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previously on monopoly plus a properties over here by the big whale prop raise a piece and bobs at six yes definitely get that monopoly going oh my god you can actually do that yes really bunch of properties unbelievable what if what if I proposed a big trade okay I'm listening I give you both yellows for both light blues but do you not agree that having oranges and yellows this is more beautiful whoa Oh what happened what what happened you got all my stuff what you just went bankrupt what happened what No are you [ __ ] kidding me I you what's up so [ __ ] much Bob have you been totally demotivated from this game kinda I know I get it I get it I man that sucks the next turn I would have had a play that you guys weren't gonna believe I'll say the [ __ ] is happening hey guys oh hello hey guys now once we get a certain amount of properties in here maybe we should give Bob all the properties he had and everyone will just oh no I'm gonna lose just to show you be soft how much I hate them well that was your same roll from last time motivation is this my Samra now I'm crushing it this is my game baby I got a seven which is fitting for ya yeah Bob get ready to suck on that backed it hard it's still just a small why are you playin small six did you try hitting alt-enter yes I actually did you could do it mark yes if this feels good see this feels good be first out of the gate and win this one getting properties this feels good you would think that until you see this amazing role number one never mind just my routine from last game you [ __ ] need to get back to let's see what sort of garbage the game gives me this marked property yes goddamn it yeah how does it feel $6 nice I don't know anything about this and I go right to jail yeah before you go no the best one on the map on that's gonna buy it excellent give me my third set of pebbles so I get out of this unending nightmare come on boy whatever just whatever it's not gonna help me anyway you're driving by just chucking bags of money out the window now take it I guess brah all right I'm a solid bronze medal right now everybody we're gonna we're gonna bring it next round though just wait all right yes I think Bob you and I were playing the exact opposite game because I started out with an orange and you started out with a purple and a blue and then weights just in jail I don't know why he wasn't playing the game yesterday yes I'm trying to be funny brooding okay have a great game last game I'm having a great game this game this is a great time I didn't want the who I think you went three octaves beautiful another it's not all roses over here stupid property now see the thing is you were supposed to not get all the properties this game cuz it was gonna be a different game that's how the game was going to be [ __ ] you both why'd you shut up in your free parking we're out here we're out here working hard for our money in government funded Lots give me give me look mark deserves this okay developing his skills portfolio early that's good wait oh wait me the money wait no no yes no no I won't come I won't do it I want the champ don't little spaces around the corners with the parking lots and everything that's really confusing to my brain yeah well a smart big brain people don't get so confused you're gonna be a Titan of it man be prepared to pay 20 you're gonna be able to up charge people on soda pop on the mains you're gonna be able to turn off people's power just been just a mess with them you got all the good stuff going on man yeah yeah no Bob you have the power thing no whatever I don't care [Laughter] garbage land with some trees on it as far as I'm concerned you [ __ ] from this man this game is trying really hard to make it up to me it's not that hard to be a negative piece of [ __ ] about something but this is really really giving its weight and let it me have anything I want Park Place workplace park place that's just came by to serve bits on your ground poof Community Chest maybe another property for Wade you can walk baby mmm all right let's pass go let's get a couple hundred buckaroo knees oh that's not a good number wait now that'll be mine let's see damming we shall say give it to me advance the nurse railroad fun OD by the [Music] second is that your second one I saw wait as the other one one property okay okay I have so many properties I can't even remember where they all are it's a serious problem you know small numbers Wade oh yes way do you need to land on the properties properties [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] go back base where Oh rolling rolling the monopoly guy is really helpful it is it is wait roll the monopoly guy that's good that's good no that's fine oh [ __ ] [Laughter] Wow you know what wait I appreciate you trying sorry dude I cannot decipher his rules what the hell does a little man do little bit make him go to jail I command it I went here you should really buy someone property doubles you got doubles doubles overrides the whatever the other dice is for sale you can you can go to the Reading Railroad that's not all is this for sale we're gonna I'm taking yeah yeah that's totally for sale no worries second property hey that's not as it's not even as good as a railroad so I don't know what you're so excited was the whole [ __ ] yeah wait shut up Wade alright little man little man mmm little man I don't forgive you because you really dict me over but maybe we can get past this I think he just sent you backwards so you could buy that property boss let poopoo sunlit boot I can go five four or one space or is Jail five is owned these are all bad honest five is owned by you at least is it oh good yeah that's green right I for some reason thought that was you and I was getting angry I am Blair yeah you are Blair got him high five wait BAM he's black like throwing up no it can only be good oh it's that one that I just bought that's really cool thanks Wade hey calm down Jesus Christ I can't wait relax very firmly in third place I'll come close little man bus bus oh my god I can move 11 squares how the hell am I supposed to be able to tell where 11 squares is it's the last that's not owned I don't know why I'm telling you no thanks for the help mm-hmm I would have probably gone with that anyway because they live who were owned but one of them was mine mark you and I are like unequal owners of to settle bits there yeah it and proportionally unequal to yes so you guys tied for first I'm in second place no I'm on third that's not how that works where am I but alas let me tell you about my plans - [ __ ] something else god you're right you're right you're right you're right you weren't even the first one in jail and you got your money so calm down right I am calm I was already in the process of calming down I'm calming down you can't tell me to calm down mark you can't tell me to calm down I was already calming I was already coming it's already gone believe me the waterworks you love waterworks Huber were in my [ __ ] family friendly Wade family friendly I know a little man because I could have got perk up horse Oh wah Oh No whatever will you do yeah listen this is a real hardship okay so don't tell mock me on this one Oh pity for you oh you're rude it's really rude of you mark to mock me so it's Unown baby anymore I don't know what anyone has to complain about you all need to calm the hell down did you see what happened to me last time did you see what this game has done to me you have no leg to stand on with your position the new both games in a row right now and how many properties did I own when the game made me quit for no reason about the same number of properties as you own now little man please look at who is Luck is turning around right now I've won you can't beat me five at a time and it's a good don't stop the guys or anything that's for sale even oh there is I'll buy that sure sure you need one of these guys and I need a Park Place what's trade I want someone to I want something to map the the the hit the pitch the pitch of your tone from the beginning to the end of this episode because it's steadily gone up like you started no good take my money Oh little man all Italy I want someone to know mark yeah I've already gotten to go to jail card so I should be we hope for our friends yeah that's what we hope oh don't be too Brown so doing some Browns don't that's a keeper if this could have started like six rounds ago I might have a chance right now there's still a couple things left to buy don't fret what is left to buy I think one red one green sold and the Browns known as yeah yeah it's turned around your construction site was not a very good accommodation I just didn't like you having four hundred and twenty dollars I'm against drugs it's for twenty of the drugs yes where my baby yeah yes please baby well well well well well well well anybody interested in a trade I like that yellow you got sin over there you saying that orange I bet I bet those two together might be similar in value to the cost of the very fancy green one that you want from that I disagree entirely with that sentiment but I bet they are well I know the green one is the most valuable so I'm definitely gonna need a little cash how about to go on a Sonic the Hedgehog spree Bob I wanted to pay you money here you go thanks Sonic yeah gotta go fast well I'll see what happens here I'm just gonna give a smack arou buzz I only got three three movement points so I can go one two or three cylinders that one oh no in its own but this is uh known oh-oh I own it but whatever I'm about to make some moves gentlemen do wait never mind I don't I don't want to go too sorry oh wait oh wait I'm not desperate yet I am desperate oh man I almost got a little man or a boss god forbid you know yeah this can only be good things calories to fat brim do you know yes yes yeah what a Jones if I have traded the green you would not have earned that cash you are correct sir no I would have oh no I would have had the green that's right no I would have had the green oh I would but I would have had like houses on that yeah you was totally got me he was totally showed me who's boss okay alright okay I think I think I think I think I think you know I just think Wade get out of here you Bob let's go all right we need to have a frank discussion okay I can't let you have to monopolise at once okay cuz I feel like that's just no good for anybody especially way to separate trades if that makes you feel better don't worry about me just enjoy him at all let's just say let's just say for example if we were go like this and let's just say let's just say right sure no feel like that's fair it's super fair super not fair super fair super Nasser super fair super fair very fair you a counteroffer very hmm actually I can't do it I'm really sorry I'll be right back just say no then leave I think he's happy oh I think he's gone I think he's gone I think I should just like passed around good yeah why are your biceps burnin it said you're away for too long your turn will be bypassed in 24 seconds I'm just gonna end the turn you you take good thank God I can stop take it or manage property i'm in chat we have a Dora the Explorer moment do I roll my dice or manage properties roll quit declare bankruptcy give up okay Chet thank you for the sound advice oh there goes my turn got a roll sure hope Bob's little man hey that's a good rule I think that's something bad no no no no I might not be good at least you're not giving money to one of your opponents is what this [ __ ] had the gall to say ty I heard it I sure hope Bob's our where did Bob just gonna chat I pay the 100 or throw my computer out of my office walk past it now I guess we're paying ah good move good move doubles good news Bob take your time Oh [Applause] this horrible monster of a game is continuing from your pass go it'll be great I don't know if I can get doubles again for you Bob but I sure will try all right let's see it here we go I did not little man you've gotta be nice hey there's a thingy buy do I buy it Moo good question wait think about it I'll take my time what are the oh my god I'm so sorry of a [ __ ] late cool but I have like the most upset stomach today I've had in like a year I'm totally back now nothing about right now this I get up in the real roof why did I miss horrible things it seems fine yeah lots of properties boss soon bus there's nothing here of any away that's not sure I can't go 4 spaces why couldn't I go 4 spaces she was better than chance I think possibly unless you go to jail all right buckaroo knees oh I have to hit the button wall I was like ok I'm done reading nevermind little man don't matter all right if Bob got good from ear surely I will also get some good hey that's pretty good oh you're not up next loser so me take you to property oh but I thought yeah it had to be close that took him all the way anywhere properties that takes you to the nearest property that's not ok so is there anything that's unknown anymore one railroad the Browns the Browns are brown the brown railroad all right Bob we're in the middle of a no point you do want to talk to you sorry I don't have a spare change right now come on you were you were about to accept this trade Bob if I remember believe what I was in the middle of doing something like this hang on wait hear me out hear me out hear me out oh okay now that's not you know that's intriguing right that's intriguing you know that's not a bad deal I think we got I think I think we got ourselves a good deal that feels a little off no no I think we got a good deal I think this is good deal good deal good deal you guys want to trade with me what do you want what do you want what do you want go away Bob you made such an error who made such a mistake I am going to do this oh those are expensive here it's so pricey they're very expensive these are so expensive Jesus it's so pricey don't worry mark I got money i mumble i can't bother so pricey very pricey all right where am I thank God oh this is Bob's real world very impressive great no no no turn [ __ ] do do it do it do it do it roll like a 12 man could it be could it be yes bucks 90 bucks just 90 bucks weenie price well I mean it's a little you need a little one house weenie baby well okay well you know house man talking to be mr. big house band ooh look at that cool cool roll I did that's a cool roll donkey slung dick [ __ ] listen let's see where it's weighed about to be weights about to be over here hang on TG baby one house son that's what I thought ah I forgot mmm I wish you luck this is okay I don't need luck I've got oh no oh that's 20 bucks more than I bid you it's ok still a little [ __ ] baby money it's it's it's not real money it's not real money give me the money yes yes yes no little man where does that put you now the other probably other three railroads that's pretty good dude you want a fourth railroad yeah Bob I'm coming hang on yeah you trying to play that railroad industrial game and the other utility for like boardwalk or something for just casual you know like book or something two things maybe just thing you know you know like board Walker you ought to give me all of your properties except Park Place Wow well I mean values a little skewed in your face there's a heck of an offer I gotta say wait why I don't know that's quite a play no good good on you sir you're out here making moves and I can't fault you for it yeah you know of all of all the movies I was like you know I can't can't be mad at that can't be mad that can't be mad at that move the hell of a move now if you could please just not put any houses or hotels oh well all right so it's a power play it's a power it's a high risk oh my that's high risk you know the difference between three hours and four ounces is not that much on those but you went for it you okay Bob this game suddenly the landscape has changed mark Hemans made plays hi Bob you know suddenly I feel very small dick energy here I feel really dude wait you say that but you say I got one for you guys around and you just like land mines just appeared on the board I like we're running laps around the board that was fun that was good I think the games about start ending mark yeah 1 2 2 light blues for the purple even-steven you know at this point it's not really gonna make a difference well I think we know who were against here it's it's fine you know what wait if it'll make you feel better if it'll make you feel that doesn't make me feel better look I thought you mean that much it's just balance this is out a little bit all right fair's fair fair's fair because then we have bigger problems in the world like we're all equally rich yeah you say that but you have like three grand and houses sitting on your property it's just because you know it was either I risk it on there I just give it to you so I risks oh I get to go again raised boardwalk change my life you could land on a red that's not red that's not red at all that's not that's not my property I I'm totally I'm fine with this I'm happy you know I hire stretch of board I feel pretty comfortable in this area you know there's other things besides owning it's an aircard let's go directly to boardwalk there sure is there sure is yep there sure is all right all right Wade you ready for moves cuz moves are about to happen how many houses are 11 how many house they're left in the pot I don't say that wait hold on just leave one for me no no no no no no drinking up all the house I'm so bringing the juice tough there sulfur half nuts so little money my strategy where are you right now Bob you're not even okay the red is like you could land on the red touch my red touch my red I just got to get these two three houses so that I can get them you're gonna land on this why don't you watch as you hey we money when you get absolutely dunked on right here you take oh you son of a [ __ ] chick how you real you do pay the bank or me or mark you should definitely pay me you should pay me house you might as well sell the house to help friend you might as well I'm afraid I'm a friend no no is that for the railroad 50 bucks it's like 50 bucks is 50 bucks oh it's it's like 50 bucks support me yeah what a friends she's garbage is garbage so you got to sell a house I think but you know corner that bus my play would have worked out really well okay let's just all right owns the railroad what a fool you're the one who bet everything on boardwalk and Park plates I made a move baby you're on your way you know Wade I'm gonna remember this remember what how I got my eyes kicking somehow lost the - you still haven't horrible decision to sell the wrong thing it was such a bad play my ancestors are crying for you the play to go from two to three houses on a cheap property that you had a probability of landing on yes that play and that terrible horrible play can still pay off I could roll it three or four I know mark it might not have been a bad plan all your [ __ ] talking won't help you Frick I'm gonna die now now I will die I just realize see a lot of blue around that corner this is that corner isn't all blue what could go wrong you don't know that's not gonna help me that's not gonna bail you owe me 5050 is so easy peasy easy peasy the difference between that is $80 the difference between this is I get 50 but I lose out on a possible sell one of those now yeah exactly I wouldn't summon it why am I taking monopoly advice from you why am i letting you criticize me at all bad luck shush thank you for the $50 I Bob wait for you to roll again come to my stretch come visit me oh please please chance dreams for one yes you have to [ __ ] oh I love it oh oh oh that's two houses there you love to see you you love to see it it's fine I see the handedly prevented wait for maybe winning yes yes your properties were a bomb we if we made it all the way over there and hit those you would have bankrupt one of us all or you would have basically stripped us of any income I think I would have been straight-up bankrupted Marco land and die you are right but I don't think I'm gonna make it past this orange and then the yellow mmm Bob there's no way I'm never gonna touch him Bob are you mommy are you mute oh please be good to me please be good to me four or six I'm good ways of getting there without dude little man makes no sense at all well how much do I sell this for 25 and how much do I owe you I forgot to say oh you two seventy so I could just do a couple of these bad boys these Blues have paid in dividends and so long as I don't land on your orange please you owe me I don't owe you anything nothing this much okay okay okay okay I want you to do it I need your power your power of not making people hit on doing to help you he could he could he could he could he could he [Music] where am I what's rule is just [ __ ] wait I should have landed on 4 o'clock I don't know these guys these guys are my money makers I feel it I feel that these guys are the ones well just pass through I guess oh no no no no no god dammit dammit I'm gonna give you a chance wait it's already 20 now you can bid one can't you no and I don't need it I always forget about that I forget about that every time about how the last house needs talk it's all you buddy go for it oh thank you enough fair enough fair enough College okay plop well you do have a lot of houses over there yes yes this is this is this is this is a bunt this is the mice I'll make them no no because right now no one else can buy houses yeah cuz we're [ __ ] broke 13 bucks you gotta be so careful right now with this went for me feeling smug to me feeling kind of mad no that's not a good roll away that's not a good roll my income tripled but whatever yeah that's why he's bad all right well I feel okay guys don't do it to me there we go that's what I'm here for that's the kind of content I'm here for what's the lowest I could move - no no no - is not what you would what you want six is what you want I own this property what a time to be alive Wow you know Bob I'm not gonna give you much advice anymore if you don't take it oh no so you know is that is that the lesson I'm learning is that I should take your advice yes where's uh where's my buddies at oh they're coming all right they're they're coming how much is this oh wow that's a lot no man no fool Oh where'd those two oh you sold to us okay yeah that's what I thought I'll just go ahead and leave another one for auction I guess I shouldn't have sold it but I kind of probably need the money yeah okay okay okay okay have fun no don't roll too small of a number we're on such thin ice right now it's the thinnest ice I've ever seen a game you can make it to your dreams oh yeah I can yes I can you didn't go to jail ah weird the ultimate move oh you're right God that would land on boardwalk next turn after I land on one of your guys's properties and get rid about my house it's wait to get me do me do it it's not even that much but it's enough to make him sell it's enough to make himself oh that's unfortunate how much do you like someone - fine it's fine you're mine - oh man there were four houses there there were there were boardwalk please you [ __ ] okay low numbers low numbers that's some big Oh what are you gonna do I don't have no idea on that okay I can't do anything cuz I'm power okay I need no [ __ ] children to take you away from me what Oh interesting that's not exactly a good thing what is happening you get to pick where you go you're picking where you go cuz I got triple ones you got triple ones you get to pick well any right now oh my go to Pascoe and then no you won't pass going well maybe you will I don't know I don't go what what no I drag oh god it's fine I think that's probably still the move I think it yeah okay Liz the move at the moment alright it's fine it's fine this is Wade fine better be careful man you better roll me wash it that way there's like a boardwalk down there oh that's not very big money little man little man wade in the middle where's little man [Applause] no matter cuz I'm going to jail going directly to jail it won't matter ow I'm gonna go kill some I'm gonna go stab someone about face find a police officer tell them I found a child trapped in a while bring them there and then murder a child and throw the child into the well anyway so you're saying about a well and a child I didn't do it I guess it didn't work out I guess I murdered the child in the police officer was like I didn't see anything you know they didn't like that kid too bad cop yeah that's a dirty cop mark please pay the fine no pay fifty bucks why would I do that why can I put a house down where are you [ __ ] where are you houses for you guys to buy smackeroonies to buy some of those houses next to if these blues somehow wouldn't be this game that's gonna be [Laughter] come on with your friend Bob what the Frick Oh doubles oh wait what do doubles always override the red the red doesn't count ah well whatever you'd pay me that 200 bucks that's all right oh no we sell a couple of those houses buddy it's all right and you have like four houses on those remember those are good times look now you have exactly what you need to pay me basically all right wait go go go yeah cool a three I would just spar for even those are big numbers you could sell and then mortgage so you still have a house on one that's fair that's what Bob land on my blue Bob land on my blue I'm gonna just no wetland on any of your stuff just no thank you blue please give me the 200 please I like jail I love Jail jail jail jail don't deal I did really know the deal that was your best play to possibly have a chance to win okay I can do this I sold a house there but now I have enough okay pay Hey are you have to give after about this time you have to come out and you have it oh wait oh no but I'm okay over here that's fine I'm totally safe over here yeah let's hang out baby what does the man do what does the man do now why Oh what the [ __ ] this is the rules of this don't make any sense doubles overrides everything little man takes you to the next unknown property until they're all owned the notation to the next property that someone else owns that's higher than whatever you were old I think okay we have to leave now you can't have any more I have to wait to come out even if I roll I have to come out I think so Roland you don't get doubles you have to pay the 50 anyway but you can race cool I might as well I might as well right ooh yes come on get out of there I paid start paying me some money I don't want to pay me the money I don't want to I don't want to it's my money yeah oh yeah well if you know who else has money me and I will do these are so expensive over here God but you should definitely spend all that cash that'll definitely benefit you no it won't even be worth it because it wouldn't be enough to get you it would just cost me more than that damn it keep that cash and save it for me because you're gonna be paying it to me hey you are gonna hit my blue would you hit my blue that's very fancy very fancy interesting Oh what oh hello we're now playing with bots Vincenzo with your stuff no hello I'm here I'm here I'm here Oh No Vincenzo Internet go out and I don't I'm here hello hello he's spending all of your money you have $66 he's spent everything I'm in my game I'm playing with Iker and also Vincenzo I landed on boardwalk Oh potential inside you see about this time out it's your turn on my a-game bub no I'm watching he already played on mine it's your turn and you have like your property management screen up what is what is this gas game what is it what is this actual piece of poop game I think that Bob won wade pulled quite a move with the boardwalk played almost worked out for me it almost worked out I landed right in between if I don't land there I would have gone bankrupt if that little Manhattan taking you away I know that was so close Dixie and put a Big Bob wins this is the most unsatisfying report this game is just like the cheese now what I know that was quite a fight I really didn't think that game was gonna go so well for you and it's just like progressively got better and then rips it away right at the end I didn't even get the satisfaction of losing I did you did how'd it feel we should never play Monopoly [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 4,069,783
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: monopoly, monopoly markiplier, monpoly, monoply, markiplier, lordminion777, muyskerm, monopoly game, monopoly gameplay, monopoly online, monopoly multiplayer, monopoly funny moments, monopoly collab, broken game, this game will be the end of us, monopoly man, monopoly man creepypasta, monopoly man creepy, mark bob wade
Id: wPH3ih3MDCQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 9sec (3129 seconds)
Published: Wed May 06 2020
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