Soul Pitch Meeting

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so you have a movie for me yes sir i do this one's gonna be called soul oh pretty reliable subcompact crossover suv okay let's not no we're gonna follow this guy named joe gardner right does he work for kia not that kind of soul sir so joe works as a music teacher and he gets offered a full-time position oh good for him no it's not oh because he dreams of being a jazz musician and he has an audition to be in this legendary jazz band okay so that's a bad stable job offering okay again he does this audition and he just does great so he gets a chance to perform later that night oh good for him that's great news yeah so that he's walking home he's all happy and he dies what he dies he falls into an open manhole and he's he's deceased now he's a dead guy what do you mean he fell and died immediately so probably some head trauma something like that maybe his neck snaps he dies immediately so it's got to be pretty traumatic you know dead on impact oh my god and so his soul's on this conveyor belt thing now because of the fatal trauma right okay what is happening well he's a dead guy now and his soul's headed to the great beyond so he starts freaking out yeah understandable and there are a bunch of other souls on their way there too just to anyone who died on earth in that instance well they must all be freaking out no literally all the other souls are cool with this they're all just pretty much chilling not one other soul is freaking out about being dead no sir and so joe is panicking but he's stuck on this conveyor belt thing and it's moving well it's gonna be tough for him to get out of the afterlife system for bringing people to the great beyond actually it's gonna be super easy barely an inconvenience oh really yes he just kind of pushes through this forcefield barrier thing and he escapes he just pushes his way out he does yeah and so then this soul counting accountant terry is like that's weird the soul count is off that never happens so nobody that's ever died has panicked and tried to push their way out yeah no guess not so then joe falls into this place called the great before what's that place it's this place where these picasso-drying soul counselors prepare souls for life on earth by giving them personalities it's both very peaceful and hauntingly disturbing so joe finds out about this thing called the earth portal where the souls can go once they have their earth pass so what does joe do well he pretends to be a mentor which are these people that help souls find their spark which is what they need to get an earth pass okay so he goes to this orientation seminar and he learns all about how souls are given their personalities like one of them is a manipulative megalomaniac who's intensely opportunistic why would this place intentionally make people like that unclear so then joe gets mistaken for this nobel prize-winning child psychologist cause he took his name tag so what happens to that doctor's actual soul probably best not to think about that so joe gets assigned this soul named 22. what's 22's deal well 22 doesn't want to go to earth and none of her famous mentors have been able to help her find her spark oh famous mentors huh yeah like she's had mother teresa abraham lincoln mary antoinette who is just ahead by the way because she was decapitated right so souls carry their fatal wounds with them does that mean that abe lincoln has a big hole in the back of his head oh yeah i guess it's gonna be a fun cutaway gag though oh cutaway gags with horrifying implications are tight anyway so then they go to this place called the hall of everything to try to find 22 spark okay and joe tries to give her some pizza like maybe she'll be into cooking or baking but she can't smell or taste it so she's like meh she can't taste or smell now see the whole place is like hypothetical so senses don't exist but they're looking at each other right using their sense of sight dang it so anyway then they go to this place called the zone and this is where people go when they get into like a flow state or if they're meditating oh interesting and so they go talk to this guy moonwind who's in there and how did he get there in a way that hopefully only parents will understand gotcha and so his body is actually physically in new york just a couple of blocks away from where joe's body is he could have been anywhere on the planet but he's a couple of blocks away from them yeah that works for me okay thank god so then he does this ritual thing and then this is gonna turn into a body swap comedy for quite some time yet joe's soul goes into a cat's body and 22 goes into joe's body well what happens to the cat oh we're gonna cut away and show that the cat's soul is headed to the great beyond so it's gonna be pretty funny the main characters just killed a cat but in a funny way so then joe in 22 they start freaking out a bit isn't joe's body like severely injured no he's all good now but he fell so hard that he died well technically his soul is in a holding pattern but yeah right so he's got to have like a cracked skull or a broken bone no he's all good now okay so then they go see that conveniently placed moonwin guy and he's like i can do a ritual to put joe's soul back into his body before the big jazz show tonight oh wow wow wow incident joe as a cat tries to give himself a haircut but he messes it up because he's a cat why would he try to do that i don't know the guy wears a hat all the time i'm just filling up some screen time oh okay and later he rips his pants so he's got to get his pants fixed and that just kind of filling up the midsection of this movie i don't know i feel like that great before play sounded really interesting maybe we could spend more time there yeah no instead we're going to spend a lot of time on this body swap haircut pants ripping thing well okay then anyway so eventually it's time for them to go back to the grape before but now 22 likes being on earth oh but then they do go back and they realize that she has her earth pass now also her spark was living on earth something like that yeah so then joe uses the earth pass to go back into his body oh good for him so he does his jazz show he does and it goes great but then he feels empty inside oh sam's ace yeah he thought it was supposed to be his purpose but then he looks at all this random stuff that 22 collected when she was him and he realizes that enjoying life is what's important nice nice so he plays some jazz and gets back into the zone and tracks her down oh he does and then he basically sacrifices himself so she can go down to earth and live a life oh a very generous sacrifice right and now he's back on that conveyor belt elevator thing and now he's at peace wow and then one of those soul counselors pops up and is like hey we decided to give you another chance on earth because you were inspiring oh we're kind of backing away from that sacrifice okay yeah well it's a nicer ending this way that's true and it is an important message overall yeah wait what do you mean well i think it's important for kids to understand that you know their loved ones that died first of all didn't try hard enough to come back and also weren't inspiring enough oh that's not a very nice message okay so what do you think well it sounds like an interesting movie i'm just kind of wondering what happened to the body of that dead cat all right well actually when joe goes back into his body we're gonna see that the cat is back too what i mean they say the cats have nine lives so it kind of works so we're saying that whenever a cat loses one of its nine lives its soul is replaced by a completely different soul like the body keeps living but the soul is just replaced entirely oh please stop finding horrifying implications in my cutaway jokes are we gonna explain the nine lives thing or the cat's just gonna be alive again the second option feels like people are gonna have some questions about that i don't think so but maybe but probably well if they do we can explain it online or something but they're gonna get it [Music] hey guys ryan here thanks for watching that pitch meeting i hope you liked it if you did you know press the like button and the subscribe button and leave a comment and all the youtube standard things also let me know if you have ideas for other movies i should do pitches for as always check back soon for a new video bye-bye
Channel: Screen Rant
Views: 1,861,793
Rating: 4.9617324 out of 5
Keywords: Soul, pixar, pitch meeting, disney, disney pixar, jamie foxx, tina fey, joe gardner, 22, moonwind, graham norton, jerry, terry, animation, disney+, disney plus, great beyond, great before, elevator, conveyor belt, cat, plot holes, film, super easy barely an inconvenience, ryan george, screen rant, screenrant
Id: pQ_jyZqnekk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 45sec (405 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 24 2021
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