Nobody likes you when you're 26

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today's my birthday I'm 27 I'm 27 I wanted to post something today because I'm vain and I crave the attention so I thought what could I post should I post one of those you know 27 things I learned as a 20 or 26 things I learned as a 26 year old or whatever the [ __ ] I was actually seriously gonna do that and then I and then I searched other examples of that and goddamnit they are the corniest things I've ever seen in my entire life don't let anything that happened in your past negatively affect who you are today yeah [ __ ] bad so I was like maybe I'll just do a video about what it's just like to be 26 26 is a weird [ __ ] age it really is 26 is like the age where people you know start giving up on their dreams a little bit but like not in a not in a bad way just kind of like whoa now I'm 26 maybe I'm not gonna be like the lead guitar so death metal band you know maybe I'm just gonna be an accountant that's totally fine 26 is like half my friends are getting married and the other half are just so completely single just trying to [ __ ] everything that moves so what's it like to be 26 well why googled it cuz I really wasn't sure how to put it and one of my favorite websites already had an article about it um that's BuzzFeed it's called 26 times or 26 so no one told you life was gonna be this way huh cheeky love that little friends reference so cute number one staying up past 11:00 p.m. is super hard there's an I there's a nice little is a neat gift attached to each one of these which is great gifts are great great content gifts are just real good stuff yeah no that's true that's this one's true there's some days there's some days where I can do it and then there's other days where I'm like um you know at 11 a.m. I'm like I'm definitely go out tonight and then 5 p.m. comes and it's like the only way I'd be able to make it out of the house right now is if someone force-fed me adderall and main line four loko like the old kind the real [ __ ] you know the good [ __ ] only 90s kids will remember that [Music] you're starting to get wrinkles but you have pimples yeah that's true I still think I might have one right now I was kind of always kind of wondered when pimples we're gonna go away it's like you see dudes that are like balding and they have pimples that's just not fair number three it's no longer cute that you don't have your [ __ ] together in life it's concerning when was that ever cute not only anyone's ever thought that would that was oh look it I don't have their [ __ ] together that is adorable that's something that nobody said number four you actually check your bank account once in a while that's kind of true I don't know but then number five you have no idea how you're doing financially compared to anyone else that is [ __ ] true that is so true I I wonder constantly about how much money other people have in their bank accounts why is it so nobody talks about money it's so taboo to talk about money and then when you find out what someone makes per month you know what sorry my brand new iPhone 10 money to me is just like how much do people have am i doing good I don't know we should there should be some sort of like a website or something you can go on and it should just say this is how much money you should have at this age and if you don't then maybe try and get there and if you're above it then you know you're good you cuz you're sitting pretty I feel like I should be more open with you guys about how much I make right it would be hypocritical for me not to so here I make and I promise going forward I will be more open about that because I feel like you deserve it college kids aren't as cool as you remember being when you were their age I don't even think college kids were never cool I was I knew I wasn't cool when I was a college kid and I knew everyone around me wasn't cool teenz straight up scare you you can't relate to them at all that's not true I know what's going on I do Zhu Ling [ __ ] homework I know what's good Gucci gang number eight you go to so many weddings now they sort of blend together yeah it's you know what it's everyone you talk to that's this age cuz oh you the wedding thing starting to factor with the [ __ ] day you gotta draw love weddings just don't go to the weddings just don't go people you know what I mean I think I feel like if I had a wedding and I had a really good friend that was like hey man I you know would love to be there but a little bit too expensive I'd be like totally cool you know what actually no I wouldn't I'd be [ __ ] insulted and every time you're at a wedding a distressing number of people asked when your big day is that's so true that one's true I remember the last wedding I went to I was the one that caught the bouquet of flowers and everyone was like when's it gonna happen and I'm like I don't know I'm like kind of looking at my girlfriend like you know pop the question no pressure though you know say you guys dream you refuse to wear things that make you physically uncomfortable goodbye flats that give you blisters so long shorts that ride up your crotch oh man mm-hmm I'm over it yep this like this gif I'm over it officially yep over it over the flats that give me blisters no more of those give me New Balance baby let's go speed walking with my gals number 11 you finally feel okay about investing in things that will make your life easier like a food processor or comfortable shoes a food processor what the [ __ ] am i eating gazpacho all the time know what I'm not ninety years old I can eat I can chew food that's solid I don't need a food processor don't [ __ ] let me start with the old jokes why what do you even make with a food processor processor Oh cuacamole Oh maybe I should get one going out on Halloween in New Year's just doesn't feel that appealing anymore that one's [ __ ] [ __ ] you can't stand loud bars actually you can't stand anything played in an inappropriate sound level what the I've met you the day I walk into a bar and say it's too loud in here shoot me in the [ __ ] face that's the day I want to stop living I'm not 80 years old whoo what kind of 26 year old no way it's too loud we can't talk that's why I go to bar so that I don't have to [ __ ] talk to people I can't listen to music when you do go out you have to really think about how much you want to drink because it could affect how productive you are the next day you know what that should be true for me but it's just it's not at a point for me it's just not not the case I do really think about how much I want to drink that's the thought I have before I start drinking and then after I start drinking the only thought I have is what my next drink is gonna be you're finally at the point where if someone thinks you're younger than you are it's a compliment uh I don't know man I still get ID'd and that that pisses me off because it's like just inconsistent convenient you have to come to terms with the reality that many of your idols became successful when they were younger than you got shit's [ __ ] true that shifts true that's the worst part about being this age is that everyone doing anything cool or anyone successful is way younger than you like post Malone is 22 but then you google celebs in their 30s to remind yourself that you'll kill it in the upcoming years that's just not sure that's whoever wrote this just put that in because the last one was too honest and real but then Google celebs in their 30s to remind yourself that you'll kill it in the upcoming years you're not gonna kill it everyone in their 30s does the exact same thing let's do that let's Google celebs in their 30s Ashley Tisdale yep oh yeah okay now I feel better you're finally going through that quarter life crisis everyone warns you about when you were 25 what Coria life crisis what are you talking about 19 you suddenly realize you have no idea what you're doing with your life but you need to figure it out right now because you're closer to 30 then you are to 20 all right well now it's starting to get a little bit depressing and because of all this every life choice you make feels way more important than it ever did before Jesus what this was like this was fun until now your parents probably had a house and a family at your age and that doesn't help what the [ __ ] and when you see people your age with a baby it really makes you wonder if you could handle one because you don't feel always 100% adult I don't know I don't even know how to hold a baby you know I mean you coldly supposed to hold its head it's [ __ ] slipping around there so like they're all like we leave you know I mean are they I don't know that's I haven't held a baby in ever how do you talk to a baby he's Petrucci I don't know he's opposed just talk to it like a person you know what's good Gucci gang or does that not I don't know there's like there's like people but like just way smaller except you have to keep telling yourself you actually are a real adult now even if you don't want to be and there's a real relevant gif of Joey here from friends again shot up to my 90s kids and maybe there's a comfort in transitioning out of your crazy early 20s into your more stable late 20s maybe just maybe you're approaching the prime of your life the time when you are fully unapologetically you and maybe that's actually the best thing ever that is the lamest [ __ ] ending that was that wasn't even five different things just wasted the last five numbers on this stupid poetic ending and maybe that's actually the best thing ever no it's not I want to be 24 again the time when you are fully unapologetically you I'm not even close to knowing who I am alright let's see what else here's another one I found this is just a man since so bad 26 lessons I learned while being 26 this is let me just read this by at this intro for you the Sun is setting in my 26th year literally I'm on a beach in Bali writing this on my last day of 26 thinking about all that came and went like the waves crashing not far from my feet great simile just so we relevant to the article yeah dude by the way I'm on a beach in Bali writing this so so if you're 26 and you're reading this and you kind of question where you are in life you should be because I'm on a beach in Bali whoops I keep forgetting to silence my iPhone 10 don't hide from vulnerability propose new ideas that you can and want to take on go ahead and show up at his door don't do that I hate these [ __ ] vague like don't be afraid to love really you learned that when you were 26 that all of a sudden just [ __ ] came to you wait a minute I shouldn't be afraid to love here's see here's one when the voice in your head has a crazy idea honor it and act it just might be your calling see that when I actually resonate with most of you guys I did have a crazy idea now maybe you're thinking Christmas yeah not a fan anymore it was cool a couple years ago but kind of gone on a style well I'm here to say no hell no Christmas is back baby Christmas is [ __ ] back this is an idea I had about a week ago for a sweater and so I decided to do it and and so this is a good example I actually kind of resonate with this one let's see how many we've sold so far twelve pretty good actually and the last one in this article the last lesson she learned at 26 is this you are connected to something so much bigger your time here however fleeting is a journey of the Spirit do everything in your power to stay connected to that to the universe guiding you to your souls whispering to go after your dreams and to the sweet sweet love of the cosmic experience the [ __ ] does that mean that doesn't mean a single thing well guys I guess if you're younger now you kind of know what to expect as you're approaching the later side of your 20s kind of the depressing side it's not all bad though I feel like you know maybe there's a comfort in transitioning out of your crazy early 20s into your more stable late 20s maybe just maybe you're approaching the prime of your life at the time when you are fully unapologetically you and maybe that's actually the best thing ever all right guys thanks for watching give it a like feel free to you know say happy birthday to me shower me in attention and do all that stuff and you know what I actually buy one of these if you feel like giving me a little birthday gift the link is in the description I'd very much appreciate it and now that I'm 27 I'm already feeling more decisive I feel like I can say this with confidence finally I love you guys [Music] you
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Views: 3,108,923
Rating: 4.9754467 out of 5
Keywords: birthday, funny, 27, 26, lessons, comedy, cody ko, Cody ko, cody, ko, instagram, sketch, dms, cringe, vine, advice, vlog, comments, codyko, comedian, vines, podcast, tiny meat gang, insanely chill, 6secondauditions, the weekend edition
Id: gLUzyAsf3Qw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 58sec (718 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 22 2017
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