The Byzantine Empire Rises | Old Europe 1300 (HOI4)

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arts of iron for but it's 600 years early we're back and let's see what crazy things happen today and thanks to everybody who supported the channel we've hit 1 million channel views along with 4700 subscribers recently it's really unbelievable also shout out to the winners of the meme contest on my discord links in the description if you want to join that and it's not just a meme contest there but there's a lot of stuff and a meme contest of course so welcome back to an actually half decent Byzantine Empire we've come a long way from where we started but we're still having some problems last time we were getting a lot of bad events and shout out to Mason from discord I guess for telling me what's going on we were getting these events about like the peasantry being angry and soldiers deserting I guess that apparently means we're getting close to a civil war which I should probably have been able to figure out based on context like it's kind of the logical conclusion to those events but I didn't client put the pieces together but now I think we should be able to solve the problems at least I hope so hope yeah for some reason last time I didn't notice the extremely obvious economy tab and messing with the economy tab can essentially make people more happy with you overall because right now people aren't so happy with us we have 78% discontent which is pretty bad and a tears which might cause a problem too and we're about it our like administrative capacity too because even after love raises stance this mod adds regions also but you have to pay to get more regions but apparently okay so apparently the way to fix the discontent though the thing that's saving us all is switching our law for population from verbal laws to statutes but you can probably see that we need a lot of money to switch onto statute so I'm just going to casually sit around for a while until we build up that money and then switch on to statute the only problem with that is of course there's a looming civil war that could happen I don't know hopefully a hundred percent discontent so we have some time we'll also oppose the non-existent Ottomans to just get free political power because we really need so no it's now we're only getting five a day we'll just delete some soldiers - yeah because we have to pay army maintenance - so if we have less of an army than we had to pay them less oh wait I just realized the money we put into the bank earns interest this is a pretty blessed mechanic knows this the Civil War may be a discontents the same but this new cork army of adventurers thing has popped up another another place oh no we're breaking apart we were too late this guy's a free oh no I don't know it doesn't look like they're that well defended oh no they're there they're there soldiers will just walk in behind them and capitulate to them there I think we can get it now verbal laws statute there okay please yes it's going down it's already going down the first rebellion capitulated our discontent is slowly going down we can now go to Athens and end the second rebellion via high I ended that episode yesterday at the perfect time if I kept going we would be in for a world of trouble and the civil wars are over that wasn't too bad it was kind of annoying but it wasn't too bad and our discontent is falling so fast oh yeah and we could have taken a loan too I guess to get statute faster that would have probably been a good situation to take a loan but I guess it worked out the civil wars weren't actually that difficult yet I assume if we kept letting that tick up everything would just repel at the same time we're still getting some bad events that decrease stability but we can also invest the reentered coins here to increase stability yeah by 10% that's nice and our discontent is falling it's a little 40 percent now hopefully it will hit zero soon and then we just don't have to worry about anything anymore okay we're canceling this thing against Bulgaria Bulgaria is at least peaceful towards us we're just trying to conquer them for our own interests however the Pope has a war goal against us so they're a much closer threat and it only takes us 35 days to justify against them which is faster or 20 days now yeah cuz we were justifying that war so let's move over to Italy and prepare to co-opted the boat because he's apparently aggressive in this timeline and to get even more money we can get a treasurer to all these other guys have a minus 20% political power which political power is just duck it so minus 20% money for each of them except the treasurer who's just a plus 75% so there's no negative to taking him and also to make even more money we can just go from average corruption to low corruption more free money right there this isn't the most money we were making though at one point you are making like 20 a day I don't know our like trade resources changed because there's events that cause resources to change we also need to make sure our economy is open and we're trading as much as possible and we're also at a beautiful zero percent discontent which means we can stop helping everybody we can just be a total jerk now we don't have to worry about making people happy it's it says the negative modifier low army Building upkeep of but since we have statute everybody's happy since we have like written laws and I can't just do whatever I want people are fine that I'm not investing at any of their tax money into the economy it's perfectly fine and even though this involves losing money I want to get this disciplined warlord I like the sound of a disciplined warlord and it gives 9% organization which should be good at uniting Italy I don't think Naples has cores on everything yeah so we'll have to make another puppet but yeah whatever I guess we could give them this back I think they have a core on this yeah so then we can we can fix the board org or a little bit that's all I care but we don't need to unite Italy we just need to fix the border core that we can because that's what I do my one goal in this game is to fix all the border guard its Templar war with France France is just always in so many wars but they're so powerful and have a lot of allies so I guess I don't blame them it's about time we go to war to against one of France's enemies I don't think they're wait or they guaranteed that they are guaranteed by Austria that it should be fine according to this thing down here the enemies is stronger but I don't really believe it there if they can't have as good as divisions is we have so I'm not too concerned well we'll go to war [Music] oh and big capitulate Wow that was kind of anti-climatic I just accidentally puppeted them and didn't give this back and everything's better look at that nice borders border Gore finished we just need to take airgun for Naples well Sicily for Naples and then puppet the rest of Aragon and then things will be fun but first we have to finish off this war because we're a still war with Austria wait you can invite two faction oh it's Cyprus we don't have Cyprus as a core state and Cyprus is just at war with the same people were at war with so you know what's Cyprus today today we're gonna be friends and like defection there we go yeah we need to do this also we need to avenge 12:04 we have to we have to win here show them that they can't mess around at the Byzantium the true successor to the Roman Empire what's another civil war but we have zero percent discontent why is there civil war oh this is actually perfect Austria took out Venice so now we don't have to wait for the war goal to justify to attack Venice since we're already at war with Austria well I guess we can't really attack Venice because they're gone but we're attacking them kind of oh wait I guess Venice does exist oh they're a puppet of Austria so you still have their Navy oh yeah I forgot you can't don't don't click on the naval screen it crashes the game ok we're back I just had to catch up to where we were from the autosave but things should be good ok it looks like they have ships and I'm sure they have their full Navy but maybe we can get naval supremacy or maybe not [Music] [Music] [Music] perfect industrious hours we will also satellite Venice - and then get Venice there stuff back and I realize there is a mechanic in the game that lets us course States but honestly there's no States we could core from Austria that would make sense I probably should have annexed Naples and just record it I guess I can still send them convoys and annex them and such but I will just focus on coring all of this stuff everything that borders us so we can keep borders clean perfect and our faction expands yeah the French are kind of forming a Western Roman Empire we're reforming the eastern Roman Empire very interesting and we're making a ton of money we're so rich let's let's buy some more stability I love buying stability wait why can't we buy stability uh maybe we have too much stability to buy stability and free trade bad idea bad idea we we've lost everything we should not have gone on free trade I will admit we're making a bit of money like seven more ducats a month but I can't live with this we have to give up so many factories to keep all of our military factories active now it's just not worth it okay let's quickly invade Bulgaria again this should be an easy war we won't have much troubles until our big war against the men looks and then France [Music] [Music] there we go willfull annex them and we will core all of their states they're not course for us yet though we can core them I believe yeah through these decisions so we'll nationalize this place this place this place this place not to this place because there's not even a port here I don't know why we own this I kind of want to do a big war against the Mamluks now wait wait this way one two three divisions they're gonna lose this war two Tripolitania okay let's um let's take this opportunity to attack them while they have one two three divisions and do the bad events are gone we're finally getting actually good events that's very nice to see so trade I'm either rich or we're rich classic thing there I guess we are rich we're still kind of low in stability we could use a slight boost wait no no not this again hunger what at least the Mamluks capitulated so we can we're not even going to be able to take anything huh and Moldova declared war against us I'm not their best decision ever but interesting it's a free war that I don't have to justify so I'm honestly okay with it but anyway that's it for now this mod really cool really complicated only made by one person too so really impressive in a lot of ways the economy system is very complicated and very simple at the same time like my feelings about it is that it's easier to understand then you for his economy system but it's harder to control because there are so many random things there's some things that are kind of like exploits it's not too bad I'm excited to see where we can go at this if we can form a row home anyway hope you enjoyed if you did remember to Like and subscribe and see you all next time [Music] [Music]
Channel: DShakey
Views: 16,276
Rating: 4.9581151 out of 5
Keywords: hoi4, hoi4 mods, hoi4 modded, hearts of iron 4, dshakey, hoi4 but, ww2 but, hoi4 mod review, hoi4 playthrough, hoi4 alt history, hoi4 empire, hoi4 byzantium, hoi4 roman empire, hoi iv byzantium, hearts of iron iv byzantium, ww2, byzantium, byzantine empire
Id: sr4GKjheotM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 13sec (793 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 17 2020
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