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welcome to guess the elo episode two this is  a series where i analyze my twitch subscriber   chess games blindly i choose five people for every  single video i look through their games and then i   guess what i think their rating is and the rating  of their opponent if you want to get in on future   episodes make sure that you are a subscriber on  twitch and you are in the discord link is in the   description below hope you enjoy said hopefully  this time we don't get interrupted with the   text-to-speech d4 d5 c4 queen's gambit knight f6  it's better to defend the center with a pawn or   accept the queen's gambit or play an album counter  gambit this is incorrect as i mentioned because   you just basically can attack the center  immediately and to put two pawns that's really the   whole point of playing c4 that's the whole point  of playing a queen's gambit but white doesn't do   that and instead goes for this which is called  the catalan which is good this is a very good   opening the point being that if black takes this  pawn you open up your bishop and in this position   white doesn't just lazily develop with knight f3  and castles white actually finds queen a4 check   which is huge that's actually that's  a game-winning move that's a you know   that wins the game queen a4 check because  you check the king and hits the bishop   and if knight c6 you have bishop takes c6  which is very rare normally you have knight   c6 guarding but since we have the bishop here  so white finds that which makes me think this   is a game of like an eleven hundred twelve  hundred uh take take oh okay whoa whoa wait   this loses two pieces wait instead of losing one  wait a second the guy didn't even take back the   this is the guy just offered up a piece so now  he lost three pieces in the process he lost   a knight a bishop and a another bishop  oh no oh boy oh that wasn't good   oh man um long castle now at this point you need  to just go here castle your king maybe you could   take this pawn but just consolidate your king all  right bishop g5 is not a bad move yeah that's the   problem you blundered your center pawn wow  that's fancy oh good great move what a great   move i don't want to take my queen and lose my uh  your queen and lose my queen i'm gonna target this   so anytime you can you can leave this hanging and  then go here and hit a seven or another weakness   it's a good move and now white is playing a great  game no no no there's just a knockout move here   so look rather than taking on f6 um you can try to  sneak in here on the same diagonal with bishop f4   and this is just winning the good thing for  white is that everything is covered like   black has no counter play when you're down this  much material you're looking for counter play   yeah castles oh rook d1 rook d1 okay yeah  white white spent a lot of time here so   finally decided to take but rook d1 there  was just winning the queen now rook d1 yes uh   good okay bring oh wow wow wow wow fancy  schmancy okay and now cherry on top   nice move queen f7 rook is hanging but okay  that was a fantastic game and white just mates   actually i think black resigned here black  resigned here because they were about to get mated   that was a good game that was a that was just a  straight up that was just a clean game of chess   i'm not gonna lie to you man um i don't know i  don't know how to the one mistake that white did   and sometimes this happens at 1200 level is white  is so committed to playing the catalan system   that white doesn't realize that they can just  take this pawn uh knight and queen covering the   pawn is not good enough because if you take take  there is e4 this is the whole point you don't want   white to get this because now white is just gonna  easily put two knights in the middle two bishops   and be better but i'm i'm more impressed that  white did not just you know fly through the   opening like with knight f3 in castles white found  this queen a4 check which does not always win a   piece queen a4 is not a good move unless it wins a  piece and in this case it does win a piece uh okay   so what do i think is the rating of this  i think 11 to 1200 that is what i think   i think 11 to 1200 is is what  i think let's go take a look wow so around that around that so white white  is 10.76 and what is this a 10 minute game or   a 5 minute it was a 10 minute game not too bad man  not too bad look at that good job it's a 1076. is   the crop good prop looks good maybe you can go a  little bit higher there we go great game by white   man excellent game i got nothing else to say that  was just a very clean game of chess white clearly   you know how much time did white spend on the  third on the third move one second yeah you see   that's all just don't fly through the opening in  a ten minute game you you gotta you just gotta go   move my move uh well black is a one thousand but  you guys have to realize that like in chess it's   not the first mistake that kills you like it this  is a mistake but it's not the first mistake that   kills you it's usually the second mistake uh so  black does not recover after blundering this and   doesn't like take and then just lose the bishop  in the game black whoa excuse me what are you the bishop is an imposter what is that hello are you drunk anyway black did  not recover and blundered a second piece that's   what happened there so uh and it happens the best  analogy i can give to you is it's like it's like   crossing uh the road and let's say you cross  the road and you almost get hit by a car there   was an analogy in a book the art of learning by  josh waitzkin and you cross the road you almost   get hit by a car and rather than coming back to  the sidewalk and being like oh my god i almost   got hit by a car you yell at the driver and while  yelling at the driver you get hit by another car   so that's kind of the analogy there you  got to recover from your first mistake   and and just calm down come back to the  sidewalk regroup and then cross when the   light is yours rather than crossing  you know um so that's kind of like uh that's kind of the best analogy that  i could give but that was a fantastic   game of chess catalan blunder in the  opening and then just clean conversion   all right second game gotham  subscriber with the white pieces um and kara khan take take   knight f3 okay exchange karo khan so far nothing  okay but this is actually a line it's really funny   a lot of grandmasters play this but this is also  how a lot of newer players could start the game   so uh let's see knight f6 castles good okay  now is where champions are made ah uh-huh okay   man i have no intel so far everything's going very  well no no notice this cannot be taken bishop d6   you know i would say this was  about a 1000 if white took on d6 because a lot of like 1 1100 players they just  take like if they can take they just take their   no one really keeps the tension very well   i think this is a game between  a couple of high rated players   my first instinct okay now is a big question do  you go back to target this or do you just take wow wow wow okay wait someone in chat said that this is their game  and they're playing with black are you sure that   you put you that you played with black wait  i gotta flip this around now well that's kind   of a blooper all right so we gotta change the  names i mean both of you are playing really well guy says this is my game but i'm playing  black i actually have no idea you're both   playing very well that doesn't really change  the situation whatsoever it's an exchange car   con so far so good all right rookie eight rookie eight queen g3 first blunder did you play knight h5   no no you missed knight h5 i see a queen enabling  the movement of my knight because the queen used   to be there that's the first thing we got to look  at bishop f4 queen f so here's the way you got to   think in this game this is how chess will be  a lot easier for you okay in every position   you need to right before they make a move you  got to go like they make a move right you go   what's their idea oh they want to take my bishop  that doesn't mean you need to move your bishop   that doesn't mean you need to move your bishop  this is what you should think do i have any checks   no do i have any captures yes don't  have any way of attacking my opponent   like queen rook bishop knight and if you  just briefly scan those options first   you go oh yeah i can attack their queen and that  does attack their bishop this is not a good move   because you just get taken but you have a capture  but it doesn't do anything if you just scan those   things first sometimes good opportunities will  arise whereas if you just take all right it's not   a bad thing but all right e5 man that's a good  move okay okay now at this point i would either   go here or here or here or here one of those  four moves oh see now you're kind of drifting   you're just sort of making one move attacking  moves so is your opponent to be fair wait a minute isn't the queen trapped oh my god white just played a move threatening  you and your most natural defensive move traps   their queen oh that's so tragic oh my gosh  have you that's so unfortunate for white   white just wanted a checkmate threat and by you  playing the one defensive move that you have white   got their queen trapped oh that's so brutal i  feel bad poor guy guy was like i'm gonna check me   obliterated absolutely obliterated ah so  in reality uh this is a genius move and i   should shut up is basically the point oh  man okay yeah white does their best now   oh wait did you just hang f4 that's just a  see you know why f4 is not a total blunder how do you avoid the loss of  material here it's a good question   you might be tempted to move closer  to the king and just lose the knight   but you realize that the night is unguarded so  you stay on the same diagonal as the night so   way you can recover from making mistakes and now  even if they take you like oh actually if they   take you like this it's even better because you  simplify but you need to stay on the same diagonal   you need to stay on the same diagonal and  then that way they can't actually take it   knight to f3 is a very impressive move that just  still loses a knight though don't play knight   f3 um knight f3 works if they take with the rook  and lose their rook but otherwise they have night   takes so you have to stay on the same diagonal uh  they don't see it they double up see at this point   um i would find a way to guard my my my rook and  then i would be able to move my knight somewhere   but okay you play f6 knight f oh that's just  a huge blunder just take it good yeah and   whoa if rook takes you had this so they decide  to go you could take the other rook clean clean   conversion yes oh my god um i have no idea i'm not  gonna lie to you i have very little to base this   game off of for black like here for example rookie  eight is not a move that that that i would play   but i wouldn't play that that doesn't  mean that a 1500 wouldn't play that   you missing knight h5 really makes me think you're  about you're you're like sub 14 1300 especially if   this was a 15 minute game or four 10 minute game  just because this is such a natural thought here   but if we go back in the game and you spent less  than five seconds on this move it just kind of   makes sense because it's very easy oh they attack  my bishop let me just take the bishop right but   then you also you were clever enough to find  a pawn break but this knight h5 move a little   uh it's a little bit too frail it makes me think  12 1300 ceiling and you might you might be like   a thousand and you just had a very good game you  might be like a thousand eleven hundred but you   played like you played like a thirteen fourteen  hundred my prediction as far as your strength   let's say like yeah let's say let's say like  let's say like twelve thirteen hundred you might   surprise me you might have been like a 1200 i  mean like a 900 who just played an excellent game   those few moves do make me think that you're like  a thousand eleven hundred rather than 12 1300 but   like again i don't want to insult you you  know especially if you're 1200 you should   play a good game so let's go see you're  playing with black oh my god you're 860 wow wow are you kidding me wait  you're 1500 rapid though oh this is a daily game you sent me a daily game  dude why you so confusing oh you're 1400 dude you're 1400 rapid and blitz oh i was right  okay yeah yeah yeah yeah okay so i said 12   1300 but you're 1400. you're 14 1500 that was  a that was a very that was a very decent game   yeah yeah yeah nice oh man all right so yeah that was a that was  a daily game see i i i i did not want to give   you any credit above 1500 wait but you missed  a fork in a daily game man how did you miss   a fork in a daily game brother you have 24  hours to make him wait you have three days   you have 72 hours to make a move and you missed  a fork this man had three days to find a fork   all right i'm not very happy that you  didn't see a fork after three days but   who knows maybe you were you were you know playing  moves on your work callers you know work work   meetings i don't know man anyway let's go to our  third game i'm not very happy that you missed it   but that's okay oh you sent me the wrong game  oh okay well that happens anyway anyway anyway   game number three uh gotham sub with the  black pieces and this one hopefully i have   the pieces right e4 e5 knight f3 fried liver are  we gonna get a fried liver fried liver traxler   yes the traxler yes yes watch my youtube video  on the fried liver and the traxler yes oh whoa   yes yes yes this is the most fun one now here's  a question does white play king f1 or king f2   how good is white oh they taken oh boy oh boy  here comes knight takes e4 you guys gotta go   check out that traxler fry liver video where's the  king move okay so this is already making me think   this person is below like 1100 because most people  uh who know stuff about this they just go back   otherwise you come forward to attack the  knight now did black play my move queen h4   i had a guy dm me on instagram and and send me a  game where in this position the the guy played d5   and hung his queen and then sent me a game and was  like what did i do wrong and i was like look man   i'm not trying to be rude but you hung your damn  queen i mean it doesn't take a rocket scientist to   figure out that in this position you shouldn't you  shouldn't hang your queen like there's not much i   can analyze there you know what i mean there's you  have to selectively choose games you send to me   you have to play queen h4 this is the whole  point of the system and black plays it   and then did you take this pawn  the final the final kind of move   nice and i think here the best move is queen  to d4 check okay so you don't play queen g3   because queen f3 will block and and and yeah now  this is a problem now you're actually just losing   you're actually just losing you  actually have to give me a check   force my king to move and then i believe the move  here is not even taking the bishop i actually   think the best move here is d5 threatening the  bishop and bishop g4 check winning the queen   and now white basically has one and only one  move and it's rook to h4 hitting the queen if they know this they're either a cheater  or they've just studied traxler theory for   whatever reason but again that's why you have  to watch the video okay knight d4 check okay   so the problem is that the rook is still hanging  okay now i would go like c6 d5 or d6 bishop f5 i   mean there's a king on e4 for god's sake i don't  know about that i mean it's not a oh my goodness   okay so but see the problem  black is just down to rook d5 is poor king good move though this king  is about to get mated oh my gosh wait is   it is it just like a mating net like a6 okay  knight e5 he's trying to go trying to go here   the king's just gotta run king's just gotta go  back home he's gotta go back home when you see   you gotta weave a mating net the king's escape  squares you gotta take them away beautiful move   oh that's the clutches move of the game a5 it's  called weaving a mating net a5 good move check yes wow mate and seven look at that bishop  d7 is apparently the best move there's no   way black plays that right um but now  you're threatening bishop d7 rook a8   wait what black is so brave black is so brave it's  mate check check oh my gosh black locked in their   own king oh my gosh bishop a6 mate oh oh this  oh my goodness what a game what this man oh oh   oh oh oh now here's the thing did you pay your  opponent money to do that did you pay your   opponent money to let you win a game of chess like  that you straight up kidnapped this man's king you   kidnapped the king that's what you did that's what  happens when the king wanders too far into the   forest oh gosh i have no idea what the level of  this game is i'm gonna say like 11 1200 but to be   honest with you i i don't have a clue i think that  for messing up queen takes g3 like i have no intel   the thing is you played a traxler you played all  the right moves then you played one wrong move   and then you you you played like normally i mean  for the most part you played pretty normal the   person who played really badly is white white  actually played very badly you played the best   you could you you know you went active with  your pieces it's white who didn't realize that   their king needs to go backwards rather than going  into your territory like what is white doing here   white needs to like immediately trade pieces  so for example rookie won and just sacked the   rook for one of these two pieces so that you can  never be mated i have no idea i mean i said that   for the last game too um if i have to give you  a rating i'm gonna say this is a game between two one thousands i think white just  played way too scatterbrained like 1100 max   if i have to put a rating on  it on the game i'm gonna put   i'm gonna put like i'm gonna put like 900 a  thousand that's what i'm going to say final   answer between 900 and a thousand now  this is not the game the game is here no no no no no oh my no no no white is 1580 so here's my logic when i say a thousand i'm not  trying to insult the person i'm not trying to   insult my sub i'm just saying that white played  so bad and i'm just assuming that since white   played bad that the elo is like relatively even  between the players you know if that makes sense   i'm just saying that like the player elo  should be balanced so don't send me like   super lopsided matchups that's that's all i  mean oh my gosh i was completely wrong wow wow   no i would have i would have never in a  million years had guessed that this was   a game between two people rated 15 1600 because  white just played without a care in the world wow wow the problem with the traxler see black's  accuracy is really low because black messed up   in the opening like the computer is fine up until  this point and this is such a big mistake that it   messes you up for the rest of the game but if you  memorize queen d4 you're just gonna win a lot of   games now white just i mean oh i don't even i feel  bad man i just took 500 points away from white   wow that is wild now you're right  white did play the whole game in about   well no no white didn't play the whole game and  no white actually spent a lot of time look at this   white spent a minute on b3 and then a  minute and a half on rook f1 and then like   spent look at that a minute and 30 seconds on king  b5 like at this point white's just gotta go just   go hide your king wow what a game okay two  more games two more games to take a look at   here we go crazy game what an absolutely insane  game this one gotham sub is again with the black   pieces three games in a row gotham sub is black d4  f5 dutch london versus dutch okay so far so good knight c6 knight c6 d okay i would have gone d5 this is  an interesting move trying to take some space   ah all right these two moves are starting to make  me think like 12 1300 max i just these are a bit   a bit a bit much black's plan is to play in the  center let's see if if if black knows that okay   very good okay nice and now i would i would  build this up and then play f4 okay look at   that wait whoa whoa so black is trying to reroute  the knight to g6 which is a very high level idea   why did white just lose a pun what was why did white just do that  now white is just a pawn down whoa whoa   okay this sequence is going to teach me a lot  about this game after white plays the move   f4 and black plays the move knight f5 does white  just snap take and blunder knight e3 no white   does not snap take queen eight trying to go here  this is a good game by black i think black's like i don't know fif b4 a6 was weird but the rest of  the game was really good queen g6 so far black   is playing a very controlled game take take  g4 is even a good move trying to take take uh   okay well i want to go knight  h5 but then queen g4 between f5   okay i don't know what the idea of queen f5 is  but h oh now knight h5 of course knight h5 yes   and now at this point some combination of just  this bishop takes h4 just come back this is the   worst bishop in the history of bishops this  is a very clean game of chess now okay i like   white look white is trying to find counter  play on the c file by virtue of a pawn break so far these okay king f7 is a bit  sus king of seven's a bit sus i would   okay now are you gonna stop the night from  infiltrating or just follow your own plan   okay so you're not worried good h5 wow what   black is just playing look at that black just  clamped down what i mean i think taking is a   bit more forceful but still the plan is great  i mean just shu oh my god are you a grandmaster you completely shut down your opponent's play  and then a backwards bishop move is checkmate uh okay i'm not gonna lie i think black is probably like okay theoretically  black could be like 2200 i think that's the   ceiling for this game because there was a few  maybe very small wrinkles in the game where black   didn't quite play the 2200 level 23 24 but you  could be 2300 honestly i don't i don't have a damn   clue you could have played you could be 23 2400.  if i have to guess i don't think i have a lot   of subscribers who are 23 2400 so i'm just gonna  have to just go off of like that kind of intel um i don't know 20 21 2 2100 i i don't know you i mean that was just that was  just such a clean controlling game you played the   dutch you took advantage of one opponent's mistake  and you you literally first of all this reroute   is already the sign of at least the 16 1700. the  fact that you went back and to the left is just   you you found this reroute with your knight the  queen reroute everything was so good so much of   this game had finesse you know like the going back  and then the shuffle of the king over to open up   realizing and your opponent really also  as well you know this queen side break   i'ma go 2100 man i'm gonna go 2100 um i'm good 2100 uh 2 2100 here we go 2100 all i can say this is not the game this  is the last game here we go moment of truth no   no dude no you're a thirteen hundred  bro yo oh my god bro your rapid rating   bro you're 1400 rapid are you kidding  me and it's a five minute game   no way man i love how the computer says five  inaccuracies what a scumbag i would give you   no inaccuracies what was your inaccuracy  knight f5 isn't inaccuracy get out of here   take this wise guy to the back and whack him  are you queen eights in inaccuracy shut up   computer you don't know anything about chess  shut up computer what else is an inaccuracy   like okay oh yeah oh yeah king ji oh it's so  inaccurate no no no dude this is the greatest game   rook hate isn't shut i'm not even looking at  this anymore are you kidding me you're 1300   oh that i mean what a gr that was a beautiful  game your opponent played great too i mean   okay your opponent you know what i'm not  gonna lie i'm not gonna lie i should have   this move would have never been played by a 2000   never like this move right here should have  given me a lot of information actually i feel   like i could have done that but you played  at the level of a 21 2200 that's the thing   i should have known i should have remembered but i  was too focused on you this move should have given   it away that your opponent was definitely not  2000 but it could have been a viewer arena that's   the thing it could have been a viewer arena you  could have played like a mismatched opponent so   i don't know damn man wow that was a shock that  was a beautiful game dutch defense op man wow i got i don't know all right last game gotham  sub random noob here we go let's have some fun   oh the e4 c6 el fantasy the fantasy  variation of the caracon beautiful stuff   knight f6 oh blunder already  e5 now black has to go back uh g4 wins the night okay f4 is not a bad move but it lets black play  g6 see the difference is that if you attack the   knight with the queen i can guard it with the  pawn whereas if you attack it with the pawn uh   it can't go anywhere so okay and you just oh oh this move on its own makes  me think below a thousand because well i should be   a bit nicer because bishop f5 is actually g4 but  here's my logic if you play g6 oh but then you   know bishop g7 can't go back with the knight all  right you know what no no no no um next fume oh   see at this point white should already be going  knight g5 is it the best move according to the   engine it's the second best move yeah i mean the  computer wants knight wants you to keep developing   but knight g5 to try to just get this bishop  and damage the structure there um okay knight g5   good good good good target this pawn target this  pawn queen g4 is crushing okay queen g4 oh oh oh   oh well first of all black didn't have to lose  the rook like i mean the fact that black didn't   play this makes me think that yeah still about  a thousand max what a nice find man damn king f7   and how did you convert this by the way if  anything this just shows you that the fantasy   variation versus the karo khan is a is a killer  it's a killer opening great game okay castles   don't hang your bishop you hung your bishop okay  knight comes in attacking our peace we attack   the knight oops we attack the knight and let the  knight take us ah a thousand eleven hundred tops   a thousand eleven hundred tops this is a common  mistake beginners make knight jumps in you're   like oh horsey i'm gonna attack it and then  the horsey takes your bishop you're like oh   i forgot about that oh no no no what the heck you  just lost eight points of material like no no no   he he saw this but he didn't see this no gotham  sub what are we doing okay good you saw the night   was hanging wait what happened here queen h3  bishop h6 take bam bam bam wait what i thought   black was a genius i thought black deflected  the rook from like the defense of the knight or   something and i thought there was going to be  some some infiltration okay c5 queen f7 uh oh   oh uh oh oh good a6 oh wait wait  wait black resigned never mind   this this says game may have continued actually  black resigned after rook f4 or or lost on time   okay there was a lot of plot twists in that game  um i'm gonna say that if this was a blitz game   like five minute three minute or lower probably  this is like thirteen hundred fourteen hundred   but if it's a long game it's probably about  nine hundred one thousand that's that that's   that's that's that's probably my my final my  final guess about 900 to it but just because   a lot of a lot of blunders white did find a  very nice tactic well i did find a very nice   tactic but i'm going to say like a yeah a thousand  eleven hundred let's say a thousand a thousand to   eleven hundred let's go take a look you don't  hang this as a 1300 in a three minute game   you know low time maybe three minute  so i'm gonna say like 900 like uh like hundred nine hundred to a thousand final  answer nine hundred two thousand here we go i'm done bro oh oh but it's but but  but oh oh oh wait this doesn't make   what yo this whole episode has been such  a mind bender how on earth is white fives what why does black have a minute gone  on move six also how did how did white   find this this how is white rated 590  and find that this doesn't make any sense what his rapid is this guy's rapid reigning is 780. this guy's on a good streak too look  at that well he's beating a lot of 300s   he's farming 300 that's that's where the  streak is coming from oh my gosh man dude   oh god this whole episode has been so weird  just so weird a lot of you played really well   and i just i was all over the place i mean i  gave you so much credit wow what a weird episode
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 702,515
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gotham Chess gives lessons, Gothamchess lessons, gothamchess openings, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess guide, gothamchess e4, gothamchess, gothamchess rating climb, chess game analysis, chess analysis, beginner chess lessons, guess the elo, guess the elo chess, chess lessons for beginners, chess lessons for intermediate, middlegame chess, chess middlegame, chess middlegames, chess lessons, chess lesson, chess tips, chess strategy, how to play chess, how to win at chess
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 50sec (2150 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 09 2021
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