Lele Pons is bad

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okay so man Lele pons sucks people have done videos about her before and I remember her stuff from vine but I just I just watched one of our videos holy shit she's so much worse in longer form there's a lot of things I don't understand on this website alright you can call me old all you want but this I truly cannot fathom why this has 4.8 million views this video of hers and 220,000 likes it's called I hate homework I've seen some bad sketches I've made some bad sketches this was this this was written by a four year old it has to be let's watch it together by the way before we do that who else hates homework me holy shit yes me this is about how much homework sucks then sign me the fuck up let's watch this shit okay class these are the three last questions of the day number one what is the largest man-made source of greenhouse gases clouds classic excellent most of you which type of Ray is harmful what face was that at the end what emotion is that I have no idea it's like it's like disappointment and constipation sort of at the same time which type of Ray is harmful and on which side of the spectrum okay we're the fuck even are they this looks like they're in the fucking GE headquarters this is supposed to be a high school lab like what the fuck is our homework nanotechnology what did she just say alright rice these sketches are so funny because I've watched a couple of them now and they're all like they all like seem like they're high high budget they're like filmed with a nice camera and you get that blur in the fuckin background everyone's like holy shit but there's so many little things that are off about this like you can't understand half the things people say the audio is always a little bit fucked up the timing is like always a little bit off no look who was he saying no to the entire class which side right side left side no trick question bitch no sides and where is the aurora borealis map yes yes that is some classic Leigh Leigh comedy right there you zany bitch just jumping up in the middle of class you're fucking crazy this is your last homework assignment of the year okay it counts for 50% of your grade tomorrow class dismissed June isn't about the class you're dismissed all right ah yeah a classic situation when a homework assignment is worth 50% of your grade and your teacher just fucking straight-up ignores you when you ask if it's due tomorrow I hate that this happens all the time in high school right am i right where my fucking high school students at huh I'm 27 okay you can do yourself you don't need anybody what what did she what what did she even just say you deserve you did anybody just like do another take and try to get that a little bit clearer you don't need the teacher - you need the students you can do it you can do it yes yes yes that face that is fucking comedy right there holy shit with the ruler dude that's some good shit stop stop that hard you've been doing it all year ah I need a tutor needs a tutor needed are here here let's make that scene five seconds instead of the 20 that I just wasted watching that unfold okay you can do it I need a tutor there you go cut the fat let's move on okay so the exosphere is hot cold Leila the exosphere is hot Oh somebody sat down and wrote this sketch keep that in mind Lilly the exosphere is hot and then she responds with cold this could be a scene from a fucking insane asylum couldn't it all right Leigh Leigh the exosphere is hot cold and no it's hot hot the it's cold yeah yeah yeah what the fuck is that why your words are just fading in the background cut them out it's cold um yeah call hot exosphere is hot yes yes I fucking love that shit that is man talk about a face that's some good shit now listen to me very carefully yeah she's gone well she's gone many Manoel just most good enough go just go to move go to go she's good on article that's bad laughs come on just come to Morosco what's going on Michael what the fuck is going on I've died no idea also wow look at this screen that I just stopped on right here oh that's bad that's an unfortunate stopping point right there holy shit I don't think this is gonna work out okay so then she breaks up with her tutor I'll save you from watching the rest of the scene because it's just really long and really bad if I was that tutor I would be like I'm get the fuck out of here Who am I to Turing scroll has no hope so then now this happens the study group oh the study group yes lately yes more than that shit s that you should get it hey Jesus all of a sudden this singer of a heavy metal band oh hey what are you doing here I heard it was a study group so I wanted to join in you know oh honey you're invited oh I know I just you know like where did we're friends so like that I wanted help you know I wanted to help out listen what kind of fucking dialog is that you weren't invited yeah but I wanna help your friends and some helping friends and some help you weren't invited everyone would want to help a friend Wow oh my god you're insane if you come in we're gonna do all the work and you're not gonna do anything well Tiffany calm down okay I know this stuff you know that's that okay let me ask you some questions all right cool what's the square root of 4 10 oh man was way off see now that is a comedic technique people in the biz like to call pretend pretending you didn't pass the fourth grade and that always gets a laugh wrong what's h2o2 letters in a number she's not wrong all right okay I'm getting sick of this and I've already seen this so I want to save you from watching the end of this cuz it's so bad I'm just gonna do a play-by-play okay so this is what happened she goes to class dressed in a black hoodie with the hood up with her bleached blond hair protruding out you know because she wants to keep a low key teacher collects the homework she pulls some James Bond shit and crawls on the floor and avoids him as he's collecting it because there's no way a fully grown man wouldn't be able to notice the absence of a student who was literally just there five seconds ago in a class full of like eight people and she thinks she gets away with it clearly by this facial expression right you can see it right there in the face clearly that's what the emotion she's showing there it is believe it or not but guess what the teacher just look looks at the homework collected and doesn't see lay lays their plot to us I know he calls her out and she says this I gave it to you it's Gav Gav Gav come on she calls the teacher out for losing her homework class seems to like that one even though 30 seconds ago they were hiding when she got to the door of their study group he says he didn't turn it in she says I'm gonna tell the principal on class goes fucking apeshit because that is some absolute savagery and then the sketch finally ends with the punchline you see class that's an example of a bad student where's everybody's homework work though fucking art baby holy hell god damn I also love her she's throws the homework right outside the building it's like the the teachers gonna walk outside and they oh here it is and Laelius still isn't here so she gets a zero and fails the class you're right that is an example of a bad student h2o two letters in a number there you go the worst sketch of all time I just I don't know I I don't get it I don't get it right the answer is supposed to be kids right kids are the ones that are watching this and giving this so many views and commenting shit like this video is so realistic to the real world but if she makes shit for kids why isn't she like embracing the fact that that's what this is they try to play it off like it's for like otherwise why would she be posting shit like this and I on her Instagram you know I don't know I just don't really fucking get it she's just bad here's the whole sketch in like 10 seconds this is what it should have been this is your last homework assignment counts for 50% of your grade need a tutor see it hot you gotta go [Music] okay bye looming wailing where's your homework you have it I don't have it well I'm gonna have to tell the principal that you have lost my homework where's everybody's homework there you go thanks for watching see you guys next time that was supposed to be her face I guess you
Channel: Cody Ko
Views: 7,177,873
Rating: 4.914165 out of 5
Keywords: lele pons, lele, shots, sketch, comedy, commentary, roast, tiffany, rice, Cody ko, cody, ko, instagram, dms, cringe, vine, advice, vlog, comments, codyko, comedian, vines, podcast, funny, tiny meat gang, insanely chill, 6secondauditions, the weekend edition
Id: xth7QznGYtw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 28sec (628 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 26 2018
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