George's Son Is IN The Military Now / He's Getting Sworn In

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George what's going on we're here at maps where my son is getting sworn in because he got accepted into the National Guard wait hold a second how old's your son he just turned 20 so you had him when you were four oh that's what I figured yeah so I wanted to clarify that he's actually in that room right there right now so George has been hanging out up north I've been he's in the ceremony room and then I have his girlfriend sitting here next to me Ilana Ilana she's here to support as well so George George and I went to an auction in Akron then I busted tail to pick you up here to get here and just in time like Justin Grimes in time right so this is the actual swearing-in ceremony so we decided since we're in a military building that we would go live we made it through security barely they took all of our swords apparently I'm not allowed to bring connives on swords in here so weird so we are just waiting they're supposed to be out here in about five minutes and Joey will be sworn in to the military and then we're gonna get some food so she doesn't get hangry what about hangry there's 247 people on the livestream or hey little mama stashes that was true no mama stocker just like me that's George pirate man said team de jeopardy they told us we just made it in time I promised you I would get you here in time even though I was on the other side of the state should we should rewrite this okay so I guess we're going out Grimes finds just sun five dollar super job so you're gonna go to the ceremony room we'll see how this all works here she goes there he is the one that looks like George right there times Joey right there the one that completely looks like George but Tanner you got a $20,000 bonus how much of that goes to mom we've got three hundred and four times not that [Music] my friends recruiters and I'll be everyone here supporting these young people I'm really happy to be here I'm Rhonda verb I'm a major United States Army in the US Army's life long travel for me and so first of all I know today that I'm going to square in a few people from the National Guard I'll be doing that first so if I could have whoever's gonna call the National Guard just kind of come over here I actually have to ask everyone some questions before we people install I'll call you attention group attention have you been briefed on and do you understand the deal the applicant briefing on this operational policy and the restrictions on personal conduct in the armed forces and UCMJ cardinals 83 85 86 yesterday does anyone have any questions for reservations reluctance in listening this time [Music] right now I think do you solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States and the state of Ohio against all enemies foreign and domestic that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and they will be the orders the United States of the president of the United States according to regulations foreign and domestic foreign and domestic Joe ahead is the first person and the orders of the officers in the orders of the officers appointed over me according to regulations according to regulations and a Uniform Code of Military Justice and instead of [Applause] Joey will probably be the last one this is Joe it's Joe did I just hear an Egyptian ship shin-chan Joey's right there there's that's Joey Anna's recruiter jor-el was giving a picture of Joey with this recruiter there goes there goes Joe and Joey they're gonna wait a second they want to get pictures as well for all those who have some super chance we appreciate it we can't see it right now because we're on a cellphone but thank you sworn in and that's when you make 20k that's called the side hustle people Jonathan Roseberry who just sent the super job thank you he's got a double GI they processed him so fast this kind of stars definitely aligned for Joseph today they were able to get him a job near he was looking for which is a trade specific skill $20,000 bonus so he's gonna get his monthly drill pay any unit close to home engineering falls close to where he's gonna go to school maybe 20 minutes away so the scholarships gonna pay all the tuition to CSU was going wow he's gonna school was gonna get the GI Bill he's in school he qualified for the kicker today which tax another 350 on to that is gonna be bringing in with GI Bill and pay and word and he's sworn in by before two o'clock that's the true I have no idea how to do that so quickly straight from the adjoin we could both join as a side house work that's 40 grand plus another grand a month for both of us maybe that's that's almost 80 between the two of us we could bring in an extra 85 grand it's like 20 minutes away from where we live it was up to two people each person you refer there's one promotion there's another promotion don't worry I got on video lift fifty one dollars I can't see it all coming in is he gonna be able to come back out yeah okay so you sign in the form and then George is gonna get a picture with Joey up on the platform okay so again remember this is the very first family to serve in the military now Joey Joey in the military and I'm the first ever be a tall white nerdy guy with this 100% Egyptian obviously you guys can tell Joey is is not right a hundred percent Egyptian and that's okay I'm not a hundred percent Egyptian either right baby not even close the widest tallest Denarius guy she is ever ever dated she's not into white men I got lucky it's my damn I can easy maybe don't worry I'm not telling any secrets treasure hustlers tells all the secrets about you and me you know especially Jackie is that is that the secret teller Jackie she melon that told the world about your armpit fetish James Aaron just sent three dollars okay so Joey's gonna get picture with moms so Joey is officially sworn into the military now and I don't know how he did it but we actually we got up here George was already up north I was with George George at an auction and I promised George I would get her here and I spent like crazy and Ramses but don't tell anybody especially around all of these military people they might arrest me but we got here okay now Joey's doing a picture with this girlfriend a llama [Music] many people say George looks very young to have a 20 year old she was 16 17 and she's 27 now you do the math we both have unlocked the secret to youth baby what do we always say our secret to young look looking we both have extremely oily skin and we think it's why we look younger than what we are that clean living for those who tuned in to share the moment with us we appreciate it but the 20 grand you're gonna put on a Tesla spoken like a true mom all right baby anything fancy thank you guys so much for joining us Joey let's do a side-by-side it really is scary how identical they actually are he definitely has my nose George and I both have huge noses you used to have nose you and Zoey or me and you are you and Joey then round nose no we say goodbye thanks for tuning in thanks for sharing this moment with us we appreciate all your love and all your support and we thought this was important enough to save in the archives of YouTube on what the Hales yes
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 70,048
Rating: 4.9539394 out of 5
Keywords: how to make money, how to, treasure hunting, sworn into military, enlisted in military, army, army proud, marines, navy, air force
Id: dDQGvaG9_tc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 55sec (1015 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 16 2019
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