EMBRACE PLANT LIFE in Thrive - A Free Evolution Game!

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hello and welcome back everyone to thrive and today we are going to finally embrace plant i'm excited to say that we are going to become a green photosynthetic life form it's going to be fantastic because last time we kind of became plant-ish but this time we're really going to become a plant i'm i actually know what i'm doing now oh look at us we're beautiful look at that look at that look look look at those curves on a distance oh yeah we've already done this okay we can go past the whole like tutorial phase all right we can we can get all this out of the way we know what we're doing we know how to survive we are professional single-celled organisms and watch this i've moved myself slightly up so i don't cover anything i know absolutely insane crazy spike viper moving his camera what's gonna happen next he's actually going to care about video quality so if you don't know how to play thrive it's free first off it's free you can just download it it's open source so you can work on it it's in c sharp now which is the superior language so even i could work on it i've actually thought about contributing but i've got so much work with valor probably not a good excuse but evolve fantastic uh welcome to the microbe editor yeah yeah we've been here before all right so patch map we're going to immediately immediately move wait what what changes here we get less oh there's a lot less compounds if we go away from the vents so we're going to wait we're gonna wait we're gonna wait we're gonna do the editor and let's start getting ready ready for survival so we can see our atp production and we can see our use um i think just adding more cytoplasm will increase our production and uh use pretty equally so we can just become a fatter cell great that is legitimately my goal right now i'm just going to become larger uh why you may ask well becoming larger gives us a little bit of an advantage because we can now store a lot more and that means our offspring starts with more stuff um and if you think about it that means that it's way harder to run out of supply because you know um i don't suggest that if you're trying to play this game please please avoid the poison i mean unless you enjoy dying but that you're not going to do very well at thriving if you enjoy death i'll be honest um maybe find a different game you know one that isn't about being the successful evolution um there should instead of thrive there should be a game that's just called die where you make the least capable organism like rustocyanin would actually be quite quite useful um 5 atp that's actually quit we're just let's survive using rust darn it that's not very plant-like i'm failing at my original goal but this is going to make us a bit more capable of surviving in low glucose environments all we have to do is find a rocks and uh wow i'm actually uh oh shoot when i move i use too much energy okay we need yeah because we don't have any iron that's why oh i can't look at them they're all like eating the the rot that's so neat so they have the ai good enough that they actually know what what they need to do to survive like they need the rust to do the thing and so they go to the rock that's really cool that's something that wasn't a thing before um and i like it it makes me feel like my choices are actually impacting my species their strategy actually evolved i mean they are a little bit insane about it like they are really going after those rocks like nothing else in their life matters but i guess if you think about it nothing else in their life really does matter all right we have a lot of rust though yeah that's fantastic what sucks is the further we go towards the surface the less rust there is so we're gonna have to make a real quick transition to glucose uh if we want to survive i mean i don't know how bad the difference is i guess we'll see in a second i like to think that we can survive easily we could have just become like a complete rock loving but but the goal was to become a plant maybe next time we'll do like event dwelling dweller i'm just gonna eat these guys you know what if they're gonna be mean to me i will just eat them get eaten if you're smaller than me don't don't hang around me be afraid be afraid of the spook vooper oh we're gonna max everything out this is fantastic look at that gonna reach 40 of everything our population is at 211 which is pretty good pretty good and evolve all right let's go to the patch map and uh we can move up to here which oh i already thought we did that shoot okay i guess i made a mistake um i want to increase our actually i think i think we're pretty good really i maybe it's unnecessary to go further um maybe i'll just start changing that appearance oh oh we can uh make ourselves a little bit stronger i mean not quite cellulose yet but we can uh do a double membrane that'll give us a lot more health and a bit less osmo regulation cost um which is nice oh wow very cool and we'll get a little bit more rigid as well we'll go we'll start moving towards plant you know start we'll start moving in that general direction oh yeah we're gr okay i should have chosen a slightly brighter color this is kind of hard to see but i can immediately mutate again and go further all right we're starting to get a little bit of sunlight now um so let's go over to appearance choose a brighter green maybe like that let's go to our structure and we're gonna try to get our first thylakoids um it's probably not going to do much for us this may actually murder us because there's not much light but we'll see what happens oh look at that beautiful and actually our glucose usage and iron uses are actually quite high and there's nothing in sight to eat which is kind of bad uh i will admit it we we're in a slate oh there's iron at least all right you know one or the other i i would actually prefer iron because we make way more energy from iron and there we go now we can survive just with the metabolisms the rustocyanin is just extra padding and uh yeah great so we've made that change we still have submutation points left um i think the smartest thing to do with that is going to be go over and do our conv oh we can't do it yet okay we not quite there we'll just turn the rigidity up all the way we're now very rigid all right so our conversion into a plant is going beautifully we can now survive basically just off of the sun we do use a little bit more glucose than we create a little bit uh but we can fix that up we can fix that up real nice phosphates it's gonna be a little bit sad no longer eating rocks for survival i know rocks are very yummy very yummy feel nice on the old teeth is this trying to kill me okay i'll eat you cool trying to murder me that didn't go well now i got to upgrade um and let's go over to our editor and now we can fully embrace plant very nice uh we can finally balance this out by getting a few more thylakoid you know what i think it may be time oh no it's fine i'll just grow there we go oh the thylakoids create energy as well oh they perform glycolysis i see i see because they are inside of cytoplasm that makes sense and photosynthesis our uh balance is now very close we almost create as much glucose as we used um very close i think next time we're going to try to uh okay we aren't quite ready for a nucleus yet we have to get our uh energy production way higher to get a nucleus i will admit it we're not prepared but soon we will be we're getting there we're a pretty hot looking cell look at that look at that i'm just a clump of like every organelle under the sun but you know organization isn't important when you're literally a sack of water who cares about organization ridiculous oh these guys are like dying because they're failures cool did i eat you real quick i really need your nutrients thank you thanks oh i can eat these guys yo i got big enough i can eat them this is a feast oh my god i just murdered like an entire specie yeah get over here [Music] wow that was absolutely insane we we have succeeded in taking out an army i was being bullied for so long oh boy okay so i think we can add more metabolisms now uh our glucose balance has just been absolutely destroyed which is kind of sad uh but if we consider oh we did survive long enough okay we can do it now ladies and gentlemen i present to you the nucleus wow that is large um i wonder if i should just tack it onto the side that's not really uh how the cell was designed um i feel like i'm gonna wait and i'm going to move things to make room shoot um okay so this will go here this will go here this will go here this will go ah shoot yeah i don't have enough i don't have enough to make this happen we're gonna look kind of wacky for a little bit that's fine we're close we are close to the end goal oh shoot yes could i eat you real quickly thank you [Music] i really appreciate your donation of your life yeah you guys too um real yummy i think i actually caused that other creature to go extinct i feel a little bad but at the same time i don't they were bullying me okay if someone bullies you you have permission to beat them up and their family and their extended family and their species alright well that is really not a good um not not a good lesson for me to teach my young impressionable viewers don't beat people up unless they hit first in which case take them out no mercy all right um let's see so we can move this here and we we'll just delete that who really cares then uh next time we get our nucleus we've made space look there's a big gap in the center of our cell we are waiting for our nucleus going to be fantastic all righty yeah i'd like to eat you could you yep very good oh shoot they have poison in them that makes eating them a little bit less fun i'll admit it unless unless you like the risk all right and then we got glucose and phosphate and stuff over here we need the phosphate we definitely do need the phosphate yeah darn you i'm just gonna eat ya alright thank you okay we can do it now we have a nucleus we've unlocked proper organelles oh they're too large oh three there are three large oh boy now isn't that exciting we have a nucleus wow we're a eukaryotic cell now man how things change we're now like a proper cell we're no longer like a redneck cell we are uh we're functioning at full capacity here although rednecks are cool and would probably make some pretty badass cells so maybe i'll rethink my speech there we're not a no i'm gonna shut up let's go ahead and uh go to this editor now okay so we actually do not create enough energy to hold this up now there is a special thing that they call the factory of the cell some people may recognize it it's called oh look at the amount of energy that bad boy makes holy guacamole mitochondria really is wow okay and we can get a chloroplast as well boom and our imbalance is not that bad anymore um [Music] we're really slow now though we're getting really big like sure we have chloroplasts and a mitochondria and we're all cool but we're also getting really slow we're like a boomer now i'm a boomer so but i'm also massive and you can just eat everything do you see this maybe i should just be a quote unquote plant if i fully embrace plant i won't be able to eat people anymore that'd be kind of sad all right if i add another chloroplast what is my glucose level going to look like we did it we now make more glucose than we use we are now self-sustaining that is wacky i've actually accomplished something i can go over to the appearance tab and switch over to cellulose that's it we are now actually a plant um i we're really slow sure we we do have the ability to move which is a little bit not plant-like but you know i like my flagella okay i like being able to move around we don't run out of energy we actually slowly gain glucose um plant gang i'm i'm a plant hello my name is plant i need some ammonia please hello blue oh you kind of look like you're a prior version of me believe it or not oh i can't eat you oh i forgot oh you're gonna die anyways um but i still can't really eat your organelles that's disappointing that's a little bit sad i'll admit it i'm a little bit sad about that it's a part of the price of being a plant i guess you know your life isn't quite as is uh as exciting but at the end of the day we are a plant we have kind of succeeded in all of my goals hmm we could we could get things that do a lot of exciting stuff as well we can turn atp into ammonia we wouldn't have to move around at all but i don't really like the not moving at all style i think that uh my style is more of moving around a lot being active let's go ahead and get another mitochondrion to try to help us with that goal we still have way way more glucose than we need so i'm going to add a second one now we just have a tiny bit less than we need um and next time we will add more for the jelly so we're super fast it's gonna be fantastic now we just have a lot of energy we don't need which really is not relatable because i'm always tired but but if you think about it everything's fine you know what i think we're gonna go ahead and turn into a super plant later i think i did a pretty good job in creating a plant and it's been a good like half hour so uh thank you all for watching leave a like and subscribe if you enjoyed i'm sorry this is going to upload later than usual things are going on at the house so recordings been a little bit challenging but i'll see you all next time peace like subscribe all that stuff cool [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Spike Viper
Views: 67,820
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thrive, thrive game, evolution, cell stage, spore, biology, science, lets play, gameplay, video game, spike viper, open source, free game, download
Id: jTg37RdIdyY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 57sec (1257 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 24 2021
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