Starsector: 0.95 - (Open World Space Sim)[New Update: 2021] - “Piracy Playthrough”

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hey everyone how's it going it's live stream time and john kiniston the uh the mighty poo empire is is kind of dominating the galaxy at the moment so far anyway hey akira how's it going hey everyone how are you doing so there was a there was a big uh big update that just happened i think yesterday is when it came out star sector which which uh it takes some time for the uh for the big update but when they hit they they certainly do something to the game and uh so we're gonna see what that is all about i'm a big fan of this game um i like it a lot one of my favorites i i've not played it i mean i've got several hours in the game but not as much as i want to put into it but uh hopefully i can remember what's going on and i can sort of get into there i i um i played one maybe a year or so ago whenever i got in there i started getting to the part where you start developing planets and things like that and it was rather exciting but um i i i didn't continue it but i'm thinking today maybe maybe we'll see where we can get i've always been intrigued by like being a pirate i mean who hasn't been uh and and that's something certainly we can do so we'll uh we'll just have to see but we have let's let john have his glory and uh continue this and see if it'll work or see if see if john gets his you know glory um so there this game does have uh mods you can throw mods into there um pretty easily from what i understand i don't think i've ever messed with mods with the game but i know some people are like all about them and i think that's it's one of those things where like these kind of games that they they like these ones that get developed you know once a year or two you get you know updates and the mod seemed to really kick in um in that in that time realm world was one of those rainbow took a little while for each update and in that several month long gap the mods would crank out and then of course new update comes out all the mods are broken and have to get fixed again uh dual fortress is another one that does that lots of lots of good mods in there this one nexorel in yeah people always mentioned that one i never mess with it people mentioned that one uh i don't think i've messed with that one um every time i play it i always keep folks talking about that one it makes the beginning easier i see i like the i like the the the uh the rough beginnings what's the game right now with a pool empire this is a gallimilator this is like um uh it's like you know it's um it's just a it's a space it's like stellaris but ai edition and all of my my patreon and my youtube supporters get thrown into the into the mix here but t cam is like putting up quite a fight there the entire universe the galaxy is owned by john but t cam is not well i say that dkm is dead now but they they held on for many many years well done tcam but even better well done john john uh has been a supporter for a long time thanks john all right so uh let's go let's talk about star sector we've been talking about it for a bit let's talk about it some more so star citizen it's not on steam you have to go to the star sector website to pick up the game um it's in beta technically and we're at 0.95 which just came out yesterday it's a game that it's in the same same sort of realm as something like um uh mountain blade for sure it's mountain blade and space is something a lot of folks refer to it as arkenshi uh where it has that kind of open world you start out with you start out with nothing and and you you just sort of work your way up into becoming something um this one is focused in space and you are ship you you begin with a couple ships and you can slowly work your way up into having a massive fleet you can eventually go out and colonize planets uh and build your own bases and build your own empire i suppose at some point or you could be a gobia pirate and uh you know stick to the the space man um if that's your thing hey man to ropes that's cool so uh what we'll do today uh you know this is one of those things where uh where it's one of those games as well like like mountain blade or kenji where you don't really go in with a with a with a plan you kind of just go in and you sort of just you just go with what the game gives you that's every time i play the game that's how it works i guess if you're good and you know what you're doing you can go in there and like plot things out and have an idea and then you say you know what today i'm just going to build a wolf fleet um but you know that's not me um i go in we see what we do we we see where we get the cash and we sort of take that opportunity very ferengi like so we're at 95 a is the update that's just come out um in this update uh he has added in we go to like stations and things and and get jobs just like we did before uh but now we can go in and we can we can i think there's like story missions that have been added in the game uh which is which is a big part of this update there's a lot of new things um so we'll see about them hey look you think about focusing on a high-tech fleet or low-tech fleets you know akira i just talked about this no plans no plans um i i like i really like there's a couple things that i really like in this game uh the combat is great um i like the smaller ships i like swarms and swarms of small ships i like it and even better i like swarms and swarms of small ships that carry smaller ships in their hold it's like small drone ships it's fantastic and you know just the just the the combats and and the yeah it's good stuff um if you're watching the vaude of this and you want to get like a brief like rundown of what the game is and all sort of like that kind of stuff i'll put a link uh this is for you posts livestream folks i'll put a link to my my original video of this game which kind of is a bit of a sum up of the game but um for those of us going on let's try it out right let's let's let's try the game out so who are we going to be what's pick my face i think um who should we be uh well that guy with this with a skull mask he's clearly a bad guy or he's a he's a member of the bad guy society um oh i don't know um that's a nice spaceman we've got um let's see where we got there's sean connery there we can go it you know i think yeah you know what let's go with skull man i like it all right and my name is my name is nook oh where's caps my name is nook and i'll leave the health pop-ups on i will leave iron mode off even though i don't i'm not i'm not a safe scumming kind of guy and so i will avoid safe scumming as much as i possibly can um i am wearing a space beret ivan it's just under my skull hat uh as for developing this we'll stick with the mixed galaxy uh i don't quite understand what all this does it does actually pop up and tell you there it is so we've got it changes the stars in the middle consistency and also like the habitable worlds uh you've got like a core set of of uh of systems and then the outside stuff is all sort of randomly done even some of the core stuff is randomly done as well hey team t how's it going uh i'm gonna that's all fine let's go ahead and get in here my reason occupation was what do we do so we can go in as uh we begin with a wolf class frigates which is a um a fighty ship we can go with a scavenger ship the wayfarer class combat fighter we can go with a little bit of a faster starts or we begin with like a small fleet um i you know i i kind of like the beginning and the like it's like kinshi right you go in there and you've got nothing and those those first few days when you're just like you know at any moment it could be all over but uh you're scrapping you're you're picking up the scraps of of of old battles and you're doing what you can to to to scrape out a living that's my favorite part of the game and same thing with this so we're gonna go with a wolf class frigate in our bounty hunting ship uh and also we get another ship as well with us we can either go with a kite class shuttle which is just like a little uh the next wing uh what with a whistle comes with luke uh or we can have a shepard class drone tender which is one of those small ships that has the drones which is also very appealing but i'm going to stick with the uh stick with the x-men okay normal difficulty is fine no tutorial thanks okay so first uh let's let's let's talk about change number one um so we used to wait this way this used to work is you had like uh well it's different hey man how's it going uh it's it's changed so now we only have we sort of work our way up each each tree is uh is geared towards something combat me shooting things leadership uh my friends shooting things technology is me uh scanners and things and then industry is me salvaging colonizing that kind of stuff uh i think leadership also is oh it's just my fleet okay um so uh so we have to work with as you can see like if strike commander we want that one it gives us missile and damage and all that uh if we want to go up to like target analysis or point defense we have to have a point in helmsmanship or we have to have one of these before we go to this one and so you can't just go pick and choose like you used to be able to so what do we do i see a little fish this one lets us see things uh this one lets us go faster um more of a names for combat ships sounds good uh this is more damage altogether this is more maneuverability more top speed i think i like that and uh more resources from from salvage and things less crew lost uh more cargo capacity more fuel capacity more personnel that seems pretty good industry always nice for this colony based i would love to get to the point of um of building up my own people whether we be friendly people or not i'm i'm all for that and i would love to get that going one of my favorite games is managed i agree uh yeah one of my favorites as well my character is orange so go red and yellow ones that's as good as good of a system as i could think of okay um you know what let's go with um i'm gonna take the i'm gonna take the bulk transport i think it's gonna be very handy early on we can carry more stuff just to find the right planet way off in the main groups yeah yeah that's that's a that's the big in money you need lots of money declare the jedis are a menace declare the rebel republic will be reorganizing the first galactic empire yes okay so it's been a little while let me remember how to play this game um welcome to space uh i am in the corvus system jangala is right there we're gonna go visit there in a minute we can also go out here into the sector view and see welcome to space um quick rundown for those of you not sure what's going on these are the core worlds the core worlds are uh they're like mostly um set where where these places are like thule and corvus and galatia those are all set uh i think the actually in the systems changes a bit like django there's a couple spots that are set like the pirate hub and uh and the old terror i think this stuff is set mostly but there's some randomized things in there where the randomization comes in is all the stuff outside is all randomized so every map you play if you have that code that was there it changes all this stuff so like all these black holes and things it's all different uh every time you play and uh what is out there is the question if you've played eve before think of this as the um what they call it eve core worlds uh and then and then this is nilsek outside that it's sort of just free for auth out there that's also where you can build your colonies and all that so uh first off let's go say hello to jungala hello jungalo we got some friendly hegemony down around here uh so we approached let's go and visit the dockside bar okay take a shuttle down yeah i enter the crowded well-lit space and take in the rows of taps adorning the wall under the bottles uh there's a woman hanging around hello woman i guess the attention of a woman who's so angered by pop pirate activity a notable figure in the intra system commerce a simple citizen she explains who is disappointed by the lack of decisive action it makes one think these patrols are more interested in a tariff enforcement than fighting pirates okay put together a fund for a bounty on all pirate fleets enter near the delta l guard system so if i go there i get a thousand credits for everything i kill um i'm not really in in position for that right now that's all we got here at the bar all right all right um is there anyone here we can talk to you we got station commander quick also run down we've got 32 grand um i have some supplies which i'm using supplies think of it as like rations and and wrenches and and i don't know bulkheads uh it's just sort of summed up in that category so as we fly around we use that stuff if as we go into combat we use more of that stuff if we get attacked we use more of that stuff if we have too many ships to keep up we use more that's you know you know what i mean we have a number of crew in our fleets and the number of needed we have 80 people 19 i needed man our ships we have no marines on board we have cargo capacity we've got personnel capacity and fuel capacity all listed up there uh my speed my combat readiness which is my what's combat radios what's a good what's a good uh um board how do you explain combat readiness that's probably the best way of of just keep that limber high how ready we are to fight yeah you know we'll compare any of this uh we got sensor range how how easy we are to be seen which we can adjust that later uh and um this is sort of our hole in there are we doing there it's based marines oregon trade is an excellent income um uh thanks austin austin became a patron thanks austin thank you very much did you do it just now did it not pop up it should pop up i didn't catch that if oh you must have earlier i didn't i didn't see anyone i get emails but well thank you very much uh so anyways very important keep your supplies uh on you don't want to lose those uh was it control click yeah keep the supplies going pay your taxes i'll take them uh we also want to make sure we keep enough fuel around that's always a good idea so let's do that and uh let's go look at the uh at the old shop uh shall we uh please and then here's my two ships i've got the uh the iss comet and the talk not what is it talking about what kind of name is that um so uh i think we can go and we almost got a thing with mothball let's go and just look at the thing okay so we've got different guns and things like we have pulse lasers and ion cannons and point defense lasers a lot of stuff there's a lot in here that you can adjust um later on but if you know what you're doing i'm not enough i don't know enough to know what i'm doing but we can also autofit thing and select what we want to put in there so right now we're gonna leave it alone and we assume it's good we got uh ol frank over here or kuma is going to command our uh our x-wing and uh they're gonna go shoot things for us so that's all i really care about uh i guess we're gonna leave because we don't have a job here so cumbersome affects how ships behave in combat like nils reloaded for example yeah keep your supplies up don't mix up the rations and the wrenches when making dinner excellent yeah it used to be called starfarer right and then well there's some sort of um uh legal thing with that starfarer i guess is what it was yeah seth yeah okay uh let's leave we don't want to be here anyway so uh now this is early on we don't know what we're doing we're kind of we're kind of broken and we're gonna go take a look around here and see about you know just pick up some scraps see what fleets are around what are you oh just a derelict ship well hello buffalo class ship um can we have it yeah can we have it um erratic fuel injectors it's got increased maintenance compromised storage now let's let's just scrap the thing i'll just take your take your bits we'll go sell that stuff somewhere okay go away let's just go really i guess okay we'll take that we'll go look at this there must be a fight over here somewhere there's some scraps hanging around we'll go take a look at these things uh another shepherd class drone tender um that's not i'm not opposed to that it's it's bad it's got a faulty power grid these things that we can't really we can fix but just with a lot of money faults power grid compromise whole increased maintenance defective manufacturing increased maintenance is a problem uh chips are easy to come by let's just scrap it take all that stuff uh yeah yeah okay uh oh um do we have too much stuff got it got it i should have not had those things on what do we have here a little gun so we're gonna drop the stuff off and sell so we're carrying too much stuff so things are like we're using we're burning through supplies because we got too much so let's go and i think we can go to here right and let's go say hello can we command their electrics we can't we can go and we can we can take them and we can add them to our fleet which is what our basically our job is early on here welcome to asharu by the way it's very tatooine likes to come with that star wars reference anyone at the bar it's a shadowy booth for the woman in a perfect posture hello captain hook she says you are known to my organization as a capable and discreet operative i sure am i'm authorized to propose a simple mission for you to carry out payment would consist of 52 000 credits upon completion i'm listening as for the operation she continues enter um enter a standard orbit of kaizeron in the fuel system deploy satellite path uh package spy satellite it's critical that the no patrols be tracking your fleet this stage once deployed the spy sat has stealth capabilities which make detection unlikely simple of course an organization could not risk carrying out this mission with flagged vessels this is why we have asked you sure i could be a delivery boy what i deliver i don't ask yeah i got 120 days sure sure okay i would love to okay uh um so i what do i have too much i have too much cargo just in general so sell these uh these things look it was f1 we can see where they sell these things um this is a big part of the game's trade you know and um so we could go to like for instance we could go to yama in the hegemony down there at the bottom uh buy it for 16 credits and we could go to uh nova maxious or kaiser which is over going and sell it for 23. so we can make four bucks per thing if we went to that way but um yeah well i got this thing off and we still above yeah it was a control clip to do that oh too much fuel okay uh i may just buy a ship actually we'll we'll do this it's not much and then let's go look and see if they have any ships for us is this the same vein mountain blade yeah mountain blade in space which is a good way of describing this game okay uh as far as what all these ships all these different ships do um i know some of them but i don't know all of them will forget that's what we have right now those are good they bounce around they're good fighters um we've got the drone tenders obviously to carry drones we've got the tankers which is basically just a big a big truck carrying fuel for us uh hey marmela how's it going hey william uh it doesn't hurt us to have a have a nice tanker along with us you see these little pips here these are basically damaged um systems that they have this guy here has erratic fuel injector he uses more fuel he has a bad drive field as you go slower you can see all the stuff there on the side and a bad maintenance so he uses more supplies he's bad um how should i have got 30 grand we could grab somebody here and just like bring one along just to make sure we have um some fuel any news about star sector on steam or gog uh um i'm i'm sure that's the plan i would think i would think that's the plan i don't know maybe they're doing fine uh it is only available on the on the websites and i i assume that's the plan but maybe they're not that's what rimworld did for a longest time has kept it on the site so make sure they didn't weren't giving away 30 you know seems to work well because it's it's a well-known game i think um but anyway i think we're gonna pick up a tanker here so we can keep fuel around um you know it seems reasonable uh we could buy for the black market now that's something that has changed with this update is it used to be a buy from black market and like big whoop you know so what nobody really cares but now i guess people care now and so it's a little less a little less um wise to go to the black market but uh it's much cheaper this little kite shuttle is five grand versus how much is it here well i have one here let's give me an example um storm tenders for for 12 7 versus that was a damaged one from the same price yeah whatever i think um yes i might get something just to just to carry some junk along with me um um um that's a pirate class shuttle what the pirate classes mean they're like less uh stable but they got more guns right is that what it is hey elder gamer how's it going uh i forget to create a junk i think what i might just do is i'm just gonna buy this guy or this one here just to carry some fuel for me uh uh buy is i forgot buy is that one there we go uh yeah one ship please thanks game uh thanks go away it was refitted so let's go ahead and make sure we add some bits to this now again we can go in we can we can pick every little bit we want in here i'm not going to do that i'm just going to autofit the thing and just put it as a nice you know you're not even going to go in the battle you don't even need guns but i'll give you some it's going to cost me 1600 bucks we are potentially buying for the black market for this stuff what's it matter and that automatically gave me my capacitors my vents and and all that stuff we'll see what the events and all stuff means once we get there but whatever um melynthus malencis perfect i like it all right uh let's go ahead and repair him make sure everyone's topped off there and i think we should go do the job i think it's the idea right yeah let's do it um i think we should be good to go we've got the uh yeah i can't go away we have the thing we just got to go yeah we just we just go do the job right let's just go do it so we're going to go to my quests sorry it's been a long time i remember all my buttons are here we're going to thule and my acceptance quest is this one we want to go to there drop off the spy side just anywhere in the right is there a place to go just go there okay in the orbit of kaizeron in the thought okay it's a case on okay so yeah we'll uh we'll we'll go in here we'll go to the we'll drop it off sure sure we'll head over there and uh and let's go do it let's do it i'm out so yeah thanks austin the one with bob ross excellent thanks austin all right uh john point we uh oh is there something bad around that there's off there's there's hostile folks around so it could be a bad idea to go through here we can we're gonna pop out and then pop back in we can always pause there we go what do we got oh we got a battle going on over here engaged in battle which one's which okay so we got pirates pirates are getting beat down you know what um i'm gonna i'm gonna do this uh turn off my um we're good oh is he he's getting out he's getting out um so let's let's here we go uh let's go ahead what is that um yeah let's uh let's burn back over to these guys friends friends okay stick with stick with these guys okay let's just go transponder off and away we go back to our course and away we go avoid that with that and avoid the uh the clouds are bad storms are worse yeah yeah i know you can see my my my uh use there is gone up a lot they also like shoot you forward some surveying and i'm sorry game i was i was sidetracked by that thing okay back to it transponder off there we go okay get me out of here let's go there and say hello we got plenty of supplies i could have gas up a bit more while we were there but it's fine um these uh well when we get in here let's take a look there's more hostile things okay hang on let's go to let's go to this that's still thule yeah let's just go over there turn that off okay okay all right help i don't need you over here ease on in there okay jump on in uh transponder on please and then hop in okay some percy on league folks now we gotta go to where is this place that we gotta go to kaiser which is right over here so let's go ahead and bounce over there uh do i need to do it like i'm assuming i don't want to get scanned so leave me alone because i'm not assuming that would be a bad idea to get scanned with a spy satellite on me so let's not run into everything in the belt here and i don't know where it really wants me that is that's it right there okay ouch really damage from that uh this one okay recently detected so currently being tracked by nearby fleets oh okay okay okay nothing to see here um ouch we should be out of the range maybe i'm gonna like hang out here i could go dark i guess hello um hello okay i'll turn it on get your run with the transponder off again did i oh cause it went dark right right sorry sorry sorry sorry i'm just i'm just sitting here don't mind me leave me alone look i just want to drop off this how am i supposed to do this i don't i do not make a ramming ship no just do it stay away not with that guy right there i can't drop it off okay going away okay okay okay so if we like go dark like immediately okay gonna make him real mad look look look no it's on okay okay makes them mad i know it makes them all mad okay i'm gonna go hang out here in the asteroids i'm supposed to do this so close the keys are on okay let's just hang out here for a minute hold quiet nobody sees me i don't see anyone else it'll go dark here you think oh man oh it's kind of drifting a little closer stick over here and then and then over oh yeah we got it deploy the spy set yeah we got it okay 52 000 bucks we uh oh what's her face likes me now and the independents like me a little more okay done uh kick it back on nothing to see here okay let's hop onto the case around here hello friends uh let's go visit the bar uh yeah there's a rakish one over there hello uh let me give you a job so eat that any rad adult spacer what does that mean it's a real shame okay what do you want you want 13 light years away there is a 59 000 credits a single vacuum desiccated finger this is it you need to deliver a finger do you okay yeah you know what who am i to say no to finger deliveries um yeah so we gotta go where are we going is s to bring this up how do we ring up my map special specified location in the celeronos system okay okay 59 grand i'm all for it uh let's go ahead and make sure we get our first cells fixed up i'm gonna make sure we top off fuel gas the gas tank and the supply tank and i'm good on people we could use probably yeah anymore we're fine uh let's look in this game as a no that was something else chat that was uh s star ruler i don't remember which one it was uh yeah i mean i mean it's a different one um okay uh yeah i'll do that and then i mean we'll take a look and see what kind of ships you got um let's see so i wouldn't be opposed to something like another wolf but that was a little broken what you got what's wrong with you fuel injector or degraded life supports meh supposed to just sort of find some things all right right right black market um lashes are good uh unreliable subsystems what does that do for me does that just hurt my hurts my peak performance which is basically more supplies in the long run um nine thousand bucks that's not too bad star valor that's it that's a jewel thank you star valor yeah there's a there's a a couple wolves here though we could like buy a wolf fleet 15 grand i got the money i could buy both of them we could have a couple wolves and we could buy the lasher too should i just spend all the money let's do it yeah black market has much worse consequences you are correct i don't know what it is though but we're gonna find out uh i think we might be going pirate anyway so we'll see can you afford the crew yeah because that's 30 that's 40 grand oh you're right yeah matches are bad uh i might have enough we just would still have to outfit these things let's just take the two wolves yeah thanks thanks game okay and i want to buy this one also okay leave me hello okay uh let's go ahead and autofit these guys what are they gonna do i don't know um probably assault blaster blaster can harpoon point defense let's let's do one let's do a an assault guy and then we'll do a uh your name your name is lightspeed plus what is this like a twitch name i'm gonna give you a point defense guy your job is just to hang back maybe we've got safety overrides with this one yeah you know what overdriven you get in there and you blow up buddy hey commander power how's it going um i think i'm happy with that yeah i'm happy with that the is as common as my is no no that's not the name of my ship hey andre how's it going thank you very much the only ship i ever fly is the bob ross okay i'm going to keep my comment around because i like it so and we haven't yet we haven't had to use it yet so that's fine um okay so we can go repair let's go ahead and do that and top that off uh i do want to go make sure we revisit this and will you go away stop telling me that stuff can we turn that off right now all right oh i want to go here and can i turn those off i guess i can't now that it's uh that it's popped up i don't want the uh the help menus anymore all right all right uh let's go and visit the bar or this place and you go away uh and top off our supplies how much are they here things seem kind of expensive here how much they're 92 here okay that's pretty actually super cheap ludic path is bad news okay we'll just buy what we can nineteen thousand okay okay maybe not that much i was shift click i'll buy hang on we'll buy like 40 of them boy defense is also uh for enemy fighter and bomber wings oh right right because they could go in and uh they might have to have those if we do the drone thing they have to have those guys so we can you know it's always like the old flash trek franchise i don't remember that one austin you uncheck the option for it to not show up again oh is that what i'm doing i'm popping it okay i play games all the time i got this figured out okay how why is the game so kind to give me the option to turn it off all right where are we going here it's pirate base over there uh i want to go to my mission which is active that one uh this one the dead drop oh you're going up there eh oh she's a pirate of course she is she's giving me fingers yeah yeah you know what oh i'll go there yeah we want to go there yeah i think it's okay and we can go look in this um i want to look at i think it's yeah yeah let's go there let's get out of here if we see any things laying around we'll pick them up we can go i'll show you my buttons here with sensor bursts which is where we can see things like maybe there's some sort of debris or whatever we can pick it up um okay can we get out of this uh this thing um barn we saw what that one is we've also got an emergency burn which which which is bad news for like our sensor profile and all that stuff but it gets us out of the way um we saw going dark and we've got an introduction pulse to slop stop people so tunnel fuel transponder while we're out here mentally income okay do it good i do get that i wasn't sure if that was only a tutorial thing or not what do you what are you convoy hello friends so you can see their sensor range there and what they can see so you gotta kind of keep an eye on that uh they're like ship hang on where's this one at oh way up there anything else nearby just some traders flying around 13 light years to give someone the finger you know keep an eye on some of these things because if there's something that's like on our way i'm not opposed to stopping by there okay don't show this again okay um where are you going it's way down there way over there okay uh no where do you go where are you going okay uh let's burn this thing yeah wolf drums are great love them is this where i'm going here's a little click i'm not sure if it comes up through the if i had the game audio long enough but key little clicks pop up and those are different ships and things that are around oh hey right oh hey we're here yeah pop on in i want to leave that off this game's very pretty look how pretty it is uh now we got to go where are they there yeah okay now maybe pirates out here were in like scary space and we would certainly die um yep yep yep yep uh yep nope don't do that that's not nice you stop that um okay now hang on um what is that oh remnants going off the pirate that's good but those pirates are going to destroy us uh it's back on though so we're going to emergency burn and i'm going to run as fast as i can to here's where i'm going am i going there must be a station here yeah we're gonna burn as fast as we can this way okay um we're gonna run away um okay okay so let's go into combat this is bad uh we're gonna run away okay turn around and get out of here where are you going why are you going that way uh oh cause i'm on the other side okay okay okay okay i'm good i'm good i'm good okay no i prefer you bounce up this way okay uh let's get nobody follow me okay uh yeah this way uh how do you know how to turn off the mouse the mouse control one is it shift yeah okay we're gonna run these little drones don't worry about them don't worry about those don't worry about those we'll be all right because we can do this mike yeah because we're a wolf wait why why did my shift thing make mess up there's a way of doing this uh it's in here that one is that the one that lets me i want to fly with my with my keyboard yeah that's this is the one um excuse me okay run tanker run friendly tanker basically get to the edge of the map we win we'll be all right enter the retreat okay we run everyone else get out of there yeah we're fine no problem okay let's leave now did i make my burn did hurt work so we're gonna see if we can get out of here yeah come on come on come on come on there are now engage with his remnant fleet which is good we don't want to deal with that okay so let's get over here over here first combat we ran away we bravely ran away hey tony pajamas how's it going i'm a little scared but we made it please arrive at the coordinates provided by uh by worthing there a single vacuum desiccated finger is held gently in a cargo drone's manipulator arms ready for deployment the go putt the go button flashes softly on your command interface drop it off 59 000 credits it's now done whatever it is yeah the the pirates like me a little bit more they're angry she likes me a little bit more maybe i can talk with her and see what um how many days left to develop i'm curious so a big part of this update was was adding in things like story missions and i wonder if that's like one of the things we could go in maybe and um get a story mission with her maybe let's go over this way there's pirates around so we're kind of scared but um i'm going to do a little bit of searching keep your transponder off you know but i'm hoping that they're kind of like involved over here and away from us we probably should stick near a wormhole but we can we can get out of there no problem but what's going on up here i got a ship what is it what is it do we know there's contact there let's uh let's go dark it may just be some scraps or it may be a ship hello what are you a mining station abandoned mining station salvage that's what we want we found don't into yet oh nintees and chat okay yeah let's explore it some cruisers uh reports several ships floating into the station close inspection reveals they could be restored to basic functionality yes i would like a haremys a nebula and a hermes sure um uh yeah yeah i'll take them all i think what do you want what's your um degraded drive field compromise storage um erratic fuel i don't know that it's compromised i'm fine with that what were you you're the civilian transport i'm starting maybe we just leave these things behind i don't care about the storage so much but it's a civilian transport what am i doing with that nebula no i don't think i want any of them i think we'll just we'll just scrap them up um and uh and we'll just take the pits guns we got some uh some things i can learn uh yeah i'll go ahead and run those okay uh are we a little bit over over by how much by a bit how much is this stuff worth 10 30. let's leave that much behind okay so we can do this again i keep looking at things but we're kind of full so let's get out of here now let's make our way up to um to this point here's jump point and get out of here subscripts help for early planet causation yeah whenever we get to the point of like making a planet and do not we'll have to have one of those things but for now we don't need one um should i stay dark probably should but it's fine let's get we can hang out in the rings here it's a little bit quieter you can see my sensor my my sensor profile which will adjust from time to time um i don't have a mission here but i um uh civilian transport is for cargo oh okay i thought it was for people all right let's get out of here uh so we're still dark no where do we go now um there might be some missions in here let me go look at the old intel tab um anything nearby nothing we've got her we can go check back with her again there's a bounty out there for uh for uh old saturn out there i mean maybe but probably not lots of bounties like a cheap one we could probably do anybody that are nearby you're in this system you're you're around here somewhere remember to be around here for 75 000. but that's a big fleet i can't um no not at all okay um well once we get closer to the uh the core worlds we'll see more news oh right fuel range what was that one was um fuel range there we go so we can see how much fuel we've got we can go everywhere look at that i got a lot of fuel and a small fleet okay let's get out of here nice and quiet like we're gonna head back and talk with our our finger lady see what she has to say for us um if we find some scraps along the way so be it what is this this is tia um and we can are we already here we could explore it i suppose yeah no need for that i haven't leveled up have i did i miss a level up somewhere no uh the chip for the pirates and an orbital habitat for each of these where are these at ever done okay that's way over there and she is where was she at my uh my friend sinthul of course let's go to thule maybe she has more missions for us we set a course for uh for her uh develop yeah oh what does that mean this work is a smuggler and can be found on caseron size 7 colony was that in the game before developing the contacts huh okay we'll go there traders and okay nothing to worry about here typically out here in friendly space there's not a lot of things bad right through that storm what is this thing that is new okay on these ships if we see some something like siding popping up this is cool survey where way out there all right in the storm all right so let's go and um head on back over here we'll say hello there's some patrols around there's probably some scrap out here i guess what you can typically do is go and look like especially if there's any sort of um any junk out in in the system a good place for for debris to hang the station where she on the planet uh there's a shifty man here hello shifty man uh you look like someone who might find use for the latest hegemony facility security codes he says with the wink change all the codes once you pulled this trick of course but breaching the security system at the right moment he tails off leaving you to complete the thoughts significant one-time advantage in a ground operation huh i'm not interested but that's interesting okay uh let's go ahead and i think we'll just sell all the stuff off here might as well for six lousy and i guess i'll just dump the guns keeping those okay um we're gonna fuel we're a little on supplies i'm gonna go ahead and buy those top off 20 000. is this a good price for supplies 89 yeah yeah very good price so that's fine thousand in taxes okay uh and where was she had again she's in thor whoops wrong button oh not that not this one bar oh same guy uh how do i find her again just in case do i oh i bet do i need to go into and in here and com directory okay okay okay hello so um any work for me this looks thoughtful give me just a moment i need to procure quantity of recreational drugs do ya i need a package delivered the destination must be kept simple secret all the way around i have an old freighter that's just taking up hanger space perhaps you could use it what do you think um i'll ask about no you don't ask questions what about that old phrase though i'm curious about that wayfarer class freighter would be uh wasted just scrap it i can say to for 4 600 any information on it oh it's in good shape yeah i'll take it sure uh the secret package how many questions simple tasks deliver this item to a specified location in the the system i just went to 13 light years away for 52 that's all there is to it you stop my terms it's a data pattern somebody's overlaid with a peculiar vial of but what is this we just deliver blood and then finger what's happening here sure you know what yeah we love delivering fingers and things okay uh and the drugs i need 36 units of drugs right here as soon as possible i don't care what comes from or how it gets done just as long as it's here 350 per unit i think it's a good price um sure sure um so i got to get you that and then bring it here okay i'll do it i'll do it i need do you have anything here they do for a lot there's a local deficit here so we could go somewhere cheap though and buy it for like 150. uh oh yoko brezz bray and tritakion that's cheap we can make a lot of money with that what was that that was uh yoku brez i don't see that one um where's that oh that's that's in what system is that in how do i do how do i see that i'm sure there's a way of of uh this how do i select that place yeah you oh hyper suit okay and the hyper cell system yeah look the courier i'm just a friendly guy alright we're so hyper so it's around here somewhere it's it's that's the main place right there it is yeah we'll go there sure uh let me go buy some of this stuff real quick or or let me go so i'll go there i'll go there i'll buy the buy the um we should we should we should say something a bit more uh ad friendly we'll go buy the i think i had a word for it last time i played this game i don't know what it was we'll go buy the the uh the lemonade and then we'll come back and uh and i think we'll be all right we'll then we'll go and drop off the uh the blood or whatever it was okay um yeah i'm good let's get out of here we got all that we got enough supplies over here so let's just get to that point ignore my clicking game got a bounty there in that system we can go just shoot some things look at the courier until the package you want to deliver he wants to keep it personal yeah this is true i mean we're dealing with pirates after all okay let's get out turn off the old transponder and get out faster what are you mercenary patrol okay let's avoid the scary clouds what are you okay wow just me that's me uh let's pop into this one yeah turn that on way out there okay um let's go to our spot here which is um this one oh yeah yo cool a stellar mirror what does that do ultra lights orbital mirror used to reflect and concentrate solar energy solar stellar mirrors are a common terraforming tool art of meat we want to go this way yeah this is 0.95 all right to the uh to this ways first we're gonna go buy these uh i need to buy do you remember how many was what was what was the job how much did she want she wants that's it 36 that's cheap that's cheap i mean that's not a lot um we could buy easily 36 of them i should probably buy them from the black market how much for 144 versus it's just taxes right um that's fine i'll buy a few more because there was a deficit of like 100 something there i'll just sell the rest i'll buy 125. is that worth it with those taxes yeah it certainly is yeah okay so we're just going to grab that take it back to her and then we'll go um then we'll go out and drop off her blood supplies are good everything's good yeah if there's anyone here wants to uh say hello uh talk to the woman haranguing heron gwing i thought learning a new word today the official exciting i didn't learn the new word i just i saw a new word today catch you attention the woman so angered by the pirate activity oh she wants me to shoot some things okay no thanks no thanks okay fix up my ships for two supplies and let's get out and let's get back to our uh back to our place which is our our favorite place uh intellid um uh i need my i need my uh my names where my name's at names names what's the button for names uh why is it on there anyone got any uh ideas for names i want everybody lit up oh we're gonna go there anyways let's just go there okay trading nookies right right hey monster how's it going pirates want me to go and just look at a probe way out there uh there is a smuggler flying from there to there we can go into the guy but no thanks hey scavenger what you trying to do there buddy all right transponder off and back to the scary clouds oh there we go no storms though so it's fine reason pointy today i think it's fine i think as long as as long as it's is that my no as long as um you don't hit a storm it's fine yeah like a active mission pop-up or some sort of some way there may be a way it seems like one this is one of those games where like you think you know it'd be nice if this if this was an option and it is i just want to use it am i smuggling um now define smuggling there's working for a smuggler make me as make me a smuggler i don't think so okay oh that's pretty close 30 grand is not a lot that's a long way away that's a long way but that's close that's real close spinelli star down there 30 grand just go look at a to go look at a star maybe but i'm kind of curious i'm really curious about this this quest line we're doing so let's stick with that okay we got to go to case run avoid those things it's not smuggling if nobody knows that's right that's right um let's go and we'll repair real quick and then we gotta go um hello um back with your transponder off before you able to do business oh okay okay sorry sorry i didn't know that we were dealing with that sorry i'm new to this whole thing you know i'm supposed to do that there's ships everywhere okay hey no but nobody look you want me just go that way there's no way i got to click this quick transponder off and then hit the station thank you nope i should've done it i wasted it did you guys where'd they go check out that funny business out there yeah not this funny business the other funny business let me allow i just want to go and i'm going to talk how fast way to be with this did i do it did i do it in time i don't know that i did i don't know what i did i hit the button i don't think i did i didn't hear the i didn't hear the button no i double click it what was that yeah okay hello no no i i did it tracking attention of patrols you know what how am i supposed to do this look nothing to see here nothing to see you guys okay with this oh you're gonna take them all aren't you um take all of my stuff i went all the way over there for this how am i supposed to do this how am i supposed to get in there and sneakily dock without having attention if i refuse she's gonna attack me i'm gonna die that was a lot of money okay i'm glad i did let's look at all that all right you know what i'm not your friend anymore um i could have made so much money so much lemonade all right did we try it again do i have the supplies for it i got plenty of blinds um i don't i could try it but i just we just do it again i guess we could try and then from a distance we could we could we could do it i believe we're a small fleet i i believe in my ability i shouldn't but i believe in my sneaking abilities so we're going to do it yep we're going burn on out of here we're going to sneak in there no problems yep yep yep brian's got the idea we're gonna go i'm troubles with asteroids at the moment we're gonna go in and we're gonna we're gonna sit in the asteroid belt for a bit real quiet go dark and what do you ludic path oh that's a big bunch of looting path um okay stops me for a minute but then we can go that stops me too much um can i take this i got two wolves this is a big guy destroyer a little raider gunship and a hound think i can handle this with my four ships blast him says ivan um yeah what do you want redemption is not out of reach even for you by the way these folks are the uh these are the cultists um can't all canada here he wants 5400 credits we got it okay let's just try to leave him first um oh we got it okay that works transponder off by the way i'm going to avoid i'm going to run right into that um yeah yeah yeah uh what is all this over here what are you oh drone drone tinder yeah anything good anything worth it bad life support bad sub systems i don't remember what subsystems does so it has less it has less crew um it's gonna be very efficient but it's a drone ship does that matter much i don't remember but um it doesn't make it even slower burn is nine yeah i think i'll take it uh engineer what we got let's take it yeah yeah i'll take it oh story points story points that's a new thing consider my options okay fine let's grab it take all that stuff and let's go around there's another one over here too a shuttle so remember i saw a thing about story points and that has to do with story missions i didn't know it was anything that was used here uh this guy how you looking buddy oh you are bad all right just scrap him no no no not that okay i just want to just take him take his bits okay well they left me eight drugs thanks thanks you jerks uh it's gonna hurt burn though back to our mission um substance means less time in combat that's it unreliable substance is a horrible thing for smuggling increases the ship's signature by 50 ah thank you lorebot uh i don't want to see the mirror i want to see the i want to go station okay let's repair um hello remember me remember me i bought some of this stuff we're going we're buying on black market this time uh maybe i shouldn't buy so many but i'm gonna make so much money man this this lemonade business is um tough business should i buy i shouldn't buy that much no no i should i shouldn't i shouldn't we'll stick with we'll stick with like 90. okay gives us a nice nice 98. no taxes i'm not paying taxes for this lemonade um i'm gonna take that um we've got plenty of fuel all that so that's fine uh do any ships here uh maybe you want to uh you wanna buy uh sale um buffalo's are good good uh good hollers you know lots of stuff over here another wolf p means it's a pirate one a vigilance another wolf there little hounds uh another little kite shuttle we could get you guys are nice and quick and i guess if we want to go down this like this um smuggly path we want we want we want um shielded cargo would be great i don't know how to do that we gotta figure that out um we want bad sensor profiles like like you know like quietness sensor profile it's uh not good like something like this like this little guy here these are guys are quite nice and quiet these wolves are quiet not pose this little hound the trader path right right um if we carry more lemonade i'm not gonna buy things right now how do i get can we refit something to have some sort of like a oh wait they're all 30. is there a way i can get something that has oh i forgot about you buddy i'll fit you with standard and that's fine uh now can i come in here and change and give you something that will give you like what was it some sort of shielded cargo holds or something insulated engine hole mod cargo holds hardened subsystems yeah i don't i don't know how to do it hmm okay okay find out i gotta find a blueprint for it makes sense which is why i don't have anything for it all right uh well what's your what's your deal here buddy and you realize you are your band oops what was that what was on there yeah yeah um i'll try to do this on my guy i want to make sure my weapon groups are set up as that's probably fine ion turret point defense yeah that's all fine okay um let's go ahead and i bought the stuff right let's go and i think we just get out of here i'm gonna i'll say all this stuff i'll say those and i'll take my 250 bucks and i'm leaving studio cargo hold it comes on pirate mules and also the hound it's only a specific oh shielded cargo holds huh so if we were to buy this guy how what's the does it just lower it would it just instead of like would it just lower our sensor profile is that what it would do or something or maybe is that how we still had eight of them in our cargo hold because we had they weren't all found oh yeah you know what mr hound you're hired okay so we autofit this guy um i think we're gonna stick with a standard okay he has the shield of cargo holds it just comes with that it's commonly found on chips that can't always rely on shields to protect their cargo from cosmic radiation futures are needed to have the shielding uh confound long-range cargo scans reducing probability of contraband being detected i like the sound of that maybe we should have just a fleet of hounds the night witch and that name fantastic nobody uh oh i need more crew i'm going to scoot you up a little bit let you up there tug boat in the back and you hang it back as well hey brandon how's it going we're playing uh one of my favorite games um out there let's pick up a couple more crew how many do we need just nine more so let's pick up a few folks here um i don't want that many give me um i know 20 more that'll do okay now a little bit of repair let's get out okay so we're going back not i e is the button we want we're going back to what's her face hello you remember me remember when you got mad at me because i i i'm new to this whole thing you know what it's not easy all this uh all the sneaking around business okay we gotta go cut that off over here and then let's cut this way i'm gonna turn this thing off i'm tempted to leave the burn off because look at the so i got 480 versus 960. i'm tempted to just keep that thing off so i can you know not attract any any nonsense however there's some things around here like a uh what are you a hound oh you know what i'm in uh in the business of picking up hounds what's wrong with you unreliable subsystems that's bad that's bad um no i'll just scrap it the lemonade market is booming okay there's another one what are you hello sir salvage rig server data for big ping a one story point to spend oh okay i know what class survey data is but that's our cluster server data but that's interesting story point all right um now i'll describe it i think skin chance is based off your black market heat from nearby colony how much of your cargo is illegal texts versus the oh that might okay that makes sense if uh that would that would make sense as to why um wait you know what let's let's not enter there let's enter like is there a different place to enter here um down here at mourn excellent name by the way we're gonna we're gonna do we we maybe we enter dark we enter the system dark if we if there's some nastiness we'll we'll deal with it but let's just kind of you know ease our way over here into caseron we're going to stick to the belt and you know we'll just kind of no one's going to see us there they won't see these rocks getting bounced all around look at how many how many um rocks there's do village here look how many rocks are in this asteroid belt outrageous i'm allowed to carry uh it's down here it basically just adds up all my ships um i'm allowed actually uh why is it only there where's my other stuff at why doesn't i show my fuel ease up over this way or only uh somebody told me supplies and not is it because i don't know why is that where we're going yeah that's a relay we're going up here still probably a little too more cautious than i probably need to be but it's fine we're gonna cut across hey ice how's it going oh come on oh man i tried but i tried that doesn't really matter now right uh because we're gonna sell to her but doesn't matter now all right you can change toggle shift in settings oh well i'll keep it as it is so i have no more control over it hello nothing to see here just a guy with some of this stuff um but you guys like to buy it right 206 per unit wasn't it a lot higher before um i mean it's still a profit so i'll still take it it's not the profit i was going for definitely not the profit i was going for 20 grand um yeah i think we lost money on that deal we didn't with the whole back yeah yeah yeah all right all right maybe we should talk to her again maybe she'll give me another job of like doing um um more of that man you let me go let me go chat with her again hello remember me any work um i started to deliver the blood right these recreational drugs moved to syndria discreetly where 70 of them 40 away 30 grand for 70 of them is that a good deal that's not a good deal i just did a hundred of them for 40. um i'll do it for because she still like me and i um uh i i like her her the blood streaks on her eyes okay yeah yeah uh thanks i don't i still got a blood don't worry i'll do it um let's drop off not do that drop off that stuff oh no no no no that's one sorry not that one uh drop off that one maybe not on them we'll just do it we'll do it here and i'm gonna hang on to survey survey data that's does that matter where we sell that is it three thousand no matter where we sell it i think i'll solve it per item is not what we're selling here oh is that what it is 428 per item okay okay that's good okay so let's go to our mission um we got 55 days which is fine we can stop there real quick and then bounce up there okay we're gonna go to syndra and then away we go it's 30 grand from the movie it's it's do we get 30 grand don't look at me now do we get 30 grand plus the cell or is it just the 30 grand scary folks around there i'm not scared raiding the bounty hunters okay yeah there's plenty of we're fine i'm gonna go ahead and hit the hit the barn because we are kind of in a hurry here leave me alone okay okay jump on in there turn it on and uh we'll we'll drop off real quick and hopefully we can do this without having to have our transponder off you want me to go to the planet does it matter i think it requires coming in with the transponder turned off without attracting attention patrols it's gonna be like that again okay so we're gonna go hang out in here and go dark let's move a little bit so somebody sees that they want to come and investigate they can fleet's over there so i think we can make this as long as we're real quiet like real quiet like everyone be quiet hello now they're aware of me who's a boy oh no no patrols are aware of me excellent 70 grand uh she likes me again not really um but done i will pick up a couple supplies get a little low how much are they here 90 per unit's cheap i can only trade the black market right now yeah i'll take i'm gonna take all that's cheap 90 i think it's right 90's pretty cheap it's pretty cheap it's cheap-ish i'll take them um and i could probably use a bit of fuel i can hold a bunch of this stuff and it's expensive but i'm gonna go ahead and take it and let's see that price 40 per unit that's expensive so maybe we should have done that um no don't do that just just buy the supplies we can pick up fuel somewhere else we got plenty of fuel what do i need to mean spice i don't know i always run out of supplies in this game it always scares me maybe we won't take that much i guess we'll take uh take that there we go okay uh okay now we're gonna go drop off some blood and uh let's leave uh i'm gonna as soon as i come out i'm gonna turn the transponder on look at me friendly guy don't worry about me nothing to see here okay and let's get what are you looking at hey gemini patrol there are you are you pursuing why i got nothing okay yeah because we're the good guys all right back to our mission oh i don't think i set it up did i uh e and this one so we want to go there okay away we go check the block market ships yeah name one of the planets bob ross my no man's sky blazer excellent excellent i wonder how many bob ross plans there are in no man's sky there's got to be some sort of website out there that like that shows that kind of stuff and how many like planet mechanic faces there are uh 80 grand for a probe way out there i could do it i've got the fuel though and we got a small fleet we could do it um i always try to supplies in this game yeah i i always do i just don't pay attention to it um bad habit i guess how do i make that show f1 why doesn't it only show those i probably should go dark please turn that off okay drop it off there we go 52 grand and she likes me even more okay anything here we want to look at we can go investigate that that thing over there i got 49 fuel still maybe it's really bad to run out of supplies over 200 supplies when you only carry use 0.9 a day you know i'm i'm capable of some some impressions impressive things takamiki yeah sometimes it's embarrassing uh let's advance this quest line i'm very curious about this and i want to see what it does so i'm out of fuel aren't i i am out of fuel um why didn't i buy fuel why didn't i buy fuel um well that was silly of me uh there's nothing here to pick up any fuel is there well then well then um i suppose we got to go distress call time uh i mean this is somewhat safe let's go see if we can find something in here maybe we'll find just some fuel does this use more fuel uh what's the what's the this one this one i got something over there something's over here what was it ah there it is hello there what are you are you a fuel tanker that would sure be nice the lasher hey and a minor equipment cache okay um two fuel well that's better than no fuel um all right uh well let's hit this again anything watched oh they got something over there something which appears to be moving um yep yep i don't really want to be um i don't want to burn though what are you i don't know what you are i don't want to know what you are leave me alone there goes all my fuel we just hit the gas and we we didn't want to go dark did i is it you think it's a fuel delivery look did they fuel delivery i didn't did i hit that button i might actually hit the button hello let's take a look over here if it is fuel delivery i'm gonna feel dumb what are you hello um why why are you hostile to me hello greetings starfarer bad news you possess something my superior's desire and now you must surrender to me well what do i have uh you realize he's talking about the dead drop coordinates given to you by what's-her-face now it's going to be easy or hard think now he says charitably don't take too long no i'll never give it up um um okay you can have it i'll reduce by by five oh she's still favorable though okay hey um can i buy some gas off you okay well i'm gonna pick up a lasher over here four more okay we're almost back to where we were now anything else over here she's got them out there all right um let's get out of here i clicked down here i thought maybe i hit that thing i wasn't sure and yeah everyone's just a bully and now and now my my best friend doesn't like me anymore okay we got money though so who needs friends when you have money uh let's just go i guess to this one we can't we're not gonna make it we're gonna we'll set course for yamaha and we'll get as far as we can you wanna see some weapons fire explosions body thrown into the void just you wait i'll get it in no time fuel's about out and we'll uh we'll see how far we can get i think what happens is you don't like sit in space you just sort of slowly drift to your destination yeah yeah yeah i was getting damaged a bit oh there's your mom look we made it and this is a bad place to go let's get out of this okay we want to go to [Music] i'm nowhere near anywhere let's go to salamanca there's these jerks that just attacked me um what are you hello oh it's on it's on don't worry about me did they just just turn okay i would like to buy some fuel how much is your fuel here 24 per unit versus those are pretty good prices i will buy a lot of fuel you know what we just had to talk about this uh i'll buy all your fuel for 11 grand and i'm good on people uh i'm good on supplies okay i'll take that i will sell you some some uh some medals those are all yours take a look and see at your here i'm tempted to just buy more of these little hounds if that's what we're gonna do if if if uh you know um smuggling is the thing to do i think it's i'm not opposed to that these little hounds they're not bad 26 for each of those can we have anything here yeah 10 um 3 000 cheaper isn't much probably not worth the troubles we buy more costs right with our supplies and fuel and all that but um that would be nice to be at a point where we could fight something the lashes are nice um i wouldn't mind flying a lasher i'm sure we'll find something good out there we can we can pick up we got a small fleet we could handle a bit of a fight maybe we could do that but we'll make our way back to our friend our best friend hey brandon thank you very much have a good one see you in discord see if there's anyone else give a job here uh this one by commodity traders uh i need 500 units of flu delivered to somewhere for 30 credits per unit um i don't know how much i can carry i think i can carry that much 500 a lot okay i guess i'll do it i think if i couldn't do it i think it would have said something all right uh did she give me the food or is that something that i have to go pick up i have to go pick it up somewhere where do i get it from where's that mission i picked up a mission i don't know what i'm doing with it i always know how to smuggle things all right so we gotta go get it from yeah on uh food to hera cruise on salamanca you don't have the food in your inventory you don't have enough food in your cargo holds to clean delivery so i gotta go pick it up there planet sells it okay so let's go back it's going to buy 500 food can i buy it from the black market black market food what's the taxes on that oh not much i mean it's something though 3 000 and i'm way over i'm over by a bit i can probably lose a few of these guys not all of them though i don't space for five foot wait we could do two two trips i suppose i could buy a ship um yeah you know i just go buy a ship that's how we do it i was debating on that hound oh that fixes it so i'll do that i'm over capacity right now but we'll buy a ship and we'll buy one of these uh we'll buy one of these little hounds that we were looking at before this guy right over here looks great yeah say three grand what's the big deal we'll buy that guy okay we'll fit them out with the old the uh elus he can be uh he can be standard okay and i assume you have enough for this we'll find out what is your cardboard capacity how do i look at that i'm still a little bit off um yeah that's fine that's fine that's fine do i need the heavy machinery for anything i know this is expensive we probably could dump it off a bonus cargo hold on the combat ships oh yeah i could no it was 26 it was 26 for both of them right did i do my math wrong oh it was it was 13 a piece correct yeah 13 a piece i was i said 26 because that was adding them together uh and i bought them for 10. or i could have bought it for 10 over here so no problem so we got we got all our stuff uh let's get out right we have the cargo we have 500 food we are going to run one uh this accepted one this one we're going there to uh to heracruz oh it's right next to it right there oh yeah it's close i got that one already i'm gonna go to it was it here where am i going okay i got it i have enough food um i bought it from here but i have to wait it's the same it's the same colony how do i do it then oh her name is hera cruz oh hello heracrews oh so i just went and bought oh okay i get it i get it man this game is hard okay i got it um you know what maybe we should just go back to the good old days of smuggling things you know i like those days let's go back to our our friends in thule here we like her and we know how to do those kind of missions f ying tucker is the yeah what kind of delivery is that hey i need you to go uh carry this down the street okay watch out for these man it's so stormy around here probes the pro 80 80 grand on these things so much money it's a long way out there a couple couple pirates we can go hunt black market food kinder eggs yeah right head over there now she'll talk to us with our transponder on she just won't do deals with transponder on i think what the deal is right because we were able to talk to her before uh let's avoid the sun thanks game i forgot essentially straight straight there who are you you got oh a mule those things are nasty against us little guys some food yeah i guess i you're right i i did that for many years i delivered across the street and delivered food uh let's repair uh let's talk with uh our friend hello friend any work uh a stockpile of surplus domestic goods available at a low price i need to move some recreate okay some lemonade uh yeah where i need the watchful eyes i am in need of watchful eyes on hesperus so she got all kinds of jobs another spy sat as well yeah we're good at that where do you want to go 32 grand which isn't a lot it's exodus system right is that right inconvenient um yeah yeah okay i'm up for that a.s exodus we'll see where that's at uh domestic goods there's 380 units of domestic goods on sedin two years away two light years away uh i can let you have 18 per units talk to investor reese fernandez okay remember the name rhys fernandez i don't know if that's good a good deal or not but i'll take it it seems like i mean she wouldn't steal me i don't know how to say her name but i'm sure she wouldn't steer me wrong look at her face she's got that that's uh at that um that new space look uh it's great yeah what you got 92 units of of that two citadel arcadia 32 grand for that one um yeah i can do that you just um you can just go to the website and buy it again okay um yeah cut the calm link we don't say bye that's not how we do things in here too lighters that's quick um anymore else at the bar let's see what kind of trouble you gonna do with the underworld boss in the booth hello approach one of these cyber modern thugs steps in your way big metal smile of friendly finally having a challenger to beat down one of your bodyguards subtly shadowing you for just such an occasion steps up uh-huh okay okay let's talk about himself he's quite content to do so with him put another party hello paul marsh do something for me sure i'll do something for you what you want could use your ground game do i have one bring the spaceport on kanye offline for at least 60 days it's two layers away you know the one no massacres no terror bombing just business keep it clean more profit had when the target sees the wisdom of peaceable cooperation right that makes sense to me he makes a face as if deeply considering his offer 18 000 credits for the job estimate you need around 20 marines to carry off this operation uh i mean that seems kind of kind of seems like not uh you know that's like i can find out my in my ship's couch but you know i'm up for it you get a you got a trusting face okay it's pretty close leave the bar we'll go stop by here and we'll buy some marines uh i need 20 of them so we'll pick up not that no no i'll pick up 20 marines i'll pick up 25 just in case we uh in case we lose some you know okay i got lots of fuel i've got supplies i've got people i can buy a couple more crew just like five more uh maybe a few more than that if i find another ship i'll need some more okay uh so the game had missions before but the um i don't know if i think this is all new the stuff that i'm doing with my smuggler were they like continuing missions that's all new stuff the story mode coinage or whatever that's all new stuff um yeah so um that has been developed a bunch more okay uh so let's leave now we are going to where's our first stop i suppose we got a bunch of jobs here um acceptance so we've got disrupt that spaceport which is just to our south we've got plenty of time to do that we've got goods up there 60 days we got to talk with ol reese uh we got uh that 60 days go down there and then spice light down there so we gotta let's just go we'll go north first talk with reese and then we'll sort of clockwise this thing can i so like this is what i want can i um i really wish i could just like add this to i thought that was a button i added to my to my page i know it's a button i mean it's this one i guess maybe that's it okay away we go this game recommended highly yeah i play a lot of space games a lot of similar kind of space games like this and this is my favorite of the bunch for sure if you're into like mountain blade and and kimchi that that kind of uh you know that kind of a game open worldy start with nothing kind of work your way up to to everything faction warfare all that stuff then then yeah that's you would like it um i haven't shown this yet but there's other factions right here um hey germany all these different folks the looted path and the pirates we don't like everyone else is fine we're doing jobs actually they're impossible uh they're minus nine the persion because they're jerks um but mostly folks are zeros independence we got plus three because we did a job for them and um and we could be one of those we could go out and make our own faction out in space i think we can see the fractions is it when it shows like the bubbles of where everyone is maybe not this is just the jobs maybe there is i don't remember how to do it though um but uh yeah you know so yeah they all sort of own different spots in space uh i would like to turn this thing off and away we go oh wait turn that back on what am i doing okay um so i gotta talk with reese hello rhys look isn't it it is me here to pick up 380 units of domestic goods for 18 per unit okay yes please thank you so that's all it is that's the whole job now let's see what we bought them for 18. what do we sell them for here oh that's a good we got a good deal 154 and raise what really and how much are these 19 i'm buying all of them um if i didn't have all these this dang lemonade in my systems would be great i'm buying all of it not food i went to goods this one okay that's the wrong one but still that's that's still that's still stupid amounts of money me everything i want to i want all of it my full full cargo that's good money should i sell my heavy machinery a more free one version of space space pirates and zombies space battle brothers yeah yeah that all fits it all it's all in that sort of thing do i need heavy machinery for anything i don't unless i start doing like if if you do um surveying you need it but i'm not surveying i'm i'm it's not gonna be much i'm gonna dump i'm gonna dump um yeah i'm dumping it i'm taking up the rest of this stuff which isn't much but it's something and oh you need it for salvage you need for salvaging okay okay okay so we'll do that and then we're going there we're going what is that place in valhalla okay i can remember that let's go to valhalla we got jobs to do but i got money to make yeah um repeated we could go do my jobs but i've got too many right now i can't keep up with them so let's go here and go to valhalla how do i turn my missions on my name's on i don't know how to do that um like my core world plants how to turn back on sometimes it's on sometimes it's not i don't know what the button is you buy a freighter oh you know what that's a good idea why don't i do that i could buy a freighter and then that's a good idea that's a good idea right good thing you're here i would like to buy one freighter please um one of these um these buffalo guys would carry a lot of stuff uh so how much does he carry cargo capacity 400 the uh cerberus has 100 these little lasher guys can carry 40. um what do we have over here if you want to stick with that um i don't see anymore oh there's a shepherd a drone carries a hundred i'm not opposed to that guy nice a nice drone boat is this gonna slow me down a bunch since profile plus okay is it because he's bad no plus 120. oh is it because he's a pirate yeah 120 cents profit that's that's big yeah that's bad for smuggling i didn't get right um i think maybe though like um this drone guy he's um he's very easy to be seen hmm this is okay though this service cerberus severus service since profile is small crew 50 cargo of a hundred i mean that's 100 that will make that difference up having no machinery is the difference between salvaging a cruiser wreck for hundreds of resources pretty much nothing and just played eating people yet not yet i'm going to buy this guy yeah i'm going to buy him 16 grand i got plenty of money um let's go ahead and autofit him with just standard loadouts and i could also go in here can't i and put in more um that's people right crew capacity cargo holds um whichever tire of civilian grade holes increases maintenance supply so we'd use more okay like just just maybe four for the job we do that like let's take away the bulkheads or whatever it'll take away all this stuff let's just give me some give me some cardboard these aren't going to combat give me some cargo holds okay there we go so what's your cargo capacity now um how do i see what you're at i don't know what i don't know how to see what you're at now um but i'm sure it's great i don't know what other boat there's so many this is like just too much but i got it fix up the ship uh let's buy a couple more of these things how much more can i carry oh quite a bit more look at that let's buy 177 more that's pretty good hover over the bar at the top okay play with next alert uh yeah i'm sure it's not working yet though maybe it's there already i'll buy that okay so we got lots and lots of goods we're going to valhalla so to valhalla we go which is where i'll turn that off um there quick trip okay let's get okay uh oh some pirates want to say hello but there's a mule in there i don't know if i can take this um freighter's not gonna do much uh that's gonna be a problem drone combat they got a couple freighters a bunch of drones maybe he just wants money no he wants to fight his name is gore massacre it makes a rude gesture and laughs before cutting the transmission oh yeah you want to fight oh i can spend a story point to get out i'm gonna attempt to get away i do not oh the ultimate do not force a battle i do get away okay good good good uh am i not why am i oh because i don't have people we're killing ourselves here okay let's stop by through i gotta pick up some crew i'm gonna mourn i know i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm so cowardly it's gonna be a way over there wait it's gonna be way over there now um we're gonna have to go around the sun otherwise we're gonna burn through it so let's avoid that avoid the sun avoid the sun i'm sorry no fight time we'll fight eventually i promise i promise the fight in this game is fantastic um i'm just scared okay i'm just scared how short am i i'm only short four people and it's doing that much killing on me all right all right so we'll buy um i don't know um 50 people that's a lot that's fine uh how much is fuel here there's a little deficit here it's not too much though so i will buy some fuel and i'm good on supplies okay uh give me this stuff 50 per unit is that good well we're going to go sell it for a lot more than that right yeah look at that is it normal under a deficit what happened to this valhalla deficit remember that we're still we're still going to go there i'm going to be very disappointed when i get there and it's not good anymore but we're going for it um we want to go back to valhalla pirates get under 50 and they stopped harassing you oh is that that's the i was i'm wondering what the threshold was for that let me be nice because then we can stop off at i guess we can stop off at power stations now anyway um but uh it'd be nice if they weren't attacking us the valkyrie jump point okay so it was this one a cold place stop on in and so you want to buy this stuff right for 77 not the best but i bought it for a lot longer what i paid what did i pay for it a lot less than that yeah i'm okay with that so we're going to dump all this on you authority those taxes hang on hey you guys want some of this yeah they want some of that that's a lot of money okay uh drugs are for a mission right um and okay i'll confirm that i will buy from the good people of the hegemony some supplies that's that a lot it's been i'm going to spend all my money really on on that all the money i just did i was going to go into supplies all right how much those 88 per unit it's a good deal it's as cheap as it's gonna get i'm buying the rest from here though just to show them um i don't know what's what's the time on my mission i don't know so we've got 38 days to go smuggle these drugs so let's go do that sorry lemonade i'm gonna make her happy okay repair let's get get oh don't go through the sun i wasn't watching another story point do i not have a level up yet where am i going to get my level ups i have to see what those story points when they come in little pirates i promise we'll we'll fight soon enough i promise probably have to go in here and and you know do the whole sneaky thing and all that so we can do that we'll come in we'll come in find and uh that's it right there and this is this is the hegemony we have to be quiet so let's go let's see if it works first yeah um transponder needs to be turned off and not attracting anybody so we're going to come over here what are you doing what are you doing nothing to see here no don't don't scan me i'm going to spin a story point talk my way out of it okay they have a venal streak a mile wide i don't know what that means okay we're gonna hang out here in the in this place we'll get out of the sensor range then we're gonna go dark nothing to see here going to ease our way around the belt here and hope that he is not here what is that privateer uh i'm a real quiet because he's probably going to hunt me this way then i don't think i've ever sold any supplies yet not intentionally anyways okay there's my way in if we catch him on the other side we can maybe go away i'm supposed to get in there oop nothing to see here okay he's burning away okay it's my fight this is my chance it's my chance is it get in there get in there faster [Applause] made it okay excellent that was a lot of that for 32 grand but she likes us a little more we're at 53 so we might get with the pirates here bits um let's go visit the bar a hard drinking spacer hey buddy hey turt uh i got a taurus class freighter uh i don't know if i want that but maybe i don't really want that it's cheap we could just sell the thing we just buy it and then sell it is it a worthwhile is that a profitable thing so if i go to ships now here you want this oh you went for 2000 nope not profitable no um let's just scuttle this thing i don't want it okay i remember that now that selling chips is not worth while hey dark how's it going uh all right let's go and uh continue our missions i suppose and uh nothing here right nope let's get out very carefully as we turn on the transponder back back on and then just make out just like we were you know where we're just we belong here uh and then we gotta go to next stop which was this guy the spy satellites so let's go there that's our mission as well let me put it there okay and here we go uh did i sell all the i did okay that seems to be going on how much longer did that last is that a two-year thing let's get out transponder off and away we go just to fly in just a peaceful group of ouch that's way out there oh that's close that's close 50 000 the pirates will like it uh our mission we have right now we've got 75 days um maybe i think we could do this what do we need 50 heavy machinery to do it and 230 crew i accept yep how long do i have to do it 120 days yeah okay let's go drop off this satellite and then we will go do that uh it's bad ouch um i think we went off don't we we'll leave it on for now okay let's go this way hey i got 155 brands don't you worry i'm i'm all right what are you oh ludic church go dark go dark right in front of that son oh he sees us i don't want to fight you okay uh we're gonna burn and come on burn already they're going to burn as well is that am i in ludic space uh why are you so fast way too much faster than i am i don't have my say staying burned on i'm gonna hit it it's gonna slow me down by doing it do it again okay we gotta go oh boy oh boy well just just burn your way away uh yeah no no good um hello is all you want you just want the transponder turn on oh that's the church i thought for sure they're going to attack me okay i thought for sure they're in the little church always fight right don't they always maybe they don't always fight oh i think i think it was a lyric path okay okay i'm sorry it's been a little while to play the game can you give me a break we can't drop this thing off right now we got to do it quiet like um so let's go let me do this these sneaky missions are just just not working for me here we'll we'll try to see i'm pretty sure this one we have to do quietly right my mission yeah spy satellite so yeah we have to do quietly um i'm gonna get in there especially with a station there and all these ships flying around okay go dark thing is orbiting as are them see his uh there it is right around here so let's oh would you guys leave me alone okay oh there's so many of them man like fleas just everywhere oh oh he might have seen me oh oh oh he sees me oh oh it's on okay okay there's a chance right there's a chance he won't see it nothing i have nothing on me except for ah no contraband suspicious cargo that's right vaguely displeased okay okay um i don't know i'm gonna do this i'm gonna do this hmm there's like no rocks around okay leave me alone wait leave me alone he's not flying around just having a good time [Music] okay they're gonna the they can't do this too long morning beacon there's gotta be a way i can hang out here because i like a dark side of the planet or something i got a beast okay this is gonna be our field we gotta hang out at this school i'm doing this for like 30 grand all right i got to talk with what's her face about this she's not paying me enough for this okay so we gotta come over here we gotta go dark and we gotta inch our way up it's on this side of the planet right now which is good okay like this is basically zero no one can see me we're gonna hang out here oh boy of course of course leave me alone there's way too many of them uh yeah it's one of the games where it's it's like the gameplay is easy to get uh to get a hang of i think i'm a good example of this easy to get the hang of the the gameplay but there's a lot going on there's a lot of little things that i i don't i don't know very well clearly as much i've played this game i should know them but just so many little things if you play the game enough you would get the hang of it okay is this a beacon of okay so it's just saying stay away it's fine these guys are liking me less and less okay you think i can go and hang out at the planet and go dark there 370 did it change me any it did change a lot didn't it i mean my transponder's on 1480 we go over here right on the 370. yeah no one can see me in this thing okay i'm gonna i'm getting out of his range he's just looking at me there we go we cut around here and and drop it off as soon as he goes away this is there's a scan we go dark go away okay nothing to see here nothing to see here just a friendly guy dropping off some spy satellites oh he saw me right right before there yeah this isn't gonna work too long okay look there's no one around right now that guy right there i'm gonna sit here for a bit we'll let him leave and then we go in there ah okay now we don't want to be too close let's like stay on the side of the thing he's pretty close he's going to go around there seems to be a good orbit going on those nice ones right here but our planet's moving too so it's okay okay let's make let's go for it go for it go for it go for it come on get in there go faster oh come on i was right there oh man i'm not gonna make it [Music] um hello i told you last time to keep your transponder on okay i'm sorry i'm sorry oh oh oh um we gotta run away okay away we go how many of them are coming at us what do we have is there a bunch of them is that it is that all it's coming in is there a bunch more is there just four of them no no we just can't see them all okay let's get out we run away again i know i know what you're thinking you're thinking man i thought this was was nook the courageous no this is nook the coward and i know i know it's embarrassing but uh oh they're over there too is there a timestamp for a previous fight he was in no kevin i've only been streaming for for two hours now um i'm sorry i've got any any real fights yet taking my rotation i know i am i know but i just want to drop off the spy satellite not gonna happen though okay we'll get out of here we're gonna have to just run away i'm gonna still abandon that mission and get out look the alive they call me yes yes yes i like it so i'm gonna wait for these guys to get out of there which they are that one's chasing us down uh hopefully they make it out i might get some fighting going on um around here i free camera this i know everyone's getting away so no biggie braves sir robin they call me yes okay we made it um sort of we still have to like you know get out all right and we're at a bad place um that's them there's a big fleet there's a fleet there as well now i'm starting to think this is impossible oh why am i why am i 120 why aren't i dark i hit the dark i hit the go dark button fine fine um let's just burn and we're losing this mission oh he got me come on he did not come on come on come on get me out of here okay let's get okay burn me out of here and what is that bounty hunters we're gonna run to there okay away we go oh there a fight going on over here there is do we have hello who are you tell me you we got a pirate and a smuggler going at it pirates aren't going to win this fight i don't think unless we came in and helped him out huh you know hello now who do we help we help out we gotta help out the pirates hot to trots with a name like that we're here to help you oh no no no never mind nobody wants us never mind i'll take up scraps though okay what you got uh yeah solid operations yeah yeah what we got no that wasn't worth anything okay let's get out here we don't like this this part of space which means we won't get that job done and she's gonna be angry about us not doing it um and that one how much was it 32 grand we got 20 days to do it not going to happen i'm going to abandon that one i'm sorry i'm sorry okay she doesn't like that this was a different one for that guy so let's go do that one that one should be easy enough it's for cheap it's for nothing disrupt that spaceport it's a pirate port we're disrupting [Music] i have a transponder i hit i hit go dark and i heard it was dark i think what it was hey destroyer how's it going uh that's a lot of things let's go this way am i dark stones oh my gosh so slow over here and then kind of cut a bit through these clouds so we gotta go visit some pirates who are you too big how about you 51 grand that's pretty cheap for a strike oh we could handle that where are you you're um oh you look familiar you're down in penelope star maybe we'll go take a look at that one i'm not sure if we have to come in quiet house towards your port authority refuses a request for docking clearance [Music] um turn off my wheel do it do that before i um i'm not sure what i do about this you gotta make it making what is that or you're short on fuel and drugs you buy your drugs for a lot here uh what's the mission again accepted this one disrupted for 60 days how do i do that by the pirates how do i disrupt you launch a raid is that what i do disrupt operations sure what do i want uh i don't know is this what's the job spaceport that's tough i'll sign him there sure get it get him in there okay marine commander submits a plan for your approval losses uh position are expected to be heavy okay so for casualties are on the raid um the stability is reduced by one successful took a long time for normal operations to resume i did it i got seven story points for that okay and two skill points oh what a day all right um there we go now what is that is it done did it do it wait it did it spaceport spaceport of course of course i chose the wrong but that was a hard one requires 100 marines wasn't it 20 before oh this guy this guy's lying to me all right you know what we're forgetting it we're going here um it's got a lot of dates we'll come back to it let's go to this place and do some serving i probably need to pick up some some stuff to survey i need some crew and some heavy machinery so we'll get that um at there if we can we'll pick up some more marines we can go do that job but we've got to level up actually i got a lot of level up so i suppose we should put points into so i can still put multiple points into this is this correct no okay i can go into one of these now right yeah ship's also comment always recoverable um i don't care about that one so much um plus my piper oh i want that one to detect that range is better i'll take that um museum rating weaponry recoil let's see what else we want to do here i think i'm gonna take that one my shift to be a little better we'll fight one of these days i think it's what i want to do we can go fast we can burn faster this one increases my sustained burn ability as well also give you the transverse jump which is a nice one to have uh no we'll just take the speed and all that yeah that's good uh okay let's go over here is there a fight going on over here who are you in battle with oh wait a minute i can fight you i'll fight you oh you did i'll pick up your scraps give me those scraps what we got nothing okay bunch of junk out here bounty hunters around prospectors around all right now let's continue on our way up to oh was this our place oh yeah it was all right uh so while we're here we need to pick up a lot of heavy like a hundred heavy machinery thinks what it was sorry pick up all that and buy a bunch more of this i should buy all of them and a bit more fuel maybe i'll take all of it and i need some marines i'll uh what is that a good deal 200 nope nope that's a terrible price it's only 23 so i'll take them 22 grand for all this i can sell off the medals i want to do that question is do i want to do that job there's more there's more places here in this system so we'll grab all that stuff we'll go to another planet and then we'll buy more people once we get up to a hundred or something then we'll go over there seems reasonable okay so let's go to this place and we'll go get some more stuff we'll go take out that planet more goodies out here oh yes abandoned station so i want there's 70 400 bucks per unit which is high which is very high that's high that's 38 000. i'm not doing that man it's high i gotta be so expensive here where's the other one at this one through the sun here let's go right here bounty where's that one at pretty close beholder station oh yeah right abandon stations you can leave it's like a it's like a um uh like a storage container we'll visit uh that's not what i thought it was um not what i thought it was i don't know i'm not gonna i'm not going for that i'm not going for that we're gonna go let's let's go do that job uh we'll go find that mission down south which is still a lot of big things of uh heavy units or whatever to go do the ser the survey thing we'll get that and then we will big fleet and then we'll go inspect that place let's do that okay so we are out uh let's see we want to go to uh where was i at intel did i have it accepted yeah 40 days to get there let's go ahead and do that we need 50 head machinery and 230 crew and there's plenty of places all in the way we can stop at so i'm going to mark this one and then we're going to go right we've got um we'll stop at one of these places here avoid those clouds no we're not let's go in here yeah turn it on okay epiphany let's go say hello how much money we got what's like the um before you start making the colonies you need like a million bucks or something like that for like at least a million i think was what uh whatever because you got not only to build a colony you have to like defend the colony because pirates come walking by however for pirates i suppose we wouldn't worry about that running from my fleet you better run um this isn't what i want what are you just like uh just a whole lot of nothing what do you have here nothing i'm not calling not a calling here in this station in the system well this isn't going to be any good oh because they don't like me right yeah i don't like that either 1.5 million and failed i'm tempted not that not those guys maybe that guy he's scared of me hey he should be he should be because we've we've killed so many things so far uh where's my map what's what's here try tacky on size five yeah we'll go there smuggler around that's okay okay to the fringes of the system and then we're gonna go and make our way to that one pathers not panthers i learned earlier enterprise station uh yeah i'd like to um to buy some things i need a bunch of this and you don't have much but you've got a lot um you got some cheap stuff um and i need more crew too don i need a ton of crew 250 crew it's a lot um okay um i'll pay your taxes i need uh 25 more heavy machines does this black market have any they do uh yeah i'll buy all those and i don't remember my prices that's a decent price pick up um yeah you know we'll just buy all of it it's fine we got money we're gonna we're spending some money today um i'm tempted to just buy all this fuel yeah let's buy all the fuel not a bad price i'll take it and i can buy some marines if we need it but i'm going to hold off okay okay now we go on our mission we've got the stuff for it let's go to uh wherever that was until this one yep yep yep we're gonna go there watch out for the sun watch out for those asteroids turn that off while we're out here big fleet big fleet how'd i find this game i don't know i've been playing this one for a long time i don't know when i first found it um i don't remember is this our place no it's a distress call in the oh this isn't passed scary things around um i'm gonna go ahead oh it's a warning beacon this is bad news yeah this is a bad bad place we just jumped into a bad place um okay okay okay [Music] hit the um please please burn thank you remember fleets are very mean we don't like them then we're gonna then we go dark okay okay okay okay hey gage how's it going yeah professional obscure game finder uh yeah i think i think i think i am i get paid to do it i'm not sure how obscure this game is though anymore that's just scary ai though okay so we want to go there uh yeah it should be we're in the clear now i think just put a mosey on over there with our stealthy fleet what do we have here some some debris leave them alone there's a derelict ship there like oh well don't don't wake up the the scary guys uh i will um are you worth taking increased maintenance structural damage um i mean it is a free ship what do you say yeah okay i use a story point for that why didn't i is is that like that was not normally supposed to be um salvageable but because i use a story point is that how that works junk everyone's telling me it wasn't worth story point i didn't wasn't paying attention i'll look at that in a second okay welcome to scrimshaw somebody's coming at me we're gonna perform a survey though real quick uh let's do it is this the one this let me make sure this is the one our job survey baron world right scrimshaw that's the one i said 100 machinery before there's not 100 machinery perform that survey give me the good stuff actually i don't care i'm not building a planet here okay uh colony no thanks i don't have a thousand people but um what other factors would it be okay so done right did the job explore the ruins uh-huh yep that's a lot of heavy machinery okay can i take all this stuff i can okay okay now is the job done i didn't see the little thing pop up yeah improved by five right done done okay so now we're gonna figure what we're gonna do next i uh i think we make our way back we have fuel for anywhere you know might be some of the jobs is there anything else out here there's a pirate oh that's a sys that's a pirate system um bounties a lot of bounties around there is a bounty garrick garrick over here it's a pirate i'm bass going to fight any bases there's that one over there where a penelope star and she's she's kind of not so fancy yeah pirate bass i don't care about that um how is the uh the faction minus 52 still um okay let's get out of here leave them alone uh they see me just patrolling take a look at this while we're at it oh gamma core i'll take it okay we gotta get away they are sort of like watching this this spot burn in there real quick let me out of here okay then we go uh we go north space north and where do we want to go now let's go mark our path towards she was in um that fight that we knew about was where was she there let's do that one yep penelope star i hate that stuff you can see the the adjustments of the uh um folks good we're looking for hostile folks we probably should sell before we go visit hostile folks but that's not how we do things around here um there's something out this way though are you hostile folks i saw you where'd you go there you are ah it's got yeah interstellars yeah we're going at it let's get him okay it's fight and time hey get back here uh pulse is alright i have this thing recruiter is the fleet drive to act as a neutrino deflector allowing detection of human-made artifacts and occasionally fleets at extreme ranges nice i want to do the pulse let's pulse them come on pulsar there you go we got them we got them no not that come we're so alike there we go we got him okay there she is um all right here we go so i'm gonna find out i'll fly the wolf and um open a calm yeah let's say hello turn yourself in your goods no no the opposing fleet moves into joining battle yeah yeah okay it's fighting time finally so i want to deploy myself and uh oh what's his face here which i probably should move out of the kite um i'll bring the hound yeah bring the wolves in freight is not going to go tanker's not going to go the should be i guess we could bring that yeah should i bring all the hounds we'll bring the lasher for sure i will just leave behind i think i will bring in the hound and we'll leave the this guy cerberus the dram and the wayfarer hey ashley how's it going okay let's go all right so fight in time this is my first real fight um those of you who aren't familiar with the game you have the sort of rts style thing but you can't you only have so many command points to give out commands to make it not an rts game uh but we're gonna go into like fight mode and we're gonna come up here and look for these guys we can give out commands and say hey you guys go and like stick with me or whatever but no we ain't doing that because um no we're just gonna fly these things so i'm gonna fly i'm going to turn my weapons down here which i'm going to control 2 turn my wet missiles on auto fire so i have to deal with it so let's defend that a big thing that i learned in this game is stick with your friends it's um um very important stick with your friends let's go and target that one this will be my guy leave my friend alone over here take that i'm not watching nice so i'm firing the little pew pew gun the other thing is everything else is automatic i can make everything automatic i guess i wanted to and maybe i should turn on the mouse controls take that buddy blast them i forgot i don't have the i have to is it shift yeah shifted okay there we go take that buddy okay next uh we're going over here okay let's go there he is big guy we might kill my friends oh oh shields i think my shields weren't up shields are important uh come on friends there we go there we go we got a wolf in here i'm good if we get a shield weak in there a little bit we can um there we go once we get them to vent we can blast them my friends there we go there we go get them oh let's go i'll get a little fluxy let's go vent okay easy does it easy does it shields up not that i need him shield up come on shields oh we got him we got him we got him and there we go whoo that's fancy okay blew that guy up okay done chip recovery what do we got i don't want any of that garbage i don't think um oh yeah it requires a story point to recover huh no no i'm just gonna i'm gonna take old scrap pick through that wreckage i think i just hurt my my my uh pirates stuff but it's fine thanks gage okay um well that was exciting let's go and um let's get out of here overcompargo capacity oh yeah yeah we are only well we can probably dump some stuff we have some junk here fans um that sells for what those are both 30s organics uh how much we need to lose are we not over anymore no we're good now okay so let's go back let's go talk with our our good buddy thanks gage well we're gonna head up to to um uh our friend and then we'll see if she has some more stuff for us to do did i read that wrong and we will go back to where she at she's at thule and away we go ideally i don't want to fight any more pirates we want to make sure she likes us make sure the pirates like us we can go visit their ports maybe what we do if once we're done with with helping her out maybe we can um go find someone else in like a um in a pirate base to talk to see like like there let's go visit yeah i've got how many what seven story points now there's another one where's that that's way over there i'm not going that far a lot of money okay uh hello so what a delicious little fleet you have there captain well thanks thanks i'm rather proud of him all right i got a foolproof plan to steal a military ship from a hangar in local orbit the buyer fell through so i could sell you the info if you need to pull the job off yourself i sure do fury class just light cruiser plugging space dust 18 000 credits non-negotiable need 50 marines for the plan to work i got marines yeah what is it it's big bad shields um it's a big ship it wouldn't do us a lot of good um for whatever missions we're planning on but it's a it'd be a big ship 18 grand for this thing is that a good deal for a custom cruiser basis don't know chat do you know um those of you that know your ships i don't reckon the fury i don't recognize it um your saves from the old 0.91 whatever the version was before our will no longer work with this one by the way not a good chip says uh of mortal all right i kind of want to do it just just i wonder if we should do it just for the for the um reputation okay yeah oh i don't have the mirror okay i gotta wait hang on i gotta go get some marines oh a bunch of them here how much are they oh there's a cheap okay no not that much hang on i'll just do that shift click uh give me like that many more yep that'll do and everything else i have fine they don't want this gamma core but i will sell it to you and you can have all this stuff give me five what did i sell those things for 16 of the medals that's not very good but i don't want to carry it so we're getting rid of it um so every day you can have you can have that wait what oh cause i'm buying okay i'm paying more taxes than i'm wait a minute get a thunder as soon as you can i don't remember what a thunder is can i sell this here yeah also here yeah okay uh let's go do that job uh take a look at the fleets what is the thunder i don't remember that one it's under a big guy there's there's the fury we're about to pick up um i remember i remember apogee is a good one i think i i know my smaller ship's a little better there's the sunder this little guy this little guy is the one hey jolly how you been um okay so let's go back to uh not the bar um no i'm going to talk to my buddy and uh yeah i will do the i'll steal that ship yep give it to me i agree someone sneak two teams in the oral hangar on shuttles disguised as civilian logistics drones an unlucky micro meteoric micro meteorite impact ensures that rudimentary calms module what is this like a star trek episode techno babble land okay let's do it um oh we just did it okay watching the whole videos as she grins through her face plate and pulls the manual docking release herself the new ship floats free from the hanger clamps excellent she likes me they like me one more she likes me two more up to 20 we're now favorable more favorable okay all according to plan she smiles like an old pirate we'll do this again someday yeah let's do it again everything's okay i've been good at the presents okay uh let's fix up oppression i was gonna sell that thing um so my ship uh what can i sell i can sell it for eight oh is this one is this a new ship this one is i mean we can look at it um oh yeah i have this guy i forgot i picked up um strike is cool sure uh he was in battle last time wasn't he okay you um now what do you have on you you got bad shields but um it's worth the four grand to bring you in hey excellent how's it going um it's gonna slow me down and it's gonna make me easier to see but for now we'll use it hey vert go why is no death count on screen because i haven't died yet because i have been cowardly hiding from everything you know um just the way things are supposed to be played here in this game pop you i guess up there let's try to keep some things organized here um tanker back there yeah oh there we go okay so we got a bigger fleet bigger fleet i may sell that thing still we'll see also i probably should put um what's his face somewhere else you i need to move you so make a skill elite oh officer flee officers in your fleet can have a maximum of one elite skill each yeah does it make this skill elites impact mitigation yeah do it neat okay uh i want to move you though i forget how to move do i do it in any ship so i come in here whatever like light speed put you in there kuma there you go okay so let's go move this one up here okay all right um let's go to the bar there's people here there's a drinker a um an officer and uh someone looks for a word yeah what do you want so talk three years away special operations giving you thirty two hundred thirty two thousand credits to two hundred fifty marines would require to pull this up for operation person league citizen watches you and makes your calculations patiently who am i hitting and stop the orbital works at captain star works um okay it's not a good idea they come back to you how about the drinker you get a mule you want to sell me thirteen thousand that might be a good deal um but no i don't want them and an officer captain look she says um you want me to hit captain star works as well captain is is the pirate is that that's the pirate station that's there okay um no thanks i'd like to go to that station let me see if we can get in that station and have a chat maybe we can find someone there to give us some i've never done a pirate run it might be interesting to see if we can get somewhere with it i think we have to go in dark otherwise they're gonna they'll attack us what is that nothing worried about me that's the station right there okay let's make our way over here let's make let's go dark and ease on into the station look how much we're using is that because we're dark is that just because we're using a lot of supplies now okay hello let's go to the bar we've got a business woman we got an angry woman with angry one um what do you want so the warehouse on tribassino was rated by an associate an associated third party a salute to me could raise 3000 credits to find their way into your account if that happened 200 marines for this operation that's a lot i'd like to do it see ya gage um we'll come back to her i'd like to do it but um if we can pick up the marines here we'll do it there's a smile on catching you off guard pours a tiny glass of something decadent from a bottle it's so much about your accomplishments it's all very enterprising opportunity a proposal for you yeah i need a safe supply of five units of luxury goods from a reliable colonial administrator first delivery within two cycles once established i would arrange for monthly payments of ten thousand credits over five cycles for a total of six hundred thousand credits what what i need a steady supply of five units of luxury goods from a reliable how do i do this is this if i had a colony right is this what's happening then i then i would then i could supply this i'm assuming that's what that's all about i have to make a colony and then sell and then sell to them that's a lot of money man that's a lot of money okay uh let's go back over here and see can i buy some marines from you got 31. there's a black mark on the pirate ship too power station i mean is there really a black market in the pirate station um 31 so we get like a hundred i can maybe do it and then come back and get the other ones give them luxury goods actually i don't think you need a colony for that but i don't know um i would have to do it though every once in a while right i don't know how that works i don't want to make her mad though there they are um i guess we could try it anyone here we want to chat with nope oh i really want to do something to make these guys happy station king you're not going to help anything and yes steady supply five years luxury goes from a reliable colony administrator you don't deal lemonade ice cream i'm trying it let's see what happens okay she's not operation is a go produces five units of luxury goods at a colony yeah so uh yeah that's not gonna work okay well i'd like to do the other one let's go let's do the other one i'm going to say yes to it and then we're going to go if i can and we're going to go get the marines okay we got a warehouse in tribasina 220 days to get 200 marines let's do it i hope i can carry that many people if not i'll have to go deal with that um but let's go find i should have why didn't i just buy the marines okay let's go buy what we can that one and the black market pirates okay so we have 90 more let's leave and let's go turn the old transponder back on i'm gonna go back to uh yeah okay uh not that one the k's are on and we'll pick up oh i remember how late it is this game this game see i would assume that i would have assumed it would have failed it automatically also but i guess not it's just i've got like a year to get it done but we'll see if we do this job hopefully we get the the pirates like us um all right so let's go repair and then we'll maybe she has a job for us no uh okay so i'm gonna buy some marines there's a bunch of them here a lot of money um i'll buy something okay i think i can't buy from these guys unless they like me which they don't um okay it's a lot of marines but i'll take them okay so now my mission is to go where important uh is it it was in the that one okay let's go there let's do some disrupting what are you doing looking for me why why nothing to see here leave me alone i don't think i have anything that's illegal but i don't like the man looking at my ships okay let's get oh yeah turn that on right uh turn that off but it was put out in the last few hours oh it's fine i have that on because we can we can still attack we're just gonna go visit like we're friendly and then we're gonna fight him speed limit yeah that's what it was okay um i am going to repair ourselves uh if i can buy a few marines um i mean i could buy a few more marines they won't like this at all i don't know if i'll make these guys mad but we're gonna we're gonna do it seven grand i'll do it uh and then i'm gonna do some fighting how much are you that's a very good deal not the best we could go to that um oku and then sell out at salamanca for a hundred bucks per lemonade if we could get in with the pirates candy what we went to candy we can go to sell at canny for a ton of money okay remember that candy we were there before they like lemonade oops i didn't eat this game i think i'm good though okay i would like to engage the overall station in defense right oh it's impossible no no i want to what's my mission i'm sure i read this right this time raid the warehouse okay raid the warehouse but i can't do it with ships around i guess so go away that's me security patrol that yeah depends of enemy fleets maybe if they leave and then they leave let's try it now i might have to go into stealth i'm going to offer battle makes it impossible i want to attack the fleet i don't have station is there a way of like causing a disruption maybe get him to go away go away don't come to me where'd he go disappear ah got it okay so we want to uh disrupt a warehouse with a result in ultman hostilities um we want to disrupt the warehouse right i don't remember i don't know what i'm supposed to be doing here it's not it's not as clear as i would like it to be um because i don't know what i'm doing the warehouse that it or is it the mega port it must be this one i think what i should do before i do this okay i want to pause um i want to go dark before i go in yeah um turn that off turn that on off turn that on on as well and then disrupt a competitor of rose cohen by raiding their warehouse on tribescena okay i will do this for you because you're so nice there's enemy fleets again i don't see me though just hang out real quiet like go away go away hmm not gonna happen i don't think hello as long as they're there i can be able to do this plants what i'm looking for same thing isn't it not i'm not the quietest anymore i know i'm a 202. as long as he's here though oh he's he's tiny if i attack them but if i'm dark is that a safe thing to do can i talk with talk with him they're leaving they're leaving okay so i have to hit um the warehouse the disrupter warehouse that is that's the starboard not that one that's the mining it's got to be the commerce i guess okay yeah big ship is killing myself you're right uh let's do it i'll spin a point sure yeah okay we lost 93 marines but that's okay we did it um we got some experience we advanced to level four we got 11 story points 11 of them and skill points um okay hey how much are you what do you do vela i'm looking for a combat pilot yeah what can you do oh you're good you're steady level four how much a year 16 000 credits up front salary of 4 200 per month yeah that's cheap i'll take you it's gonna cost me this a point as well okay so now we wrecked the commerce disrupted i'm assuming that's what we wanted to do right is it done right warehouse in the magic system right right i did it i hope that's all that's what she wanted because we did it um all right well i hope i hope we did it i don't know that that's that's what we wanted but we did it i'm still getting my points um all right so let's go and get i got another point let's go put it into weapons or accuracy for auto firing weapons range is better better ecm rating i like the sound of that yeah i think that's what i want or just more damage destroys cruisers capable more than damage to fighters and missiles hmm increases whole integrity armor flex capacity increasing maneuverability that's the mod we can get weapon damage for combat ships yeah oh we'll just sort of do a little everything sure okay um i don't know that that's what we wanted to do we're going to investigate this planet yeah we can't do that right now again all right um they're gonna be mad at us let's get i don't that's what we want to do and i don't i don't know how to do it raid their warehouse on tribusina leave me alone do it again yeah it's the same thing there's not a warehouse or anything so i don't i don't know what they want that's just the mining that's not going to be the warehouse is it might be the mega port if i do the first one oh this one oh it didn't say what it was though ray designated warehouse look at that look at that i don't have the people for it anymore but we're going to try it yeah let's spend the point okay we suffered in 54 casualties we did we got more experience we got another level five okay marine set charges with the raid completed your personal data pad ping softly indicate the anonymous payment has been received okay thanks mr progressor so now we're at 51 with the pirates okay now let's turn that thing on oh nope nope don't do that let's get out of here let's get out and uh let's go to canter's den hey look we're one of you guys now kind of and we'll go say hello we're going to go in there dark so i'm going to attack by any pirates we'll see if we can find a friend here i need my person i bought you to put in a spot as well um we can hire whitney there warlord what are you um bar what's this rakish man up to deliver the item to the specified location in a celeronus system it's it don't don't question it okay yep i do i like those powerful undersuit hey leonard i saw your brother earlier in his eyes skiing in the room he says i'll level captain you can handle your flux i respect that so i'm wondering if you want to get in a job with me he smiles yeah what you got there's a mule out there for a cheap 20 marines that's cheap i'll do it it's worth the reputation just on its own okay done we're now minus 50 with pirates that was fun captain okay um so now is he in no okay we're all good with all that stuff oh i need to go to bed pretty soon let's buy a few more of these uh what am i doing buy from black market okay not the marines who have ranked up which i guess is a thing now with that i think before i have ranked up as well i have writing fleet for deployed frigates and destroyers we do have a lot of frigates and destroyers for ships larger than frigates um i'll take that one okay um so where you want me to go that's a long way out there okay that's the spaceport we're supposed to disrupt right right um i need i need to go to bed um but we can do one more mission just one more mission and then i'll go to bed i'm sure this would be a nice safe a safe jump just get out of here we'll need to go we'll stay dark until we get out of the system okay let's make it hyperspace now let's get out of here i would love to get to colonizing things what is that something out there i don't need to go dark anymore don't turn that off but turn that off hello traitor hang on hang on um maybe maybe maybe we just stop and say hello oh come on get back here fine okay okay we won't say hello new pilot right right right um we're gonna put him into i'm debating whatever i want to keep this thing around but we'll stick them in there for now because you're good shooting things rock uh damage to fighters missile damage yeah you'll be all right to put you in there oh big big fleet uh ouch where's that ship at way out there there's a smuggler going around somewhere where is he at oh he is uh where's he right where's on it where was it wasn't was it just under missions i know i should avoid these things yeah i know it's it's just like i've almost had supplies she's really supposed to really avoid those things i should do better my job about avoiding those things my supplies before you can get there all right let's get in here let's do the job um quickly which is where right there that's the job right the um important is this drop right there hope there's no fighting to be going on here because we don't have the uh supplies to do it drop it off 59 grams and the pirates are now inhospitable excellent okay is there anything nearby here that we no this is a terrible place let's get out parts are still okay with me though it's fine up more button okay let's get out no supplies left um we're gonna go uh not until we want to go to the map and we're a little ways out aren't we where are we i'm way up here um i mean we can't fight right now we're going to get beat down let's go to warara and get back home we're going to fight right now my comparingness is going to get trashed so we don't want that yeah these winds didn't do us really any good the these things solar winds yeah yeah we're just sailing in the the come on oh you're gonna make me back there great well don't send me this one there's a warning beacon i guess we'll go here um hello what are you um you're just a little dormant fleets a lasher ship let's go let's go scrap this lasher i don't know i don't want to recover i just want to scrap it oh that i think all that stuff is going to be nothing 27 a day um uh you know i guess what we could do can i handle this these guys are tough we can do this it's bad because where you don't have the supplies for this oh but it's fine we can handle it uh last flight of the night comment rating this is trashed we're gonna lose um but we'll be all right send you guys all in i'm gonna leave you behind yeah okay yep yep yep uh i know i know it's bad okay let's go for this i know we're gonna have malfunctions it's gonna be bad but we're gonna win this fight and then we can um take the supplies [Music] stop spinning out of control okay engines back online man that hurt flame out yeah we got him now take that okay uh next over here okay let's do this quickly we don't have a lot of uh time to spare here everyone went for that one [Music] hang on the light speed done clearly it was my shot that ended that one okay uh pick through the wreckage i will take yeah okay uh what can i do to get i can mothball some things right and that will help out a bit um did i never set you up oh yeah um what are you oh that mule i forgot about i completely forgot that um yeah let's let's uh let's scuttle this thing okay this has been repairs right we can do that i'm thinking about just mothball on this thing because we're not really using it and i think it's kind of killing us all right just no fixing right now i didn't do anything i can't tell where my where it's all going it's just for let's go into the comparativeness recovering the recovery so spin this guy it's not going to do much spend all of them better okay now let's go yeah let's get out if there's some debris i wouldn't be opposed to that though maybe we should just like scan a place an idea let's get home are you oh another one uh yeah i'll take you out engage i'll let something else uh well it's one ship we got it yeah whoops okay i know uh i know hey we're just breaking great okay that guy shields up bouncing there real quick stop bouncing around i'm the one bouncing around you leave him alone not even looking at you i know it's bad look bad everything's falling apart no stop it come on stop malfunctioning okay we got him we got him get me out of the combat okay give me a latch let's get out of here space jump okay and away we go um we lost uh it's fine it's just a few crewmen maybe we lose them all the time everyone just stop eating and we'll be fine am i a fuel too i am i'm out a few great oh man we're out of fuel we're out of supplies what a way to end the day let's go visit warawa was there anything here in warawa was this a place was it was a bad place it was a pirate station we can go there they like us now they tolerate us uh oh yeah salamanca right right um is this is this a decent place to stop at no let's go to it's a military place that's fine right though that has things okay uh how much you guys cost cheap nope nope that's pretty expensive as expensive as it gets give me a little bit and i want some supplies just to get by and we'll go to the other system oh station i can probably sell this stuff pretty pretty good price though i think i assume okay oh you know i don't want those okay uh let's um let's well isn't it at the bar uh i find use for the latest hegemony security codes okay so we want to go to the station which is this one's not maka oh right right right um athletes okay are you gonna fight me you wanna fight [Music] oh sorry sorry i know i always forget you know you gotta remind me these things this is not where we want to go oh it's there toxic salamanca how could i forget can't repair the power station until minus 24. um i don't have supplies let's go and buy is it cheaper here i don't know what it was before so let's go and take let me take all you got 30 000. man you guys just make man uh you know what no i'll buy it from here yeah give me all that i don't need all these guys anymore maybe we'll hang on to them though they're skilled now i got way too many crew so let's sell some of them let's keep like 260 around because it's an extra 50. here we go okay uh i will buy a few of these because i need some more than that okay i feel a little better now i feel better i'm gonna 4k no no i gotta watch my money uh it's not that bad okay it's not the worst okay fine i'll buy it okay fine are you happy there you go repair 142 supplies i gotta buy more man all right there's my money i got 200 grand left and uh more and this is a good place to call today oh it's o'hara hey do you have a job for me no you don't all right military bounties traders i think yeah this is a good place to end it i think we had um we'll we'll go we'll just stop back in duel and then we'll never end it how many times have i streams uh how many times if i stream this game a few times what's going on over here is it too is it up how do i get involved if they were gonna chase you down i was gonna get involved and help you out what are you pirates are you gonna attack me i kinda wanna see the pirates gonna fight and join in okay stop that they're chasing the pirates out they're not that not that tough i'm at 71 percent now you gonna get in on it to make it look i'm here to help standing down i'm just just gonna hang out there's some funny business i'm getting in on it okay they're leaving [Music] oh oh oh oh this is a chance get me in there okay oh no one trusts me enough come on i'm i'm a trustworthy guy oh man all right fine all right you know what no i'm going i'm going to bed look at all that loot the mule over there hello pirate friends let's get out of here we're going back to fools so i remember where we go we're going to continue this again um because i can't control myself so we're going to go back we'll go back to our our best friend pirate and uh um who we remember where to pick that up from now all right to school and then to oh here's a that's right radio-based i've got that one we stopped there and got we have a friend there i think somebody's there all right we'll stop back in we will um we'll just peek if she has a mission but we're not gonna do it we'll stop it we'll stop in there i don't know if we'll do it um tomorrow night but we'll well i don't know what we'll do maybe we'll just take a peek oh look at all the things she has for me okay okay she needs she needs some lemonade um she needs a spy sat deployed i'm good at those and she needs some arms grade procurement opportunities watch watchful eyes on coulomb about that zone yeah okay okay uh not right now but next time next time okay let's let's save it um which i didn't save it at all and that's something that's very important is you should keep your autosaves going because there's no autosaves um i'm going to bed so thanks for watching everybody um we'll do more of this at some some points uh tomorrow i don't know what we'll do tomorrow we may play this or or i got there's so many things coming out right now that uh i just there's there's a lot of stuff to play so we'll see thanks for hanging out for the stream it's uh it's very late hank um it's way past my bedtime and uh tomorrow we'll do um i will figure it out and uh no party game um it is technically still roguelike month but you know um too many things coming out so we'll uh we'll we'll call it a day here i'll be back tomorrow night same time and we'll play some more things and uh and then we'll um and then we'll play some more of this some other time so sounds good good um i'll probably put this video i don't actually have anything recorded prepared for for today's video so there'll probably be this one sorry i'm lazy but thanks for hanging out everybody and uh i'm always up for more star sector i've been i had a hankering to play this anyway i just got i just finished the um the expanse season five is that the the race the recent season of the expanse and i've had a hankering for some star sector um so thanks dev for uh for getting a good update out an excuse for me to play it anyway thanks for watching everybody i'm going to bed i will see you next time [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Nookrium
Views: 44,432
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nookrium, livestream, youtube livestream
Id: bg_LbNbMH_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 216min 52sec (13012 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 28 2021
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