Beauty and the Beast (2017) Pitch Meeting

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so you have a movie for me yes sir I do I was thinking we could do a live-action Beauty and the Beast Oh what the heck is that you've never heard of Beauty and the Beast no I don't really watch movies for entertainment I usually just throw coins at poor people and see how they react it's usually not good that's pretty horrible anyway this is an older movie that people love so if we do it again they'll give us money I love it already so what's it about well there's this Prince dude right and he's just being a big fancy jerk in his castle oh I like this guy no you're not supposed to yet oh okay so anyway this Enchantress lady comes in acting all poor but he doesn't help her so she uses some dark magic to teach him a lesson what does she do she turns him into a beast Wow and he can only turn back into a human if he finds true love before all the petals fall off of this rose she gave him okay pretty straightforward curse I guess that should teach him a lesson she also turns all his staff into household items what why because they're guilty too somehow by also being there while he was being a jerk oh okay I guess I could see that and they're all gonna turn into straight-up antiques and die if the last rose petal falls so they get a worse punishment than the actual Prince they do and she transforms the dog to it what did the dog do nothing and that's the point the dog should have done something to stop the prince from being a jerk okay there are a lot of layers to this curse oh it's not done oh it's not nope she also erases the memories of everyone in the nearby town so they don't remember their loved ones who work at the castle is she a god she might be she also makes it winter around the castle why would that be part of it and she leaves the prince an enchanted mirror that lets you see anything you want to see no one seems like a straight-up gift and a magic book that lets you travel anywhere anytime you want to go okay so does the Enchantress just stand there explaining all the elements to this curse for like five hours there's a lot going on here yeah I'm sure she had some kind of magical PowerPoint presentation off screen anyway I'm really excited to bring this beast guy to life that's gonna look awesome oh for sure we can have some really cool looks going with like makeup and prosthetics or we could do that motion capture thing you know go full CGI with it oh I don't know how good that's gonna look have you seen what they're doing with snapchat filters these days they have so you know we could probably make it like slightly better looking than a snapchat filter oh that doesn't sound great but okay this is gonna age fantastically maybe so anyway then we're gonna meet Belle oh that's French for beauty it sure is this all takes place in France so you're gonna have to find a bunch of you know British actors how do you need them to do French accents cuz I can get French actors no they should be British and speak with British accents they can also be American but they have to speak with British accents okay so we're gonna do that thing where they all have British accents but you're like oh okay and their reality they're all speaking French well no because there's a candlestick in a feather duster that have very thick French accents why would they have French accents because they're French yes silly producer but everybody's French that's right I don't know what's going on I'll me neither but I'm having a great time aren't you not as fun as my coin toss game but I guess it's pretty fun fantastic so anyway we meet Bell when she's walking around town singing about how much she hates living they're rude and everybody else is singing about her and how weird she is for reading what a weird town and we're gonna see that Bell invented a washing machine and she's teaching a little girl to read so you know the townspeople do not like that no they don't no they don't so they throw her laundry in the street oh my god what yes see in the original there was just the song so it was kind of like oh they don't understand her cuz she reads but in this one it's like they straight-up hate her well she did just sing a song about how dumb she thinks the town is she did so I guess it's all fair so just to recap everybody we've met so far is just awful pretty much so anyway one day Belle's dad Maurice gets lost in the woods and chased by wolves and ends up in the beasts castle for shelter okay and he eats some food that he assumed was for him and he picks a roast so beast throws him in a jail cell why does he do that well Murray stole some food and was looking for shelter so the punishment is you know food and shelter forever oh that doesn't make any sense well it needs to happen okay because the movie needs to happen okay so anyway maurices horse goes to get bail and they run back to the castle to help oh no that poor horse must be exhausted whatever whatever so then beast has bail as a prisoner and all the furniture people want them to fall in love to lift the curse right right this is a very weird movie I hope you know that oh I'm very aware but I'm not sure everybody else is cuz this is a classic oh so what else happens well then Belle's gonna spend the rest of the movie developing just the most romantic case of Stockholm Syndrome you've ever seen Oh criminal romance is tight yeah it's gonna be great he's gonna show her some books he's gonna throw a giant snowball at her face they're gonna have a little dance wow wow wow we're gonna travel to Paris with a magic book to check out the plague oh my god yeah we're gonna add this whole thing about Belle mom dying in the plague so they're gonna go check that out with the magic book from The Enchantress oh so the gifts were plot devices absolutely so anyway eventually this bad guy gets ston back in town it's gonna accuse her dad of being crazy for talking about a beast oh yeah so then Belle goes to town with that other plot device to show them that the Beast is real oh so what do they do well guess Don tells everyone they should kill the Beast so they all take off to do that Oh No yeah so there's gonna be this big fight scene between everyone Gaston is gonna shoot the Beast a couple of times so man it's gonna be hard for the good guys to beat Gaston if the beasts been shot actually it's gonna be super easy barely an inconvenience oh really yes see the castle is crumbling so guests on just falls to his death wait why is the castle crumbling because that works and so yeah now Belle is in love with the Beast cuz he was nice to her a handful of times and the curse gets lifted Wow and does The Enchantress reveal that she's the devil and she tore families apart for years just because a guy was mean to her once now she keeps that to herself probably a good idea so what do you think well I mean it sounds insane but you think people are gonna pay us money to see a movie they like with updated effect oh yeah I mean people say they want original movies but what they really want is the comfort of the familiar well let's hope we can cash in on that Comfort hey guys it's Ryan here hope you like that pitch meeting there are over a hundred pitched meetings on the channel so check some of those out you'd also let me know in the comments section what other movies you'd like to see pitch meetings for don't forget to Like and subscribe and share on Twitter Facebook all the stuff that helps out a lot as always check back soon for a new pitch buh bye
Channel: Screen Rant
Views: 2,082,811
Rating: 4.9644537 out of 5
Keywords: Beauty and the beast, disney, emma watson, belle, beast, dan stevens, josh gad, le fou, maurice, gaston, lumiere, cogsworth, mrs potts, live-action remake, Pitch meeting, plot holes, how it all started, everything wrong, Funny, super easy barely an inconvenience, ryan george, screen rant, screenrant
Id: L9xfzQTMF1o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 1sec (361 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2019
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