on on the discord there's a game coming on so for like how long system's been out 20 years I think for like 18 years anyone that has that is a fan of The Sims I've been wanting a Sims a Sims competition and we have para lives which which is exactly that which is coming out it looks there's not a lot to the game yet but it looks kind of incredible so we'll see how it goes you live and you die it's coming soon who knows it's think it's just one guy working on this thing we're gonna for quiet guess quite some time oh no not just one guy not just a solo project anymore apparently since December 10th but you're coming you build your house you play the sims basically and it's just a a Sims game and you can freely set up your windows yes yes so everything is nothing's on the grid or anything you can place things wherever you want that was one of the videos I was watching with Italy a few of those but yeah I I cannot wait people always ask me what kind of game what game my waiting what game my looking forward to the most that one I hope it's good I really hope it's good okay read overload overload ya got any other streamers in here how do we get more streamers in oh here we go heat map that's that one too crowded here 8,000 times seniors nice 2,000 times I like percentages I like our loom our our aural Romero me too let's go into here and say I'll repay a loan no not yet you raise those microtransactions that love it lots of people coming in play levels we got a ton of people level 2 that's our problem because I already go to level 3 anemones and be terrible you have four people level six best visuals that's right our magazine brought in 683 people I don't know did you notice whenever I took over that guy I had a head gear on him as if he had as if you could carry things we do build people do buy swords so you go into the blacksmith they buy weapons they get loot and they sell it at the shops that's how it works I don't know how it actually works a game website 7,000 bucks let's do some more advertising what's the worst could happen [Music] right on the best visuals award you got yeah yeah me neither that's exactly what is it with Sam such a such a a cash cow I like the mouse to get to the mouse off can't I go back to normal mouse I kinda like it though it's crazy but scott-carr like it's got a little bit of a we're getting to about the end here because I think we're hitting our uh speaking of network of stability it's been a little open field it's pretty nice isn't it hey all you guys won't you go the other zone stop being over here cuz there's so many other zones you can go keep go be yet I can set up a level two zone over here but they wouldn't go over there I got go right here how do I encourage you to come over here it's there's people coming though well we got now 148 something I guess only 57 are logged in these are residue pi moved over here and and bound at the end that's what this is [Music] got some neat looking sticks in the ground there we really mess with any of the pretty stuff so let's see if we can make something pretty right over here let's go see them Siri so we can go into Syria let's see we can do so I don't what this whole thing is adblock is all about we can add entrance on this does either add exit I think like if we want to come in here and take one of these chairs this else's castle here mouthing mouthing is driving me mad and we can add blocks oh oh look at that Wow neat row more more blocks whoo that's now that's all right I didn't oh look at all this Wow I'm so Wow I don't to say that's crazy it's a better behaved Mouse though the mouse is fine it's fine that's a big tree they treat me over there let's put in a UH whilst we do we have these fancy lanterns with this oh yeah big sign sure sure welcome to this place instead of like right where my mouse is but hopefully that'll be there we go Wow check that thing out it's called scenery level 2 scenery sure it is visitors oh I need a door let's put a door there just the ones fine that's neat that's really neat I like it I want to go add more things more scenery so we know things about this game I really like it's super early access still but man like if it's one of those games that you can work on for like an eternity still be adding things to the game but it's pretty well over there a giant a giant will never do it as well we had a can we we had an entrance to that no we're gonna go inside here I guess hey yeah hey you can I um move you know you're stuck there we need a quest giver inside this castle we need who's gonna give a quest I got like a paladin set him right right there inside and then we'll give him a couple guards palette guards there we go it's been hours just on one region this game um Eiling stash yeah that guy uh find your sock no no don't do that go kill some things a new target over sure here and then find some beer it's cover my shoes believe me a real job go there I could send you to it but if in places I can't sink it so I can say bring me the king and go go there go find the princess more beers and send you way over to that town of it that way waste the Clint's sure who's in hang out over here people can come cruising in and have a chat with him nothing phallic about it other was talking about we ran out of music I think and and the music is a the sign of end of stream I think not enough Macky oddly not see the word I note arm up there's a few all right well I think it's industry in time man what a way to go out that with it with an amazing new discovery let's make okay hang out where you do a bit more that I want see what else we can do with this that's incredible so we go in here set dressing yeah oh this is really cool we can have like a oh so I go to like a town I had no idea so we call the dev getting back in here need them back in here so we can explain this stuff to me so put this I know up there's fine and then we can come in and we can add blocks onto this little house like that it's fantastic things on top yeah and then make like little houses can I put it no it has to be a separate building but I can do another one which looks really dumb why don't look dumb no it's fine that one there we can stick one over there oh look at that I had no idea little town back here you Danny alligator okay I do yeah and if people can come in and I guess they can come inside oh no why they would cup great I filled this thing up to if I wanted to add blocks sure it's like a fortnight building there we go add things onto this I'm sure a little overhang thing put the door in there we need to add some doors man I wish I knew this I wish I knew about us sooner I would spent the entire stream on one - Gordon that one on just ones zone okay that's everything I think so you have one here buck Smith wow that's cool oops oops okay now no point to those a campaign has ended it's really cool though first the game is breaking yeah yeah whatever doesn't matter what fancy town over here hey that out I already won best award award for the the best game and then look at that what ain't campaign do we lose this was the oh the magazine we got seven new subscribers in the magazine look at that positive buzz day ten we made it to ten days in this game we finally got ourselves a fancy town which I did not realize that should be a tutorial like hey make a game make you think fancy by doing this that's incredible actually have a proper little town over there I love it I like it and there's so many more things we can add in here - oh my sound too excited but there's like a proper castle here let's put a castle over here I'll see we can do with this I just said one thing down there and we're gonna go in and and just make it beat make it bigger yeah yeah oh yeah there we go whoa okay spin it around spin around comin around [Music] okay looks kind of dumb oh it's getting fixed okay go around this way don't mind the castle is floating happens come on come in nope you don't build up all right fine oh is that all I can do oh no oh no no more but I want more can you no it's okay don't worry no you're worrying you tack them on there okay you can't go there cause it's you close em alright well we'll just do this and then bit on to you I think the game is just about habit but you bill go yeah yeah more clicks more clicks okay that's fantastic okay all right all right you'll be really would be really awesome very cool is if we can come in here and say like this building is not scenery but maybe it's some sort of shop or you can like build houses for people so they could use those as houses instead of instead of ins or I don't know I don't know I'm not a developer anyway this is MMORPG tycoon - what a dumb name but what a fun game doesn't need him as a dungeon yeah yeah that perfect as a dungeon or as if I could say my quest giver let's go find one quest givers we have one hang around we'll make one so mr. quest e I stand you right there and then I can go in I can click on you and say oh you have a quest to go to that building oh it does work go to the scenery oh it does work go into that one and that's the quest is to go to that building it does work all right I've had enough sure Bob we'll go out let's uh call it an end here let's do a I will do this man Shh for our grand finale and I'll put their links below with yours links in there gonna be him for this one I went to mm-hmm man I wish I don't know that earlier that completely changed the game for me all right let's death match real quick so let's go into building emulate tour and battle it out in match fashion Bob Ross online only $3.00 per death what a bargain yeah no coffee game today next time I promise next time alright let's go to a let's do what's gonna be a good Bob Ross kind of day how about a hollow disc it sounds exciting why why you still there go away go away already picked you Bob you know what let's look composite galaxy oh look at that sure like that I know it means but yeah one of those Okamura have two galaxies more more galaxies I want a a grid Oh in a cross in a triangle and a heart okay big a big deficit a all right generate and take a steam break I know I mean I made it made of way no brakes no brakes today Oh make sure we get every one shown here it's too tiny you can't see your names maybe there's problem all right time for bed for me ain't gold letter well thanks for watching everybody I I didn't really know what to expect with that game I we talked about it before lumpy mentioned it to me hey you want to check this out I I can get a key for you I said sure and it's such a dumb name for a game I guess it fits though it's you but I really like it hi it's early access still pretty early act early early access I hope that he sticks with it or they stick with anything more than one of them now and however tough three where you ads they are maverick is that you maverick conquering the the trip to X that's 2x2 no it that's to a to that conquer and the X Hubert's up here in a triangle and we got Letran abyss in the spiral media flippies streaming ahead and easing the spiral as well a lot more stars in the spiral than there is in the Oh Lex coj beat and Jeff you're still alive and how much longer Briggs in the bottom nope maverick is starting to fall apart who's conquering prongs prongs is taking over the place and we got Raising Cane's hanging in there you seen him in a while FML Oh who's that ensign Flannery good guy mattress oh hang in there there's Prague's got taller chrome over there my mellow and raising Cain Duke ensign Flannery and Brian Brian's coming back we got carbs Dimitri burns Markin Ryan and don't want to are you serious oh they're lower James a little speed to nukes take it over heart-shaped galaxies a bit strange this guy might say it's no more strange than the triangle one launching missiles all the way that the heart is angry Raising Cane's conquered the heart and just launched missiles out it means because those took points here along these I'll show with these lines here are let's go let's go to 4x these little stars because ships it's like Dimitri is know answered Flannery's coming back it's a very green galaxy Oh maverick is gone no prongs raising Cain Hubert carbs and hearts burns and market are hanging in the top [Music] just stands by Oh Raising Cane's oh that one's going away raising cane what's happening Raising Cane's gotten angry it's the only way over here is by that crazy raising Cain is champ [Music] Lisa's raising cane you are our camp for the night very loud music all right thanks for watching everybody uh yeah well I will do my best to be here for the Monday stream this is the Monday afternoon a reasonable hour stream and thanks for watching everybody feel free to join the discord there's links below of course and this stream will be posted on the channel autosum sometime I'm I'm actually ahead believe it or not and so I have videos going out and I don't have room for streams to fit in this all fit in there somewhere let me get lazy one day and I don't stream any I don't record anything all I'll get you posted but thanks for watching everybody and I will see you next time
Channel: Nookrium
Views: 30,869
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mmorpg tycoon
Id: AhJbrj3ZhUE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 206min 16sec (12376 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 10 2020
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