uh oh... | RAFT

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I don't know what happens when you get loud bad things happen when I get love yeah what do you make loud noises just court it's just like alright I can't help them my bandwidth whoa-ho hello there's a shark oh there's the shark I forgot about it we need to go towards that Islander or what's the deal roughly towards it all those seagulls on your thing I have learned it's actually fairly easy to kill the seagulls and you get the chicken wings from it and that's that's maybe the way to live the chicken wings yeah you get you get chicken wings from seagulls yeah that doesn't really check but alright yeah no no it tracks ok cool calm down calm down yeah tracks the word checks checks had chicken checks doesn't check this is nothing checks alright we're about I hit this island we do not have an anchor alright I want to I'm not mark not live no a whole that's a little rude a be whole I'll take from the aid of the be alright anchored down I'm in the water yeah yeah that's still a problem shark come on yep pose hey sir might I have a bite to eat there's a big chest over here full of so many food oh yeah for my food commodity all right cool thank you and what it takes somebody dude we are so heavily stocked on food right now I preach a big preach debt I don't even remember how to do this it hasn't been that long we played this why does it's it was like two weeks ago or three weeks ago Sally forever ago yeah yeah yeah I'm looking for so who the hell drank all my water and then pieced out I there was one scoop there was one scoop in there it was not oh no it doesn't redo in the night was it at night it just did it I just won no no no no I won't know there's clearly no water in there glug hang on wait all right you got me while we're here I'm gonna get some clay so I can make some bowls so I can be a super soup man Superman just call me soup Bob I will oh yeah the shark you keep it distracted I gotta go down make sure it stays away that's all I ask God Jesus Christ what the hell that's oh my god it appeared in front of me like a tell I don't know what I was terrified legitimately that just holy [ __ ] terrifying you kill me I mean don't but [ __ ] calm down no that that you don't understand like my perspective that was the worst thing that ever happened to any human are from your perspective yes selfish man that's name you don't need a room your room is the entire thing yes yes yes that's what we have the music does not match the situations you know what I mean weenie about you know I'm turn the music off because it's just like it doesn't gel with what I know really not have any wood was that the situation we worried yeah we always never have wood someone's cheffing it up up there burning all our wood for soup minutes goddang and I need planks so bad well alright we'll get on the road s did anyone actually go on the silent harvesting the trees well I'm going then I don't know why that's usually Wade's job he's the wood man I thought we had trees to cut down with growing trees they're not ready why did we go to the island if you weren't gonna cut the island you guys want trees get bigger plot crops get bigger what we need a bigger boat before we can get beer plot crops get bigger plot crop I'm telling this shirt we're doing look kill the shark dead yeah sharks not to speaking watch funny cuz the shark still alive [ __ ] yeah you two do not I've been the Inside Man for another organization this whole time you're telling me it was you the whole time that's Wade's joke just wanna be virtual respect his comedic genius alright wait I apologize for insulting your comedic genius what of course I did I said it what you mean that that was the first time I said it was so sorry no no that's a little that's a little much get out of here you see go there even any [ __ ] for you to eat you guys need to be more sharing and caring shut up I'm going in the murder of the shark [Music] [Laughter] [Music] my life is permanently set to the soundtrack of roller coaster tycoon the roller I'm gonna drown oh my god what you really don't want to do is drown I can no yes oh if you really want to avoid is grounding yeah I kind of learned that the hard way the hard sexy way no no no no it's like the no Lube hard way you know what I mean what no sorry was this family-friendly do we not have any guys I got some okay I go I don't have any funny I don't have any hey listen wait mark I don't know that's weird all out yeah we are definitely friends I know this but my whole as hot as that is unfortunately no never say that again never never again no hate that I hate all that I'm not gonna do it peer pressure does not work on me wait okay listen wait I'm waiting it's wait and yeah give me please put my own palm sorry please I'm out of stuff is when I'm really desperate mark and that's what kiss your ass as much as I need to uh-huh right now I'm not out of stuff so just suck it fair fair you know what you right you right you right hey cover that oh [ __ ] this bird dead this bird working dead milk oh did you freaking get the bird I freaking got the bird it's dude I'm gonna hold to pick up the bird feathers had some drumsticks baby right cool house what's the status on the shark didn't okay it's doing like shark [ __ ] and it's really annoying sounds like it alright I'm going back in why do I have an hinge and an iron ingot in my food box what is happening in this world it was perfectly framed through the seaweeds to make it look extra scary okay look relax are you making fun of me man you making fun how you look obviously you always do that I would do that hundred percent of the time my bro that's that question you're right I'm stupid I'm the dumb one here it's you my fault I am aware I know I know look guys I feel like I'm being bullied okay good glad we cleared that up here's palm seeds I'll do that yeah I did it's gone you you're welcome I appreciate that you're welcome Thanks okay do we need any more clay I forget if we've been fighting about I could use some clay I need bowls for my for my yeah let me let me mix these together and then work in progress I got him what do you need him I need to to make the circuit boards right here yeah I just put them all in there and here's a I'm gonna put some iron in this one the rightmost one will eventually be the metal chest Oh will that's good cool we're out of planks oh my god what oh no did we lose a sale shirt just came up and swept up a sale flag not your flag dude dude my flag frickin flag I've had it up to here with you Bob I've had it up to here I will not understand your messaging unless you show me I will I'm coming down all right cool all right here holy [ __ ] that's way higher yeah what what do you want what do you want don't be mad at wait it's not his phone I'm not mad I'm short being sure no guys I can tell I could hear the comment sections nah stop are you okay please please mercy mercy please are you okay huh yes I'm fine anyway shall we get this show on the road if you guys look under crafting navigation the big sail you need a receiver and an antenna the sail you mean the sail I would have if you had been paying attention wait how do you make a circuit board what do you need to make a circuit board three of them three what and three circuit boards yeah we need to make the receiver and the antenna all right well let me get let me get us moving on our one sail here you know mark you can want to receiver an antenna on top of occasions you know what I'm not even mad at you I'm not even mad at you I even mad at you but I will be but I will be you will be mad at him I means I will be it's future tense you just be mad whenever you want that's not an impressive thing to predict yeah but I will be I'm just saying I'm gonna start making do I can't remember why we need goo but I know we need goo that's the one no thing we might not have enough of is perhaps copper I've got I've got tons of copper ore and I just fired up for those my four furnaces are gonna be working overtime baby Marc is this blast and ass with these furnaces I got us my impress thank you thank you Jason's Christmas don't worry I repaired it with the last plank I had alright wait I'm gonna put the goo in the copper in this rightmost one that's where you'll find the very brave putting me in charge of an antenna receiver but I think it'll work where did the GU I just collected go I literally don't find you on the ground here next oh oh that's yeah yeah yeah it's uh I mean let me there we go alright was okay Jesus Christ my GU my I have seven right here for you that's your left on the ground thank you this might be everything we need yeah I got some more scrap metal if you need it I got I've been farming up planks just for well I've been farming up plants to get a replacement sale I'm gonna put it in the right most fun again and you can have how many planks you need I like to I think okay perhaps you can keep your place never mind go ahead beer somewhere Bobby needs beer don't even worry about your boy said not to worry okay what happened who are you why are you on our boat I'm the man with the food oh you're both mates age put it at the door put some dinner and food man that's my song baby oh wait I'm flute louder why am i god so quiet [Laughter] I mean sorry I mean I appreciate your efforts what we doing here you need me to smell some stuff bro today we have a receiver I don't know how they work my son did someone take the planks out of my smelters I don't think you can do that thing they might have been used oh yeah I guess if they just run on all right I'm putting why what happened to my smelters did they burn all the blanks I put in them all right you know I'm glad I stopped talking so you could finish your mocking of me I I didn't actually like it at all but you know I like why are their planks everywhere what's happening cuz I they were in my inventory and or my inventory was full as I was trying to form up I have so many planks right now good make another sale a rather big receiver and intended down where would where would you want those that aren't in your way we literally have so much space out here install this empty space I'm too close to the edge cuz sharp yeah yeah yeah here we go sure oh god I'm thirsty apparently oh don't worry we have a whole supply of water wired you didn't say that will our batteries link when you're thirsty mark thank God my pain amuses you you are such a good friend laughing at my misery it's hilarious hilarious our plank farm is really starting to rip I got three trees here and I got enough planks and whatnots to whoops three thing going for trees some as the whole thing just [ __ ] exploded back in the 90s again I feel like that's nitrous but I feel like that's very nice more copper ingot mark yes I will put it I think I actually have one no I do not have covering it I'm gonna put coppers copper is working I what happened oh wait your job wait topper I have dairy I don't have copper and I'm putting scrap in the battery guys why aren't we building a battery whoa this is a cool thing wait it needs a battery I felt that I gotta kill that bird if you see it oh Jesus No empty this beats it's no no I mean there's some beats your beats yeah Oh soup it's really good food just gives you like - yeah the Sharks in around still no I fell and it was right there its teeth were all I saw the damn it hell didn't fill up the frickin water thing this thing works yeah let's do it yeah what did you make the batteries battery I see higher higher what Wade get to building the third floor come on yeah wave you dum-dum come on Wade let's go bender reference let's go that's I'm going I'm being and being oh god my my in Tory's full it's so full sorry bro I didn't mean to roast you so hard dude it's okay man I'm an easy target I get I'm trying to build a stairs for your third story here wait I'm not I'm unclear as to how all I need nails freakin scrap is that scrap metal god we need to then pop off we need to pop off an island whoa seas are getting choppy boys oh wow mark help hey yeah who should I put the sails dad what do we do I don't know this isn't a thing that's ever happened before oh holy [ __ ] I'm trying to build you the third story Wade but I'm really failing here what do you need for it I'm trying to construct it and I'm doing a bad job of that this actually uses up the batteries what to keep making battery oh no no no no God what are you doing what is your job bill bill build foundations around the outside the net so they're not the outermost thing Oh can they be inside I was like oh oh that's that's really handy actually that's extreme credibly Andy I got you boo thanks boo also this sea man choppy I am when you need boo I just need as much wood as you can give me willed Wilden hey will good buddy will known for years third story my friend well thank you oh there you go there's there's 31 I believe that should be plenty for you you're welcome that's I'm here for you will we got your back we'll even were even fret for a moment don't you worry every little thing is gonna be all right will oh whoa buddy I think I like that sound construction practice there it's apparently too close we need three antennas and they can't be close to the receiver three yeah what oh sure sure Wow Laura you goofing on will ya shoppers how wilt oh why didn't you think your name make you forget a show at all Missy's loud oceans last right when you're right you're right and you are correct sir Thank You Shan Shan what the frick why is this wire running through my [ __ ] here whoa what is this wire we'll come on what is wire we go back so far why would you do this well what's the deal here we need three antennas and they all have to be at least on level two altitude it looks like yeah brick it can't be too close to the receiver so I've got to spread this [ __ ] out well it sounds like we need a third floor wrong altitude apparently it has to be level three holy [ __ ] how much wood do you need we'll for this we need all the planks you have playing some getting planks here I'll put them out no I got playing on I'll put it in your your chef thing for now that's thanks you're welcome that's a mere four get out of here you dead bird oh I murdered you how do you like that but I'm not do oh that's what it was how many degrees removed from funny can I make jokes [Laughter] - antenna cost um God a circuit board for scrapping a boat you cut out a little bit there but I sort of got the idea [Laughter] [Music] discord can't handle me because he's so funny right be contained all right wait I built you a third storey house this as this looking for you I need to go oh this looks good man oh my god this is this is a trial and I tell you what better you better know where you're trying to go when you're coming up these stairs I do yes here let me uh case I used up all that sweet sweet planks our planks I missed so I put scrap somewhere I oh I may have used a bunch of the scrap for the construction I was just doing scrap is hard to come by scrap sleepy which is weird cuz we got good ingots I've got so many nice ink you lose how much scrap you boys are walking between you I got to I have not enough good news Wade we got an island scrap in common baby alright whenever I get some more clay I'm gonna be able to make you [ __ ] so much frickin soup I've got clay don't even in clay you need clay if you have like - clay oh my gosh more than that bold right most rightmost table leg right most up oh sorry bricks sorry bricks clay ah I got your hopes up and now they're dashed against the rocks I can see it I feel so bad I'm gonna paddle us to the island I know breaks in the right-most storage just to be there left I don't know there probably is anchor like I just built it just about to put it look I'm here for you the guy here we go if I get three more planks we can build one of them permanent anchors what what doesn't break every time you use it oh actually we need some more ingots for those shark that didn't work very well it's so silent so yeah I just need five more planks and then I can rip us off a reusable anchor and I think my trees are done growing someone oh there's trees on the island clothes babies down murder and my children here that's weird give me your sweet sweet flesh I don't like the Sun it will use it to construct my home further are reusable anchor over here on your sailing corner holy [ __ ] its enormous massive big girthy two by three foundations it needs to have like a hole in the middle for the okay that's a whole [ __ ] thing yeah maybe temp.1 good for now no no I'm I'm I'm building this boat okay don't you even well if I'm not a wood no you seem like you got it in hand help me I typically say help me whenever I'm comfortable yeah yeah that checks out it's so sudden what the shirt yeah the sharks being in there the band by their I mean my my in me in there in your insides what guys I made a permanent anchor lookout convenient and small it is I can't I'm fine yeah mm-hmm I'm coming to look come and take a peek thank you have an enormous chunk of our time whenever we so please yeah I'm gonna build a barrier dream work teamwork dream work behold I didn't insult you once I was only supportive that entire time I feel like that's definitely not true that was exactly what happened and then you were only that version of reality is actually impartial Jones Wade just pick it don't even listen to the facts just me or mark yeah exactly that's what that's all you do wait no stop I need Bob on my side because whenever you guys are both against me he's the scarier of the two of you oh I'm terrifying you're the pea who's like right it's like cute you don't spell II but also you're not you're not scared you try trying to rub my belly try he'd see what'll happen no I know you'll see no you will see oh you'll see no you'll see rub my belly rub me hi No rubba me try no definitely not like what oh you'll never guess what happens next doctors hated eight markiplier they literally use all of the water and all of the things look there wasn't I just filled that with like five with five goups what sorry my good man oops of water goo goo p-- the standard unit of water ask any scientist he's not what were you going to say she's not a sign where are you going to refute his credential he's not a scientist Bob just extraordinaire would you like some shark meats that's not really what we had just decided but I do want the shark me did you kill the shark I mean I don't think he killed it here's some clay Bob you need clay right yeah yeah look at this guy wait really comes through in the clutch I tell you what I have been supplying you guys with wood and metal if my furnaces with wood and metal thank you sir where are you getting are you pulling it out of the chests out you're supplying yourself bro Tyrone going downstairs and finding bountiful no apparently I don't and I apologize Alfred down can you go what is it the bottom of the ocean oh there's our history my food and thirst for both empty so you're telling me that you're dying yes I was under the water bragging about how good I wasn't finding the things I needed and then death yeah some scientists huh hmm weird how smart they don't die like the common pleb no in fact they still die my hypothesis was correct science all right well that checks out this is raw egg on my Morag on my face because i don't know how to eat cuz I'm not a scientist so I just splattered on my face I need everything my dude I was weighing away on that clay what I was already down here I saw you slashing in you splashed in you cannot say you were wagging fear in you're sabotaging me I was already down here Oh real mature real mature real much I could have taken any other raft with anyone who died on the cruise ship that we survived whatever like you are their raft you came on my raft is how this week are on wave threat aren't grateful okay that's you're correct on that one but I'm not happy about it not happy either no it's like no scrap metal what happened to Laura scrap I've got so many ingots can I turn an ingot into a scrap metal please that would be nice actually pity all right I've got all three of our antennas boilers they're not a lot of harvestable scrap metal or on the island either no this is kind of a drug at all yeah it's kind of a dry island all right we ready to move on I guess problem all right we're kicking off we're out here I dropped the good anchor just for funsies hang on I never meant undo that yeah it seems like my grand occasion wait a minute mark look I'm looking look look look how strong I am okay watch me way the anchor yeah Wow I shouldn't mess with you ya know Wow all right that's pretty incredible I just murdered her that seagull so good that's great his blood soaks into our potatoes as we speak the way you say that makes me hungry second chest from the right there mark has all the metal and good side you can count Wow what mark came from a different conversation mathematical wizardry there I don't know where thank you for my apologize I guess I'm just gonna get my hook out and try and hook some planks here we are desperate for [ __ ] yeah every time we hit an island the planks just disappear am i hallucinating or is there a raft off to the left is am I am i literally going planks well I mean we'll get it we'll get it I'm swimming to the ocean just searching for playing yeah we're going the shark to come taste my num num that's strange wait you're sailing away from me if there's like that's good to know that's that's interesting do it so I don't do it you know anyone also all my planks go to burning I die burn them all all right Wade you're our resident raft jumper who are really the idiot that built this raft is an idiot in there ed and so we're gonna take their stuff is the raft rubber and you're my idiot yeah get over there three two one I'm the anchor hole those tricky non-moving holes oceans kind of get a little rough boys or makes it even better trust me fifth for what has been done while my back was turned I guess so much garbage that I don't want we need more storage well I think we need to maybe streamline our storage a little bit yeah that'll be yeah yeah yeah I get you yeah I'm just I'm just a firt because we've been running out of these nets for a while cuz Wade keeps missing the shark like a idiot today on my walk yeah yeah but I mean like before so I built the Nets back up I just wanted to give away before we played this before we did not play with you you got it wasn't a Clinton well we're we're work what're you on about you absolute nutter this is the first time you've ever played this game nude we're not talking about maybe now the net will be safe you crazy [ __ ] all right wait no yeah you right yeah you right you know it's big enough our sonar is working well wait really come take a look wait you're not goofing we're actually doing something Oh okay so we need to go north northeast we need to go 7201 bowie north northeast Roger that captain north-northeast heading confirmed all right you know what direction to head north northeast yes confirmed yeah oh wait I can see it that's a big island there we go now the nets are all protected sir captain who's got me up in man me honorary temporary captain are we stopping on this island again didn't you navigate a silence navigator what did you not see the numbers on a banker we're getting turned on we've been turned God now we're not going to be able to get anything use the radar yes you look at what it's punting at and then you go that's clear as day do you know how to use the radar snarky a crew member but Wade yeah yes we are 1,200 meters away from our objective which is not here feet or miles or nards whatever the hell that unit of measurement off on our gloop you had an objective but you didn't navigate us towards what kind of /m burden navigator who are you did you hear that in /am all right I'm gonna get in the water and I'm gonna bang him yeah back for second drooping these jerks pissed easy mark fun No hey well I'm out of the water so joke's on you he's probably gonna have grow legs and come out for mark oh that's that's fair you you know you probably maintained that I'm a hundred percent fine not even worried about it uh-huh come at me you shark [ __ ] I dare you I dare you oh my god wait look at that way because he's ashamed of them so you are a [ __ ] little baby shark gear we'll never make your father proud of you I wanna make up never mind I can't hold that how do i how do I deal with this how do I go from stab stab stab nice dude alright nice I got one stab in nice dude Frick has got another bite in though man I'm close to death I'm so close to get this one last metal everything's great yeah yeah I'm good yeah so good oh yeah I'm captain and I say that this island is cursed that strange I'm just gonna go incus around the island here for a moment the only Kawai good sir Janka way what's our heading man we need to go right through the island basically a little bit to the right on it boss we might bump this rock we gotta go south ish into the island hang on and rowing away all the rowing is very effective look at that pretty strong we're still weighing the rock all right yeah we are I am grey all right should I make another sail dude triple sale baby make sure your sails are adjusted accordingly oh yeah yeah good good good good thing in there oh yeah yeah you could also say East East North it's north east but more east right wait are we going to that Island cause it's the island that we're going to why do you highly doubt it because we're still a thousand of those due to my hickeys away due to many [ __ ] Oh what you can come check the Navigator whoa someone spiked my water it was me you put some you put some fun time juice in there I did juice myself yeah I'm in a row cuz I just feel like I want to contribute Lightspeed over here I feel it is hammered it I built the plank or hit on it you feel it the force is with me and I am with the force [Laughter] listen guys guys guys honey please you know I live I live to make you guys laugh I live okay guys he does when he hates everything that's happening I'm just I'm just over here like in my web could just tears pouring out of my eyes and you guys won't let up I can't believe it it's far away man I captain sir thank you I don't want to be captain anymore seems did not get me any respect I think I'll have more respect if I'm all the respect I've shown every captain I've ever had uh feel bad for those captains and why are you disrespecting my captains aren't I your captain oh okay there we go let's just let's just let bygones be bygones and you know I'll take me off the burner I'm roasted enough and just let's get wait on the stove let's just get let's roast him a little bit okay I was not volunteering but like I'll listen to the offer yeah we had in agreement then we have agreed do we disagree to eat Wade well I agreed to listen listen to the possibility of being eaten is that what you listen I'm just gonna get some water and keep my back turned and hope that you don't get stabbed in it I would you why would you why would you I mean I have an ax not a knife so I couldn't even really stab you if I wanted to that was Karma I hate Instant Karma and I seem to always get it Instant Karma is as bad as instant coffee am i right dude Korean instant coffee will make you change your entire mind on coffee do I have to yes you have to it's Korean what does that mean you have to do I not know about Korean thing dude yeah you know my friends great you have to I don't want to not sorry I live in a place called the United States of America thank you very much I drink your water you don't have to here but if it's Korean you have to yeah you you would have to why do you think every time like something's trending ontwitter there's nothing but k-pop gifts yeah lien you have to you have to you have to I don't want to you can't no no no you you have to no that's funny okay what do you do I'm not gonna do it it's not me no it's not it's not me it's not me looks like it looks like it's time for a my scrim is over party you know what I'm talking about I don't think you're gonna do anything this well my scrim is over I have to that I have no choice only half after you then yeah I still have to but I don't have to all the way anyway hashtag mark markiplier who's over party we're about 400 meter feets away god it's so far four hundred parsecs away when we get there better be amazing mmm I mean you can have hopes but like keep them tempered you know tempered like so far there's a game with like three different islands and a boat and one shark so like why should on this game right now once we get there you should talk it for now did I should talk for nav well I should not other games for bro what are you not [ __ ] on them I'm just it's like a tinkle it's more of a pee-pee it doesn't make it any better feel worse yeah how do I put this in a good way then oh it's like I'm spitting on them you know that's even worse that's not that's not acceptable shove the mouth juice oh what's mouth juice [Music] is that no there's a few more bodily fluids just keep cycling through maybe you'll get it I don't know semen that's the end of that's concerning to me oh whoa whoa whoa something I see something some kind of thing no it's it's more than an island what the Frick is that Oh to what international what is that like ultimate raft yeah that's something legit [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 4,183,133
Rating: 4.972796 out of 5
Keywords: raft, raft game, raft markiplier, raft part 4, raft markiplier part 4, raft gameplay, markiplier, markiplier raft, muyskerm, lordminion777, mark bob wade, multiplayer, raft multiplayer, raft online, raft collab, raft funny moments, shark, raft shark
Id: t6sRtfG7Xik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 50sec (2810 seconds)
Published: Wed May 27 2020
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