this is fine... | RAFT

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previously on raft more can you play back before ya lead rappin for my rap pro rap expert anybody have any opinions on where to put this sale before we just go for it I don't know anything about this mark you're a sail placement really did oh I can move it my chairs would have been not so good oh my god that's a bad place for a sail isn't it I've discovered a flaw in your plan yes sir we are fully extended with nets nice foliage look at all this loot world we're sailing into for that weird thanks man I was not Bob I was not complimenting him thanks man you're you are welcome but he is not thanks man make sure you're staying hydrated on you it's I might not have refilled it did I reflect really oh no it's fine it's fine seagulls here tonight yeah when do you sleep you a-holes so other than clothes all right sorry we're back corner our ship so big we can't even get to it our huge ship is so you we need to build it like a second floor we need to stop going like out and more up okay you do that oh yeah it's in the Builder it should be like if you have the Builder thing you can build it Wade you're our resident builder you know I'll get to Wade the Builder yeah yeah I guess there's nothing else we really need right now other than it was just me we gotta get clay that's just it if we don't get clay we're doomed Bob good catch the music what if what cues the music why is it so random it's very loud when it comes in yeah not that I don't like it but I just like a purpose behind it what streamer I'm a streamer oh I'm drowning mark what are you doing no I mean drowning by drowning I mean I'm dying of thirst oh my goodness there's no water it's cranking that's my bit for me eat some watermelon eat some watermelon watermelon yeah three delicious watermelon please one for me please just just one tasty water not wood and this is what I have to show for it so apparently second floors are expensive it's like I'm playing Animal Crossing a good one thanks man what a relatable reference I made a streamer so we know which way the wind is blowing so we got that or if I turn this the way the wind is blowing it that'll blow us oh yeah what an [ __ ] what an [ __ ] where have there been no islands where's my pillars yeah are we not supposed to borrow should we be finding islands I feel like we're not finding Islands wait what's the islands really maybe we were supposed to spend more time there something I don't know probably probably should have figure out how many of the bricks we needed before we got the thing it doesn't make sense weird it's all a big lie I agree with you that's scary and we agree well don't disagree with me I'm making myself a big planter and we're gonna have more Malone's I'm actually out of Malone seeds but we have eleven taters actually I have more now I want to grow potatoes let's see what happens no get out of here you [ __ ] you really don't want to fall in when the shark is literally waiting to catch you no food and water I should probably take a moment no we got plenty don't you don't you let yourself go hungry in this universe we're cata we're gonna how did we make a raised foundation I don't know isn't the way the Builder why are you doing weights job okay I mean I just wanted to know what it was like why you trying to steal wasting Island dead ahead we're headed right for it yes nice nice nice nice okay we're Spears murder shark it's taken quite a bit of damage since the last time and then hopefully wait Bob what a miss I was gonna get it patience patience was going to get me there Oh miss your inclination was to yell at me wait what didn't what an assumption Wow and what an assumption Oh like that way to assume boom get your Spears at the ready we got a shark the murder the [ __ ] out us anchor away do we want a Wang into the island or now that's fine well perfect opportunity to kill Oh attack for sure for real shark attack yeah I agree comeback kid [ __ ] I'm back ye [ __ ] where'd you ask ye [ __ ] it's coming for me oh it hurts I didn't get a hit yeah I see him smiling over there miss me oh you're going nuts cuz you weren't going for me I see me dum-dum oh you missed me by like a mile weren't even close oh so are we in combat mode are we trying to get distracted yes I can't get a good I got one hit there we go come here [ __ ] tell alright alright alright I need some oxygen come on Oh got another hit kukuku I think that's clay right below the ship oh you got me once stand / brick got one B oh my god alright we might as well get more than 12 just because it's gonna be Oh Frick I need to take a breather Oh God pain tag me in tag me in Fran hey got him whoa alright that means I'm less I'm going for it I'm going for I see there's stone I think this is clay oh this is copper copper you know what coppers for yeah this is clay I got clay well I mean I'm assuming you smelt it well yeah I just dealt it or yeah this is why I'm such a successful streamer because of this company here I got two bolts out of a chest that was underwater whoa wait you you did put one of the bolts into the research thing because we need that for like a lot of recipes guys we're gonna be so wealthy with potatoes oh hell yeah potato harvests for two more potatoes it's infinite potatoes it's infinite potato family well yeah you got it wait I have a shark head in my inventory is that for something you did where's I killed one yeah we still need the metal ingot we have to research the metal ingot to get the grille I see yeah so we're snow we're almost there were almost there how much how much clay you got I don't have any right now cuz I came up with the bolts he was being lazy I fished up the area around the raft so there might not be much over there I'm just gathering anything that's down here I'm getting scrapping I'm getting subnautica vibes around the edges here [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I'm way out at sea I'm like shark bait right we fished up stuff to the shark bait I don't have any uncooked halibut right now or whatever it's all cooked you fool you were cooking up a storm and you didn't even think about the future I didn't even think about the future you're right you're absolutely right right now I've got eight clay and twelve sand here's that and that you won't play oh you want me to make it yes that's fine all right what brings the research to hinge oK we've got five we need one more - we need two more clay okay I research the hinge as well so we can now do the hinge we can learn a whole bunch of recipes which I support all these just go ahead and learn they're free Oh big storage oh yeah large crippled what better look better ax hell yeah that's good research boys now we'll know clock things ooh metal fishing rod we need bolts for all these though okay so we still need the furnace we need one more brick we need two more clay we got to go down and get more clay I am almost dying of thirst empty water bottle whoa sweep or net what the hell is sweep net damn son where'd you find catching bugs it's what the hell flippers Oh should I brave the depths and holy dad oh nice should I brave the depths and find these last two clay I think I should yeah unless you guys got shark bait I don't have a fishing rod anymore so no more shark bait okay you guys want to help me kill it yeah give me one second we're learning more [ __ ] here I'm here prim all right sounds good a jar for a beehive she says there's so many things here I've never messed with before yeah alright did you go in Bob oh we didn't even loot the island there's like watermelons and [ __ ] on the island we don't even get well yeah oh I could stab [ __ ] did you find the shark man sure did sure did sure did I'm fighting them i helpless I'm in the shadow baby yep come on get up by the boat yeah Clips thin through things too easy yeah he's like right under us now oh yeah if you get on the shallows you can move away over the the shallow Sand Ridge here you might be able to dodge them got him could get hit who's there coming that I don't even see him yeah you you me Rick I'm okay I might need to take a break here let me take some it's I'm good he'll I'm gonna third something to go up yeah it's okay I can take a mono e mono where are you from hell's heart I stab at me where's ego is it gone or something no farm if it's gone I scared it away he's eating the boat oh that's why you went away I managed to get one clay uh it's also really hard to [ __ ] see at night in this game it's okay I'm sorry good night with your night where's he where's Oh that's so scary come here you ahh oh my spear broke do you want my spear come at me [ __ ] it's getting confused Astoria it must be woozy from blood loss dick beat in almost it's gotta be he's got to be low well I see him I love your battle cry come on so close you gotta be GOG come on just die I really am trying to kill this thing you really got the blood in your eyes one more all I need is one more clay it's dead good murder team fam excellent leader we got food come out our buttholes boys everything's good clay baby how do you get vine goo I don't know we have some how much you need for well not really I don't need it it's think we have one I think it comes from seaweed maybe hmm these potatoes grow like like potatoes tell you what I don't know how fast potatoes grow they grow incredibly fast according to this video game I won't use this yet wait till we get the big grill but once we have a big grill Merry Christmas Tamara Berg well I can't pick that up what is that it's a better fishing round oh cool fancy fish Pole yeah well yeah we have lots of stuff for the big grill so all we need to do is get that I think we might need to get out of here because we are not getting wood and we're like tapped out of planks I have we're out of wood we need wood boys yeah I think our skills lost its art do I think it's about it I'm putting I'm putting our mascots upstairs don't worry okay that's nice with a happy kitty cat I am I could use me pretty kitty lost your marbles why don't you just calm the hell down judge emic Jason hi my name is now Jason that is my brother I need a drink I will be back to make sure I don't die like oh I thought you meant in the game I was like I you just get it from the thing mark what are you doing I think we gotta go yeah that should be fine I think he said we got enough play and hopefully be enough I think so I'm thank you for distracting the shark I mark did you say we're good on clay how are we good to get out of here yeah we are good because as soon as this last brick dries I'm gonna make this furnace then we're gonna be smelting up a storm I think it's time to go my dudes here we go cat damn it get out of here you scarecrow [ __ ] well the scarecrows not the [ __ ] I just have the the sail pointed directly in the where it says the wind is blowing so we're happy where we're gonna go oh this is a brick just dried mark all right here we go smelter it is baby where do we want and point me at it I'll plop her down I would like the spot I'm standing in for more planters so I guess I'm maybe a second floor wait I can do second-story planters do you want to do smelting on the main floor I can move my stupid I'm like you could have but you could have the whole upstairs to yourself I'm trapped here with Wade unfortunately it would be the I'm actually I'm gonna move all my stuff upstairs I think that's the new plan all right fair enough smelter right there for now we can always move it upstairs till we get a [ __ ] ton more wood yeah no the upstairs is like fine for me to just use as it is right now and you can you don't have to expand it we could maybe put another water purifier down here do we have the mats for that yeah well we can make a better water purifier seeing a bigger one we just need to start making glass which I assume is doing something with sand can we smelt sand yeah I wouldn't do them yeah I don't see why not that is how you make glass so let's be my assumption there who knows we might a scientific deduction brainerd calm calm down buggin nerd calm down he's nerdy calm down everybody he's nerd I'm dying Fuu did you get made you so grumpy mr. grumpy McBride and thirsty mister maliciously judgey pants say such a thing about someone else I'm dying of hunger oh please chef Bob I'm sorry I insulted thee might I have a potate take that my dude oh thank you three most gracious Lord I was gonna go in the net whatever I we got a metal ingot do we need to research this metal ingot I think yes yeah yeah do it yeah oh wow Oh metal arrow metal spear baby whoa I don't even want what this is shear advanced grill baby oh we have so much stuff this oh this is beautiful cooking pot Bob you love me don't you yes you want to hinge thing I wanted net launcher oh my god bull oh my god and anchor dude you love me you know me you'll love to know me okay come come you love that you know me calm down hey there might be a shark attack or something happening well we're never mind he's just chillin get out of here you Seagal bad we are missing a spot I think we might have been attacked hmm all right I'll get on it just a second no no I got it mr. bilder s'en not all of us cannot build just go around yeah well maybe you should maybe that's a good marker I guess maybe if you did way by the boat might be lighter and our food supply would be less strained I guess that's all I can't argue your cold hard fact yeah well you know you gotta be cold nard to succeed in life sometimes I'd be cold and you gotta be awful you gotta be hard I don't know what's going on with Wade he's he's going through some stuff I'm just gonna leave him be I'm really trying to boom our potato economy here friends if we get any scrap I would like to make another planter just Hawking that out there I'm hookin it out there it's just putting out there no I'm gonna knock your way Bob I have a gift for you a gift for you for you I'm gonna put it on the ground I will let you determine where said gift goes oh my god a large crop this man this man's here that's what I do ba this is my man's right here's that honking thing hole is it honking is it honking is it home where do I even where do I even want to put it right here we're about to miss up boo I bet my look at this big old honker I bet it's green oh oh we can put a tree in that that's what that is Oh do we have any tree yeah we do we do we have coconuts don't we yeah coconut second from the right inventory do you want palm seeds more than coconuts lots of palm seeds giving you the coconuts no no coconut our coconut tree is palm seeds are palm trees well no wait I don't know try to put a coconut in I bet it that's what it is all right well I planted one we'll see what we gave you know you love me advanced purifier baby what do I need for fancy-ass purifier for glass I have everything I need except for for glass okay how long has poor glass gonna take try like it probably 15 minutes I'm just gonna make myself a regular purifier for my farming purposes to anyone no no it's just planks palm in plastic so it's not anything super valuable honestly I I wonder why we don't have multiple water purifiers yeah well that's what I've been saying and then someone was like no we'll just good another one and I was like okay but then we didn't get another one that doesn't sound like what I would say so I think whoever said that is just out of their gourd out of their gourd that's what I was gonna say out of their gourd yeah we're simpatico same things thoughts scary sometimes am I crazy is there land to the do lefty I believe you can Island on the right - there's two islands what which one do we go to it looks like the one to the right is bigger do we want the bigger island sure all right all right I'm also rowing towards it cuz I'm just a team player man this paddle sucks breaks into shadow seagull he's just chomping away at the stupid decoy like an idiot feel like an idiot yeah it is that is a handy technique of just being able to build the thing you need right in them and the other one that's right isn't that nice that's a nice I wish that inventories would do that for like many many a year and this is one of the fear that I've ever seen that does that very handy very good scrap metal before no we're sort of boned on scraps oh we don't have a anchor oh that's okay I'll just point it towards the island it should be fine yeah it's not working how do we make an anchor I got an answer I got I can make one oh wait this asian Arianne ker nope I got friends it's done nice work done we've been anchored nice bro nice thank you getting it [ __ ] yep God still problem where is he holy [ __ ] scary he wanted your bones he really did maybe he's angry because we keep killing his family probably but like eventually they're gonna run out a family alright yeah the can't breathe that fast are on the endangered species list a brutally a parental well sick thanks it was brutal man thank you two thing gnarly ooh there's a crate up here is he dead there was the signal PC these are here there were bolts in the crate good that's free ingots yeah free ingots you say yeah sweet bolts for long stuff like I don't know every time Bob needs a new fishing pole once we get the big grill you need a bolt for that so I mean that'll be good for nothing else keeping food I'll Bowl you say hey Bob gonna light a present for him yeah I dropped it there for you Oh my very own storage I'll be like about I'll be like it oh so much this will be the food storage yeah my people all right sharks still coming no nope all right friends food storage is officially upstairs like a restaurant right yeah Oh get some my dudes how's the storage looking oh it's big storage yeah Bob that's something special that's really nice ah that's a new glass let me put another in there we've got two of four needed for the purifier which we're gonna put upstairs for a Bob I'm gonna have another gift worm no dude I got my own little purifier it's run by the Sun we gotta get it up there culturing the [ __ ] out of this - wait I'm not gonna give it away well you can give it to yourself I don't want it I don't deserve it I've been a bad boy I agree is the shark dead alive what's the status of the shark alive oh I think he's still alive oh that's a problem are you just like wandering around yeah well I'm kind of like crazy a hole yeah you know crazy a holes all right sharks coming at me right now boys good keep it over there and not towards me come Sarki [ __ ] yeah you keep him busy you keep busy I'm on the way I'm gonna help you he did what he's in he went under ground oh my he's quick here really quick whew are you cuz he went through the island dude I'm on the other side of the cliff cuz I was hoping you went straight through for you yes he did yes he did the Scarecrow boom oh no not the net did it get the net saved it oh you're a hero wait you really did it wait you're a hero oh my god this it's so deep it's so deep okay guy is still alive oh god it's over here come here you come on try me try me try me oh really wants you do we have any nails anywhere I got nails nails nails nails look for you bombing off two three but one nail there you go thank you you got it anything for you how do you get a seaweed up do you need an axe I just grabbed it there's just like a great you're right you're right you're right there isn't okay Wow Bob so smart wheeze I know so many things guys how about we go to the other Island any objections to that this one yeah I don't find any more clay well we need all the scrap metal you got all the scrap metal because that's like the thing we were lowest on uh scrap metal I mean yeah we're totally boned on scrap metal at the moment hey Bob can you chuck me that other piece of glass I have two pieces of glass hi-yah good thing glass isn't breakable you know because it is oh we have no wood it's funny because I have wood what you need I need eight pieces for this purifier there's nine pieces right there my do we share because we care hey uh Bob here I'll let you decide where this goes Oh do you want to take the other one downstairs since I already got one or do I get all the purifiers you know all the beer revoir you're gonna need a lot of them Hey do Oh what the f what do I do with that I think you fill it with liquid let me let me see what's going on here how do I right now I'm not complaining but you couldn't get water from up here mark because you have the longest arms in the history of arms oh wow oh wow you can't oh you know this thing oh my god this is gonna be like a basin of fresh water it's topped off all right oh I spotted you from a mile away irony's it's dead I did this I did this this is excellent guys we get so much water from this frickin thing holy geez yeah if you get I um if we get the bottle it can hold like three drinks worth but we need the vine goo which means we need to get the seaweed I believe well yeah you've got two seaweed in the smelter and it turns into goo I'm just gonna see how long it takes have you tapped this island out no I'm on the opposite side I'm still finding a lot of metal I don't know if any more clams no grabbing the clams to ruin the clams grab these clams hey what's that what is that grab my clams dude new purifier is the Jimmy jams I tell you what is it it is sounds pretty sweet bro goddamn dimmadome up in here clams are balls thanks Chet all right cool neck better good you know clams are balls man clams are balls bro dude your clams are boobs Bob might die spare some food come to the restaurant sir put some shirts in there for you bro thank you yeah I need like a bunch more planters but otherwise we're rocking and rolling what do you need to make planters I need more scrap metal that's the thing I need for planters wait here just take my scrap metal here Oh drop me daddy huh oh my god you had 8 scrap yeah of course 6 6 scrap I mean dude I'm always sitting on the scrap shall we anchors up we can go let's just get out of here I will continue growing things like the absolute boss that I am oh sorry there's pointed in the wrong direction there we go are you driving us into the it's all hard to say quantifiably yeah I don't think what I felt in the short back right as I fell in all right we really need that big grill I have so much shark meat and [ __ ] to [ __ ] and what do you need for it big grill is planks metal ingot to two ropes and six nails and I have the planks and half the nails already so you see two metal nails daughter to love me bro this is this us to me do - we do - we do - wait yeah all you all you are about to love me you're about to love me you will love me you will oh my god love me I all I need is two ropes and we have palm fronds somewhere you will be loving me oh my god are you guys some unbelievably delicious foods yes I'm about to absolutely chef you out of your mind hole and chef my Hall I can cook three big hunks as meat at the time at the same time oh my god how is your mind hole feeling how are you how are you even living right now I think I've died dude we're on a whole other level this is awesome guys this is nice teamwork really does make the dream work it's like they've said so many times before like the Dave Matthews Band has said like the Dave Matthews Band has said you know yeah yeah yeah because it's a bad singer that's right that's right Dave Matthews Band fans we have so much plastic right now do we need to expand anywhere on the main floor I don't think so we're doing pretty good my food Empire is just utterly beyond compare right now no one would have thought you would have been top-tier world top ten food Empire of raft ST Ren a raft gameplay happening right now live on stream yeah we have any more planks I'm plumb out of flanks my dude so you're getting on it at the moment there's planks I got the blanks I need your sweet little scrote about how's that super purifier doing up there dude it is an absolute dream of mine even come to fruition lo this [ __ ] it's just fully spammable 24/7 dude this is spanked out of my mouth out of its mind juice and beyond belief and what's amazing is you can just fill it as you clogged it you don't need to compromise look how honkin this one salmon is I'm grilling up a salmon and it takes the whole [ __ ] thing holding how do you like my salmon whoa you're holding it like a bazooka well here look this is the shark steaks these are cooked eggs oh my god it's like a third of your hunger barred one chomp you got one of those for get yourself get yourself something get yourself guys the restaurant just got upgraded my dude was amazing your restaurant is best restaurant top - your restaurant the unfortunate thing about the purifier being up here is refilling it's gonna be you can get water from the top you have arms like a god yeah all you must do is out stretch them my mind is what did you blow your mind to her I blew too hard like you said oh my god you get an entire cooked salmon when you got cooked salmon funny about this weight you can do got the shoe oh you caught that I caught that on my fishing my fishing next bill is only here you can plant something in the shoe oh you can use the shoe as a planter good I'm on the water the shoe plan adorable [ __ ] I've ever heard of alright beaten the shoe oh my god guys we are utterly wealthy with potatoes I cannot overstate this to you I mean you could try we have so many potatoes that we could literally build a bridge from here to the moon out of potatoes and we would still have several potatoes damn that's a lot of potato right oh the scrap hook is way better oh yeah oh this thing lightning speed what it's what it's what it's time to be alive dude who needs a land I don't even know what I love raft and I am here for raft ice and raft so hard dude iced and raft so hard come on daddy needs a new pair of slippers baby yeah oh we're being a nah oh no did he get the net well you you're big boy you can make more nets problems yeah I mean morning itch that's it that's the spirit hey you friends got any planks yes in this leftmost one I'm putting planks small oh yeah just the basic basic stuff I'm gonna keep in that one oh you got whole stacks of things just stacks on stacks big stacks on racks on stacks on stacks have you seen the pile q and a good break for my routine style crank out of Shawshank or a Green Mile right mmm yep oh my god guys one cooked salmon basically D hungers you oh my god this is the most satisfied I've been in a long time very nice also this water purifier is [ __ ] Dole and your booze done - mark mark was making this bread sea water night drinks like I do I've really doing it ruins it cuz I just drank some of the fresh water has nothing fine I have nothing to call my own I guys look at me and tell me if I'm okay by the way I thought we were going towards another Island but apparently there's no other islands this is it seems like it's ready it's pretty big and honkin if you know what I mean I expected people like coconuts dangling they don't see but ya think so ready alright well here we go let's do it you got to chop it I think so oh my god from it yeah yeah just replaying it all again water that bad boy I'll drink the water in front of the tree just to make it feel bad about itself Wow that's Rebecca that's the most savage [ __ ] I've ever done to a tree I walked up to him with a delicious cup of water it was all mmm god that's good some people treat some people treat haters wait do we have a clam Leah claims them over the check yeah where's clam can you claim I'm about to solve our troubles seagull nest where do you want it it needs to be far away from people cuz it people scared because we don't want to scare it away when it's on the nest yeah no I used this whole top area can you put it on one of the counters down there where yeah done it's done baby immediately like ha ha that's for me yeah 2 seconds later [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 4,778,686
Rating: 4.9732304 out of 5
Keywords: raft, raft game, raft gameplay, raft markiplier, markiplier, markiplier raft, markiplier funny games, funny games, raft funny moments, raft multiplayer, raft online, raft update, lordminion777, muyskerm, mark bob wade, online, collab, multiplayer, update, gameplay, lets play, game, gaming, pc game, playthrough, walkthrough, markiplier game, markipliergame, markiplier games, mark fischbach
Id: KMhoD0YwOik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 43sec (2203 seconds)
Published: Tue May 12 2020
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