Life Finds a Way | The Sapling (Evolution Simulator)

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hello lovely people welcome to the geek I am pinch and welcome to the sapling which is a game all about life and evolution where we get to design our own plants and our own animals put them in a world and see whether they survives we build this ecosystem a delicate balance between plant and animal and then we see if it all works and everything thrives and goes on to grow and be wonderful all whether it all goes wrong and everything dies out I hear sounds like a lot of fun I am intrigued to see whether we can build an ecosystem that works it's due to be released into early access on the 12th of December which is tomorrow as I record this so expect to the normal early access stuff like bugs and glitches and all that kind of stuff if you're interested there is a link to the steam store page in the video description below and we got our hands on this a little bit early thanks to the developer which is very kind of you so thank you developer that's really lovely indeed without any further ado I think let's just have a go at making a thriving ecosystem okay so at present we have to work our way through the scenarios there is a sandbox down here but it's sort of grayed out imagine we might have to complete at least one or more of the scenarios but that's fun we'll go and do the beginner things we'll go and do the island in this beginner scenario you learn to tame plants well that sounds marvelous let's go to the island scenario end goal make sure that one species with branches survives a century before the year 1000 oh my goodness mate a lot of time is going to pass in this game okay so we've got a thousand years to make sure that we generate a species with branches that can live for a hundred years okey doke right let go and here we go and this is the core mechanic I would say of the sapling this is where we get to design life so this is obviously a plant so we get to design the plant so this is the sticky up bit out of the ground and then there's a rootbeer which goes into the ground and there we go authentic plant terminology right there that's what we want to do is at the moment this plant has no means of reproducing so if we were to put it down somewhere it would grow but then it would just die out eventually it would probably get some energy and it would be fine it would live but eventually you know it would die out because this sort of thing happens entropy happens and it would just die out without reproducing and then it would all be very sad so what we need to do is we need to drag some stuff up here so this is going to grow some fruit we drag it over and little kind of stubby thing appears so we can then say okay well grow some fruit there and then let it sort of arm appears and then a fruit will pop out which is very exciting so then we can see down here it's using some energy it's got an energy profit which is quite exciting and it needs that much energy to make some fruit so there's no expected to grow some fruit there we go so expected one little fruit will come out of this now could we do something else with it can we put on Nothe fruit on the other side would that work can we make it like a little sort of now that looks nice it looks like someone carrying some shopping bags there we go so you have it like that so I think that's quite a good idea and then this thing has also started flashing on and off all right okay so this is what is this some sort of leaves or no shoes I have maybe this is branches maybe this is branches okay let's put some branches on then shall we so let's put them nori short one there okay yeah let's put one there I mean it does look like a little person now it looks like a little tiny such a person put some eyes up there looks like a little person with their arm sticking out ok well I've one there and we'll have one there and we'll hook Joe what why not let's just do that let's just have that shall we let's see if that works so that will now grow two fruits because it's got these things to catch more energy I guess so your energy profit that must mean how much energy into getting so it's using that much energy to grow those two fruits but it's because we put these extra bits on which here are catching the light and all that kind of stuff it's then going to generate lots of energy for this plant and it only needs that much for fruit so yes it's not reusing much energy for anything else I mean could we could we add another fruit onto it could we add a fruit up there so it looks like it's sort of head it looks like a little toy let's go penguin let's go a little a little sort of sort of crazy penguin but there we go Joe well that'll do let's have a go with that sure so yes we've created something I don't really know what but there we go can we do anything with the roots I don't think we can do anything with the roots right now we've just got year we get to play around with the green bit the sticks above the ground okay right I am ready let us see what we can do okay so there's a little island which is the name of the sort of scenario we're in so zoom in and then we just put our plant down doing so we are introducing the species lie bab-oh ok so this is what a little plant is called is it this is the lie Bab okay how many lie Babs do we want to put down I guess we want to put too many down because it might be all competing for what little resources there are okay let's can we put them all the way over here and that we can put on the side of the island okay fine we'll put one over here of here might look a little bit barren tor check a couple over that way okay that might be good I think that might be enough there we go that looks that let's go down there's a gap in the middle there we go fill that gap in and put one there and maybe one there and one there there we go right many many plants the temperature is 10 degrees there's not much wind strength there's a lot of ground water yes because there's an island and it is soft and it will survive here okay that's quite good so now we just press ready so your first milestone the first step toward every summer is end goal is to create a plant that can survive in your land without any help okay well I think we've done that because it will survive here so now we need to make sure that a species has been alive for a century so okay fun so we'll have a go with this shall we so now we can zoom in and have a little look at what's going on and look there you go the first Laur Babb was born and we love the little the fruits are appearing the fruits are growing off of the trees oh look at that or whatever they are the arms on Tom that side but never mind early access and all that kind of stuff but fruit fruit is growing awesome and that just grew that just appeared from nowhere and look it's got two fruit okay right these things hopefully are working and it's spreading yet cuz that's a new one isn't it oh yes okay right it's it's working our plant is working oh and then and then all of a sudden a lot of them have died oh dear okay I imagine that speeds time on so let's have a look so millennia are passing on this little island and lots and lots of our plants are growing now we need to keep it alive for a hundred years I think we're looking pretty good to keep that alive for a hundred years we're at seventy seven eighty millennia so yeah it's looking pretty good so it's going well there we go we have completed lustrous life you've a lot sculpting tool in the editor yay okay life comes in all shapes and sizes create a taller plant that can still survive okay make sure that one taller species survives a century okay right so time is paused I assume that's pause is it just there okay can we go back into here then and start generating some more stuff mutate that one or from scratch okay from scratch add drag this dot what's gonna say how to make it taller hover over this dot and scroll okay and then and then we've zoomed in a bit okay hang on ah-ha-ha-ha yes can we make a ludicrously a ludicrously tall planet isn't it very strong around the base to see it doesn't o.o yes could we make a Wibbly plant yes okay hang on a minute can we make can we drag that bit out that way and that bit out that way and that about that yes it's perfect okay right well one of those it's using a lot of energy so now we need to stick quite a lot of these things onto it can of C joke propagate across the lands and spread and reproduce and all that kind of stuff so we'll drop a couple of fruit bits on it okay one at the top as well that's pretty good and then I think we need some of these to generate some energy to the moment we're using all our energy we can't grow anything we've got no means of actually attracting any sort of light they were guys who put that in and that's do using a tiny bit of energy right we're gonna need many of these things many of these leaves or branches or whatever they are so there we go so we'll put lots of these in oh my goodness me it's gonna need loads of this yeah we're not gonna grow any fruit this tree is not gonna survive right on let's chuck as many of these on as we can because it might start generating a little bit of energy if we put enough of them on I know there is a message there that says the plant is too large it needs more water and now we've got a thing over here with the roots so we can expand the roots out of it there we go look so energy use energy profit because we've now got massive roots on this sort of tree thing we've designed so there we go so it's using half of its energy to grow three fruit but it has quite a lot of energy left over which is Marvis needs a tiny bit okay right looks fun let's put a few of these monstrosities - okay drop one there and one there and one there I'm on that one there we go we'll just we'll just took a few round I don't think we need loads they do look very obscure but okay that's fine how many different later sort of bits we can change the colors so you can have red red Wibbly trees and all that kind of stuff okay yeah I'm ready so let's give that a go so now we want to make some taller species oh the sky is gonna lovely color okay right move time on nice and fast cuz we're not redoing much else oh yeah we just watch the fat trees survive oh yes they are look now all the little ones have gone all the little plants are dying out because now the bigger trees are taking over all the taller trees are taking over and time is passing in they're all falling down all that kind of stuff there are some of the littler ones but I think the littler species is very much in the minority yeah yeah we haven't locked branches oh okay they're not branches they just spines or something okey doke right we've got branches marvellous so now we need to design a species with branches there's gonna be around for a hundred years okey doke okay so we've got a number of branches here so do we just tack them on oh it looks enormous oh look at that it's beginning to look a bit like a tree oh yes okay right we can make some very odd obscure things here right okay then that can come out like that oh yes it does look very much like a tree doesn't it okay let's but one of them lower down maybe drag that out a beer okay I like that I still gonna need some other basic plant stuff oh but now can we hang fruit bits off of the arms are yes where you can okay let's do that let's put the fruit bits there so it looks like it's good it's armed growing the fruit at the end okay I like that what have we got energy use energy profit needed for fruit right so we're using all of our energy at the moment so that's also not very much good can we expand the roots a little bit okay the roots are big so the plant needs more sunlight so now we just need to slap some leaves on it and see how this goes so yeah we just need to put some more stuff here let's see if we can do this yes it needs more sunlight okay so it's now able to catch more Sun is that it Sun caught wind resistance temperature resistance I heard that and that's just to do with these little spiky things so let's just put some more of these on okay it has many many leaves upon it which means we are generating enough energy to grow the three fruit and it's got a little bit left over as well just in case something bad happens you know it's got a little bit of backup energy we can unlock stuff up here it looks like but I don't know how quite we unlock extra leaves so this one here required in parent species that one the leaf that we've already got leads to some other stuff son cause he I don't know quite how we unlock these extra leaf types but whatever the case this is done for now so here we go so this is a tree it's got branches so now we need to put this down so I don't imagine it's gonna be any taller than the other ones so this is this is will read so the will replant so we just took a couple of will replant down and just see what happens so yeah we just throw maybe some around the edge as well it's a little bit barren around the edges so we'll put some down here look we can't go too close to the edge okay no door if you're around okay now let's have a look and see what happens with the will replant so move time on first will we was born so this is encouraging so they are surviving yet but we can see them all see now look now the will Rees are taken over and the other plants whatever the other ones were they are now being sort of you know they're being they're being got rid of off this off the planet they're not really surviving anymore nothing is happening to them yes look something went extinct you met the main objective for this scenario and have unlocked an egg scenario okay marvellous news okay um we can keep playing on that level I don't really see the point because we can I do plant stuff okay next scenario what happens in this one scenario end goal make sure that one species with leaves survives a century at the highest peak before the year 1000 Oh the highest peak host into mountains wasn't it okey doke okay so at the highest peak so it's going to need to attract a lot of light so I'm gonna say we make it tall we expand the roots as big as they can be and then we get our we can't have branches yet I want to have branches they're really useful you can hang the fruits off them and okay let's let's check a few of these things on so let's just go alright let's have some leaves sticking out there we go how about four on that side and then can we have can we rotate it around a little bit there we go and then have four on this side so the opposite side so there we go so one there one there one there and one underneath okay that's lovely and then get ourselves some fruit so we'll put the fruit I know in the middle that will do so it's gonna grow one fruit and I think we could prep another one on the other side there we go got plenty of energy left if I'll do let's have a go at that for now we can do anything else with the roots or whatever can we because make them oh oh we can make the roots absolutely huge oh okay right phone let's get back up to the plan okay let's see what we need to do here why is that pinging on and off what is this telling me needs water at depth shallow or deep oh oh there's a little sort of load of stats down here leaf temperature resistance wind resistance required soil softness needs water at depth okay I mean can we can we make this deeper then deep needs water where is deep okay now if we're on top of a mountain I imagine that's probably about right okay let's just press the button and see what happens and you don't really know what the level is yet so it's not going to survive here because of the groundwater okay so we might need to go and revise this a little bit hang on can we can we can we go we have to put it in here can we not put it up on the top of the highest peak yes it's not going to survive here it says there's not enough groundwater I think of the roots are too deep I think that's the impression I get can we put one up there and the temperatures all wrong up there the temperature is wrong up there okay fine so this isn't going to work I don't think redesign redesign this okay click that and then go to roots and then just bring that up a bit so the moment it can grow like that is is that gonna be better yeah okay right so some of them will work some of them will survive here but not everywhere so even in some places it doesn't work so for example there there's not enough groundwater but there there is okay Joe up we'll just got loads of the roundabout and we'll put some up there as well just loads them around if we put enough around of the olia species some things gonna work isn't it right okay I'm ready let's have a go and see what happens a new button is a pin what's that oh it's an overlay type thing oh that's quite useful shallow groundwater deep groundwater softness temperature winter ah overlays oh I do like an overlay okay fine so that is the groundwater the other thing is how do I turn the overlays off once I put them on I don't know okay we're stuck in overlay mode no that's absolutely fine okay what's that doing in the corner what's that what's that what's that telling me Oh some of the plants are all bendy okay right okay speed time on let's have a look at what's happening are we going to survive for whatever a hundred years we've got the tallest species it's looking pretty good they're looking pretty good for lasting a hundred years I would say it's it seems to be going well thus far are we gonna make it reduce yay right okay we've got branches okay so now what do we need to do we need to have leave two species active for at least hundred years at the highest peak okay so on this big bit here we need to make sure that we've got leaved species alive for a hundred years okay can we pause time for a second are we allowed to look at the highest point can we whoa okay the crazy camera stuff going on can we look at the overlays with the highest point just see what's happening here so deep groundwater there is plenty softness is it's quite soft temperature-wise it doesn't look overly warm up there and it's gonna be quite windy okay right so we need to design something there but it needs big roots I think that's fairly certain so can we go to the roots please and can we just drag them down if we click that yeah deep deep water requirements Oh required ela go soil softness was it was it quite soft soil I think it was quite soft so yeah deep water because we're up on that high beer the soil is okay the leaf wind resistance is very good at the moment because we haven't got any so right then we need to put a tall thing with branches okay right here we go but a couple of branches on so that one can go like that and that one can go out like that they go looks like a sort of way the arms person woo okay and they will do that so they can come out like that and then we can have the fruit can hang off those arm bits cuz that's fun so we'll do that and that and then we'll get ourselves some oh no no no not those not those leaves lovely leaves so we can generate some form of some form of energy or whatever and so yeah at the moment it needs more sunlight so yeah we've not got enough leaves on this gigantic plant so again let's just go and throw on quite a lot of leaves just hope that at some point it's got enough leaves on it for it to generate energy I can there we go it's sort of got a helicopter type thing at the top with these kind of crazy blade things okay but that's fine so I've had to expand the roots a little bit so no it needs more water so they make the roots bit bigger so you should have enough water it's got lots of energy it's got a little bit left over so let's give a go this let's just have a little try and see if we can't make it survive up that it's not gonna survive up there at all is it it's got no chance of surviving anywhere up there I guess what's the problem up here ground water softeners yes not gonna survive there due to temperature and wind strength and ground water and softness and the 1pi looks like it is not going to thrive overly well softness is okay softness is fine ground water maybe the roots are just too deep maybe I've made the roots too big I do not know okay so ground water and then wind strength and temperature as well okay right maybe we need a bit of a redesign oh there we go this was more luck than judgment so I tried a few things try too few different plants and they didn't work I couldn't go and get the water right at the water level wasn't right and I couldn't get the temperature resistance right either it just didn't seem to work and so instead of creating a new plant I thought well okay then what does this do there's a mutate button in the corners look well I'll try that and it has opened up this panel just here so new body parts have been unlocked you're off the first time you touching a plant with those little leaves which can evolve into the fancier big leaves okay so now we've got these Eve's which presumably have a bit of the better temperature resistance and wind resistance and all that kind of stuff okay so if we put some of these on these sort of spiky a-looking leaves yeah okay there we go so it's put a few of these on and then let's see what happens so if we go down to here so I'll leave wind resistance is okay so if we just go yes we're ready what happens with that then so it's gonna thrive down here it's gonna be fine down there what about if we go to the top over here it is going to be okay for wind strength in a few but there is no groundwater yes we need to make the roots a bit deeper thing and it's still not very temperature resistant okay a little bit confused as to what we're supposed to do right what if we just put loads of them down there can we just do that just put loads of them down there and go okay right and move them on and see if the vaduz do quite well so hopefully the vaduz will thrive I don't Reno but yeah we're running out of time to do certain things so okay now that looks like they're they the vaduz is that of a two-fer do went extinct okay right it's going really well then there is a plant growing down the side there that's quite encouraging and quite like that you can see the roots coming out of the side of this sort of the the rock here on the earth whatever is that's quite nice to touch but yes they are growing okay right back to the drawing board I think what we did was went to mutate and so yeah so the vaduz did not work this Verdoux i'll just died it was it was just it was terrible it was all sorts of awful and let's go for this shall we ten natural and then recently introduced but let's go for this let's let's run a mutate the Lally plant and see what we can do with that okay so we've got the Bilal our species which is slightly different to the other one and then it's got a branch on it with some of the new sort of leaves and it's got slightly shallower roots so it's okay if we put it down here it's all sorts of fine so we could just put loads of them down in this area and or maybe not up there doesn't like it on that hill bit because it's not enough water we could put loads of them down here so they'll be fine down there but up here it's not happy because of temperature also it's gone very wide did we just end up in the cloud okay phone so yeah we've got wind strength up here there okay in some places where the wind is so strong but the temperature is cold there to that minus 21 degrees C minus 19 and I don't know how we can I don't know how we can survive that level of temperature I'm not really sure how it works Joe we've put loads of those Balala plants around let's just see what happens shall we so these ones will probably die out so the first be Lola was born those ones yeah will die because of the cold and possibly the wind so once down here we'll be fine so I wonder if we're supposed to just keep mutating things as we go what's that species and health okay right so yeah are there gonna be some unhealthy ones as they get older and start dying what have you okay so what did we put in the Balala so the green ones lolly went extinct has a lot of space to grow yeah that's fine we don't need those we're all about the bee Lala's of the minute so okay so the bee Lala's are also looking not well the bee Lala's are gonna go yet the bananas of God so the awliyas see the WIMP eyes have gone and the bee Lala's have gone right so it's the earliest the earliest seem to be the dominant species at the moment maybe we need to go and amend ourselves an earlier plant okay I think I've worked out what we need to do so we've got ourselves this leaf here this leaf here has a temperature resistance of minus 10 degrees C up to 20 degrees C that's not going to be good enough when we stick it on the top of that mountain ething because that requires - sort of 20 degrees C resistance and all these other leaves are not good enough except this one here that has a temperature resistance of minus 30 degrees C 2 plus 30 degrees C so we need to get that unlocked other thing is I'm not entirely sure how we go about doing that so what we'll do is we'll just put lots of these ones down the wailers we just chuck a load of these down and just see whether they survive or not so we'll put lots in our the ground water is becoming a bit of an issue for those ones well just chuck a load them down and just see what happens we'll just the press enough buns we'll see if they'll Wylla actually works although it doesn't know they're gonna work up there very well because it's not enough ground water possibly a tree no but okay we just took a load them in okay yeah okay five we'll see what happens there yes please move time on so now if we mutate a whaler does that allow us to do this there we go you are the for the first time you taking your plant those things which can evolve into those leaves and those leaves okay right here we go this should allow us to get some temperature resistance on so and can we remove those leaves yeah okay so get rid of these inferior leaves away with you inferior leaves and now we can put on these Hardy air leaves oh look at that they look kind of spiky but okay right so we'll put a few of these on so yeah we're gonna be quite a lot of these I imagine so let's just put them wherever they can fit now that is okay at the moment actually that seems to be okay so let's just have a go at this so let's just put a couple more on so a how are you for temperature is it so we have pretty good temperature resistance and water now these gonna be right with those roots up on that sort of high up bit let's try that shall we okay right let's give that a go so let's give the library plan to go so is this gonna be right up here I'm gonna keep going keep going keep going okay it's okay for temperature it's okay for wind strength groundwater is an issue it's not gonna survive okay right let's go back in tinker with the roots until it's got enough water there we go so we should be able to put quite a lot of Wonka pubs up here which is a wonderful name I wonder if there is a really a tree called the wang-gun papa tree but okay so let's put a load of those on and yet they they can fight for space up there on this sort of higher bit but there we go right so we'll check a few of those on I am ready let's now see if they do well so the first one was born and they're not dying out up on the top here so yeah there we go right we've noticed so you have to go through and mutate things there yeah the game of this early access it doesn't explicitly tell you that it doesn't say now you can go mutate things and then you unlock extra bits it doesn't really tell you that so it'll be quite handy for the game to have directed us in that way but never mind right we've met the main objective for this scenario and have unlocked the Nexen are Oh marvelous okay onwards and upwards make sure that two animal species survive a century before the Year 1500 animals we get to design animals now as well as plants we get to muck about with animals okay so we've got to think flashing on off down here now so what do I do if I click this what's that that just makes it look terrible and drab okay and I mean it what the point of that is and what hang on what I'm very confused what why is it told us to do that and really know what that's telling us to do okay can we just grow a little plant with a fruit on it and see what happens I've got a thing here I don't know what that is what is this button here telling me okay the view has gone a little bit strange early access and all that kind of stuff so yeah it's not kind of pushed us back up to look at the main bit of the plant I can't kind of get up to look at it but I'm it rest assured it has a big branch it's got leaves it's got a fruit thing on it I don't know what that's supposed to be doing I don't really understand what that is it turns off that bit it turns off the main sort of stump bit the the whatever is the stalk I don't really know what that's doing but okay I'll just say let's go and we'll see what happens so what we got to do we got to put some stuff down okay there's four very nice little sort of island so where are the animals and I should we design the creatures so this is the one gari plant so we can put some one Gary's down they look very lovely look like little sort of old saw on television area what's the thing okay so we just put hello to them down that's fine can we put them up anywhere else no okay so we'll put them there okay I am ready milestone vibrant variety branches provides some more space for body parts yes which plant with branches survives you are ready for animals oh my goodness me so one species with branches surviving a century and then we unlock the animal editor I think these guys will survive an easy century yeah it's looking pretty good yep Oh however no not quite as easy as I thought they're getting weaker and weaker as it goes on oh okay I wonder why they're only just surviving they're just scraping by but it's fine it's find out they're still surviving species with branches are still here and there we go the animal editor is a lot crit an animal that can survive on your land without any help make sure has enough to eat okay so if we do this make sure that one animal survives this century we unlock a ears and eyes okay right so let's go to here unless designers a creature oh my goodness me it's it's just a sort of a blob it's a sort of a mass at the moment okay what's that are they little legs of their lovely little legs oh look at that that's brilliant Hank can he have some at the front as well oh yes I mean I don't know whit is that it's front I don't really know I don't know and then it needs a mouth of some sort like that there we go I like that there we go so that'll do can we make it not that color oh yes we can change the code let's make it that color okay right I don't know I'm doing with this we've made a thing we've had a little kind of I don't want colors I sort of like a lilac kind of thing with a little mouth bits but no eyes and no is okay right I'm ready I think so do you want to just put a couple of these down so this is a species of this is goods Ava okay so all right I'm ready so they're gonna go and do some stuff are they gonna go and eat the plants there are five zebras alive right now I won't look this sort of they're very slowly sort of going toward the plant I assume they're eating the plants when they do that they okay there's still five of them alive this is good I'm more worried about the plants dying out to be completely honest but okay right they're eating the plants they're still alive that one might possibly go for a swim at some point right can you swim no idea I don't know if it can swim or not but both the plants are alive oh no there's only one of them left oh no this one's got this that's got to survive for many many millennia oh dear are you going to die out little plant and little creature sorry no you seem to be doing okay you've eaten a plant okay we've run along to our ears and eyes that might be quite helpful I imagine okay right well let's mutate this thing and let's give it some some eyes and some ears when you're toting an animal with that it can be tighter into whatever that is what is that oh it's got little little toes oh okay that might be quite handy might need okay can we put it can we put it there there I'm not that oh okay fine it can look like that it's all good how do we overwrite that can we get rid of those ones and put those ones back on there we go and then that's a mouse and I became a mouse with tea so shoo so it's got a couple of teeth yes okay if any little thing and then what's that that is okay so how can we drag an ear onto this thing it doesn't really have a head as such does it how do we track an ear on I think I may have had it backwards I think it might have been trying to eat using its bottom because I think this is the front because if we go down to here we can drag the eyes onto this onto this front bit I believe I think that's what we can do so yeah we can put the eyes I mean if they were those eyes the right way round I'm not entirely sure I don't know what's going on with this and then this thing I can't I don't know where these are supposed to fit I mean it can can we put it where can we put these then like ears but whenever I try and drag them over it doesn't sort of snap to anything so I'm not really sure what we can do with this we can give it oh oh oh it's got a weird sort of snout II think I got oh we complain we've got its ears on its snout okay right it still needs a mouth though now put them in yes this is this is the best creature and then put the art under there the years hang on eyes put the eyes on that yeah put the eyes there I don't know if they're facing the right way around and I'm not in total I think the eyes will be facing that way that's the animals feet do not touch the ground oh oh okay new instincts oh this is very exciting I don't even know what this is if you see the colour green then go toward it yes go and eat the plant go and eat the plants please yes we will do that the anoles feet don't touch the ground that could be a bit of an issue right I got how do we how do we sort that out then I am not sure what I have done here but it's probably not going to be very helpful for a poor little creature can we how do we bring that back down can we do haha right there we go ah and it's ready so as long as one pair of feet touches the ground it's all fine okay can we bring that down as near as it can be so the feet are touching the ground at the back there and there we go right okay let's give let's get this weird-looking thing ago so right so let's put it there just vanishing immediately into nothingness why they just sort of imploding into light that can't be a good sign can it why is that not working what's wrong with my poor little creatures so the walling just didn't work am I entirely sure why didn't work he just even land on the ground it just sort of exploded so we'll have to go and redesign that so let's use this as a template remember to unlock something else possibly I don't know so yeah this this really didn't work did it that really did not work so okay let's have a little muck about then so yeah the eyes maybe yeah maybe that is the right way around okay right maybe I was trying to fit size and stuff onto its bottom that time round okay right let's rebuild our little creature and see if this attempt works okay there we go that looks much better so mouths eyes is in its stomach but nevermind that's all fine it's got a little tail it's got the fancy feet and there on the floor I've changed its colour as well so we can identify at range from the current creature that's there so I think let's give this one a go let's see if anything happens with this one or is this one also just going to implode on impact as we get to the ground although the game is lagging a little bit now isn't it it is struggling to cope with whatever's going on Plus don't have the creature on the on the thing to click to put it down okay right hang on Oh monie how do we how do we put down a creature once you've actually lost it off the focus of the thing yeah okay right the game's going a little bit it's yeah it's having a little bit of a moment early access maybe I will restart it and we'll have another go at this okay the game just was not happy at all I had to restart the whole game and then restart the scenario level as well but that wasn't too bad so there's a lot more plants now on the island there are a lot more things for you folks to eat and we've got back to the point where we have created this creature here so it's got the eyes and the mouth on the ears and all that kind of stuff so now let's see if this works properly there we go that looks much better yeah the game does have a little bit of a wobble but you early access this sort of stuff yeah that's what we come to expect and no one loved okay now it does appear to have not actually created the body of these creatures it's just created the eyes and the mouth okay we'll see how this goes the Busan because if the Busan have been crated without a body that could possibly be a bit of an issue for them yeah that that's not okay well for the busan x' is it the busan xander they are moving the blue okay it's just it's and whatever it is is eyes and a mouth just sort of moving around eating our lovely plants so they're eating the fruit off the plants that tree is falling over so now I've got mixture of these two animal species so what have we got to do what our actual goal animal species are like for a hundred years so yeah I've had one alive for hundred years the original little ones whatever they're called can we get the thing on their species so the what were they called those ones there were they the Burling x' and then the busan so the furlings have been around for a while so now it's just the busan x' that need to survive for health Deary me okay fine right how do we how do we come out of that Oh crikey all sorts of mad stuff has happened right okay I believe with their bodies okay right yeah okay early access everything is fine and there we go they survived long enough for us to complete the scenario so we can go on to the next one a meteorite will hit your world in the year 500 make sure that one animal species is still alive in the year 750 that is not a very good outlook for life is it a meteorite is going to crash into the planet in the year 500 okay right and then we're back to the very basics again so when we start the new scenario levels everything is back to basics we've got nothing fancy and locked apart from some branches which I don't think we had on the very first one so well let's make ourselves a very basic little plant though go to a little plant it's got the branch it's got some fruit it's got a slightly bigger root system so okay so I'm happy with that so what world to be in what does it look like oh it's got a little running sort of river thing coming out of the mountain okay that's quite nice and the ground is too soft in some areas over here it looked fine however so we may have to put the the Wonder babs which is again a brilliant name it might have to come over here okay it looks like yeah there's a lot of nice area over here for the Windham abs so let's get the womb de box in and lots of these in and then we'll have to evolve these and get all the other stuff done and we know the drills will have to involve them get the extra sort of tough branches and all that kind of stuff oh no we can create an animal straight away okay so we don't have to actually wait for that to happen we can just build an animal okay it'll be a very basic one so let's go and do what we did last time or we could create something entirely entirely obscure lurking so I drank the body out we've put some little legs there some little legs there and when I went to try and track the mouth on to the end this would make sense you know with the one mouth it put the mouths yes plural on the sides of what the I assume it's gonna be its head at some points in the future so so yo here it's got two mouths let's see if this thing goes very well I mean I don't know how how this is going to function but okay let's give it a go shall we so we have many of these they are going to need some food so let's just sort of drop one two three four finalists for six of those in so six wallings okay we are ready to go so let's see what happens so what do we need to do what's our current goal and animal species need to be active in the Year 750 and that is it there is nothing more to it than that okay so let's just move time on a little bit let's see if all these things can survive okay so they're okay they are surviving they're able to live can we get to say the year I low for the 50 the 50th millennia before we start tinkering with things yeah everything is looking pretty good okay so now let's go and mutate some things let's go and mutate a woman ABAB and make it possibly a bit taller and a bit harder okay many do Wu's ears have been placed there not too different to the other ones they're not too different to the original ones but they have got a few more sort of Hardy a bit and they've got a bigger branch and they've got some more of the fancy leaves and then I think we need to leave those two run along for a bit so let's just run time on until I know maybe the the hundredth millennium or something to see what happens yeah that's all going quite wrong as a BOGO no the plants are still surviving this is all good ah we have unlocked eyes and is Marvis okay that will help a great deal so now let's go and mutate one of those and let's go and get ourselves a new creature with eyes and ears okay so now we've ended up with this kind of obscure creation with the eyes and the ears that are his body like we saw previously but now its mouths are on either side of its head underneath its eyes so let's see if this one can actually function so let's have a go with this one okay no trees over there now we could do with getting some trees that can survive in a slightly sort of Hardy a landscape because I'm over there the ground is not very soft it's got a hard ground so we can't plant those trees over there because they will die out because the ground is too hard so at some point we could do with maybe trying to get as a plant that could survive on that harder ground but okay right I am ready let's give this a go so one out of one animal species active it is the Year 750 okay so that's it we just now need to get to the Year 750 but at some point in the a500 a big meteor is going to come and smash into us which does not sound ideal does all they're jumping up and down yay so here's the inferior odds here the ones are going to die out because you know evolution is coming and here are the new shiny exciting ones they don't seem too moving at all you guys aren't very mobile yeah the old guy under they want right you finally figured out how to move your legs and stuff okey doke right well done well done you guys oh I've realized what this toggle does ah that's very useful so this toggle here and when you leave it on everything is green when you turn it off this bit goes grey with other bits remain green and that's because toggling it this way makes the stem inedible so essentially this is now a tree rather than a little sort of plant so I've put a couple of things down here so we've got some fruit that grows off the bottom of the plant and a fruit that continues to grow off the top of the plant and then they'll see the creatures can't eat this bit this is wood which are kind of guess what this is supposed to represent a sort of a wooden outer bit to it with God you know bark and stuff so they can't necessarily eat this so this plant will remain but it needs to drop quite a bit of fruit so I've put two down there which is quite low so they can reach that that one will hopefully fall down I imagine it or in how it works but now they do need some extra leaves and things so well yeah let's put some more leaves on look and we've got we've got these big leaves now so we could put the big hardy leaves on which is very good so yeah let's check a couple of these nice big leaves on just so it generates enough light to actually generate some fruit to the moment it's only generating one fruit so well yeah okay run more leaves required okay more leaves were required as was an expansion to the root system okay right so now we've got this thing so yeah there we go it's a tree okay right this is marvelous so now if we just put down a few of these they should hopefully be able to keep generating fruit to keep our creatures alive but they will stick around I guess and I don't know will they day out because of other conditions I don't know them and they'll get old and stuff and just die of age I imagine so if we just put quite a few of those around like that okay let's see what happens with that let's see if that helps in any way shape or form there are fifteen wheedle alive right now is that what they were called a Weedle okay sounds familiar but okey doke there we go so do whooshes have gone extinct so the Doozers have gone then look all these are the ones are coming through and they've got lovely leaves and the animals are eating the fruits off them I would hope although it does look like the creature and they're not dying out they're not doing it there's plenty of creatures although not many with the eyes lots of very basic ones are surviving but the ones with the eyes all are seemingly not okay right do we need to make them a little bit more mobile perhaps okay because we're mutating something a second time we can have some exciting new features we've got things like these little tiny stumpy legs look it's gonna like a dinosaur this is brilliant okay right we can bring that down ever so slightly so it's on the ground the animals feet do not touch the ground yeah there we go so they can have a tail so that can be its tail and now it needs other stuff but look it's got little kind of feed this is brilliant okay right it needs a mouth we can a variety of mouths and I think let's have let our mouth with let's have it with with teeth so let's put it out crikey okay right hang on a minute I want to put it at the end is it gonna work like that can we have out there hang on right it must fit this over there we go so it's got its good teeth that is terrifying it's got ears and it can have some different eyes can it now oh okay right yeah that that is a very odd-looking thing right there let's change his color let's make it that color okay right so we've got a creature thing and let's see how that one fares they are hugely more mobile than the other ones of course they're because they've got lovely little stumpy legs and a big tail to help them balance so yeah they seem to be doing quite well they're doing quite well for themselves indeed okay that's good and hang on I think little air are they breeding that they look like baby ones so yes they must be breeding as well which is excellent so there we go so little baby ones of those are being born which is excellent news and what were they called again what were they called the new ones caling so think or Kaling's possibly okay that's good right there in uh how do I turn this off again turn species off okay so lots of plants growing on this is good that seems to be able to keep the Kaling's alive so now I think we're halfway through toward getting the sort of meet your command blasters into oblivion so are these guys going to be enough and these guys going to be okay we Dalls went extinct because it did not eat enough indeed I'm very impressed with the hardiness of this one just here you have one of the basic creatures yet you're still there you haven't got any eyes or is it you are still around the place well dome that is very good I admire your perseverance and we're mutating one of the trees and we have unlocked all of the different leaf types so yes we can have all these different ones so that's very resistant to wind that one catches a lot of Sun that one is that ones have not entered that brilliant that's sort of a middling one so yeah that one there catches a lot of Sun let's have that low so which a couple of these leaves over gas has a whole brand new exciting tree now so the walling which was the original creature that we created the one with the nowise and then no ears and all that kind of stuff that has eventually died out which is no great surprise but these things are going great guns these things here there's an awful lot of them and we've created these new trees the new tree should hopefully be hopefully be enough to feed them but yeah that there's a lot of them they have bred very very successfully indeed I'm a little bit worried that they might run out of food possibly because there's quite a lot of them and maybe not enough trees I mean I am trying to plant some oh we planted quite a lot of them I mean it's these big trees here as well so they've got extra fruit on and stuff like that so well yeah there's there's just an awful lot of these creatures so we'll see what happens hopefully they will have enough food to survive until at least the year 500 and we have been able to create this slightly disturbing looking creature just here so yeah it's got the mouth with the teeth but it's got some proper eyes and it's got little pointy ears and it's got better feet as well so it's quieter and quicker I believe I'm moving around so let's give this a slight different kind of sir there we go so let's introduce this in as well now I don't know how many of these to introduce the talax okay I mean there's a lot of the other ones so I mean do we just put what I owe sort of a smattering in like that and just see what happens okay so talax let's see how you do there's eleven talax is alive right now and there's an awful lot of the other ones so there might be some there might be some sort of competition for food however the thing is going to happen the meteor is going to hit us at some point very soon I kind of feel like maybe we should have put some stuff over here as well but never mind so here we go right so what year round four nine eight four nine nine so a meteor is going to crash into a boom so there goes a meet you're only thirty percent of the sunlight reaches the soil oh dear and now we can't change anything we can't do anything we now have to see if we can survive the next what was it turned into sort of 50 millennia with these plans oh dear Daleks went extinct oh and all the trees have died already low all the trees have died oh you can eat each other there's plenty of these bears all the trees have gone because they did not get enough sunlight so yeah now it would have been useful to know that that was gonna happen when the meteor crashed into us because I said it was gonna land in us and kind of kill a lot of the population directly by squashing them by its big sort of rock yourself but I don't know I was against it affected the sunlight so had I known that we could have built trees that would have been able to get a lot of sunlight keep a lot of sunlight and you know make sure that they extracted the most out of what little sunlight there was but unfortunately it's not going to work I think these are all going to die out very very soon indeed because it's just nothing to eat oh we can't put any back down unless just by virtue of sheer numbers we managed to make it to the seven hundred and fiftieth millennia and I don't think that would be very sensible that's still not gonna happen is it I mean we're on 613 there's a few of them around but no I think it is I think it is all over ah in the last few we're just sort of kicking about we nearly got there look we nearly got there and it's all over it's all God and yeah look at that the skies covered in ashen certain darkness and all that kind of stuff and all life is gone are you pesky meteor okay so I've had another attempt and we've got these trees in doubt so these trees are very tall and they are covered in lots and lots of leaves so they should be able to get a little bit of sunlight that is available once the meteor hits okay so down comes the meteor 30 percent of the sunlight now reaches the soil these trees have got lots of leaves so hopefully they will be able to catch the sunlight of what limited some are there now is I've got lots of these little fellas I come over there cold what are you called cut ribbon you're a show low so you're 30 days old okay so that's lovely I didn't you could click on them and go into them that's quite fun you can even click and look at the trees so we've got the leg are the trees which will hopefully keep everything going hopefully that will keep everything alive there's the pesky meteor that's come in and ruined everything and there's quite a lot of stuff going on over here but I don't expect that they will survive I think those plants will die out and all those creatures will die out to relatively so yeah well the plants have gone on that side so yeah all those things are gonna die there's an awful lot of creatures over there that's a bit of a shame but over this side is where it's and these things seem okay the plants are okay and the creatures are okay so now we can't do anything so it's a case of oh oh all the creatures have just died oh okay why did they just die out there's loads of food this duck at the camera I'm going a little bit weird but okay there's lots and lots of food over there so now the trees are gonna survive but the animals are not going to oh that's just gone all sorts of wrong housing yeah they've got lots of fruit on these trees and things oh okay well there we go that didn't work either then so unless by some great amazing miracle all this lot survive for another 100 over 200 millennia which is unlikely then then we will win but I don't think that we are going to see victory this time around either because yeah these guys can't get over the river and they're just gonna die yeah these guys are old they are no that's that's very unfortunate can you just wattle through the water and go and eat lots of the lovely plants that are on the other side of the river because it's all sorts of delicious trees over that way or wherever it is over there look there's loads and loads of stuff over there but alas no it has all gone wrong a second time well there we go never mind the last level of the campaign with the pesky asteroid will continue to elude us but not to worry and I think you've seen enough of the sapling to kind of get a picture of what it's all about and how it all works and I think it's a very interesting enjoyable game it was a lot of fun to play it's good for mucking about with the plans you create some very silly looking things and you can create some great looking creatures as well with kind of big ears and great big googly eyes they can walk around on two legs or four legs or however you want to do it and yeah it's a lot of fun it's a very interesting concept and given that it's only in early access they can then develop that sort of further evolution sort of evolving side of the plants and the creatures and yeah I'm intrigued see where it goes there's clearly a few things Arnie dining out with a early access it's all fine but yes we had a book in the middle we had to restart and then sometimes the camera angle does sort of fly about a bit all over the place and it's a little bit sort of fuzzy but yeah overall that was very very good and I enjoyed that a lot so again thank you developer for letting us play that a little bit early but I think we shall wrap things up for now hopefully you have enjoyed this little look at the sapling if you have then please do leave a like that would be most Marvis indeed and also if you're not already then please do subscribe to keep up to date with all the other stuff that we get up to in the geek of it but for now thank you very much for joining me in the geek cupboard and I'll see you next time
Channel: The Geek Cupboard
Views: 38,650
Rating: 4.8740921 out of 5
Keywords: geek cupboard, the geek cupboard, british lets play, the sapling, the sapling game, the sapling gameplay, the sapling pc, the sapling steam, the sapling early access, the sapling lets play, evolution game, life evolution game, plant evolution game, creature evolution game, the sapling the island, the sapling the mountain, the sapling first creature, the sapling disaster, the sapling scenario
Id: Omze11V8O3c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 55sec (3175 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 11 2019
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