Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead - (The Greatest Roguelike Ever Made)

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uh [Music] happy halloween and and happy daylight savings time for uh for is this just the us that does it now uh at this time i know some folks did it like a couple weeks ago or something um anyway it's it's halloween it's it's a tradition around here i need uh i need some fiddler on the roof music playing in the moment uh because uh it's it's zombie nights cataclysm dark days ahead night uh i was just looking on my channel earlier today and there are i have played cataclysm six times on the channel and that's not like six like separate videos six different uh like playthroughs on this channel so i played this game quite a bit um i i shouldn't say that because i'm terrible at it this is going to be even more embarrassing whenever i die here in the first five minutes but um you know um anyway old kale here is is dominating our pre-stream death match he's taking his sweet old time in it though come on kale in this thing let's get this over with yeah it is november it is free games month by the way we'll talk about that at the end probably what we'll do here um we'll probably do a uh we'll do a cdda night and then we'll we'll probably end this depending on what time it is uh it is daylight savings time so i'm gonna get an extra extra night here all right actually extra hour here um so make a little longer but i am going to uh probably do the uh the the monthly uh general day thing if you guys care about that so um that's the plan that's the plan congratulations kale you have dominated and and you never didn't dominate you're always the uh the champ this time around so kale is is our hero today playing some um what's called judgment apocalypse survival uh simulation music in the background it's a good one good one um okay so hello everyone welcome to the uh tradition i'm sorry i didn't wear my costume it's been a strange halloween this year but um forgive me trick-or-treating over zoom fantastic we had our own little uh mini party here um just family like as in just us but we try to make it try to be exciting for a four-year-old we had uh we had some pizza um which i was very excited about because it's um it's been on a diet but it's cheat day today so i had lots of pizza i had lots of candy um it was i had a cookie it was fantastic hey master lip thank you very much extra spooky halloween day that's right that's right it's a very spooky day thanks master lift okay so let's talk about cataclysm now um if you don't know what the game is um i'll start off by saying i don't want to like oversell this thing uh but back in march i do a thing i call it roguelike month and i play lots of roguelike games and i did this sort of um march madness kind of thing where it's like like a bracket of everyone voted for their favorite roguelikes and they went head-to-head and battled it out and um i've been saying this for a long time so apparently i'm not the only one who thinks this but number one roguelike of all of them was cataclysm dark days ahead uh this is back in march and um so uh i i i i i my title here is the greatest roblox ever according to my channel it is and and i think it uh i certainly think it fits in there so uh well if you're not familiar with and though it's it's a zombie apocalypse game it's it's a apocalypse game basically i should say not necessarily zombies there's lots of things um you are it's a turn-based survival thing if you play project zomboid it is certainly it's that just turn-based version and uglier you know tilesets or ascii or whatever thanks captiva hey dude guy um so yeah it's like we are we're in the apocalypse there's lots and lots of terrible things out there uh it's our job just to survive so we'll see uh we'll see how it goes um as far as mods um the only thing that i have i think in here well we'll see when we get in there by the way this launcher that i've got i've used it for several times it's uh i think i have a link on the youtube page i have a link down there i think is there a link there yeah yeah there's a link there which gets you the um the link to this launcher which helps you keep the thing updated um the most recent update so i was playing with this earlier today it was updated in the time that i was playing earlier today you can see how often it gets updated it's just like every day every hour basically someone's coming here and fixing some things or changing some things or whatever so um it's certainly still brewing um but it's by it's certainly a it's a complete game that's still brew i guess whether this income first come out like 2010 uh it's been a long time hey drizzy yeah it's like all the apocalypse at the same time that's right that's right i was playing earlier there was um there was some giant wasps that came and murdered me um there was some angry dogs earlier i saw a cow and he came and tried to bite me so yeah it's all kinds of of crazy things um all right so let's try this thing out here sure thing is working like i want it to work yes okay all right so um first off we could build ourselves a world and we'll go ahead and do that uh not test bill create a new one here uh here's the packs where i decide what i'm gonna put in here now it starts out with these dark days ahead disable npc needs and bionic professions uh as far as what else to put in here i don't know if anyone has any like requests or any good ideas let me know i don't think like game changing but a couple little things are fine um i kind of try this maticalism magic magic magicism magicalism um it adds spells in the game which seems really cool i haven't got that yet but that seems pretty cool i was dabbling with this one before this rural only map gen so this plays around playing the boonies nothing but farms forests and villages there are towns still they're just very small so you just sort of you're out in the sticks there is no big city which i think sounds like a good idea um i always like rush to this town and just sort of hang out in town for a while i think it's kind of interesting to try that and do a more rural um apocalypse you know find ourselves a happy cabin and see if we can make our our life there um we can add dino mods in there yeah alternative map adds in billy's color bit sure we'll have map wad in there crazy cataclysm no thanks uh my sweet cataclysm in the wake of the cataclysm sweets and snacks are coming to life you could be one of them and walk through the cataclysm as a human shaped piece of sugar with your pet necro wafer no thanks uh mythical martial arts no i don't think crazy graphical overmap however i play with this a little bit yeah sure it has a couple little things in there we'll do that one as well um there was one more i had i guess maybe that was it dark skies above adds aliens into the game uh i mean you can do anything you can you can even play this game without zombies you can play it just as a like a base builder farming kind of kind of thing which seems boring but if you want just like a boring you know happy base builder kind of thing everything is in here you can do you can build up your car you can create this mad max style vehicle you can build up a house anything is here and you don't have to have terrible things company haunt you which i think is kind of neat um i think we'll stick with that uh i think it does mention something on here where was it uh playing the boonies nothing performs recommended size set to one spacing steps to ten are set okay so let's do that uh so let's go with i want size of cities is gonna be one and then the spacing will be up to eight okay i think everything else is fine ordering no no we don't need hordes um i want to see i want to see just how well i can do here a lot of times i go in i do like the shower one where you start out with just like a towel and you get surrounded by zombies you know what we're going to see how far we can make it here the name of my world this is this is this isn't nook stone the stone is the town what's the name of my nook world is the name of my world it's boring until you die of starvation starvation waiting for your crops to grow yeah okay so where do you know teen tea whoops um and we're gonna go into a new game and i always like doing random characters but we'll play around with it we'll see what we can get random tnt and we'll see what we get i like a random but i don't want to win crazy uh no no there i do have a tile set set up um i think it's chest hole actually i'm not sure which one it is now that you mention it i don't know what's on something's on there we'll see um okay so we'll leave it uh that that and what are we gonna do we will evacuee we can go with like a hell of a helicopter crash we're sort of out in the middle of nowhere we're gonna be out in the middle of nowhere anyway some soldiers that were with you also survived the accidents um we are infected bad idea prison ambush these are the ones i normally play with but these are uh these are bad news burning building let's face your second summer in hell it's bad there's wilderness science awesome amongst trees screaming and the moaning is faint or this far from solution but you better know what you're doing out here um thanks cinnalipples um while the world was falling apart someone called to order some food places delicious food they sent you to do the delivery you're not sure about much but one thing's for certain the delicious food is going to get delivered even if that's the last thing you do wizards apprentice interesting was it's vacation apprentice for a wizard for some time now saved for years for your dream vacation to exclude the wizard tower your journey of self-discovery is interrupted by the cataclysm now you have to figure out how to survive on your own i think that's a good idea yes i like it i'm a would-be wizard do i have any spells i have a beginner's guide to magic does anything about spells find out i guess yeah sheltered i've played sheltered before um well it's just a storm shape or an earth shaper an academy wizard uh novice necromancer with baseball cap and shorts i can i have summon zombie level five do i can i control the zombies um let's just be a would-be wizard oh i want to be a mecca member but let's just play with that found a pamphlet with bright colors claiming your can be a wizard i'll be serene with the world falling down around you okay um i'm gonna put a little bit more of maybe a little more dex and a little bit of intelligence i guess probably a good one to have um can i add any of these i don't know i don't add these enter yeah enter uh it's gonna be some negative so if i do any of these things cannibal uh probably not more zelda until they until it gets more updated mana efficiency should i add some of these things in let's see um how about just gonna look at this thing um optimist obviously always on the bright side of life um i'm also s stylish because i'm a wizard um however i uh i'm a bit asthmatic and um oh i have a chevron mustache it's not like the little no we're gonna go with the beard um how about you don't feel right unless you're carrying as much as you can so from raw penalties for carrying less than maximum while you wait that's that's me on any game of these a bit jittery junk food intolerance oh no no um pyro don't have the obsession with fire you get anxious if you don't like them every now and then yep so we're gonna be a little bit pyro and we need to get um if you mutate the odds orientation will be beneficial really increased uh i'm gonna take quick so minus one what's nobody give me two adventures free on good more time you spend somewhere i'm happier it makes you to be okay yeah does that make me yeah that's zero okay skills uh now i've used all my points so i can't really do anything with this can i yeah sorry zero skills which sounds like a bad idea i'm gonna try them uh name my name is is um what's my name what's up what's a uh what's a wizard name nook um um i'm i'm archnook i don't um i uh okay so i i'm a male i my blood type is a minus i'm 25 years old oh that sounds about right and random locations can be somewhere out in the world i have no skills whatsoever and i'm a bit asthmatic but i got a beard okay let's begin sherlock gandolf knocked off uh what was i thinking let's start a location for wizards like retreat oh no no no oh man but i want to be a wizard probably because the map all right we'll do a random character and we'll see what we get i guess the wizard power thing is is problematic with the the map uh it's okay we'll find a book somewhere along the way lamb chop my name is lam chop fantastic i uh i'm a female with a beard and a mohawk uh let's be a man with a beard mohawk um i know i want to see what we got here we uh we're gonna apply times dodging rifles uh deft good memory skilled liar i could you know i could do this i don't have to like i put the scenario as the uh the wizard apprentice i'm in a bird building right now i don't want that i'm gonna switch this over to just wilderness start and then that's my profession um yeah i could put this as my would be wizard so i'll still be the wizard yeah yeah uh did that reset everything it did didn't it so if i was doesn't mean i'm going to be this is what we want to do so i'm a wizard in the wilderness i don't have my tower that's fine so now we can change these around we'll go out there those are up to 10 we'll uh save maybe i put that back to nine and then i like books um i like eating people no no no no no no no don't get carried away uh less sleep yep um no no no no no no no um optimus optimus we like books we're optimistic we're quick um we what i had before um i got some eye problems that's yeah far sided no no maybe nearsighted um i'm a heavy sleeper i got one point and then um so a bit of mood swings okay quarters what i had before that's right um now there's no man for one and we can add another one over here in uh um let's go this guy's one point self-aware is one point skilled liar strong stomach one point okay yeah oh yeah oh yeah wait wait give me my uh give me my my beard here we go okay and i would also like i need all this stuff here can i um i'm a pasty guy or my uh skin tone rose light and uh in my hair where is none okay skills now points for this i'm gonna put a point into maybe maybe um spellcraft yeah point of that and we do one more point we'll put one into something like devices let's put one in just dodging just so i don't die okay there we go disorganized wizard uh no they still call me lamb chop though um edwina lamb chop nook edwina no they call me i'm a guy now ed nook i am chopped call me hopefully this works there we go okay this isn't chest hole am i in like a where am i oh i'm in a tent okay let's just uh get a little look of our surroundings here before we go too far all right so um welcome to uh cdda if you haven't seen it um uh i i am this guy right here you can see me right there i have on my person i have a beginner's book of magic i got a pair of socks boxers a my book in my jeans um t-shirt gloves baseball hat you know typical wizard stuff uh with my hoodie my scarf um and i also have my stats right over here so i can see all my my uh ones we saw before my encumbrance and warmth i got i guess my hat is helping me just a bit there oh my scarf my scarf and then all my skills are over here as you use things you get better at certain things and there's my traits as well things will change from time to time hopefully we'll live long enough over on the side over here you can see my health of my body parts so my head for instance five green bars all good um once i start getting chewed on it'll start going down we don't want to get chewed on basically i'm in a campground at the moment sky is clear it's bright outside it's early morning fists are being wielded and i'm comfortable you find cell phones trees screaming and the moaning is fainter this far from civilization but you better know what you're doing out here you see a tank top on the ground i'm sure i'll pick that thing up let's get it let's get a tank top pick that up and then we'll may just tear it up and make some rags out of it so we have some rags um outside of town here though we're in a campground there's probably a few tents around here it looks like we've got a cabin to the left to the west sometimes they call it there's a forest nearby we've got a little swamp over that way what is that a road stop i'm not sure what that is what is that there's another swamp one square of swamp and there's a row that heads out here now the map is giant and there are cities on this thing even though it's um you know wilderness kind of living um there are uh small towns out there and they're not terribly small like you know maybe um five to ten buildings just little things you're already dead nook yeah yeah you just wait uh-huh um i don't i'm sorry i don't know what the name of this house that is um well i guess i can probably see it here can't i okay someone wants to know uh where is it general right tesla's a sound pack that i'm using right now can you hear it okay can turn up if i need to uh actually actually hang on let me turn this one down because i like playing this uh music actually here is is uh judgment um you see it in here is it is is it mims in it graphics really on any ideas tells it uh ultica that one okay so i suppose what you need to do is sort of take a take a little bit of a look around here see oh there's a page table with a uh with a sprite that's not loading in some smoked meat okay um let's just take a little bit of a gander here and we've got yeah we do another tent nearby and we're in the forest we've got some meat there which we're certainly going to take uh i think though let me go get some crafting started up here i think i can get am i right about this i can take that t-shirt if i tear it up i can make a writer mask with it what do i need to make it into a uh i got like a baggie let's tear this thing up let's disassemble this guy into some rags and um let me just see if we can get something made here now um blindfold makeshift bandage uh might be a good idea to have at some point i'm gonna keep the rags on me i think we might need string or something to make the uh the pack thing which would be nice to have oh pick that thing up four eggs okay all right let's take a look and see what we got we have something over here we got what is that dirt bird litter what is bird litter anything that pops up around here you may see you may see little letters pop up on this side and so there's something there it'll show up around here looks like we are in yeah we're in a proper campground the table's all around and intense all around there's a car there's a van it looks to be an okay shape we'll have to take a look at that and see if we can just take a car some chairs around a bit of a table just kind of peek around here make sure there's no zombies around no animals either it seems like uh there's a book like that looks like in there what is that the modern tanner then we have a jean jacket um let's just go kind of take a look at uh all these uh oh yeah we know burns but we're gonna be in that that van hello in here let's just go uh we'll just go clockwise around here see what we can find what is this thing what's bird litter bird dropping feathers soil bits of rubbish that's weird some bird get like roasted out here somewhere somebody somewhere grab the meat um i guess i have pockets for this stuff yeah that one's open hello so we find ourselves a stick or some rocks or something nearby what's that more smoked meat might just be the greatest start ever in cataclysm uh take a look at this van here okay remember how to do this screen here so no security system which is a good thing uh because it won't go off it has gas i think or does that mean it doesn't have gas because it's red oh 2.9 liters there's two tanks in this thing once one's got a hole in it apparently batteries at 11 it's got seats am i am i losing my mind is things things are good here the frame's a little beat up okay if you examine the center of the tent you can take it down into form that you can carry fantastic um [Music] the controls are here can i drive it the engine starts up okay let's uh let's shut it off uh how we turn it off how do i turn it off again turn it off shut it down i don't know i turn it off turn it off control the suv um um pull the handbrake sure just make sure it doesn't go anywhere okay and then uh stop driving okay okay is there anything in the back here no this is like a it's an suv all right let's look at this what do we got here uh a matchbook okay okay sure i'll get that i don't need the cigar so much but i'll take that that is black tea bags frozen tea bags what time what time of the day is it it's early morning it's cold right extra cold i guess uh yeah i'll um sure park them in my pocket is that a crossbow there's a crossbow on the ground with zero bolts i'm going to take this spike and wield it i'm going to wield the um the spike i'll leave that there for a minute actually let me just grab it and then throw it on the ground outside oh hang on so you said i can go to e and then yeah huh okay okay we're gonna find a pack around here somewhere where's the door there's the door to this one there it is okay a table i got a road coming into the village there's another bow there a recurve bow with arrows [Music] okay we'll just leave that we don't have room for this but we'll uh can i just like sling that over my shoulder just wear it yeah okay i've never had a bow before there's another car down here that's an rv really okay we have uh we have an rv with a lot of gas and everything is in perfect shape this is fantastic okay i cannot be happier what do we have here what is this like the um like the camp like place or whatever there's a little one right there this is amazing what are you what are you dishwasher okay and then we got some beds back here [Laughter] okay okay uh know what we got over here let's take a look at this guy no he's not he's not uh he's got three liters of water in the tank okay not quite as good as far as gas okay okay um let me we're gonna use this close that door there the door back here button close no you got solar panels on the back of it take a look over here that's right is this right yeah yeah um let me go ahead and grab that jacket yeah grab the jean jacket uh we'll just wear it and then we're gonna have this book here for the modern tanner um i'm gonna go ahead and grab this tent drop the stake on the ground okay yeah yeah pick up a spike in my pocket okay i'll stop this throw up the tent here in the camper i don't know why we need it because we got a camper is it what is what does that look like that there someone's been smashed i think no maybe not it's just why is there gravel on the uh there okay so we'll go back here and we're just going to drop a few things back here in the back we'll put down my meat can go back here my tea bags more meat uh the books we'll set over we'll just set everything back over this way and then the tent can go over here also okay and then i'm gonna go ahead and wheel that spike just in case things get hairy wherever it went spike spike spike did i put it down okay does it have a fridge uh yeah we've got a we have a fridge right there can i um nothing in it we've got a fridge we got a washing machine we have a dish we have a dishwasher this is just like about as good as it gets another seat there we can sleep of course here in the back oh yeah driving this game is real a real pain we got it we got a kitchen unit a towel let's hop on out of here there's some battery power which the solar panels provides so long as light as it's light out wow yes this game is free okay um well let's uh i suppose we should go ahead and grab everything cigar i suppose grab that uh i do want to grab the crossbow as well in the tent just uh i can do the wrong button um um yeah can i can i yeah we'll drop okay i have a tent didn't i got a tent already i got a crossbow and there's a spike on the ground here can i get this bike yeah let's go dump it into the uh into the old uh little mobile home over here okay let's drop the uh keep matchbook on me i think drop the cigar and the crossbow and i'm gonna drop where's that that jean jacket settling around too we can tear that actually we're going to tear that guy up let's do a little crafting and let's build up makeshift knife which i'm using with my spike can make some tea um i do want to build a rag real quick and then wrong button um don't do it right the hey thanks roloff yeah but it's not gonna last long um here give me where is it where is it where is it jean jacket so get that thing up um i did it wrong pick up the gj dispose of the rag um just stash in mandatory i want to craft up inventory jean jackets this is simple oh i can't all right fine we'll just drop it all right let's go and we should check out that building first before we go anywhere else maybe a bag in there or something or maybe some curtains we can make a bag ourselves hello oh hello hello just toilets it's a bit of water okay it's just just a bathroom something really in here to i mean there's a sink a desk with nothing in it um are we out here be the butcher or what oh this is my um usually it would be an option there wouldn't it uh if i could find a good rock let's just see if we can find a rock and bash a couple things i'm just going to run it around here real quick i'm sure there's a rock in the forest somewhere say that anyone see rocks or sticks yeah toilet water yeah we can't drink toilet or whatever been a peaceful day out here so far turn on graphical overall map without looking at the instructions huh what i do i could just like go to a bush and rummage around in it like um like that young tree and then should we smash it whack it whack the tree you're smashable right um that one there we go okay let's pick up those sticks pick up one stick and i'd like to have something something a bit more bashable what's that hickory nuts yeah yeah i'll take some of them okay let's see if i can drive this thing i don't think i've ever successfully driven a car in this game but uh i guess we're gonna find out so let's uh let's drop the stick right there um oh wait wait hang on let me i can make something real crappy with this can i not that one i want to this one and we could do a knife of course but we can do a um [Music] this one probably an uh a a knife i've got a shiv there's a pointy stick which i just need a tool of cutting so i can use that in my stick and just make a point okay okay now i should be able to get that and let's craft up a oh what am i missing with that chopping stick is what i'm missing or a spike on a stick that's always good do i need a i need a string don't is there no curtains in there not all right we'll just we'll just um we'll wield the branch for now just drop that guy right where i just put my pocket okay it's fine uh shut the door and let's start this thing can up drive on each side here um okay engine starts up now vehicle controls i don't know my vehicle controls um let's let's learn those real quick um i think they're just like i think it's just like using the number pad right um i guess we'll find we will find out where in control vehicle is that let's see what that can do for us lock the horn turn on the headlights overhead lights dome lights turn on the stereo trying to turn on the fridge wow okay so negative eight correct control the vehicle let's do oh that's those okay okay minus 20. i don't know really how that works it breaks a stop right so i don't want to go too fast i only go forward there's a tree in the way i should be able to back the thing up see where the cursor is hey um oh obviously the brake is on disable cruise control yeah cruise control is off where is yeah sure that one oh yeah pull hand brake oh oh i hear beeping okay oh oh okay okay there's a tree there don't hit the tree we want to go this way no we want to go this way why is there a tree there that's a beeping i lost my speed okay oh we're going back forward again i lost my uh my my controls that i had okay back it up oh oh what a hit hang on hang on north you hear a beep okay okay i sure do i hear humming now from the north because i'm stuck in that tree i'm supposed to get out of this thing i gotta chop that tree down um all right that tree's got to go you how do i get rid of you i don't have an uh an axe impassable it is smashable i guess we can just whack it with our stick i think he's never going to go it's a giant tree i'm worn out that's loud hmm we can do this let me do this let me just take a little breather here okay we're good we're good close the door back's driving other cars good idea good idea adam good thing you're here okay let's go with this one up here that we were looking at before so i can drive forward no problem it's just it's the backing up part close those was that um start up pull the brake [Music] i'm missing something what i do differently i want to cruise control off oh oh i can't do it i'm stuck in here just back just back it up okay okay okay like that it's really weird okay okay we're getting it we're getting it okay oh don't hit my rv that's weird okay okay i made it can i just mash i can just smash through that tree you think hey magic shadow um maybe this is our rv we take um okay let's just sort of back it up right here let's get out of the way okay um pull the brake please okay um let's stop driving this car okay okay all good all good no problem no problem what's that plastic chunk uh sure what do we have over here electronic scrap yeah okay i think oh no there's smoke everywhere um we can do this we can do this i can do this i can do this now that tree's in the way but i just believe in myself i can drive this thing no problem okay crank it up we want to go we're going to go this way yep come in luxury every frame collides with the rv's right wing mirror because that table there i wanna i wanna maybe try going a tree wow okay i want to go like a tree okay hang on lots of beeping backwards i can't i can't i can't do it okay now now back it up just what [Music] i can't handle the the weird okay oh okay do any cruise control on cruise control oh that's that's okay i get it cruise control is a good thing okay okay okay okay now oh let's just back it up [Music] back it up buddy just go back yeah yeah okay you seem to have shrunk can you stop please okay now you seem to have shrunk i want to go this way okay that stops me let's go [Laughter] i can't do it you hear porcelain shattering that's the toilet broken oh no [Laughter] oh it was such a nice luxury rv and i ruined it you know what it was a dumb rv anyway who wanted to sleep in this thing anyway this is for rich people it's the worst um i will take um my tea bags my meat my magic book my rags and uh and my tent if i can carry it um can you just can you just i'll use tropics okay that's fine we'll come back for this stuff um we got a different one we have a different rv we like much better hey tom how's it going this one's got solar panels which is fantastic we could probably hook them up to this guy somehow if we knew what we were doing but i don't uh let's go over here and drop all this off this is much more manageable um i don't know what i was thinking let's drop off the meat uh just everything we can go over here and um my books my scraps yeah toss it all in there there we go close that trunk up reminds me get to work uh now i know i can disassemble this thing somehow i know there's ways of taking things apart like it's got a battery um it has a vehicle tank which we can take if we need gas to load up in our car um we should yeah solar car super solar car we want that now they're back here solar panel that guy do i know how to take this thing apart i want to remove the solar panel i don't have mechanics too any kind of two and i need a tool with a bolt yeah yeah okay let's see what we can do though um let me get my stick back hop on in here man what a nice what a nice what a nice luxury thing we could have had uh but i don't know how to drive it was stuck in there i was supposed to get the thing out of here so nice that one's pretty nice too actually but again it's stuck in here with these trees unless i chop these trees down i gotta get out of here i don't know okay let's um let's let's live in this guy so we're gonna drop off my stick not you stick and uh let's hop in the old car start her up this one had a little bit of gas it's got like a gallon and one's got a hole in it a battery's dead as well that's not what i want it doesn't even work anymore fails to start look i just want a car there's bits all over the floor there glass and everything uh this is such a happy zombie game i haven't seen any zombies yet those are the three cars so all right now i might i might be able to get the other one out let's start this guy up okay we're gonna go forward uh take off the brake i wanna get this thing out out of the way as much as possible smash it not that way if i'm over here it it yeah it works as well don't break my new car man i really want a car okay we smashed a bunch of things there um now can i whip it around this way do you think rev it up let me go anywhere there it goes okay a little further boom okay now pull the break hop on out didn't do me any good at all what is that a mirror oh hey take a mirror okay we hop in here it's still going by the way uh we want to close that door close that door let's drive this guy now i'm going to very easily oh this doesn't even start it's out of gas ah it's a nightmare all that work cars don't work remember cars explode in this game oh i didn't know that um oh man i just want a car what do we have is there anything here that i desperately want oh i got my book i want all this stuff we'll come back for this um with these rags though i need a string how do i get string can i tear a rag up and make string give me one of those rags i don't think i can do that actually and let's tear one of these guys up for a string oh a rider mass might be okay to have i can't take this one because i don't have i don't have any way of of moving the gas over this one needs gas i don't have any gas what are you scrap metal chunks of steel can i take all that take all that we'll we're going to use this car still as a spot uh it's just going to be a little bit before we get there okay jump all that stuff right there i might go across something like this no not without like oh there's a spike don't have my spike just assemble a rag in a thread and then draft the thread in the string okay so i can go to the rag and disassemble it and just how many string do i need okay now we can craft string okay and then we can make what type of my hands loincloth i want the the um what's it called the the sling sling actually sling i need a blanket watchmaker or a sheet i don't have a sheet i just have rags um all right hey epic assistant ball fridge for a hose oh yeah we have a question we can take it apart um cut those real quick uh let me drop my other stuff here as well there's no zombies right here apparently let's drop that drop the string let's go um if i should read that book while i'm out here in the open nothing's around you just read the book real quick that one and then what's it what's what's read yeah matt i want to learn wow yes please this will make you a a magus magis magus magus tradition is as old as magic the the magus focuses on binding and shaping the energy of the universe to their will and lock you out of it out of animist animatronics relatively new school of magic thoughts accommodation in the older ways focus on the harmony of connection to the natural world okay i will take it yes i will be yeah i'm a wizard okay okay uh yeah let me get some curtains what happened here oh i know i know there's a rock there i know what happened here wooden panel eh um um yeah okay just drop it ah drop all this stuff over here actually i'll hang all those knives and those things can pick them up let me get that um a panel let me do this something with it okay dump this guy over here inside i drop those nails and everything in here okay uh yeah i can't do my pants do i i do have jeans those are my pockets though back in this rv here which is still running we probably should turn this thing off because if i may take the uh i don't want to run out of gas um okay does it have curtains it doesn't have bed sheets though i think i don't want i want the um back here right the bed i want to remove the bed no i need everything for that in mechanics 2. i'm gonna pick up nearby hmm i don't have the ability to do that stuff this doesn't have curtains does it never had such a peaceful playthrough of this game before nothing in there no it's bed there also yeah i'm so excited for these cars and then i got hosed well not really just a bad driver um i'm gonna try something so if i want to cast a spell how do i do that i think it's in my keys here but i think it's set up somewhere down this way i guess um i don't know where i s where i do that i have any ideas for that spot casting unbound can i do it this way how do i do that okay f um what's it gonna be i don't know uh shift f12 maybe just have 12. okay create a small pebble attuned to the magi i want to blast that toilet no fine hit that f to cast can we hit the tree then tab for targets nothing out there right mouse button fire i guess does that be a target i guess all right um so here's what we're gonna do there is a cabin nearby there's also what is this thing over here just fields we also have this road stop over here whatever that thing means um and we're sort of deep in the forest there's probably a town nearby here somewhere but let's go see if we can raid that cabin so we can find over there real quick it's pretty close we can walk over there we may find something we'll find a jerry king or something and we'll head to what and see what's over there hey when tex how's it going we've got we've got a good base here there's no zombies around for some reason um and so we'll we'll we'll use this to work we should probably bring something with us we got a knife um let me go drop off my book and grab my stick what time is it it's noon it's been i spent all morning fiddling with this thing let's go drop the uh the book and then i'm gonna pick up um the stick and can i do a quick rocking a sock [Music] make some sock mitts out of what my pair of socks levels spell without casting it by studying the book okay i'm gonna i'm gonna craft a spike okay and then we're gonna make i already have a knife i need to get i think was it a long string for uh for my um my pointy stick i need a stout branch which i don't have that probably get one what was over here would hey thanks wintex thank you very much all right let's just go on let's go on a tr a track we've got a we've got a spike in it we have a knife in hand as well that's probably better let's just wield that okay knife in hand we see zombies we're not gonna we're not gonna mess with them yet we're just going on a little bit of a journey a peaceful trek in the woods no problem oh he's gonna sneak up on us you know such a nice day today make our way up to this cabin here which is almost there there it is there it is let's just take a little peek what are you lilac everybody home see your door it's a big cabin okay no pack my bush have anything on it butcher the the long stout branch with a knife and get two stout branches guaranteed activate the long stout branch to break it that's what we're going with i think i like what i'm seeing in there oh that's so awesome gum guns in there there's a blanket in there stout branch that's what we want uh that was him he does see me where's that branch let's go get that branch here he comes there's a string on the ground grab that stick um yeah just stash it away um let's just lose him real quick are we like asthmatic is that where we were just taking a peek in here as we as we run hopefully away from him top the fence okay no more running to be real quiet okay okay take a look look around we got a drinking glass we got some plates chairs there's a fancy this is a fancy cabin look at this thing it's got like columns what kind of cabinet is this cabin with call inside columns that's fancy man it's as fancy as they come we must be in tahoe all right let me inch my way what's this door looking like looking impassable hello love a jacket fancy crafty crafters quarterly alpha male quarterly um crowd buyers get a comic book we need some sort of mechanic thing yeah yeah that would be good close that door please there's zombies out there what are you oops wrong button a scarf i'll take that and what are you reading glasses do i do any glasses i forgot what i've made myself no okay okay uh what's that is another scarf a bandana oh yeah give me that i'll wear that thing um uh yeah wear that scarf too there you go and then what is that up there uh an axe okay i will take it uh just drop the drop the stick we got ourselves an axe now all right okay hello zombie was just in here reading reading uh bon appetit big book first aid that sounds like what we want there's a blanket i want to grab boxing monthly what is it what does it teach about boxing lots of large colorful photos and poogalistic exploits what kind of boxes like boxing i always take the big booker first oh it even has wow it has a graphics i'll take that what are you big question mark birdhouse monthly outdoors adventures paramedics i would love to have all about swords so much stuff i gotta learn all this i gotta i got maybe this is my new house forget the van life maybe this is it uh i want to what was it examine chat on those curtains and let's let's grab the sheets and the sheets are that heavy give me the string at least i'm going to just stand here craft quietly a bayonet pointy stick yeah i'll take a pointy stick please one pointy stick pleats uh wait what i have an axe though what am i gonna care i can't wait please put it i want a makeshift sling using the blanket nearby okay let's wear that sling now we can carry a lot more stuff okay so let's grab some books other adventures teaches me hunting in the wilderness there's an exciting article about bear attacks in the back pages um that probably is a good thing to have paramedics certainly is good thing to have what are you boxing ham radio illustrated does that teach me like mechanics maybe all about swords okay i really want to be a paramedic so two books on it fit over sunglasses yeah wear those that sponge i want to wear the uh sunglasses ooh you hear something over there do you buddy be quiet he's back the fat zombie's back we're having that ooh all kinds of things i would like um lots of socks skirts undershirts and socks i will take i'll take the that's poor fit though i'll take some gloves for sure i'll take the socks then we're going to wear i'll swear both of them right now okay i've got some gloves on now what's that oh we invest okay and then you were so awesome oh crafty crafty one as well let's grab that and combustion fundamentals yeah take all that stuff car buyers guide that teach me how to use traffic like my guys like to have nice to have there we go a couple others over here already got one of those holiday cooking learn how to shoot something top gear what do we have here a trench knife pickled fish flashlights i'll take both flashlights what is it what's in all for leather working think we're bartering let me um i'm playing this judgment song let's switch this out a little bit and see what the music here sounds like put it like oh it's spooky it's extra spooky uh pickle fish a sandbox kit repair using a soldering iron extended tool set plastic bucket holding a small spade and rake perfect for building sand castles sure that kind of sandbox kit a drink we've got a crowbar oh i want i want um a lot of space here a headlamp wear that sewing kit that's where the the headlight go that that's right yeah um i'll drop that i just can't wear that the lamp on my head actually i can and oh yeah and all yeah that's right that's the punch thing yeah handcrank charger some uh some pop-tarts a steel bottle take that this place is all kinds of good stuff in here have you been in the kitchen yet look at all that which knife scissors knives garlic press man um i'll take that stash it away here anything in the fridge nope right there's something there we got some towels got some ammonia some rags and then candles flashlights lighter screwdriver this is such some time how hungry am i i don't remember how to see that battery charger customer charge battery he's giving it source electricity it could easily be wired into a vehicle with power okay little battery there already with not much to it duct tape um what can i not what can i not carry i'm not quite there does this battery charger pretty heavy no i'm still under exactly knife i should take that too yeah capacity still uh okay i do want the dax small cardboard box with five items oh it's a cardboard box um so in that box what's in that box there it is duct tape charger all the stuff that i want is there um okay well um does it like shift i to shift things no what was the um inventory management that one yeah um so i i know that i want where'd he go that how do i rummage that thing had a rummage through this thing yeah i gotta come back and get that we're not far we can we can always load it up what do you inhaler some bleach soap bar toothbrush i mean soap seem pretty good okay we've got the last room here pillow downfield blanket uh popular mechanics you want that samurai novel fat zombie oh is he oh he's out there i see him i see him okay does he is he aware of me he is yes so let's quickly grab the uh popular mechanics let's get out i could probably take this guy out if i really wanted to i don't think i want to close that okay let's just get out of here um and stash our stuff maybe make um take content out shift you to unload okay okay let's let's rummage our way back to camp what time is it still noon find our way back over there we can you know we could do we could chop that tree down that's been in our way for so long maybe to do is i should sit in here i sent my car i'm going to read my popular mechanics book so i can learn how to take that thing apart and then stash that stuff onto my new car that's what we're going to do come in here we're going to have a seat and we're going to do some reading so oh i'm very hungry yeah we should eat something too i have anything to eat pickled fish i will drink i will eat the um that one pop-tart a little thirsty drink the cola still thirsty oh i do have some fresh meat in there as well okay um now i want to read popular mechanics bring mechanic skill to one requires intelligence of five easily read um [Music] okay find out what's in it now now do it yeah until i gain a level they will pass but it's a peaceful place over here i don't think i think we're fine over here that's a big car wait till you see the one that i had a minute ago can no longer learn from popular mechanics i can't read it again to get yeah it only gets me to one well what about something like this one which mechanical to eight requires level four to understand it all right crafty brings my fabrication to one okay i can do that spooky music i'll do crap i'll do crafty uh makeshift stethoscope that'll come in handy um what's that going to teach me that's going to teach me 30 crafting recipes hand press flintlock muskets bipods lightning link pipe cleaners keep popping mechanics around for the recipes can i do anything with it if i just read once what to do for me and outdoor adventures does what more crafting recipes um i do need to learn the big marker first aid takes it to three yeah yeah i want that one what was that where'd he go no okay now i'm still only level one mechanic so i can't do much i do have a screwdriver and all that kind of stuff i think i got it maybe i left it in that box we'll unload some things here and we may run back there um i could probably hack that zombie down but i think it's best to leave him alone it's gonna be dark though to dr reed i got a flashlight i'm so close so close turn that flashlight on okay now finish reading that one right okay healthcare is level one you need the book nearby to craft recipes from within it so you've crafted and memorized them okay um i'm going to study another another i'm going to go get my magic missile up i guess or magical light that might be nice to have a floor magic missile for um two hours okay now let's shut the light off and let's go to sleep sleep is down sleep i got two flashlights both of them at batteries okay you fall asleep right it's uh it's now dawn um let's go and i think i'm gonna drop a few things yeah drop all those it's clothing that's weird um let's put everything in this one spot all the books can go here i can i got the axe in hand still i don't need to carry a couple of not i think i'm fine as far as warmth see it i have to look in a second um drop that this thing has 20 items in it but those are we're dropping them all poor fitting sunglasses i think yeah yeah let's just um let's do that drop it all off okay now close the door i'm going to get my box those zombies in the way of me and my box um yeah let's go back i just take that gas tank off and like hook it up to the other one back to get our box which has our tools in it are we doing as far as we're a little thirsty other than that we're good come back over here and grab our stuff breathe through very hungry i dropped all my stuff didn't i though okay we can grab some stuff over here i hear something oh there he is okay i don't want to fight you i really want to fight you what is that downspout i'm i don't want to fight you zombie run it around this way open the window open the window okay close it there you go um what was in here i thought i got all the food in here didn't i i did there's there's a crowbar there which i would like to have that crowbar i can't i can't stash that thing away okay auto travel okay um oh here's the kitchen i think i got everything though that was i think that was uh that was edible is is uh yeah nothing in the fridge there is some ammonia that doesn't seem so tasty i'll take that there's some thyme can i eat that chili powder some cinnamon another flashlight i might as well take it does this do me any good essentially trash no okay pick that stuff up eat some thyme mmm delicious okay so we're gonna have to go find somewhere that has food three crafty crafters quarterlies i'll take those can i drink out the sink right i can i can drink out of this yeah water i don't i can take the bleach bottle though and dump it and that bleach bottle now guy and let's go to that bleach bottle and then empty it maybe bleach is something good to have but i'm going to drop it unload it on the ground okay then i want to i want to use it's in the toilet though how do i um how do i use this a sink or this bathtub it's empty don't have any drinks to fill with the bat the bathtub with i do i have a jug of water i want to use my jug of water my gallon jug reload let me go try dump it in the sink over here you activate no hey village um yeah i don't know how to do that one the sink has grub bushes rags rocks i don't know how to get the water out though i guess i can just grab this cup and can i use it now i'll wield it and then i do that before not the fire i want to figure out let's go back over here i want to fill out my fill my jug up with water i don't have anything drinks to fill the bathtub i do though is everything shut off all right i thought things weren't shut off maybe i'm getting this in part of the zomboid confused i guess i am i thought that um that stuff was around for a little while get that wood axe um i'm gonna go ahead and grab that ammonia jug also okay yeah there's a little puddle outside we can use there's also wasn't there a uh there's a swamp nearby i don't see anything else out here though worth uh worth grabbing but we we may have enough to go and take a peek at let's watch out for that zombie can i um consume the water pour it into container that one okay there's some left over so my jug now where is it yeah okay so we can drink that now yeah okay okay i know oh fat zombie he's way back though the rv out that is all busted now the one that i busted um i could oh no i can't because i don't have the doesn't have any gas however i have a skill in how busted is it like all its problem is this tree right here if i got this tree down we could drive it wherever we wanted to let's do it let's do it i don't need to dance the cockwood tree with my axe but this tree is a problem oh this guy over here i'm getting worn out if you did have clean water didn't it you're right it's a good thing you're here chat let me um dump that out and let's dump out the other one another bad water yeah it's fine okay there's water in here okay and let's do it again okay two things of water okay good now hey king of schools let's go let me activate the axe top down tree trunk in the logs look at that yes there is it's right here i didn't know that was i didn't realize that i've ever had an act like this before fall i don't care that way look at that achievement completed i did it i did it okay maybe this car isn't so bad all the junk we've got on the ground now there's water in it oh boy over here okay oh back it up nice and slow come on come on easy does it did i break it too much where's my controller yeah okay okay easy easy easy what are you running into that log is not too much it's just a log what's it run into stump hang on look at this thing oh the log this item's hand chop tree trunk into logs sure okay and then i want to smash log into planks what do i need for that i just pick it up and move it how do i move this thing i think i think i'm still stuck i can't move it push it now the logs in the way if i could mash this guy down though fall that way okay now let's let's bash up those uh can we squeeze through that maybe okay close that door start up all right break off ease it up okay yeah like that yeah not that nope nope nope i think it's so difficult to drive i cannot drive this thing it's going to blow up i'm going to die because i'm going to blow this thing up um okay oh logs breaks okay oh can we just hold on can i just move it on the floor okay stop very thirsty let's go get a drink real quick uh get out of the car let's go and um i want to drink the uh yeah okay so very thirsty too much i guess was it um tree trunk how do you move it though yeah tree trunk now do this tree trunk is right there and two square two and then i can that guy go that way yeah i do this i don't know um hey dodger how's it going but you know we don't need to deal with that because because i've got the stuff uh in fact i still have the box with me so we should be able to come over here take a look at the vehicle and i have a little bit of skill so i can maybe maybe i can take take apart the gas lines my level two for that that's the solar panel i think i need i know a level two four where's the gas there's the engine there's a storage battery with all kinds of what's what we do we do need can i uh remove the battery i need mechanics too i also need a tool with metal sawing of two or more i don't have that i'll have a saw ah no man i really want it's not that broken it's actually in fine shape you know it's a little busted but it was going to be busted anyway whenever i got her i got to it so he's going to figure out how to get things out of here and i can't chop i can't it wants me to be talking to that but i can't i can't um i can use my axe i can either chop the chunk uh in the logs whichever so it's either cut log into place i can't do that i don't have the item in hand so yeah ain't gonna happen now if i could just get the thing it's so close to getting out so close i can do it i can do it all my problems would be no problems anymore if i could just get this thing to move all right all right we're doing it i've forgotten how uh how how um poor things went last time okay we want to go um i can almost go straight i gotta work this thing no this way like this right back it up yep yep yep wait a little larger destroy some items no problem okay okay okay floodlight destroyed security system destroyed no problem we don't want this anyway see about destroyed everything's breaking we're back where we started come on come on come on go a little fast in the north you hear a beep come on come on come on easy does it do i i don't know how to drive this thing i can't do it okay so we wanted to go that way okay we want to go sure that way okay now stop back it up one step at a time nope nope this way all right stuck on something must be stuck on something oh okay ease it forward okay back it up so funny story at the gas station the other day this reminds me of this it's not working and some like old lady i was sitting there pumping gas and i heard this crunch other side of like there's like a big stone pillar you know right next to me and i hear a crunch not a loud crunch but just a crunch this old lady it's like she it's like that's how she judged where the front of her car was she just smashed into things he just bumped into the and then backed it up again and then bumped it again and eased it into the gas pump this is what we do this is what we're doing right here okay back it up don't hit the other one okay keep it go what are you here this time is it is it still in my way okay it's fine it's fine okay yeah yeah ease it up nope nope almost [Music] okay we don't want to go any further i don't think we're going to hit that tree huh okay um i don't i don't think i can get inside [Laughter] hang on turn this thing off yeah this car this car's the worst i don't think we can get out of here x goes tree tree trunk logs planks i can't make planks though it doesn't let me do it i can't do it log into planks nothing on the side of a hand can't happen so we got another one here we're gonna chop this guy down it's not gonna work though we can't turn it that much i'll try it go that way and then and then hack it up unless it means trunk as in like hang on a second tree trunk in the logs what what all this time is all i need to do is just do it again it's not a i guess it is a trunk okay now now we can do this and cut log into planks no i can't do that okay i'm running the most uh the most recent the nightly whatever okay we're going to chop down tree make sure you drop yes there is i'll smash it then it's right there i see it okay smashed uh let's go move this tint let's uh let's yep take it down okay i don't want it let me smash this guy up okay i'm slowing i'm getting a little tired been a rough day and a whole lot by the way i know but i don't know how to do it i couldn't figure it out now are those big logs gonna be okay was there any food in here there was wasn't there not bad i want to look at the fridge oh there's something in the fridge i didn't be afraid any food either i'm getting hungry huh a little bit in my car okay hop on in start her up zoom out a bit okay this is it back it up norman just back it up it's working it's okay it's just just just just some chairs okay forward but we want to go way over this way now what are you running into stop okay okay no i want to go this way come on i'm really stuck now okay beeping stop it now go this way start her up easy does it what are you stuck on a table it's too big and i'm stuck on on i'm really stuck now just back it up out of here it's just a just a chair just run over it we don't like those chairs anyway okay okay okay okay don't go too far this means like a backup camera or something okay okay okay this is very big let's um oh stop it there now it's just a tint i'm stuck stuck okay can we just run over that chair if these tables there's a problem okay yeah these tables are a problem i can't get through these tables man all this bouncing around that's weird um just back it up okay we're good we're good okay now how we got here let me shut this guy off okay and um i'm going to to smash can i just cut this thing down no i want to i'm going to just smash this thing okay what are you chairs are you are you smashable no can i smash this guy oh here we go just get him away just get him away get a little worn out here a little tired now let me just sit for a minute let's rest [Music] just uh just take some moments buddy take some moments hey dark thug okay all good all good i'm a little frustrated with this table so we're gonna destroy it okay let's uh what's the um i know that one rests for a while okay let's just just take it easy nice and easy stamina climb back up we're a little you know been a rough day we've been here for like two hours trying to try to get this rv moving [Music] take a little break tough work smashing uh smashing these things yeah so much fur okay easy does it just watch my stamina bar there slowly climb up okay just smash it okay get in the car shut the door start her up okay okay yeah wait weird come on [Music] don't tell me the campfire's gonna stop you [Music] smash the campfire can i um this is what stopped me is the campfire no is it even smashable diggable it is smashable let me just rest here for a minute what time is it it's still around noon walk up the table and press g you can drag them oh right i can't grab the firing i forgot about dragon things oh yeah i can't drag the tourist table we're gonna smash it in okay okay all done hop in there let's um start her up axe in hand okay okay are we ready i'm not what are you running into now [Music] okay it's weird don't worry about it i wish this thing had mirrors are you stuck on now yeah oh oh oh oh we make it we made it i don't believe it okay let's shut this thing down let's hop on out i knew we could do it okay i'm gonna go grab all this stuff uh let me grab everything here um yeah what's gonna whoops uh grab i want everything everything that we can get which is about that for now just drop the axe carry everything we're gonna jump it in here i'm gonna put it back in my back here um drop all of that yeah the water can go sure okay and that drop all that off give me a minute take my rv out seen better days i want all of this we are a pack rat [Music] okay all that to drop everything in the same spot drop it all there [Music] my food's back here also so i need to eat because i'm very hungry i didn't think i was gonna make it did you okay drop all that stuff off my axe it's a little broken i fish to eat something here let me eat some fresh pickled fish still hungry okay we're all good i'll take another swig of water there okay okay last bits what do we have here we got a stick and [Music] more junk okay now if i want to spend a long time here i probably probably would be wise to go through and um and like fix my car up with all this stuff here however hey colin um i'm gonna do that why would x wield it close that's cause i've been here long enough i know i said earl earlier that i was going to sort of take my time with this one um we'll be reasonable um let's get i'll take the branch i'm sure i can use it [Music] throw it in here dropped uh i got some meat there too yeah drop that and that um hey what was in here my axe of course um the wood panel i'm gonna carry that thing around and toss it i'm sure i can use it to fix something a little bit drop that over here okay [Music] get the axe in hand close the door we may we may come back to this one this is a good car it just needs a bit of gas or a bit of batteries that it was we have a battery charger with us okay are we ready are we ready where are we going road trip time i think we're gonna drive to this little spot down here this little road stop and see what's going on down there what do you say how long has it been this has been and is it what time is it i don't know how i've been playing this i don't know it's been two hours already it's only been one hour i'm streaming for two hours already well one hour has passed so thanks for dealing save me time so we'll present only one hour all right um let me start her up okay and away we go okay let's just we're gonna ease into it here let's not go crazy there's lights going off behind right there's just noise and away we go van life apocalypse style car is huge four times as long as a fully grown mind i'm so happy let's pick up some speed here let's get moving okay okay here we go just driving along in the apocalypse this is fantastic a bunch of water out there if we need to fill our tanks up there's a decayed zombie out there somewhere up ahead looks like um take a look another car and a zombie down there let's run them over i don't know if it's a good idea or not i'm gonna break my car that i just worked so hard to get but um can't resist so we're gonna try to run over without hitting that car come on buddy come say hello ah you broke my you broke my army but this is my house i work so hard for it okay let's slow her down slow down oh we got zombies up up up here another decayed zombie up ahead what is this place it's a road stop a bunch of cars around what is that thing yeah after all this we're gonna switch over to a different car just kidding what is that roof cargo space it's just a just a truck okay okay i think a solar panel though this is what we want uh shut this one down um i'm gonna hop on am i i'm tired i probably shouldn't be doing this right now i'm gonna hop on out yeah i know i see the zombie we're hopping out we're closing the door uh i'm a little tired is that zombie not dead but you broke look at all the glass oh he's almost dead okay okay and how's he feeling down here he's looking just fine all right um maybe i don't want to do this i don't after all this i don't want to die right now maybe we just um i gotta funnel them in i'm tired as a problem north zombie is no problem south zombie is the problem and if any of his friends want to come visit let's take a peek around here i do need some food though so let's just let's just do this the old-fashioned way no zombies no zombies no zombies okay good um right here in the toilet we need a place where he has to climb over so let's climb up onto this thing and just wait for him when he climbs up on the sink we're gonna smash him come on buddy hello okay he grabs me bites my arm bites feels really deep did i get him i did it one down billions to go i killed a zombie oh it's a whistle like a copper bracelet um some ski goggles i'll take that clean those things up rain could be nice to have uh i got a butcher this guy just quickly i can't my axe just smashing him okay somebody else is coming hopefully it's that good is it the bad guy the uh yeah yeah he's a bad shape so he'll climb on up give him a minute climb on it buddy okay smash him yeah zombie number two gone okay now let's go ahead and examine that will be here we'll just grab anything new in here some boy shorts hot pants a whiskey hip flask should we do mash up tobacco uh nothing nothing too exciting that we really want toilets here yeah can i can i get these sinks can i um no there's no water right in the water what's that there's a book of guns and ammo anything in the there's something here a matchbook take it more toilets that's all this is it's just a toilet yeah all right i gotta get some sleep so i think we're gonna have to hop in the old rv here which is not safe anymore because there's uh no window here and this door doesn't exist anymore oh wait does the door exist it doesn't doesn't show up but i guess so internal door it seems like a real bad idea um i'm going to sleep what's what's down below me don't smash it just the roof just a floor tile looks funny all right what time is it it's noon really this probably isn't the best time let's just take a quick nap i'm not like exhausted i'm just tired i'll do like a like an hour now i'll save i mean you can't really do an hour but i think i think you just sort of sleep until you wake up okay i've ever played fallout one or two um if i did i don't remember like if it would it would have been oldie times uh oh my arm is oh great i didn't realize my arm was blue my bite feels infected oh great i didn't see that i didn't see the [Applause] man man what do i do now okay now what do i do what time is it it's night i got rid of any of my my clean stuff i do have some soap somewhere okay my soap clean it up i have a sponge i have a sewing kit um i don't know what i do about that about an infected bite not that one i want uh help um healing so she joins properly untreated wounds heal very slowly you can get bended bit if zombie grabs you bite wounds can be deep and infected it happens status bar it'll be blue uh needs disinfectant as soon as possible clean the wound prevent serious infection no chance of any disinfectants try more drastic method of cauterizing the wound um believe it be the affected part will develop serious infection says bar color will change to green stage it's too late to disinfect a wound you need antibodies to fight it your body will fight the infection by itself regular antibodies intake may keep you alive long enough for it to happen hope you don't die in the process i can't believe i didn't see that i can't believe it oh yeah that's annoying okay start this thing up does it have lights turn on the headlights oh hello doggy i'm a bit hungry uh close the door please i can't um i can't believe it i cannot believe um hang on a minute can i like is there is there a uh safe scum feature in this because i saved all right um we gotta find a pharmacy yeah antibodies let's do it where we see anything yet nope we're driving it's a coyote okay away we go watch out for those trucks whatever they are um what kind of car is that stop what kind of car is that i don't know i can't really see it right now get back on the road okay cauterize is it too late for cauterize so it helps it okay yeah let me do that very hungry we'll stop and get something to eat real quick got a bit of food probably it's also dark so we can't really see anything but i can't like i've already slept for like what eight hours i'm from the north figure out how to turn this car yeah an ambulance i'm gonna carry you what car are you let's shut it down okay um shut her off keep the headlights on we need those so i can't see anything i do have a flashlight uh not on me one flashlight down um and flashlight on this is an ambulance a mobile meth lab okay there's nothing in it though uh well yeah there's a lot of things in it cough syrup methamphetamine matchbook what's the um um i had any good cough syrup i mean i could take it i guess that's not a good idea report by hat yeah yeah wear that thing oh it's wearing my goggles dude oh what am i wearing on my what am i wearing on my head that is in the way of that my baseball cap yeah drop that drop drop that pork pie hat is that like um like what porky pig wore the little one um now i want to grab my that pork by hand do i still have it [Music] that thing there we go looking fancy okay um not what we want can i get a drink or anything here on board chemistry lab there's our state which ruins our safe scum okay let's uh let's start her up we got things to do here let's get going on the road what's that h is that muffler animal compartment something in there i don't see anything that's weird what does that mean let me just uh leave it running here and hop out hello animal compartment that's weird particular is the walter white hat yeah that's it not your torch oh yeah yeah right [Music] okay let's drive half of those trees okay there's a problem with being in the wilderness no towns now we gotta decide there's a huge ant out there we don't wanna mess with that do we go oh there's a little dirt road there where do you think that goes just like a little cabin or something up there hey gabriel how's it going um we can either choose to go this way this little dirt road here i'm gonna turn this thing around and there's an ant nearby we can go north which we know where that goes or we can go south go south i don't want to get out if there wasn't any ant nearby i'd get out but there's a giant ant up ahead who uh maybe he's friendly but i don't take those chances where there he is right there huge nothing's friendly in this game so whip this thing over this way in a moderate amount of pain that is like a plane over there there's a plane crash there's zombies nearby there's got to be zombie zombie see military pilot where is he oh there's two of them yep it's a medevac helicopter of course it is of course it is um they would have the stuff certainly they would have it right but can i handle he's not hurting he's hurting basic fatigues sunglasses started looking helmet we're gonna have to okay here it goes let's let's ease this thing forward they're not like military like kevlar and all that they're just you know there's another huge ant up here i don't want to mess with a huge ants okay let's um now the other option is just let's let's just speed ahead and just kind of take a quick look what's around the corner you never know there might be something really good around the corner i'm going to crank up the speed here though to fly past this ant not run into it because apparently they destroy my car maybe there's a town up your head there's a crow up ahead anything just a lot of um fields okay i'm gonna stop the car right here okay um i don't like how this is looking close the door turn on the flashlight i got an axe in hand axes are great axes are used in zombie movies all the time because they're so good at killing zombies what about ants let's cruise through the forest here okay we see the military pilots i'm going to try to do is maybe we can like ease our way around there what are we in right now we're in a field and this is dead grass uh some chamomile where's a good bush um something this i'm a bit over this way if we can like lead him over here by these rocks i'll take a pilot i know i see him and then we're gonna try to get him he'd probably walk on the rock but try here he comes he's already bleeding he doesn't feel good already he's already beat up is the other car remember its position oh okay okay okay um here goes come on in zombie climb up on that rock please thank you i missed okay 19 damage how's he looking one more swing i got him again he grabbed my t-shirt he bit my torso of course he did take that torso is not uh in bat cheap though not blue two-way radio sure he's a holster that's just the holster right some adderall um gosh look at the radio i'm gonna smash him up okay okay now there's another one around here but there's got to be some sort of meds here oh bug splatters so the zombies killed that ant was not just a gun holder it wasn't actually a gun did i miss it that is a handgun oh i remember right handguns in this game is bad news though what's in here is a bed nothing in here want a piece of junk they have some sort of goods um that's not what i want no don't step on the wreckage oh man so that was a gun take a look at this look at that wrong it's there oh there's a helmet i didn't realize that i'll take the helmet yeah combat boots gloves the poor fit that's not like a morale thing m17 oh m17 holstered a leather strap worn on the hip for holding pistol-sized guns activate to holster to draw the gun so it is in there i'll take it let's wear it okay and i'm gonna i'm not gonna do my helmet because it's filthy we'll deal with a minute no there's nothing nothing in there we already oh there's something in there isn't there what is that snowboard what is it though there's dots there is if there's something there first aid box with eight uh what kind of miss this i'll take that and um don't think that it says there's things over here but it's just vehicle cargo ah medical labs i'll take it medical transgress file filled with advanced fast healing chemicals which can be activated by a riv tech jet injector device okay and i guess i need to get this thing also all right now let's let's shoot up um i want to now should i do the that's a sailing we don't want that we want where's the stuff um this thing i want to load don't have any stimulant module i want stimulants i want the um where'd it go this thing how do i do it um a rivtech jet injector device there's that thing i guess that's not it that's for stimulant stuff there's a human stomach in there that's disturbing paramedic book there it is right there okay now give me the uh where'd he go where'd he go i hit the wrong button no it was there yeah okay now load it up that guy reload and then let's do it feel the rushes chemicals flow through your body i'm perfectly healed i'm alive this this is fantastic okay um what does that do a pouch oh all kinds of good stuff yeah give me that give me that as well and something on the cargo simulator module sure human stomach if only i was a chemical uh um a uh was the word a cannibal i've walked away from this stuff and i just i can't i just walked away from this stuff what am i doing okay um so i've got lots of i got one more shot i have medical gloves as well i have a tourniquet in case i need to fix my arm up but i'm all good though i just like i'm good no this can bring you back from almost dead in like four turns that's great man things have certainly turned what happened to you buddy another radio there he is m9a1 can i have one on both sides we should probably smash this guy up okay what you got there next to you huge ant corpse can i eat it insect flesh can i eat insect flesh no apparently not so i want the other one i got that gun i should have the other gun as well i can have a gun on each leg right that's worn and i have this m17 where's the other one it's like a nine millimeter right right um i don't know my guns where is it did i miss him i keep on clicking the wrong button no yeah that one enter now i should be able to wear that okay so i got both guns strapped to each side okay back to the car how you doing buddy did you name this car what do we call it um trashy let's drop the meds here i'm not gonna have any we're not gonna be organized at all we're gonna throw things everywhere uh the amazing bed supply is gonna go in there flashlight i'll keep with me all the goods go on the ground books water purification tablets man how amazing how lucky is that drop that um i do the wrong yeah drop all that okay let's crank it up luxury rv's engine starts up not so luxurious anymore but it ain't so bad and away we go we got looks like a crow up ahead hey crow lead me to some civilization please there's a car up ahead there i kind of think we should slow down and check this thing out okay let me just uh let go of the controls just hop on out real quick turn off my flashlight forget that in here there's nothing in here can i take the glass off put it on mine is that possible it's got glass right it has a windshield i want to remove that windshield mechanics 2 i could do the frame what's the windshield take it takes mechanics and a tool of metal sawing i don't have a metal tool though can i craft anything like that i'll go through my on my pile of all my junk and see if we can make something let me run back here real quick car's running it's all right let's stop here real quick and see if i can craft anything up while i'm here simple knife spear makeshift knife a pebble black tea some soapy water soap flakes duct tape wallet bandage antiseptic soaked rag that's all we really got okay hop in here close this thing up and let's grab those um yeah let's try a little spot of blood there and there's also a little dirt road there or something that's going off there if it wasn't nighttime i could see some things uh let's see if we can angle our lights that way oh it's kind of weird why does it do that why does it do that weird road thing are we in like a um near town what is that what are you armor personal carrier oh yeah that means there's probably some army zombies around portugal right right right there's zombie army zombies around hmm want to be around army zombies well i don't see anybody let's pull her up here and and stop her hop on out put that light on hello do you have like guns or something does it have guns i know there's things in this game they're just like there's there to be jerks armor plating security camera that kind of stuff very concerned i don't see a gun i'm sure there is one i'm sure he's gonna mow me down here in a second hello hello hello colin i don't know where the door is hello what is that turret mount oh it does have a gun nothing in here to do though we can examine this thing though seats battery has some juice little bits there's a little bit of fuel in there i should um yeah i would love to know how to take this stuff apart because there's like um storage space for holding liquids mounted outside the vehicle's walls this thing's perfect for for us there's a horn i'm too browning can i remove that gun no of course i don't have a saw yeah everything we basically need is some sort of we need tools all right we'll remember that and then uh marking on our little list here um okay let's start back up here we are i'm playing on the uh we'll look at this map here looking for town or you know i'll be happy with the cabin actually let me um show this guy off i'm gonna find a cozy spot which i think is probably about here i'm not really tired but i want to sleep it's midnight right now i'd like to sleep till daytime so let's um stop this guy break up the health need to go off is that fine probably need to go off okay go back here and go to bed sleep for just a little bit keep trying um continue trying i feel awful now um it's still dark it's still midnight it'd be so amazing if i could just get those that turret and stick it on my rv um like um anadar saying yeah be fantastic okay oops try to fall asleep dark outside very hungry i gotta find some food hey randall toss and turn toss and turn toss and turning a lot uh here let me um oh it's daytime now okay it is around dawn perfect let's see if we can eat some things we need to get something uh nice and easy like um this is good for only four more days so we'll eat this guy and then we need a drink we got plenty of cold water around so we'll drink some of our water and a little more okay nice morning um i am i'm comfortable he's looking good the sun is up what a day uh i can now see my surroundings we can actually see there's a town nearby also so let's drive yeah i have it set in uh uh american measurements but you can do uh celsius you want where is it where is the temperature why does it say 165 degrees why is it saying 180 degrees what does that mean okay see robin let's get this thing moving that we see up there what is that what is it a field campsite and there's a farm over here um let's go a little further oh oh it's another campsite okay yeah let's um stopper there's a zombie a um is that the guy he's like laying there on the ground there's a dead guy there there he is this is worth it it is a oh yeah he's almost dead okay it could be a lot more that's all we gotta deal with though we're in good shape i hear him growling another one same one i think what's this guy have psychoanalysts and colonialism nice pair of flip-flops okay uh i think walking on this course is gonna be troublesome for him so we're gonna let him make his way to us and hack him as he gets on us nope smash that guy up smash that guy up what's he got oh nothing he's naked what's that a long rope okay i'll grab that are these strange tints what are you ah pop tarts and paranoia and history of madness it's an aspect take the pop-tarts for sure okay all quiet other than that let's check out this field over here vehicle headings that's that's what the thing is like fahrenheit zombie child oh boy or isn't it a big farm a big field over here is there like a house there is a house there okay uh where's this uh this kid at down there okay um i'm gonna kill any little kids let's go back back in here it looks like a good house though i've got a good tin i've got a full one so i um am i on e is that what i was trying to say or is it e like dot dot dot is how is how i'm doing examination how's my gas tank runs on diesel but it i runs know where to see that does it run on electric no internal device drains 250 watts from vehicles batteries what does it say like my um oh diesel six point four goes into 9.6 liters okay okay [Music] okay let's drive we're gonna sort of ease our way up here there's a zombie child there's a squirrel nearby it's just one kid so far but it it's a pretty good-sized house i see something else in there was it just the one kid something else in there where's that one at a tricorn there's a tricorn in there i gotta go now yeah yeah so there's just there's a zombie there's a zombie kid in there somewhere um okay there's a there's a tricorn we gotta get it no town nearby is there there's just the farmhouse stills what is it like alcohol a grape farm if we can find i i need to find some food other than pop tarts so let's slow her down and park it here stop driving zoom on in here um i have a gun if we need to you know if we have to where is it right there i he's a little guy okay close the door a zapper i don't know what a zapper zombie is but i'm scared of it oh if you have more diesel you'll see a needle light up between the e and the f low on diesel um i don't know what a zapper zombie is and i don't know that i want to do it i don't think i want to do it no no no close that door drive off okay make our way around here you know just just uh let's leave the zombie behind what should we need food we like pop-tarts pop-tarts are great okay now we're at a bit of crossroads here well what is that that is an orchard let's go let's go south there's more you silence yourself oh yeah the big the big climb of the silo for a good lookout it's a bunch of what are you bulldogs okay i need some good sound effects for my car my rv i didn't sound quite as good as it used to okay let's go this way anyone ever figured out the um full story here this game what's going on over there moose deer crow i've been murdered by a moose before a police car hang on what you got in there what you got in there battery you've got a little bit of gas two liters hmm some sort of tools or something nothing in here nothing okay let's hop back in here oh no wait i don't know why we use the door but we gotta keep on getting back in here uh and let's get a little further okay hey you're at home from the yeah west horse another car over there is that like a oh wait a dead end oh great i gotta turn this thing around it's a little house what is that a tree farm what is that though okay oh yeah slow it down okay and hop on out what are you christmas trees available early winter janice tree farm ah hey janet are you home janet has tools jenna has tools of course she does she has a chainsaw with no gas um hang on she has a wood axe i already got one of those i can't um and then a miscellaneous repair kit sure we could have some gas around here somewhere right can i fill maybe i can just take it from my gas tank somewhere i'll take the drink nothing else here hmm okay uh let me go drop off my my axe dump it in here dump that in here can i clean i mentioned that with my soapy water maybe can i clean this thing surely i can what if we do this this real quick hang on um some soapy water will it it doesn't make my my let's do it can't see the craft okay now do it now i'll put in the container i i don't do that uh put it on okay what is this is a little damage yeah so i'm drunk drop that off grab the other one oops i'm gonna grab that chainsaw also just in case you know and that guy i want it but i don't think i can carry that yeah i have to okay so grab the chainsaw we'll drop it off here in in here i'm sure we'll find gas along the way somewhere and uh we can go yeah evil dead style grab a new axe okay now this is a christmas tree farm isn't it yeah here at the end okay let's go back pitbull no problem it's okay i'm sure he's nice start it up and now i don't know if i turn this thing around we just go backwards i can't see backwards though all right let's try this oh no okay i got it figured out now though no problem look at this i know what i'm doing ah i know what i'm doing i played this game before watch board in a rag clean anything okay yeah i guess i'm getting this one in projects on board a little confused because um i thought you started with with water and stuff at the start of this one like probably on board but i guess i'm a little a little mixed up okay south we go i need to wrap this thing up pretty soon it's uh getting a little tired do we have a bed trout oh we found a lake there's a split i found a lake some good water i got tanks are pretty good though aren't they our water tanks are we only 4.3 liters not they're not the uh it's not clean we do have a tablet we can clean stuff with hectic kermit says left okey left it is i know well it feels like four oh oh we got something is this another dead end another tree farm ah tree farms okay um let's slow this thing down ease it on in okay hey you have a chainsaw with some gas are any tools what's that gallon jug i'll take it i'll happily take that i saw i saw looking a screwdriver set yes a wood saw and then we got another what another wood axe okay let's get some we can do some repairs now drop this i'm just dropping stuff off my usual spots oh my flashlight is on still oops [Music] [Music] did i put my flashlight down that was on no okay 20 days i'll learn how to hand my flashlight not today okay grab that yep let's go over here i would love to find a backpack drop that guy back there back we go [Music] okay [Music] back in here we go i might be actually make up a nice um nice looking um i'm trying to say uh backpack i could do some reading maybe we should just do some reading while we're here um i kind of see what's going what's going on this way there's gonna be a town somewhere near back here what's um i'm just gonna find one before we run out of gas so let's i'm gonna turn around oh yeah i think it's got some got some has some return on a dime in this giant thing that you can't so what happened with that tree back there [Music] okay well that's true forms right here we got a clay golem we're just gonna leave that guy alone i mean he can do what he wants to do bore collies [Music] german shepherd rattlesnakes seem to be coming into a bit more field area i know those towns in this map mode because uh i was playing around with a little earlier and there was a time next to where i started yeah i'm good on wood x i got three wood x's now i got a saw so i can do a bit of repairs next time i find a car i'm going to tear it apart there's a fox out that way we can go whoa we're going to go let's let's go straight see if there's anything over this way giant rattlesnake oh oh we hit the end of the road spin this guy around [Music] okay back over this way car here we got what we want what is that oh bike wheel um another car but um we've been able to park the windshield or something um i don't remember if we had the skill for that or not i want to come over here anything to get no no examine you and if i wanted to remove something swappable storage battery hey these have big batteries if if i remove like something easy like a clock or the dashboard that gives me skill take the seat belt out is it solar panel i missed that [Music] wheel hub um it's got a lot of batteries solar panel oh yeah can i do that no i can't take out the battery oh i don't have a tool with lifting one i need a bigger strength tool [Music] the only thing here i can really take she's really singing i think the clock sure and then the uh the windshield was not not okay any metal sawing hey there's solar panels right there uh here while i'm here let's let's use this as our our time to do some a bit of reading cause i picked up some new books i'll wait more magic i'll take some crafty quarterlies we'll learn about cars a bit maybe a little bit of popular mechanics that i already have you can bring it to one of mario one [Music] first aid we got top gear is [Music] repair kit tanner i'll do what i want but let's take those yeah drop that axe uh why can't i put my pack a pack full full of of um [Music] let's drop all the stuff [Music] yeah keep those drop the rope drop the jug um i'm not wearing that helmet just drop it what did i not get marksmanship is about rifles brings it to eight but i have to have four to get that internal combustion one pop rocket soda that's right that's my that's what i'm living on [Music] this just makes me happier now [Music] oh big brother first aid container we have three i'll go ahead and read that one too i'll sit up here in the front and uh and do some reading so let's start with sure book a first date [Music] am i not level one oh i'm not yet okay read that one i see a zombie yes where is it down the road a bit okay does he see me oh he don't see him anymore okay keep reading um yeah just case he decides to come out is it the same one just wait and see what he does just moseying back and forth [Music] i'm trying to read here zombie you understand german shepherd spotted down there i wonder if we're near a town i wonder there's a zombie out there there's a fork in the road down here oh hey look we're in a town hardwick look at that there's a house right there i didn't even see it is there um maybe apparently there is well then let's let's go uh do some exploring then it's early morning i'm gonna drop off the stuff that i don't need the um repair kit i don't need yeah that screwdriver rip all this stuff off and make sure i have my axe in hand my axe in here i got like 15 wood axes where they all at uh yeah probably in something else tent knife react what x there it is okay what else in hand a dog out there turn about okay there's a german shepherd he's down to the south we see a zombie now he's over there he's out in the woods okay we can handle a zombie want to move up here and take a look at this house apparently there's a house nearby there's a car also dr carr seems that's the same zombie yeah so he's aware of me so again we gotta fight him somewhere where we can get him to like clamor over our rock or something oh another one no okay so we'll let him come on in why does he keep saying safe mode again over and over again i know he's there okay on the rock and match match again okay what you got buddy a smartphone should we go my tickets you got some candy cigarettes stylish wallet with 42 items 42 dollars i think so okay we got a couple cars up here we'll investigate them i got a muscalong i don't know what that is i'm looking it up must it's a fish okay it's a fish okay no problem it's a hostile fish apparently yeah i see the guy okay we got uh there's some gas in here do i have anything i could put it in if i got my chainsaw can i just dump it in there let's try it right over here grab my chainsaw if not i can always just grab that i'll grab the chainsaw and the jug um you can always open that jugger that i've got so let's grab i thought he didn't have anything to carry with me i'm going to bring in a knife i'll be all right um so um those that know what's going on the game can i just load it straight from the car into the into the chainsaw is that possible yeah i got some good eyesight you're right there's the gallon jug i can just fill that thing up with the gas uh yeah that's fine it's fine do that let me know where the chainsaw went anyway let's run it this way some npcs take cash okay that fish i spotted through the cart window again okay so i want the gas can't be picked up try mopping up no how about i um activate jug oh man examine is it on the ground it's oh it's just laying on the ground something but you need a rubber hose i used to do some things over here something in here what you got in here scissor jack hey hey we need that what else you got around here okay um axe is still in here let's just take a little look there's the house oh the house is trashed what you zombies did to the house ruining everything glass jar sure sheet metal probably come in handy what do you a sack of concrete three sacks of concrete oh wasn't the sack helpful for something okay make like a backpack out of it sure is there concrete in it yeah uh let's just dump that out i just want i just sack yeah do it i don't think so i have the concrete yeah i just dropped it nail board makes for some good fighting yeah so we got a pit another pit a uh a hedge trimmer a pair of boots plastic bottle electric jackhammer what do i do with that vapor wrapper well i will take i'll take a head trimmer i think i'm not sure what to do with it hang on i can't carry my axe with all this i'll take the boots i'm gonna just wear the boots what am i wearing right now i'm wearing like my shoes socks socks where's my my shoes boots okay i got boots jackhammer because we'll um just drilling through hard rock or other surfaces what do i need this for a bit neat i guess i could i could like stay on the walls be very helpful okay we may come back for but i've uh remember it's there i put my axe down if we do that and there's uh there's angry fish out here apparently this certainly isn't the whole town there must be more to it let's go this way carefully watching for that fish you don't like there's a whole bunch of them this is the whole town one house all right i just i did i did put rural i will put this um i'll go grab the jack hammer just to have it might as well i got room for it german shepherd leave me alone oh there's just three of them i think it's kind of dangerous to put my axe up i'm a little concerned about this axe down um this is jack me just put that there and put everything else in the back of my spot okay um can i um let's see if i can whip up something cool here a funnel you need a funnel and a hose don't you to get the um to get the gas out i think maybe not uh let's let's search fine is there some sort of bag i can make can i make that oh yeah i can't make that a swag bag ym25 make a swag bag can the stack for person repurposes repurposed for makeshift storage goes well with a striped shirt domino mask okay now let's wear it that one okay now my capacity to be way way more now volume yeah a ton all right um for collecting rain oh right right right you put you put a jar outside with a with a funnel and you can collect rain went up right that's right i forgot about that um okay so let's go i'm gonna drive this thing a little closer and i'm gonna try to pick up i don't wanna that way i'll drive so go so far without without an axe to grab the uh jackhammer watch out for those cars okay and we'll just hop out yeah angry fish terrorizing fish hop in here where the jackhammer go there it is get that jack hammer and let's dump it in the spot i picked it up right did i not pick it up pick it up wield it somebody you're wearing hinders the use of both hands what am i wearing my flashlight okay now get it i'm wearing using what am i wearing this that's hindering it my bag maybe how do i switch my there's a button for change my inventory stuff um rearrange clothing or whatever no um was it i have a little cheat sheet over here our clothing what is that um no edit it's a swag bag okay that's my armor i have a hat sea goggles and sunglasses are on top okay let's do that uh i got a couple scarves and a bandana of course on my arm is a swag bag how do i move it to something else though i change it it's my left hand just let's just drop it right now just drop the swag back where is it just dropped now pick up that okay i'm going to wield my axe i wonder what okay with that swag bag you can always drop it okay drop the hammer jack hammer go get my axe or my bag i mean um wear that swag bag and then let's start her up there's white fish out there i think i can just spin this thing around i probably shouldn't back it up we're gonna though yeah i know how to drive this thing okay but now we've reached a dead end um that led to no you know what that went to dirt road i was over there wasn't i driving driving off road here there's an axe on the ground hang on is that my axe what's my axe doing out here what are you what why is it all in the ground out here why'd you go outside i can put my food you know into i probably should put my food in the fridge i must have done something wrong bed's full so it fell to the grass oh okay drop it over here then okay yeah we probably should stop toss stuff in that fridge in fact i've got a bit of food over here let's grab whatever food we've got which was the meat and put all the food there might well that's all we have yeah yeah there's a drink there some chewing gum put the water in there might as well others there's the other stuff okay that up toss it over here into the fridge how do i put things in the fridge i can't step on it um i'll just drop him here next i know this way i put him in the fridge uh i'm gonna drop me on the ground though i don't wanna deal with it yeah drop it all here it's fine here we go now did it go and on why did it go on the grass no why do that forget i'm gonna i gotta put it somewhere where i gotta go on the table maybe i can't put on table can i put it uh that's where i sleep i don't put there let's just drop it over here yes okay now did it go where it needs to go we'll find out well we can't really see okay nose drive hopefully we didn't leave stuff behind oh she's not did it yet that thing i picked up though i thought was a uh i thought was a shield i could make a shield out of it i thought i mentioned how that's all triggers a pit the winds make my head feel cold yeah cause there's no there's no windshield stupid zombie ran into it a bunch of zombie zombie zapper zombie i think we may have hit a house in berkeley we're in berkeley we found some houses okay there's a lot of things out there let's just draw slow down don't run into zombies please they break cars oh yeah we're in town okay what do we have we got a forest we got four houses here in berkeley and a feral human off-road wow oh okay okay axe in hand right axe in hand um hey erisa zapper zombie i know there's things out there okay open the door you cannot be breaking my rv okay only i am allowed to break my r b where are you there he is he's breaking my rv stop it where are you get over here no you get out of there this is mine get out of there he's breaking it there he is okay um how's he looking okay um yeah i ran straight into that house i thought i could go around uh well how do you shoot i want to reload i want to shoot him uh f i don't remember what it was that was my shoot button um attack mode yeah shift f maybe not space um i want i don't want to compare i want inventory activate wheeled i'll wield it and then shoot it it's a good idea he's right here just use the axe it's not me babies he's here he smashed up my rv it wasn't me it was or the house it was him come here on the glass come here take that and more that smash okay what you got nothing to grab there all right uh blankets around lots of cars there's more zombies there's there's a couple zombies down down below oversized pro as well hey raven how's it going draven after you sent that uh tweet about the game he uh he sent me an email um what's long after that i haven't got a chance to look at yet though i've been on a um an email hiatus just kind of keeping an eye on what like topics and who they're from but other than that um all right let's go and look around a little bit more we got a lamp table there's a radio car box radio car box i want to grab the table i just want to look oh caps lock what's in there bubble wrap an rc car a screwdriver my yeah i had a caps lock on another one with more bubble wrap and all that kind of stuff there's stairs down there's a zombie come here zombie and a huge cockroach uh uh are you uh bad uh mutant cockroach the size of a dog that's concerned i'm bleeding i don't know if i both you got him hey that was my hoodie i'm bleeding stop it knock it off oh he's tough smash them okay uh what do you got anything good no what do you got cockroach we can um eat he came from the basement what else is down there what we got over here birdhouse monthly and murder mystery was that a safe who's that a safe okay losing some blood uh um bandaging bandaging banishing um i should know how to do this because i don't have a bandage i can whip one up real quick i got extra socks for this whole purpose i can make a shoulder strap i should do that let's make it real quick okay now um get that sort of strap let's craft up i can tear up my sock mitts right and make a rag let me go and check out my pair of socks um nope not socks i've got a couple of extra things that's scarf for instance i got stuff on the bus no worries we'll be fine butter knife um there we go there we go there we go that's what we want yeah that's the good stuff bird food delicious maple syrup some pesto ravioli okay we did it we did it done no need to be here anymore there's a whole reason we're here for that did you have a bake uh no you guys hey jk another trench coat uh not a good fit though shopping bag uh yeah that's okay we've got uh more knives cutting boards i'm gonna take this chef knife i'll take all of them why not another flashlight a hammer pliers made all this stuff take all that kettle don't do that okay we have over here a couple towels uh more jugs take those uh nah we won't fire extinguisher we don't need that look at all the food we got okay give me all of it some rotten milk everything else though see draven unfertilized bird eggs sure take them all any humans in this universe i think so i didn't turn them off this should be around i think tough zombie um where are you over there yeah let's close that door nothing to see here aspirin gummy vitamins um yeah some more soap got a pic with a transistor rainfall of dust what do you think that does some characters who have wealth oh it's just just for funds was that a um i'll take that one oh i'm not for that one i'm overloaded here too much good stuff pickaxe don't mind if i do okay let's go run back to the van the van's fine don't worry about it oversized crow it's okay let's drop off my stuff um over here i want to drop off all my knives and uh everything hammers and all the food i should probably like rearrange the stuff and just put it like all into actually this way but put it all into like that sack it'll probably be the best way of doing this but i will i got so much it's all gonna fall on the floor again what's gonna happen keep that total strap we'll deal with that okay put it on the bed so felder grass oh just two things okay good got too much junk i'm a hoarder oversized crow okay let's go back and grab that pick which i meant uh can i craft that shoulder strap like onto my onto a weapon how does that work i don't want to do that i mentioned my axe behind i didn't oops wearing hands or both of you both oh i can't use pickaxe because i'm moving i got the sack i can still attack with this thing but i can't attack with that pick hmm we go downstairs let's do it i'll put my my light in the uh the uh the car though check out the rest of this place it was locked let's go investigate over there a blanket what says crow again um and some zombies zapper zombies but i don't want you guys i don't like him he's scary let's just drop the wood axe um no no no no i can't do that because i need two hands i'm not gonna worry about it i activate the shoulder strap oh yeah okay only for rifles okay um so i want to come in here and i want to get a flashlight which i think about one here uh there's one here somewhere i got two of them how do i grab just one one flashlight okay no times two okay okay down we go hey marmello uh game of thrones uh uh crusader king's mob that's that's made by um produ hangs out with discord all the time okay uh i want to turn this one on what happens oh i gotta get the bed okay downstairs we go it's very lit down here there's a zombie there is lots of things down here lots of cockroaches look at all this stuff though this place is giant that's okay we can do this um how bad can a bunch of we killed that last one really easy real easy okay okay okay only two of them are aware of me so we're going to allow them to uh to see me i'm going to what do we do if i can get in that door i can find one at a time what's in there what is that a warm tail rodent long whiskers it's a rat a sewer rat um more concerned about the zombies please don't die okay okay okay ouch okay guy here you dirty rat a little worn out don't mind my very loud heartbeat all right my arm's a little beat up okay let's let's smash this guy what you got on you buddy french made hat pipe fittings okay i'm going to take a little bit of a breather what are these little things we see down here what is that roach dirt take a couple breaths yeah my ears my chest i've got to patch myself up it'll clot in no time don't you worry come on game there he goes there it goes okay okay what are you a back a backpack it's about time it's about time give me that backpack all right now i'm good i've been trying to find a backpack for so long it's about time okay what else we have in here we have a fancy hairpin uh a baseball bat frisbee some soda uh another backpack a checker set a talking doll battle him or battle hammer 2k okay what else we got what do we see another cockroach grape drink i'll take it power candy sticks sure sure fire when you see my eyes zombie oh yeah here he comes wool scarf okay i'll take a tear apart a tv i'll hook that up to the rv a little doll over here we want that oh there's a lot of them i'm getting worn out watch my head stop it okay got him a fancy fedora i'd much rather have that trick we saw earlier oh trying to rest just trying to rest okay oh there's my new clothes if i need some winter gloves under shirts oliver kilt pair of socks nothing too exciting there put the dresser right there i'll take headlamp headlamp i've got a knit hat more ski goggles mine are a little broken i could switch mine out with that let's uh let's drop what is it um let's lose the ski goggles they're dirty anyway and then we'll we'll uh we'll wear the new goggles wherever they are they are can i wear that headlamp this time yeah there we go um and then yeah with all that what is that the furnace yeah the cockroach smash that guy up there we go what you got on your buddy nothing hey is that a jerry can yeah take that and i got scissors already so i don't need that a broom i actually think i could use a broom a kukri kukri all right i've heard of a kooky outside of d uh no no a funnel yeah a roll mat sure i'm not sure what we'd use that for dust mask okay i really gotta write this thing up dental floss soap dish hot balls i can weigh myself okay is that it that's that's all down here it is okay here i have this i gotta wrap this thing up i gotta go to bed uh how do we get out this thing okay so let's hop back in the van and stay away from the zapper zombies because those are scary we made it to a town i'm quite happy with that we made it to the town of of berkeley there's four whole houses in this town it's not much of a town it's you know it's some sort of a town um but we gotta i gotta call it here i gotta go to bed so uh it's extra late so um let's wrap up some cataclysm save it quit and do some of that um here here's what we do so i'm gonna do my my my uh channel updates tonight let's do it tomorrow i wanna make sure that i got my supporters and all that and patreon all set correctly it's also late i want to go to bed so uh tomorrow night we will do um the update at the end of the night and um yeah we crashed the rv a little bit i i i'm going to come back to this i think we'll we'll continue this another time um maybe next week or something but uh anyway so this is this is free games month on the channel officially now it's november 1st november three months freaking month time i'll talk about all this tomorrow in depth but if you have some good freebies that you uh that you like then let me know so i did this thing i've been debating this for a while and i think i'm gonna do it i did this thing um again i'll talk about all this stuff tomorrow in detail but let's see here where is it back in march a little while ago um here it is so i did this thing with um like a march madness kind of thing with roguelikes and um i can't really see it uh can i yeah is it still up you think i doubt it i doubt it anyway so all the robotics kind of battled out so i think i'm gonna do another thing with um free games and so alone a plus for sure so i look for a post i'll probably do a post and the way the way it'll work just like last time if you like the game you'll type it in there and it'll be nominated for certain things so then things like cataclysm days ahead which one last time um uh they will all be ranked and then and then each week or we'll battle it out you vote on which ones you like most games like freebies uh or or mostly freebies uh no uh you know like no pay to win kind of junk or anything like that mobile games for the most part but like you know dwarf fortress and cataclysm and illinois all those freebies that are really good and we'll do something like that i think so i'll uh again i'll talk about this all tomorrow and and we'll figure that out i'll try to get figured out tomorrow um but i gotta get to bed it's extra late it's uh it's even extra later than it normally is because of daylight savings so um i'll be back tomorrow uh again the stream time's gonna change a little bit or because of daily savings and all that um but uh i will um i'll be back tomorrow for live stream time same thing different games freebies feel free to join the discord there should be a link in the youtube page somewhere around there if you want to join that if you're on twitch um well then uh let me get you a link there you go there's a uh there's a channel in there all for uh for uh games and stuff all right let's call today thanks for watching everybody and i will see you next time
Channel: Nookrium
Views: 45,334
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nookrium, games & demos, nookrium livestream, colony sim, strategy games, indie games
Id: KZjCPjj4lCE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 228min 11sec (13691 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 01 2020
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