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what's up Choudary news so I don't know if you remember but a while ago I did a video called the worst of BuzzFeed or maybe the best of BuzzFeed then let's see the worst of BuzzFeed that's what it was called and I went through a bunch of bad videos that BuzzFeed made because they make a lot of bad ones and early alert they still make a lot of bad videos so I just pull him down the worst one by far that I found was it was a BuzzFeed employee and he sat down and he ate fruit for the first time on camera now I know what you're thinking how the [ __ ] you not eat fruit for 20-something years and I have no idea I don't have that answer for you I'm not sure I don't know how you will go your whole life with avoiding one of the major food groups that honestly just seems so ill-advised in it from a health perspective but this guy somehow did it so he ate fruit on camera for the first time and it was really fun great I know it's a [ __ ] great thank you oh my god oh I've never wanted to punch someone in the face more than in this moment and so anyways I kind of thought in retrospect I was like maybe it was a joke cuz come on what are you eating if you're not eating fruit vegetables well turns out nope not that either because BuzzFeed just posted a new video called this guy eats vegetables for the first time ever and it's the same guy it's the same dude from the fruit video that is now eating vegetables for the first time what do you eat dog what else is there bread and meat that's it I guess just pulled pork sandwiches every meal you're not gonna eat one vegetable you're not even gonna try it your whole life what kind of where where your parents no kid wants to eat vegetables you don't just go oh you know yeah you're fine you're fine Jam another [ __ ] bun in your face no you just make him eat it you say you know eat the broccoli or else no porn or whatever you know whatever it is now anyways I thought we would take I haven't watched it so I thought we would take a look at it together as a family and we'll see what this guy's reaction to vegetables are hey everyone its Ryan I'm back and better than ever worse he-hee blonde now it kind of looks like me a little bit it recognized me from my previous BuzzFeed video this guy eats fruit for the first time you all the internet had a lot of thoughts about who the actual [ __ ] cuts a grape in half well I mean you know they did surgery on one right I am so sorry eating fruit is not exactly a conquest that deserves applause he has a very punchable face this guy pisses me off all thoughts I had while watching that last video he does have a pretty punchable faces I mean I have a bunch of a face too cuz it kind of looks like me honestly I don't understand like the big problem with that video like I really don't I stepped out of my comfort zone and I tried a bunch of food I don't know because maybe I don't stepping out of your comfort zone it's like going skydiving or public speaking eating fruit that's not something that people all good job nice work nice work way to do something that three-year-olds around the globe are doing daily that was good I really like that okay so yeah if you haven't seen my last video that's just a taste of the riveting content you could find in that previous video so I think we're in for a treat so growing up when people would tell me to eat vegetables I absolutely rejected that Ryan I'm really unsure as to how you're still alive and functioning this has gone on for too long it's time for you to try vegetables set the paramedics on deck it's time to grow up most BuzzFeed [ __ ] of all time your friend right why don't you give us like a zany vertical video of you you know warning them paramedics on deck you're crazy but now it's time to go deeper I need to really push myself I'm going to eat vegetables for the first time get the paramedics ready I feel stupid if I'm wrong about this is this a green bean yeah I'm nervous is this a green bean come on you didn't pass second grade like she inside of it I don't know if I like it or not it has like a little spiciness to it Oh bro come on from white people everywhere dude you're we already get made fun of for not being able to handle spice you just called a green bean spicy idea green bean could potentially be the most mild thing in the world it's like that and celery it there it just tastes like it just tastes like solid water ice tastes like ice but warmer warm ice no next vegetable please on a scale from 1 to 10 you just said no that's on the scale Ryan this is celery I'm familiar with her so I've been given some lifelines here and one of the lifelines is that I can dip it in dressing please bring me the ranch what the [ __ ] what kind of lifeline is that [ __ ] that's all that vegetables are it's a vehicle to get ranch into your face but that's not what this video is about I wanted to see your genuine reaction to the the way celery tastes like warm solid water pissing me off why does everything smell spicy to me smell spicy now now you don't even have to taste it to know that it's spicy you can smell the spice you know this is the type of guy that thinks of spicy margarita is just salt on the rim [Music] I don't like that doesn't taste like anything like it doesn't have any substance it's like water with like crunchy vacation and like I don't care about it it's not good is that a cauliflower I don't like that bro there are like picture books that we all had to read growing up that had the vegetables and their names on them what happens what every time you go to the grocery store and you pass the vegetables you just [ __ ] do this [ __ ] you won't even look at them as you walk by you don't know what cauliflower is I don't like that when are you gonna bring me stuff that I like like this is stuff I hate this attitude that he's got makes me so uncomfortable why are you bad melting this guy for feeding you vegetables he's trying to help you beets good this will be good [Music] yeah he's off he's fine it's a beat he's just spitting it out cuz he's spoiled carrot can I use my ranch lifeline I feel like I've been using it constantly do you blame me sound off in the comments if you blame me I've never despised a human being more than I despise you Ryan oh man as a little mean to just write it like that but their future together caris maybe I'm not obsessed with it's like clean what is this dramatic ass music what do you what are you guys trying to do this is the most non content content I've ever seen in my entire life you could throw [ __ ] dramatic music behind anything and someone out of the 19 million people that follow you will probably watch it and think it's cool [Music] he's bringing me something that's actually good this time hey snap do not badmouth snap peas I swear to god Ryan if you do this I love snap peas that's my favorite vegetable and so now this has gotten personal for me excuse me snappers that well both okay because they are a great snack and they're a snack to look at to pretty attractive vegetable if I do say so myself see those humps those lady lumps it's all I'm saying you're you spit it out that's a perfectly good snap pea nice god I don't like that what about it tastes like a tree I knew as soon as I bit into that it's not for me what are you doing running around biting into trees what do you taste like a tree a zucchini literally looks like a cucumber that just like gave up nice it's nice hot take I don't want to try this what do I do what's he gonna do what's he gonna do he doesn't want to try it what's he gonna do I just I can't do it I honestly can't you know what you know what honestly honestly sue me here I'm not a big fan of these either I am with him on this one snap peas [ __ ] good zucchinis no bueno and if you think zucchinis are good your opinion sucks and you're bad I just think it's cuz my bike my bot I'm not used to tasting anything that's from Earth maybe it what I thought you weren't doing anymore the producer of this video is like that's crazy and wants me to keep trying all this oh yeah probably [ __ ] what a psychopath what an insane person he wants you to try all these crazy [ __ ] a piece of broccoli holy [ __ ] lock him up throw away the damn key [ __ ] beast you Chris mushroom I wish there was one of the psychedelic ones that would get me through honestly so do I I would love to see that more than this I would love to see you trip balls on mushrooms for eight minutes that would be awesome watch them [ __ ] battle it out with giant hallucinating broccolis god damnit there are some dramatic music behind that boom masterpiece there you go BuzzFeed this is raw I think I like spinach better than arugula oh oh it's a miracle I feel like I just ran a goddamn marathon right now I feel bad for everyone who's actually ran a marathon justic waiting months and months of pain and hard work and suffering to eating a single piece of arugula I want to try out I think like a salad like with cucumbers maybe some spinach please oh oh I see what they're doing here mm-hmm a little bit of foreshadowing building up the hype for the next video [ __ ] Ryan eats a salad for the first time what holy [ __ ] you hear why is eating a salad I encourage everyone to step out of their comfort zone and try something you've never tried before yeah yeah there you go there you go that's the lesson to today's video step out of your comfort zone you can do it don't be scared how do you even how do you even make it to this age without eating vegetables like I feel like you have to have some serious vitamin deficiency issues aren't don't you die if you don't eat vegetables that's what my parents told me you just [ __ ] die well guys that's it for this one make sure to tune in next time when Ryan drinks milk for the first time what did he drink is a baby you're wondering I blended up hamburgers apparently [ __ ] Beast
Channel: Cody Ko
Views: 7,083,733
Rating: 4.9716911 out of 5
Keywords: buzzfeed, vegetables, fruit, eat, eating, Cody ko, cody, ko, instagram, comedy, sketch, dms, cringe, vine, advice, vlog, comments, codyko, comedian, vines, podcast, funny, tiny meat gang, insanely chill, 6secondauditions, the weekend edition
Id: xa5qGXLXzxE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 51sec (711 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 07 2018
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